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Vaccines, Cold Chain and Logistics Management: Manual of Operations

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Manual of Operations
Department of Health
National Immunization Program

Manual of Operations

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3

List of Figures 5

List of Tables 6

List of Annexes 7

Foreword 8

Acknowledgements 9

Technical Terms and Acronyms 10

Introduction to the Manual 13

Chapter 1. The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 15

1.1 The Cold Chain System 18

1.2 Health Facility Cold Chain Equipment 19
1.3 Vaccines in the National Immunization Program 19
1.4 Roles and Functions of Staff Managing the Cold Chain at 21
Different Levels

Chapter 2. Guiding Principles For Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 27

2.1 Wastage Rate and Wastage Factor 30

2.2 Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP) 34
2.3 Buffer Stock 36
2.4 Monitoring Vaccine and Safe Injection Equipment 36
2.5 Bundling of Vaccines and Immunization Supply 39
2.6 The Shake Test 40
2.7 First Expiry, First Out (FEFO) Principle 42
2.8 The Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM) 43
2.9 Minimum and Maximum Vaccine Stock Level 45
2.10 Freezing and Conditioning Ice Packs 47
2.11 Proper Care of Vaccines during Defrosting of Cold Chain Equipment 50

Chapter 3. Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 51

3.1 Estimating Annual Vaccine Requirement 54

3.2 Estimating Annual Requirement for Injection Safety Devices 56
3.3 Determining Quantity of Vaccines and Safety Injection Equipment 57
to be Ordered
3.4 Placing Orders using the Vaccine and Safe Injection Equipment 64
Request Form

Introduction 3
Chapter 4. Receiving Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 69

4.1 Pre-Arrival and Arrival of Vaccines 72

Chapter 5. Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 77

5.1 Guidelines for Storing Safe Injection Equipment 80

5.2 Heat and Freeze Sensitivity of Vaccines 81
5.3 Temperature Sensitivity of Immunization Supplies 84
5.4 Temperature Monitoring Devices 84
5.5 Temperature Monitoring and Recording 89
5.6 Temperature Mapping 93
5.7 Estimating Storage Requirements 96
5.8 Determining the Existing Cold Chain Capacity 100
5.9 Calculation of Required Vaccine Storage Capacity 102
5.10 Estimating Storage Capacity of Cold Boxes and Vaccine Carriers 105
5.11 Types of Refrigeration Equipment for Vaccine Storage 105
5.12 Guide for Proper Arrangement of Vaccines inside the Cold Chain Equipment 107

Chapter 6. Distribution and Transport of Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 113

6.1 Supplies Distribution Plan 116

6.2 Recommended Actions before and during Transport of Vaccines 117
6.3 Passive Containers (Cold Box or Vaccine Carrier) 118
6.4 How to Arrange Vaccines in Cold Boxes and Vaccine Carriers 119
6.5 Maintaining the Correct Temperature of Vaccines in Cold Boxes and 121
Vaccine Carriers

Chapter 7. Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 123

7.1 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Cold and Freezer Rooms 126
7.2 Recommended Actions if Storage Temperatures are Out of Range 132
7.3 Defrosting Vaccine Refrigerators 133
7.4 General Care of Cold Chain Equipment 134

Chapter 8. Contingency Plan 137

8.1 Key Elements of a Contingency Plan 140

8.2 Actions to an Emergency at a Fixed Storage Location 140
8.3 Possible Emergencies 141

List of References 144

4 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

List of Figures
Number Title

1 The cold chain system

2 Proportion of MMR vaccine wasted in Health Center A
3 Samples of frozen vaccine vials of Tetanus toxoid (right) and DPT (left)
4 Interpreting the Shake Test result
5 Vaccine vial with an expiration date
6 VVM label locations
7 VVM label at varying stages
8 How to interpret the vaccine vial monitor
9 Sample of ice packs
10 Layering Ice Packs inside the Freezer
11 Checking Conditioned Ice Packs
12 Sample of Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form
13 Sample of Vaccine Usage and Wastage Consolidation Database
14 Sample of Graphical Report Generated by the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Database
15 Sample of Vaccine Request Form
16 Sample of Safe Injection Equipment Request Form
17 Sample of Temperature Monitoring Chart used per Cold Chain Equipment
18 Sensor Location
19 Sample of A Sketch of a Walk-in Cold Room with Measurements
20 Calculating the Existing Vaccine Storage Capacity of a Front-Opening Refrigerator
and Freezer
21 Measuring the Dimension of Top-Opening Refrigerator or Freezer
22 Decision Tree in Selecting a Refrigerator or Freezer
23 Walk-In Cold Room and Shelving
24 Vaccine Arrangement in a Front-Opening Refrigerator
25 Loading Vaccines in a Top-Opening Refrigerator with Basket
26 Loading Vaccines in a Top-Opening Refrigerator without Baskets
27 Samples of Vaccine Transport Box and Vaccine Carrier and the Proper Arrangement
of Ice Packs
28 How to Load a Vaccine Carrier
29 Five Steps in Preparing a Cold Box for Vaccine Shipment
30 Use of Foam Pad to Secure Opened Vaccine Vial in a Vaccine Carrier

Introduction 5
List of Tables
Number Title

1 List of NIP Vaccines and Recommended Doses and Storage Temperature

2 Causes of Vaccine Wastage in Unopened and Opened Vials
3 Vaccine Wastage Rate and Corresponding Vaccine Wastage Factor
4 DOH-Recommended Buffer Stock Level and Usual Distribution Cycle
5 Main Indicators in Monitoring Vaccines and Immunization Supplies
6 Example of Calculating Bundled Vaccination Logistics in an Area with a Total Population
of 130,000
7 Types of VVM Attached to Different Vaccine Type
8 Vaccine Stock Card
9 Specifications of Injection Devices and Corresponding Wastage Factor
10 Guide for Completing the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form
11 Guide for Completing the Vaccine and Safe Injection Equipment Request Form
12 Recommended Timeliness of Submitting Vaccine Orders
13 Recommended Actions during Vaccines Pre-Arrival and Arrival
14 Checking the Status of Ice Packs upon Vaccine Arrival and Recommended Action
15 Recommended Storage Temperature of Vaccine and Diluents
16 Vaccines’ Sensitivity to Various Temperatures
17 Causes of Heat Exposure and Recommended Actions
18 Causes of Freeze Exposure and Recommended Actions
19 Temperature Monitoring Options in Health Facilities
20 Types of Vaccine Refrigerators
21 Action Points for Cold Rooms and Vaccine Refrigerators
22 Action Points for Freezer Rooms and Freezers
23 Sensor List for Temperature Mapping
24 a Sample Estimation of Total Required Storage Volume for Vaccines
24 b Guide for Using the Tool for Estimating Total Storage Volume Required for Vaccines
25 Guide for Using the Tool for Estimating Total Storage Volume Required for Safe
Injection Equipment
26 Sample Estimation of Total Required Storage Volume for Safe Injection Equipment
27 Sample Data on Storage Capacity of WHO Prequalified Refrigerators and Freezers
per PQS
28 Sample Form of Vaccines and Immunization Supplies Distribution Plan
29 Recommended Actions if Storage Temperature are Out of Range

6 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

List of Annexes
Annex Title

1 Tool for Bundling Calculation

2 Stock Management Record
3 Stock Count for Syringes, Safety Boxes and Other Products
4 Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting - Form1
5 Vaccine Usage and Wastage Database - Form2
6 Vaccine Request Form (Revised, June 2017)
7 Invoice Receipt of Property
8 Vaccine Arrival Report v. 2
9 Vaccine Arrival Report for PPV23 and Flu
10 Bill of Lading
11 Different Types of Temperature Monitoring Devices
12 Temperature Monitoring Chart
13 Sensor Data Recording Sheet
14 Sensor Replacement for Temperature Mapping
15 Estimating Vaccine Storage Requirement
16 Worksheets for Estimating Required Vaccine Storage Volume
17 Worksheets for Estimating Required Refrigeration Capacity
18 Estimating Safe Injection Equipment Storage Requirement
19 Cold Chain Inventory Form
20 Tool for Estimating Available Cold Room Net Storage Capacity
21 Tool for Recording Available PQS Cold Chain Storage Volume
22 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution Plan
23 Property Transfer Report
24 Emergency Situations Requiring Contingency Plan

Introduction 7

The Department of Health presents this

5th edition of the Cold Chain and Logistics
Management Manual of the Philippine
National Immunization Program. It contains
updates on standards and procedures,
aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills
of health workers in the delivery of quality
basic immunization services, particularly in
properly managing the vaccine cold chain.
Cold chain management requires special
skills, and is a very important component of
the program.

The country has protected many infants and children against vaccine-preventable
diseases either through the routine or mass immunization campaigns nationwide. Service
providers need to be responsive as the immunization program expands to cover other age
groups coupled with the introduction of new vaccines. Vaccine-preventable diseases affect
not only newborns, infants, children and pregnant women but also compromise the health
and welfare of other vulnerable groups like adolescents and the elderly.

An adequate and readily available supply of vaccines in health facilities is critical to the
delivery of immunization services. The protective potentials of vaccines cannot be realized
without the availability of potent vaccines and their proper storage and management.

Secretary Francisco T. Duque III, MD, MSc

Secretary of Health
Department of Health, Philippines

8 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations


The Department of Health would like to acknowledge the support of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the development
of this Vaccines, Cold Chain & Logistics Management Manual of Operation.

Introduction 9
Technical Terms and Acronyms
ADS Auto-Disabled syringe
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
AEFI Adverse Events Following Immunization
BCG Bacillus Calmette Guerin
BHS Barangay Health Station
BOC Bureau of Customs
bOPV Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine
°C Celsius
Cm Centimeter
cm³ Cubic centimeter
CTC Controlled Temperature Chain
DOH Department of Health
DOH CO Department of Health Central Office
DOH RO Department of Health Regional Office
DTP-HepB-Hib Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influenzae type b
DTRs Daily Temperature Recorders
EPI Expanded Program on Immunization
EVM Effective Vaccine Management
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FEFO First Expiry First Out
FIC Fully Immunized Child
HEPb Hepatitis B
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
IPV Inactivated Polio Vaccine
JE Japanese Encephalitis
LGU Local Government Unit
LMD Logistics Management Division
m³ Cubic meter
MCV Measles-Containing Vaccine
MDVP Multi-Dose Vial Policy
MMR Measles Mumps Rubella
MR Measles Rubella
NIP National Immunization Program
NIST US National Institute of Standards and Technology
PCM Phase Change Material
PCV Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

10 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPV Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine
PQS Performance, Quality and Safety
RHU Rural Health Unit
RITM Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
SDD Supply and Distribution Department
Td Tetanus diphtheria
TP Total Population
TT Tetanus Toxoid
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
VAR Vaccine Arrival Report
VVM Vaccine Vial Monitor
WF Wastage Factor
WHO World Health Organization
WR Wastage Rate

Introduction 11

Vaccines and their management form a major component of

the National Immunization Program (NIP). The regular supply
of vaccines and their efficient management are essential to the
success and effectiveness of all immunization programs.

Intensified introduction of new vaccines, updated policies

and procedures, and emerging recently developed cold chain
equipment have major impact on the immunization system. The
existing cold chain and logistics management manual (4th edition,
2005) needs to be revised to reflect the current challenges and
innovations regarding vaccine supply and its logistics system.

This manual aims to develop and enhance the knowledge and

skills of immunization service providers, NIP managers, and cold
chain managers to effectively manage vaccines and immunization
logistics. It provides guidance on key activities at every level of
the cold chain system: calculating requirements, requisitioning,
receiving, storing, distributing and monitoring vaccine use and
wastage as well as implementing contingency plans.

The guidelines contained here apply to vaccines under the NIP.

However, the general principles of vaccines and cold chain
management apply to all vaccines, including those available in
the private sector.

Introduction 13
Chapter 1
The Philippines’ Cold Chain System

Vaccines are temperature-sensitive biological products; thus, recommended

storage temperatures for vaccines and diluents should be strictly maintained
at all levels of the cold chain.

To ensure safety and potency of vaccines in protecting individuals against

vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs), all immunization and cold chain staff
must know and carry out the correct handling and management of vaccines
and immunization supplies.

At the end of this chapter, the health worker will be able to:

• Understand the vaccine cold chain system;

• Identify the vaccines in the national immunization schedule and their
recommended storage temperatures; and,
• Understand the roles and functions of the NIP Manager/Coordinators and
Cold Chain Manager at different levels.

Chapter 1 | The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 17

1.1 The Cold Chain System
The cold chain is a system for storing and transporting vaccines in good condition from the
manufacturer to the person being immunized. The system includes vaccines, immunization
supplies and cold chain equipment. It is also referred to as the vaccine supply chain.

A complete cold chain system is illustrated in Figure 1. The series of arrows at the bottom
of the figure show the flow of vaccines down to the health facilities; the series at the
top show where data are collected, recorded, checked and analyzed and how reporting
information flows back up the chain. Following this sequence ensures that cold chain
performance is properly monitored and the necessary information is gathered to aid
vaccine forecasting.

In the Philippines, vaccines and immunization supplies are stored and managed at
different locations. It is therefore important to plan and coordinate the delivery of vaccines
and other immunization supplies to ensure that all health centers and other service
delivery points are provided with adequate vaccines; correct diluents; and adequate
syringes, droppers, and safety boxes.

The cold chain system

Request for

Annual statistics
and estimates

Analysis Airport/
Monthly report/
checking Central store

Subnational store

Health centre

mother and child

18 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

1.2 Health Facility Cold Chain Equipment
Different levels within the national cold chain system require different types of equipment
for transporting and storing vaccines and diluents within the required temperature range.

1.2.1 National (Primary Level)

Depending on the capacity required, cold or freezer rooms, refrigerators, cold boxes, and in
some cases, refrigerated trucks for transportation are used at the primary level.

1.2.2 Regional (Secondary Level)

Depending on the capacity required, the secondary level generally uses equipment similar
to the primary level, such as cold or freezer rooms, refrigerators, cold boxes, and in some
cases, refrigerated trucks for transportation.

1.2.3 Province / City (Intermediate Level)

Depending on the capacity required, cold or freezer rooms and/or freezers, refrigerators,
cold boxes, and in some cases, refrigerated trucks for transportation are used at this level.

1.2.4 Health Center, Health Facility or Health Post (Peripheral Level)

Depending on the capacity required, refrigerators (in certain cases, with water pack
freezing/cooling compartment), cold boxes and vaccine carriers are needed at this level.

1.3 Vaccines in the National Immunization

The immunization program in the Philippines started in 1976 with the first set of
vaccines against the six common childhood illnesses: tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis,
poliomyelitis, measles and tetanus. Since then, the Department of Health (DOH) gradually
expanded the types of vaccines used in the National Immunization Program (NIP).

Chapter 1 | The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 19

List of NIP vaccines, recommended doses and storage temperature

Vaccine No. doses VVM Required Wastage rate

Vaccine type Remarks
composition per vial Type routine doses (wastage factor)
Negative Storage Temperature (-15°C to -25°C)
bOPV Polio (live 20 2 3 doses 25% (1.33) Store at -15°C
attenuated to -25°C at the
bivalent oral polio national, regional,
vaccine) provincial/city levels.
store at +2°C to
+8°C temperature
Positive Storage Temperature (+2°C to +8°C)
MMR Measles, mumps 5 14 2 doses 25% (1.33) Can be safely
and rubella stored at
temperatures of
-15°C to -25°C or
+2°C to +8°C
MR Measles and 10 14 2 doses 25% (1.33) Can be safely
rubella stored at
temperatures of
-15°C to -25°C or
+2°C to +8°C
BCG Bacillus Calmette 20 30 1 dose 50% - 75% Not damaged
Guerin (2.00 - 2.50) by freezing but
ampoules may
HepB Hepatitis B 10 30 1 dose 15% (1.18) Damaged by
Pentavalent Diphtheria, 1 14 3 doses 5% (1.05) Damaged by
Pertussis, freezing
influenzae type b
Td Tetanus and 10 14 2 doses per 15% (1.18) Damaged by
diphtheria target freezing.

IPV Polio (inactivated) 10 7 1 dose 15% (1.18) Damaged by

PCV Pneumococcal 1 30 3 doses 5% (1.05) Damaged by
conjugate vaccine freezing
JE Japanese 5 14 1 dose 25% (1.33) Damaged by
encephalitis freezing
HPV* Human Papilloma 1 30 2 doses 5% (1.05) Damaged by
Virus freezing.
Rotavirus* Rotavirus 1 None 2 doses 5% (1.05) Damaged by
PPV Pneumococcal 1 None 2 doses 5% (1.05) Damaged by
polysaccharide freezing.
Flu Influenza 10 None 2 doses 15% (1.18) Damaged by

* Some vaccines are based on the prioritization of the target population

20 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

1.4 Roles and functions of staff managing
the cold chain at different levels
1.4.1 National Level National Immunization Program

• Develop policies, guidelines and tools relevant to cold chain and logistics
• Develop an evidence-based national plan and strategy to strengthen the country’s
cold chain system, including during times of health emergency and disaster.
• Prepare an annual forecast of vaccines and immunization supplies with set standards
for calculation of sub-national needs
• Procure immunization supplies such as vaccines and diluents, AD syringes, mixing
syringes, and safety collector boxes
• Consolidate and analyze data on inventory, vaccine utilization, and wastage
• Support sub-national capacity-building through technical assistance and offering/
exploring training opportunities relevant to vaccine and cold chain management
• Conduct periodic field monitoring and supportive supervision
• Oversee upgrading of the national cold chain system, including resources to provide
cold chain equipment such as, but not limited to, vaccine carriers, cold transport
boxes, vaccine fridges, ice pack freezers, cold room, cold chain temperature
monitoring devices, and relevant information, education and communication (IEC)
• Conduct periodic national cold chain inventory and assessment of effective vaccine
management (EVM), including cold chain equipment functionality at all levels National Vaccine Store (SDD-RITM)

• Develop Policies, Guidelines, and tools for the management, storage, distribution, and
transport of vaccines in coordination with Supply Chain Management
• Implement the national plan to strengthen Cold Chain Management including
• Maintain, manage, and analyze national database on vaccine distribution
• Provide inventory reports to DOH (SCM, DPCB, Finance, COA)
• Act as a member of the technical working group in relation to the procurement of all
vaccines, supplies, and other ancillaries, if needed
• Ensures that vaccines are in good quality
• Recommends measures to DOH for the improvement, expansion, and rehabilitation

Chapter 1 | The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 21

of Cold Storage Facilities for the National Vaccine Store
• Support the NIP in conducting periodic field monitoring and supportive supervision to
ensure compliance to Standards and Guidelines
• Maintain and implement a contingency plan in cases of mechanical or power supply
breakdown of the National Vaccine Store with the support of the DOH
• Properly manage any funds provided to the National Vaccine Store
• Assist the NIP in the conduct of trainings related to cold chain and logistics

