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History and Generations of Computers

1. 2600 B.C.-Abacus in China
2. (1614-1617)-John Napier (Napier Bones)
3. 1500-Leonardo Da Vinci is now given credit for building the first mechanical calculator around.
4. 1642-Blaise Pascal (Pascal Calculator with 8-digit capacity)
5. 1800-Joseph Marie Jacquard (automatic Jacquard Looms)
6. 1822-Charles Babbage (Difference Engine). Augusta Ada Byron (1st computer programmer), worked with Babbage and
created a first program for the Analytical Engine.
7. 1834-Charles Babbage (Analytical engine).
8. 1836-Morse Code by Samuel Morse (US) - Morse developed a system of dots and dashes to help send telegraphs over
long distance wire.
9. 1840-George Boole invented Boolean algebra. Claude E. Shannon recognized its relevance to electronics design.
10. 1857-Sir Charles Wheatstone (the inventor of the accordion) introduced the first application of paper tapes as a medium
for the preparation, storage, and transmission of data.
11. 1868-The first practical typewriting machine was commercially successful, invented by three American Christopher
Latham Sholes (also the father of modern Keyboard), Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule.
12. 1890-Herman Hollerith (Tabulating Machine).Data was entered on punched cards and could be sorted according to the
census requirements.
13. 1911- Charles Ranlett Flint founded” Computing-Tabulating-Rec ording company (CTR)” and was renamed "International
Business Machines" in 1924.
14. 1926- Dr. Julius Edgar Lilienfeld from New York filed for a patent on a transistor.
15. (1936-1938)-Konrad Zuse, completes the 1st general purpose programmable Computer (Z1).
16. 1942-Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First electronic digital computer)
17. 1944-Concived by Howard Aiken (Harvard Mark 1) designed by IBM.
18. (1943-1946)-E NIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) is developed by J. Presper Eckert and John
Mauchly. It was the first general purpose Electronic computer (Based on Decimal numbers).
19. 1947-The transistor is developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories.
20. (1946-1949)-EMCC (Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company) the First computer company.
21. 1949-EDVAC (Electronic discrete variable automatic computer) unlike the predecessor, it was binary rather than decimal
and was a stored program computer. Idea of stored program was given by Jon Von Neumann.
22. 1949-EDSAC(Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)-Maurice Wilkes(first fully stored computer based on
23. 1951-UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was release which was the world’s first commercial computer.
24. 1959-Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor both announce the integrated circuit (Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce).
25. 1962-Ivan Sutherland demonstrates a program called Sketchpad (makes engineering drawings with a light pen) on a TX-
2 mainframe at MIT’s Lincoln Labs
26. 1964-The IBM 360 is introduced and quickly becomes the standard institutional mainframe computer.
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27. 1964-Douglas Engelbart invented first mouse.

28. 1968-Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce founded a company called Intel.
29. 1971-Intel introduces a 1K RAM chip and the 4004 (first processor), a 4-bit microprocessor.
30. 1972-Intel introduced 8008, an 8-bit processor.
31. 1972-Gary Kildall writes PL/M (Programming Language for Microcomputers), the first high-level programming language
for the Intel Microprocessor.
32. 1975-Paul Allen and Bill Gates develop BASIC for the Altair 8800. Microsoft is born!!!
33. 1976-Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found in Southern California.
34. 1980-Microsoft is approached by IBM to develop BASIC for its personal computer project. The IBM PC is released in
August, 1981.
35. 1981-First Laptop was introduced by Adam Osborne and the company EPSON manufactured first laptop.
36. 1984-The First Apple Macintosh, featuring a simple graphical interface using the 8-MHz, 32-bit Motorola 68000 CPU and
a built-in 9-inch B/W screen.

Generations of Computers

First Generation (1945-1955)

1. Vacuum Tubes invented

2. Magnetic Drum for memory
3. Works on 4000 bits
S ec ond Generation (1955-1965)

1. Transistors invented by J. Bardeen, H.W. Brattain and W. Shockley

2. Magnetic Core was used for primary storage
3. 32,000 bits
4. IBM 700/7000, 7094, 1401, IBM 650, ATLAS, CDC (Control data Corporation) 1604, 3600, NCR (National cash
Third Generation (1965-1971)

1. IC (Integrated circuits) invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

2. 128,000 bits
3. Multiprogramming
4. Keyboard, Monitor
5. IBM 360, 370, PDP (Programmed Data Processor) 8, 11, UNIVAC AC9000
Fourth Generation (1971-1990)

2. 100 Million bits
3. Microprocessor (4004)
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4. Time sharing, Real time, Distributed and Networks OS were introduced

5. Apple Macintosh, IBM PC, SUN SPARC, STAR 1000
Fif th Generation (1990-Till Date)

2. Robotics, Neural Networks, Expert System
3. Parallel Processing
4. HVD Technique
5. Advancement of Supercomputing
6. Laptop, Desktop, Notebook, Ultrabook, Chromebook

Types of computers

A nalog computer introduced by Lord Kelvin. Numerical data are represented by measurable physical variables such as
electrical voltage (Analog format). A thermometer is a simple analog computer.

Digital c omputer that accepts and process data in the form of numbers and all the character are converted into binary code
0, 1 (Discrete Value). Example Digital Watch.
Hy brid computer used the combined feature of analog and digital machine. you can see hybrid computer in geological
Mic rocomputer these are small relatively inexpensive computer designed for personal and office use. It has lowest storing
and processing speed. These can be laptop or desktop.
Minicomputer powerful as compare to microcomputer it has higher memory provide faster operating speeds and large
storage capacities than microcomputers. It can be used as a server and capable of supporting from 2 to 200 users.
Mainframe computer it has very memory and processing speed and used as a server (can support thousands of users).
S uper computer can be used for complex type of application i.e. specific research, weather forecasting, Weapon designing
S ervers are dedicated computers that serve the needs or request of other programs or computer.
Work stations serve usually one user only.
I nf ormation appliances are computers specially designed to perform a specific "user-friendly" function—such as playing

music, photography.
A n embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger system

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Computer Hardware

All the physical componen0ts that grouped and form a complete system are known as hardware. Example: - Motherboard,
RAM, ROM, Hard disk, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. I P OS Cycle: - Input Process Output Storage
S y stem Unit: The system unit is the case that contains all the electronic components related to processing of any computer
system. A system unit includes the following parts:
1. Motherboard: The circuit board that holds the main internal components of the computer together.
2. Microprocessor: Microprocessor or brain of the computer is also known as CPU. The CPU controls information and tells

the other components inside the computer what to do. CU and ALU along with registers form a complete CPU.

3. B uses: A bus is a subsystem that is used to connect computer components and transfer data between them. There are
three types of buses – Address bus, Data bus and control bus.
4. P orts: Ports are connecting socket outside the system into which different types of cables are plugged.
5. Memory: RAM, ROM

6. Cards: Sound card, Video card, NIC card

I nput Devices: In computing, Input device is a peripheral used to provide data or control signal to system for processing.
Examples: - Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Light pen, Stylus, Scanner, Joystick, OMR, OCR, MICR, BCR, QR, WEBCAM,
Biometric, Touch pad, Microphone, Pen tab.
K ey board One of the primary input devices used to input data and commands . Alphabet (A – Z, a - z), Number keys(0-9),
Function key (F1 to F12), Modifier keys (Ctrl, ALT, Shift), Toggle keys (Caps lock, num -lock, Scroll lock), Navigation keys
(Arrow keys, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down), Indentation key (Tab key), Special symbols (!, @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] \ {
} | ; ’ : ” , . / <> ? )
Keyboards are connected to the computer through USB or Bluetooth. Keyboard can be use in GUI and CUI. 104 Key in
Standard keyboards. 17 keys in Number pad.
Mous e It is a pointing device to point out any object on screen. It can be used only in CUI, not in GUI.
Ty pes of mouse - 1. Mechanical Mouse 2. Optical mouse (Wired and Wireless)
Track ball It is also a pointing device that can be used instead of mouse. Now as days it is used in mobiles to control the
Light P en It is also a pointing device. It can be used for digital signature. It can work with any CRT based monitors.

S t ylus It is a pen-shaped input device used to write or draw on the screen of a graphic tablet or device.

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S c anner: - Scanner is an input device that reads an image and converts it into a digital file. A scanner is connected to a
computer through USB. There are different types of scanners:
Flatbed scanner – uses a flat surface to scan documents.
S heet fed scanner – like a laser printer where paper is fed into the scanner.
Handheld scanner – the scanner is dragged over the page to be scanned
J oystick A joystick is an input device commonly used to control video games. Joysticks consist of a base and a stick that can
be moved in any direction. The stick can be moved slowly or quickly and in diff erent amounts.
OMR Optical mark recognition (also called optical mark reading and OMR) is the process of capturing human-marked data
from document forms such as surveys and tests. They are used to read questionnaires, multiple choice examination paper in

the form of lines or shaded areas.

MI CR Magnetic ink character recognition code, known in short as MI CR code, is a character recognition technology used
mainly by the banking industry to streamline the processing and clearance of cheques and other documents.
OCR Optical character recognition (OCR) software works with your scanner to convert printed characters into digital text.
B CR A Barcode reader or Barcode scanner is an electronic device which is able to scan and decode barcodes. These
devices use optical technology such as infrared light.
QR A QR code (short for "quick response" code) is a type of barcode that contains a matrix of dots. It can be scanned using
a QR scanner or a smartphone with built-in camera. Once scanned, software on the device converts the dots within the code
into numbers or a string of characters.
Touc h pad A touchpad or trackpad is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the
motion and position of a user's fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is made output to the screen.
Mic rophone It is used to convert sound waves into electric waves or input the audio into computers. It captures audio by
converting sound waves into an electrical signal, which may be a digital or analog signal.
P en t ab A graphics tablet (also known as a digitizer, drawing tablet, drawing pad, digital drawing tablet, pen tablet, or digital
art board) enables a user to hand draw images, animations and graphics, with a special pen-like stylus, similar to the way a

person draws images with a pencil and paper.

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Out put Devices

An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into
human-readable form. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio, and video. Some of the output devices
are Visual Display Units i.e. a Monitor, Printer, projector, Plotters, Speakers etc.
It is known as standard output device. The monitor displays video and graphics information, user
interface and other programs, allowing the user to interact with the computer.
Ty pes of monitors:
CRT (cathode ray tube), TFT (thin film transistor), LCD (Liquid crystal display), LED (Light emitting display)
Ty pes of monitor based on colours
1. Monochrome (black and white)
2. Colour
CGA (Colour Graphics Adapter): 4color/resolution 320*320
E GA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter): 16 colour/resolution 640*350
V GA (Video Graphics Array): 256 colour/resolution 640*480

X GA (Extended Graphics Array): 65536 colour/resolution 800*600 and 1024*768

S V GA (Super Video Graphics Array): 16,777,216 colour/resolution 1280*1024

P rinter
It is an output device and used to convert the soft copy to hard copy.
Ty pes of P rinters

1. I mpact printer
Use hammer and ribbon, strikes the paper directly.
Daisy wheel, Dot matrix, and Line printers are the examples of impact printer.
2. Non-Impact printer
Does not use hammer and ribbon for printing, also does not strikes the directly.
Inkjet, laser and thermal printers are he examples of impact printer.
Ty pes of printers based on c olours:
Monochrome (black and white)

COLOURS [C-Cyan M-Magenta Y -Yellow K -Key (Black)]

P lotter
A plotter can be used to produce high quality, accurate and bigger drawings.
Generally plotters are used in CAD, CAM applications such as house maps
banners, hoardings and car parts etc.

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P rojector and s peakers are also examples of output devices. Projectors gives us an output in the f orm of light and speakers
giv e us s ound f ormat.

M emory Unit and Management

0 or 1 1 Bits
4 B its 1 Nibble
8 bit s 1 byte
1024 B yte 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1024 K B 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB 1 GB (Giga Byte)
1024 GB 1 TB (Tera Byte)
1024 TB 1 PB (Peta Byte)
1024 P B 1 EB (Exa Byte)
1024 X B 1 ZB (Zeta Byte)
1024 ZB 1 YB (Yota Byte)
1024 Y B 1 BB (Bronto Byte)
1024 B B 1 Geop Byte

Primary Memory Secondary Memory

• Primary storage is also known as Memory or • Secondary storage is also known as

Main Memory or internal memory. Secondary memory or auxiliary memory or
external memory.
• From here data is directly accessed by CPU. • From CPU cannot access the data from here.
• Very Fast in the comparison of secondary • Very slow in the comparison of primary
storage. storage.
• Holds the data and the instructions that the • Holds the data and instructions that the
computer is working on right now computer has access to when it need them
• Holds the data and the instructions that the • It determines that how many programs and
computer is working on right now data can be stored permanently.

P rimary Memory

Random A ccess Memory (RAM), allows the computer to store data for immediate manipulation and to keep track of what is
currently being processed. RA M is referred to as v olatile memory and is lost when the power is turned off. It also known as
read/write memory as information can be read from and written onto it. The two main types of RAM are Static RAM and
Dynamic RAM.
S RA M stands for Static Random-Access Memory. SRAM is Fast and flip-flop is used to store data. In SRAM retains data as
long as power is provided to the memory chip and need not be refreshed periodically.

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The data on DRA M stands for Dynamic Random-Access Memory. DRAM is Slow and use transistor for controlling and
capacitors for storage. DRAM continually refreshed to maintain the data.

