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Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers: 3/20/2015 Installation Guide 500

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Installation Guide 500


Exothermics Stainless Steel

Heat Exchangers
Copyright consequential, including but not limited to loss of use,
income, or damage to material arising in connection with
Copyright 2007 by Eclipse, inc. All rights reserved
the sale, installation, use of, inability to use, or the repair
worldwide. This publication is protected by federal
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regulation and shall not be copied, distributed,
transmitted, transcribed or translated into any human or Any operation expressly prohibited in this manual, any
computer language, in any form or by any means, to any adjustment, or assembly procedures not recommended or
third parties, without the express written consent of authorized in these instructions shall void the warranty.
Eclipse, inc.
Document Conventions
Disclaimer Notice There are several special symbols in this document. You
In accordance with the manufacturer’s policy of continual must know their meaning and importance.
product improvement, the product presented in this
brochure is subject to change without notice or obligation. The explanation of these symbols follows below. Please
read it thoroughly.
The material in this manual is believed adequate for the
intended use of the product. If the product is used for How To Get Help
purposes other than those specified herein, confirmation If you need help, contact your local Eclipse
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warrants that the product itself does not infringe upon any
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We have made every effort to make this manual as
accurate and complete as possible. Should you find errors Please have the information on the product label available
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may correct them. In this way we hope to improve our
product documentation for the benefit of our customers.
Please send your corrections and comments to our
Technical Documentation Specialist.
It must be understood that Eclipse’s liability for its product,
whether due to breach of warranty, negligence, strict
liability, or otherwise is limited to the furnishing of
replacement parts and Eclipse will not be liable for any
other injury, loss, damage or expenses, whether direct or

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injurt hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death

or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

WARNING death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

CAUTION minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE Is used to address practices not related to personal injury.

NOTE Indicates an important part of text. Read thoroughly.

Product Information - Startup Record
Model number
Serial number
Start-Up Date
Exhaust Volume Pressure Drop (” w.c.)
Exhaust Temperature (Inlet) (Outlet)
Supply Volume Pressure Drop (” w.c.)
Supply Temperature (Inlet) (Outlet)

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 5
Audience .............................................................................................................................. 5
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 5
Safety......................................................................................................................................... 6
Safety Warnings................................................................................................................... 6
Capabilities........................................................................................................................... 6
Operator Training ................................................................................................................. 6
Replacement Parts............................................................................................................... 6
Installation................................................................................................................................. 7
Stainless Steel ..................................................................................................................... 7
Airflow .................................................................................................................................. 7
Installation Sketches ............................................................................................................ 8
Equipment Operating Limits ................................................................................................ 8
Receiving the Exothermics Heat Exchanger ....................................................................... 9
Pre-Installation ..................................................................................................................... 9
Drainage Considerations ..................................................................................................... 9
Multiple Units ....................................................................................................................... 10
Filters ................................................................................................................................... 10
Insulation ............................................................................................................................. 10
Temperature Control............................................................................................................ 10
Installation............................................................................................................................ 10
Rigging the Heat Exchanger ................................................................................................ 11
Equipment Support Methods ............................................................................................... 11
Operation ............................................................................................................................. 12
Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 12
Access Cover Removal Replacement ................................................................................. 13
Product Warranty ..................................................................................................................... 6
Material and Workmanship .................................................................................................. 7
Performance Warranty......................................................................................................... 7
Appendix ................................................................................................................................... i
Conversion Factors.............................................................................................................. i

