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Port Development - Ch3

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Chapter 3.

Towards regional guidelines for sustainable port development and improving

port productivity in ESCAP member countries

The strategic vision for port development in the ESCAP region is to lead sustainable
development and improve port productivity for current and future generations.
The regional guidelines would provide standards and requirements for sustainable and
productivity port development. Meanwhile, they would ensure a high standard and cost-effective
for port developments in the region, and development proponents as well. Moreover, the
guideline would also encourage the incorporation of sustainable development principles and
innovative design into new developments.
The objectives of these guidelines are to:
a) ensure a consistent general high standard of development across all ESCAP region
b) provide a safe working environment in all ESCAP member countries
c) protect environmental values of the port and reduce the environmental impact of shipping
and port operators through specific environmental-friendly (soft and hard) measures
towards greener, safer and more efficient port systems
d) improve the capacity of ports to plan and implement sustainable action plan
Notwithstanding, the integrated guidelines of port development may not suit each ESCAP
member countries, because of the sub-regional and national variations. However, the integrated
guidelines would promote a harmonized approach to sustainable port development for all
member countries, particularly, for the countries which do not have a National port development
plan yet.
3.1 Linkages between the Agenda 2030, Paris Agreement and sustainable port development
On 25 September 2015 the United Nations member countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development. It is a new plan of the action for people, planet and prosperity, with 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets at its core. Additionally, the
2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement, have
reinforced the commitment of international community to achieving a sustainable development
path. Together, they underscore the importance of mainstreaming sustainability principles and
climate action criteria into all economic activities and sectors.
At the other side, UNCTAD report that some 80 per cent of trade is channeled through ports34.
Port adds value to the economy and generates social gains, including by supporting trade, linking
supply chains, enhancing connectivity, allowing for market access, generating employment and
enabling business opportunities. Thus, ports play a key role in connecting the many developing
countries and within the country itself that have port communities to trade. Meanwhile, Ports are
nodal points in global supply chain. As a result, ports must respond to worldwide, regional and
domestic challenges, such as climate change, mobility, digitalization, migration and social

UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2019.
integration, whilst adding value to international supply chains. Hence, port development plays as
an important role at the initial stage of the whole port sector, and it creates a support platform to
port become globally connected entities and centres of key economic activity. it is positioned to
take the lead in a significant contribution to the global agenda - the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
In these regards, the nexus between the 2030 Agenda, the goals, the Pairs Agreement and
sustainable port development is strong. The Port development is linked to wide-raging aspects of
modern societies and economic structures and can bring a wide range of benefits. However, such
benefits may be eroded if unsustainable practice continue in the port development. Adopting a
triple bottom-line view, which promote balanced trade-offs that ensure optimum economic and
social gains with minimum environmental damage, is key to resolving the growth and
sustainability dilemma and supporting the achievement of Goals. Additionally, recognizing every
port is different, the approach to aligning SDG would need to tailor to each port business to
optimize outcomes.
3.2 Guidelines for sustainable port development
The guidelines aim to change and reform drive the strategic direction of modern port towards
greater competitiveness and higher standards of performance. They are designed to streamline
certain processes according to the existing best practices. These guidelines are opens to
interpretation and national adaptation. There are distinct from policy, standards and procedures:
 They are more general vs. specific rules
 They provide flexibility for unforeseen circumstances
 They should not be mistaken with formal policy statements
With that in mind, the proposed guidelines for sustainable port development are composed of
two parts: strategical considerations and action plan.
1. Strategical considerations:
Strategic considerations focus on establishing a clear link between port development and national
development objectives. Generally, countries will have a wide variety of strategies that include
resources from all the different parts, or sectors, of the community.
Sustainable port development tends to initially focus on efficiency reforms for port industry. Its
scope gradually expanded to other dimensions, such as the economic, environment, social and
institutional dimensions. Managing a port in sustainable manner requires, first of all, designing a
strategy that will contribute to sustainability in all of its dimensions. Any strategic diagnostic
review should focus on the factors that are essential for mapping a strategic agenda geared
towards the sustainable development of a port system.
The following figure 3.2.1. illustrates the sustainable port development strategy from four
dimensions: the substantive dimensions and the institutional one.

