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OSINT Situation Awareness

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Critical Success Factors for OSINT

Driven Situational Awareness

Babak Akhgar
Professor of Informatics, CENTRIC, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Douglas Wells1
Researcher, CENTRIC, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom


A critical element of successful intelligence-led law enforcement operations is the ability of

the police and other security services to obtain timely, reliable and actionable intelligence

concerning the problem, incident or investigation under focus. As well as traditional

investigative techniques and information sources, open-source intelligence (OSINT) can

provide additional capabilities for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to manage an

investigation or address the intelligence requirements of a given incident. This position paper

introduces the concept of OSINT, identifies and discusses existing effective practices

and critical success factors for the fusion of OSINT with traditional intelligence sources. This

paper is written as a position piece based upon CENTRIC operational involvement in 14 UK

based LEA open source investigations over the years 2015 to 2017.

Key Words: OSINT, Situational Awareness, Law Enforcement.

Corresponding author’s email:

The private sector has, over recent years, increasingly begun to use information from open

online source, including social media, to measure customer loyalty, track public opinion and

assess product perception (Neri et al., 2012). Coinciding with this trend, Law Enforcement

Agencies (LEAs) are applying techniques to enhance their investigative capability towards

improving their response to against criminal threats (Gibson 2004; Bell & Congram,

2012). As a result, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools and techniques are increasingly

used to be a part of law enforcement’s investigative repertoire in the identification of

criminals and their activities; including activities targeting recruitment, transfer of money,

information and the coordination of illicit activity (Omand et al., 2012).

This paper examines the criteria used by law enforcement to utilise, deploy and maintain

effective OSINT investigative tools and tactics, based on experiences gleaned from

collaboration, cooperation, training and bespoke investigative work undertaken alongside

regional UK police forces. Moreover, the paper highlights critical areas of consideration for

modern OSINT practitioners. However, defining the specific characteristics of OSINT is not

a straightforward task, the context and definition for the use of OSINT often changes

dependent on the country and organisation of origin. The ambiguity of the term is explored in

detail later in the ‘Current Challenges and Dilemmas’ section. Despite this contextual

ambiguity, for the purposes of this paper a working definition of OSINT is used, following

the three following defining principles; 1) OSINT consists of data collected from 'publicly

available sources', 2) it is data to be used in an 'intelligence context', and 3) the data

collection can be performed in an overt manner. Furthermore, from an ontological

perspective the paper considers OSINT to be part of a LEAs situational awareness

capabilities. Situational awareness, in the context of our discussion is defined as; 'the

capability to identify, contextualise, visualise, process, and, comprehend the critical elements

of intelligence about particular areas of concern. These areas of concern may be anything

from an investigation to the management of a major crisis.

The authors acknowledge - and later explore in detail - the strengths and limitations of these

terms and how they also allow for flexibility through their interpretation. These three defining

statements are rough outlines rather than literal definitions and are explored in the section “7.

Emerging Challenges to OSINT Interpretation. Indeed, it is worth noting that RIPA

(Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000) may be interpreted to have been written for

the capacity for flexible and dynamic interpretations, and not to be an inconvenience or

destructive restriction upon law enforcement.

Importance of Social Media

OSINT is increasingly focused on internet based and social media analysis (SOCMINT). To

this extent the UK NPCC (National Police Chiefs Commission) have debated over whether to

continue calling it OSINT, or internet investigations (NPCC National Open Source

Intelligence and Investigations Conference, 2017). Whilst this may seem like a trivial point, it

shows the prevalence and dominance of online and social media aspects of contemporary

OSINT investigations over traditional 'offline' approaches. Currently, it appears that the use

of internet based OSINT, especially regarding big data analytics are primarily used for

intelligence gathering and investigations, and not for general community-policing. As of

2015, it was noted that in general, the majority of police forces and OSINT practitioners

used; "social media… to inform strategies such as pre-emptive arrests, interceptions of

activities, approaching particular individuals and groups, or change of tactics during events…

(the lack of identifying community needs) is not yet part of police practice and raises

concerns within police about the level of overlap between intelligence and engagement"

(Carey, 2015). As with many aspects of law enforcement and other relevant security

practitioners, levels of engagement towards social media largely differ between forces, with

most mainly using it to engage with community regarding ad-hoc notifications, such as public

information announcements, and petty crime announcements. This in itself may concerns

members of the public whom may feel that OSINT monitoring may be a 'two-way mirror'2,

with intelligence practitioners able to observe and investigate, with minimum community

engagement and interaction.

