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Advancements in Microprocessor Architecture For Ubiquitous AI-An Overview On History, Evolution, and Upcoming Challenges in AI Implementation

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Advancements in Microprocessor Architecture for Ubiquitous
AI—An Overview on History, Evolution, and Upcoming
Challenges in AI Implementation
Fatima Hameed Khan, Muhammad Adeel Pasha * and Shahid Masud *

Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore,

Punjab 54792, Pakistan;
* Correspondence: (M.A.P.); (S.M.)

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has successfully made its way into contemporary industrial
sectors such as automobiles, defense, industrial automation 4.0, healthcare technologies, agriculture,
and many other domains because of its ability to act autonomously without continuous human
interventions. However, this capability requires processing huge amounts of learning data to extract
useful information in real time. The buzz around AI is not new, as this term has been widely known
for the past half century. In the 1960s, scientists began to think about machines acting more like
humans, which resulted in the development of the first natural language processing computers.
It laid the foundation of AI, but there were only a handful of applications until the 1990s due to
limitations in processing speed, memory, and computational power available. Since the 1990s,
advancements in computer architecture and memory organization have enabled microprocessors
 to deliver much higher performance. Simultaneously, improvements in the understanding and

mathematical representation of AI gave birth to its subset, referred to as machine learning (ML). ML
Citation: Khan, F.H.; Pasha, M.A.;
includes different algorithms for independent learning, and the most promising ones are based on
Masud, S. Advancements in
brain-inspired techniques classified as artificial neural networks (ANNs). ANNs have subsequently
Microprocessor Architecture for
evolved to have deeper and larger structures and are often characterized as deep neural networks
Ubiquitous AI—An Overview on
History, Evolution, and Upcoming
(DNN) and convolution neural networks (CNN). In tandem with the emergence of multicore pro-
Challenges in AI Implementation. cessors, ML techniques started to be embedded in a range of scenarios and applications. Recently,
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665. application-specific instruction-set architecture for AI applications has also been supported in differ- ent microprocessors. Thus, continuous improvement in microprocessor capabilities has reached a
stage where it is now possible to implement complex real-time intelligent applications like computer
Academic Editor: Piero Malcovati vision, object identification, speech recognition, data security, spectrum sensing, etc. This paper
presents an overview on the evolution of AI and how the increasing capabilities of microprocessors
Received: 5 May 2021 have fueled the adoption of AI in a plethora of application domains. The paper also discusses the
Accepted: 3 June 2021
upcoming trends in microprocessor architectures and how they will further propel the assimilation
Published: 6 June 2021
of AI in our daily lives.

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

Keywords: artificial intelligence; microprocessors; instruction set architecture; application-specific in-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
tegrated circuits; real-time processing; machine learning; intelligent systems; automation; multicores
published maps and institutional affil-

1. Introduction

Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a thriving tool that has coupled human intelligence and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
machine efficiency to excel in various disciplines of life. The idea of building intelligent
This article is an open access article
machines is even older than the field of AI itself. In 1950, Alan Turing presented the
distributed under the terms and possibility of implementing an intelligent machine and gave the parameters to judge
conditions of the Creative Commons its intelligence, known as the Turing test [1]. The term “artificial intelligence” was first
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// mentioned in the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, which was attended by those who later became the leading figures of this field. Early AI research included several programs
4.0/). and methodologies, such as General Problem Solver [2], Theorem Prover [3], natural

Micromachines 2021, 12, 665.

telligence, known as the Turing test [1]. The term “artificial intelligence” was first men-
tioned in the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, which was attended by those who later be-
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 came the leading figures of this field. Early AI research included several programs 2 of 22 and

methodologies, such as General Problem Solver [2], Theorem Prover [3], natural language
processor ELIZA [4] and the discovery of the perceptron [5]. Intrigued by the success of
languageprojects, the Defense
processor ELIZA [4] Advanced Research of
and the discovery Projects Agency [5].
the perceptron (DARPA)
Intrigued alsobyinvested
massively in this field to utilize machine intelligence for various
success of these projects, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) also national security projects
[6]. Aftermassively in this AI
this first wave, field to utilize machine
encountered intelligence
technological for various
barriers national the
that curtailed security
vast ex-
projects [6].ofAfter
pectations AI. this
In thefirstfollowing
wave, AI decades,
encountered technological
as the market forbarriers
personal thatcomputers
curtailed the (PCs)
vast expectations of AI. In the following decades, as the market
was established, the paradigm of AI shifted to a knowledge-based-system, also known as for personal computers
(PCs) was
Expert established,
Systems [7]. It wasthe programmed
paradigm of AI shifted
using to a knowledge-based-system,
symbolic programming languages also such as
known as Expert Systems [7]. It was programmed
LISP or Prolog. Expert Systems were used to implement human using symbolic programming languages in a
expert knowledge
such as LISP or Prolog. Expert Systems were used to implement human expert knowledge
machine that makes decisions based on stored information [8]. Due to problems in accu-
in a machine that makes decisions based on stored information [8]. Due to problems
racy and efficiency, Expert Systems could not find widespread acceptability in the market.
in accuracy and efficiency, Expert Systems could not find widespread acceptability in
Finally, the increase in computing power and development of more sophisticated
the market.
Finally, the modeling
increasetools gave birthpower
in computing to a new
andAI paradigm that
development became
of more more success-
ful than before. The more advanced subset of AI algorithms
mathematical modeling tools gave birth to a new AI paradigm that became more successful in the form of machine learn-
than(ML) addressed
before. The morethe complexsubset
advanced problems
of AI of AI and showed
algorithms in the form a promising
of machineway forward
because of its ability
(ML) addressed to make
the complex autonomous
problems decisions
of AI and showed based on previous
a promising way forwardlearning and the
of its abilityat to
make[9]. The algorithms
autonomous decisionsused in ML
based can findlearning
on previous applications
and the inscenarios
diverse use
at hand such
use of decision used trees
in MLtocan monitor the depth ofinanesthesia
find applications diverse use [10] andsuch
cases, support
as the machines
vector use of decision (SVM) trees to monitor
in financial the depth
research [11].ofArtificial
anesthesia [10] and
neural support
networks vectorhave
not (SVM) in financial
only outperformed otherresearch [11]. Artificial
ML algorithms neural
but also networks
surpassed (ANN)
human have not in
only outperformed other ML algorithms but also surpassed
specific tasks, e.g., image classification on an ImageNet dataset [12]. It motivated human intelligence in specific
tasks, e.g., image classification on an ImageNet dataset [12].
ers to delve deeper into the ANN structure, which resulted in networks with more param- It motivated researchers to
delve deeper into the ANN structure, which resulted in networks
eters, layers, and operations, which came to be classified as deep neural networks (DNN) with more parameters,
layers, and operations, which came to be classified as deep neural networks (DNN) [13].
[13]. DNNs can be further divided into structured network techniques for various appli-
DNNs can be further divided into structured network techniques for various applications,
cations, i.e., recurrent neural networks (RNN) and transformer networks that mainly fo-
i.e., recurrent neural networks (RNN) and transformer networks that mainly focus on
cus on natural language processing. In recent years, AI has revolutionized society by cov-
natural language processing. In recent years, AI has revolutionized society by covering a
wide arange
wideofrange of applications,
applications, from thefrom the simplest
simplest smartphones
smartphones in our handsin ourtohands
security to security
and surveillance [14] and autonomous vehicle controls [15]. Currently,
surveillance [14] and autonomous vehicle controls [15]. Currently, it is being used in agri- it is being used in
culture [16], [16], healthcare
healthcare departments
departments for diagnosing
for diagnosing different different diseases
diseases [17,18], [17–18],
business andbusi-
finance [19–20],
robotics robotics
[21], [21], web
web searches searches
[22], computer [22], computer
vision [23,24],vision
etc. A[23–24],
taxonomy etc. A
taxonomy of AI and its various sub-fields
of AI and its various sub-fields is shown in Figure 1. is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.
Figure Taxonomy of
1. Taxonomy ofAI

Initially, limited computing power and memory restricted the growth of AI. Scientists
Initially, limited computing power and memory restricted the growth of AI. Scien-
could not go beyond certain performance limits of computers, as the execution time
tists could not go beyond certain performance limits of computers, as the execution time
increased exponentially with the algorithmic complexity. Quillian [25] used a vocabulary
of only 20 words to present his work on natural language due to computer memory
constraints. Even today, when processors are able to deliver 221 K MIPS at 5.0 GHz
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 3 of 22

