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Tulsidas Addresses Hanuman: Hanuman-Chalisa, Sankat-Mochan Hanumanashtak and Hanuman-Bahuk

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TulsiDas Addresses Hanuman: Hanuman-Chalisa, Sankat-Mochan

HanumanAshtak and Hanuman-Bahuk

Book · August 2020


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Ravi Khattree
Oakland University


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TulsiDas Addresses

Hanuman-Chalisa, Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak and

(In English Verse)

Binda Prasad Khattri

(Edited by Ravi Khattree)
page [ii]
TulsiDas Addresses Hanuman
Hanuman-Chalisa, Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak and

In English Verse


Binda Prasad Khattri

(Edited by Ravi Khattree)


August 18, 2020

TulsiDas Addresses Hanuman
Hanuman-Chalisa, Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak and

Translated In English Verse


Binda Prasad Khattri (1898-1985)

Devi Ashram,
New Market, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, 210001 India

©2020, Ravi Khattree

page [ii]

This humble work is humbly laid

At the lotus feet of devotees,
Whose hearts, like black bees, hover ever
For nectar of Lord’s glories.
Binda Prasad Khattri

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page [iv]
Editor’s Preface

This is an English translation in verses of three poetic and devotional works of Goswami TulsiDas
dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Specifically, these are Sri Hanuman-Chalisa, Sri Sankat-Mochan
HanumanAshtak and Sri Hanuman-Bahuk. Collectively, I have titled them as TulsiDas Addresses
Hanuman since the style followed by TulsiDas in all of these works is conversational where he
directly appeals to Lord Hanuman, by describing his qualities to him in Sri Hanuman-Chalisa, by
glorifying and praising him via narrations of his life-events in Sri Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak
and finally by cajoling and complaining to him in Sri Hanuman-Bahuk. (The last one having been
written when Tulsidas was suffering from some kind of rheumatism possibly Rheumatoid arthritis,
and through his rebukes with a touch of intimacy, he invokes Hanuman to rid him from the
resulting sufferings. Writing of this work is believed to have cured TulsiDas from the disease.)

The English translation as verses was carried out possibly during late 1960s and early 1970s by my
grandfather Binda Prasad Khattri during the later part of his life spent in Saharanpur and Banda
cities of Uttar Pradesh, India. For good fifty or so years, the work has remained unpublished and
stayed in the handwritten manuscript form. It is only recently that I undertook the project of
editing these manuscripts after acquiring them from my cousin Dilip Khattri, whom I sincerely
thank for extending this generosity.

I have relied on the Gita Press versions of the original Hindi works to check for the accuracy and to
edit the work of my grandfather. In the process, I have opted to adopt US English spellings, instead
of British ones. Often many words, phrases and expressions are unique to the particular culture and
hence do not always translate well in a language with entirely different cultural origin. This is even
more difficult when translation is carried out as poems. In the process of editing, I have thus
occasionally replaced a few words to make the translation more meaningful and more readable. I
hope, I have not deviated too far from the thought processes of my grandfather or of TulsiDas
himself. If so, I take full responsibility of having erred in my decisions.

I will appreciate being informed about any errors.

Ravi Khattree
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
August 18, 2020

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Table of Content

Topic Page Number

Sri Hanuman-Chalisa 1
Sri Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak 7
Sri Hanuman-Bahuk 11

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page [viii]

Sri Hanuman-Chalisa
Sri Hanuman-Chalisa

After polishing the mirror of my heart and mind
With the dust of Guru’s lotus feet ,
I am going to describe Rama’s blotless glories
That bring four fruits as treat. [1]

Knowing I am weak in wisdom and in health

I remember great son of Pawan,
Give me power, wisdom, and give me learning
Flaws and distresses be gone. [2]

10 Couplets
Victory to Hanuman! Knowledge and virtue-sea!
Victory! King of monkeys, light of worlds three. [1]

Rama’s embassy, house of matchless powers,

Son of Anjani Pawan, Known all over Universe. [2]

Brave warrior, stout and very powerful,

Evil notion remover, friend of the good will. [3]

With form handsome and complexioned as gold,

Rings dangle from ears, hair bent and curled. [4]

In hands holding flag and adamant,

20 Grass sacred-thread is shoulder’s ornament. [5]

O Shankar’s son, and also Kesari’s child!

