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Signatory Brands

Chemical Industry

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved)
Solution Provider

Textile and Footwear Industry


ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved)
1 Background

The ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a list of chemical substances.
These substances are banned from intentional use in facilities processing textile materials, leather,
rubber, foam, adhesives and trim parts in textiles, apparel, and footwear. Using chemical
formulations that conform to the ZDHC MRSL allows suppliers to assure themselves, and their
customers, that banned chemical substances are not intentionally used during production and
manufacturing processes.

The ZDHC MRSL goes beyond the traditional approaches to chemical restrictions, which only apply to
finished products (Product Restricted Substances List - PRSL). This approach helps to protect
consumers while minimising the possible impact of banned hazardous chemicals on production
workers, local communities, and the environment.

Chemical formulations covered by restrictions in the ZDHC MRSL include, but are not limited to,
cleaners, adhesives, paints, inks, detergents, dyes, colourants, auxiliaries, coatings and finishing
agents used during raw material production, wet processing, process machinery maintenance,
wastewater treatment, sanitation, and pest control. ZDHC MRSL limits apply to substances in
commercially available formulations, not those from earlier stages of chemical synthesis.

The ZDHC Foundation Roadmap to Zero Programme would like to acknowledge the vital role of
the experts comprising the MRSL Advisory Council who independently and objectively evaluated
the proposed compound additions to the MRSL and made the decision on the compounds added
to this version of the ZDHC MRSL.

2 Purpose

The ZDHC MRSL offers brands and suppliers a single, harmonised list of chemical substances banned
from intentional use during manufacturing and related processes in supply chains of the textile,
apparel, and footwear (including leather and rubber) industries (the Industry).

Version 2.0 applies to textiles, leather, rubber, foam and adhesives, recognising that these materials
use different processes. Filters for each material ensure limits reflect the processes.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved)
3 Notes

The information in this ZDHC MRSL V2.0 is provided for information only. Whilst ZDHC takes every reasonable
effort to make sure that the information is as accurate as possible, ZDHC makes no claims, promises, or
guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this document.
"Meeting the requirements of the ZDHC MRSL V2.0 does not
a) replace applicable national environmental or workplace safety restrictions. Worker exposure to chemical
substances listed in this document, along with other hazardous substances, must not exceed occupational
exposure limits
b) guarantee compliance with or take the place of legal or regulatory requirements relating to the use, storage,
and transport of chemical products."
The ZDHC MRSL V2.0 does not replace legal or brand-specific restrictions on hazardous substances in finished
products, including the material components of them.


In no event will ZDHC (and/or any related ZDHC majority owned legal entities) or the Directors or staff thereof
be liable and ZDHC expressly disclaims any liability of any kind to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption
a) by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other
cause and/or
b) from any use, decision made, action taken, or any other kind of reliance on the ZDHC MRSL V2.0 by a reader
or user of it and/or
c) for any results obtained or not obtained from the use of the ZDHC MRSL V2.0
d) by any updates to the ZDHC MRSL V2.0

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved)
5 ZDHC MRSL Chapters

5.1 Chapter 1: ZDHC MRSL

This applies to chemical formulations and substances used during creation and wet processing of
textile fibres, and during creation and processing of (coated) fabrics, leather, rubber, foam and

Group A: Supplier Guidance

Group A substances are banned from intentional use in facilities that process raw materials and
manufacture finished products.

Group B: Formulation Limit

Group B substances are restricted to concentration limits in chemical formulations commercially
available from chemical suppliers. These limits ban intentional use while allowing for reasonable
expected manufacturing impurities, which should be consistently achievable by responsible
chemical manufacturers.

5.2 Chapter 2: ZDHC MRSL Candidate List

Found in Chapter 2 of the ZDHC MRSL. Proposed ZDHC MRSL additions can meet listing criteria, as
described in the Principles and Procedures, yet lack safer alternatives at scale. Including such
substances on the Candidate List encourages the innovation of alternatives.

5.3 Chapter 3: ZDHC Archived Substances

Archived substances, or those without strong evidence of current use in Industry, but with clear
evidence of historical use.

5.4 Process for ZDHC MRSL Revision

The ZDHC MRSL is a living document. It is updated as needed to expand the materials and processes
covered and to add substances that should be phased out of the value chain. The Principles and
Procedures document contains and explains the process used to update the ZDHC MRSL. Part of this
process allows anyone to submit suggested changes to it. This includes the limits for existing
compounds, the addition of new compounds, or delisting compounds through the ZDHC MRSL
Submission Platform, which will be launched in the coming months.
ZDHC MRSL Update Principles and Procedures

5.5 Transition Period

After the release of a new version of the ZDHC MRSL a transition period applies. This lets the
Industry prepare for implementation of the new version. The current transition period is twelve
months, beginning on January 1st 2020. During this time, both versions of the ZDHC MRSL remain
active and it’s possible to certify against them.
MRSL Industry Standard Implementation Approach

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved)
Chapter 1 MRSL

Alkylphenol (AP) and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APEOs): including all isomers

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
APEOs can be used as or found in: detergents, scouring agents, spinning oils, wetting agents, softeners,
emulsifier/dispersing agents for dyes and prints, impregnating agents, de- gumming for silk production, dyes and
pigment preparations, polyester padding and down/feather fillings.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

104-40-5 Nonylphenol (NP) , Textile No intentional use 250 ppm Liquid chromatography-
11066-49-2 mixed isomers Leather No intentional use 250 ppm mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
25154-52-3 Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm
gas chromatography-mass
84852-15-3 (R,F,A)* spectrometry (GC-MS)
9016-45-9 Nonylphenolethox Textile No intentional use 500 ppm Liquid chromatography-
26027-38-3 ylates (NPEO) Leather No intentional use 500 ppm mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
37205-87-1 Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm
gas chromatography-mass
68412-54-4 (R,F,A)* spectrometry (GC-MS)
9002-93-1 Octylphenolethoxy Textile No intentional use 500 ppm Liquid chromatography-
9036-19-5 lates (OPEO) Leather No intentional use 500 ppm mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
68987-90-6 Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm
gas chromatography-mass
(R,F,A)* spectrometry (GC-MS)
140-66-9 Octylphenol (OP) Textile No intentional use 250 ppm 'Liquid chromatography-
1806-26-4 ,mixed isomers Leather No intentional use 250 ppm mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
27193-28-8 Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm
gas chromatography-mass
(R,F,A)* spectrometry (GC-MS)