It is essential to understand and respect that many elements of OSINT investigations benefit

from refraining full disclosure policies towards the specific tactics and solutions used. It

should be made increasingly clear to the public, the tight rules and regulations that warrant

and authorise deployment, as well as that public security and safety may benefit from the

indiscretion and minimized disclosure of engagement which may help to track down

community threats, protect vulnerabilities and to maximise order. It may also be beneficial to

reassure public opinions that the police and other OSINT certified practitioners have to

adhere to far stricter standards, than the majority of private corporations and enterprises that

utilise big data analytics and collect, store and correlate personal data. To the computer-

literate generations, the loss of control and ownership over personal data to organisations and

corporations is not a revolutionary, or particularly terrifying revelation, however it may prove

beneficial to reassure the collective, that OSINT has to adhere to far stricter protocols than

agencies such as; Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon.

A two way mirror has connotations of surveillance, spying and monitoring without their knowledge:

LEA Requirements in the Age of Austerity
Contemporary use of internet-based OSINT has helped increase the capacity and efficiency

of police forces, this holds a direct knock-on effect for situational awareness capabilities. One

of the leading benefits of OSINT is through the reallocation and reduction upon traditional

resources. OSINT allows for relatively low-resource operations, these have the potential to

save great amounts of physical and financial cost compared to traditional policing as they

may carried out remotely, securely with surveillance and investigative practices often

requiring far less manpower than the physical presence of officers ‘on the scene’.

Additionally, OSINT training is seen to require relatively low cost and time investments

when compared to other police force specialisations. The majority of UK based OSINT

courses offer on average 2-7 day training packages, whereas undercover officer, firearms,

covert surveillance, traffic, financial and corruption officer training courses often require

intensive engagement courses of up to 18 months or longer (Nottinghamshire Police, 2008).

Indeed, as of 2014, open source e-learning modules are available from the College of

Policing consisting of condensed 35 minute long assignments (College of Policing, 2014) and

requires little training for investigators compared to other policing specializations.

Furthermore, if procedure, regulation and legislation are properly adhered to, OSINT

operations are usually low risk due to the non-physical involvement, with mainly reputational

and organisational damages on the line. Indeed, whilst reputational and organisational

concerns surrounding online privacy and free speech are increasing, leading to increased

force scrutiny from both public, judicial and NGO agencies, OSINT situational awareness

also is increasingly utilised, perhaps paradoxically (Barnes, 2006), for public relations

monitoring and post-event feedback as a necessary tool in improving community policing


Noticeably as IoT (Internet of Things) devices increasingly permeate all aspects of modern

civilisation, all investigations now have a cyber element, this is especially true of

considerations for police contamination of crime scenes through device connections to

routers, local WiFi’s, etc. potentially compromising evidential material. This concern also

encompasses the branches of OSINT situational awareness, one example being officers

trained in basic social media search queries alongside traditional note-taking to assist in

community roles such as identification of alleged perpetrators. Furthermore, OSINT can be

used to parallel intelligence, this capability allows LEAs to protect undercover and embedded

agents as well as evidence and intelligence derived from. Closed sources may be passed onto

OSINT teams to recreate the same information and leads from publicly available information.

