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C Language

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Operators and Expressions

An operator specifies an operation to be performed that yields a value. The variables,

constants can be joined by various operators to form an expression. An operand is a
data item on which an operator acts. Some operators require two operands, while
others act upon only one operand. C includes a large number of operators that fall
under several different categories, which are as follows-
1. Arithmetic operators
2. Assignment operators
3. Increment and Decrement operators
4. Relational operators
5. Logical operators
6. Conditional operator
7. Comma operator
8. sizeof operator
9. Bitwise operators
10. Other operators

1. Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used for numeric calculations. They are of two types:-
a) Unary arithmetic operators
b) Binary arithmetic operators

a) Unary arithmetic operators

unary operators require only one operand. For example [ +x -y ]
Here '-' changes the sign of the operand y.

b) Binary arithmetic operators

Binary operators require two operands. There are five binary arithmetic operators-
Operator Purpose
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Gives the remainder in integer division

% (modulus operator) cannot be applied with floating point operands. There is no

exponent operator in C. However there is a library function pow() to carry out
exponentiation operation.
Note that unary plus and unary minus operators are different from the addition
and subtraction operators

To better understand the Arithmetic operators we have to understand :-

a) Integer Arithmetic
b) Floating-Point Arithmetic
c) Mixed Mode Arithmetic
a)Integer Arithmetic :- When both operands are integers then the arithmetic
operation with these operands is called integer arithmetic and the resulting value is
always an integer. Let us take two variables a and b. The value of a = 17 and b=4 the
results of the following operations are -
Expression Result
a +b 21
a–b 13
A*b 68
a/b 4(decimal part truncates)
A%b 1(Remainder after integer division)

After division operation the decimal part will be truncated and result is only integer
part of quotient. After modulus operation the result will be remainder part of integer
division. The second operand must be nonzero for division and modulus operations.
/* program to understand the integer arithmetic operation /*
int main()
int a=17,b=4;
printf("Sum = %d\n",a+b);
printf("Difference = %d\n",a-b);
printf("Product = %d\n",a*b);
printf("quotient = %d\n",a/b);
printf("Remainder = %d\n",a%b);

printf("Result of 10%%2 is %d\n",10%2);

printf("Result of 10%%4 is %d\n",10%4);
printf("Result of 4%10 is: %d\n",4%10);
printf("Result of -10%%4 is %d\n",-10%4);
printf("Result of 10%%-4 is %d\n",10%-4);
printf("Result of -10%%-4 is %d\n",-10%-4);

return 0;
Sum = 21
Difference = 13
Product = 68
quotient = 4
Remainder = 1
Result of 10%2 is 0
Result of 10%4 is 2
Result of 4 is: 4
Result of -10%4 is -2
Result of 10%-4 is 2
Result of -10%-4 is -2
b) Floating-Point Arithmetic:- When both operands are of float type then the
arithmetic operation with these operands is called floating point arithmetic. Let us
take two variables a and b. The value of a=12.4 and b=3.1, the results of the
following operations are as-

Expression Result
a+b 15.5
a-b 9.3
A*b 38.44
a/b 4.0
The modulus operator % cannot be used with floating point numbers.
/* program to understand the floating point arithmetic operation */
int main()
float a=12.4, b=3.8;
printf("Sum = %.2f\n",a+b);
printf("Difference = %.2f\n",a-b);
printf("Product = %.2f\n",a*b);
printf("a/b = %.2f\n",a/b);
return 0;
Sum = 16.20
Difference = 8.60
Product = 47.12
a/b = 3.26

c) Mixed Mode Arithmetic :- When one operand is of integer type and the other is of
floating type then the arithmetic operation with these operands is known as mixed
mode arithmetic and the resulting value is float type.
if a=12, b=2.5
Expression Result
A+b 14.5
a-b 9.5
a*b 30.0
a/b 4.8
Sometimes mixed mode arithmetic can help in getting exact results. For example the
result of expression 5/2 will be 2, since integer arithmetic is applied. If we want exact
result we can make one of the operands float type. For example 5.0 or 5/2.0, both will
give result 2.5.
2.Assignment Operator :-A value can be stored in a variable with the use of
assignment operator. This assignment operator " = " is used in assignment expressions
and assignment statements.
x=8 /* 8 is assigned to x */
y=5 /* 5 is assigned to y */
s=x+y-2 /* value of expression x+y-2 is assigned to s */
y=x /* value of x is assigned to y */
x=y /* value of y is assigned to x */

We can have multiple assignment expression also, for example -

Here all the three variables x, y, z will be assigned value 20 and the value of the
whole expression will be 20.
if we put a semicolon after the assignment expression then it becomes an assignment
statement. for example these are assignment statements -
y= 5;
s= x+ y - 2;
when the variable on the left hand side of assignment operator also occurs on right
hand side then we can avoid writing the variable twice by using compound
assignment operators. For example-
can also be written as -
Here += is a compound assignment operators -
x-=5 is equivalent to x=x-5
y*=5 is equivalent to y=y*5
sum /=5 is equivalent to sum=sum/5
k%=5 is equivalent to k=kl%5

/* program to understand assignment operator

int main()
int a=10;
printf("a = %d",a);
printf("\nResult of a+=2 is %d",a);
printf("\nResult of a-=2 is %d",a);
printf("\nResult of a*=2 is %d",a);
printf("\nResult of a/=2 is %d",a);
printf("\nResult of a%%=4 is %d",a);
return 0;
output :-
a= 10
result of a+=2 is 12
result of a-=2 is 8
result of a*=2 is 20
result of a/=2 is 5
result of a%=2 is 2

3. Increment and Decrement operators :- C has two useful operators increment (+

+) and decrement (--).These are unary operators because they operate on a single
operand. the increment operator (++) increments the value of the variable by 1 and
decrement operator(--)decrements the value of the variable by 1.
++x is equivalent to x=x+1
--x is equivalent to x=x-1
these operators should be used only with variables, they can't be used with constants
or expressions. For examples the expressions ++5 of ++(x + y + z)are invalid.
These operators are of two types.
1. Prefix increment / decrement - operator is written before the operand (e.g. + + x or - - x)
2. Postfix increment / decrement - operator is written after the operand (e.g. x+ + or x - -)

Prefix Increment / Decrement

Here first the value of variable is incremented / Decremented then the new value is
used in the operation. Let us take a variable a whose value is 3.
The statement Y = ++X means first increment the value of x by 1, then assign the
value of x to y. This single statement is equivalent to these two statements -
x = x+1
y = x;
Hence now value of x is 4 and value of y is 4
The statement y = - -x , means first decrement the value of x by 1 then assign the
value of x to y. this statement is equivalent to these two statements.
x= x-1
hence now value of x is 3 and value of y is 3.

/* program to understand prefix increment / decrement operator. */

int main()
int x=8;
printf("x = %d\t",x);
printf("x = %d\t",++x); /* prefix increment */
printf("x = %d\t",x);
printf("x = %d\t",--x); /* prefix decrement */
printf("x = %d\n",x);
return 0;
output :-
x=8 x=9 x=9 x=8 x=8
in the second printf statement, first the value of x is incremented and then printed,
similarly in the fourth printf statement first the value of x is decremented and then
postfix Increment / Decrement
Here first the value of variable is used in the operation and then increment /
decrement is performed. Let us take a variable whose value is 3.
The statement y = x++ Means first the value of x is assigned to y and then x is
incremented. This statement is equivalent to these two statements -
y= x;
x = x+1
Hence now value of x is 4 and value of y is 3.
The statement y = x
Hence now value of x is 3 and value of y is 4.

/* Program to understand the use of postfix increment/decrement operator. */

int main()
int x=8;
printf("x = %d\t",x);
printf("x = %d\t",x++); /* postfix increment */
printf("x = %d\t",x);
printf("x = %d\t",x--); /* postfix decrement */
printf("x = %d\n",x);
return 0;
output :-
x=8 x=8 x=9 x=9 x=8

4. Relational operators
Relational operators are used to compare values of two expressions depending on
their relations. An expression that contains relational operators is called relational
expression. if the relation is true then the value of relational expression is 1 and if the
relation is false then the value of expression is 0. The relational operators are -
Operator Meaning
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Grater than
>= Greater than or equal to
let us take two variables a = 9 and b = 5, and form simple relational expressions with
Expression Relation Value of Expression
a<b False 0
a <= b False 0
a==b False 0
a != b True 1
a>b True 1
a >= b True 1
a==0 False 0
b != 0 True 1
a>8 True 1
2>4 False 0

The relational operators are generally used in if....else construct and loops. In our
next program we'll use the if statement to illustrate the use of relational operators
the if control statement evaluates an expression. and if this expression is true(non
zero )then the next statement is executed, otherwise the next statement is skipped.
Here we have used it to give you an idea of how the relational operators are used.

/* program to understand the use of relational operators */

int main()
int a,b;
printf("Enter values for a and b");
printf("%d is less than %d\n",a,b);
printf("%d is less than or equal to %d\n",a,b);
printf("%d is equal to %d\n",a,b);
printf("%d is not equal to %d\n",a,b);
printf("%d is greater than %d\n",a,b);
printf("%d is greater than or equal to %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
Enter values for a and b : 12 7
12 is not equal to 7
12 is greater than 7
12 is greater than or equal to 7
It is important to note that the assignment operator( = )and equality operator (= =)are
entirely different. Assignment operator is used for assigning values while equality
operator is used to compare two expressions. For example if in the above program
we use '= =' instead of '=', then we'll get wrong output.
if(a= b) printf("%d is equal to %d \n",a,b);
Here a = b is treated as an assignment expression, so the value of b is assigned to
variable a, and the whole expression becomes 7 which is non- zero, and so the next
statement is executed. value of the whole expression becomes 7 which is non-zero,
and so the next statement is executed.
5.Logical or Boolean Operators:- an expression that combines two or more
expressions is termed as a logical expression. For combining these expressions we
use logical operators. These operators return 0 for false and 1 for true. The operands
may be constants, variables or expressions. C has three logical operators.
Operator Meaning
&& AND
|| Or
Here logical NOT is a unary operator while the other two are binary operators.
Before studying these operators let us understand the concept of true and false. In C
any non-zero value is regarded as true and zero is regarded as false.
This operator gives the net result true if both the conditions are true, Otherwise the
result is false.
Boolean table
Condition1 Condition2 Result
False False False
False True False
True False False
True True True
Let us take three variables a = 10, b=5, c=0
Suppose we have a logical expression - (a = = 10)&& (b < a)
Here both the conditions a == 10 and b< a are true, and hence this whole expression is
true. Since the logical operators return 1 for true hence the value of this expression is
Expression Result Value of Expression
(a== 10)&& (b>a) true && false False 0
(b>=a) &&(b==3) false && false False 0
A && b true && true True 1
A && c true && false False 0
In the last two expressions we have taken only variables. Since nonzero values are
regarded as true and zero value is regarded as false, so variables a variables a and b
are considered true and variable c is considered false.
/* program to understand (&&) operator. */
int main()
int a=10,b;
printf("a = %d",a);
b=a<10 && a>10;
printf("\na<10 && a>10 : %d",b);

b=a>5 && a>10;

printf("\na>5 && a>10 : %d",b);

b=a>5 && a<20;

printf("\na>5 && a<20 : %d",b);
return 0;
a<10 && a>10 : 0
a<5 && a>10 : 0
a<5 && a<20 : 1

OR( | | ) Operator This operator gives the net result false, if both the conditions
have the value false, otherwise the result is true.
Boolean Table
Condition1 Condition2 Result
False False False
False True True
True False True
True True True
let us take three variables a = 10 , b=5, c= 0
Consider the logical expression- (a >=b) | | (b > 15)
This gives result true because one condition is true.

