Semiconductor Manufacturing
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Edited by
James Moyne
Enrique del Castillo
Arnon Max Hurwitz
CRC Press
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Moyne, James.
Run-to-run control in semiconductor manufacturing / by James Moyne, Enrique Del
Castillo, and Arnon Max Hurwitz.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8493-1178-0 (alk. paper)
1. Semiconductors—Design and construction. 2. Semiconductor industry—Production
control. 3. Electronic packaging 4. Production management. I. Del Castillo, Enrique. II.
Hurwitz, Arnon Max. III. Title.
621.3815′2—dc21 00-059910
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Enrique del Castillo, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Harold and Inge
Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at the Pennsylvania
State University. He holds a Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Arizona State
University, and a Master of Engineering in operations research and industrial engi-
neering from Cornell University. Dr. Castillo’s research interests include quality
engineering and applied statistics, with particular emphasis on response surface
methodology and time series control. He has over 35 papers in journals such as IIE
Transactions, Journal of Quality Technology, Metrika, Communications in Statistics,
International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operational
Research, and Journal of the Operational Research Society. He has been awarded
an NSF CAREER grant for research in semiconductor manufacturing process con-
trol. Dr. Castillo is an Associate Editor of the IIE Transactions on Quality and
Reliability Engineering journal and a member of the editorial board of the Journal
of Quality Technology.
Kareemullah Khan
John Colt RA1-303
IBM Microelectronics Division Intel Corportaion
1000 River Road B975/E 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway
Essex Junction, VT 05452 USA Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA
e-mail: e-mail:
Jinn-Yi Yeh
Department of Industrial Engineering
The Dayeh University
112, Shan-Jiau Road
Da-Tsuen, Changhua, 5105
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Control is essential for all manufacturing, but every day in the semiconductor
industry more than a quadrillion transistors, each with dimensions ranging from a
fraction of a micrometer down to tens of atoms, must be profitably fabricated. To
manage the exponentially rising cost of meeting this manufacturing challenge, pro-
cess equipment from each technology generation is increasingly pressed into service
to support the next generation. In the early years of the twenty-first century, new
processes for nearly every aspect of transistor fabrication, from thin gate and
source/drain to interconnecting metal and dielectrics, must be introduced in semi-
conductor factories around the world. The International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors shows starkly that the timing for these technology changes is so
short that we will necessarily “test them in combat.” Active control mechanisms,
such as the run-to-run methods described in this book, are mandatory if the industry
is to keep pace with the world’s demand for new electronic products.
During this period of unprecedented technological advancement, semiconductor
companies are also initiating the new generation of larger, 300 mm silicon wafers.
The product value of even a single 300 mm wafer containing more than 1000 advanced
chips dictates the use of active process control with a new level of urgency. Although
a staggering challenge, the 300 mm transition also brings with it a new opportunity.
International SEMATECH’s member companies have collectively and comprehen-
sively set a high bar for equipment performance in all areas, including factory
communications and recipe management. Process control implementations should
now become more straightforward.
Widespread deployment of run-to-run control has been somewhat of a struggle
because of the required critical mass of software and communications capability
necessary in both process equipment and factory systems. Equally scarce were the
people to drive the development, engineering, and adoption of these techniques.
With the new generation of software-savvy engineers at both semiconductor and
supplier companies, this is changing. In addition, new sensors and other lower-cost
measurement options are becoming available to reduce the time, money, and logistics
needed to support cost-effective control implementations.
Interest in better control of process equipment arose at SEMATECH in the early
1990s. The run-to-run method was then, and continues to be, the least equipment-
invasive control scheme that demonstrates real benefit. It is gratifying to see the
ideas supported by SEMATECH reach a level of maturity and industry acceptance
that supports treatment in a book of their own. This volume represents the continuance
Chapter 1
Process Control in the Semiconductor Industry
Taber H. Smith, Duane S. Boning, and James Moyne
Chapter 2
Process Control and Optimization Methods for Run-to-Run Application
Enrique Del Castillo and Arnon M. Hurwitz
Chapter 3
Basic R2R Control Algorithms
William Moyne
Chapter 4
Learning and Optimization Algorithms for an Optimizing Adaptive Quality
Enrique Del Castillo
Chapter 5
An Adaptive Run-to-Run Optimizing Controller for Linear and Nonlinear
Arnon M. Hurwitz and Enrique Del Castillo
Chapter 6
A Comparative Analysis of Run-to-Run Control Algorithms in the
Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry
Zhe Ning, James Moyne, Taber Smith, Duane Boning, Enrique Del Castillo,
Jinn-Yi Yeh, and Arnon M. Hurwitz
Chapter 7
Existing and Envisioned Control Environment for Semiconductor
James Moyne and Joe White
Chapter 8
Design Requirements for an Integrative R2R Control Solution
James Moyne
Chapter 9
The Generic Cell Controller
James Moyne
Chapter 10
Derivation of a Piggyback Run-to-Run Control Solution Design
James Moyne
Chapter 11
Integrated Run-to-Run Control Solution Examples
James Moyne
Chapter 12
Design and Optimization of an Optimizing Adaptive Quality Controller,
Generic Cell Controller Enabled Solution
Enrique Del Castillo, Jinn-Yi Yeh, James Moyne, and Victor Solakhian
Chapter 13
Case Study: Furnace Capability Improvement Using a Customized
Run-to-Run Control Solution
Arnon Hurwitz and James Moyne
Chapter 14
Process Recipe Optimization
Enrique Del Castillo
Chapter 15
Multizone Uniformity Control of a CMP Process Utilizing a Pre- and
Postmeasurement Strategy
James Moyne, Chadi El Chemali, Kareemullah Khan, Rock Nadeau,
Paul Smith, John Colt, Jonathan Chapple-Sokol, and Tarun Parikh
Chapter 16
Control of Photolithography Alignment
Nital S. Patel and Robert Soper
Chapter 17
Age-Based Double EWMA Controller and Its Application to a CMP
Argon Chen and Ruey-Shan Guo
Chapter 18
Advancements in Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process Automation
and Control
James Moyne
Chapter 19
An Enhanced Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Controller for
Processes Subject to Random Disturbances
Ruey-Shan Guo, Argon Chen, and Jin-Jung Chen
Chapter 20
Enabling Generic Interprocess Multistep Control: the Active Controller
Nauman Chaudhry, James Moyne, and Elke A. Rundensteiner
List of Acronyms
Enlarging Lens
Focusing Lens
P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ P+
Comparison between non-planar and planar processes
Wafer Slurry
Holder Carrier Feed
Polishing Pad
from the dielectric has also been attempted; again, this suffers from the inability to
etch peaks while leaving valleys unchanged. CMP (chemical mechanical planariza-
tion) solves this problem by using a combination of chemical etching and physical
abrasion to achieve global planarization.
CMP has its roots in the silicon wafer production machines used to polish the
wafers before processing. These machines provided a wealth of information that led
to the CMP machines of today. The basic process is the same for both. Wafers are
loaded into a vacuum grip carrier that can rotate. This is then pressed against an
abrasive pad that can also rotate. The lower pad is much bigger than the wafer, and
is continually coated with a chemical slurry by a nozzle. Figure 5 shows a schematic
of a simple CMP machine.
Through the use of CMP, near ideal planarization can be achieved. This has
allowed VLSI manufacturers to increase the number of interconnect layers. It has
also aided reliability by reducing the mechanical strain in metal lines resultant from
CMP is not without its flaws. In addition to its high cost, it has nonuniformity
issues that are the center of much CMP research. Nonuniformity issues can arise
both within a wafer and between two wafers. Within-wafer uniformity is measured
by comparing the relative thicknesses of the wafers along various sites located
radially from the center. The reason for this approach rather than a more uniform
pattern is that CMP involves rotating the wafer, which makes all sites that are radially
equal the same thickness. Figure 6 shows the two methods of measurement.
1 2345 678 9 6 7 3 8 9
does not necessarily represent the highest control loop in the control hierarchy.
Specifically, interprocess control could be implemented that “wraps” control around
a group of processes.
The partitioning of the control problem is powerful because it allows the devel-
opment of effective control solutions when “good” process visibility is limited to
one or two levels.
With the industry accepting the hierarchical nested control solutions approach,
research and development could now be focused on a particular level of control.
Terminology somewhat specific to the industry was attached to each of these control
levels. In-situ process environment and wafer environment control were collectively
Progress along these three fronts was paramount in determining the progress of the
various APC thrusts. Indeed, it was probably the determining factor that pushed R2R
to the forefront as the first widely implemented APC element. Specifically, the
following are a few of the important factors that pushed R2R control to the forefront
ahead of in situ control and interprocess control:
This book is organized so the reader can quickly map his needs to the required parts
and chapters within those parts. The remainder of the book is subdivided into seven
parts; each part addresses an important aspect of R2R control development, deploy-
ment, and assessment. At the beginning of each part, a brief description is provided
as to the contents of that part. This is followed by chapters addressing specific topics.