Overall, OSINT is one of the few areas wherein LEAs and other security practitioners may

'bring the outside in', allowing for (vetted) external expertise and advice. Indeed,

conveniently the motto of the UK Army's SGMI (Specialist Group Military Intelligence,

whom routinely utilise open source analysis, is; 'bringing the outside in'. Due to the nature of

the open source material OSINT situational awareness may be expanded in more convenient

manners to the protocols surrounding covert and classified data. For example, the outsourcing

of security work to researchers and analysts may allow for tasking's that anonymise or

mitigate data and intelligence concerns, instead focusing on specific lines of enquiry. For

example, when investigating a particular individual, social media pictures may be doctored to

hide the subject of enquiry but keep in the background imagery, allowing for external actors

to seek intelligence on the desired location without compromising the information of the


Core Requirements for Situational
The ability to covertly monitor individuals, suspected of involvement in serious criminal or

terrorist activity, has obvious benefits for the LEA and the wider security community. OSINT

techniques can be used effectively in response to a range of law enforcement issues, from

enhancing community safety, tackling anti-social behaviour, through to fighting serious and

organised crime and combating terrorism. Any covert technique, including undercover or

publically undisclosed OSINT surveillance and monitoring must be used sparingly,

appropriately and where OSINT is deployed, that it is transparent, auditable and in

accordance with relevant legislation. CENTRIC OSINT involvement has observed seven

priority requirements for emerging situational awareness trends:

1. Counter Terrorism focus of Situational Awareness

As notoriously publicised by the technical and disseminatory skill of the Islamic State in its

prime operating years of 2014-2016 (Winter, 2017. p.6.), online open sources play a crucial

role in the radicalisation, recruitment, training, financing and incitement of terrorist

objectives. Counter terror (CT) situational awareness priority requirements have been

observed to revolve around three key vectors:

A) Defensive measures to reduce the vulnerability to attack of populations, territories,

infrastructure, and communication systems of interest.

B) Offensive measures to locate, prevent, deter and interdict terrorist activities.

C) Measures to limit the consequences of terrorist attacks and to stabilise the situation in

the aftermath of such attacks, in support of civilian authorities.

Regarding defensive measures, OSINT situational awareness can greatly assist through

measures such as counterintelligence and red-teaming wherein potential target locations and

individuals may be examined by researchers to reveal potential data leakage and information

freely available that may compromise their security. Offensive situational awareness OSINT

measures may predominantly consist of traditional researcher and analyst investigative roles,

locating, monitoring and reporting on terrorist sources. Limiting the consequences of terrorist

actions are reactive measures including suitable public announcements, open source

monitoring from a command and control perspective and may also include the crowdsourcing

of intelligence for example when the FBI requested public help unmasking the Boston

bombers of 2013 (Bruinius, 2014).

2. Cyber Focus
Cybercrime, cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism have each evolved rapidly and dynamically

over the past decade. Although the perception of OSINT may traditionally be considered to

be of lower technological finesse than conventional cyberattacks, threats and vulnerabilities,

it however has proven to be a valuable tool in identifying emerging cyber trends and

promoting greater resilience. One such important area is in the investigation of - and

subsequent automated crawling of - forums and dark web markets promoting, encouraging,

and selling guides on hacking as well as data and hardware exploitations. Increasingly, there

is the demand for LEAs to utilise automated monitoring systems to alert OSINT investigators

and analysts to indicators of such behaviours. This may include cross validation of news and

public sources reporting discovered data breaches, personal info dumps with cross references

to increased activity or keyword appearances on illicit sites such as identified darkweb


3. Threat Financing
A key challenge facing LEAs and the wider security community is in identifying and

obstructing the funding of hostile actors. Players participating in terrorism activities are likely

to parallel organised crime groups (OCGs) financing tactics which are already proven and

known to avoid the scrutiny of the financial and government watch teams. However, despite

seeking the same objectives from a financial perspective the two groups may be argued to

hold different end objectives: OCGs seek to gain as much profit as possible operating in a

stable environment. Usually with a consumer reliant on their activities. It is usual for OCGs

in close proximity to operate in some agreed harmony in the best interests of each OCG. On

the other hand, terrorist organisations usually harbour a radical and political agenda that

requires funding for organisational and operational capacity; as such they are less likely to be

limited by considerations to conflict with any partner.