Expression Result Value of expression

a || b True | | true True 1
a||c True | | false True 1
(a<9) | | (b>10) False | | false False 0
(b!=7) | | c True | | false True 1
/* program to understand (||) operator. */
int main()
int a=10,b;
printf("a = %d",a);
b=a<10 || a>10;
printf("\na<10 || a>10 : %d",b);

b=a>5 || a>10;
printf("\na>5 || a>10 : %d",b);
b=a>5 || a<20;
printf("\na>5 || a<20 : %d",b);
return 0;

a<10 || a>10 : 0
a<5 || a>10 : 1
a<5 || a<20 : 1

Not (!) Operator

This is a unary operator and it negates the value of the condition. If the value of the
condition is false then it gives the result true. If the value of the condition is true then
it gives the result false.
Boolean Table
Condition Result
False True
True False
Let us take three variables a = 10, b=5 c=0
Suppose we have this logical expression - ! (a= =10)
The value of the condition (a= =10) is true. Not operator negates the value of the
condition. Hence the result is false.
Expression Result Value of expression
!a !true False 0
!c !false True 1
!(b>c) !true False 0
!(a && c ) !false True 1
/* program to understand (!) operator. */
int main()
int a=10,b,c;
printf("a = %d",a);
printf("\n ! b=%d",!b);
return 0;

6. Conditional Operator:- Conditional operator is a ternary operator(? and :)which

requires three expressions as operands. This is written as-
TestExpression ? expression1 : expression2
Firstly the TestExpression is evaluated.
(i) If TestExpression is true(nonzero), then expression1 is evaluated and it becomes
the value of the overall conditional expression.
(ii) If TestExpression is false(zero), then expression2 is evaluated and it becomes the
value of overall conditional expression.

For example consider this conditional expression-

a> b ? a : b
Here first the expression a> b is evaluated, if the value is true then the value of
variable a becomes the value of conditional expression otherwise the value of b
becomes the value of conditional expression.
Suppose a =5 and b=8, and we use the above conditional expression in a statement
as - max = a>b ? a : b;
First the expression a > b is evaluated, since it is false so the value of b becomes the
value of conditional expression and it is assigned to variable max.
In out next example we have written a conditional statement by putting a semicolon
after the conditional expression.
a < b ? printf("a is smaller") : printf("b is smaller");
Since the expression a < b is true, so the first printf function is executed.
/* program to understand conditional operators */
int main()
int no1,no2,no3,max=0;
printf("Input any 3 no ");
printf("max no is %d",max);
return 0;
Input any 3 no 10 12 14
max no is 14

7. Comma Operator :- the comma operator( , ) is used to permit different

expressions to appear in situations where only one expression would be used. The
expressions are separated by the comma operator. The separated expressions are
evaluated from left to right and the type and value of the rightmost expression is the
type and value of the compound expression. For example consider this expression :-
a = 8, b = 7, c = 9, a + b + c
Here we have combined 4 expressions. Initially 8 assigned to the variable a, then 7 is
assigned to then variable b, 9 is assigned to variable c and after this (a + b + c) is
evaluated which becomes the value of whole expression. so the value of the above
expression is 24. Now consider this statement-
sum = ( a = 8, b =7, c = 9, a + b + c ) ;
Here the value of the whole expression on right side will be assigned to variable sum
i.e. sum will be assigned value 24. Since precedence of comma operator is lower than
that of assignment operator hence the parentheses are necessary here. The comma
operator helps make the code more compact, for example without the use of comma
operator the above task would have been done in 4 statements.
sum = a + b + c ;

8. Sizeof Operator :- sizeof is an unary operator. This operator gives the size of its
operand in terms of bytes. The operand can be a variable, constant or any datatype
(int,float,char, etc).for example: sizeof(int) gives the bytes occupied by the int
datatype i.e. 2. Generally sizeof operator is used to make portable programs i.e.
programs that can be run on different machines. For example if we write our program
assuming int to be of 2 bytes, then it won't run correctly on a machine on which int is
of 4 bytes. So to make general code that can run on all machines we can use sizeof
/*program to understand sizeof operator */
int main()
int a;
printf("Result of sizeof(a) is %d",sizeof(a));
printf("Result of sizeof(int) is %d",sizeof(int));
printf("Result of sizeof(float) is %d",sizeof(float));
printf("Result of sizeof(char) is %d",sizeof(char));
printf("Result of sizeof('p') is %d",sizeof('p'));
printf("Result of sizeof(\"Ajmer"\) is %d",sizeof("Ajmer"));
return 0
Result of sizeof(a) is 2
Result of sizeof(int ) is 2
Result of sizeof(float) is 4
Result of sizeof(char) is 1
Result of sizeof('p') is 2
Result of sizeof("Ajmer") is 6

9. Bitwise operators :- C has the ability to support the manipulation of data at the bit
level. Bitwise operators are used for operations on individual bits. Bitwise operators
operate on integers only. The bitwise operators are as -
Bitwise operator Meaning
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise XOR
<< Lift shift
>> Right shift
~ One's complement
/* program to understand bitwise & operator. */
int main()
int a;
printf("Result of 45&7 is %d",a);
return 0;
Result of 45&7 is 5
To better understand this bit pattern consider this example:-
(00101101) & (00000111)

/*program to better understand bitwise or( | ) operator. */

int main()
int a;
a=45 | 23;
printf("Result of 45 | 23 is %d",a);
return 0;
Result of 45 | 23 is 63

To better understand this bit pattern consider this example:-

45 | 23
(00101101) | (00010111)

/*program to better understand bitwise XOR( ^ ) operator. */

int main()
int a;
a=45 ^ 23;
printf("Result of 45 ^ 23 is %d",a);
return 0;
Result of 45 ^ 23 is 58

To better understand this bit pattern consider this example:-

45 ^ 23
(00101101) ^ (00010111)

/*program to understand bitwise left shift( << ) operator. */

int main()
int a;
a=44 << 1;
printf("Result of 44 << 1 is %d",a);
return 0;
Result of 44 <<1 is 88

To better understand this bit pattern consider this example:-

44 << 1
(00101100) << 1

/*program to better understand bitwise right shift( >> ) operator. */

int main()
int a;
a=44 >>1;
printf("Result of 44 >>1 is %d",a);
return 0;
Result of 44 >>1 is 22

To better understand this bit pattern consider this example:-

44 >>1
(00101100) >> 1
Variables is a name that can be used to store values. Variables can take different
values but one at a time. These values can be changed during execution of the
program. A data type is associated with each variable. The data type of the variable
decides what values it can take. the rules for naming variables are same as that for
naming identifiers.
Declaration of variables:-
It is must to declare a variable before it is used in the program. Declaration of a
variable specifies its name and datatype. The type and range of values that a variable
can store depends upon its datatype. The syntax of declaration of a variable is-
datatype variablename;
Here datatype may be int, float , char , double etc. Some examples of declaration of
variables are:-
int x;
float salary;
char grade;
Here x is a variable of type int, salary is a variable of type float and grade is variable
of type char. we also declare more than one variable in a single declaration. For
example- int x, y, z, total;
Here x, y, z, total are all variables of type int.
Initialisation of Variables
When a variable is declared it contains undefined value commonly Known as garbage
value. if we want we can assign some initial value to the variable during the
declaration itself, this is called initialisation of the variable. For example-
int a=5;
float x=8.9,y=10.5;
char ch = 'y';
double num=0.15197e-7
int l, m, n, total =0'
In the last declaration only variable total has been initialised.
Data Types
C89 defines five foundational data types: character, integer, floating-point, double
floating-point, and valueless. These are declared using char, int, float, double, and
void, respectively. These types form the basis for several other types. The size and
range of these data types may vary among processor types and compilers.
'char' is used to store any single character, 'int ' is used to store integer value,
'float' is used for storing single precision floating point number and 'double' is used for
storing double precision. floating point number. We can use type qualifiers with these
basic types to get some more types.
There are two types of type qualifiers;-
1 Size qualifiers short, long
2 Sign qualifiers signed, unsigned
when the qualifier unsigned is used the number is always positive, and when signed is
used number may be positive or negative. if the sign qualifier is not mentioned, then
by default signed qualifier is assumed. The range of values for signed data types is
less than that of unsigned type. this is because in signed type, the leftmost bit is used
to represent the sign, while in unsigned type this bit is also used to represent the value.
The size and range of different data type on a 16-bit machine is given in the following
table. The size and range may vary on machines with different word sizes.
Basic Data types with type Size Range
data types qualifiers ss(bytes)
char char or signed char 1 -128 to 127
unsigned char 1 0 to 255
int int or signed int 2 -32768 to 32767
unsigned int 2 0 to 65535
short int or signed short int 1 -128 to 127
unsigned short int 1 0 to 255
long int or signed long int 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647
unsigned long int 4 0 to 4294967295
float Float 4 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
double Double 8 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
long double 10 3.4e-4932 to 1.1E+4932

Constants is a value that cannot be changed during execution of the program. There
are three types of constants-

