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Engineering Physics (UniversityAcademy MCQS)

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Engineering Physics
Engineering Physics
Course Outcome(CO)
At the end of course, the student will be able
to understand
CO1 Understand the basics of relativistic mechanics.

CO2 Develop EM-wave equations using Maxwells equations.

CO3 Understand the concepts of quantum mechanics.

CO4 Describe the various phenomena of light and its applications in different fields.
CO5 Comprehend the concepts and application of fiber optics and LASER.

Unit Topic

Relativistic Mechanics:
Frame of reference, Inertial & non-inertial frames, Galilean transformations, Michelson-Morley
I experiment, Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, Length contraction,
Time dilation, Velocity addition theorem, Variation of mass with velocity, Einstein‟s mass energy
relation, Relativistic relation between energy and Momentum, Massless particle..

Electromagnetic Field Theory:

II Continuity equation for current density, Displacement current, Modifying equation for the curl of
magnetic field to satisfy continuity equation, Maxwell‟s equations in vacuum and in non conducting
medium, Energy in an electromagnetic field, Poynting vector and Poynting theorem, Plane
electromagnetic waves in vacuum and their transverse nature. Relation between electric and magnetic
fields of an electromagnetic wave, Energy and momentum carried by electromagnetic waves, Resultant
pressure, Skin depth.
Quantum Mechanics:
Black body radiation, Stefan‟s law, Wien‟s law, Rayleigh-Jeans law and Planck‟s law, Wave particle
III duality, Matter waves, Time-dependent and time-independent Schrodinger wave equation, Born
interpretation of wave function, Solution to stationary state Schrodinger wave equation for one-
Dimensional particle in a box, Compton effect.

Wave Optics:
Coherent sources, Interference in uniform and wedge shaped thin films, Necessity of extended sources,
IV Newton‟s Rings and its applications. Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit and at double slit, absent
spectra, Diffraction grating, Spectra with grating, Dispersive power, Resolving power of grating,
Rayleigh‟s criterion of resolution, Resolving power of grating.

Fibre Optics & Laser:

V Fibre Optics: Introduction to fibre optics, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Normalized frequency,
Classification of fibre, Attenuation and Dispersion in optical fibres.

Laser: Absorption of radiation, Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation, Einstein’s

coefficients, Population inversion, Various levels of Laser, Ruby Laser, He-Ne Laser, Laser

1 University Academy

Engineering Physics

Solved MCQ
Content Page No.
1. Relativistic Mechanics: 3-8

2. Electromagnetic Field Theory: 9-13

3. Quantum Mechanics : 14-19

4. Wave Optics : 20-24

5. Fibre Optics & Laser: 25-31

2 University Academy

1. An inertial frame is? lv
(a) Accelerated c
(b) Deaccelerated Answer: Option (b)
(c) Moving with uniform velocity or at rest 6. In Galilean transformation ,time interval is
(d) All of these (a) Different for different Frame
Answer: Option (c) (b) Relative
2. Which of the following could be considered (c) Vector
inertial frames of reference? (d) Same in all frames
(a) A train at rest Answer: Option (d)
(b) A train travelling with a constant 7. According to the special theory of relativity,
velocity of 54 m/s physical laws are the same in frames of
(c) A train speeding up to 54 m/s reference which
(d) Both a and b (a) Move at uniform velocity
Answer: Option (d) (b) Accelerate.
3. Earth is? (c) Move in circles.
(a) An Inertial Frame (d) Move in ellipses
(b) A non-inertial Frame Answer: Option (d)
(c) Both Inertial frame and non-inertial 8. Which one is invariant under Galilean
frame Transformation?
(d) None of these (a) Acceleration
Answer: Option (b), Hint: Earth rotate along (b) Velocity
sun and also rotate along own axis. (c) Length
4. Michelson Morley experiment proved that (d) Force
(a) Earth is an Inertial Frame Answer: Option (a)
(b) Earth is a non-Inertial Frame 9. A rod moves along the length with a relativistic
(c) There is no absolute frame of reference
velocity  , then the rod
called ether in universe
(a) Extends along its length
(d) None of these
(b) Contract along its length
Answer: Option (c)
(c) Contract perpendicular to its length
5. The fringe shift (n)is Michelson Morley
(d) Contract along all direction.
Answer: Option (b)
lv 2 10. If an object reaches the speed of light, its
(a) 2
c  length changes to___________?
2lv (a) Zero
c 2 (b) Infinite
(c) Double of its value
l 2v 2
2c 2  (d) Half of its value

3 University Academy

Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (a)

11. How fast does a rocket have to move relative to 16. If t is time interval of event measured by
an observer for its length to be contracted in to '
moving S frame and t 0 is time interval
95% to its original length?
measured by rest frame S than time dilation
(a) 0.2c
(b) 0.3c (a) t= ,
(c) 0.4c 1−
(d) 0.5c c2
Answer: Option (b) 2
(b) t = t0 1 − ,
12. Which transformation Equation are replaced by c2
Lorentz transformation equation which (c) t = t0 ,
confirms the postulates of Einstein special
(d) None of above
theory of relativity
Option (a)
(a) Maxwell’s
17. Time Dilation is
(b) Planck’s
(a) Real effect
(c) Newton’s
(b) Just appear
(d) Galilean
(c) Classical effect
Answer: Option (d)
(d) None of above
13. Lorentz transformation assume
Answer: Option (a)
(a) Space and time both are relative
18. A spaceship, moving away from the Earth at a
(b) Space and time both are absolute
speed of 0.9c, fires a light beam backward. An
(c) Space is absolute and time is relative
observer on the earth measured the velocity of
(d) Space is relative and time is absolute
light beam
Answer: Option (a)
(a) 0.1c
14. According to special relativity, which
(b) more than 0.1c but less than c
physical properties below are dependent on
(c) c
the observer speed
(d) More than c
(a) Length
Answer: Option (c)
(b) Time
19. The circle in rest frame appear to ellipse for
(c) Mass
frame moving relative to rest frame due to
(d) All of above
(a) Length contraction
Answer: Option (d)
(b) Time dilation
15. The Clocks in a moving reference frame
(c) Relativistic velocity addition theorem
compared to identical clocks in a stationary
(d) All of these
reference frame, appear to run?
Answer: Option (a)
(a) Slower
20. When a material particle of rest mass m0 tends
(b) Faster
to attain speed c, than the mass tends to become
(c) At the same rate.
(a) Double to its rest mass
(d) Backward in time.
(b) Infinite
4 University Academy

(c) Zero  m0 
(d)  − m0 c 2
(d) none of these 
 1 − / c 
2 2

Answer: Option (b)