Part 1 addresses foundational material including an overview of process control
in the industry and an overview of process control and optimizations. The two
fundamental components of a successfully deployed R2R control solution, namely
the control algorithm(s) and the integration methodology, are addressed in Parts 2
and 3, respectively; these parts also contain brief examples of R2R control solution
deployment. Methodologies for customization of R2R control solutions to actual
industry control problems are provided in Part 4. Part 5 contains actual detailed case
studies of R2R control solution deployment. Advanced “next generation” topics in
R2R control and semiconductor manufacturing process control in general are dis-
cussed in Part 6. Part 7, entitled “Conclusions,” provides a summary of what has
This introduction serves to open the door to the subject matter of this book as well
as to general thinking about R2R control systems and their integration into manu-
facturing systems. It should be clear by now that the technology discussed is com-
pletely generic with respect to manufacturing control and integration. Even though
the experience of the authors, and all quoted examples, pertains to the semiconductor
industry, there is no reason why any other industry cannot take advantage of this
form of control. In this sense, R2R control is similar to the well-known SPC
(statistical process control).
To summarize some key features of R2R control, one may cite its wide appli-
cability to tools of all types, its dependence on certain algorithms that again have
wide generic applicability, its need for a coherent integration path in manufacturing,
and certain common measurement requirements. In exploring these features and
developing solutions, researchers and implementers have been able to take the
technology as presented in this book from a merely academic exercise into the world
of actual tool, and factory, application.
It is the authors’ hope that this text will not only serve to spread the use of R2R
control further into semiconductor manufacturing, but will also inspire and motivate
engineers, managers, and scientists in all branches of manufacturing to apply R2R
control in their particular areas.
Advanced process control, or APC, has evolved rapidly in the semiconductor industry
during the 1980s and 1990s, with R2R control emerging as the first technologically
viable product of that evolution. In the Introduction to this book a detailed definition
of R2R control is provided and the evolution of R2R control is summarized from
the point of view of capabilities of the industry and organizations that had a signif-
icant impact on the evolution of APC. In this chapter we provide an in-depth view
of the evolution of advanced process control (toward R2R control) in the semicon-
ductor industry from a technical perspective, describe the issues that are guiding the
maturation of R2R control, and detail the benefits that can be achieved with effective
R2R control.
Specifically, in Section 1.2 we provide an historical summary of the evolution
of process control from alarm-based statistical process control toward model-based
control solutions such as R2R control. Further, we describe technical issues that
have proved to be a hindrance to this evolution and, subsequently, the widespread
acceptance of R2R control. In Section 1.3 we summarize advancements that have
been made in the field of R2R control that have helped to address these issues. Many
of these advancements are described in detail in later chapters. We follow this
summary with a discussion of the future of APC in Section 1.4. Here, we focus our
attention on the benefits of R2R control (current and future), as well as probable
directions for R2R control solution enhancement. This chapter concludes with a
summary of the information presented.
The main purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with a snapshot of the
technical issues — past, present, and future — that are shaping the field of R2R
control in semiconductor manufacturing. With this information, the reader is pro-
vided with a foundation for understanding the detailed aspects of R2R control that
are described in the chapters that follow.
6000 Target
5 10 15 20 25 30
Run #
* WECO rules are usually not recommended in the SPC literature since they may cause a considerable
increase in the number of false alarms given by the monitoring scheme.59
6300 +3σ
6200 +2σ
Deposition Thickness (A)
6100 +1σ
6000 Target
5900 -1σ
5800 -2σ
5700 -3σ
5 10 15 20 25 30
Run #
FIGURE 1.2 SPC control of a drifting process using tuning with WECO rules.
Model +
FIGURE 1.3 The EWMA controller. An “affine” function a linear function that does not pass
through the origin. More generally, in an affine function f (x), f (x) – f (0) is linear. For example,
if f (0) = a, then f (x) = Y = a + bx is an affine function.
activity to be utilized only when there is strong evidence that a process has been
affected by an extraneous source of variation. If adjustments are fairly simple and
inexpensive, as in many R2R control applications, a continuous “run-to-run” adjust-
ment scheme is preferable over SPC (see Reference 1 for a discussion on the
difference between SPC and engineering process control, EPC).
where a[n] is the EWMA estimate of the process output, w is the EWMA weight,
and y[n] is a measurement of the process output or parameter to be estimated on
run. It can be seen that a higher EWMA weight means more recent measurements
are weighted more heavily. This weighted average of the process offset is used to
update the model of the process. This dynamic model is then used to adjust the
equipment settings to control the process outputs.
As an example, an EWMA controller may be used to track one or more process
outputs, such as deposition rate, and adjust the process inputs, such as process time,
to control one or more process outputs, such as the final film thickness. The results
of using an EWMA controller to control the deposition thickness of the sputter
deposition process above are shown in Figure 1.4. This figure illustrates that the
continual tuning of the process results in fewer regions where the control is off
target. Note also that there would be fewer points outside typical specification limits.
Acceptance of this class of feedback control was initially slow, largely due to
suspicion that frequent changes in the process settings would cause unseen changes
in critical film properties. However, several works demonstrated the effectiveness of
6300 +3σ
6200 +2σ
Deposition Thickness (A)
6100 +1σ
6000 Target
5900 -1σ
5800 -2σ
5700 -3σ
5 10 15 20 25 30
Run #
Summary of Issues Impeding Early Adoption of R2R Control, Concepts
and Solutions, and References
Issue Solutions References in Book
Lack of commercial Third-party solution providers with standard Chapters 11, 13, 15
solutions solutions (see below)
No infrastructure for Standard framework for specification and Chapters 7–10
integration or integration: Chapters 8, 9, 11, 12
automation • Generic Cell Controller Chapters 7, 10, 20
• APC framework and enablers
Few on-line metrology New sensors and sensor integration standards Chapters 1, 7
and in situ sensors
Inadequate algorithms Verification of quality of existing algorithms Chapters 11, 13, 15, 16
Algorithm comparison: establishing domains Chapter 6
of applicability Chapters 4, 5, 17, 18, 19
Improved algorithms
Deposition Rate (A /min)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Kit Life (Kilowatt-hours)
FIGURE 1.5 Deposition rate of a sputter deposition process over several process kit changes.
Measured Wafers
Update Time
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Kit Life (Kilowatt-hours)
FIGURE 1.6 Control of a drifting process with no nonperiodic time intervals, infrequent
measurements, or inconsistent delays.
Deposition Thickness (A)
600 Controlled
Measured Wafers
Update Time
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Kit Life (Kilowatt-hours)
FIGURE 1.7 Control of a drifting process with nonperiodic time intervals and infrequent
measurements with inconsistent delays.
Probably the single largest barrier to the implementation of R2R process control in
production facilities was the lack of a cost-effective enabling technology and infrastruc-
ture that would provide for (1) solutions to be rapidly prototyped and configured that
were flexible and process-independent to achieve cost-effectiveness; (2) integration of
software components, including third-party solutions, in a timely and cost-effective
manner to achieve the necessary customization and address unique end-user require-
ments as is typical with implementation of a new technology; (3) communication
capabilities where tools and sensors could be connected and data could be uploaded,
transferred, and saved to support fully automated solutions; and (4) commercial
quality applications to obtain the required level of software quality.
Specifically, an enabling technology was needed that would allow developers to
rapidly integrate and configure the necessary software components (including control
algorithms, data logging and presentation modules, communication drivers, and data
filters) to quickly prototype and customize R2R control solutions. This enabling
technology further had to provide for portability of these solutions between hard-
ware/software platforms and semiconductor processes to achieve the necessary cost
and technology leverage. It also had to provide a level of flexibility for rapid
reconfiguration (to new process paradigms) and rapid upgrade (to maintain compet-
itive advantage in the early stages of a technology market).
An infrastructure or framework was also needed to provide a consistent base
upon which current and future generations of controllers, including R2R control,
In many complex processes, the lack of information available about the process state
and the state of the wafer during processing presented a major barrier to the effec-
tiveness of R2R process control. It was found that, for processes like plasma etching,
the complex interactions of the tool (e.g., the build-up of material on the chamber
walls) and the plasma chemistry make monitoring and controlling the process dif-
ficult. These processes were often difficult to model and control with ex situ mea-
surements. Because changing process settings resulted in unseen changes in the thin
film properties, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and other time-consuming
measurements were often the only means to develop and control processes. In order
to control such complex processes, more information about the state of the wafer
and plasma chemistry was needed.
In other processes, such as chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), processing
occurs in a much less controlled environment. In CMP, the wafer is pressed face
down on a polishing pad. Even though the chemical and physical mechanisms may
not be as complex as in plasma etching, obtaining access to the chemical and physical
mechanisms taking place during processing is extremely difficult (as explained in
the Introduction section of this book). Initially, this made ex situ measurements the
only information available on the process.
The lack of information available and the lack of access to the wafer being
processed forced R2R process control to rely largely on ex situ measurements. How-
ever, many felt that the speed at which these measurements were performed would
decrease the usefulness of R2R process control in a manufacturing environment, and
that if R2R was to be successful, the information necessary for control had to be
taken on the tool without operator involvement. This was particularly true for tools
that required frequent measurements (which were normally those most likely in need
of control). R2R process control for processes that relied heavily on ex situ metrology
Signoff Registry
FIGURE 1.8 Advanced process control framework (adapted from Reference 12).
For many years it has been suggested that automation with advanced process control
will provide significant improvements in throughput, resulting in reductions in cost.