Read-only memory (ROM)is non-volatile and the permanent memory. BIOS (Basic input/Output system) stored in ROM.
The types of ROM include PROM, EPROM and EEPROM. P ROM- (programmable read-only memory) is a memory chip on
which data can be written only once.
The difference between a PROM and a ROM is that a PROM is manufactured as blank memory, whereas a ROM is
programmed during the manufacturing process.
E P ROM - (erasable programmable read-only memory)is a special type of PROM that can be erased by
exposing it to ultraviolet light. That’s why it is also known as UVEPROM.
E E P ROM - (electrically erasable programmable read only memory). EEPROM can be erased by exposing it to an electrical

S ec ondary Memory SASD - Sequential Access storage device – Data can be accessed in sequential manner (Magnetic
Tape)DASD/RASD - Direct/Random Access storage device – Data can be access directly or randomly manner. Magnetic
Dis k – Floppy (1.44 MB), Hard disk Opt ical Memory – CD (ROM, Recordable, Rewritable) – 700 MB approximate.DVD
(Digital Versatile/Video disc) – 4.7 GB Approximate.

BRD (Blu-Ray Disc) – 25GB in Single layered, 50GB in double layered.

HVD (Holographic Disc) – 3.9 TB for users and 6TB for scientists.

Flash memory (Electronic Non-Volatile memory) – Pen drive and memory card.

There are two types of memory cards MMC card and SD card. MMC for Multimedia card and SD stands for Secure digital
card used now a days.

SD cards are of four types: SDSC(secure digital standard capacity), SDHC (secure digital high capacity), SDXC (secure
digital extended capacity), SDUC (secure digital ultra-capacity).

V irtual Memory - To load an application or to perform some task the extra memory (apart from RAM)that is borrow from Hard
disk, is known as virtual memory or extended RAM.

Cac he Memory - Cache is a very high speed, expensive memory. Cache is used to speed up the memory retrieval process.
The idea of introducing cache is that this extremely fast memory would store data that is frequently accessed. It works
between Main memory and CPU.

Computer Software

Dat a – Data is a raw information or unprocessed information. I nformation – Information is a meaningful data or a processed
data, or we can say that after processing data is converted into information. P rograms – Collection of instruction or

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commands. S oftware – Collection of programs to performs some specific task.There are two types of softwares: System
softwares and Application Softwares

S y stem software provides a base platform to execute and development different types of other programs. It is designed to
control the operations and resources of computer and co-ordinate all hardware. Examples:- Operating system, BIOS,
Linker and Loader, Language translators, Utility software. Language t ranslators - Assembler, compiler, Interpreter. Ut ility
S of tware - Utility Softwares are used to enhance the performance of a system and devices. Examples: - Antivirus, Data
backup software, Desktop cleaner, Disk cleanup, Firewall, File management tools, Compression software, Disk
Defragmenter, Device Driver, etc.

A n application software is designed and developed for the users to perform some specific tasks like writing a letter, listening
to music or seeing any video. For all these requirements there required a specific software for each type and that specific
software that is designed for some specific purpose.

Word P rocessors–MS Word, Word pad, Word star, Corel WordPerfect, Google Docs.

Dat abase S oftware –MS Access, FileMaker, dBase, Clipper, MySQL, FoxPro.

Web B rowsers – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera.

Multimedia Software – Adobe Photoshop, Picasa, VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player.

Mailing S oftware – MS Outlook.

P resentation S oftware –MS Power point.

S preadsheet Software – MS Excel, Lotus 123.

Firmware - It is actually a permanent software which is embedded in the system’s read-only memory. It is essentially a set of
instructions which are permanently stored onto to the hardware device. Some of the examples of firmware are: BIOS etc.

Freeware - These softwares are available free of cost. A user can easily download them from the internet and can easily use
them without paying any charges or fees. However, they don’t provide any type of liberty to modify the entire software or
charging a fixed fee for its distribution.

S hareware - This software is distributed freely to users on a fixed trial basis. It generally comes with a set time limit, and on
the expiration of the time limit, the user is finally asked to pay a fixed fee for the continued services.

Open S ource softwares - Such types of software are usually available to users along with their source code which means
that the user can easily modify and distribute the software as well as add additional features to them. They can either be
chargeable or free.

Tailor made/ B espoke/ custom s oftwares - Tailor Made Software also known as custom software is software that is specially
developed for some specific organization or other user.
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Operating System
Operating system is an example of System software. It is a collection of
integrated programs that is used to control the resources of computer
system, this is why it is also known as the resource controller of our
system. It works as an interface between user and hardware.

Function of OS:
• Process Management • Messaging service
• Device management • Error detection
• Memory management • Security
• File management • Command interpretation

WI N (In short)means Windows. WI NDOWS – Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution. Inbuilt
web browser is Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge is browser for Windows 10.Lis t of Windows Operating S ystem

Windows 1.0, Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, Windows NT 3.1 – 3.5, Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
98,Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Mac intosh OS - The full form of Mac is Macintosh Operating system.First version of macOS was known as Classical Mac
OS .It was designed by product of A pple in 1984.Inbuilt web browser is S af ari. Some examples of Mac OS are Cheetah,
puma, jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, lion, mountain lion, mavericks, Yosemite, EI -Capitan, sierra, high

sierra, Mojave, Cat alina (latest), Big Sur (To be announced).

A ndroid It is associated with Google. It is an open s ource operating s ystem. First version was released on Sept
2008.Name of android OS are cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice cream sandwich, Jelly bean,
KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo, Pie, Android 10 Q.

LI NUX It was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991.It is not associated with any company. It is an open source operating
system. It is highly secured operating system. Some Linux based operating systems are – Ubuntu. Mint, fedora, redhat,
CentOS, OPENSUSE, gentoo, Debian, Mandriva, Slackware etc.

UNI X - Old name of UNIX is UNI CS . Full form of UNIX or UNICS is “Unilpexed information and computing system”. Unix
is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems. Unix was developed in the 1971 at the Bell Labs
research center by K en Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and other. Some examples of Unix based OS are - Microsoft/SCO
Xenix, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, Oracle Solaris, Tru64 UNIX, Apple Darwin, FreeBSD(Berkeley Software
Distribution),NetBSD etc.

MS – DOS – Mic rosoft disk operating system by (Microsoft). It is c ommand line operating system. It is S ingle user and
s ingle tasking Operating system.Microsoft renamed it PC-DOS (the IBM version) and MS-DOS (the Microsoft version).

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Ty pes of Operating systems

B at ch Operating s ystem - These are oldest system. To speed up the processing, operator batches together jobs with
similar needs and ran them through the computer as a group. If one job is fully executed, then only another job will be
executed. In batch processing no any prioritization of job is used. Example – Payroll system, Banking system etc.
Multiprogramming Operating system There are one or more jobs loaded into memory which are ready to executed. In
multiprogramming CPU never sits idle. Multiprogramming increase CPU utilization.
Time sharing / multitasking operating system It is a logical extension of multiprogramming. Main objective to use
multitasking is to minimize response time. Time is shared to execute a particular job. Examples; Unix, windows, Linux
Multiprocessing operating system Multiprocessor Operating System refers to the use of two or more central processing
units (CPU) within a single computer system. These multiple CPUs are in a close communication sharing the comput er
bus, memory and other peripheral devices. It is used to increase throughput of system. Economical of scale.
Real t ime operating systemThe real-time operating system used for a real-time application means for those applications
where data processing should be done in the fixed and small quantum of time.

Ty pes of Real-Time Operating System

1) S oft Real-Time System: Example are a digital camera, mobile phones, etc.
2) Hard Real-Time System: Examples are Airbag control in cars, anti-lock brake, engine control system, etc.Net work
Operating systemNetwork Operating System is an operating system that includes special functions for connecting
computers and devices into a local-area network (LAN) or Inter-network. Short form of Network Operating system is
NOS. Novell Netware, Windows NT/2000, Linux, Sun Solaris, UNIX, and IBM OS/2.

Computer Programming Languages

What is a Programming Language?

A set of words, symbols and codes used to write programs is called programming language. A programming language is a
language that is designed to be used (read and written) by humans to create programs that can be executed by computers.
In other words, we can say that programming languages provides the way so that the users may interact with the computer
to give it commands and instructions to perform certain tasks.

A lgorithm - Algorithm is step by step description that the program must perform to arrive the solution.

Flowchart - A graphical representation of an algorithm is known as a flowchart. Some symbols are used to design a flowchart

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Mac hine Language

• A language in which instructions are written in binary form (0& 1) is called machine language.
• It is the only language that is directly understood by the computer.
• Machine language is also known as first generation language.
• It is a machine dependent language.
• Very fast program execution.
• Machine Language is difficult to understand.
• Machine Language requires deep knowledge of hardware.

A s sembly Language

• Assembly language is computer language in which the instructions are created using symbols such as letters, digits and
special characters.
• In assembly language, we use predefined words called mnemonics Code. Binary code instructions in low level language
are replaced with mnemonics and operands in middle level language.
• Assembly language is known as second generation language.

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• But computer cannot understand mnemonics. So, we use a translator to convert the assembly code (Mnemonics code)
into machine understandable code. Converter is known as assembler.
• Assembly language is easier to learn, understand and modify than machine language.
• Assembly language programs are machine dependent. Assembly language programming requires deep knowledge of
hardware. Execution of this is very slow than machine language.

Assembly/Mnemonics code Binary/Machine code

High level language

• High level language is a computer language which can be understood by the users but the computer cannot understand
it. High level language is very similar to the human languages and have a set of grammar rules that are used to make
instructions more easily.
• Every high-level language has a set of predefined words known as reserved Keywords and a set of rules known as
S y ntax to create instructions.
• High level language needs to be converted into low level language to make it understandable by the computer. We u se

Compiler or int erpreter to convert high level language to low level language.
• It is Easy to remove errors in the Programs written in High Level P rogramming Languages.
• Programs written in High Level Programming Languages are Machine independent.
• High Level Programming Languages have Better documentation. Less time to write a program.
• High level language needs to be translated to low level language.
• High level language executes slower compared to low level languages.

Dif ference between Interpreter and c ompiler

I nt erpreter Compiler
1. Read a program line by line. 1. Read a whole program at a time.
2. No intermediate object code is Generated. 2. Intermediate object code is Generated.
3. Less Memory required. 3. More memory required.
1. Errors are displayed for every instruction 4. Errors are displayed after entire program is
interpreted (if any) checked.

Loader: It loads the code which is translated by translator into the main memory and makes it ready to execute.
Linker is used to combine all the object files and convert them into a final executable program

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S ome Important High-level Languages

• Fort ran- 1957, FORmula TRANSlation, by John Backus, Language for scientific computations. That’s why it is known as
scientific language.
• A LGOL - ALGOL is short for algorithmic language. It is an early high-level computer programming language devised to
carry out scientific calculations. ALGOL was used as the standard method for creating algorithms. First appeared in
• Lis p- 1958, LISt Processing, by John McCarthy.

• Cobol- 1959, COmmon Business Oriented Language, by a group of computer professionals called the Conference on
Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) by Grace Hopper.
• B A SIC - 1964, Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz.
• P as cal- 1970, after the name of a French mathematician, by Nicklaus Wirth.
• S QL- 1970, Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce, Language for Database, SQL was one of the first
commercial languages to utilize Edgar F. Codd’s relational model.
• P L/ M- 1972, Programming Language for Microcomputers, by Gary Kildall. High-level language for Intel's
• P rolog- 1972 by Alain Colmerauer. Logic programming. A language of Artificial intelligence.
• C- 1972, Designed by Dennis Ritchie to write the code of the UNIX operating system, Structured and procedural
• MA TLAB- 1975-1978, by Cleve Moler. The scientific and mathematical language evolved to more diverse applications.
• C+ + - 1979 -1983, by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is an Object-oriented language. C++ was initially known as “C with classes,”
and was renamed C++ in 1983. ++ is shorthand for adding one to variety in programming, therefore C++ roughly means
that “one higher than C.”

• P E RL (Practical E xtraction and Reporting Language) Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally
developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web
development, network programming, GUI development, and more. Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987.
• HTML- 1990-91, Hypertext Mark-up Language. 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.
• V is ual B asic - 1991, VB is a programming language from Microsoft first released. It is a user-friendly programming
language designed for beginners, and it is a first graphical language.
• P y thon- 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Based on OOPs.
• J av a- 1995, by James Gosling. it is an object-oriented Programming language, an internet language and a platform
independent language.
• P HP -1995, Personal Home Page/Hypertext Processor, by Rasmus Lerdorf.
• A S P - 1996, by Microsoft, For web designing.
• C#- 2000, By Microsoft as an alternative to Java and derived from C++ too. It is an OOP based language.

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• S c ripting Language - Scripting languages are server-side scripting languages that manipulate the data, usually in a
database, on the server. Scripting languages are used to create and manage Internet as a communications tool. Html,
Xml, JavaScript, ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl are examples of scripting languages.

Computer Network

Dat a Communication - Exchange of data between two or more devices via some of the transmission medium such as
wire/wireless.The effectiveness of a data communications system depends on four fundamental characteristics:
• Delivery - The system must deliver data to the correct destination.
• Accuracy - The system must deliver the data accurately.
• Timeliness - The system must deliver data in a timely manner.
• Jitter - Jitter refers to the variation in the packet arrival time.

