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SM Serie Leaflet

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Rotary Screw Compressors

SM Series
With the world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE
Flow rate 0.39 to 1.64 m³/min, Pressure 5.5 to 15 bar
SM Series

Long-term savings
Today’s users expect maximum availability and efficiency from their compressors, regardless of size. SM series rotary screw
compressors meet these key expectations and more. Not only do they deliver more compressed air for less energy, but they
also combine ease of use and maintenance-friendliness with exceptional versatility and environmentally responsible design.

SMart with SIGMA 06 Optimised design

The latest generation SM series rotary screw compres- The new SM models all share logical and user-friendly de-
sors feature the new SIGMA 06 airend with further-refined sign throughout. For example, the left-hand side panel can
SIGMA PROFILE rotors for higher intake volumes and be removed in a few simple steps to allow excellent visibil-
even greater efficiency. The result? Up to 13 percent lower ity of the system's intelligently laid out components. Need-
power consumption and up to 10 percent higher flow rate. less to say, the SM series was designed to ensure best
possible access to all service points. When closed, the
sound-absorbing compressor enclosure keeps operational
sound levels to a minimum, thereby ensuring a pleasantly
Energy-saving performance quiet work environment. In addition, the enclosure features
four inlet openings for separate airflow cooling of the com-
The efficiency of a machine depends on the total costs in- pressor, motor, control cabinet and intake air. Last but not
curred throughout the equipment’s entire service life. With least, SM series compressors are impressively compact,
compressors, energy costs account for the lion's share of which makes them the perfect choice for applications
total expenditure. KAESER therefore designed its SM se- where space is at a premium.
ries compressors with optimum energy efficiency in mind.
Refinements to the energy-saving SIGMA PROFILE airend
rotors contribute significantly to the increased performance
of these versatile compressors, whilst Super Premium Ef-
ficiency IE4 motors (Premium Efficiency IE3 motors for the
Modular system concept
SM 10 and SM 16), a SIGMA CONTROL 2 internal con- SM series compressors are available as standard ver-
troller, low airend speeds, reduced internal pressure losses sions, as versions equipped with an add-on energy-saving
and a unique dual-flow fan cooling system all combine to refrigeration dryer and as AIRCENTER versions which,
push the boundaries of efficiency even further. in addition to a refrigeration dryer, feature an air receiver
installed underneath. KAESER's intelligent modular design
principle therefore offers incredible flexibility. The SM 13
model is also available with a frequency converter for
infinitely variable flow rate control.

Why choose heat recovery?

In fact, the question should be: Why not? Amazingly, up to

Up to
100 % of the (electrical) energy supplied to a compressor
is converted into heat. Up to 96 % of this energy can be

96 %
recovered and reused for heating purposes. This not only
reduces primary energy consumption, but also improves
the company’s overall energy balance.

usable for heating

Quiet, powerful, reliable and durable.

Image: SM 13

SM Series

Design is in the details


At the heart of every SM system lies a new, premium- The SIGMA CONTROL 2 ensures efficient control and
quality airend featuring Kaeser's energy-saving SIGMA system monitoring. The large display and RFID reader
PROFILE rotors. With optimised flow characteristics, these provide effective communication and maximum security.
rotors play a key role in setting new standards in specific Multiple interfaces offer exceptional flexibility, whilst the SD
power performance. card slot makes updates quick and easy.

Tomorrow's technology, available today: IE4 Efficient cooling

motors KAESER's innovative cooling system uses a highly
KAESER remains the only compressed air systems pro- efficient, dual-flow fan and separate airflow channels for
vider to equip compressors with Super Premium Efficiency cooling the motor, fluid / compressed air aftercooler and
IE4 drive motors as standard (SM 13 models), thereby control cabinet. This not only achieves optimum cooling
delivering maximum performance and energy efficiency. performance, low compressed air discharge temperatures
SM 10 and SM 16 model compressors are equipped with and minimal operating sound levels, but also more efficient
Premium Efficiency IE3 motors. compression.

SM T (SFC) Series

Also available with refrigeration dryer and

variable speed control

SM with energy-saving dryer Variable speed control also available

The compressed air refrigeration dryer is installed in a The use of variable speed control can provide definite ad-
separate enclosure in order to shield it from heat radiat- vantages for specific applications, which is why the SM 13
ed by the compressor. The automatic shutdown function is also available with this feature. The frequency converter
further enhances energy-efficient performance. is integrated into the compressor system's control cabinet
(with a separate fan) and is thermally isolated.

Even quieter Maintenance-friendly

The new cooling system provides outstanding cooling All maintenance work can be carried out from one side of
performance and enables optimum sound-proofing. Nor- the unit. The left housing cover is easily removed to allow
mal conversation can take place right beside the running excellent component accessibility.