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Anti- Microbials & Biocides
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
These substances have biocidal properties, making it useful for Multiple preservation applications.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

90-43-7 o-Phenylphenol Textile No intentional use 5000 ppm Solvent extraction LC MS, LC
(+salts) Leather Use is permitted and DAD, GC MS
OPP is approved for
use under BPR PT6 as
a preservative for
Polymers No Limit

Multiple Permethrin Textile No intentional use 250 ppm except for Solvent extraction, LC
processes mentioned
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm except for
processes mentioned
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm except for
(R,F,A)* processes mentioned
In most situations, deliberate use is not permitted. However, it should be noted that Permethrin is approved for use on PT18 under
BPR and is permitted for use on wool curtains and carpets, rugs and floor coverings. Permethrin is permitted for PPE use (EU
2016/425, EPA registered product, APVMA Registered Product, PMRA Registered Product, etc.). Also, its use is sometimes stipulated
for certain end uses such as military. All efforts should be made to maximise the durability of the chemical finish and to minimise
losses to the environment.

3380-34-5 Triclosan Textile No intentional use 250 ppm solvent extraction LC MS,
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm DAD
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Chlorinated Parafins
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
These are used occasionally as flame retardants in certain industries. In leather formulations, these are also used as
fat liquoring agents.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

85535-84-8 Short-chain Chlori Textile No intentional use 50 ppm prEN ISO 22699-2
natedparaffin Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(C10– C13) Polymers No Limit

85535-85-9 Medium-chain Chl Textile No intentional use 500 ppm prEN ISO 22699-2
orinatedparaffins Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
(MCCPs) (C14-C17) Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

Chlorobenzenes and Chlorotoluenes

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Chlorobenzenes and Chlorotoluenes (chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons) can be used as carriers in the dyeing
process of polyester or wool/polyester fibres. They can also be used as solvents.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

95-50-1 1,2-dichlorobenze Textile No intentional use 500 ppm GC-MS

ne Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

Multiple Other isomers of Textile No intentional use Sum = 200 ppm GC-MS
mono-, di-, tri-,
and trichlorotoluene
tetra-, penta- and 10 ppm each
Leather No intentional use Sum = 200 ppm
Chlorobenzene tetrachlorotoluene,
and mono-, di-, and trichlorotoluene
tri-, tetra- and 10 ppm each
penta- Polymers No intentional use Sum = 200 ppm
chlorotoluene (R,F,A)* tetrachlorotoluene,
and trichlorotoluene
10 ppm each

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Chlorophenols are polychlorinated compounds used as preservatives or pesticides. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and
tetrachlorophenol (TeCP) have been used in the past to prevent mould when storing/ transporting raw hides and
leather. They are now regulated and should not be used.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

87-86-5 Pentachloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 1 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
20 ppm
l (PCP) 1
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 1 =
20 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 1 =
(R,F,A)* 20 ppm

Multiple Tetrachlorophenol Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 1 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
20 ppm
(TeCP) 1
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 1 =
20 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 1 =
(R,F,A)* 20 ppm

120-83-2 2,4-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 GC-MS EN ISO 17070
l2 Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2

95-57-8 2-chlorophenol 2 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

583-78-8 2,5-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

87-65-0 2,6-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

88-06-2 2,4,6-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

591-35-5 3,5-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

95-95-4 2,4,5-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

576-24-9 2,3-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

95-77-2 3,4-dichloropheno Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

108-43-0 3-chlorophenol 2 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

106-48-9 4-chlorophenol 2 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

15950-66-0 2,3,4-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

609-19-8 3,4,5-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppma
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

933-78-8 2,3,5-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

933-75-5 2,3,6-trichlorophe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 2 = GC-MS EN ISO 17070
50 ppm
nol 2
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 2 =
(R,F,A)* 50 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Azo (Forming Restricted Amines)
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Azo dyes and pigments are colourants that incorporate one or several azo groups (-N=N-) bound with aromatic
compounds. Thousands of azo dyes exist, but only those that degrade to form the listed cleavable amines are
restricted. Azo dyes that release these amines are regulated and should no longer be used for the dyeing of textiles.
Please find a non-exhaustive list of dyes which can form restricted amines in the appendix.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

101-80-4 4,4-oxydianiline Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

101-14-4 4,4-methylene-bis- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

(2-chloro-aniline) Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

119-90-4 3,3-dimethoxylben Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

zidine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

101-77-9 4,4-methylenedian Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

iline Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

106-47-8 4-chloroaniline Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

119-93-7 3,3-dimethylbenzi Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

dine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

120-71-8 6-methoxy-m- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

toluidine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

139-65-1 4,4-thiodianiline Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

60-09-3 4-aminoazobenze Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

ne Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

137-17-7 2,4,5-trimethylanili Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

ne Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Azo (Forming Restricted Amines)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

90-04-0 o-anisidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

838-88-0 4,4-methylenedi-o- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

toluidine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

91-94-1 3,3'-dichlorobenzi Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

dine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

615-05-4 4-methoxy-m- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

phenylenediamine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

87-62-7 2,6-xylidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

91-59-8 2-naphthylamine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

95-53-4 o-toluidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

92-87-5 Benzidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

95-69-2 4-chloro-o- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

toluidine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

92-67-1 4-aminodiphenyl Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

95-80-7 4-methyl-m- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

phenylenediamine Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

95-68-1 2,4-xylidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Azo (Forming Restricted Amines)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

97-56-3 o- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

aminoazotoluene Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

99-55-8 5-nitro-o-toluidine Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

553-00-4 2-Naphthylammon Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

iumacetate Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

3165-93-3 4-chloro-o- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

toluidinium Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
chloride Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