1.4.2 Regional Level Regional NIP Coordinator

• Determine annual and quarterly vaccine and immunization supply requirement

following the national standard of calculation and recommended buffer stock
• Share the regional vaccine and immunization supply allocation and distribution plan
with the NIP, SDD-RITM, Regional Cold Chain Manager and Supply Officer
• Ensure timely and adequate receipt and delivery of vaccines and immunization
• Ensure data collection, consolidation, validation, and analysis of regional data on
vaccine requisition. Analyze inventory, distribution, utilization, wastage reports
submitted by province/city, and consolidate regional report
• Conduct quarterly inventory of vaccines and annual inventory of cold chain
• Conduct field monitoring, training, and supportive supervision on cold chain and
logistics management
• Immediately alert the NIP and RITM SDD for any risk of vaccine stock-out at any level
of the regional vaccine supply chain
• Monitor functionality and recommend upgrading of the regional cold chain system, as

needed Regional Cold Chain Manager
• Receive, store, and manage vaccines properly
• Maintain cold chain facility and equipment in good condition, including maintenance
of ideal storage temperature at all times
• Maintain and manage the regional database on vaccines and immunization supply in
coordination with the regional supply officer
• Coordinate with the Regional NIP coordinator to implement the regional vaccine
allocation and distribution plan, making necessary adjustments based on data
analysis on vaccine requisition, distribution, utilization, wastage, and inventory

22 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

• Receive, validate, and process vaccine requisitions and distribution to different
provincial, and city and other vaccine stores
• Coordinate transport service to ensure timely vaccine delivery
• Provide quarterly reports to the Regional NIP Coordinator on the status of the cold
chain, vaccines and immunization supplies
• Immediately alert the Regional NIP Coordinator and the provincial/city vaccine store
on any delay in vaccine delivery and impending vaccine stock-outs
• Support training activities related to vaccine and cold chain management
• Proactively report any breakdown on cold chain facility/equipment with the Regional
Health Office Management and Regional NIP Coordinator
• Maintain and implement contingency plans in case of disaster, mechanical or power
supply breakdowns
• Monitor and record the temperature of cold chain equipment two times a day, every
day, including weekends and holidays.
• Monitor and record status of thermometer, Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM), expiry
date and physical condition of the vaccines and diluents prior to distribution and/or

1.4.3 Provincial and City Level Provincial/ City NIP Coordinator

• Calculate the annual and quarterly vaccine and immunization supply requirement
based on national standards and the recommended buffer stock
• Furnish the Regional NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Manager with the provincial /
city vaccine and immunization supply allocation and distribution plan
• Ensure adequate and timely receipt and delivery of vaccines and immunization
• Ensure data collection, consolidation, validation, analysis of provincial/city report
submission on vaccine requisition, distribution, utilization, wastage, and inventory
• Conduct quarterly inventory of vaccines and annual inventory of cold chain
• Conduct field monitoring, training and supportive supervision on cold chain and
logistics management
• Provide relevant training, and supportive supervision
• Immediately alert the Regional NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Manager on risks of
vaccine stock-out at any level of the vaccine supply chain
• Monitor functionality and recommend upgrading of the cold chain system, as needed

Chapter 1 | The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 23 Provincial / City Vaccine and Cold Chain Manager

• Receive, store and manage vaccines properly

• Maintain cold chain faciity and equipment in good condition, including maintenance
of ideal temperatures at all times
• Monitor and record the temperature of cold chain equipment two times a day every
day, including weekends and holidays.
• Monitor and record status of thermometer, Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM), expiry
date and physical condition of the vaccines and diluents prior to distribution and/or
• Maintain and manage the provincial / city database on vaccines and immunization
supply, in coordination with the Logistics and Supply Officer
• Ensure implementation of the provincial / city vaccine allocation and distribution
plan, with necessary adjustments in coordination with the Provincial NIP Coordinator
based on analysis of vaccine requisition, distribution, utilization, wastage, and
inventory data
• Receive, validate, and process vaccine requisitions and distribution to different health
• Provide monthly report to the Provincial NIP Coordinator on status of cold chain,
vaccines, and immunization supplies
• Immediately alert the Provincial NIP Coordinator and concerned health facilities for
any delay in vaccine delivery or an impending stock-out
• Support training activities related to vaccine and cold chain management
• Proactively report any breakdown in the cold chain facility or equipment to the
Provincial / City Health Office Maintenance Unit and NIP Coordinator
• Maintain and implement a contingency plan for disasters and mechanical or power
supply breakdowns

1.4.4 Municipal Health Office/ Rural Health Unit / Health Center Level NIP Officer

• Calculate annual and quarterly vaccine and immunization supply requirements based
on national standards and recommended buffer stock and share the information with
the Provincial / City NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Officer
• Ensure timely and adequate receipt and delivery of vaccines and immunization
• Ensure monthly report submission to the Provincial NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain
Manager on vaccine requisition, distribution, utilization, wastage, inventory, and cold
chain equipment inventory
• Immediately alert the Provincial / City NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Manager on
any risk of vaccine stock-out

24 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations Cold Chain Officer

• Collect, receive, store and distribute vaccines based on national standards

• Acknowledge receipt of vaccines and other immunization supplies from the Provincial
NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Manager and update the vaccine control card
• Monitor and record the temperature of cold chain equipment two times a day every
day, including weekends and holidays.
• Monitor and record status of thermometer, Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM), expiry
date and physical condition of the vaccines and diluents prior to distribution and/or
• Prepare and submit monthly reports on vaccine requisition, inventory, utilization, and
wastage, including immunization coverage data to the Provincial NIP Coordinator
• Maintain cold chain equipment in good working condition and submit vaccine or cold
chain inventory report as requested
• Immediately report any breakdown in cold chain equipment to the Municipal Health
officer and NIP coordinator
• Maintain and implement contingency plans in disasters and mechanical or power
supply breakdown

Chapter 1 | The Philippines’ Cold Chain System 25

Chapter 2
Guiding Principles for Vaccine
and Cold Chain Management

This chapter introduces the different principles and guidelines for managing
vaccines and the cold chain system.

At the end of this chapter, the NIP Coordinator and Cold Chain Manager
will be able to understand the basic principles, importance and uses of the

2.1 Vaccine Wastage and Wastage Factor

• Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP)
• Buffer Stock
• Bundling of vaccines and immunization supply
• The Shake Test
• First Expiry First Out (FEFO) Principle
• Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM)
• Conditioning Ice Packs
• Minimum and Maximum Stock Level

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 29

2.1 Wastage Rate and Wastage Factor
2.1.1 Causes of Vaccine Wastage

Wastage is defined as loss by use, erosion, damage, or through careless or extravagant

use. Wastage may happen to both opened and unopened vials.

All health facilities using and storing vaccines should promptly submit a duly signed report
of wasted vaccines regardless of the cause (such as expiration, frozen vaccines, VVM at
discard point or excessive withdrawal of vaccines from vials, theft or breakage).

Causes of vaccine Vaccine wastage in unopened vials Vaccine wastage in opened vials
wastage in unopened
Expiration Discarding remaining doses at end of
and opened vials immunization session not in accordance
VVM at dicard point
with the multi-dose vial policy (MDVP).
Exposure to heat or freezing (Refer to the latest MDVP guideline)
Doses administered below the number
Breakage of doses indicated on the label of a vial
Missing inventory Poor or improper reconstitution
Opened vials submerged in water
Discarding unused vials from an
outreach session Suspected contamination
Patient reaction requiring more than
one dose
Administration of incorrect dosage
Very few children showing up during
immunization session

30 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.1.2 Ways to reduce vaccine wastage

Vaccine wastage in health centers can be minimized by:

• Proper stock management;

• Developing a micro plan to ensure efficiency of immunization service delivery;
• Complying with the Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP);
• Monitoring the VVM and expiration date regularly;
• Following the First-Expiry-First-Out (FEFO) principle or using first the vaccine before it
reaches the VVM discard point;
• Monitoring and recording cold chain temperature for each cold chain equipment twice
daily, including weekends and holidays;
• Recording vital information when receiving, storing and distributing vaccines;
• Monitoring, maintaining, and routinely repairing cold chain equipment;
• Performing the shake test to make sure that vaccines have NOT been frozen;
• Strictly following the standard procedure for transporting vaccines; and
• Ensuring that a functional contingency plan is in place in case of power failures or
cold chain equipment breakdown.

2.1.3 Computing Wastage Rate and Wastage Factor

The wastage rate is the expected percentage of vaccine vials that will be discarded or not
fully used. Table 3 shows the WHO standard wastage rate and their equivalent wastage
factor. The wastage factor is used in calculating vaccine needs.

The NIP will use the WHO recommended wastage rate and wastage factor, as specified in
Table 3.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 31

Vaccine wastage rate Wastage rate Wastage factor Vaccine
and corresponding
5% 1.05 Penta, PCV, HPV, Rota, PPV
vaccine wastage factor
10% 1.11
15% 1.18 HepB, IPV, Td, Flu,
20% 1.25
25% 1.33 bOPV, MMR, MR, JE
30% 1.43
40% 1.67
45% 1.82
50% 2.0
55% 2.2
60% 2.25 BCG

Note that each vaccine type has a different wastage rate, which can be calculated using
the formula below. This formula applies to all administrative levels for monitoring and
reporting wastage rate.

Formula for Formula for computing the vaccine Wastage Rate (WR):
computing the WR = Number of doses supplied - Number of dose administered x 100
vaccine Wastage Number of doses supplied
Rate (WR)
Example: A facility received 200 doses of a vaccine. Of this, 150 doses were

WR = 200 – 150 X 100 = 25%


Interpretation: 25% of the vaccine supplied to the facility is wasted.

Note: The doses supplied is calculated from stock recorded for a given time
period by adding the starting balance of usable vaccine doses to new doses
received during the period and subtracting the ending balance:

Formula for determining number of doses supplied:

Doses supplied =
(Starting balance of viable doses + new doses received) – ending balance

The formula for computing wastage factor based on defined wastage rate
is as follows:

Wastage Factor (WF) = 100


Example: Assume that the wastage rate of a vaccine is 25%. Using the
formula, the WF will be:

WF = 100 = 1.33

Interpretation: This means that for every administered dose of this particular
antigen, 1.33 dose is needed to compensate for the 25% wastage.

32 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Determine the wastage rate and wastage factor for MMR in Health Center A.

Given Values:
Number of used doses for routine immunization in a month: 150 doses
Number of doses administered to children in a month: 100 doses
Total Wasted Doses: 50 doses (30 doses wasted during immunization session + 20 doses discarded)

Wastage Rate (WR) = Total Wasted Doses

Number of doses administered + Total wasted doses

= 50 = 1 = 0.33 X 100 = 33%

150 3

Wastage Factor (WF) = 1


1 = 1
1-0.33 1- 1
1 = 3 = 1.5
0.67 2

Figure 2 illustrates the proportion of MMR vaccine wasted in Health Center A in every
reporting cycle.

From the example, the estimated wastage rate of MMR in Health Center A is 33%, which
is higher than the national standard. This should be investigated as to why the wastage is
higher. Health Center A may rquest for additional MMR vaccines to cover the wastage.

Proportion of MMR Vaccine Wasted in Health Center A

Number of used doses for routine immunization in a month (150 doses)

50 50 30 20

Number of doses administered to children Total Wasted Doses (50 doses) =

in a month (100 doses) Doses wasted during immunization
session (30 doses)
+ Discarded Vaccine (20 doses)

2.1.4 Wastage Factor for AD Syringes for Injection

The wastage factor given for other immunization supplies to avoid shortage is set at 1.11,
which is equivalent to 10% wastage rate. This wastage factor is used for estimating the
needs for AD syringes, mixing syringes and safety boxes.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 33

2.2 Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP)
Another source of vaccine wastage is the misinterpretation and misapplication of the MDVP.

2.2.1 The WHO multi-dose Vial Policy (MDVP) Statement (2014)

“All opened WHO prequalified multi-dose vials of vaccines should be discarded at the end
of the immunization sessions, or within six hours of opening, whichever comes first unless
the vaccine meets all of the criteria listed below. If the vaccine meets the four criteria,
the opened vial can be kept and used for up to 28 days after opening.” (WHO Policy
Statement: Multi-Dose Vial Policy [MDVP], Revision 2014 Handling of Multi-Dose Vaccine

The WHO policy document spells out the following criteria for the vaccines:

• The vaccine is currently prequalified by WHO.

• The vaccine is approved for use for up to 28 days after opening the vial, as
determined by WHO.
• The expiry date has not passed.
• The vaccine vial has been, and will continue to be stored at WHO or manufacturer
recommended temperatures. Furtheremore, the vaccine vial monitor (VVM), if one
is attached, is visible on the vaccine label; the date the vial was opened is clearly
indicated and is not past its discard point, and the vaccine has not been damaged by

The policy further states:

“For non WHO-prequalified vaccines, the recommendation is to use as soon as possible
after opening, and respecting the time limit for using opened vials as indicated by the
manufacturer’s instructions in the package insert. If this information is not indicated in
the package insert, the WHO recommends discarding all non WHO-prequalified vaccine
products within six hours after opening or at the end of the immunization session,
whichever comes first.” (Emphasis supplied)

In addition to the WHO statement, the DOH also highlights that MDVP policy only applies
when the opened vaccine vials have no sign of breakage or contamination and aseptic
technique has been observed throughout the handling of the vaccine vial. Vials after

34 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.2.2. Guidelines on implementing MDVP

• Hep B, Td, bOPV and IPV are vaccines covered by MDVP.

• All reconstituted vaccines should be discarded six hours after opening or at the end of
an immunization session, whichever comes first. These are: BCG, MR, MMR, JE
• A flu vaccine with no VVM is to be discarded seven days after opening.
• All single dose vaccines such as Pentavalent, Rotavirus, PCV, PPV, HPV are not
covered by MDVP.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 35

2.3 Buffer Stock
Maintaining the recommended vaccine buffer stock is important to prevent stock-out and
interruption of immunization service delivery in case there is a delay in the distribution of
vaccine supply. The recommended quantity of buffer stock depends on the level of the cold
chain facility.

All vaccine stores are expected to strictly follow and maintain the ideal buffer stock at all
times. In case of vaccine shortage or significant delay in national procurement or delayed
arrival of vaccines, the buffer stock may be temporarily adjusted to at least one month
until a sufficient supply of vaccine is available to maintain the ideal buffer stock. The NIP
and national vaccine store shall issue an advisory in case of any significant delay in the
procurement of vaccines. The cold chain manager/ supply officer should closely coordinate
and monitor stock level at the higher level vaccine store.

DOH-Recommended Buffer Stock Level and Usual Distribution Cycle

Minimum Recommended Buffer

Ideal Buffer Stock Level
Stock Level* Distribution
Ideal Buffer Stock Equivalent Buffer Stock Equivalent cycle to the
level (equivalent percentage (equivalent percentage lower level
Cold chain level store
supply in months) of the annual supply in of the annual
requirement months) requirement
National 6 months 50% 3 months 25% Quarterly
Regional 6 months 25% 3 months 8.33% Quarterly
Provincial/City/ 3 months 25% 1 month 8.33% Monthly
Municipality/RHU/ 1 month 8.33% 1 month 8.33% N/A
* In case procurement budget or procured quantity is not enough to meet the ideal buffer stock level.

2.4 Monitoring vaccine and immunization

Certain aspects of the immunization program have to be regularly monitored to ensure
good-quality service delivery. These are:

• Availability of adequate quantities and assured quality of supplies

• Appropriate use of immunization service delivery
• Timely detection of any problem in the implementation of immunization activities and
the corrective actions to be taken
• Review and update the planning process on a regular basis

36 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.4.1 Monitoring Vaccine and Immunization Supplies
Main Indicators in Indicators Indicators Purpose
Monitoring Vaccines and
Availability of vaccines and immunization • Provide timely information on
Immunization Supplies supplies whether sufficient supplies are
available to meet planned need
Formula for Availability at any time (in
• Assist with forward planning of
supplies and distribution
Current stock level
Monthly needs
Bundling of vaccines and immunization • Ensure that adequate supply of
supplies for distribution vaccines and safe injections are
available at any time
Number of syringes or other supply available
• Number of vaccine doses
Number of doses available
should be equal to the number
of injection syringes
Note: Should be in the range of 0.5 to 1.0
Quality of vaccine storage • Ensure availability of functional
cold chain equipment
Formula for Storage Quality

Number of refrigerators that were out of

service for more than a day during a month
Total number of refrigerators
Vaccine wastage at the service delivery level • Monitor service delivery quality
(wastage in opened vials)
• Monitor cold chain quality
(wastage in unopened vials) Availability of Vaccines and Immunization Supplies

The stock management record (Annexes 2 and 3) is used to monitor the availability of
vaccines and immunization supplies against the minimum and maximum stock levels; order
adequate monthly or quarterly supplies; and distribute supplies to peripheral levels on a
timely basis. This record should be updated regularly through physical or manual count of
supplies. The stock record should be adjusted as needed. Quality of vaccine storage

The use of a continuous time temperature monitoring device (Annex 11) is one way of
ensuring that the cold chain equipment is functional (that is, always maintained at the
recommended storage temperature for vaccines). In addition, a freeze indicator is required
to detect whether freeze-sensitive vaccines were exposed to a freezing temperature.

Using bimetal, alcohol-stem type, or integrated thermometers are not reliable indicators
as temperatures are only obtained on the spot (that is, when the health workers read
the temperature display). On weekends and holidays when nobody is in the facility, the
reliability of the cold chain equipment is not assured.

Whether the continuous time temperature monitoring device or on the spot thermometer is
used, temperatures of the equipment still have to be recorded at least twice daily: first thing
in the morning and before leaving the post in the afternoon, seven days a week (including

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 37

weekends and holidays. Temperature trends should be analyzed weekly. Discuss with your
supervisor any deviations from the expected pattern.

Make sure vaccine boxes are arranged with adequate spacing in-between and that tray
boxes are used to allow internal air circulation. This helps maintain proper temperature
inside the unit. (Do not remove the basket/tray inside the ice-lined vaccine refrigerators.)

2.5 Bundling of Vaccines and Immunization

Bundling is a term advocated by the World Health Organization to estimate the
accessories used in vaccination services. These consist of vaccines, AD syringes and
safety boxes. Bundling has no physical connotation and does not imply that items must be
“packaged” together. This means vaccines may still be delivered separate from syringes
and safety boxes, which do not require cold chain for transport.

What is important to keep in mind is all the immunization supplies are calculated and
scheduled for delivery in such a way that the number of injection safety devices matches
the number of doses of vaccines to be delivered to the recipient store in the same period.
Bundling applies to delivery of supplies from regional level to the LGU.

However, at the service delivery point - especially when conducting outreach vaccination
session - matching vaccines, diluents and injection safety equipment should be brought
together by the vaccination team in charge of the vaccination session. Any unused
logistics should be returned to the store for use in the next vaccination session.

The tool for bundling calculation is found in Annex 1. An example of calculating bundled
immunization logistics using a standard excel tool is shown in Table 6.