Component used in data communication

• Sender, Receiver,
• Transmission medium,
• Message and Protocol

Dat a representation
• Text – (0 – 9), (A - Z), (a - z) and special symbols.
• ASCII– 7-bit code (American standard code or information interchange)
• BCD– 4-bit code (Binary coded decimal)
• EBCDIC– 8-bit code (Extended binary coded decimal interchange code)
• UNICODE– 16, 32-bit code (Universal code)
• Numbers– Numbers are directly converted into Binary.
• Images– Images are also represented by bit patterns. An Images is a composed of a matrix of Pixels.

• Audio– In the form of continuous signals.

• Video– It is a collection of images.
S ignals

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• To be transmitted, data must be transformed to electromagnetic signals.

• Data can be analog or digital.
• Analog data refers to information that is continuous. Ex: Human Voice, Analog clock.
• Digital data refers to information that has discrete state. Ex: Digital clock, Computer.

Analog signal Digital signal

• An analog signal is a continuous wave. • A digital signal is a discrete wave.

• Analog signal can have infinite number of • Digital signal can have a limited
values in a range. number of values.
• An analog signal transmit data in the form • A digital signal carries data in the
of a wave. binary form i.e. 0 and 1.
• Slow transmission. • Fast transmission.

Dat a t ransmission modes

• S implex – Unidirectional or one-way transmission one of the two devices can transmit the data and the other can only
receive the data. for example: Remote, Radio, Keyboard, mouse etc.
• Half Duplex – Both sender and receiver can both transmit and receive, but not at the same time. For example: Walkie-
talkie etc.

• Full duplex – Both sender and receiver can simultaneously transmit the data. For example: telephone.
Net work – Computer network is a collection of two or more nodes and devices linked together for exchanging information,
data or resources.
Types of Networks: Mainly there three networks in networking (LAN, MAN, WAN)
• LA N (Local area network) - A LAN is a group of computer and devices which are connected in a limited area such as
school, home, and office building. Ethernet, bus network are the most common examples of LAN. It is a widely useful
network for sharing resources like files, printers, games, and other application.
• MA N (Metropolitan area network) - MAN is consisting of a computer network across an entire city. The s ize of the
Metropolitan area network is larger than LANs and smaller than WANs, but covers the larger area of a city or town.
Cable TV is an example of MAN.
• WA N (Wide Area Network) - A WAN can cover large geographical area such as country, continent or ev en a whole
world. Internet connection is an example of WAN. It is difficult to maintain the WAN network.

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• P A N (P ersonal A rea Network) - PAN offers to make connections of multiple devices or other equipment under the
single user’s environment within 10 meters to 30 feet. PAN network enables with few computer devices, telephones,
electronic devices, laptop, PDAs, printers, smart phone, and other wearable computer devices.
Wired PAN - physical wires can be used like as USB.
Wireless PAN – In this network, wireless connections are established like as infrared, Bluetooth, NFC.
• CA N (Campus A rea Network) - CAN network helps to link couples of LANs with small geographical space such as
schools, university campuses, and corporate buildings. A CAN has main objective is that offer to best accessibility of
campus residential regions such as schools, colleges, university, small institutes and corporate area.
• S A N (Storage A rea Network) is a specialized, high-speed network that provides block-level network access to storage.

• V P N (virtual private network) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables users to
send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the
private network.
Ty pes of c onnection
• P oint-to-point c onnection – In which provides a dedicated link between two devices.
• Multipoint c onnection – In which more than two devices share a single link.
Net work topology is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. There are two basic
categories of network topologies: Physical topologies and Logical topologies.
Various types of topologies are: Bus, ring, star, mesh and tree.
1. B us topology - Bus topology is also called as a linear bus topology. All computers are connected to a central cable with
Multipoint connection. Break in the cable cause whole network failure. Transmission speed is slow in bus topology. It
provides unsecured medium. Terminators are used at the end of the central cable.
2. Ring t opology - In ring topology, the structure of the network is formed similar to as of a “Ring”. Nodes are connected
in a circular manner to each other. It is an example of Point to point structure. Transmission speed is slow. Failure in any
cable or device cause whole network failure. Ring topology provides unsecured medium security of data. In order for all

computers to communicate with each other, all computers must be turned on.
3. S t ar t opology - In this, all the nodes/devices are connected to a centralized device known as HUB in the structure
similar to that of a “STAR”. It is Point to point structure. Easily add and/or remove devices. It provides secured
transmission. Problem identification is easy in star topology. Data communication is fast due to the HUB/Switch
connectivity. Expensive due to the cost of cables and HUB/Switch. If central device fails, entire network will shut down.
4. Mes h Topology - In Mesh Topology, each node provides an individual link to another node. It means, every node in the
entire network is directly connected to every other node in the network making it the most complex topology among all
the other topologies. It is a Point to point Structure. Data communication speed is fast in mesh topology. Security and
privacy of data is provided. Any fault in the network doesn’t affect the entire network. Most expensive topology due to the
amount of cables. Highly complex structure.
5. Tree t opology - Tree topology is a combination of bus and star topology. Tree topology is made by connecting various
star topologies via central bus backbone cable. It is also known a expended star topology. It is used for expansion of the
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network. If central backbone cable or root device gets a problem then the whole network stops functioning. There are a
lot of cables needed, so it is highly expensive. Expansion of Network is possible and easy.

Hy brid topology uses a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit
one of the standard topologies.
Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to
computers and other devices on demand.
P ublic c louds are owned and operated by companies that offer rapid access over a public network to affordable computing
resources. A private cloud is infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third
party, and hosted either internally or externally. A hy brid cloud uses a private cloud foundation combined with the strategic
integration and use of public cloud services. Google Drive is a personal cloud storage service from Google which gives every
user 15 GB of Drive storage space. One Drive is Microsoft's service for hosting files in the "cloud computing". One Drive
offers 5GB of storage space for free.
Transmission media
Transmission media can be defined as something that can carry information from a source to a destination. Transmission
media can be divided into two categories. Guided and Unguided media.
Guided Media
• Twisted-Pair c ables - A twisted-pair cable consists of two conductors, each with its own plastic insulators, twisted
• Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
• Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
• RJ-45 Connector is used to connect it.
• Coax ial cables - A coaxial cable is used in video, communications, and audio. Most users relate to a coaxial or coax
cable as a cable used to connect their TVs to a cable TV service. However, these cables are also used in networks that
allow a broadband cable Internet connection using a cable modem. BNC (Bayone-Niell-Concelman) connector is used to
connect Coaxial cable.

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• Fibre optic c able - A fiber optic cable contains optical fibers (usually glass) coated in plastic which are used to send
data by pulses of light. Fiber optic cables allow for a much faster data transmission than standard copper wires, due to
the fact that they have a much higher bandwidth. Connectors are used for connections are as follows:
• SC (subscriber channel) – for cable TV
• ST (Straight Tip) – for networking device
• MT-RJ (mechanical transfer) like RJ-45

Unguided Media

Unguided medium transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical conductor. This type of communication is often
referred to as wireless communication. Radio waves f requency range (3KHz – 1 GHz). Radio waves are used for multicast
communications such as AM/FM Radio, TV, Cordless phones etc.

Mic rowaves f requency range (1 GHz – 300 GHz). Microwaves are used in unicast communications such as cellular phones,
satellite networks and wireless LANs.

I nf rared frequency range (300 GHz – 400 THz). Infrared signals are used in short range communication in closed area using
line of sight. such as TV remote.

OS I MODEL OSI (Open system interconnection) model is an architecture or model, not a protocol. It describes “How to
transfer the data from sender to receiver”. In 1984, the OSI model was approved as international standard by ISO. It is a
seven layered Model.

Functions of Layers
P hy sical layer – To define the specifications of medium. To convert the data in the form of bits and transmit it over
medium. To define topologies, medium, speed, transmission modes.
Dat a Link Layer–Construction of data frame. Error detection and controlling. Data flow controlling. Physical addressing
(Mac Addressing).
Net work layer –Logical addressing (IP addressing), Routing and Packet delivery.
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Transport layer –It provides a reliability of error free, end to end data delivery and correct destination. Segmentation and
S es sion layer – Time management, communication controlling, Synchronization.
P resentation layer –Data is presented in the form size, type, encryption-decryption and compression.
A pplication layer –It provides a user interface or platform to transmit or receive the data. Example web browser.
P rotocols and standards work on OSI Layers

Connecting Devices
Gat eway – It works on all the layers of OSI model. Gateway is a combination of Software and hardware. It is used to connect
different types of two or more networks having different protocols, services and environments.
B ridge - It works on data link layer of OSI Model. It is used to connect same or similar types of two or more networks. It is
also used to divide a big network into two or more small networks.
Rout er It works at the Network Layer. It sends the data packets to desired destination by choosing the best path available
thus reducing network traffic Router works as a data traffic controller in a network. Addressing and routing are the functions
of Router.
MODE M - Modulator and demodulator is the full-form of MODEM. It works on Physical layer. The function of MODEM is
Modulation and demodulation. Modulation means Digital to analog or Demodulation means analog to digital. It is used to

connect computers for communication via telephone lines.

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Hub: It works at the Physical layer. It just acts like a connector of several computers i.e. simply connects all the devices on its
ports together. It broadcasts all the data packets arriving at it with no filtering capacity.
S witch: It works at the Data Link Layer. It is used for dividing a network into segments called subnets. It provides filtering of
data packets and prevents network traffic also. A switch is also known as an intelligent hub.
Repeater – It works in physical layer. Repeaters are used to recharge or regenerate or re-boost the week signals to transmits
the signals for long distance.
TCP /IP Model

MA C address - It is also known as Physical address of our system. The size of MAC address is 48 Bits/6 Bytes.MAC
address works on Data link layer of OSI model.MAC address is of Hexadecimal format. Format of MAC address is
07 : 01 : 02 : 22 : 3C : 4D
Manufacturer ID Ethernet Card Serial Number
I P address - IP address is used to uniquely identify a system in a network. It is also known as Logical address of our system.
It is of two type as followsIPV4 (32bits/4Bytes) and IPV6 (128bits/16Bytes). Format of IPV4 Address is
Format of IPV6 Address is FDEC: 790B:45DE:0000:0001:1239: CDFA:AD38

Loopback addresses are used to find out the current status of hardware (related to network ing), whether these are working

properly or not. Range of loopback address is ( –

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P ublic I P address: A public IP address is the address that is assigned to a computing device to allow direct access to
internet. IT can be found at www. Some authorities are responsible to manage these public
• ICANN : Internet Corporation Authority Name and Numbers
• IANA : Internet Assigned Name and Numbers
• RIR : Regional Internet Registry
• ISP : Internet Service provider

P rivate IP address: Private IP addresses are locally unique. It is used in private networks. These addresses are commonly
used for local area networks in residential, office, and enterprise. There are three classes - A Class:(
to10.255.255.255), B Class :(, C

S t atic I P address: A permanent address that is assigned to a host by network administrator. It means for manual
configuration. Less secure. Does not changes automatically after it is assigned to a computer.

Dy namic IP address: A Temporary address that is assigned to a host by automatically by DHCP Sever. It means for
Automatic configuration More secure as compared to Static IP. Changes automatically if connection is reset or DHCP Lease

A P IPA – (Automatic P rivate IP addressing) APIPA is a special feature of windows operating system that enables computer to
automatically self-configure an IP address and subnet mask when DHCP server is not reachable.


The I nt ernet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite(TCP/IP) to
link several billion devices worldwide.
It is a net work of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local
to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies
His tory of internet
1962 –The concept of the Galactic Network was created by J.C.R. Licklider.
1969 – ARPANET (Advance research project agency) First network of world.
1971 – Email (@) by Ray Tomlinson.
1973 – Vinton "Vint" Cerf and Robert E. "Bob" Kahn start a project to develop Transmission-Control Protocol (TCP).
1973-74 – Ethernet by Robert Metcalfe.
1974 – Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf refer to the term "Internet" for the first time in their notes regarding Transmission Control

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1977 – First modem by Dennis Hayes.1983 – TCP/IP became the standard communication method for ARPANET.1983-
84 – The Domain Name System (DNS) establishes the familiar .edu, .gov, .com, .mil, .org, .net, and .int system for naming
websites. This is easier to remember than the previous designation for websites.
1989 – WWWC (World Wide Web Consortium).
1990-91 – The first web browser, called World Wide Web, was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
1990 – Archie search engine (first search engine) by Alen Emtage.
1993 – First Graphical browser MOSAIC, by Marc Andreessen, at NCSA.
1995 – Internet launched in India by VSNL.
What are Domain Names.

Domain names are enabled computers to find the server where your website is hosted.
Types of Domain:1. Top level Domain.2. Sub domain.
Lis t of Domains
.mil - Military groups
.com – Commercial Organizations
.def - Defense sites
.org – non-profit organizations - commercial in India
.info - Information service providers .net - network centers
.aero - Airlines and aerospace sites
.edu - Educational institutions
.biz - Businesses or firms - Academics in India
.gov - Govt. websites
.Int - International Organizations

URL A ddress
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, or in other words, the web address of an online resource, i.e. a web site or
document. Sometimes people understand ( a URL, but it is not URL. It is a part of URL. Example -

Web browsers – It is an example of application software. It provides a platform to access the servic es of internet or a
network. Examples – WWW (World Wide Web) – first web browser of world. It renamed as NEXUS.
Mosaic – it was the first graphical web browser.
Some other examples of browsers are LYNX, Arena, Netscape Navigator, opera, Internet explorer, Amaya, Mozilla Firefox,
phoenix, safari, google chrome, Epic (Indian), Microsoft Edge etc.
S earch engine - A search engine is an online tool that searches for results in its database based on the s earch query
(keyword) submitted by the internet user. Search engines find the results in their database, sort them and make an ordered
list of these results based on the search algorithm. This list is generally called the search engine results page ( SERP). There
are many search engines on the market, while the most widely used is Google. Some other examples are Archie (First
search engine in the world developed by Alan Emtage), Veronica, Gopher, Excite, Aliweb, Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo,
Looksmart, Hotbot,, Bing, google, all the web, Baidu, Cuil etc.

