Nikita Tawanda Tavengwa
Nikita Tawanda Tavengwa
Nikita Tawanda Tavengwa
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Received: 15 February 2016; Accepted: 13 May 2016; Published online: 30 June 2016; AJC-17964
This study investigated the influence of pH, time and temperature on the degradation and adsorption of quercetin by molecularly imprinted
polymer beads and non-imprinted polymers. Molecularly imprinted polymers and non-imprinted polymers were prepared by precipitation
polymerization using acrylamide and 4-vinylpyridine co-monomers and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) cross-linker. The
polymers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and
elemental analysis. Adsorption/degradation studies were carried out at varying pH, time and temperature. Maximum quercetin adsorption
by molecularly imprinted polymer and non-imprinted polymer was observed at pH 4 (20 °C) and pH 6 (60 °C). Highest degradation in
blank solutions was seen at pH 2 at 60 °C after 120 h. HPLC analysis showed the presence of degradation products. Quercetin was
released back into solution in some instances which arose a potential of the prepared molecularly imprinted polymers in being used as
future prospect in drug delivery systems.
molecule in terms of shape, size and functionalities [10]. Only were carried out in duplicate using an MS-53M Multichannel
the template can rebind specifically to the generated adsorption stirrer from Jeio Tech (Seoul, Korea).
sites. Molecularly imprinted polymers for the recognition of Preparation of molecular imprinted polymer and non-
quercetin from various samples have been reported [10-13]. imprinted polymer: Molecular imprinted polymers were
In addition to MIPs being used as chromatographic sorbents prepared using precipitation polymerization according to the
[10], sensors [14,15], catalysis [15], environmental analysis following synthesis protocol: quercetin (0.4 mmol), acrylamide
[16], etc. molecularly imprinted polymers are also being (1 mmol) and 4-vinylpyridine (4 mmol) were dissolved in
explored as drug delivery assays [17]. The important fact about 80 mL of THF/H2O/methanol (6:3:1, v/v/v) mixture and stirred
drug delivery assays is that, MIPs used should adsorb the target for 30 min at room temperature to form a template-complex.
molecule and release it back under certain controlled conditions. The reaction mixture was then put on ice, ethylene glycol
The MIPs used in this study were prepared by precipitation dimethacrylate (9 mmol) and 100 mg 1,1'-azobis(cyclohexane
polymerization. The present study seeks to address whether carbonitrile) were added to the reaction mixture while it was
the effect of temperature at different pH and prolonged time being stirred on ice. The reaction mixture was purged with N2
will influence the adsorption of quercetin on MIPs or will it for 10 min to remove oxygen and to prevent polymerization
cause release back of quercetin followed by degradation. at low temperature. The reaction vessel was then removed from
ice and polymerization was initiated at 80 °C in an oil bath
EXPERIMENTAL for 12 h. After polymerization, particles were sedimented in
Quercetin, 4-vinylpyridine, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate acetone to remove unreacted monomers and fine particles. The
(EGDMA), 1,1'-azobis(cyclohexane carbonitrile) (ACCN) quercetin template was then removed using a heated reflux
initiator, acetic acid, methanol and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were extraction in100 mL of methanol-acetic acid mixture 9:1 (v/v)
supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (Johannesburg, South Africa). as an extraction solvent in a Soxhlet extraction set-up. Thereafter,
Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide were purchased from particles were dried in an oven at 105 °C for 12 h and kept for
Merck Chemical Co (Johannesburg, South Africa). All solutions use. Non-imprinted polymers were prepared exactly the same
were made from the ultrapure water from LaboStar equipment way but the template was omitted. The schematic diagram for
by Siemens (Warrendale, Pennsylvia, USA). ADWA AD111 the preparation of MIP is depicted in Fig. 1.
