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Research - Paper PR 1 Math Anxiety

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The Influence of Mathematics Anxiety on the Academic

Performance of Gr-11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics Students of First City Providential College

A Research Paper presented to

Senior High School Students of

First City Providential College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the subject

Practical Research 1

A research conducted by:

(Kate Gabriele C. Miranda)

(Grade-11 STEM 1)

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

2ND Semester


The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand

is part of Academic Track that K-12 Senior Highschool in the

Philippines offers to incoming grade 11 students. This strand

is suited for students who wants to pursue

Bachelor's of Science Degree in college.

Based on some judgements, it is the most difficult track out of the K-12 Academic

Tracks. It is most likely due to Mathematics being the main component of the strand.

According to Maloney and Bellock (2012), some people are enthusiastic

about math activities but there are some have negative approach towards

mathematics and often considered as having an anxiety.

Mathematics anxiety is a negative perception of a person towards to any activities

involving mathematics. It is one of the common types of anxiety that every student or

individual possessed. It is seen to be as student’s self-perception about

their understanding capacity. It is the people who aimed to be

good at math but ended up being anxious and have doubts.

The first study about Mathematics Anxiety is way back 1970s. It is rarely been studied

but it is seen as a common problem for students and educators. For this study, it

examines and analyzes the impact of mathematical anxiety to academic performance of

the primary subject of this research. It was investigated whether it is true through

hypotheses, surveys, and statistics. The goal and advantage of this research is to find

the solution to the problem, examine the previous studies, and propose

new solutions that is relevant today.


This section presents the recent and previous studies

related to this research. These studies and literature are

conducted by different researchers who brought

information about the background of the problem.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics track is one of the innovations the

Philippine Basic Education Curriculum implemented in the country. According to

Pawilen and Yuzon (2019), Science cannot be completed without understanding of

Mathematics as field of study. These two fields are core of Technology and

Meanwhile, The Philippines got the lowest ranking last 2018 and 2019 Program for

International Student Assessment. A student evaluation for 15-year-old around 9th to

10th- grade learners across 79 countries done by the Organization for Economic Co-

operation and Development. The Philippines obtained a low score in reading

comprehension, science and mathematics. The Philippine Business for Education, a

non-profit group advocates for education said that the results serve as an opportunity

where all sectors should scrutinize the quality education that is needed to be developed

and improved.

According to Rodrigues (2012), It does matter how mathematics and other subjects are

taught to students. By the use of adult learning principles and best practices is the key

for student's success. Mathematics anxiety is addressed like how anxiety can have

impact on learning in the classroom and performance.


Most early studies as well as current work focuses on the concept of

Mathematics anxiety. According to Dowker, Sarkar, and Looi (2016), some aspects of

Mathematics appeared to be cognitively complicated for some people to acquire. It may

influence their learning and performance by avoiding mathematics, abandoning, and

disrupting working memory during mathematical tasks.

A recent study by Mutlu (2019) concludes the results, that

the mathematics anxiety level of students with learning difficulties in math is not
different from low math students. It is a problem that can affect the academic

performance and employment prospects of an individual.

According to Wahid et al (2014) it was found that emotional factors relating

to negative perceptions are most likely to present low performance among

students. Emotional aspects stood the highest score related to math anxiety, followed

by environmental and assessment factors with no difference between male and female


Dowker, Sarkar, and Looi (2016) explained that one possible reason for mathematics

anxiety is the stereotype threat. The stereotype that males are usually better in

mathematics than females. They concluded that due to gender stereotyping, some tend

to experience mathematics anxiety that discourages them from pursuing mathematics

activities and courses related to the subject.

Even traditional mathematics classroom systems have identified as causes of anxiety in

many students. The practices include imposed authority, public exposure, lack of

confidence, and deadline, Mutody (2014).

Although researchers conducted many studies, this problem remained inadequately

explored and unsolved. However, these studies are vital in the field of education. It will

help future researchers to have background information, continue, and contribute to

solving the issue.