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A Hy perlink is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or by hovering or that is followed
A Webs ite is a set of related web pages served from a single web domain.
A Home page, index page, or main page is a page on a website.

Computer m alware and security

Malware - Malware is stands for malicious software. It is small program that can come in our system form anywhere and then
infects or harms our system. Virus, Worm, Trojan horse, Spyware, Adware, Rootkit, Key loggers, Logic bomb, Ransomware.
V I RUS (Vital Information resource under siege)A virus is a program that replicates its own code by attaching itself to other
executable files in such a way that the virus code is executed when the infected executable file is executed. Almost all
viruses are attached to an executable file, which means the virus may exist on a system but will not be active or able to
spread until a user runs or opens the malicious host file or program. Types of viruses are File Virus, Macro Virus, Multipart ite

Virus, Boot sector Virus/Master Boot Record Virus, Stealth Virus, Cavity (Space Filler) Virus, Tunneling Virus, Polymorphic
Virus, Cluster Virus.
WORM (Write once read many) -A computer worm is a program that replicates itself and makes use of a PC's network
connectivity to transfer a copy of itself to other computers wit hin that network. Worms are distinct from viruses in that they do
not require a host program to run.
Trojan Horse - In computing, Trojan horse, or Trojan, is any malicious computer program which is used to hack into a
computer by misleading users of its true intent. By definition a Trojan does not self-replicate. Like the horse, a Trojan
program is a delivery vehicle; the Trojan horse appears to be a very useful program of some type but when a certain event
occurs, it does something nasty and often destructive to the system.
S py ware is a type of malware that is installed on a user's computer to collect personal information or monitor internet
browsing activities.
Root kit is an application that hides its own presence or presence of other malwares on the computer, using some of the
lower layers of the operating system (API function redirection, using of undocumented OS functions, etc.), which makes them
almost undetectable by common anti-malware software.

A dware is software that contains advertisements embedded in the application. Adware is considered a legitimate alternative
offered to consumers who do not wish to pay for software.
K ey logger - A keylogger is a type of surveillance software that has the capabilit y to record every keystroke you make to a log
file, usually encrypted. A key logger recorder can record instant messages, e-mail, and any information you type at any time
using your keyboard.
Logic B omb - A logic bomb is a piece of code inserted into an operating system or software application that implements a
malicious function after a certain amount of time, or specific conditions are met.
Rans omware- It is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

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B ot , Zombie and B otnet - A bot is an abbreviation for “robot” and denotes a type of software, application, or code script that
can be commanded remotely by the attacker. After a device has been infected by a bot, the infected computer is now
referred to as a z ombie, because it is being remotely animated by the attacker. One zombie under the control of a bot is a
useful thing to an attacker, but their usefulness increases in groups. Attackers will attempt to infect dozens, hundreds, or
thousands of computers with the same bot and unify to perform coordinated malicious activities.
Hac king, Hacker and Cracker - In computer networking, hac k ing is any technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of
network connections and connected systems. A hac ker is any person engaged in hacking. Malicious attacks on computer
networks are officially known as c racking.
Ty pes of Hacking

1. Ethical hacking (Legal hacking)

2. Non-ethical hacking (Illegal)
Ty pes of hackers
1. White hat hackers (Ethical hacking)
2. Black hat hackers (Non-Ethical hacking)
3. Gray Hat hackers (Combination of both black and white hat hackers)
4. Script Kiddie (not a professional, but use download software for hacking).
P hishing - P hishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and c redit card details
(and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
P ac ket Sniffing Packet sniffing is the act of capturing packets of data flowing across a computer network. The software or
device used to do this is called a packet sniffer.
S poofing– A spoofing attack is when an attacker or malicious program succ essfully acts on another person’s (or program’s)
behalf by impersonating data.Some common types of spoofing attacks include ARP spoofing, DNS spoofing and IP address
spoofing. These types of spoofing attacks are typically used to attack networks, spread malware and to access confidential
information and data.

S nooping – Snooping refer to listening to a conversation. For example, if you login to a website that uses no encryption, your
username and password can be sniffed off the network by someone who can capture the network traffic between you and
the web site.
Firewall–A computer firewall is a software program that prevents unauthorized access to or from a private
network. Firewalls are tools that can be used to enhance the security of computers connected to a network, such as LAN or
the Internet.
A ut hentication–to verify the user id and password
A ut horization– to verify permission, rights and authority assigned to a particular user to perform some task.

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Logic Gates

A ND Gate - The AND gate is an electronic circuit which gives a high output only if all its inputs are high. The AND operation
is represented by a dot (.) sign. AND gate is also known as conjunction gate.

OR Gat e - The OR gate is an electronic circuit which gives a high output if one or more of its inputs are high. The operation
performed by an OR gate is represented by a plus (+) sign. OR gate is also known as Disjunction gate.

NOT Gate - The NOT gate is an electronic circuit which produces an inverted version of the input at its output. It is also
known as an Inverter. The operation of NOT gate is also known as Complement or 1’s Complement.

NA ND Gate - The NOT-AND (NAND) gate which is equal to an AND gate followed by a NOT gate. The NAND gate gives a
low output only if all its inputs are high. The NAND gate is represented by a AND gate with a small circle on the output. The
small circle represents inversion.

NOR Gat e - The NOT-OR (NOR) gate which is equal to an OR gate followed by a NOT gate. The NOR gate gives a low
output if any one of the inputs are high. The NOR gate is represented by an OR gate with a small circle on the output. The
small circle represents inversion.

X OR Gate - The 'Exclusive-OR' gate is a circuit which will give a high output if only one of its inputs is high but not both of
them. The XOR operation is represented by an encircled plus sign.

X NOR Gate - The 'Exclusive-NOR' gate is a circuit that does the inverse operation to the XOR gate. It will give a low output if
only one of its inputs is high but not both of them. The small circle represents inversion.

Database management system

Dat abase: It is a collection of interrelated data. These can be stored in the form of tables.

Dat abase Management System: “DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and set of programs that enables user to create
and maintain a database.”

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E x amples of database s oftwares: Sybase, dbase, D2K, DB2, Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, FileMaker, Informix, MS
Access etc.

S equence of data - B it → Byte/character → Field → Record → File/Table → DatabaseFile Oriented approach: In this
approach all data stored in various files of different formats, and it needs different applications to extract data from / add data
to files, so it is very difficult to use in proper way.Disadvantages of file-oriented approach:

• Data redundancy – Repetition of data.

• Data inconsistency – No proper updation of data in all files.
• Difficulty in accessing data – Accessing of data is very difficult.
• Data isolation – Creating application of every file of different format and location is very diffi cult.
• Integrity Problems – No proper validation of data in file approach.
• Atomicity – Data is not saved during any type of failure.
• Concurrent access – Same data accessed, deleted, updated at same time, it will lead to inconsistent

To get rid of t hese problem database management system presents.

A rc hitecture of DBMS-The generalized architecture of DBMS is called ANSI/ SPARC model. The architecture is divided into
three levels:
• E x t ernal v iew or user view/View Level- It is the highest level of data abstraction. This includes only those portions of
database of concern to a user or Application program. Each user has a different external view and it is described by means
of a scheme called external schema.
• Conc eptual view/Logical Level- All the database entities and the relationship among them are included. One conceptual
view represents the entire database called conceptual schema.
• I nt ernal view/Physical Level- It is the lowest level of abstraction, closest to the physical storage method. It describes how
the data is stored, what is the structure of data storage and the method of accessing these data. It is represented by internal
schema.Cent ralized Database- In a centralized database, all data is stored and maintained in one place. In a centralized
database system one computer act as a server for storing whole data. In a centralized database system, client/server
architecture is used it is the very simplest form of a database system in which one client sen t a request to the server. The
server will receive a request and will be the response.

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Dis tributed Database- A distributed database contains two or more database files located at different locations in the
network. In other words, the database is split into multiple files. The users can access the nearest database file. This will
increase the speed of retrieving data. This avoids users from interfering with each other. Another advantage is that if one
database fails, there are other database files.

Ty pes of Databases model - Hierarchical database model, Network Database Model, E-R database model, Relational
database model

Hierarchical Database model - In a hierarchical database model, the data is organized into a tree-like structure. In simple
language we can say that it is a set of organized data in tree structure. Its structure is like a tree with nodes representing
records and branches representing fields.

Net work Database model - Network database model organized data more like a graph and can have more than one parent

E . R. Database model - Full form of E. R. model is E nt ity Relationship data model. It is a high-level conceptual data model
diagram. The Entity-Relation model represents real-world entities and the relationship between them.

Relational Database model - In relational model, the data and relationships are represented by collection of inter-related
tables. Each table is a group of column and rows, where column represents attribute of an entity and rows represents
• A t tribute – Attributes are the properties which define a relation.
• Tables – In the Relational model the relations are saved in the table format. It is stored along with its entities. A table
has two properties rows and columns.
• Tuple – It is nothing but a single row of a table.
• Relation Schema – A relation schema represents the name of the relation with its attributes.
• Degree – The total number of attributes which in the relation.
• Cardinality– Total number of rows present in the Table.
• Relation instance – The set of tuples of a relation at a particular instance of time is called as relation instance.

• A t tribute domain– Every attribute has some pre-defined value and scope which is known as attribute domain.
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• P rimary K ey is used to uniquely identify each record in a table.

• P rimary K ey – Unique + Not Null
• When a master table contribute its own primary key to another table, then the contributed key of another table is
known as f oreign key or reference key.
S QL – Structured Query Language- SQL is a special purpose query language, designed for create or manage the RDBMS.
The SQL programming language was first developed in the 1970s by IBM researchers Raymond Boyce and Donald
S QL is divided in f our major parts
DDL (Dat a definition language) - Commands - Create/Alter/Drop/Rename/Truncat e
DML (Data Manipulation Language) – Commands – Select/Insert/Update/Delete
DCL (Dat a control language) - Commands – Grant/Revoke
TCL (Transaction Control Language) –Commands – Commit/Rollback/Savepoint.

File Name
A filename is a text string that identifies a file. Every file stored on a computer's hard disk has a filename that helps identify
the file within a given folder. Filenames may contain letters, numbers, and other characters. Different operating systems also
have different limits for the number of characters a filename can have. While older operating systems limited filenames to
only 8 or 16 characters, newer OS's allow filenames to be as long as 256 characters. Of course, for most practical purposes,
16 characters is usually enough.

A file extension (or simply "extension") is the suffix at the end of a filename that indicates what type of file it is. For example,
in the filename "myreport.txt," the .TXT is the file extension. It indicates the file is a text document.

Lis t of some important File extensions f or exams

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M S-Office

Mic rosoft Office, or simply Of f ice, is a family of client software, server software, and services developed by Microsoft. It was
first announced by Bill Gates on August 1, 1988, at COMDEX in Las Vegas. Initially a marketing term for an office
suite (bundled set of productivity applications), the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
and Microsoft PowerPoint.
It includes Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access, and Publisher. Mic rosoft Office 2019 is the
current version of Microsoft Office, a productivity suite, succeeding Office 2016. Famous versions of MS-office are Office

1.0, 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.

MS -Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It is used for creating, editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and
printing of a text document. Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a .doc or .docx file extension.

Tabs of MS-Word- File, Home, Insert, design, Layout, References, Mailing, Review, and View. The File t ab opens the Info
Window and has options arranged in a vertical array: Info, New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Share, Export, Close, Account,
Feedback and Options.
The ribbon containing Tabs also have a new feature of Share and Comment at the extreme right corner.
Not e- Each tab has many commands which are grouped into specific categories. Following are the groups for commands
under various tabs of MS Word:
Home : Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing
I ns ert : Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Add-ins, Media, Links, Comments, Header & Footer, Text, Symbols

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Des ign : Document Formatting, Page Background

Lay out : Page Setup, Paragraph, Arrange
Ref erences: Table of Contents, Footnotes, Research, Citation &Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities
Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write &Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish
Rev iew: Proofing, Accessibility, Language, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect
V iew : Views, Page Movement, Show, Zoom, Window, Macros
Help : Help
P age Orientation - Portrait and Landscape options are available in Orientation category of Page Setup.
A lignments- Alignment refers to the position of text between the margins. Left/ Right/ Center/ Justify
A ut o c omplete - Auto complete is a feature in word that automatically completes the spelling of days of the week and months

of the year that have more than five letters in their names.
Header & Footer -Header and Footer option is used to display information such title and page number of the document.
Tit le B ar - The bar at the top of the window that bears the name of the window.
Menu bar/Tab Row - A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized
option, is called Menu Bar(in older Version)/ Tab Row(in newer Version).
E diting - To change the value of data is known as editing.
Formatting - To change the look and appearance of data.
Format P ainter -To copy the styles and formatting of text and then apply it to another text.
I ndents- In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of blank spaces used to separate a
paragraph from the left or right margins. Left, Right, First Line and Hanging Indent.
Margins- the strips of white space around the edge of the paper. Most word processors allow you to specify the widths of
margins. Left, Right, Top, Bottom.
Cas e –
1. S entence c ase (Only first letter of sentence is capital).
2. Lower c ase (All letters of sentence are small).

