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5E Solo Gamebooks - Into Kryptgarden Forest

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Into Kryptgarden Forest

A 5E Solo Adventure
Introduction & Rules

hank you for purchasing Into How To Play
Kryptgarden Forest! This This adventure does not need a Dungeon
adventure is set in the Forgotten Master in order to play. The narrative
Realms, and is the second solo progresses in a manner similar to a “choose
adventure for the Heroes of your own adventure” novel. Read the blocked
Faerun: Shadowborne text and choose the response that best fits your
campaign! This adventure is character. If you are using the PDF version of
designed for a 3rd-level character, and will this adventure, click the button option next to
reward a milestone advancement to progress your chosen response to progress through the
your character to 4th level! While this story. If you have printed the adventure,
adventure is intended for solo play, it can be navigate to the correct heading of your
easily tailored to fit the size of any gaming response to progress through the story. Try not
group (see Group Play below). to read any of the other blocks of text until you
are instructed to.
While you play, you will be asked to keep
Adventure Path track of various gameplay mechanics. If at any
Dark Sorceries is the first adventure in the time you have a gameplay related question,
Heroes of Faerun: Shadowborne campaign, remember that you are the DM and can
and we recommend that you play through Dark ultimately make the final call on the task you
Sorceries first before playing this adventure. are trying to accomplish.
You do not need to have played through Dark The goal of this adventure is to have fun and
Sorceries in order to enjoy this adventure, but explore a gripping, dramatic narrative with
it is advised to at least read through the challenging and exciting combat encounters. I
Previously In Heroes of Faerun: hope you have as much fun playing the
Shadowborne section, and the Dramatis adventure as I did writing it!
Personae section for adventure context.

What You Will Need

A 3rd-level character with an open
backstory OR
Your 3rd-level character from Dark
A set of polyhedral dice, or a virtual dice
Paper and pencil for keeping track of
The Basic Rules for 5th Edition Dungeons
& Dragons (PHB and DMG
Miniatures, tokens, or a virtual tabletop
(Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, etc) for keeping
track of the enemies and players during
combat encounters
Printed maps or a virtual tabletop for
running the combat encounters

Group Play Combat Encounters
If you are playing through this adventure with Each combat encounter has a detailed map
more than one player, add an additional enemy associated with it. Combat tactics, terrain, and
to the fight for each additional player, or if enemy behaviors are detailed in each combat
fighting a single enemy, add 30 hit points to the encounter.
solo enemy for each additional player. While combat can be heavy with tactics and
When enemies attack, roll randomly to mechanics, it is recommended that you take
determine the creature’s target, or do your best each round a step at a time in order to ensure
to roleplay the creature’s state of mind, an optimal play experience. Roll initiative for all
targeting a player based on damage dealt, or combatants, and then proceed to read the
how threatening the player may seem to the tactics for the specified combatant (or group of
creature. combatants) on their turn. You do not need to
For determining responses while playing, read the entire combat tactics block prior to
you can either share the responses, roll for starting the encounter.
responses, or round-robin the responses. If you When determining actions for enemies or
are a DM running this game for a group of NPCs, ask yourself what that enemy would do
players, feel free to roleplay and improvise the in the given situation, and then do it. Stay as
scenes as necessary. close to the enemy script as possible. More
Shared Responses. All players agree upon a intelligent creatures will use more complex
response and progress through the story, tactics. Less intelligent creatures will be less
accepting the chosen response for all players. tactful.
Rolled Responses. Each player chooses a
response and rolls a 1d20. The highest number Character Advancement
determines the winner, and each player accepts
the winning player’s chosen response. Milestone achievements are used to advance a
Round-robin Responses. Have each player character to the next level within this module,
roll a 1d20 at the start of the game. The and for the next iterations of this adventure
highest number determines the winner. The path.
winning player makes the first response. Turns
proceeed clockwise at each new response, Difficulty
ensuring that every player has a chance to
participate in selecting responses. This adventure is designed to be challenging.
The goal of this solo campaign is to tell a
Exploration gripping story, and present difficulties to the
While playing, you will have the opportunity to player that they must overcome. Because this
pursue various responses and outcomes in the adventure is intended for solo play, there are
story. When choosing a response, you may not two modes that you can can choose from when
repeat a choice unless the rules explicitly state playing through the campaign:
that you can take 20 or try again. Hardcore. The classic D&D mode. If you
die, reroll a new character and start the
adventure over.
Resting & Healing Story. If you die, start the encounter over
You will be informed when you can take a short with the same character state that you initiated
or long rest, and when you can spend hit dice the encounter with. For example: if your
as you play through the adventure. character had only 1 spell slot and 3 hit points
You can use potions and cast spells at any left at the start of an encounter, and your
time while exploring, and immediately after a character dies, you would start the encounter
battle, but may not cast spells or use potions over with 1 spell slot and 3 hit points.
when you are involved in character interaction
segments (unless prompted).

Attitude Scores
Your NPC companions all have a unique stat
called an Attitude Score. Throughout the
course of the adventure, this score will rise or
fall depending on the choices you make as you
progress through the adventure. If you have
already played Dark Sorceries, you may
continue from where you left off with your
previous Attitude Scores for your NPC
Do you have any feedback about the adventure?
What did you find most enjoyable? What did
you find least enjoyable? Leave a review or start
a discussion on the Dungeon Masters Guild!

Dramatis Personae
A halfling with a quick wit and a silver tongue. Davian can often be
found frequenting the Crossed Staves Inn in the village of Verland,
where he weaves wild tales detailing his family's very exagerrated and
colorful history. Davian is your closest friend in the village of Verland,
even if he gives you no choice in the matter. Davian has seen little of
the outside world, but he dreams big, and one day may even make it
all the way to Waterdeep!
Ideal: I love seeing the expressions on the faces of those that hear my
wild tales. If only they knew how many of my stories were actually
Bond: If I name you friend, I'll do anything and everything it takes to
make sure you stay safe.
Flaw: I still swoon over my lost love, Darci Brightwater. One day she
will be mine.
Davian Stoutheart
Vattar is your former adventuring companion, and was once a
notorious thief with a price on his head before he joined your ragtag
mercenary band many years ago. After paying off his debt to a greedy
kingpin, the half-elf began to aid the less fortunate while exploring the
far reaches of Faerun. After defeating the evil necromancer, Malisar,
Vattar disappeared without a trace, and was not heard from until he
tracked you down in Verland. Now working as a scout and spy for the
mysterious organization known as the Harpers, Vattar's goal is to
defeat Malisar once and for all.
Ideal: Everyone has some good in them, somtimes they just need a
little help finding it.
Bond: I'm guilty of a terrible crime. I will one day redeem myself for it.
Flaw: I don't trust mages. I never will.
Vattar Kasari

Rholsk is a stern, stubborn, and gruff half-orc barkeep that works at

the Crossed Staves Inn. He was once a mercenary that traveled the
length and breadth of Faerun. Little is known about his past, save for
the fact that he wandered into Verland with grievous wounds, and
then never really left. Rholsk inherited the Crossed Staves Inn from a
burly dwarf miner by the name of Dimber Barreltapper. The dwarf
took Rholsk under his wing after the half-orc decided to settle down in
the peaceful and secluded village. Rholsk now runs the inn in honor of
his mentor.
Ideal: I've done too many wrongs in my time. Now it's time to lay
down my life in defense of others.
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: No one will ever know why I was in an Amnish prison, or how I
Rholsk Half-Ear almost died trying to escape.

Previously in Dark Sorceries...

ou have lived the past two years of You vanquished the beasts and recovered
your life in the quaint village of your adventuring gear, eventually making your
Verland, a small settlement to the way back to the Crossed Staves Inn.
west of Kyrptgarden Forest, just At the inn, you encountered three travelers
north of the hamlet of Kheldell. who were inquiring after a man whom they had
You had been living an honest life, been tracking. After asking a number of
using the majority of your wealth pointed questions, you determined that the
from your previous adventures to purchase a men were agents of Malisar, and that they had
home and establish a trade within Verland. You been tracking the wounded stranger that had
had thought that your adventuring days were staggered into the previous night.
behind you, until disaster struck. The thugs, led by a man named Xefna,
It was the first week of Hammer, and you discovered that you knew more than you were
were enjoying the company of your friends on willing to admit. In order to silence you and
the eve of winter, offering cheers and good keep Malisar's resurgence from being
tidings to Auril. Your well-wishing was cut short discovered, Xefna transformed into one of the
when a wounded stranger staggered into the turned and attacked.
Crossed Staves Inn, forever changing your fate, With the aid of Rholsk, Davian, and Vattar,
and wrapping you up in the adventure of a you managed to defeat Xefna and his thugs, but
lifetime. soon found that the men you vanquished were
The wounded stranger transformed into a not the only ones that Malisar had dispatched
vicious creature of dark magic, and began an to your village. With a cry of despair, a young
onslaught of death and destruction throughout boy staggered into the inn, warning of the
the inn. You took up arms against the beast, impending doom that was sweeping through
besting the undead horror in single combat, your once peaceful home...
and saving the lives of your fellow villagers in
the process.
To your surprise, your former adventuring
companion, Vattar Kasari, resurfaced
immediately after the fight. Vattar explained
that the creature that you had defeated was in
fact one of the turned, a creature birthed from
Thayan blood magic. He also informed you that
Malisar, your former nemesis, was not dead,
and that the realm needed your help in order to
defeat the archwizard.
You agreed to assist Vattar, making plans to
venture into Kyrptgarden Forest, and eventually
to the ruins that Malisar was using for
nefarious purposes.
After a much needed rest, you awoke from a
horrific dream, and made your preparations for
the journey ahead. You proceeded to make your
way down into your cellar to recover the
adventuring gear that you had stored in your
magically warded storeroom.
After opening the magical seals to your vault,
you discovered that your storeroom had been
infiltrated by thieves, and that giant spiders had
also built a nest within the warded chamber.

Vattar releases the half-orc’s shoulder and
raises his hands. “I don’t want anyone else to
die either, but we can’t risk it. Our friend here,"
he says, nodding in your direction, "is the only
chance we have at ending this. We’ll be overrun
if we stay and fight, and then who will be left to
defeat Malisar?”
Vattar walks over to you. “If you’re captured,
you will suffer a fate worse than death. Malisar
will not have forgotten what we did to him all
those years ago. I need you. The Harpers need
you. One village is a small sacrifice to keep the
entirety of the realm safe.”
“Are you serious? We can’t just leave them!”
Davian exclaims. The halfling crosses the
Ashes to Ashes common room to stand beside you. Blood mats
his curly brown locks, and he holds his
Verland is burning to the ground. Families crossbow tightly in one hand. He looks towards
huddle together, staggering through smoke- the sandy-haired youth that arrived moments
filled streets, shielding their faces as ash rains before, warning of the village’s impending
down around them. Others run screaming in doom.
fear, flailing wildly as cloaked riders on The boy is out of breath, his face stained
horseback gallop past, stabbing with swords with soot. The boy's tunic is ripped and
and spears. The raiders carry vicious weapons, blackened by ash. He stands a few paces away,
their faces hidden in the shadows beneath the his eyes darting between each of you.
cowls of their cloaks. You recognize the youth. His name is
You feel an arm on your shoulder, pulling you Sammel.
back into the protected confines of the inn. An “You have to do something!” Sammel pleads,
arrow flashes past where you were standing. taking a step forward. “Ma is trapped! The
“Look out!” Vattar yells, slamming the doors house is falling down around her! Pa left to find
of the inn closed. Solid thumps resound loudly help, but he hasn’t come back yet.” Fresh tears
on the wooden barricade as the arrows sink begin to course down the boy’s soot-stained
into the thick timbers of the door. cheeks. “She... she was covered in blood.”
Vattar is splattered with blood. Behind him, “I.. I’m sorry, lad,” Davian says, looking at the
three motionless bodies lie on the floor, Xefna floor. The halfling’s brow furrows, and his eyes
and his two thugs. burn with anger. After a long pause, the halfling
Rholsk snarls, charging forward to rush clears his throat and looks at you. “I’ll help
outside. His eyes are dark with malice. Sammel and his family,” he says softly. The
Vattar grabs Rholsk by the shoulder, an anger in his eyes is gone, replaced with a
incredulous look on his face. “Don’t you see stubborn look of determination. “You get out of
what’s going on out there? The Zhentarim are here. Fight your way clear with Vattar. Rholsk
raiding your village! They’ll leave none alive to and I will do what we can to help the others.”
tell what happened here.”
“Get yer hands off of me!” Rholsk growls,
slowly turning his head to look Vattar in the
eyes. “We can’t just run away. This village is all
we have! These people -- they're our friends,
our family!”

