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Reviewer in GEHISTO

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Constitution (FUNDAMENTAL LAW - It promotes public welfare- establishes

OF THE the rights of the people which the
government is obligated to protect.
- Fundamental law of a nation (Saligang
Batas). History of Philippine Constitution
- Malolos Republic Constitution (1899)
- Establishes the character and basic
principles of the government.
(dinedescribe ng constitution kung ano- FOREIGNERS)
ano ang mga bagay na ▪ Following the defeat of Spain by the
pinapahalagahan ng constitution, US in the Spanish-American war in
dinesdecribe din niya kung ano ang type 1898. The Filipinos began their task
ng government ng isang bansa” State”). of creating the independent nation
by valiantly fought for in 1896.
Article 6- Legislative Department ▪ Discussions for the Commission
Article 7- Executive Department began on October 25 after the
Article 8- Judiciary Department submission of a draft by Felipe
- Make clear the rights of the individual ▪ Issue of the union of Church and
and creates limitations to government State where Catholicism would be
power. the state religion.
▪ Approved by the Malolos Congress
Article 3 Section 1-22 (nag bibigay ng on November 29, 1898 and
Kalayaan sa tao). forwarded to President Aguinaldo
for approval.
- Written by a constitutional convention. ▪ Finally approved by Aguinaldo on
(Hindi puwedeng mabago). January 21.
▪ First republican constitution in Asia.
- “Highest expression of the law” (Monarchy)/(Republican).
Main Features of Malolos Constitution
Cha-cha (Charter changed movement)
Con-Con (Group na ginawa para mag 1. It was based on democratic traditions in
buo ng isang constitution). which the government formed was
“popular, representative, and
responsible” with 3 distinct branches-
Purposes of a Constitution
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
- It prescribes the kind of government that 2. It called for a presidential form of
will exist in the state. government with the president elected
- It creates the different departments and for a term of 4 years by most of the
specifies their respective functions and Assembly convened as a constituent
duties. assembly.
- It is the source of the sovereign powers 3. It recognized the freedom of religion
of a government by establishing the and the separation of the church and the
fixed, first, or basic principles. State.
4. It emphasized and safeguarded the basic
civil rights of not only the Filipinos but

Foreigners, through a Bill of Rights March 23, 1935 and ratified by the
(Articles XIX to XXIII). Filipino people in a plebiscite.

▪ Served as the fundamental law of

- 1935 Constitution (Rights of the the land from 1935 to 1972.
▪ Established the Commonwealth of
1935 Constitution and Commonwealth the Philippines and provides that
Government upon withdrawal of American
▪ The Americans ran the government sovereignty in the country and the
in the Philippines with Filipinos declaration of Philippine
given a role in the legislative independence, the Commonwealth
function when the Philippine shall be known as the Republic of
Assembly was established in 1907. the Philippines.

▪ Administration of Governor-General ▪ Enumerated the composition,

Francis Burton Harrison; powers, and duties of the 3 branches
Filipinization policy. (tinatry ng of government and created the
policy na ibigay na sa Filipino General auditing Office and Laid
politicians ang mga positions) down the framework in the
establishment of the civil service in
▪ Jones Law of 1916 or Philippine the country.
Autonomy Act. (Nag simula ang
marami pang batas n nag susulong ▪ Other provisions included a Bill of
nang paglaya ng pilipinas sa ilalim Rights, a provision for women’s
ng America) suffrage, creation of Philippine
armed Forces for national defense
▪ Commission on Independence; and development of national
at least 5 Philippine independence
missions to US (1918-1932).
(Mag lalayon ng kalayaan)
- 1943 Constitution (Tungkulin and
obligation of the people)
▪ Approval of tydings- McDuffle
law by the US Congress (March 24, THE JAPANESE OCUPATION AND
1934). (Manuel L. Quezon) sa US THE 2nd PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC (1943)
▪ Provided for the drafting and
guidelines od a constitution for a 10- ▪ KALIBAPI – A Filipino political
year transitional period before the party that served as the political part
granting of independence during the Japanese occupation.
(Commonwealth government).
▪ October 14, 1943 – The 2nd republic
was inaugurated with Jose P.
▪ Constitution was approved by U.S. Laurel as President.
President Franklin Roosevelt on

