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Some of the key takeaways from the text are that globalization has accelerated in recent decades due to factors like improved technology, transportation and trade. Globalization can benefit newly industrialized countries by allowing them to build factories and sell products internationally.

Some of the main causes of economic globalization mentioned are growth of global trading blocs, liberalization of international trade and the global trade cycle. Examples given include the 30-fold increase in worldwide exports over 60 years and the rise in foreign direct investment from $13 billion to over $1.8 trillion annually.

Examples of political globalization given include issues like climate change and financial crises that require international cooperation. Broader international groups like the EU and G20 are also examples mentioned.

Name: Denise P.

Section: I-BA2

Assignment 1: What is Globalization?

Watch the video clip defining this concept and use the information presented to answer
the questions below. 5 pts. each question.

TED-Ed “What is Globalization?”

1. What are some causes of globalization?

Globalization is not a new phenomenon. The world economy has become increasingly
interdependent/ interconnected for a long time. However, in recent decades, the process
of globalization has accelerated; this is due to a variety of factors, but important ones
include improved trade, increased labour, capital mobility, and improved technology.

Main reasons that have caused globalization.

● Technology
● Containerization
● Multinational Companies
● Reduce tariff barriers
● Improved transportation
● Labour mobility
● Capital Mobility
● Growth of global trading blockings
● Global trade cycle
● Liberalization of International Trade

2. What is an example and effect of economic globalization?

1. Example: Worldwide Exports/ International Exports.

Effect: Increased 30-fold in the last 60 years.

2. Example: The foreign direct investment of companies and governments.

Effect: Increased its risen from 13 billion dollars per year in 1970 to more than 1.80
trillion today.

3. Example: MNC or Multinational Corporation.

Effect: Many companies are searching for new markets and opportunities for cheap
production in countries with low wages and soft environmental regulations the number
of such multinational corporations rose from 7,000 to 65,000 since the 1990s.

3. What is an example and effect of political globalization?

1. Example: Climate Change and Financial Crisis or Terrorism.

Effect: They do not care about borders such problems cannot be solved by a single state

2. Example: Broader Group of Countries

Effect: Politics tries to react by attempting to make decisions in broader groups of

countries like the EU (European Union), The G20 (Group of 20 finance ministers and
central bank governors), even the united nation organization 193 nation at the same
time, there are more and more international pressure groups which do not belong to 4
particular states, these so-called NGO or Non- Governmental Organizations are able to
exert influence in politics related to their field of work.

4. What is an example and effect of cultural globalization?

1. Example: Mik World.

Effect: The term describes how western culture especially popular culture becomes
dominant and destroys cultural diversity in the global distribution of western music
news products and even the English language promotes.

2. Example: To counter globalization to see backlash.

Effect: People are increasingly returning to local and regional cultural customs,
globalization is a very complex development some countries benefit more others benefit
less newly industrialized countries like Taiwan and South Korea as well as the rapidly
developing India, Brazil, and China gained considerable advantage from their
integration into the world economy they can build up their factories with foreign direct
investment and infrastructure and sell their products internationally due to low wages
in these countries, these products are very competitive on the world market.
5. According to the video, who benefits from globalization? Explain your

Globalization is a very complex development some countries benefit more others benefit
less newly industrialized countries like Taiwan, and South Korea as well as the rapidly
developing India, Brazil and China gained considerable advantage from their integration
into the world economy they can build up their factories with foreign. Furthermore,
Globalization is both a threat and an opportunity for industrialized countries on the one
hand they can acquire new markets for their industrial goods on the other hand they are
facing the competition of new industrialized countries that can produce simple goods is
no longer profitable and very few products like textile, toys, or white goods are still
produced in industrialized countries. In addition, Globalization takes place at many
areas such as politics, culture, and the economy declining costs of transport and
communication and the global liberalization of markets have fueled this trend while
some countries benefit from globalization it is exacerbated problems of others thus
globalization present both new opportunities and new challenges.

