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Your Website Must Have: Senior High School

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Name: ___________________________________________ Grade Level & Section: _______________

Subject: Empowerment Technology Teacher: ROSALIE C. JAMELO

MODULE NO.: 4 Quarter: 4th
MODULE TITLE: Publishing an ICT Project
Note: For your reference on how to create a website using WIX go on to and follow the steps. Send
the link of your website to my messenger account on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
Using WIX software create a website about Bayanga National High School

Your Website must have:

Senior High School

Home page- Description about our school, Address, Academic and TVL tracks
offered in Senior High School.

Sample Homepage
About Us- Mission and Vision of BNHS and Core Values

Academics- Tracks offered in Senior High School

Admission- School Policies and Enrollment Policies

Final Website Grading Criteria Content 30%

Website is interesting and creative.
Website serves as a data management tool.
Website is intuitive and easy to use.
Website contains four or more pages, including login page.
Website contains test and controls appropriate for the tasks that the site is
intended to accomplish.
Writing 15%
The text on your website pages is clearly explained, informative, insightful, concise,
and interesting. It is not copied from other sources without proper credit.
Directions, where needed, are clear and easy to follow. Ask a friend to look at
your website and give you feedback. Spelling and Grammar 15%
The text on your website pages is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
Ask a friend to proofread your site.
Page Layout and Design 20%
The text and images are laid out on the page in a well-balanced and consistent
manner using external styles.
The fonts and colors complement the meaning and images on the page.
The images are well chosen and sized appropriately. Generally, images
should not be larger than 25K.
Each page contains a heading and a title. Functionality
The HTML code on each page is XHTML compliant.

All images are visible and have size < 25K on the disk.

All CSS code is correct.

Each page contains a document-level or external style.

All Ruby code is free from compiler errors and runs as expected.
Extra Additions or Subtractions
Exceptional insight, exceptional design and implementation.

Late, cover document not submitted

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