Answer: Option (d)
21. An Observer moves with speed of c/2 towards a
stationary source of light, the speed of light 25. The rest mass of an electron is m0 .what is the

appears to the observer to be mass of electron when it is moving with

(a) c velocity 0.6c
(b) 2c (a) m0
(c) 0.5c
(d) 0.9c (b) m0
Answer: Option (a)
22. For particle having zero rest mass and 5
(c) m0
momentum p, the total energy of particle is 4
(a) Zero (d) 2m0
(b) Infinite Answer: Option (c)
(c) pc 26. The basic theorem/principle used to obtain
(d) p/c mass-energy relation is
Answer: Option (c) (a) Momentum Conservation Theorem
23. The kinetic energy of a particle is double of its (b) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
rest mass energy, than the speed of particle (c) Work-Energy Theorem
(a) c (d) Maxwell Theorem
(b) c/2 Answer: Option (c)
(c) 2c/3 27. Which of the following is Einstein’s mass
2 2 energy relation?
(d) c
E 2 = p 2 c 2 − m0 c 4
3 2
Answer: Option (d)
E k = p 2 c 2 − m0 c 4
2 2
24. The relativistic Kinetic energy of a particle rest

mass m0 moving with speed  is (c) E = mc 2

1 (d) Ek = mc 2
(a) m0 2
2 Answer: Option (c)
1 28. Which of the following is the momentum-
m0 2
(b) 2 energy relation?
1 − 2 / c 2 (a) E 2 = p 2 c 2 − m0 c 4

m0 c 2 E = p 2 c 2 − m0 c 2
(c) 2
1 − 2 / c 2 (c) E = p 2 c 2 − m0 c 3

(d) E = p c − m0 c

5 University Academy

Answer: Option (a) (c) 5.12 105 eV , 2.99 10 −22 Kg m / sec
29. In relativistic case, the velocity of the particle
(d) 5.12 10 4 eV , 2.99 10 −23 Kg m / sec
approaches the speed of light, the Kinetic
Answer: Option (b) hint K=
energy approaches?
(a) Rest Energy K = mc 2 − m0 c 2 , p = m
(b) Zero 34. A man weight 50 Kg on the earth. When he is
(c) Infinite in rocket ship in flight his mass is 50.5Kg as
(d) None of above measured by an observer on earth .What is the
Answer: Option (c) speed of rocket?
30. What will be the rest energy of an electron? (a) 4.23 107 m / sec
(a) 0.31 MeV
(b) 4.23 108 m / sec
(b) 0.41 MeV
(c) 4.23 106 m / sec
(c) 0.51 MeV
(d) 4.23 105 m / sec
(d) 0.61 MeV
Answer: Option (c) Answer: Option (a) hint m =
31. If a star radiates energy at the rate of 2
5 10 Js what is the rate at which the
20 c2

mass is decrease is? 35. If 1 meter rod are moving with a speed 0.75c
along X-axis with respect to stationary observer
(a) 4.54 103 Kg
what is the length of rod observed by stationary
(b) 5.54 103 Kg observer

(c) 6.54 103 Kg (a) 1.2 m

(b) 0.66m
(d) 7.54 103 Kg
(c) 0.93 m
Answer: Option (a) (d) 1.1m
32. The momentum of a photon having energy
−17 Answer: Option (b) hint L = L0 1 − ,
10 J is c2
(a) 1.1110−26 Kgms −1 36. Calculate the percentage contraction of rod
−26 moving with a velocity 0.8c in a direction
(b) 2.22  10 Kgms −1
inclined at 60 degree to its own length
(c) 3.33 10−26 Kgms −1 (a) 29%
(d) 4.44  10 Kgms −1 (b) 39%
(c) 49%
Answer: Option (c)
(d) 9%
33. The mass of moving electron 11 times its rest
Answer: Option (d)
mass, what is kinetic energy and momentum of
37. At what speed should a clock moved so that it
electron respectively
may appear to lose 1 minute in each hour
(a) 5.12 107 eV , 2.99 10 −20 Kg m / sec
(a) 5.4 107 m / sec
(b) 5.12 10 eV , 2.99 10
Kg m / sec

6 University Academy

(b) 5.4 106 m / sec 41. Einstein's two postulates of the special theory of
(c) 5.4 105 m / sec
(a) All laws of physics are the same in every
(d) 5.4 108 m / sec
inertial frame and velocity of light is same for
all observers
Answer: Option (a) Hint T= (b) All laws of physics are the same in every
1− non -inertial frame and velocity of light is
different for all observers
(c) All laws of physics are the not same in
38. If the velocity of particle is u in S frame and
every inertial frame and velocity of light is not
u in S ' relativistic velocity addition theorem
same for all observers
can be written as (d) None of the above
u +v '
Answer: Option (a)
(a) u=
u ' 42. If m0 is the rest mass of body, the relativistic
1+ 2
momentum is defined as
u −v'
p = m0 v
(b) u= (a)
u '
1− 2 m0
c (b) p= 1/ 2
 2 
(c) u =u +v '
1 − 2 
 c 
(d) u = u' − v
Answer: Option (a) (c) p= −1 / 2
 2 
39. Two particles come towards each other with 1 − 2 
speed 0.8c with respect to Laboratory frame  c 
.What is their relative speed (d) None of the Above
(a) 0.97c Answer: Option (b)
(b) 0.90 c 43. The relativistic Newton’s law is defined as
(c) 0.95c −3 / 2
d   2 
F = m0 1 − 
dt  c 2 
(d) 0.8 c (a)
Answer: Option (a)
3/ 2
40. Amount by time interval is greater than the d   2 
F = m0 1 − 
dt  c 2 
proper time interval for measuring the time of
(a) Time dilation (c) F = m0
(b) Time interval
(d) None of the Above
(c) Time parameter
Answer: Option (a)
(d) All of above
44. Lorentz transformations x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = c 2t 2
Answer: Option (a)
(a) Invariant

7 University Academy

(b) Not Invariant (b) 8.89 10 −27 Kg

(c) Relative
(c) 8.89 10 −28 Kg
(d) None of these
Answer: Option (a) (d) 8.89 10 −29 Kg
45. Michelson Morley experiment conclusively Answer: Option (c) Hint m = K .E / c 2
establishes that there is no ................ frame but
Where m = m − m0
all frames are.....................
50. Which process is the example of mass energy
(a) Absolute, Relative
(b) Relative, Absolute
(a) Pair production
(c) Both a and b
(b) Pair annihilation
(d) None of these
(c) Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
Answer: Option (a)
(d) All of these
46. Rest mass of photon
(a) infinite
(b) zero
(c) finite
(d) none of these
Answer: Option (b)
47. Two photons approaching each other in vacuum
and relative speed will
(a) c
(b) zero
(c) 2c
(d) c/2
Answer: Option (a)
48. Relativistic Mass (m) will be calculated as

(a) m=

(b) m = m0 / 1 −
(c) m = m0
(d) None of these
Answer: Option (a)
49. How much does a proton gain in mass when
accelerated to a kinetic energy of 500MeV.
(a) 8.89 10 −26 Kg

8 University Academy

1. Maxwell’s Equations describe the integration Answer: Option (d)
of which two fundamental forces? 6. The charge build up in the capacitor is due to
(a) Electricity and Magnetism which quantity
(b) Electricity and the Weak Nuclear force (a) Conduction current
(c) Magnetism and the Weak Nuclear force (b) Displacement current
(d) Electricity and the Strong Nuclear forced (c) Direct current
Answer: Option (a) (d) Convection current
2. "The total electric flux through any closed Answer: Option (b)
surface surrounding charges is equal to the 7. The electromagnetic wave is
amount of charge enclosed”. The above (a) Transverse in nature
statement is associated with (b) Longitudinal in nature
(a) Coulomb's square law (c) Acoustic in nature
(b) Gauss's law (d) None of thease
(c) Lenz’s Law Answer: Option (a)
(d) Faraday’s Law 8. In an Electromagnetic wave the direction of
Answer: Option (b) magnetic field induction B is
3. If Magnetic monopole existed, then which of (a) Parallel to Electric field
following Maxwell’s equation will be modified (b) Perpendicular to electric field

(a) div D =  (c) anti parallel to Poynting vector
 (d) none of these
(b) div B = 0
 Answer: Option (b)