What do you do?
Vattar adjusts his armor while he speaks, his
Agree with Rholsk. You will help fight off voice is calm and controlled. “We’ll skirt around
the attackers as best you can. Go to to the back of the inn and use the stables for
cover. There’s a small clearing that we’ll have to
cross, but it’s only a short sprint to the treeline.
From there, we can make our way to the
Agree with Vattar. You need to get out of western edge of Kryptgarden Forest and enter
the village before it’s too late. Go to the deep woods." His eyes flick to Davian and
FLEE Rholsk. “If either of you come to your senses,
meet us there.”
Rhoslk snorts. “Don't worry about us, elf. If
Agree with Davian. You will help tend to Malisar truly is behind all o’ this, you find him
the wounded and get the villagers to safety. and kill him. Don't give him another chance to
Go to LEND A HAND escape. I have a feelin’ our village won’t be the
last that this madman burns to the ground."
« If this was your first choice, add +1 to Vattar's
Fight Back Attitude Score. »
Vattar shakes his head. “Bloody fool,” he
mutters under his breath. "We only have one Go to: PREPARATIONS
chance at this."
Rholsk turns to you and shakes his head. "I
remember when you first came to this village. Lend A Hand
You seemed to be running away from
somethin'. That guilt you carried... that guilt Vattar shakes his head and curses softly under
followed you around this village like a dark his breath.
shadow. That shadow found you, but you “I knew you wouldn’t turn your back on us,”
weren't the cause of it. You saved innocent lives Davian says proudly. “But I think... I think
last night, and now... well, just know that today, Vattar is right. You need to stop Malisar. I don't
when it mattered most, I think you made the know anyone else who can."
right choice." "Aye," Rholsk growls. "We'll take the fight to
He takes a deep breath and claps you on the 'em. You two get outta here while ya still can."
shoulder. "But I can't help but think that Vattar Your halfling friend turns to you, a quizzical
is right. We will do our best to defend the look on his face. “Who would have thought that
village and get the families to safety. You need the two of us would be fighting the Zhentarim
to track down the true evil threatening this land together?" He shakes his head and lets out a
and stop it once and for all." chuckle. "Old Barric Stoutheart will never
believe this one. Maybe Karci Brightwater will
finally let me have a dance, eh?"
Go to: FLEE
Go to: FLEE

Preparations Ready a spell attack. Your mastery of
Smoke has started to fill the common room of spellcraft will make the enemy think twice.
the inn. You can hear muffled shouts and cries Go to SPELL STRIKE
of dismay from outside the building. Horses
whinny, and thunderous hooves echo loudly as Ready a melee attack. If any of the raiders
raiders gallop past. get close enough, you’ll be the first to
Rholsk moves to the corpse of one of Xefna's
thugs and rolls the body over with his boot. The strike. Go to READY MELEE
body of the recently deceased lies face up, eyes
staring blankly. Blood has soaked into the Attempt to stealth. You’ll use the smoke
floorboards around the corpse. The half-orc and distractions of battle to your
bends down and retrieves a weapon from the
dead man, along with a set of bloodstained, advantage. Go to FADE AWAY
leather armor.
The bartender takes a moment to don the Supportive
armor, flexing and rotating his shoulders as he You chant the words of the spell, gesturing in
adjusts the straps of the armor. the air as you complete the ancient incantation.
“You’ve given me one hell of a story to tell," Power surges through your body.
Davian says. "But something tells me it’s not
over yet.” The halfling grips Sammel’s hand « If you have spell slots left, choose a spell such
tightly, and holds his crossbow at the ready. as Mage Armor, Cure Wounds, Guidance, etc.
Vattar draws his blades and moves to one You can cast the spell on yourself or an ally
side of the doorway. “I’ll do my best to cause a before continuing. »
distraction on our way out,” he says, cutting off
a strip of cloth from his cloak. He pours his
waterskin over the cloth and ties the makeshift Go to: RUSH OUT

handkerchief around his face. “If any of the

villagers can get away, tell them to make for
Waterdeep.” Vattar’s voice is muffled behind Ready Ranged
the cloth. "We have to warn the Masked Lords. You ready your weapon, eyes focused on what
There's no telling what this madman will do awaits you beyond the closed doors of the inn.
Davian shifts nervously from one foot to the « Make a note that you have readied a ranged
other. Rholsk continues to adjust his armor, attack. »
cutting the air before him with his weapons,
testing their balance. The half-orc's scarred
face is serious, his attention focused. Vattar Go to: RUSH OUT

closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. After a

few moments of silence, Vattar opens his eyes
and nods to you. It's now or never. Spell Strike
Ancient and mysterious power calls to you,
What do you do? beckoning to be released, swirling at the tips of
your fingers...
Cast a spell on yourself or your allies. Your
group is going to need all the help they can « Make a note that you have readied a spell
get. Go to SUPPORTIVE attack. »

Ready a ranged attack. You’re going to Go to: RUSH OUT

target the first enemy you see and strike

quickly. Go to READY RANGED

Ready Melee Struck
You grip your weapon tightly. This isn’t going to You gasp in pain as the arrow strikes you in the
be easy. You hope you made the right choice. shoulder. Warm blood begins to seep from the
wound, staining your clothing.
«Make a note that you have readied a melee
attack. » « Roll 1d6 + 2 piercing damage and subtract
the number from your hit points. »
Go to: CHAOS

Fade Away
You pull the hood of your cloak up, lowering Close Call
your body into a low crouch. You have faced You roll out of the way as the arrow flashes
worse odds before. past, inches from your torso. That was close!
« Roll a stealth check, DC 15. Make note of
your success or failure. » Go to: CHAOS


Rush Out
Vattar places his hands on the doors of the inn
and looks at Rholsk.
“Just do it already,” the half-orc states flatly,
raising his weapons before him.
Vattar throws open the doors to the inn and
rushes outside. Smoke billows around your
allies as they rush outside. Rholsk roars and
charges out into the street. Davian takes a deep
breath and follows close behind.
An arrow whistles towards you.
« Make an attack roll (1d20 + 3) against your
AC. If you are stealthed, the attack
automatically misses. If you have the Shield
spell, or another reaction that you can use to
interrupt the attack, you may use it now. »

What happens next?

Does the arrow hit you? Go to STRUCK

Does the arrow miss you? Go to


Chaos Just Barely Safe
The world is on fire. Thick smoke surrounds “Look out!” Vattar shouts.
you, stinging your eyes. Flames lick across the You leap forward and roll in the dirt. There is
porch that wraps around the front of the inn, a loud crash as splinters of wreckage falls
spreading quickly across wooden walls of the around you. You cough, choking on dust and
establishment. smoke, and rise to your feet. A pile of
You can vaguely make out a few dark shapes smoldering timbers rests where you had been
through the smoke, but the figures vanish as standing.
soon as they appear. You can hear weapons
clashing and horses whinnying. Screams of
pain and cries for help echo around you. Go to: ATTACKERS


Falling Timbers
A broken piece of lumber strikes you in the
back. You fall you to the ground, the wind
Escaping Verland knocked from your lungs. Gasping for air, you
You watch as Davian and Rholsk disappear into roll out of the way as flaming wreckage falls
the thick smoke ahead. You can hear the half- around you.
orc roaring and shouting in a tribal dialect as
weapons clash. « Roll 1d10 bludgeoning damage and subtract
“Stay low,” Vattar whispers, crouching and the value from your hit points. »
moving quickly to the corner of the inn.
Fire crackles and spits as you follow close Go to: ATTACKERS
behind. You raise your arms, shielding your
face from the heat of the flames. You move
swiftly across the creaking floorboards of the
There is a loud crack, and suddenly the
porch shifts under your feet. A dark shadow
looms overhead. You look over your shoulder
and watch as the covered porch breaks away
from the inn. Shattered, wooden timbers rain
down around you.
« Make a Dexterity saving throw, DC 11. »

What happens next?



What happens next?
A furious roar erupts from Vattar, drawing your
attention back to your ally. You squint through Success? Roll damage and go to
the smoke, and watch as your half-elf A CLEAR SHOT
companion twirls his blades as he fends off two
cloaked attackers. The attackers grunt and
curse, lunging at your ally. Their voices are Failure? Go to STINGING SMOKE
thick and accented, residents of a distant land.
As they fight, the raider's hoods fall away.
One of them is a human, the other a half-elf.
Nasty scars criss-cross the human's face, one
eye is milky and opaque. The half-elf stands a A Flash of Steel
head taller than his companion and has dark, The smoke billowing around you is distracting,
braided hair that hangs well past his shoulders. but you have clear sight of your enemy. You flip
Intricate tattoos cover one side of the half-elf’s the dagger in your hand, holding your weapon
face. by the blade. You take aim at the tattooed half-
You can see the hazy outline of the stables elf...
through the smoke ahead. The building is only « Roll a ranged attack against AC 12. »
a short distance past Vattar and his attackers.
What happens next?
What do you do?

Did you ready a ranged attack? Are you Success? Roll damage and go to
wielding a bow, a crossbow, or a firearm? DEADLY STRIKE


Did you ready a ranged attack? Are you
throwing a dagger? Go to
Did you ready a melee attack? Go to The Zhentarim raiders do not seem to have
noticed you yet. You grip your weapon and rush
CLASH forward, closing the distance that separates you
from the tattooed half-elf. You emerge from the
Did you ready a spell attack? Go to smoke and swing your weapon...
COSMIC POWER « Roll a melee attack against AC 12. »

Did you cast a spell on your allies or What happens next?

stealth? Go to A FIGHT TO FREEDOM Success? Roll damage and go to

Ready, Aim, Fire Failure? Go to A WIDE SWING

The smoke billowing around you is distracting,
but you have a clear shot at your enemy. You
breathe deeply, and take aim at the tattooed
« Roll a ranged attack against AC 12. »

Cosmic Power
What happens next?
The Zhentarim raiders do not seem to have
noticed you yet. You chant softly, motioning Did you deal more than 11 points of
with your hands, performing the somatic and damage? Go to A SOLID HIT
verbal components of the spell. Magic flares
around you as you complete the cast.
Did you deal less than 11 points of
« If the spell is a ranged attack, make an attack
roll with advantage against AC 12. If the spell damage? Go to STILL STANDING
requires a save, roll 1d20 + 0 for the raider's
saving throw. »
Stinging Smoke
What happens next?
The smoke begins to irritate your eyes, causing
Success? Roll damage and go to your aim to falter. Your projectile arcs wide,
missing the intended target.


Failure? Go to AVOIDED

A Solid Hit
A Clear Shot Your enemy clutches at his wound, falling back
You projectile strikes true, catching the half-elf into a thick cloud of smoke and disappearing
raider solidly in the chest. He grunts in pain from sight. You hear a loud thump as the body
and staggers backwards. collapses to the ground.
What happens next? Go to: A FIGHT TO FREEDOM

Did you deal more than 11 points of

damage? Go to A SOLID HIT
Did you deal less than 11 points of
damage? Go to STILL STANDING

Deadly Strike
There is a flash of silver as you launch your
dagger through the air. It twirls end over end,
striking the raider in the chest. The tattooed
half-elf staggers back, crying out in pain.

A Wide Swing Dash and Slash
The raider twirls out of the path of your The tattooed half-elf cries out in pain as your
weapon. "This is gonna be easier than I weapon strikes him in the chest, blood
thought," the tattoed raider scoffs, revealing splattering the weathered grass and loose
rows of yellow and black teeth. straw underfoot.

Go to: A FIGHT TO FREEDOM What happens next?

Did you deal more than 11 points of

damage? Go to A SOLID HIT
Still Standing
The raider clutches at his wound, blood spilling Did you deal less than 11 points of
across his fingers. “A lucky hit,” the half-elf damage? Go to VICIOUS ATTACK
snarls. He turns his head and spits out a wad of
bloody phlegm. “You won’t be so lucky with the
next strike..."
Vicious Attack
Go to:
The tattooed raider covers his wound with a
gloved hand, wincing in pain. He unsteadily
raises his weapon before him. "It's no use," he
says with a sardonic grin. Blood drips from the
corner of his mouth. "You'll all die here. It will
The Zhentarim raiders do not seem to have be as the Blood Witch commands."
noticed you yet. You grip your weapon and rush
forward, closing the distance that separates you
from the tattooed half-elf. You emerge from the Go to: A FIGHT TO FREEDOM
smoke and swing your weapon.
« Roll a melee attack against AC 12. »
What happens next? The tattooed half-elf cries out in pain as your
spell strikes true. Blood splatters the
Success? Roll damage and go to weathered grass underfoot.

What happens next?

Failure? Go to A WIDE SWING Did you deal more than 11 points of
damage? Go to SWIRLING MAGIC
Did you deal less than 11 points of
damage? Go to VICIOUS ATTACK

Swirling Magic
With a cry of pain, your enemy is launched
backwards into the smoke, disappearing from
view. Tendrils of arcane residue permeate the
air, swirling where your spell connected with
your target. The magic dissipates after a few
moments, and you can hear an audible groan of
pain from somewhere within the smoky haze.


Your spell fails to have any effect on the half-elf
raider. "Look out, we have a caster!" He snarls.


