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Advanced EDC & PDC Notes

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Advanced Electronics Circuit (3-0-0)

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Review of Selected Topics in Electronic Circuits, Active Filters: First & Second order low
pass/high pass, band pass, band reject, and all pass filters. Universal active filter design, Comparators,
Sawtooth wave generator using OP Amps, Waveform Conversion, Instrumentation Amplifier. Wideband
amplifiers: Frequency response, Transient response of transistor stage, shunt compensation of a
transistor stage in cascade, Rise time of cascaded compensated stages, low frequency compensation.
Tuned Amplifiers: Single tuned, Double tuned, Staggered tuned.

Module 2 (9 Hours)
Bistable Multivibrator: Stable States of a binary, Fixed Biased and Self-biased Transistor binary,
Commutating Capacitors, Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical triggering, Direct connected binary, Schmitt
trigger Circuit, Emitter coupled Binary. The Monostable Multivibrator: Collector coupled Monostable
Multi, Waveforms, Emitter-coupled Monostable Multi, triggering of Monostable Multi.
Astable-Multivibrator: Emitter Coupled, Collector Coupled, Waveforms.

Module 3 (9 Hours)
Negative resistance devices and Negative Resistance Switching Circuits: Tunnel diode, UJT
operation and characteristics, Application of UJT to generate Sawtooth waveform, Tunnel diode
monostable, astable, bistable and comparator circuits.

Module 4 (7 Hours)
Analysis of Voltage time base generator, Current time base generator, IC 555 Timer Circuit and
Applications, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Phase Locked Loop.

Text Book:

1. Pulse, Digital and switching Waveforms – Jacob Millman, Herbert Taub, M. Prakash Rao, 2nd Ed,
The McGraw-Hill Companies (Selected portions from Chapters 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15)

2. Electronic Principles- A.Malvino, D.Bates, 7th ed, The McGraw-Hill Companies. (Selected Portions
from Chapters 21, 22, 23 for Module 1 and 4 only)

3. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits-Ramakant A.Gayakwad (PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.)


Pulse and Digital Circuits by A.Anand Kumar, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Lesson Plan

Module: 1

Topics to be covered No of classes

Review of selected topics in electronic circuits: 01

Active Filters:

Passive and active filter, Low pass filter, High pass filter, Band pass filter, Band 01
stop filter, All pass filter, Attenuator, Approximate responses

First order low pass and high pass stages, VCVS unity gain and equal 01
component second order low pass filter, VCVS second order high pass filter

Narrow band and wide band band pass filter, band stop filter, first order and 01
second order all pass filter, universal filter

Inverting and non-inverting comparators 01

Saw tooth wave generator using OPAMP, wave conversion 01

Instrumentation amplifier 01

Wide band amplifiers:

Frequency response and transient response of transistor stage 01

Shunt compensation of a transistor stage in cascade 01

Rise time of cascaded compensated stages, low frequency compensation 01

Single stage tuned amplifier 01

Double tuned and staggered tuned amplifier 01

Module: 2

Topics to be covered No of classes

Bistable multivibrator:

Stable states of a binary 01

Fixed biased and self biased transistor binary, commutating capacitors 01

Unsymmetrical and symmetrical triggering 01

Direct connected binary, Schmitt trigger circuit 01

Emitter coupled binary 01

Monastable multivibrator: 01

Collector coupled monostable multivibrator with waveforms

Emitter coupled monostable multivibrator 01

Triggering of monostable multivibrator 01

Astable multivibrator:

Emitter coupled astable multivibrator 01

Collector coupled astable multivibrator 01

Module: 3

Topics to be covered No of classes

Negative resistance devices and negative resistance switching circuits:

Tunnel diode 01

Tunnel diode monostable circuit 01

Tunnel diode bistable multivibrator 01

Comparator circuit 01

UJT operation and characteristics 01

Saw tooth waveform generator using UJT

Module: 4

Topics to be covered No of classes

Analysis of voltage time base generator 02

Current time base generator 02

IC 555 timer circuit and applications 02

Voltage controlled oscillator 02

Phase locked loop 02

Module - I

Active filters:

The circuit which separates desired signal from the undesired signal by passing one band of frequencies
and rejecting another is called a filter. Filters block interfering signals, enhance speech and video, and alter signals
in other ways. Considering the components used the filters are of two types:

1. Passive filter.
2. Active filter.

Passive filters are built with resistors, capacitors, and inductors. They are generally used above 1 MHz, have no
power gain, and are relatively difficult to tune.

