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Genchem1 12q1 Week1 m1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Chemistry 1
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Properties of Matter and
Its Various Forms

MELC: Use properties of matter to identify substances

and to separate them.
(K to 12 BEC CG: STEM_GC11MPIa-b-5)

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Marcos National High School
Chemistry 1
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Properties of Matter and
Its Various Forms
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the properties of matter and its various forms. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow
the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module is focused on the Properties and Classification of Matter.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify substances using the properties of matter; and
2. classify substances into groups according to some common properties.

What I Know

This first part of the module is a pre-assessment activity that allows your
teacher to determine your strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills on the
Properties and Classification of Matter. So, sit back and read each question
comprehensively and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter
on a separate sheet of paper and submit a copy of it to your subject teacher. Be one
of the students who practice the virtue of HONESTY.

1. Which of the following is a matter?

a. heat c. sound
b. air d. light

2. The ____________ of a material is the temperature at which it will change from

solid to liquid state.
a. density c. melting point
b. thermal conductivity d. boiling point

3. Diamond can be used to cut other substances because of its _________.

a. flexibility c. strength
b. hardness d. density
4. Helium is used for filling balloons because of its low __________.
a. melting point c. thermal conductivity
b. strength d. density

5. Which of the following physical properties must cooking utensils possess?

a. solubility in water c. high thermal conductivity
b. low density d. low melting point

Lesson The Properties of Matter and

1 Its Various Forms

What’s In

Rather than memorizing all the chemistry-related terms in this module, you
will serve yourself far better by focusing on the underlying concept each term
represents especially in understanding the properties and classification of matter. If
you focus first on concepts, the language used to describe them will come to you so
much more naturally.

The next activity will help you recall your learnings in the Junior High School
Chemistry. Answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper and submit a copy of it to your
subject teacher.

1. Aluminum, instead of copper, is usually used to make overhead electrical

cables because
a. it conducts electricity better than copper.
b. it is cheaper than copper.
c. it is lighter than copper.
d. it is stronger than copper.

2. Which of the following groups of substances expands a lot when heated and
can be compressed easily?
a. water, alcohol, oil
b. oxygen, argon, nitrogen
c. glass, ceramics, plastics
d. copper, iron, lead
3. Which of the following is not a physical property of matter?
a. chemical reactivity
b. strength
c. thermal conductivity
d. elasticity

4. Matter can be classified into solids, liquids and gases according to their ______.
a. density
b. state
c. strength
d. elasticity

5. __________ is the tendency of a material to return to its original shape or size

after being distorted.
a. Hardness
b. Elasticity
c. Flexibility
d. Strength

What is New

Because this module focuses on the description of properties and

classification of matter, it lays the foundation for all future modules in General

We begin by looking at how matter is described through its physical and

chemical properties.

This time, explore the materials inside your house. Describe their uses and
properties. Present your answers by filling up the table below.

Materials Uses Properties Utilized

What is It

A. Properties of Matter
Matter has physical and chemical properties.

Physical Properties describe the look of a substance, such as color,

hardness, density, texture and phase. These properties of substance can change
when conditions change, but that does not mean a different substance is created.
The freezing of water is an example of what chemists call a physical change. During
a physical change, a substance changes its phase or some other physical property
but not its chemical composition.

The table below lists some physical properties of matter and examples of
materials with such properties.

