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Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...

ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

Seeds of the world

"The earth was not given to us by our parents, it was loaned
to us by our children." -- Kenyan proverb

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multiple words and Genetically Engineered crops
phrases The Green Revolution

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Journey to
Forever Traditional varieties of vegetables and grains are a vital heritage:
- click here they could be the key to our food security in the future. But,
where hundreds of varieties of a crop were once grown, now
there may be only two or three, or the crop itself may have been

Plant Patenting Laws have made seeds big business, largely

controlled by a handful of big companies. (The top 10 seed
What people are saying companies control about 33% of the US$24.4 billion global seed
about us trade, with the top three companies controlling 20%.) Varieties
About Handmade that do not have a world market lose their place and may no
Projects longer be sold. Soon they vanish, forever.
Sitemap (text only) Yet the lack of genetic
diversity in food crops greatly
Projects increases their vulnerability to
Community development pests and disease -- while
Why we're doing this breeding new resistant varieties
Rural development requires the germ-plasm of the
old varieties which are being
Fixing what's broken
City farms
Edible cities And at a time when the global climate is changing in
Organic gardening unpredictable ways, nobody knows what sort of crops may be
Everyone can grow their needed in the future -- the meagre number of commercial
own food varieties available could prove useless in the new conditions.
The Wheel of Life The brave new seeds of the "Green
Revolution" are hybrids -- so-called (1 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

Small farms HYVs, high-yielding varieties that will

The way forward not breed true and must be bought anew
Small farms library from the seed companies each year.
Classics on organic Others have renamed them HRVs -- high-
growing, soil and health response varieties, increasingly bred to
(full text online)
respond to high levels of chemical
Biofuels Green Revolution fertilizers and for resistance to toxic
Fuel for the future high-yielding hybrid pesticides. Seldom are the high yields
Biofuels library rice
reported in the test fields reproduced on
Manuals, how-to's, actual farms, less still on the small farms most Third World
research reports (full text people depend on for their food supply. And the new seeds lack
online) the nutritional content of the traditional varieties.
Solar box cookers
Sun power saves lives
Other tests have shown that old varieties,
and trees grown with good soil management and
Trees, soil and water NO chemicals, can equal the yields of
the hybrids and far surpass their
Healthcare for mountains
nutritional quality.
Seeds of the world
No seeds, no food And, unlike the traditional varieties, the High-yelding hybrid
Small farms library new hybrids do not last long -- even with corn -- about as
high levels of chemical protection, they nutritious as tissue
Appropriate technology
succumb to pest attack after a few years paper
What works and fits and have to be replaced by another
Project vehicles newly bred hybrid.
The workhorses
And here lies the problem: the germplasm for the new seeds
Internet comes from the old varieties, but the new seeds displace the old
Why it really matters -- often where once scores or hundreds of old varieties were
grown, now there's only one, the same new variety that now
Internet interaction needs replacing.
Finding your way
As one expert commented, it's a strange technology that destroys
Schools projects the very foundation it depends on.
The development of GE (Genetically Engineered) seeds (also
Biofuels termed GMOs -- Genetically Modified Organisms) that contain
Solar box cookers genes from quite different plants -- or from life-forms that are
Backpack stove not plants at all -- has now taken the erosion of sustainable crop
varieties to a whole new level of risk.
Low-tech radio In collaboration with food crop conservation organizations,
Journey to Forever will collect seeds of useful local varieties of (2 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

What to do with a food crops wherever we go, saving them for the future as well as
cardboard carton redistributing them to other farmers further along our route. We
will work with concerned NGOs to ensure that peasant plant
Sisters of silk
breeders' rights are protected.
Silkworms in a shoebox
School gardens See: Seed patents threaten world food resources
School composting
Trees and forests Seed resources
The Beach House fish
pond The Threatened Gene: Food, Politics, and the Loss of
HOMeR Genetic Diversity, Cary Fowler and Pat Mooney, 1991.
Vanishing seeds: "Loss of genetic diversity in agriculture --
Eco-footprint silent, rapid, inexorable -- is leading us to a rendezvous with
Eco-footprint extinction -- to the doorstep of hunger on a scale we refuse to
School and youth imagine." 270-page book provides an excellent introduction to
programs on the Web the history and geopolitics of genetic diversity. Pat Mooney is
executive director of the ETC Group, previously Rural
Education resources
Advancement Foundation International (RAFI). Download PDF
on the Web
(14 MB):
Contact us
"More than 90 per cent of crop varieties have disappeared from
farmers' fields." -- UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition
To Keith Addison
org This site has good resources on seed issues and food security.
To Midori Hiraga
"One of the world's most pervasive threats to world food and
livelihood security is the loss of biological diversity." --
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)
GRAIN is an international NGO, part
of a global movement of popular
Handmade Projects action against genetic erosion.
Tamba Publishes the excellent "Seedling"
newsletter, books and other materials,
briefings and ad hoc publications,
global trade and biodiversity in conflict, an email mailing list.
Site search. Website also in French and Spanish versions.

