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OBG Drug File

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Bxpr: | NAME Page Wo em we DRUG NAME — OXYTOCIN a (MECHANISM OF ACTION o= oa the hen mone 15° produced | fa the hypo Galant “and is ecneted from the pees di ran the _postentor— pituct on el} 15 stored. His then s(elease eh ith ta ee a =| oxy cin pags ie vidal “ole in labour and ra oe Ms works b Dgreaein aia “aonte vary ton) lcitem {aside’ Muscle cells thal Contre] Hon ee So Cor centicatio on Of ~ ox toctin “teceptons on the. Blum inceeases — ginificantle __-qustin = ancy d_meaches a p Control heeding placen Ta - exer, | Name: T NO. a _(l pose for Abonton - Aflen Suction Om ~Shasp Cusce Hog @ Jor_an incomplete, Inevitable on elective Ahontion + 10 Onis in -500m| Iu_fnfusion adjust tafe to acuet lerus tn conlnaction- ® TINptcn TION = foduce —nbordion 1 labour _ Te. Te expulsion of hydadids fonnr mole s 3.| Fow cn ch nge Test - LABOR. 5. : 7 a Bb avjment labor 1 in Ulenine Inechia. L: To prevent and teeab _postparctom hemearhage. ExPT. | NAME NO = LRoor DeevaTives: 4 r a a? Name <- £RaomMeT RINE & METHER-_ NE) > m| MecHeNicm oF ACTION :- das (ontasns Haat help medoce 4 the blood orally [1m Admin tster endome ie jt cont macltoa7 __ prdonged + G aL employed to induce ~ Gasdioasukan system = fan Cavse constnit han of _ Veins » vasoconstnich’on ote rc al postpanttum hemor nage CiM_ /W) it) ae og (0 rally) ‘ _ — Trage No } exer. | NAME [een re = | ERqoT DReIvATIVES ES i ee Me é- ERGOMET RINE g METHER- NE Lt | MecHRNISM oF ACTION :- ee, ee ele that can can shee educe, —tbieedinng by casing _¢ Narutows 54 the blood Vessels + |} Can sn ticdeees fened_b onal [10. TS acts ok've Hg on endome tre ee ARMACOLOMTCAL RFFET “- TS On the UTeERVS :- alkaloids Shimulate uterine cont aclton conteacthon a4 be pycconged » Gqof_ OKe mo mployed to Induce labor: d e CandiovaseRan system i alkaloids Fan _Cavse coastrithan df J and erns asoconstnich'o ay pe tneae postpan Lum hem ROUTES %- " ne (ini) 0:25 -0-5mq CiM /W) =Tab = 0-5 ~ dmg’ a (Gopy= Orme (my BY (x) 0-5 -1m4 d (Ih-)— 0-5 ong exgometine oy d ’ Ke of ntome fe ne EXPT, | NAME; NO. ae] «INDICATION ¢- a oe ak the’ shank © — 8+ Before and ary — il ul fo. ex Contitcact the utevus. Ll To tneat €xtessive beeding siya MIS careree-Ge + placenta & _ fen tread Loo M | CONTRST NDT CATION 2 - re S ease Ppertphemal vascular isease ot Avo veing within 24 hes OF tripfants ov aause of addih' etal disteess 9 7 df ng oe ease. , Kido disease + Hive, xXemia-: » BFFECTS + 8 _ wa ol e 4 SI PspuNsiBIL ES = [Assess for. vital 14s Dlood pressvxe » [pale 6, _1especa hon 4 Walch for Signs — lo Benieeshase - bell 8 om {Min deep musde mats. emex gency cant teeadhl aveslable. hi nape fre effec{ — “dec eased to report incxeased blood _ abdominal Caamps + headache; 1 mausea_« Vom iden ede sper i EXPT. | NAME: = ai RAPT. | Name: @| MECHANTSM oF ACTION :- el A ! andre cL ela! calciiem Contenteation and enhance Utettine contraction . £ Bij —Atk onthe Gi protein = Coupled IKeceptows actvate the caletum Channels - ft | Preen RATION «- Jablet - 0-5 4. Per eg os £2_C Dinoprostone) | E Bml_-geh- comes tn pree Loaded Spaange: ' Pia Fo Pipha = Proshn fe Alpha Orno pws boaine) Sof 125 _Ond _25omcy . [oe POEL — misbpvoste A abl ==—loo meq _raop mcg » Goomeg: Prost Ea p O aning omg a ee d Of prostn £2 's Signature: = eee hee INDICATLONS:: ad