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Introduction 1
Exothermics is an internationally known manufacturer of Audience
aluminum and stainless steel air to air heat exchangers.
The Exothermics heat exchanger is a static, plate type This manual has been written for people who are already
exchanger used to reclaim energy normally exhausted to familiar with all aspects of industrial heating equipment
atmosphere from waste air streams of buildings or design.
manufactured processes. The transfer of thermal energy
from one mass to the other occurs through the plate or These aspects are:
heat transfer media which separates the two air streams.
• Design/Selection
The Exothermics heat exchanger is principally used in a • Use
counter flow fashion to maximize the heat transfer or • Maintenance
effectiveness. The two air masses flow through the heat
exchanger in opposite directions. The exhaust airstream The audience is expected to have previous experience
enters the heat exchanger at the same end that the supply with this type of equipment.
air is discharged. Each airstream is separated into
distinct, totally isolated, alternating passages formed by Purpose
the fixed plates or membrane. The purpose of this manual is to make sure the installation
of a safe, effective, and trouble-free system is carried out.
In addition, each plate has a proprietary die formed
corrugation and wave pattern which increases the heat
transfer coefficient by causing a break-down of the
boundary layers. The increased turbulence achieved with
the Exothermics design yields a high heat transfer
coefficient and high efficiency for the heat exchanger.

The Exothermics heat exchanger is manufactured using

stainless steel membrane, side pans and removable
covers. This unique design together with 1/2” (12.7 mm)
plate spacing or 3/8” (9.5 mm) plate spacing, allows for
easily accomplished inspection and maintenance as

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Safety 2
Important notices which help provide safe operation will
be found in this section. To avoid personal injury and
damage to the property or facility, the following warnings NOTICE
must be observed. All involved personnel should read this
entire manual carefully before attempting to start or ■ This manual provides information regarding the
operate this system. If any part of the information in this use of these heat exchangers for their specific
manual is not understood, contact Exothermics before design purpose. Do not deviate from any
continuing. instructions or application limits described herein
without written approval from Exothermics.
Safety Warnings
Operator Training
The best safety precaution is an alert and trained
WARNING operator. Train new operators thoroughly and have them
demonstrate an adequate understanding of the
■ The duct sections are likely to have HOT surfaces. equipment and its operation. A regular retraining schedule
Always wear the appropriate protective equipment should be administered to ensure operators maintain a
when approaching the heat exchanger. high degree of proficiency. Contact Exothermics for any
■ Exothermics products are designed to minimize needed site-specific training.
the use of materials that contain crystalline silica.
Examples of these chemicals are: respirable
crystalline silica from bricks, cement or other
masonry products and respirable refractory
ceramic fibers from insulating blankets, boards, or
gaskets. Despite these efforts, dust created by
sanding, sawing, grinding, cutting and other
construction activities could release crystalline
silica. Crystalline silica is known to cause cancer,
and health risks from the exposure to these
chemicals vary depending on the frequency and
length of exposure to these chemicals. To reduce
the risk, limit exposure to these chemicals, work in
a well-ventilated area and wear approved personal
protective safety equipment for these chemicals.

Installation 3
Stainless Steel
Bolted or Stainless Steel
Special Welded
The stainless steel heat exchanger (SP) is manufactured Supply Membrane Wide Plate
3” Structural Covers
with a stainless steel membrane and stainless steel Angle Flanges (1/2”)
casing. The unit is fully welded in its construction with no
sealants used. The stainless unit is available for different Fully
temperature ranges up to 1200°F (649°C) and up to 27" Primary
w.c. (67.3 mbar) differential pressure. Various stainless Seal
alloys are available for different temperatures or

The stainless steel heat exchanger is Exothermics

Premium Exchanger and is designed for the more difficult Bolted,
industrial applications where there are high temperatures or Special
or corrosive atmospheres. Units are designed for 1000°F Fully Welded
Heavy Cover
(538°C) and 1200°F (649°C) and up to 27" w.c. End Seals Gauge
(67.3 mbar) differential pressure. Stainless

The stainless steel (SP-HT) model, designed for operation Figure 3.1.
up to 1000°F (538°C) and 27" w.c. (67.3 mbar) differential
pressure is manufactured using an all stainless steel, fully Airflow
welded membrane. The primary seal is fully welded to a
stainless steel 3" (76 mm) structural angle. The remaining Airflow Configuration: The Exothermics heat exchanger is
3" (76 mm) structural steel angles are of mild steel. designed for counter flow operation. The standard
configuration has the exhaust air on the straight through
The stainless steel (SP-VT) model, designed for operation passage with the supply air flowing through the “U”
up to 1200°F (649°C) and up to 27" w.c. (67.3 mbar) passage.
differential pressure is manufactured of all stainless steel
This includes the fully welded membrane, fully welded Where contaminated exhaust is involved, the straight
primary seal, casing and structural angles. through passage should be used for the exhaust air. On
very high temperature applications, the hot side should be
the straight through passage.