Numeric constants :- Numeric constants consist of numeric digits, they may or may
not have decimal point(.). These are the rules for defining numeric constants-
1. Numeric constant should have at least one digit.
2. No comma or space is allowed within the numeric constant.
3. Numeric constants can either be positive or negative but default sign is always
there are two types of numeric constants-
a) Integer Constant :- Integer constants are whole numbers which have no decimal
point (.). There are three types of integer constants based on different number system.
The permissible characters that can be used in these constants are-
Decimal constants - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (base 10)
Octal constants - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (base 8)
Hex Decimal constants - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,a,b,c,d,e,f (base is 16)
Some valid decimal integer constants are: - 0, 123, 3705, 23759.
Some invalid decimal integer constants are

Invalid Remark
2.5 Illegal character( . )
3#5 Illegal character ( # )
98 5 No blank space allowed
0925 First digit can not be zero
8,354 Comma is not allowed
in octal integer constants, first digit must be 0. For example:- 0, 05, 077, 0324
in hexadecimal integer constants, first two characters should be 0x or 0X. Some
examples are as :- 0x, 0X23, 0x515, 0XA15B, 0xFFF, 0xac.
By default the type of an integer constant is int. But if the value of integer constant
exceeds the range of values represented by int type, the type is taken to be unsigned
int or long int. We can also explicitly mention the type of the constant by suffixing it
with l or L (for long ), u or U(for unsigned), ul or UL(for unsigned long ). For
6453 integer constant of type int
45238722UL or 45238722ul integer constant of type unsigned long int
6655U or 6655u integer constant of type unsigned int

Real (floating point)Constants:- Floating point constants are numeric constants that
contain decimal point. Some valid floating point constants are-
0.5, 5.3, 4000.0, 0.0073, 5597.0, 39.0807
For expressing vary large or very small real constants, exponential (scientific )form is
used. Here the number is written in the mantissa and exponent form, which are
separated by 'e' or 'E'. The mantissa can be an integer or a real number, while the
exponent can be only an integer(positive or negative).For example the number
1800000 can be written as 1.8e6, here 1.8 is mantissa and 6 is the exponent.
Some more examples are as:-
Number Exponential form
250000000 2.5*10 2.5e9
0.0000076 7.6*10-6 7.6e-6
-670000 -6.7*10 -6.7E5
by default the type of a floating point constant is double. We can explicitly mention
the type of constant by suffixing it with a f of F (for float type), l or L(for long
double). For example:-
2.3e5 floating point constant of type double
2.4e-9l or 2.4e-9L floating point constant of type long double
3.52f or 3.52F floating point constant of type float
Character constants:- A character constant is a single character that is enclosed
within single quotes/ Some valid character constants are- '9', 'D', '$', ' ' , '#'
some invalid character constants are:-
Invalid Remark
'four' There should be only one character within quotes
"d" Double quots are not allowed
'' No character between single quotes
Y Single quotes missing
Every character constant has a unique integer value associated with it. This integer is
the numeric value of the character in the machine's character code. if the machine is
using ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange),then the
character 'G' represents integer value 71 and the character 5 represent value 53. some
ASCII values are:-
A - Z ASCII value (65 - 90)
a - z ASCII value (97 - 122)
0 - 9 ASCII value (48 - 57)
; ASCII value(59)
String Constants:- A string constant has zero, one or more than one character. A
string constant is enclosed within double quotes(" "). At the end of string, \0 is
automatically placed by the compiler.
Some examples of string constants are:-
"Kumar", "593", "8", " ","A".
Note that "A " and 'A' are different, the first one is a string constant which
consist of character A and \0 while the second one is a character constant which
represents integer value 65.

Symbolic Constants:- If we want to use a constant several times then we can

provide it a name. For example if we have to use the constant 3.14159265 at many
places in our program, then we can give it a name PI and use this name instead of
writing the constant value everywhere. These types of constants are called symbolic
constants or named constants.
A symbolic constant is a name that substitutes for a sequence of characters. The
characters may represent a numeric constant, a character constant or a string constant.
These constants are generally defined at the beginning of the program as-
#define name value
Here 'name' is the symbolic name for the constant, and is generally written in
uppercase letters . 'value' can be numeric, character or string constant.
Some examples of symbolic constants are as-
#define MAX 100
#define PI 3.14159625
#define CH 'y'
#define NAME "Suresh"
In the program, these names will be replaced by the corresponding values. These
symbolic constants improve the readability and modifiability of the program.

Type conversion
C provides the facility of mixing different types of variables and constants in a
expression . In these types of operations data type of one operand is converted into
data type of another operand . This is known as type conversion. The different types
of type conversion are-
Implicit type conversions are done by the compiler while the explicit type conversion
are user defined conversions.
1)Implicit type conversions :- These conversions are done by the C compiler
according to some predefined rules of C language. The two types of implicit type
conversions are automatic type conversions and type conversion in assignments.
i)Automatic Conversions
a)Automatic unary conversions :- All operands of type char and short will
be converted to int before any operation. Some compilers convert all float operands to
double before any operation.
b) Automatic binary conversion the rules for automatic binary conversions
are as-
1) if one operand is long double, then the other will be converted to long double, and
the result will be long double.
2)Otherwise if one operand is double then the other will be converted to double and
the result will be double,
3)Otherwise if one operand is float the other will be converted to float and the result
will be float,
4)otherwise if one operand is unsigned long int, then other will be converted to
unsigned long int and the result will be unsigned long int.
5)Otherwise if one operand is long int and other is unsigned int
(a) if long int can represent all the values of an unsigned int, then unsigned int
will be converted to long int and the result will be long int,
(b)Else both the operands will be converted to unsigned long int and the result
will be unsigned long int,
6)otherwise if one operand is long int, then the other will be converted to long int and
the result will be long int.
7)Otherwise if one operand is unsigned int , then the other will be converted to
unsigned int and the result will be unsigned int.

ii)Type conversion in assignment:- if the types of the two operands in an assignment

expression are diffenent, then the type of the right hand side operand is converted to
the type of left hand operand. Here if the right hand operand is of lower rank then it
will be promoted to the rank of left hand operand , and if it is of higher rank then it
will demoted to the rank of left hand operand.
Some consequences of these promotions and demotions are-
1)Some high order bits may be dropped when long is converted to int, or int is
converted to short int or char.
2)Fractional part may be truncated during conversion of float type to int type.
3)When double type is converted to float type, digits are rounded off.
4)When a signed type is changed to unsigned type, the sign may be dropped.
5)when an int is converted to float, or float to double there will be no increase in
accuracy or precision.
/* program to understand the type conversions in assignment */
int main()
char c1,c2;
int i1,i2;
float f1,f2;
i1=80.56; /* Demotion float converted to int, only 80 assigned to i1*/
c2=i1; /* Demotion : intconverted to char */
i2=f1; /* Demotion : float converted to int */
/* now c2 has character with ASCII value 80,i2 is assigned value l2 */
printf("c2 = %c, i2 = %d\n ",c2,i2);
f2=il; /*Promotion : int converted to float *
i2=c1; /*Promotion : char converted to int */
/* Now i2 contains ASCII value of character 'H' which is 72 */
printf("f2= %.2f, i2 = %d\n",f2,i2);
return 0;
c2 = p, i2 = 12
i2 = 80.00, i2= 72

2)Explicit type conversion or type casting :- There may be certain situations where
implicit conversions may not solve out purpose. For example
float x;
int x= 20 , y =3;
the value of z will be 6.0 instead of 6.66.
In these types of case we can specify out own conversions known as type casting or
coercion. this is done with the help of cast operator. the cast operator is a unary
operator that is used for converting an expression to a particular data type temporarily.
the expression can be any constant or variable.
the syntax of cast operator is-
(datatype) expression

here the datatype along with the parentheses is called the cast operator. so if we write
the above statement as-
Now the value of z will come out be 6.66. This happens because the cast operator
(float) temporarily converted the int variable x into float type and so floating point
arithmetic took place and fractional part was not lost. Note that the cast operator
changes the data type of variable x only temporarily for the evaluation of this
expression, everywhere else in the program it will be an int variable only.
/* program to illustrate the use of cast operator */
int main()
int x=5,y=2;
float p,q;
printf("p= %f\n",p);
printf("q= %f\n",q);

Unit 2
Control Flow
In C programs, statements are executed sequentially in the order in which they appear
in the program. But sometimes we may want to use a condition for execution only a
part of program. Also many situations arise where we may want to execute some
statements several times. Control statements enable us to specify the order in which
the various instructions in the program are to be executed. This determines the flow of
control. Control statements define how the control is transferred to other parts of the
program. C language supports four types of control statements, which are as-
1. if….else
2. goto
3. switch
4. loop
a. while
b. do…..while
c. for
Statements and blocks
A compound statement or a block is a group of statements enclosed within a pair of
curly braces { }.The statements inside the block are executed sequentially. The
general form is –
For example:-
area = l * b;
printf(“%d ”,area);
1. if………..else
this is a bi-directional conditional control statement. This statement is used to test
a condition and take one of the two possible actions. If the condition is true then a
single statement or a block of statements is executed (one part of the program),
otherwise another single statement or a block of statements is executed (other part
of the program). In C, any nonzero value is regarded as true while zero is regarded
as false.
Syntax 1:
Statement1; if(condition)
Statement ;

There can be a single statement or a block of statements after the if part.

/* Program to print a message if negative number is entered */

void main()
int num;
printf(“Enter a number : ”);
printf(“Number entered is negative \n”);
printf(“Value of num is : %d\n”, num);

Here if the condition is true(nonzero) then statement1 is executed, and if it is

false(zero), then the next statement which is immediately after the if control statement
is executed.
Syntax 2:

if(condition if(condition)
Statement1’ Statement;
else …………
statement 2; }
Statement ;
Here if the condition is true then statement1 is executed and if it is false then
statement2 is executed After this the control transfers to the next statement which is
immediately after the if…..else control statement.
/* program to print whether the number is even or odd */
void main()
int num;
printf(“Enter a number ”);
if(num % 2 = = 0)
printf(“Number is even\n”);
printf(“Number is odd\n”);

Nesting of if…..else
We can have another if ……else statement in the if block or the else block. This is
called nesting of if….else statement. Here is an example of nesting where we have
if…..else inside both if block and else block.
if(condition 1)
if (condition 2)
if (condition 3)

While nesting if…….else statements, sometimes confusion may arise in association

else part with appropriate if part.

