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Constitution and Bylaws

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(Revised on 2019; Accepted on 2019)

We, the students of Cotabato City State Polytechnic College, major in Civil Engineering,
aware of our needs to bind ourselves into an organization in our aim to be united and recognized,
to promote the aspirations and objectives of the PICE-CCSPC Student Chapter with the aid of
Divine Guidance, to strive for a peaceful and democratic way of life, to foster fellowship among us
and with the other sectors and organizations in our school or society as whole, to help realize the
potentials of each member, and to develop physical, emotional, social and professional
consciousness, through the spirit of love, peace, freedom and justice, do ordain and promulgate this
Constitution and Bylaws for our common observance.

Article I
General Provisions

Section 1. NAME. The official name of this organization shall be the Philippine Institute of Civil
Engineers – Cotabato City State Polytechnic College Student Chapter. The PICE-CCSPC Student
Chapter shall be its official acronym.

Section 2. SEAL. The official corporate seal of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc.,
otherwise known as the PICE, shall be adopted by the organization.

Section 3. OFFICE. The Institute shall maintain an office at the CCSPC College of Engineering
Technology and Computing Building, Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City.

Section 4. OBJECTIVES. The Institute shall be guided by the following objectives:

a. To promote and advance the knowledge and practice of the civil engineering education;
b. To achieve and maintain leadership qualities and academic excellence;
c. To fortify a rigid foundation for future civil engineers;
d. To foster a spirit of pride, responsibility and camaraderie among civil engineering students;
e. To advocate and defend the rights and welfare of the members;
f. To establish a central point of reference and union for its members;
g. To encourage relations with other allied technical and scientific organizations;
h. To establish an integrative and harmonious relationship among other organizations, and
among the constituents of CCSPC; and
i. To maintain recognition to the PICE Cotabato City – Maguindanao Chapter and the PICE


have the following legal powers:
a. To sue and to be sued;
b. To enter to a fund-raising and profit-oriented project;
c. To solicit and receive public and private donation and contributions;
d. To accept real and/or personal property given as gifts or bequest by public entities and/or
individuals or institutions;
e. To freely determine the policies and manage the funds of the Institute;
f. To collect and accumulate funds for the Institute;
g. To be affiliated with organizations involving civil engineering education-based institutions
and other academic related alliances; and
h. To do such acts as may be necessary and proper to put into effect or promote the objectives
for which the Institute is organized.

Article II

Section 1. STUDENT MEMBERSHIP. The members of the Institute shall be bona fide BS Civil
Engineering students enrolled not lower than second year in Cotabato City State Polytechnic
College and have fully satisfied all the requirements set forth by these Bylaws, the Membership
Committee or the Board of Directors, and approved by the President.

Section 2. CLASSIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS. Membership of the Institute shall consist of the

following classifications:
a. Active Members – those who are regularly participating in the activities sponsored by the
Institute and have paid all the required dues. Active Members are entitled of all the rights
and privileges of a PICE-CCSPC Student Chapter member.
b. Inactive Members – those who are not participating in the activities sponsored by the
Institute and have neglected their required dues. Inactive Members are not allowed to
participate in the decision-making (e.g. to vote) and also to use any property owned by the

Section 3. RIGHTS OF MEMBERS. Members of the Institute in good standing shall have the
rights as described below:
a. To utilize any available equipment or facilities owned by the Institute provided that no
conflict of interest would arise due to such;
b. To defend oneself when subject to charges against the constitution and the code of bylaws;
c. To file formal resolutions to the Board of Directors;
d. To join any organization except other engineering-based student organization and provided
that the concerned member will not neglect one’s obligations and defy the Constitution and
Bylaws of the Institute;
e. To be properly informed of all the matters concerning the Institute;
f. To access to the official records of the institute;
g. To choose a committee for which one will be a part of provided that he/she meets all the
necessary requirements for a respective committee; and
h. To vote and be voted upon to any elective office of the Institute provided that one meets all
the necessary qualifications.

Section 4. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS. Members of the Institute in good standing shall be

entitled to all the privileges as described below:
a. To attend and join trainings, courses or seminars, and other activities sponsored by the
b. To avail services offered by the Institute provided that one meets all the necessary
requirements; and
c. To attend and join activities sponsored by the PICE Cotabato City-Maguindanao Chapter
and the PICE National.