Map 1-1 Verland In Flames

A Fight to Freedom Raiders. If you defeated one of the

Zhentarim already, only one enemy faces you at
Place the tokens where indicated on Map 1-1: the start of the fight. The raiders will move to
Verland In Flames. Roll Initiative and proceed attack the closest enemy on their turn. The
to do battle. raiders will attempt to flank an opponent
Tokens. R = Raiders, V = Vattar, H = Hero. whenever possible. Add an additional raider to
Old Wounds. If you did not play Dark the fight at the beginning of rounds two and
Sorceries with this character and you have not three. The new raiders emerge through the
already expended resources, roll one Hit Die. smoke from a random direction on the map,
Subtract the value from your current hit point and have their full speed remaining. Roll a 1d4
total to represent the damage taken in the final to determine the direction that the additional
encounter of Dark Sorceries. In addition, if you raiders arrive (1 = North, 2 = South, 3 = East, 4
have spell slots, mark one slot as expended to = West). All of the raiders will fight until they
represent the resources consumed in the final are defeated.
encounter of Dark Sorceries. Smoke. Hazy smoke is lightly obscuring the
entire map. The illustrated smoke clouds
represent highly obscured areas. Any creature
that is within a smoke cloud suffers
disadvantage on their attack rolls, and any
attacks against a creature within a smoke cloud
has disadvantage.

Vattar. Vattar will attack adjacent targets
first, and move to attack any enemies targeting Vattar Kasari (V)
your character after that. If Vattar has an Medium half-elf rogue, chaotic good
Attitude Score of 3 or higher, he will use his
Ally Tactic Bad Luck, whenever it is available. Armor Class 14 (leather armor)

Hit Points 18 (3d8 + 5)

What happens next?

Did you survive the battle? Go to Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11(+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Were you defeated? Go to DARKNESS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarf

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Zhentarim Raider (R)
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil Fey Ancestry. Vattar has advantage on saving
throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t
Armor Class 12 (leather armor) put him to sleep.
Sneak Attack. Vattar deals an extra 7 (2d6)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of
Speed 30 ft.
Vattar that isn't incapacitated and Vattar doesn't
have disadvantage on the attack roll.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Assassinate. Vattar has advantage on attack rolls
against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10(+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) combat yet. In addition, any hit he scores against
a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

Senses Passive Perception 10 Actions

Dual Wield. Vattar makes two weapon attacks:
Languages Any one language (usually common) one with his shortsword, and one with his dagger.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Actions Dagger. Melee or Raanged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
piercing damage.
Bad Luck (Recharge 5–6). Ally Tactic: When a
creature Vattar can see attacks a target other than
himself, or the creature rolls a saving throw
against a spell, Vattar can use his reaction to
impose a penalty to the the roll equal to his
Dexterity modifier.

How do you respond?
The last of the raiders falls to the ground. Red
blood stains the weathered grass around you. Say that you only have a few scratches,
You let out a sigh of relief and glance around you should be fine. Go to SCRATCHES
the stableyard. Thick smoke still obscures
much of your vision, backlit by the orange glow
of flames burning throughout the village. Vattar Say that you will need some healing, you
is kneeling beside one of the fallen raiders. have some grievious wounds. Go to
« Congratulations! You have defeated the WAR WOUNDS

Zhentarim raiders! You manage to recover 5

gold, 10 silver, and 7 copper pieces from the You attempt to speak, but instead you
bodies of the fallen, along with a used Healer's cough up blood. Go to WAR WOUNDS
Kit (1 use remaining). »


Vattar nods. “You fought well, friend. I would
expect nothing less. Malisar will be no match
Darkness for us.” Though Vattar's words are reassuring,
Sharp stabs of pain wrack your body. Warm you can't help but feel apprehensive. You fought
blood trickles from your wounds as you Malisar once before and failed. Will you fail a
collapse to the ground. The last thing you see is second time?
smoke and fire consuming your village, and The rogue glances around nervously as the
then darkness takes you... loud rumble of horse hooves echoes nearby.
« You were defeated by Zhentarim raiders! If
“We had best find some cover. Follow me to the
you are playing Hardcore mode, roll up a new stables, and stay low!”
character and try again. If you are playing Story « Add +1 to Vattar's Attitude Score. »
mode, you may start the fight over for another
chance at success. »

A Crude Disguise
Vattar removes the raider's cloak and tosses it
in your direction. The cloak is bloody and torn, War Wounds
but still usable. “I have something that can help with that,”
“Put that on,” Vattar says, retrieving a second Vattar says. “But we had best find cover first.
cloak. He throws the tattered cloth over his Follow me to the stables, and stay low!”
shoulders. With the ragged cloth mask still
covering the lower half of his face, he could
easily pass for one of the Zhentarim. He looks Go to: THE STABLES
you over. “How badly are you hurt?”

The Stables Not Budging
You throw the cloak over your shoulders and The door refuses to move. Planting your feet
pull the cowl down low. With any luck, your firmly on the ground, you lower your shoulders,
disguise will be enough to fool the remaining and push once more. Vattar grits his teeth,
raiders, and you can escape the village without grunting and straining to assist you. The door
any further confrontations. screeches loudly as it begins to move along the
Vattar moves quickly across the stableyard. track.
You follow close behind, your weapon at the Shouts erupt from nearby.
ready. The stable slowly materializes into view “They’ve heard us! Hurry!” Vattar whispers
through the smoke and haze ahead. as you struggle with the door. You manage to
The building is constructed of sturdy, slide the door open just far enough to slip
wooden timbers harvested from the inside the stables. As you enter the building,
Kryptgarden Forest. The structure has a you glance over your shoulder and witness a
thatched roof, and a massive wooden door that cluster of dark figures cautiously approaching
slides open on an iron track. The door is the stable from beyond a thick wall of smoke.
currently closed.
“Help me get this open,” Vattar whispers,
moving to one side of the sliding door and Go to: SHADOWED INTERIOR

grasping the iron handle.

« Make an Athletics check, DC 9. »
Shadowed Interior
What happens next? The entryway of the stables is littered with
loose straw. A workbench sits to one side of the
Success? Go to SLIDE OPEN doorway. A mallet, hammer, and pile of
horseshoes rests on the scarred, wooden
surface of the table. A long hallway runs the
Failure? Go to NOT BUDGING length of the building. Empty horse stalls line
the hallway on either side, shadowed and
forgotten. A few wooden barrels and a stack of
empty crates can be seen resting within a
Slide Open storeroom at the far end of the hallway.
You brace with your feet and push against the « Make a Perception check, DC 15. »
door. You help Vattar slide the massive
structure along the iron track. The door opens
just enough to allow a single person to slip What happens next?
inside the shadowed confines of the building. Success? Go to
The musty smell of hay, dirt, and horse manure MISSING TOOLS

lingers in the air.

Failure? Go to GLOOMY

Missing Tools « Make an attack roll (1d20 + 4) against your
You take a moment to squint into the shadows. AC. The attacker has disadvantage on the roll if
A number of tools resting on nails and hooks you were successful on your earlier Perception
adorn the wall next to the workbench. All of the check of the stables. »
tools are placed on hooks, save for a large gap
where a shovel or pitchfork may have rested. What happens next?
All of the stalls appear to be empty. Did you avoid the attack? Go to
“Take these,” Vattar says, handing you a vial
of red liquid. “They're potions of healing. Use SPIN MOVE

them should you fear that your wounds may

slow us down. We still have a long way to go.” Did you get hit by the attack? Go to
« Make note of your successful Perception STABBED

check and add two Potions of Healing to your

inventory. You can use these items now (on
either yourself or your ally) or save them for Spin Move
later. » Sharp prongs from a pitchfork attempt to
skewer you. You sidestep the thrust as the
Go to: A FLICKER OF MOVEMENT pointed forks tear through the air near where
you had been standing.

Go to: VINES
The stables are dark and dusty, and it is hard to
perceive much of anything within the Stabbed
shadowed confines of the building. It looks as The sharp prongs of a pitchfork pierce your leg.
though none of the stalls are currently You grit your teeth as warm blood begins to
occupied, and aside from the voices seep from the wound.
approaching from outside, the building appears
empty. « Roll 1d6 + 2 piercing damage. Subtract the
“Take these,” Vattar says, handing you a vial value from your hit points. »
of red liquid. “They're potions of healing. Use
them should you fear that your wounds may VINES
slow us down. We still have a long way to go.” Go to:

« Make note of your successful Perception

check and add two Potions of Healing to your Vines
inventory. You can use these items now (on “Curse you, filthy brigands! You’ll not take
either yourself or your ally) or save them for me back to those ruins!” A brown-haired
later. » woman wielding a pitchfork shouts.
A faint green glow begins to emanate from
the woman's hands. Her voice raises in volume
as she finishes the final words of a spell.
The earth rumbles beneath your feet. The
sound of twigs snapping and rustling leaves
A Flicker of Movement draws your attention to your boots. Massive
Out of the corner of your eye, a flicker of vines begin to writhe from the earth, twining
movement alerts you to approaching danger. around your legs.
“Now, Pentamei!” The woman cries out. A
ferocious roar resounds throughout the stables.


The Bear Ignore the warning and rush forward to
With a loud crash, the door to a nearby horse grapple the woman. Maybe the beast will
stall is torn asunder. Splinters of wood fly release your companion if you take the
through the air. A large, brown bear emerges beast's owner captive. Go to RESTRAIN
from the confined space, charging forward. The
beast barrels into Vattar, dropping your ally to
the floor of the stables.
The human woman wielding the pitchfork
takes a step back, standing adjacent to her bear
“Drop your weapons, or your friend dies!”
She shouts. Her eyes flick to Vattar, who is
gasping for breath beneath the weight of the
beast seated atop his chest.
The woman’s hair is short and brown, held
back by a green headband inscribed with
leaves and vines. Her forest-green cloak is
tattered and worn, and her leather tunic is
stained from travel. One of her arms is
wrapped with loose strips of white cloth. The
cloth is spotted with blood. Freckles dot the
woman’s cheeks, and a wild intensity burns in
her brown eyes. A small stone embedded in the
middle of her forehead draws your attention.
The stone is eerily similar to those that adorn
the foreheads of the creatures created by
Thayan blood magic. It is the same stone that
was attached to the creature that assaulted
your friends in the inn the night before...
“Wai...wait...” Vattar croaks, vainly attempting
to reach beneath his cloak. Seated atop the Not A Raider
half-elf, the bear roars defiantly, raising a The woman looks at you intently, her eyes
massive paw for a strike that will surely end narrowing. “Do you have proof of this alliance
your companion’s life... with the Harpers?” She asks.
Vattar struggles beneath the weight of the
bear, choking out fragments of an
What do you do? indecipherable sentence. His face is beginning
to turn blue.
Say that you’re not with the Zhentarim.
Your friend is a Harper, and you are on « Make a Persuasion check, DC 15. You have
your way to vanquish the source of unrest advantage on the roll of you decide to place
within this region (Persuasion). Go to your weapons on the ground while attempting
to persuade the dark-haired woman. »

What happens next?

Say that she’s making a foolish mistake,
one that will be her last (Intimidation). Go Success? Go to A NEW ALLY
Failure? Go to SKEPTICAL

Foolish Mistake “Look what we have here,” a melodious,
You take a step forward, staring down the female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
woman and her ferocious bear companion. You entering the stables behind you.
make it very clear that you are not one to be « Add +1 to Nhomi's Attitude Score. »
trifled with. "I would choose your next move
carefully, it could be your last." As you speak,
you keep your eyes fixed on the woman Go to: NEWCOMERS
threatening Vattar.
« Make an Intimidation check, DC 15. »
What happens next? The woman shakes her head, watching you
Success? Go to UNCERTAINTY “No... you're trying to trick me! You just want
to take me back to those ruins, back to that
witch! I survived that hell once, I won't be taken
Failure? Go to ONE LAST CHANCE back there again!” She points the pitchfork
towards Vattar. "Now drop your weapons, or he
dies!" The woman's mask of strength nearly
breaks, but her jaw tightens and her eyes grow
Restrain dark. Pentamei growls beside her.
You rush forward, reaching out towards the “Look what we have here,” a melodious,
woman in an attempt to grapple and restrain female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
her. entering the stables behind you.
« Make an Athletics check, DC 13. »

What happens next?

Success? Go to GOT YOU Uncertainty

"I... no," The woman takes a step back, her
confidence faltering. "Stay back! Don't come
Failure? Go to DENIED any closer!" she shouts, brandishing her
weapon in your direction.
“Look what we have here,” a melodious,
female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
A New Ally entering the stables behind you.
The woman nods her head, watching you
cautiously. “What do you think, Pentamei? Are Go to: NEWCOMERS
they telling the truth?”
The bear yawns lazily, sharp teeth glinting in
the dim light of the stables.
“I think so too, old friend,” the woman says,
lowering her pitchfork and patting the
creature’s massive flank. The bear steps off of
Vattar, who immediately begins gasping for air.
He rolls onto his side and continues to cough

One Last Chance Sharp Claws
"Don't make me kill your friend," the woman The beast's claws slash through your clothing,
says, her tone serious. "I'll give you one last tearing through the flesh and muscle of your
chance. Drop your weapons, or he dies." waist. You grunt in pain. The woman struggles
She points the pitchfork at Vattar, who is in your grasp.
struggling beneath the weight of the bear. “Look what we have here,” a melodious,
“Look what we have here,” a melodious, female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
female voice calls out. You hear footsteps entering the stables behind you.
entering the stables behind you.
« Roll 2d6 + 4 slashing damage. Subtract the
number from your hit points. »


Got You
You wrench the pitchfork free from the Duck and Weave
woman's grasp and wrap your arms around her,
pinning her arms to her sides. You leap back, dragging the woman with you.
The bear roars loudly, swiping a massive paw The beast's massive paw rakes through the air
in your direction. where you had been standing.
The woman grunts, struggling to free herself
« Make an attack roll (1d20 + 5) against your from your grasp.
AC. » “Look what we have here,” a melodious,
female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
What happens next?
entering the stables behind you.
Does the bear hit you? Go to Go to: GOOD WORK

Does the bear miss you? Go to


The woman jerks away from you, shoving the
haft of the pitchfork into your gut and pushing
you away with her shoulder.
“Look what we have here,” a melodious,
female voice calls out. You hear footsteps
entering the stables behind you.