(Intel core i7-8086 K [26]) compared to the 80 to 130 MIPS in the fastest supercomputer
from 1976 (Cray-1 [27]), the architecture for AI applications still demands high resource
management to fulfill its real-time requirements. The remarkable research potential of
ANN created an appetite for the drastic increase in computational and memory resources
as the number of layers in DNNs exceeded 10,000 [28]. Billions of multiply-and-accumulate
(MAC) operations necessitated the development of a suitable hardware platform for DNN
implementation. It is also worth mentioning that each MAC operation requires frequent
memory accesses: three memory reads and one memory write per MAC in worst case, i.e.,
with no data reuse [9]. Apart from computation and memory requirements, latency is also
one of the vital constraints for several real-time applications like self-driving cars, where
the slightest processing delay can result in catastrophic consequences [9].
Along with the advancements in intelligent algorithms, the adoption of AI is also
driven by the improvement in performance of microprocessors that carry out all the
required operations. In 1971, Intel launched the Intel 4004 chip along with its chipset, and
the first commercial microprocessor came into being. Intel 4004 [29] was a 4-bit device
made up of 2300 transistors and would execute 92600 instructions per second (IPS) at
a clock frequency of 740 kHz. Subsequently, a diverse range of microprocessors was
developed and the market for computers became ubiquitous. The IBM PC, based on an
8-bit microprocessor (Intel 8088, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA), was introduced
in 1979 [30] and became a standard for personal computers (PCs).
Researchers attempted to further increase the processing bandwidth, but the complex
micro-architecture became a big hurdle in terms of instruction-set decoding. It led to the
idea of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) [31] architecture, which was demonstrated
by Acorn RISC Machines (also known as ARM, ARM Ltd., Cambridge, England) based
on a 32-bit RISC processor [32]. Driven by Moore’s Law [33], the exponential reduction
in transistor size over the years paved the way for 4-bit microprocessors to expand to
64-bit bandwidth while introducing many complex architectural optimizations, i.e., pipelin-
ing, cache memory, virtual memory, and application-specific very large instruction words
(VLIW) [34]. Major limitations to the implementation of AI were addressed by advance-
ments in different functional modules of microprocessors. For example, an increase in
memory bandwidth reduces the operation of frequent data swapping from the memory,
which is a major performance bottleneck of AI algorithms, especially for DNNs [35]. AI
processors accomplished higher amounts of computing power and reduced memory access
time by overcoming the famous power wall [36] and memory wall [37] issues. Still, the
general-purpose computers with high-end microprocessors were not able to satisfy the
ever-increasing demands of ML and DNN algorithms because of limited number of cores
and their monolithic architecture.
Later, graphic processing units (GPUs) equipped with high performance parallelism
and memory bandwidth were widely adopted for implementing power-hungry DNN
algorithms; this is currently a popular approach for AI implementation [38]. However, in
recent years, research in AI architecture has moved towards AI or NN application-specific
hardware (commonly known as AI accelerators), which has shown promising results [39].
Many AI-specific accelerators, implemented on FPGA or ASIC, have been proposed to
improve energy efficiency, such as DaDianNao [40], PuDianNao [41], Cambricon [42], etc.
An innovative industrial approach was developed by Google, called the tensor processing
unit (TPU), [43] which reduces the computational precision to accelerate AI operations
for the TensorFlow software. Many efficient solutions are emerging for smart embedded
processors, but there is room for innovation in this emerging area.
This interaction between the evolution of AI and advancement in microprocessors
is following a symbiotic trend that motivated us to write this review paper. Although,
many survey papers have been published that give an overview of microprocessor devel-
opment [44,45] and the emergence of AI [6,9,46] separately, this paper is intended to give
an overview of how the progress in microprocessors has enabled the implementation of
AI in a broad spectrum of real-life applications. We have restricted this work to the im-
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 4 of 22

plementation of general-purpose architecture for AI applications because domain-specific

hardware is yet an emerging branch of AI [39]. More time needs to pass to evaluate the
benefits and directions that AI accelerators will take.
The rest of the of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the history
and evolution of AI before the exponential improvement in microprocessor capabilities.
In Section 3, trends in microprocessors that eventually resulted in the latest accolades in
the AI field are elaborated. Section 4 includes a discussion on the confluence of AI and
microprocessors and the impact each of these had on the other over the course of the last
few decades. Section 5 includes a brief overview of the roadmap followed by trends and
the challenges that are expected in future. Section 6 concludes the paper with important

2. Origin and Evolution of AI

The idea of making a machine that autonomously performs different tasks has fasci-
nated the human mind even before the advent of digital computers. In 1930, Vannevar
Bush presented a set of rules to automatically solve differential equations [47]. After a
few years, the British mathematician Alan Turing established the concept of solving any
algorithmic problem on a machine that is popularly known as the Turing machine [48].
Practical implementation of AI was made possible by the invention of programmable
computers in 1944. Turing’s famous work on measuring machine intelligence gave a jump
start to AI. The Turing test [1] is based on the idea of distinguishing between a computer
and a human being by observing the conversations between them. In 1952, the first AI
program for checkers demonstrated the learning ability of computers [49], and later it was
significantly improved by Samuel in 1959 [50] to challenge any decent player of that time.
Then, the logic theorist approach was developed using critical concepts of AI to prove
some of the geometric theorems [51].
The field of AI officially began with a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956, where
the term “artificial intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy. Many researchers, in-
cluding the creators of the logic theory machine (Newell and Simon), attended this session
and everyone was very curious and positive about the success of AI in the future. The same
duo, Newell and Simon, built another AI machine, the General Problem Solver (GPS) [2],
and claimed that the GPS could solve any problem given a well-formed description. The
GPS, however, did not meet expectations when it came to solving complex problems re-
quiring run-time information handling. It was not that the machine could not solve those
problems, but that the time taken to compute answers for complex problems was so long
that a machine was impractical. In 1958, McCarthy introduced the first AI programming
language, list processing language (LISP) [52] which empowered scientists to store infor-
mation in the form of objects instead of numbers. Meanwhile, Rosenbaltt’s discovery of
the basic unit of neural networks, the perceptron algorithm, gave birth to the concept of
connectionism. It was predicted to be the “embryo of an electronic computer,” but further
research into this problem was halted due to the work of Minsky and Seymour in 1969 [53]
that highlighted severe limitations of the perceptron and Rosenbaltt’s prediction algorithm.
Rapid growth in the research of AI led to the creation of the first ever industrial
robot, Unimate, in 1961, to work on assembly lines [54]. Furthermore, the first ever
LISP program, known as symbolic automatic integrator (SAINT), to heuristically solve
calculus problems was developed by James Slagle [55]. Another approach for mathematical
computation called STUDENT was presented by Daniel Bobro [56], which could solve
algebra word problems. It is cited as one of the earliest natural language processors, as it
was programmed to accept natural language as its input. Later, Joseph Weizenbaum made
the first interactive computer program, ELIZA [4], which could hold conversations with
human subjects based on some grammatical rules. Weizenbaum was himself surprised to
see that many people failed to differentiate between ELIZA and humans. Then, Stanford
University produced the first general purpose robot, Shakey [57], which was capable of
reasoning on its actions and combined logical reasoning with physical response. The fusion
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 5 of 22

of the two fields, computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), added a new
flavor to the field of AI. In a similar vein, another computer program, SHRDLU, was
designed to have conversations in English, to plan robot operations, and to apply different
actions on simple toy objects [58].
Despite all this success in developing AI algorithms and applications, the most ad-
vanced systems were able to handle only a limited scope of problems. In the beginning, the
field of AI was perceived with great optimism in all areas of applications. When AI failed
to meet expectations, in the 1970s there was a drastic loss of enthusiasm for AI-related
research activities both in academia and industry. The main impediment was that AI was
unable to overcome the computational barriers in real-time implementation due to the
unavailability of powerful processing devices. Scientists had realized that the exponential
growth of problem complexity prevented the execution of computer programs in real time.
The initial hype of AI attracted many agencies like DARPA, the National Research Council
(NRC), and other governmental organizations globally to invest huge funds in this field for
different objectives.
Two famous reports, ALPAC (from the US) [59] and Lighthill (from the UK) [60],
showed great disappointment in yielding little from AI technology with large investments.
Another reason for the drop in AI was the book by Minsky and Seymour, titled “Per-
ceptrons,” in which the authors argued against a learning machine and that only fixed
networks were possible. This book had a widespread impact and stopped any further
progress in connectionism for almost a decade. Historians called this period an “AI winter”.
In the 1980s, the rise of Expert Systems gave new life to AI. The working of Expert
Systems was based on a knowledge database with the rules and facts of a particular domain
and an inference engine to manipulate the stored symbols [7]. This approach was used
to gain human expertise in that specific application. Though Expert Systems became
popular in the 1980s, its development had begun in 1965 by Edward Feigenbaum. He built
Dendral, which was an Expert System specialized in identifying organic compounds [61].
With passing time, Expert Systems gained commercial attention and MYCIN was built
to diagnose blood infectious diseases and prescribe a suitable medicine for them [8].
Another AI programming language, Prolog, was also created in 1972, and mainly focused
on linguistic processing [62]. The development of a program, XCON was marked as an
enormous success for Expert Systems. It was created for the Digital Equipment Corporation
(DEC) to automatically choose computer components according to the requirements. XCON
enabled the company to save USD 40 million per year in 1986 [63]. It was the time when
Expert Systems were considered to have rejuvenated the field of AI, as they were oriented
to solving practical problems at the industrial level. In the late 1980s, many companies were
ines 2021, 12, x aiming to develop or maintain Expert Systems [64]. Figure 2 shows the generic6 of 23 workflow
of an Expert System.

