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MXP Campaign 2021 (Aies - Ec-Mxp-Joinaiesec)

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join aiesec.

July 2021
1. intro
2. branding
3. value proposition
4. concept & messages
5. our target
6. content lines
7. tm-mkt synergy
8. internal use
9. what’s next
hi there,
Before we start, I have a short message for you.

Do you remember the first ever promotion you saw to

become an AIESEC member? What was the reason you
chose to apply?

How different was the experience from what you

expected? Was the reason you stayed the same as the
reason you joined?

How many times did you stop to ask yourself if we are

actually developing the leadership to our membership?
What did you prioritise, the results your members get or
the experience they had?

These questions (and more) led us to bring membership

back as a program - one that’s at the core of everything we
do. With this campaign we’re giving you a guideline on how
the messaging of Membership recruitment should look like,
however, you still need to gather insights and understand
young people in your market to adapt the campaign and to
make it work for you.

AIESEC is about the people, and as long as we have the

right people AIESEC will always strive to achieve its
purpose. Bringing the right people into AIESEC, it’s not an
easy task but I know that you are up to it, you are an
AIESECer after all.

Nat, AIVP Digital Marketing

The program is called AIESEC Member - the simplest and most straightforward way to explain what it is all about, while
differentiating it from the rest of the AIESEC Portfolio.

You can find all the details about how to use the branding in the Blue Book - on after IC 2021.

If you are still in the process of planning your recruitment campaign, make sure you include the program brand in all the
promotional materials, alongside the new campaign messaging.

In case you have already deployed campaign materials virtually or physically, you can start using the branding starting
from the next recruitment campaign, to avoid confusion in your market.
idea objectives
“Activating youth leadership since Position AIESEC Member as an
1948”, more than our tagline, it is opportunity for young people to develop
the essence of what we do. their leadership.

And to continue doing so, we need Showcase the different aspects of the
to make the AIESEC Member AIESEC Member experience - making
concept clear, engaging, and leadership tangible and diverse.
relevant to today’s world context
and to different youth personas, so Modernize the way in which we recruit -
we can recruit the right people to in 2021, we speak the same language as
strive for our vision together. youth.

message psst,
A recruitment campaign that shows the This is an umbrella campaign - it is
clear benefits of the AIESEC Member meant to be customised to the
program in a fresh and simple language context and needs of the entities
that attracts young people. and markets it is implemented in.

We give leadership a relatable face and Before using any type of content,
tone that makes young people excited to ask yourself, “if I saw this on the
learn more and make the choice to “join hallway, would I stop and join?” .
persona’s messages main
motivation To use message
Wanting to develop themselves develop yourself with aiesec. join aiesec.
Wanting a leadership experience learn to lead with aiesec.
Connect with a global community connect with aiesec.
Wanting to create positive impact in the world impact with aiesec.

Note: Be mindful of messages you customize. They should be aligned to AIESEC values and the AIESEC Way. Things like parties and alcohol can’t be present in the campaign in any
way. Also be mindful of the regulations in your entity for physical gatherings and interactions. Keep it professional and focused on our value proposition.
our value
The AIESEC Member program is an informal education for young people, that focuses on leadership development at
the core.

Unlike other training courses, university clubs or youth organizations, our product develops young people by delivering
a personalized, relevant and measurable leadership development experience, connecting them to a global network of
youth and partner organizations.

The benefits we offer can be summarized in the following points:

Personal Development
In AIESEC, members can develop self-management and interpersonal skills through having practical learning
experiences that complement their university environment to emerge as well-rounded individuals.

Leadership Experience
An empowered & challenging environment where you can develop your competencies and values of leadership.
Our Leadership Development Model offers a clear support system for the learning goals of each of our members.

Global Network
In AIESEC, members have the chance to connect with people from all over the world during and after their
experience, which allows them to build their own local and international network of like-minded youth.

Connect with AIESEC Impact

Our mission, values and inclusivity stand out as a great environment for people to learn, connect with others and
contribute for a better world through the programs we offer and further leadership opportunities.
our target
- age: 18 - 30 years old

- open-minded
- willingness to learn
- aligned with, or inspired by AIESEC's vision and AIESEC's
core values
- proactive and energetic

- seeking personal development (they are seeking for an
opportunity to develop themselves (soft/hard skills) and
gain practical experience).
- want to develop their global network - get to know other
countries and other cultures
- want the human connection of community or feel a sense
of belonging
- making a positive impact on other people and their

Note: This a general example. You should create a customized version based on
your entity’s personas. Feel free to create a more detailed target audience which
is specific to your target audience youth and to your entity’s needs.
content lines
which content types can you use to transmit the campaign message?
content type one

for youth
description content guidelines
AIESEC is completely run by youth, for youth, Graphics:
and you can be a part of it!
- Images that showcase the way the
Under this line we show the personal membership experience is designed
development that a young person can - Images from Members capturing the
unlock when joining. moment/activity described
- AIESEC Member watermark/sticker can be
Highlight moments that an aiesecer lives used depending on the content
during their member experience, and how - “join aiesec” tagline used on the bottom,
they are designed for young people through centered
the social, work and physical spheres.
Highlight things like their job description,
responsibilities, their challenges, their - The videos should capture the personal
achievements and the hard skills they development experienced by members
acquired. - Use voice-overs, ideally done by the Member