OPR pH meter from Adwa Instruments (Szeged, Hungary) A Perkin Elmer spectrum 400 FT-IR/FT-NIR spectrometer
was used to measure the pH of the solutions. All experiments (Waltham, MA, USA) was used to record the absorption spectra
of imprinted polymers. FEI Nova NanoLab FIB/SEM (Milpitas, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
CA, USA) was used to gain information on the morphology and
surface texture of polymers. Elemental analysis of imprinted FTIR characterization: Fig. 2 shows the FTIR spectra
polymers was collected on a Thermo Flash 2000 series CHNS/ of washed MIP, unwashed MIP and NIP. It can be observed
O Organic Elemental Analyser. that all spectra show similar backbone due to the high
Batch rebinding-adsorption-degradation studies: concentration of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate used in the
Quercetin solutions (100 mg/L) of different pHs (pH 2-9) were synthesis [11,12]. In all FTIR spectra, strong vibration bands
prepared in 250 mL volumetric flasks from a stock solution at 1720 and 1110 cm-1 were attributed to the C=O and C-O
using a methanol/water mixture. The pH was adjusted using functional groups of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate cross-
diluted solutions of HCl or NaOH and recorded at 25 °C. About linker. The diminished nature of vibrational band at 1637 cm-1
0.05 g of MIPs was weighed and transferred into a 100 mL attributed to C=C bonds of monomers implied that there were
beaker and 30 mL of 100 mg/L solution was added to MIPs fewer unpolymerized C=C present in the polymers [18]. The
and stirred for 120 h. Sample aliquots of 1 mL were taken vibrational stretch bands at 2982 cm-1 were attributed to the
from each beaker at different sampling times (i.e., 24, 72 and C–H bands of the functional monomers and crosslinker.
120 h). The sample aliquots were then filtered using solid phase
extraction vacuum filtration then analyzed with high perfor-
mance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-
DAD) (Agilent Technologies, 1260 Infinity Series).The same
procedure was performed for the NIPs. As a control, quercetin
solution prepared as above was stirred for 24, 72 and 120 h,
and analyzed on the HPLC at 280 and 370 nm wavelength. In
these control solutions no MIPs or NIPs were added. The 1720
3937 3572 3207 2841 2476 2111 1746 1380 1015 650
percentage adsorption of quercetin adsorbed by MIP and NIP –1
Wavenumber (cm )
was calculated from eqn. 1:
Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of the (a) NIPs, (b) washed MIPs and (c) unwashed
(C − Ce ) in polymer (Co − Ce ) in blank MIPs
R (%) = o − × 100
Co Co Thermogravimetric analysis: Thermogravimetric analysis
where Co is the initial concentration (mg/L) and Ce is the final was used to study the different decomposition stages of the
concentration (mg/L) of quercetin. polymer particles. Fig. 3 shows the different thermograms of
Quantitative determination of quercetin: Quantitative the MIPs (washed and unwashed) and the corresponding NIP.
determination of quercetin in solution after adsorption/degra- Different degradation patterns were observed and it was noted
dation was performed on an HPLC-DAD consisting an Agilent that all polymer particles started to degrade at about 300 °C.
Zorbax SB-C18 column (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 3.5 µm), a methanol/ This decomposition amounted to about 95 % weight loss in all
water (50:50, v/v) mobile phase containing formic acid (10 %) polymers and attributed to the decomposition of monomers and
and a flow rate of 1 mL/min was used. The injection volume crosslinker. The exact decomposition temperatures were 330 °C
was 20 µL and detection was accomplished at 280 and 370 nm, for the washed MIP and NIPs and 370 °C for the unwashed MIP.
respectively. The quantification of quercetin was performed The washed MIP and the NIP had lower temperatures of decom-
using a five-point calibration curve of standards at concentrations position indicating lower thermal stability (Fig. 3b). This could
between 1 and 20 mg/L. Each vial taken to analysis had a total be due to lower molecular weight compared to the unwashed
volume of 1 mL. MIP that still had quercetin in them.
