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The Mats Analysis

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The Mats

A Short Story Showing Filipino Cultural Characteristics Through Symbolic


The Filipino culture is one of the richest in the world. This is due to the fact that
the Filipinos themselves are the result of different cultural influences created upon
interactions and transmissions of ideas, values, traditions, customs, beliefs, and much
more from different cultures which visited this country since even before its history

The Filipino culture is unique and special as it reflects not only our national
identity but also our cultural characteristics such as values, sentiments, family structures
and others. Most often these are expressed explicitly through glamorous displays during
festivals but sometimes these are also expressed through symbolic imagery. One of the
best examples for this is the “bahay kubo” or the nipa hut which is considered as
uniquely Filipino. This symbolizes not only our simplicity but also our hospitality and
adaptability as the said structure is not only simple but also comfortable and durable.

The use of symbolic imagery is very common in Philippine literature as many of

our stories, myths, legends, tales and the like apply such element. We love a good
story, but most likely we love to show our uniqueness through symbols and images
which also provides that sense of being specially mysterious or intriguing such that it
makes others want to get to know and love our culture.

The mats, a short story by Francisco Arcelllana is a great example as it shows

different Filipino cultural characteristics in many different ways through the element of
symbolic imagery.

By applying psychoanalytic criticism on some of the elements of this short story,
specifically on symbolism and imagery, we see the presentation of not only the physical
aspect but also the different ideal aspects of the Filipino culture such as family values,
respect, sentiments, love, and more. These are richly used not only in the lines of the
story but also in the dialogues of the characters as well. Even the very title of the story
itself is a form of symbolic imagery and even the very object used was given different
symbols and associated with different meanings as to how they are described in their
Let us start with the characters themselves and what they show about our

 Mr. Jaime Angeles: the loving husband and responsible father, he symbolizes the
foundation and supreme authority of a Filipino family. The way the author
presented this character reflects our very notion of what a typical Filipino
patriarch is. Being the foundation of his family he needs to be strong and
respected which is reflected through his authority, also he is the breadwinner
which is responsible for providing the daily needs of his family and it reflects his
being responsible, caring, and loving. This is shown in the beginning of the story
as it was mentioned that Mr. Angeles was on an inspection trip which would
imply his status in the society. He could be a high ranking personnel in some
high end company or he could just be the owner visiting his vast properties.
Whichever is which we could clearly see that this character is not only capable
but also loved by his family as they always anticipate and celebrate his every
return in their home. Upon the progress of the story we see more of the
representation of this character in our culture and customs. Being the head of the
family he is seated at the head of the table, the area designated for such
authority and respect in a typical Filipino family, he provides gifts and presents to
his family symbolizing his being responsible and thoughtfulness, he gives specific
orders and instructions which were accepted and followed by his wife and
children with great respect, this symbolizes his authority. However at the twist of
the plot. The human quality of even such a person is shown when he suddenly
shifted from a happy to a much darker mood when the conversation went through
the memories of his dead children. Yet this too shows his character in the very
same manner as it was presented in his happiness. When he speaks everybody
listens which again indicate his authority and everybody’s respect or fear of him.
His sentiment over his dead children showed his love and thoughtfulness that
even in death he remembers and cares for them, acknowledging their presence
even if it is no longer existent. Such act also shows our Filipino sentiment and
cultural attitude towards honouring our dear departed love ones. We cherish their
memories both good and bad and we acknowledge and honour their presence
even though it is none existent. Do we not also show this in reality by celebrating
a day dedicated to our dead? Yes we do and it is presented in the story by the
celebration of the father’s return, the festive dinner, the sharing of stories and
finally the part of the presentation of the dead kids and the sorrow felt by the
family. The very same Filipino cultural characteristic is shown every November
and every anniversary of our departed love ones. Such characteristic is
symbolically shown in this story by this very character.
 Mrs. Emilia “Miling” Angeles: the ever submissive, loving and caring wife and
mother. A symbol of an ideal Filipina. In the story Emilia holds the second
hierarchy in the family. Know the light of the family she represents the soft side of
the father. Here she owns one the object of symbol in the story. Miling shows the
very image of an ideal wife and mother which symbolizes the mother figure in
Filipino culture, one that is the source of all the love, care, and comfort which
holds a certain authority and respect in the family. This is shown during the
confrontation that only she has the power to challenge her husband’s authority,
to question his actions and be granted victory if she would want it so yet still she
remained submissive as she would not dare to cause the escalation of conflict
which could lead to the destruction of their family. Her very character symbolizes
the Filipino cultural view of mothers being the bond of the family.

