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Reaction Paper-WPS Office

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John Kheil Obina II-BTVTED 1 Animal Production Apdn 3

Reaction Paper
Grazing ruminant animals is an efficient way to produce food for humans. Grazing animals on land that is
unsuitable for crop production more than doubles the land area in this country that can be used to
produce food. Ruminant animals can use plant cell walls as a major source of dietary fiber and energy.
The polysaccharides in plant cell walls cannot be degraded by mammalian enzymes, which is why
humans cannot effectively use grass as food. Ruminant Production gives important roles for humas it
gives food for human. It can also be integrated into business from import to export all over the world to
earn more high profits or income.These ruminant production can also make our lives sorrounded with a
plenty of goods and services.

Ruminants have served and will continue to serve a valuable role in sustainable agricultural systems.
They are particularly useful in converting vast renewable resources from rangeland, pasture, and crop
residues or other by-products into food readily eaten by humans. With ruminants, land that is too poor
or too erodible to cultivate becomes productive. Nutrients in all kinds of by-products are utilized and do
not become a waste-disposal problem. In Oregon, waste products from the grass seed, vegetable, nut,
tree fruit, and berry industries as well as brewing wastes are being fed to livestock. It is clear to me
ruminants are essential components in food production systems now and in the future.

Advantages for ruminants animals

High digestibility of starch in diet while maintaining the fibre effect.Reduction of the undegradable
fraction of ruminal starch, increasing the efficiency of amylolytic ruminal flora. Greater neosynthesis of
milk protein by improving and increasing the proportion of highly digestible by-pass protein in the
intestine. Reduction of antinutritional factors in legumes and protein crops stemming from our heat
treatment.Partial hydrogenation of fats present in ingredients. Advantageous for improving cheese
extract in sheep and much needed to be able to concentrate energy in early lactation rations or high-
volume producers.Improves hygiene of products and health status of animals. Enhances homogeneity in
Unifeed mixtures. There are alot of advantages of this ruminants animals as what have said a while ago
it can be used as a business to earn income. The meat came from the animals can served as a good
necessity for humans life. The skin of the some animals like sheep can change into clothes. However
ruminant production gives a very important role on our country.It can build a great innovation for the
succes of the growing economy. Filipinos are said to be the most skillful and talented people around the
world. We must protect and valued this ruminant production because these will lead us to
success.Ruminant animals provide substantial contributions to various industries, and their production
has played a critical role in the success of societies around the world for centuries. Ruminants have
developed unique anatomical and physiological characteristics that have promoted their contributions
to society. In particular, the diverse microbial environment found within the ruminant gastrointestinal
tract plays a major role in the success of these animals.
Ruminants is a good way to give necessities to the livelihoods of millions of farmers.In fact 90% of the
filipino workers are involved in farming.Some ruminants that people made business like swine industry,
cattle industry,poultry industry, and carabao industry. Ruminants production has two types which are
firsts is the large ruminant production second is the small ruminant production.

The large ruminant industry has three components: (1) buffalo (draught, milk and meat); (2) beef cattle;
and (3) dairy cattle. The buffalo or carabao industry is composed of 97% backyard farming and 3%
commercial farming. Backyard farmers use buffaloes for draft(95%), milk(5%) and meat. Buffaloes are
required to be over 7 years old before slaughter if male and over 11 years if female.About 85% of the
cattle in the beef industry are comprised of backyard enterprises. This will require regional restructuring
due to spreading urbanisation. Backyard growers rely on farm waste for feed supplies. Feeds used by the
commercial beef raisers are based largely on silage (75 day corn chop), sugarcane tops and chopped
sugarcane with rice bran and copra meal, tapioca, pineapple pulp, local cotton seed meal, wheat pollard
and brewery spent grain

This large ruminant was manage by a large sectors that can earn a large amount of profitability.It can be
engage through export and import industry.This large ruminant can make the growing economy more
successful but it is needed to manage properly for them to avoid loss.Grazing ruminant animals is an
efficient way to produce food for humans. Grazing animals on land that is unsuitable for crop production
more than doubles the land area in this country that can be used to produce food. Ruminant animals
can use plant cell walls as a major source of dietary fiber and energy.