Possessing splendor, world praises outright. [6]

Accomplished with virtues, learning and wisdom,

Ever ready for rendering service to Ram(a). [7]

Interested in hearing the glories of Ram(a),

Dweller in hearts of Rama, Sita, Lakshman. [8]

In presence of Sita form tiny you took,

While burning the Lanka so huge you look. [9]

Crushed demons taking huge form like Bheem,

30 Brought to successful end Lord Rama’s program. [10]

Brought Lakshman to life, getting Sanjivani herb,

Rama embraced you, feeling pleasure superb. [11]

Lord of Raghu’s line showered on you praise,

In love, equal to Bharat, Rama did raise. [12]

Thousand mouthed Shesha your glories does sing,

So saying Vishnu to His hug does bring [13]

page [3]
Binda Prasad Khattri

Bramha, Sanak and other, Narad and rishis,

Shesha, Sharda cannot describe glories. [14]

Lord Yama, Kuber and guards of cardinals,

40 They fail, what of poets, pundits and others. [15]

On Sugriva you put great obligation,

Brought about Rama’s friendship and also the throne. [16]

Vibhishan agreed on your advice to act,

He became King of Lanka, world knows this fact. [17]

Sun, which, at thousands of miles we meet,

You swallowed, thinking it was some fruit sweet. [18]

Ring given by Rama you put in your mouth,

No wonder you crossed wide sea on the south. [19]

All works in the world held to be so hard,

50 Become easy if one has your favor, O Lord! [20]

You are sentinel at the door of Rama Lord,

No entry is possible but with your accord. [21]

All pleasures are found with your feet near,

With you as protector, one need not fear. [22]

You alone can control your vast energy,

At your loud roar shiver all worlds three. [23]

Ghosts, spirits, specters cannot come near,

Your name, great warrior, if once they hear. [24]

You wash of illnesses, take away all pain,

60 If one ever remembers you, Brave Hanuman. [25]

From all distresses one is so soon freed,

If Hanuman is there in thought, word, deed. [26]

Though Rama ascetic is above all kings,

His plans, to successful ends Hanumat brings. [27]

Whichever desire one may in heart maintain,

Fruit of life unbound he would obtain. [28]

In all four Yugas your great glories shine,

They are famous and all three worlds illumine. [29]

You are protector of saints and devotees,

70 You are destroyer of demons, you Rama do please. [30]

As giver of eight successes, wealth nine,

With this boon from mother Janaki you shine. [31]

page [4]
Sri Hanuman-Chalisa

To reach Rama, you possess the formulation grand,

You, always, as servant of Rama stand. [32]

Repetition of your name pleases Shri Ram(a),

Pains of life vanish from one’s program. [33]

He enters abode of Rama ultimately,

And stays on there as Rama’s devotee. [34]

One need not bring in his heart any other god,

80 Hold on to Hanuman, all pleasures would be had. [35]

All pains will be gone, all distresses too,

If the valiant, Hanuman, is remembered all through. [36]

Victory! Victory! Victory! To Hanuman,

Show mercy as great guru does to everyone. [37]

By reading this prayer a hundred times over,

One’s bondage will vanish, he’ll find pleasure. [38]

Whoever reads Hanuman Chalisa poem,

Shankar is witness, he would perfect became. [39]

Tulsi has ever been your servant, O Hari,

90 Stay on in heart of your servant, Tulsi. [40]

Concluding Doha
O Son of Pawan! O Pleasure-embodied!
O Remover of misery!
O Head of gods! Stay in heart always,
With Rama, Lakhan, Sita, all three.

Here Ends Sri Hanuman-Chalisa.

page [5]
Binda Prasad Khattri

page [6]

Sri Sankat-Mochan

Sri Sankat-Mochan HanumanAshtak

You swallowed the sun, in childhood fun

Caused darkness in all worlds three.
There was thus great horror all the Universe over
From the great distress none could free.
Gods all arrayed and to you they prayed,
You brought out sun, misery over.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
“Great Monkey, Distress Remover”? [1]

Under Bali’s great thrill, Sugriva lived on a hill,

10 Waiting for Lord’s arrival all through.
Rishi being surprised, curse [to Bali] was so ascribed,
Sugriva was thinking of a way of rescue.
Disguised as Brahman, to him you brought Ram(a).
Thus from pain, him you did deliver.
Name by which you go, who does not that know,
“Great Monkey, Distress remover?” [2]