▪ Condensed version of the 1935 ▪ Provided for the establishment of

contribution in preamble and 12 the civil service Commission, the
articles. Commission on Elections, and the
Commission on Audit.
▪ Created a republic which 3 offices
but no legislature was convened. - Freedom Constitution (1986)
▪ March 24,1986 – President Aquino
▪ Power was concentrated to the signed proclamation No.3 entitled
President. “Declaring a National Policy to
implement the reforms Mandated by
▪ Bill of rights enumerated the the People, protecting their Basic
citizen’s duties and obligations Rights, adopting a Provisional
rather their constitutional rights. Constitution, and Providing for an
Orderly Transition to a government
▪ Tagalog was declared the national under New constitution.”
language. (nihongo)
Dipende sa form: pag power ay
▪ Abolished eventually after the “DEMOCRATIC”
liberation of the Philippines.
Based on legal basis “de jure”
Walang legal basis pero ang mga
person ay sumusunod kase para
- 1973 Constitution
namang silang state is “de facto”
The 1973 constitution and the Marcos
dictatorship LEGISLATIVE (magkahiwalay)
▪ June 1, 1971- a constitutional
convention was convened at the
Manila Jotel; 2nd term of Marcos.
▪ September 21, 1972- Marcos
• Temporary revolutionary
declared Martial Law.
government until the framing of
a new constitution.
▪ He abolished the Congress and
recognized the government.
• Basically, adopted some
provisions of the 1973
▪ January 17, 1973- Marcos assigned
Constitution especially the Bill
the Proclamation No. 1102
of Rights.
declaring the 1973 Constitution
• The President continued to
exercise legislative powers until
▪ Parliamentary form of government
a legislature was convened.
▪ Legislative power was vested in the
Batasang Pambansa. • President was given the power
to appoint the members of a
LEGISLATIVE = EXECUTIVE Constitutional Commission to
(combined) draft a new character.

- 1987 Constitution (Product of all that CONSTITUTION
Article 1 National Territory
▪ Feb 11, 1987 the new Constitution
Article II Declaration of Principles and
was ratified and in effect.
State Policies
▪ Consists of 18 articles and a Article III Bill of Rights
Article IV Citizenship
CONSTITUTION Article V Suffrage

1. A presidential system of government Article VI Legislative Department

restores the Bicameral Congress of the Article VII Executive Department
Philippines. (Representative and
senate) Article VIII Judicial Department
Article IX Constitutional Commission
2. A bill of rights details the rights of every
Filipino citizen (habeas corpus) Article X Local Government
Article XI Accountability of Public
3. The creation of a commission on human Officers
rights to investigate all forms of human
rights violation involving civil and Public concerns, & budget (SOCIAL
political rights. CONTRACT)
Article XII National Economy and
4. The recognition of the autonomous
region of Muslim Mindanao and the
cordilleras. Article XIII Social Justice and Human
5. Limited political autonomy for local
government units. Article XIV Education, Science, and
Technology, Arts, Culture, and
Article XV The Family
Article XVI General Provisions
Article XVII Amendments or Revisions
Article XVIII Transitory Provisions

3 Branches
- Executive headed by the president
and the cabinet.

- Legislative composed of the senate

headed by the Sanate President and the
House of Representative headed by the
speaker of the house.
Senate- 24peoples
156- haouse of rep.

- Judiciary composed of the Supreme

Court headed by the chief Justice and
the lower courts.
14 associates
1 Chief Justice

“en banc”- pag pang malakasan na kaso

iaakyat sa mas mataas na court.