Image: SM 13 T



The compact and efficient complete

compressed air station

Connect and go Durable air receiver

Simply connect the power supply and air distribution The 270-litre air receiver is specially designed for installa-
network to this compact complete compressed air station tion in AIRCENTER systems. All inner and outer surfaces
and it is ready to operate. No further installation work is are coated to provide excellent corrosion protection and to
necessary. ensure long service life.

Service-friendly design KAESER FILTER for pure air

The left-hand housing cover is easily removed to allow ex- Thanks to lowest possible differential pressure, original
cellent accessibility to all service points. Inspection glass- KAESER FILTER products (optional) efficiently ensure
es allow convenient inspection of fluid levels, condensate compressed air of all purity classes as per ISO 8573-1,
drain and drive belt tension whilst the unit is in operation. whilst allowing rapid and clean replacement of the filter
elements. They are available in four different filter grades.

Complete system SIGMA CONTROL 2
Ready-to-run, fully automatic, super-silenced, vibration "Traffic light" LED indicators show operational status at a
damped, all panels powder coated. Suitable for use in glance; plain text display, over 30 selectable languages,
ambient temperatures up to +45 °C. soft-touch keys with icons, fully automated monitoring and
control. Selection of Dual, Quadro, Vario and Continuous
control modes as standard. Interfaces: Ethernet; additional
Airend optional communications modules for: Profibus DP, Mod-
bus, Profinet and Devicenet. SD card slot for data-logging
Genuine KAESER single-stage airend with SIGMA PRO- and updates. Reader and web server.
FILE rotors and cooling fluid injection for optimised rotor


Electric motor The refined adaptive 3-Dadvanced Control predictively cal-
culates and compares the various operating options and
Super Premium Efficiency IE4 (Premium Efficiency IE3 in selects the most efficient one to suit the specific needs of
SM 10 / SM 16) motor, quality German manufacture, IP 55. the application.

The SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 constantly adjusts flow

rates and compressor energy consumption in response to
Fluid and air flow current compressed air demand. This optimisation is made
“Honeycomb” structure air intake filter, pneumatic inlet and possible by the integrated industrial PC with multi-core
venting valves, cooling fluid separator tank with triple sep- processor, in combination with the adaptive 3-Dadvanced
aration system, pressure relief valve, minimum pressure Control. Furthermore, the SIGMA NETWORK bus con-
/ check valve, thermostatic valve and fluid filter within the verter (SBC) provides a host of possibilities for enabling
cooling fluid circuit, fluid / compressed air combination the system to be individually tailored to meet specific user
cooler. requirements. The SBC can be equipped with digital and
analogue input and output modules, as well as with SIG-
MA NETWORK ports, in order to enable seamless display
of flow rate, pressure dew point, performance or alarm
Refrigeration dryer (with T version) message information.
Pressure dew point measurement via PT 100 sensor and
Amongst other key features, the SIGMA AIR MANAGER
electronic level-controlled condensate drain with alarm
4.0 provides long-term data storage capacity for reporting,
contact as standard. Refrigerant compressor with energy-
controlling and audits, as well as for energy management
saving, cycling shutdown feature; linked to operational
tasks as per ISO 50001.
status of the compressor when inactive. Alternatively,
continuous operation can be selected on site. (See image on right; extract from the SIGMA AIR
MANAGER 4.0 brochure)

Electrical components
Ventilated IP 54 control cabinet, automatic star-delta start-
er, overload relay, control transformer.

SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 4 Automatic 6.62 bar

Station Station Status

 Compressors Power 112.61 kW Messages

Volumetric flow rate 19.07 m³/min
C1 - BSD 75 Monitoring

C2 - BSD 75
Energy & costs

C2 D1 F1
C3 - CSD 125
C4 - CSD 125 DHS1

C3 D2 F2
 Dryer
SAM 4.0 Logic

 Filter
Time control
C4 CT1
 Air receiver
Initial start-up

Condensate CD1

treatment Configuration

  Contact i

Digital output device, e.g. laptop Control centre

Control centre


SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 4 Automatic 6.62 bar

Station Station Status

 Compressors Power 112.61 kW Messages

Volumetric flow rate 19.07 m³/min
C1 - BSD 75 Monitoring

C2 - BSD 75
Energy & costs

C3 - CSD 125
C2 D1 F1
Communications module e.g. Modbus TCP
C4 - CSD 125 DHS1

C3 D2 F2
 Dryer
SAM 4.0 Logic

 Filter
Time control
C4 CT1
 Air receiver
Initial start-up

Condensate CD1

treatment Configuration

  Contact i




Controller: Controller:

Connection of compressors with

Various connection possibilities Connection of conventional Connection of compressors with
SIGMA CONTROL; connection to stations
for treatment components compressors possible SIGMA CONTROL 2
with Profibus network (SAM 1 alternative)

Secure data – secure business!