/* program to find whether a year is a leap or not */

void main()
int year;
printf(“Enter year : ”);
scanf(“%d”, &year);
if(year % 100 = = 0)
if(year % 400 = = 0)
printf(“leap year\n”);
printf(“Not leap\n”);
if(year % 4 = = 0)
printf(“leap year\n”);
printf(“Not leap\n”);

else if ladder
This is a type of nesting in which there is an if……else statement in every else part
except the last else part. This type of nesting is frequently used in program and is also
known as else if ladder.

This nested structure is generally written in compact form as in second figure. The
flow chart for this structure is –

Here each condition is checked, and when a condition is found to be true, the
statements corresponding to that are executed, and the control comes out of the nested
structure with checking remaining conditions. If none of the conditions is true then the
last else part is executed.
/* program to find out the grade of a student when the marks of 4 subject are given.
The method of assigning grade is as-
per > 85 grade=A
per < 85 and per>70 grade=B
per < 70 and per>=55 grade=C
per < 55 and per>=40 grade=D
per < 40 grade=E
Here per is percentage.
void main()
float m1, m2, m3, m4, total, per;
char grade;
printf(“Enter marks of 4 subject ”);
total = m1+m2+m3+m4;
per= total /4;
if(per > =85)
else if(per > = 70)
grade =’B’ ;
else if(per > = 55)
grade =’C’ ;
else if(per > = 40)
grade =’D’ ;
printf(“Percentage is %f\n Grade is %c\n”, per, grade);
This is an unconditional control statement that transfer the flow of control to another
part of the program. The goto statement can be used as-
goto label;
Here label is any valid c identifier and it is followed by a colon.
Whenever the statement goto label; is encountered, the control is transferred to the
statement that is immediately after the label.
/* Program to print whether the number is even or odd */
void main()
int n;
printf(“Enter the number :”);
scanf(“%d”, &n);
if(n % 2 = = 0)
goto even;
goto odd;
even :
printf(“Number is even”);
goto end;
odd :
printf(“Number is odd”);
goto end;
end :

The label can be placed anywhere. If the label is after the goto then the control is
transferred forward and it is known as forward jump or forward goto, and if the label
is before the goto then the control is transferred backwards and it is known as
backward jump and backward goto. There should always be a statement after any
label. If label is at the end of program, and no statements are to be written after it, we
can write the null statement (single semicolon) after the label because a program can’t
end with a label.

This is multi-directional conditional control statement. Sometimes there is a need in
program to make choice among number of alternatives. For making this choice, we
use the switch statement. This can be written as-
switch (expression)
Case constant 1;
Case constant 2;
Case constant N;
Default :
Here switch, case and default are keywords. The “expression” following the switch
keyword can be any C expression that yields an integer value. It can be value of any
integer or character variable, or a function call returning an integer, or an arithmetic,
logical, relational, bitwise expression yielding an integer. It can be any integer or
character constant also, Since character are converted to their ASCII values, so we
can also use character in this expression. Data types long int and short int are also
allowed. The constants following the case keywords should be of integer or character
type. They can be either constants or constant expressions. These constants must be
different from one another.
/* program to perform arithmetic calculations on integers */
/* this program also demonstrate the switch with break statement */
void main()
char op;
int a,b;
Printf(“Enter number operator and another number :”);
case ‘+’:
printf(“Result = %d\n”,a+b);
case ‘-’:
printf(“Result = %d\n”,a-b);

case ‘*’:
printf(“Result = %d\n”,a*b);

case ‘/’:
printf(“Result = %d\n”,a/b);

case ‘%’:
printf(“Result = %d\n”,a%b);

default :
printf(“Enter valid operator\n”);
/*program to find whether the alphabet is a vowel or constant */
void main()
char ch;
printf(“Enter an alphabet :”);
case ‘a’:
case ‘e’:
case ‘i’:
case ‘o’:
case ‘u’:
printf(“Alphabet is a vowel \n”);
printf(“Alphabet is a consonant\n”);
Loops are used when we want to execute a part of the program or a block of
statements several times. For example, suppose we want to print "C is best" 10 times.
One way to get the desired output is we write 10 printf statements, which is not
preferable. Other way out is - use loop. Using loop we can write one loop statement
and only one printf statement, and this approach is definitely better than the first one.
With the help of loop we can execute a part of the program repeatedly till some
condition is true. There are three loop statements in C.
 while
 do while
 for
1. while loop:- The while statement can be written as:
while(condition) while(condition)
statement; {

First the condition is evaluated; if it is true then the statements in the body of loop are
executed . After the execution. again the condition is checked and if it is found to be
true then again the statements in the body of loop are executed. This means that these
statements are executed continuously till the condition is true and when it becomes
false, the loop terminates and the control comes out of the loop. Each execution of the
loop body is known as iteration.
/* program to find the product of digits of any number
int main()
int n,prod=1,rem;
printf("Enter the number ");
printf("prod of digits = %d \n",prod);
return 0;
/* program to find the factorial of any number */
void main()
int n,num;
long fact=1;
printf("Enter the number");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("No factorial of negative number\n");
fact=fact *n;
n- -;
printf("Factorial of %d = %ld\n",num, fact);
do......while loop
The 'do......while' statement is also used for looping. The body of this loop may
contain a single statement or a block of statements. The syntax for writing this loop is
do do
statment; {
while(condition); statement;
Here firstly the statements inside loop body are executed and then the condition is
evaluated. If the condition is true, then again the loop body is executed and this
process continues until the condition becomes false. Note that unlike while loop, here
a semicolon is placed after the condition.
In a 'while' loop, first the condition is evaluated and then the statements are executed
whereas in a do while loop, First the statements are executed and then the condition is
evaluated. So if initially the condition is false the while loop will not executed at all,
whereas the do while loop will always execute at least once.
/* program to count the digits in any number */
void main()
int n,count=0, rem;
printf("Enter the number : ");
printf("Number of digits = %d\n ",count);
for loop
The 'for ' statement is very useful while programming in c. It has three expressions
and semicolons are used for separation these expressions. The 'for' statement can be
written as-

the loop body can be a single statement or block of statements.
expression1 is an initialization expression, expression2 is a test expression or
condition and expression3 is an update expression. expression1 is executed only onc
when the loop starts and is used to initialize the loop variables. This expression is
generally an assignment expression. expression2 is a condition and is tested before
each iteration of the loop. This condition generally uses relational and logical
operators. expression2 is an update expression and is executed each time after the
body of the loop is executed.
Now let us see how this loop works. Firstly the initialization expression is executed
and the loop variables are initialized, and then the condition is checked, if the
condition is true then the body of loop is executed. After executing the loop body,
control transfers to expression3(update expression)and it modifies the loop variables
and then again the condition is checked, and if it is true, the body of loop is executed.
this process continues till the condition is true and when the condition becomes false
the loop is terminated and control is transferred to the statements following the loop.

/* program to generate Fibonacci series

In this series each number is a sum of the previous two numbers */
void main()
long x, y, z;
int i,n;
printf("Enter the number of terms ");

Nesting of loops:- when a loop is written inside the body of another loop then it is
known as nesting of loops. any type of loop can be nested inside any other type of
loop. For example a for loop may be nested inside another for loop or inside a while
or do while loop. Similarly while and do while loops can be nested.

/* program to understand nesting in for loop. The program prints Armstrong number.
Armstrong number is a three digit number in which the sum of cube of all digits is
equal to the number, for example 371 is an Armstrong number since
371=33+73+13=27+343+1. */
void main()
int num, n, cube, d, sum;
printf("Armstrong numbers are :\n");
while(n>0) /* inner loop */
sum=sum + cube;
}/* end of while loop */
if(num= =sum)
printf("%d\n", num);
}/* end of for loop */

Infinite loops:-The loops that go on executing infinitely and never terminate are
called infinite loops. Sometimes we write these loops by mistake while sometimes we
deliberately make use of these loops in our programs. Let us take some examples and
see what type of mistakes lead to infinite loops.
A) for(i=0;i<=5;i--)
this loop will execute till the value of i is less then or equal to 5 i.e the loop will
terminate only when i becomes grater then 5. the initial value of i is 0 and after each
iteration its value is decreasing, hence it will never become greater than 5. So the loop
condition will never become false and the loop will go on executing infinitely. For the
loop to work correctly we should write i++ instead of i-- .
B) There should be a statement inside the loop body that changes the value of loop
variable after each iteration. In for loop this work is done by the update expression but
in while and do while we may forget to change the loop variable and this can lead to
infinite loop.
int k=1;
here we are not changing the value of k inside the loop body and hence the loop
becomes infinite.
C) A common mistake made by beginners is to use the assignment operator(=) where
equality operator(= = ) should have been used. if this mistake is made in the loop
condition then it may cause the loop to execute infinitely. for example consider this
loop: while(n=2)
here we wanted the loop to executed till the value of n is equal to 2. So we should
have written n==2 but mistakenly we have written n =2. Now n=2 is an assignment
expression and the value of this expression is 2. which is a nonzero (true )value and
hence the loop condition is always true.
break statement
Break statement is used inside loops and switch statements. Sometimes it becomes
necessary to come out of the loop even before the loop condition becomes false. In
such a situation, break statement is used to terminate the loop. this statement exit from
that loop in which this statement appears/ It can be written as-
when break statement is encountered, loop is terminated and the control is transferred
to the statement immediately after the loop. the break statement is generally written
along with a condition. If break is written inside a nested loop structure then it causes
exit from the innermost loop.

/* program to understand the use of break */

void main()
int n;
if(n = = 3)
printf("I understand the use of break\n");
printf("Number = %d\n",n);
printf("out of for loop\n");
number =1
number = 2
I understand the use of break
Out of for loop
continue statement
The continue statement is used when we want to go to the next iteration of the loop
after skipping some statement of the loop. This continue statement can be written
simply as-
it is generally used with a condition. When continue statement is encountered all the
remaining statements (statement after continue )in the current iteration are not
executed and the loop continues with the next iteration.
The difference between break and continue is that when break is encountered the loop
terminates and the control is transferred to the next statement following the loop. but
when a continue statement is encountered the loop is not terminated and the control is
transferred to the beginning of the loop. In while and do- while loops, after continue
statement the control is transferred to the test condition and then the loop continues,
whereas in for loop after continue statement the control is transferred to update
expression and then the condition is tested.