With Angad moved out, to get Sita’s whereabouts,

King Sugriva to monkeys had said,
“If you all come back, news of Sita lack,
20 You will meet your death here instead.”
All hopes being lost, they were on the sea-coast,
Giving news of Sita, gave pleasure.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
“Great Monkey, Distress Remover?” [3]

“When to Sita, Ravan, showed terror with alarm

Through demoness comfort you gave her.
It was then, Lord Hanuman, that you killed the demon,
Of great might and great power.
Sita in sorrow dire, begged from Ashok fire,
30 Giving ring, from pain rescued her.
Name by which you go, who does not that knows
“Great Monkey, Distress Remover?” [4]

When Shafts of demon, hit heart of Lakhan

At risk you killed Ravan’s son.
Brought Doctor Sukhen, with his whole house main,
Uprooted all Drona Mountain.
With wisdom superb, brought Sanjivani herb,
Acted as Lakhan’s life savior.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
40 “Great Monkey, Distress Remover?” [5]

page [9]
Binda Prasad Khattri

Ravana with great skill, did a sort of miracle,

In serpent noose he bound all.
Rama too was therein, gloom reigned out and in,
Whole army was very near fall.
You called Garur grand, who cutout all band,
Thus ended their pains severe.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
‘Great Monkey, Distress Remover?” [6]

When demon Ahiravan(a), holding Rama and Lakhan,

50 Took them as captives to the Netherland,
Wished goddess to please, by sacrifice of these,
With all ceremonials grand,
You reached there of course, killed demon and his force,
Saved Rama and Lakshman, His brother.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
Great monkey, Distress Remover?’ [7]

For gods’ works great, you were never found late,

You, great Lord Valiant! Please see,
Where is a misery, where of this poor Tulsi,
60 Which you cannot force to flee?
Take away Hanuman, of great fame and renown,
Whatever my misery be there.
Name by which you go, who does not that know
“Great Monkey, Distress Remover?” [8]

Concluding Prayer to Sri Hanuman

O Centre of all powers matchless!
Body shining like golden Sumer,
You are fire for forest of rakshasas great.
Of knowledgeful persons’ leader!
70 All virtues reside in you, Hanuman!
Of monkeys, you are lord great,
Dear devotee of Rama, O Son of Pawan!
At your feet I lie prostrate.

Here Ends Sri Sankat-Mochan Hanumanashtak.

page [10]

Sri Hanuman-Bahuk
Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

Who crossing the sea, washed Sita’s woes,

Body likens rising sun.
Who has strong arms, most fearful form,
As death for death has been known.
Lanka as a forest so dense and thick,
Which was deemed as unbearable,
Who burnt in fun and who crushed down
Pride of demons so powerful.
That son of Pawan is easily won,
10 By true service. He is so near.
If glories are sung and is remembered
At mere call, drives all fear. [1]

He is golden Sumer, brilliant as midday sun

Large hearted, with arms powerful,
Body, nail adamant, eyes have yellow tinge,
Brows, teeth, tongue, mouth fearful.
Hair brown, tail hard and it vanquishes,
Forces and powers of demons,
With his fearful form at heart, Tulsi,
20 Sin or sorrow, in dream never comes. [12]

You are warrior who crosses rivers of fears great,

Of Shiva, Swami Kartik, Parasuram.
Gods, demons and Vedas are bards to sing,
Your glories, firmness and wisdom.
Whose glories Rama Himself described so oft.
Who dried all world-ocean,
Where is warrior to destroy demonic force,
Like Lord of Tulsi? There is none. [3]

Hanuman went to sun to acquire knowledge

30 Who took it as a child’s sport,
Mentioning “Ever being on the move” as cause
Hoped Hanuman would go on report.
Hanuman facing sun and on his hind legs
Without exertion travelled in sky.
Thus he was ever before sun for his lessons
And all this as a small fry.
Noticing miracle Indra, Lokpal, Vishnu
Bramha, Rudra, were highly surprised.
Power, bravery, patience, courage or their essence
40 Have taken form they all surmised. [4]

He roared on the flag of Arjuna’s chariot,

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Caused fear in Durydhana’s men.