(c) curl E = − B 9. The amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields
 are related to each other by the relation
  D
(d) curl H = J − (a) E0 B0 = c
Answer: Option (b) (b) B0 = E0 c
4. Displacement current arise due to
(c) E 0 = B0 c
(a) Static electric field
(d) E0 B0 = c
(b) Time varying electric field
(c) Positive charges only Answer: Option (c)
(d) Negative charge only 10. Which Conduction current through a wire is
Answer: Option (b) __________ displacement current in capacitor?
5. The law which states that the variation of (a) double as
electric field cause magnetic field is :- (b) Same as
(a) Faraday’s Law (c) Twice of
(b) Lenz’s Law (d) All of these
(c) Biot Savart’s Law Answer: Option (b)
(d) Modified Ampere’s law

9 University Academy

11. Determine the conduction current and   2H
(c)   E = E −  2
displacement current densities in a material  t
having conductivity of 10−3 mho / m relative 
 2E
permittivity is 2.45.The electric field is (d)   H =  2
 t
4 10−6 sin(9 10−9 t ) volt / m Answer: Option (a)
−6 −9
4  10 sin(9  10 t ) A / m , 14. Maxwell’s equations in __________ form give
4  10 −6 cos(9  10 −9 t ) A / m information at points of discontinuity in
electromagnetic fields.
4  10 −9 sin(9  10 −9 t ) A / m , (a) Integral
−9 −9
4  10 cos(9  10 t ) A / m (b) Differential
−6 −9
4 10 cos(9 10 t ) A / m , (c) Algebraic
(c) (d) None of these
4 10 −6 sin(9 10 −9 t ) A / m
Answer: Option (b)
−9 −9
4 10 cos(9 10 t ) A / m , 15. Maxwell’s equations give the relations
−9 −9
4 10 sin(9 10 t ) A / m between__________.__
Answer: Option (b) hint : (a) Different sources

   E (b) Different fields
J C = E , J D =  0 r (c) Different boundary conditions
(d) None of these
12. The Maxwell’s third equation in differential
Answer: Option (b)
form is written as
 16. Electromagnetic wave equation in free space in
 B
(a)  E = term of electric field is
t 
  2E
 B (a)  E = −  0 0 2

(b)   E = −  t
t 
  2E
 H (b)  E =  0 0 2

(c)   E =  t
t 
  1  2
 H (c) 2 E =
(d)   E = −  0 0  2 t
t 
 1 2E
Answer: Option (b) (d)  E=−

13. Maxwell’s fourth equation in medium of  0 0  2 t

permittivity  and permeability  is written as Answer: Option (d)

  2E
17. The velocity of Electromagnetic wave in free
(a)   H = E −  2 space is equal to
 t
 1
  2E (a) c =
(b)   B = E −  2  0 0
 t
(b) c =  0 0

10 University Academy

(c) c = 0 /  0 22. The direction of electromagnetic wave is given

(d) None of these  
Answer: Option (a) (a) E. B
 
18. When the medium of electromagnetic waves (b) EB
changes from air to water, their speed is 
(a) Increases
(c) E

(b) Decreases (d) B
(c) Remaining same Answer: Option (b) direction of propagation of
(d) May increases and decreases EM wave is perpendicular to the E and B
Answer: Option (b) 23. The electromagnetic wave travels along z-axis
19. Wave impedance for electromagnetic wave in .Which is following pair of space and time
free space is varying field would generate such a wave

(a) 176.6  (a) Ex , By

(b) 276.6  (b) E y , Bx
(c) 376.6  (c) E y , Bz
(d) 476.6 
(d) Ez , By
Answer: Option (c)
Answer: Option (a)
20. The relation between electric field E and
24. In an electromagnetic wave the phase difference
magnetic field H is
between electric and magnetic field E and B is
(a) E= H (a) 0
 0 0
(b) π
0 π/2
(b) E= H (c)
(d) π/4
0 Answer: Option (a)
(c) E= H
0 25. Electromagnetic wave
(d) E =  0 0 H (a) Transfer energy
(b) Can not transfer energy
Answer: Option (b)
(c) May transfer energy
21. The electromagnetic wave is propagating in a
(d) None of these
medium with permittivity ε is and permeability
Answer: Option (a)
μ ,the quantity  /  is 
26. Conduction current density ( J C )and
(a) Refractive index of medium

(b) Intrinsic impedance of medium displacement current density ( J D ) is written as

(c) Energy density of medium    E
(d) Velocity of electromagnetic wave (a) J C = E , J D = 
Answer: Option (b)

11 University Academy

 E   (d) 1.89 V/m
(b) J C =  , J D = E
t Answer: Option (b) hint E = P (4 0 cr )

   E 31. If the magnitude of H in plane wave is 1
(c) J C = E , J D =
t ampere/meter. Calculate the magnitude of E for
 plane wave in free space
   E
(d) J C = E , J D = (a) 366 V/m
(b) 376 V/m
Answer: Option (a) static electric field and
(c) 386 V/m
varying electric field produce curret
(d) 396 V/m
27. Poynting vector(S) represents
(a) The energy transfer per unit area per unit Answer: Option (a) hint E = H 0 /  0
time of an electromagnetic field 32. Paraffin has relative permittivity (  r ) is 2.1.
(b) The momentum transfer per unit area per
Find the refractive index and the speed of wave
unit time of an electromagnetic field
in paraffin?
(c) The pressure transfer per unit area per unit
time of an electromagnetic field
(a) 1.55, 2.1106 m/ s
(d) none of theses (b) 1.45, 2.0 106 m/ s
Answer: Option (c)
(c) 1.35, 2.0 105 m/ s
28. Poynting vector(S) is expressed as
   (d) 1.25, 2.1105 m/ s
(a) S = EH
   Answer: Option (b) hint:  =  r , v = c /  ,
(b) S = EB
   33. Poynting's theorem is a statement of
(c) S = EK
   (a) Conservation of momentum for the
(d) S = B K electromagnetic field
Answer: Option (a) (b) Conservation of energy for the
29. Unit of Poynting vector is? electromagnetic field,
(a) watt (c) Conservation of energy and momentum
(b) watt for the electromagnetic field
(d) None of these
(c) watt
m2 Answer: Option (b)

watt 34. The energy transported by the electromagnetic

sec fields per unit time per unit area is called
Answer: Option (c) (a) Electro-magnetic energy
30. Sodium Lamp is radiating power 50 W. The (b) Flux density
mean root square value of electric field strength (c) Poynting Energy
at a distance? (d) Poynting vector
(a) 12.9 V/m Answer: Option (d)
(b) 1.29 V/m 35. Poynting theorem in mathematical form is
(c) 18.9 V/m written as
12 University Academy

(a) (  H )dS = − J .EdV −   1E 2 + 1 H 2 dV 40. In an electromagnetic wave, the electric field of
 s
t  V 2  V 2

 amplitude 4 V/m is oscillating. The Energy
density of the wave is
(b) (E  H )dS = − J .EdV −   1E 2 + 1 H 2 dV
  
t  V 2  
s V V
2  (a) 1.3110−10 J / m3
(c) (  H )dS = − J .EdV −   1E 2 + 1 H 2 dV

     (b) 1.4110−10 J / m3
s V t  V 2 V 2 
(d) None of above (c) 1.2110−10 J / m3
Answer: Option (b) (d) 1.1110−10 J / m3
36. The Earth receives 2cal / min/ cm .What is the
Answer: Option (b) hint: Energy density = ε
value of H E2
(a) 1.98 A/m 41. The magnitude of average value of Poynting
(b) 2.98 A/m vector S at a point is called as:-
(c) 3.98 A/m (a) Frequency of radiation
(d) 4.98 A/m (b) Intensity of radiation
Answer: Option (a) hint: E/H=376 ohm, (c) Amplitude of radiation
S =EH= 2 cal/min/cm2 , (d) Momentum flow
37. The ratio of electrostatic energy and magnetic Answer: Option (b)
energy density of an electromagnetic wave in 42. The radiation pressure is given by __________
free space is (a) S
(a) unity (b) S avg
(b) two
(c) S
(c) three c
(d) None of these
(d) S avg
Answer: Option (a) c