Figure 2. Generic operation GenericSystem.
2. Expert
of an operation of an Expert System.

This surge in the field of AI pulled many investments, especially in Japan, where the
This surge in the field of AI pulled many investments, especially in Japan, where the
government dedicated a huge amount of funds to their Fifth Generation Computer System
government dedicated a huge amount of funds to their Fifth Generation Computer Sys-
project [65]. Its purpose was to build a machine that could communicate, translate lan-
tem project [65]. Its purpose was to build a machine that could communicate, translate
languages, recognize pictures, and argue like a human. This decade also witnessed the
revival of connectionism, as John Hopfield proposed a recurrent neural network, Hopfield
Net, in 1982 [66]. This neural network offered a remarkable improvement in learning pro-
cess, which proved to be a hard competitor for the symbolic and logical AI. Rehmalhart
Figure 2. Generic operation of an Expert System.

This surge in the field of AI pulled many investments, especially in Japan, where the
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 dedicated a huge amount of funds to their Fifth Generation Computer Sys- 6 of 22
tem project [65]. Its purpose was to build a machine that could communicate, translate
languages, recognize pictures, and argue like a human. This decade also witnessed the
revival of connectionism, as John Hopfield proposed a recurrent neural network, Hopfield
guages, recognize pictures, and argue like a human. This decade also witnessed the revival
Net, in 1982 [66]. This neural network offered a remarkable improvement in learning pro-
of connectionism, as John Hopfield proposed a recurrent neural network, Hopfield Net,
cess, which proved to be a hard competitor for the symbolic and logical AI. Rehmalhart
in 1982 [66]. This neural network offered a remarkable improvement in learning process,
et al. [67] also contributed
which proved to totheberevival of neural networks
a hard competitor (NNs) and
for the symbolic by suggesting a back- et al. [67]
logical AI. Rehmalhart
propagation technique to train NN
also contributed to themodels.
revival However, it was still
of neural networks too by
(NNs) early to implement
suggesting a backpropagation
useful NN applications, as the lack of training data and restricted computing
technique to train NN models. However, it was still too early to implement useful NN resources
ultimately set the limit on itsas
applications, growth.
the lack of training data and restricted computing resources ultimately set
At the startthe
of limit
the 1990s, Expert Systems also lost steam because of the difficulty in
on its growth.
knowledge acquisition andstart
At the its analysis in real
of the 1990s, time.Systems
Expert The knowledge acquisition
also lost steam becauseprocess
of the difficulty in
discovered the rules of the acquisition
real word and and linked
its analysis
themintoreal time.
solve anyThe knowledge
problem acquisition process
in a human
manner, but it wasdiscovered the rules
not possible of theall
to reflect real word and
human skillslinked
and feedthemthem
to solve
intoany problem
Expert Sys- in a human
tems [64]. Moreover, Expert Systems did not have the capability to learn, adapt, and into Expert
manner, but it was not possible to reflect all human skills and feed them
evolve based onSystems [64]. Moreover,
their interaction with the Expert Systems
users. did not have
The situation wasthe capability
worsened bytothe learn,
AI adapt, and
symbolic languages LISP and Prolog, as they led to integration issues in complex systems. by the AI
evolve based on their interaction with the users. The situation was worsened
symbolic languages LISP and Prolog, as they led to integration issues in complex systems.
The environment of Expert Systems was not compatible with applications programmed
The environment of Expert Systems was not compatible with applications programmed
in other languages (e.g., C). The rising performance of PCs led to the fading out of Expert
in other languages (e.g., C). The rising performance of PCs led to the fading out of Expert
Systems, which Systems,
resulted which
in a loss of millions of USD for the industries based on Expert
resulted in a loss of millions of USD for the industries based on Expert
Systems [68]. After this downfall,
Systems [68]. After this researchers
researchers to hesitated
put efforts in this
to put field
efforts of AI,
in this field of AI, but
but many continuedmanytocontinued
work under different
to work underbanners
bannersas “machine learning,”
such as “machine “intel- “intelligent
ligent systems,”systems,”
and “knowledge-based
and “knowledge-based systems.” The re-branding
systems.” The re-branding of all
of these
all these terms
terms made the
made the survival of AI possible in the future. It also gave fine boundaries
survival of AI possible in the future. It also gave fine boundaries to the sub-branches to the sub- of AI
branches of AI that
that further evolved with
further evolved withadvancements
advancementsinin AI.
AI. Figure
Figure 3 shows
3 shows thethe evolu- of AI, going
tion of AI, goingfrom
froma asimple
program solver
solver toto
deepdeep learning
learning byby addressing
addressing moremoreandand more complex
more complex application domains. domains.

Figure 3. Artificial intelligence over the years.

3. Emergence of Microprocessors
The development of microprocessors is a direct consequence of the invention of
semiconductor transistors by Bell Labs in 1947 and the creation of integrated circuit (IC)
chips by Robert Noyce in 1961. In 1969, Busicom (Busicom, Osaka and Tokyo, Japan), a
calculator company, contacted Intel to order 12 chips for their calculators. In return, Intel
came up with four designs, and one of them could be programmed in different ways to
fulfill the customers’ requirements. Intel named it Intel 4004 and launched it along with its
chipset in 1971. Intel 4004 [29] is known as the first microprocessor, though it was not very
powerful, as it could only perform simple 4-bit arithmetic operations. Meanwhile, Texas
Instrument (TI) also filed a patent on microprocessors, which was issued in 1973 [69]. TI’s
first microprocessor was introduced in 1974, with the name TMS1000, which was also a
4-bit microprocessor with 32 byte RAM and 1 KB ROM. It initiated an avalanche of research
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 7 of 22

and development in this field. Continued interest in improvement in IC technology led to