Dronacharya, Bhishma said it was Hanuman there
Where power is a bravery-ocean
From earth to sun he flew and that first as play
Wide space a step he maintained.
Warriors palms joined, heads bent, look at him
And find life’s fruit they obtained. [5]

Crossed ocean as a hoof-pit, burnt Lanka-Holi

50 Caused terror in enemy’s force.
Held in his hand as a ball or as wood-apple
Uprooting Drona-Mountain per force
What could take a Yuga was a moment’s affair
Rama’s distress in battle removed.
Lord of Tulsi is brave and is competent
To gods, shelter his arms proved. [6]

Pits caused by his feet on the back of tortoise

Served as measure, measured oceans.
Demons rushed into pits as shelter from death
60 Great alligators found their homes,
To burn forest – Ravana, Kumbhakaran, Meghnad
Hanuman’s might proved fire.
Bhishma says that so far as his mind would go
He is matchless in Universe entire. [7]

You are embassy of Rama, worthy son of Pawan

Joy of Anjani, shine as suns crore.
Washed all Sita’s woes, all vices and sins,
You are, for shelterless’ shelter sure.
To Lakshman so dear, you are sure agency,
70 To kill Ravana of Tulsi’s miseries.
Keep Hanuman in heart, learned, powerful, helping
Expert to dispel calamities. [8]

Who else is there to free gods from jails

Other than Hanuman, Vedas say.
Whose valor and power are known all over,
To ward off evil demons’ way?
For darkness of sins and the frost of miseries
Hanuman you are like rising sun.
For the lotuses of hearts of your devotes
80 As sunrise you have ever been .
Tulsi banks on you. He is, not even in dream,
Concerned what the two worlds presage.

page [14]
Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

O Beloved of Rama! Shankar incarnate!

Your name is Kalpa-Tree in Kali age. [9]

You are very valiant, very huge, very brave

Great leader chosen by Ram(a).
You possess adamant body, battlefields you shake.
Mercy’s, Power’s, morality’s home
You are fearful to the wicked as if you were death.
90 To the saintly, you are protector.
And on mere remembrance you free your Tulsi,
From all sorrows, O Savior!
You gave Sita comfort, you are loved by Rama
Son of Pawan! You are valiant.
You are helper to your servants in all needs
Before you Tulsi’s head is bent. [10]

You, as Bramha, create, as Vishnu, protect world,

To undo Shankar – nectar to dead.
You are earth to hold on, you are sun to darkness
100 To dry up you are fire heated.
Like sun, moon you nurse, to the evil give pain
Bring satisfaction to devotees.
If beggary be deemed to be great filthiness
To end it you are satiety.
To end pains of the distressed anyhow,
Lord of Tulsi, Hanuman has taken vow. [11]

At services of Hanuman, Rama is obliged

Shankar favors, Indra bows ever
Gods, goddesses, demons become recipients of mercy,
110 Bend heads, what of poor king here?
Where is one to harm your devotee who banks
On the great roar of Anjani’s son
Awake or asleep, sitting or on the move
In pleasure or when frolicsome? [12]

At him in whose heart roar of Hanuman

Is source of great pleasure.
Lord Shankar with Gauri and all His servants
Is pleased out of measure.
Guards of direction, Rama and Sita,
120 Along with His brother Lakshman.
They all shower all their love on him
Who loves roar of Hanuman.
Thus freed from Care in whole Universe

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Binda Prasad Khattri

No warrior’s help he would seek.

All perfect ones, yogis and all rishis
Guard him well as a child week.
Such are the great glories of Hanuman
That merciful, virtuous, Anjani’s son. [13]

You are house of mercy, power, wisdom

130 Pleasures and virtues unnumbered.
Loved by Rama, you are Shankar incarnate
Grant four fruits when remembered.
You know well the merciful nature of Rama
Rules of the Vedas and the world.
Tulsi is your servant by thought, word, deed
Lord, you know inward, outward. [14]

In service of Rama with all ways, means

You bodily performed action.
Which could not be thought of, even in mind,
140 O Hanuman, Kesari’s son!
You freed gods from imprisonment great,
Brought commotion in battleground
Your glories and virtues and fame, Hanuman
All over, from Yugas are found.
Then, Lord, why have your powers come down
In the case of Tulsi, so poor?
Saints are sad, evil ones are happy, Lord
Save situation now as ever. [15]

Lord Hanuman, you are perfect in knowledge

150 Ever live in hearts of devotees.
What harm or injury to one I have done
That displeased you? Say please.
I am your servant Lord, if you turn me down
What can poor Tulsi do ever?
He is broken hearted. Do tell him his faults
He will be on guard in future. [16]