Figure 3.2.1. Strategic objectives for the four dimensions of port sustainability

Source: Authors, based on Octavio Doerr and Guía para la elaboración de memorias de
sostenibilidad en el Sistema Portuario Español, 2008
Economic dimension covers:
 Improve efficiency of existing port facilities
 Promote responsible port redevelopment by providing integrated logistics services based
on the latest logistics technologies and user demand
 Work with stakeholders across the supply chain to increase the speed of goods movement
and the overall efficiency of end-to-end logistics systems
 Collaborate with all level of transportation agencies to promote and national goods
movement policy that increases international trade
 Increase market share and profit by promoting port competitiveness
 Secure financial resources necessary for port development and operation from various
sources including the central government
 Lerverage public-private partnerships for cost sharing opportunities
 Proactively manage and minimize risk exposure
 Use performance-based budget management aligned with strategic goals
 Enable the long-term strategic growth and innovative goals of the port through effective
use of information and digital technologies

 Collaboratively improve the port‟s business process and enable access to accurate and use
information systems to access data accurately and timely.
 Work with supply chain stakeholders to make a beneficial impact on the port city and
regional economy
 Improve the flow of goods, rearranging the hinterland transport network and improving
the urban transport system
Envirnmental dimension includes:
 Reduce health risks and polluted emission, including greenhouse gases, noise and light
pollutions, from port-related activities through changes in policy and use of alternative
equipment, technologies and energy sources
 Enhance the quality of Harbor water
 Upgeade and retrofit cargo equipment
 Promote increased indigeous wildlife in and around habor lands and waters and prevent
the introduction of invasive species
 Remove, treat or render suitable for beneficial use contaminated soil and sediments
 Promote enduring partnerships with the health and environmental organizations to
strenthen the Port‟s strategic planning process
 Create incentives for ships to use cleaner burning fuels or more efficient engines, such
incentives can include reduced harbor usage fees. The incentive system can be based on
port capacity
 Foster research, development, and integration of diversified, renewable Port-related
energy applications
Social dimension focuses on the actions to :
 Promote and develop safe and efficient transportation systems
 Utilize design guidelines and physical branding opportunities to create a more attractive
harbor district for working environment and habitation. The waterfront sector of the port
area provides amenities for citizens and tourists, and the port makes it closely related to
the daily life of citizens
 Implement the outreach to promote interest in and understanding of sustainable port
development for the port city people
 Engage students and teachers with the port‟s comprehensive education outreach program
and implement innovative programs to foster opportunities for students to learn about
maritime and port industry careers
 Utilize virtual port systeme to create domain awareness and assist in the identification
and control of threats to the port
Finally, the institutional dimension addresses the measures to:
 Develop and maintain port-wide policies and procedure that preserve flexibility while
providing strong internal controls
 Foster relationships with local community, industry and key organizations and opinion

 Advocate and collaborate with stakeholders to achive common goals
 Build and maintain relationships with local, regional, and international institutions,
agency leaders, as well as with community and industry partners
 Develop a local and national legislative agenda that educates and engages elected
officials about port policies and initiatives
 Coporate with academic, international organizations and other research institutions,
provide research, share knowledge and information platform, exchange pro and con
during the sustanaible port development process
 Enhance the ability to respond to various natural and social disasters through joint
training and practice with related organizations
Sustainable port development and operation has limitations in achieving its goals by ports alone,
and requires an multi dimensional strategy that includes all economic, social and environmental
factors such as cooperation with port cities, civil society and the central government.

2. Action plan
The action plan- component is a long-term structural and strategic plan. It identifies problems
and solutions to enhance the accessibility and sustainability of port systems. Furthermore, the
port action plan fixes not only the goals to be achieved, but also a monitoring and evaluation
system through the identification of a set of performance indicators. It elaborates in detail on
how sustainable port development strategies will be implemented to accomplish the above-
mentioned objectives. The goal of designing the action plan is to integrate it in the national
logistics network and to establish the port terminal as a modern multi-modal unit by achieving
high quality port services, provision of high level of safety and security, environmental
protection and improvement of the conditions for fair competition between the different means
of transport.
Therefore, the port action plan should be based on a long-term vision and maintain the
coordination of the short-term executive plans and programmes by stimulating, guiding,
monitoring and assessing their implementation; it should also encourage a wide diffusion and a
continuous revision of the plan, as well as an increasingly participation of stakeholders and
citizen in the planning process. Furthermore, it should refer to two elements: a) specific
(community and systems) change to be sought, and b) the specific action steps necessary to bring
about changes in all of the relevant sectors, or parts, of the community.

Figure 3.2.2. Strategic planning phase of Action Plan

Source: Action plan for sustainable and Low-carbon Port of Bar, October 2019.
The sustainable port development action plan, as developed and presented in the proposed
guidelines, will provide a general framework for the member countries and their partner‟s
sustainable policy in which the most important medium and long-term goals are defined and set
out in a basic strategy, where appropriate including concrete measures. In particular, the action
plan should be designed to support the port industry, and to implement its sustainability practices
into its whole development progress.
The following table summarizes overall desk research and international good practice outcomes
to provide some suggestions to be used in the development of sustainable port action plans.