38 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Example of Calculating Bundled Vaccination Logistics in an Area with a Target Population of 130,000

Target of doses Doses Wastage Wastage 0.05 0.5 ml 2 ml 5 ml
Doses Safety
Vaccines popula- per per factor for factor for ml AD AD mixing mixing Diluent Droppers
needed boxes
tion target vial vaccines syringes syringes syringes syringes syringes
A B C D E F= G H= I= J=F/D K=F/D L=F/D M=F/D N=
B*C*E B*C*G B*C*G (H+I+J+K)
BCG 130,000 1 20 2.50 325,000 1.11 144,300 16,250 16,250 1,606
HepB 130,000 1 10 1.18 153,400 1.11 144,300 1,443
Pentavalent 130,000 3 1 1.05 409,500 1.11 432,900 4,329
bOPV 130,000 3 20 1.33 518,700 25.935
PCV 130,000 3 1 1.05 460,200 1.11 432,900 4,329
IPV 130,000 1 10 1.18 136,500 1.11 144,300 1,443
MMR 130,000 2 5 1.33 345,800 1.11 288,600 69,160 69,160 3,578
MR 130,000 2 10 1.33 345,800 1.11 288,600 34,580 34,580 3,232
Td 130,000 2 10 1.18 306,800 1.11 288,600 2,886
Td (Pregnant) 130,000 2 10 1.18 306,800 1.11 288,600 2,886
JE 130,000 1 5 1.33 172,900 1.11 144,300 34,580 34,580 1,789
HPV 130,000 2 1 1.05 273,000 1.11 288,600 2,886
PPV 130,000 1 1 1.05 136,500 1.11 144,300 1,443
Flu 130,000 1 10 1.18 153,400 1.11 144,300 1,443
Rotavirus 130,000 2 1 1.05 273,000

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 39

2.6 The Shake Test
Freezing damages aluminum salt-adjuvant, freeze-sensitive vaccines such as diphtheria
toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis, liquid Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), hepatitis A,
hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, liquid Japanese Encephalitis, liquid meningococcal,
liquid pneumococcal, and liquid rabies vaccines.

The shake test tells you whether your suspected vials have been damaged by freezing.
Do the shake test when the temperature monitoring device indicates temperature
exposures below 0° or if a freeze-sensitive vaccine was left in direct contact with a frozen
icepack. Both the Cold Chain Manager and NIP Coordinator should be trained to perform
the shake test.

Only the vaccine vial suspected of freezing should be tested. For better comparison, use
a minimum of five vials to conduct the shake test. Do not conduct the shake test for a
vaccine vial that is already frozen. The frozen vial should be reported as wastage and
disposed of.

Samples of frozen vaccine vials of Tetanus toxoid (right) and DPT (left)

Note: The Shake Test is not applicable to IPV. IPV suspected of freezing needs to be discarded immediately.

2.6.1 How to Perform and Interpret a Shake Test

a. Select one vial from each type and batch of SUSPECT vaccines as CONTROL sample.
Freeze the control vials until they are solid frozen and label them “FROZEN”.
b. Allow the FROZEN control vials to thaw completely.
c. Shake the FROZEN control and SUSPECT vials from the same batch in one hand for
10 to 15 seconds.
d. Observe the sedimentation rate on both vials (the FROZEN control and the SUSPECT
vials) by placing both on a flat surface side-by-side in a well-lighted location. Natural
light is better. The sediments on the suspect vial fall to the bottom of the vials faster
or at the same rate.

40 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Interpreting the Shake Test Result

2.6.2 Subsequent Action if Shake Test indicated that Vaccine was Frozen

• All vaccines damaged by freezing (including the CONTROL sample) should be

removed from the cold chain and set aside in a container labeled “Damaged vaccine
for disposal – Do not use”.
• Notify your supervisor, NIP coordinator and supply officer.
• Make sure that none of the frozen vials are distributed or used in immunization
• Dispose the frozen vials following standard guidelines after receiving permission to
do so.
• Record the vials as FROZEN in the stock card and report them as part of wastage.
• If the health service facility suspects that > 3-5 vials were frozen, there is no need to
perform the shake test. Consider the vials damaged and request for replenishment
of supply.
• Frozen sample can be used for shake test only when testing the same vaccine from
the same manufacturer and the same lot number. A new sample is needed for each
manufacturer and lot number.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 41

2.7 First Expiry, First Out (FEFO) Principle
The expiry date of the vaccines and FIGURE 5.
diluent is printed on the vaccine vial or Vaccine Vial with an
Expiration Date

Each vaccine vial has an expiration

date. Vaccines must not be used
beyond the expiration date, even if the
VVM has not reached discard point.
If the exact date of expiration is not
indicated, the vaccine can still be used
until the end of the expiration month.
For example, in Figure 5, the expiration
is “Jun 2019”; thus, the vaccine may still
be used until 30 June 2019. When deciding which vaccine vial to use/ deliver first, always
apply the First Expiry First Out (FEFO) principle.

Expired vaccine vials should be properly recorded in the vaccine stock card and disposed
of immediately (after accounting and auditing procedures have been completed), labelled
and stored outside the cold chain to avoid being mixed with unexpired vaccines.

2.8 The Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM)

VVM is a label on a vaccine vial which serves as an indicator if the vaccines were exposed
to heat. The VVM sticker is found either on the vial label or cap (Figure 6). It looks like a
white square inside a light violet circle. The VVM changes color when the vial has been
exposed to heat over a period of time (Figure 7). The square becomes darker in color as
the vial is exposed to heat. Each vaccine preparation has different types of VVM. Table 7
lists the different types of VVM for each vaccine.

VVM label locations

42 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

VVM label at varying stages

TABLE 7. Number of days VVM

Types of VVM Attached VVM Type* changes color to discard Vaccines
to Different Vaccine Type point at 37°C
2 2 days bOPV
7 7 days DPT-HepB-Hib (Pentavalent), IPV
14 14 days MR, MMR, JE
30 30 days BCG, Hepatitis B, PCV13,Td, HPV
No VVM Not applicable Rotavirus, PPV23, Influenza

2.8.1 Basic Guidelines on use of VVM

• Aside from checking the expiration date, always check the VVM status:
› When receiving a vaccine shipment: If the cold chain temperature monitoring
device, such as a fridge tag, displays a high temperature alarm, it is possible
that temperatures of more than +8°C for a continuous time of at least 10 hours
occurred. If this occurs, randomly check the VVM and do not accept the delivery if
the VVM reached discard point.
› When preparing vaccines for distribution to health facilities or during immunization
outreach activities: Do not distribute vaccines with VVM that reached discard
› Before opening a vaccine vial for an immunization session: Check VVM status to
see if the vaccine has been damaged by heat. Do not administer vaccines with
VVM that reached discard point.
• VVMs do not measure exposure to freezing temperatures (for freeze-sensitive
vaccines). A VVM still at start point does not exclude the possibility that the vaccine
has been frozen. If a freeze-sensitive vaccine with VVM still at start point is
suspected to have been frozen, perform a shake test.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 43

2.8.2 How to interpret the VVM

Checking for the status of VVM is easy but can be tricky. Check the VVM under natural
lighting to properly view the degree of change in color of the VVM on the vial. Figure 8
provides a simple guide for interpreting the status of VVM on a vaccine vial.

FIGURE 8. Cumulative heat exposure

How to Interpret the
Vaccine Vial Monitor DISCARD POINT

The starting color of the square inside the Once a vaccine has reached or
VVM always has a bluish-gray tinge; is never exceeded the discard point, the color
perfectly white. The inner square remains lighter of the inner square will be the same
than the outer circle until the temperature and/ color or darker than the outer circle.
or duration of heat reaches a level known to
degrade the vaccine beyond acceptable limits.



2.8.3 General Guidelines when Using the VVM for Immunization Sessions
taking place outside of the Health Facility

• During distribution, always maintain vaccines in the cold chain as long as possible.
This ensures the maximum viable life of the vaccine in the field.
• Health workers and others handling the vaccines must be trained to interpret VVM
readings correctly. They must also be trained on how to properly discard vaccine vials
with VVM at discard point.
• Remember that freeze-dried vaccines (measles, BCG, yellow fever, and freeze-dried
formulations of Hib) lack either adjuvant, preservative or both. Thus, these vaccines
should not be transported to their point of use if the availability of ice cannot be
guaranteed. Ice is necessary in order to keep the vaccines cool and potent after
• Conditions where vaccines can be taken out of health facility and where cold chain
must still be maintained:
› Outreach immunization sessions
› School-based vaccination activity
› Mass immunization activity
› Outbreak response immunization
› House-to-house vaccination activity
› Storage and transportation of freeze-sensitive vaccines (Hepatitis B, Hib Vaccine,
DPT, TT, TD, Td, Pentavalent vaccine) where the risk of freezing is greater than the
risk of heat exposure

44 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.9 Minimum and Maximum Vaccine
Stock Level
The minimum and maximum quantity of vaccines to be
stored in each vaccine store or health facility must conform Note
to the national NIP policy. Following standards, the minimum
A hard copy of the Vaccine
vaccine stock level should not be less than the required Stock Card must be
buffer stock, while the maximum stock level should not compiled in a folder and
be more than the available vaccine storage capacity. filed annually. It should
be available for review by
Determining vaccine storage capacity will be discussed in monitoring teams for the
the succeeding chapter. duration allowed by the
facility’s policy for keeping
It is not unusual for the actual available stock to fluctuate records in archives, which is
usually about 3 to 5 years.
by up to 10% above and below established maximum and
minimum stock levels. Fluctuations outside these ranges
may indicate poor stock management practice.

Vaccine inventory must be regularly monitored either manually using the Stock
Management Record for vaccines, diluents and safe injection devices (Annex 2 and 3,
respectively) or through an electronic monitoring system (if available). Once the stock level
goes down to the level of the buffer stock even prior to the next delivery cycle, immediately
send an order to the vaccine store at the next higher level. The reason for rapid depletion
of stocks should be determined and corrected if it is due to poor management of supply.
This proactive action will prevent stock-outs. A sample of the Vaccine Stock Card is shown
in Table 8.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 45

Vaccine Stock Card


Name of Vaccine ___________________________ Quantity Received (in vials) ______________

Generic Name ______________________________ Dose per vial ______________
Brand Name _______________________________ Storage Location ______________
Manufacturer ______________________________

Quantity (in vials) Remarks

Property To Whom
Date Quantity VMM
Transfer Received/ Received Issued Expiry Balance
(mm/dd/yy) (in Dose) Status Issued by/
Receipt No. Issued Date/ Verified by
Lot No. Qty

Beginning Balance

46 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.10 Freezing and Conditioning Ice Packs
2.10.1 What are Ice Packs?

Ice packs are leak-proof containers complying with performance, quality and safety (PQS)
specifications, filled with tap water or with a phase-change material (PCM). PCM is a
substance other than water with a high heat of fusion. PCM melts and solidifies at a
certain temperature and is capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy.

Sample of Ice Packs

2.10.2 Three Forms of Ice Packs may be Prepared Frozen Ice Packs

These are taken directly from a freezer between -20°C and -25°C. When frozen ice packs
are placed in a passive container, the container temperature immediately drops to below
0°C and stays there for a period of up to several hours. For this reason, they must never be
used to transport freeze-sensitive vaccines even if they ensure a long cold life. Cool Ice Packs

These ice packs contain liquid water at an initial temperature of between +2°C and +8°C.
Cool water packs eliminate the freezing risk, but cold water lacks the cooling performance
of ice and protects vaccines for a much shorter period of time. Use of cool water packs
is validated based on the argument that it is safe to expose vaccines other than OPV to
temperatures of up to +20°C for short time periods but only if the vaccines have VVMs. Conditioned Ice Packs

These are ice packs that have been removed from the freezer and left at room temperature
until they begin to melt and contain a mixture of ice and water at a temperature of about
0°C. Ice pack conditioning eliminates freezing risk without much reduction to cold life.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 47

2.10.3 How to Freeze Ice Packs

The proper freezing and use of ice-packs is essential for good quality of the vaccines.
Make sure that ice packs used correspond to the size and number required for each type of
temporary cold chain equipment such as vaccine carriers and transport cold boxes. How to Freeze Ice Packs

a. Fill the ice pack container with tap water, leaving a little air space at the top, and
screw the cap tightly.
b. Hold each ice pack upside down and squeeze to ensure it does not leak.
c. Place the ice packs upright or on their sides in the freezer so that the surface of each
pack touch the evaporator plate (Figure 10) and close the freezer door tightly.
d. Leave ice packs in the freezer for at least 24 hours to ensure solid freezing.
e. After the immunization session, put the ice packs back in the freezer.

Layering Ice Packs inside the Freezer

If all the ice packs do not fit into the freezer, place the extra frozen packs at the bottom
of the main refrigerator compartment. This will keep this section cold in case of a power
outage. Ice packs placed in the freezer will freeze relatively quickly as the water inside is
already cold. Do NOT store already frozen ice packs in the refrigerator compartment as
this will increase the risk of freezing vaccines.

48 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

2.10.4 What is Ice Pack Conditioning?

Ice pack conditioning is a process of removing ice packs from a freezer at - 25°C and
keeping them at room temperature long enough to allow the packs’ core temperature to
rise to 0°C. The guideline is that an ice pack is adequately “conditioned” as soon as beads
of water cover its surface. How to Condition Ice Packs

The time it takes to condition ice packs varies depending on the ambient temperature. It
can take more than 30 minutes.

• Remove ice packs from the freezer compartment and keep them at room temperature
until the ice melts.
• Shake the ice packs one at a time every few minutes as shown in Figure 11.
• Once the sound of water moving inside is heard, the ice packs are ready to be loaded
into the cold box or vaccine carrier.

Checking Conditioned Ice Packs.
Left: Shaking the ice packs to ensure that sound of moving water is heard. Right: Ice packs being melted
at room temperature.

2.10.5 Proper Care of Ice Packs

• There is no need to refill the ice packs after every use. Use the same water repeatedly.
• Clean the ice pack containers before putting them back into the freezer
• Never use vaccine ice packs to transport specimens to the laboratory and vice versa.
• In case ice packs were used for another purpose, ensure that each ice pack container
is thoroughly disinfected and the water replaced before using them for vaccines.
Consult your sanitation officer for guidance on proper disinfection.
• Never use ice packs with signs of breakage or contamination (such as growth of
molds) for storing or transporting vaccines or medicines.

Chapter 2 | Guiding Principles for Vaccine and Cold Chain Management 49

Chapter 3
Calculating and Requesting Vaccines
and Safe Injection Equipment

The availability of an adequate supply of vaccines, diluents and safe-injection

equipment of assured quality is critical to every immunization service.
Effective management and storage of supplies can bring down program
costs, prevent high wastage rates and stockouts, and improve the safety of

At the end of this chapter, the NIP coordinator and cold chain manager will be
able to:

• Understand the variables and formula in the calculation of vaccines and

immunization supplies
• Monitor and report vaccine usage and wastage at the health facility,
including consolidation of reports at the regional, provincial and city
• Order the right quantity of vaccines and immunization supplies and
prevent stockouts

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 53

3.1 Estimating Annual Vaccine Requirements
3.1.1 Required Information for Calculating Annual Requirement

The following parameters are necessary to properly calculate the annual requirement for
vaccines and immunization supply:

• Total projected population – use the official projected population from the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA), as endorsed by the DOH
• Target population or eligible population – calculated using a multiplication factor
established by NIP
• Recommended number of doses – use vaccine-specific required number of doses
• Number of doses per vial for each vaccine – check the package insert that comes
with the vaccine
• Wastage factor – use vaccine-specific wastage factor
• Vaccine distribution cycle – depending on the store level
• Recommended buffer stock – depending on the store level

The same basic formula presented in this chapter will be used for calculating the
requirement regardless of the delivery cycle. However, the resulting figure has to be
divided by either 4 or 12 when estimating quarterly or monthly needs, respectively.

3.1.2 Estimating Annual Vaccine Requirement

First, calculate the target population / eligible population as shown below.

Eligible Population (EP) = Total Population (TP) × Multiplication Factor (MF)

Then, calculate the number of vials required annually per vaccine using the following

Annual Requirement =

Eligible Population × Required of Doses × Wastage factor +

of Doses per Vial Recommended Buffer Stock

54 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Reminder The DOH NIP is using a standard multiplication factor of 2.7% for estimating
the number of eligible population under i year old. The guidelines for
estimating target population is communicated through official channels. The
multiplication factor should be constantly reviewed and adjusted based on
recent population census data from the PSA.

Further, both the WHO and UNICEF recommended to always aim for
100% coverage in calculating the annual vaccine requirement for routine
immunization because every child has a right to immunization. Any
adjustments on the target coverage shall be made only if DOH has a
budgetary constraint in procuring vaccines. In this case, adjusting the target
coverage to 95% coverage to achieve the National Objectives for Health is
conditionally acceptable.

3.1.3 Estimating Quarterly/ Monthly Vaccine Requirement

Calculating the annual requirement is helpful in planning for vaccine procurement,

allocation and delivery. Before ordering vaccines and safe injection devices from a
higher level cold chain store, updated inventory data on vaccines and other supplies is
necessary. By reviewing the calculated requirement against the latest data on vaccine
utilization, wastage and current stock level, the requesting store can accordingly make
the necessary adjustment in the final quantity to be ordered and avoid overstocking or
understocking of vaccines.

Prior to submission of the requisition, check that the required buffer stock is maintained.
This will help prevent stockouts in case of procurement or delivery delays.

Assess existing vaccine cold chain storage capacity to plan the appropriate delivery
cycle per vaccine store. The recommended sub-national delivery cycle for vaccines and
immunization supply is quarterly for the region, province, city and district levels, while
monthly for municipal, RHU, HC and BHS levels. However, the delivery schedule may be
more frequent in areas where cold chain storage capacity is limited.

The basic computation of vaccine requirement per recommended delivery schedule is

shown below. Keep in mind that before submitting an order, the result of this computation
should be reviewed against the existing stock level at the requesting store. For routine
supply, the remaining quantity on stock should be deducted from the calculated quarterly/
monthly vaccine requirement to prevent overstocking and ensure that other requesting
stores will also be sufficiently supplied with vaccines. Finally, the requesting store should
ensure that buffer stock will be maintained throughout the next delivery cycle.

Quarterly Requirement = Annual Requirement ÷ 4

Monthly Requirement = Annual Requirement ÷ 12

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 55

3.2 Estimating Annual Requirement for
Injection Safety Devices
Except for vaccines, immunization supplies and devices are calculated with a standard
wastage rate of 10% (equivalent to 1.11 Wastage Factor). The list and specifications of
other immunization supplies are summarized in Table 9.