Active filters are built with resistors, capacitors, and op amps. They are useful below 1 MHz, have power gain, and
are relatively easy to tune.

The frequency response of a filter is the graph of its voltage gain versus frequency. There are five types of filters:
1. Low-pass filter
2. High-pass filter
3. Bandpass filter
4. Bandstop filter
5. All-pass filter

Low-pass filter:

It is also called as a brick wall response because the right edge of the rectangle looks like a brick wall. A low-pass
filter passes all frequencies from zero to the cutoff frequency called the passband and blocks all frequencies above
the cutoff frequency called the stopband.

The roll-off region between the passband and the stopband is called the transition.

An ideal low-pass filter has zero attenuation (signal loss) in the passband, infinite attenuation in the stopband, and a
vertical transition.

High-pass filter:

A high-pass filter blocks all frequencies from zero to the cutoff frequency called the stopband and passes all
frequencies above the cutoff frequency called the passband. An ideal high-pass filter has infinite attenuation in the
stopband, zero attenuation in the passband, and a vertical transition.
Bandpass filter:

A bandpass filter is useful in tuning a radio or television signal. It is also useful in telephone communications
equipment for separating the different phone conversations that are being simultane- ously transmitted over the same
communication path.

For a bandpass filter, the passband is all the frequencies between the lower and upper cutoff frequencies. The
frequencies below the lower cutoff frequency and above the upper cutoff frequency are the stopband.

An ideal bandpass filter has zero attenuation in the passband, infinite attenuation in the stopband, and two vertical

The bandwidth (BW) of a bandpass filter is the difference between its upper and lower 3-dB cutoff frequencies BW
= f2 – f1.
Center frequency f0 = √f f .
Figure of merit Q = f0 /BW.
If Q > 10 f0 can be averaged as (f1+f2) / 2.
For Q < 1, the bandpass filter is called a wideband bandpass filter.
Q > 1, the filter is a narrow band bandpass filter.

Bandstop filter:

It is same as the bandPass filter and sometimes called as a notch filter.

All-pass filter:

The reason it is called a filter is because of the effect of phase change. Each distinct frequency can be shifted by a
certain amount. Allpass filter is widely used in industry to shift the phase of the output signal without changing the
magnitude. Another descriptive title would be the time-delay filter, since time delay is related to a phase shift.

Response approximations:

An approximation is a trade off between the characteristics of the pass band, stop band and transition region. The
approximations may optimize the flatness of the passband or the roll off rate or the phase shift.

Attenuation refers to a loss of signal and is defined as the output voltage at any frequency divided by the output
voltage in the midband:

Attenuation = Vout / Vout(mid)

Attenuation is normally expressed in decibels using this equation:

Decibel attenuation = 20 log attenuation.

For an attenuation of 0.5, the decibel attenuation is:

Decibel attenuation = -20 log 0.5 = 6 dB

Because of the minus sign decibel attenuation always is a positive number. Decibel attenuation uses the midband
output voltage as a reference. Basically, we are comparing the output voltage at any frequency to the output voltage
in the midband of the filter. Because attenuation is almost always expressed in decibels, we will use the term
attenuation to mean decibel attenuation. For instance, an attenuation of 3 dB means that the output voltage is 0.707
of its midband value. An attenuation of 6 dB means that the output voltage is 0.5 of its midband value. An
attenuation of 12 dB means that the output voltage is 0.25 of its midband value. An attenuation of 20 dB means that
the output .voltage is 0.1 of its midband value.

