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The Choice - Pound

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Literay Theory

The Poem: it shows a perspective about a kind of Psychoanalytic criticism

disaffection and maybe a possible idealization that
usually men make about a woman. That’s my
interpretation. After that it is possible to find a Why? As the author was an
simile but the language is not adorned as the one, important figure in the early
we can find in other authors. However, his modernist poetry movement;
simplicity lets him say in few words many things. responsible for the 20th
century revolution in poetry,
then I considered appropriate
to analyzed its work and life
The Choice by this literary theory its
particular way of writing may
show his concern about the
Ezra Pound mind of the reader

Other things: In my opinion I

considered the poem very concrete,
with not much adorn or eloquence.
The fact that there are not much
literary figures caught my attention.
However, it presents in a clear way
the idea of the author. After the Findings: after finding a text by Hershel Dale Rowe, it
findings I clarified some doubts about shows how concerned was Pound about the relation of
it. Nevertheless, I hope I find much mind and to poetry. His efforts to connect verse with music
more with some much time. show a psychology process in his pieces. He also attempted
to show in his poem’s explicit ideas that are proper of
modern thinking. Concrete sentences that leave a clear
meaning let us know about the intensity of his writings, and
his attempts to leave clear statements in terms of meaning

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