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Cmat Term Paper: 1 Phase Space and Ensembles

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Term Paper
Rohan Sinha

1 Phase Space and ensembles

Let’s first see the probability of occurence of a particle at a point for various

1. Microcanonical Ensemble

δ[E − H(R, V )]
Pmicro (R) =
ω(E, V )
, where ω is the density of states chosen such that the sum of P over all
the states is unity (1). The micro canonical ensemble is not the most useful
for doing the calculations, because it involves difficult sums over states the
constrained energies. The other two are far more useful.

2. In the canonical ensemble, the density matrix is e−βH . Here β = T −1 as

we will use the units in which kB is equal to one. Hence,
Pc = e−βH
ZN (T, V )

where ZN (T, V ) = T re−βH is the partition function

3. Similarly, for the Grand Canonical Ensemble,

Pgc = e−β
Ξ(T, µV )

where as earlier, Ξ = T re−β(H−µN )

The average energy is the the average of the Hamiltonian over the ensemble.

hEi ≡ hHi = T rP H

where P is either Pgc or Pc . hEi can be obtained in either ensemble by differenti-
ation wrt β:
hEi = −
∂β N,V
hEi = −
∂β βµ,V
On further calculations, we get:

∂ 2 lnZN ∂hEi
h(δE)2 i ≡ hE 2 i − hEi2 = 2
∂β ∂β
and a similar expression in terms of Ξ.
in the case of grand canonical, the number of particles is not fixed and we have:
hN i = T re−β[H−µN ] (N − hN i)2
∂lnΞ ∂ 2 lnΞ ∂hN i
This gives hN i = and h(δN )2 i = 2
= . Since both E and N are
∂βµ ∂(βµ) ∂βµ
extensive quantities which grow with the size of the samplem in large systems the
distinction between the fixed energy of the microcanonical and average energy of
the canonical and grand canonical ensembles becomes unimportant.
The partition functions are related to thermodynamic potential as follows:

F (T, N, V ) = −T ln ZN (T, V )

A(T, µ, V ) = −T ln Ξ(T, µ, V )
These relations are obtained by recognizing that ω(E)e−βE peaks near E = hEi.
From here, we also get:


2 The Harmonic oscillator
2.1 The undamped Oscillator
The Hamiltonian for an undamped oscillator of mass m and spring constant k is:

the equations of motion for position and momentum can be calculated by taking
their Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian. we assume that both are prop to eιωt
and on solving, we get:

2.2 damped Oscillator

We can find the mode structure of the damped oscillator with the equation:

which in turn gives us:

On further calculations, we can obtain the approx eqn of motion as:

2.3 Response Function

the resfonse function to an external force f can be calculated as:

On plotting χ(ω) and χ0 (ω) we obtain the following graph for ω when it is real:

2.4 Dissipation
The rate at which external force does work is:

Since in steady state, both f (t) and ẋ(t) are periodic functions the average power
dissipated is:

which can be calculated as:

Thus, we see that the rate of dissipation is proportional to

[1] P.M Chaikin & T.C.Lubensky Principles of Condensde Matter Physics, Cam-
bridge University Press

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