Passband and Stopband Attenuation:

In filter analysis and design, the low-pass filter is a prototype, a basic circuit that can be modified to get other
circuits. Any filter problem is converted into an equivalent low-pass filter problem and solved as a low-pass filter
problem; the solution is convened back to the original filter type. To build a practical low-pass filter, the three
regions (passaband, stopband, transition region) are approximated as shown in Figure given below.

The passband is the set of frequencies between 0 and fc. The stopband is all the frequencies above fs. The transition
region is between fc and fs.

The passband no longer has zero attenuation. Instead, we are allowing for an attenuation between 0 and Ap.

Similarly, the stopband no longer has infinite attenuation. Instead, we are allowing the stopband attenuation to be
anywhere from As to infinity.

The transition region is no longer vertical. Instead, we are accepting a nonvertical rolloff. The roll-off rate will be
detemtined by the values of fc, fs, Ap, and As.

Order of Filter:

The order of a passive filter equals the number of inductors and capacitors in the filter. The order of an active fiIter
depends on the number of RC circuits (called poles) it contains. Counting the individual RC circuits in an active
filter is usually difficult. Therefore, it is determined by the numberof capacitors.
Butterworth Approximation:

The Butterworth approximation is sometimes called the maximally flat approximation. Here the pass- band
attenuation is zero through most of the passband and decreases gradually to Ap at the edge of the passband.

For this approximation

Roll off = 20n dB/decade
= 6n dB/octave
Where n is the order of the filter.

Chebyshev Approximation:

If a flat passband response is not important, then a Chebyshev approximation may be preferred.

Its rolls off is faster in the transition region than a Butterworth fllter. Because of this, for the same order, the
attenuation with a Chebyshev filter is always greater than the attenuation of a Butterworth filter.

The number of ripples in the passband of a Chebyshev low-pass filter equals half of the filter order:

Number of Ripples = n / 2.

In a Chebyshev approximation the ripples have the same peak-to-peak value. This is why it is sometimes called the
equal-ripple approximation.

Inverse Chebyshev Approximation:

If a flat passband response is required, as well as a fast roll-off, the inverse Chebyshev approximation is used. It has
a flat passband response and a rippled stopband response. The roll-off rate in the transition region is comparable to
the roll-off rate of a Chebyshev filter.
We can see that the inverse Chebyshev filter has a flat passband, a fast roll-off, and a rippled stopband. Monotonic
means that the stopband has no ripples. With the approximations discussed so far, the Butterworth and Chebyshev
fllters have monotonic stopbands. The inverse Chebyshev has a rippled stop band. The inverse Chebyshev filter has
components that notch the response at certain frequencies in the stopband. In other words, there are frequencies in
the stopband at which the attenuation approaches infinity.

Elliptic Approximation:

Some applications need the fastest possible roll-off in the transition region. If a rippled passband and a rip- pled
stopband are acceptable, a designer may choose the elliptic approximation.

This is also known as the Cauer filter and it optimizes the transition region at the expense of the passband and
stopband. The elliptic filter has a rippled passband, a very fast roll-off, and a rippled stopband. After the response
breaks at the edge frequency, the initial roll-offis very rapid, slows down slightly in the middle of the transition, and
then becomes very rapid toward the end of the transition. Given a set of specifications for any complicated filter, the
elliptic approximation will always produce the most efficient design; that is, it will have the lowest order.

Bessel Approximation:

The Bessel approximation has a flat passband and a monotonic stopband similar to those of the Butterworth
approximation. For the same filter order, however, the roll-off in the transition region is much less with a Bessel
filter than with a Bufterworth filter.
Given a set of specifications for a complicated filtet the Bessel approximation will always produce the least roll-off
of all the approximations. It has the highest order or greatest circuit complexity of all approximations. Bessel
approximation is optimized to produce a linear phase shift with frequency. In other words, the Bessel filter trades off
some of the roll-off rate to get a linear phase shift.