The heat exchanger may be used in a blow through or

draw through manner. Exothermics recommends blow
through on the supply where possible.

Exothermics should be consulted to determine

applicability of alternate or optional air flow configuration
on any application.

The Exothermics heat exchanger is available in a

standard airflow configuration and with optional airflow
configurations illustrated herein:

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Air Flow Schematics

Standard Optional

Figure 3.2.
Materials of construction and all dimensions for optional flow arrangement connections are the same as shown on the
standard flow (IU) drawing.
Installation Sketches Equipment Operating Limits
CAUTION Unit Model Temp.
SP-HT/ 1000°F 27” w.c.
■ The heat exchanger must be installed so that the
plates are vertical. 304 Stainless HP-HT (538°C) (67 mbar)
Steel SP-VT/ 1200°F 27” w.c.
HP-VT (649°C) (67 mbar)

1.Differential pressure is the maximum pressure
measured in the exhaust air stream as compared to the
Unit Horizontal Unit Horizontal maximum pressure measured in the supply air stream.
“U” Pass Down “U” Pass Up
Membrane Vertical Membrane Vertical Example: Exhaust Air Stream -6” w.c.
Recommended Acceptable (highest measurement) (-15 mbar)
Supply Air Stream -4” w.c.
(highest measurement) (-10 mbar)
Differential Pressure Equals 2” w.c.
(5 mbar)
Example: Exhaust Air Stream -6” w.c.
(highest measurement) (-15 mbar)
Supply Air Stream 4” w.c.
(highest measurement) (10 mbar)
Unit Vertical Unit Horizontal
“U” Pass On Side “U” Pass On Side Differential Pressure Equals 10” w.c.
Membrane Vertical Membrane Horizontal (25 mbar)
Acceptable NOT Acceptable
2.Protection is recommended to assure that maximum
differential pressure is not exceeded under any
Figure 3.3.
NOTE: Provide drains in ductwork for condensation

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Receiving the Exothermics Heat Exchanger options selected, and whether a wash system is included.
Exothermics recommends vertical installation when the
Immediately upon receiving shipment, equipment should airstream is heavily laden with contaminants. Under these
be inspected for evidence of any damage received in conditions, the air stream has a considerable amount of
transit. If shipping damage has occurred, a claim should liquids entrained which can condense when a wash
immediately be filed with the transportation company. system is used. Where the unit is installed in a horizontal
manner, it should be pitched to allow condensate drainage
Equipment received should also be inspected for to the exhaust discharge end and drainage provided in the
compliance with original order. ductwork connection.
Handling the Unit Upon Receipt NOTE: Where the Exothermics wash option is used, the
Exothermics typically ships heat exchangers attached to a heat exchanger must be installed in a vertical position.
wood pallet using metal straps or metal angles bolted
securely in place. Check to ensure the straps or metal
Ductwork and Transitions
angles are secure before handling with a forklift. When The efficiency of the heat exchanger can be adversely
lifting the unit with a forklift, make certain the forks are affected by poor airflow distribution, therefore,
aligned to the pallet so no damage occurs to the heat Exothermics recommends that proper consideration be
exchanger. If for some reason the heat exchanger must given to transitions and/or elbows to assure uniform
be handled without the wood pallet, lift the unit by inserting airflow entering and leaving the heat exchanger. Where
the forks in the space between the supply air inlet and the space limits transition design or where elbows are
outlet flanged openings (referred to as the “U airflow” attached to the heat exchanger, it is recommended that
passages). Good practice incorporates safety procedures turning vanes be used. It is important that ductwork
when handling large equipment. connections or elbows be in the same orientation as the
heat exchanger plates (membrane). Avoid airflow
arrangements that cause air to enter or discharge at right
CAUTION angles (perpendicular) to the plates.
Drainage Considerations
■ Use caution when handling or lifting the heat
exchanger to avoid causing any damage to the It is recommended that provisions be made in the
heat transfer membrane. installation to facilitate drainage if condensation can occur
from moist air streams and to allow drainage of wash
Uncrating the unit requires that the metal straps and/or system fluids. These provisions are to be provided in the
bolts, which attach the heat exchanger to the wood pallet, exhaust discharge ductwork connection.
be removed. This should be followed by the removal of the
plywood covers on the exhaust inlet and outlet flanges.
The plywood covers are held in place with metal clips.
If the unit is to be stored prior to its installation,
Exothermics suggests the plywood end covers be
reinstalled and the unit be refastened to its wood pallet.
As with any mechanical equipment or component, proper
consideration given to arrangement, installation and
0.75” pitch
application will maximize the benefits and results from its per 12” of
use. unit length