The increased throughput will likely be derived from the combination of on-line
metrology speed-ups (e.g., measurement and wafer processing occurring in parallel)
and the elimination of operator wait times (e.g., performing and inspecting metrology
results manually). In some applications there are expected to be added benefits such
as the removal of processing steps. For example, Figure 1.9 illustrates that a signif-
icant increase in throughput and a significant decrease in the number of clean steps
(i.e., cleaning after polishing and before reworking in CMP) can be achieved through
the addition of sensors and process control.48 Since OEE is largely governed by idle
equipment, downtime, and setup time, lessening of inefficient operation or “wait”
time could address about 15% of the loss in OEE.12,53
R2R control could also extend the period between some maintenance operations,
especially those associated with replacing consumable sets. Further, control algo-
rithms customized to the process could tune the process immediately after a con-
sumable set change, thereby reducing tool reconfiguration and increasing OEE.*
Note also that additional gains in this area will likely come from multiple-process-
step control solutions.**
While R2R process control may increase efficiency, the impact that increases in
setup and maintenance times could have on OEE should be carefully considered.
Setup and maintenance times often offset or overshadow the throughput increases
due to improved operational efficiency. Because the added parameters of more
complex controllers can make tuning and debugging difficult and time-consuming,
minimizing the complexity of a controller is critical to reducing the added setup and
maintenance times and maximizing the benefits. As a result, controllers that have
Calculate Polish
10 Minutes
Polish Lot Clean Measure
30 Minutes
90 Minutes
Calculate Polish
Rework Lot
Clean Measure
2/24 Wafers
30 Minutes 10 Minutes
10/45 Minutes
12 Minutes
Polish Look- On-Line Calculate
Ahead Measurement Polish Time
90 Minutes
On-Line Calculate
Polish Lot
Measurement Polish Time
FIGURE 1.9 Two CMP processes: one with a high-quality, low-throughput process using
ex situ metrology, and one with a higher quality, high-throughput process using on-line
metrology and R2R control.
followed the “keep it simple” approach have achieved the largest success.11,52 The
majority of commercial products are thus based on relatively simple integral con-
trollers,12,19,23 and have focused on resolving a wide range of practical implementa-
tion issues. This trend will likely continue until more complex controllers demon-
strate significant improvements in critical areas.
An issue that has always plagued manufacturers attempting to improve process cost
of ownership and throughput while maintaining yield is the lost processing time and
cost associated with processing non-product (NP) wafers. These wafers are usually
required as part of the qualification of a process, e.g., after a process maintenance
(PM) event where a consumable set is replaced. For example, a CMP pad replace-
ment is often followed by a qualification period where NP wafers are used to “break
in” the pad. SPC techniques can be used to verify that the process is qualified and
the likelihood of misprocessing has been reduced to a level where processing of
product may resume. However, these techniques can be very inefficient, resulting in
lost OEE due to the extra time required to process NP wafers, and lost tool COO
due to the cost to the NP wafers and any pad life lost due to processing NP wafers.
Advanced process control can reduce the requirement for NP wafers by more
quickly qualifying the process. This capability is largely a function of the control
algorithm used and, more specifically, the capability of the control algorithm to
model the process shift associated with the PM event and any transient process
behavior that directly follows this event. This topic is explored further in Chapter 18.
It has been suggested that process control will greatly improve wafer-to-wafer or lot-
to-lot processing quality. It is likely that this area is where the greatest benefits of APC
will be derived, and will contribute to significant improvements in manufacturing
processes. A number of works suggest that APC techniques reduce process variability,
and more specifically, process capability.3–5,7–10,12,15,19,23,29,47–49 Process capability is a
function of process variability and process accuracy, i.e., closeness to target.* APC
improves process accuracy utilizing pre- and postprocess measurement, modeling of
process and equipment trends, and suggesting subsequent process parameter adjust-
ments (i.e., feedback control). Process variability is generally reduced through pre-
process measurement and subsequent process parameter adjustment (i.e., feedforward
control). Thus both pre- and postprocess metrology play a role in improving process
accuracy. Of the two, the impact of premetrology is often underestimated, even by
control engineers. Indeed, in scenarios where product variability dominates over
equipment or process variability and trends, utilization of premetrology has been
reported to account for up to 80% of the improvement in Cpk achieved with APC.54
The improved process capability can also result in reductions in process margins.
These reduced process margins could create the opportunity for new design rules
that lead to performance improvements. For example, tighter specifications on the
post-CMP within-die variability could lead to possible reoptimization of the follow-
ing lithography steps. These reoptimizations could lead to improvements in line
width variations, which in turn could allow tighter tolerances on device sizes. The
result would be higher performance-per-dollar devices. Improved process margins
could also result in cost and waste reduction, as shown in Figure 1.10. In the CMP
process, the amount of deposited oxide for the inter-level dielectric (ILD) thickness
is equal to the amount of oxide that will be removed in order to achieve planarization,
plus the amount of variability of the final oxide thickness due to wafer-to-wafer and
lot-to-lot variability. Improving the control of the final film thickness reduces this
variability, and hence reduces the required amount of deposited oxide. In doing so,
this reduces the amount of processing in the CMP step, as well as the deposition
step. In both cases the result is reduced waste, power consumption, chemical usage,
and, ultimately, cost, as well as increased throughput.
One of the most important improvements that R2R process control could address is
that of within-wafer and within-die variability. The difficult task of controlling
within-wafer and within-die nonuniformities will become particularly important as
wafer sizes move toward 300 mm, where wafer-level uniformity is expected to be
a major problem. This wafer-level nonuniformity will compound any within-die
nonuniformity superimposed on the wafer-level nonuniformity. In many applica-
tions, such as CMP, this within-die variability is generally quite large, often several
times larger than the across-wafer nonuniformities. Unfortunately, little work has
been done to incorporate these factors into R2R control algorithms. Doing so often
requires a significant understanding of the process being controlled, and thus control
engineers are unable to address these more complex factors when controlling a
process. It is also often the case that process engineers are unwilling to allow dynamic
changes in the process recipe in order to achieve improvements in these effects. This
resistance is generally due to process audit requirements, or a fear of scrapping
production wafers because of unseen problems in important wafer properties that
are not being directly controlled but are the result of changes in the process. Another
reason few controllers have addressed the within-wafer and within-die nonunifor-
mities is that there is often a need for more accurate process models in order to
control a process. The rapid pace of the semiconductor industry results in process
models being far behind current technology. These problems result in a retreat to
Finally, it is suggested that R2R process control will reduce misprocessing and other
operating errors. This reduction in operating errors could be achieved via automated
metrology upload and automatic recipe generation and download.12* This automation
is facilitated by utilizing appropriate control-enabling technologies and adhering to
a framework for integrated control, as described in Section 1.3.1. Reducing operator
errors through adoption of automated process control could drive a large improve-
ment in processing quality, particularly in the fab ramp-up period, where frequent
changes and tweaking are made to processes. The reduction in processing error
during this period is critical to the overall cost effectiveness of a new fab and its
ultimate profitability. This area is one that has received a lot of attention but is
difficult to demonstrate.12,54 Much more work is needed in this area in order to help
solidify the benefits of using APC in complex multistep fabrication processes. With
the maturation of R2R control and APC systems in general, the industry in a much
better position to begin further study of these benefits.
The CMP process has been a prime early beneficiary of R2R control and serves as
an excellent example to illustrate the many benefits of R2R process control. A
schematic of a typical CMP R2R control solution is provided in the Introduction
section of this book. In general, current CMP R2R control solutions monitor post-
and possibly preprocess wafer thickness and center-to-edge uniformity, and modify
process parameters such as time, backpressure, carrier speed, and platen speed, in
a run-by-run fashion based on advice from the control solution. A typical example
of an uncontrolled CMP process is included in Figure 1.11 (Callout #1). Note that
the process is characterized by the following features: (1) a fairly continuous deg-
radation in pad removal rate over its life, (2) fairly regular pad replacement events
triggered either by the execution of a predetermined number of process runs or —
as in this example — the occurrence of an SPC alarm on process remaining thickness,
(3) a pronounced “spike” in removal rate directly after a pad replacement event, and
(4) a pad break-in phase directly after pad replacement where the pad is qualified
either by utilizing a predetermined number of NP wafers or by utilizing NP wafers
until the process is within acceptable limits.
The individual benefits of applying R2R control — and specifically tool and
process specific R2R control — are also illustrated in Figure 1.11 (Callouts #2
through #5). The first important improvement noted in the controlled solution is that
the process drift due to pad wear is eliminated during the useful life of the pad
(Callout #2). This, in turn, results in reduced process variability and improved
process capability. The second related result is that pad life is extended through
adjustment of the process parameters to keep the product measured quality param-
eters within SPC limits (Callout #3). The benefits of extending pad life include not
only reduced cost of consumables, but also increased OEE due to the reduced
frequency of PM events to replace the pad. Note that these control benefits, illustrated
in Callouts #2 and #3 in Figure 1.11, can generally be achieved without tailoring
the control solution to the PM pad replacement event.
Another significant improvement noted with the controlled solution is the
reduced requirement for test wafers (Callout #4). This portion of Figure 1.11 illus-
trates that, with the controlled solution, the magnitude of the “spike” in removal
rate, associated with a new pad, is reduced. Further, the tool is brought to a process-
capable state more quickly, resulting in the use of fewer NP wafers and increased
OEE as a result of reduced pad qualification time. Note that this class of control
benefits can generally be achieved only if the controller includes a model of the pad
change event. In the control solution depicted in Figure 1.11 the controller contains
a model of the expected removal rate shift associated with a pad change. An enhance-
ment to this control solution is described in Chapter 18, where the controller models
not only the process shift associated with this PM event, but also the subsequent
process dynamics usually associated with pad break-in.