"In order to have access to a wide

diversity of useful plants to meet our (3 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

essential needs beyond 2000, we

must gather, annotate, and caretake
these resources now, before they are
further eroded." -- Seed Savers'
This Australian seedsaving group is A trainee of the
involved in projects in Zimbabwe, Community Seed Bank
Cambodia, Tonga, Cuba and the Training Program in the
Solomon Islands. Solomon Islands collects
long red beans from a
Local Seed subsistence garden
(Seed Savers' Network)
Manual tells how to establish and run a local
seed group. 100 pages on forming a network,
promoting and sharing skills, and sourcing,
drying, cleaning, storing, testing and
distributing seeds. Illustrated. Buy at Seed
Savers' Network:

The Heritage Seed Library run by the HDRA in Britain

("Garden Organic") aims to conserve as much biodiversity as it
can and make as many varieties of vegetables available as
possible. About 700 varieties in the collection, mostly
vegetables. Seeds are supplied to volunteer Seed Guardians who
cultivate threatened varieties of vegetables in their gardens. A
Seed Swap section encourages informal exchange of rare seeds.
The Library also publishes the quarterly newsletter Seed News
covering plant genetic resources.

SeedSaving Resources -- This comprehensive site is a "one-

stop-shop" of Web resources on plant genetic resources,
seedsaving and seed swapping, and worldwide sources of
organic, heirloom, open-pollinated and non-GE seed and plants.

The Seed Exchange email list has nearly 700 members from
around the world, including university agriculture departments
and research stations. Moderated list, no advertising, members'
email information kept totally private. To subscribe send a blank
email to: with the word SUBSCRIBE as (4 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

the subject of the message.

Native Seeds/SEARCH (NS/S) of Tucson, Arizona, is a

nonprofit organization that works to conserve the traditional
crops, seeds, and farming methods that have sustained native
peoples throughout the southwestern US and northern Mexico.
"We promote the use of these ancient crops and their wild
relatives by gathering, safeguarding, and distributing their seeds,
while sharing benefits with traditional communities. We also
work to preserve knowledge about their uses. Through research,
training, and community education, NS/S works to protect
biodiversity and to celebrate cultural diversity. Both are essential
in our efforts to restore the earth."

"Growing Diversity: Genetic Resources

and Local Food Security", by David
Cooper, Renée Vellvé, Henk Hobbelink
(editors), 1992, IT Publications, ISBN 1-
Edited by GRAIN (Genetic Resources Action
International), this book presents the
experiences of NGOs in managing genetic
resources at the local level in the Third World.
Fifteen authors document the work of local
farmers in developing crop varieties suited to
their needs and demonstrate how these approaches can be built
upon to promote conservation and development. Buy at Amazon.
com: Growing Diversity

Saving the Seed: Genetic diversity

and European agriculture, by Renée
Vellvé, GRAIN, 1992, Earthscan, ISBN 1-
"Pandas are cute, tropical rainforests are
breath-taking, but how do you mobilize
people to save a carrot?" Traces the decline of
crop varieties in European farming, and
describes what is being done to safeguard
genetic resources for the future. The crucial
work is being done by individuals and grassroots organizations,
who largely go unrecognized and under-resourced. Policies to
promote the diversification of European agriculture and an (5 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

integrated strategy for safeguarding the genetic base of the food

system are urgently needed. Buy at Powell's Books:

Saving the Seed: Europe's Challenge, by Alvaro Toledo,

Seedling April 2002, GRAIN -- 2,800-word article examines
how the state of play has changed since the publication of
GRAIN's "Saving the Seed: Genetic Diversity and European
Agriculture" (Renée Vellvé, GRAIN, 1992, Earthscan, ISBN 1-
85383-150-6). "The 1990s have not been a good decade for
agricultural biodiversity in Europe..."

"Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I:

Grains" by Noel Vietmeyer, 1996, National
Academy Press, ISBN 0309049903
Africa has more native cereals than any other
continent. It has its own species of rice, as
well as finger millet, fonio, pearl millet,
sorghum, tef, guinea millet, and several dozen
wild cereals whose grains are eaten from time
to time. This is a food heritage that has fed
people for generation after generation
stretching back to the origins of mankind. It is also a local upon
which a sound food future might be built. But this legacy of
genetic wealth has largely been bypassed in modern times. The
"lost crops" can help provide food security in their native areas,
which include many parts of Africa threatened with hunger. At
the same time maintaining the diversity of these ancient crops
will protect options for the rest of the world to use. Full text
online at the National Academy Press:
Buy the book at Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I:

Lost Crops of Africa: Volume II: Vegetables, 2006. Full

text online at the National Academy Press:
Buy the book at Lost Crops of Africa: Volume II:

Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III: Fruits, 2008. Full text

online at the National Academy Press: (6 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger
Buy the book at Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III:

Ethiopia's Living Laboratory of Biodiversity -- In

Ethiopia, home of one of the most publicized famines in the mid-
1980s, farmers play a pivotal role in preserving and enhancing
some of the world's most unique seed genetic material. Amid
Ethiopia's diverse topography, climate and soil conditions, local
farmers have developed a tremendous base of food-producing
seeds. In an effort to ensure Ethiopia's seed genetic diversity,
scientists are discovering that farmers are not merely an adjunct
to conserving and enhancing this diversity but are key actors.

"Lost Crops of the Incas: Little-Known Plants of the

Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation" Board
on Science and Technology for International Development,
National Research Council, 1989, ISBN 0-309-04264-X.
Detailed information on more than 30 different Incan crops that
promise to follow the potato's lead and become important
contributors to the world's food supply. Some of these
overlooked foods offer special advantages for developing
nations, such as high nutritional quality and excellent yields.
Color photographs of many of the crops plus the authors'
experiences in growing, tasting, and preparing them in different
ways. Full text online at the National Academic Press:
Buy the book at Lost Crops of the Incas

"Seed Savers' Handbook" by Michel &

Jude Fanton, 1993
Without dedicated seed savers, our staple
foods would not exist. Such seed resources are
only safe in the hands of people who save and
grow them and eat their bounty; they are lost
in "collections" or storage, or in hybrids
wholly owned by multinationals. The Fantons,
founders of Australia's SeedSaver's Network,
show how gardeners can protect our global food heritage -- and
eat it too. They describe the seed collecting, growth cycles,
propagation, cultivation and traditional kitchen and medicinal
uses of over one hundred vegetables, culinary herbs and edible (7 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

flowers. Buy at ECHO's Global Bookstore:

"New Seed-Starters Handbook" by

Nancy Bubel, 1988, Rodale Press, ISBN 0-
Turn to this book for the most complete, up-to-
date information on starting plants from seed.
Written by a gardener with 30 years of
experience, this easy-to-use reference explains
everything you need to know to start seeds and
raise healthy seedlings successfully. Buy at The New Seed Starter's Handbook

"Farmers' Seed Production: New

approaches and practices" edited by
Conny Almekinders, Niels Louwaars, 1999,
Practical Action, ISBN 1853394661
This handbook covers a whole range of issues
relating to local seed supply systems,
including participatory plant breeding, and
both technical and practical information on
seed production and variety maintenance. It
suggests new approaches and methods to
support on-farm seed production by small-scale farmers in
developing countries. Buy at the Development Bookshop:

"Heirloom Vegetable Gardening -- A

Master Gardener's Guide to Planting,
Seed Saving, and Cultural History" by
William Woys Weaver, 1997, Henry Holt &
Company, ISBN 0805040250
Lists 280 varieties of vegetables, all
organically grown by Weaver. He has
researched the traditional kitchen garden over
the course of 30 years. Old fashioned recipes, research on the
introduction of these vegetables, color photographs and line
drawings. Weaver maintains his own collection of over 2,000
varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers. Buy at Powell's Books (8 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

The Seed Search, by Karen Platt, 5th edition, November

2002, Black Tulip Publishing, 368 pages -- Sources for 40,000
flowering seeds including all types of flowering plants and over
9,500 vegetables. Includes open-pollinated, untreated, heirloom
and organic seed, many rare species. Almost 500 suppliers from
all over the world, including many small, unusual seed
companies. An alphabetical listing of seed showing which
supplier supplies what. Full suppliers details. Buy at Karen
Platt's online bookstore:

Genetically Engineered crops

Genetically modified crops (GMOs, Genetically Modified
Organisms) have kept exactly none of the many golden promises
made for it, and fulfilled most of the fears and cautions raised by
the technology's detractors -- they're a disaster, nobody benefits
except Monsanto et al.