TOTAL OF 15 justices

created in 1939 mandated to facilities

Agrarian Reform the sale or lease of the haciendas to the

- PH is Agricultural country
- Root cause is Problema sa lupa. THIRD TO FIFTH REPUBLIC

• Agrarian problems remained

Ancestral domain even after the Philippine
Independence in 1946
American Colonization Period
• Agrarian unrest became part of
- The Colonial government tried to solve a full-blown revolt against the
the agrarian problem by purchasing the government.
“Friar lands” from religious
corporations and selling them to tenants.
- Agrarian problem worsened and many MAPAGPALAYA NG BAYAN
tenants soon began to resort to earned (PEOPLE’S LIBERATION ARMY)
means to “get back their land.”

- Tayung Uprising in Pangasinan (1931);

Sakdalista Uprising (1935).
- Quezon’s “social justice
program” attempted to stop the - RA NO. 34- established 70-30
agrarian unrest in Central Luzon and sharing arrangements between landlord
alleviate the property of the farmers. and tenants and regulated share tenancy

Commonwealth era - RA NO 55- Provided security to

tenants from arbitrary ejected from
- Quezon enacted some land reform laws
during cp. the lang they are cultivating.
Commonwealth Act No. 178

- He also creates NATIONAL RICE

1936 to control the prices of rice and


invested rights of preemption and redemption

MAGSAYSAY for tenant farmers; put in place an
• RA NO 1199 or agriculture administrative machinery for implementation;
tenancy Act of 1954- governed institutionalized a judicial system for agrarian
the tenant-landowner cases; and incorporated extension, marketing,
relationship by organizing the and supervised credit system of services for
share-tenancy and leasehold farmer beneficiaries.
system; created Court of
Agrarian Relations.
• 75 hectares for landowners.
• Invested rights of preemption
• RA NO 1400 (LAND and redemption for tenant
REFORM ACT OF 1955) and farmers.
RA NO 821 (CREATION OF • Judicial system for agrarian
COOPERATIVE • Credit system of services for
FINANCING farmer beneficiaries.

- Nag papautang ng fund para sa mag

sasaka. RA NO 821 MARCOS
- Marcos declared the entire country a
• RA NO 1400 created the Land land reform area through
tenure administration (LTA) PRESIDENTIAL DECREEE NO 2
to handle the acquisition and
distribution of large, tenanted - m or CODE OF AGRARIAN
rice and corn lands over 200 REFORM – Created the Department of
hectares for individuals and 600 Agrarian Reform (DAR)
hectares for corporation.
• Tackles all about the issue of
- Nililimit niyang pag ariin ang lupa sa the agrarian reform
isang tao/corporation RA NO 1400 • Ministry of Agrarian Reform

200 hectares individual person - DAR was renamed MINISTRY OF

600 hectares corporation AGRARIAN REFORM in 1978 under
the preliminary system.

MACAPAGAL - PD NO 27 Provided for tenanted lands

devoted to rice and corn to pass
(Siya ang ama ng reforma ng lupa) ownership to tenants and lowered the
RA NO 3844 or Agricultural Land reform ceiling for land holding to 7 hectares.
Code - Heavily favored tenant farmers: included
abolition of share tenancy and provided for the • 7 hectares per individual
leasing of agrarian’s land to farmers; also set a
retention limit of 75 hectares for landowners;

RA NO 6657 or comprehensive Agrarian - DAR was renamed twice: Department
Reform law or Carl- Pag bibigay ng lands of land (2004) and DAR again (2005)
especially to the tenants - EO NO 465 instructed Department of
land Reform to revert its original names;
- Offer lawful basis for the CARL goes beyond just land reform but
implementation of the comprehensive includes the totality of all factors and
Agrarian reform program or CARP. support services designed to lift the
economic status of beneficiaries.
- The program was deemed failure since - RA NO 9700 extending CARP for
Aquino was a member of the another 5 years beginning July 2009;
COJUANGCO family which owned allots Php 150B for the acquisition and
one of the largest haciendas in Luzon- distribution of 1.6 million hectares of
HACIENDA LUISITA. land for 1.2 million beneficiaries and the
provision of support services for
RAMOS farmers.
- RA NO 7905- Strengthen the
implementation of CARP.
- Limited the land conversion scheme by
making certain types of agricultural land
as non-negotiable for conversion or
- Have not fared well.