a diverse range of 8- and 16-bit microprocessors within the next few years.
Intel 4004 was followed by the Intel 8008 and 8080 microprocessors. Intel 8080 was an
8-bit microprocessor and the first one to be a part of home-based personal computers. It was
later updated to Intel 8085 by adding more instructions, interrupt, and serial input/output
(I/O) pins. Motorola also developed its 8-bit microprocessor, the 6800 family, at about the
same time. Motorola’s 6800 (Motorola, Chicago, IL, United States) did not play a significant
role in minicomputers, but made a great impact on the automotive market [70]. In this way
a huge market for embedded processors in the automotive industry was established. The
success of Intel 8080 and Motorola’s 6800 led to the development of microcomputers like
Atari 2600 (Atari Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA), Nintendo Entertainment System (Nintendo,
Kyoto, Japan); Commodore 64 (Commodore International, West Chester, PA, USA), Zilog
Z80 (Zilog, Milpitas, CA, USA) also came with a DRAM refresh signal and on-chip clock
signals to provide better interfacing capability [44]. The increase in acceptance of metal
oxide semiconductor (MOS) fabrication technology mainly drove the computer revolution
in the 1980s.
The 8-bit architecture of Intel’s 8085 and 8088 was improved to 16 bits in the form
of the Intel 8086 microprocessor. The 8086 consisted of bus interface units (BIUs) and
execution units (EUs), which were structured to carry out simple pipelined operations
wherein the BIU fetched the instructions and EU processed them. The 8086 was also
accompanied by a matching floating-point math co-processor chip, 8087, which was based
on the implementation of IEEE floating point standard IEEE-754 [71]. Around the same
time, the 16-/32-bit Motorola 68000 further advanced microprocessor architecture to fetch
the instructions of one or more 16-bit words, which eventually paved the way for a full
32-bit architecture. Another Motorola processor, the 68010, introduced the concept of
virtual memory. In 1984, Motorola’s 68020 turned out to be first 32-bit microprocessor with
an actual pipeline and an on-chip 256-byte instruction cache.
Thanks to these advancements in processor architecture, computers became accessible
to the common person, albeit for use in business and entertainment. Although embedded
applications also featured microprocessors, the major requirements of embedded devices in
the 1980s and 1990s (calculators, watches, PID controllers, industry displays, etc.) were low
cost and convenience of use. Their manufacturers could choose any low-cost microproces-
sor that gave the necessary performance for that specific application. On the other hand, PC
users demanded more variety of applications on the same desktop and got accustomed to
utilizing different software libraries. In this scenario, the performance of general-purpose
microprocessors became one of the main concerns for customers. The release of continuous
updated versions of operating system software and high-level languages, e.g., Windows,
C++, Java, etc., also increased the emphasis on the technology of PCs. The Motorola 68000
offered an advanced architecture, but IBM adopted an 8-bit microprocessor, Intel 8088, to
power its initial IBM PC in 1981, as it provided a better software interface and utilization
with 8-bit peripherals [72]. Not only did IBM establish itself as a leader in the PC market,
but also set benchmarks and standards for others.
The development of PCs laid the foundation of the new era for microprocessors. In
addition, the evolving complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies
corroborated Moore’s Law and played a vital role in giving shape to new architecture of
microprocessors. Mead and Conway’s work [73] on very large-scale integration (VLSI)
introduced new design methodologies for academia and industry. Many computer-aided
design (CAD) and simulation tools were created, e.g., those from Cadence [74], Synop-
sys [75], Mentor Graphics [76], etc., to draw schematics and analyze VLSI circuits at various
performance levels [73]. It enabled the designers to test new design methodologies and
evaluate their performance in the design stage to bring innovations to the architecture of mi-
croprocessors. The ever-shrinking geometry of CMOS also helped catalyze the evolution of
microprocessors. The transistor channel length deceased to below 1.25 microns in 1985 [77],
which resulted in Intel’s 386DX microprocessor, with a gate length equal to 1 micron. It
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 8 of 22

became possible to integrate the entire CPU (excluding memory and floating-point units)
on a single chip by the end of the 1980s. The previously used NMOS technology was
overruled by CMOS due to its low power dissipation. At that point, the semiconductor
vendors were the dominant microprocessor suppliers, who had pretty good knowledge
of fabrication and chip making, but lacked intricate details about the internal processor
architecture. The future complexities of architecture required specialized knowledge to
shift the market to 16-bit architecture as well as embedded microprocessors.
After the mid-1980s, the emphasis shifted to the development of efficient and powerful
16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors as well as corresponding technologies for memory storage
and interconnections. Previously, VAX 11/780 by DEC had been a prominent 32-bit
mini-computer, but its architecture was based on smaller multi-chip processors. On the
other hand, Patterson and Ditzel’s work [31] introduced a new paradigm, called reduced
instruction set computer (RISC) architecture, that provided a possible solution to optimize
the hardware within given resources as compared to the multi-chip idea of VAX 11/780.
The project at University of California, Berkeley, also supported the idea of RISC by
designing the Barkley RISC I/II processors [78]. The RISC setup added proper pipelined
architecture to microprocessors. For example, RISC I and II used two-stage and three-stage
pipelining, respectively. John Cocke’s IBM 801 minicomputer also reinforced RISC concepts
on other types of computer organizations [79]. Later, Stanford University took architecture
optimization to a new level by introducing a microprocessor without interlocked pipeline
stages. They called this millions of instructions per second (MIPS) architecture [80].
Contrary to the previously used complex instruction set computer (CISC) architecture
such as Intel 80386, RISC architecture supported 32-bit fixed-length instructions, larger
general-purpose registers, and pipelined stages, and avoided memory-to-memory instruc-
tions. The simple and regular instruction set for RISC obviated micro-coded ROM, which
created more space for full 32-bit instructions. Initially, only smaller OEM accepted the
argument about RISC; Acorn Computer in the UK was one of them. They started by
amending previously emerging 16-bit microprocessors but were hindered by two major
problems: (i) real-time performance in I/O handling and (ii) memory bandwidth utilization.
They built their own 32-bit design popularly known as the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM) to
overcome these drawbacks [45].
Driven by promising claims of RISC architecture, the first commercial RISC CPU,
MIPS R2000, entered the market by the mid-1980s [44]. Intel and Motorola also started the
development of their own RISC-based microprocessors. A year after the introduction of
Motorola 68020, Intel also built its first 32-bit microprocessor, the 80386DX. Motorola 68020
and Intel 80360DX constituted a limited number of pipelined stages. Intel modified its first-
generation microprocessors (8086, 80286) by adding new modes of memory addressing,
more instructions, and an on-chip memory management unit (MMU). Three years later,
Motorola developed 68030, with an integrated MMU and dynamic bus size selection [81].
The increasing number of transistors in microprocessors deepened the pipeline to five
stages, as shown in Figure 4, and also incorporated caches and their control functions, the
MMU and floating-point unit (FPU), on a single chip. In 1989, Intel used 1.2 M transistors
in 80486DX (as compared to 275K in 803868DX) with on-chip FPU [82].
The RISC philosophy and increasing transistor density elucidated the architecture
of microprocessors by adding deeper pipelined stages, more on-chip functional units
and multilevel caches, higher issue rates, and wider bandwidths [83]. The design of
microprocessors was further driven by the race of higher clock rates. It was believed
that increasing the clock frequency would directly increase the performance, in line with
Moore’s Law. Alpha 21064 was among the first microprocessors to attain a frequency
of 150 MHz, and it was followed by Alpha 21164 with 500 MHz [84]. In competition,
Motorola, IBM, and Apple collectively designed PowerPC, with a clock speed of 233 MHz.
PowerPC adopted a more balanced design scheme as compared to the Alpha series, which
compromised the number of instructions and latency for higher clock rates [84]. The
desktop market was overtaken by the 32-bit Superscalar Intel Pentium, which sped up
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 9 of 22

many PC-based applications, and its performance limits were further stretched by super-
pipelined Pentium Pro. In later years, many versions of the Pentium series were introduced,
leading to Pentium III, which pushed the operating frequency beyond 1 GHz [85]. Another
company, AMD, giving competition to Intel, developed its first processor, working at
achines 2021, 12, x
75 to 133 MHz, in 1996 [86]. AMD also jumped in the race of clock rates and released
9 of 23
many successors with higher clock speeds. A major advancement was AMD’s Athlon
processors, which supported the first 64-bit data path in 2003, and with that the world
of microprocessors had reached a new level of performance [86]. At the same time, the
years later, Motorola
market68030, with
was also an integrated
developing MMU and dynamic
simultaneously. ARM was bus size to cater to this
selection [81]. The increasing number of transistors in microprocessors deepened the pipe-
emerging market and established itself as a leader in the mobile handset area through
line to five stages, as shown
the use in Figure
of a 16-bit thumb4,instruction
and also incorporated
set [87] and caches and their control
easy integration in a system on a chip
functions, the MMU
(SoC) and
[88].floating-point unitsome
Table 1 describes (FPU), on features
basic a single chip.
of theIn 1989, Intel
popular used 1.2architectures of
M transistors inthe80486DX (as early
1990s and compared 275K in 803868DX) with on-chip FPU [82].

Figure 4. Five stages ofFigure

pipelining in stages
4. Five microprocessors.
of pipelining in microprocessors.