38. The high frequency current flow Answer: Option (d)

(a) Inside the conductor 43. The skin effect is a phenomenon observed in
(b) At the Surface of conductor (a) Conductors
(c) Both a and b (b) Semi conductors
(d) None of above (c) Insulators
Answer: Option (b) (d) Dielectric
39. Skin depth/ Penetration depth is the depth at Answer: Option (a)
which amplitude of electromagnetic wave 44. The attenuation coefficient (  ) is 0.5 units.
damped to-----------times of its initial value. The skin depth  will be
(a) e (a) 0.5
(b) 1/e (b) 1
(c) 1/2e (c) 2
(d) 2e (d) 1.5
Answer: Option (b)
Answer: Option (c) hint  = 1/ 

13 University Academy

45. The skin depth of the wave having a frequency 

(a) div J = −
of 3MHz and a velocity of 12 m/s is t
(a) 2 
(b) div J = +
(b) 3 t
(c) 4
(c) div J = 0
(d) 6
(d) None of above
Answer: Option (c) hint  = f
Answer: Option (a)
46. What is the cause of skin effect?
50. If J is current density and  is volume charge
(a) Supply frequency.
density than Equation of continuity for static
(b) Self inductance of conductor.
field written as
(c) High sensitive of material
(d) Both (a), (b) (a) div J = −
Answer: Option (d)
47. Find the skin depth for silver at frequency (b) div J = +
1MHz. Conductivity (  )of silver is 107 S/m. t
Take silver to be non magnetic (c) div J = 0

(a)  = 1.59 10−4 m (d) None of above

Answer: Option (c)
(b)  = 1.59 10−3 m
51. A radio station transmits a 10-kW signal at
(c)  = 1.59 10−2 m frequency of 100 MHz. For simplicity, assume
(d)  = 1.59 10 m −1
that it radiates at a point source. At a distance of
Answer: Option (a) Hint = 1 km from the (point source) antenna, what will
be the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic
48. Equation of continuity is field strengths
(a)Total current flowing out of volume must be (a) Bmax = 2.58  10 −6 T , E max = 0.60V / m
equal to the rate of decrease of charge within
(b) Bmax = 2.58  10 −9 T , E max = 0.77V / m
that volume
(b) Total charge flowing out of volume must be (c) Bmax = 2.58  10 −7 T , E max = 0.79V / m
equal to the rate of decrease of current within
(d) Bmax = 2.58  10 −5 T , E max = 0.77V / m
that volume
(c) Total electric field flowing out of volume Answer: Option (b)

must be equal to the rate of decrease of charge Hint : Emax = c Bmax ,

within that volume 2 0 S

Bmax = , where S = power / area
(d) All the Above c
Answer: Option (a)
49. If J is current density and  is volume charge
density than Equation of continuity for varying
field written as

14 University Academy

1. The following statement "every moving matter 6. If a charged particle of mass m is accelerated
has a associated wave” given by through a potential difference of V volts, the de-
(a) Planck’s Broglie wavelength is given by
(b) de-Broglie h
(c) Stefan’s mqV
(d) Newton’s
Answer: Option (b) b)
2. The De-Broglie hypothesis is associated with is
(a) Wave nature of electrons only 2h
(b) Wave nature of α-particle only mqV
(c) Wave nature of radiation qV
(d) Wave nature of all material particles 2m
Answer: Option (d)
Answer: Option (b)
3. The De-Broglie wavelength of an electron in
7. A material particle with a rest mass m0 is
the first Bohr orbit is
(a)Equal to one-fourth the circumference of first moving with speed of light  . the de-Broglie
orbit wavelength associated with the material particle

(b) Equal to twice the circumference of first would have been

orbit h
(c) Equal to half the circumference of first orbit m0
(d) Equal to the circumference of first orbit m0
Answer: Option (d) h
4. The velocity of Matter wave is c) 0
(a) Greater than velocity of electromagnetic d) ∞.
wave Answer: Option (a)
(b)Less than velocity of electromagnetic wave 8. The wavelength associated with material
(c) Equal to velocity of electromagnetic wave particle of momentum p is
(d) none of above
Answer: Option (b) (a) =
5. The wavelength associated with the non-
relativistic electron having kinetic energy(E) is (b) =
(a) E1 / 2
(b) E (c) =
(c) E −1/ 2 h
−2 (d) =
(d) E 2p
Answer: Option (c) Answer: Option (a)

15 University Academy

9. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with an 12. The time dependent Schrödinger wave equation
electron accelerated through a potential is .....
difference of V volt is ?

150 0  −  2  2
(a) =  a) i = + V ( x)
V t 2m x 2

V 0  2 −  2  2
(b)  =  b) i = + V ( x) ( x, t )
150 t 2 2m x 2
 −  2 
12.28 0
 c) i = + V ( x) ( x, t )
V t 2m x
 −  2  
V d) i = − V ( x) ( x, t )
(d)  = 0 t 2m x
Answer: Option (a)
Answer: Option (a)

10. A tiny particle of mass 10−13 kg is moving with 13. The function representing matter waves
velocity of 10 m/s, The associated wavelength must be
is a) Complex
b) Real
a) 6.62 10−20 cm
c) Zero
b) 6.62 10−20 m d) infinity
c) 6.62 10 m Answer: Option (a)

d) 6.62 10−13 m
14. The square of the magnitude of the wave
Answer: Option (b)
function is called_________

11. The time independent Schrödinger wave a) Current density

equation is b) Volume density

c) Probability density
d 2 ( x) 2 2 m( E − V )
a) +  ( x) = 0 (d) None of these
dx 2 h2
Answer: Option (c)
d 2 ( x) 8 2 m( E − V )
b) +  ( x) = 0 15. The operator ∇2 is called _______ operator
dx 2 h2 a) Laplacian
d  ( x) 4 m( E − V )
2 2
b) Hamiltonian
c) +  ( x) = 0
dx 2 h2 c) Poisson

d 2 ( x) 6 2 m( E − V ) d) Vector
d) +  ( x) = 0
dx 2 h2 Answer: Option (a)

Answer: Option (b)

16. According to wave mechanics, a free particle (b) Continues energies

in infinite potential box can possesses (c) Only one single value
(a) Discrete energies (d) None of these

16 University Academy

Answer: Option (a) (d) Infinity

17. The quantised energy of a particle of mass m Answer: Option (a)
in infinite one dimensional box of length L is 21. Compton effect in X-ray supports

n2h2 (a) Wave nature of X-ray

2mL2 (b) Particle nature of X-ray
(c) X-ray is charged particle
(b) (d) X-ray is neutral wave
Answer: Option (b)
n 2 2 h 2 22. The wavelength of X-ray is order of
(a) 10
2 2
n h (b) 1m
8 2 mL2
(c) 1cm
Answer: Option (d)
(d) 1m
18. The wave function (Ψ) of free particle in Answer: Option (a)
infinite one dimensional box of length L is 23. Compton Shift in Wavelength is

2 nx  =
(1 − cos )
(a) = sin (a)
L L 2m0 c

1 nx  =
(1 − cos )
(b) = sin (b)
m0 c
nx 2h
(c) =
sin (c)  = (1 − cos )
2 L m0 c
L nx (d)  = (1 + cos )
(d) = sin m0 c
2 L
Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (b)

19. The wave function(Ψ) of matter wave should 24. The maximum Compton shift observed is

satisfy the following condition (a) 0.024 A0

(a) Ψ should be normalized (b) 1A0
(b) Ψ should be single valued
(c) 0.05 A0
(c) Ψ and its first derivative should be
(d) 5000A0
(d) All of these Answer: Option (c)

Answer: Option (d) 25. Compton effect cannot take place with

20. The total probability of finding the particle in (a) X-ray.

space must be (b) Visible ray.

