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School Grade Level Grade 11

LOG Teacher Learning Area Org&Mngt
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st quarter

A. Content Standards basic concepts and theories of management
B. Performance Standards Apply management theories & concepts in solving business cases
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives discuss the meaning and functions of management ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-1
Write for the LC code for each
Indicate Interfaced
sCompetency with code.

II. CONTENT Definition and functions of management


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 2-4
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Additional Materials from -Power Point Presentation on functions of management
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Internet:,

A. Review previous lesson or A diagnostic test covering the contents of the lesson is administered. The purpose of this is to assess
presenting the new lesson what students alreadyknow about the topics, what they know little or nothing
about, and what misconceptions they might have, if any.
B. Establishing a purpose for Base from the activity, is management important?
the lesson
C. Presenting
examples/instances of the new How important is management in an organization?
D. Discussing new concepts What are the functions of management?
and practicing new skills #1

E. Finding practical applications

of concepts and skills in daily Do you have part in managing your family?
H. Making generalizations and 1. Management is the process of coordinating and overseeing the work performance of individuals working together in
abstractions about the lesson organizations, so that they effectively accomplish their chosen aims/goals.
2. Management functions include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.

I. Evaluating learning

Prepared by:

Ask the students to agree or disagree with the following statements by putting a check mark ontheir chosen answer.

Successful Managers are those who:

1. look after their self-interests first

2. inspire their subordinates to do their best in assigned tasks
3. can craft messages that could be understood clearly by subordinates
4. have self-discipline
5. believe in using punishment to make subordinates follow
6. work well with others
7. do not believe in due process
8. practice logical thinking before decision-making
9. always consider the “general good”
10. have the ability to listen what others seek to communicate
11. respect everyone and has the ability to maintain career advancement
12. generally “goes the extra mile” for those around him or her

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