The RISC philosophy and increasing transistor density elucidated the architecture of
microprocessors Table
by 1. Basic features
adding deeperofpipelined
popular superscalar
stages, more microprocessors (1990s–2000s).
on-chip functional units and
multilevel caches, higher issue rates, and wider bandwidths [83]. The design
High-Performance (Superscalar) Microprocessors of micropro-
cessors was further driven by the race of higher clock rates. It was believed Transistorthat increasing
Clock Speed Cache
the clock frequency would directly increase
Microprocessor the performance,
(MHz) in line with Moore’s
Size Law. Pipe Stages
Alpha 21064 was among the first microprocessors to attain a frequency of 150 MHz, and
it was followed byIntel
Alpha486 21164
(Intel, Santa
with 500 MHz 1989 [84].25Intocompetition,
50 Motorola, IBM,
0.8–1 8 and 5
Clara, CA, USA)
Apple collectivelyIntel
Pentium PowerPC,
Pro (Intel, with a clock speed of 233 MHz. PowerPC adopted
1995 200 0.35–0.6 8/8 12–14
Santa Clara,
a more balanced design scheme CA,as USA)
compared to the Alpha series, which compromised the
DEC Alpha 21164 (DEC,
number of instructions and MA,
latency 1996 500 0.5 8/8/96 7
Maynard, USA)for higher clock rates [84]. The desktop market was
overtaken by the 32-bit Superscalar
Power PC 604e Intel Pentium,
1997 which
233 sped up many 0.25 PC-based appli-
32/32 6
cations, and its performance Santa
limits were further
1996 stretched
75–133 by super-pipelined
0.35–0.5 Pentium 5
Clara, CA, USA) 8/16
Pro. In later years, many versions
MIPS R10000 of the Pentium series were introduced, leading to Pen-
tium III, which pushed Sunnyvale,frequency
the operating 1996 beyond 200 1 GHz [85]. 0.35 32/32
Another company, 5
AMD, giving competition to Intel, developed
Intel Pentium IV (Intel, its first processor, working at 75 to 133 MHz,
2000 1400–2000 0.18 256 20
in 1996 [86]. AMDSantaalsoClara,
jumped CA, in
USA the) race of clock rates and released many successors
with higher clock speeds. A major advancement was AMD’s Athlon processors, which
supported the first 64-bit data path in
In the mid-2000s, the2003, andinwith
interest that the world
the continuous of microprocessors
increase in clock frequency was dimin-
had reached a new
ished because of power dissipation barriers. Both Intel and AMDmarket
level of performance [86]. At the same time, the embedded strivedwasfor smaller feature
also developing simultaneously. ARM was quick to cater to this emerging
sizes to achieve high operating frequency, but the chips became too hot market andand demanded
established itself as a leadercooling
impractical in the mobile
systems handset
for such area through
high the use
transistor of a 16-bit
densities. thumb
Figure 5 represents the
instruction set [87] and easy
predicted trendintegration in a system
in heat dissipation on a due
levels chipto(SoC) [88]. Table
the increase 1 describes
in the power density of Intel
some basic features of the popular superscalar architectures of the 1990s and early 2000s.
In the mid-2000s, the interest in the continuous increase in clock frequency was di-
minished because of power dissipation barriers. Both Intel and AMD strived for smaller
feature sizes to achieve high operating frequency, but the chips became too hot and de-
manded impractical cooling systems for such high transistor densities. Figure 5 represents
Santa Clara, CA, 1996 75–133 0.35–0.5 8/16 5
1996 200 0.35 32/32 5
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 Sunnyvale, CA, 10 of 22
Intel Pentium IV
(Intel, Santa Clara, 2000 1400–2000 0.18 256 20
chips. Surprisingly, if the chips continued to be manufactured with the same increasing
CA,, then
densities, ) could have reached the power dissipation level of a rocket nozzle [89].

5. Trend
Figure 5.
Figure Trendof
increase in power
increase density
in power of Intel
density chips.
of Intel chips.
Later, the performance bottleneck in microprocessors was overcome by adopting
Later, the performance bottleneck in microprocessors was overcome by adopting
parallel computing techniques using closely coupled multiple processor cores on a single
chip [90].computing
In 2005, AMD techniques
releasedusing closely
its first coupled
dual core multiple
processor, processor
Athlon cores
64 X2 [86]. on also
Intel a single
rushed into multi-core design and came up with the Core-2 Duo processor for desktop also
[90]. In 2005, AMD released its first dual core processor, Athlon 64 X2 [86]. Intel
rushed intocomputers.
and laptop multi-coreSomedesign and came
processors, upthe
like with the
Intel Core-2
Core-2 Duo
Duo, processor
were designedfor desktop
with a
and laptop
shared level-2computers.
(L2) cache,Some processors,
whereas like theand
Intel Pentium-D Intel Core-2
AMD Duo,came
Opteron werewith
designed with a
a private
L2 cachelevel-2 (L2)
for each corecache, whereas[91].
or processor IntelMulti-processor
Pentium-D and AMD
chip Opteron
(MPC) came further
architecture with a pri-
vate L2 cache
improved forand
to quad eachmorecore or processor
cores and initiated [91].
a newMulti-processor chipgains
era of performance (MPC)thatarchitecture
further results intoterms
improved quadofand
power dissipation,
cores and aacorresponding
and initiated range of new
new era of performance gains
applications [92].
The Intel Core 2 Quad series enhanced the speed technology of desktop and mobile
processors by incorporating four cores with greater sizes of cache memory on a single chip.
The family of Core 2 Quad was followed by generations of high-end performance proces-
sors, Intel Core i-7. The grouping of Core i7 was usually based on its microarchitecture,
with the first generation designed on 45 nm technology, and the recent 10th generation is
based on 14 nm processing for up to 8-core chips. AMD also launched a series of processors
under the name of “Ryzen” in 2017, which mainly featured the 8-core and 16-thread designs.
In the following years, new generations of AMD Ryzen, built on advanced semiconductor
technology, came to improve the performance, but significant improvement was witnessed
in the third generation of the Ryzen brand [93], which was designed using 7 nm technology.
In 2020, the Ryzen 5000 series crossed the Ryzen III gen’s performance by providing a
19% increase in instructions per cycle (IPC) on the same technology. Intel marketed the
Xeon family of processors, which mainly targets the workstation, servers, and embedded
devices. The AMD Ryzen Threadripper beat the Intel in core count by incorporating a
maximum of 64 cores on 7 nm technology. The Intel Xeon processors are designed using
same architecture as desktop processors, but support higher number of cores, larger RAM
size, advanced cache memory, and many other useful features. Table 2 summarizes the
basic features of some of the most prominent multicore processors.
In tandem, the developments in cache memories, storage technologies, and faster
interconnects have provided a support structure that enables microprocessors to provide
maximum utilization of advances in their internal architecture to end-user applications [94].
Figure 6 shows the trends in the main characteristics of popular general-purpose CPUs
over time. As this paper is aimed at discussing processor architectures, we will not digress,
but it is important to mention the significant improvements in associated technologies that
allow full performance gains to be obtained from microprocessors.
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 11 of 22

Table 2. Basic features of popular multicore microprocessors (2005 onwards).

Multicore Microprocessors
Clock Speed Transistor Caches
Microprocessor Year Cores
(GHz) Size (nm) (MB)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 2005 2 90–65 0.5 2
Intel Core 2 Duo 2006 2.66 65 4 2
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2007 2.4 65 8 4
Intel Core i7-3770 2012 3.4 22 8 4
AMD Ryzen 7 1700x 2017 3-3.6 14 4/16 8
Intel Core i9 10900 2020 5.20 14 20 10
Intel Xeon Platinum 9282 2019 3.8 14 77 56
AMD Ryzen Threadripper
hines 2021, 12, x 3990X (AMD, Santa Clara, 2020 4.3 7 32/256
12 of 23 64

6. Performance
Figure evolution
Figure 6. Performance evolution of general-purpose
of general-purpose microprocessors.

4. Confluence 4. Confluence
between between
Artificial Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence and Microprocessors
and Microprocessors
As microprocessors
As microprocessors evolved to cater evolved
to more tocomplex
cater to more complex
processing andprocessing
application and
domains, the field of AI was also able to overcome many
mains, the field of AI was also able to overcome many constraints and provide imple- constraints and provide imple-
mentable solutions for different challenging tasks. The first practical AI implementation
mentable solutions for different challenging tasks. The first practical AI implementation
was a handwritten digit recognizer, LeNet [95]. It led to the development of hardware
was a handwritten digit recognizer, LeNet [95]. It led to the development of hardware for
for shallow neural networks, for example, Intel ETANN [96,97], SYNAPSE-1 [98], and
shallow neuralANNA
networks, for example, Intel ETANN [96,97], SYNAPSE-1 [98], and ANNA
[99]. The AI field flourished under the banner of machine learning (ML), and many
[99]. The AI field
selfflourished under the were
-learning algorithms banner of machine
proposed learning
to classify (ML),
images, and many
categorize text,self
and- recognize
learning algorithms were proposed to classify images, categorize text, and recognize
hand-written characters [100–102]. Within the ML domain, neural networks (NNs) became
hand-written characters [100–102].
the most popular Within
choice because theofML domain,
their accuracy neural networks (NNs)
and straightforward be-
came the mostDeeppopular choice
learning (DL)because of their
enhanced accuracy andarchitecture
the multi-layered straightforward
of NNsimplemen-
by extracting features
tation. Deep learning (DL) enhanced
at new levels the multi-layered
of abstractions architecturefor
[13]. A major breakthrough of NNs
DL was byseen
in the early 2010s,
features at newwhen
levels of abstractions
a large [13]. A major
amount of information breakthrough
was incorporatedfor forDLthe was seenofinAIthe
training models such
early 2010s, when a large amount of information was incorporated for the training of AI the same
as MNIST [103] and CIFAR [104]. The ImageNet dataset was launched about
models such astime,
MNIST with[103]
moreandthan 3 million
CIFAR [104]. labeled images of dataset
The ImageNet differentwas
launched[105]. Microsoft pre-
the same time,sented its speech-recognition
with more system images
than 3 million labeled based onofdeep neuralcategories
different networks in 2011Mi-
[105]. [106]. Further
exemplary performances of DL were illustrated by the
crosoft presented its speech-recognition system based on deep neural networks in 2011ImageNet annual challenge [107].
[106]. Further exemplary performances of DL were illustrated by the ImageNet annual
challenge [107]. In 2012, the error rate of ImageNet classification dropped to approxi-
mately 15% from 25% by utilizing a convolution neural network (CNN)-based model,
AlexNet [108]. The classification error rate was further decreased to only a few percent in
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 12 of 22