Section 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS. Members of the Institute shall

have the duties and responsibilities as described below:
a. To uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the Institute;
b. To abide by the policies, decisions and regulations approved by the Board of Directors and
the President;
c. To manifest leadership qualities, academic excellence and professionalism;
d. To work for the success of the Institute in all its endeavors;
e. To promote, respect and protect the best interest, welfare and integrity of the Institute;
f. To actively participate and cooperate in pursuing and achieving the objectives of the
Institute; and
g. To pay all fees, dues and other assessments as they become due.

Article III
Management of the Institute

Section 1. GOVERNING BODY. The Governing Body of the Institute shall be vested upon the
Directors herein granted.

Section 2. DIRECTORS. The members of the Institute in good standing shall annually elect from
among themselves seventeen (17) directors to constitute the Governing Body of whom:
a. Nine (9) directors shall form the Executive Committee; and
b. Eight (8) directors shall form the legislative body known as the Board of Directors.

Section 3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee, otherwise known as the

ExCom, shall be composed of a President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, an Executive Secretary and an
Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor, a Business Manager and a Press Relation Officer.

Section 4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors, otherwise known as the BOD, shall
be composed of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and five (5) members.
Section 5. The BOD, being the legislative body, passes measures, resolutions and decisions from
time to time subject to the approval of the President. Resolutions and measures adopted by the
BOD shall be considered approved if not vetoed by the President within a period of five (5) days
prior to their submittal to the latter. If in case such resolutions are disapproved by the President,
the BOD may overrule such veto by six (6) affirmative votes of its members. In such case then, the
resolutions and measures shall become valid for all its legal intents and purposes.

Article IV
Duties and Responsibilities of the Directors

Section 1. PRESIDENT. The President shall have the following duties:

a. He/She shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute.
b. He/She shall preside the over-all meeting of the Institute.
c. He/She shall implement the decisions and resolutions of the Board of Directors and the will
of the members, and shall have general supervision of the over-all affairs of the Institute.
d. He/She shall sign all negotiable instruments, checks, contracts, and other documents of the
e. He/She shall represent the Institute in all occasions and in all matters where representation
may be required.
f. He/She is empowered to create committees which he/she may find necessary in carrying
out the objectives of the Institute.
g. He/She shall submit an annual report of the operations and activities of the Institute to the
members and to the administration of the College.
h. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. The First Vice-President shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall be called the Vice-President for Internal Affairs.
b. He/She shall be the ex-officio chairman of all committees if in case the President may not
do so.
c. He/She shall coordinate with the other student organizations inside the campus if the
President may not do so.
d. He/She shall act as the president in case of absence, death or incapability of the President.
e. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 3. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. The Second Vice-President shall have the following
a. He/She shall be called the Vice-President for External Affairs.
b. He/She shall be able to associate the organizational activities with the professional PICE
National-sponsored activities.
c. He/She shall coordinate with the other student organizations outside the campus if the
President may not do so.
d. He/She shall secure the up-to-date information about the PICE Cotabato City-
Maguindanao Chapter and the PICE National relevant to the operations of the Institute.
e. He/She shall act as the president in case of absence, death or incapability of the President
and the Internal Vice-President.
f. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 4. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. The Executive Secretary shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall be the Property Custodian of the Institute.
b. He/She shall properly keep and file all records of the minutes of the meetings and all
related documents of the Institute.
c. He/She shall report from time to time the minutes of the previous meeting.
d. He/She shall put out all proper notice of the Institute’s meetings, either oral or written, and
shall furnish all the records of the Institute upon the request and/or resolution passed by
the Board of Directors.
e. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of
Section 5. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. The Assistant Secretary shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall perform all duties of the Executive Secretary in case of absence, death and
incapability of the latter.
b. He/She shall assist the Executive Secretary in all matters concerning the Institute.
c. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Executive Secretary, the President
and/or the Board of Directors.