(a) Unity (c)  -ray

(b) Zero (d) X-ray and  -ray
(c) Double
17 University Academy

Answer: Option (b) (d) 0.124 m

26. The kinetic energy of recoil electron in Answer: Option (a)
Compton shift of frequency of incident 30. Find the de-Broglie wavelength of a golf ball
radiation is v and that of scattered radiation v of 50 gm mass travelling with a velocity of
is 1000 m/sec.

(a) hv − hv ' a) λ = 1.32510−34 m

(b) 1 − v '
b) λ = 1.32510−35 m
c) λ = 1.32510−31 m
(c) 1− v
v d) λ = 1.32510−30 m
(d) From zero to hv Answer: Option (b)
Answer: Option (a) 31. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an
27. Compton shift is depend upon 3
electron moving with velocity c
(a) Frequency of incident radiation 5
(b) Amplitude of scattered radiation
a) 0.331 Ao
(c) Angle of scattering
(d) Nature of scatterer material
b) 0.0331 Ao
c) 3.31 Ao
Answer: Option (c)
d) 331 Ao
28. In Compton effect the direction of recoil Answer: Option (b)
electron is 32. Find the energy of an electron moving in one
 sin  dimension in an infinite high potential box of
(a) tan =
 −  cos
width 1A0 (mass of the electron is 9.11 x 10-31

 cos kg and h=6.63 x 10-34 J-s).

(b) tan = '
 −  sin  (a) 36.69 eV
(b) 37.69 eV
' cos
(c) tan = '
 −  sin  (c) 38.69 eV
(d) 39.69 eV
' sin 
(d) tan = '
 −  cos Answer: Option (b) hint E =
Answer: Option (a) 8mL2
29. When X-ray of energy 100 KeV strikes a 33. A particle is moving in one dimensional

target, they are scattered at an angle 30 degree. potential box (of infinite height) of width

Find the wavelength of X-ray photon 25A0 . Calculate the probability of finding the
(a) 0.124 A0 particle within an interval of 5A0 at the centre
(b) 0.124 nm of the box when it is in its state of least energy.

(c) 0.124 cm a) 0.1

b) 0.3

18 University Academy

c) 0.4 (d) None of above

d) 0.2 Answer: Option (b)

Answer: Option (c) hint P= P = ψ(x ) dx and

2 38. Wien’s energy distribution Law explain the
Black body spectrum on
2 πx
ψ(x) =   sin (a) Lower Wavelength
 
34. An electron is bound in one dimensional box (b) Higher wavelength
−10 (c) Whole spectrum
which has width 2.5 10 m . Assuming the
(d) None of above
height of the box to be infinite, calculate the
Answer: Option (b)
lowest two permitted energy values of the
39. As the wavelength of the radiation decreases,
the intensity of the black body radiations
a) 6.04 eV , 24.16 eV
a) Increases
b) 5.04 eV , 25.16 eV b) Decreases
c) 4.04 eV , 20.16 eV c) First increases then decrease

d) 3.04 eV , 23.16 eV d) First decreases then increases

Answer: Option (c)
Answer: Option (a) hint
n 2h 2 40. Wien’s displacement Law for black body is
E= or E= 6.04 n 2 eV for n=1,n=2
8mL 2
(where m is peak wavelength (at

35. A black body is defined as Temperature T)

a) A perfect absorber and perfect emitter of (a) mT = cons tan t

radiation. m
b) Partially absorber and Partially emitter of
(b) = cons tan t
(c) = cons tan t
c) Both (a) and (b).
d) None of the above
(d) None of above
Answer: Option (a)
Answer: Option (a)
36. The radiation emitted by hot bodies are 41. Stefan’s Law states that the total power
a) black body radiations radiated by an perfect blackbody is
b) X-ray proportional to
c) Visible light (a) T
d) Gamma radiation.
(b) T2
Answer: Option (a)
(c) T3
37. Rayleigh Jeans explain the Black body (d) T4
spectrum on Answer: Option (d)
(a) Lower Wavelength 42. Planck’s radiation Law for black body
(b) Higher wavelength spectrum
(c) Whole spectrum

19 University Academy

8hc (a) They produce the waves of same wavelength

(a) E d = d
 (e hc / T − 1)
(b) They produce the waves of same amplitude
(c) They produce the waves having initial
(b) E d = 5 hc / T d constant phase difference
 (e − 1)
(d)They produce the waves of same wavelength
(c) E d = d and amplitudes
5 (e hc / T − 1)
Answer: Option (c)
(d) E d = d
 (e hc / T − 1)

Answer: Option (b)

43. Absorptivity of a body will be equal to its
emissivity __
(a) At all temperatures
(b) At particular temperatures
(c) At critical temperature
(d) When system is under thermal equilibrium
Answer: Option (d)
44. Planck’s law holds good for
(a) Black Body
(b) Polished body
(c) All coloured body
(d) All of these
Answer: Option (a)
45. Stefan Boltzmann law is applicable for heat
transfer by
(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) All of above
Answer: Option (c)
46. Which one of the following does not support
the wave nature of light
(a) Photoelectric effect
(b) Interference
(c) Polarisation
(d) Diffraction
Answer: Option (a)
47. Two sources of light are said to be coherent if

20 University Academy

1. Which is following are coherent sources (c) Diffraction
(a) A 100 W and 60 W bulbs (d) Polarisation
(b) Two bulb of each 60 W Answer: Option (b)
(c) Two virtual sources produce in thin film 7. On a rainy day, small oil films on water show
interference brilliant colours’. This is due to
(d) None of these (a) Interference
Answer: Option (c) (b) Dispersion
2. The virtual coherent sources are produced by (c) Diffraction
(a) Division of amplitude (d) Polarisation
(b) Division of wave front Answer: Option (a)
(c) both (a) and (b) 8. A Film is said to be thin if its thickness
(d) None of these is______
Answer: Option (c) (a) Oder of micrometer
3. The phenomenon in which two or more waves (b) Oder of nanometre
superpose to form a resultant wave of greater, (c) Oder of Pico meter
lower or the same amplitude is? (d) Very much smaller than wavelength of
(a) Interference light
(b) Diffraction Answer: Option (a)
(c) Polarization 9. Interference occurs in?
(d) None of these (a) Longitudinal waves only
Answer: Option (a) (b) Transverse waves only
4. Constructive interference happens when two (c) Electromagnetic waves only
waves are (d) All above
(a) In phase Answer: Option (d)
(b) Out of phase 10. In double slit experiment is carried out in air
(c) Zero amplitude and entire arrangement is dipped in water the
(d) None of these fringe width of system?
Answer: Option (a) (a) Increases
5. For destructive interference the path difference (b) Decreases
between two ray is (c) Fringe pattern disappears
(a) Even number of half wavelength (d) Remain unchanged
(b) Odd number of half wavelength Answer: Option (b)
(c) Whole number of wavelength 11. Why Newton's rings are circular-
(d) None of these (a) The locus of points of equal thickness of
Answer: Option (b) film is a square
6. Colours in thin films are because of (b) The locus of points of equal thickness of
(a) Dispersion film is a spherical
(b) Interference