There has been a fair amount of research activity into process control strategies with
complex tuning algorithms.28–30,32–36,39 These works address issues such as the self-
tuning of parameters, optimality of controller parameters, rapid correcting algo-
rithms, robust process control, and other issues. These works often follow the work
done in the controls field and provide a natural progression for work in APC. The
controls field has dealt with many of these problems over the last few decades, and
this provides a nice vehicle for applying control algorithm developments and proofs
of stability and optimality to existing processes. It is often suggested that these
methods should be incorporated as soon as possible, and this would create the
greatest increase in process control performance in the semiconductor industry. In
light of this, we now consider the possible benefits of this approach, the impact
these benefits would have, and the likelihood of achieving them.
Consider the question of stability of a semiconductor process using R2R control.
Currently, most processes to which R2R control is being applied are generally “well-
behaved” in the sense that relatively simple model-based control solutions — such
as dynamic linear approximation solutions — can be effective over the process range
specified for a tool.7,9,11,12,15,23,44,47–49 For example, typical CMP control models
approximate monotonic, though multivariate, relationships between inputs and out-
puts.12 Further, the drifts in these processes are gradual, while shifts can generally
be detected using SPC techniques. Thus, using a combination of R2R control and
limits monitoring, R2R control solutions have been demonstrated to remain stable
in typical process scenarios.12 Therefore, stability of R2R control is not seen as a
major issue in semiconductor processing.
Reliability, on the other hand, is critically important to the operating time,
efficiency, cost, and profitability of a piece of equipment in a semiconductor facility.
0 5 10 Site # 15 20 25
FIGURE 1.12 The within-die variation of the postpolish oxide thickness measured at 25 sites
throughout one die (individual data point points are replicates from other die).
Post-Polish Thickness (A)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Site #
such as that cited above, suggests that focusing on improving our understanding of
the processes, how to measure the sources of variation, and how to build fundamental
process models for use in control would have a much larger impact on controlling
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Wafer #
FIGURE 1.14 The wafer-to-wafer and lot-to-lot variation of the postpolish oxide thickness
average of measurements taken at one location on 22 dies, plotted over four lots of 24 wafers.
A major problem for many semiconductor processes lies in the control of device
dependencies. The die-level signature profiles for different devices often look com-
pletely different. This results in metrics such as the post-process mean thickness
being very different for different devices, and makes controlling the processing of
these different devices extremely hard. Current controllers only approximate these
effects by utilizing different models for different devices, or by using correction
factors. Using multiple models makes it difficult to track tool changes in the models
of devices other than the one being run. Therefore, running one product for a long
period before switching to another product can cause a serious degradation in the
quality of the second product. The device correction factors used to correct this are
an improvement, but inaccuracies in their values can result in high variability or can
require complex methods for updating model parameters such as deposition rate. In
addition, the device correction factors are often specific to the exact locations of the
measurements taken on the devices. While the monitored locations may be controlled
correctly, there is little indication of what is happening in the rest of the device.
Additionally, any change in the measurement plan can cause shifts or other unde-
tected errors in the resulting product wafers.
Finally, it is often the case that process control efforts are local; controlling param-
eters of one process on one tool neglects the larger picture of the manufacturing
process as a whole. The main reason for this process-centric control effort is that
process and control knowledge is also largely process-centric. Relatively little work
has been done to combine issues from multiple steps in the semiconductor manu-
facturing process into a process control effort aimed at solving problems related to
a series of steps.15,58 Multiple-step process control has the potential to have a large
impact on the industry, and very recently efforts have begun to focus on evaluating
the viability and effectiveness of multistep process control. For example, in
Chapter 15 a method is described for precompensation of CMP uniformity target
based on downstream etch uniformity data. In Chapter 20, techniques and results
for multiple-step feedforward control between lithography and etch processes are
reviewed, and a generic, multiple-step control-enabling technology is described.
These efforts represent the first steps in an area of control where the possible benefits
could be particularly rewarding. Solutions at this level would allow for focus on a
total factory control solution rather than process-centric, independent control solu-
tions. In addition, many integration issues are centered around device dependencies
in processing. As noted above, device dependencies arise in many processing steps
and interact between multiple processing steps. It is these interdependencies between
multiple process steps and device layouts that lead to significant manufacturability,
In this chapter we have reviewed the progression of control in the semiconductor
industry from statistical process control to run-to-run process control, which was
driven by the reduction of random tool processing variability and the increase in
steady long-term process drifts. We discussed how this trend toward R2R control
uncovered many new issues. These new issues were largely manufacturing related,
and several key barriers to process control were addressed. The resulting advance-
ments included: (1) the development of enabling technologies and a framework
around which process control could be developed, (2) the development of several
commercial applications for run-to-run control, (3) the introduction of many new
sensors aimed at real-time and run-to-run process control, and (4) several advances
in process control algorithms. Finally, we addressed the future of APC by first
discussing its many benefits, including increased throughput and OEE, reduced NP
wafers, improved process variability and capability, and reduced operator error. We
then summarized the future trends in process control for the semiconductor industry.
Specifically, we suggested that there will be a shift away from complicated tuning
algorithms with simple process models, toward more process-focused control
approaches with fundamental process models. Further, we outlined how multiple-
step process control methods could greatly increase the processing quality over
several complicated or difficult-to-control steps. We have suggested that these
approaches provide promise in dealing with the difficult task of controlling within-
wafer and within-die variation in the face of device-dependent processing.
The material presented in this chapter provides motivation for exploring (1) the
capabilities and limitations of current R2R control algorithm approaches being
applied in the industry (Part 2); (2) enabling technologies and frameworks for cost-
effective deployment, integration, and reuse (Part 3); (3) examples of solution
approaches and results (Parts 3 through 5); and (4) areas for advancement (Part 6).
We would to thank the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally
Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing for supporting this work.
1. Box, G. E. P. and Kramer, T., 1992, “Statistical Process Control and Automated
Process Control — A Discussion,” Technometrics, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 251-267.
2. Guldi, R. et al., 1989, “Process Optimization Tweaking Tool (POTT) and Its Appli-
cation in Controlling Oxidation Thickness,” IEEE Trans. on Semi. Manuf., Vol. 2,
pp. 54-59.
3. Sachs, E., Guo, R., Ha, S., and Hu, A., 1990, “Tuning a Process while Performing
SPC: An Approach Based on the Sequential Design of Experiments,” Proc. of
4. Leang, S. and Spanos, C., 1991, “Statistically Based Feedback Control of Photoresist
Application,” Proc. of IEEE/SEMI ASMC, pp. 185-190.
5. Sachs, E., Guo, R., Ha, S., and Hu, A., May 1991, “Process Control System for VLSI
Fabrication,” IEEE Trans. on Semi. Manuf., Vol. 4.
6. Ingolfsson, A. and Sachs, E., Oct. 1993, “Stability and Sensitivity of an EWMA
Controller,” J. of Quality Technol., Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 271-287.
7. Butler, S. and Stefani, J., May 1994, “Supervisory Run-to-Run Control of Polysilicon
Gate Etch Using In Situ Ellipsometry,” IEEE Trans. on Semi. Manuf., Vol. 7, No. 2,
pp. 193- 201.
8. Moyne, W., “Run by Run Control: Interfaces, Implementation, and Integration,” S.M.
Thesis, MIT EECS, May 1995.
9. Stefani, J., Poarch, S., Saxena, S., and Mozumder, P.K., 1996, “Advanced Process
Control of a CVD Tungsten Reactor,” IEEE Trans. on Semi. Manuf., Vol. 9, No. 3.
10. Boning, D., Moyne, W., Smith, T., Moyne, J., Telfeyan, R., Hurwitz, A., Shellman,
S., and Taylor, J., Oct. 1996, “Run by Run Control of Chemical-Mechanical Polish-
ing,” IEEE Trans. Comp., Pack., Manuf. Technol. Part C, Vol. 19, pp. 307-314.
11. Moyne, J., October 1996, “Run-to-Run Control Success Stories,” SEMATECH AEC
Workshop VIII, Santa Fe, NM.
12. Moyne, J. and Curry, J., June 1998, “A Fully Automated Chemical-Mechanical
Polishing Planarization Process,” Proc. of 1998 VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Conf.,
pp. 515-517.
13. Moyne, J., Etemad, H., and Elta, M., September 1993, “Run-to-Run Control Framework
for VLSI Manufacturing,” Microelectronic Processing ‘93 Conference Proceedings.
14. Moyne, J. and McAfee, L.C., May 1992, “A Generic Cell Controller for the Automated
VLSI Manufacturing Facility,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing.
15. El Chemali, C., Moyne, J., Khan, K., Colt, J., Chapple-Sokol, J., Nadeau, R., Smith,
P., and Parikh, T., October, 1999, “Multizone Uniformity Control of a CMP Process
Utilizing a Pre- and Post-Measurement Strategy, “ 46th International Symposium of
the American Vacuum Society, Seattle, Washington; also accepted for publication in
the Journal of the American Vacuum Society (accepted December 1999).
In a typical semiconductor manufacturing process, within-run (or batch) variation
is usually controlled by automatic controllers built into the equipment. Batch sizes
may be as small as one wafer in some processes. A run-to-run (R2R) controller is
necessary since specifications can change from batch to batch, the equipment may
experience aging or wearing-out phenomena, maintenance operations can change
the operating conditions of the process, or process disturbances may enter the system
suddenly. This implies that equipment controllers cannot be kept operating at a fixed
recipe. Thus, an R2R controller is needed to act as a supervisor, indicating whether
a recipe change is needed and suggesting a new recipe for use in the next batch.