3.2.1 How to calculate injection safety equipment

• Calculate the number of 0.05 ml or 0.5 ml auto-disable syringe (ADS) required


AD Syringes = Eligible Population X Required # of Doses X Wastage Factor

• Calculate the number of 5 ml mixing syringe required annually

Mixing Syringes =

Eligible Population × Required of Doses × Wastage factor

of Doses per Vial

• Calculate the number of safety boxes required annuallyt

Safety Collector Boxes =

Total AD Syringes + Mixing Syringes × Wastage factor


56 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

TABLE 9. Wastage
Specifications of Supplies Size Usage
Injection Devices and
Auto-Disabled Syringe 0.05 ml, g26 BCG 1.11
Corresponding Wastage with needle
Auto-Disabled Syringe 0.05 ml, g23 HepB, Penta, PCV, IPV, 1.11
with needle MMR, MR, JE, Td, TT, HPV,
PPV, Flu
Mixing Syringe with 5 ml. g20 BCG, MR, MMR, JE 1.11
Safety Collector Box 5 liter All syringes/needles 1.11
Dropper Depends on bOPV 1.11

3.3 Determining Quantity of Vaccines and

Safety Injection Equipment to be Ordered
Consumption and program performance during the previous delivery period affect each
of the parameters used in estimating current need for vaccines and injection safety
equipment. For example, the wastage rate, defaulter rate or coverage rate may be
higher or lower during the last delivery period, while reporting of accomplishment may
be delayed. It is therefore important to get the updated data on these parameters before
placing a new order.

3.3.1 Vaccine Usage and Wastage Report Form

The Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form 1 (Annex

4) and its corresponding consolidated database Form 2 Note
(Annex 5) were developed in 2017 to improve vaccine
supply chain management by closely monitoring vaccine In the new NIP policy,
requested vaccine will
consumption at the service delivery point. be delivered only if the
requisition is accompanied
The information collected will be used to adjust vaccine with the latest vaccine
inventory report.
allocation and distribution to prevent overstocking or
understocking at any level of the vaccine store.

Stock-outs resulted in missed opportunities to vaccinate the eligible population. The NIP
requires strict compliance with the required quarterly vaccine inventory and to submit the
inventory status report to the next higher levels through the Vaccine Usage and Wastage
Reporting Form (Figure 12).

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 57

3.3.2 Main Information Collected in the Vaccine Usage and Wastage
Report Form

• Stock available for the reporting month – provides information on the quantity of
vaccines received during the previous month from all sources and those returned or
distributed to other health facilities
• Utilization and wastage report – contains data on the quantity of vaccines wasted,
used for immunization service delivery, vials unused and estimation of the wastage
• Inventory report – indicates the ending balance of the vaccines available for use
in the current month and other relevant information, such as the reason for high
wastage rate, among others.

3.3.3 How to fill out the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form

This form is completed at and submitted to the next higher level by the health facility
providing immunization services. The following table provides a stepwise guidance in
completing the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form.

The data in the submitted form is consolidated at the next higher level using the Vaccine
Usage and Wastage Consolidation Database. Figure 13 is an example of the database.
Data for each vaccine is encoded in separate worksheets. Except for the first column which
lists all the catchment area of a given health facility, the rest of the columns are similar to
the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form.

58 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Form 1: Vaccine Use and Wastage Monthly Monitoring Form for Vaccination Facilities

Name of Facility: _________________________________________________ Reporting Month: _________________ Date of Report: __________________ Reported by:____________________________________________
Name of Region: ______________________ Name of Province: __________________________________ Name of City/Municipality: ____________________________________
Reporting Level:  Province  City/Municipality  Barangay  Others (please specify): ______________


# of vials # of Vials Administered

Total stock available for # of unopened
Vials Discarded
received # of vials the reporting month # of utilized vials vials
Dose # of vials # of vials
Starting from returned Wasted
Antigen per received avail- Ending
balance higher to higher doses Wast-
vial from any able for # of # of balance (in
(in vials) level or level or # of during age
source in Total Total routine doses vials vials) for Remarks
for the other transferred vials # of immuni- # of Rate
the # of vials # of doses # of vials # of vials Discarded Discarded immuni- admin- # of doses kept the report-
reporting sources to other with opened zation doses
reporting (c+d+e)-f (b x g) expired damaged Vials in Doses zation istered (b x p) at the ing month
month for the health VVM vials** (q-o) (b x s)
month* (i+j+k) (b x l) (g-l) facility
reporting facility 3/4
month ***

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w

BCG 20

HepB 10

Pentavalent 1

bOPV 20
Sample Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form

IPV 10


MR 10


Rotavirus 1

Td 10


JE 5

TT 20

Measles 10

Dengvaxia 5

Flu 10

PPV23 1

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment

* Number of vials received from sources other than DOH (e.g., donation, procured by LGU, etc.)
** Actual number of vials opened during immunization sessions for the reporting month

***Based on actual physical count or inventory after the last immunization session of the reporting month.
Consolidation Report Form 2: Vaccine Usage and Wastage Database

Antigen: Date Report(mm/dd/yy):

Name of
Name of
Province: Note:
Name of City/
Municipality: * Number of vials received from sources other than DOH (e.g., donation, procured by LGU, etc.)
Level: ** Actual number of vials opened during immunization sessions for the reporting month
***Based on actual physical count or inventory after the last immunization session of the
Dose per Vial: reporting month.


# of Vials Administered
# of vials Total stock available
# of vials # of unopened
received for the reporting Vials Discarded
# of vials returned # of vials vials Ending
Name of Baran- Starting from month Wasted
received to higher available # of utilized vials balance
gay/Municipality/ balance higher doses
from any level or for Wastage (in vials)
Province/City (in vials) level or during
source trans- routine # of doses Rate for the Remarks
for the other immuni-
in the ferred immuni- adminis- # of vials report-
reporting sources Total Total zation # of
reporting to other # of # of vials zation tered # of # of kept ing
month for the # of vials # of vials # of vials Discarded Discarded (p-n) doses
month* health doses with (f-k) opened doses at the month
reporting (b+c+d)-e expired damaged Vials in Doses (b7
facility (b7 x f) VVM 3/4 vials** (b7 x o) facility
month (h+i+j) (b7 x k) x r)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v
Sample of Vaccine Usage and Wastage Consolidation Database

Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Guide for Completing the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Reporting Form

Label Description and Formula

Column a List of vaccines included in the National Immunization Program

Column b Refers to the number of doses per vial for each vaccine according to the available stock.
If same vaccine is available both as single dose or multi-dose vial, it has to be listed two
times per preparation
Column c Refers to the number of remaining vials from the previous reporting month carried over to
the current reporting month (starting balance)
Column d Refers to the number of vials received from DOH or other health facilities within the
reporting month
Column e Refers to the number of vials received from any source other than DOH within the
reporting month
Column f Refers to the number of vials returned to the next higher level or transferred/issued to
other health facility
Column g Refers to the total number of available vials for the reporting month
Formula: g = (c + d + e) - f
Column h Refers to the value in column G, only this time it is converted into doses
Formula: h = (b x g)

Column i Refers to the number of expired vials of a particular vaccine

Column j Pertains to the number of vials of a particular vaccine with visual indication of VVM at
discard point
Column k Pertains to the number of vials damaged and cannot be categorized in Columns i and j
Column l Refers to the total number of discarded vials of a particular vaccine
Formula: l = (i + j + k)
Column m Refers to the value in column l only this time, it is converted into doses
Formula: m = (b x l)
Column n Pertains to the number of vials available for routine immunization after considering the
total number of discarded vials
Formula: n = (g - l)
Column o Refers to the actual number of doses administered to children during the course of a
particular reporting period
Column p Refers to the actual number of vials of a particular vaccine which have been opened
during immunization activities within the specified reporting period
Column q Refers to the value in column p only this time, it is converted into doses
Formula: q = (b x p)
Column r Pertains to the number of doses wasted during immunization activities (operational
Formula: r = (q - o)
Column s Refers to the number of unopened vials of a particular vaccine after immunization
activities and kept at the facility
Based on actual physical count or inventory after the last immunization session of the
previous month
Column t Refers to the value Column s only this time, converted into doses
Formula: t = (b x s)

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 61

Label Description and Formula

Column u Pertains to the wastage rate of a particular vaccine

Formula: u = m + r x 100
Column v Pertains to the total number of remaining vials after immunization activities for the
reporting month (ending balance)

Column w Remarks (any information to be conveyed to higher level)

Once the name of the reporting unit is encoded in the first column of the first vaccine
worksheet, the database will automatically generate the name of the reporting unit in all
active sheets, e.g. for the rest of the vaccine worksheets. This facilitates easy encoding.
Data encoded in each vaccine worksheet is automatically consolidated in the summary
Worksheet. The tool automatically provides a graphical analysis of the consolidated data
(Figure 14).

Proper planning for vaccine allocation, requisition and distribution will be guided by the
information collected from this reporting requirement. Ideally, the higher level vaccine
store should review the stock level, rate of vaccine utilization and wastage for the
previous period and make the necessary adjustment either by increasing or reducing
the allocation for the next delivery. It is also important for the supplying vaccine store to
check the sufficiency of the cold chain capacity and buffer stock of the receiving store
prior to delivery.

Finally, it is important to place the order one month or at least two weeks prior to the
next delivery schedule. This will allow sufficient time for the supplying vaccine store to
prepare and deliver the vaccines and logistics on time.

62 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Sample of Graphical Report Generated by the Vaccine Usage and Wastage Database

3.4 Placing Orders using the Vaccine and

Safe Injection Equipment Request Form
The Vaccine Request Form (VRF) is used to request vaccines and safe injection equipment
from a higher level vaccine store. This requires calculation of vaccine quantity in vials.
Following the recommended delivery cycle discussed in Chapter II, the VRF (Annex 6) has
two types: VRF-1 is used for the quarterly delivery cycle while VRF-2 is used for monthly
delivery cycle.

3.4.1 Components of the Vaccine and Safe Injection Equipment Request


Care must be taken when calculating syringes because there are several vaccines
requiring the use of AD and mixing syringes. When estimating the quantity to be ordered,
review first the total number of vaccine doses requested for the current delivery period
that would require 0.05 ml AD syringes, 0.5 ml AD syringes and the corresponding mixing

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 63

TABLE 11. Components and
Guide for Completing Code Definition
the Vaccine and Safe
Part 1: Previous month stock Contains information about the remaining
Injection Equipment stock from the last delivery period
Request Form
a EPI vaccines and safe List of all vaccines under the national
injection equipment immunization program
b Previous stock Quantity of vaccines at the start of the last
delivery cycle
c Quantity received from Quantity actually received during the last
previous order delivery cycle
d Quantity issued Quantity issued to the lower levels during the
last delivery cycle
e Quantity damaged, Quantity of vaccine wasted during the last
expired, loss, etc delivery cycle
f Current stock Quantity of viable and unused vaccines from
the last delivery cycle.
Formula: f = (b+c)-(d+e)
Part 2: Estimation of current Contains information on the request for the
order current delivery cycle
g Quarterly/ monthly Quantity needed to resupply the store for the
requirement current delivery cycle
Formula: (TP * multiplication factor* no. of
doses * WF)÷dose per vial)÷4 quarters (or 12
if monthly)
h Buffer stock Quantity required to maintain recommended
buffer stock for the current delivery cycle
Formula: h=g
i Recommended stock Ideal quantity of vaccines to be stored and
level made available for distribution / use for the
current delivery cycle
Formula: i = (g + h)
j Current order / request Actual quantity of vaccines to be requested for
the current delivery cycle
Formula: j = (i - f)
k Remarks Any information that the receiving store need
to know about the current request (e.g. priority
vaccine for delivery, etc.)

Figures 15 and 16 are examples of the Vaccine and Safe Injection Equipment Request
Form used by the RHO, PHO, CHO and health centers. Only duly completed and signed,
the VRF will be processed for vaccine delivery. The higher level vaccine store reserves
the right to review the request and make necessary adjustments in the actual quantity to
be delivered for the current delivery period. The adjustment will be based on the review
of the data contained in the order form against the data in the Vaccine Usage and
Wastage Form.

64 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Sample of Vaccine Request Form

Instruction: Please do not forget to fill-up all columns and the total population of the requesting facility.
All vaccine quantity are calculated in vials.

Previous Quarter Stock Estimation of Current Vaccine Order

EPI Vaccines Previous Quantity Quantity Quantity Current Quarterly Buffer Recom- Current Remarks
Stock received issued Damaged, Stock require- Stock mended order/
from Expired, ment Stock request
previous Loss, Etc.) f = (b + c) Level
order - (d + e) h=g i = (g + h) j = (i - f)

a b c d e f g h i j k
BCG (20-dose/vial)
Hepatitis B
Bivalent Oral Polio
Vaccine (20-dose/
Conjugate Vaccine
Inactivated Polio
Vaccine (IPV) (10-
Measles Mumps
Rubella (5-dose/
Tetanus diptheria,
Adolescent (10-
Tetanus diptheria,
Pregnant Women
Measles Rubella
Japanese Enceph-
alitis (5-dose/vial)
Rotavirus Vaccine
Human Papillo-
mavirus Vaccine
Vaccine (1-dose/
Influenza Vaccine

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 65

Sample of Safe Injection Equipment Request Form

Previous Quarter Stock Estimation of Current Vaccine Order

EPI Vaccines Previous Quantity Quantity Quantity Current Quarterly Buffer Recom- Current Remarks
Stock received issued Damaged, Stock require- Stock mended order/
from Expired, ment Stock request
previous Loss, Etc.) f = (b + c) Level
order - (d + e) h=g i = (g + h) j = (i - f)

a b c d e f g h i j k
bOPV droppers
Safety boxes
0.05ml AD syringes
for BCG
0.05ml AD syringes
(total quantity)
Hepatitis B (10-
Conjugate Vac-
cine (1-dose/vial)
Inactivated Polio
Vaccine (IPV)
Measles Mumps
Tetanus diptheria,
Tetanus diptheria,
Pregnant Women
Measles Rubella
Japanese Enceph-
alitis (5-dose/vial)
Human Papillo-
mavirus Vaccine
Vaccine (1-dose/
Influenza Vaccine
2 ml or 3 ml Mixing
syringes for BCG
5 ml Mixing syringes
(total quantity)
Measles Mumps
Rubella (5-dose/
Measles Rubella
Japanese Enceph-
alitis (5-dose/vial)

66 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

3.4.2 Timeliness of Ordering Vaccines

The recommended timing for submitting requests for vaccine replenishment is as follows:

TABLE 11. Delivery Timing of request

Recommended Example Remarks
cycle submission
Timeliness of Submitting
Quarterly 1 month before Submit request • Timely submission of
Vaccine Orders the start of the for 2nd quarter on request will help prevent
next quarter March 1 vaccine stock-out
• Compliance with the
Monthly 3 weeks before Submit the recommended timing of
the start of the request for the for requests gives ample
following month month of February time for the vaccine store
on 2nd week of to prepare and transport
January the requested quantity in
a timely manner
Weekly Every Tuesday of Submit the
the week request for next • Any request for vaccines
week on Tuesday without an inventory and
of the current wastage report shall not
week be processed

Chapter 3 | Calculating and Requesting Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 67

Chapter 4
Receiving Vaccines and
Safe Injection Equipment

Each health worker or staff in-charge should understand the basic principles
of storing vaccines and safe injection equipment. Recipient and sending
facilities are responsible for thoroughly checking vaccine quantity and
condition (state of the VVM, potency, expiration, and undamaged state),
appropriateness of transport equipment used and temperature upon
receipt and prior to delivery. Other immunization supplies such diluents,
OPV droppers, syringes and safety boxes should be adequate, in good
condition, and should properly match the vaccines delivered. It is important
to keep in mind to provide only diluents from the same vaccine lot/batch and

This Chapter aims to enable health workers to:

• Be familiar with documents and checklists to be completed related to

the receipt, storage, and delivery of vaccines and immunization supplies;
• Conduct quality check of vaccines and immunization supplies pre-arrival
and upon receipt; and,
• Decide when to accept or reject a delivery.

Chapter 4 | Receiving Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 71

4.1 Pre-arrival and Arrival of Vaccines
The recommended actions to be taken at all levels of the cold chain system during pre-
arrival of vaccines are outlined in Table 13. The Supplies Distribution Division (National
Vaccine Store) of the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) sends pre-shipment
advice to direct recipients at least one week prior to a shipment’s expected date of arrival.

Recommended Actions during Vaccines Pre-Arrival and Arrival

Provincial/ RHU/
Actions National Regional
City BHS
Vaccines pre-arrival checklist
Inform details of vaccine arrival and distribution Yes Yes Yes N/A
Vaccines arrival checklist
Check completeness of documents of the vaccines:
• Air way bill Yes Yes N/A N/A
• Bill of lading Yes Yes N/A N/A
• Way bill Yes N/A Yes Yes
• Packing list Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Invoice receipt Yes N/A Yes Yes
Open the boxes and check the temperature (if accompanied Yes Yes Yes N/A
by temperature monitoring device) and the presence and
condition of ice packs
Check status of the ice packs Yes Yes Yes N/A
If the ice packs are either fully melted or frozen hard inform
immediate supervisor for appropriate action
Check VVM status and note any color change and include in Yes Yes Yes Yes
the report
Check expiry date and lot number of each vaccine type. There Yes Yes Yes Yes
may be more than one expiry date and lot number of a single
vaccine type in the consignment
Count the vaccines and compare the quantity recorded in the Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fill up the Vaccine Arrival Report (VAR), including condition of Yes Yes Yes N/A
the vaccines and submit to appropriate body
Immediately transfer and organize the vaccines in the cold Yes Yes Yes Yes
room/freezer room or vaccine refrigerator/freezer
Record the vaccine quantity received, lot number, expiry date, Yes Yes Yes Yes
status of VVM and other needed information in the vaccine
control card or stock card
Prepare and submit report to Supervisor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Immediately report any concern to the next higher level Yes Yes Yes Yes

72 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

4.1.1 Receipt of Immunization Supplies

Ensure that the Invoice Receipt for Property (IRP) contains all the following:

• Name of person, designation and agency;

• Correct delivery address;
• Open or damaged packing for AD syringes (if any);
• Product quantity, type, lot number, expiry date, unit cost against the invoice/delivery
note; and,
• Signed delivery note, indicating problems or discrepancies.

A sample Invoice Receipt of Property form is found in Annex 7. If there are discrepancies
such as short dating and/or supplies that cannot be used before they expire, contact the
supplier and report the problem. Vaccine Arrival Report

The Vaccine Arrival Report (VAR) serves as the confirmation of receipt of vaccines by the
requesting store. It also serves as a supporting document for the request for replacement
of vaccines that are damaged during shipment. The form should be completed and
submitted to the supplying store within three days of vaccine receipt. This form is used
only at the RHO, PHO and CHO levels. The standard VAR forms are found in Annexes 8
and 9, while the Bill of Lading is found in Annex 10.

The VAR contains information on the confirmation of the consignee’s receipt of an advance
notice; arrival details; and, details on the quantity, lot number, expiration date, number
of delivered boxes, types of documents (such as invoice, bill of lading, and packing list)
received along with the delivered vaccines); status of VVM and accompanying ice packs;
temperature recording at the time of arrival; and, the general condition of the shipment.