100 2
Derivative weight loss (%)
Washed MIPs
Weight loss (%)
40 -6
0 -12
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 3. TGA curves of washed, unwashed MIPs and NIPS. (a) The weight loss as a function of temperature and (b) the derivative weight loss
as a function of temperature
2184 Pakade et al. Asian J. Chem.
Scanning electron microscope analysis: Fig. 4 shows investigated at 20, 40 and 60 °C, and the results of these are
SEM micrographs for MIP and NIP. It can be observed that depicted in Table-2, respectively. The initial concentration of
the MIP particles produced by the precipitation method were the quercetin solution was 100 mg/L and all experiments were
monodispersed bar some few big lumps which were separated performed in duplicate. After the reaction time had elapsed,
by hand before experiments (Fig. 4a). On the other hand, NIP samples were withdrawn and analyzed for quercetin using
particles were agglomerated into big lumps but one can see an HPLC method. A typical calibration curve for quercetin
that those lumps were made of tiny beads (Fig. 4b). Therefore, standards obtained from the HPLC is shown in Fig. 5. A corre-
prior adsorption experiments were conducted NIP particles lation coefficient (R2) of 0.999 was achieved and this showed
were crushed mildly with mortar and pestle to obtain poly- good precision and linearity.
dispersed beads. Solvent evaporation during polymer synthesis
and the speed of stirring may lead to agglomeration. 700
Elemental analysis: Elemental analysis of washed MIP, 600 y = 25.67x + 51.58
unwashed MIP and NIP was carried out to observe the changes 500 R = 0.999
Peak area
in the polymer backbone as a result of imprinting. Table-1
showed that the percentages of CHN elements for all samples
were similar. Further enhancing what was observed with FTIR 300
that polymers had similar backbone. The high %N (2.05 %) in 200
unwashed MIP was attributed to presence of unreacted 4-vinyl- 100
pyridine and/or acrylamide monomers. Also, the unwashed 0
MIP showed a slightly higher percentage of carbon (64.81 %) 0 5 10 15 20 25
and hydrogen (7.71 %) attributable to the presence of quercetin Concentration (mg/L)
template which was extracted in the washed MIP and not Fig. 5. HPLC calibration curve for quercetin standards
added in NIP. The closeness of %CHN values for washed MIP
and NIP signified that the quercetin template was removed Adsorption/degradation studies carried out at 20 °C:
efficiently. The adsorption of quercetin by MIP and NIP as well as the
effect of degradation was investigated at pH 2, 4, 6 and 9 for 5
TABLE-1 days while stirring at 20 °C. The results are displayed in Table-
ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF UNWASHED 2. Equilibrium quercetin concentrations at pH 2 and 4 for MIP
MIP, WASHED MIP AND NIP and NIP samples increased with increasing sampling times.
Elemental analysis (%) The gradual increase of quercetin concentration in the solutions
C H N containing MIP and NIP implied that quercetin molecules were
Washed MIP 63.76 7.44 1.69 first adsorbed then released back into solution. The amount
Unwashed MIP 64.81 7.71 2.05 released back into solution by MIP was 2 % lower than that
NIP 63.34 7.49 1.66 released by NIP after 5 days. The lower amount of quercetin
released by MIP indicated that MIP had a better quercetin
Adsorption and degradation studies retention at pH 2 and 4 due to imprinting effects. The per cent
Effect of solution pH and temperature: The influence quercetin adsorbed by MIP at pH 2 decreased from 65.0 % in