 The children: the number of the children, eleven in total, is the very depiction of a
typical Filipino family not only during the author’s time but even until today. Some
families even wanted twelve siblings. The point of the matter is however not on
the number but rather on how the children get along with their siblings; this is a
symbolic image of the Filipino unity. As the family symbolizes the representation
of a society here in the story too is shown how each child gives respect and
recognition to the different hierarchical position and authority in the family. Each
child also has been given their respective symbols through their respective
ambitions, likes or dreams in life. This also shows our cultural characteristic of
duty as each kid has been assigned their own task and each of them heartily
complied with their obligation. Also it reflects how we see the value of a secured
future as it was described in association of each child their respective likes and
pursuance in life and career, like music, medicine, arts, and most importantly
education. Such depiction shows our cultural view and outlook in life.

Now let us take a look at the most symbolic element in the story, the mats.

 The special mat: this is the mat of the Angeles family which is only used on
specific purposes. It served the wedding night, the special comfort zone of the
sick, and even as the last place of breath for those who died in the family. The
special mat in itself is described in different elements of imagery, as to how it
looks like, the designs it has, the folds, the feeling of comfort when lying on it, the
smell, the materials used to create it, the very association of it in the family
tradition. Such value is given in regards to this mat as it became the basis of
comparison of the other personalized mats in the story. What does this special
mat symbolize? The family itself and the struggles they had experienced. This
mat is the family’s very own personal diary. It shows how sentimental the Filipino
culture is. Yes we as Filipinos are very sentimental in our treatment of our
memories. We love to associate memories with objects which range from a
common rock to a magnificent statue. Here in this story it is represented in the
special Angeles family mat.

 The Jaime Angeles personal mat: described as simple with the colors of purple
and gold. Culturally we associate purple and gold with authority, royalty, and
worthy leadership. Proud as we may with such privilege if bestowed upon us but
why the simplicity f its design? This symbolizes our cultural humility. We Filipinos
possess such contradicting ironic qualities as was symbolically described in the
image of the father personalized mat. Noble and proud yet simply humble.

 The Emilia Angeles personalized mat: this mat represents the very symbol of
what a typical Filipina represents in the family. Being richly and elegantly
designed it symbolizes our cultural view towards a Filipina. We see them as
elegant and precious symbols of beauty and object of love that we would if we
may, always treat them with such loving care. Also the symbol of the “Cadena de
Amor” ,Spanish word which translates into “chains of love”, a flowering vine
which is associated with connected love, with connected feelings, this also shows
our cultural view towards the mother as the symbol of love and unity within the
Filipino family.

 The living Angeles children personalized mats: the mats given to the Angeles
children showed their respective likes, ambitions, or even goals in life and was
also colored with their respective birth stones. These mats however does not
only show their characteristics as was stated in the imagery used by the author
but also the mats provide a sort of obligation and responsibilities bestowed upon
by the head of the family. These are more than just beautiful personalized mats,
they are symbols of agreement, a form of obligatory contract to be completed by
the children, in the words of Mr. Angeles, "And this is for you, José." "You are not
to use this mat until the year of your internship," the mat was given but still needs
to be earned to enjoy its comfort. To the other children, “You are not to use these
mats until you go to the University.” Such is the symbol of the mats given to the
children. They have seen it up close as it is unfolded before their eyes, felt the
craftsmanship, smelled the scent, longed to enjoy its comfort, to call it their own
sanctuary and yet so far from that which they have been longing as they have to
finish the given agreement set upon them, to earn their own mats. What does this
tell us? That in our culture, the sweetest most precious things are earned not
received from a free hand, that success is an achievement and comfort is
 The dead Angeles children personalized mats: “the colors not bright but deathly
dull; the separate letters, spelling out the names of the dead among them, did not
seem to glow or shine with a festive sheen as did the other living names.”
Although these mats became the cause of the sudden change of mood, tone and
picture these are not just ordinary personalized mats too. These mats show our
cultural characteristic of sentimentality, respect, love, and acknowledgment of the
dead, that even though they do no longer exist they still hold a special place in
our memories. In the fiery words of Mr. Angeles “Is it fair to forget them? Would it
be just to disregard them?"  here, the very depiction of the mentioned cultural
characteristics are clearly shown as the mats did not only symbolized the
presence and personalities of the living but also the memories of the dead.

There are many images in the story which also shows our cultural characteristics like
the fruits, the arrangement of the seat in the table and more, to discuss all of them
would need a deeper more detailed analysis of the story. The analysis was only limited
to the symbolism used in the Angeles family and the different mats in the story. As to
how the author used symbolic imagery to show our cultural characteristics in the story.

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