In 2012, the error rate of ImageNet classification dropped to approximately 15% from
25% by utilizing a convolution neural network (CNN)-based model, AlexNet [108]. The
classification error rate was further decreased to only a few percent in later years. This
success for CNNs in AI implementation shifted the research direction to DL and inspired
the development of different hardware platforms for its implementation.
Even though the speed of sequential microprocessors increased drastically over the
years, it could only improve performance to a certain extent. The massive computational
demands of early AI networks could not be fulfilled by available microprocessors, as
some of the AI models needed more than 1 giga floating point operations per second
(GFLOPS) to be able to execute in real time [109]. The advancement in the processing
throughput of microprocessors came about mainly due to the increase in frequency and
2021, 12, x most importantly due to the enhanced increase of parallelism. The13 parallel
of 23 computation
was exploited through multiple instructions issue through pipelining as well as superscalar
architectures [90]. Thread level parallelism (TLP) was introduced using multiple processors
on a single chip [90]. The boost in performance obtained by multicore processors took the
performance gainsperformance
to the next level,
gains towhich paved
the next thewhich
level, way for real-time
paved the wayprocessing of AI
for real-time processing of AI
applications. Figure 7 shows the comparison between CPU operations per second
applications. Figure 7 shows the comparison between CPU operations per for sin-
second for single-
gle-core Intel Pentium
core IV 2.4Pentium
Intel GHz and IV Intel Pentium
2.4 GHz IV 2.8
and Intel GHz with
Pentium IV 2.8dual-core
GHz withIntel Pen- Intel Pentium
tium G640T 2.4 GHz G640T[110].
GHz Core
Core 2quad-core provided provided
Extreme quad-core impressive perfor- performance
mance for AI-based forapplications, especially especially
AI-based applications, for gaming foron desktops
gaming [92]. The[92].
on desktops multilevel
The multilevel cache
cache memories also contributed
memories to the deployment
also contributed of AI byofproviding
to the deployment a faster
AI by providing way way
a faster to to access the
access the memorymemory
for hugeforAIhuge
models and large
AI models anddatasets.
large datasets.

Figure 7. Comparison between CPU operations per second for single core and dual core.
Figure 7. Comparison between CPU operations per second for single core and dual core.
The most demanding calculation in CNN computation is the multiply and accumulate
The most demanding calculation
(MAC) operation betweenininputCNNand computation
trained weights,iswhich
the multiply and on multiple
can be performed
accumulate (MAC)data operation between input and trained weights, which can be performed
elements simultaneously to achieve faster execution. To facilitate the NN processing,
on multiple data elements simultaneously
many modern processorsto achieve
feature faster execution.
a special To facilitate
vector instruction set to the
employNN single instruc-
processing, many tion,
modern processors
multiple featureIntel
data (SIMD). a special vector
included instruction
advanced vectorset to employ
extensions, a 256-bit vector
single instruction, (Intel
multiple data (SIMD).
AVX-256), for eachIntel
core,included advanced
which could supportvector extensions,
the processing a 256-single-precision
of eight
(32-bit) floating
bit vector (Intel AVX-256), point
for each (FP)which
core, operations
four double-precision
the processing FPofoperations
eight in a single
instruction. Later, Intel AVX-512 increased the size of the
single-precision (32-bit) floating point (FP) operations or four double-precision FP vector unit to 512 bits, which dou-
bled the FP operations per instruction [111]. Many updated Intel
operations in a single instruction. Later, Intel AVX-512 increased the size of the vector unit Xeon processors, like the
to 512 bits, which Xeon Phi series,
doubled the FPsupported
operations Intel AVX-512
per architecture,
instruction whereupdated
[111]. Many they had Intel
a designated vector
Xeon processors, like the Xeon Phi series, supported Intel AVX-512 architecture, whereScalable Vector
unit per core, as shown in Figure 8 [112]. ARM also launched the ARM
Extension (ASVE) in their modern processors like the ARM Neon [113]. The parallelization
they had a designated vector unit per core, as shown in Figure 8 [112]. ARM also launched
technique is further enhanced by mapping fully connected (FC) and convolution (Conv)
the ARM Scalable Vector Extension (ASVE) in their modern processors like the ARM
layers of NNs into matrix multiplications [114,115]. Figure 9 represents the mapping of
Neon [113]. The parallelization technique is further enhanced by mapping fully connected
FC layers as a matrix-vector multiplication with one input feature map with C × H × W
(FC) and convolution= Input_Channels of
(Conv) layers × NNs
Height into matrixand
× Width multiplications
matrix–matrix [114,115]. Figurefor
multiplication 9 N number of
represents the mapping of FCmaps.
input feature layersFigure
as a matrix-vector multiplication
10 shows the mapping with one of
and arrangement input
a Conv layer onto
C ⨯ H ⨯ W =multiplications.
feature map with matrix–matrix Input_Channels ⨯ Height ⨯ Width and matrix–matrix
Several compatible optimized software libraries were also
multiplication for N number of input feature maps. Figure 10 shows the mapping and
arrangement of a Conv layer onto matrix–matrix multiplications. Several compatible
optimized software libraries were also launched to support matrix multiplication for
DNNs running on these high-performance architectures. Open BLAS (basic linear algebra
subroutines) is for multiple microprocessors like ARM, Intel, and MIPS. Intel also
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 13 of 22

launched to support matrix multiplication for DNNs running on these high-performance

architectures. Open BLAS (basic linear algebra subroutines) is for multiple microprocessors
like ARM, Intel, and MIPS. Intel also developed the Math Kernel Library (MKL) for its
processors [116]. There is another popular deep learning framework, called Caffe, for Intel
Figure 8. Single-instruction
processors [117]. Many multiple-data (SIMD)
tech companies likeoperation.
Facebook and Google
chines 2021, 12, x 14have
of 23 contributed to
optimizing other software technologies for Intel architecture for the flexible implementation
Intel built
of modern DNNs.Xeon Scalable processors specialized in running complex AI architectures
efficiently along with other workloads using the Intel Deep Learning Boost (DL Boost)
library. It extended the Intel AVX-512 with Intel inference boost instructions to optimize
the vector neural network instructions (VNNI) for deep learning inference. This brought
significant performance improvement to image classification, language translation, object
detection, speech recognition, and other AI applications in mobile phones, desktops, and
servers [118]. Intel DL Boost sped up AI processing by a factor of two, as it used a single
int-8 instruction to handle DL convolution, which was previously using three AVX-512
instructions [118]. Previously used 32-bit single-precision FP instructions were converted
to 16-bit integer instructions for training and INT8-bit for the inference of DL models with
negligible loss in accuracy. Memory access is a bottleneck in the processing of DNNs and
also requires a higher order of energy compared to the computational workload [119]. The
lower numerical precision not only led to the reduction of memory bandwidth but also
helped in efficient utilization of cache memories. Furthermore, it also increased the overall
computational throughput [120]. The Intel DL Boost incorporated the brain floating-point
format (bfloat16), which enabled a dynamic range of numerical values using a floating
radix point [121]. The bfloat16 data type is also included in ARM [122] and AMD [123]
Figure 8.multiple-data
Figure 8. Single-instruction multiple-data
(SIMD) operation. (SIMD) operation.