Nhomi and Pentamei

Newcomers Good Work
Four cloaked Zhentarim have entered the Four cloaked Zhentarim have entered the
stables. Three of the raiders have the hoods of stables. Three of the raiders have the hoods of
their cloaks pulled up, obscuring their faces. their cloaks pulled up, obscuring their faces.
An attractive female elf stands at the front of An attractive female elf stands at the front of
the group. the group.
Blonde hair flows past the elf's shoulders. Blonde hair flows past the elf's shoulders.
Emerald-green eyes sparkle with malice. The Emerald-green eyes sparkle with malice. The
elf is clad in dark leathers. A handful of pale elf is clad in dark leathers. A handful of pale
scars mar her porcelain skin. The raiders stand scars mar her porcelain skin. The raiders stand
in front of the large sliding door, cutting off in front of the large sliding door, cutting off
your only route of escape. your only route of escape.
“Good work, agents,” The elven woman says “Very good work, agent,” The elven woman
to you. “Malisar will be pleased.” says to you. “Malisar will be pleased.”
The elf’s gaze falls upon the dark-haired Her gaze falls upon the dark-haired woman
woman wielding the pitchfork. “Come now, that you are currently restraining. “Come now,
Nhomi. It is time for you to return to us.” Nhomi. It is time for you to return.”
“No!” Nhomi shouts. “I refuse to be used for “No!” Nhomi grunts, still struggling in your
the witch's dark magic!” She raises the grasp. ““I refuse to be used for the witch's dark
pitchfork and plants her feet in the dirt. “I will magic! I will not go back to those ruins while I
not go back to those ruins alive.” still draw breath.”
“That’s exactly what Shanriel said,” the elf “That’s exactly what Shanriel said,” the elf
says with a laugh. “And we all know how that says with a laugh. “And we all know how that
turned out.” turned out.”
“Yes, I know, Vasara,” Nhomi says coldly, her Nhomi stops struggling. You loosen your
eyes narrowing. "I watched you kill her." hold, but only slightly, allowing Nhomi to speak.
“That’s not entirely true,” Vasara replies, “Shanriel is dead, Vasara,” Nhomi states
taking a step forward. Her movements are lithe coldly. "I watched you kill her."
and graceful, like a snake before it strikes. “We “That’s not entirely true,” Vasara replies,
managed to keep her alive, and she continues taking a step forward. Her movements are lithe
to help us grow our army. Come, help us fight and graceful, like a snake before it strikes. “We
back against those who would oppress nature! managed to keep her alive, and she continues
Don't make this harder than it has to be.” to help us grow our army. Come, help us fight
The click of a crossbow shatters the rising back against those who would oppress nature!
tension. Nhomi cries out in pain, staggering Don't make this harder than it has to be.”
back and clutching at her shoulder. Pentamei The click of a crossbow shatters the rising
roars, lunging forward. tension. Blood splatters your face. Nhomi cries
“You there!” Vasara shouts, looking in your out in pain and attempts to reach a hand to her
direction and drawing her weapons. She points shoulder, but you instinctively tighten your grip.
a curved scimitar at Nhomi, who has collapsed Pentamei roars, lunging forward.
to the ground. “Apprehend her! Now!” “You there!” Vasara shouts, looking in your
direction and drawing her weapons. She points
a curved scimitar at Nhomi, who has collapsed
in your arms. “Keep hold of her while we take
care of the beast!”


Map 1-2 Verland Stables

Ambushed In The Stables Nhomi. Roll a single initiative and have

Nhomi and Pentamei act on the same turn.
Place the tokens where indicated on Map 1-2: Nhomi is poisoned and has dropped to zero hit
Verland Stables. If you attempted to grapple points. If she does do not receive aid in time,
Nhomi, place your token adjacent to her token. she will die. Nhomi can be saved via magical
If you dropped your weapons earlier, you can healing (2nd-level spell or higher), or by
pick them up and attack in the same action. treating her wounds (Medicine check DC 10, or
Roll Initiative and proceed to do battle. one use of a Healer’s Kit).
Tokens. R = Raiders, A = Vasara, V = Vattar, Make death saves on each of Nhomi’s turns.
P = Pentamei, H = Hero, N = Nhomi. If the roll is a 10 or higher, the save is
Surprise. If you attack the Zhentarim at the successful, but the poison still courses through
start of the fight, your first attack will have her veins. If Nhomi fails three death saving
advantage, as the Zhentarim have mistakenly throws, she dies. If Nhomi rolls three
regarded you as an ally. successful saving throws, she stabalizes but
remains unconscious.
If Nhomi has been healed, she will use her
action to command Pentamei to attack
approaching enemies, and will stay as close to
Pentamei as possible during the fight. If
Nhomi's Attitude Score is 1 or higher, she will
use her Ally Tactic: Watchful Guardian to assist

Pentamei. Nhomi and Pentamei act on the If you are defeated by the Zhentarim
same round of initiative. Pentamei will remain raiders and Vasara, go to
adjacent to Nhomi and can act on Nhomi's turn
if Nhomi uses an action to command the bear DEFEAT COMES FOR US ALL

to attack. If Nhomi is unconscious, Pentamei

will attack any enemies that come within melee If you defeat the Zhentarim raiders and
range. If you are grappling Nhomi at the start Vasara, go to LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY
of the fight, you will need to make an Animal
Handling check DC 15 in order to befriend
Pentamei, otherwise the bear will treat you as
an enemy and attack you throughout the fight.
Zhentarim. Two Zhentarim (including
Vasara) will move to attack the closest enemy
at the start of the fight, while the two remaining Zhentarim Raider (R)
Zhentarim will use their crossbows, covering Medium humanoid, any
the entrance to the stables to prevent escape.
Depending on the initiative, the raiders may Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
target your character and Vattar, or they may
rush forward to attack Nhomi and Pentamei. If Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
the raiders move through your threatened area, Speed 30 ft.
you may make an Opportunity Attack. The
raiders will attempt to flank an opponent
whenever possible. All of the raiders will fight STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
until they are defeated. 11 12 12 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Vasara. The elven assassin Vasara has a (+0) (+1) (+1)
Ring of Misty Step, and will use the ring to
teleport behind Pentamei and Nhomi once Senses Passive Perception 10
Vasara drops to half her hit points. After
teleporting, she will attempt to grapple Nhomi Languages Any one language (usually common)
(automatic success if Nhomi is still poisoned).
If Vasara successfully grapples Nhomi, go to Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

the options block below. Actions

Vattar. Vattar will attack adjacent targets Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
first, and move to attack any enemies targeting ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
your character after that. If Vattar has an
Attitude Score of 3 or higher, he will use his Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
Ally Tactic: Bad Luck, whenever it is available. hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1)
Stalls. The horse stalls have 5' high walls on piercing damage.

all sides, with iron bars that extend to the

cieling on the sides that share a wall with an
adjactent horse stall. Any creature taking cover
within a horse stall receives three-quarters

What happens next?

If Vasara successfully grapples Nhomi, go

If Nhomi dies from the poison, go to

Vasara (A) Vattar Kasari (V)
Medium elf, chaotic evil Medium half-elf rogue, chaotic good

Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor) Armor Class 14 (leather armor)

Hit Points 27 (6d8) Hit Points 18 (3d8 + 5)

Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

10 15 10 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 16 11 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
(+1) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+3) (+0)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Elvish, Abyssal Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarf

Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Cunning Action. On each of her turns, Vasara can Fey Ancestry. Vattar has advantage on saving
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t
or Hide action. put him to sleep.
Sneak Attack. Vasara deals an extra 7 (2d6) Sneak Attack. Vattar deals an extra 7 (2d6)
damage when she hits a target with a weapon damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of
Vasara that isn't incapacitated and Vasara doesn't Vattar that isn't incapacitated and Vattar doesn't
have disadvantage on the attack roll. have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Assassinate. Vattar has advantage on attack rolls
Actions against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in
Multiattack. Vasara makes two melee attacks. combat yet. In addition, any hit he scores against
a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing Actions
Dual Wield. Vattar makes two weapon attacks:
Dagger. Melee or Raanged Weapon Attack: +4 to one with his shortsword, and one with his dagger.
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to damage.
hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage. Dagger. Melee or Raanged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
Ring of Misty Step. This ring has 3 charges, and it 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
When activated, Vasara is briefly surrounded by Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
silvery mist, and teleports up to 30 feet to an hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
unoccupied space that she can see. piercing damage.
Bad Luck (Recharge 5–6). Ally Tactic: When a
creature Vattar can see attacks a target other than
himself, or the creature rolls a saving throw
against a spell, Vattar can use his reaction to
impose a penalty to the the roll equal to his
Dexterity modifier.

Nhomi (N) Pentamei (P)
Medium human ranger, neutral good Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Armor Class 11 (natural armor)

Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Hit Points 34 (4d10 + 12)

Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

11(+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 15 Skills Perception +3

Languages Common, Elvish Senses passive Perception 13

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Languages -

Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Favored Enemy (Beasts). Nhomi has advantage on
Wisdom (Survival) checks to track her favored
enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to Keen Smell. Pentamei has advantage on Wisdom
recall information about them. (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Ranger’s Companion (Pentamei). Nhomi gains a
beast companion that accompanies her on her Actions
adventures and is trained to fight alongside her. Multiattack. Pentamei makes two attacks: one
On her turn, she can verbally command the beast with his bite and one with his claws.
where to move (no action required). She can use
her action to verbally command it to take the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action. one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. Nhomi is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Her Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
+1 to hit with spell attacks). Nhomi has the
following ranger spells prepared:
1st level (3 slots): cure wounds, ensnaring strike,

Pitchfork. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Watchful Guardian (Rechage 5-6) . Ally Tactic:
When a creature Nhomi can see attacks a target
other than herself, and if Pentamei is within 5
feet of the target, Nhomi can use her reaction to
order Pentamei to intercept the attack. Pentamei
takes the full amount of damage instead of the
intended target.

Stand Down, Or She Dies Proceed from where you left off in the initiative
“Stand down, or she dies!” Vasara shouts. and finish the battle. No healing mechanics can
The fighting stops. Your heart races in your save Nhomi during the remainder of the fight.
chest. Beads of sweat drip from your brow.
Vasara is standing behind Nhomi, a curved
dagger at her throat. The elven woman’s eyes Defeat Comes For Us All
are like ice, devoid of emotion. She meets your You fall to your knees, your wounds bleeding
gaze and grins knowingly. Nhomi seems profusely. A sudden stab at the middle of your
unsteady on her feet, remnants of the poison back causes you to cry out in pain. You fall
still lingering in her body. facedown on the floor of the stables, and your
“I will not hesitate to open this woman’s vision goes dark.
throat,” Vasara threatens, jerking Nhomi’s chin
up and pressing the dagger against her skin. « You were defeated by Vasara and the
“Drop your weapons, and we may avoid further Zhentarim raiders! If you are playing Hardcore
bloodshed. Do not tempt me.” The tip of mode, roll up a new character and try again. If
Vasara’s dagger digs into the pale skin of you are playing Story mode, you may start the
Nhomi’s throat, drawing a bead of red blood. fight over for another chance at success. »
Pentamei growls nearby, the bear posturing
to attack at any moment.
Live To See Another Day
What happens next?
As the last of the raiders falls, thunder booms
overhead. There is a sudden flash of light from
Make a ranged attack at the hand holding outside, followed by bestial roars and shrieks of
the dagger to Nhomi’s throat. Go to pain.
Vattar staggers forward, weary from battle.
« Congratulations! You have defeated Vasara
Drop your weapons and say that this does and the Zhentarim raiders! You manage to
not need to end in further bloodshed. Go recover 16 gold, 20 silver, and 3 copper pieces
from the bodies of the fallen, along with a Ring
to SURRENDER of Misty Step (2 uses remaining. See Vasara's
enemy block for details). »
Say that Vasara had better make it quick,
your next attack will be aimed at her What happens next?
(Intimidation). Go to IDLE THREATS
If Nhomi died from the poison, go to
Say that Nhomi is valuable to Malisar’s PLAGUESTRICKEN

army, you don’t believe that Vasara will kill

Nhomi in cold blood (Persuasion). Go to If Vasara killed Nhomi, go to

If Nhomi is still alive and no longer

With a shriek of pain, Nhomi curls into a ball, poisoned, go to FEELING BETTER
shuddering violently. Her veins are black,
coursing with poison. Her eyes are devoid of If Nhomi is still alive and still poisoned, go
color, dripping with blood. Finally, Nhomi's to WASTING AWAY
shuddering stops, and the woman ceases to