/* program to understand the use of continue statement */

void main()
int n;
printf("I understand the use of continue\n");
printf("number = %d\n", n);
printf("out of for loop\n");
number =1
number = 2
I understand the use of continue
number = 4
number = 5
out of for loop

Unit - 3
A function is a self-contained subprogram that is meant to do some specific, well-
defined task. A C program consists of one or more functions. If a program has only
one function then it must be the main () function.
C programs have two types of functions-
1 User-defined function
2 Library functions
1.User-defined function:- User can create their own functions for performing any
specific task of the program. These types of functions are called user-defined
functions. To create and use these functions, we should know about these three
a) function definition
b) function call
c) function declaration

a)function definition:- the function definition consist of the whole description

and code of a function. it tells what the function is doing and what are its inputs and
outputs. A function definition consists of two parts- a function header and a function
body. The general syntax of a function definition is-
return_type func_name(type1 arg1, type2 arg2,.......)
local variables declarations;
return (expression);
The first line in the function definition is known as the function header and after this
the body of the function is written enclosed in curly braces.
The return_type denotes the type of the value that will be returned by the function.
The return_type is optional and if omitted, it is assumed to be int by default. A
function can return either one value or no value. If a function does not return any
value then void should be written in place of return_type.
The func_name specifies the name of the function and it can be any valid C identifier.
After function name,the argument declarations are given in parentheses, which
mention the type and name of the arguments.
These are known as formal arguments and used to accept values. A function can take
any number of arguments or even no argument at all. If there are no arguments then
either the parentheses can be left empty or void can be written inside the parentheses.
The body of function is a compound statement, which consists of declarations of
variables. There can be any number of valid C statements inside a function body. The
return statement is optional. It may be absent if the function does not return any value.
The Function definition can be placed anywhere in the program. But generally all
definitions are placed after the main() function. Note that a function definition cannot
be placed inside another function definition. Function definitions can also be placed in
different files.
b) Function call:- The function definition describes what a function can do,
but to actually use it in the program the function should be called somewhere. A
function is called by simply writing its name followed by the argument list inside the
Func_name(arg1, arg2,arg3…..)
These arguments arg1,arg2,…… are called actual arguments.
Here func_name is known as the called function while the function in which this
function call is placed is known as the calling function. When a function is called, the
control passes to the called function, which is executed and after this the control is
transferred to the statement following the function call in the calling function. If the
function return a value, then this function call can be used like an operand in any
expression anywhere in the program. The type and value of this operand will be the
type and value of the return value of the function for example-
S= sum(a,b); /* Assigning the return value of sum() to variables */
b= max(x,y)*10; /* return value of max() is multiplied by 10 and assigned to
variable b*/
if(isprime(x)= =1) /*return value of isprime() is used in if condition */
if the function is declared as void then it cannot be used in this way in any expression.
For example it would be meaningless and invalid to write an expression like this-
s= drawline();
The code of a function is executed only when it is called by some other function. If
the function is defined and not called even once thenit’s code will never be executed.
A function can be called more then once so the code is executed each time it is called.
The execution of a function finishes either when the closing braces of the function
body are reached or if return statement is encountered.
c) Function declaration:- The calling function needs information about the called
function. If definition of the called function is placed before the calling function., then
declaration is not needed. For example if in program we write the definition of sum()
before main(), then declaration is not needed.
/* program to find the sum of two numbers */
int sum(int x, int y)
int s;
return s;

void main()
int a, b, s;
printf(“Enter values for a and b : ”);
scanf(“%d %d ”, &a,&b);
printf(“Sum of %d and %d is %d \n”, a, b, s);
Here the definition of sum() is written before main(), so main() knows everything
about the function sum(). But generally the function main() is placed at the top and all
other functions are placed after it . In this case, function declaration is needed. The
function declaration is also known as the function prototype, and it informs the
compiler about the following three things-
1. Name of the function.
2. Number and type of arguments received by the function.
3. Type of value returned by the function.
Function declaration tells the compiler that a function with these features will be
defined and used later in the program. The general syntax of a function declaration
Return_type func_name(type1 arg1 , type2 arg2 ,…..);
This looks just like the header of function definition, except that there is a
semicolon at the end. The name of the arguments while declaration a function is
optional. These are only used for descriptive purposes. Sow we can wrie the
declaration in this why also-
return_type func_name(type1,type2,.,,,,,,,,,,,);

return statement:- The return statement is used in a function to return a value to the
calling function. It may also be used for immediate exit from the called function to the
calling function without returning a value.
This statement can appear anywhere inside the body of the function. There are two
ways in which it can be used-
Here return is a keyword. The first form of return statement is used to terminate the
function without returning any value. In this case only return keyword is written. The
following program uses this form of return statement.
We can use multiple return statements in a function but as soon as first return
statement is encountered the function terminates and all the statements following it
are not executed.

Function arguments;- the calling function sends some values to the called function
for communication; these vales are called arguments or parameters.
Actual arguments: The arguments which are mentioned in the function call are
known as actual arguments, since these are the values which are actually sent to the
called function. Actual arguments can be written it the form of variables. Constants or
expressions or any function call that returns a value. For example –
func(a*b, c*d+k)
func(22, 43)
Formal arguments:- The name of the arguments which are mentioned in the function
definition are called formal or dummy arguments since they are used just to hold the
values that are sent by the calling function./
These formal arguments are simply like other local variables of the function which are
created when the function call states and are destroyed when the function ends.
However there are two differences:- First is that formal arguments are declared inside
parentheses while other local variables are declared at the beginning of the function
block. The second difference is that formal arguments are automatically initialized
with the values of the actual arguments passed, while other local variables are
assigned values through the statements written inside the function body.

Types of Function
The functions can be classified into four categories on the basic of the arguments and
return value.
1. Functions with no arguments and no return value.;
2. functions with no arguments and a return value.
3. function with arguments and no return value.
4. function with arguments and a return value.

1.Function with no argument and no return value.

/* Program that uses a function with no arguments and no return values */
void main()
int a, b, c;
printf(“Enter 1st no. : ”);
printf(“Enter 2nd no.”);
printf(“sum = %d”,c);
Enter 1st no. : 10
Enter 2nd no. : 20
Sum = 30
The above function add() is called by main() and the function definition is written
after the main() function. As the function add() has no argumenbts main() can not sent
any data to add() and since it has no return statement, hence function can not return
any value to main(). There are no communication between the calling and the called

2. Function with no Arguments but a Return value.

These types of functions do not receive any arguments but they can return a value.
The next program uses a function of this type:-
/* program that returns the sum of squares of all odd numbers from 1 to 25 */
int func();
void main()
int func()
int num, s=0;
s = s +num * num;
return s;

3. Function with Arguments But no return Value.

These types of functions have arguments, hence the calling function can send data
to the called function but the called function does not return any value.
/* program to add to integer values */
void main
int a, b;
printf(“Enter 1st no. : ”)
printf(“Enter 2nd no.”);
add(int x, int y)
int z;
int z;
printf(“sum = %d”,z);

Enter 1st no. : 10
Enter 2nd no. : 20
Sum = 30

4. Function with arguments and return value.

These types of functions have arguments, so the calling function can send data to the
called function, it can also return any value to the calling function using return
/* program to find the sum of digits of any number */
int sum(int n);
void main()
int num;
printf(“Enter the number : ”);
printf(“sum of digits of %d is %d \n”, num,sum(num));
int sum(int n)
int i, sum=0, rem;
rem= n% 10; /* rem takes the value of last digit */;
sum + = rem;
n / = 10; /* skips the last digit of number */
While describing the different type of functions, i have assumed arguments and return
values of type int for simplicity. These values can be of any data type.

The Four C Scopes

In the preceding discussion the terms local and global are used to describe in a
general way the difference between identifiers that are declared within a block and
those declared outside all blocks. However, these two broad categories are more
finely subdivided by C. Standard C defines four scopes that determine the visibility of
an identifier. They are summarized here:
• File scope
• Block scope
• Function prototype scope
• Function scope

Scope & Meaning

File scope :- Starts at the beginning of the file (also called a translation unit) and
ends with the end of the file. It refers only to those identifiers that are declared outside
of all functions. File scope identifiers are visible throughout the entire file. Variables
that have file scope are global.
Block scope:- Begins with the opening { of a block and ends with its associated
closing }. However, block scope also extends to function parameters in a function
definition. That is, function parameters are included in a function's block scope.
Variables with block scope are local to their block.
Function prototype scope:- Identifiers declared in a function prototype; visible
within the prototype. Function scope Begins with the opening { of a function and ends
with its closing }.
Function scope:- applies only to labels. A label is used as the target of a goto
statement, and that label must be within the same function as the goto.