Table 3.2.1. Summary of sustainable port development action plan

Sustainability Objectives (Goals) Indicators Action Plans

Economic development and GDP contribution
relevant issues profitability
productivity updating port equipment, automatizing machinery
added value
recycled waste developing recycling and rescues process and
(quantity) activities

People: society, employment & perceptions (survey) "open port" initiatives

safety job market: skill, career providing skill training programme, reducing the
development paths conflict between terminal automation and labour;
education programme support
incidents, inspections cooperation strategies among in charge
organizations (police, fire department, customs,
Social etc.)
The natural environment cleanliness index ecological networks
biodiversity avoiding and creating conservation areas
hectares of conservation
habitats and ecosystems

Port development relevant policies Land use providing supportive land use policy during the port
development process
financial indicators drawing adequate budget plan via PPP to support
Government & stakeholders port development
Supply chain responsibility and meetings with promoting regular meetings with stakeholders and
stakeholder engagement stakeholders and partners

Air quality emissions (greenhouse adopting detection methods, installing emission

Environmental gas, including SOx, detector
Sustainability Objectives (Goals) Indicators Action Plans
NOx, dust)

Clean shipping: designing support policy and framework to

emission standards & implement clean energy usage
emission reduction
fuel used
type of engine
Energy consumption CO2 footprint encouraging ships using green energy instead of
fuel, providing limited subsidies/ discount on port
dues/ incentive programmes to ships which are
using new energy
energy efficiency adopting clean energy investments (renewable,
(CO2/output) LNG, methanol, wind)
decarbonisation strategies
Noise emissions (surveys, building differentiated port charging systems
providing onshore power supply
Water quality and management ships waste: water
ballast, oil & oily water,
chemical waste,
sewage, garbage
cargo spillage
dredging sediment alternative ways to use dredging sediments
oxygen conditions ship waste management plans
salinity cleaning tools and equipment
nutrients levels
chemical conditions
emissions of metals and

Sustainability Objectives (Goals) Indicators Action Plans
Water management water consumption port waste management plans (collection, transport,
clean shipping (ships
dock litter (empty cans,
plastic, wood, etc.)
Soil soil contamination actions minimizing impacts
(survey on soil
contaminated land

Accessibility and mobility modal shift promoting modal shift, also for commuting trips
information provision to technological tools providing information to port
port users users and stakeholders
commuting trips EDI systems and platforms involving port users and
Other Issues infrastructures upgrades
Innovation and R&D innovative companies development programs fostering innovation (e.g.
(numbers and allocated allocating port spaces to innovative companies),
spaces) also in cooperation with the city
R &D investments involving R&D center in the sustainable port
development plan
Source: The author, based on Guidelines for sustainable and low carbon ports, 2018

3.3 Measures for improving port productivity
The definition of port productivity at the container terminal varies, but most commonly refers to
the throughput of the container per unit time. That is, the container handling performance in the
port measured in TEU is measured in various ways, such as productivity per berth, yard
productivity, or productivity per crane, depending on measurement standards and measurement
locations.35 Port productivity is not just an infrastructure issue, it can be said that it reflects the
overall capabilities of the port, such as operating system, workers' proficiency, and the hinterland
connectivity, information technology and so on. The strategies that ports are adopting to increase
productivity while oriented towards sustainable ports are well described in the context UNCTAD
publication below.
“To minimize ship time in ports – for a given volume of cargo handled – ports, maritime
authorities and policymakers may wish to adopt a multipronged approach featuring the
following measures: port call optimization (ships should only arrive when they need to arrive, as
arriving too early implies additional costs in port, as well as extra expenditures and more
pollution, including air emissions); trade and transport facilitation (once a ship arrives at the
pier, operations should start immediately, without having to wait for authorities to clear
paperwork or carry out other procedures); and port operations (fast and reliable loading and
unloading operations require investment in infrastructure and superstructures, as well as
technological and human capacities)” (UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2019).
Against this background, this section examines key issues and response policies in terms of
infrastructure and operation to enhance port productivity.
1. Infrastructure
Infrastructure is inseparable from the sustainable and productive port development.
The infrastructure layer involves exploitation of basic structures for both links and nodes in the
transport system. “This is where the intrinsic accessibility is valorized since a port site has little
meaning unless capital investment is provided. The availability of adequate infrastructure in
transport nodes (seaports and inland terminals) and on the links/corridors in the network is a
prerequisite for the development of activities by transport operators and logistics players.
Infrastructure should act as a strong enabler of port-related market dynamics that lead to efficient
and sustainable co-modal freight transport services. Ports commonly face a range of freight
mobility challenges at the infrastructural layer.” 36 A fundamental and direct way to improve port
productivity is investment in port facilities. This is because it leads to the increasing of cargo
handling capacity through securing new port facilities or expanding existing facilities. However,
as discussed earlier, investment in port facilities is not easily made due to the following
challenges, so most ports in developing countries are considering policies in terms of operation
and institutional aspects in addition to capacity enhancement through port infrastructure