Frequently, R2R controllers are model-based. Linear regression techniques are
used to estimate initial equipment models from experimental data. Here, the process
is seen as a “black box,” and models derived in this way are empirical in nature,
i.e., the models are not based on first physics/chemistry principles. We hasten to add
that this is not always the case in R2R control, as some first-principle state-space
controllers have been developed and implemented successfully. However, due to the
rapid technological change, empirical statistical models are widely used in relatively
new, poorly understood processes.
The development phases of a black box R2R control system are depicted in
Figure 2.1. During qualification of a new process or equipment, experimental and
statistical techniques are used for obtaining initial models and an initial optimal
recipe. Then, the R2R controller tunes or adjusts these initial models and recipe,
trying to keep the process at the optimized level (which becomes the target value
in case targets were not previously available). Due to their simplicity and robustness,
R2R controllers based on the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) sta-
tistic are probably the most frequently used in industry.
The goal of this chapter is to provide a technical review of R2R control and
optimization methods. An overview of R2R optimization techniques is first provided
in Section 2.2. The stability and robustness of EWMA-based controllers are discussed
run or batch
in detail in Section 2.3, where methods for tuning these controllers are also described.
Other important R2R control techniques are briefly reviewed in Section2.4. A review
of the literature up to 1995 was provided by Del Castillo and Hurwitz.11 One of the
goals of this chapter is to give a more up-to-date review of available methods.
15 500
13 400
Min Poly ER
11 300
9 200
7 100
5 0
0 4 8 12 16 20
Run number
Selectivity 8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Run number
work of Box and Jenkins4 on minimum variance process control under the assump-
tion of IMA(1,1) noise is probably the first reference to this type of statistic for
process adjustment purposes. More recently, Sachs and his co-workers33 introduced
an R2R controller for semiconductor manufacturing purposes based on a single
EWMA statistic. This controller was termed a “gradual mode” controller to distin-
guish it from a “rapid mode” controller (not based on the EWMA) that recommends
more drastic recipe changes if there is statistical evidence the process is badly out
of control.
For a time series of measurements {Xt, Xt–1, …} where t denotes the run number,
the EWMA is given by
where the weight parameter λ (0 < λ ≤ 1) and some initial condition for the recursion
(1) have to be chosen. Evidently, the weight given to a measurement that occurred
j runs ago is
λ(1 − λ ) .
Yt = α + βUt −1 + ε t (2)
where the {εt} constitute a white noise sequence (i.e., they have zero mean, constant
variance, and are not autocorrelated), Ut denotes the controllable factor setting at
the end of run t (beginning of run t + 1), and Yt denotes the measured response at
time t. The parameter α is called the offset or bias and represents the mean value
of the response when the controllable factor equals zero (frequently, Ut is scaled
into the (–1, 1) range according to standard DOE coding conventions). The parameter
β is called the process gain and it is usually estimated off-line using DOE and
regression techniques conducted during the qualification of the process. We will use
the notation b = βˆ to denote the gain estimate.
If model (2) were known to be the true system description and T denotes the
target response value, then the minimum mean square error (MMSE) control strategy
is simply to fix the controllable factor at the value
T −α
Ut = (3)
T − at
Ut = . (5)
T ∑ process ∑ Response
+ +
model ∑
of the model. For a single EWMA-based controller, the “model” is simply the
estimate of the gain, the process is simply given by the true gain β, the EWMA
filter given by Eq. (4) is used on the feedback loop, and the controller takes the
difference T – at as input, multiplies this times the inverse of the model, and generates
the control action given by Eq. (5).
Ingolfson and Sachs20 investigated the gradual mode controller for the case when
the process obeys a slightly more complicated model:
Yt = α + βUt −1 + δt + ε t (6)
where δt is a deterministic trend component. If Eq. (6) is the true process description,
these authors show that the EWMA-controlled system will be asymptotically stable
if and only if
1 − λξ < 1 (7)
where ξ = β/b is a measure of the quality of the gain estimate. Furthermore, assuming
condition (7) holds, they show that the asymptotic mean square deviation (AMSD)
from target is given by
t→∞ [
AMSD DT (λ ) ≡ lim E (Yt − T ) =
] 2σ 2 δ2
+ 2 2
2 − λξ ξ λ
where Var(εt) = σ2. Ingolfson and Sachs show that the gradual mode controller is a
discrete integral controller of the form
Ut = K0 + K I ∑Y
i =1
with K0 = –λ/b and KI = T/b. These controllers are very well known and compensate
for process shifts and offsets. The robustness of this type of controller has been
emphasized in a recent book by Box and Luceño.6
An important question for EWMA-based controllers is how to select the λ weight
in Eq. (4), i.e., how to tune the controller. Smith and Boning34 show that the weight
that minimizes the AMSD (given by Eq. (8)) is given by the real root of
that satisfies the stability condition. To solve Eq. (9), the probably unknown process
parameters σ, ξ and δ are needed, and this limits the practical application of this
result. In general, most authors agree that the larger the relative drift δ/σ, the closer
λ should be to one.
It is interesting to investigate what would happen if the single EWMA controller
is applied to a process in a perfect state of “statistical control,” namely, a process
such that
Yt = α + ε t
if Ut is always zero. In a recent paper, Del Castillo14 shows that the inflation in
AMSD over the minimum possible variance for Yt (given by σ2) is given by
AMSDDT (λ ) 2
= . (10)
σ 2
2 − λξ
which extends similar results by Box and Luceño,6 who analyze the case ξ = 1, i.e.,
the known gain case. This gives evidence in favor of using small values of λ
(around 0.1). In this way we have the assurance the controller will compensate
against process shifts and drift for a small price to pay (in terms of inflation of
AMSD), in the order of 10%, even if we grossly misidentify the process gain by a
factor of two. Note that even if ξ ≠ 1, the EWMA controller still contains “integral
action,” and this will compensate for offsets or shifts. A good part of the “robustness”
of these controllers (and also of PI controllers) comes from the integral action.
The performance of the single EWMA applied to disturbances other than a deter-
ministic trend has been studied recently.14 For the case where the process model is
Yt = α + βUt −1 + Nt (11)
Nt = Nt −1 + δ + ε t (12)
i.e., a random walk with drift disturbance, it is shown that the stability condition is
the same as before, namely, condition (7). Furthermore,
σ2 δ2
AMSDRWD (λ ) = + 2 2 (13)
ξλ(2 − ξλ ) ξ λ
4δ 2 − σ 2 − σ 8δ 2 + σ 2
λ RWD = (14)
2 δ2 − σ2 ξ )
a weight that always satisfies the asymptotic stability condition. If, on the contrary,
the disturbance follows an IMA(1,1) process,5
Nt = Nt −1 − θε t −1 + ε t
1 + θ2 − 2(1 − ξλ1 )θ 2
AMSDIMA (λ1 ) = σ
ξλ1 (2 − ξλ1 )
1− θ
λ IMA = .
Dt = λ 2 (Yt − b ut −1 − at −1 ) + (1 − λ 2 ) Dt −1 (0 ≤ λ 2 ≤ 1) (15)
T − at − Dt
Ut = (16)
Deterministic trend
Random walk with drift
the system controlled with a double EWMA will be asymptotically stable if and
only if the following two conditions are satisfied:
where z =
ξ2 λ + λ
1 2 )2 − 4λ1λ 2ξ . For the listed disturbances, if the process is stable,
then, asymptotically, it will be on target on the average, thus the AMSD equals the
asymptotic variance. Expressions for AVAR are very complicated.13 However, if it
can be assumed the process gain is known (i.e., ξ = 1), the asymptotic variance for
a stable system under a deterministic trend disturbance is
σ2 λ2 λ + λ (λ − λ )2 λ (λ − λ )2 + λ λ2
AVAR(Yt ) =
1 2 2 1 2
+ 1 1 2 1 2
+ σ . (19)
( λ1 − λ 2 ) − λ − λ
2 2 2 1
The stability conditions for this controller define a circular region on the λ1, λ2 plane
(see Figure 2.5).
From Figure 2.5 and Eq. (19), it can be seen that to minimize the asymptotic
variance and obtain a stable response, we should use small weights λ1 and λ2. The
problem with this recommendation, originally given in the internal model control
literature, is that the transient effect will be too large for small weight parameters.
A measure of the severity of the expected transient up to a specified run number m
is given by the average mean square deviation:
∑ E[Y − T ]
1 2
MSD = t ≡ MSD .
m t =1
Del Castillo14 provides an expression for MSD for the algebraically simpler case
of ξ = 1 (known gain). A spreadsheet optimization model (downloadable from is available to minimize
a weighted sum of the asymptotic variance and MSD :
subject to
0 < λ1 < 1
0 < λ2 < 1
where γ1 and γ2 (with γ1 + γ2 = 1) are two weights selected by the user. In Del
Castillo,13,14 it was recommended to simply give equal weight to each objective. A
more complete analysis for different objective weights can be performed from which
a process engineer can choose a particular set of optimal EWMA weights that solve
problem (20) according to his/her preferences. The value of m should be selected
based on the number of runs the process will operate. For example, consider the
case when α = 2, δ = 0.1, and σ = 1.0, that is, the case when we have a small relative
drift δ/σ. If m = 100 runs are going to be conducted, Figure 2.6 shows the optimal
(λ1, λ2) weights that solve Eq. (20) optimally.