Storage Class Specifiers

C supports four storage class specifiers:
• extern
• static
• register
• auto
These specifiers tell the compiler how to store the subsequent variable. The general
form of a Variable declaration that uses one is shown here:
storage_specifier type var_name;
Notice that the storage specifier precedes the rest of the variable declaration.
extern :- Before examining extern, a brief description of C linkage is in order. C
defines three categories of linkage: external, internal, and none. In general, functions
and global variables have external linkage. This means they are available to all files
that constitute a program. File scope objects declared as static have internal linkage.
These are known only within the file in which they are declared. Local variables have
no linkage and are therefore known only within their own block.
The principal use of extern is to specify that an object is declared with External
linkage elsewhere in the program. To understand why this is important, it is necessary
to understand the difference between a declaration and a definition. A declaration
declares the name and type of an object. A definition causes storage to be allocated
for the object. The same object may have many declarations, but there can be only
one definition.
In most cases, variable declarations are also definitions. However, by preceding a
variable name with the extern specifier, you can declare a variable without defining it.
Thus, when you need to refer to a variable that is defined in another part of your
program, you can declare that variable using extern.
Here is an example that uses extern. Notice that the global variables first and last are
declared after main( ).
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
extern int first, last; /* use global vars */
printf("%d %d", first, last);
return 0;
/* global definition of first and last */
int first = 10, last = 20;
This program outputs 10 20 because the global variables first and last used by the
printf( ) statement are initialized to these values. Because the extern declaration tells
the compiler that first and last are declared elsewhere (in this case, later in the same
file), the program can be compiled without error even though first and last are used
prior to their definition. It is important to understand that the extern variable
declarations as shown in the preceding program are necessary only because first and
last had not yet been declared prior to their use in main( ). Had their declarations
occurred prior to main( ), there would have been no need for the extern statement.
The extern specifier is needed when you want to use a variable that is declared later in
the file. As mentioned, extern allows you to declare a variable without defining it.
However, if you give that variable an initialization, the extern declaration becomes a
definition. This is important because, as stated earlier, an object can have multiple
declarations, but only one definition.
Static variables:- Variables declared as static are permanent variables within their
own function or file. Unlike global variables, they are not known outside their
function or file, but they maintain their values between calls. This feature makes them
useful when you write generalized functions and function libraries that other
programmers may use. The static modifier has different effects upon local variables
and global variables.
Static variables are declared by writing keyword static in front of the declaration.
static type var_name;
A static variable is initialized only once and the value of a static variable is retained
between function calls. If a static variable is not initialized then it is automatically
initialized to 0.
/* program to understand the use of static variables*/
void func(void);
void main()
void func (void)
int a=10;
static int b=10;
printf(“a= %d b= 5d\n”,a,b);
a= 10 b=10
a= 10 b=11
a= 10 b=12
register Variables:- The register storage specified originally applied only to variables
of type int, char, or pointer types. However, in Standard C, register's definition has
been broadened so that it can be applied to any type of variable. Originally, the
register specified requested that the compiler keep the value of a variable in a register
of the CPU rather than in memory, where normal variables are stored. This meant that
operations on a register variable could occur much faster than on a normal variable
because the register variable was actually held in the CPU and did not require a
memory access to determine or modify its value.
Recursion:- Recursion is a powerful technique of writing a complicated algorithm in
an easy way. According to this technique a problem is defined in terms of itself. The
problem is solved by dividing it into smaller problems, which are similar in nature to
the original problem. These smaller problems are solved and their solutions are
applied to get the final solution of our original problem.
To implement recursion technique in programming, a function should be capable of
calling itself and this facility is available in C. the function that calls itself(inside
function body) again and again is known as recursive function. In recursion the
calling function and the called function are same.
Before writing a recursive function for a problem we should consider these points:-
1. we should be able to define the solution of the problem in terms of a similar
type of smaller problem. At each step we get closer to the final solution of our
original problem.
2. There should be a terminating condition to stop recursion.
/* program to find the factorial of a number by recursive method */
long fact(int n);
void main()
int num;
printf(“enter a number : ”);
printf(“Factorial of %d is %ld\n”,num,fact(num));
long fact(int n)
if(n= =0)
This function returns 1 if the argument n is 0 otherwise it returns n*fact(n-1).to return
n*fact(n-1),the value of fact(n-1)has to be calculated for which fact() has to be called
again but this time with an argument of n-1. this process of calling fact() continues till
it is called with an argument of 0.
Pointers and Array

Introduction of Pointers
C is very powerful language and the real power of c lies in pointers. The use of
pointers makes the code more efficient and compact. Some of the uses of pointers
1. Accessing array elements.
2. Returning more than one value from a function.
3. Accessing dynamically allocated memory.
4. Implementing data structures like linked list, trees and graphs.

About memory
Before studying about pointers it is important to understand how memory is organized
in a computer. The memory in a computer is made up of bytes arranged in a
sequential manner. Each byte has an index number, which is called the address of that
byte. The address of these bytes start from zero and the address of last byte is one less
than the size of memory. Suppose we have 64 MB of RAM, then memory will consist
of 64 * 220 = 67108864 bytes. The address of these bytes will be from 0 to 67108863.

Now let us see what happens when we declare a variable. Suppose we declare a
variable age of type int –

int age;

The compiler reserves 2 consecutive bytes from memory for this variable and
associates the name age with it. The address of first byte from the two allocated bytes
is known as the address of variable age.

Suppose compiler has reserved bytes numbered 2588 and 2599 for the storage of
variable age, and then the address of variable age will be 2588. let us assign some
value to this variable.

age = 20;

Now this value will be stored in these 2 bytes (of course in binary form). The number
of bytes allocated will depend on the data type of variable. For example 4 bytes would
have been allocated for a float variable, and the address of first byte would be called
the address of the variable. Now we will se how to find out the address of a variable.

Address Operator
C provides an address operator ‘&’, which returns the address of a variable when
placed before it. This operator can be read as “the address of”, so &age means address
of age, similarly &sal means address of sal. The following program prints the address
of variables using address operator.
/* Program to print address of variables using address operator */
int age = 30;
float sal = 1500.50;
printf(“Value of age = %d, Address of age = %u\n”, age, &age);
printf(“Value of sal = %f, Address of sal = %u\n”, sal, &sal):


Value of age = 30, Address of age = 65524

Value of sal = 1500.500000, Address of sal = 65520

Pointers Variables
A pointer is a variable that stores memory address. It is called pointer because it
points to a particular location in memory by storing the address of that location.

Declaration Of Pointer Variables

Like other variables, pointer variables should also be declared before being used. The
general syntax of declaration is –

Data_type *pname;

Here pname is the name of pointer variable, which should be a valid C identifier. The
asterisk ‘*’ preceding this name informs the compiler that the variable is declared as a
pointer. Here data type is known as the base type of pointer. Let us take some pointer
declarations –

int *iptr;
float *fptr;
char *cptr, ch1, ch2;

Pointer To Pointer
We know that pointer is a variable that can contain memory address. This pointer
variable takes some space in memory and hence it also has an address. We can store
the address of a pointer variable in some other variable, which is known as a pointer
to pointer variable. Pointer to pointer is generally used while passing pointer variables
to functions.

The syntax of declaring a pointer to pointer is as –

data_type **pptr;
Here variable pptr is a pointer to pointer and it can point to a pointer pointing to a
variable of type datat_type. The double asterisk used in the declaration informs the
compiler that a pointer to pointer is being declared. Now let us take an example –

int a = 5;
int *pa = &a;
int **ppa = &pa;

Here type of variable a is int, type of variable pa is (int *) or pointer to int, and type of
variable ppa is (int **) or pointer to pointer to int.

Here pa is a pointer variable, which contains the address of the variable a and ppa is a
pointer to pointer variable, which contains the address of the pointer variable pa.

We know that *pa gives value of a, similarly *ppa will give the value of pa. Now let
us see what value will be given by **pa.

*pa (Since *ppa gives pa)
a (Since *pa gives a )

Hence we can see that **ppa will give the value of a. So to access the value indirectly
pointed to by a pointer to pointer, we can use double indirection operator. The table
given below will make this concept clear.

Value of a a *pa **ppa 5

Address of a &a Pa *ppa 2000
Value of pa &a Pa *ppa 2000
Address of pa &pa Ppa 3000
Value of ppa &pa Ppa 3000
Address of ppa &ppa 4000

/* Program to understand pointer to pointer */

int a = 5;
int *pa;
int **ppa;
pa = &a;
ppa = &pa;
printf(“Address of a = %u\n”, &a);
printf(“Value of pa = Address of a = %u\n”, pa);
printf(“Value of *pa = Value of a = %d\n”, *pa);
printf(“Address of pa = %u\n”, &pa);
printf(“Value of ppa = Address of pa = %u\n”, ppa);
printf(“Value of *ppa = Value of pa = %u\n”, *ppa);
printf(“Value of **ppa = Value of a = %d\n”, **ppa);
printf(“Address of ppa = %u\n”, &ppa);


Address of a = 65524
Value of pa = Address of a = 64424
Value of *pa = Value of a = 5
Address of pa = 65522
Value of ppa = Address of pa = 65522
Value of *ppa = Value of pa = 65524
Value of **ppa = Value of a = 5
Address of ppa = 65520

Pointers and One Dimensional Array

In C language, pointers and arrays are closely related. We can access the array
elements using pointer expressions. Actually the compiler also accesses the array
elements by converting subscript notation to pointer notation. Following are the main
points for understanding the relationship of pointers with arrays.

1. Elements of an array are stored in consecutive memory locations.

2. The name of an array is a constant pointer that points to the first element of the
array, i.e. it stores the address of the first element, also know as the base
address of array.
3. According to pointer arithmetic, when a pointer variable is incremented, it
points to the next location of its base type.

For example

int arr[5] = {5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 }

Here arr[5] is an array that has 5 elements each of type int.

We can get the address of an element of array by applying & operator in front of
subscripted variable name. Hence &arr[0] gives address of 0th element, &arr[1] gives
the address of first element and so on. Since array subscripts start from 0, so we’ll
refer to the first element of array as 0th element and so on.
The following program shows that the elements of an array we stored in consecutive
memory locations.

/* Program to print the value and address of the elements of an array */

int arr[5] = {5,10,15,20,25};
int I;
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
printf(“Value of arr[%d] = %d\t”, i, arr[i]);
printf(“Address of arr[%d] = %u\n”,i,&arr[i]);


Value of arr[0] = 5 Address of arr[0] = 2000

Value of arr[1] = 10 Address of arr[1] = 2002
Value of arr[2} = 15 Address of arr[2] = 2004
Value of arr[3] = 20 Address of arr[3] = 2006
Value of arr[2] = 25 Address of arr[4] = 2008

Pointer to an Array
We can also declare a pointer that can point to the whole array instead of only one
element of array. This pointer is useful when talking about multidimensional arrays.

Declaring a pointer to an array

int (*ptr)[10];

Here ptr is pointer that can point to an array of 10 integers. Note that it is necessary to
enclose the pointer name inside parentheses. Here the type of ptr is ‘pointer to an
array of 10 integers’.

Note:- The pointer that points to the 0th elements of array and the pointer that
points to the whole array are totally different. The following program shows

/* Program to understand difference between pointer to an integer and pointer to an

array of integers */

int *p; /* Can point to an integer */
int (*ptr) [5]; /* Can point to an array of 5 integers */
int arr[5];
p=arr; /* Points to 0th element of arr */
ptr=arr; /* Points to the whole array arr */
printrf(“p = %u, ptr = %u\n”, p, ptr);
printf(“p = %u, ptr = %u\n”, p, ptr);


P = 3000, ptr = 3000

P = 3002, ptr = 3010

Here p is pointer that points to 0th element of array arr, while ptr is a pointer that
points to the whole array arr. The base type of p is ‘int’ while base type of ptr is “an
array of 5 integers’.

Pointers and Two Dimensional Arrays

In a two dimensional array we can access each element by using two subscripts,
where first subscript represents row number and second subscript represents the
column number. The elements of 2-D array can be accessed with the help of pointer
notation also. Suppose arr is a 2-D array, then we can access any element arr[i][j] of
this array using the pointer expression *(*(arr+i) + j).