The person inhabited by you, Lord

Even Shankar, out cannot pull.
And whichever house you chose to pull down
160 Who could then make it habitable?
O friend of the meek! On whom you are pleased,
He causes fear in his enemies.
At mere remembrance of your name, Lord,
Like cobwebs break all miseries.

page [16]
Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

I fondle! Have you turned old and weak,

And only when it is my turn!
Or by continuously helping the meeks,
You are feeling tired Hanuman? [17]

You crossed the sea and killed demons

170 Burnt Ravan’s great Lanka castle.
If war was forest, demons were elephants
As a lion, them all you did kill.
In active service of sovereigns like you
Tulsi, due to pain, does weep.
O Hawk in monkey’s garb! Why then delay?
Finish off these quails in a sweep. [18]

Killing Akshai you ransacked King’s garden

Didn’t even lift eyes to see.
In disdain, face of warrior Ravan(a)
180 Shining will splendid glory.
For elephants like Meghnad, Akampan
Also Kumbhkaran, powerful
You acted as young lion and killed them
Downed their pride in a twinkle.
The glory of Rama acts like fire
His opponents form dry grass heap.
Hanuman is strong gale for the occasion.
Safe from three fires, Tulsi keep. [19]

I fondle! Hanuman, don’t forget your vow

190 Known all over world, just think.
One who gets your mercy enjoys all peace,
Don’t let that good name ever sink.
Was Tulsi ever found fit for your service?
What fault has he committed unknown?
You have nature of Lord, Keep it high, Lord,
Let that nature not fall down.
If I am at fault you can take me to task
You have at hand ways more than a crore.
If one can be killed by giving him sweats,
200 Why give him poison, therefore?
O Powerful! Great beloved of Pawan
Hanuman, so dear to Rama.
Make haste and remove completely the pain
Off, from Tulsi’s each arm. [20]

Lord merciful! I fondle, you found me a child

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Made me your own, showed mercy.

I am your servant and count on you alone
On your great powers and mercy.
Whom has this most fearful Kaliyuga
210 Not made restless in this world?
Noticing heavy foot of it on Tulsi’s head
Push it out at once, O Lord.
O Kesari’s son, warrior of renown
You cause terror at battleground.
My pain is Singhika, mother of Rahu,
Kill her, pushing her down so sound. [21]

Son of Kesari! You inhibit devastated

For example Sugriva, Vibhishan.
You lay waste the inhibited ones too
220 As demons, their King Ravan(a).
Consider your powers, O Rama’s embassy!
You are Kalpa for devotees of Ram(a).
The weak and meek, like me, ever find
Protection with you, Hanuman.
With master like you as his great savior
He is tied and given beating,
In the pond of arm, pain is water creature
As alligator, kill it in twinkling. [22]

For Rama I possess love and devotion

230 Through grace of Rama, Lakshman, Sita,
I have strength to face miseries also
Take away sorrow, pain, etcetera.
All pleasures as young monkeys are so afraid
At the view of sea of distress.
But soul, like Jamvan, has hopes from you
Take a leap, mount if his love press.
Jamvan is waiting on Subel of my heart
A suitable place for his stay.
O Powerful warrior of great renown,
240 Kick pain-demons’ Lankini away. [23]

Using four eyes, inward and outward ones

I try to find in worlds three.
I find none strong and valiant like you
None so powerful and worthy.
All actions and times, Lokpals and others
Movable and immovable, all,
Are under you Lord. Think of your power
Save its humor from great fall.

page [18]
Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

Tulsi is your own servant, in his heart

250 You are ever present, Lord Hanuman.
Yet he is in pain, feels so miserable,
Does it match with your high position?
The rheumatic pain in my arms, O Lord,
Is like an unwelcome creeper.
Pull it out from very roots as monkey’s play,
And let it be thus thrown over. [24]

Will demoness Putana, sister of Bakasur

Or call her my past action,
Counting on the powers of fearful Kans,
260 Ever have fear of anyone?
Killer of children, all her ferocious deeds
Cannot be easily described.
By dint of her crafts she cheats children,
Who have great merits imbibed.
You can think out yourself and see she is come
Disguised in a beautiful form.
If she happens to confront talent like you
All will be freed from her harm.
O King of monkeys, powerful and wise
270 Tulsi’s arm pain is she.
While Hanuman, you are like child Krishna
From her, you alone can free. [25]