Section 6. EXECUTIVE TREASURER. The Executive Treasurer shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall be responsible for the collection of all fees, dues, contributions and donations
to the Institute.
b. He/She shall countersign all negotiable instruments of the Institute.
c. He/She shall present true, proper and accurate statement of accounts, properties,
disbursements, assets and liabilities of the Institute, and shall have such accounts open to
examination at all times.
d. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 7. AUDITOR. The Auditor shall have the following duties:

a. He/She shall examine, check and verify collections and disbursements of the Executive
Treasurer as well as the fund and properties in his/her possession to determine whether the
same are collected, kept or disbursed in pursuant to this Constitution and Bylaws.
b. He/She shall affix his/her signature to all financial statements or documents prepared by
the Executive Treasurer after examining it.
c. He/She shall render semestral written audit performed.
d. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 8. BUSINESS MANAGER. The Business Manager shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall supervise and coordinate activities of the Institute regarding food preparation
and accommodations of guests during programs.
b. He/She shall process requisitions for supplies, materials and equipment necessary for office
c. He/She shall administer and schedule repair, maintenance or alteration of office
d. He/She shall co-sign receipts or other documents concerning the expenditures of the
Institute alongside with the Executive Treasurer if necessary.
e. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 9. PRESS RELATION OFFICER. The Press Relation Officer shall have the following
a. He/She shall serve as the spokesperson and reporter of the Institute regarding all its
activities and programs.
b. He/She shall put out all proper announcements concerning the Institute as may be assigned
to him/her by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
c. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board of

Section 10. BOARD CHAIRMAN. The Chairman of the Board shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall preside the meeting of the BOD.
b. He/She shall supersede the interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws.
c. He/She shall represent the Board in any representation it may require.

Section 11. BOARD VICE-CHAIRMAN. The Vice-Chairman of the Board shall have the following
a. He/She shall assist the Board Chairman in all works of the latter.
b. He/She shall act as the chairman in case of absence, death and incapability of the Board
c. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board Chairman.

Section 12. BOARD SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Board shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall properly keep and file all records of the minutes of the meetings and all
related documents of the BOD.
b. He/She shall report from time to time the minutes of the previous Board meeting.
c. He/She shall put out all proper notice of the Board meetings, either oral or written, and
shall furnish all the records of the BOD upon the request of the President and/or the Board
d. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board Chairman.

Section 13. BOARD MEMBER. A Board Member shall have the following duties:
a. He/She shall have one vote in every measures or resolution to be passed by the BOD.
b. He/She shall collaborate in formulating rules and regulations, and shall assist in furnishing
resolutions submitted by the members of the Institute if there are such.
c. He/She shall perform all duties and functions inherent to his/her office and such others as
may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President and/or the Board Chairman.

Article V
Resignation, Renewal and Reinstatement of Membership

Section 1. RESIGNATION. A director of the Institute may resign from his post by written
communication to the President. If no charges are pending and/or filed against him/her, his/her
resignation shall be accepted.

Section 2. RENEWAL. Renewal of membership shall be done annually to recommit themselves to

the Institute and relive their vows. However, no member shall be allowed to renew his/her
membership unless he/she has no longer any financial obligation to comply with from the previous
academic year.

Section 3. REINSTATEMENT. Only members who have lost membership due to transferring to
other academic institutions, shifting to another course of study and discontinuation of study shall
be reinstated provided that they lost their membership in good standing.

Article VI
Adviser of the Institute

Section 1. QUALIFICATIONS. The Institute shall have an adviser of whom:

a. Should be a faculty member of CCSPC College of Engineering Technology and Computing;
b. Should be a BS Civil Engineering graduate; and
c. Should be chosen by the Governing Body subject to the approval of the College President.

Section 2. FUNCTIONS. The adviser of the Institute shall perform advisory functions as described
a. To guide and direct the Institute towards achieving its pre-identified goals;
b. To promote and protect the interest of the Institute;
c. To help mold and support every member into achieving academic excellence; and
d. To serve as counselor and thus give advice regarding matters relevant to the Institute.

Article VII
Funds for the Institute

Section 1. All fees shall be recommended upon resolution of the Board of Directors subject to the
approval of the President.

Section 2. The BOD may prescribe publication and other fees, and/or occasional contributions
from all members.

Section 3. Monthly dues shall be determined by the BOD subject to the approval of the President.
Section 4. The directors may accept donations from the members or from other persons or
organizations subject to the requirements of pertinent or appropriate laws on donations.

Section 5. Funds of the Institute may be deposited in such bank designated by the Governing Body,
through the BOD and subject to the approval of the President.

Article VIII

Section 1. The Board of Directors, upon resolution, shall create the Commission on Election subject
to the approval of the President. The President, the Secretary, and the three (3) graduating Board
members shall constitute the committee.