3. Upper c ase (All letters of sentence are capital).

4. Capitalize each word (Only first letter of each word in a sentence is capital).
5. Toggle case (in this all capital letters are converted into small letters and all small letters are converted into capital letters).
S uperscript - A symbol or character that appears slightly above a line.
S ubscript - A symbol or character that appears slightly below a line is called a subscript .
Font Size - Range of font size (1 to 1638).
Table- A combination of rows and columns. Total number of rows in a table – 32767. Total number of columns in a table –
Wat ermark- A watermark is a faded background image that displays behind the text in a document.

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Mail merge-Mail Merge is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels, envelopes, name tags, and more
using information stored in a list, database, or spreadsheet. When performing a Mail Merge, you will need a Word
document (you can start with an existing one or create a new one) and a recipient list, which is typically an Excel workbook.
Foot note - A footnote is additional information found at the bottom of the current page in a document.
E ndnote - An endnote is similar, but they are only found at the end of a document and contain reference information about
quoted material.
Hy perlink-A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section within
the current document. (Ctrl + Click).
Mac ros- A macro is a series of commands (Shortcuts and recording) that is recorded so it can be pl ayed back (executed) at

a later time. Macros are great for reducing the amount of work you have to do on a series of steps that you perform
Thes aurus- Thesaurus is used for finding a synonym for a word in the document.
S ome important s hortcut k eys used in MS-


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MS -Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and M ac OS.It features
calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.

The tabs are as follows: File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and View.
Following are the groups of Commands available under tabs of Excel:

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Home: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Style (for Conditional Formatting of table), Cells (to insert, delete and format
cells), Editing (AutoSum, Sort & Filter, Find & Select)
I ns ert: Tables (Pivot Table, and Tables); Illustrations(Pictures, Online Picture, shapes and Icon); Add-ins; Charts; Tours (3D
Map); Sparklines (Line, Column, Win/Loss);Filters; Links; Text ; Symbols
Page Layout: Themes; Page Setup (Margin, orientation, page size, print area, breaks, background an d print titles); Scale to
fit; Sheet Options (Gridline, headings); Arrange
Formulas: Insert Function; Function Library; Defined Names; Formula Audit ing; Calculation
Dat a: Get external Data; Get & Transform (New query, show queries, from table, recent sourc es); Connections; Sort and
Filter; Data Tools; Forecast (what-if analysis, forecast sheet); Outline

Rev iew: Proofing (Spelling, Thesaurus); Accessibility; Insights-smart lookup; Comments; Changes (Protect sheet, protect
workbook, share workbook, allow users to edit ranges, track changes)
V iew: Workbook Views (Normal, Page Break Preview, Page Layout, Custom Views); Show (gridlines, ruler. formula bar,
headings); Zoom; Window; Macros

S ome important f acts regarding MS-Excel

- The intersection of a row and column is called a Cell.
- The cell in which we are currently working is known as Active Cell.
- A Worksheet is made of columns and rows, wherein columns run Vertically and rows run Horizontally.
- Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-
named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations
- The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the Cell Address.
- Short cut key to insert a new worksheet in MS-Excel is ALT + Shift + F1 + or Shift + F11.
- Sheet tab is the tab at the bottom of the worksheet window that displays the name of the worksheet.
- A Microsoft office document that contains one or more worksheets is known as a Workbook.

In order to work correctly, a function must be written a specific way, which is called the s y ntax. The basic syntax for a
function is the equals s ign (=), the f unction name (SUM, for example), and one or more arguments. Arguments contain the
information you want to calculate. For example, the function = A VERAGE (B1:B9) would calculate the av erage of the values
in the cell range B1:B9. This function contains only one argument. Multiple arguments must be separated by a c omma. For
example, the function = S UM(A1:A3, C1:C2) will add the values of all of the cells in the three arguments

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S ome important f unctions used in Microsoft Excel

• A UTOSUM: Allows you to automatically insert the most common functions into your formula, including SUM,
• LE FT: Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a supplied text string
• TRI M: Removes duplicate spaces, and spaces at the start and end of a text string.
• LOWE R: Converts all characters in a supplied text string to lower case
• P ROP ER: Converts all characters in a supplied text string to proper case (i.e. letters that do not follow
another letter are upper case and all other characters are lower case)
• UP P ER: Converts all characters in a supplied text string to upper case
• CONCA T: Joins together two or more text strings
• MI D: Returns a specified number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string
• RI GHT: Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a supplied text string
• RE P T: Returns a string consisting of a supplied text string, repeated a specified number of times
• I F: Tests a user-defined condition and returns one result if the condition is TRUE, and another result if the
condition is FALSE
• LE N: Returns the length of a supplied text string
• DA TE : Returns a date, from a user-supplied year, month and day
• TI ME: Returns a time, from a user-supplied hour, minute and second
• NOW: Returns the current date & time
• TODA Y: Returns today's date
• DA Y : Returns the day (of the month) from a user-supplied date
• MONTH: Returns the month from a user-supplied date
• Y E A R: Returns the year from a user-supplied date
• A B S : Returns the absolute value (i.e. the modulus) of a supplied number
• S UM: Returns the sum of a supplied list of numbers
• P RODUCT: Returns the product of a supplied list of numbers
• P OWE R: Returns the result of a given number raised to a supplied power
• MOD: Returns the remainder from a division between two supplied numbers
• S UB TOTAL: Performs a specified calculation (e.g. the sum, product, average, etc.) for a supplied set of
• ROUND: Rounds a number up or down, to a given number of digits
• S UMIF: Adds the cells in a supplied range, that satisfy a given criteria
• COUNT: Returns the number of numerical values in a supplied set of cells or values
• COUNTA: Returns the number of non-blanks in a supplied set of cells or values
• COUNTBLANK: Returns the number of blank cells in a supplied range
• COUNTIF: Returns the number of cells (of a supplied range), that satisfy a given criteria
• MA X : Returns the largest value from a list of supplied numbers
• MI N: Returns the smallest value from a list of supplied numbers

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• A V E RAGE: Returns the Average of a list of supplied numbers

S ome Important S hortcut k eys of Microsoft E xcel

Close a spreadsheet Ctrl+W

Open a spreadsheet Ctrl+O
Go to the Home tab Alt+H
Save a spreadsheet Ctrl+S
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Remove cell contents Delete key
Choose a fill colour Alt+H, H
Cut Ctrl+X
Go to Insert tab Alt+N
Bold Ctrl+B
Centre align cell contents Alt+H, A, then C
Go to Page Layout tab Alt+P
Go to Data tab Alt+A
Go to View tab Alt+W
Open context menu Shift+F10
Add borders Alt+H, B
Delete column Alt+H,D, then C
Go to Formula tab Alt+M
Hide the selected rows Ctrl+9
Hide the selected columns Ctrl+0
Move to the previous cell in a worksheet or the previous option
in a dialog box.
Move one cell up in a worksheet. Up Arrow key
Move one cell down in a worksheet. Down Arrowkey
Move one cell left in a worksheet. Left Arrow key
Move one cell right in a worksheet. Right Arrowkey
Move to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet. Ctrl+arrow key
Enter End mode, move to the next nonblank cell in the same column
or row as the active cell, and turnoff End mode. If the cells are blank, End, arrow key
move to the last cell in the row or column.
Move to the last cell on a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the
rightmost used column.
Extend the selection of cells to the last used cell on the worksheet Ctrl+Shift+End

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(lower-right corner).
Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window when Scroll Home+Scroll
Lock is turned on. Lock
Move to the beginning of a worksheet. Ctrl+Home
Move one screen down in a worksheet. Page Down
Move to the next sheet in a workbook. Ctrl+PageDown
Move one screen to the right in a worksheet. Alt+Page Down
Move one screen up in a worksheet. Page Up
Move one screen to the left in a worksheet. Alt+Page Up
Move to the previous sheet in a workbook. Ctrl+Page Up
Move one cell to the right in a worksheet. Or, in a protected
worksheet, move between unlocked cells.
Open the Format Cells dialog box. Ctrl+1
Format fonts in the Format Cells dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+F orCtrl+Shift+P
Edit the active cell and put the insertion point at the end of its
contents. Or, if editing is turned off for the cell, move the insertion
point into the formula bar. If editing a formula, toggle Point
mode off or on so you can use arrow keys to create a reference.
Add or edit a cell comment. Shift+F2
Open the Insert dialog to insert blank cells. Ctrl+Shift+Plus(+)
Open the Delete dialog box to delete selected cells. Ctrl+Minus (-)
Enter the current time. Ctrl+Shift+colon (:)
Enter the current date. Ctrl+semicolon (;)
Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the
Ctrl+apostrophe (')
Formula Bar.
Move the selected cells. Ctrl+X
Copy the selected cells. Ctrl+C
Paste content at the insertion point, replacing any selection. Ctrl+V
Open the Paste Special dialog box. Ctrl+Alt+V
Italicize text or remove italic formatting. Ctrl+I or Ctrl+3
Bold text or remove bold formatting. Ctrl+B or Ctrl+2
Underline text or remove underline. Ctrl+U or Ctrl+4
Apply or remove strike through formatting. Ctrl+5
Switch between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying
placeholders for objects.
Apply an outline border to the selected cells. Ctrl+Shift+ampersand (&)
Remove the outline border from the selected cells. Ctrl+Shift+underline (_)

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Display or hide the outline symbols. Ctrl+8

Select an entire Pivot Table report. Ctrl + Shift +asterisk (*)
Edit the active cell and put the insertion point at the end of its
contents. Or, if editing is turned off for the cell, move the insertion point
into the formula bar. If editing a formula, toggle Point mode off or on
so you can use arrow keys to create a reference.
Expand or collapse the formula bar. Ctrl+Shift+U
Cancel an entry in the cell or Formula Bar. Esc
Complete an entry in the formula bar and select the cell below. Enter
Move the cursor to the end of the text when in the formula bar. Ctrl+End
Select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end. Ctrl+Shift+End
Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks. F9
Calculate the active worksheet. Shift+F9
Display the Function Arguments dialog box when the insertion
point is to the right of a function name in a formula.
Insert argument names and parentheses when the insertion
point is to the right of a function name in a formula.
Invoke Flash Fill to automatically recognize patterns in adjacent
columns and fill the current column
Cycle through all combinations of absolute and relative references in a
formula if a cell reference or range is selected.
Insert a function. Shift+F3
Create a chart of the data in the current range in a separate Chart
Define a name to use in references. Alt+M, M, D
Paste a name from the Paste Name dialog box (if names have
been defined in the workbook.
Move to the first field in the next record of a data form. Enter
Create, run, edit, or delete a macro. Alt+F8

MS -Power-point - PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program that's part of the Microsoft office suite of tools.
PowerPoint slides can be plain with only text, or they can include pictures and even animation, including moving text and
images. Text can be formatted in the same way as text can be formatted in Microsoft Word, including colour, size, and font
type. In PowerPoint 2016 there are 9 tabs followed by a new

feature of “Tell me what you want to do” arranged in a horizontal fashion. The tabs are as follows: File, Home, Insert, design,
Transition, Animation, Slide Show, Review, and View.

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1. File
At one end of the ribbon is the File tab, which you use for the behind-the-scenes stuff you do with a file, such as opening,
saving, sharing, exporting, printing and managing your presentation. Click the File tab to open a new view called the
2. Home

The home tab in PowerPoint has following groups: Clipboard, Slides, Font, Paragraph, drawing and Editing. The Slides
group contains commands to insert new slide, choose slide layout, reset the positions and formatting of the slide
placeholders and option to organize your slides into sections.
3. I nsert
Click Insert to add something to a slide. This includes pictures, shapes, charts, links, text boxes, video and more. The Insert
Tab has following groups of commands: Slides, Tables, Images, Illustrations, Add-ins, Links, Comments, Text, Symbols and
4. Des ign
On the Design tab, you can add a theme or colour scheme, or format the slide background. The design tab has following
categories or groups of commands:
Themes- Each theme has its own unique set of fonts, effect, colour to create a visually appeasing and overall look of the
V ariants - The current theme or style can be customized using various colour schemes through variants. Cus tomize - This
group contains commands to change slidesize and Format Background. Designer.

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5. Transitions
Set up how your slides change from one to the next on the Transitions Tab. Find a gallery of the possible transitions inthe
Transition to This Slide group – click More Button at the side of the gallery to see all of them. Timing controlling is also
present in this tab.
6. A nimations
User may use the Animations tab to choreograph the movement of things on his slides. Apart from adding animation you can
also customize its duration and timing as you need by using advanced animation and timing group of commands.
7. S lide Show
On the Slide Show tab, set up the way that you want to show your presentation to others.

8. Rev iew
The Review tab lets you add comments, run spell-check, or compare one presentation with another and language translation
features also.
9. V iew
Views allow you to look at your presentation in different ways, depending on where you are in the creation or delivery
process. Views name in power-point are: Normal, Outline view, Slide Sorter, Note Page, Reading View, slide master,
Handout master, Note master.
10. Tools tabs When you click some parts of your slides, such as pictures, shapes, Smart Art or text boxes, you might see a
colourful new tab appear.
For example, the Drawing Tools tab appears when you click a shape or text box. When you click a picture, the Picture Tools
tab appears. Other such tabs include Smart Art Tools, Chart Tools, Table Tools and Video Tools. These tabs disappear or
change when you click something else in your presentation.