highly restricted to be converted. - Reported by the NGO the Focus on the

Global South in 2013 showed a dismal
performance by the DAR in land
- RA NO 8532 or Agrarian Reform redistribution despite the promise by the
Fund Bill- Provided additional PHP government to complete it by June 2014.
50B for Carp and extended its
• Cynthia villar
implementation for 10 years.
*Article 3 bill of rights* Marginalized sector = Agrarian Reform

- EO NO 151 consolidated small farm
operations into medium or large-scale
enterprise to qualify for long term
- Ordered DAR to plan joint projects
between private investors and the
agrarian sector under his Magbalikat
Para sa Kaunlarang Agraryo or
MAGSASAKA program.

Local taxes are collected to fund local cards, posters, leaflets, handbills,
government services, but they are also frequently certificates, pamphlets, and others of similar
used to pay municipal bond coupons and nature.
principal. Local taxes can take the form of income
or sales taxes, but the most common type of local Tax on Sand, Gravel, and other Quarry
tax is property tax. Resources- Imposed on ordinary stones,
sand, gravel, and other quarry resources, as
defined under the National Internal Revenue
Annual Fixed Tax for Every Delivery
- Implementing taxes system
Truck or Van of
Manufacturers/Producers, Wholesalers
- Laying a tax through which the of, Dealers, or Retailers in, Certain
government generates income to Products- an annual fixed tax for every
defray its expenses. truck, van or any vehicle used by
manufacturers, producers, wholesalers,
- A way to raise funds for government dealers, or retailers in the delivery of
programs and services that benefit distribution of distilled spirits, fermented
Filipino citizens. liquors, soft drinks, cigars, and cigarettes
and other products to sales outlets or
- Tax- enforce as a contribution but consumers, whether directly or indirectly
within the province.
it is proportionate to the citizens
ability to pay.
Fees for Sealing and Licensing of weights
and Measures- imposed for the sealing and
licensing of weights and measures.
- Bureau of the Internal Revenue.
Fishery Rentals, Fees, ad Charges-
imposed by the municipality/city to grantees
Philippine local taxes of fishery privileges in the municipal/city
waters especially the privilege to build fish
Local taxes are grounded on the
corrals, oysters, mussels, or other aquatic
Republic Act 7160, also known as the Local
beds or bangus fry areas and others as
Government Code of 1991. These taxes and
specified in the LGC.
fees, on the other hand, are levied by the local
government units (provincial, city,
Taxes levied by the barangays on stores
municipality, and barangay).
or retailers with fixed business
establishments with gross sales of receipt of
Tax on transfer of Real Property
the preceding calendar year amounting to
Ownership- Imposed on the sale,
Php 50,000 or less (for city barangays) and
donation, barter, or any other mode of
Php 30,000 or less (for municipal
transferring ownership of real property.
Tax on business of Printing and
Service fees or charges- fees or charges
Publication- Imposed printing and
collected by the barangays for services
publication business like that of books,