One of the leading and more complex challenges for situational awareness focused OSINT

lies in identifying and classifying requirements for the relationship between criminal and

terrorist funding, as well as being able to pinpoint when criminal activities may become

terrorist financing and escalating to the suitable countermeasures and procedures.

Subsequently, the priority approach for OSINT situational awareness of threat financing is:

1. Establish the identity of funding streams to terrorists

2. Identify the bad actors within an OCG who is funding terrorism
3. Identify apparently legitimate financial streams that subsequently leads to terrorism.

4. Analysis of Cryptocurrencies
One increasingly difficult element of threat financing is attached to blockchain

cryptocurrencies. Whilst currencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum are publicly available and

hold open ledgers, the tracing and monitoring of illicit exchanges requires highly specialised

and trained individuals, often operating in the cybersecurity and espionage spheres.

The use of “spinners” or “tumblers” can make it frustratingly difficult for LEAs to track and

trace online blockchain transactions (Darknetmarkets, 2017). Whilst it is appropriate to

ensure that this funding method is not overlooked by OSINT and situational awareness

focused departments, the actual proven cases appear limited; additionally, they appear to rely

on a lengthy and complex period of comparing online marketplace details against individual

blockchain transactions.

5. Weak Indicator Analysis

Weak indicators can be particularly useful in dealing with situations such as human

trafficking, illegal migration, arms and explosives manufacture, and in relation to terrorist

funding. Weak indicator crawling analyses the 'ingredients' of potential threats or areas of

interest, for example weak indicators, or ingredients, may be rise in hawala networks,

increased ivory trade or sim card customs seizures, relating to generating money for terrorist

groups. Each individual ingredient isn't a useful indicator of the overall potential funding,

however when clustered together, these automated captured ingredients may reveal areas of

interest that indicate a wider problem.

When utilising big data solutions and weak indicator analysis, it may be encouraged to split

OSINT situational awareness teams between human led investigators and analysts and data

scientists and researchers dealing with the interpretation of quantitative data. CENTRIC

operations allow for the close proximity of the teams to mutually reinforce the direction of

the investigation. One example of harmonious working is through the analysis of alleged

terrorist recruitment social media profiles - these profiles may consist of thousands of

separate individual connections. The human led operation may focus upon individuals whose

profile pictures appear to support terrorist badges, emblems or carry firearms during time

restrictions, however the data interpreter may assist leading the investigation towards other
profiles, for example female accounts (Dearden, 2017) whom whilst not suspicious looking,

are priority accounts mapped out in relation to their connection and prevalence throughout

the suspect networks. Here, successful OSINT situational awareness utilises the ‘human in

the loop’ alongside the cognitive objectivity of big data and weak signal analysis. Indeed,

‘the major difference between basic and excellent OSINT “operations” lies in the analytical

process’ (Hribar, et al. 2014), fusing both human led knowledge with machine based


6. Data Capture
When conducting research, operators should be encouraged to keep all tabs open, this allows

a recollection of how the user got from A to Z and assist them in explaining any links if

required by a senior officer. Additionally, the use of secure logbook tools such as OSIRT

(OSIRT, 2017) are actively encouraged for managing histories, logging details, data capture

and encrypted storage as well as for hashing documents with time stamps. Overall, the

tasking document for a specific investigation or operation is the single most important article

in the process. All providers should make every and all efforts to ensure all information is

provided, including historic emails, mobile numbers, landlines, associates etc. Custodial

records often hold a wealth of data that can often be overlooked.

One such recommended approach for data collection best practices is modelled upon the;

‘The JAPAN Approach’. First developed in 1998 following the introduction of the Human

rights Act by Kent Police; it is broken down in the following diagram and plays an essential

role in guiding OSINT and situational awareness practice:

Justified The actions must be justifiable in the current circumstances. For example;
can the 'need for' and 'method of acquisition' to view, collect, store, and,
share personal or potentially sensitive information be deemed reasonable.