With a Bessel filter we cannot get a phase shift of 00, but we can get a linear phase response. The major advantage of
the Bessel filter is that it produces the least distortion of nonsinusoidal signals.

First-Order Stages:

First-order or 1-pole active-filter stages have only one capacitor. Because of this, they can produce only a low-pass
or a high-pass response. Bandpass and bandstop filters can be implemented only when n is greater than 1.

Low-Pass Stage:

Fiure (a) shows the simplest circuit of a first-order low-pass active filter.It is nothing more than an RC lag circuit
and a voltage follower.

The voltage gain is Av = 1.

The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR1C1

When the frequency increases above the cutoff frequency, the capacitive reactance decreases and reduces the
noninverting input voltage. Since the R1C1 lag circuit is outside the feedback loop, the output voltage rolls off. As
the frequency approaches infinity, the capacitor becomes a short and there is zero input voltage.

Figure (b) shows another noninverting first-order low-pass filter. Although it has two additional resistors, it has the
advantage of voltage gain of:

Av = (R2/R1)+1
The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR3C1

Above the cutoff frequency, the lag circuit reduces the noninverting input voltage. Since the R3C1 lag circuit is
outside the feedback loop, the output voltage rolls off at a rate of 2O dB per decade.

Figure (c) shows an inverting first-order low-pass filter and its equations. At low frequencies, the capacitor appears
to be open and the circuit acts like an inverting amplifier with a voltage gain of:

Av = - R2/R1

The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR2C1

As the frequency increases, the capacitive reactance decreases and reduces the impedance of the feedback branch.
This implies less voltage gain. As the frequency approaches infinity, the capacitor becomes a short and there is no
voltage gain.

High-Pass Stage:

Figure (a) shows the simplest form of a first-order high-pass active filter.

The voltage gain is:

Av = 1.
The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR1C1

When the frequency decreases below the cutoff frequency, the capacitive reactance increases and reduces the
noninverting input voltage. Since the R1C1 circuit is outside the feedback loop, the output voltage rolls off. As the
frequency approaches zero, the capacitor becomes an open and there is zero input voltage

Figure (b) shows another noninverting first-order high-pass filter. The voltage gain well above the cutoff frequency
is given by:

Av = (R2/R1)+1

The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR3C1

Well below the cutoff frequency, the RC circuit reduces the noninverting input voltage. Since the R3C1 lag circuit
is outside the feedback loop, the output voltage rolls off at a rate of 20 dB per decade.

Figure (c) shows another first-order high-pass filter and its equations. At high frequencies the circuit acts like an
inverting amplifier with a voltage gain of:

Av = - Xc2 / Xc1 = - C1 / C2

As the frequency decreases, the capacitive reactances increase and eventually reduce the input signal and the
feedback. This implies less voltage gain. As the frequency approaches zero, the capacitors become open and there is
no input signal.

The 3-dB cutoff frequency is given by:

fc = 1/ 2πR1C2


In the tunnel diode the concentration of impurity atoms is greatly increased, say to 1 part in 103 in both sides. The
width of the junction barrier varies inversely as the square root of impurity concentration and therefore is reduced.
This thickness is only about one-fiftieth the wavelength of visible light. Quantum mechanics dictates that there is a
large probability that an electron will penetrate through the barrier. The quantum mechanical behavior is referred to
as "tunneling," and hence these high impurity-density p-n junction devices are called "tunnel diodes”.

The tunneling effect and the band structure of heavily doped semiconductors the volt-ampere characteristic of Fig. 1
is obtained.

Fig-1: Volt-ampere characteristic of a tunnel diode.