The UN's landmark International Assessment of

Agricultural Science and Technology for Development
(IAASTD) report on world agriculture of April 2008 said GM
technology is not a quick fix to feed the world's poor. The report
is highly critical of genetically engineered crops and saw little
role for GMOs in feeding the poor on a large scale. It said GMOs
are highly controversial and would not play a substantial role in
addressing the key problems of climate change, biodiversity loss,
hunger and poverty. "Assessment of the technology lags behind
its development, information is anecdotal and contradictory, and
uncertainty about possible benefits and damage is unavoidable."
Asked if GMOs could solve world hunger, Professor Robert
Watson, the director of the IAASTD study, said: "The simple
answer is no." IAASTD website:

"Biotech has bamboozled us all -- Studies suggest that

traditional farming methods are still the best" Guardian,
August 24, 2000: "If anyone tells you that GM is going to feed
the world," Steve Smith, a director of the world's biggest
biotechnology company, Novartis, insisted, "tell them that it is
not... To feed the world takes political and financial will -- it's
not about production and distribution." Mr Smith was voicing a (9 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

truth which most biotechnology companies have gone to great

lengths to deny.

"Ten reasons why biotechnology will not ensure food

security, protect the environment and reduce poverty
in the developing world" -- by Miguel A. Altieri, University
of California, Berkeley and Peter Rosset, Food First/Institute for
Food and Development Policy

"Will Biotechnology Feed the World's Poor?" -- "One of

the biggest myths perpetuated by the biotechnology industry is
that genetically engineered crops are likely to provide a solution
to world hunger" -- Tom Campbell, Development Studies
Centre, Kimmage Manor, Dublin, Ireland

"Genetic Engineering and World Hunger: Food? Health?

Hope?" -- "Ensuring food security worldwide requires an
approach that is the opposite of that promoted by Biotechnology
companies". 16,000-word article from Britain's The
CornerHouse, debunks the GE companies' claims that genetic
engineering is the key to feeding the world's increasing numbers
of people, that it will help to restore a healthy environment and
prevent further degradation, and that it will provide farmers and
consumers worldwide with more choices and opportunities.

The ETC Group, formerly Rural Advancement Foundation

International (RAFI), is at the forefront of the battle against
GMO crops and biopiracy

"GMOs are without a doubt the least democratic and most

unpopular new technology since nuclear energy, and their
potential to catalyze global ecological and social disaster is
terrifying." -- Friends of the Earth International

"Say no to genetic engineering" -- Greenpeace (10 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

engineering -- Full coverage, daily news by email, the usual

suspects of the "Biotech Brigade", and more.

The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

-- Campaigns, Action Alerts, information, resources, online
bookstore and more:

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)

Biotechnology and Biosafety -- a large collection of reports,

articles, publications from the Third World Network

UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition

Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments:

"We, the undersigned scientists, call for the immediate
suspension of all environmental releases of Genetically Modified
crops and products; for patents on life-forms and living
processes to be revoked and banned; and for a comprehensive
public enquiry into the future of agriculture and food security for

"Genetically Engineered food -- Safety Problems" --

Physicians and Scientists Against Genetically Engineered Food
is demanding a moratorium on GE food.

Resources on biotechnology at the Institute of Science in

Society website, with reports by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Angela
Ryan, Prof. Joe Cummins, and others. Newsletters, mailing list,
full site search.

The Research Foundation for Science, (11 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

Technology and Ecology was founded in

India in 1982 by Dr. Vandana Shiva,
scientist, author and a leading opponent
of GE crops and biopiracy.