Authorised Depending on the circumstances, there may be a need for the authorisation
of specific actions or focuses of the investigation. Either the individuals
involved should have suitable authorisation to carry out such tasks, or it has
been cleared/designated by a manager responsible for such actions.

Proportionate The actions and data collection of the investigation must be proportionate, it
must be ensured that they could not be collected reasonably and efficiently
from other means, and it is necessary to pursue them altogether.

Auditable The chain of evidence gathered from the investigation should be auditable
and sufficient enough to hold up in a case of law. There must be evidence
and clear presentation of how each step of the investigation is linked and

Necessary The investigator must ensure that the sought after investigation results are of
importance and are being pursued in the best practice.

7. Emerging Challenges to OSINT Interpretation

Despite the best efforts to define OSINT at the beginning of this paper, the term itself and its

defining characteristics are not absolute. Indeed, regarding the three defining characteristics

of situational awareness OSINT there are significant criticisms of their ambiguity and how

they are actually interpreted by law enforcement (Hulnick, 2010). Leading criticisms of the

interpretation of OSINT are primarily focused on the definition points one and three (Gibson,

2004) (Holland, 2012), they are explored below:

1) OSINT consists of data collected from 'publicly available sources',

2) It is data to be used in an 'intelligence context',

3) The data collection can be performed in an overt manner.

Regarding the first defining point, ‘publicly available sources’ used in a policing intelligence

context also includes financial data (such as credit reports and bank details), vehicle

registration data (such as from DVLA databases and insurance providers) as well as

additional data supplied to law enforcement from specialists companies that deal in bulk data

and communications information. UK based companies such as Connexus GBG (GBG, 2017)

and Cosain 9 (, 2017) utilise mobile and social media data, however only sell their

specialist services to LEAs, or on occasion to other specialists. The access to such data

opportunities is particularly contentious as, despite branding, they are not openly available to

members of the public.

Additionally, relating to the third defining factor; the point of challenge relates to the mention

that the data collection ‘can’ be carried out in an overt manner, but rarely does so. Indeed,

such online aspects of OSINT require anonymity and discretion, in part due to data protection

and policing standards, and, therefore will not be noticeable. For example, the viewing of

social media profiles, without direct interaction and communication, will usually never notify

the target profile they are being viewed, this is similar for the police use of specialist

companies and services as detailed above for big data and communications information.

Sound usage of OSINT situational awareness must therefore include proper situational

awareness that reflects on such emerging criticisms as open source investigations and

intelligence increasingly become mainstream avenues of enquiry as well as becoming more

prominent in the public's general knowledge thanks to modern investigative journalism and

media programs. Given the ongoing debate of security and liberty between political groups,

members of the public and the current government, the relatively modern integration of

internet-based OSINT capabilities for surveillance and investigation, are potentially volatile

topics in the post-Snowden era (Rigoglioso, 2014).

Overall, contemporary OSINT situational awareness is largely and increasingly dominated by

online research and investigations. Due to the nature of these actions being somewhat

ambiguous it is imperative that efforts are made by LEAs to balance a degree of transparency

alongside protecting specific methods and tactics. Modern OSINT situational awareness has

assisted LEAs with increased capacity and operational effectiveness, additionally its format

allows for a degree of outsider support networks through outsourcing tasks to experts and

vetted individuals. In particular, this approach has helped through emerging security concerns

such as terrorist networking, cybercrime actors and threat financing trends. The inclusion of

experts, analysts and security personnel into modern OSINT is an essential factor for success

- the importance of the 'human in the loop' is critical for efficient, accountable and

proportionate intelligence gathering. Indeed, modern tools supplied to LEAs are often of

great value when used to cut away the noise and help focus investigations.

All contemporary OSINT situational awareness should be captured to the highest level of

accountability, integrity and proportionality, such as through the 'JAPAN' approach

described, by doing so this helps safeguard modern OSINT situational awareness methods

against some of the emerging challenges, which include potential negative fallout from

increasing public awareness of modern surveillance operations.

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