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GE 03 Course Syllabus

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Legazpi City


School Year 2019-2020

COLLEGE: School of Education, Arts and Sciences Program:

Course Code: GE 03 Credit Unit: 3

Class days and class time: Prerequisite: None

Instructor: Lorenzo B. Folloso

Course Description: This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization.
Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that
have created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an
overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the
Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

EDGA/ REQUIRED Domains of Program Outcomes Intended Course Outcomes

Knowledge (Intellectual Competencies) 1. Exhibit higher level of comprehension 7. Distinguish different interpretations of and
(textual, visual, etc.) approaches to globalization
2. Communicate proficiently and effectively 8. Describe the emergence of global economic,
political, social, and cultural systems
(writing, speaking, etc.)
9. Analyze the various contemporary drivers of
3. Use new technologies proficiently and globalization
effectively in communication 10. Understand the issues confronting the
4. Show understanding of basic concepts nation-state
across the domains of knowledge 11. Assess the effects of globalization on
5. Exhibit critical, analytical, and creative different social units and their responses
6. Apply different analytical modes
(quantitative and qualitative, artistic and
scientific, textual and visual,
experimental, observation, etc.) in
tackling problems methodically.

Skills (Practical Skills) 1. Work effectively in a group 6. Analyze contemporary news events in the
2. Apply computing and information context of globalization
technology to assist and facilitate research
7. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos
3. Exhibit ability to negotiate the world of
and the Philippines
technology effectively
4. Show ability to solve problems, including 8. Write a research paper with proper
those encountered in the real world citations on a topic related to globalization
5. Exhibit basic work-related skills and

Values ( Personal and Civic Responsibilities) 1. Show appreciation of human conditions 8. Articulate personal positions on various
2. Personally interpret the human experience global issues
3. Exhibit ability to view the contemporary
9. Identify the ethical implications of global
world from both Philippine and global
4. Show self-assuredness in knowing and
being a Filipino
5. Exhibit capacity to reflect critically on
shared concerns and think of innovative,
creative solutions, guided by ethical
6. Show ability to reflect on moral
norms/imperatives as they affect individuals
and society
7. Exhibit ability to appreciate and contribute
to artistic beauty
8. Show understanding and respect for
human rights
9. Exhibit ability to contribute personally and
meaningfully to the country’s development



At the end of the Introduction to

course, students are Globalization Personal Concept map of Bond Paper Quiz on the reading 6 hours
expected to: globalization: Markers materials
Students will engage in a Masking Tape
-Write personal definition free association exercise of Laptop Recitation
of globalization based on ideas they associate with LCD Projector
concept map “globalization” Reading Materials

Based on the concerts they

listed, they will synthesize
a personal definition of the

-Differentiate the Lecture

competing conceptions
of globalization News report critique:
Students will find and read
three newspaper op—eds
(local and international)
discussing globalization.
Before class, they will write
-Identify the underlying 50-word summaries of
philosophies of varying each op-ed identifying what
definitions of the underlying definitions of
globalization globalization of the op-ed
writers use.
-Agree on the working
definition for

The Structure of
-Define economic Globalization Lecture/Discussion LCD Projector Quiz on reading 9 hours
Globalization Reading Materials Materials
Debate: The students will
-Identify the actors that debate the motion “That
facilitate economic The Global Economy global free trade has done
globalization more harm than good.”

-Define modern world


-Explain the role of Market Integration Lecture/ discussion LCD/ Projector Quiz on reading 6 hours
international financial Materials
institutions in the Reading Materials
creation of a global

-Narrate a short history

of global market
integration in the
twentieth century

-Identify the attributes of

global corporations
-Explain the effects of
globalization on The Global Interstate Lecture/discussion LCD Projector/ Reading 3 hours
governments system Materials Quiz on reading

-Identify the institutions

that govern international
relations Recitation

internationalism from

LCD Projector/ Reading

-Identify the roles and Contemporary Global Lecture/ discussion Materials Quiz on reading
functions of the United Governance Materials 6 hours

-Identify the challenges Recitation

of global governance in
the twenty-first century

-Explain the relevance of

a state amid

A Word a Regions
-Define the term “Global
South” Global Divides: The North Group report Quiz on reading
and the South (Focus on LCD Projector/ Reading Materials
-Differentiate the Global Latin America) Materials
South from the Third 6 hours
World Graded Group Report:
Students will form
-Analyze a new groups of 3-5. Each
conception of global group will be asked to
relations emerged from pick an Asian musical
experiences of Latin act that became
Counties internationally famous. In
their group report, they
must answer the
following questions:
1. Where did the
musical artist
2. In which countries
did artist became
3. How did the artist
become famous?
4. Why do you think
the artist became

-Analyze how various A World of Ideas

media drive various 6 hours
forms of global Global Media Cultures Lecture/Group discussion LCD Projector/ Reading
integration Group Report Materials Quiz on reading
-Explain the dynamic
between local and global
cultural production
The Globalization of Lecture/ discussion
-Explain how Religion Discussion of Film LCD Projector Quiz on reading
globalization affects Reading Materials Materials 6 hours
religious practices and Data Gathering of the
beliefs dominant religion in each
country and continent Graded Group Report:
-Analyze the relationship Students will form
between religion and groups of 3-5. Each
global conflict, group will be assigned a
conversely, global peace global city to discuss and
research on. Their
reports should answer
the following questions:
1. How would you
describe your
2. What is your city
known for?
3. What makes you
city a global city?

-Identify the attributes of

a global city Global Population and LCD Projector Quiz on reading 6 hours
Mobility Lecture/ discussion Reading Materials Materials
-Analyze how cities
serve as engines of The Global City
-Explain the theory of Mandate topic:
demographic transition Lecture/ discussion LCD Projector Quiz on reading 6 hours
as it affects global Global Demography Reading Materials Materials

-Analyze the political, Lecture/ discussion

economic, cultural, and Global Migration OFW Interview: Each
social factors underling Student will be asked to Quiz on reading
the global movements of interview a former or a LCD Projector Materials 6 hours
people current OFW (face-to-face Reading Materials
or online). In class they will Recitation
share what they learned
-Display first-hand from these interviews
knowledge of the about transnationalism and
experiences of OFW’s the factor that affect

-Differentiate stability Towards a Sustainable

from sustainability World
-Articulate models of Lecture/ discussion LCD Projector Quiz on reading
global sustainable Sustainable Development Reading Materials Materials
development Personal Concept map
about global citizenship Recitation

Students will engage in a

free association exercise of
ideas they associate with
“global citizenship.”
Based on this, they will
synthesize a personal
definition of the concept.
Afterwards, they will list the
obligations of a global

-Write a research paper Research Paper Writing

on a topic related to Independent Research and
globalization, with proper writing

Required only for teachers:

Claudio, L., &, P. (2018). The Contemporary World: C & E Publishing Inc.
San Juan, D.M., (2018). Journey through our Contemporary World: Vibal Group Publishing, Inc.
Ariola, M., (2018). The Contemporary World: Library Service & Publishing, Inc.

Course Requirements:

a) Attendance (Please refer to the College Student Handbook, 2014 Revised edition pp. 20-23).
b) Advanced readings of the topics.
c) Active participation in all class activities.
d) Submission of requirements on time.
e) Pass major exams (Term Exams)
Grading System: (Please refer to the College Student Handbook, 2014, Revised Edition, pp. 14-20).

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:

____________________ _______________________
Lorenzo B. Folloso Chona S. Bernardo, MEcon, LPT
Instructor Program Head



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