γ1=0.05, γ2=0.95
γ1=0.1, γ2=0.9
γ1=0.2, γ2=0.8
γ1=0.3, γ2=0.7
0.4 γ1=0.4, γ2=0.6
γ1=0.5, γ2=0.5
0.3 γ1=0.6, γ2=0.4
γ1=0.7, γ2=0.3
γ1=0.8, γ2=0.2
0.2 γ1=0.9, γ2=0.1
γ1=1.0, γ2=0.0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
The plot reveals that unless we give more weight to the transient effect than to
the AVAR objective (i.e., unless γ2 > γ2), the optimal solution to (20) calls for using
λ2 ≈ 0, which implies the use of a single EWMA-based controller. In other words,
for small relative drift, single EWMA control is sufficient. This situation is further
emphasized if m = 20 is used instead (Figure 2.7). Note that the extreme cases (γ1 =
1, γ2 = 0, and γ1 = 0, γ2 = 1) in Figures 2.6 and 2.7 lead to the same (λ1, λ2) solutions.
In the first extreme case, all weight is given to the asymptotic variance, and this is
not a function of m. The second extreme case is more striking, since we are giving
all weight to MSD, which is clearly a function of m.
For large relative drift δ/σ, Figures 2.8 and 2.9 reveal that a double EWMA-
based controller is necessary (i.e., λ2 > 0 for all cases when γ2 > 0). As before, the
extreme cases yield the same EWMA weight solutions regardless of m.
More information on single and EWMA controllers can be found in Chapter 3
of this book.
γ1=0.05, γ2=0.95
γ1=0.1, γ2=0.9
γ1=0.2, γ2=0.8
0.6 γ1=0.3, γ2=0.7
0.5 γ1=0.4, γ2=0.6
γ1=0.5, γ2=0.5
0.4 γ1=0.6, γ2=0.4
γ1=0.7, γ2=0.3
0.3 γ1=0.8, γ2=0.2
γ1=0.9, γ2=0.1
γ1=1.0, γ2=0.0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
α=2, σ=1, δ=0.5
1.0 γ1=0.0, γ2=1.0
γ1=0.05, γ2=0.95
γ1=0.1, γ2=0.9
γ1=0.2, γ2=0.8
γ1=0.3, γ2=0.7
γ1=0.4, γ2=0.6
γ1=0.5, γ2=0.5
0.5 γ1=0.6, γ2=0.4
γ1=0.7, γ2=0.3
γ1=0.8, γ2=0.2
γ1=0.9, γ2=0.1
γ1=1.0, γ2=0.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Y = β0 + ∑β X + ∑β X + ∑ ∑β X X
i i ii i
ij i j (21)
where the X’s denote the controllable factors. These authors propose an adaptation
technique for tuning initial models of the form of (21) that selects “offset” parameters
oi and “gain” parameters gi in
γ1=0.1, γ2=0.9
γ1=0.2, γ2=0.8
0.8 γ1=0.3, γ2=0.7
γ1=0.4, γ2=0.6
0.7 γ1=0.5, γ2=0.5
γ1=0.6, γ2=0.4
0.6 γ1=0.7, γ2=0.3
γ1=0.8, γ2=0.2
γ1=0.9, γ2=0.1
γ1=1.0, γ2=0.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Y = β0 +∑ β ( X + o ) + ∑ β (g X ) + ∑ ∑ β ( X + o ) (g X ) +
i i i i i i ij i i j j
∑β (X + o ) ∑β g X .
2 2
ii ii i ii i i
The offset and gain parameters are obtained by minimizing the sum of squared errors
of each response added up and weighted by each response prediction error variance.
That is, response k receives a weight 1/S 2k. This tuning technique, in effect, generalizes
the concept of “bias tuning” on which EWMA controllers are based, to the case where
not only the bias (offset) but also the gains are adapted in a full quadratic RSM model.
Baras and Patel1 present a worst-case R2R controller based on an ellipsoidal
algorithm that estimates a set of possible parameter values of RSM model. Within
that set, a recipe is obtained by taking a worst case (minimax) approach.
Work related to using information from an initial response surface model is that
of Hamby et al.17 They consider a multiple input, single output run-to-run system
described by a first-order linear regression equation and controlled by a single
EWMA controller. Their approach can be explained more simply by referring to the
single input, single output (SISO) case. From the stability condition 1 – λξ < 1,
the authors develop the interesting concept of probability of stability P(1 – λξ <
1) where the density of b = β̂ (obtained from regression analysis) is used for
integration and therefore can be computed analytically. A second interesting concept
used to determine λ is the probability of performance, Pi = P(AMSD(λ) < κ), which
is computed by Monte Carlo simulation of the density of b. The value of λ that
maximizes Pp is selected.
Equipment models with adaptation based on recursive least-square estimation
and self-tuning control techniques have been proposed for the SISO case,11 and the
1. Baras, J.S. and Patel, N.S. (1995) “Designing Response Surface Model-Based Run
by Run Controllers: A New Approach,” 1995 IEEE/CPMT International Electronics
Manufacturing Technology Symposium Proceedings, pp. 210-217.
2. Boning, D.S. and Mozumder, P.K. (1994) “DOE/Opt: A System for Design of Exper-
iments, Response Surface Modeling, and Optimization Using Process and Device
Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 7, 2, 233-244.
3. Box, G.E.P. and Draper, N. (1969) Evolutionary Operation, John Wiley & Sons, New
4. Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M. (1963) “Further Contributions to Adaptive Quality
Control: Simultaneous Estimation of Dynamics: Nonzero Costs,” Bulletin of the
International Statistical Institute, 34, ,943-974.
5. Box, G.E.P., Jenkins, G.M., and Reinsel, G.C. (1994) Time Series Analysis, Forecast-
ing, and Control, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall.
6. Box, G.E.P. and Luceño, A. (1997) Statistical Control by Monitoring and Feedback
Adjustment. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. Brown, K.G. (1978) “On Ridge Estimation in Rank Deficient Models,” Comun.
Statist. Theor. Meth., A7(2), 187.
8. Butler, S.W. and Stefani, J.A. (1994) “Supervisory Run-to-Run Control of a Polysil-
icon Gate Etch Using In Situ Ellipsometry,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor
Manufacturing, 7, 2, 193-201.
9. Chen, R.L. and Spanos, C.J. (1992) “Self-Learning Fuzzy Methods of Semiconductor
Processing Equipment,” 1992 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing
Conference Proceedings, pp. 100-106.
10. Duncan, W.J. (1944) “Some devices for the solution of large sets of simultaneous
linear equations,” Philos. Mag., (7), 35, 660.
11. Del Castillo, E. and Hurwitz, A. (1997) “Run-to-Run Process Control: A Review and
Some Extensions,” Journal of Quality Technology, 29, 2, 184-196.
12. Del Castillo, E. (1996) “A Multivariate Self-Tuning Controller for Run-to-Run Process
Control under Shift and Trend Disturbances,” IIE Transactions, 28, 12, 1011-1021.
13. Del Castillo, E. (1999) “Long-Run and Transient Analysis of a Double EWMA
Quality Controller,” to appear in IIE Transactions. IME working paper #98 – 119,
Penn State University.
14. Del Castillo, E. (1999) “Some Properties of EWMA Feedback Quality Adjustment
Schemes for Drifting Processes,” submitted to Journal of Quality Technology. IME
working paper #99 – 101, Penn State University.
15. Garcia, C.E. and Morari, M. (1985) “Internal Model Control. 2. Design Procedure
for Multivariable Systems,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Des. Dev., 24, 472-484.
16. Graybill, F.A. (1961) An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models, vol. 1, McGraw-
1. The optimization can begin with little or no data. This is of great value
in production when, as is usually the case, no screening experiments have
been run ahead of the optimization. If such data are available, they can
be entered into the Ultramax database and the program will use them
2. As experimental data are added more parameters are estimated and, if
enough runs have been accomplished, the data are selected and weighted
according to a heuristic method. In this latter case, all (model) coefficients
of a second-order Taylor series approximation to the underlying process
response surface are the parameters that are estimated.
3. The program recommends one or more advices to be taken as future run
settings (recipes). The advice may be strictly adhered to, modified, or
dropped if necessary. The advice given is a result of optimizing on the
goal function while at the same time respecting all input and output
constraints; an advice is a prediction based on the latest version of the
response surface that the software has at its disposal. In this sense one
can regard it as a feedforward, model-based adaptive optimizer.
* Ultramax is a registered trademark of Ultramax Corp., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thanks to Dr. Carlos Moreno
of the Ultramax Corp. for his assistance in this regard.
y = Xββ + ε (22)
b = ( X ′X ) X ′y
B = ( X ′X + K ) X ′y
( )
β* = X′X + kI p X ′y (25)
where k > 0 is a constant that is chosen by graphical means or by some other plausible
{ }
b +* = (X′X)r + kI p X ′y (26)
Φ(β) ∝ exp − 1 2σβ2
) ( Hβ)′ ( Hβ) (27)
The Bayes estimator with respect to quadratic loss is given by the posterior mean
of β, and is
( )
b Φ = (X′X) + σ σβ H′H X′y
2 0 0
= Q′ Λ2 + σ σβ )
Q X ′y
I p − r
b Φ = Q′ Λ2 + σ σβ I pQ X′y
( )
= X′X + σ σβ I p X′y
That is, we have a plausible estimator that will work even in the rank-deficient case.