39156-41-7 4-methoxy-m- Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC

phenylene Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
diammonium Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm
sulphate; (R,F,A)*
e sulphate
21436-97-5 2,4,5-trimethylanili Textile No intentional use 150 ppm LC, GC
ne hydrochloride Leather No intentional use 150 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 150 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Carcinogenic or Equivalent Concern
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Most of these substances are regulated and should no longer be used for the dyeing of textiles.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

632-99-5 C.I. Basic Violet 14 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

1937-37-7 C.I. Direct Black 38 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

2602-46-2 C.I. Direct Blue 6 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

3761-53-3 C.I. Acid Red 26 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

573-58-0 C.I. Direct Red 28 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

569-61-9 C.I. Basic Red 9 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

2475-45-8 C.I. Disperse Blue Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
1 Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

2580-56-5 C.I. Basic Blue 26 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
(with Michler’s Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Ketone > 0.1%) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

2475-46-9 C.I. Disperse Blue Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
3 Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

2437-29-8 C.I. Basic Green 4 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
(Malachite Green Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Oxalate) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

569-64-2 C.I. Basic Green 4 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
(Malachite Green Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Chloride) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Carcinogenic or Equivalent Concern
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

82-28-0 Disperse Orange Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
11 Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

10309-95-2 C.I. Basic Green 4 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
(Malachite Green) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

1694-09-3 C.I. Acid Violet 49 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

548-62-9 Basic violet 3 with Textile No intentional use 250 ppm DIN 54231
>0.1% of Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Michler´s Ketone Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Dyes – Disperse (Sensitising)

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Disperse dyes are a class of water- insoluble dyes that penetrate the fibre system of synthetic or manufactured
fibres and are held in place by physical forces without forming chemical bonds. Disperse dyes are used in synthetic
fibre (e.g. polyester, acetate, polyamide). Restricted disperse dyes are suspected of causing allergic reactions and
should no longer be used for dyeing of textiles.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

12236-29-2 Disperse Yellow 39 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

23355-64-8 Disperse Brown 1 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

119-15-3 Disperse Yellow 1 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

12222-97-8 Disperse Blue 102 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Disperse (Sensitising)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

12223-01-7 Disperse Blue 106 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

13301-61-6 Disperse Orange Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

37/59/76 Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

2581-69-3 Disperse Orange 1 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

2832-40-8 Disperse Yellow 3 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

2872-48-2 Disperse Red 11 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

2872-52-8 Disperse Red 1 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

3179-89-3 Disperse Red 17 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

54824-37-2 Disperse Yellow 49 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

3179-90-6 Disperse Blue 7 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

3860-63-7 Disperse Blue 26 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

6373-73-5 Disperse Yellow 9 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

61951-51-7 Disperse Blue 124 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Dyes – Disperse (Sensitising)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

12222-75-2 Disperse Blue 35 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

730-40-5 Disperse Orange 3 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

56524-77-7 Disperse Blue 35 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Leather No Limit
Polymers No Limit

Dyes – Navy Blue Colourant

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Navy Blue Colourant is regulated and should no longer be used for the dyeing of textiles.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

118685-33-9 Component 1: C39 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

H23Cl-CrN7O12S Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
2Na Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Not Component 2: C46 Textile No intentional use 250 ppm LC

Allocated H-30CrN10O20S2 Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
3Na Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Flame Retardants
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Flame retardant chemicals are rarely used to meet flammability requirements in children’s clothing and adult
products. They should no longer be used in apparel and footwear.
All Halogenated Flame Retardants are banned from intentional use that means including but not exclusive the list
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

32536-52-0 Octabromodiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yl ether (OctaBDE) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

115-96-8 Tris (2-chloroethyl) Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

phosphate (TCEP) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

126-72-7 Tris (2,3,-dibromo Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

propyl) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
-phosphate (TRIS) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

5412-25-9 Bis (2,3-dibromopr Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

opyl) phosphate Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(BIS) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

1163-19-5 Decabromodiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yl ether (DecaBDE) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

32534-81-9 Pentabromodiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyl ether Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(PentaBDE) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

545-55-1 Tris (1-aziridinyl) Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

phosphineoxide) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(TEPA) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

79-94-7 Tetrabromobisphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nol A (TBBPA) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

13674-87-8 Tris (1,3-dichloro- Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

isopropyl) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
phosphate (TDCP) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

59536-65-1 Polybromobiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yls (PBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Flame Retardants
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

3296-90-0 2,2-bis Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

(bromomethyl) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
-1,3-propanediol Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm
(BBMP) (R,F,A)*

3194-55-6 Hexabromocyclod Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

odecane (HBCDD) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

10043-35-3/ Boric acid Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
11113-50-1 Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

13654-09-6 Decabromobiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yl (DecaBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

1303-96-4/ Disodium Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

1330-43-4 tetraborate, Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
anhydrous Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

12008-41-2 Disodium Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

octaborate Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

21850-44-2 dibromopropyleth Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

er Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

1303-86-2 Diboron trioxide Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

68928-80-3 Heptabromodiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyl ether Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(HeptaBDE) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Dibromobiphenyls Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

(DiBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Monobromodiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nylethers Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(MonoBDEs) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Monobromobiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyls (MonoBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Flame Retardants
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

36483-60-0 Hexabromodiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yl ether (HexaBDE) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Nonabromobiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyls (NonaBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

63936-56-1 Nonabromodiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyl ether Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(NonaBDE) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Octabromobiphen Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

yls (OctaBB) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

12267-73-1 Tetraboron Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

disodium Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
heptaoxide, Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm
hydrate (R,F,A)*

40088-47-9 Tetrabromodiphe Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

nyl ether Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
(TetraBDE) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

Multiple Tribromodiphenyl Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

ethers (TriBDEs) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

13674-84-5 Tris- (2-chloro-1-m Textile No intentional use 250 ppm GC-MS

ethylethyl) Leather No intentional use 250 ppm
phosphate (TCPP) Polymers No intentional use 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Glycols / Glycol Ethers
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
In apparel and footwear, glycols have a wide range of uses including as solvents for finishing/ cleaning, printing
agents, and dissolving/ diluting fats, oils, and adhesives (e.g. in degreasing or cleaning operations).
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