The device is an excellent conductor in the reverse direction (p side of junction negative with respect to the n side).
Also, for small forward voltages (up to 50 mV for Ge) the resistance remains small (of the order, of 5 Ω). At the
peak current IP corresponding to the voltage Vp the slope dl/dV of the characteristic is zero. If V is increased beyond
Vp, then the current decreases. As a consequence the dynamic conductance g = dl/dV is negative. The tunnel diode
exhibits a negative-resistance characteristic between the peak current IP and the minimum value Iv, called the valley
current. At the valley voltage Vv at which I = Iv the conductance is again zero, and beyond this point the resistance
becomes and remains positive. At the so-called peak forward voltage Vp the current again reaches the value IP. For
larger voltages the current increases beyond this value. The portion of the characteristic beyond Vv is caused by the
injection current in an ordinary p-n junction diode. The remainder of the characteristic is a result of the tunneling
phenomenon in the highly doped diode. For currents whose values are between Iv and Ip the curve is triple-valued,
because each current can be obtained at three different applied voltages.

Note that whereas the characteristic in Fig. 1 is a multivalued function of current, it is a single-valued function of
voltage. Each value of V corresponds to one and only one current. Hence, the tunnel diode is said to be voltage-

The standard circuit symbol for a tunnel diode is given in Fig. 2a.The small-signal model for operation in the
negative-resistance region is indicated in Fig. 2b. The negative resistance -Rn„ has a minimum at the point of
inflection between Ip and Iv.The series resistance Rs, is ohmic resistance. The series inductance Ls, depends upon the
lead length and the geometry of the diode package. The junction capacitance C depends upon the bias and is usually
measured at the valley point. Typical values for these parameters for a tunnel diode of peak current value Ip = 10 mA
are -Rn = -30 Ω, Rs, = 1Ω, Ls = 5 nH, and C = 20 pF.

Fig 2:(a) Symbol for a tunnel diode (b) small-signal model in the negative-resistance region.

The advantages of the tunnel diode are low cost, low noise, simplicity, high speed, environmental immunity, and
low power. The disadvantages of the diode are its low output-voltage swing and the fact that it is a two terminal
device. Because of the latter feature, there is no isolation between input and output, and this leads to serious circuit-
design difficulties. Hence, a transistor (an essentially unilateral device) is usually preferred for frequencies below
about 1 GHz (a kilomegacycle per second) or for switching times longer than several nanoseconds.


The construction of this device is indicated in Fig. 3 a. A bar of high resistivity n-type silicon of typical dimensions
8 X 10 X 35 mils, called the base B, has attached to it at opposite ends two ohmic contacts B1 and B2. A 3-mil
aluminum wire, called the emitter E, is alloyed to the base to form a p-n rectifying junction. This device was
originally described in the literature as the double-base diode but is now commercially available under the
designation unijunction transistor (UJT).

Fig -3 Unijunction transistor (a) Constructional details; (b) circuit symbol

Note that the emitter arrow is inclined and points toward B1, whereas the ohmic contacts B1 and B2 are brought out
at right angles to the line which represents the base.
As usually employed, a fixed interbase potential VBB is applied between Bl and B2. The most important
characteristic of the UJT is that of the input diode between E and Bl . If B2 is open-circuited so that IB2= 0, then the
input volt-ampere relationship is that of the usual p-n junction diode. In Fig. 4 the input current-voltage
characteristics are plotted for IB2 = and also for a fixed value of interbase voltage Vbb. The latter curve is seen to
have the current-controlled negative-resistance characteristic which is single-valued in current but may be
multivalued in voltage. A qualitative explanation of the physical origin of the negative resistance will now be given.

Fig 4: Idealized input characteristic of a unijunction transistor.

If Ib = then the silicon bar may be considered as an ohmic resistance Rbb between base leads. Usually Rbb lies in the
range between 5 and 10 K. Between Bl (or B2) and the n side of the emitter junction the resistance is RBi (or RB2,
respectively), so that RBB= RB1 + RB2. Under this condition of zero or very small emitter current the voltage on the n
side of the emitter junction is ɳVBB, where ɳ = RB1/RBB is called the intrinsic stand-off ratio.