Physical Description of Examples of materials with such

Properties Properties properties
Density Mass per unit Gases have low densities. Hydrogen and
volume of a helium are the lightest gas. Mercury and
substance gold are very dense.
Melting point The temperature at Ice has a melting point of 0°C. Melting
which a substance point of aluminum is 660°C and that of
melts (change from iron is 1535°C.
solid to liquid state)
Electrical Ability to conduct Metals are good conductors of electricity.
conductivity electricity (let electric Examples are silver and copper. Carbon, a
current pass non-metal also conducts electricity. Many
through). non-metals, like wood, air and plastic are
insulators (do not conduct electricity).
Thermal Ability to conduct Metals are good conductors of heat.
Conductivity heat. Examples are aluminum, iron, zinc and
copper. Non-metals like wool, air, plastic
and wood are insulators
Solubility How well a Many substances like salt, sugar, carbon
substance dissolves dioxide and oxygen can dissolve in water.
in another Others like oil, grease, paint and ink are
substance. Solubility soluble in solvents like alcohol, petrol and
depends on turpentine.
(usually, solubility of
solid increases but
solubility of gases
decreases with
increase in
Strength How strong a Pure metals are not as strong as alloys
substance is – how which are mixtures of 2 or more metals,
much force can be and non-metals. Example, steel-an alloy of
applied without iron and carbon is stronger than pure iron.
breaking the Duralumin, an alloy of aluminum with
material. copper and some other metals is much
stronger than pure aluminum.
Hardness How hard a Diamond, a form of carbon is the hardest
substance is – the known mineral. Brass (alloy of copper and
difficulty of zinc) and bronze (alloy of copper and tin)
scratching a are much harder than copper. Talc, plastic
material. and graphite (another form of carbon) are
soft materials.
Elasticity The tendency of a Rubber is more elastic compared to metals
substance to return like steel and copper. Cork and plasticine
to its original shape are inelastic
or size after being
Flexibility The ease of changing Rubber and plastic strings are easier to
the shape of an stretch than steel or copper wires.
Transparency Whether a substance Water, glass, air and some plastics are
allows light to pass transparent (allow light to pass through).
through. Wood, metals and concrete are opaque (do
not allow light to pass through) and tracing
paper is translucent (allows some light to
pass through.
Table 1. Physical Properties of Matter

Materials with different properties have different uses. Table 2 gives the uses
of some materials with the related properties.

Physical Uses
Density Helium, a very light gas, is used for filling balloons, Duralumin, an
alloy of aluminum with some other metals, is used for making
airplanes because of its strength and low density (light weight)
compared to steel which is denser.
Melting Point Metals like aluminum and steel are used for making cooking
utensils because of their high melting points and high thermal
Electrical Copper is used in electrical wiring and insulators like plastics are
conductivity used to cover plugs and switches to prevent electric shock.
Thermal Good conductors like aluminum and steel are used in cooking
conductivity utensils and thermostats. Insulators like wool are used to make
clothing and blankets to keep our bodies warm.
Solubility The oxygen dissolved in water enables water life to breathe.
Turpentine is used for removing paint is soluble in turpentine.
Strength Steel is used for making machine parts and ships. Duralumin,
which is light and strong is used for making aircraft.
Hardness Diamond is used for making cutting and grinding tools as it is
extremely hard. Graphite and talc are used as lubricants due to
their softness.
Elasticity Rubber is used in making rubber bands and tires.
Flexibility Rubber is used for making balloons.
Transparency Lenses, used in spectacles and optical instruments like cameras,
telescopes and microscopes are made of glass and plastic.
Windows and doors are made of opaque materials to give privacy.
Table 2. Uses of some materials

The physical properties of matter are further classified into intensive and
extensive. The intensive properties of matter are those that are not dependent on
the amount of matter. Texture, color, odor, and density are those that depend so
much on the amount or quantity of matter. The extensive properties of matter are
those that depend so much on the amount or quantity of matter. Examples are
volume, mass, length, and area.