( )
b Φ ≅ ( xM )′ ( xM ) + σ σβ I p
( xM )′ y (32)
b Φ ≅ M −1{x ′x + K} x ′y
b B = {x ′x + K} x ′y
In the Introduction and Part 1 of this book we illustrated the many current benefits
and discussed potential future benefits of R2R control. These benefits can be realized
to a large extent utilizing straightforward and uncomplicated control algorithms.
Having an understanding of these algorithms will provide the reader with ammuni-
tion to help develop simple but effective R2R control solutions.
The focus of this chapter is to explain two of the more basic R2R control
algorithms used today in the semiconductor industry, namely the “EWMA gradual
mode” and the “predictor–corrector controller (PCC).” Both of these algorithms are
multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) first-order polynomial control approaches.
That is, they approximate the system they are controlling as a set of polynomial
equations containing only constant and first-order terms. This may at first seem
limiting, but with these algorithms it is assumed that R2R control will be applied
to a relatively stable process, subjected to noise and drift, and other techniques will
be used when the process becomes unstable (mechanisms such as SPC could be
utilized to identify the need to transition to these other techniques — see Chapter 1).
The process drift may be monotonic or cyclical. Once the nature of the system has
been established, both the EWMA gradual mode and PCC algorithms act as piece-
wise linear approximators over many runs. Using this strategy, complex models can
be linearized around an optimal point and, as such, are presented to the controller
to maintain that point.
Y = Ax + c (1)
* Equations will use the following notation: Arrays will be capitals, vectors will be lower case, and
indexing within a vector or matrix will be lower case with subscripts. In addition, the special subscript
t will be reserved for time or run number information.
This matrix notation can be expanded into the familiar simultaneous equations
notation. Each output represents a target of control, and each input represents an
adjustable parameter in the recipe.
L (2)
y n = a n1x 1 + a n 2 x 2 +…a nm x m + c n
The algorithm operates under the assumption that the underlying process is locally
approximated by the first-order polynomial model, and that this polynomial model
can be maintained near a local optimal point solely by updating the constant term
c. In order to allow maximum flexibility for algorithmic development, the compu-
tational engine associated with the R2R algorithm is divided into two parts:
• Model update
• Recipe update
This division applies to both the EWMA gradual mode and predictor corrector
algorithms. In the remainder of this section we will describe the methods used for
both model and recipe update in each of these algorithms.
ct = ∑ α(1 − α)
i =1
t −i
( yi − Axi ) (3)
Although (3) would provide the desired EWMA weighting, it also requires data
from all previous runs. Luckily, this can be simplified using the additive nature of
the series to generate an iterative expression for the constant term update:
Using an EWMA filter to smooth the control action on a linear process has been
shown to provide good results in a number of applications.1–5 The simplicity of the
algorithm also makes it a natural starting point for an R2R control strategy.
The PCC algorithm is an expansion on the EWMA gradual mode that adds an explicit
model for drift. Drift is present in many VLSI processes that can “age.” Examples
include pad wear on a chemical mechanical planarizer, or buildup on the wall of a
plasma etcher (examples of this type of drift are described further in the Introduction
section of this book). The PCC algorithm uses two parameters, α and β, to weight
noise and drift, respectively. EWMA weighting is used for both the constant term
update and for the drift estimation.
nt = α( yt − Axt ) + (1 − α )nt −1
( )
dt = β yt − Axt − ct −1 + (1 − β)dt −1 (5)
ct = nt + dt
Simulations of PCC vs. EWMA on processes with and without drift show that PCC
provides better drift response with no noticeable penalty when drift is absent.
Changes in the drift rate, however, can lead to potential overshoot based on the time
averaging of the PCC drift estimator. Figure 3.1 shows a comparison between PCC
and EWMA control under both drift and noise conditions.5
this section will be devoted to presenting the algorithm used for fitting a solution
to the numerous outputs. Parameters and constraints that can affect this solution,
and methodologies for dealing with them, are discussed in Section 3.3.
At the heart of the R2R recipe algorithm is a matrix least-squares routine. Least-
squares is a method for determining the optimal solution (curve fit) for an overde-
termined (#outputs > #inputs) system.6,7 The method has the favorable property of
providing the “best” solution even if an “exact” solution does not exist. In this case,
“best” refers to the solution that minimizes the squared error between itself and the
exact solution, and “exact” refers to input values to the model that generate the
desired target value exactly. Care must be taken when formulating the problem. The
absolute scale of the inputs can cause certain inputs to be favored over others when
an optimal solution is chosen. This is beneficial when used to modify the behavior
of the controller, but is not desirable if it is not controlled (see input/output weights
discussed in sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). To prevent unwanted bias, all inputs can be
normalized (as shown in Eq. (6) below) to between –1 and 1 before any computation.
Based on the formulations of the problem and possible boundary constraints, the
least-squares solution can take on three forms:
• Exact solution
• Overdetermined
• Underdetermined.
Figure 3.2 illustrates examples of the three possible forms of the solution to a control
problem. Each of these must be solved in a different manner. For the underdetermined
case (Figure 3.2a), the system has two inputs (x1 and x2) and one target output (3).
This problem would normally lead to an infinite number of solutions (represented
by a line). Since all solutions are “correct,” it would serve the purpose of the algorithm
y = Ax + c
x = A−1 ( y − c)
Note that here are two uses for the symbol y in the equations used for control. First,
it represents the output of the system. This is what is measured as the real value of
the system output. This value is primarily used to update the constant term c, as
discussed earlier. Second, it is used to denote the target that is desired for that output.
This second use is how it is used in the remainder of this chapter. The two meanings
are similar in that they are the observed and ideal values, respectively, of the system
output. Overdetermined
There are two events that could lead to an overdetermined problem. The first is that
the problem was formulated with fewer inputs than outputs (n < m). Second, the
controller could have originally been underdetermined or exactly determined, but
y = Ax + c
AT ( y − c) = AT Ax (8)
( )
x = AT A AT ( y − c ) Underdetermined
In contrast to the overdetermined case, the underdetermined case is encountered
when the number of inputs exceeds the number of outputs (m > n). This is often the
case in a process. Several inputs can be modified to help maintain a certain output,
so the possible solutions are infinite.
Although being able to reach target is always desirable, the choice of the “best”
solution from the set of all possible solutions must be done in a consistent manner.
Again we turn to least squares. This time, however, instead of merely obtaining an
answer that hits the target, we can also select an answer that is closest to the previous
recipe while still exactly solving the original problem. In this way we can ensure
both that our output is guaranteed to be correct, and that the associated inputs are
modified as little as possible.
The actual formulation of the problem is a little more complex than the other
cases. It involves the use of a Lagrange multiplier (λ) to take the two constraints
and merge them into a single equation.6,7 This method of obtaining “best” results
for underdetermined systems has been used with many of the very first R2R control
solutions applied to actual process control,8 and continues to be used today.9 The
calculation of the updated recipe parameters “x” for the underdetermined case is as
min x − x0 Ax = b
( x − x0 ) ( x − x0 ) + λT ( Ax − b)
= ( x − x0 ) + λT A = 0
dL T
dx (9)
x − x 0 = − AT λ
Ax − Ax0 = − AAT λ
Ax = Ax0 − AAT λ = b
( ) ( Ax − b)
λ = AAT 0
( ) ( Ax − b)
x = x0 − AT AAT 0
In the remainder of this section, these constraints and parameters are described
in more detail, and algorithm enhancements are presented to incorporate the impact
of these factors into the mathematical formulations presented in Section 3.2.
operator imposed (e.g., input range for a parameter that has been qualified for a
process). One way to address input bounding with control is to simply determine
the optimal recipe without input bounds, then fix all input R2R control advices that
exceed these bounds to the closest valid (within bounds) setting. This approach
provides the necessary constraints, but generally results in a less than optimal setting
for the equipment. It is important that the final recipe is chosen in the presence of
these constraints. To achieve this the R2R algorithm can be modified to use an
iterative approach as shown in Figure 3.3.
This approach differs from the one-pass approach in one key area. After the
variables have been modified to respect their maximum ranges, these variables are
removed from the system and the process is repeated. This reduces the possibility
of a nonoptimal solution, but does not guarantee an optimal solution. It is provided
as a computationally inexpensive alternative to a full optimization that can at least
guarantee valid if not optimal results.
w1 0 0
W=0 … 0 (10)
0 0 wm
Wy = Wax + Wc
W ( y − c) = WAx
(WA)T W ( y − c) = (WA)T WAx
(A W )
WA AT W T W ( y − c ) = x
The weighting works by biasing the magnitude of certain outputs so that when a
least-squared solution is calculated, outputs with higher weights contribute a greater
penalty to the solution if they are off target. Thus, higher-weighted outputs are set
closer to their targets than other outputs. Application of output weights in an exact
or underdetermined system has no effect on the output; in both cases there is no
reason to sacrifice one output to obtain another, as there is an infinite solution set.
Other bias terms related to direct output weights are the model update weights.
These weights (α for EWMA, α and β for PCC control) determine the aggressiveness
of the controller for each of the outputs. These parameters can be used to minimize
the impact of certain noisy outputs on the model update and recipe generation of
the controller, while increasing the impact of more stable outputs. The result is that
a system can quickly adapt to changing conditions while being somewhat resistant
to process noise. An added benefit of these parameters is that they provide these
biased noise filtering capabilities regardless of the type of control problem (i.e.,
underdetermined, exact, or overdetermined).
Although the inputs to the system can be normalized to ensure consistent operation,
weights can also be applied to these inputs to add yet another level of control. Input
weights enable the user to set the adjustability of the inputs. That is, heavily weighted
input variables are adjusted with greater magnitude relative to lightly weighted
variables to achieve process control.