21 University Academy

(c) The locus of points of equal thickness of  

(b) (2n) , (2n − 1)
film is a elliptical 2 2
(d) The locus of points of equal thickness of (c) (2n), (2n −1)
film is a circle
(d) None of these
Answer: Option (d)
Answer: Option (b)
12. The pattern of fringes using white light in
Newton’s ring experiment is :
16. The fringe width in wedge shape thin film with
(a) Colours fringes around bright centre
wedge angle  and refractive index  is
(b) Colours fringes around dark centre

(c) Uniform illumination around dark centre (a) =
(d) Uniform illumination around bright centre 4 
Answer: Option (b) 2
(b) =
13. A thin sheet of refractive index (  ) 1.5 and 
thickness 1 cm is placed in the path of light. 4
(c) =
What is the path difference observed? 
(a) 0.001 m 
(d) =
(b) 0.002 m 2 
(c) 0.004 m
Answer: Option (d)
(d) 0.005 m
17. The thickness of soap bubble film (  =1.46) in
Answer: Option (d), Hint: path difference
constructive interference in reflected light with
offered by thin film is ( − 1)t
wavelength  = 4000 A0 at normal incidence is
14. The path difference 2t cos r bright and
(a) 1027 .4 A 0
dark band in interference in thin film( reflected
case) is
(b) 927 .4 A0

  (c) 1127 .4 A 0
(a) (2n − 1) , (2n)
2 2 (d) 1327 .4 A 0
  Answer: Option (a) hint:
(b) (2n) , (2n − 1)
2 2 
2t cos r = (2n − 1) , where n = 0, r = 0
(c) (2n), (2n −1) 2
(d) None of these
Answer: Option (a)
15. The path difference 2t cos r for bright and 18. The thickness of thinnest film (  =1.4) in

dark band in interference in thin film which interference of violet light  = 4000A0
(transmitted case) is can take place at refection at normal incidence
  is
(a) (2n − 1) , (2n)
2 2 (a) 614A0
(b) 714A0

22 University Academy

(c) 814A0 (c) 2n 2

(d) 914A0 (d) 2n + 1
Answer: Option (b) hint:
Answer: Option (a)

2t cos r = (2n − 1) , where n = 0, r = 0 23. Application of Newton’s ring experiment is
2 (a) Determination of wavelength of source
(b) Determination of refractive index of
19. If the air film is replaced with water in the
Newton’s ring experiment , the diameter of ring
(c) Determination optical flatness
(d) All of above
(a) Contracted
Answer: Option (d)
(b) Expand
24. What do The diameter of dark rings in reflected
(c) no change in diameter
light of Newton’s ring arrangement is
(d) None of the above
proportional to
Answer: Option (a)
20. Light of wavelength 6000 A 0 falls normally on
(a) n

a thin wedge shaped thin film of refractive (b) n2

index 1.4 forming fringes that are 2.0 mm apart (c) 2n 2
.Find the angle of wedge in degree
(d) 2n + 1
(a) 0.0051 0
Answer: Option (a)
(b) 0.0061 25. In Newton’s ring experiment the diameter of
0 10th dark ring is 0.433 cm. Find the wave
(c) 0.0071
length of incident light, if the radius of
(d) 0.0081 0
curvature of the lens is 0.70m
Answer: Option (b) hint
 (a) 6695  0
2  (b) 669 .5  0
21. For Transmitted light, the central ring in
(c) 66 .95  0
Newton’s ring is–
(a) Dark (d) 6.695  0
(b) Bright Answer: Option (a)
(c) Bright and dark 26. Calculate the thickness of thin film of air where
(d) Coloured 7.4 fringes are seen using the light of
Answer: Option (b) wavelength 5900 Å.
22. What do The diameter of dark rings in reflected
(a) 0.218310−5 cm
light of Newton’s ring arrangement is
(b) 2.18310−5 cm
proportional to
(c) 21.8310−5 cm
(a) n
2 (d) 218.3 10−5 cm
(b) n

23 University Academy

Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (a)

27. What is the wavelength of light in Newton ring 31. In the Fraunhofer type diffraction is observed?
experiment, when the diameter of 15 bright (a) The source and screen are at infinite
ring is 1.16 cm .The radius curvature of plano- distance from the slit
convex lens is 400 cm (b) The source and screen are at finite

(a) 5890 10−8 cm distance from the slit

(c) The source is at infinite and screens is at
(b) 5896 10−8 cm
finite distance
(c) 5429 10−8 cm (d) The source is at finite and screen is at
(d) 5029 10 cm infinite distance
Answer: Option (c) hint: Answer: Option (a)
32. In the Fresnal type diffraction is observed?
= (a) The source and screen are at infinite
2(2n − 1) R
distance from the slit
28. What is the refractive index of liqid placed
(b) The source and screen are at finite
between plano-convex lens and glass plate of
distance from the slit
Newten ring experiment, when the diameter of
(c) The source is at infinite and screens is at
6th bright ring is 3.1 mm .The radius curvature
finite distance
of plano convex lens is 100 cm
(d) The source is at finite and screen is at
(a) 1.30
infinite distance
(b) 1.37
Answer: Option (b)
(c) 1.40
33. In the Fraunhofer single slit diffraction the light
(d) 1.47
wave front incident on the slit is___
Answer: Option (b) Hint:
(a) Plane
2(2n − 1) R
= (b) Spherical
(c) Cylindrical
29. The bending of light rays around the corners of (d) Elliptical
an obstacle is called? Answer: Option (a)
(a) Dispersion 34. In diffraction of white light, which colour show
(b) Interference maximum diffraction
(c) Diffraction (a) Violet
(d) Polarisation (b) Blue
Answer: Option (c) (c) Green
30. In a diffraction experiment , the size of (d) Red
obstacle in paths of light should be of order of Answer: Option (d)
(a) wavelength of light 35. In single slit diffraction central maxima is
(b) More than wavelength of light (a)Narrow, brighter and alternate minima and
(c) Less than wavelength of light maxima with equal intensity
(d) None of these

24 University Academy

(b)Broad, brighter and alternate minima and (a) (a + b) sin  = n

maxima with equal intensity
(b) N (a + b) sin  = n
(c)Narrow, brighter and alternate minima and
maxima with decreasing intensity.
(c) n(a + b) sin  = N
(d)Broad, brighter and alternate minima and (d) None of these
maxima with decreasing intensity. Answer: Option (b)
Answer: Option (d) 40. Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution of two
36. In single slit diffraction, if red light is replaced nearby wavelength is
with X-ray then? (a) Minima of one wavelength coincide with
(a) More number of fringes is obtained maxima of other wavelength
(b) Less number of fringes is obtained (b) Minima of one wavelength coincide with
(c) No diffraction pattern is obtained minima of other wavelength
(d) None of above (c) Maxima of one wavelength coincide with
Answer: Option (c) maxima of other wavelength
37. In the double slit experiment the resultant (d) All of above.
intensity is Answer: Option (a)
sin  2 41. What information is given by resolving power
(a) 4A 2 cos 2 
 2
of grating –
(a) Resolving power gives an idea of angular
A2 sin 2 
(b) cos2  separation between lines of spectrum.
(b) Resolving power gives an idea about the
(c) A2 2 sin 2  cos2 
angular separation and degree of closeness of
(d) 4A  sin  cos 
2 2 2 2
spectral lines.
Answer: Option (a) factor responsible for (c) Resolving power gives an idea of angular
closeness between lines of spectrum.
sin 2 
diffraction is and factor responsible
2 (d) All of above
Answer: Option (b)
for interference between two slit is due to

cos 2 
42. If N is total number ruling on the grating, n is
38. If a and b are transparencies and opacities in a
order of spectrum and λ is the wavelength of
diffraction grating the condition of maxima is
light used ,than resolving power(λ/dλ) in the
(a) (a + b) sin  = n first order
(b) N (a + b) sin  = n (a) nλ
(b) n/λ
(c) n(a + b) sin  = N
(c) nN
(d) None of these
(d) nλ/N
Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (c)
39. If a and b are transparencies and opacities in a 43. What information is given by Dispersive power
diffraction grating the condition of minima is of grating –