Check ice pack condition upon shipment arrival

The different conditions of ice packs upon receipt of the vaccines and the recommended
actions are shown in Table 14. Check the temperature of the data logger provided (if

Check quantity of the shipment upon shipment arrival

Conduct a physical count of the vaccine shipment and compare the quantity to the entry
in the shipping document. The recipient store may still accept the delivery. However,
any discrepancy in the quantity should be recorded in the VAR and the recipient should
immediately notify the supplier so that the delivery of remaining supply can be arranged
as soon as possible to prevent shortage at any store level.

Chapter 4 | Receiving Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 73

Checking the Status Ice pack condition Recommended action
of Ice Packs upon
Frozen Record “ice packs frozen” on the VAR
Vaccine Arrival and
Recommended Action If freeze sensitive vaccines are in the shipment, check to
determine if vaccine has been frozen using the Shake Test
If Shake Test results show that the vaccine has been frozen,
report to supplier and supervisor and do NOT use that
If Shake Test results show that the vaccine has not
been frozen, accept the shipment, report to supplier and
supervisor and use normally
Not frozen Record “ice packs not frozen” on the VAR
but cold
Accept the shipment and check the VVM status
Immediately place in cold chain equipment
Report to supplier and supervisor and use normally
Not frozen and Record “ice packs warm” on the VAR
warm at room
Accept the shipment and label Delivered with Warm Ice Pack
Check the VVM status
Do not use vaccine if the VVM has reached stage 3 or 4
Immediately place in cold chain equipment to prevent
further heat exposure
Report to supplier and supervisor
No ice packs Record “no ice packs” on the VAR
Report to supplier and supervisor
Do not use vaccine until advice from supplier or supervisor
is received

74 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

4.1.2 Acceptable Grounds for Rejecting Vaccine Shipment

Ideally vaccines delivered to the regional level should have an expiration date of not less
than six (6) months’ time. However, if the vaccine is close to expiry within a few months
(such as less than 3 months), DOH will issue prior advice on consumption of the vaccine
within the expiry date.

The acceptable grounds for rejecting vaccine shipments include:

• If VVM already reached discard point.

• If the vials show that the vaccines/diluents have been compromised (such as broken
glass, presence of molds, completely exposed rubber top, vial label peeled off, and
removed VVM sticker)
• For freeze-sensitive vaccines, if the temperature log indicated exposure to freezing at
any point during delivery or if there is any physical indication that the vaccines have
been frozen, assume that the vaccines have been frozen and perform the Shake Test
• If the type of diluent does not match with vaccines provided (for example, BCG diluent
was supplied with measles-containing vaccine.

Chapter 4 | Receiving Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 75

Chapter 5
Storing Vaccines and
Safe Injection Supplies

Vaccines are sensitive to heat, freezing and light. Vaccine cold storage
temperature should be checked at least twice daily. Every time an order or
request for vaccines is made, staff concerned must consider the latest vaccine
inventory and cold storage capacity of the requesting facility. This is to ensure
that vaccines’ safety and potency will not be compromised during storage
and that these are maintained until the vaccines are administered to the
eligible populations.

This chapter aims to enable health workers to:

• Be familiar with the recommended vaccine storage temperature

• Know the causes of heat and freeze exposure and how to prevent them
• Identify the different types of temperature monitoring devices and their
• Calculate the existing and required vaccine cold storage capacity
• Decide which vaccine refrigeration equipment is ideal for their facility
• Arrange vaccines inside the cold chain equipment properly

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 79

5.1 Guidelines for Storing Safe Injection
The optimal storage conditions for safe injection equipment (e.g. AD syringes,
reconstitution syringes and safety boxes) are more flexible than for vaccines.

5.1.1 Optimal Storage Conditions for Safe Injection Equipment

The following general guidelines must be followed in order to avoid contamination and
wastage of materials:

• Clean and disinfect the storeroom regularly to discourage harmful insects and
rodents from entering the storage area.
• Store injection safety commodities in a dry, well-lit and well-ventilated storeroom.
• Keep the storeroom free from dampness.
• Keep vaccines away from direct sunlight.
• Make functional fire safety equipment available.
• Store latex products away from electric motors and fluorescent lights.
• Limit access to the storage area to authorized personnel.
• Stack cartons at least 10 cm (4 inches) off the floor, 30 cm (one foot) away from the
walls and from other stacks, and no more than 2.5 m (8 ft) high.
• Arrange cartons with arrows pointing up and with identification labels and with
manufacturing and expiry dates clearly visible.
• Store health commodities away from chemicals, flammable products and hazardous
• Separate damaged and expired health commodities from usable commodities.
• Keep narcotics and other controlled substances in a locked place.
• Store flammable products separately with appropriate safety precautions.

5.1.2 Recommended Storage Temperatures for Vaccines and Diluents

Temperature ranges for which vaccines are stored at each cold chain level are shown in
the table below.

80 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

TABLE 15. Provincial
Recommended Storage Central Regional RHU/HC BHS
Temperature of Vaccine
Maximum storage
and Diluents Vaccines Maximum storage period
6-12 Per
3 months 3 months 1 month
months session
bOPV Store at -15°C to -25°C for long Store at +2°C to +8°C
storage period for short storage
BCG, JE, MMR, MR Store these lyophilized vaccines at +2°C to +8°C

HepB, IPV, Penta, Store at +2°C to +8°C

HPV, Flu, PCV,
These are freeze sensitive vaccines
Rota, Td, TT

PCV13, Rota, Store at +2°C to +8°C

HPV, PCV23, Flu
Diluent If diluent is included in the vaccine packaging, store it
between +2°C to +8°C
If diluent is supplied separately, it can be stored outside the
cold chain but must be cooled at 2°C to +8°C before use,
preferably for a day or for a period sufficient to ensure that
the vaccine and diluent are at same temperature during
Never freeze diluents

5.2 Heat and Freeze Sensitivity of Vaccines

Most EPI vaccines are damaged by heat. Some are damaged by sunlight or fluorescent
light (such as vaccines in dark brown vials) and some by freezing. Table 15 shows which
vaccines are sensitive to heat, light and cold temperature. Some are more sensitive
compared to others. Some vaccines, if exposed to freezing or to temperature below 0°C
can lose potency or if administered may result in sterile abscess, which is considered an
adverse event following immunization (AEFI).

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 81

Vaccines’ Sensitivity to More Sensitive Heat Light Freezing
Various Temperatures
BCG Rubella Penta
HPV Rotavirus
Flu Td
Rotavirus TT
Hep B
Less Sensitive TT

5.2.1 Causes of Heat and Freeze Exposures

The following two tables show the common risk factors leading to vaccines’ exposure to
heat or freezing and the corresponding actions to mitigate these risks.

Causes of Heat Exposure and Recommended Actions

Causes of heat exposure Recommended actions

During storage
• Electrical power failures causing • Install standby generators to provide backup power in large vaccine
breaks in the cold chain stores
• Cold chain equipment breakdown • Use appropriate cold rooms, freezer rooms, refrigerators, freezers, cold
(refrigeration system or solar boxes and vaccine carriers for storage of EPI vaccines. WHO/UNICEF
power system) PQS compliant equipment are highly recommended.
• Storing vaccines in non-medical • Choose a power source (electricity or solar) that is appropriate to the
cold chain equipment like domestic location and the climatic conditions
refrigerators or freezers which are
• Conduct routine monitoring, recording and analysis of cold chain
not designed for heat and freeze
temperatures collected from temperature monitoring devices
sensitive vaccine.
• Set thermostat correctly
• Wrong thermostat setting
• Replace old and broken door seal / gasket
• Broken door seal / gasket
• Develop and implement contingency plans
• Carry out standard operating procedures (SOP) for day-to-day
• Train staff to follow SOPs and equipment manufacturers’ user manuals

82 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Causes of heat exposure Recommended actions

During transport
• Passive container packed with • Use correct number and size of ice packs as recommended by the
too few or inappropriately sized manufacturer
coolant packs
• Use cold box and vaccine carrier with long cold life for specific
• Delivery or outreach trip exceeding applications
the passive container’s cold life
• Proactively maintain vehicles in good condition for transport of
• Vehicle breakdown vaccines
• Refrigeration system breakdown • Park vehicles in a shaded area
for refrigerated vehicles
• Parking vehicles in direct sunlight
During immunization sessions
• Exposure of vaccines to high • Use foam pad to keep vaccines cool during immunization sessions
temperature during immunization
• Use WHO/UNICEF PQS compliant vaccine carrier and appropriate
number of ice packs

Causes of Freeze Exposure and Recommended Actions

Causes of freeze exposure Recommended actions

During storage
• Storing freeze-sensitive vaccines close to the surface • Arrange vaccines appropriately in the refrigerator
of the evaporator of the refrigerator or cooler
• Adjust thermostat setting following manufacturers’
• Incorrect thermostat adjustment in refrigerator or instructions
walk-in coolers with adjustable thermostats
• Use vaccine baskets provided by the manufacturer
• Failure to use baskets supplied with ice-lined
• Use WHO/UNICEF PQS compliant refrigerators for
refrigerators, allowing freeze-sensitive vaccines to be
storing vaccines
stored outside the manufacturer’s designated safe
storage zone • Conduct routine monitoring, recording and
analysis of cold chain temperatures collected from
• Storing freeze-sensitive vaccines in domestic
temperature monitoring devices
refrigerators in close proximity to the evaporator
plate • Recognize damaged vaccines through Shake Test
(not applicable to IPV)
• Defective thermostat
• Replace correct specification thermostat.
During transport
• Packing freeze-sensitive vaccines in passive • Use correct number of conditioned ice packs in
containers with unconditioned ice-packs packing freeze-sensitive vaccines
• Transporting freeze-sensitive vaccines in refrigerated • Correct use of cold boxes and vaccine carriers for
vehicles that are poorly maintained and/or incorrectly vaccine transport

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 83

5.3 Temperature Sensitivity of Immunization
Other immunization supplies such as syringes and safety boxes should be stored at
ambient room temperature. Care should be taken when storing and distributing these
supplies for without them the vaccination activity could not be conducted.

5.4 Temperature Monitoring Devices

Monitor the temperature inside the storage/transport equipment to ensure vaccine
potency is maintained throughout the entire cold chain. The description for each type of
temperature monitoring device used for different cold chain equipment, passive containers
and temperature mapping is summarized in the succeeding sections. More detailed
description and examples of each temperature monitoring device are found in Annex 11.

As a general rule when receiving vaccine deliveries, always check for the presence of a
temperature monitoring device and record the temperature reading upon opening of the
box. If an electronic device is used, it has to be stopped and the temperature recorded
in memory should be checked and verified for any temperature excursions that may
potentially cause damage to the vaccines.

The temperature recording can be used as basis to request replacement of vaccines

damaged either by heat or by freezing.

Calibrate non-disposable temperature monitoring devices annually to ensure optimal

functioning and reliability of cold chain equipment temperature monitoring.

5.4.1 Different Types of Temperature Monitoring Devices

Electronic Shipping Indicators for International Vaccine Shipment

This temperature monitoring device is primarily used for international shipment of vaccines.

Upon receipt at the national vaccine store, the indicator has to be stopped and
temperatures recorded have to be checked and verified for any temperature excursions
that may cause damage to the shipment. This can be the basis to request replacement of
damaged vaccines either by heat or by freezing.

84 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Electronic Freeze Indicators

These are small digital devices placed with freeze-sensitive vaccines during transport or
storage. The device has a visual indicator showing whether the vaccine has been exposed
to freezing temperatures. Once the alarm indicator is triggered, the device is no longer
usable and should be discarded. Otherwise, the device can be used until the built-in
battery expires.

If the freeze indicator displays an alarm or ‘X’ symbol, the health worker should conduct
the Shake Test to verify if vaccine has been damaged by freezing.

Programmable Electronic Temperature and Event Logger System

This is a computerized temperature recording system. It is the best option for primary
and sub-national stores equipped cold room and freezer room. This is directly linked to a
central computer-based monitoring hub via wired or wireless connections. Multilog 2 is
an example of a continuous temperature monitoring device. Its sensors are connected at
different locations inside the cold room or freezer room. The Multilog 2 is connected to a
computer which can print the temperature readings in graphical or tabular form.

Remote temperature monitoring

This is a wireless temperature monitoring solution for refrigerators, cold rooms, and freezer
rooms that are used to store vaccines and other temperature-sensitive products. The
Internet-enabled system goes far beyond temperature alerts and alarms. It collects critical
data and provides customizable analytics and report-generating tools to empower health
workers, inform ministries of health, and improve overall cold chain performance.

30-day Electronic Temperature Recorder (30DTRs)

This temperature monitoring device records and displays a 30-day history of any heat and
freeze alarm violations that have occurred. Alarms are triggered if the temperature in the
refrigerator drops to –0.5°C or below for 60 minutes or if it exceeds +8°C for a continuous
period of 10 hours. As long as the temperature has remained within the recommended
range, the device displays an “OK” or a tick symbol. On newer models data can be
downloaded to a computer via a USB interface.

30-DTRs are not designed to be used in vaccine freezers. Current models have built-in
batteries with a battery alarm feature. These devices contain a non-replaceable battery
with a minimum operating life of 2 years from the date of activation. The device must be
activated within 12 months of receipt. The device must be discarded and replaced when
the battery expires.

Rules in positioning the 30-DTRs:

• If the refrigerator is used to store vaccines that are not freeze sensitive, place the

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 85

30-DTRs on top of the load in the warmest part of the refrigerator.
• If the refrigerator is used to store only freeze-sensitive vaccines, place the 30-DTR in
the coldest part of the refrigerator.

Integrated Digital Thermometer

An internal temperature sensor monitors the coldest point in the vaccine storage
compartment, and an instantaneous temperature reading is displayed on the unit’s
control panel.

Solar direct-drive refrigerators typically have a device powered by an integrated

photovoltaic cell. However, it does not work at night or in dim light and may have to be
activated by a flashlight.

Health staff should record the temperature reading inside the refrigerator or freezer if
possible. Otherwise, record the reading in the built-in thermometer.

Bimetallic Dial Thermometer

The bimetallic dial thermometer only provides an instantaneous temperature reading and
has no memory to retain the temperature reading.

The WHO no longer recommends the use of bimetallic dial thermometers for any purpose
because they lose calibration and accuracy overtime, especially if they are dropped.

Temperature Data Logger

These temperature monitoring devices are used for temperature mapping of cold rooms,
freezer rooms, vaccine refrigerators and freezers to determine the temperature at every
part of the cold rooms or vaccine refrigerators.

They are also used for temperature monitoring studies to determine the temperature
variation in the vaccine storage facility, flow route of vaccines, transportation facilities and
vaccination sites.

86 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

TABLE 19. Cold boxes
Vaccines’ Sensitivity to Conditions Vaccine refrigerator
and vaccine carriers
Various Temperatures
Best practice • 30-day temperature logger Conditioned ice packs
• Integrated digital thermometer • Freeze indicator
• Stem thermometer for back-up • VVMs where supplied
• VVMs where supplied Cool water packs
• Stem thermometer
• VVMs where supplied
Warm water packs
• Freeze indicator
• VVMs where supplied
Minimum • Integrated digital thermometer Not applicable
• Stem thermometer for back up
• Electronic freeze indicator
• VVMs where supplied

5.4.2 Guidelines for Proper Placement of Temperature Monitoring Devices

inside the Cold Chain Equipment Walk-In Cold Room

• The sensors for the continuous temperature monitoring device are fixed by the cold
room installer and should not be moved.
• A minimum of four electronic freeze indicators should be placed on the cold room
shelves in front of the vaccines. If temperature mapping has been previously done,
place the devices in places where the lowest temperatures are found.
• Place one electronic device (30-DTR) on the shelf which is closest to the evaporator
air stream from each of the refrigeration units.
• Place two more electronic devices (30-DTR) on the shelves in the center of the cold
room, one on the middle shelf and one on the bottom shelf. Walk-In Freezer Room

The sensors for the continuous temperature monitoring device are fixed by the freezer
room installer following the manufacturer’s recommendation and should not be moved.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 87 Cold Box and Vaccine Carriers

With freeze-sensitive vaccines and conditioned ice packs, place one electronic freeze
indicator to monitor if vaccines have been damaged by freezing due to ice packs that were
not conditioned correctly. Use a thermometer to monitor instantaneous temperature.
With non-freeze sensitive vaccines and frozen ice packs, use one thermometer to
determine the instantaneous temperature.

TABLE 20. Categories of

Types of Vaccine Description
vaccine refrigerators
Electric (also referred to Ice-lined refrigerators are the preferred option where
as compression units) electrical power is available for at least 8 hours a day.
Even with periodic power outages, the inner lining of
the unit can preserve the +2C to +8C holdover time. A
few models are available that can operate effectively
on as little as four hours of electricity per day. Ice-
lined refrigerators can expose vaccines to freezing
temperatures if vaccines are not loaded properly.
Solar-powered Solar refrigerators are more expensive to buy and
(also referred to as install than electric refrigerators, but they have no
photovoltaic units) running costs, apart from cleaning and preventive
maintenance. The two types are:

1. Solar battery units – connected to a battery bank,

which is charged by solar panels
2. Solar direct-drive units powered directly by solar

88 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

5.5 Temperature Monitoring and Recording
Accurate and comprehensive temperature records are key
Cold chain temperature
components of good storage and distribution. Records should be checked and
alone, however, are of no value unless they are used for recorded twice daily seven
management and quality assurance purposes. Active use (7) days a week, including
during weekends and
of information shows whether vaccines are systematically holidays.
being exposed to damaging temperatures and equipment
performance problems are identified and addressed.
Recorded temperature data must be analyzed and reviewed regularly to establish whether
key performance indicators are being met. Specific and appropriate action should be done
to maintain or repair the equipment.

Health workers managing the vaccines are required to check and take temperature
readings at least twice daily despite the use of 30-DTRs. This will serve as a check and
balance of other temperature monitoring devices and proof of action taken.

5.5.1 Temperature Monitoring Chart

A printed copy of the user-friendly Temperature Monitoring Chart as shown in Figure 17

should be posted in each vaccine refrigeration unit and freezer in every health facility. The
chart (Annex 12) has the following features:

• The shaded part of the chart indicates the safe temperature in each compartment.
• The four rows at the bottom allow health staff to record other necessary information
on the history of equipment malfunction or power interruption, including the name of
the daily recorder.

Ideally, other staff should know the ideal temperature for vaccine refrigerators and freezers,
aside from the cold chain manager. This will ensure that temperature monitoring and
recording is maintained in case of absence or transfer of the cold chain manager. Simple
printed guides and algorithms can be visibly displayed in the vaccine store house to guide
other staff on how to perform temperature monitoring and recording in the event the cold
chain manager could not perform the task.