110-71-4 Ethylene glycol Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

dimethylether Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

110-49-6 2-methoxyethylac Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

etate Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

110-80-5 2-ethoxyethanol Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

109-86-4 2-methoxyethanol Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

111-96-6 Bis Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

(2-methoxyethyl) Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
-ether Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

111-15-9 2-ethoxyethyl Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

acetate Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

70657-70-4 2-methoxypropyla Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

cetate Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No Limit

112-49-2 Triethylene glycol Textile No intentional use 50 ppm High-performance liquid

dimethyl ether Leather No intentional use 50 ppm chromatography (HPLC), LC-
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Halogenated Solvents
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
In apparel and footwear, halogenated solvents are used as finishing/ cleaning and printing agents, for dissolving/
diluting fats, oils and adhesives (e.g. in degreasing or cleaning operations).
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

75-09-2 Methylene Textile No intentional use 5 ppm GC-MS

chloride Leather No intentional use 5 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

79-01-6 Trichloroethylene Textile No intentional use 40 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 40 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 40 ppm

127-18-4 Tetrachloroethyle Textile No intentional use 5 ppm GC-MS

ne Leather No intentional use 5 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

100-44-7 Benzylchloride Textile No intentional use 50 ppm, and 100 ppm GC-MS with confirmatory LC-
for dyes
MS in the event of a positive
Leather No intentional use 50 ppm, and 100 ppm detection
for dyes
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm, and 100 ppm
(R,F,A)* for dyes

107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethan Textile No intentional use 5 ppm GC- MS

e Leather No intentional use 5 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Organotin Compounds
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Organotins are a class of chemicals combining tin and organics such as butyl and phenyl groups. Organotins are
predominantly found in the environment as antifoulants in marine paints, but they can also be used as biocides
(e.g. antibacterials), catalysts in plastic and glue production and heat stabilisers in plastics/rubber. In textiles and
apparel, organotins are associated with plastics/rubber, inks, paints, metallic glitter, polyurethane products and
heat transfer material.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

Multiple Dibutyltin (DBT) Textile No intentional use 20 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,
Leather No intentional use 20 ppm (EXCEPTION ISO TS 16179
100 ppm for
polyurethane based
thickeners used at
Polymers No intentional use 20 ppm

Multiple Mono-, di- and tri- Textile No intentional use 5 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,
methyltin Leather No intentional use 5 ppm ISO TS 16179
derivatives Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

Multiple Mono-, di- and tri- Textile No intentional use 5 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,
octyltin derivatives Leather No intentional use 5 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

Multiple Mono-, di- and tri- Textile No intentional use 5 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,
phenyltin Leather No intentional use 5 ppm ISO TS 16179
derivatives Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

Multiple Mono- and tri- Textile No intentional use 5 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,
butyltin Leather No intentional use 5 ppm ISO TS 16179
derivatives Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

Multiple Dipropyltin Textile No intentional use 5 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

compounds (DPT) Leather No intentional use 5 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 5 ppm

Multiple Tetraethyltin Textile No intentional use 1 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

Compounds (TeET) Leather No intentional use 1 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 1 ppm

Multiple Tripropyltin Textile No intentional use 1 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

Compounds (TPT) Leather No intentional use 1 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 1 ppm

Multiple Tetrabutyltin Textile No intentional use 1 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

compounds (TeBT) Leather No intentional use 1 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 1 ppm

Multiple Tetraoctyltin Textile No intentional use 1 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

compounds (TeOT) Leather No intentional use 1 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 1 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Organotin Compounds
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

Multiple Tricyclohexyltin Textile No intentional use 1 ppm Solvent extraction, GC MS,

(TCyHT) Leather No intentional use 1 ppm ISO TS 16179
Polymers No intentional use 1 ppm

Other/ Miscellaneous Chemicals

These are other chemicals/ substances/ process with a usage ban.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

12767-90-7 Borate, zinc salt Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
Borate, zinc salt can be used as a flame retardant but also in paints, pigments, and adhesives.

80-05-7 Bisphenol A Textile No intentional use 100 ppm Solvent extraction, LC

Leather No intentional use 100 ppm MS/MS, GC MS
Polymers No Limit
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a precursor chemical used along with other chemicals to create some plastics and resins. It is commonly used
to harden plastics.

62-56-6 Thiourea Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Solvent extraction, LC

Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm MS/MS
Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
Thiourea is used in many formulations to increase the solubility.

91-22-5 Quinoline Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm DIN 54231

Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
Contaminant of dispersing agents in disperse dyes.

14464-46-1 Silica (particles of Textile No intentional use No use of Sand Process due diligence, no
respirable size) test method available
Leather No intentional use No use of Sand
Polymers No intentional use No use of Sand
(R,F,A)* Blasting
Respirable particles of silica are often generate during the process of sand blasting.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Other/ Miscellaneous Chemicals
These are other chemicals/ substances/ process with a usage ban.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

111-41-1 AEEA [2- (2-amino Textile No intentional use 100 ppm Solvent extraction, LC
ethylamino) Leather No intentional use 100 ppm MS/MS
ethanol] Polymers No intentional use 100 ppm
AEEA is used a.o. in chelating agents, surfactants and fabric softeners.