25 University Academy

(a) Dispersive power gives an idea about the (c) 1:1/ 9 2 :1/ 25 2 :1/ 49 2
angular separation and degree of closeness of
(d) 1: 2 / 9 2 : 2 / 25 2 : 2 / 49 2
spectral lines.
Answer: Option (a)
(b) Dispersive power gives an idea about the
48. The plane transmission diffraction grating has
angular separation spectral lines
40,000 lines Determine its resolving power the
(c) Dispersive power gives an idea of angular
closeness between lines of spectrum. second order (n=2) for wavelength of 5000 A

(d) All of above (a) 80000

Answer: Option (b) (b) 40000
44. In diffraction through grating, If λ is the (c) 20000
wavelength of light and θ is angle of diffraction (d) 50000
than dispersive power of grating Answer: Option (b) hint λ/dλ=nN
(a) dθ/dλ 49. Number of lines in grating capable to resolving
(b) dλ/dθ 0
a wavelength difference 6 A at a mean
(c) ndθ/dλ
wavelength 6000 A0 in second order is spectra
(d) dθ/ndλ
Answer: Option (a)
(a) 50
45. If ‘a’ and’ b’ are transparencies and opacities
(b) 500
in a diffraction grating, then what particular
(c) 5000
spectra should be missing if b=2a
(d) 50000
(a) 0,3,6,9......
(b) 3, 6, 9…… 1 
Answer: Option (a) hint: N = ,
(c) 2, 4, 6…… n d
Where d = 6 A
(d) 1,3,6.......
50. In plane transmission grating the effect of
Answer: Option (b) hint n= m increasing the slit ‘a’ taking constant ‘b’ in the
grating element (a+b) is,
46. The intensity ratio of maxima at single slit
(a)Central peak is sharper with decrease in
diffraction when α = ± 5𝜋/2
number of interference maxima in central
(a) 1/ 25 2
(b) 25 2 (b) Central peak is broad and with increase in
number of interference maxima in central
(c) 25 2 / 4
(d) 4 / 25 2 (c) Central peak is disappear
Answer: Option (d) hint I = A sin  / 
2 2 2
(d) None of these
47. The relative intensities of successive maxima in Answer: Option (a)
single slit 51. In plane transmission grating, the effect of

(a) 1: 4 / 9 2 : 4 / 25 2 : 4 / 49 2 increasing the slit ‘b’ and taking constant ‘a’ in
grating element (a+b) is
(b) 1 : 3 / 9 2 : 6 / 25 2 : 9 / 49 2
26 University Academy

(a) With increase in number of interference

maxima in central maxima
(b) With decreases in number of interference
maxima in central maxima
(c) Central maxima is disappear
(d) none of these
Answer: Option (a)
52. The ratio of intensity of secondary maxima to
the principal maxima in plane transmission
grating(N is number of slits ),
1 + ( N − 1) sin 2 

(b) 1 + ( N 2 −1) sin 2 

(c) 1 + ( N 2 + 1) sin 2 
1 + ( N + 1) sin 2 

Answer: Option (a)

27 University Academy

1. Fibre optics communication uses the 6. Acceptance angle(  ) is
phenomena of (a) Maximum angle at which ray strike at
(a) Reflection Critical angle in core -cladd interface
(b) Total internal reflection (b) Minimum angle at which ray strike at
(c) Interference Critical angle in core -cladd interface.
(d) Polarisation (c) Minimum angle at which ray strike in
Answer: Option (b) core- cladd interface at zero Critical angle
2. A ray of light will undergo total internal (d) None of these
reflection if ray Answer: Option (a)
(a) Incident at an angle less than the critical 7. The most preferred source for optical fibre
angle at core-clad interface communication is
(b) Incident at an angle greater than the (a) LED
critical angle at core- clad interface (b) LASER
(c) Strikes the interface normally at core- clad (c) Sodium Lamp
interface (d) White light
(d) Goes from rarer medium to denser Answer: Option (b)
medium at core-clad interface 8. The optical fibre consists of a core refractive
Answer: Option (b)
index n1 surrounded by a cladding of refractive
3. Optical fibre is made of
index n 2 . A beam of light enters from the air at
(a) Metallic conductor
(b) Plastic doped with metallic impurities an angle of α with the axis of the fibre. The

(c) Dielectric material highest α for which ray can be travelled through

(d) Magnetic Oxide fibre is

Answer: Option (c) (a)  = sin −1 n12 − n22

4. Geometrical structure of fibre is made of
(a) Core (b)  = sin −1 n22 − n12
(b) Cladd
(c)  = cos −1 n12 − n22
(c) Outer Jackets
(d) All of above (d)  = cos −1 n22 − n12
Answer: Option (d) Answer: Option (a)
5. In optical fibre ,the refractive index of core is 9. High information carrying capability of optical
n1 and cladding n 2 ,then fibre is measured with their

(a) n1  n2 (a) Low losses

(b) High bandwidth
(b) n1 = n2
(c) Low cost
(c) n1  n2 (d) High bandwidth
(d) None of these Answer: Option (b)
Answer: Option (a)

28 University Academy

10. In optical fibres, which is the most beneficial Answer: Option (d)
core index profile:- 15. The bandwidth of the optical fibre is
(a) Step-index (a) 900 GHz
(b) Graded index (b) 9 THz
(c) Step-index and Graded index (c) 900 THz
(d) Coaxial cable (d) 9 GHz
Answer: Option (b) Answer: Option (c)
11. Which among the following is described by the 16. Which of the following is not correct factors
concept of numerical aperture in an optical that are responsible for generating attenuation
fibre? of optical power in fiber?
(a) Light dispersion (a) Absorption
(b) Light gathering (b) Organic solvents
(c) Light polarisation (c) Scattering
(d) Light scattering (d) Waveguide effect
Answer: Option (b) Answer: Option (b)
12. Numerical aperture of optical fibre having 17. Rayleigh scattering occurs in core of fibre when
refractive index of core is n1 and clad is n 2 size of inhomgeneities
(a) Much larger than wavelength
(a) n12 − n22 (b) Much smaller than wavelength
(c) Comparable with wavelength
(b) n22 − n12
(d) Equal to wavelength
(c) n +n
2 Answer: Option (b)
18. Mie scattering occurs when size of
(d) n22 + n12
Answer: Option (a) (a) Much larger than wavelength
13. Which among the following fibre optic cables (b) Much smaller than wavelength
have a core of size 480 μm to 980 μm and made (c) Comparable with wavelength
up of polymethylmethacrylate? (d) Equal to wavelength
(a) Glass optical fibre Answer: Option (a)
(b) Core Plastic and clad silica optical fibre 19. Rayleigh scattering coefficients is proportional
(c) Plastic optical fibre
(a) 
(d) Core silica and clad Plastic optical fibre
(b) 2
Answer: Option (c)
14. A document or image can be scanned in to 1
digital form by using
(a) Marker 1
(b) Printer 4
(c) Light pen Answer: Option (d)