Exothermics heat exchangers can be installed indoors or Provision for

outdoors without need for additional painting or protection. in duct work
Insulation is beneficial but not necessary on most
applications. If insulation is used, it should be protected Figure 3.3.
from the environment.

Exothermics heat exchangers can be installed in a vertical

or horizontal position. The choice of installation is at the
owners discretion, predicated on space limitations,

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Horizontal Installation 4.Exothermics recommends that the drain piping be
constructed using fittings for cleanout purposes. If
Exothermics recommends that the heat exchanger be freezing can occur in the drain system, it is
pitched 0.75” (19 mm) per 12” (305 mm) of unit length recommended that heat tracing and insulation that is
toward the exhaust exiting (cooler) end if the air stream compatible with surrounding environment be used.
contains a substantial volume of condensibles or is
Multiple Units
heavily laden with contaminants.
When installing multiple units, be sure that mixing boxes
Vertical Installation and plenum designs are sufficient to assure even
Exothermics recommends that where a substantial distribution of the air streams.
volume of condensibles or where the air stream is heavily
laden with contaminants that the exhaust entering Filters
connection to the heat exchanger be made at the top so The Exothermics heat exchanger is unique in its design in
air flows downward through the heat exchanger. that the combination of the wide plate spacing (up to 1/2”
(12.7 mm) and access to the exhaust and supply sides,
facilitates total cleanability. On exhaust air streams that
are extremely dirty with lint, dust or other particulate,
Exothermics recommends the installation of filters to
reduce cleaning frequency.
Exothermics heat exchangers do not require insulation
unless they are in a high temperature application where
personal safety is a concern, or if it is desirable to keep
heat losses to a minimum.
Counter Flow
Supply / Temperature Control
Make Up Air
Connections Supply air temperature and exhaust air temperature can
be controlled with the use of various bypass ducts and
control damper assemblies. In some cases an auxiliary
heat source is used to elevate supply air stream
Exhaust temperature to required levels.

Drainage Hot gas temperatures should never exceed the Maximum

Provision Design Temperature that is stated on the general
in Ductwork arrangement drawing. Maximum rate of temperature
change during the heat up and cool down processes is
25°F (14°C).
Figure 3.4. Vertical Unit with Airflow Arrows Installation
NOTES: Expansion Consideration
1.For alternate airflow arrangements, consult factory for High temperature installations require provisions for
recommended drainage provisions. expansion using flexible connectors or bellows between
2.Drain line piping should be sized to handle the the heat exchanger and the ductwork.
condensation that can occur in the unit. If a wash
system is incorporated into the unit, drain piping must Installations operating above 500°F (260°C) must include
be sized to handle the volumes specified by the wash provisions for thermal expansion and contraction.
system. Exothermics, inc. recommends the use of fabric or
metallic expansion joints at all connections to totally
3.Icing is not a normal condition seen in Exothermics’ isolate the heat exchanger and provide for unrestricted
heat exchangers when installed in an industrial growth or movement.
environment, however, when used in low temperature/
general ventilation installations where icing may An appropriate gasket material is recommended for
become a problem, Exothermics recommends that a sealing flange connections. In most cases, a high
pressure switch be installed so the supply air fan is temperature sealant is sufficient, however, where
interrupted briefly allowing the frost to melt. temperatures exceed 500°F (260°C) or condensation can

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
occur at these locations, a gasket material should be Equipment Support Methods
selected that is compatible with the temperature and
environmental concerns of the installation. 3/8” Diameter
Rod (minimum)
Rigging the Heat Exchanger Unit Width Plus
Horizontal Unit 8” (203 mm)

Rigging this unit requires the use of 2 lifting slings

(minimum) and a spreader bar. They should be used in
such a manner that the unit is lifted level.