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

Durable water, oil and stain repellent finishes based on long-chain PFC’s are banned from intentional use. There are
two methods of manufacture of PFCs referred to as electrofluorination and telomerisation. PFC’s made by
the electrofluorination method have by-products associated with them called perfluoroalkyl sulphonates with the
most common being the C8 species Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS). The deliberate use of any PFCs made by
electrofluorination with a chain length of C6 or above is not permitted. The detection of any PFOS analogue as
where the chain length is 6 units or longer will trigger a failure [i.e. PFHS and above]. These types of PFCs are
typically used in home textiles. PFC’s made by the telomerisation method have by-products associated with them
called perfluorocarboxylic acids with the most common being the C8 species perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). The
deliberate use of any PFCs made by telomerisation with a chain length of C8 or above is restricted. ZDHC plans to
further restrict the use of PFCs in future revisions and details can be found in the candidate list is not permitted.
The detection of any PFOA analogue as where the chain length is 8 units or longer will trigger a failure (i.e. PFOA
and above). These types of PFCs are typically used in clothing and footwear.
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
PFOA and PFOS may be present as unintended by-products in long-chain commercial water, oil and stain repellent
agents. PFOA also may be in used in the production for polymers like polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

Multiple Perfluorooctane Textile No intentional use Sum = 2 ppm LC-MS

sulfonate (PFOS) Leather No intentional use Sum = 2 ppm
and related Polymers No intentional use Sum = 2 ppm
substances (R,F,A)*

Multiple Perfluorooctanoic Textile No intentional use PFOA = 25 ppb PFOA- LC-MS

related substances =
acid (PFOA) and
1000 ppb
related substances
Leather No intentional use PFOA = 25 ppb PFOA-
related substances =
1000 ppb
Polymers No intentional use PFOA = 25 ppb PFOA-
(R,F,A)* related substances =
1000 ppb

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Phthalates – including all other esters of ortho-phthalic acid
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Esters of ortho-phthalic acid (phthalates) are a class of organic compounds commonly added to plastics to increase
flexibility. They sometimes are used to facilitate moulding of plastic by decreasing its melting temperature.
Phthalates can be found in:
- Flexible plastic components (e.g. PVC)
- Print pastes
- Adhesives
- Plastic buttons
- Plastic sleevings
- Polymeric coatings
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DNOP)
5 Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

117-82-8 Bis Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DMEP) 5 Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

26761-40-0 Di-iso-decyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DIDP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

117-81-7 Di (ethylhexyl) Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DEHP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

28553-12-0 Di-isononyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DINP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

84-75-3 Di-n-hexyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DnHP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

85-68-7 Butyl benzyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (BBP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Phthalates – including all other esters of ortho-phthalic acid
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
(DBP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

84-76-4 Dinonyl phthalate Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
(DNP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
(DEP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

131-16-8 Di-n-propyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DPRP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

84-61-7 Di-cyclohexyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DCHP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

84-69-5 Di-isobutyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DIBP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

27554-26-3 Di-iso-octyl Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
phthalate (DIOP) 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

68515-42-4/ 1,2-benzenedicarb Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
68515-50-4 oxylic acid, di-
C7-11 branched Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
and liearalkyl 250 ppm

esters (DHNUP) 5 Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =

(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

71888-89-6/ 1,2-benzenedicarb Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
84777-06-0 oxylic acid, di-C6-8
branched and Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
liearalkyl esters , 250 ppm

C7-rich (DIHP) 5 Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =

(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Phthalates – including all other esters of ortho-phthalic acid
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

605-50-5 Diisopentylphthala Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
tes 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

131-18-0 Di-n- Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 5 = GC-MS

250 ppm
pentylphthalates 5
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Sum of substances 5 =
(R,F,A)* 250 ppm

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Oil containing PAHs are added to rubber and plastics as a softener or extender and may be found in rubber,
plastics, lacquers, and coatings. Within the footwear producing industry, PAHs are often found in the outsoles of
footwear and in printing pastes for screen prints. PAHs can be present as impurities in carbon black dyestuffs.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene Textile No intentional use 20 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 20 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 20 ppm

129-00-0 Pyrene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylen Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
e 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

205-82-3 Benzo[j]fluoranthe Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
ne 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

120-12-7 Anthracene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]py Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
rene 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranth Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
ene 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranth Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
ene 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

206-44-0 Fluoranthene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

53-70-3 Dibenz[a,h]anthra Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
cene 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

218-01-9 Chrysene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

85-01-8 Phenanthrene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

83-32-9 Acenaphthene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

86-73-7 Fluorene 3,4 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

91-20-3 Naphthalene 3 Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
Leather No intentional use 300 ppm
Polymers No Limit

56-55-3 Benzo[a]anthracen Textile No intentional use Sum of substances 3 = GC-MS

200 ppm
e 3,4
Leather No intentional use Sum of substances 4 =
200 ppm
Polymers No Limit

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Total Heavy Metals
In the list below the formulation limit for As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Cr VI apply to all types of formulation. Where there is a
specific limit for pigments that that is different to the general limit this is shown in brackets.
The formulation limits for Sb, Cr, Ba, Se, Sn, Ni, Cu, Co and Ag only apply to dye and/or pigment formulations. Any
differences between limits for dyes and pigments are indicated in the formulation limit column.

The limits for the heavy metals do not apply to colourants containing a listed metal as an inherent compositional
part (e.g. metal-complex colorants, the double salts of certain cationic colourants or extenders like barium sulfate).
When using any colourant with listed metals as an inherent compositional part, wet processors need to be aware of
the need to comply with brand RSL limits with respect to extractable metals from dyed materials and they also need
to be aware of the metal limits in the ZDHC wastewater guidelines. Where RSL and/or wastewater issues are
observed wet processors should discuss this with supply chain partners.
For the listed exceptions, laboratory tests to determine separately metal contaminants that are not bound into a
colourant (free metals) are under development.
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Although typically associated with leather tanning, chromium VI also may be used in the dyeing of wool (after the
chroming process).
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

7440-38-2 Arsenic (As) Textile No intentional use 50 ppm Inductively coupled plasma-
Leather No intentional use 50 ppm optical emission
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm
spectrometry (ICP-OES),
(R,F,A)* atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS)
7440-43-9 Cadmium (Cd) Textile No intentional use 20 ppm (50 ppm for Inductively coupled plasma-
optical emission
Leather No intentional use 20 ppm (50 ppm for spectrometry (ICP-OES),
pigments) atomic absorption
Polymers No intentional use 20 ppm (50 ppm for spectroscopy (AAS)
(R,F,A)* pigments)

7439-97-6 Mercury (Hg) Textile No intentional use 4 ppm (25 ppm for Inductively coupled plasma-
optical emission
Leather No intentional use 4 ppm (25 ppm for spectrometry (ICP-OES),
pigments) atomic absorption
Polymers No intentional use 4 ppm (25 ppm for spectroscopy (AAS)
(R,F,A)* pigments)