The person in charge of monitoring cold chain temperature should continue to log the
temperature reading twice a day even during weekends and holidays. Alternatively, the
facility staff may agree to come up with a shift schedule of staff who will be in charge of
temperature monitoring and recording during weekends and holidays. Designating other
staff to carry out the task is also important in case the staff responsible is not available
due to sickness, leave of absence or emergency situations.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 89

Temperature chart for electronic recording device
Cold room/refrigerator number: Start date: <dd/mmm/yyyy> Key: FI = Freeze Indicator (status OK or X)

Equipment model: Location:

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
°C am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm


Temperature chart


Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

FI (OK or X)
Sample of Temperature Monitoring Chart used per Cold Chain Equipment

Once every 24 hours, enter high alarm status and maximum temperature recorded by the continuous monitoring
>+8°C alarm device
Alarm time or OK
Maximum °C
Once every 24 hours, enter low alarm status and minimum temperture recorded by the continuous monitoring
<0.5°C alarm device
Alarm time or OK
Minimum °C

National: Month: Remarks:

Region: Year:
Province: Supervisor:
Health center:
Temperature chart for electronic recording device
Cold room/refrigerator number: Start date: <dd/mmm/yyyy> Key: FI = Freeze Indicator (status OK or X)
Equipment model: Location:

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
°C am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm


Temperature chart

FI (OK or X)
Once every 24 hours, enter high alarm status and maximum temperature recorded by the continuous monitoring
>+8°C alarm device
Alarm time or OK
Maximum °C
Once every 24 hours, enter low alarm status and minimum temperture recorded by the continuous monitoring
<0.5°C alarm device
Alarm time or OK
Minimum °C

National: Month: Remarks:

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies

Region: Year:
Province: Supervisor:

Health center:
5.5.2 Steps in Completing the Temperature Monitoring Chart

a. Accomplish one temperature monitoring chart for each of the cold chain equipment at
the start of each month.
b. Enter the name of the health facility where the equipment is located and the month
and year when the temperature recording was taken
c. Identify the brand and serial number of the equipment.
d. Read the temperature first in the morning and put a dot at the leftmost part of the line
corresponding to the reading column of date when the reading was made.
e. Read the temperature again in the afternoon prior to departure and put another dot
at the rightmost part of the line corresponding to the reading column (same used for
recording the morning temperature) of date when the reading was made.
f. Connect the dots to plot the temperature recording.
g. Record other information in case of any equipment failure and carry out appropriate
action immediately.
h. Record the name of the staff responsible for reading the temperature daily.

5.5.3 Action Points based on the Analysis of Daily Temperature Recording

Tables 21 and 22 summarize the key action points in case of fluctuations in normal
temperatures for refrigerators and freezers.

Action Points for Cold Temperature Reading Description
Rooms and Vaccine
Temperature between Normal situation.
Refrigerators +2°C and +8°C
No action necessary.
Temperature at or Vaccine at risk.
below 0°C
Take immediate action to correct the low temperature
and ensure that the problem does not arise again.
Do a Shake Test to establish if vaccine has been
Submit a report.
Temperature between Check cause.
+8°C and +10°C
No further action is necessary if there has been a
temporary power failure.
Check that the refrigeration unit is working.
Take appropriate action if the temperature is outside
the normal range.
Temperature above Vaccine at risk.
Immediately implement the approved contingency plan
and submit a report.

92 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Action Points for Freezer Temperature Reading Description
Rooms and Freezers
Temperature between Normal situation.
-25°C and -15°C
No action necessary.
Temperature below Adjust thermostat.
Check that the temperature is within the normal range
at the time of the next inspection.
Temperature above Check cause.
No further action is necessary if there has been a
temporary power failure.
A temporary rise to +10°C is permissible following an
extended power cut.
Check that the refrigeration unit is working.
Temperature above Vaccine at risk.
Immediately implement the approved contingency plan
and submit a report.

5.6 Temperature Mapping

A temperature mapping exercise is required for any space allocated for the storage and
handling of products with a specified labelled storage temperature. This includes freezer
rooms, cold rooms, temperature-controlled storage areas, quarantine areas and receiving
and loading bays because permitted temperature ranges in these areas vary.

Temperature mapping may also need to be carried out in spaces without active
temperature control. A mapping study establishes the temperature distribution within the
zone being mapped and locates hot and cold spots. The data collected using the Sensor
Data Recording Sheet (Annex 13) provide an essential source of information to ensure that
all vaccines are correctly stored within their labelled temperature range(s). Mapping may
also be used to identify zones where remedial action is needed.

All mapping exercises should be fully documented and filed.

5.6.1 Objectives of Temperature Mapping

The purpose of a temperature mapping study is to assess temperature uniformity and

stability in the cold room or freezer room in three-dimensional space over a test period of at
least 48 hours, and under different loading conditions. Testing should take place with the
room substantially empty, apart from shelving or pallet racking units, where fit.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 93

5.6.2 When to Conduct Temperature Mapping

Following the commissioning stage temperature mapping exercise, the procedure should
be repeated, at least once every three years and / or whenever significant changes are
made to refrigeration equipment, control systems or the loading conditions in the room
such as repair of cold chain equipment, replacement of broken parts or renovation of the
cold room.

5.6.3 Sensor Type and Sensor Placement

No definitive standard exists for the number of sensors required to map a three
dimensional space. The placement of sensors described may have to be modified to suit
actual site conditions.

The guiding principles are that sensors should be positioned as follows:

• In three planes in each direction (top to bottom, left to right, front to back) fully
covering the places where vaccines and other cold chain products will be stored;
• At points where there are known to be high heating or cooling loads;
• A minimum of 16 distribution sensors positioned as shown in Figure 18 and described
in Table 23 (the blank form is found in Annex 14), where the sensors must not be in
contact with the room enclosure;
• More than 16 sensors may be needed for larger rooms, with the sensors placed no
more than six meters apart horizontally or vertically; and,
• Additional distribution sensors placed next to the refrigeration unit control sensors
and next to any alarm sensors or temperature recording device sensors.

5.6.4 Instrumentation Standards

All testing equipment must have valid and current calibration certification against US
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or equivalent standards.

5.6.5 Running and Temperature Mapping Test

Step 1: Room temperatures are stabilized following Test 1. Room should be empty and the
door closed throughout the test.

Step 2: Run the installation for 48 hours. Record the total compressor running hours over
the test period. Following the procedure described above, record internal and external
temperatures and evaporator and condenser temperatures.

Step 3: From an analysis of the logger data, establish the maximum temperature
differences in the room and the location of any cold or warm spots.
Acceptance criteria: All recorded temperatures remain within the range of +2°C to +8°C for
cold rooms or –15°C to –25°C for freezer rooms for the entire duration of the test.

94 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Sensor Location

TABLE 23. Sensor ref.

Vaccines’ Sensitivity to Location Description
Various Temperatures
Ambient Immediately outside the cold room or freezer room
1 Left, front, corner top plane of room
2 Left, rear, corner top plane of room
3 Right, rear, corner top plane of room
4 Right, front, corner top plane of room
5 Centre, top plane of room
6 Left, front, corner middle plane of room
7 Left, rear, corner middle plane of room
8 Right, rear, corner middle plane of room
9 Right, front, corner middle plane of room
10 Centre, middle plane the chamber of room
11 Left, rear, corner bottom plane of room
12 Right, rear, corner bottom plane of room
13 Right, front, corner bottom plane of room
14 Left, front, corner bottom plane of room
15 Next to opening side of door
16 Next to controlling RTD
17 Refrigeration unit #1: In front of evaporator grille
18 Refrigeration unit #2: In front of evaporator grille
19 (Monobloc only) refrigeration unit #1: Near condenser
20 (Monobloc only) refrigeration unit #2: Near condenser

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 95

5.7 Estimating Storage Requirements
The following information will help in effectively managing stocks and in minimizing risks
for loss:

• Volume the vaccine and safe-injection equipment occupy

• Available cold chain and dry-storage capacity
• Basic knowledge on effective management of cold chain and dry-storage space

5.7.1 Volume per Dose of Vaccines and Syringes

Each type of vaccine and syringe has a different packaging. Volume per dose refers to the
volume occupied by each dose of vaccine, including its secondary packaging. It is usually
presented in cubic centimetre per dose (cm3/dose).

As some vaccines vary in types of preparation, it is important to know the size of these
packages to properly estimate storage requirements. For example, a 20-dose vial HepB
vaccine will have a 2.5 cm3/dose packed volume, while a single-dose HepB vaccine will
have an 18 cm3/dose packed volume. The volume per dose of each vaccine type may be
found in the WHO Guidelines for International Packaging and Shipping of Vaccines.

Using an incorrect volume per dose in your calculations could have a serious effect on your
vaccine storage requirements.

5.7.2 Estimating the Total Volume Required to Store Vaccines

It is essential to estimate the total storage volume of vaccines in order to determine if the
cold chain storage capacity is sufficient.

Cold storage capacity is adequate if the total available space of the all functional cold
chain equipment (cold rooms, refrigerators and freezers) is greater than or equal to the
required vaccine storage capacity for a specified period of time. Using the Pack Volume per Dose and the Annual Dose Requirement

This is the manual method for calculating the required vaccine storage capacity and
the refrigeration storage capacity requirements. By filling in the values in the worksheet
in Annex 15 the required vaccine storage capacity can be calculated as shown in the
following example.

Table 24a and Table 24b provide guidance in using the tool for estimating total storage
volume required for vaccines.

96 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

There are several considerations in using this tool:

• Diluents’ storage space inside the cold chain should be considered when calculating
for storage at the service delivery point. Diluents do no need refrigeration at the
higher level stores.
• If there is an upcoming supplemental immunization campaign, the vaccine to be used
must be included in the computation for the quarter it is expected to be delivered.
• Some vaccines may be supplied in different preparations (such as single dose Td and
multi-dose Td). The required storage volume must be calculated separately for each
type of preparation.
• Additional calculation is needed to estimate the number of ice packs required and the
refrigerator space needed to freeze them. The same calculation principle applies for
ice packs.

TABLE 24a.
Sample Estimation of Total Required Storage Volume for Vaccines

Unit Annual Quarterly Total Total Storage volume

packed vaccine vaccine doses storage storage according to
Vaccines doses per
volume doses needed volume volume temperature ranges
(cm3) needed (cm3)* (cm3) (liters) -15 C to -25 C +2 C to +8 C

a b c d e = d/4 f=cxe g = f / 1000 h=g i=g

bOPV 20 1.0 600,000 150,000 150,000 150 150
BCG 20 1.2 200,000 50,000 60,000 60 60
Penta 1 17.2 600,000 150,000 2,580,000 2,580 2,580
TOTAL 2,790,000 2,790 150 2,640

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 97

TABLE 24b.
Guide for Using the Tool for Estimating Total Storage Volume Required for Vaccines

Col. Components and Calculation Description

A Vaccines Includes all vaccines currently in the schedule

B Packaging doses per vial The number of doses per vial for each vaccine according to the
presentation being used
C Unit packed volume (cm3) List the volume occupied by each dose or syringe, including packaging
In the absence of known packaged volume, measure the length,
width and height of the packaging to calculate the volume then
divide it by the number of doses per vial
D Annual vaccine doses needed Expected number of vaccine doses to be stored annually for each
vaccine presentation
Based on the facility’s calculated annual vaccine requirement
E Quarterly vaccine doses needed Expected number of vaccine doses to be stored quarterly for each
(cm3)* vaccine presentation
Based on the facility’s calculated quarterly vaccine requirement
Depends on delivery schedule; if monthly, divide into 12 months
instead of 4 quarters
Formula: e =d/4
F Total storage volume (cm3) Total storage volume of vaccines calculated by multiplying the unit
packed volume by the expected quarterly (or monthly) vaccine doses
Formula: f = c x e
G Total storage volume (liters) Required storage volume of vaccines in liters (L)
Formula: g = f/1000
H Storage volume according to Distribution of the volume to be stored in the freezer (-15 C to -25 C)
temperature ranges (-15 C to -25 C) Formula: h=g (bOPV only)
I Storage volume according to Distribution of the volume to be stored in the refrigerator (+2 C to +8 C)
temperature ranges (+2 C to +8 C) Formula: i = g (other vaccines)
Total (bottom row) Sum of the total storage volume required for each type of cold
chain storage.

Another useful tool developed by WHO that can be used to estimate the required storage
volume per vaccine type is found in Annex 16. Once the total storage volume per vaccine is
known, data can be entered into the worksheet in Annex 17, which will help determine the
total storage volume required to keep all of the vaccines. Estimating the Total Volume Required to Store Safe-Injection Equipment

Implementing the bundling policy at the lower level stores requires that adequate safe
injection equipment be made available to administer the vaccines. The safe injection
equipment, stored in ambient temperatures in dry storage, can occupy a large volume.
Adequate space must be allocated for these items. Annex 18 provides a simple tool to
estimate storage requirements for safe injection equipment.

98 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

TABLE 25. Components and
Guide for Using the Code Description
Tool for Estimating
A Safe injection List of all safe injection equipment currently
Total Storage Volume equipment, diluents and used in national immunization program
Required for Safe other supplies
Injection Equipment
B Unit packed volume Unit packed volume for each item (refer to
(cm3) WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets:
C Quarterly quantity Expected quarterly quantity needed for each
needed (cm3)* equipment type
D Total storage volume Total storage volume calculated by multiplying
(cm3) the unit packed volume in cm3 by the quantity
needed, then divide by 1,000,000

TABLE 26. Safe injection Quarterly

Guide for Using the Unit packed Total storage
equipment, diluents and Quantity Needed
volume (cm3) volume (cm3)
Tool for Estimating other supplies (units)*
Total Storage Volume a b c d
Required for Safe
Injection Equipment 0.05 ml ADS for BCG 35.9 27.750 1.00
0.5 ml ADS 60.6 165,000 10.00
2 ml reconstitution syringes 34.3 41,875 1.44
5 ml reconstitution syringes 57.2 3,325 0,19
Safety boxes (5 liters) 800.0 2,395 1.92
Sub-total syringes 988.0 240,345 14.54
0.05 ml ADS for BCG 0.7 50,000 0.04
0.05 ml ADS for BCG 4.0 33,250 0.13
Sub-total dilutents 4.7 83,250 0.17
0.05 ml ADS for BCG 0.9 133,000 1.00
TOTAL 14.83

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 99

5.8 Determining the Existing Cold Chain
The cold chain equipment inventory must be updated to calculate the existing storage
capacity of a facility. Annex 19 shows a Cold Chain Equipment Inventory Form for a
vaccine storage facility. Non-functional cold chain equipment should not be included in the
calculation of the existing vaccine storage capacity.

A simple tool to determine net storage capacity of cold room is available in Annex 20.

5.8.1 Steps in Calculating the Existing Storage Capacity of Cold Rooms

and Freezer Rooms

1. Sketch a floor plan of the walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer or dry stores specifying
lay-out, position of evaporator units, door(s) and shelving arrangements. Record the
following dimensions in centimeters as shown in the layout (Figure 19):
• Measure and record the L (length), W (width) and H (height) of the walk-in cold
room or freezer room
• Measure and record the l (length), w (width), t (thickness of shelves), b (distance
from floor to bottom shelf), and n (number of shelves).
2. Calculate the gross volume of cold room:

Gross Volume = l x w x h

3. Calculate the shelf volume:

Shelf Volume = (w x l x (H-(b+10+n x t))/1000) x 0.67 liters

4. Calculate the net storage capacity in liters:

Net Storage Capacity = sum of shelf unit volumes in liters

5. Calculate the grossing factor:

Grossing Factor = Gross volume in m³/ (Net storage capacity in liters)/1000

100 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Sample of a Sketch of a Walk-In Cold Room with Measurements

5.8.2 Calculating the Existing Vaccine Storage Capacity of Refrigerators

and Freezers Determining Storage Capacity based on Information from the PQS Catalogue

The manual that goes with the WHO PQS-compliant vaccine refrigerators and freezers
provides information on the gross and net vaccine storage capacity. It is a reliable source
of information about the capacity of refrigerators and freezers, including information on
installation, maintenance, and other basic information about the equipment.

Immediately record the necessary information in the cold chain inventory record (Annex
21) every time the facility receives new cold chain equipment. Keep a compilation of this
information brochure for future reference. Table 27 shows an example of a documentation
of WHO pre-qualified cold chain equipment storage capacity based on the PQS catalogue.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 101

TABLE 24a.
Sample Estimation of Total Required Storage Volume for Vaccines

Manufacturer’s Net Total net vaccine

PIS/PQS No. of
Equipment identification vaccine storage storage capacity
code or equipment
capacity (liters) (liters)
domestic available
Type Make Model +2°C to +8°C -15°C to -25°C +2°C to +8°C -15°C to -25°C

Ice-lined Electrolux TCW E3/24-M 169 1 169
refrigerator (ILR) 1152
Ice-lined Electrolux TCW E3/98-M 37.5 1 37.5
refrigerator) 1990
Freezer Electrolux FCW 200 144 1 144

Freezer Electrolux FCW 300 264 1 264

Icepack Freezer Dometic FCW 800 187 1 187

Ice-lined Vestfrost MK 204 E3/011 2 150

Two-mode Dometic TCW E3/017 150 2 300
vaccine refrigera- 3000AC
tor and freezer

5.9 Calculation of Required Vaccine

Storage Capacity
Net Volume (liters) = (l x w x h) x 0.67

If the gross or net storage capacity is not known, manual calculation of the storage
capacity should be done. The calculation of the vaccine storage net capacity of a front
opening (Figure 20) and top opening refrigerator and freezer (Figure 21) uses the formula
for determining net volume in liters as shown in the box.

The utilization factor for a freezer is 67% (0.67) while 50% (0.5) for a refrigerator. Higher or
lower figures may be appropriate in specific circumstances.

102 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Calculating the Existing Vaccine Storage Capacity of a Front-Opening Refrigerator and Freezer

Example: Manual calculation of existing storage capacity of front opening

refrigerator or freezer.

Freezer compartment dimensions: H=50cm; W=80cm; D=60cm

Refrigerator compartment dimensions: H=150cm; W=80cm; D=60cm

1) Freezer storage volume
2) Refrigerator storage volume

1) Freezer storage volume= (50 x 80 x 60)/1000 x 0.67 = 161 liters
2) Refrigerator storage volume= (100 x 80 x 60)/1000 x 0.50= 240 liters

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 103

Measuring the Dimension of Top-Opening Refrigerator or Freezer

Example: Manual calculation of existing storage capacity of top opening

refrigerator or freezer.

Refrigerator /freezer compartment dimensions: H=80cm; W=90 cm; L=


1. Storage volume if used as a freezer
2. Storage volume if used as a refrigerator

1. If used as a freezer, storage volume
= (80 x 90 x 100)/1000 x 0.67 = 482 liters
2. If used as a refrigerator, storage volume
= (80 x90 x 100) x 0.50 = 360 liters

104 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

5.10 Estimating Storage Capacity of Cold
Boxes and Vaccine Carriers
Vaccine transport boxes and vaccine carriers are used for vaccine delivery but may also
serve as temporary storage for vaccines. Several varieties of cold boxes and vaccine
carriers, with varying storage capacities, are available in the market. The specification that
comes with the product or WHO PQS link is the best resource to determine the storage
capacity of the type of temporary cold storage equipment available in your health facility.