ee For Induction of labor in UP UP Of fetus ng Pde -deustiba uth-clebae i an ae eS open — usearne are of Ate Atonic ppH-— | exer. | wame mente No. Ly Nluestnn _ RESPONSIBILITIES xs “4 Assess: ] ae note, (hth and dept). — Vaginal di —2 floking 1 OH feetta tion tndi'cative of infection. d a i lAdministenm - eee Anti-emetics ore anhcdareheal Prspanabions Piroa fo qu Ang this dave ~ Evaluate — Leméth and oltre aton of Conta tion Yever and chill ent _to_flematn supine ae Ib afer Vaginal insertion . ap NAME: Page No. ea “i ERUanee + ETL Dos = (lees BLOCKERS) =| MECHANTSM OF ACTION ¢- a Be fot pee ental Toe the n bivod ye scol. Cau oo blood ve cel fo widen (dilao) and. nedu cing bPiead Pressure. Hosage & pores :- aS Nogszn@ RESPON ST EIU 3 — t+ Monitor Bp fea as Monitor patients! Co. Ls test 5; i2e Report ie tavolunt. erie = ef —faeve Tell_patiead to_check! weight ail and notte e9 , a Aon Mone pounds tna exer. | NAME = = NO. =| Deve Name :- YApETELOL. Alena 4 BETA BhockERs) «| MBcHA NT Su OF ACTION Dee Aabote lol acts by fiockng alpha and beba ene gic. Recep Jon s mesulting In_ decreased PetuPhercal Vasclan megistance fy /Hput signi freant alberation Of heand sate on candiac ottoud + Zosnge and PRpure :- So pK 00} tablet op oral. Ki CU a a fon _lomrn if peemg —} aoml _t : —Ne_Itesponse then give —Liemg Slows bolus. INDECATTION :- Hypertension ensive _Cmen4encies- Teacher's Signature: Expr. | NAME: No. a! AbvERSE EFFECT 2 4 Dizriness z la. fahyue ie Naveen On vomiting ic _ » Headache. Ss Venhyo » Position fore Bhouns after i nequentiy, Gn lr abe he patent tbs: i p s, Blt Advi'se ent fo nema in Supine tn fosion + monitor glucose, d S w| QRuG Name t- Hypealaxrne Hypaneasem ie (ROPE No foil Lick. eens —»|MectaNtsm of ACTIoNi- s ee tee fowens blood pressome exen Hn peruphertal Vasodijat ee att Piao guna a i a it isda hd : > lo EXPT, [aWes — 7 5 = 7 itovdana As : ee Ca _ [ene “| ApveaRsh REFECTS:- 4_Neutreopemsa. — 4 Lheukopeaia 2 1NuRSING RESPONSIBILITY i- oe ag LL patient Bp. pulse mate > beds Lf. aril t = vs lomi tore palielt Gor msde and gornt pain. (ace: ort foroak Pain « Bs Advised patient fo fake devo affen food Pnerease nas ¢ ie -. NAME: : : a Calcium Channel blockers) 2 “ em OF ACTION t- = ecuph b to tnbibil calcium lon mellex acoess Pk and Smoot, Mmvscle Cell diet Contncct ty nnd _ox4gen demand and also alcla td: arteries’ and artteseoless WarnSh isle tse Hypenten 101 _ classi Chaonic Stable antina pete rtes- bila: DLCATLON exer. | NAME BRRE No. Date ty _*| Nugsine RespoNSLBILITY ? ee, Monthy nore BP og HR reg Ul ancl | aaa gee fo apyoid fat thi onus fee fe Pee wece re A Sor mploms ~ a fail rue. Pes atn wonses i Oe tae ore + MECHANDESM of ACTION 2 © lsite is blocted by pxopramalo) Hels " EST ENE PRE POS UY SPS Dire tatce hake ope asset 4p B- recep torch J ~ Bypaae 4 Rovtes '- ai |) HTN - on Indertal box Sa ee Usual macrlemance ofese — Agana fo_ agony E LAnginc peckotus -_ 80 Es 20mg admintsle- per_dary.. [red oraty + twice a Mrert dibrwill bre yee Recommended aluse — lor, : - a "| Page Wo. wan r : S _*| ADverse EFFECTS 2- a ® Bjood pressor = emake. - a + dthen Condthons+ De dereine» triced a oo o Diff att sf Sleeping aa nigh brane. | Nogstnés RESPONSEBLLIIT E 5 t- [a TL. Monitor signs of eal Vasoconstree chon + Such! ag ex coldness = f "Loe oe Cp ene v8 s bron che spasm etightness fn thes) . ee

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