7439-92-1 Lead (Pb) Textile No intentional use 100 ppm Inductively coupled plasma-
Leather No intentional use 100 ppm optical emission
Polymers No intentional use 100 ppm
spectrometry (ICP-OES),
(R,F,A)* atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS)
18540-29-9 Chromium (VI) Textile No intentional use 10 ppm Inductively coupled plasma-
Leather No intentional use 10 ppm optical emission
Polymers No intentional use 10 ppm
spectrometry (ICP-OES),
(R,F,A)* atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS)
7440-36-0 Antimony Textile No intentional use Dye 50/ Pigment 250 Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dye 50/ Pigment 250
Polymers No intentional use Dye 50/ Pigment 250
(R,F,A)* ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Total Heavy Metals
In the list below the formulation limit for As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Cr VI apply to all types of formulation. Where there is a
specific limit for pigments that that is different to the general limit this is shown in brackets.
The formulation limits for Sb, Cr, Ba, Se, Sn, Ni, Cu, Co and Ag only apply to dye and/or pigment formulations. Any
differences between limits for dyes and pigments are indicated in the formulation limit column.

The limits for the heavy metals do not apply to colourants containing a listed metal as an inherent compositional
part (e.g. metal-complex colorants, the double salts of certain cationic colourants or extenders like barium sulfate).
When using any colourant with listed metals as an inherent compositional part, wet processors need to be aware of
the need to comply with brand RSL limits with respect to extractable metals from dyed materials and they also need
to be aware of the metal limits in the ZDHC wastewater guidelines. Where RSL and/or wastewater issues are
observed wet processors should discuss this with supply chain partners.
For the listed exceptions, laboratory tests to determine separately metal contaminants that are not bound into a
colourant (free metals) are under development.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

7440-47-3 Chromium Textile No intentional use Dyes and Pigments Acid digestion, ICP
100 ppm
Leather No intentional use Dyes and Pigments
100 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes and Pigments
(R,F,A)* 100 ppm

7440-39-3 Barium Textile No intentional use Dyes and Pigments Acid digestion, ICP
100 ppm
Leather No intentional use Dyes and Pigments
100 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes and Pigments
(R,F,A)* 100 ppm

7782-49-2 Selenium Textile No intentional use Dyes 20/ pigments Acid digestion, ICP
100 ppm
Leather No intentional use Dyes 20/ pigments
100 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 20/ pigments
(R,F,A)* 100 ppm

7440-31-5 Tin Textile No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm

7440-02-0 Nickel Textile No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm

7440-50-8 Copper Textile No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 250 ppm

7440-48-4 Cobalt Textile No intentional use Dyes 500 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dyes 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 500 ppm

7440-22-4 Silver Textile No intentional use Dyes 100 ppm Acid digestion, ICP
Leather No intentional use Dyes 100 ppm
Polymers No intentional use Dyes 100 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

UV absorbers
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
These are frequently used in formulations to be stable to the influences of light and UV
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

36437-37-3 2- (2H- Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Solvent extraction, LC

benzotriazol-2-yl) Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm MS/MS, GC MS
-4- (tert-butyl) -6- Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
(sec- butyl) phenol (R,F,A)*
3846-71-7 2-benzotriazol-2-yl Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Solvent extraction, LC
-4,6-di-tert- Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm MS/MS, GC MS
butylphenol Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
(UV-320) (R,F,A)*

3864-99-1 2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6- Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Solvent extraction, LC

(5-chlorobenzotria Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm MS/MS, GC MS
zole-2-yl) phenol Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
(UV-327) (R,F,A)*

25973-55-1 2- (2H- Textile No intentional use 1000 ppm Solvent extraction, LC

benzotriazol-2-yl) - Leather No intentional use 1000 ppm MS/MS, GC MS
4,6-ditertpentylph Polymers No intentional use 1000 ppm
enol (UV-328) (R,F,A)*

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
These Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) should not be used in textile auxiliary chemical preparations. They are
associated with solvent-based processes like solvent-based polyurethane coatings and glues/ adhesives. They
should not be used for any kind of facility cleaning or spot cleaning.
CASNO Substance Applicability Supplier Guidance Formulation Limit General Techniques for Analysing

71-43-2 Benzene Textile No intentional use 50 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 50 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 50 ppm

95-48-7 o-cresol Textile No intentional use 500 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

106-44-5 p-cresol Textile No intentional use 500 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

1330-20-7 Xylene Textile No intentional use 500 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

108-39-4 m-cresol Textile No intentional use 500 ppm GC-MS

Leather No intentional use 500 ppm
Polymers No intentional use 500 ppm

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 1: MRSL

Chapter 2 Candidate List

(Free) Aniline
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Used for indigo and to manufacture AZO Dyes (especially the leather dyes).
CASNO Substance Intent

62-53-3 (Free) Aniline High levels of free aniline can be encountered in some indigo dye formulations.
In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on the
maximum permitted levels of free aniline in indigo dye formulations (it is
intended that the limit for Indigo will be 2000 ppm and for other dyes 500 ppm).
Studies on levels of free aniline in currently available liquid and powder
formulations and determination of safe levels of aniline for workers are required
to determine appropriate levels.

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
ADCA is used as a foaming/ blowing agent for rubber applications.
CASNO Substance Intent

123-77-3 Diazene-1,2-dicarb It is intended to restrict ADCA in Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL. Additionally, a
oxamide wider appraisal of foaming/blowing agents and vulcanisation accelerators will be
[C,C`-azodi conducted and further chemicals may be included at that time.
(formamide) ,

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Cyclic Siloxanes
CASNO Substance Intent

541-02-6 D5 These silicones are known contaminants in silicone formulation, the industry is
currently reviewing the impact on silicone polymers. ZDHC will assess restrictions
for the next update the intention is to restrict at 1000 ppm
540-97-6 D6 These silicones are known contaminants in silicone formulation, the industry is
currently reviewing the impact on silicone polymers. ZDHC will assess restrictions
for the next update the intention is to restrict at 1000 ppm
556-67-2 D4 These silicones are known contaminants in silicone formulation, the industry is
currently reviewing the impact on silicone polymers. ZDHC will assess restrictions
for the next update the intention is to restrict at 1000 ppm