5.11 Types of Refrigeration Equipment for

Vaccine Storage
The WHO recommends PIS/PQS compliant vaccine refrigerators and freezers. There is
a risk that vaccine potency may be compromised if stored in cold chain equipment not
compliant with WHO/UNICEF PQS. If there is no other option but to use regular/domestic
refrigerators and freezers for vaccine storage, it is even more critical to monitor and record
storage temperature of every equipment twice daily and to ensure that a contingency
plan is well in place and known to every staff in cases of power interruption or outages.
While domestic refrigerators and freezers may provide sufficient cooling, they do not have
sufficient holding time to maintain appropriate vaccine storage temperature and are more
prone to temperature fluctuations. They may freeze the vaccines or expose the vaccines to
higher temperature during power interruptions.

5.11.1 Guides in Selecting Appropriate Vaccine Refrigeration Equipment

Use the decision tree in Figure 22 as guide when selecting the most appropriate energy
source for vaccine refrigeration equipment.

The decision tree starts with a question on the availability of electricity (i.e., the number
of hours per day, if not available the whole day) in the intended area. Possibilities to be
considered are the following:

• If electricity is available for only about 3 hours/day, the following options can be
considered: 1) solar direct drive vaccine refrigerator; 2) solar-powered refrigerator
with battery storage; 3) long-term passive refrigeration device; and 4) liquid
petroleum gas fueled refrigerator.
• If electricity is available for at least 4-7 hours/day with more than 20 hours of power
cuts, an ice-lined refrigerator with adequate hold-over time or solar-powered
refrigerator can be used.
• If electricity is available for 8-20 hours/day with no more than 20 hours/day power cuts,
a standard ice-lined refrigerator with or without freezing compartment can be used.
• If electricity is available for 21-24 hours/day with power cuts of not more than 4
hours, an electric compression refrigerator laboratory-tested to PQS standards can
be used.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 105

Decision Tree in Selecting a Refrigerator or Freezer

On average,
how many hours
a day is grid/generator

0 to 3 4 to 7 8 to 20 21 to 24

Use ice-lined Do power Do power

refrigerator Yes cuts of more Yes cuts of more
rated 4 hours than than
electricity* † a day 20 hours 4 hours
or consider solar occur? occur?

No No

Is a Use standard
solar service Use electric
provider available
No ice-lined
refrigerator with/
or can one be refrigerator/
without freezing
established? freezer* ‡


Is battery-
Is solar Is passive
direct-drive No powered No refrigeration
technology technology
suitable? suitable?

Yes Yes No No

Use battery-
Use long-
powered solar Consider liquid
Use solar direct- term passive
refrigerator or petroleum gas
drive refrigerator refrigeration
refrigerator- solutions

* With voltage regulator

† With adequate holdover time (the time in hours during which all points in the vaccine compartment remain between
+2°C and +10°C, at the maximum ambient temperature of the climate zone for which the appliance is rated,after the
fuel supply has been disconnected). Refer to the PQS Catalogue for holdover times of ice-lined refrigerators
‡ Do not use domestic refrigerators unless lab tested to PQS standards.

106 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

5.12 Guide for Proper Arrangement of
Vaccines inside the Cold Chain
5.12.1 Storing Vaccines in the Cold Room and Freezer Room

• Vaccines in their secondary packaging must be arranged in an orderly fashion on the

shelves of the walk-in cold room or freezer, as shown in Figure 23.
• Vaccines should not be stacked on the floor or below the bottom shelf.
• Place the vaccine cartons on the shelves so that air can freely circulate. Leave a
space of 5 cm between the cartons and the walls of the room. Do not place cartons
closer than 10 cm to the ceiling.
• Vaccines should be properly arranged according to the type of vaccine, manufacturer
and expiry dates. Leave 5 cm of vertical space between each box for easy
identification and for good cold air circulation.
• Vaccines with VVM at start point should follow the FEFO (First Expiry First Out) rule.
• Vaccines with VVM near the discard point should be distributed as soon as possible,
without following the FEFO rule.
• Vaccines that expired or with VVM at discard point should NOT be kept inside any
cold chain equipment to prevent accidental distribution/use.
• Freeze-sensitive vaccines should NOT be stacked close to the evaporator cooling

5.12.2 Storing Vaccines in an Upright Refrigerator

• Never store vaccines with non-vaccine products such as medicines and laboratory
reagents and with any laboratory specimen.
• Vaccines must always be properly labelled and stored at the recommended
temperature ranges. Labels should be visible at all times.
• Keep Penta vaccines, TT, Td, Hep B, Rota and PCV vials on the middle shelf and away
from the evaporator cooling surface.
• Keep OPV, MR, MMR, JE and BCG vials on the shelves close to the evaporator surface
as shown in Figure 24.
• Place sufficient ice packs on the lowest shelf of the compartment prior to moving to
the freezer compartment.
• Vaccines and BCG/Measles diluents from the same manufacturer must be stored at
the same temperature at the service delivery point (health center, RHU or clinic)
• Arrange vaccines and diluents to ensure good air circulation. Maintain at least 2 cm
of space between vaccine cartons.

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 107

• Place vaccines with VVMs indicative of color change in a separate container marked
“VVM close to discard point; use first” even if the expiry date is at a later date. This
container should be positioned up front in the refrigerator so the vaccines will indeed
be used first.
• Place opened multi-dose vials in a separate container and marked “Opened vials-
Use first”.

5.12.3 Storing Vaccines in Chest Type/ Top-Opening Refrigerator

• Always use the manufacturer’s vaccine baskets for storing vaccines inside the ice-
lined refrigerators as shown in Figure 25 and follow the manufacturer’s instruction on
how to properly and safely arrange vaccines in the baskets.
• For chest refrigerators without vaccine baskets, follow the recommendations on
vaccine arrangement as shown in Figure 26.
• Keep OPV, BCG, MR, MMR vials on the lower section of the refrigerator.
• Keep Penta vaccines, TT, Td, Hep B, Rota and PCV vials in the upper basket.
• Pack BCG and Measles diluents near the Penta, TT, Hep B vials.

Vaccine Arrangement in a Front Opening Refrigerator

Freezer compartment
(if provided)
Store icepacks upright to
Freezer compartment avoid leaks
on left

Freezer compartment OPV and freeze-dried vaccines

on right on top shelf (BCG, MMR, JE
and any vaccines not freeze-
sensitive)MR, MMR, JE,

Refrigerator compartment
+2C to +8C

30-day refrigerator logger or

thermometer + freeze indicator

Freeze-sensitive vaccines
on middle shelf. Closer
expiry date at front.

USE FIRST. Box containing

vaccines with darker VVMs

USE FIRST. Box containing

Diluents on bottom shelf opened vials

Unfrozen icepacks below

NEVER store vaccines in bottom shelf
door shelves

108 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Loading Vaccines in a Top-Opening Refrigerator with Basket

(some models). KEEP LID

(some solar direct-drive
models). DO NOT remove

DO NOT store vaccines outside

the baskets provided

TOP BASKETS: Store freeze-

sensitive vaccines and diluents
10-day temperature
and USE FIRST items
logger or thermometer
and freeze indicator BOTTOM BASKETS: Store OPV
and freeze-dried vaccines MR
MR, MMR, JE, and any vaccines
not freeze-sensitive

USE FIRST: Box containing

opened vials

USE FIRST: Box containing vials

with darker VVMs

Loading Vaccines in a Top-Opening Refrigerator without Baskets

Freezer compartment. Gas

and kerosene units only

30-day refrigerator logger

or thermometer + freeze

Icepacks in freezing

Freeze-sensitive vaccine and

OPV and freeze-dried vaccines next
diluents spaced away from
to freezing compartment/evaporator
freezing compartment/ evaporator
and in bottom of unit (BCG, Measles,
and not on bottom of unit
MR, MMR, JE, and any vaccines not
freeze-sensitive MR, MMR, JE, and

USE FIRST. Box containing Divider. DO NOT remove

vaccines with darker VVMs

USE FIRST. Box containing

unopened vials

Leave space for air

circulation around vaccines

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 109

5.12.4 What NOT to DO when Storing Vaccines in a Health Facility

• Never store food or drink in a vaccine refrigerator.

• Do not store diluents in warmer places. If cold storage is not enough to hold all
vaccines and diluents, make sure diluents are placed in cooler storage before using
them to reconstitute the vaccine. Warm diluents may affect vaccine potency.
• Do not open the door or lid unless it is essential to do so. Frequent opening raises the
temperature inside the refrigerator.
• If there is a freezer compartment, do not use it to store vaccines and diluents. It can
only be used for preparing frozen ice packs.
• Do not keep expired vaccines in the refrigerator.
• Do not keep vaccines with VVM that reached discard point.
• Do not keep reconstituted vaccines for more than six (6) hours after opening or after
the end of an immunization session.
• Record and discard all wastage vaccines immediately according to national
• Never put vaccines or diluents in the door shelves. The temperature in this area
is too warm for vaccine storage and puts the vaccine at risk of exposure to warm
temperature every time the refrigerator door is opened.
• Never put freeze-sensitive vaccines in contact with or close to the evaporator plate in
the refrigerator.

110 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Chapter 5 | Storing Vaccines and Safe Injection Supplies 111
Chapter 6

Vaccine and immunization supply distribution and transport are critical

components of the cold chain system. During delivery and transport, vaccines
are most at risk of exposure to either heat or freezing. Thus, there should be
careful planning and preparation so that adequate and matching vaccine and
supplies are delivered while ideal temperatures are maintained throughout
the delivery.

This chapter aims to develop the knowledge and skills of health workers on:

• Preparing an allocation list for vaccines and immunization supplies

• Identifying recommended actions before and during transport of
• Selecting appropriate cold box, vaccine carrier and ice packs
• Arranging vaccines in a transport box and vaccine carrier

Chapter 6 | Distribution and Transport of Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 115
6.1 Supplies Distribution Plan
Adequate and timely distribution of the vaccines and injection devices is critical to ensure
that all level of health facilities providing immunization services have vaccine supplies
sufficient to cover the eligible population within their catchment area. Any delay in the
distribution of vaccines or error in calculating vaccine needs may potentially result in stock-
outs and missed opportunities for the intended recipients.

The DOH NIP, in coordination with the RITM SDD, are responsible for preparing the
vaccine allocation and distribution plan. The plan is prepared at the beginning of
the first quarter of each year. The plan is reviewed and adjusted based on inventory
reports and vaccine requirements at sub-national levels, such as during supplemental
immunization or outbreak response activities. The DOH NIP and RITM SDD also jointly
monitor vaccine wastage and utilization quarterly reports submitted by the different
vaccine distribution facilities.

Copies of the vaccine allocation and distribution plan are provided to the different DOH
Regional Offices, which then provide copies to the different PHOs and CHOs. Table 28
shows a sample of a vaccine and immunization supplies distribution plan. The template is
available in Annex 22.

Sample Form of Vaccines and Immunization Supplies Distribution Plan


Name of Region/Province/City: ___________________________

Date prepared: _______________________ Prepared by ______________

Total no. of suplies to be distributed

Distribution Target Distribution
site population Total no. Total no. of schedule
Total no. of
of vaccine safe injection
doses devices

116 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

6.2 Recommended Actions Before and
During Transport of Vaccines
All staff handling vaccines should wear appropriate personal protective equipment
(PPE) during packing, unpacking, pick-up and delivery of vaccines. Donning of PPE is
particularly important for staff working in the walk-in cold room or freezer room to prevent

The following are recommended actions to be undertaken in every level of cold chain store
before and during transport of vaccines.

6.2.1 Before Transporting Vaccines

• Prepare the required number of conditioned ice packs to transport vaccines.

Preferably, frozen ice packs should be used for transporting bOPV, BCG, and
measles-containing (MR/MMR) vaccines. However, if the number of transport boxes
is limited and both heat-sensitive and freeze-sensitive vaccines have to be delivered
together in one transport box, conditioned ice packs must be used.
• Place conditioned ice packs around the inner walls, including the top and bottom of
the cold box or vaccine carrier.
• Place a thermometer or freeze indicator on top of mixed vaccines or freeze-sensitive
vaccines. There is no need to use freeze indicators when transporting bOPV, MCV
and BCG.
• Close the box’s lid tightly.
• Ensure that all documentation are available and duly completed, such as the Property
Transfer Report (Annex 23).

6.2.2 During Vaccines Delivery

• Avoid exposing the vaccines to direct sunlight.

• Take the quickest and safe route while transporting vaccines.
• Bring extra ice or frozen ice packs for use in case of delay in transporting or due to
long travel.

Chapter 6 | Distribution and Transport of Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 117
6.3 Passive Containers (Cold Box
or Vaccine Carrier)
The WHO prequalified passive containers (Figure 27) are robust, insulated, and reusable
cold chain equipment used for transporting vaccines from place to place. Each comes with
WHO prequalified ice packs. The ice packs provide the thermal mass needed to maintain a
safe storage temperature range for the required transport period. Cold boxes have hinged
lids while vaccine carriers have generally separate lids, although hinged lids are optional.

Samples of Vaccine Transport Box and Vaccine Carrier and the Proper Arrangement of Ice Packs

Vaccine transfer box or cold box Vaccine carrier

118 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

6.4 How to Arrange Vaccines in Cold Boxes
and Vaccine Carriers
Correct packing of vaccines in a cold box and vaccine carrier is important to ensure
vaccine safety and potency. Correct packing involves the following steps:

1. Ensure that the inner compartments of the transport box and vaccine carrier are
clean and free of dust and foreign objects.
2. Line the interior of the cold boxes and/or vaccine carriers with conditioned ice packs or
cool water-packs following the manufacturer’s instructions found on the inside of the
lid (Figure 28).
3. Put an electronic freeze tag indicator with the vaccines if conditioned ice packs are
4. Put vaccines and diluents in a plastic bag in the middle of the cold box or vaccine
carrier to protect them from damage (Figure 29).
5. Place a foam pad in the top of the container if a vaccine carrier is used.
6. Close tightly the lid of the cold box or vaccine carrier.

Rural Health Units, Health Centers, and clinics comprise the last level of the cold chain
system where most of the vaccines are administered. At these levels, vaccines are handled,
transported and protected from heat and light in order to ensure efficacy and potency.
Health staff should have the knowledge and skills in arranging vaccines in a vaccine
carrier and cold box to maintain ideal vaccine temperature.

How to Load a Vaccine Carrier

Place ice packs

against each of the Place vaccines in
four sides of the the middle
vaccine carrier

Chapter 6 | Distribution and Transport of Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 119
Five Steps in Preparing a Cold Box for Vaccine Shipment

1 Put the ice packs

in the bottom.

Put the ice packs

4 all round the sides.

Put the ice packs
on top.
Put the vaccines in
the cold box.

120 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

6.5 Maintaining the Correct Temperature
of Vaccines in Cold Boxes and
Vaccine Carriers
To maintain the recommended temperature in cold boxes and vaccine carriers:

• Place the ideal number of conditioned ice packs in the cold box or vaccine carrier.
• Keep the cold box or vaccine carrier in the shade.
• Keep the lid tightly closed.
• Use the foam pad to hold opened vials during immunization sessions as shown in
Figure 30.

Use of Foam Pad to Secure Opened Vaccine Vial in a Vaccine Carrier

Chapter 6 | Distribution and Transport of Vaccines and Safe Injection Equipment 121
Chapter 7
Preventive Maintenance of
Cold Chain Equipment

Cold chain equipment is prone to breakdowns and failures which may

damage the vaccines. All storekeepers, health workers and staff in charge of
a vaccine storage facility should be able to perform preventive maintenance
routinely to keep their respective cold chain equipment in optimal working
condition. This task is crucial in ensuring that the recommended storage
temperature of vaccines is always maintained.

This chapter will enhance the knowledge and skills of health staff to:

• Perform routine preventive maintenance of cold chain equipment,

vaccine refrigeration equipment and passive containers
• Perform corrective action in case cold room and vaccine refrigerator
temperatures vary from the recommended range
• Recognize situations when to repair or replace a vaccine refrigerator.

Chapter 7 | Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 125

7.1 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Cold
and Freezer Rooms
As the quality of vaccines is affectd by the functional status of the cold chain equipment,
it is important to define staff reponsibilities in the facility where the equipment is located.
Staff can carry out simple repair tasks in the facility. More complex repairs need technical
expertise which may be available locally through a well-trained cold chain technician.

This section outlines the basic guidelines for performing preventive maintenance of cold
chain equipment based on type of equipment and frequency.

7.1.1 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Cold and Freezer Rooms

This guidance is intended for cold chain technicians at the national, regional and some
provincial/city level health facilities with walk-in cold rooms. Daily Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check and record cold chain equipment temperatures twice daily: once in the
morning and once in the afternoon.
• Listen for unusual noise(s) coming from the cooling equipment. Contact the
responsible maintenance personnel if you are unable to resolve the problem.
• Check inside the room to ensure that airflow from the evaporator is normal and not
blocked and the evaporator fan is running quietly.
• Ensure there is no water on the cold room floor caused by blocked drainpipe.
• At the end of the day, ensure that all lights in the room are switched off; that nobody
is left inside the room; and, the door to the room is closed and locked. Weekly Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check if the temperature monitoring system is operating correctly. If chart recorders

are fitted, check the pens and replace the paper discs.
• Check ice build-up on the evaporator. Ensure there is no ice formation on the
evaporator pipes and fins. If the evaporator surface is coated with more than 6 mm of
ice, check the automatic defrosting system.
• Check the duty-sharing system if it is working.
• Check the alarm system by pressing the test button. If the alarm is faulty contact the
responsible person.
• Check the store in addition to the daily tasks. Ensure correct stacking of vaccines on
the shelves, vaccines and diluents are correctly organized and there is no build-up of
ice on the floor, walls and shelves in the freezer room.

126 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations Monthly Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check the room enclosures for any signs of rust at the bottom of the panels, any
evidence of movement from internal and external panel joints or any significant ice
build-up on the panels.
• Check if locks are working properly and all keys are accounted for.
• Check the doors to ensure the internal safety release handle is working properly. This
must be done in the presence of a colleague who will open the door in case it cannot
be opened from the inside.
• Check the freezer room pressure release vent for ice-build up, resulting in difficulty
opening the door.
• Check if the freezer room heater door is working properly.
• Check the strip curtain and replace if damaged. Annual Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check the spare parts inventory to ensure the stock of spare parts for the cold and
freezer room is adequate. Request for replenishment of levels are low or there are
missing parts from the inventory. Contingency in case of Emergency

• If vaccines are at immediate risk, make temporary arrangements to protect them by

moving them to another location in the store.
• If both refrigeration units fail, carry out emergency repairs to at least one of the two
units within 24 hours.
• If a single refrigeration unit fails, carry out emergency repairs within seven days.
• If emergency repairs are only temporary, make arrangements for permanent repairs
to be carried out as soon as possible.
• If spare parts have been used, update the spare parts inventory and request for the
needed spare parts.

