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Media Planning Objectives

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1. Media literacy means the ability to

a. Read and write

b. Create professional media

c. Understand and use media

d. Prepare for a career in media

2. Good media criticism should always

a. Reveal negative aspects of media

b. Offer analysis based on reason

c. Warn us that ads sell us things we don't need

d. Condemn our emotional reactions to media .

3. In media studies "converging" refers to the coming together of

a. Two or more people, in public

b. Different professional ideas about media

c. Computer, telephone, and mass media technologies

d. Mass media and mass communication .

4. Economies of scale save a company money because they enable the company to

a. Make a large variety of products

b. Make many copies of a product

c. Scale down the size of their products

d. Charge higher prices than their competitors

5. In terms of media/government relationships in the world today, the media in most countries are

a. Government owned and operated

b. Privately owned and government controlled

c. Privately owned and free from government control

d. Mixed in terms of government and private ownership and control

6. The news of important public events appearing in the front sections of a newspaper, is called:

a. Soft-news

b. Hard-news

c. Feature News

d. Investigative news

7. Communication without words:

a. Mass communication

b. Visual Communication

c. Non-Verbal communication

d. None of these

8. OB stands for:

a. Outside Broadcast b. Outdoor Broadcast c. Official Beat d. None of these

9. The Internet is:

a. An integral part of the Information Superhighway

b. An indirect product of the Cold War

c. A global network of interconnected computers

d. All of the above

10. ----------------- in advertising. is a series of decisions involvin g the delivery of message to the targeted

a. Market Analysis

b. Media Objective

c. Media Planning

d. Media Strategy

11. Every media plan begins with the-------------- a. media objective

b. market analysis

c. mediamix

d. media strategy

12. The --------------- of target audience help s media planner to understand the media consumption
habbits, and accordingly choose the most appropriate media mix.

A) analysis B) identification C) selection D) classification

13. ----------------- describes what you want the media plan to accomplish.

A) Media Objective B) Media analysis C) Mediamix D) Media strategy

14. ---------------- refers to the number of people that will be exposed to media vehicle at least once
during a given period of time.

A)Frequency B) Reach C) CPM D) CPP

15. ----- -------is ahighly negotiable medium when it comes to pricing.

A. News paper

B. Radio

C. Television

D. Internet

16. Media ----------------- is a primary goal of advertising media planning and buying.
A. flexibility

B. expansion

C. frequency

D. efficiency

17. ----- -------is ahighly negotiable medium when it comes to pricing.

A. News paper

B. Radio

C. Television

D. Internet

18. A large amount of ------------- advertising is for retailers, local businesses used for promotions.

A. newspaper

B. magazines

C. radio

D. television

24. The ---------- should be the formal summation of the advertising task that the media planner will take
on to a solution.

A. media brief

B. media expansion

C. media buying

D. media selling

25. _________ advertising affords the marketer the ability to engage the consumer in a
direct and personal way.

A. Interactive
B. Contextual
C. Traditional
D. Website.
26. _________ are about organizations seeking gaps in broad market segments or finding
gaps in competitors' product ranges.

A. Market niche strategies

B. Differentiation
C. Cost leadership
D. Focus Strategies

27. _________ are filled with videos, podcasts, Really simple syndication (RSS) feeds for
targeted news and information, downloadable images, and presentations.

A. Online newsrooms
B. Websites
C. Mobile advertising
D. Interactive newsrooms.

28. _________ are purchases of TV time in certain markets by regional or national


A. Affiliates
B. Spot buys
C. Spilit run
D. Air time

29. _________ covers two broad decisions selection of media class, and selection of media
vehicle with in media class.

A. Media mix
B. Media strategy
C. Media objective
D. Media selection

30. _________ covers two broad decisions selectionof media class, and selection of media
vehicle with in media class.

A. Media mix
B. Media strategy
C. Media objective
D. Media selection
31. _________ customers can themselves become publishers, choosing to share what they
have received with their social networks.

A. Publish - subscribe
B. Instant sharing
C. Multi - model viewing
D. Mobile invertising

32. _________ describes what you want the media plan to accomplish.

A. Media Objective
B. Media analysis
C. Media mix
D. Media strategy

33. _________ has been the first to launch an innovative media buying / selling technique,
through its lastminute, which auctions unsold media space online.

A. Madison media
B. Mudra Max
C. Dentsu India
D. JWT India

34. _________ in advertising. is a series of decisions involvin g the delivery of message to

the targeted audience.