Against the Grain: Why poor nations

would lose in a biotech war on hunger --
The promise [of biotechnology] of more
Dr Vandana Shiva
abundant and more nutritious food
appears to hold out the hope that hunger and disease can be
alleviated. With potential like this, who wouldn't be in favor of
genetically engineered crops? For starters, many of the people
they are supposed to help. -- Sierra Club

Dirty tricks

Monsanto's Web of Deceit

Corporate Ghosts -- There's a web of deceit over GM food,

says George Monbiot -- The Guardian, 29 May 2002

The Fake Persuaders -- Corporations are inventing people to

rubbish their opponents on the internet, says George Monbiot --
The Guardian, 14 May 2002

Kernels of Truth -- Virulent criticisms were anything but

academic -- The East Bay Express, 29 May 2002

Amaizing Disgrace -- A dirty tricks campaign leads straight to

Monsanto's PR company -- The Ecologist, May 2002

Seeds of Dissent -- Anti-GM scientists are facing widespread

assualts on their credibility. Andy Rowell investigates who is
behind the attacks -- Big Issue, 15-21 April 2002 (12 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

Scientists in a Spin -- How scientists have become embroiled

in a PR dirty tricks campaign -- letter to The Guardian, 16 May

The Green Revolution

"The Violence of the Green Revolution -- Third World
Agriculture, Ecology and Politics", by Vandana Shiva, Zed
Books, London, and Third World Network, Malaysia; ISBN 983-
99573-8-4, 264 pages. Dr. Shiva examines the impact of the
Green Revolution on the breadbasket of India, showing how the
"quick fix" promise of large gains in output pushed aside serious
pursuit of an alternative agricultural strategy. She documents the
destruction of genetic diversity and soil fertility that resulted.
Buy at The Violence of Green Revolution

"World Hunger: Twelve Myths", 2nd ed.,

by Frances Moore Lappé, Joseph Collins,
Peter Rosset with Luis Esparza, Food First/
The Institute for Food and Development
Policy, 1998, 270pp.
First published in the early 1970s, the World
Hunger report is an authoritative resource on
the problem of global hunger -- highly
recommended. It debunks 12 persistent
misconceptions about hunger, including Myth
5: "The Green Revolution is the answer." Thorough examination
of the issue. The book isn't just a damnation of wrong-headed
development efforts, it also offers a well-considered way
forward. Buy at World Hunger: 12 Myths

"Food First" by Frances Moore Lappe and

Joseph Collins, Institute for Food and
Development Policy (Food First), 1977, 416
pages -- Why do hundreds of millions of
people go hungry? Because there just isn't
enough food to go round? No - there's more
than enough food for everyone. Food First is
an eye-opener in exposing the hard realities
of how the world food system really works. It
confronts the political and economic roots of (13 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

world hunger and shows how ordinary people can help to end it.
Thoroughly researched, good case-studies, thorough references.
Written 30 years ago, the book is as relevant today as it was
then, or even more so: a very great help in understanding the
contradictions of the food price crisis that is driving millions
more into hunger today. Buy at Food First

"Lessons from the Green Revolution -- Do We Need

New Technology to End Hunger?" Peter Rosset, Joseph
Collins, and Frances Moore Lappé, Tikkun Magazine, March/
April 2000

"Nutrient starved soils lead to nutrient starved people", by

Keith Addison, cover story, acres, USA, June 1983, also cover
story, Asian Business, February 1983: "Many are the rice
terraces hewn with incredible labour from upland slopes and
tragically abandoned after only a year when the ground failed to
yield a crop at all -- meaning the end for that family. Had they
used native rice, they would have got some crop at least. But
hybrid seeds are now virtually the only seeds available and they
will not grow without the expensive inputs that these people
have no access to."

"Treasure in a bowl of porridge" -- Tai Long Wan: Tales from

a vanishing village, by Keith Addison. A development project in
the Philippines reports a setback to their plans to grow 20
hectares of traditional strains of rice to help small farmers
survive the onslaught of the Green Revolution -- they could only
find two kilos of native seed in the entire province. Background
on the Green Revolution and the seeds crisis.

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Seeds of the world: Journey to Forever - No seeds, no food, vanishing seeds, ...ady lost, rendezvous with extinction, seed saving, biodiversity, world hunger

© Copyright of all original material on this website is the property of Keith Addison, unless otherwise
stated. It may not be copied or distributed without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. All
material is provided "as is" without guarantees or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. (15 of 15)11/30/2009 5:26:43 PM

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