Ct rl+N : Create a new presentation A lt or F10 : Turn key tips on or off

Ct rl+O : Open an existing presentation Ct rl+F1 : Show or hide the ribbon
Ct rl+S : Save a presentation Ct rl+F : Find and replace -in a presentation
F12 or A lt+F2: Open the Save As dialog box A lt+F : Open the File tab menu
Ct rl+W or Ctrl+F4: Close a presentation A lt+H : Go to the Home tab
Ct rl+Q : Save and close a presentation A lt+N : Open the Insert tab
Ct rl+Z : Undo an action A lt+G : Open the Design tab
Ct rl+Y : Redo an action A lt+K : Go to the Transitions tab
Ct rl+F2: Print Preview View A lt+A : Go to the Animations tab
F1 : Open the Help pane A lt+S : Go to the Slide Show tab
A lt+Q : Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box A lt+R : Go to the Review tab
F7 : Check spelling A lt+W : Go to View tab

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A lt+X : Go to the Add-ins tab Ct rl+I : Add or remove italics to selected text
A lt+Y : Go to the Help tab Ct rl+U : Add or remove underline to selected text
Ct rl+Tab: Switch between open presentations Ct rl+E : Center a paragraph
Ct rl+A : Select all text in a text box, all objects on a slide, Ct rl+J : Justify a paragraph
or all slides in a presentation (for the latter, click on a slide Ct rl+L : Left align a paragraph
thumbnail first) Ct rl+R : Right align a paragraph
Tab: Select or move to the next object on a slide Ct rl+T : Open the Font dialog box when text or object is
S hift+Tab: Select or move to the previous object on a slide selected
Home : Go to the first slide, or from within a text box, go to A lt+W,Q: Open the Zoom dialog box to change the zoom for
the beginning of the line the slide
E nd : Go to the last slide, or from within a text box, go to A lt+N,P: Insert a picture
the end of the line A lt+H,S,H: Insert a shape
P gDn : Go to the next slide A lt+H,L: Select a slide layout
P gUp : Go the previous slide Ct rl+K : Insert a hyperlink
Ct rl+Up/Down A rrow: Move a slide up or down in your Ct rl+M : Insert a new slide
presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first) Ct rl+D : Duplicate the selected object or slide (for the latter,
Ct rl+Shift+Up/Down A rrow : Move a slide to the click on a slide thumbnail first)
beginning or end of your presentation (click on a slide F5 : Start the presentation from the beginning
thumbnail first) S hift+F5: Start the presentation from the current slide (this
Ct rl+X : Cut selected text, selected object(s), or selected one is great when you want to test out how the slide your
slide(s) currently working on will look in your presentation)
Ct rl+C or Ctrl+Insert : Copy selected text, selected Ct rl+P : Annotate with the Pen tool during a slideshow
object(s), or selected slide(s) N or P age Down: Advance to the next slide during a
Ct rl+V or S hift+Insert: Paste selected text, selected slideshow
object(s), or selected slide(s) P or P age Up: Return to the previous slide during a slide
Ct rl+Alt+V : Open the Paste Special dialog box show
Delete : Remove selected text, selected object(s), or B : Change the screen to black during a slideshow;
selected slide(s) press B again to return to the slideshow
Ct rl+B : Add or remove bold to selected text Esc : End the slideshow

Full form and Abbreviations

AAC - Advanced Audio Coding A RP - Address Resolution Protocol

AI - Artificial Intelligence ASP - Active Server Pages
A LGOL- Algorithmic Language A TM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
A LU - Arithmetic Logic Unit AVI - Audio Video Interleave
A OL - America Online A S CII - American Standard Code for Information
API - Application Program Interface Interchange

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AT - Advanced Technology DV I - Digital Visual Interface

A UI - Attachment Unit Interface DV D-R -Digital Versatile Disk Recordable
B A SIC - Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code DV D-RW-Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable
B CD - Binary Coded Decimal DB MS -Data Base Management System
B HTML- Broadcast Hyper Text Mark-up Language DRA M -Dynamic Random Access Memory
B MP - Bitmap DDL -Data Definition Language
B I OS - Basic Input Output System DHTML-Dynamics Hyper Text Mark-up Language
B 2B - Business to Business DML -Data Manipulation Language
B 2C - Business to Consumer DNS -Domain Name System
BIU - Bus Interface Unit DP I -Dots Per Inch
BPS - Bytes Per Second DNA -Distributed Internet Architecture
B CC - Blind Carbon Copy DA RP ANET-Defence Advanced Research Project Agency
CC - Carbon Copy Network
CA I - Computer Aided Instruction DV R -Digital Video Recorder
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access E -Commerce-Electronic Commerce
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube E DGE -Enhanced Data Rate for GSM (Global System for
CA D - Computer Aided Design Mobile Communication)
CA DD - Computer Aided Design and Drafting Evolution
CD - Compact Disk E DI -Electronic Data Interchange
CDRW - Compact Disk Rewritable E DP -Electronic Data Processing
CA M - Computer Aided Manufacturing E DS AC-Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
CROM - Computerized Range of Motion E DV AC-Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
CDROM- Compact Disk Read Only Memory EB -EXA BYTE
CMD - Command E iB -EXBI BYTE
CI S C - Complex Instructions Set Computers E ROM -Erasable Read Only Memory
COB OL- Common Business Oriented Language E P ROM-Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
CP I - Clock / Cycle Per Instruction E E P ROM-Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only
CP U - Central Processing Unit Memory
CS S - Cascading Style Sheets E -Mail -Electronic Mail
CUI - Character User Interface E FS -Encrypted File System
DA T - Digital Audio Tape E DC -Electronic Digital Computer
DDR - Double Data Rate E NI AC -Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator
DDRS DRAM - Double Data Rate – Synchronous FDC -Floppy Disk Controller
Dynamic Random Access Memory FDD -Floppy Disk Drive
DOS - Disk Operating System FORTRAN-Formula Translation
DOC - Data Optimizing Computer FTP -File Transfer Protocol
Doc - Document FS -File System
DV D - Digital Versatile/Video Disk FA T -File Allocation Table

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FP S -Frames Per Second IBM -International Business Machines

FLOP S -Floating Point Operations Per Second IC -Integrated Circuit
FM -Frequency Modulation I CT -Information Communication Technology
GB -Giga Byte IT -Information Technology
GiB -GIBI BYTE JAR -Java Archive
GI F -Graphic Interchangeable Format J 2E E -Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition
GDI -Graphical Device Interface JAD -Java Application Descriptor/Development
GP RS -General Packet Radio Service J P EG -Joint Photographic Expert Group
Google- GOOGLE is Global Organization of Oriented Group JS -Java Script
Language of Earth JSP -Java Server Page
GUI -Graphical User Interface KB -KILOBYTE
Gbps /GBPS -Gigabytes/Gigabits Per Second K bps -Kilobits Per Second
3GP -3rd Generation Project K B P S -Kilo Bytes per second
3GP P -3rd Generation Partnership Project LA N -Local Area Network
GML -Geographical Mark-up Language LCD -Liquid Crystal Display
GS M -Global System for Mobile Communication LE D -Light Emitting Diode
GHz -Giga Hertz LLL -Low Level Language
GI GO -Garbage In Garbage Out MA N -Metropolitan Area Network
HDMI -High Definition Multimedia Interface MB -Motherboard/ Megabyte
HTTP -Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Mbps -Megabits per second
HTTP S -Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure MB P S -Megabytes Per Second
HTML -Hyper Text Mark-up Language MHz -Mega Hertz
HD -Hard Disk MI P S -Million Instructions Per Second
HDD -Hard Disk Drive MI ME -Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
HP C -Handheld Personal Computer/High Performance MI CR -Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
Computer MP E G -Motion Picture Experts Group
HP -Hewlett Packard Mp3 -MPEG Audio Layer 3
HS DP A-High Speed Downlink Packet Access Mp4 -MPEG – 4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding)
ISO -International Organization for Standardization NA T -Network Address Translation
I MA P -Internet Message Access Protocol NI C -Network Interface Card
I NTEL -Integrated Electronics NTP -Network Time Protocol
ISP -Internet Service Provider NTFS -New Technology File System
I NFO -Information OMR -Optical Mark Reader/Recognition
IP -Internet Protocol OOP -Object Oriented Programming
IPV4 -Internet Protocol Version 4 ORA CLE-Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical
IPV6 -Internet Protocol Version 6 Engine
IO -Input Output OS -Operating System
I OP -Input Output Processor OP E NGL-Open Graphics Library

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OS I -Open Systems Interconnection TCP -Transmission Control Protocol

PC -Personal Computer TB P S -Tera Bytes Per Second
P P P oA-Point to Point Protocol Over ATM TX T -Text
P P P oE -Point to Point Protocol Over Ethernet TA P I -Telephony Application Programming Interface
P DF -Portable Document Format UMTS -Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
P HP -Hypertext Preprocessor URL -Uniform Resource Locator
PB -PETA BYTE UHF -Ultra High Frequency
P iB -PEBI BYTE US B -Universal Serial Bus
P NG -Portable Network Graphics UNI V AC-Universal Automatic Computer
P NP -Plug and Play UP S -Uninterruptible Power Supply
P DA -Personal Digital Assistant UI -User Interface
PPP -Point to Point Protocol VAN -Value Added Network
PAN -Personal Area Network V DU -Visual Display Unit
P ROM -Programmable Read Only Memory V I RUS -Vital Information Resource Under Seized
P CI -Peripheral Component Interconnect V CD -Video Compact Disk
P OS T -Power On Self-Test V HF -Very High Frequency
PSU -Power Supply Unit V GA -Video Graphics Array
P I NG -Packet Internet/Internetwork Groper V GA -Video/Visual Graphic Adapter
RA M -Random Access Memory V OI P -Voice Over Internet Protocol
RDB MS-Relational Data Base Management System V RA M -Video Random Access Memory
ROM -Read Only Memory VPN -Virtual Private Network
RI P -Routing Information Protocol V RML -Virtual Reality Modelling Language
RP M -Revolutions Per Minute WA N -Wide Area Network
RTF -Rich Text Format WA P -Wireless Application Protocol
S MP S -Switch Mode Power Supply WORM-Write Once Read Many
S MTP -Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Windows – Wide Interactive development for office work
S RA M -Static Random Access Memory solution
SIM -Subscriber Identity Module WWW -World Wide Web
SAM -Sequential Access Method WB MP -Wireless Bitmap Image
S NA P -Sub Network Access Protocol WLA N -Wireless Local Area Network
S NOB OL-String Oriented Symbolic Language WMV -Windows Media Video
S DD -Solid State Drive WML -Wireless Mark-up Language
SW -Software WI NS -Windows Internet Name Service
SIU -Serial Interface Unit WMA -Windows Media Audio
S MS -Short Message Service XP - Experience
S QL -Structured Query Language XT -Extended Technology
TB -TERA BYTE X MF -Extensible Music File
TiB -TEBI BYTE X ML -Extensible Mark-up Language

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X MS -Extended Memory Specification YB -YOTTA BYTE

X HTML-Extensible Hyper Text Mark-up Language Y iB -YOBI BYTE
XSL -Extensible Style Language ZB -ZETTA BYTE
Y ahoo -Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle ZiB -Zebi Byte

Terminology of Computer

➢A c c ess Time The time interval between the instance at ➢A ndroid It is a Linux based operating system designed
which data is called from a storage device and the instance Primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as
when delivery begins. smartphones and tablets computer.
➢A c c umulator A local storage area called a register, in ➢A nt ivirus Software Antivirus software consists of 3omputer
which the result of an arithmetic programs that attempt to identify threat and eliminate
or logic operation is formed It contains a single data register. computer virus and other malicious software (Malware)

➢A c t ive Directory Active directory stores information about ➢A pplet A small java application that is downloaded from
its users and can act in a java based web browser.
similar manner to a phonebook. This allows all of the ➢A pplication S oftware Application software is a subclass of
information and computer settings about an organization to computer software that employs the capabilities of a
be stored in a central, organized database. computer directly to a task that the user wishes to perform.
➢A dware It is a software package which automatically e.g., word, excel etc.
renders advertisements in order ➢A rc hive It provides backup storage.
to generate revenue for its author. ➢A rit hmetic Logic Unit (ALU) The arithmetic logic unit is a
➢A LGOL It was the first language with a formal grammar. part of the execution unit, a core component of all CPUs.
ALGOL was created by a committee for scientific use in ALUs are capable of calculating the results of a wide variety
1958. Its major contribution is being the root of the tree that of basic arithmetical and logical computations.
has led to such languages as Pascal, C, C+ + and Java. ➢A rt ificial I ntelligence Fifth generation computing devices,
➢A lgorithm In computing, an algorithm is a procedure for based on artificial intelligence, are still in development,
accomplishing some tasks which, given an initial state, will though there are some applications, such as voice
terminate in a defined end-state. recognition, that are being used today.

➢A lphanumeric A character set that contains letters, digits ➢A S CII (American Standard Code for Information
and other special characters such as @, $, +. *, %. etc. Interchange) is a character set and a character encoding
➢A mplifier A device that takes in a weak electric signal and based on the Roman alphabet as used in Modern English
sends out a strong one. It is used to boost electrical Signals and other Western European languages.
in many electronic devices such as radios, televisions and ➢A s s embler A program that translates mnemonic statement
telephone. into executable instruction.
➢A nalog Computer A computer that operates on data which ➢A t t ribute The characteristics of an entity are called its
is in the form of continuous variable physical quantities. attributes.

