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NSTP Leadership Styles

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Describe the leadership style of each of the personalities

Rodrigo R. Duterte
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte uses a combination of different leadership skills characterized by
firmness in decisions, taking responsibility for all actions made and the ability to accomplish the desired
outcomes. He is a transactional leader with charisma to the masses. Duterte’s leadership style is a paternalistic
one as the Filipinos saw him as a Father-like figure and that’s also a factor why he was chosen by the
people. He gives a dominant authority much like a patriarch who acts and treats his people as part of his
extended family as he is very attached to the people that is comes to a point that he speaks for the mouth of the
masses. He actively monitors the work performed by subordinates and executes corrective actions if deviations
from expected standards occur. He is an entrepreneurial leader, a risk taker, and a negotiator. He has become
popular and well-loved because of his frankness as a leader. He is direct to the point, does not mince words,
and takes a no-nonsense approach to governance. He says it as it is to his fellow politicians and avoids the
confusing, even contradictory communication styles of other officials.
Joseph E. Estrada

In an article of the New York Times (December13, 1998), as remarked by Mark Lander, when President
Joseph Ejercito Estrada was elected as the 13th President of the Philippines he has this kind of “relaxed style of
leadership” where the cronyism and corruption are starting to drift back again. After his victory as the 13th
President, he helped those largest contributors during his campaign particularly the business people of San
Miguel Corporation. In addition, he also helped to rescue the Philippine Airlines Company. With this, according
to Guillermo Luz the Executive Director of Makati Business Club, “It is something we are watching to worry
about” and that “Because it’s not just the old cronies who are coming back. It is the practice of cronyism that is
coming back”. However, the Estrada’s Administration tried to befriend with some powerful
people in terms of the business industry to attract some foreign investors in the country. In an article of
northwest Asian weekly, in an ANC Leadership Forum, Estrada was considered as narcissist and shameless
opportunist during the administration. He was seen as no administrative plan for the future of the country.
In other words, the only thing that he wants is prestige and power; he is like a Machiavelli’s prince.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in her later years became abusive of her power and became corrupt
and somehow tyrannical. In the Arroyo Administration, she had a great start during her term but later on, she
politicized some aspects of the government. She is also a micro manager meaning to say that every detail
matters to her, and that’s when the problem arises. If anything goes wrong, she has the ability to shame of the
person in charge. She is a pure economist. Her administration is heavily focused in the settlement of the
economy. Her leadership style is neo-liberalist, a liberal who de-emphasizes traditional liberal doctrines in order
to seek progress by more pragmatic methods, favoring economic progress and free-market trade capitalism.
President Benigno Aquino III

President Benigno Aquino III is a former legislator and is an economist. He was able to maintain and
stabilize the economy that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had started. He became the President because of the
turnout of events. His presidency and style were highly influenced by his parent’s legacy that was left in the
country and that made him a charismatic presidential candidate, although his ungreediness for the opposition
made him indecisive of his decisions. His style is softer that President Duterte and was not as tough when it
comes to decision-making. Pnoy’s leadership style is a passive leadership which is a combination of passive
management exception, which tend to avoid work unless mistake of problem can longer be avoided, and a
laissez-faire leadership which is defined as absence of leadership all together.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Mother Teresa is the ideal example of a servant leader because she was able to emotionally heal others
and allow them to grow and succeed. In addition, Mother Teresa was a situational leader. She helped people
according to their situation, for example if they were starving she would provide food for them, if they had no
place to stay she would provide a home for them to say at, if they were ill she took her time to practice medicine
in order to help heal them. If a situation came, she would find a solution to help them in some way. Mother
Teresa was also an exceptional leader who exhibited charisma and had the ability to inspire the members of her
order to transcend their own self-interests to achieve the vision. She is an ultimate example of transformational
leadership model for helping others aspire to and attain high levels of performance for themselves and the
Jesus Christ

Jesus is a servant leader. He recognized other’s needs and aided them through genuine acts of caring. In
the Book of Mark, there are numerous examples of Jesus’ compassion and sensitivity. He drives out evil spirits,
heals the sick and the paralyzed, and restores sight. He senses His disciples’ fear, calming a storm and feeding
thousands in need. Through these acts of kindness, we see Jesus tirelessly serving others, and doing so with
great humility. Given the legalistic attitude and behavior of the Pharisees, Jesus’ ministry must have been a true
source of hope and encouragement for all who came to know and love Him.

Jesus is the ultimate leader in that He is God come in the flesh. Therefore, we can learn from Him, and
though He is omniscient, He has chosen to teach and model certain ways of living and leading. He gives
instructions about serving to His disciples and we have the advantage of listening to these conversations that are
filled with wisdom and divine directives. In addition, He is the ultimate servant in the way He led and then He
left that example for others to follow. He even gives some very specific instructions about the path to great
leadership that is paved with the road to becoming a servant. He teaches leaders lessons that are counterintuitive
and countercultural with the goal of them becoming great leaders, great servant leaders. Jesus even addresses
the issues of power directly giving instructions on how to rule and even how to use authority. He sets the
example then for others to follow in His steps. These are concepts that are filled with innovation and life; yet,
they will bring change deep in the soul of the person who embraces these concepts of leading. This is not the
path for the weak willed or weak hearted but it is a path to success on several levels.

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