A Quick Strike « Subtract -1 from Vattar’s Attitude Score. »
With blinding speed, you ready your weapons, Proceed from where you left off in the initiative
focusing on the arm holding the dagger against and finish the battle. No healing mechanics can
Nhomi’s throat. With a split second of save Nhomi during the remainder of the fight.
concentration, you make your attack...
« Make a ranged attack against Vasara with a
spell or a ranged weapon. The attack has Surrender
disadvantage. » You drop your weapons, and raise your hands
in the air. The weapons clatter to the floor. The
sound makes your heart skip and your stomach
What happens next? drop. You hope that you made the right
Does the attack hit? Go to FUMBLE Vattar looks at you apprehensively. His jaw
tightens. With a curt nod, he drops his weapons
Does the attack miss? Go to and mimics your posture.
Vasara nods and moves forward. Pentamei
growls menacingly. In a surge of rippling
muscle and fur, the bear lunges forward, claws
raking across Vasara, tearing through her
Fumble leather armor. The elf hisses in pain, staggering
backward and dropping her dagger.
Your attack strikes true. Vasara hisses in pain, Nhomi falls to her knees, clutching at her
staggering backward and dropping her dagger. throat, suddenly aware of her surroundings.
Nhomi falls to her knees, clutching at her You can see blood running through her fingers.
throat, suddenly aware of her surroundings. Her eyes are wide with fright, but the panic
You can see blood running through her fingers. quickly turns to anger. Nhomi snarls and spins,
Her eyes are wide with fright, but the panic throwing a kick towards Vasara’s midsection.
quickly turns to anger. Nhomi snarls and spins, The strike connects, and the elf assassin emits
throwing a kick towards Vasara’s midsection. a gasp as she doubles over in pain.
The strike connects, and the elf assassin emits
a gasp as she doubles over in pain. Read the following additional tactics and
proceed from where you left off in the initiative
Read the following additional tactics and to finish the battle.
proceed from where you left off in the initiative Vasara. The elven assassin will attempt to
to finish the battle. subdue Nhomi at all costs, attacking the
Vasara. The elven assassin will attempt to human woman until Nhomi is unconscious.
subdue Nhomi at all costs, attacking the
human woman until Nhomi is unconscious.
Idle Threats
A Bloody Mess “A bold statement. Do not take this lightly,”
Vasara retorts, strengthening her hold on
Your attack misses. Nhomi.
“So be it.” With one quick jerk, Vasara slices She slides the edge of her blade against the
Nhomi’s throat. Red blood begins to spill out pale flesh of Nhomi’s neck. A thin trail of blood
onto the loose straw as Nhomi collapses to the appears on the surface of Nhomi’s skin in the
floor of the stables, choking and clutching at wake of the blade’s passing. Nhomi emits a
her wound. pained cry and visibly struggles in Vasara’s
You stare in shock, horrified at what has just grasp. The elf clenches her jaw and jerks
occurred. Maybe there is still a chance for you Nhomi violently, holding her tighter, the blade
to save her. Maybe-- digging deeper against the skin of her captive’s
“No!” Vattar shouts in despair. Weapons neck.
begin to clash once more.

“Malisar can heal any malady, including “This one falls on you,” Vattar says, his voice
death itself. This would be just one of many tight. He scrubs a hand through his dark hair.
obstacles that remain before us. Do not tempt “We should have dropped our weapons when
me.” Vasara glares at you. You get the feeling we had the chance.”
that she will not back down.
How do you respond?
How do you respond?
Say that there was nothing you could do.
Make a ranged attack at the hand holding Go to NO CHOICE
the dagger against Nhomi’s throat. Go to
Stay silent. Go to
Drop your weapons and say that this does
not need to end in further bloodshed. Go
to SURRENDER Say that at least someone is paying
attention to the count, you’re no longer
keeping track. Go to COLD WORDS
Plaguestricken Feeling Better
Nhomi lies on the floor of the stables, Nhomi looks up at the roof of the stables,
unmoving. Pentamei sits beside her, whining listening intently.
gently and nuzzling the palm of her hand. “As you can see, we’re on your side,” Vattar
Splotchy veins protrude from her skin, running says through ragged gasps of breath. He
the length of her body like jagged black rivers. sheaths his weapons and leans on a nearby
“If only we had moved faster,” Vattar curses. stall, shaking his head.
His eyes move across Nhomi’s corpse. “Quiet!” Nhomi holds up a hand for silence.
Pentamei emits a low growl. Pentamei cocks his head slightly, listening to
Another blinding flash of light illuminates the some distant sound.
stables, followed by a peal of thunder. Rain Another blinding flash of light illuminates the
begins to fall, pattering gently on the rooftop. stables, followed by a peal of thunder.
“What in Talos’ name is going on out there?” Rain begins to fall, pattering gently on the
Vattar asks, moving towards the stable door rooftop.
and peering outside. “What in Talos’ name is going on out there?”
Vattar asks, keeping his weapons drawn.
What do you do? With a screech of metal, the door to the
stables is ripped open. An elf wearing a crown
Examine Nhomi’s wounds (Medicine). Go of antlers and a moss-green cloak stands in the
to CHECK VITALS entryway, silhouetted by steam, mist, and
dispersing smoke. Two striped tigers pad
forward to stand on either side of the elf, their
Follow Vattar and peer outside mouths and chests red with blood.
(Perception). Go to PEER OUTSIDE

A Lifeless Body
Nhomi lies face-down on the floor of the
stables, unmoving. Pentamei sits beside her,
whining gently and nuzzling the palm of her
hand. A pool of blood surrounds Nhomi’s body,
slowly spreading outward from her corpse.

Rain falls heavily from dark clouds overhead, Peer Outside
extinguishing the flames that had been raging Many of the fires that had once been raging
through the village. Vattar stands at the ready, throughout the village have been extinguished.
his weapons raised before him. A smoky haze lingers in the air. Fat drops of
“Drop your weapons, and I can guarantee rain fall heavily from dark clouds overhead.
your safety,” the elf states coldly. A figure suddenly apppears before you,
staggering through the mist and smoke. It is
Go to: UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL one of the Zhentarim raiders.
The man's eyes are wide with fright. One arm
hangs limply at his side. Blood trickles from a
series of thick gashes in his shoulder.
Wasting Away There is a loud roar from nearby. A dark
shape leaps from the fog, crashing into the
Nhomi is crouched beside one of the horse raider. Both beast and man disappear from
stalls and coughing violently. Dark spittle sight as they tumble into a nearby cloud of
lingers on her lips. The saliva is thick and smoke.
tainted with poison. "Was that a... tiger?" Vattar asks.
“We need to help her!” Vattar shouts, rushing Suddenly, there is a loud clap of thunder. A
towards the woman. large blast of wind buffets you, sending you and
Pentamei roars at Vattar, revealing rows of Vattar reeling backwards.
sharp teeth.
“Easy there,” Vattar says, holding up his « Make a Constitution saving throw, DC 16. »
hands and taking a few steps back. “Maybe you
had better check on her.” Vattar motions for
you to approach Nhomi. What happens next?


What do you do?

Attempt to ease the bear’s fierce Failure? Go to KNOCKED PRONE

demeanor (Animal Handling). Go to
Maintain Footing
Rush forward to treat Nhomi’s injuries You stagger back a few paces but manage to
(Medicine), ignoring the threat from the maintain your footing.
bear. Go to RECKLESS AID Vattar is thrown from his feet, falling to the
floor and sliding in the loose hay before resting
in a slump against a nearby stall. He groans
softly and rolls onto his side, still conscious.
Check Vitals
You move towards Nhomi, reaching out a hand
towards her still body. Pentamei eyes you Go to: A NEW ARRIVAL

curiously, baring his fangs as you reach out

your hand towards Nhomi.
« Make a Medicine check, DC 10. »
Knocked Prone
You and Vattar are thrown from your feet,
falling to the floor and sliding in the loose hay
What happens next? before coming to a stop against a nearby stall.
Vattar groans softly, still alive, and still
Success? Go to A SLOW DEATH conscious.


A New Arrival Tame the Wild Beast
With a screech of metal, the door to the stables The bear stops growling and begins to nuzzle
is ripped open. An elf wearing a crown of your hand. You kneel beside Nhomi's body and
antlers and a moss-green cloak stands in the look her over. She is not well.
entryway. The figure is silhouetted by steam,
mist, and dispersing smoke. Two striped tigers Go to: A SLOW DEATH
stand on either side of the elf, their mouths and
chests red with blood.
“Drop your weapons, and I can guarantee
that you will not be harmed,” the elf states A Slow Death
Nhomi’s veins are dark, bulging across the
length of her body. Her eyes are black. You are
How do you respond? uncertain if you will be able to heal the poison
that courses through her veins...
Ask the elf who he is. Go to INQUIRIES


Tell the elf to look around. He needs to
leave immediately if he doesn't want to
end up like the corpses littered about the
room. Go to MY HANDIWORK Roar
Pentamei emits a bestial roar. The creature’s
Abide by the druid’s request and drop your bloodied maw glistens with sharp teeth. You
weapons. Go to DROP WEAPONS get the feeling that the bear is not going to let
you anywhere near Nhomi’s body.


You move cautiously toward the bear, your

posture submissive, your eyes lowered.
« Make an Animal Handling check, DC 14. » Beyond Your Skill
The sight of Nhomi's infected body is sickening,
What happens next? and unfortunately beyond your skill to heal. She
will need strong magical healing in order to
Success? Go to BEAR TAMER


Failure? Go to ROAR

Reckless Aid
Rushing forward, you ignore the threat from
the bear and crouch beside Nhomi’s body.
Pentamei roars. You flinch instinctively, but
focus your attention on the task at hand. To
your surprise, the bear does not attack you.


Making An Entrance Listen quietly. Go to SHANRIEL'S FATE
With a screech of metal, the door to the stables
is ripped open. A blonde elf wearing a crown of
antlers and a moss-green cloak stands in the
entryway. The figure is silhouetted by steam, No Choice
mist, and dispersing smoke. Two white tigers “Really? You think we had no choice?” Vattar
with black stripes stand on either side of the scoffs. He turns away from the body. “She gave
elf, their mouths and chests red with blood. us a choice. Vasara told us to surrender. We
Rain falls heavily from dark clouds overhead. should have known better than to test our luck
The flames that had been raging throughout with a Zhentarim assassin.”
the village sputter and die from the torrential
Vattar stands alert. Two daggers rest in the How do you respond?
palms of his hands, ready to throw. Say that you and Vattar would both be
“Drop your weapons, and I can guarantee dead if you had done nothing. Go to
that you will not be harmed,” the elf states
calmly. REAL TALK

How do you respond? Say that Vattar had a choice as well. He

could have helped you. Go to
Ask the elf who he is. Go to INQUIRIES BLAME GAME

Tell the elf to look around. He needs to Say that it’s no use wasting time talking
leave immediately if he doesn't want to about this now. You need to figure out
end up like the corpses littered about the what your next move is. Go to

Abide by the druid’s request and drop your

weapons. Go to DROP WEAPONS
Cold Words
Vattar shakes his head, an incredulous look on
Unexpected Arrival his face. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
Before you can speak, Nhomi rushes past you Maybe I was wrong to come here and ask for
and embraces the newcomer. Pentamei pads your help. You’ve obviously changed.”
forward and sniffs at one of the tigers flanking Another blinding flash of light illuminates the
the newcomer. The tiger jerks its head away stables, followed by a peal of thunder. Rain
from the bear and growls menacingly. begins to fall, pattering gently on the rooftop.
“Hush, Yuria,” the elf hisses sharply, as he Your ally walks a few paces towards the door,
pulls himself away from the embrace. The elf squinting out into the smoke-filled stableyard.
looks Nhomi in the eyes. “We must make haste. “Just answer me this,” Vattar whispers,
Tabin and Kanthis are causing a distraction, turning his attention back to you. “Just how
but I do not know for how much longer. They much are you willing to sacrifice to defeat
are fighting the remaining bandits. You must Malisar once and for all?”
tell me everything. Where is Shanriel?” « Subtract -3 from Vattar’s attitude score.
Change your alignment to Chaotic Evil. »
What do you do?

Interrupt the conversation and ask who

this man is. Go to WHO ARE YOU?

Real Talk
How do you respond?
"Maybe," Vattar says. "But maybe not. We'll
Say that you are willing to sacrifice never know now." He turns awy from you and
everything. Malisar must be stopped at all peers cautiously outside. "Something strange
costs. Go to EVERYTHING is going on out here."

Say that you truly don’t know. Go to Go to: PEER OUTSIDE


Say that Vattar will just have to wait and Blame Game
see. Go to WAIT AND SEE "And risk Nhomi's life in the process? I wasn't
about to take that chance," Vattar replies. He
sighs and moves to the stable door, peering
cautiously outside.
Quiet Contemplation "Either we are incredibly lucky, or the gods
“You have nothing to say for your actions?” are on our side for once," Vattar says. "Come
Vattar spins around and glares at you. and take a look at this."
Another blinding flash of light illuminates the
stables, followed by a peal of thunder. Rain Go to: PEER OUTSIDE
begins to fall, pattering gently on the rooftop.

How do you respond?

