E110 Speech and Theater Arts
E110 Speech and Theater Arts
E110 Speech and Theater Arts
City of Lipa
Marawoy, LipaCity
Second Semester, CY 2021-2022
A center of human development committed to
(Course Title)
the pursuit of wisdom, truth, justice, pride, E110
dignity, and local/global competitiveness via a
(Course Code)
quality but affordable education for all
qualified clients STRUCTURES OF ENGLISH
(Course Prerequisite)
This course examines the process of oral communications and the various forms of speech arts from public speaking and group discussions to
Establish and maintain an academic debate, oral interpretation, and dramatics.
environment promoting the pursuit of
excellence and the total development of its
Course Credit : 3 units
students as human beings, with fear of God
and love of country and fellowmen. Total Hours : 54 hours
Speech and Stage Arts (Engl 118) Syllabus for BSEd-English lPage 1 of 5
A. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent learners.
B. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary curriculum.
C. Create and utilize materials appropriate to the secondary level to enhance teaching and learning.
D. Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure secondary learning outcomes.
At the end of the course, students, with 85% competency, are expected to:
A. Demonstrate understanding of the speech process and the importance of using them correctly;
B. Adopt proper articulation and pronunciation in speaking;
C. Deliver a speech by applying skills and strategies gained from speaking instructions;
D. Perform a stage play using methods and techniques necessary for a successful performance; and,
E. Demonstrate KLLean values in all written and oral tasks.
Speech and Stage Arts (Engl 118) Syllabus for BSEd-English lPage 2 of 5
Describe the nature, concept, and process of I. INTERPRETATIVE READING 1. Video presentation 25.5 hrs.
interpretative reading; Traditional Roots of Oral Reading /reporting by the students
The Process of Oral Interpretation
Reading Aloud 2. Students’ participation in
Reading Poetry question-and-answer
The Mechanics of Interpreting Poetry activity facilitated by
Reading Prose Selection teacher about the topics
The Mechanics of Interpreting Prose
Perform declamation, dramatic monologue, and II. SOLO PERFORMANCE MODE 3. Essay answers on modules
poetry slam effectively using accurate Declamation provided by the teacher.
pronunciation, clear enunciation, and Dramatic Monologue
appropriate types of voice qualities in creating Poetry Slam
and projecting meanings, moods, and feelings; The Choreographed Interpretation
Poetry in Motion
Describe the concept, nature, and III. ENSEMBLE PERFORMANCE MODE
characteristics of the three ensemble modes - The Speech Choir/Choric Interpretation
Choric Interpretation, Readers Theater, and Readers Theater
Chamber Theater; and, Chamber Theater
Organize and participate in a debate. Nature, Characteristics and Types of Debate
Rules of a debate
How to organize Debate Competitions
Final Term Examination 1.5 hr.
A. Assessments
1. Performance/Projects - individual and group presentations, demonstration teaching, projects, developmental/extended reading tasks by means of a book review
2. Recitations - individual and group oral participation in class
4. Major Examination - midterm and final term summative evaluations (may be written or outcome-based evaluations)
5. Deportment - attitude, attendance
Final Grade = Midterm Grade (50%) + Final Term Grade (50%)
B. Requirement
Publication and presentation of a comparative study of two topics under Units I, J, and K (N.B. Grade obtained will comprise Performance and Written Output components of the Final Term
C. Grading Procedure
Midterm Final Term
Speech and Stage Arts (Engl 118) Syllabus for BSEd-English lPage 3 of 5
Major Examination (written/OBE) 30 Major Examination (written/OBE) 30
Quizzes/Recitations 20 Quizzes/Recitations 20
Projects/activities/performances 40 Projects/activities/performances 40
Deportment (Attitude/Attendance) 10 Deportment (Attitude/Attendance) 10
Total 100 Total 100
A. Absences/tardiness beyond six (6) meetings [three (3) for sections which meet once a week are equivalent to being dropped from the course.
B. Occasional papers, projects, and seat works must be submitted on time. Otherwise, the grade and/or score apportioned for the task is equivalent to 5.
C. Presentations must be executed and/or performed in accordance to the set schedule by the instructor. Otherwise, the grade or score apportioned for the task is equivalent to 5.
D. Special or make up tasks (assignments, quizzes, long test, occasional paper, projects, seatwork, etc.) are given if and only if reason(s) for failing to submit and take them on time is/are valid and
E. The use of cellphone is prohibited during class hours, unless a special permission is granted. Likewise, the use of any gadget is prohibited unless relevant to the lesson.
F. Supplementary materials and texts will be given as the need arises and will be part of the course content. Likewise, supplementary tasks will be assigned if deemed necessary and will be part of
the course requirement.
G. Competence in English in all written and oral work must be demonstrated.
Verderber, R.F et al. (2012). The Challenge of Effective Speaking: Fifteenth Edition, International Edition. WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning, USA
Flores, C.S. and Lopez, E.B.(2008).Effective Speech Communication: Fifth Edition, National Book Store, Mandaluyong City
Pangilinan, E.C. et al. (2009).Speech and Drama.National Bookstore, San Juan, Metro Manila.
Hahner, J.C et al. (2000. )Speaking Clearly: Improving Voice and Diction. McGraw Hills, Inc New York, USA.
Croteau, Jan Helling. (2000).Perform It (A Guide to Young People’s Theatre).Heineman, Portsmouth, NH.
Other lectures and references are accessed from the internet.
Noted by:
Speech and Stage Arts (Engl 118) Syllabus for BSEd-English lPage 4 of 5
Dean, College of Teacher Education
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Speech and Stage Arts (Engl 118) Syllabus for BSEd-English lPage 5 of 5