Wayne.K.Talley, Container port efficiency and output measures, January 2009.
International Transport Forum, OECD 2015. Port Hinterland Connectivity.
Although port facilities are a key infrastructure for regional and national economic development,
they are often overlooked by investments in other infrastructure, such as roads. In most cases, it
takes a long time from consensus on the necessity of port construction to actual national planning.
Since port construction takes a long time from start to completion, there are many cases where a
step-by-step development strategy is taken in accordance with the trend of increase in cargo
volume. In addition, private investment is being promoted to suplement insufficient government
finance, but the private sector, which prioritizes profitability, often requires various incentives to
recover investment costs, which is sometimes a problem in the course of the project.
In most developing countries, port development is implementing as a national project because it
takes astronomical capital to establish port development plan, procure investment resources,
actual construction, secure users including shipping companies, build an operating system, and
construct hinterland transport network. In particular, developing countries in the region require
large-scale investment to develop national ports and its supporting facilities, but securing
investment resources is the biggest obstacle. Although it takes massive capital to invest, the
payback period is long, so many countries offer various incentives to encourage private
investment, and Public Private Partnership (PPP) based investment is also widely adopted.
Infrastructure investments to increase port productivity include building new terminals or
automation, as well as investing to dredging the channels and supportive facilities for safety
entry and departure of ships. In addition to investments in quay cranes suitable for larger vessels,
yard crane, container transfer equipment and gate automation are also included in these facility
investments. In particular, port digitalization, including the use of the latest IT technology to
reduce the idle time of unloading equipment, is also considered to be an important factor in
improving productivity. This should include an vehicle monitoring system to control traffic in
port and an efficient connectivity system to road, rail and inland waterways. “The transport layer
involves the operation of transport services on links and corridors between the port and other
nodes within the multimodal transport system and the transshipment operations in the nodes of
the system. It is a matter of volume and capacity.”37 In particular, in the case of a port and inland
transport system, a modal shift that converts a road-dependent transport system to a railroad or
inland waterway is widely promoted.
2. Facilitation and Operation
Frequently, it is often observed that cargo cannot be transported in a timely manner even after
unloading due to delays or inefficiencies in customs and quarantine procedures, and one of the
challenges that shippers and transport service providers complain about is the customs clearance
and quarantine system. Port productivity should be ensured not only in terms of infrastructure,
but also in terms of institutional aspects such as customs clearance and quarantine. Information
sharing and processing systems using advanced IT, including EDI, are actively being introduced
by many ports because they contribute to enhancing the transparency and efficiency of business
procedures. One of the most overlooked aspects of port productivity enhancement is Human
Resource management.

International Transport Forum, OECD 2015. Port Hinterland Connectivity.
Despite the massive investment in infrastructure and hardware, sometimes the expected results
are not achieved because of the lack of understanding and consideration of all stakeholders and
port personnel who manage and operate these facilities and equipment. Therefore, education and
training for those who are relocated by automation and those who operate new equipment are
recognized as important factors in improving productivity. Port safety and security are becoming
increasingly important because natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis are
frequently occurring in the ESCAP region, and hacking and cyber terrorism are also recognized
as factors that hinder efficient port operations.
In this light, it should be highlighted that the current diversity in governance models and
management arrangements in port and supply chain business poses a problem for the
development of systematic responses to negative impacts. In order to deal with these impacts,
higher level authorities need to be involved and appropriate incentive structures are required.”39
For example, pollutants emitted by ships and stevedoring equipment sometimes affect not only
the port area but also the local community. In order to solve these issues, cooperation and
dialogue between various stakeholders, including port authorities and local governments, is
important There are many policies to increase port productivity, from macroscopic, such as
large-scale facility investments, to microscopic things like business process re-engineering. Most
ports pursue a policy mix strategy that includes hardware, such as infrastructure investments, and
software, such as information system improvements, and chooses the right policy for the current
situation and future vision. Improving port productivity is a backbone strategy for achieving a
mid- to long-term vision for the port, and it is also a key measures to enable sustainable
development. Therefore, it is limited to achieve strategic goals such like sustainable development
only by a strong drive of a specific entity such as top management, and it takes some time, but
the participation and cooperation of all stakeholders is the key to improve port productivity.

OECD/ITF, Port Competition and Hinterland Connections, 2009..

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