Section 2. Any member of the Institute in good standing for two (2) consecutive academic
semesters immediately prior to the date of election may be elected. Seventeen (17) directors shall be
elected by the members of whom:
a. Nine (9) directors shall be incoming fifth (5th) year civil engineering students; and
b. Eight (8) directors shall be incoming third or fourth (3 rd or 4th) year civil engineering

Section 3. No member who is an officer in other student organization/s shall hold any elective
office of the Institute.

Section 4. Immediately after the election of new directors, the Committee on Election shall
announce the election results. The directors shall then elect from among themselves the nine (9)
officers that will constitute the Executive Committee. The remaining eight (8) directors shall elect
again from among themselves to form the Board of Directors.

Section 5. The elections shall be done by secret balloting unless otherwise prescribed by the
Committee on Election.

Section 6. In case of a tie between two or more candidates in the last slots, the Committee on
Election shall provide a rule concerning it.

Section 7. After the Turn-Over Ceremony, the new set of officers shall then commence.

Article IX
Qualifications of Directors

Section 1. PRESIDENT.
a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must possess qualities of leadership, valor and loyalty to the Institute,
resourcefulness and good managerial skills.
d. He/She must be able to voice out the general sentiments of the members and defend them
at all cost.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic semesters immediately prior to the date of election.
b. He/She must be a third or fourth (3rd or 4th) year student.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National
d. He/She must know how to compose agenda and take minutes of the meetings.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic semesters immediately prior to the date of election.
b. He/She must be a third or fourth (3rd or 4th) year student.
c. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National
d. He/She must know how to compose agenda and take minutes of the meetings.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must have an experience in handling money of an organization.
d. He/She must have no administrative and/or criminal case filed or pending against him/her.

Section 7. AUDITOR.
a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic semesters immediately prior to the date of election.
b. He/She must be a third or fourth (3rd or 4th) year student.
c. He/She must have knowledge and experience in auditing functions.
d. He/She must have no administrative and/or criminal case filed or pending against him/her.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must possess resourcefulness and good managerial skills.
d. He/She must have no administrative and/or criminal case filed or pending against him/her.


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic semesters immediately prior to the date of election.
b. He/She must be a fifth (5th) year student.
c. He/She must possess qualities of leadership, valor and loyalty to the Institute,
resourcefulness and good managerial skills.
d. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic years.
b. He/She must be a third or fourth (3rd or 4th) year student.
c. He/She must possess qualities of leadership, valor and loyalty to the Institute,
resourcefulness and good managerial skills.
d. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National


a. He/She must be an active and responsible member of the Institute for two (2) consecutive
academic semesters immediately prior to the date of election.
b. He/She must be a third or fourth (3rd or 4th) year student.
c. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National
d. He/She must know how to compose agenda and take minutes of the meetings.

Section 13. BOARD MEMBERS.

a. Board Members must be composed of two (2) fifth (5 th) year and three (3) third or fourth
(3rd or 4th) year students.
b. They must be active and responsible members of the Institute.
c. He/She must possess qualities of leadership, valor and loyalty to the Institute,
resourcefulness and good managerial skills.
d. He/She must have a good command of written and oral English aside from the National

Article X
Security of Tenure and the Honorary Officers

Section 1. TERM. A director of the Institute shall hold office for one (1) whole academic year until
the successors have been elected and have taken their oath of office, or unless otherwise ruled
against performing such functions by way of impeachment.

Section 2. HONORARY OFFICERS. All previous officers of the Institute shall be Honorary
Officers. They shall act as an advisory board or consultative officers.

Section 3. All members of the Institute shall comply with all the membership requirements set
forth by this Constitution and Bylaws, the Committee on Membership and/or the Board of
Directors, and approved by the President.

Article XI

Section 1. The Institute may join, participate or forge alliances with other cause-oriented groups
after due consultations with all the directors of the Institute and with the members during a
General Assembly if necessary.

Section 2. No director of the Institute may run or be appointed in any position in the student
governments or other campus organizations, recognized or unrecognized by the CCSPC Academic
Related Services, unless he/she has resigned from his post.

Section 3. No member of the Institute shall be involved in any other civil engineering extra-
curricular organizations, unless otherwise determined by the President and/or the BOD, to
preserve the integrity of the Institute.

Article XII

Section 1. Any member of the Institute shall be subject to the collective power, authority and
discipline of the Board of Directors. The BOD shall have the power to impose, after due process and
approval of the President, disciplinary actions such as reprimand, promotion, demotion,
suspension and termination of membership.