/* Program to print the values and address of elements of a 2-D array */

int arr[3] [4] = {
{10, 11, 12, 13},
{20, 21, 22, 23},
{30, 31, 32, 33}
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
printf(“address of %dth array = %u %u\n”, i, arr[i], * (arr+i));
for(j=0; j<4; j++)
printf(“%d %d”, arr[i] [j], *(*(arr+i)+j));


Address of 0th 1-D array = 65000 65000

10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13
Address of 1th 1-D array = 65008 65008
20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23

Address of 2th 1-D array = 65016 65016

30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33

Pointers and Three Dimensional Arrays

In a three dimensional array we can access each element by using three subscripts. Let
us take a 3-D array-

int arr [2] [3] [2] = {

{5, 10},
{6, 11},

We can consider a three dimensional array to be an array of 2-D arrays i.e. each
element of a 3-D array is considered to be a 2-D array. The 3-D array arr can be
considered as an array consisting of two elements where each element is a 2-D array.
The name of the array arr is a pointer of the 0th element of the array, so arr points to
the 0th 2-D array.

Now let us see how we can access any element of a 3d array using pointer notation.

arr Points to 0th 2-D array

arr+i Points to ith 2-D array
*(arr+i) Gives base address of ith 2-D array, so points to 0th element of ith 2-
D array, each element of 2-D array is a 1-D array, so it points to 0th
1-D array of ith 2-D array
*(arr+i)+j Points to jth 1-D array of ith 2-D array
*(*(arr+i)+j) Gives base address of jth 1-D array of ith 2-D array, so it points to 0th
element of jth 1-D array of ith 2-D array
*(*(arr+i)+j)+k Points to kth element of jth 1-D array of ith 2-D array
*(*(arr+i)+j)+k) Gives the value of kth element of jth 1-D array of ith 2-D array

/* Program to print the elements of 3-D array using pointer notationnn */

int arr [2] [3] [2] = {
int i, j, k;
for ( i=0; i<2, i++)
for(j=0; j<3; j++)
for(k=0; k<2; k++)
printf(“ \n”);


5 10
6 11
7 12
20 30
21 31
22 31

Pointers And Functions

The arguments to the functions can be passed in two ways –

1. Call by value
2. Call by reference

In call by value, only the values of arguments are sent to the function while in call by
reference, addresses of arguments are sent to the function. In call by value method,
any changes made to the formal arguments do not change the actual arguments. In call
by reference method, any changes made to the formal arguments change the actual
arguments also. C uses only call by value when passing arguments to a function, but
we can simulate call by reference by using pointers.

/* Program to explain Call by value */

int a =5, b=8;
printf(“Before calling the function, a and b are %d, %d\n” , a, b);
value(a, b);
printf(“After calling the function, a and b are %d, %d\n” , a, b);
value(int x, int y)
printf(“In function changes are %d, %d\n”, x, y);


Before calling the function, a and b are 5, 8

In function changes are 6, 9
After calling the function, a and b are 5, 8

/*Program to explain call by reference */

int a = 5;
int b = 8;
printf(“Before calling the function, a and b are %d, %d\n”, a, b);
ref(&a, &b);
printf(“After calling the function, a and b are %d, %d\n” , a, b);
ref(int *p, int *q)
printf(“In function changes are %d, %d\n”, *p, *q);


Before calling the function, a and b are 5, 8

In function changes are 6, 9
After calling the function, a and b are 6, 9

Returning More Than One Value From A Function

We have studied that we can return only one value from a function through return
statement. This limitation can be overcome by using call by reference. Let us take a
simple example to understand this concept. Suppose we want a function to return the
sum, difference and product of two numbers passed to it. If we use return statement
then we will have to make three different functions with one return statement in each.
The following program shows how we can return all these values from a single

/* Program to show how to return more than one value from a function using call by
reference */

int a, b, sum, diff, prod;
func(a,b, &sum, &diff, &prod);
printf(“Sum = %d, Difference = %d, Product = %d\n”, Sum, diff, prod);
func(int x, int y, int *ps, int *pd, int *pp)
*ps = x+y;
*pd = x-y;
*pp = x*y;


Sum = 10, Difference = 2, Product = 24

In func() variables a and b are passed by value while variables sum, diff, prod are
passed by reference. The function func() knows the addresses of variables sum, diff
and prod, so it accesses these variables indirectly using pointers and changes their

Function Returning Pointer

We can have a function that returns a pointer. The syntax of declaration of such type
of function is –

type *func(type1, type2, …);

For example –

float *fun(int, char); /*This function returns a pointer to float.*/

int *fun(int, int); /* This function returns a pointer to int. */

While returning a pointer, make sure that the memory address returned by the pointer
will exist even after the termination of function.
/* Program to show the use of a function that returns pointer */

int *fun(int *p, int n);
int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},n, *ptr;
ptr = fun(arr, n);
printf(“Value of arr = %u, Value of ptr = %u, value of *ptr = %d\n” , arr, ptr,
int *fun(int *p, int n)
p = p+n;
return p;


Value of arr = 65104, Value of ptr = 65114, Value of *ptr = 6

Passing a 1-d Array to a Function

/* program to show that changes to the array made inside the function affect the
int i arr[5]={3,6,2,7,1};
printf(“inside main() : ”);
func(int a[])
int i ;
printf(“inside func() : ”);
for(i=0; i<5; i++)

Inside func() : 5 8 4 9 3
Inside main() : 5 8 4 9 3

Passing a 2-D Array to a function

/* program to pass a 2-D array to a function.*/
int i,j,arr[3][4]={
Printf(“Inside main() : sizeof(arr)=%u\n”,sizeof(arr));
printf(“Contents of array after calling func() are :\n”);
for(i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
func(int (*a)[4])
int i,j;
printf(“Inside func() : sizeof(a)= %u \n”,sizeof(a));
printf(“Inside func() : sizeof(*a)= %u \n”,sizeof(*a));
for(i=0;i<3 ; i++)
for(j=0; j<4; j++)
inside main() : sizeof(arr)=24
inside main() : sizeof(a)=2
inside main() : sizeof(arr)=8
contents of array after calling func() are-
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24

Array of Pointers

We can declare an array that contains pointers as its elements. Every element of this
array is a pointer variable that can hold address of any variable of appropriate type.
The syntax of declaring an array of pointers is similar to that of declaring arrays
except that an asterisk is placed before the array name.
Datatype *arrayname[size];
For example to declare an array of size 10 tha contents integer ponters we can write-
int *arrp[10];

int * pa[3];
int i,a=5,b=10,c=15;
printf(“pa[%d]=%u\t”,i , pa[i]);
printf(“*pa[%d]=%u\t”, i , *pa[i]);

Pa[0] =2012 *pa[0]=5
Pa[1]=2560 *pa[1]=10
Pa[2]=3020 *pa[2]=15
Here pa is declared as an array of pointers. Every element of this array is a pointer to
an integer. Pa[i] gives the value of the ith element of ‘pa’ which is an address of any int
variable and *pa[i] gives the value of that int variable.

unit 9
Array is a collection of same type of elements but in many real life applications we
may need to group different types of logically related data. for example if we want to create a
record of a person that contains name, age and height of that person, then we can't use array
because all the three data elements are of different types.

1.1 Defining a structure

Defining a structure creates a template or format that describes the characteristics of
its members. all the variables that would be declared of this structure type, we take the form
of this template. the general syntax of a structure definition is -
struct tagname {
datatype member1;
datatype member2;
datatype memberN;
here struct is a keyword, which tells the compiler that a structure is being defined.
member1,member2, ..... memberN are known as members o f the structure and are declared
inside curly braces. there should be a semicolon at the end of the curly braces. these members
can be of any data type like int, char, float, array, pointers or another structure type. tagname
is the name of the structure and it is used further in the program to declare variables of this
structure type.
It is important to note that definition of a structure template does not reserve any space
in memory for the members, space is reserved only when actual variables of this
structure type are declared.
let us take an example of defining a structure template.
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
Here student is the structure tag and there are three members of this structure viz name,
rollno and marks. Structure template can be defined globally or locally i.e. it can be placed
before all functions in the program or it can be locally present in a function. If the template is
global then it can be used by all functions while if it is local then only the function containing
it can use it.

1.2 Declaring Structure Variables

By defining a structure we have only created a format, the actual use of structures
will be when we declare variables based on this format. We can declare structure variables in
two ways-
1. With structure definition.
2. Using the structure tag.

• With structure definition:-

struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
here stu1,stu2,and stu3 are variables of type struct student. When we declare a variable while
defining the structure template, the tagname is optional. So we can also declare them as-
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
If we declare variables in this way then we we'll not be able to declare other variables of this
structure type anywhere else in the program nor can we send these structure variables to
functions. If a need arise to declare a variable of this type in the program then we'll have to
write the whole template again. So although the tagname is optional it is always better to
specify a tagname for the structure.

• Using Structure Tab

We can also declare structure variables using structure tag. This can
be written as-
struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
struct student stu1,stu2;
struct student stu3;
here stu1,stu2,stu3 are structure variables that are declared using the structure tag student .
struct student has three members viz. name, rollno and marks. The compiler will reserve
space for each variable sufficient to hold all the members. For example each variable of type
struct student will occupy26(20+2+4)bytes.

1.3 Initialization Of Structure Variables

The syntax of initializing structure variables is similar to that of arrays. All the values are
given in curly braces and the number, order and type of these values should be same as in the
structure template definition. The initializing values can only be constant expressions.
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;

struct student stu2={"john",24,67.5};

Here value of members of stu1 will be "Mary" for name, 25 for rollno, 98 for marks. the
values of members of stu2 will be "john" for name, 24 for rollno, 67.5 for marks.
we cannot initialize members while defining the structure.
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks =99; /* Invalid */
This is invalid because there is no variable called marks, and no memory is allocated for
structure definition. If the number of initializers is less than the number of members then the
remaining members are initialized with zero. for example if we have this initialization-
struct student stu1= {"Mary"};
Here the members rollno and marks of stu1 will be initialized to zero. this is equivalent to the
struct student stu1={"Mary",0,0};
some old compilers permit initialization of only global and static structures, but there is no
such restriction in ANSI standard compilers.