This horrible pain is destiny mine

Born of anger or humors three
Or is it one’s plan to kill me outright
Or fruit of mystic mantra-tree?
O Malicious Putana! Be off I say.
Think of Hanuman’s nature.
I swear by him, by his great name
280 You cannot stay on there. [26]

Vanquishing Singhika, conquering Sursa

You killed that great demons.
Laid waste garden, burnt down Lanka
Killed Makari, downed demons’ powers.
Disarmed death-god who guarded palace
Brought out mother of Meghnad.
And Mandodari, senior queen of Lanka,
From the palace, though there was guard.
Most fearful King of monkeys, then,
290 What is holding now, I doubt,
I wonder for, what consideration then

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Pain in Tulsi’s arm is left out. [27]

Learning of your childish pranks, O Lord,

Brave ones also have fear
Lord Indra and Sun and even Rahu
Forget their ownselves clear.
Gods of directions live happily, Lord,
Counting on your great power.
Are freed from pains and from miseries.
300 When your name they remember.
By rules of politics, by Vedas four
It is proved that you do hold.
The reins of good, bad persons all
Then, I pray, please behold.
If pain in the arms of Tulsi continues,
For such a long time Hanuman.
Is it laziness or anger or is it mere joke,
Or is it for me a lesson? [28]

O Merciful, great benefactor of weak,

310 I begged from door to door.
You called me, nursed me, made me your own,
Son of Anjani, that was your favor.
You cannot forget your own servant
I am sure of it absolutely.
Lord of monkeys, wielder of powers
Where is one like you in worlds three?
But I am so sorry, your servant continues
To be in miserable plight.
The bird is dying but you as a child,
320 Are looking at it as a sight. [29]

May be three humors or be my deeds,

Or pain is acute due to curse.
It can neither be borne, nor told, O Lord,
All treatment has been of no use.
Medicines, amulets, mantras and charms
Were used, gods were prayed too.
But there was no amelioration in pain,
Aggravation was there all through.
Who is there who can venture to disobey you
330 Be He Bramha, Vishnu or Shankar.
Be it penances or be it time factor
All carry out your order.
Rama’s Emissary! Tulsi is your servant
You have called him your menial, too

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Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

Your this negligence gives me more pain

Than pain in the arms does do. [30]

Rama’s Emissary, you are Pawan’s worthy son

Powerful and destitute’s helper.
Your glories are well known, Vedas sing praise
340 Heavy blows Ravana did suffer.
With mercy from such a warrior of repute,
His servant is suffering from pain
Even in thought, word and deed Hanuman,
Unbearable is now the strain.
With you as his Lord, of pain is his arm,
So much ashamed feels Tulsi.
Is it due to my sin or is due to anger?
Your great inference I don’t see. [31]

Gods, goddesses, demons, men, rishis, nagas

350 Big, small, living, nonliving, all,
Putana, evil spirits, demons and evil ones
At feet of Pawan’s son fall.
Powerful Talisman, mantras, trickery and fraud
All fly at hearing your name.
Frown on small faults, give Tulsi lesson,
Remove cause of pain, Hanuman. [32]

Your power enabled small monkeys

To get victory on mighty Ravan.
Your power ransacked all powerful demons
360 Rama’s and gods’ work was done.
It was you that completed the preparations,
For Rama’s mission on this earth.
Hearing of your virtues and great qualities
Gods horripilate with great mirth.
Tears come in eyes of Bramha, Vishnu, Shankar
When your glories they hear glad.
O Lord of monkeys, touch head of Tulsi.
Your servants were never found sad. [33]

I have been nursed on crumbs from you, Hanuman,

370 Don’t be mum at my shortcoming.
Though I am evil, and not worth a two cents,
You are simple, little errors wrath bring.
Be satisfied, inhabits me, do mercy,
Lord, do not make me miserable.
You are, I am fish, you are mother, I babe

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I bank on you, be merciful.