Chemical Properties are those that characterize the ability of a substance to

react with other substances or to transform form one substance to another. Any
change in a substance that involves a rearrangement of the way atoms are bonded
is called a chemical change. Below are some examples:
a. Methane. It is a natural gas that has a chemical property of reacting with
oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water, giving off lots of heat during the
b. Baking Soda. Has a chemical property of reacting with vinegar to form carbon
dioxide and water, absorbing heat during the reaction.
c. Copper. It also has the chemical property of reacting with carbon dioxide and
water to form the greenish blue substance called patina (a green or brown film
on the surface of bronze or similar metals, produced by oxidation over a long
B. Classification of Matter
The sorting of things into groups according to some common properties is
called classification. Classification helps to make the study of science more
systematic and enables us to see the patterns and similarities in a great variety of

Matter can be classified into living things or non-living things, or according to

their color, shape, texture or any of the properties listed in the tables above.
Scientists usually classify matter into:

(a) Metals or Non-metals (according to their properties)

(b) Solids, Liquids or Gases (according to their states)
(c) Elements, Mixtures or Compounds

What’s More

The next activity titled “Mastering the Properties of Matter” will strengthen
your understanding and promote higher order thinking skills on the topic.

Understand the two questions below and use your knowledge on the properties of
matter in answering them. Write the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper and
submit a copy of it to your subject teacher.

For items 1 & 2:

Four substances are tested for their hardness using the scratch test.
Substance A can be scratched with fingernails.
Substance B can be used to sharpen knife.
Substance C can scratch most substances.
Substance D leaves a streak of powder when scratched.

1. Arrange the substances in order of increasing hardness.

2. Identify A, B, C, and D if the four substances being tested are diamond, wax,
talc and granite.

What I have Learned

Now, analyze the three questions below and use your knowledge on the
properties of matter in answering them. Write the correct answer on a separate sheet
of paper and submit a copy of it to your subject teacher.

1. Which three of the six materials in the list below can be used for making
electrical switches? Why?

a. plastic c. silver e. cotton

b. wood d. copper f. aluminum

2. Write the properties which fit the following descriptions:

a. The temperature at which a substance melt.

b. The ability to conduct heat.

3. Which physical property would you use to differentiate

a. diamond and graphite

b. silver and wood

What I Can Do

This section provides you three questions to be scientifically comprehended

and answered. Write the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper and submit a
copy of it to your subject teacher.

1. Name three materials which can be used to make the different parts of an
electric bulb. Why do you choose these materials?

2. Write three (2) physical properties of iron and how these properties can be put
to good use in daily life.

3. Explain why duralumin, an alloy of aluminum and some other metals, is used
to make aircraft instead of pure aluminum or steel.


Do what is required in each item below. Write the correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper submit a copy of it to your subject teacher.

1. Match the following substances with the corresponding properties of matter.

Write the best answer in the parentheses provided.
Substance Property
( ) hydrogen a. high electrical conductivity
( ) copper b. high elasticity
( ) steel c. high strength
( ) rubber d. low density

2. Suggest one use each for materials with:

a. high melting point – ________________________________________________
b. very low density – ________________________________________________
c. low heat conductivity – ______________________________________________
d. low electrical conductivity – __________________________________________

3. Name three (3) ways which scientists use to classify matter.


4. Classify the following substances into metals and non-metals:

a. plastics c. zinc e. glass g. fibers
b. lead d. ceramics f. magnesium

5. Teacher C classified five substances into two groups – group A consists of lead
and mercury and group B consists of water, air and carbon. She has classified
them ____________. Write the letter of the best answer.
a. according to their state
b. into elements, mixtures and compounds
c. into metals and non-metals
d. according to their chemical properties
Additional Activities

To further enrich your knowledge on the Properties and Classification of

Matter, understand each question and answer each scientifically. Write the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper and submit a copy of it to your subject teacher.

1. State the best reason why most metals are solids at room temperature but
mercury, also a metal, is liquid a room temperature.


2. Explain why ethanol can be used for removing ball-point pen ink.

Chang, Raymond. 2005. Chemistry, 8th Edition. New York, USA:McGraw-Hill. ISBN

McMurry, Johh. 2004. Chemistry, 6th Edition. Belmont, CA:Brooks/Cole. ISBN


Nucum, Zenaida. 2017. General Chemistry 1 For Senior High School. C & E
Publishing Incorporated. ISBN 978-971-98-0

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