- Short Member testimonials

- Use the hashtag #joinaiesec
call to action - Include the Call to Action

Join aiesec, apply at

#joinaiesec #designedforyouth
content type two

leadership is

description content guidelines

Leadership has many faces inside and outside Graphics:
of our organization - let’s showcase the
different forms leadership has and highlight - Images that showcase the different forms
how it is for everyone. leadership can take
- Images that describe the leadership qualities
Giving leadership a face makes it much more we develop and how we develop them
relatable and attractive for youth, it makes it - AIESEC Member watermark/sticker can be
aspirational. used depending on the content
- “join aiesec” tagline used on the bottom,
Give a glimpse of the different elements of centered
the support system we have which enable
young people to develop their leadership, Videos:
through the membership experience
standards. - The videos should capture the different
aspects of leadership


- Use the hashtag #joinaiesec

- Include the Call to Action

call to action
Join aiesec, apply at
content type three

join the
description content guidelines
Showcase the diversity of the AIESEC Graphics:
community. From local to global, we show our
diversity of: backgrounds we study, languages - Images from conferences, teams, alumni
we speak, countries & territories we come partners etc. that highlight the extent and
from, etc. diversity of the aiesec community.
- graphics with statistics, facts from the history
The community also extends to the of aiesec.
thousands of aiesec alumni all over the - AIESEC Member watermark/sticker can be
world, so we highlight key facts, people and used depending on the content
partners in our past and present, to build - “join aiesec” tagline used on the bottom,
aiesec’s image of a trusted organization centered
capable of developing young people which go
on to achieve great things in their lives and
careers. Videos:

Focus on showcasing only what is of interest - Use the same visual elements as in the
to your customer and make sure to fact-check graphics
everything you post. - Minimal editing is recommended

call to action - Alumni or Partner testemnional
Join aiesec, apply at - Quote from history book
#joinaiesec - Use the hashtag #joinaiesec
- Include the Call to Action
content type four

stories we create

description content guidelines

Every story of impact starts with a choice Graphics:
and joining AIESEC can be the beginning
for our new members. - Images from experiences of members,
Exchange Participants, Alumni or Partners
AIESEC is a unique, dynamic - “join aiesec” tagline used on the bottom,
choose-your-own-adventure type of centered
journey and through this line, we show - AIESEC Member watermark/sticker can be
young people how they can create used depending on the content
impact through developing themselves - “join aiesec” tagline used on the bottom,
and fulfilling their personal goals. centered

This content line extends to all types of Videos:

brand advocacy - from members, from
Exchange Participants, from partners, - The videos should be storytelling-based
alumni etc. - everyone who has a story
with aiesec! Captions:

- Member, Alumni or Partner testimonials

call to action - Use the hashtag #joinaiesec

- Include the Call to Action
Join us, apply at
#joinaiesec #millionsofstories
in synergy
role of talent management
● Align the timeline and roles of each
department on MC and LC level with MKT
● Co-plan Goals for Membership Recruitment
#Applications with MKT
● Co-plan the target audience or member
persona with MKT
● Set goals for membership to be recruited in
each department
● Follow each step in the Transition phase
● Be the final responsible to track all stages of
recruitment, including attraction

role of marketing
● Co-plan Goals for Membership Recruitment
Sign-ups with TM
● Co-plan the target audience or membership
persona with Mkt
● Co-plan the messaging with TM
● Co-plan Attraction Campaign with TM
● Execute campaign on national channels and
onboard LCs on the Campaign
● Educate LCs on Recruitment Attraction
● Track PvA of Applications
internal use
You can also use this campaign in your internal
communication with your current membership to
promote further leadership roles!

main objective
Showcase the different
lead with aiesec. leadership roles available for
aiesec’s members locally,
nationally and globally.

Nurture the leadership pipeline

for further leadership roles.

persona’s messages
motivation to use
Diversify skills & learnings with experience one step further with aiesec.
Develop leadership in more challenging roles challenge yourself with aiesec.
Diversify learnings & connection in other expand your network with aiesec.
Entities or global projects
Contribute to the organization through expand your impact with aiesec.
higher roles or in other entities
what’s next?
1. This is the official Recruitment Campaign for the AIESEC
Member Program, and it is not expected to be refreshed until 2022.

2. The visuals are only a guideline, you can customize them to your
market as long as they are aligned with the brand. Feel free to use
the with aiesec campaign templates and adapt them to this

3. More templates and brand advocacy guides will be provided later

in 2021.

AIESEC History Book

AIESEC International Annual Reports

AIESEC International Flickr for High Quality Photos

Refreshed AIESEC Way Toolkit

General Campaign Template

all campaign resources will be for any questions
powered by courage, built to lead with aiesec.

natashia shukla nie le

AIVP Digital Marketing AIVP Product Innovation

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