Chapter 7 | Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 127

7.1.2 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Vaccine Refrigerators / Freezers
(Electric Compression Type)

The following are preventive maintenance guidelines for health staff at the lower vaccine
stores using electric compression refrigerators and freezers. Daily Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check and record equipment temperatures twice daily: one in the morning and one in
the afternoon.
• WHO/UNICEF PQS compliant refrigerators have non-adjustable thermostats fixed at
the correct temperature. If the temperature is not in the correct range, contact your
• Avoid frequent adjustments.
• Do not adjust the thermostat to a higher setting when a new vaccine delivery arrives.
This could freeze the vaccines.
• Do not adjust the thermostat on an ice-lined refrigerator once the thermostat has
been correctly set and taped in position.
• Do not adjust the thermostat when the power is restored after a power outage. Monthly Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Ensure that the condensing and cooling unit is clean. Remove any dirt or dust with a
soft brush.
• Clean the outer part with a damp cloth.
• Clean the lid or door gasket with soap and water. Check for damage.
• Check if the lid closes tightly.
• Defrost the unit whenever ice build-up on the inner lining is thicker than 5mm. First
transfer the existing vaccines to another refrigerator, cold box or vaccine carrier. Annual Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check the door or lid gasket. Replace if damaged.

• Check the outside of the cabinet for chipped paint or rust. Clean the rusted part and
apply a coat of metal primer and repaint the damaged surface with enamel paint.
• Check the outside of the cabinet for signs of damage, including corrosion to shelves
or line wire baskets in the ice-lined refrigerator.
• Carry out repair work as needed.
• Carry out an inventory of spare parts and consumables. Restock all items that are in
short supply.

128 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations Contingency in case of Emergency

• If vaccines are at immediate risk, protect the vaccines by temporarily moving them to
another location within the store.
• If the equipment is repairable, carry out repairs within seven days.
• If repairs will not be cost-effective, request a replacement unit as soon as possible.
Dispose of the damaged unit by first removing the doors or lids from refrigerators or
freezers to prevent the children from becoming trapped. Recycle refrigerants.
• Update the spare parts inventory and order replacements as needed.

7.1.3 Preventive maintenance guide for vaccine refrigerators and freezers

(solar-powered compression type)

The following are preventive maintenance guidelines for health staff at the lower vaccine
stores using solar-powered compression type refrigerators and freezers. Daily Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check and record equipment temperatures twice daily: once in the morning and once
in the afternoon.
• Check the status of the refrigerator/freezer control panel on the display. Monthly Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Remove any dirt or dust off the solar array and refrigerator/freezer unit. This reduces
the equipment’s cooling performance.
• In cleaning the solar array, follow the following steps:
1. Clean the array in the early morning or evening when the sunlight is not intense.
2. Make sure appropriate safety equipment and ladder are used, especially when
working on a high location. Do not attempt to carry out this task unless you have
the correct access and equipment.
3. Use soft cloth wet with water. Wipe gently, starting at the top and working
4. Do not lean or stand on the solar array panels. This could cause irreparable
• Report any damage to wiring or hardware to your supervisor.
• In very dusty areas, clean the solar array on a weekly basis
• Defrost the unit whenever ice build-up on the inside lining is thicker than 5mm. First
transfer the existing vaccines to another refrigerator, cold box or vaccine carrier.

Chapter 7 | Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 129 Annual Preventive Maintenance Activities

• Check the solar array shading. Ensure that solar panels are not shaded by trees,
plants, new buildings or overhead cables between 9 AM to 3 PM. If there is shading
from a newly constructed building or new overhead cables, contact your supervisor
for advice prior to any repositioning or transfer of the solar array to a different or
appropriate location. Arrange to trim or prune the shading vegetation.
• Inspect electrical cables between the solar array, charge regulator and the
refrigerator. Replace damaged cables.
• Inspect grounding/lightning protection.

Note: Report to the supervisor any problem observed in the equipment. In case of
equipment failure and/or long power interruption, act according to emergency
plan. Contingency in case of Emergency

• If vaccines are at immediate risk, protect them by temporarily moving them to another
location within the store.
• If the equipment is repairable, repair the refrigerator or freezer within seven days.
• If repairs will not be cost-effective, request a replacement unit as soon as possible.
Dispose of the broken unit by first removing the doors or lids from refrigerators or
freezers to prevent the children from becoming trapped. Recycle refrigerants.
• Update the spare parts inventory and order replacements as needed.

7.1.4 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Cold Boxes and Vaccine Carriers

Vaccine carriers and cold boxes must be cleaned and dried after use. If they are left wet
with their lids closed, they will become moldy. Mold may affect the cold boxes’ and vaccine
carriers’ seals’ tight fit. If possible, store cold boxes and vaccine carriers with the lid open,
when not in use.

Knocks and sunlight can cause cracks in the walls and lids of cold boxes and vaccine
carriers. If this happens, the vaccines inside will be exposed to heat. If a cold box or vaccine
carrier wall has a small crack you may be able to repair it with tape with strong adhesive
until you can get a replacement.

130 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

7.1.5 Preventive Maintenance Guide for Voltage Regulators

All cold chain equipment such as ice-lined refrigerators, walk-in freezers, walk-in cold room
and other types of refrigeration unit used for storing vaccines should have an automatic
voltage regulator (AVR). This will protect the unit from power supply fluctuations as well
as prolong the service life of the equipment.

Every morning, upon arrival in the cold chain facility, the staff in-charge should carry out
the checks described below for each type of voltage regulator. Single-Phase Voltage Regulators for Refrigerator and Freezer

• Make sure the correct type of unit is connected to the refrigerator or freezer.
• Check that the input and output indicator lights on each of the units are lighted
• If the unit is defective, replace as soon as possible. Three-Phase for Cold and Freezer Rooms

• Check that the 3-phase meter is reading +-400 volts +-1% (396-404 volts).
• Check that the three individual phase meters on the lower panel are all reading 230
volts +-1% (228-232 volts); If not, contact the responsible maintenance personnel.
• Check that all three red, yellow and green output and input phase indicator lights are
on; if not, contact the responsible maintenance personnel.
• Listen to the unit. If there is a clattering sound, contact the responsible maintenance

Chapter 7 | Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 131

7.2 Recommended Actions if Storage
Temperatures are Out Of Range
If the storage temperatures fluctuate out of the recommended range in a cold room, freezer
room, vaccine refrigerators and vaccine freezers, perform the recommended actions as
summarized in Table 29.

TABLE 29. Temperature

Recommended Actions Recommended Actions
if Storage Temperatures
Cold Rooms/Vaccine refrigerators
are Out of Range
+2° C to +8° C No action required because the situation is normal
at or below 0°C Inspect freeze-sensitive vaccines and perform a Shake Test
Frozen vaccines have to be destroyed or tested again
Do NOT move stock to another cold room if the vaccines have
already been frozen
Report and alert the persons in charge
+8° C to +10°C No action is required if there has been a temporary power failure
Check and monitor if the refrigeration unit is working
Take appropriate action if temperature is not within the normal
range at the time of next inspection
above +10°C If the refrigeration unit needs repair take immediate action using
the following contingency options:
Call refrigeration mechanic
Inform supervisor
Move the vaccines to another functional cold room
Transfer the vaccines to cold boxes with sufficient conditioned
ice packs
If ice packs are not sufficient, obtain ice from a commercial ice
Report the situation to the person in charge
Cold Rooms/Vaccine refrigerators
-25°C to -15°C No action necessary because the situation normal
above -15°C If this is caused by a temporary power failure, no further action
is needed as a temporary rise to +10°C is within range in this
If the cause is not a temporary power failure but may take
longer to correct, move the vaccines to a functional cold chain
Check and monitor that the refrigeration unit is working
Take appropriate action if temperature is not within the normal
range at the time of next inspection
above +10° C If the refrigeration unit needs repair take immediate action using
the following contingency options:
Call refrigeration mechanic
Inform supervisor
Move the vaccines to another functional freezer or freezer room
Transfer the vaccines to cold boxes with sufficient frozen ice packs
If ice packs are not sufficient, obtain ice from a commercial ice
Report the situation to the person in charge

132 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

7.3 Defrosting Vaccine Refrigerators
A refrigerator works well only if it is properly installed, cleaned and defrosted regularly.
Thick ice in the freezer compartment does NOT keep a refrigerator cool. Instead, it makes
the refrigerator work harder and use more power.

Defrost the refrigerator when ice becomes more than 0.5 cm thick, or once a month,
whichever comes first.

When defrosting cold chain units, follow these steps:

1. Defrost the unit whenever ice build-up on the inner lining is thicker than 5mm. First
transfer the existing vaccines to another refrigerator, cold box or vaccine carrier.
2. Remove the most heat-sensitive vaccines and transfer them to a cold box lined
with frozen ice packs or to another vaccine refrigerator or freezer.
3. Remove the freeze-sensitive vaccines and diluents and transfer them to a cold
box lined with cool water packs or conditioned ice packs or to another vaccine
4. Transfer any frozen ice packs to a cold box or to another freezer.
5. Transfer any cool water packs to a cold box or to another refrigerator.
6. Turn off the power supply of the refrigerator or freezer.
7. Leave the lid or door open and wait for the ice to melt. Do not try to remove the ice
with a knife or other sharp object. This can permanently damage the evaporator
pipes and the unit’s cooling ability. To speed up the defrosting process, place a pan
of hot water inside and close the lid or door.
8. Clean and dry the interior of the refrigerator.
9. Turn on the power again. When the temperature in the main section of the
refrigerator falls to +8°C return the vaccines, diluents, and the cool water packs.
10. When the temperature in the freezer falls to -5°C, return the heat-sensitive
vaccines and ice packs.

There are three possible causes for defrosting cold chain unit more frequently:

• Door opening is too frequent (more than three times daily).

• The door may not be closing properly.
• The door seal or gasket is damaged and may need replacing.

Chapter 7 | Preventive Maintenance of Cold Chain Equipment 133

7.4 General Care of Cold Chain Equipment
• The facility maintaining cold chain equipment should be connected to a standby
power generator.
• Plug the unit directly into a wall outlet. Do NOT use a multi-outlet power strip.
• Do NOT use power outlets with built-in circuit switchers.
• Do NOT use power outlets that can be activated by a wall switch.
• Plug only one unit into an outlet.
• Use a plug guard or safety-lock plug.
• Install a temperature alarm.
• Label circuit breakers and electrical outlets.
• Post warning signs that include emergency contact information.
• Place water bottles in the refrigerator and frozen water bottles in the freezer to
maintain proper temperature.
• Perform daily inspection of the storage unit(s).
• If other biologics must be stored in the same unit, store them BELOW the vaccines to
avoid contamination.
• Never store food and beverage in the same unit with the vaccines.
• Take immediate corrective action when there is a problem.

134 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

Chapter 8
Contingency Plan

Any situation that puts vaccines at risk is considered an emergency. An

emergency could be a cold chain equipment breakdown, a major power
supply failure, a transport emergency and similar situations. Cold chain
managers and storekeepers at all levels of the cold chain system are
responsible for emergency response. Thus, specific actions and contingency
plans should be clearly laid out, disseminated, understood and followed.

This chapter will enhance the knowledge and skills of health staff to:

• Identify the key elements of a contingency plan for an emergency

• Plan and develop actions to respond to emergencies
• Become familiar with different possible emergencies

Chapter 8 | Contingency Plan 139

8.1 Key Elements of a Contingency Plan
A contingency plan should be site- and equipment-specific. A good practice is to
identify the elements and regularly review and rehearse the procedures listed in the
contingency plans.

Key elements of the contingency plan include:

• Ensuring that all affected vaccines are stored within the recommended storage
temperature of +2°C to +8°C as soon as possible;
• Identifying alternative locations where vaccines can be safely stored or where ice can
be obtained at short notice;
• Preparing and maintaining at least two emergency response plans;
• Posting emergency contact details of key personnel at locations where they can be
accessed at all times;
• Clearly describing initial and follow-up actions that can be implemented both inside
and outside of working hours; and,
• Reviewing the plan at least once a year to ensure that it is still valid.

Sample scenarios requiring activation of contingency plan and suggested actions are
found in Annex 24.

8.2 Emergency Actions at a Fixed

Storage Location
• Locate the source of the alarm or problem.
• Identify the root cause of the alarm or problem and address immediately whenever
• If the problem cannot be immediately corrected, safeguard the vaccines based on
your existing contingency plan.
• Once the emergency has been stabilized, check to see if any vaccines have been
damaged by heat (check the VVM) or by freezing (conduct a Shake Test).
• If vaccine damage is suspected, label the vaccines as “damaged” and quarantine
them at the appropriate storage temperature (+2°C to +8°C) so that they are not
distributed until a final decision has been taken on disposal or use. If damage is
confirmed, the vaccine can be taken out of the cold chain for final disposal once
approval to do so has been obtained.
• Document the emergency event. Complete the appropriate reports and inform the
supervisor who will decide on the necessary follow-up action to be taken.

140 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

8.3 Possible Emergencies
The following are some possible emergency situations and their corresponding actions:

8.3.1 Refrigerator Breakdown

• Find someone in your facility trained to conduct simple troubleshooting and repair of
the unit. If none, request support from the next higher level.
• If required repair work is minor, transfer the vaccines to another functional cold chain
equipment or in cold boxes or vaccine carriers.
• If major repair work is needed, transfer the vaccines to functional cold chain
equipment. Look for available vaccine storage equipment nearby if more temporary
storage space is necessary while the problem is diagnosed and repair is in progress.

8.3.2 Power Interruption

• Determine the duration of the power interruption.

• Check the refrigerator / freezer unit’s holdover time to determine if it is enough to keep
the vaccines at ideal temperatures without opening the unit for the duration of the
power failure.
• Place additional conditioned ice packs to lengthen the holdover period.
• If the power interruption is prolonged, implement the contingency plan.

8.3.3 Vaccine transport breakdown

• Check if the person responsible for the transport of vaccines has the knowledge on
how to protect the vaccines from the ambient temperature during transport delay
and breakdown repair. If not, seek support from a knowledgeable/trained staff.
• Check the cold life of the transport box
• Identify available refrigerator along the route where vaccines can be temporarily
stored if needed.
• Identify available supplier of ice along the route and use them as needed to keep the
vaccines cold (be careful not to freeze the freeze-sensitive vaccines).

Chapter 8 | Contingency Plan 141

8.3.4 Fire, Flood and Earthquake

• Prepare a contingency plan aligned with the over-all organizational evacuation plan.
• If the event is predictable, as in the case of flooding, immediately transfer all vaccines,
including cold chain equipment (if possible) to a higher, safer location.
• Do NOT try to save the vaccines during a fire, flood or earthquake in progress. Avoid
the risk of getting hurt or being trapped in the vaccine store.
• Do NOT enter the vaccine store after the disaster unless it is declared safe by
• Immediately identify alternative cold storage equipment to safekeep the vaccines that
remained potent.
• Any vaccine damaged or potentially contaminated as a result of the disaster should
be recorded and reported as wastage according to national policy.
• A vaccine supply replacement order should be immediately accomplished to prevent
disruption of routine immunization services or any immunization response activity
following disasters, as necessary.
• In case of fire, investigate the cause of fire and carry out necessary intervention to
avoid a similar situation in the future.

8.3.5 Cold Chain Equipment Failure Resulting in Loss of Vaccine Potency

• Check the thermometer or temperature monitoring device.

• Check the status of VVM. If unsure, look for a staff trained on the use of VVM.
• Determine alarm status of freeze indicator for freeze-sensitive vaccines.
• Perform the Shake Test if vaccines are suspected to be frozen.
• If the test indicates freeze-sensitive vaccines have been frozen or VVM of heat-
sensitive vaccines reached discard point, place a “DO NOT USE” label on the vaccine
and discard accordingly. Request for replenishment of supply.

8.3.6 Delay in Vaccine Arrival

• Check if the proper lead time has been followed in making the request for vaccines
and injection equipment.
• Check if the request was submitted based on the agreed distribution plan.
• Ensure that there is sufficient cold storage space for the newly arrived vaccines.
• Document and report the delay after carrying out the usual vaccine arrival

142 Vaccine, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual of Operations

8.3.7 Vaccine-Preventable Disease Outbreak

• Determine if the store has a supply of the vaccine needed for the immunization
response activity.
• Check if the supply is adequate to respond to the outbreak without compromising
routine immunization activities. If supply is inadequate, promptly submit a request as
• Determine if the existing vaccine storage capacity, including transport boxes and
vaccine carriers, and ice packs are adequate to store the quantity required for
outbreak response immunization.
• Maintain a communication link to the higher cold chain level for equipment, supply
and personnel back-up.
• Ensure that there is an updated plan to cope with epidemic emergencies, taking into
account the needed personnel, fuel and transport needs.

Chapter 8 | Contingency Plan 143

List of References

1. WHO Vaccine Management Handbook, How to Use Passive Containers & Coolant-
Packs for Vaccine Transport and Outreach Operation, VMH-E07-02.1, WHO/
2. WHO Vaccine Management Handbook, How to Monitor Temperatures in the
Vaccine Supply Chain, VMH-E02-01.1, WHO/IVB/15.04
3. WHO, EPI, Immunization Supply Chain & Logistics, WHO/IVB/14.05
4. WHO Policy Statement: Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP), WHO/IVB/14.07
5. WHO/UNICEF PQS Devices Catalogue, WHO/IVB/11.08
6. EVM Standard Operating Procedures, WHO/IVB/09.5
7. WHO EVM Assistant Tool, WHO/IVB/09.xx
8. WHO Training for Mid-Level Managers, Cold Chain & Safe Injection Equipment
Management, WHO/IVB/08.01
9. DOH, EPI, Cold Chain and Logistics Management Manual/4th Edition/05
10. WHO Immunization in Practice: The Vaccine Cold Chain WHO/IVB/04.06
11. WHO EPI Safe Vaccine Handling, Cold Chain and Immunizations, WHO/EPI/
12. WHO Guidance Note: Vaccine Diluents, WHO/IVB/15.08
13. TechNet 21, Selecting a Suitable Energy Source
14. WHO PQS Quality Assurance Protocol. Cold Rooms and Freezer Rooms: Guidance
Section. WHO/PQS/E001/CR-FR01-VP2.3
15. VVM Getting Smarter, U. Kartoglu
16. WHO EVM Model Standard Operating Procedures Guide, V3 June 2013
17. Disposal of Mass Immunization Waste without Incineration, prepared of Health
Care Without Harm (HCWH), Jorge Emmanuel, Merci Ferrer and Faye Ferrer
18. Temperature Monitoring Device: An Overview. PATH.

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