If VE is less than ɳ VBB, then the p-n junction is reverse-biased and the input current IE is negative. As indicated in
Fig.4, the maximum value of this negative current is the reverse saturation current IEO, which is of the order of only
10 µA even at 150°C. If VEE is increased beyond ɳ VBB the input diode becomes forward-biased and IE goes
positive. However, as already noted in connection with Fig. 4, the current remains quite small until the forward bias
equals the cutin voltage Vγ ( « 0.6 V), and then increases very rapidly with small increases in voltage.
The emitter current increases the charge concentration between E and B1 because holes are injected into the n-type
silicon. Since conductivity is proportional to charge density, the resistance RB1 decreases with increasing emitter
current. Hence, for voltages above the threshold value Vγ, as IB is increased (by either increasing VEE or decreasing
RE in Fig.3b) the voltage VE between E and B1 decreases because of the decrease in the value of the resistance RB1.
Since the current is increasing while the voltage is decreasing, then this device possesses a negative resistance.

After the emitter current has become very large compared with IB2 , then we may neglect IB2. Hence, for very large
IB the input characteristic asymptotically approaches the curve for IB2 = 0. As indicated in Fig. 4, this behavior
results in a minimum or valley point where the resistance changes from negative to positive. For currents in excess
of the valley current IV the resistance remains positive. This portion of the curve is called the saturation region. The
voltage at IE = 50 mA is arbitrarily called the saturation voltage VE(sat).
At the maximum voltage or peak point VP the current is very small (Ip 25 mA), and hence the region to the left of
the peak point is called the cutoff region. For many applications the most important parameter is the peak voltage
VP, which, as explained above, is given by
VP =ɳVBB + Vγ


The voltage to current characteristics is as follows.

Fig-5 (a) A voltage-controllable negative-resistance characteristic (b) a current-controllable negative-resistance characteristic

We observe in Fig. 5.a that associated with each voltage there is a unique current, but the plot does not everywhere
associate a unique voltage with each current. In the plot of Fig. 5.b the inverse applies. To distinguish the one from
the other we call the characteristic in Fig. 5.a voltage controllable and in Fig. 5.b is current-controllable. The tunnel
diode falls into the voltage-controllable class, whereas UJT have a current-controllable characteristic.


Fig 6.(a) A circuit involving a voltage-controlled negative-resistance device (b) characteristic and load lines for bistable, astable, and monostable
The stability of an operating point may be investigated as follows
L  V  iR  v
If the operating point is momentarily at XE (iE, vE), where iER + vE = VE, and if the supply voltage is Vs, then this
equation may be written as
L atX E  VS  VE
If the device is operating at XE, which would be an equilibrium point if the supply voltage were VE, but if in reality
V = VS, then di/dt is positive if Vs > VE. Alternatively, if VS < VE then di/dt is negative.

Fig. 7 Equivalent circuit for calculating response of circuit of Fig. 6 a for small excursions in the negative-resistance region.


Fig 8: Monostable operation of a tunnel-diode (a) circuit, (b) operating path

A monostable tunnel-diode circuit is shown in Fig.8.a. Bias is provided by the source V in Fig. 8.a, which is
adjusted so that the load line intersects the characteristic at one point on the positive-resistance portion. Then
operating point is initially at point O, where v = V0, and the diode current is i=I0. A positive voltage pulse vs, is
applied to raise the load line so that it clears the peak at A. This trigger must have a time duration tp adequate to
allow the current in the inductor to change from I0to IP. The operating point having been raised to A, the circuit, of
its own accord, follows the path indicated by the arrows, returning eventually to the starting point at O.

The application of the voltage pulse carries the diode from to A, increasing the voltage from V0 to Vp and the current
from I0 to IP. If the pulse amplitude were large enough so that the asymptotic limit to which the current were headed
was much larger than IP and if the diode resistance in the range from O to A were constant, then the rise of voltage
from O to A would be linear.