Small ruminants, particularly goats, are either kept by smallholder farmers or more intensively on
government farms. The goat population has shown a steady rate of increase (a five-fold increase since
1961), following an increase in market demand for goat meat as well as its milk and fibre. They are used
extensively by the backyard enterprises and the rural poor who make use of marginal lands so that
health management is often at a low standard. Improved support services with improved quality
breeding stock are required.

In small ruminants this was particularly hold by those small holder liker farmers. Those animals like goats
usually uses its products by the bakyard enterprises. We can also caught nutrienst from this small
ruminants that can make us healthy.It also gives income from those smallholders.Everything in this
earth was worth it , so human must manage it properly on how to handle it in goodways.Humans should
always look forward from those great gifts given by our lord Jesus Christ.This ruminants provides our
basic neccesities that can build a strong and successful growing economy.

Interms of animals health Disease was not seen as a threat to the survival of either the swine or poultry
commercial livestock industries as the level of management was able to combat all of the significant
disease problems. The biggest problem identified was reduced profit margins due to increased animal
feed costs Even in the backyard swine enterprises, disease was not seen as a priority as management
systems were available to counter these. Diseases listed in order of priority were: (1) swine fever; (2)
foot and mouth disease; and (3) pseudo rabies (Aujeszky's disease).The backyard poultry industry has
the following problems in order of priority: (1) avian pests and parasites,; (2) Newcastle disease; and (3)
fowl cholera.The backyard cattle industry faces the problems of (1) foot and mouth disease and (2)

About this said diseases that may ruined the ruminant production this may results into the decreasing
profits.Large sectors must always provide a good health for all of the animals . They must secure 100%
the health of the animals for them to keep a successful growing economy.I know that this diseases
wasnt avoided hundred percent but as an advice I want to implement that if they want a successful
ruminant production they must secure and give care every details from the health of the animals. From
the feeds, vitamins and secure place given to the animals they must give a security and proper care to
them.They must manage every details specially from the waste control because this agricultural
products gives people wealthy life. Not just being source of their food but also this can also be a source
of their income that can be sold around the world.Through exporting this products it can gives a high
profitability to the people but I hope that there is a balance or equal process of buying this agricultural
products to the farmers.We although know that farmers are the only one who give care and engrafted
it, so they must receive the equal amount of the products being sold all through out.

Government policies

Government must give a enough attention from this ruminant production because this is one of those
business that earns a lot of profits on our country.Government must secure and ensure that this
ruminant production must manage properly. This is not just about earning money but also it can be a
source of foods by the Filipinos.Through this ruminant production it gives permanent jobs and
opportunities from every people who are lack in jobs .If this ruminant production here in the Philippines
become succes I can say that there will be no poverty at all.

The number of farms in Bicol Region slightly increased by 1.9 percent, from 377.8 thousand in 1991 to
384.8 thousand in 2002. These farms covered an area of 892.0 thousand hectares, almost half (48.4
percent) of the region,s total land area. However, the total area of farms in the region decreased by 4.7
percent during the period mentioned. This is attributed to the decrease in the area of farms in almost all
provinces in the region, especially Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur with 13.2 percent and 7.8
percent reduction, respectively. Likewise, the average farm size decreased from 2.5 hectares in 1991 to
2.3 hectares in 2002.About 38.1 percent of the farms in the region had one parcel or an average of two
parcels per farm in 2002.

Palay was the Major Temporary Crop of the Region this palay serves as a foodsource for people in Bicol
Region. Almost every place or barangay here in bicol regions was planted palay.Coconut remained the
Major Permanent Crop, there are a lot of hectares of coconuts here in bicol. Bicolanos are united
because we are plenty of crop productions and animal productions.Bicolanos also Preferred Ornamental
and Flower Gardening.Two Out of Five Household Members were Engaged in Agriculture

Ruminant production is very helpful to humans life, its not just our source of food but also it can be our
source of income.We must appreciate every gifts given by God. Ruminants production gives a large
impact from the large sectors in our country.To ensure sustainability, the current production systems
need to evolve into more resource efficient ones, and this includes providing closer attention to cow
comfort and hence cow welfare. Such systems will require more skilled farmers and better-trained
support staff, so there needs to be greater emphasis given to farmer training and capacity building



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