Intel built Xeon Scalable processors specialized in running complex AI architectures

efficiently along with other workloads using the Intel Deep Learning Boost (DL Boost)
library. It extended the Intel AVX-512 with Intel inference boost instructions to optimize
the vector neural network instructions (VNNI) for deep learning inference. This brought
significant performance improvement to image classification, language translation, object
detection, speech recognition, and other AI applications in mobile phones, desktops, and
servers [118]. Intel DL Boost sped up AI processing by a factor of two, as it used a single
int-8 instruction to handle DL convolution, which was previously using three AVX-512
instructions [118]. Previously used 32-bit single-precision FP instructions were converted
to 16-bit integer instructions for training and INT8-bit for the inference of DL models with
negligible loss in accuracy. Memory access is a bottleneck in the processing of DNNs and
also requires a higher order of energy compared to the computational workload [119]. The
lower numerical precision not only led to the reduction of memory bandwidth but also
helped in efficient utilization of cache memories. Furthermore, it also increased the overall
computational throughput [120]. The Intel DL Boost incorporated the brain floating-point
format (bfloat16), which enabled a dynamic range of numerical values using a floating
Figure offully
radix point [121]. The bfloat16 data type is also included in ARM [122] and AMD [123]
microprocessors. Intel built Xeon Scalable processors specialized in running complex AI architectures
efficiently along with other workloads using the Intel Deep Learning Boost (DL Boost)
library. It extended the Intel AVX-512 with Intel inference boost instructions to optimize
the vector neural network instructions (VNNI) for deep learning inference. This brought
significant performance improvement to image classification, language translation, object
detection, speech recognition, and other AI applications in mobile phones, desktops, and
servers [118]. Intel DL Boost sped up AI processing by a factor of two, as it used a single
int-8 instruction to handle DL convolution, which was previously using three AVX-512
instructions [118]. Previously used 32-bit single-precision FP instructions were converted
to 16-bit integer instructions for training and INT8-bit for the inference of DL models with
negligible loss in accuracy. Memory access is a bottleneck in the processing of DNNs and
also requires a higher order of energy compared to the computational workload [119]. The
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 14 of 22

lower numerical precision not only led to the reduction of memory bandwidth but also
helped in efficient utilization of cache memories. Furthermore, it also increased the overall
hines 2021, 12, x 15 of 23
computational throughput [120]. The Intel DL Boost incorporated the brain floating-point
format (bfloat16), which enabled a dynamic range of numerical values using a floating
radix point [121]. The bfloat16 data type is also included in ARM [122] and AMD [123]

of Mapping
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Mapping of convolution
convolution (Conv)
(Conv) layers layers onto
onto matrix matrix multiplication.

As mentioned above, NN computation is highly parallel in nature, whereas the general-

As mentionedpurpose
above, CPUs
NN deal with a wide
computation varietyparallel
is highly of sequential applications,
in nature, whereas the e.g.,gen-
binary search trees,
eral-purpose CPUs deal with a wide variety of sequential applications, e.g., binary search (GPUs), which
data retrieval, string matching, etc. Consequently, graphic processing units
are inherently
trees, data retrieval, parallel,
string matching, etc.became the warehouse
Consequently, graphic for AI processing.
processing Initially, GPUs were
units (GPUs),
used for computer graphics, which is a highly parallel
which are inherently parallel, became the warehouse for AI processing. Initially, GPUs application. The revolution in
the architecture of GPUs enabled its use in general-purpose
were used for computer graphics, which is a highly parallel application. The revolution applications. GPUs work
efficiently for massively parallel algorithms like AI because of the integration of hundreds
in the architecture of GPUs enabled its use in general-purpose applications. GPUs work
(recently, thousands) of cores into one chip [38]. Nvidia realized this potential of GPUs
efficiently for massively parallel algorithms like AI because of the integration of hundreds
and developed a software library called Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
(recently, thousands) of cores into one chip [38]. Nvidia realized this potential of GPUs
along with compatible hardware architectures [38]. The Nvidia V100 architecture has 5120
and developed a software library called Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
× 32-bit floating-point cores and 2560 × 64-bit floating-point cores, whereas the Intel Xeon
along with compatible hardware architectures [38]. The Nvidia V100 architecture has 5120
Phi family includes 64 to 72 general-purpose cores [124], as mentioned in Table 3 [125].
x 32-bit floating-point cores and 2560 x 64-bit floating-point cores, whereas the Intel Xeon
Due to high computing requirements, AlexNet [108] was implemented with GPUs for the
Phi family includes 64 to 72 general-purpose cores [124], as mentioned in Table 3 [125].
processing of 61 million weights and 724 million MAC operations. It led to the evolution of
Due to high computing requirements, AlexNet [108] was implemented with GPUs for the
deeper architecture for convolution networks. A popular DNN called Overfeat adopted
processing of 61 million weights and 724 million MAC operations. It led to the evolution
the architecture of AlexNet but with a greater number of arithmetic operations (2.8 giga
of deeper architecture
MACsfor perconvolution
image) [126].networks.
Another A DNN,
popular DNN called
VGG-16, saw Overfeat
a furtheradopted
increase in the number
the architecture ofof weights
AlexNetand but MACs
with a ofgreater
up tonumber of arithmetic
138 million and 15.5 operations (2.8 giga
giga operations, respectively [127].
MACs per image) The[126]. Anothercomes
GoogLeNet DNN,withVGG-16, saw a further
a 22-layered increase
architecture in an
with theinception
number of module [128] and
weights and MACs it is of up to 138
designed to million
store alland
the 15.5 gigaweights
trained operations,
in a respectively
GPU memory. [127].
GoogLeNet comes with
filters a 22-layered
are architecture
key to extracting withpattern
the useful an inception module
or features of [128] and it
the input is in CNNs, and
designed to store all the trained weights in a GPU memory. The multidimensional
GoogLeNet uses the filter size of 1 × 1 to reduce the number of weights [129]. There filters
are key to extracting
are manythe useful pattern
updated or features
versions of the input
of GoogleLeNet data
with in CNNs,
increased and Goog-
accuracy and corresponding
LeNet uses the filter size of 1 × 1 to
computing cost [130,131]. reduce the number of weights [129]. There are many
updated versions of GoogleLeNet with increased accuracy and corresponding computing
cost [130,131].

Table 3: Comparison of the number of CPU and GPU cores.

Minimum Maximum Tensor CUDA
Processors Processors
Cores Cores Cores Cores
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 15 of 22
Micromachines 2021, 12, x 16 of 23

Table 3. Comparison of the number of CPU and GPU cores.

Intel Core i7, 10th
4 8 Nvidia RTX
Gen CPU -
GPU 4352
AMD Ryzen 4
Minimum 16
Maximum Tensor CUDA
Processors Processors
Intel Core i9, 10th Cores Cores Cores Cores
8 28
Intel Core i7, 10th Gen 4 8 Nvidia
NvidiaV100 640 5120
- 4352
Intel Xeon
RyzenI Gen 44 28
16 RTX 2080
10th II
Gen 8 28 Nvidia
44 56 640 5120
Intel Xeon Plat. I Gen 28 V100
Intel Xeon Plat. II Gen 4 56 Nvidia
NvidiaA100 432 6912
AMD 432 6912
Ryzen 2424 64 A100