Section 2. The following are grounds for disciplinary action as mentioned in the preceding section:
a. Culpable violation of the Constitution and Bylaws, regulations and other policies of the
b. Gross negligence of duties; and
c. Any act which leads to dishonesty or any immoral conduct that can possibly destroy the
credibility and integrity of the Institute.

Section 3. The grounds for disciplinary actions mentioned in the preceding section shall be dealt
a. A maximum of three (3) warnings, written or unwritten, from the President or the BOD;
b. Suspension of membership for one (1) whole academic year depending on the gravity of the
offense; and
c. Termination of membership.
Section 4. No disciplinary proceedings of the Institute shall be given due publicity of whatsoever
except to the members.

Article XIII

Section 1. Any director of the Institute may be impeached on the following grounds:
a. Culpable violation of the Constitution and Bylaws, regulations and other policies of the
b. Gross negligence of duties;
c. Misuse of funds; and
d. Abuse of authority.

Section 2. A motion for impeachment shall carry signatures of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
remaining directors of the Institute and shall be subject to investigation of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. The investigation on the motion shall be within thirty (30) days after filing. While the
motion for impeachment is still pending, the director/s involved shall be suspended from
performing his/her/their respective duties.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall discuss and deliberate the issue. Hearing prior to the
investigation of the motion may be called by the BOD for the presentation of evidences.

Section 5. Impeachment shall be unanimously approved by the members of the BOD.

Section 6. Impeachment shall not extend further than the removal from the office and
disqualification from holding any elective position for the remainder of one’s residence in the

Section 7. When the subject to impeachment is a member of the Board of Directors including the
Chairman, only the remaining members of the BOD shall act on the issue.

Article XIV
Disappearance and Vacancy

Section 1. DISAPPEARANCE. Any director who disappears from the Institute shall be dealt with
as follows:
a. Disappearance for a maximum of one (1) month with permission (approved Leave of
Absence) – The Governing Body, through the BOD and subject to approval of the President,
shall appoint an officer-in-charge that will temporarily assume his/her position;
b. Disappearance for a maximum of one (1) month without permission before half of his/her
term – Another director shall be elected by the members for the vacant position.
c. Disappearance for a maximum of one (1) month without permission beyond half of his/her
term – The Governing Body, through the BOD and subject to approval of the President,
shall appoint another director to permanently assume the position.

Section 2. VACANCY. Vacancy in any elective office, unless otherwise determined by this
Constitution and Bylaws, shall be dealt with as follows:
a. Before half of the prescribed term – Another director shall be elected by the members for
the vacant position.
b. Beyond half of the prescribed term – The Governing Body, through the BOD and subject to
approval of the President, shall appoint another director to permanently assume the

Article XV

Section 1. REGULAR MEETING. Regular Meeting shall be held every last Saturday of the month.
This shall be attended by all of the directors of the Institute.

Section 2. SPECIAL MEETING. Special Meeting may be held from time to time when deemed
necessary upon the call of the President, the Executive Secretary, or the BOD.
Section 3. QUORUM. Any meeting of the Institute shall require a quorum (1/2 + 1) to convene.

Section 4. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. General Assembly shall be the general meeting of all
members of the Institute. Notice of the meeting shall be posted in all bulletin boards of the
Institute. A quorum shall be required for transaction of any business. The presence of twenty (20)
members, aside from the directors, shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5. BOARD MEETING. Board Meeting may be held at the discretion of its members.

Article XVI
Amendments and Revisions

Section 1. AMENDMENTS. Amendments of this Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by

any director to be submitted to the BOD who must pass the same by at least six (6) affirmative
votes of its members, subject to the approval of the President, and to be ratified by a simple
majority (1/2 + 1) of the members of the Institute present during the General Assembly called for
this purpose.

Section 2. REVISIONS. Any revision of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be passed the same as
described in the preceding section. Only the BOD shall create the Adhoc Committee on
Constitution and Bylaws that will initiate the revision.

Article XVII
Effectivity Clause2

Section 1. This Constitution and Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon the ratification of the
members of the Institute.

PICE – CCSPC Student Chapter CBL ratified on July, 2019

Board of Directors School Year 2020-2021


B.O.D. Chairman B.O.D. Vice Chairman


B.O.D. Secretary Board Member


Board Member Board Member


Board Member Board Member

Attested by: Approved by:


President, PICE – CCSPC Director, Academic Related Services

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