rendered in connection with the regulation 6. Amusement Tax

or the use of barangay-owned properties or A tax collected from the proprietors, lessees,
service facilities, such as palay, copra, or or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert
tobacco dryers. halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other
placement of amusement.
Barangay Clearance- fee collected by
barangays upon issuance of barangay 7. Tax on Business
clearance. Imposed by cities/ municipalities on
businesses before they will be issued by a
1. Franchise Tax business or permit to start operations; payed
This refers to the tax imposed on franchise if they apply for Mayor’s permit.
businesses at a maximum rate of 50% of the
1% of the gross yearly receipts for the 8. Community Tax
preceding calendar year based on the Tax levied by cities/ municipalities to every
incoming receipt within the territorial Filipino or alien living in the Philippines,
jurisdiction where the franchise is selling in. 18years of age or over, who has been
regularly employed I a wage or salary basis
2. Basic Real Property Tax for at least 30 consecutive working days
Basic Real Property Tax cover covers six during any calendar year, or who is engaged
types of properties: agricultural, in business or occupation, or who owns real
commercial, industrial, mineral, residential, property with an aggregate assessed value of
timberland. Php 1,000; also imposed on every
corporation no matter how created or
3. Sand, Gravel and other Quarry organized, whether domestic or resident
Resources Tax foreign, engaged in on doing business in the
A maximum of 10% of fair market value in Philippines.
the location per cubic meter of quarry
resources (such as gravel, sand, common Philippine national taxes
stones, earth, and sand prized from public
lands or waters) will be collected by LGUs.
National taxes are mandatory
4. Annual Fixed Tax for Delivery Trucks contributions imposed by the government
and Vans and collected through the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR), which is grounded on the
Local government units collect P500 every
year from delivery vehicles such as trucks Republic Act 8424, or National
and vans handling products (beverages, Internal Revenue Code of 1997, and
food, cosmetics, tobacco, etcetera). known as Tax Reform Act of 1997. Export
and import tariffs are also referred to as
5. Professional Tax national taxes but these are levied by the
This type of tax applies to individuals whose Bureau of Customs (BOC) and will be
professions require examination from the excluded from this list.
government, such as board exams or
licensure. These professionals include
lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, and
others subjected to this tax.

6. Withholding Tax
Withholding tax is the amount from an
1. Estate Tax employee’s wage deducted by the employer
Estate tax is charged to your estate or and directly paid to the government for the
properties when the titleholder meets their employee’s partial income tax.
demise. At a rate of 6%, the heir apparent or
the rightful beneficiary of the estate should 7. Value-Added Tax or VAT
settle this tax before transferring the title to Value-Added Tax serves as a consumption
the heir or beneficiary’s name. fee that is placed on a product when there is
an additional value to its manufacturing and
2. Documentary Stamp Tax final sale. Since it is considered an indirect
This refers to the tax imposed on contracts, tax, the customers pay for VAT. Business
loan agreements, certificates, and other legal tax imposed from the seller in the course of
papers that serve as proof of transfer/sale of trade or business on every sale of properties
an ownership/obligation of a property or lease of goods or properties, or vendors of
assets. Tax on documents, instruments, loan, services; an indirect tax, thus it can be
agreements, and papers evidencing the passed on to the lawyer.
acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of
an obligation, rights or property incident 8. Excise Tax
there to; evidence documents link bank Excise Tax is placed on products sold in the
promissory notes, deed of sale, and deed of country and considered an indirect type of
assignment of transfer of shares of corporate tax because this can be recovered by the
stock ownership. seller/producer by increasing the price of
these products. This is emphasized in the
3. Percentage Tax TRAIN law. Example placement of an
Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on excise tax can be cited from the products
merchants or businesses that lease/sell with health risks such as liquors and
products, services, and properties. They are tobacco. A tax imposed on goods
not VAT-registered, with a yearly gross sale manufactured or produced in the Philippines
at a maximum of P750,000. for domestic sale or consumption or any
other disposition; imposed on things that are
4. Capital Gains Tax imported.
Imposed on gains that may have been
realized by a seller from the sale, exchange, 9. Donor’s Tax
or other disposition of capital assets located Donor’s Tax is placed on a gift, donation, or
in the Philippines, including pacto de retro willful free-of-charge transfer of property
sales (a sale with a condition for repurchase) between the benefactor to recipients on their
and other forms of conditional sale. lifetime. There are some cases where BIR
would scrap this tax. An example of this is
5. Income Tax the goods provided to the victims of the
This refers to the tax that is imposed on an destructive typhoon Yolanda.
in-divide’s earnings, be it salary or profits,
from his/her profession, business, trade, or
properties at rates ranging from 5% to 32%
depending on their income bracket.

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