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Week 1 - Intrduction To Nursing Research - Student

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Introduction to Nursing

Research in an Evidence-
Based Practice Environment

Dr Hadeel Tayeb
Objectives 01 Introduction to Nursing
On completing this lecture, student will be able to:
02 Roles of Nurses in Research

03 Nursing Research in Historical

The importance of research to
04 evidence-based nursing practice

05 Research Paradigm

06 Sources of Evidence for Nursing


07 The purposes of nursing

What is Nursing? What is Research?

"Nursing encompasses
autonomous and collaborative
care of individuals of all ages, It is systematic inquiry that
families, groups and uses disciplined methods to
communities, sick or well and answer questions and solve
in all settings. problems.
Nursing includes the promotion The ultimate goal of research
of health, prevention of illness, is to develop, refine, and
Example Text :
and the care of ill, disabled and expand a PowerPoint
Get a modern body of knowledge.
that is beautifully designed. You can simply
dying people. impress your audience and add a unique
Advocacy, promotion of a safe zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. I
environment, research, hope and I believe that this Template will
participation in shaping health your Time, Money and Reputation. I hope
and I believe that this Template will your
policy and in patient and health Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
systems management, and change colors, photos and Text. I hope and
I believe that this Template will your Time,
education are also key nursing Money and Reputation.
roles " .
(International Council of Nurses, 2002). (Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).
What is Nursing Research?

It is systematic inquiry
designed to develop
trustworthy evidence
(knowledge) about issues of
importance to the nursing
profession, including nursing
practice, education,
administration, and
(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).
Examples of Nursing Research Questions

What are the experiences

of college students who are
newly diagnosed with type
1 diabetes mellitus?

(Saylor et al., 2019)

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).

The importance of research to evidence-based
nursing practice
Professional advancement
(credentialing & status)
Providing evidence for
informing nurses’ decisions
Creation of new practice knowledge

Reinforce the identity of nursing

as a profession
Drives change in nursing practice

Bridge the gap between theory and practice

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).
The Consumer–Producer Continuum in Nursing Research/
Roles of Nurses in Research
Nurses who actively
Read research reports to Indirect participate in designing and
develop new skills and to implementing research
keep up to date on Consumers of Producers of studies.
relevant findings that may nursing research nursing research E.g. academics who taught in
affect their practice. schools of nursing,

• Contributing to an idea for a clinical study Yet research is increasingly

• Gather information for a study being conducted by practicing
• Advice clint about participating in research nurses is increasingly being
• Seek answer to clinical problem by searching conducted by clinical nurses
for or apprising research evidence who seek solutions for their
patients care.
• Discuss the implication of a study in the
practice setting
• Attend research presentations at
professional conferences

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).

Nursing Research in Historical Perspective
The history is full of international nursing research milestones; however, the following millstones could be the
most important:
American Nurses American Nurses
Association (ANA) begins Association (ANA) begins
1st Journal emerged sponsoring nursing research
sponsoring nursing research Foundation of Cochrane
American Nursing Journal conferences
conferences Collaboration
1900s 1965 1993 1965

1850s 1936 1995 1900s

Florence Nightingale was Foundation of National Foundation of Joanna Foundation of
Sigma Theta Tau awards
the first nurse who Institute of Nursing Briggs Institute an Canadian Institute of
first nursing research grant
documented nursing Research (NINR) . international EBP Health Research
in the United States
practice through her book collaborative in Australia
"Notes on Nursing" in 1859.
The notes initiated nursing
queries and research.

(Aljohni, Rawas, Aliilyyani, et al, 2021).

Nursing Research in Historical Perspective
‘Rufaida Al-Aslamia’
• Rufaida was the first female Muslim nurse
• She accompanied Prophet Muhammad during his
wars, participating in many battles, such as Badr,
Uhud,and others.
• She was recognized for her work in medical and
social circles in the earliest days of Islam
• She was responsible for taking care of the wounded
and dying soldiers, establishing a field hospital that
had a system of movable tents to assist the wounded
and diseased warriors.
• With her clinical skills, she trained other women to be
nurses and to work in the area of health care.
Nursing Research in Historical Perspective
From the national Saudi stand,
• The Arabian American Oil Company established the nursing
profession in 1948 (Aziz, 1956).
• Nursing research in Saudi Arabia still under development.
However, nursing research production is increasing steadily.

➢ Nurses' orientation about research starts from bachelor

programs and extended in the postgraduate education levels.
➢ Nursing students in the master's and doctorate programs
usually produce most of the nursing research papers. Besides,
there is noticeable research production by faculty members of
nursing colleges.
➢ Searching the literature indicates that the majority of Saudi
nursing publications were in the nursing administration;
however, clinical nursing studies are getting more attention
during the last few years

(Aljohni, Rawas, Aliilyyani, et al, 2021).

Nursing Research in Historical Perspective
From the national Saudi stand,

➢ Searching the google scholar database for the keywords

"Saudi nurses" revealed a growing number of published
studies since 1981.
➢ During the period 1981- 1990, there were about five published
studies. Among those studies, only two studies were mainly in
the nursing field.
The studies were describing nursing education, assessing health
care delivery, and describing the perception of the female role in
Saudi Arabia (Al-Swailem, 1990; De Jong, 1986; Phillips, 1989)

(Aljohni, Rawas, Aliilyyani, et al, 2021).

Nursing Research in Historical Perspective
From the national Saudi stand,

Period Changes Area

1991-2000 Slight increase in Saudi nursing Expatriate nurses,
research (21) exploring nurses' roles,
perception and education
2001- 2010 Nursing research production doubled Nurses' burnout,
five times (98) satisfaction, and other
nursing administration
2011-2020 A huge increase in Saudi nursing Saudi national nurses were
research (970) leading the majority of those

(Aljohni, Rawas, Aliilyyani, et al, 2021).