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➢B ac kspace key is used on the keyboard to delete the text. the computer performs when it is switched on which loads
Backspace will delete the text to the left of cursor. an operating system.
➢B andwidth The maximum amount of data that can travel in ➢B rows er A special software that enables users to
a communication path in a given time, measured in bits per read/view web pages and jump from one web page to
second (bps). another.
➢B ar Code A bar code is a machine-readable ➢B uf fering The process of storing data in a memory device,
representation of information in a visual format on a surface. allowing the devices to change the data rates, perform error
The first bar code system was developed by Norman checking and error retransmission.
Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver in 1952. ➢B ug A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a

➢B as ic I nput/Output S ystem (BIOS) It is also known as computer program or system that produces an incorrect or
ROM BIOS. It provides an abstraction layer for the unexpected result.
hardware, i.e., a consistent way for application programs ➢B ulletin B oard System (BBS) An online information
and operating system to interact with input/output devices. system, usually, set-up by an individual on a non-profit basis
➢B inary Coded Decimal (B CD) A coding system in which a for the enjoyment of other individual with similar interest
4 digit binary number represents each decimal digit from 0 ➢B us A circuit that provides a communication path between
to 9. two or more devices of a digital computer system.
➢B it A bit sometimes abbreviated as binary digit is the most ➢B y t e A byte is commonly used as a unit of storage
basic information unit used in computing and information measurement in computers, regardless of the type of data
theory. being stored.
➢B it map A method of storing a graphic image as a set of ➢Cac he Memory The speed of CPU is extremely high
bits in a computer memory. To display the image on the compared to the access time of main memory Therefore,
screen, the computer converts the bits into pixels. the performance of CPU decreases due to the slow speed
➢B log It is a discussion or informational site published on of main memory. To decrease the mismatch in operating
the world wide web. speed, a small memory chip is attached between CPU and

➢B omb A type of virus designed to activate at a specific main memory whose access time is very close to the
date and time on your computer. processing speed of CPU It is called the Cache Memory.
➢B luetooth A protocol that permits a wireless exchange of ➢Cent ral Processing Unit (CPU) The Central Processing
information between computers. cell phone and other Unit (CPU) performs the actual processing of data. It is the
electronic devices within a radius about 30 feet. part of a computer system that interprets and carries out the
➢B oot ing is a process which starts the operating system instructions contained in the software. The CPU is generally
when a computer is switched on. called by its generic name 'Processor'. It is also known as
➢B ot net It is a collection of connected computers which are the brain of computer.
infected by Bot. A particular system infected by Bot is known ➢Chart Wizard The chart wizard brings you through the
as zombie. process of creating a chart by
➢B oot Sequence A boot sequence is the set of operations displaying a series of dialog boxes.

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➢Channel A medium for transferring information which is ➢Communication Exchange of data between two or more
also called a line or circuit. A communication channel can be devices.
a physical link, such as a cable that connects two stations in ➢Computer Networks is a collection of two more
a network or it can consist of some electromagnetic interconnected node and devices to share devices and data
transmission. between them.
➢Chat Typing text into a message box on a screen to ➢Computer Graphics Computer Graphics are visual
engage in dialog with one or more people via the internet or presentations on a computer screen. Examples are
other network. photographs, drawings, line arts, graphs, diagrams,
➢Client-Server is a network architecture which separates typography numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps,

the client from the server. Each instance of the client engineering drawings or other images.➢Comput er Output
software can send requests to a server or application Mic rofilm (COM) An extremely high speed, low cost process
server. that
➢Cloc k Rate The clock rate is the fundamental rate in records computer generated information directly from the
cycles per second, measured in hertz, at which a computer computer tape or cartridge to a mini microfilm media.
performs its most basic operations such as adding two ➢Cold B oot Restarting the computer is called cold boot.
numbers or transferring a value from one processor register ➢Cont rol Panel which allows users to view and manipulate
to another. basic system settings and controls,
➢CMOS A type of computer chip which is able to operate such as adding hardware. adding/removing software,
with a very small amount of electricity from a battery. CMOS controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options,
refers as complementary metal oxide semiconductor. etc.
➢Cook ie A packet of information that travels between a ➢Computer Worm A computer worm is a self - replicating
browser and the web server computer program.
➢Command Line I nterface A Command Line Interface (CLI) ➢Cont rol Unit A control unit is used in our system to control
is a method of interacting internal function.

with a computer by giving it lines of textual commands (that ➢Crac ker The preferred term used to refer to a computer
is, a sequence of characters) from the keyboard. criminal who penetrates a computer to steal information or
➢Compact Disk (CDR) CD-ROM disks are made of plastic damage the program in some way.
and are coated with reflective metals. Their storage density ➢Cras h A malfunction in hardware or software that keeps a
is very high, storage cost is very low and access time is computer from functioning.
relatively fast. Each disk can hold about 700 MB of data. ➢Crawler A web crawler is an internet bot that
➢Compiler A compiler is a computer program that translates systematically browses the world wide web, typically for the
a series of instructions written in one computer language purpose of web indexing. It is also called a web spider.
(called the source language) into another computer ➢Dat a is raw facts and figures or we can say unprocessed
language (also called the object or target language). information.
➢Dat abase A collection of interrelated data saved in tabular

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format by using a DBMS software. a print head that runs back and forth on the page and prints
➢Dat a A bstraction A data abstraction is a simplified view of by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the
an object that includes only paper, much like a typewriter.
features one is interested in while hides away the ➢Domain Name A unique name that identifies a particular
unnecessary details. website and represents the name of the server where the
➢Dat a Dictionary The document that contains clear web pages reside.
definitions of the data that will be used in setting up ➢Dot s P er Inch (DPI) It is defined as the measure of the
database management systems. resolution of a printer, scanner
➢Dat a P rocessing Converting data into information, is or monitor. It refers to the number of dots in a one-inch line.

called data processing. The more dots per inch, the higher the resolution.
➢Dat a Flow Diagrams A data flow diagram (DFD) is a ➢Drag-and-Drop In computer graphical user interfaces,
graphical representation of the drag and drop is the action of clicking on a virtual object and
'flow' of data through an information system.➢Dat a Type A dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual
data type is a defined kind of data, that is, a set of possible object.
values and basic operations on those values. ➢Dumb Terminal A computer terminal with no processing or
➢Debugging is process of finding and reducing the number programming capabilities,
of bugs, or errors in a computer program. generally used for simple data entry or retrieval tasks.
➢Degree The number of fields associated with the database ➢DV D is an optical disk storage media format that can be
table or relation used for data storage including movies with high quality
➢Dev ice Driver A device driver, often called a driver for video and sound.
short, is a computer program that enables another program, ➢Dy namic RAM DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
typically, an operating system to interact with a hardware is a type of random access memory which stores each bit of
device. data in a separate capacitor.
➢Dif f erence E ngine A difference engine is a mechanical ➢E B CDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange

special-purpose computer designed to tabulate polynomial Code) is an 8-bitcharacter encoding used on IBM mainframe
functions. Difference engine operating systems, like Z/OS, S/390,AS/400 and i5/OS.
was created in 1822 by Charles Babbage. ➢E -Commerce Electronic commerce is a type of industry
➢Dis k Operating System (DOS) An operating system which where buying and selling of product or services is conducted
contains the disk oriented over Intranet.
commands and uses disk devices for permanent storage. ➢E dit ing The process of changing information by inserting,
➢Directory In computing, a directory is an entity in a file deleting, replacing, rearranging and reformation.
system which contains a group of files and other directories. ➢E lectrically E rasable Programmable Read Only Memory
A directory contained inside another directory is called a (E E PROM) A special type
sub-directory of that directory. of Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) that can be
➢Dot Matrix P rinter refers to a type of computer printer with erased by exposing it to an electrical charge. It retains its

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contents even when the power is turned off. distinctive name.

➢E lectronic Data P rocessing (EDP) A data processing ➢File A llocation Table (FAT) It is the name of a computer
through equipment that is file system architecture. The FAT file system is a legacy file
predominantly electronic such as digital computer. system which is simple and robust.
➢E -mail Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail is a method of ➢File Manager The file manager is an operating system
composing, sending, storing and receiving messages over utility that provides a user interface to work with file
electronic communication systems. systems.
➢E nc apsulation It is a mechanism that associates the code ➢Firewall A security system usually consisting of hardware
and the data it manipulates and software that prevents unauthorised persons from

into a single unit and keeps them safe from external accessing certain parts of a programme database or
interference. network .
➢E nc ryption In cryptography, encryption is the process of ➢Firmware is a technology which has the combination of
encoding messages (or information) in such a way that both hardware and software . It provides necessary
hackers cannot read it, but the authorised users can access instructions for how the device communicates with others
it. computer hardware.
➢E nt ity An entity is something that has certain attributes or ➢Flas h Memory It is a type of non-volatile computer storage
properties which may be assigned values. chip that can be electrically
➢E s c ape K ey A key that permits the user to leave one erased and reprogrammed. It was developed using
segment of a program and move to another. EEPROM.
➢E x c el allows you to create spreadsheets much like paper ➢Floating-point Numbers Signed numbers held in a traction
ledgers that can perform automatic calculations. exponent format.
➢E x e (.exe) It is a common filename extension denoting an ➢Floppy disk A floppy disk is a data storage device that is
executable file (a program)in the DOS. MS- Windows. composed of a circular piece of thin, flexible magnetic
➢E x ecution Time The total time required to execute a storage medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic

program on a particular system. walled.

➢E x t ranet A technology that permits the users of one ➢Foreign Key A field in a database table. which links it to
organisation's intranet to enter portions of another another related table.
organisation's intranet in order to conduct business ➢Frequency The number of oscillations of a signal per unit
transactions or collaborate on joint projects. of time. It is usually expressed in cycles per second (cps or
➢Fax It stands for 'Facsimile machine'. It is used to transmit hertz Hz).
a copy of a document electronically. ➢Freeware A form of software distribution where the author
➢Field The attributes of an entity are written as fields in the retains copyright of the
table representation. software but makes the program available to others at no
➢File A collection of information stored electronically and cost.
treated as a unit by a computer. Every file must have its own ➢Func tion Key A special key on a computer keyboard or a

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terminal devices keyboard ➢Hit A single request for information made by a client
that is used to perform specific functions. These keys are computer from a web server.
programmable so that a software product can put the ➢Home P age A starting point or a doorway to the website. It
function keys to specific uses. Many keyboards have refers to the web page that identifies a website and contains
function keys labelled from F1 to F12. the hyperlink to other web page in the website.
➢Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) It pertains to the fact that ➢Hos t Computer A computer that provides information or a
most computer errors are not errors, they are data errors service to other computers
caused by incorrect input data. on the internet. Every host computer has its own unique
➢Gat eway A device that is used to joint together two host name

networks having different base protocols. ➢Hub A network device that connects multiple computers
➢Gigabyte A gigabyte is a unit of information or computer on a LAN, so that they can
storage equal to approximately one billion bytes. communicate with one another.
➢Glitch A hardware problem that causes a computer to ➢Hy perlink An image or portion of text on a web page that
malfunction or crash. is linked to another webpage.
➢Gopher A protocol used for locating and transferring ➢Hy brid Computer Hybrid computers are made by taking
information on the internet. It is the best features of the analog computer and digital
an internet search tool that allows users to access textual computer. A simple example of this type is the computer
information. used in hospitals.
➢Graphic I nterchange Format (GIF) A simple file format for ➢Hy pertext Transfer P rotocol (HTTP) It is an important
pictures and photographs, that are compressed so they can protocol used on the worldwide web for moving hypertext
be sent quickly. files across the internet. It requires an HTTP client program
➢Graphical User Interface A Graphical User Interface (or on one end and HTTP server program on other end.
GUI) is a method of interacting with a computer through a ➢I c on A symbol (such as picture or a folder) that represents
metaphor of direct manipulating of graphical images and a certain function on your computer. When the user clicks

widgets in addition to text. on the icon, the appropriate function is executed.

➢Hac k er A computer criminal who penetrates and tempers ➢I mpact Printers Impact printers transfer the image onto
with computer programs or paper through a printing mechanism that strikes the paper
systems. called ribbon. Examples of impact printers are dot matrix
➢Hard Disk A hard disk is a non-volatile data storage device printers and daisy wheel printers.
that stores data on a magnetic surface layered onto disk ➢I nf ormation is the summarization of data according to a
platters. certain predefined purpose.
➢Hardware physical components of our systems. ➢I nk -Jet Printer In an ink-jet printer. characters are formed
➢High-Level P rogramming Languages A high-level as a result of electrically charged or heated ink being
programming language is a programming language that is sprayed in fine jets onto the paper. Individual nozzles in the
more user-friendly. printing head produce high resolution characters.