(d) Scanner

29 University Academy

20. Which of the following is an Advantages of V 2 

(b)  
Optical Fibre?
 4 
(a) Thin and non-flammable
V 2 
(b) Less power consumption (c)  
(c) Economical and cost-effective  3 
(d) All of the above (d) V2
Answer: Option (d) Answer: Option (b)
21. Normalized frequency or V-number for fibre 24. In single-mode fibres, the cladding diameter
having refractive index of core is n1 and clad is must be at least

n 2 with core radius a and wavelength is (a) Twice the core diameter
(b) Thrice the core diameter
 2a  2
(a)   n1 − n2
(c) Five times the core diameter
  
(d) Ten times the core diameter
 a  2
  n1 − n2 Answer: Option (d)

  25. Multimode step index fiber has ____

 4a  2 (a) Large core diameter & large numerical

  n1 − n2
   aperture
(b) Small core diameter & large numerical
 3a  2
(d)   n1 − n2
  
(c) Small core diameter & small numerical
Answer: Option (a)
22. Number of mode propagated in step index
(d) Small core diameter & small numerical
optical fibre is related in V-number is
V 2 
(a)   Answer: Option (a)
 2  26. Multimode step index fibre has a large core

V 2  diameter of range is _
(b)   (a) 100 to 300 μm
 4 
(b) 100 to 300 nm
V 2
 10 to 30 μm
(c)   (c)
 3  (d) 10 to 30 nm

(d) V2 Answer: Option (a)

Answer: Option (a) 27. Attenuation in a fibre of length 'L' km

23. Number of mode propagated in Graded index is.............where Pin is input power and Pout is
optical fiber is related in V-number is output power
V 2
 10
(a)   (a) − (log10 ( Pout / Pin )
 2  L
(b) − (log10 ( Pin / Pout )

30 University Academy

(c) 10L(log10 ( Pin / Pout ) (c) 2 10 6 m / s ,600 nm

(d) 10L(log10 ( Pout / Pin ) (d) 2 10 5 m / s ,300 nm
Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (a) hint velocity =c/refractive
28. If 120μW power in launched in a fiber of index
length 5 Km and output power received is 32. LASER is abbreviation of :-
4μW then the signal attunation per Km is (a) Light amplification by spontaneous
(a) 2.80dB emission of radiation
(b) 2.90dB (b) Light amplification by stimulated
(c) 2.96dB emission of radiation
(d) 3.20dB (c) Light absorption by spontaneous emission
Answer: Option (c) of radiation
10 (d) Light absorption by stimulated emission of
 =− (log10 ( Pout / Pin )
L radiation
29. If we increase the numerical aperture of a fibre Answer: Option (b)
then the number of modes will be 33. Laser action is based on the principle of
(a) Increase (a) Stimulated absorption
(b) Decreases (b) Spontaneous absorption
(c) Same (c) Stimulated emission
(d) None of above (d) Spontaneous emission
Answer: Option (a) Answer: Option (c)
30. A step index fibre has core refractive index of 34. Ratio of probabilities of spontaneous emission
1.466 and cladding refractive index of 1.46. The and stimulated emission is
operating wavelength is 0.85 μm and diameter (a) Proportional to frequency 
(a) is 50 μm. The cut off parameter and Number (b) Independent to frequency 

(c) Proportional to frequency 

of modes is 2

(a) 24.75, 306

(d) Proportional to frequency 

(b) 25.75, 406

Answer: Option (d)
(c) 26.75, 506
35. Laser beam consist of
(d) 27.75, 606
(a) Light material particle
 2a  2
Answer: Option (a) V =   n1 − n2
2 (b) Electrons
   (c) Highly coherent beam of photons
31. The velocity and wavelength of light of (d) Cosmic ray
frequency f = 0.5 10 Hz when travelling
Answer: Option (c)
through glass having refractive index 1.5 36. Laser beam is monochromatic .It means that it
(a) 2  10 8 m / s ,400 nm
(a) Single frequency
(b) 2 10 7 m / s ,500 nm (b) Narrow width
(c) Wide width
31 University Academy

(d) Several colours (b) Monochromatic and coherent

Answer: Option (a) (c) Highly intense
37. Metastable state has characteristics time is (d) All the Above

(a) 10−4 sec Answer: Option (d)

42. The main component of Laser is
(b) 10−3 sec
(a) Active medium
(c) 10−6 sec (b) Pumping mechanism
(d) 10−8 sec (c) Resonator cavity
Answer: Option (b) (d) All the Above

38. If N 0 is the number of atoms in ground energy Answer: Option (d)

43. First working LASER is designed
state, Than the number of atoms(N) in energy
(a) He-Ne Laser
states are calculated as
(b) Ruby Laser
(a) N = N 0 e E / KT (c) Semiconductor Laser
− E / KT
(b) N = N 0e (d) Dye Laser
Answer: Option (b)
(c) N = N 0 e − ET / K
44. Ruby laser is
(d) None of these (a) Three level solid state Laser
Answer: Option (b) (b) Two level solid state Laser
39. According to Einstein? (c) Four level solid state Laser
(a)The probability of spontaneous emission is (d) None of these
same as stimulated absorption Answer: Option (a)
(b)Ratio of probabilities of spontaneous 45. In Ruby Laser the active medium is
emission and stimulated emission is 
(a) Cr 3+ ions
(c)Both a and b
(b) Al 2 O3
(d)None of these
Answer: Option (c) (c) Cr2 O3
40. If the number of atom in ground state is N1 (d) Al 3+ ions
and higher state is N 2 ,Than population Answer: Option (a)
inversion is 46. Population inversion achieved in Ruby laser

(a) N1 = N 2 through
(a) Electric discharge Method
(b) N1  N 2
(b) Optical pumping
(c) N1  N 2 (c) Inelastic atom-atom collision
(d) None of the above (d) Direct conversion
Answer: Option (c) Answer: Option ( b)
41. Characteristics of Laser beam is 47. In He-Ne gas laser the active medium He and
(a) High degree of directionality Ne are at ratio of

32 University Academy

(a) 1:7
(b) 7:1
(c) 1:10
(d) 10:1
Answer: Option (d)
48. Population inversion achieved in He-Ne laser
(a) Chemical excitation
(b) Optical pumping
(c) Inelastic atom-atom collision Values of some constant
(d) Direct conversion
c = 2  108 m / s
Answer: Option (c)
e = 1.6  10 −19 eV
49. Which laser give continuous beam
h = 6.63  1034 Js
(a) Ruby
1 0 = 10 −10 m
(b) He-Ne
1nm = 10 −9 m
(c) Both
 0 = 8.85  10 −12 C 2 / Nm 2
(d) None of above
 0 = 4  10 −7 N / A 2
Answer: Option (b)
rest mass of electron (me ) = 9.1 10 −31 Kg
50. In Ruby Laser ,total number of Cr ions is  = permbability of medium
2.8 10 .If Laser emits radiation of
19  = permitivity of medium

wavelength 7000A0 .Calculate the energy of

laser pulse is
(a) 7.1 J
(b) 7.9 J
(c) 8.2 J
(d) 8.8 J
Answer: Option (b) hint E=nhc/λ
51. He-Ne laser emits light at a wavelength of
632.8nm and has an output power of 3 mW.
How many photons are emitted in each minute
by laser

(a) 5.7310−17 photon per minute

(b) 5.7310−16 photon per minute
(c) 5.7310−18 photon per minute
(d) 5.7310−15 photon per minute
Answer: Option (a)

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