Moving On
Ask how Vattar feels about abandoning a "Yes, you're probably right. This isn't the first
village of innocent people? There are time we've lost someone, and it won't be the
others that will share the same fate last."
because of his inaction. Go to Vattar makes his way over to the stable doors
INNOCENT VILLAGERS and peers outside. "Come and take a look at
this, something strange is going on out here."
Say that Vattar had better choose his
words carefully, you do not answer to a Go to: PEER OUTSIDE
lowly thief. Go to CHOOSE YOUR WORDS
Say that Vattar needs to keep his personal Innocent Villagers
feelings to himself. This is a war, people
die. Go to WAR IS HELL Vattar looks at the ground and nods slowly. "If
it means Malisar will no longer walk freely
through this realm -- if it means he will no
Say that Nhomi was nothing to them, and longer destroy the homes and the lives of the
ask why Vattar cares. Go to innocent -- then I will gladly make the same
THE WOMAN WAS NOTHING choice again."
The rogue looks at you. His eyes are cold.
"Do not let your friend's sacrifices be in vain."


War Is Hell Uncertain
"While that may be true, we have to remember "You're being serious, aren't you?" Vattar asks
what side we are on, otherwise, we are no inredulously. "You really don't know how far
better than Malisar." you would go..."
Vattar walks to the stable doors and looks
outside. There is another flash of light and
thunder booms in the distance. "Come and Go to: A NEW ARRIVAL

take a look at this. Something strange is going

on out here."
Wait and See
Vattar grips his weapons tightly. "Let's hope it
doesn't come to that."

Choose Your Words Go to: A NEW ARRIVAL

Vattar looks at you blankly. "That may have

been true many years ago, but not anymore.
You had best remember that."
« Subtract -1 from Vattar's Attitude Score. » "My name is of no concern to you. I won't ask
you ag---," The elf stops speaking. His eyes look
Go to: A NEW ARRIVAL past you, fixating on Nhomi.


The Woman Was Nothing

"Gods, you really have changed, haven't you?
What are you still running from? Serius is My Handiwork
dead! It wasn't your fault. We all failed that The elf snorts. "It is unwise to intimidate a man
day." Vattar looks away from you and lowers his with two pet tigers, especially when they are
voice. "In more ways than one..." hungry. I will only tell you one more time. Drop
« Subtract -1 from Vattar's Attitude Score. » your weapons."

Go to: A NEW ARRIVAL How do you respond?

Ask the elf who he is. Go to INQUIRIES

Everything Abide by the druid’s request and drop your

"I... I don't want to believe you. But I think that weapons. Go to DROP WEAPONS
you're telling the truth." Vattar looks at you with
uncertainty. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."


Drop Weapons Recognition
You drop your weapons and hold up your The elf takes a step forward. A look of
hands. Vattar sighs and mimics your posture. confusion furrows his brow. Suddenly his eyes
"A wise decision, my friend," the elf says grow wide. “Nhomi…?”
moving into the stables. "A wise decision..." His The elf rushes forward. “Yasha, Murani,
voice trails off as he looks past you, his eyes aeladeth,” the elf commands.
fixated on Nhomi. The tigers move quickly with their master,
creating a perimeter of safety around him as he
approaches Nhomi. The yellow eyes of Yasha
and Murani follow your every move.
“How long has she been like this?” The elf
asks. He kneels beside Nhomi and places a
gloved hand over her chest. "What have you
Who Are You? done to her...?" His voice trails off and his eyes
“I am sorry, my name is Tathalan,” the elf says narrow with anger.
hurriedly, his blue eyes flicking between you Without warning, the elf leaps to his feet, an
and Vattar. “I am a traveler and protector of the intricately carved spear suddenly appearing is
woodland realm, and I am also the warden of in his hands. The point on the weapon is level
Shanriel Dalderissinia.” He gives you a slight with your neck, mere inches from your skin.
nod and turns back to Nhomi. “Nhomi, where "Pentamei," the elf says, nodding towards
is she?” Vattar. "If that one moves, you have my
“I’m sorry, Tathalan. Shanriel is still being permission to end him."
held within the ruins. One of the Zhentarim Vattar's eyes grow wide. "Just wait a minute,"
helped me escape. A man named Marric. He the half-elf protests. "We had nothing to do
was only able to free one of us before they with this! We tried to save Nhomi from the
discovered his betrayal. We barely made it out Zhentarim. She nearly skewered my friend
of the ruins alive! And Marric… he used one of there." Vattar nods in your direction.
the stones to keep us safe. I… I think he might
be dead.” How do you respond?

Tell the tale of what transpired the

Go to: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT previous night, and how you were
defending the village from the Zhentarim.
Shanriel's Fate
Ask how the elf knows Nhomi. Go to
“I’m sorry, Tathalan,” Nhomi says looking at her
feet. “Shanriel is still being held within the SUSPICIOUS
ruins. A man named Marric helped us. He was
one of the Zhentarim. He was only able to free Lay It All Out
one of us before the others found out. We
barely made it out of the ruins! And Marric, "I see..." the elf's voice trails off as he thinks for
he… he used one of the stones to keep us safe. a moment. The elf glances between you and
I… I think he might be dead. We were Vattar. "I am sorry for misjudging you. My
separated.” name is Tathalan," he lowers his spear and
gives a slight bow. "Other members of my
Order are hunting the remaining raiders, but
Go to: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT some may yet lurk in the shadows. If you can
keep a watch, I may be able to help Nhomi. She
is just barely clinging to this life." Without
waiting for an answer, the elf turns his
attention back to the woman on the floor of the

Go to: HEALING HANDS How do you respond?

Inquire about the information that Nhomi

possesses. Go to

"I practically raised her," the elf says. "And I am

the reason she is in this state." His mouth sets
in a grim line, and he falls silent for a moment. Healing Hands
"I should have known she would try to help
Shanriel." Tathalan takes a deep breath and begins to
"Shanriel?" Vattar asks hesitantly. "Shanriel chant softly. His motions are precise, exact. He
of House Dalderissinia?" opens the pouch and pulls forth a moss-
The elf nods. "My ward and protege. covered stone and a small glass vial. He pours
Shanriel was studying with me, learning the the contents of the vial over the stone,
ways of my Order..." He trails off as he lowers sprinkling Nhomi's face and chest with small
his spear and draws a leather pouch from beads of water.
beneath his cloak. Tathalan's chanting grows louder. A blinding
"It is clear to me that you are not with the light radiates from the stone. The mossy rock
raiders. I apologize for misjudging you. My begins to rotate, spinning faster and faster,
name is Tathalan." The elf gives a slight bow. hovering over Nhomi's bloated, poison infested
"Other members of my Order are hunting body. Dark tendrils of energy begin to emerge
down the remaining raiders, but some may yet from Nhomi's skin, swirling and coalescing into
lurk in the shadows. If you can keep a watch, I a single black cloud of necrotic vapor. The
may be able to help Nhomi. If you try to run, or moss begins to flake away as the stone
break my trust in any way, know that Yasha and continues to twirl, drawing the necrotic vapor
Murani are swift in stride, and quick with their out of Nhomi's body.
retribution." There is a sudden flash of light and a gust of
wind. You shield your eyes with your arm,
blinking back spots from your vision. As your
How do you respond? sight returns, you witness Tathalan scooping
Move towards the stable doors and keep a Nhomi up into his arms. The woman's skin is
smooth and pale, the dark, splotchy veins now
lookout. Go to SENTRY DUTY only a horrific, distant memory.
"She needs to rest," Tathalan says as he
Ask Tathalan about Princess Shanriel. Go approaches you. Nhomi groans softly, gently
stirring in the elf's arms, alive and well.
to PRINCESS Vattar raises an eyebrow and approaches
Tathalan. "Will she live?"
"I have done what I can for her," Tathalan
replies, his voice heavy with exhaustion. Beads
of sweat litter his brow, and his eyes seem
Nhomi turns to you. “Thank you for helping sunken and hollow. The spell must have taken
me,” she says. “I am sorry for not believing you a heavy toll on the sun elf. "I need to bring
earlier, but you can understand my confusion Nhomi to my Order's guildhall. She has vital
with that cloaked draped about your information to deliver to the elder druids."
shoulders.” She motions to the Zhentarim Vattar nods. "We can escort you as far as the
cloak you are wearing. outskirts of the village, but I'm afraid it's there
“Indeed, thank you for your aid,” Tathalan that we must part ways."
adds. “And thank you for assisting Nhomi. She
has information that we desperately need to
bring back to the Circle.”

Tathalan nods in agreement. "Then let us be on Ask why Tathalan did not gather other
our way. Quickly now." members of his Circle and investigate the
threat themselves. Go to

Ask about Princess Shanriel. Go to

Important Information SHANRIEL

Tathalan’s brow furrows. “I do not believe that

this is the time or place to discuss such things,
although since you did save Nhomi, I suppose I Sentry Duty
can spare a moment to answer any questions The air outside is cool and crisp. The fires are
that you have.” all but extinguished, leaving the burnt remains
Nhomi nods and glances at the smoke and of homes to smolder in the early morning light.
mist lingering outside the stables. Though the A heavy mist and smoky haze lingers in the air.
heavy rainfall now masks the sounds of battle, The mist curls around the tops of your boots
you can hear voices in the distance. and filters slowly into the stables. Heavy drops
“We had best be quick. I think there are of rain continue to fall from gray clouds
more of them out there.” Nhomi says. overhead.
Tathalan shakes his head. “Most will have
fled the village by now. My brothers are hunting « Make a Perception check, DC 11. »
down those that still remain. We only counted
twenty or so from the air before we struck.” What happens next?
“From the air?” Vattar asks.
“Yes, a hawk's sight is far more keen than my Success? Go to SOMETHING STIRS
own. We did not know for certain if Nhomi was
here, but we could not ignore the injustices Failure? Go to
befalling this village. We had to intervene to NOTHING MOVES

maintain the balance.

“Silvanus guided us,” Tathalan continues,
making a religious gesture with his hands. Princess
“Nhomi has information of a dark threat
brewing within Kyrptgarden Forest. She was a "There will be time for questions later,"
member of a scouting party tasked with Tathalan says. "For now, I must attend to
ascertaining the true nature of this evil.” The elf Nhomi."
sighs and shakes his head. "And for that, I am Vattar approaches you. "From what I have
sorry." gathered on my travels, Shanriel is an elven
“You can't blame yourself,” Nhomi says, princess. She's the eldest daughter of House
placing a hand on Tathalan’s shoulder. “You had Dalderissinia. I'm surprised she's this far from
no idea what would happen. When Shanriel Evereska, to say the least."
makes up her mind, we both know that there is
no talking her out of it.” Go to: HEALING HANDS
“The weight of my decisions lie with me,”
Tathalan states flatly. “The Zhentarim captured
Nhomi, and Princess Shanriel, my ward and
How do you respond?

Say that Tathalan is not doing a very good

job as a Warden. Go to LOUSY WARDEN

Lousy Warden Ask what the Zhentarim did to Shanriel
“Shanriel’s actions are hers and hers alone. I and others. Go to HORROR STORIES
cannot control the will of another. I can only
offer guidance in carrying out the will of
Silvanus,” Tathalan says calmly.
« Subtract -1 from Nhomi's Attitude Score. »
“As I said before, Princess Shanriel is my
protege and my ward,” Tathalan says. “I was
What do you do? teaching her the ways of our Circle. She has an
innate ability to communicate with the
Ask why Tathalan did not gather other creatures of this realm, and is blessed with a
members of his Circle and investigate the powerful bond to channel the divine might of
threat themselves. Go to Silvanus.
DRUID CIRCLE “We had heard rumors from our woodland
allies. Voices on the wind carrying dark tidings.
Ask about Princess Shanriel. Go to Shanriel was concerned over this looming
threat,” Tathalan looks out into the gathering
SHANRIEL mists. “I told her that we would need to send
word to our allies, and find undeniable proof of
Say that you’ve heard enough, and tell this rising threat before taking action. Shanriel
them that you and Vattar are heading to grew impatient.”
the ruins to put a stop to this threat. Go to
ACTION PLAN How do you respond?

Ask how Nhomi fits into all of this. Go to

Druid Circle
“We only have a small number of druids that
patrol this region,” Tathalan says. “Members of
my Order would not band together and fight Something Stirs
back against this darkness until we had There is a brief flicker of movement in the
undeniable proof that this new threat was real, smoke and mist. You reach for your weapon,
and could negatively impact the balance that ready to attack.
we maintain.” A dog scampers out of the fog, quickly
“They are real,” Nhomi says softly, her mouth trotting across the stableyard. It pauses for a
set in a firm line. “They are very real.” She has moment near a corpse lying face-down in the
a distant look in her eyes and is quiet for a dirt -- one of the Zhentarim raiders you felled
moment. “I’m sorry,” Nhomi says, shaking her earlier.
head. “But the things that they are doing to the The dog's fur is matted and singed. It takes a
people here -- what they did to Shanriel, and to moment to sniff the corpse, then perks it's head
me -- is terrible! I would never wish it on up, ears forward. It looks right at you, and then
another creature of this realm!” She raises her quickly darts away, disappearing into another
hand to the stone embedded in her forehead hazy cloud of smoke.
and winces. Your muscles relax, but you remain vigilant.