of pH on the adsorption of quercetin by MIP and NIP was 24 h to 45.4 % in 120 h. On the other hand, the percentage of
Temperature: 20 °C Temperature: 40 °C Temperature: 60 °C
pH 2 pH 4 pH 6 pH 9 pH 2 pH 4 pH 6 pH 9 pH 2 pH 4 pH 6 pH 9
Day 1 (24 h)
MIP 5.79 10.80 37.10 95.16 34.06 43.55 73.02 92.35 13.95 25.42 48.24 57.64
(mg/L) (65.03) (64.57) (31.36) (-20.42) (22.50) (46.36) (25.23) (1.86) (53.39) (46.59) (10.83&) (35.63)
NIP 33.64 13.83 50.01 36.50 52.26 45.26 81.60 96.52 21.37 46.21 52.73 66.49
(mg/L) (37.18) (61.62) (18.45) (38.24) (4.30) (44.65) (16.65) (-2.31) (45.97) (25.80) (6.34) (26.80)
Blank 70.82 75.45 68.46 74.74 56.56 89.91 98.25 94.21 67.34 72.01 59.07 93.29
(mg/L) (29.18)* (24.55)* (31.54)* (25.26)* (43.44)* (10.09)* (1.75)* (5.79)* (32.66)* (27.99)* (40.93)* (6.97)*
Day 3 (72 h)
MIP 6.24 22.46 26.01 89.33 29.82 32.05 70.52 82.23 43.24 64.13 55.29 77.82
(mg/L) (59.82) (52.92) (38.90) (-18.92) (8.79) (53.23) (25.61) (9.33) (-9.25) (-10.29) (-17.93) (-18.34)
NIP 39.99 28.87 32.49 34.27 49.96 40.45 45.01 75.68 72.46 42.93 74.11 45.33
(mg/L) (26.07) (46.51) (32.42) (36.14) (-11.35) (44.83) (51.12) (15.88) (-38.47) (10.91) (-36.75) (13.76)
Blank 66.06 75.38 64.91 70.41 38.61 85.28 96.13 91.56 33.99 53.84 37.36 59.09
(mg/L) (33.94)* (24.62)* (35.09)* (29.59)* (61.39)* (14.72)* (3.87)* (8.44)* (66.01)* (46.16)* (62.75)* (40.91)*
Day 5 (120 h)
MIP 14.25 29.40 21.55 83.95 23.23 24.90 33.58 74.01 18.73 32.74 37.81 25.97
(mg/L) (45.37) (46.06) (39.35) (-15.21) (-0.82) (55.75) (51.65) (15.47) (1.33) (3.79) (-3.56) (18.34)
NIP 41.25 29.77 28.67 32.61 31.36 50.78 35.85 86.25 25.15 21.76 20.46 54.08
(mg/L) (18.37) (45.69) (32.23) (36.13) (-8.95) (29.87) (49.38) (3.23) (-5.09) (14.77) (13.79) (-9.07)
Blank 59.62 75.46 60.90 68.74 22.41 80.65 85.23 89.48 20.06 36.53 34.25 44.31
(mg/L) (40.38)* (24.54)* (39.10)* (31.26)* (77.59)* (19.35)* (14.77)* (10.52)* (79.94)* (63.47)* (65.75)* (55.69)*
*represent % degraded
quercetin adsorbed by NIP at pH 2 decreased from 37.2 % in The lower adsorption of quercetin by MIP and NIP at pH 9
24 h to 18.4 % in 120 h. The difference was attributed to the can be attributed to the deprotonation of quercetin in alkaline
adsorption of quercetin by MIP. However, at pH 4 the per cent conditions. The deprotonation of quercetin will cause the
quercetin adsorbed by MIP and NIP was similar. It has been bonding interactions between quercetin and 4-vinylpyridine
shown by UV-visible spectrophotometer studies that the absor- or acrylamide functional groups to be weakened. Furthermore,
ption maxima and colour of solution changed when the pH of about 40 and 30 % was attributed to degradation at pH 6 and
solutions were adjusted by hydrochloric acid and sodium hydro- 9 for blank solutions, respectively. At pH 9, the presence of
xide [19]. These changes were attributed to formation of decom- NIP facilitated more adsorption or degradation as the amount
position products [19] of quercetin in water/ethanol solution. of quercetin remaining in solution was relatively lower than
In blank solutions, the concentration of quercetin in solution in MIP and blank solution after 5 days. The negative values in
decreased slightly with sampling times at pH 2, while a more brackets in Table-2 indicate that the rate of degradation in the
stable concentration of quercetin was observed at pH 4. The blank solution was higher than the rate of adsorption/degra-
percentage degradation of quercetin at pH 4 in blank solutions dation in the presence of MIP or NIP particles. Per cent adsorp-
was 24.55 % at 24 h, 24.62 % at 72 hand 24.54 % at 120 h. tion by MIP decreased as the pH increased from pH 2-9.
