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Worcft Easily Confused: S e C TM

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unit 0 2

S e c tm

Worcft easily confused

. se the correct form of the w ords in the boxes to com plete the sentences in each group A-G below. You m ay
use some of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases, m ore than one w ord m ay be correct.

look see watch notice regard stare glance observe

1 We spent weeks in Africa________________________ the way lions catch their prey.
2 Did y o u ________________________ the tie he was wearing? It had pink elephants on it!

3 The students________________________ the new teacher with curiosity. watched/regarded/observed

4 Always________________________ left and then right before crossing the road.
5 Don’t ________________________ at people like that! It’s really rude.
6 I ________________________ a great science fiction film last night.
7 Before I bought the magazine, I ________________________ through it quickly.
8 I couldn’t h elp ________________________ the big red spots on his face.
9 B ill________________________ at his watch and started running. He was late for school.

B find out invent discover detect

1 Many serious illnesses may be cured if they a r e ________________________

detected early enough.

2 “We m ust________________________
find out as much as we can about the gang,” said the detective.

3 Was it Captain Cook w h o ________________________

discovered Australia?

4 The first camera, the Kodak 1, w a sinvented

________________________ by G. Eastman in 1888.

explore investigate look for lookup (do) research

1 The police came t o ________________________ the murder immediately.
2 I still h ave________________________ to do for my project on sharks.
look up
3 I m ust________________________ this word in the dictionary, because I don’t remember what it means.
4 Mum, I’m ________________________
looking for my trainers. Have you seen them?
5 As soon as the five friends got to the cave, they decided t o ________________________ it.

D attempt effort trial experiment

1 It takes a lot o f ________________________ and patience to learn how to play a musical instrument.
2 John’s case came t o ________________________ and in the end he was found innocent.

3 The athlete failed in his la s t________________________ to break the world record.

4 Many cosmetic companies claim they don’t carry o u t________________________

experiments on animals.
5 I worked for the company for a (n )________________________ period of two weeks before I was fully employed.
unit 0 2
E audience spectators viewers sightseers onlookers witnesses

1 T h e ________________________ disagreed with the referee’s decision and interrupted the football match.
2 The two teenagers claimed they were ju s t ________________________ and had nothing to do with the fight.

3 Paris attracts thousands o f ________________________ all year round.

4 At the end of the play, t h e ________________________ applauded enthusiastically.
5 T h e ________________________ were asked to give a detailed description of the accident.

6 The concert was broadcast on TV and attracted one b illio n ________________________

viewers worldwide.

memorise remind recall recognise

recognise . her at first. She had changed a lot.

memorise _ his phone number because I didn't have a pen to write it down.

remind ______ him to buy coffee, otherwise he’ll forget.

recall ________________scenes of World War II.

view sight image

1 The sun affects m y ________________________ when I’m driving, so I always wear sunglasses.
2 We have a s u p e rb ________________________ of the sea from our balcony.

3 The child started to cry at t h e ________________________ of the dogs.
4 The television show was about t h e ________________________ you can visit in Rome.

5 The police arrived at t h e ________________________ of the accident within minutes.

6 An actor’s ________________________ is im portant for his career.
7 I ran out of paint, so I couldn’t finish the sky for the background________________________ in the play.
8 When we were leaving the flower show, we were asked to fill in a questionnaire to give o u r ________________________

on what we had seen.

unit 0 2
Com plete the sentences w ith the co rre ct fo rm of the w ords in capitals.

1 The top model w a s ____________________________ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY
2 My street i s ____________________________ because it’s far from any main roads. PEACE
3 Our football team won t h e ____________________________ at the end of the season and received CHAMPION
____________________________ from a large company. SPONSOR
4 There are thousands o f ____________________________ people sleeping in the streets. HOME
5 I bought a ____________________________ dress but its colours faded after I washed it. COLOUR
6 I was fined because I was driving ____________________________ . CARE
7 The directions you gave us were ra th e r____________________________ , as we still got lost. HELP
8 I am feeling q u ite ____________________________ because I didn’t get enough sleep last night. SLEEP
9 I got into a business____________________________ with my cousin but it ended up PARTNER
being ____________________________ . SUCCESS
10 The musical performance was s o ____________________________ that the audience gave POWER
the orchestra a standing ovation.

11 The witness’ statement didn’t help the police in the investigation, so it proved to
b e ____________________________ . VALUE
12 The man was found ____________________________ of shoplifting and sentenced GUILT
to one month in prison.
13 He h a s ____________________________ completed his postgraduate studies. SUCCESS
14 The new lazer treatm ent can extract teeth ____________________________ . PAIN
15 It’s just a ____________________________ dog. There is no need to panic. HARM

Exam ination Practice

A Read the text belo w and decide which answ er A, B, C or D best fits each space.


Going to the theatre brings back happy memories, as it (1)________________________ me of my very first performance on

stage, (2)________________________ was th irty years ago. Parts of that particular night are so vivid that I can still picture
myself as though it were yesterday. The excitement amongst the actors, the (3)________________________ applause and

the party after the opening night are memories which will remain with me for (4 )________________________ .
I don’t know how we managed to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we thought that

we could just have two rehearsals a week (5 )________________________ in fact we needed more. The background

(6 )________________________ to the last act weren’t ready until an hour before the beginning of the play despite the set

builder’s best (7)________________________ .The director was not satisfied (8 )_________________________ anything and he

didn’t even want to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I wouldn’t have wanted to either.

(9 )________________________ the night finally arrived, we were all a bit worried. I remember (10)________________________
through the curtain ten minutes before the start and being amazed (11)________________________ the

(12)________________________ of a full house. Finally, it was time for the curtain to go up. In the end, we proved the director
wrong and everything went like clockwork.
unit 0 2

1 A recognises B reminds C recalls D memorises

2 A which B when C where D who

3 A onlookers’ B viewers’ C audience's D spectators’

4 A life B ages C a while D time

5 A where B when C which D whenever

6 A images B visions C scenes D sights

7 A attempts B efforts C trials D tries

8 A by B in C at D with

9 A When B After C While D Until

10 A glancing B noticing C staring D watching

11 A in B at C on D for

12 A view B vision C sight D image

B Complete the text belo w with the correct form of the w ords in capitals.

Many people consider (1) ______________________ to be the FRIEND
most im portant (2)______________________ they can have. RELATION

It is (3)______________________ to have a friend you can talk WONDER
to and share (4 ) ______________________ experiences with. VALUE

However, it is im portant to choose friends

(5)_______________ . CARE
An ideal friend should be (6 )______________________ THOUGHT

and when any difficulties arise, hopefully be there for us.

Of course, there will be times when we m ight be

(7)______________________ of our friends. But, we should DOUBT
always talk things through in a (8 )______________________ SENSE

way and find a solution to our problems. Moreover,

we should be careful not to be (9 )______________________ . TRUTH

W ithout honesty, the bond between friends is

(10)______________________ and not worth anything at all. USE

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