6. According to the video, who is challenged by the effects of


The term globalization is all around us sometimes as an opportunity or sometimes is a

new challenge but what exactly does globalization mean. Even though the term
globalization is frequently used it is not easy to define, one thing is clear in today’s world
economic environmental social and political issues and problems are no longer limited
to the national level, because the world has become so interdependent reasonable
governance can only be realized with broader groups of stakeholders.

Some of the hurdles companies face when going global include:

1. International Recruiting
2. Incurring Tariffs and Export Fees
3. Payroll and Compliance Challenges
4. Loss of Cultural Identity
5. Foreign Worker Exploitation
6. Global Expansion Difficulties

7. After watching this video, how would you define globalization?

The official definition of “globalization” is the process by which businesses or other

organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international
scale. Globalization is an established part of the modern world, so most of us do not
realize the benefits it brings to our everyday lives—such as easy access to a variety of
different cuisines or new technologies developed by countries half a world away. Even
though globalization makes our lives better, it does bring some challenges as companies
start to grow and expand across borders. Cultural differences around the world are
undeniable. These differences create hurdles for businesses entering foreign markets
and necessitate changes to their daily business operations, whether it is employing
workers in a new region or communicating the value of their product to a new audience.

More simply, globalization refers to an open flow of information, technology, and goods
among countries and consumers. This openness occurs through various relationships,
from business, geopolitics, and technology to travel, culture, and media. Because the
world is already so connected, most people do not notice globalization at work every
single day. But the world is getting smaller, and companies need to understand what
this means for the future of doing business. Companies that do not embrace
globalization risk losing a competitive advantage, which allows other businesses to take
over new opportunities in the global marketplace.

8. When you think about your life, how have you benefited from
globalization? Explain.

According to a new study measuring the gains brought about by globalization,

everybody wins — especially those in industrialized countries. Yet the gains are unevenly
distributed, both between and within countries. In today’s world, globalization is an
important concept for students like me or in higher education to understand and
appreciate because of the demand in business and industry to hire people who can
collaborate with people of other nations and cultures and if necessary, can travel
independently internationally to promote their business or industry. In addition, the
world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups to solve these
challenges; providing access to clean water for everyone on this planet and making clean
renewable energy affordable just to name a few. These global challenges will need to be
solved through the gathering and sharing of knowledge across disciplines, institutions,
and other entities institutions on a global scale. Creating meaningful relationships that
work globally is in itself challenging. In this chapter, we will look at global challenges,
the makeup of model collaborative international teams; the importance of teaching
globalization in higher education, how to best teach globalization, and discuss best
practices in this area.
Resource: from my notes that I’ve watch about “What is globalization”
Have you seen or experienced any negative consequences of globalization?
Essay Rubric
A student:
● provides a comprehensive examination of the significance of people and/or
● presents coherent and sophisticated conclusions through the use of relevant
evidence from a range of sources
● provides thorough analysis and interpretation of different types of sources for
evidence to support a historical account or argument
● develops a sophisticated and well-structured response, supported by relevant
and accurate historical knowledge, concepts, and terms
● provides a thorough examination of the significance of people and/or events
● presents coherent conclusions through the use of relevant evidence from a
range of sources
● provides analysis and interpretation of different types of sources for evidence to 4
support an historical account or argument
● develops a well-structured response, supported by relevant historical
knowledge, concepts and terms
● provides a sound examination of the significance of people and/or events
● presents sound conclusions through the use of evidence from sources
● provides a sound analysis of sources 3
● develops a structured response, supported by relevant historical knowledge,
concepts, and terms
● makes general statements about the significance of people and/or events
● displays some use of sources for evidence
● provides basic analysis of sources 2
● presents a basic response using some historical knowledge, concepts, and
● provides a limited description of a chosen area of study
● may identify a historical concept
● makes minimal use of sources
● presents limited information through simple statements

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