6” (152 mm)

Figure 3.7. Horizontal

Suggested Temporary Angle
Frame for Rigging Only

Figure 3.5. 3/8” Diameter

Rod (minimum)
Vertical Unit

For vertical handling, the heat exchanger should be rigged

using support frames bolted to the heat exchanger
flanges. 50 1/4”
(128 cm)
Slings Unit Width Plus
8” (20 cm)
Lifting Frame
6” (15 cm)

Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.8. Vertical

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
NOTES: Maintenance
1.Installation should take the removable access covers
into consideration and facilitate their removal. The Exothermics heat exchanger is a high quality, static
device with no moving parts and requires little or no
2.Where a wash system is to be used, the heat electromechanical maintenance. Periodic inspection and
exchanger must be installed in the vertical position. cleaning of the heat transfer surface is made easy by
Exothermics’ unique access cover design. Once installed
Operation in accordance with Exothermics recommendations and
Startup good ventilation/ engineering practices, periodic
inspection and routine preventive maintenance will assure
long term satisfaction from the use of the heat exchanger.
Access Cover Removal Replacement
■ System fans must be started at the same time and
control dampers must be open to assure that
excessive pressure differential does not occur at

The Exothermics heat exchanger has no moving parts so

startup is quite simple. We suggest that all mechanically
fastened joints be checked for tightness, that gasketing Lift Cover
and flexible connectors of the appropriate material be Nuts
with Cover
installed, and that drainage considerations be installed for Frame
the appropriate volume of fluids. The ductwork should be
checked to ensure that the two air streams flow through
the unit in a counter flow arrangement.

After the air handling system has been started up, the Figure 3.3.
following operation measurements should be made:
• Entering exhaust temperature and static pressure Stainless steel (HT & VT) heat exchangers have the
• Exiting exhaust temperature and static pressure access covers installed on a flanged mounting surface.
The flanged mounting surface is welded to the heat
• Exhaust air volume in CFM (Nm3/h).
exchanger casing and has threaded studs welded in place
Supply: to secure the access cover. The access cover assembly is
a sheet having flat bars welded in place and holes
• Entering supply temperature and static pressure
punched to align with the flanged mounting surface’s
• Exiting supply temperature and static pressure threaded studs. The seal between the flanged mounting
• Supply air volume in CFM (Nm3/h). surface and the access cover is a high temperature
gasket material. The access cover is secured in place with
These measurements should be recorded and referred to washers and nuts. Removal of these access covers
when initiating a preventative maintenance schedule. requires that the fasteners be disassembled and the cover
assembly be removed from the flanged mounting surface.
NOTE: When an in-place wash system is installed, the Prior to reassembling these access covers, the high
heat exchanger must be installed in the vertical position. temperature gasket should be inspected and replaced if
required. Assembly is the reverse of the above.
Detergents and cleaning solutions are selected at the If you require additional information or assistance, please
discretion of the user. Exothermics suggests that the contact your Exothermics representative or our home
cleaning fluid, be compatible with the materials of office at any time.
construction of the particular heat exchanger, associated
ductwork, and piping.