Accessing Members of a Structure

For accessing any member of a structure variable, we use the dot( . ) operator which
is also known a s the period or membership operator . The format for accessing a structure
member is - structvariable.member
Here on the left side of the dot there should be a variable of structure type and on
right hand side there should be the name of a member of that structure. For example consider
the following structure- struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
struct student stu1,stu2;
name of stu1 is given by -
rollno of stu1 is given by - stu1.rollno
marks of stu1 is given by - stu1.marks
name of stu2 is given by -
rollno of stu2 is given by - stu2.rollno;
marks of stu2 is given by - stu2.marks
we can use, stu1.marks, stu2.marks etc like any other ordinary variables in the
program. They can be read, displayed, processed assigned values or can be send to functions
as arguments. We can't use or student.rollno because student is not a structure
variable, it is a structure tag.
/* program to display the values of structure members */
struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
int main()
struct student stu1={"Mary",25,68};
struct student stu2,stu3;
printf("Enter name, rollno and marks for stu3 : ");
scanf("%s %d %f",,&stu3.rollno,&stu3.marks);
printf("stu1 : %s %d %.2f\n",,stu1.rollno,stu1.marks);
printf("stu1 : %s %d %.2f\n",,stu2.rollno,stu2.marks);
printf("stu1 : %s %d %.2f\n",,stu3.rollno,stu3.marks);
Enter name, rollno and marks for stu3: Tom 27 79.5
stu1 : Marry 25 68.00
stu2 : John 26 98.00
stu3 : Tom 27 79.50
In this program we have declared three variables of type struct student. The first variable stu1
has been initialized, the members of second variable stu2 are given values using separate
statements and the values for third variable stu3 are input by the user. Note that since is an array so we can't assign a string to it using assignment operator, hence we
have used the strcpy() function.
The dot operator is one of the highest precedence operators, its associativity is from left to
right. Hence it will take precedence over all other unary, relational, logical, arithmetic and
assignment operators. So in an expression like ++stu.marks, first stu.marks will be accessed
and then its value will be increased by 1.
10.5 Assignment of Structure Variables
we can assign values of a structure variable to another structure variable, if both variables are
defined of the same structure type. For example-
/* program to assign a structure variables to another structure variable */
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
int main()
struct student stu1={"oliver",12,98};
struct student stu2;
printf("stu1 : %s %d %.2f\n",,stu1.rollno,stu1.marks);
printf("stu2 : %s %d %.2f\n",,stu2.rollno,stu2.marks);
return 0;

stu1 : Oliver 12 98.00
stu2 : Oliver 12 98.00
unary relational, arithmetic, bitwise operators are not allowed with structure variables. We
can use there variables with the members provided the member is not a structure itself.

1.6 Storage of Structures in Memory

The member of structure are stored in consecutive memory locations.
/* program to show that members of structure are stored in consecutive. */
int main()
struct student {
char name[5];
int rollno;
float marks;

printf("Address of name = %u\n",;

printf("Address of rollno = %u\n",&stu1.rollno);
printf("Address of marks = %u\n",&stu1.marks);
return 0;
address of name = 65514
address of rollno = 65519
address of marks = 65521
the output may be different on different machines, and the number of bytes occupied may also
vary because of the reasons explained in next section, but the main point to be noted here is
that structure members are stored in consecutive memory locations.

Size of Structure
we may need to find out the size of structure in some situations like reading or writing to
files. To find out the size of a structure by sizeof operator, we can either use the structure
variable name or the tag name with the struct keyword. For example-
sizeof(struct student)
Here if stu1 and stu2 are variables of type struct student, then all the three expressions will
give the same result.
Size of structure may be different on different machines. This is because of certain memory
alignment restrictions on some computers. For example some machines store integers only at
even addresses and long ints only at addresses which are multiple of 4. This is called aligning
of data. Consider this structure-
char ch;
int num;
Now here suppose is stored at an even address, then the next byte will be left unused
since int can't be stored at an odd address. So instead of occupying 3 bytes this structure
variable will occupy 4 bytes with a hole of unused byte in between. Due to these reasons, size
of whole structure may not be equal to the sum of size of the its members. So it is always
better to find the size of structure variable by using sizeof operator rather than using the sum
of size of its members.
Array of Structures
We know that array is a collection of elements of same datatype. We can declare array of
structures where each element of array is of structure type. Array of structures can be declared
as -
struct student stu[10];
Here stu is an array of 10 elements, each of which is a structure of type struct student, means
each element of stu has 3 members, which are name, rollno and marks. These structures can
be accessed through subscript notation. To access the individual members of these structure
we'll use the dot operator as usual.
stu[0].name stu[0].rollno stu[0].marks
stu[1].name stu[0].rollno stu[0].marks
stu[2].name stu[0].rollno stu[0].marks
------------- ---------------- ----------------
------------- ---------------- ----------------
stu[9].name stu[0].rollno stu[0].marks
All the structure of an array are stored in consecutive memory locations.
/* program to understand array of structures */
struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
float marks;
int main()
int i;
struct student stuarr[10];
printf("Enter name, rollno and marks : ");
scanf("%s %d %f",stuarr[i].name,&stuarr[i].rollno,&stuarr[i].marks);

printf("%s %d %f \n",stuarr[i].name,stuarr[i].rollno,stuarr[i].marks);

return 0;
Arrays Within Structures
We can have an array as a number of structure. In structure student, we have taken the
member name as an array of characters. Now we'll declare another array inside the structure

struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
int submarks[4];
the array submarks denotes the marks of students in 4 subjects.
if stu is a variable of type struct student then-
stu.submarks[0] - Denotes the marks of the student in first subject
stu.submarks[1] - Denotes the marks in second subject.[0] - Denotes the first character of the name member.[4] - Denotes the fifth character of the name member.

if stuarr[10] is an array of type struct student then-

stuarr[0].submarks[0]- Denotes the marks of first student in first subject

stuarr[4].stubmarks[3] - Denotes the marks of fifth student in fourth subject.
stuarr[0].name[0] - Denotes the first character of name member of first student.
stuarr[5].name[7] - Denotes the eighth character of name member of sixth student.
/* program to understand arrays within structures */
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
int submarks[4];
int main()
int i,j;
struct student stuarr[3];
printf("Enter data for student %d\n", i+1);
printf("Enter name : ");
printf("Enter marks for subject %d ; ",j+1);
printf("Data of student %d\n",i+1);
printf("name : %s, roll number : %d\nMarks : ", stuarr[i].name,stuarr[i].rollno);
printf("%d ",stuarr[i].submarks[j]);
return 0;

1.10 Nested Structures (Structure within Structure)

Structures may be passed as arguments to function in different ways. We can pas individual
members, whole structure variable or structure pointers to the function. Similarly a function
can return either a structure member or whole structure variable or a pointer to structure.
• Passing Structure Members As Arguments
We can pass individual structure members as arguments to functions like any other
ordinary variable.
/* program to understand how structure members are sent to a function*/
struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
int marks;
display(char name[],int rollno, int marks);
int main()
struct student stu1={"Jhon",12,87};
struct student stu2;
return 0;
display(char name[],int rollno, int marks)
printf("Name - %s\t",name);
printf("Rollno - %d\t", rollno);
printf("Marks - %d\n", marks);


Name - John Rollno - 12 Marks - 87

Name - Mary Rollno - 18 Marks - 90
• Passing Structure Variable As Argument
passing individual members to function becomes cumbersome when there are many
members and the relationship between the members is also lost. We can pass the
whole structure as an argument.
/* program to understand how a structure variable is sent to a function */
struct student{
char name[20];
int rollno;
int marks;
display(struct student);
int main()
struct student stu1={"John",12,87};
struct student stu2={"Mary",18,90};
return 0;
display(struct student stu)

printf("Name - %s\t",;
printf("Rollno - %d\t",stu.rollno);
printf("Marks - %d\n",stu.marks);
Name - John Rollno - 12 Marks - 88
Name - Mary Rollno - 18 Marks - 91

Here we have passed members of the variables stu1 and stu2 to the function display().
The names of the formal arguments can be similar to the names of the members. we
can pass the arguments using call by reference also so that the changes made in the
called function will be reflected in the calling function. In that case we'll have to send
the addresses and the members. It is also possible to return a single member from a
• Passing Pointers To Structures As Arguments
If the size of a structure is very large, then it is not efficient to pass the whole
structure to the function since a copy of it has to be made inside the called function. In
this case it is better to send address of the structure, which will improve the execution
speed. we can access the members of the structure variable inside the calling function
using arrow operator. In this case any changes made to the structure variable inside
the called function, will be visible in the calling function since we are actually
working on the original structure variable.

struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
int marks;
display(struct student *);
inc_marks(struct student *);
int main()
struct student stu1={"John",12,87};
struct student stu2={"Mary",18,90};
return 0;
inc_marks(struct student *stuptr)
display(struct student *stuptr)
printf("Name - %s\t",stuptr->name);
printf("Rollno - %d\t",stuptr->rollno);
printf("Marks - %d\n",stuptr->marks);
Name - John Rollno - 12 Marks - 88
Name - Mary Rollno - 18 Marks - 91

• Returning A Structure Variable From Function

Structure variables can be returned from functions as any other variable. The returned
value can be assigned to a structure of the appropriate type.
/*program to understand how a structure variable is returned from a function*/

struct student{
char name [20];
int rollno;
int marks;
void display(struct student);
struct student change(struct student stu);
int main()
struct student stu1={"Jhon",12,87};
struct student stu2={"Mary",18,90};
return 0;
struct student change(struct student stu)
return stu;
void display(struct student stu)
printf("Name - %s\t",;
printf("Rollno - %d\t",stu.rollno);
printf("Marks - %d\n",stu.marks);
Name - John Rollno - 2 Marks - 92
Name - Mary Rollno - 8 Marks - 95

• Returning A Pointer To Structure From A Function

Pointers to structures can also be returned from functions. In following program, the
function func() returns a pointer to structure.
/* Program to understand how a pointer to structure is returned from a function */
struct student {
char name[20];
int rollno;
int marks;
void display (struct student *);
struct student *func();
int main()
struct student *stuptr;
return 0;

struct student *func()
struct student *ptr;
ptr=(struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student));
strcpy(ptr->name," Joseph");
return ptr;
void display(struct student *stuptr)
printf("Name - %s\t",stuptr->name);
printf("Rollno - %d\t",stuptr->rollno);
printf("marks - %d\t",stuptr->marks);
Name - Joseph Rollno - 15 marks - 98

• Passing Array Of Structures As Argument

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