At A the voltage jumps abruptly to B, where the voltage is VF, while the current remains constant at Ip. As the
operating point now moves from B to C, the voltage drops from VF to Vv and the current from Ip to Iv. If the pulse
persisted indefinitely, the load line would establish a stable equilibrium point on the high-voltage positive-resistance
portion of the characteristic somewhat below B. We have assumed, however, that long before this equilibrium point
is approached the pulse has terminated. Hence the operating point continues from B to C. There is then an abrupt
transition in voltage from VV to VD at point D, and finally the circuit settles down to initial point O in an asymptotic
The Waveforms of monostable tunnel-diode circuit, are shown below.

Fig.9 Waveforms of monostable tunnel-diode circuit,(a) Triggering pulse; (b) output voltage; (c) tunnel diode

Calculation of the duration T:

A reasonable fit with the tunnel-diode curve is obtained if we choose
V'P =0.75VP and V 'V 
If the diode resistance of the portion passing through the origin is called R1 and if the second positive-resistance
region is designated by R2, then

V 'P V  V 'V
R1  and R2  F
To calculate T, the time duration from IP to Iv, we replace the device by a resistor R2 in series with a battery V’ = V'V
-IvR2. The equivalent circuit is now indicated in Fig. 10 (a) and (b), which are equivalent since

Fig. 10 (a) In the region from B to C where the current decreases from lp to Iv the tunnel diode is replaced by a battery V’ in series with a resistor
R2; (b) simplified circuit.
RT =R+R2
Let us shift the time origin so that t = 0 when i = IP. If the circuit of Fig. 10 were valid indefinitely, then at t = ∞, i =
VY/RT. Since this is a single-time-constant circuit,
VY  VY   RLT t
i   IP  e
RT  RT 
Since i decreases to Iv at t = T we can solve this equation to obtain
T ln

In Fig.11.a the supply voltage and load line have been selected to yield an equilibrium point at O. This point is
unstable, and the operating point having moved, say, to point A, it will thereafter follow the circuital path indicated
by arrows. Waveforms of diode voltage and diode current are shown in Fig. 11b and c. Again these waveforms have
been idealized somewhat. If the diode characteristic were piecewise linear the rises and falls of voltage and current
in the waveforms would be exponential.

The tunnel-diode astable-circuit waveform is not necessarily exactly symmetrical (T1 and T2 may not equal) because
the portions DA and BC of the device characteristic are not identical,

Fig. 11 Tunnel-diode astable multivibrator, (a) Adjustment of load line; (b) voltage waveform; (c) current waveform.
Using the piecewise linear approximation like for monostable multivibrators the time period T1 and T2 are as follows
T1  ln
L V  IV R 'T
T2  ' ln
R T V  I P R 'T
The total period is T1+ T2 and the free-running frequency is the reciprocal of this time.


With the load line selected as in Fig.12 the circuit has two stable states at the points of intersection of the load line
with the positive-resistance portions of the device characteristic at X and X". If the circuit is at X and the signal
source furnishes a positive pulse adequate to raise the load line to position 2, a transition will occur, and when the
pulse has passed, the circuit will find itself at X". Similarly, a negative pulse adequate to drop the load line to the
point where it clears the bottom of the characteristic will reset the circuit to its original stable point at X. Thus the
circuit has two permanent stable states and may be used to store binary information or for any of the other purposes
for which binary devices are employed.

Fig.12: The tunnel diode used as a bistable multivibrator.

Sawtooth Generator using the Unijunction Transistor (UJT):

A relaxation-oscillator circui using UJT is shown in Fig.13. The circuit must be biased for astable operation; that is,
the load line determined by Vyy and R must intersect the input characteristic in the negative-resistance region. The
resistors Rb1 and Rb2 are not essential to the circuit but are included because the voltages developed across these
resistors may prove useful.The capacitor C charges to the peak voltage Vp, the device turns on, and the capacitor
discharges to the valley voltage Vv,

Fig. 13 (a) Unijunction transistor sawtooth-waveform generator; (b) capacitor voltage waveform; (c) voltage waveform at Bl (d) voltage
waveform at B2.

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