CASNO Substance Intent

624-49-7 Dimethylfumarate DMFu must not be deliberately used in any formulations. It is intended to
(DMFu) publish details of a universally agreed, robust test method and maximum
allowable limit in version 3 of the MRSL. It should be noted that DMFu remains
illegal in articles placed on the EU market above 0.1 ppm so testing for DMfu in
formulations using methods currently recommended by laboratories is strongly
advised, with any detections resulting in an investigation into deliberate use at all
stages in the supply chain.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Dyes – Carcinogenic or Equivalent Concern
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Green dye
CASNO Substance Intent

129-73-7 C.I. Basic Green 4 C.I Basic Green 4 leuco base will be restricted with the intended limit of 250 PPM
leuco base in the next ZDHC MRSL update. Application using techniques such as gel-dyeing
are unlikely to be restricted.

Flame Retardants
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Flame retardant chemicals are rarely used to meet flammability requirements in children’s clothing and adult
CASNO Substance Intent

25155-23-1 Trixylyl phosphate Certain phosphate flame retardants will be assessed for restrictions for the next
(TXP) ZDHC MRSL Update. Intended Limit is 50 PPM
78-30-8 Tri-o-cresyl Certain phosphate flame retardants will be assessed for restrictions for the next
phosphate ZDHC MRSL Update. Intended Limit is 50 PPM
512-56-1 Trimethyl Certain phosphate flame retardants will be assessed for restrictions for the next
phosphate ZDHC MRSL Update. Intended limit is under discussion

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Formaldehyde has many uses in printing, interlinings, stiffeners, etc.
CASNO Substance Intent

50-00-0 Formaldehyde The deliberate use of formaldehyde or inclusion of formaldehyde in formulations

is not permitted. In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions
on the maximum permitted levels of formaldehyde in formulations. The use,
presence and generation of formaldehyde is a complex subject and studies are
required to determine appropriate levels.

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Used as water repellent, stain repellent and in certain cases to improve the colour fastness properties.
CASNO Substance Intent

355-46-4 / Perluorohexane C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
432-50-7 sulfonic acid / In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
Perfluorohexane functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
sulfonate (PFHxS) law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluoroalkylsulfo C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
nates F (CF2) nSO3 In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
1763-23-1 Perfluorooctane C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
sulfonic acid / In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
Perfluorooctane functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
sulfonate (PFOS) law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several PFSA Chemicals C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

Several Perfluoroalkylsulfo C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
namidoethanols F In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
(CF2) nSO2N (R) functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
CH2CH2OH2 -CH3, law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
- CH2CH3] to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluoroalkylsulfo C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
namides F (CF2) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
nSO2NH2 functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluoroalkylsulfo C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
namidoethyl In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
(meth) acrylates F functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
(CF2) nSO2N (R) law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
CH2CH2OC (O) CH to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
(R) =CH2 -CH3, wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
-CH2CH3] after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several PFBS Chemicals C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
375-73-5 Perfluorobutane C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
29420-43-3 sulfonic acid / Perf In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
luorobutanesulfon functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
ates (PFBS) F (CF2) law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
4SO3 to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluorobutanesu C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
lfonamidoethyl In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
(meth) acrylates F functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
(CF2) 4SO2N (R) law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
CH2CH2OC (O) CH to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
(R) =CH2 [R = H, wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
-CH3, -CH2CH3] after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

Several Perfluorobutanesu C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
lfonamidoethanols In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
F (CF2) 4SO2N (R) functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
CH2CH2OH2 [R = law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
H, -CH3, -CH2CH3] to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluorobutanesu C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
lfonamide F (CF2) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
4SO2NH2 functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Fluorotelomer C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
alcohols (FTOHs) F In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
(CF2) nCH2CH2OH functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Fluorotelomer C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
Olefins (FTOs) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
647-42-7 6:2 FTOH, Perfluor C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
ohexylethanol In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
25291-17-2 Perfluorohexyleth C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
ene In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

Several Fluorotelomer C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
(Meth) Acrylates In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several Perfluorohexyleth C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
yl acrylate or In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
methacrylate functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
Perfluorocarboxyli law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
c acid and salts to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
(PFCA) wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
3825-26-1 Ammonium penta C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
decafluorooctanoa In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
te (APFO) functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
2058-94-8 Henicosafluoroun C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
decanoic acid In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
335-76-2 or Nonadecafluorode C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
Several canoic acid (PFDA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
and its sodium functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
and ammonium law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
salts to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
307-55-1 Tricosafluorodode C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
canoic acid In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

72629-94-8 Pentacosafluorotri C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
decanoic acid In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
375-22-4 Perfluorobutanoic C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
acid (PFBA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
acid (PFOA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
375-85-9 Perfluoroheptanoi C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
c acid (PFHpA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
376-06-7 Heptacosafluorote C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
tradecanoic acid In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
acid (PFHxA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

375-95-1 Perfluorononanoic C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
acid (PFNA) In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
678-39-7 8:2 FTOH, Perfluor C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
ooctylethanol In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
507-63-1 Heptadecafluoro-1 C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
-iodooctane In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
Several PFOA-related C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
substances In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
2043-53-0 1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfl C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
uorodecyliodide In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
21652-58-4 Perfluorooctylethe C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
ne In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.
ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)
CASNO Substance Intent

Several Perfluorooctylethy C8 and some C6 PFCs are currently restricted in Version 2.0 of the ZDHC MRSL.
l acrylate or In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to ban the deliberate use of all
methacrylate** functional finishes based on PFC's except for anticipated derogations under EU
law, such as protective articles where the highest levels of repellency are required
to safeguard the user. In signalling this forthcoming restriction it is expected that
wet processors plan to take no new deliveries of PFC-containing formulations
after the publication of ZDHC MRSL Version 3. The following list includes PFC's
that are already restricted in version 2 and those intended to be restricted in
version 3.