Claim your Bonus (1)
Chose one of the following topics, write information about it,
or upload a good, short video and explain it, or discuss it with
your friend in the discussion section on the blackboard !!!!

01 02
Navigate 1 or 2 of the
Refer to the "Notes on international nursing Oops!! Watch out!!
Nursing" book and write a journal mentioned in the You won’t get the
short reflection about it previous slide and write
(50 words limit) bonus without
about it
(50 words limit)
getting a feedback
or discussion from
Text Here
your friends on
03 Easy to change
colors. blackboard!
Use the these keywords:
Saudi Arabia; Nursing; administration;Covid-19; oncology,
cardiology, education
and identify published Saudi nurses' research articles, then
uploaded it. Write the tittle, authors, aim, and year of pulication
➢ Copy & Past is not allowed
➢ Mention the reference
Adapted from Aljohni, Rawas, Aliilyyani, et al, 2021.
Currant and Future Direction for
Nursing Research
The priority for nursing research in the future will be the promotion
of excellence in nursing science
• Continued focus on EBP
• Accelerating emphasis on research synthesis (systematic review)
• Expanded local research and quality improvement effort in healthcare
• Strengthening of interprofessional collaboration
• Increase emphasis in patient-centeredness
• Relatedly, greatest interest in the applicability of research
• Growing in the precision healthcare and symptom science
(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).
Sources of Evidence for Nursing Practice
Assembled information Tradition & authority
Decision are sometimes based on custom or tradition or a
Health care professionals rely on information that
has been assembled for a variety of purposes. person with specialized expertise and recognition.

E.G., local, national, and international bench-

marking data provide information on such issues Disciplined research
as infection rates/ medication error reports Research conducted within a disciplined
However, provide no mechanism for determining framework is the best method of acquiring
whether improvements in patient outcomes result knowledge
from their use or for making clinical decisions. The current emphasis on EPB requires nurses to
base their clinical practice to the greatest extent
possible on research-based findings

Clinical experience &, trail & error

Familiar and functional source of knowledge and Logical reasoning
play an important role EBP
(inductive & deductive)
Nevertheless, personal experience has Combines experience, intellect (intellectual
limitations as a source of evidence for practice faculties), and formal systems of thought.
because each nurse’s experience is typically too
narrow to be generally useful, and coloured by Inductive reasoning involves developing generalizations
biases from specific observations.
(the same objective event is often perceived Deductive reasoning involves developing specific
predictions from general principles.
differently by different nurses).
Both are limited because the validity of reasoning
(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021). depends on the accuracy of the information
What Is a Paradigm?

A world view; a general perspective

on the complexities of the real world,
with certain assumptions about reality.
It is a lens or way of thinking about the world (think of it
as a lens).
This lens directs everything we do as a researcher.

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).

What Is a Paradigm?
Paradigms for human inquiry are often characterized in terms of
the ways in which they respond to basic philosophical questions:

What is the
nature of
reality? paradigm
Research plan,
production of

Epistemology paradigm
How I can assumption
know reality?
An assumption is a principle that is believed to
be true without proof or verification.
What Is a Paradigm?

Aspects Positivist paradigm assumption Constructivism paradigm

What is the nature of the Reality exist Multiple realities
reality? (Ontology) There is a real world drive by natural Subjective, mentally constructed by
cases individual
In what way is the researcher The researcher is independent from The researcher interacts with those
related to those being those being researched; findings are being researched; findings are
researched? not influenced by researcher creation of the interactive process
What is the role of values in Values and biases are to be held in Subjectivity and values are
the inquiry? check; objectivity is sought inevitable and desirable

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).

What Is a Paradigm?
Aspects Positivist paradigm assumption Constructivism paradigm assumption

What are the best • Deductive processes; hypothesis • Inductive processes; hypothesis
method for obtaining testing generation
evidence? • Emphasis on discrete, specific • Emphasis on entirety of phenomenon,
concepts holistic
• Focus on the objective and • Focus on the subjective and
quantifiable nonquantifiable
• Outsider knowledge— researcher as • Insider knowledge—researcher as
external, separate internal or part of the process
• Fixed, prespecified design • Flexible, emergent design
• Control over context • Context-bound, contextualized
• Large, representative sample • Small, information- rich samples
• Measured, quantitative information • Narrative (unstructured) information
• Statistical analysis • Qualitative analysis
• Seeks generalizations • Seeks in-depth understanding

(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).

What occurs in the positivist paradigm?
A. Reality is not fixed.
B. Reality is fixed.
C. Associated with qualitative research.
D. Subjective, narrative materials.
Paradigm, methodology, & Method
Two main research methodology

Positivists Quantitative

Research methods are the techniques researchers use to

structure a study and to gather and analyse information relevant
to the research question.
(Polit, F., & Beck, C., 2021).
The purposes of nursing research
Basic: extending information for sake of
E.g. a researcher may perform an in-depth study to better
understand normal grieving processes, without having
explicit applications in mind (human behaviour &
biophysiological process)

Applied: discovering solutions to immediate

Focuses on finding solution to exciting problem and tend to be of
greater immediate utility for EBP

Answer therapy/intervention questions

Assist in diagnosis/assessment

Understand prognosis

Identify etiology and prevention of harm

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2021). Nursing research: Generating and
assessing evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Aljohni, K., Rawas, H., Aliilyyani, B., ALNajjar, H., Tayyib,

N., Aldossary, R., Almadinin, N., Alsharari, A., Althobaity, A.
(2021). Nursing Research for the Bachelor of Nursing
Students. King Fahad Library

International Council of Nurses. (2002). Nursing

Definitions. Retrieved from
Thank You

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