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➢I nput In order to give instructions to a computer, the ➢J P E G is an extension of image file. The
information has to be supplied to term 'JPEG' is an acronym for the Joint Photographic
it. This information is given to the computers through an Experts Groups.
input device such as keyboard, mouse, scanner etc. ➢J oy stick A joystick is a computer peripheral or general
➢I ns tant Messaging (IM) A chat program that lets people control device consisting of a handheld stick that pivots
communicate over the internet in real time. about one end and transmits its angle in two or three
➢I ns truction A command or order given to a computer to dimensions to a computer.
perform a task. ➢K ernel It is the fundamental part of a program, such as an
➢I ns truction Cycle Fetching and decoding operations of the operating system, that resides in memory at all times.

machine cycle. ➢K ey board This is the standard input device attached to all
➢I nt erface A device or program that helps a user to computers. The layout of keyboard is just like the traditional
communicate with a computer. typewriter of the type QWERTY. It also Contains some extra
➢I nt elligent Terminal Intelligent terminals are those which command keys and function keys.
necessarily have processing power and non-volatile data ➢K ey Field A unique field in a record used to distinguish
storage space. one record from another.
➢I nt erpreter A program that converts and executes the ➢K ilobyte A kilobyte is a unit of information or computer
source code into machine code storage equal to 1024 bytes. Itis commonly abbreviated KB.
line by line. k byte or K byte.
➢I nt ernet The Internet (also known simply as the net is the ➢Label One or more characters used to Identify a statement
worldwide, publicly accessible system of interconnected and instruction or a data field in a computer program.
computer networks that transmit data by packets witching ➢LA N stands for Local Area Network in a LAN the
using the standard Internet protocol. connected computers are geographically close together.
➢I nt ernet P rotocol (IP) Address IP addresses are assigned They are either in the same building or within a smaller
to each and every computer on a TCP/IP network. It area.

ensures that data on a network goes where it is supported ➢Lapt op is a small, lightweight and portable battery-
to go e.g., powered computers that can
➢I nt ernet S ervice P rovider An Internet Service Provider fit onto your lap. They each have a thin, flat and liquid
(ISP) is a business organization that offers users access to crystal display screen.
the Internet and related services. ➢LA S E R P rinter A computer-driven photocopier that
➢I nt ernet P rotocol Suite The Internet protocol suite is the creates an original image of the text or graphics from the
set of communications protocols that implement the protocol output of the computer onto a paper.
stack on which the Internet and most commercial networks ➢LI GHT P en A light sensitive style for forming graphics by
run. touching coordinates on a display screen. thereby seeming
➢I nt egrated Circuits Multiple electronic components to draw directly on the screen.
combined on a silicon chip. ➢Link A communication path between two nodes or

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channel. or description of a data element. It is stored in a data

➢LI NUX is an open source operating system, meaning that dictionary and repository.
the source code of the operating system is freely available ➢Mic rocomputer A microprocessor-based computer,
to the public. consisting of an MPU, internal
➢Lis t P rocessing (LISP) A high level programming language semiconductor memory, input and output sections and a
suitable for handling system bus, all on one, or several monolithic IC chips
logical operations and non-numeric applications. inserted into one or several PC boards.
➢Loop A sequence of instructions that is executed ➢Mic roprocessor A complete Central Processing Unit
repeatedly until a terminal condition (CPU) contained on a single silicon chip.

occurs. ➢MI DI Stands for Music Instrument Digital Interface. It

➢Mac hine Language The language of computer also called allows a computer to store and
binary language. Instructions in this language are written as replay a musical instrument's output.
a sequence of O's and l's. ➢Minicomputer Considered to be more capable than a
➢Mac ro A script that operates a series of commands to microcomputer but less powerful than a mainframe.
perform a function. It is set up to ➢Minimize A term used in a GUI operating system that uses
automate repetitive tasks. windows. It refers to reducing a window to an icon, or a label
➢Mainframe Sometimes it's called a server or CPU Mostly a at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be
mainframe is only a mainframe when compared to a viewed.
desktop computer. It is bigger and much more ➢MI P S An acronym derived from Millions of Instruction Per
powerful. Second (MIPS) It is used to
➢Malware (Malicious Software)It a software that disrupts measure the speed of a processor.
normal computer functions or sends users. ➢Mnemonic A symbolic label or code remainder that assists
➢Mas s S torage It is referred to storage where large the user in remembering a specific operation or command in
volume', of backup/data is stored. assembly language.

➢Memory Temporary storage for information, including ➢Modem An acronym for Modulator/Demodulator that refers
applications and documents. Computer memory is to specific equipment that provides a means of
measured in terms of the amount of information it can store, communication between two computer systems over
commonly in megabytes or gigabytes. conventional telephone lines.
➢Menu B ar The horizontal strip across the top of an ➢Monitor The visual readout device of a computer system.
application's window. Each word on A monitor can be in several
the strip has a context sensitive drop-down menu containing forms a cathode ray tube (CRT), a liquid crystal display
features and actions that (LCD), or a flat-panel, full-colour display.
are available for the application in use. ➢Mous e A manually operated input device for moving or
➢Merge Combining two or more files into a single file. entering positional information and other data or commands
➢Met adata Data about data, i.e., name, length, valid values by accessing (pointing to) images on a monitor.

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➢Morphing The transformation of one image into another ➢Object Oriented A computer program and its data are
image. modelled as a group of autonomous objects that respond to
➢Mot herboard Main circuit board of a micro-computer that message sent by other object.
contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfaces, ➢Of f line It refers to the state in which a computer is
serial and parallel ports, expansion slots and all the temporarily or permanently unable
controllers required to control standard peripheral devices to communicate with another computer.
such as display screen, keyboard and disk drive. ➢Online It refers to the state of being connected to the
➢MS -DOS An early operating system developed by networked computer system or
Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Disc Operating System). the Internet.

➢Mult itasking can simultaneously work with several ➢Operand The part of a machine level instruction which
programs or interrelated tasks that share memories, codes, tells the central processor, the
buffers and files. location of the data to be manipulated by some operation.
➢Mult ithreading It is a facility available in an operating ➢Operation Code (op-Code) Part of a computer instruction
system that allows multiple word that designates the function performed by a specific
functions from the same application packages. instruction.
➢Mult iplexer It is a device That combines multiple input ➢Operating S ystem A set of instructions that tell a computer
signals into an aggregate signal on how to operate when it is turned on. It sets up a filing
for transmission. system to store files and tells the computer how to display
➢Mult imedia S oftware programs that combine text and information on a video display.
graphics with sound, video and animation. A multimedia PC ➢P eripheral A term designating the various kinds of
contains the hardware to support these capabilities. machines and devices that work in
➢Net work Interface Card (NIC) This is a part of the conjunction with a computer but are not necessarily part of
computer that allows it to talk to other computers via a the computer structure.
network protocol like TCP/IP Typically, peripherals refer to the hardware devices external

➢Nibble A sequence of four adjacent bits, or a half byte. A to a computer.

hexadecimal or BCD coded digit can be represented by a ➢P ers onal Computer (PC) A single-user computer
nibble. containing a Central Processing Unit
➢Non V olatile Memory A memory where stored data (CPU) and one or more memory circuits.
remains undistributed by the removal of electrical powers. ➢P iracy The illegal copying of software or other creative
➢Object Code Machine language code produced by a works.
translator program, such as an assembler, interpreter, or ➢P it ch The number of mono space characters (with same
compiler. width) that will fit in a 1-inchline of text.
➢Object Linking and E mbedding (OLE) A process that ➢P ix els An acronym derived from .picture element. The
permits the user to take material from one source and insert smallest element (a dot) on a display screen.
it in another document. ➢P lug-In This is a program that your browser uses to

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manipulate a downloaded file. It ➢S erv er A computer that shares its resources and
differs from a Helper Application in that the plug-in works information with other computers on a network. This is a
inside the browser window. mainframe computer that serves the other computers
➢Rec ord A collection of all the information pertaining to a attached to it.
particular entity instance. ➢S hareware A software that is not free but is available for a
➢Register A temporary storage unit for quick, direct free trial period.
accessibility of a small amount of data for processing. Most ➢S hell A shell is an outer layer of a program that provides
computers include a set of internal registers that can be that user interface or the wayof instruct the computer.
accessed more quickly than the system's main memory ➢S implex Transmission of data in one direction.

➢Remot e S erver A network computer that allows a user on ➢S oc ket A bi-directional pipe for incoming and outgoing
the network from a distant data that enables an application
location to access information. program to access the TCP/IP protocols.
➢Res ponse Time The total time elapsed between ➢S of tware The set of computer programs, procedure and
submission of command and data to a computer and getting associated documentation
the result of computation. related to the effective operation. Software includes:
➢Ric h Text Format (RTF) A type of document formatting operating systems (system software). language translators
which enables special characteristic like fonts and margins (assemblers, interpreters and compilers) and application
to be included within as ASCII file. programs.
➢Rout er A network device that enables the network to ➢S ource Code (Source P rogram) A set of computer
reroute messages it receives that instructions in hard-copy or stored form. When written in a
are intended for other networks. The network with the router language other than machine language, the source code
receives the message and sends it on its way exactly as requires translation by an assembler (or macro assembler),
received. In normal operations. they do not store any of the interpreter, or compiler into object code.
messages that they pass through. ➢S pam Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over

➢Rout ing The process of choosing the best path throughout Internet, typically to large numbers
the LAN. of users, for the purpose of advertising. phishing spreading
➢S c anner An electronic device that uses light-sensing malwares, etc
equipment to scan paper images such as text, photos and ➢S preadsheet Software that allows one to calculate
illustrations and translate the images into signals that the numbers in a format that is similar to pages in a
computer can then store, modify, or distribute. conventional ledger.
➢S earch E ngine Software that makes it possible to look for ➢S wapping Storing programs on disk and then transferring
and retrieve information on the Internet, particularly the these programs into main storage as and when they are
Web. Some popular search engines are Alta Vista, Google, needed.
Hot-Bot, Yahoo!, Web Crawler and Lycos. ➢S y nchronisation This method ensures that the receiving
➢S ec tor A section of a recording track on a magnetic disk. end can recognise characters in order, in which the

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transmitting end sends them in a serial data transmission. ➢Unif orm Resource Locator (URL) The specific internet
➢S y s tems Software A general term for software that address for a resource such as an individual or an
supervises, sequences and coordinates programs. Systems organisation.
software may include programs, such as: operating ➢Unix This is an operating system developed by AT & T. It's
systems, assemblers, interpreters, compilers, software a big push that it allows one server to serve many different
debugging programs, text editors, utilities and peripheral end users at one time.
drivers. ➢Upload The processes of transferring information from a
➢S uper Computer The largest mainframe computer computer to a web site (or
featuring exceptionally high speed other remote location on a network).

operation while manipulating huge amounts of information. ➢UP S (Universal Power S upply or Uninterruptible P ower
➢TCP / IP Stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet S upply) An electrical power supply that includes a battery to
Protocol. This is a large provide enough power to a computer during an outage to
grouping of programs and standards that govern how back-up data and properly shut down.
information moves round the Internet. ➢Us er Someone attached to a server or host.
➢Template A pre-established format for a document, stored ➢Us er-Friendly Program A software program that has been
in a computer. designed to easily direct the user through the operation or
➢Terabyte (TB) It's about a trillion bytes. Actually it's 2 to application of a program. A menu-driven program is
the 40th power or considered to be 'user-friendly'.
10095111627776 bytes. ➢Ut ility A software program designed to perform a computer
➢Teraf lop A measure of a computer's speed. It can be system's routine housekeeping functions, like copying,
expressed as a trillion floating point operations per second. deleting files and/or providing techniques to simplify the
➢Terminal This is what you look at when you're on the execution of a program.
Internet. It's your computer screen. ➢V alidation The process of making sure that the forms and
➢Time S haring It refers to the allocation of computer documents from a particular

resources in a time dependent transaction are correct.

fashion to run several programs simultaneously. ➢V irus A piece of computer code designed as a prank or
➢Topology The structure of the network. malicious act to spread from one computer to another by
➢Trac k A ring on the surface of a magnetic disk. attaching itself to other programs.
➢Trac kball Input device that controls the position of the ➢V olatile Memory A memory whose contents are
cursor on the screen; the unit is irretrievably lost when power is removed. If data in RAM
mounted near the keyboard and movement is controlled by must be saved after power shutdown, back-up in non-
moving a ball. volatile memory (magnetic disk. tape. or CD-R) is essential.
➢Transfer Rate The rate at which data is transmitted ➢Webc am A video camera/computer setup that takes live
between two computers or other images and sends them to a Web browser.
electronic equipment. ➢Window A portion of a computer display used in a

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graphical interface that enables users to select commands disks memory available in a
by pointing to illustrations or symbols with a 'Windows' is variety of formats from 5.25" to 1.4". The Worm can be
also the name Microsoft adopted for its popular operating programmed once, permanently saving a user's data. It then
system. becomes an optical disk read-only memory having
➢Word The set of binary bits handled by a computer as a essentially the same features as a CD-ROM. Also called
primary unit of data. Typically, each location in memory CD-R (CDRECORDABLE).
contains one word. ➢X -Y P lotter A computer-driven printing mechanism that
➢Word P rocessor A computer system or program for draws coordinate points in graph form.
setting, editing, revising, correcting, storing and printing text. ➢ZOOM The enlarging or reducing an image displayed on a

➢Word Wide Web ('www or 'The Web') A network of servers computer process of proportionately monitor.
on the Internet that use ➢ZI P Stands for Zone Information Protocol. This is an
hypertext-linked databases and files. It was developed in application that allows for the compression of application
1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist and is files.
now the primary platform of the Internet. ➢Zombie A computer that has been hijacked by a cracker
➢Work group Persons sharing files and data between without the owner's knowledge and used to perform
themselves. malicious tasks on the Internet.
➢WORM (Write-Once, Read-Many) A high-density optical

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