How do you respond? Go to: HEALING HANDS

Ask why Nhomi has not yet Turned. Go to


Nothing Moves Turning
The rolling mist and heavy rainfall obscures "I... I truly do not know," Nhomi replies. "But I
your vision. It's hard to see much of anything can feel it, just at the edge of my emotions,
amidst the smoking ruins of the village. ebbing like a tide, just waiting to overtake me
and turn me into something else. Something...


Nhomi's Role
“Nhomi serves the Emerald Enclave, and
guides and protects travelers as they make Horror Stories
their way through forests in this region,” “Have you not seen them yet? The twisted
Tathalan says. “Nhomi arrived at my cabin a creatures called the Turned?” Nhomi shudders.
few nights before Shanriel disappeared.”
“I had heard about the disturbances in the
forest and wanted to help," Nhomi says. How do you respond?
"Although I have not known her long, Shanriel Say that you may have had a few
has always been willful. I knew that it was only encounters with these creatures. Go to
a matter of time before she decided to head out
on her own. When I caught up with her, she CLOSE ENCOUNTERS

was unwilling to listen to reason. Something

was drawing her to the ruins. And then...” Say that they are no threat to you, they
Nhomi lets out a heavy sigh. “They found us. It bleed just like everything else. Go to
was almost as if they were waiting for us.” CONFIDENT
“The Zhentarim have expert scouts,” Vattar
says, nodding slowly. “Though your home is in
the forest, their home is in the shadows. It
wouldn’t have been hard for them to funnel you Close Encounters
into a trap.” Nhomi nods. "Then you have seen how truly
gruesome this dark magic can be. One does
What do you do? not only shed their skin and turn into
something else, but their soul is also no longer
Ask why Tathalan did not gather other their own. Once they turn, they serve
members of his Circle and investigate the something else... something not from this
threat themselves. Go to plane."


Say that you’ve heard enough, and tell
them that you and Vattar are heading to
the ruins to put a stop to this threat. Go to

Confident "I agree," Tathalan says with a nod. "Though
Nhomi scoffs and shakes her head. “You are we should see what aid we can give to the
confident if nothing else, but I disagree. These wounded."
creatures are birthed from a dark magic. Blood "I'm afraid that my companion and I don't
sacrifices and pacts with an ancient evil have have time for that," Vattar replies. "We need to
given the runestones their power.” act quickly, while we still have the element of
How do you respond?

Say that your responsibility lies in

defeating the true threat to this land. Go to
“I have witnessed the horrors of the Blood
Witch’s dark magic with my own eyes,” Nhomi Say that you wish you could take time to
continues, rubbing at the raw skin on her aid the injured, but you are needed
wrists. She raises her hand to the stone
embedded in her forehead and winces. elsewhere. Go to NEEDED ELSEWHERE
“Somehow, they are siphoning Shanriel’s
powers and creating these runestones. Once
the runestones are bound to you, they tap into
the dark sorcery imbued within, and you True Threat
transform into one of those… things. You "I admire your courage," Tathalan replies.
become one of the Turned.” "Though I do not agree with your choice, I
know there is no talking you out of this. If you
have faced this threat before, maybe you will
What do you do?
have an edge in defeating this evil."
Say that you’ve heard enough, and tell
them that you and Vattar are heading to Go to: NEXT STEPS
the ruins to put a stop to this threat. Go to

Needed Elsewhere
Action Plan "I understand," Tathalan says with a nod. "My
brothers and I will see what we can do to help
"A bold decision," Tathalan says. "But I advise those that still require aid., then Nhomi and I
you to wait. My Order will surely intervene will make for my Order's stronghold."
once they hear what Nhomi has witnessed, and
what the girl possesses." « You may treat this discussion as a short rest.
"And wait for another village to be put to the You may spend hit dice to recover hit points, as
torch?" Vattar asks. "I've traveled far to finally well as recharge any abiltiies as your class
put an end to Malisar, and I mean to do just allows. »
that. We fought him once, we can do it again."
Vattar looks at you. “Malisar will soon learn
that his raid was unsuccessful. We need to get Go to: NEXT STEPS

as far away from this village as possible, before

he sends another group of Zhentarim and more
of those creatures after us.”

Tathalan leads the way out of the stables and
into the cool morning air. The smoldering
remains of homes and heavy rainfall obscures
your vision, making it difficult to see more than Something Approaches
thirty feet ahead of you. Through the smoke and haze ahead, you are
Suddenly, the ground rumbles beneath your able to make out a giant silhouette lumbering
feet. Vattar draws up alongside you, his boots through the middle of the village, roughly sixty
squelching in the mud. Another loud thud feet away. The shape stands taller than the
echoes in the distance. The ground shakes in houses of Verland, and each step causes the
response. earth to tremble beneath your feet.
"This is not good," Vattar says with a slow
What happens next? shake of his head. Your ally draws his weapons.
The silhouetted mass stops moving. Without
If Nhomi is alive and well, go to warning, a massive stone is hurled through the
smoke and mist in your direction!
« Roll a 1d4. On a 4, you are the target of this
If Tathalan is carrying Nhomi in her attack. If you are the target of this attack, make
weakened state, go to a ranged attack roll (1d20 + 5) against your AC.
The attack has disadvantage due to the heavy
rainfall. »

What happens next?

Nhomi places a hand on Tathalan's shoulder. Does the stone hit you? Go to STONED
The sun elf looks at her, a worried expression
on his face. Another rumble draws your Does the stone miss you? Go to
attention back towards the heart of the village.
"Something is coming," Tathalan says LEAP ASIDE
sharply, throwing back his cloak and drawing
forth an intricately carved spear. The point of Did the stone target someone else? Go to
the spear gleams faintly in the gray morning

Pentamei growls and moves forward,

shielding Nhomi with his large frame.
Tathalan's striped tigers move forward, Stoned
lowering their bodies into a steathly crouch,
ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble. With a mighty crash, the massive boulder
strikes you solidly in the chest. Your bones
crunch loudly, and you fall to the ground.
« Roll 1d8 + 5 bludgeoning damage. Subtract
the result from your hit points. »
A Worried Look What happens next?
"Something is coming," Tathalan whispers, his
brow furrowed with worry. He adjusts his hold Are you still alive? Go to STILL ALIVE
on Nhomi, who is still cradled in his arms, and
begins to back away slowly. Loud thuds Are you defeated? Go to
continue to resound throughout the village.

Leap Aside The Earth Takes You
You leap to the side, narrowly avoiding the Pain lances through every fiber of your body.
barrel-sized stone as it crashes into the earth Your ears ring, and you can hear voices
where you had been standing. Mud splatters shouting in desperation. The sounds are muted
your face and clothing. You look up and watch and faint.
in horror as a nightmare emerges from the
mist and rain. « You were defeated by the undead hill giant! If
you are playing Hardcore mode, roll up a new
character and try again. If you are playing Story
Go to: THE NIGHTMARE mode, you may start the fight over for another
chance at success. »

Another Target
Help Him
The stone flies through the air with uncanny
speed. You and your allies leap to the side. The "Tathalan!" Nhomi screams. She rushes to
rock crashes into the ground, followed by a Tathalan's side and looks at you. "We have to
loud cry of pain. Mud splatters your face and help him!"
clothing. As you look up, you see that Tathalan "No!" Tathalan gasps out, pushing Nhomi
is lying on the ground, his leg pinned beneath away. "Run! Get to Whitehall! My Order must
the large stone. know the truth about this looming threat,
The elf grasps his wounded leg, gritting his before it is too late."
teeth and grunting in pain. "I won't leave you!" Nhomi says,
Pentamei roars and charges the approaching determination blazing in her eyes like wildfire.
threat. Tathalan's tigers growl and dart across The ground rumbles loudly as a nightmare
the stableyard towards the source of the attack. emerges from the mist and rain.
What happens next?
Is Nhomi alive and well? Go to

On The Ground
Is Nhomi unconscious? Go to
Nhomi lies sprawled on the ground. She begins
ON THE GROUND to stir, moving slowly at first, then unsteadily
rises to her feet.
"Wha... what happened?" She glances about
Still Alive
in a daze. Her eyes settle on Tathalan, and she
immediately scrambles to his side. "Tathalan?"
With a gasp of breath, you pull yourself to your She looks at you, eyes pleading. "Please, help
feet. Your body aches from the impact with the him!"
giant boulder. The rock that hit you rests in the The ground rumbles loudly as a nightmare
mud nearby. The cracked surface is stained emerges from the mist and rain.
with your blood. Rain continues to fall from the
slate-gray sky overhead, and you watch in
horror as a nightmare strides into view. Go to: THE NIGHTMARE


The Nightmare Does the attack miss? Go to
A towering, reanimated corpse of a giant LUCK OF THE GODS
staggers forward through the mist. It's body is
a patchwork of rotting flesh and mutilated
corpses that have been sewn into the creature's Run Away
hulking frame. The giant drags a wooden club
at it's side. The club is slick with fresh blood. "You can't be serious. We have to keep this
The undead creature lumbers forward, each creature at bay This is too dangerous to
step causing the ground to tremble. It reaches ignore!" Vattar says, batting your hand away.
towards the husk of a collapsed home, tearing « Subtract -1 from Vattar's Attitude Score. »
down one of the structure's brittle walls with a
rotted, meaty fist.
"What is that thing?" Vattar asks, his eyes What happens next?
growing wide with fright. If Tathalan was the target of the hill giant,
"This foe is beyond you!" Tathalan shouts.
"Do not try to fight it. Run!" go to HELP TATHALAN
The giant wrenches a metal stove free from
the wreckage of the ruined home. It raises its If you were the target of the attack, go to

What do you do?

Rush the giant. You will not be bested by Help Tathalan

this undead creature. Go to Vattar kneels beside Tathalan, gripping one
ON THE OFFENSIVE edge of the boulder with his hands. The rogue
grunts with exertion as he lifts one corner of
Grab Nhomi and Vattar and flee into the the large rock. A shadowed gap appears
between the stone and the muddy turf of the
rain and mist. Go to RUN AWAY stableyard. You can vaguely discern the bloody
remnants of Tathalan's shattered leg within.
If Tathalan was the target of the hill giant, Tathalan's spear rests nearby. Snatching up
help free Tathalan. Go to the weapon, you rush to assist Vattar. You slam
one end of the spear into the opening that your
ally created. You push up on the spear with all
your might, hoping to use the leverage to free
the elf from beneath the heavy boulder.
On the Offensive « Make an Athletics check, DC 14. You have
You rush toward the hulking form of the advantage on the roll with Vattar assisting
undead giant, your boots sinking into the mud you.»
of the stableyard.
The creature pulls back it's arm, and
launches the metal stove in your direction. What happens next?

« Make a ranged attack roll (1d20 + 5) against Success? Go to LEVERAGE

your AC. »
Failure? Go to SPEAR BREAKS
What happens next?

Does the attack hit? Go to THAT HURT

That Hurt Leverage
The metal stove crashes into you, knocking you Using the spear, you manage to pry the heavy
from your feet. You fall to the ground, gasping stone away from Tathalan's leg. The appendage
for breath. Sharp stabs of pain course through is bloody and mangled. Shattered remnants of
your body with every breath. bone protrude from beneath the elf's torn skin
and trousers.
« Roll 1d8 + 5 bludgeoning damage. Subtract
the result from your hit points. »
What happens next?

Are you still alive? Go to

Spear Breaks
With a loud snap, Tathalan's spear breaks in
Are you defeated? Go to half. Vattar grunts, his fingers slipping from the
THE EARTH TAKES YOU rock as the heavy stone collapses to the ground.
Tathalan emits an anguished cry of pain.