The main objective of this study is to determine the cause and influence

of Mathematics anxiety to the academic performance of Gr-11 Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students of First City

Providential College. Specifically, the study sought for the following:

1. Determine the population of Gr-11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics students of First City Providential College who have mathematics anxiety.

2. Analyze the relationship between math anxiety and academic performance of

the Gr-11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students.

3. Alleviate the impact of Mathematics anxiety to academic performance

of Gr-11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students.


< it has personal infos so I will not include here in this upload>


This research was based on the theory of Willingham and Beilock (2012). It was defined

that mathematics anxiety as mental disorganization to some people when they are

given a task to solve for mathematical problems. People who feel uneasiness,

apprehension, and fear involving math are likely to have mathematics anxiety.

According to their study, there is a relationship between anxiety and efficacy. Some

countries who joined Program for International Student Assessment ranked low. It is an

evidence that there are students who are incompetent or less proficient with

mathematics subject.

It is still according to Beilock, there are probability that some Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics students cannot enter into their preferred majors due to

fear of mathematics. However, there are some cases that even the students with an

interest in Mathematics major still tend to drop out because of a lack of ability or

confidence with the subject.


The results of this study are greatly beneficial to Gr-11 Science, Technology,

Engineering, And Mathematics students of First City Providential College

since it will be helpful in their education and learning. In addition to this, students who

want to take this Academic Track in Senior Highschool and educators will benefit as

well, for they will get to overcome the influence of Mathematics Anxiety to academic

performance. Lasty, to the future researchers considering they could be an instrument

to the individuals who are in need. Then, this could also be their basis to have a

background only if they will be involved in the same topic.


The study covers the influence of math anxiety to the academic performance of Gr-11

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic students of First City Providential

College with limited resources and scope.

This study is bounded to achieve its goals with the help of Grade-11 Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students who are enrolled in Academic

Year 2020-2021 in First City Providential College located at Barangay Narra Francisco

Homes City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan.


Anxiety- (noun) A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease

about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Calculus- (noun): a method of computation or calculation in a special

notation (as of logic or symbolic logic)

Math anxiety- it is a negative perception of a person towards to any

activities involving mathematics.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics track- the strand

for students who wants to pursue college with the following courses: Biology,
Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Studies, Information Technology
and other related courses.


The methodology section of this research is all about the descriptive

research that tackles about the influence of mathematics anxiety to

the academic performance of the students. This research was done

in the vicinity of f Barangay Narra Francisco Homes of San Jose del

Monte Bulacan. The sources of this research, which are to answer

the survey questions honestly and truthfully. The result or the

information that will be gained from the answer of the respondents

were very convenient for the research. Lastly, the respondents are

student of First City Providential College.


A descriptive research about the influence of mathematics anxiety to

the academic performance of the students. The method is used

because it identifies various idea, different opinions and several

perspectives of the respondents who are the students this research

is made to determine the influence of mathematics anxiety to the

academic performance of the students. This method also

summarizes credible sources of information and applies high

standards defines that the research can be imitated, reproduced,

observe and differentiated with other studies.


The quantitative research titled “The Influence of Mathematics

Anxiety to the Academic Performance of Gr-11 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics Students of First City Providential

College” was done in the vicinity of Barangay Narra Francisco

Homes City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan. The stated location was

determined due to the availability of the respondents. Furthermore, it

is the most accessible location as the researchers is a student of the

said institution.


The respondents were the 50 Grade 11 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics students of First City Providential

College with specific criterion of being a student of the said school

also, they must have common knowledge regarding the influence of

mathematics anxiety to their academic performance. Lastly, the

respondents must be honest when answering the interview question.

This study has used the biased sample specifically convenience


At least a minute or two is given to the respondents before they

respectively answer the questions have its own significant means

that can give explanation to the said topic also, the questions that

were asked to elaborate more the research questions which very

convenient to the study furthermore, biased sampling, specifically

convenience sampling is the kind of sampling that was used.


The researcher used to interview questions for this study with a

quantitative type is question comprised the said interview


The researcher asked questions to the respondents through a survey

each question has its own significant means in determining the influence of

mathematics anxiety to academic performance of some students.

Link for the Survey Questionnaire: Survey Questions - Google Forms


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