ResNet went
ResNet went even
even deeper,
deeper, with
with34 34layers
wasthe first
the one
first to to
one achieve
achieve an
an raterate
error of less thanthan
of less 5% in5%the in ImageNet
the ImageNet challenge. Nvidia’s
challenge. GPU allowed
Nvidia’s GPU allowedthe imple-the
mentation of such complex NNs using popular DL frameworks
implementation of such complex NNs using popular DL frameworks like PyTorch [133], like PyTorch [133], Caffe
Caffe and Tensorflow
and Tensorflow [134][134]
through thetheuseuseof of
CuDNN[135] [135]library.
library. The CuDNN
library belongs to CUDA-X AI [136], which is a collection
library belongs to CUDA-X AI [136], which is a collection of libraries for Nvidiaof libraries for Nvidia GPUs
GPUs to
to accelerate DLDL andand ML.
GPUs(V100 (V100 and
and A100)
A100) [137,138] were built
[137,138] were built
with aa combination
with combination of of traditional
traditional CUDACUDA and and tensor
tensor cores.
cores. The
The tensor
tensor cores
cores specialize
specialize in in
accelerating the
accelerating the large
large mixed-precision
mixed-precisionMatrix MatrixMAC MACoperations
operationsin inaasingle
instruction. The The
pairing CUDA andand tensor
tensor corescores enables
enables the Tesla
the Tesla V100 architecture
V100 architecture to deliver to 120
TFLOPs 120
TFLOPs for DL [137]. The Nvidia A100 GPU enhanced the performance
for DL [137]. The Nvidia A100 GPU enhanced the performance by increasing the number by increasing the
of of cores
cores (see Table(see Table
3) and 3) and supporting
supporting numericalnumerical
formats like formats
INT4, like
and TF32,
others.and oth-
ers. Tensor
format TF32format
is a new TF32 is a new
format format to32-bit
to accelerate accelerate 32-bit floating-point
floating-point instructionsinstructions
up to 10 times up
to 10 times
faster than thefaster
V100than the floating-point
32-bit V100 32-bit floating-point
instruction ininstruction
DL DL frameworks.
This was further This
was further
improved 2×improved
by adding2⨯ by adding
a new featureaofnew feature
sparsity of sparsity
in tensor coresin[138].
tensorThe cores
A100 [138]. The
A100 sparsity
pruned pruned
the trained the trained
weights with the weights with the
supported sparsesupported
pattern sparse
and bypattern
makingand by mak-
an efficient
ing an efficient
hardware hardware
architecture architecture
to process to process
the trained weightsthe trained
[138]. weights [138].
Recently, technology
Recently, technology has has been
been heading
heading towards
towards aa dedicated
dedicated hardware
hardware platform
platform for for
application-specificAI AIprocessing.
processing.Many ManyDNN DNNaccelerators
accelerators have
havebeen proposed
been proposed andandimple-
plemented on FPGAs
on FPGAs [139] andand
[139] ASIC ASIC[40–42] andand
[40–42] are usually
are usuallybased on aon
based spatial architecture,
a spatial architec-
as shown
ture, in Figure
as shown 11. 11.
in Figure TheThespatial
architecture is is
designedusing usingdataflow
through aa connected
connected arrayarray ofof processing
(PEs)(a (acombination
combinationof ofALU
ALUand anditsits local
memory). This two-dimensional
two-dimensional (2D) interconnection
interconnection of PEs facilitates the reuse
reuse of of the
data to
to reduce
reduce thethe frequency
frequency of of memory
memory access access and
and increase
increase thethe parallel
parallel computation.
computation. The The
data from the the memory
memory can flow left to right and top to bottom through the array of PEs.
The PEs
PEs are
are assigned
assigned to to perform
perform MAC MAC operations
operations on on the
the coming
coming datadata inin aa specific
specific manner
depending on the dataflow
depending on the dataflow technique. technique.

Figure 11. Hardware

Figure 11. Hardware block
block diagram
diagram showing
showing the
the generic
generic structure
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 16 of 22

The data-handling techniques in a spatial architecture can be classified as:

• Weight Stationary (WS): The weights are kept fixed in PEs while inputs flow through
the array of PEs with the movement of partial sums. An example includes neu-
Flow [140] and others [43,141].
• Output Stationary (OS): The accumulation of partial sums is kept constant in PEs
to minimize the energy consumption of reading and writing partial sums while
broadcasting the inputs and weights to the array of PEs just like in ShiDianNao [142].
• No Local Reuse (NLR): Nothing stays stationary, as the local memory for PEs is
eliminated to reduce the area requirement. For instance, DianNao [143] has an
NLR dataflow.
• Row Stationary (RS): It aims to minimize the memory access cost by reusing all types
of data (weights, inputs, and partial sums) by mapping the rows of convolution
on PEs for each sliding window. Eyeriss [144] is one of the accelerators based on
RS architecture.
The highlight among all these is an industrial platform called Tensor Processing Unit
(TPU), developed by Google. The first TPU was deployed in the Google data center in
2015 [43]. It consisted of systolic arrays of PEs designed for WS dataflow that resembles 2D
SIMD architecture. It was followed by another TPU that could process both the training
and inference of DNNs in the data center [145]. Later, Google also launched its “edge TPU”
for inference in Internet of Things (IoT) applications [146].

5. Future Roadmap and Challenges

In the past decade, AI has grown rapidly in its performance and range of applications.
It has affected every industry and every human directly or indirectly. Many real-life
applications have integrated AI into their functionalities to give exceptional benefits. Still,
we are at the beginning of AI in many practical fields. As observed by the current trend in
higher accuracy afforded by DNNs, AI algorithms will continue to go deeper into neural
structure to attain the capabilities of the human brain to precisely handle critical tasks [147].
Many companies like Apple and Google have huge budgets dedicated to the progress of
AI, and academic institutions are also recognizing AI as a distinct field of learning [148].
In this scenario, AI is expected to progress in new and more innovative directions. AI has
already given a tremendous boost to several upcoming fields like IoT, big data, autonomous
vehicles, and intelligent robotics, and it will continue to drive these technologies in the
future. The ongoing revolution of AI will only see an improved uptake in the near future.
Computing capabilities have always been a challenge to the progress of AI. The main
focus is on hardware platforms to manage sufficient resources that will be able to fulfill
the growing demands of AI. Most of the progress in microprocessors to date has been due
to a reduction in transistor size (courtesy of Moore’s Law), but it has already deviated
from the predicted performance path, as thermal issues become unavoidable after a certain
clock limit. Still, microchips are designed on a very thin layer of silicon wafer, but there
some ideas revolving around the three-dimensional structure of microchips to increase the
efficiency of microprocessors [149]. Along with benefiting high performance, this concept
raises many thermal and interconnectivity issues that researchers need to address before its
successful adoption. In other words, microprocessors will prevail with the current trends
in architecture for another decade. At the same time, we cannot deny the possibility of
novel techniques like quantum computing and molecular computing to change the design
of future microchips [150].
Microprocessors have also attained a new level of performance and efficiency due
to various parallelization and vector processing techniques that proved to be a driving
tool for AI. Considering the limitation of parallel hardware in microprocessors and the
deviation from Moore’s Law, it is predicted that the next generation computers will be
based on microprocessors working along with highly specialized accelerators dedicated to
processing power-hungry AI algorithms. The current research field of AI accelerators will
continue to grow and evolve with more advanced trends to make finely tuned accelerators
Micromachines 2021, 12, 665 17 of 22

for AI [151]. TPUs are a successful example of application-specific hardware, but it will
take some time to adapt the application-specific approach to smart computers, mobile
phones, and other embedded applications.
There were huge expectations from AI to change the shape of daily lives, but privacy
and security issues are now becoming a major concern in the contemporary era of IoT
and big data. There are already hackers out there attacking sensitive industries and
data [152,153]. These attacks are expected to increase with the deeper penetration of AI in
society through the adoption of smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent industrial
machines. To increase trust in machine intelligence, there is a need for high-performance
hardware-enhanced secure technologies. Overall, looking at the evolution of AI since the
1950s, it can be foreseen that the AI field will surmount all these challenges and evolve
further in the future with the help from the increasing capabilities of microprocessors.

6. Conclusions
The idea of artificial intelligence was initiated way before the birth of microprocessors.
For the first 30 years, most AI work was at the algorithmic level. The advent of micropro-
cessors created the need for AI machines, but AI was simultaneously evolving in different
directions, and this sluggish progress in the initial years made scientists lose interest in
its widespread acceptance. Thus, AI has seen many downfalls during its evolution, but
every time it has risen again with new hope and promise. In parallel, the microproces-
sor was progressing with its dynamics governed by Moore’s Law and MOS technology.
The advancements in microprocessor architecture significantly improved its performance
and efficiency. The introduction of RISC architecture, superscalar, deep pipelining, and
multicore designs gave an exponential boost to the computing power of microprocessors.
AI developers soon realized the available computing capability and started to make in-
roads with machine learning, deep learning and associated datasets. After witnessing
the promising results of AI in various applications, microprocessors started supporting
AI by amending their architecture in such a manner that they could execute the complex
algorithms of AI efficiently for different tasks in the form of SIMD, GPUs, and TPUs. Since
then, the two fields, computer architecture and AI, have complimented each other, as mi-
croprocessors have adopted different techniques to fuel the growing demands of complex
AI models. This confluence between both fields brings AI to every home and industry
through PCs, smart gadgets, and other embedded platforms. It can be safely predicted
that AI and microprocessor architecture will continue to evolve together in the future with
new topologies and dedicated accelerators to deal with challenges like data security and
information complexity of data-intensive applications like big data.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.A.P. and S.M.; methodology, F.H.K., M.A.P. and S.M.;
writing—original draft preparation, F.H.K., M.A.P. and S.M.; writing—review and editing, F.H.K.,
M.A.P. and S.M.; supervision, M.A.P. and S.M.; All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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