These results indicated that part of quercetin was degraded Therefore, it can be said that solution pH plays a vital role in
after stirring quercetin solution at 20 °C (pH 4) for 120 h while the adsorption and degradation of quercetin. Also, Chebotarev
other part was intact. and Snigur [20] demonstrated that quercetin exists in different
At pH 6 and 9, quercetin concentration left in solution ionic forms at different pH values. Quercetin was likely to exist
decreased with increasing sampling times, both in the presence as neutral molecule at pH 1.8-4.0 then losses each hydroxyl
and absence of polymer particles. The concentration of quercetin proton as the pH was increased from 5 to 11 [20].
left in solution after day 1 at pH 6 and 9 was much higher than Adsorption carried out at 40 °C: When the reaction
that left at pH 2 and 4 for MIPs. For NIP, the amount left at solutions were stirred at 40 °C, a similar pattern was observed
pH 2 was comparable to pH 9, while for the blank solution in both acidic and basic conditions, with and without polymer
the concentration of quercetin left after day 1 were all similar particles. That is, the concentration of quercetin left in solutions
from pH 2 to 9. This showed that the pH did not play a signi- decreased as the sampling times increased from 24 h to 120 h
ficant role in degrading quercetin at 20 °C in the first 24 h. No for all pHs. Highest decrease of quercetin in solution was
significant change in the per cent quercetin adsorbed by MIP observed at pH 2 for all the samples after 5 days. About 78 %
at pH 6 was observed in day 3 (38.90 %) and day 5 (39.35 %). (blank solution) had degraded at pH 2 after 5 days. Taking
The same trend was observed for NIP samples at pH 6. It seems into consideration this amount degraded at pH 2, one can infer
that the presence of MIP inhibited the degradation of quercetin that initially quercetin was adsorbed on MIP and NIP (amount
at pH 9 as the rate of degradation in blank solution was higher left in blank after day 1 was higher than the amount left in MIP
than adsorption rate, hence the negative sign observed. Adsorption and NIP solutions) then released back into solution as the time
of quercetin onto MIP was more favoured at pH 6 than pH 9. progressed and then subsequently degraded.
2186 Pakade et al. Asian J. Chem.
However, at pH 4 the amount of quercetin attributed to time than quercetin were attributed to quercetin oxidation
degradation was about 19 % in blank solution after 5 days. products [6,20]. These peaks were narrow and sharper in the
This meant that a significant portion of quercetin was adsorbed blank solution (Fig. 6a,d). However, only one big-broad domina-
by MIP (56 %) whereas only 29 % was adsorbed by NIP after ting peak was observed in MIP and NIP solutions observed at
day 5 at pH 4. The per cent of quercetin adsorbed by MIP 280 nm at around 1.7 min. Fig. 6a,d clearly show that quercetin
after day 5 was about 2-folds greater than that in NIP. There- behaved differently in strongly acidic and slightly acidic condi-
fore, the lower amounts of quercetin left in solution in the tions in aqueous/methanol solution. It can be observed that
presence of MIP and NIP could be attributed to adsorption the peak of quercetin in Fig. 6a was lower than Fig. 6d. The
rather than degradation. At pH 6 only about 15 % of quercetin difference in the peak shapes and retention times demonstrate
degraded after 5 days but 52 and 49 % was adsorbed MIP and that the presence of MIP and NIP particles influenced the decom-
NIP, respectively. Very low amounts of quercetin adsorption position mechanism of quercetin. It is known that quercetin
were achieved at pH 9 by both MIP and NIP after 5 days. The easily undergoes oxidation in the presence of air oxygen in a
degradation in the blank solutions was also much lower than rather wide pH range [8] and the stability of the intermediate
that observed at pH 9 for reactions carried out at 20 °C. oxidation products is largely dependent on the surroundings
Adsorption carried out at 60 °C: Table-2 displays the (organic or aqueous) offering a great consequential chemistry
results obtained after conducting adsorption/degradation [23] and the oxidation products are best monitored in the UV
studies at 60 °C for 5 days. The percentage of quercetin degrada- range [6,20]. In our case the reactions were carried out in
tion in blank solutions increased as the sampling time increased methanol-water (7:3 v/v) mixture and it can be deduced that
for all pH values studied and the highest percentage degrada- this had an effect on the degradation of quercetin. Quercetin
tion (80 %) was observed at pH 2. This was a similar trend to is poorly soluble in water hence most studies have used alcohol/
the results obtained at 20° and 40 °C for blank solutions. The water mixtures for studying the oxidation of quercetin with
per cent of quercetin degraded at 60 °C was higher than the varying results [24-27]. The presence of water was found to
amounts observed at 20 and 40 °C in all the studied pHs after act as a catalyst [24] for quercetin oxidation to ortho-quinones
5 days, signifying that temperature played a role in quercetin [25]. The broad peak observed after contacting quercetin solu-
degradation. These results were in agreement with Buchner tion with MIP or NIP particles at different pHs was attributed
et al. [21] and Dall’Acqua et al. [22] who noted that the to ortho-quinone oxidation product. However, more detailed
stability of quercetin in water and ethanol medium was limited study on the separation and identification of the degradation
at higher temperatures. At pH 2 and 4 (MIP and NIP solutions), products need to be done.