Luck of the Gods Go to: ANOTHER PROJECTILE

With a leap of faith, you jump to the side and

roll across the ground. The stove crashes into
the earth, spraying rocks and dirt into the air. Not Down Yet
You are back on your feet in an instant. The
undead giant lumbers forward. Pentamei rears Summoning an innter strength, you rise to your
back, biting and clawing at the creature's leg. feet, chest heaving with every breath. Pain
The bear tears through rotten flesh and lances through your body, and blood pours
muscle. A putrid smell permeates the air. freely from your many open wounds.
Tathalan's tigers are blurs of motion,
pouncing onto the massive undead creature. What happens next?
The beast's snarl and tear into their prey. The
giant groans, raising a meaty claw towards one Is Tathalan still trapped beneath the
of the striped tigers. boulder? Go to ANOTHER TRY
What do you? Is Tathalan free of the boulder? Go to
Make a ranged attack against the giant. Go EXPEDITIOUS RETREAT

Make a ranged spell attack against the
giant. Go to RANGED SPELL Another Projectile
A blur of motion draws your attention. You turn
Move into melee range and make a melee just in time to witness a metal stove tumbling
attack against the giant. (This will provoke through the air in your direction.
an Opportunity Attack) Go to

« Make a ranged attack roll (1d20 + 5) against Another Miss
your AC. The attack has disadvantage due to You jump to the side and roll across the ground.
the heavy rainfall. » The stove crashes into the earth, spraying
rocks and dirt into the air.
What do you do?
What happens next?
Does the attack hit? Go to THAT HURT
Is Tathalan still trapped beneath the
Does the attack miss? Go to boulder? Go to ANOTHER TRY
Is Tathalan free of the boulder? Go to
Ranged Attack
You draw your weapon and take aim.
Another Try
« Roll a ranged attack against AC 13. If the
attack hits, roll damage. » Vattar clenches his jaw and attempts to lift the
corner of the boulder once more. "Keep that
thing off of us," Vattar gasps as he starts to lift
Go to: A NIGHTMARE IN DAYLIGHT the heavy rock.
Tathalan reaches out a hand, touching Vattar
on the shoulder. "May the divine might of
Silvanus bless you in your struggle," the elf
Ranged Spell whispers.
You make practiced movements with your
hands and utter the incantations of a spell. Go to: A NIGHTMARE IN DAYLIGHT
« Roll a ranged spell attack against AC 13. If
the attack hits, roll damage. »
Expeditious Retreat
"Come on, we have to move!" Vattar shouts as
the half-elf and Nhomi help Tathalan to his feet.
Vattar looks you in the eyes. "You need to keep
that thing off of us while I get them to safety. If
Melee Attack anyone can best this beast, it's you!"
As you close the distance between yourself and
the hulking undead behemoth, the creature
raises it's giant club, and smashes it down in How do you respond?
your direction. Say that it will be your pleasure, may the
« Make a melee attack roll (1d20 + 5) against gods grant him speed and might in his
your AC. » retreat. Go to MY PLEASURE
What do you do? Demand to know if Vattar is serious. He
can't really be expecting you to face that
Does the attack hit? Go to SMASHED thing alone. Go to ARE YOU SERIOUS
Does the attack miss? Go to Say that you will do your best. Go to

Smashed « Make a melee attack against 13 AC. If the
You are slammed into the ground as the club attack hits, roll damage. »
strikes you.
« Roll 1d8 + 5 bludgeoning damage. Subtract
the result from your hit points. »

What happens next? Are You Serious

Are you still alive? Go to "I'll find you in Kryptgarden Forest. If we fall
here now, no one will know the true evil that
JUST A FLESH WOUND threatens this land. You've faced worse odds
before and survived. I know you can do this.
Are you defeated? Go to Now go!" Vattar pushes you towards the
reanimated corpse of the giant.
« Subtract -1 from Vattar's Attitude Score. »

A Deafening Crack Go to: A NIGHTMARE IN DAYLIGHT

You tumble forward, avoiding the massive club

as it smashes into the ground. A defeaning
crack resounds throughout the village as the
wooden club splinters from the might of the My Best
impact. Vattar nods. "I'll come back as soon as they
reach the edge of the village. If we fall here
« Make a melee attack against 13 AC. If the now, no one will know the true evil that
attack hits, roll damage. » threatens this land. Good luck. May the gods
watch over you."
Go to: A NIGHTMARE IN DAYLIGHT « Add +1 to Vattar and Nhomi's Attitude
Scores. »


As Vattar and Nhomi help Tathalan limp away

into the rain and mist, you turn to face certain
« Add +1 to Vattar and Nhomi's Attitude
Scores. »


Just A Flesh Wound

Although your body is wracked with pain, you
struggle to your feet once more. Mud and blood
stains your clothing. Your brow is slick with
sweat. You raise your weapon and strike with a
mighty roar.

Map 1-3 Ruins Of Verland

A Nightmare In Daylight Beast Companions. To streamline the fight,

Pentamei and Tathalan's tigers (Murani and
Place the tokens where indicated on Map 1-3: Yasha) close to melee range and deal a total of
Ruins of Verland. If you moved within melee 25 points of slashing damage to the undead
range of the undead giant, place your token giant every round on initiative count 10. The
adjacent to the creature. Roll Initiative and bear and tigers will do their best to grant
proceed to do battle. flanking opportunities whenever possible. If the
Hold the Line. The objective of this battle is beasts are targeted by any attacks, roll a 1d20.
to deal a specific amount of damage before the A result of 10 or higher means that the
giant is able to defeat you and your allies! Once creature avoids the attack. Anything lower than
you and your beast companions have dealt a 10 results in the beast companion being hit.
total of 100 points of damage to the giant, you Shelter. Crumbled buildings, trees, and
may proceed to the options prompt. boulders grant three-quarters cover to any
creature seeking shelter within or behind these
structures. Any structure hit by the undead hill
giant is partially destroyed and no longer
grants cover after being struck.

Undead Giant. The undead hill giant will randomly target enemies every round. The giant will use
the area of effect ability Swing whenever it is available. If the giant is reduced to 0 hit points, roll a
saving throw to determine if the creature is truly defeated (see the creature's Undead Fortitude trait
in the monster stat block below).
Heavy Rainfall. Icy droplets of rain are falling from gray clouds overhead. The downpour is lightly
obscuring the entire map, imposing penalties to Wisdom (Perception) checks. Any ranged attacks
made beyond 30 feet have disadvantage.

Undead Hill Giant (G) Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the undead giant
Huge undead giant, chaotic evil to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the
Armor Class 13 damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success,
the undead creature drops to 1 hit point instead.
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40)
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub attacks.
Speed 40 ft.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 5 (-3) 9 (+1) 6 (-2) 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning
Swing (Recharge 5–6). The undead giant takes a
Skills Perception +2 mighty swing with its greatclub. Each creature in a
15-foot cube originating from the giant must make a
Senses passive Perception 12 Dexterity saving throw, DC 13. On a failed save, a
creature takes 2d8 + 5 damage, is pushed back 10
feet, and is knocked prone. On a successful save, the
Languages Giant creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed
or knocked prone.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

What happens next?
With a sudden, jarring strike, you are knocked
Did you defeat the undead giant? Go to from your feet. The force of the attack
slamming you down into the earth. Your vision
grows cloudy. You hear a ferocious roar and
then a loud thud. Silence follows as cold
Were you defeated by the undead giant? droplets of rain patter onto your face.
Go to SPLATTERED « You were defeated by the undead hill giant! If
you are playing Hardcore mode, roll up a new
character and try again. If you are playing Story
Survival of the Fittest mode, you may start the fight over for another
chance at success. »
The grotesque creature topples forward,
collapsing to the ground with a loud thud. The A Crackling Fire
earth shakes beneath your feet. A rotten stench "...did what we could. Hopefully it was enough."
begins to fill the air as thick fluids leak from You awake with a start. Your hearing is
the undead giant and spill out onto the ground. muffled. Your head throbs with pain. You try to
You cautiously approach the undead giant, sit up and find that you are wrapped in heavy,
moving adjacent to the creature. You have wool blankets. Darkness surrounds you. A faint
fought creatures like this before. You know that orange glow flickers nearby.
to ensure that this creature is truly defeated, "Please, do not try to move," a familiar,
you must sever its head, or burn the remains. female voice says. You feel strong hands press
The giant spasms violently, raising a meaty you back down. Silver pinpricks of light sparkle
fist into the air. You watch in horror as one eye through a forest canopy overhead.
blinks open. With a sudden burst of speed, the As your vision clears, you notice Nhomi
giant's hand slams down on top of you, leaning over you. Dark circles surround her
knocking you from your feet and pushing you eyes. "Shh, just rest," she says.
into the mud. The putrid stench of your enemy "Finally awake?" Vattar's voice is worried.
causes you to gag. Rainwater and mud begins You see a flicker of movement out of the corner
to spill over your clothes and into your mouth of your eye.
as you are pushed further into the earth. You let "Yes, he is. Tell your friend to relax." Nhomi
out an anguished gurgle, an attempt at a cry for says.
help. "Strong as an ox, that one," Rholsk says in a
You hear a ferocious roar, and the giant's low rumble.
hand goes limp. Silence follows as cold Vattar strides into view, the hood of his cloak
droplets of rain fall across your face through is thrown back. His face is specked with dried
the large gaps between the giant's fingers. blood and dirt. The tips of the half-elf's pointed
Through vision that is quickly fading, you ears protrude from his long, dark hair. "Just
witness a familiar figure standing over you, take it easy," he says. "We thought we'd lost
pulling you free from the giant's grasp. you."
Rholsk's face is bloody, his clothing soaked
with rain. As your vision goes dark, you feel
yourself thrown over the shoulder of your ally,
and watch as the bouncing image of Verland
disappears into the mist and rain.


"Yer safe, kid," Rholsk says from somewhere Where's Tathalan
nearby. "And we've come to the conclusion you "You've been asleep for three days," Vattar
have the luck of the gods on your side. Any replies. "We thought the worst at first, but
other person woulda been a pile o' jelly after Nhomi was able to stabalize you. Tathalan did
taking a hit like that." what he could in his weakened state."
"Luckily, Rholsk intervened," Vattar adds. He "And then the fool took off on his own,
looks back over his shoulder, towards the headed for those ruins." Rholsk says with a
flickering orange glow. You hear the crackling grunt.
of a campfire. "He went after Shanriel," Nhomi interjects.
"The ruins that the Zhentarim have been
How do you respond? operating out of are known as Bleakfall Keep.
And what worries me is that Tathalan has yet
Ask if it is wise to have a fire going. Go to to return. The Zhentarim have also
CAMPFIRE disappeared without a trace."
« Make a History check, DC 15. »
Ask where you are. Go to
What happens next?

Ask about Tathalan. Go to Success? Go to ANCIENT HISTORY


Failure? Go to NEVER HEARD OF IT

"Don't worry friend," Vattar says. "We have An Uncertain Silence
Pentamei and Tathalan's tigers keeping watch The campfire spits and crackles, casting
along our perimeter. And Rholsk and I are shadows that dance around the trunks of thick
rested enough to best whatever may be leatherleaf trees.
creeping through the darkness."
"And besides, the fire is an beacon," Nhomi
adds. Though you cannot see her face, you What happens next?
know that something is amiss. Her voice is Ask if it is wise to have a fire going. Go to
cold, but you sense anger just beneath the
surface. CAMPFIRE
"We'll find him, Nhomi," Vattar says.
Ask where you are. Go to

Ask about Tathalan. Go to


"We're about a day's journey from Verland,"

Nhomi says. "Just inside the northwestern
border of Kryptgarden Forest."


Ancient History "I have to tell you something. Tathalan grew
You draw on ancient knowledge and aged worried after he discovered that this was
rumors. You remember learning of a fabled where Shanriel and I were being held captive."
ruin known as Bleakfall Keep many years ago. She looks at you, her face masked by the
The keep was owned by a wealthy human shadows. "Tathalan said he only went into
noble, though the name of the family has been Bleakfall once, but he found evidence of a
lost to history. doorway to another plane buried deep beneath
The family seemingly vanished overnight, the ruins."
and the keep fell into ruin. Over the years, "So it's true then," Vattar's voice is nearly a
many brave souls have ventured into the ruins whisper, half lost in thought. "The Watchers of
hunting for long-forgotten treasures, but none Shadewreath are real. You're one of them,
were heard from again. If the rumors are true, aren't you?" The half-elf strides into view,
ghosts haunt the halls of the keep, and the silhouetted by the firelight.
walking dead wander the stronghold grounds. Nhomi nods her head slowly. "We have
vowed to maintain order and balance between
the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow."
Go to: SO YOU'VE HEARD OF IT "What exactly is Malisar involved in,
Nhomi?" Vattar asks.
Nhomi sighs. "What we know so far is that
he has awakened something beneath Bleakfall.
Never Heard Of It Something evil."
You fail to recall hearing anything in your "And this evil," Rholsk rumbles. "This evil is
travels related to Bleakfall Keep, though it what is creating these hybrid creatures? These
sounds ominous. Turned?"
Nhomi nods once more. "And now this evil
has either consumed them all, or swept them
Go to: HISTORY LESSON into the Shadowfell."
Vattar walks towards the fire, shaking his
head. He stares quietly into the burning
embers. "Well, there's only one way to find out."
So You've Heard Of It
"I see that by the look on your face, you've
heard of this place," Nhomi says with a nod. Congratulations! You have completed Chapter
"It's a terrifying locale, and one to steer clear of II: Into Kryptgarden Forest in the Heroes of
if you value your soul." Faerun: Shadowborne campaign!
You have reached the next milestone and
Go to: HISTORY LESSON may advance to level 4! Update your character
sheet, and keep your eyes open for the next
installment Chapter III: The Ruins of Bleakfall
History Lesson Did you enjoy the adventure? Let me know
by submitting a review on the Dungeon
"Tathalan took me to the outskirts of this place Master’s Guild! I love to hear from my players
many years ago. He said that it had a dark and value your feedback. Thanks for playing!
history, and that I should avoid the horrors that
haunt it's depths." Nhomi's face is grim in the
flickering firelight, and she pauses a moment
before continuing.

Map 1-1: Verland In Flames

Map 1-2: Verland Stables

Map 1-3: Ruins of Verland

Author: Abel T. Trotter
Maps: Abel T. Trotter
Playtesters: Taylor Fontecchio, Ingrid Hain, Ethan Trotter, Saul Trotter
Artwork: Bartek Blaszczec, Daniel Comerci, Patrick E. Pullen, Dean Spencer,
Jacob E. Blackmon, Creative Commons

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Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
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