Technical specifications
Standard versions

Gauge working Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed air Sound pressure Mass
Model pressure complete system at gauge gauge pressure power WxDxH connection level **)
working pressure
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.94 8
SM 10 10 0.78 11 5.5 630 x 790 x 1100 G 3/4 62 220
13 0.60 15
7.5 1.32 8
SM 13 10 1.08 11 7.5 630 x 790 x 1100 G 3/4 65 240
13 0.85 15
7.5 1.62 8
SM 16 10 1.36 11 9.0 630 x 790 x 1100 G 3/4 66 240
13 1.09 15

T - Versions with integrated refrigeration dryer (refrigerant R-513A)

Gauge working Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor rated Refrigeration Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure complete system at gauge power dryer model WxDxH air connection pressure
gauge working pressure pressure level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.94 8
SM 10 T 10 0.78 11 5.5 ABT 15 630 x 1090 x 1100 G 3 /4 62 295
13 0.60 15
7.5 1.32 8
SM 13 T 10 1.08 11 7.5 ABT 15 630 x 1090 x 1100 G 3 /4 65 315
13 0.85 15
7.5 1.62 8
SM 16 T 10 1.36 11 9.0 ABT 15 630 x 1090 x 1100 G 3 /4 66 315
13 1.09 15

SFC - Version with variable-speed drive

Gauge working Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed air Sound pressure Mass
Model pressure complete system at gauge gauge pressure power WxDxH connection level **)
working pressure
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.39 - 1.40 8
SM 13 SFC 10 0.40 - 1.19 11 7.5 630 x 790 x 1100 G 3/4 67 250
13 0.42 - 0.95 15

T SFC - Version with variable-speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer

Gauge working Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor rated Refrigeration dryer Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure complete system at gauge power model WxDxH air connection pressure
gauge working pressure pressure level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.39 - 1.40 8
SM 13 T SFC 10 0.40 - 1.19 11 7.5 ABT 15 630 x 1090 x 1100 G 3 /4 67 325
13 0.42 - 0.95 15

AIRCENTER - Versions with refrigeration dryer and air receiver

Gauge work- Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor Refrigeration dryer Air receiver Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model ing pressure complete system gauge rated power model volume WxDxH air connec- pressure
at gauge working pressure tion level **)
bar m³/min bar kW l mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.94 8
AIRCENTER 10 10 0.78 11 5.5 ABT 15 270 630 x 1220 x 1720 G 3/4 62 420
13 0.60 15
7.5 1.32 8
AIRCENTER 13 10 1.08 11 7.5 ABT 15 270 630 x 1220 x 1720 G 3/4 65 440
13 0.85 15
7.5 1.62 8
AIRCENTER 16 10 1.36 11 9.0 ABT 15 270 630 x 1220 x 1720 G 3/4 66 440
13 1.09 15

AIRCENTER - Versions with variable-speed drive

Gauge work- Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor Refrigeration dryer Air receiver Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model ing pressure complete system gauge rated power model volume WxDxH air connec- pressure
at gauge working pressure tion level **)
bar m³/min bar kW l mm dB(A) kg
7.5 0.39 - 1.40 8
AIRCENTER 13 SFC 10 0.40 - 1.19 11 7.5 ABT 15 270 630 x 1220 x 1720 G 3/4 62 450
13 0.42 - 0.95 15

*) Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009 Annexe C/E: inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and air inlet temperature +20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB (A)
***) Power consumption (kW) at ambient temperature +20° and 30 % relative humidity

Technical specifications for add-on refrigeration dryer

Model Refrigeration dryer Pressure Refrigerant Refrigerant Greenhouse warming CO2 Hermetic
power consumption dew point charge potential equivalent refrigeration circuit

kW °C kg GWP t
ABT 15 0.37 3 R-513A 0.35 631 0.22 Yes

The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of
compressors, blowers and compressed air systems,
KAESER KOMPRESSOREN is represented throughout the
world by a comprehensive network of branches, subsidiaries
and authorised distribution partners in over 140 countries.

By offering innovative, efficient and reliable products and

services, KAESER KOMPRESSOREN’s experienced
consultants and engineers work in close partnership with
customers to enhance their competitive edge and to develop
progressive system concepts that continuously push the
boundaries of performance and technology. Moreover,
decades of knowledge and expertise from this industry-
leading systems provider are made available to each and
every customer via the KAESER group’s advanced global IT

These advantages, coupled with KAESER’s worldwide

service organisation, ensure that every product operates at
peak performance at all times, whilst providing maximum

P-651/24AUS Specifications are subject to change without notice. .6/21


Locked Bag 1406 – Dandenong South – Vic. 3164
45 Zenith Road – Dandenong – Vic. 3175
Phone: +61 39791 5999 – Fax: +61 39791 5733 – E-mail:


PO BOX 301261 – Albany – Auckland 0752
18B Tarndale Grove – Albany – Auckland 0632
Phone +64 9 941 0499 – E-mail:

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