the quercetin concentrations decreased after day 1, then a
sudden increase in the amount of quercetin in solution was Conclusion
observed at day 3 and a subsequent decrease in day 5. The Molecularly imprinted polymers and non-imprinted
sudden increase of quercetin concentration signified a release polymers were synthesized using precipitation polymerization.
back of quercetin molecules into solution. The higher per cent SEM images confirmed that MIP particles produced were
degradation (80 %) observed in blank solution at pH 2 suggest monodispersed while FTIR showed that MIP and NIP had
that quercetin released back from MIP and NIP undergone similar structural backbone due to strong characteristic bands
degradation, hence lower amounts at pH 2 after day 5. The at 1720 and 1110 cm-1 assigned to the C=O and C-O bonds of
adsorption and release back of quercetin is a property that can the ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. Time, pH and temperature
be explored for drug delivery systems by imprinted polymers. played a crucial role in the adsorption and degradation of
At pH 6 and 9, in some instances the rate of degradation quercetin. The highest degradation was observed at pH 2 at
was higher than the rate of adsorption (indicated by negative 60 °C after 5 days as determined by the HPLC. The unusual
values inside brackets) in MIP and NIP solutions. Release highest degradation of quercetin at pH 2 was attributed to
back of quercetin molecules followed by decomposition was complex quercetin interactions with the surrounding media.
observed. Very low adsorption of quercetin at this temperature The extended exposure of quercetin in acid-alkaline conditions
was observed in both MIP and NIP solutions owing to faster facilitated production of oxidation products. Therefore, in
rate of degradation. The mechanism for quercetin degradation rebinding of quercetin by MIP, higher temperatures with
is complex and can be influenced by several factors including extended adsorption times should be avoided since this may
acid-base conditions, aqueous environment, present of nucleo- lead to decomposition of quercetin due to presence of nucleo-
philes like water, alcohol and the hydrophobicity of polymers philes in solution. The most promising parameters were achieved
[8,20,23-27]. In our case, water, methanol, acid-base condi- at lower temperature (20 °C) in which quercetin was adsorbed
tions, temperature, imprinted polymers (nucleophiles and hydro- in substantial amounts with lower degradation. Adsorption
phobicity) were all suggested to participate in the quercetin and subsequently leaching of quercetin back into solution was
degradation. observed and this demonstrated a very significant property
Chromatographic analysis: HPLC chromatograms that may be exploited for drug delivery systems.
recorded at 280 and 370 nm at pH 2 and pH 6 after 24 h at
40 °C are shown in Fig. 6. The quercetin peak eluted at about ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
3.3 min and the peaks eluted between 1.6-2.5 min were attributed
to oxidation products of quercetin. That is, the peaks observed The financial support from Vaal University of Technology
in Fig. 6 blue chromatograms appearing at lower retention is gratefully acknowledged.
Vol. 28, No. 10 (2016) Effect of pH, Time and Temperature on Forced Degradation Studies of Quercetin 2187
200 150
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (min) Time (min)
2500 (b) 2500 (e)
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (min) Time (min)
2500 2500
(c) (f)
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (min) Time (min)
Fig. 6. HPLC chromatograms for blank solution (a), MIP solution (b) and NIP solution (c) at pH 2 after day 1 at 40 °C; for blank solution (d), MIP solution
(e) and NIP solution (f) at pH 6 after day 1 at 40 °C. The blue chromatogram was recorded at 280 nm while the red was recorded at 370 nm
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