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Product Warranty 3
Material and Workmanship: Performance Warranty:

Manufacturer warrants that the equipment proposed Performance figures or requirements, if any, must be
herein of their manufacture shall be free of defects in addressed in the quotation. Performance warranty, if any,
workmanship or materials for a period of one year from must be specifically covered in the quotation. Where no
date of shipment. Should any failure or defect appear performance figures are specified or warranted the
within one year of date of shipment, manufacturer shall manufacturer assumes no responsibility for compliance or
upon written notification of said failure and substantiation noncompliance.
that the equipment has been stored, installed, erected,
maintained, and operated in accordance with good THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE
industry practice and in accordance with manufacturer's AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXCEPT
instructions, correct such non-conformity by repair or THAT OF TITLE, AND EXOTHERMICS-ECLIPSE
replacement, F.O.B. factory. This warranty does not cover HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,
labor or transportation charges for the removal, exchange, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR
or reinstallation of the equipment. IN LAW (INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF
Manufacturer shall not be responsible, nor shall allowance PURPOSE).
be made, for work done, equipment furnished, or for
repairs or replacements made by the purchaser or others, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT SHALL THE
either with or without purchaser's approval, unless prior MANUFACTURER BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR
written approval is made to the purchaser by the LIABLE ON ANY CLAIM WHETHER IN CONTRACT,
manufacturer. Any unauthorized repairs or parts will void TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, WARRANTY
Products or goods manufactured by others, supplied by RESULTING FROM THE PURCHASE OF SAID
Exothermics, Inc. as a part of a system, are not covered EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO
by this warranty. Exothermics, Inc., however, will give their INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR
customer the benefit of any such adjustment as it finally LABOR, LOST PROFITS, LOST PRODUCTION, LOST
obtains from that respective manufacturer of that SALES, INJURY TO PERSON OR PROPERTY OR ANY
component or product. OTHER INCIDENTAL LOSS OR DAMAGE.

Freight damage is specifically excluded from this warranty THE REMEDIES OF THE PURCHASER SET FORTH
and is the responsibility of the purchaser and the carrier. HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE AND THE LIABILITY OF THE
Damage as a result of the effect of corrosion, erosion, CONTRACT, OR ANYTHING DONE IN CONNECTION
excessive heat, freezing, dirt, dust or foreign materials, THEREWITH, OR FROM THE MANUFACTURE, SALE,
and normal wear for that application are specifically DELIVERY, INSTALLATION OR USE OF SAID
excluded from this warranty. EQUIPMENT COVERED BY OR FURNISHED UNDER

Having a policy of continuous product improvement,

Exothermics, Inc. reserves the right to change or alter
design or specification without notice.

Exothermics Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers, Installation Guide 500, 3/20/2015
Conversion Factors
Metric to English
From To Multiply By
actual cubic meter/h (am³/h) actual cubic foot/h (acfh) 35.31
normal cubic meter/h (Nm³/h) standard cubic foot /h (scfh) 38.04
degrees Celsius (°C) degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (°C x 9/5) + 32
kilogram (kg) pound (lb) 2.205
kilowatt (kW) Btu/h 3415
meter (m) foot (ft) 3.281
millibar (mbar) inches water column ("w.c.) 0.402
millibar (mbar) pounds/sq in (psi) 14.5 x 10-3
millimeter (mm) inch (in) 3.94 x 10-2
MJ/Nm³ Btu/ft³ (standard) 26.86

Metric to Metric

From To Multiply By
kiloPascals (kPa) millibar (mbar) 10
meter (m) millimeter (mm) 1000
millibar (mbar) kiloPascals (kPa) 0.1
millimeter (mm) meter (m) 0.001

English to Metric

From To Multiply By
actual cubic foot/h (acfh) actual cubic meter/h (am³/h) 2.832 x 10-2
standard cubic foot /h (scfh) normal cubic meter/h (Nm³/h) 2.629 x 10-2
degrees Fahrenheit (°F) degrees Celsius (°C) (°F - 32) x 5/9
pound (lb) kilogram (kg) 0.454
Btu/h kilowatt (kW) 0.293 x 10-3
foot (ft) meter (m) 0.3048
inches water column ("w.c.) millibar (mbar) 2.489
pounds/sq in (psi) millibar (mbar) 68.95
inch (in) millimeter (mm) 25.4
Btu/ft³ (standard) MJ/Nm³ 37.2 x 10-3



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