A. Market Analysis
B. Media Objective
C. Media Planning
D. Media Strategy

35. _________ is a highly negotiable medium when it comes to pricing.

A. News paper
B. Radio
C. Television
D. Internet

36. _________ is a scheduling strategy in which planned messages run in intermittent

A. Media run
B. Continuous scheduling
C. Pulsing
D. Flighting

37. _________ is a way of describing audience based on factors such as age, gender,
education level, town class, income etc.

A. Demographic
B. Psychographic
C. Socio-economic
D. Infographics

38. _________ is a way of describing audience based on the their life style, attitudes,
aspirations, habits etc.

A. Demographics
B. Psychographics
C. Socio-economic
D. Infographics

39. _________ is ahighly negotiable medium when it comes to pricing.

A. News paper
B. Radio
C. Television
D. Internet

40. _________ is the process that helps managers understand the nature of the industry, the
way firms behave competitively within the industry, and how competition is generally

A. Market needs analysis

B. Portfolio analysis
C. Strategic market analysis
D. Organizational analysis

41. _________ measures the intensity of a media schedule, based on repeated exposures to
the medium or the program.

A. Frequency
B. Reach
C. Rating
D. Gross impression

42. _________ refers to the average number of times an individual within target audience is
exposed to a media vehicle during a given period of time.

A. Frequency
B. Reach
C. Continuity

43. _________ services are agencies that specialize in buying time and space.

A. Media selling
B. Media planning
C. Media buying
D. Media organizing.

44. _________ technology is changing the way consumers relate to products and markets.

A. Information
B. New
C. Digital
D. Cyber

45. _________ the appropriate market segment has become ever more imp ort ant when
carrying out e-branding campaigns.

A. Segmenting
B. Positioning
C. Targeting
D. Implementing

46. A futuristic innovations (media planning) involves creating satellite imagery of the
monogram or message to reach the desired geographic location and _________.

A. programme
B. action
C. audience
D. media
47. A large amount of _________ advertising is for retailers, local businesses and for

A. news paper
B. magazines
C. radio
D. television

48. A person (or group) who has control over what information is disseminated to the
audience is known as:

A. Newscaster
B. Reporter
C. Regulator
D. Gatekeeper

49. A statement that sets out what the organization wishes to achieve in the long term is
referred to as:

A. Mission
B. Vision
C. Vision
D. Strategic context

50. Advertisers use many factors other than the _________ in their media analyses and plans.

A. activities
B. audience
C. attributes
D. influntials

51. Advertising to todays consumers, we need to look beyond the _________ media of print,
radio, and television.

A. traditional
B. non - traditional
C. social
D. new
52. Companies employ the elements of the _________ (product concept, target audience,
advertising message, and communications media) to devise strategies to achieve
advertising objectives.

A. Synergistic approach
B. Creative mix
C. Advertising impression
D. Advertising response curve

53. Creating and securing a brand name in the physical world requires extensive
marketing. _________.

A. Research
B. strategy
C. effort
D. media

54. Which of the following is not strength of the television medium?

A. Cost Efficient Medium for Reach

B. High Initial Production Cost
C. High Impact and Dynamic Medium
D. High Reach Medium

55. Magazine performance has remained stable in recent years due to

A. The development of brand values

B. Low cost
C. Multi-page combinations
D. Their ability to address segmented audiences

56. Which is not a method of costing media?


57. Media buying is the _________ of a media plan.

A. identifying
B. scheduling
C. evaluation
D. execution

58. Media strategy and media tactics are

A. Same
B. Different
C. Media Plan
D. Media Process

59. Media strategy is making media decisions based on

A. Understanding customers wants and needs

B. The clients wishes
C. Whims of the market
D. Brand awareness

59. RFID stands for

A. Rapid - frequency identification

B. Reach - frequency identification
C. Red - frequency identification
D. Radio - frequency identification

60. The _________ should be the formal summation of the advertising task that the media
planner will take on to a solution.

A. media brief
B. media expansion
C. media buying
D. media selling

61. The implementation of media plan requires _________

A. Media slot
B. Mediamix
C. Media buying
D. Media selection

62. The pricing of _________ advertising could vary across devices and access formats.
A. print
B. broadcast
C. digital
D. out of home.

63. Type of client that may not be a very friendly or creative client to have but is an MNC
and needs to be on the portfolio is known as _________.

A. financial value
B. potential value
C. prestige value
D. creative value.


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