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Phenol is not deliberately used in textiles or footwear but trace amounts of phenol can be found in many chemical
CASNO Substance Intent

108-95-2 Phenol ZDHC is looking for safe limits for phenol as a contaminant in textile chemical

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
There are many uses for solvents from adhesives, coated textiles, prints, etc.
CASNO Substance Intent

1589-47-5 2-methoxypropan In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on certain
ol solvents with certain specific hazardous properties (e.g. CMR's). The restrictions
are likely to apply to the inclusion of such solvents in formulations for use by wet
processors and product assembly factories - and deliberate use of neat solvents
in those facilities. Studies on usage patterns, exposure controls, safer alternatives
and the potential effects of restrictions are necessary before restrictions can be
proposed. Any potential ZDHC MRSL limits will need to be established
collaboratively with groups who are working in parallel to study solvents in
relation to workplace safety, air emissions, RSL compliance and downstream
108-88-3 Toluene In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on certain
solvents with certain specific hazardous properties (e.g. CMR's). The restrictions
are likely to apply to the inclusion of such solvents in formulations for use by wet
processors and product assembly factories - and deliberate use of neat solvents
in those facilities. Studies on usage patterns, exposure controls, safer alternatives
and the potential effects of restrictions are necessary before restrictions can be
proposed. Any potential ZDHC MRSL limits will need to be established
collaboratively with groups who are working in parallel to study solvents in
relation to workplace safety, air emissions, RSL compliance and downstream
67-56-1 Methanol In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on certain
solvents with certain specific hazardous properties (e.g. CMR's). The restrictions
are likely to apply to the inclusion of such solvents in formulations for use by wet
processors and product assembly factories - and deliberate use of neat solvents
in those facilities. Studies on usage patterns, exposure controls, safer alternatives
and the potential effects of restrictions are necessary before restrictions can be
proposed. Any potential ZDHC MRSL limits will need to be established
collaboratively with groups who are working in parallel to study solvents in
relation to workplace safety, air emissions, RSL compliance and downstream
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on certain
solvents with certain specific hazardous properties (e.g. CMR's). The restrictions
are likely to apply to the inclusion of such solvents in formulations for use by wet
processors and product assembly factories - and deliberate use of neat solvents
in those facilities. Studies on usage patterns, exposure controls, safer alternatives
and the potential effects of restrictions are necessary before restrictions can be
proposed. Any potential ZDHC MRSL limits will need to be established
collaboratively with groups who are working in parallel to study solvents in
relation to workplace safety, air emissions, RSL compliance and downstream
111-77-3 2- In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on certain
(2-methoxyethoxy) solvents with certain specific hazardous properties (e.g. CMR's). The restrictions
-ethanol are likely to apply to the inclusion of such solvents in formulations for use by wet
processors and product assembly factories - and deliberate use of neat solvents
in those facilities. Studies on usage patterns, exposure controls, safer alternatives
and the potential effects of restrictions are necessary before restrictions can be
proposed. Any potential ZDHC MRSL limits will need to be established
collaboratively with groups who are working in parallel to study solvents in
relation to workplace safety, air emissions, RSL compliance and downstream

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

CASNO Substance Intent

872-50-4 N-Methyl-2-Pyrroli With the exception of textile and leather coating processes, where no viable
done; 1-methyl-2- alternative solvent is currently available, the deliberate use of NMP, DMAC and
pyrrolidone (NMP) DMFa should be avoided and their presence in all formulations carefully
monitored to ensure compliance with product RSLs and the EU regulation for
CMR chemicals, 2018/1513. It is intended to publish limits for maximum
allowable limits in Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL.
68-12-2 Dimethyl With the exception of textile and leather coating processes, where no viable
formamide; N,N-di alternative solvent is currently available, the deliberate use of NMP, DMAC and
methylformamide DMFa should be avoided and their presence in all formulations carefully
(DMFa) monitored to ensure compliance with product RSLs and the EU regulation for
CMR chemicals, 2018/1513. It is intended to publish limits for maximum
allowable limits in Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL.
127-19-5 N,N-dimethylaceta With the exception of textile and leather coating processes, where no viable
mide (DMAC) alternative solvent is currently available, the deliberate use of NMP, DMAC and
DMFa should be avoided and their presence in all formulations carefully
monitored to ensure compliance with product RSLs and the EU regulation for
CMR chemicals, 2018/1513. It is intended to publish limits for maximum
allowable limits in Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL.

Total Heavy Metals

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Besides in dyes and pigments, metals are used as raw material for trims and other components.
CASNO Substance Intent

Multiple Metals (Non -dye In Version 3 of the ZDHC MRSL it is intended to place restrictions on the
/pigment) maximum permitted levels of certain metals in (non-dye/pigment) formulations.
Studies on usage patterns of metal containing chemicals and formulations and
the potential effect of restrictions are required to determine appropriate levels
and any possible derogations.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 2: Candidate List

Chapter 3 Archive

Dyes – Carcinogenic or Equivalent Concern

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
Most of these substances are regulated and should no longer be used for the dyeing of textiles.
CASNO Substance General Techniques for Analysing Chemicals

60-11-7 C I Solvent yellow For appropriate test methods please consult your third party service provider.
81-88-9 D&C Red No. 19 For appropriate test methods please consult your third party service provider.
842-07-9 C.I. Solvent yellow For appropriate test methods please consult your third party service provider.

Other/Misceleanous Chemicals
Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
CASNO Substance General Techniques for Analysing Chemicals

2465-27-2 Auramine For appropriate test methods please consult your third party service provider.

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 3: Archive

Potential Uses in Apparel and Footwear Textile Processing
In the past, it was used to make several types of polymers, resins, and textiles, but its use is now highly restricted.
CASNO Substance General Techniques for Analysing Chemicals

542-88-1 Bis (chloromethyl) For appropriate test methods please consult your third party service provider.

*R,F,A refers to Rubber, Foams and Adhesives
"Sum of substances1 =" means the limit refers to the sum of all the substances with the same number

ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)

Version 2.0 Apr 2021 (All rights reserved) - Chapter 3: Archive

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