Think child restless, please make no delay
Look at his love, O Hanuman Brave!
Let long tail move on his painful arms,
380 So that pain may go away. I crave. [34]

Illnesses, evil persons, inauspicious stars

Have encircled me all round.
As during day, clusters of clouds in sky,
Spread, running all over are found.
They rained down water in form of pain
And for no fault of mine, at all.
They scorched grass of glories down have
Made it lose sensation and fall.
Cast a look will joy and with a loud roar,
390 Blow away forces of enemy.
Brave son of Kesari! Cruel demons illnesses.
Have under Tulsi, Do mercy. [35]

Lord Hanuman, you are great and have ever been

In favor of Rama’s servants.
The two syllables ‘RA’, ‘MA’, source of welfare
Have nursed me as merciful parents.
O Savior for arms, due to very great pain,
I have lost all comfort and ease.
I call you, O Brave of the Raghu family
400 Drive away this painful disease.
Weak and crippled, freed from this pain sore,
Let me lie in front of your court, nothing more. [36]

I can’t say if it is on account of times,

Or is result of my action.
Or if it is fruit of sins committed
Or is a rheumatic function.
The pain lasts all day, night in the limbs
It has actually grasped that all arm.
Which son of Pawan held by way of support
410 It is coincidence out of norm.
This plant of Tulsi you have planted,
Scorched by three humor fires
Look at it with mercy and thus water it,
And save it before it expires.
O Merciful Rama, you know thoroughly well
The ways of behavior of three -
Of ghosts, specters, of those who are yours
And those who are not of thee. [37]

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Sri Hanuman-Bahuk

Lower limbs, upper limbs, stomach and face,

420 All paining, body is ruined.
Gods, ghosts, manes, actions and times,
Evil stars too have combined.
All are firing their guns on me
I fondle! Since childhood I am.
Sold to you for no price charged, O Rama,
In my luck, I wrote shelter of name.
O Rama! Has it ever so happened before
That Agastya’s servant was drowned,
In a cow hoof-pit of water, Lord Rama?
430 Then, why am I in misery bound? [38]

Pain in arm be deemed to be demon Subahu

Body weakness is Marich demon,
Face pain represents demoness Taraka
They have formed a strong union.
Fire-worship of Rama’s name I wish to do
Can I control the death messenger?
The two syllables ‘RA’, ‘MA’, praised by whole world,
Will help me when I remember.
Tulsi, think of warrior who killed Taraka
440 He will make them His arrow’s target.
These foes will be vanquished and in no time
As fruit of banyan tree when hit. [39]

When a child, I said “Rama” with whole simple heart

Lived by begging bread everywhere.
When adult, under influence of world and its ways
That very pure love I did serve.
While I was absorbed in evil ways then
Son of Anjani then made me his own.
And through pious hands of Ramachandra
450 Put me back on the right track soon.
Tulsi became saint, old habits forgot,
It is therefore that now good fruits he has got. [40]

Where is one who would not very sorrowfully acclaim

Seeing me in miseries untold?
Void of food, void of clothes, deep in distresses
Emaciated, and untimely old.
Lord, Rama, ocean of mercy and compassion
Made an orphan Tulsi His own.
Took up guardianship of Tulsi by His sweet will,
460 Gave him fruits of His mercy well known.
It this interval Tulsi so low, humble,

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Got well known and thought he was so great.

Forgot God’s glories by thought, word, deed
He is reaping fruit of it straight.
Under name of abscesses, purulent all about
Salt of Lord Rama is bursting about. [41]

I wish I could live as servant of Rama

Very life and soul of Sita.
To die I would like Kashi be the place
470 And bank of the holy Ganga.
Thus living and deal both, Tulsi will have
Round sweets in both of his hands.
Even child will not feel sorrow at that
Here life with death equal stands.
They call me servant of Rama, right or wrong,
And I also feel so proud,
That excepting Rama, I am not devotee,
Of Vishnu, Shiva, I say aloud.
I am restless as body has very sharp pain.
480 Who can rid me of pain except Lord Ram(a)? [42]

O Hanuman! Janaki’s Lord has ever been

Your great helper, through and through.
And for useful teaching Shankar is teacher
In every way I hope from you.
Counting on you I checked off all gods,
Give peace to your humble servant.
Cast off pain, caused by disease or ghost,
Or brought with same evil intent.
O Hanuman! Rama! O Shankar! Bhairava!
490 Why don’t you convert pain-sea
Into cow hoof-pit which could be crossed soon?
You can do it by your mercy. [43]

I am telling Hanuman and powerful Rama

And telling merciful Shankar,
Please listen. It is seen this world
When created by Bramha Creator,
Joy, sorrow, evils, anger, merits, demerits
Were all put in, in this world,
Maya, soul, time, action and nature,
500 Rama rules over all, Vedas hold.
I also believe so with whole heart
Please, tell me if anything be there,
Beyond your reach. I’ll then be silent
Thinking I reap what I sowed earlier. [44]

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Here Ends Sri Hanuman-Bahuk.

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