Application of the weighting is achieved by adjusting the normalized input
variables so that the least-squared distance incurred by each variable (distance of
new control advice xt from xt–1 where t is the run number) is adjusted by its input
weight. This should not be confused with the output weighting mechanism discussed
in the previous subsection. In the underdetermined systems where the model indi-
cates a set of solutions where all outputs are met, the recipe is determined with the
added constraint of being as close to the old recipe as possible. This can be biased
by the relative weighting of the inputs. Inputs that are weighted heavily are forced
to be the least adjustable due to their relatively large effect on the error calculation
for the recipe (i.e., the difference between the target and value predicted by the
suggested recipe applied to the model). A matrix V and its inverse V –1 are used to
apply the input weighting.
where v1 … vn are the relative weights for inputs 1 … n. Note that the input weighting
has no effect on both overdetermined and exact solution problems. In those cases,
the inputs are not factored into the calculation of the error for the final solution, so
the magnitude of the inputs, which is the key to their weighting, is irrelevant.
Once a weight matrix has been defined it must be applied in such a manner as
to ensure that the formulation of the problem leads to a correct solution. In order
to achieve this, the weight must be applied to both the recipe and the slope (first-
order) term. First, the application of the weight term V to the recipe x modifies the
least-squared error generated by these inputs when determining the solution closest
to the previous solution (see Section The side-effect of this weighting is
that the new output generated by these inputs is not consistent with the original
problem formulation. To remedy this, the slope term A is weighted with the inverse
of the recipe weight. The system equation for the output then becomes
Y = Ax + c
( )
Y = A ⋅ V −1 ⋅ (V ⋅ x ) + c (13)
y = A * x * +c
This new formulation can be used in place of the original variables to provide the
necessary weighting. The problem is then treated as before (see Section,
but with the new scaled values.
min x * − x0 * A* x *= Ax = b (14)
The solution, however, is based on these scaled values, so it must be scaled back to
the original domain.
x = V −1 ⋅ x * (15)
Much of the material presented in this chapter is derived from Reference 11 and is
reprinted with permission.
1. Sachs, E., Hu, A., and Ingolfsson, A., “Run by Run Process Control: Combining SPC
and Feedback Control,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Oct. 1991.
2. Moyne, J., Curry, J., Solakhian, V., Weaver, T., and Gwizdak, R., “Improving Reli-
ability, Yield and Throughput of Chemical-Mechanical Planarization through Process
Automation and Control,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference:
SEMICON Taiwan ‘98 (Nov. 1998).
3. Moyne, J., “Run-to-Run Control Success Stories,” SEMATECH AEC Workshop VIII,
Santa Fe, NM (Oct. 1996).
4. El Chemali, C., Moyne, J., Khan, K., Colt, J., Chapple-Sokol, J., Nadeau, R., Smith,
P., and Parikh, T., “Multizone Uniformity Control of a CMP Process Utilizing a Pre
and Post-Measurement Strategy,” 46th International Symposium of the American Vac-
uum Society, Seattle, Washington, (Oct. 1999); also accepted for publication in the
Journal of the American Vacuum Society (accepted December 1999).
5. Butler, S. and Stefani, J., “Application of Predictive Corrector Control to Polysilicon
Gate Etching,” American Control Conference, June 1993.
6. Hilderbrand, F.B., Advanced Calculus for Applications, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ, 1976, pp. 357-364.
7. Press, W., Teukolsky, S., Vetterling, W., and Flannery, B., Numerical Recipes in C,
2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1994.
8. Kim, M. and Moyne, J., Multiple Input Multiple Output Linear Approximation Run-
to-Run Control Algorithm — User Manual ver. 1.0, The University of Michigan, Nov.
22, 1993.
9. Discussions with MiTeX Solutions, Inc., Canton, MI, suppliers of R2R control solu-
tions for semiconductor manufacturing (
10. Boning, D., Moyne, W., Smith, T., Moyne, J., and Hurwitz, A., “Practical Issues in
Run by Run Process Control,” Proc. Sixth Annual SEMI/IEEE ASMC, Boston, (Octo-
ber 1995).
11. Moyne, W., “Run by Run Control: Interfaces, Implementation, and Integration,” S. M.
Thesis, MIT EECS, May 1995.
The OAQC (optimizing adaptive quality controller) is a process optimization and
control software tool recently developed for application in run-to-run (R2R) manu-
facturing environments. Its most recent version is the result of the evolution of R2R
applications of adaptive control techniques for linear unconstrained single input,
single output (SISO) systems;5 liner unconstrained multiple input, multiple output
(MIMO) systems;3 and nonlinear, constrained MIMO systems.8 The OAQC has been
implemented on the NextStep (Mach) and Windows NT platforms. The NextStep
OAQC has been integrated with the Generic Cell Controller (GCC, see Reference 14
and Chapter 11 of this book) whereas the WinNT version is not integrated as of this
writing. This chapter will specify which feature applies to each version. When no
specification is made, the feature applies to both versions.
Many R2R controllers are based on response surface models that are obtained
through experimentation during the “qualification” of a process. After qualification,
an R2R controller will determine recipes at run t based on the estimated model
parameters at that run. For a SISO system, a common response model is simply
Y ( x )t = α + βxt −1 + δ t + ε t
where α and β are parameters, Y is the response, x is the level of the controllable
factor, δ t models a deterministic drift, and the {εt} constitutes a white noise sequence
with variance σ2. The so-called EWMA controllers2,15,16 popular in R2R applications
and used as a “benchmark” in the area of R2R control, modify the estimate of α +
δ t by computing the estimate at + Dt(t) and updating the estimates at and Dt at every
run t using EWMA equations. The estimate of the process gain, b = βˆ , is obtained
during qualification experiments and is usually not updated during the control phase.
To better understand the OAQC approach for process optimization, it is useful first
to look at how design of experiments (DOE) and response surface methodology
(RSM) typically work.
When building a response surface model of a response, Y(x), DOE approaches
recommend different settings (recipes) x based on some optimality criteria for the
design or for the estimated responses such as orthogonality, rotatability, or D-opti-
mality. These criteria do not consider whether one wishes to maximize or minimize
a particular response; they concentrate only on model-fitting properties. Suppose
that, after factor screening experiments have been conducted, there is a single
response Y(x) that is known to be affected by n controllable factors, where x ∈ ℜn.
The experimental design problem is then to find
x 1′ x 11 x 12 L x 1n
x′ x x 22 L x 2n
X = 2 = 21
x k′ x k 1 xk2 L x kn
such that some criteria for X is optimized. For example, for D-optimality, X′X is
maximized, which implies that the volume of the confidence ellipsoid of the param-
eter estimates is minimized (Var (θ̂) is “minimized” in this sense). Note that this
minimization is achieved regardless of our goals or objectives for Y. If we ignore
the response objectives, D-optimality is a useful design criterion when there are
several bounds or constraints that limit the possible values that x can take.
Once an experiment is designed, the k trial recipes are run and the parameters
θ ∈ ℜk(k ≥ l) are estimated using some variant of the least-squares method:
∑ (Y − Yˆ (θ; x ))
min t t t
t =1
(( ) )
min Yˆ θˆ ; x − T “target is best”
min Yˆ θˆ ; x
( ) “smaller the better”
max Yˆ θˆ ; x
( ) “larger the better”
Here, the optimization is over the recipe (factor) x space, perhaps subject to one or
more constraints in x.6,7 Note that during this step θ̂ remains fixed. Actually, RSM
usually starts with a series of steepest ascent/descent searches based on a first-order
model until a second-order model can be fit. For simplicity of presentation, we
assume here that Y has been determined to be of second-order after steepest ascent
An R2R controller like the EWMA controllers will take the models Ŷ(x) and
will try to keep the responses Y at the optimal performance in the presence of process
noise and drift. As can be seen, building models for R2R control consists of three
optimization processes performed sequentially: (1) an experimental design is defined
based on some optimality criteria, (2) a model-fitting (e.g., least-squares) minimi-
zation step is performed, and (3) a recipe-finding optimization step is performed.
The OAQC, instead of solving these three problems in series, attempts to solve them
simultaneously in an incremental way at each run, speeding up the qualification
phase of a process and reducing extreme disruptions to the process while the OAQC
learning algorithms are running.
For ease of presentation, assume again that there is a single response Y that is known
to depend on n controllable factors. It is desired to keep Y as close as possible to a
target T. However, the input–output relation is unknown and a model Yˆ initially may
not be available. The OAQC solves, at each run t, the following problem:
min (1 − λ t ) Yˆt +1 t ( xt +1 ) − T ) − λ (Var(Yˆ (x )) σ )
t t t +1 (1)
xt +1 ∈ Ω1
where the first term is the squared deviation from target of the one-run-ahead
predicted response, and the second term is the scaled variance of the current estimated
Pt −1ϕ t
Kt = (2)
1 + ϕ ′t Pt −1ϕ t
θˆ t = θˆ t −1 + Kt yt − ϕ ′t θˆ t −1 ) (3)
[ ]
Pt = In − Kt ϕ ′t Pt −1 (4)
* The OAQC NextStep version allows only target responses subject to constraints.
model 3
model 2
model 1
initial region
operational region
Check new
Check new
Check new
Constraint targets
only Check new
(Yˆ t +1 ) (
− T Γ Yˆt +1 − T )
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
where Ŷ and T are p × 1 vectors of estimated (optimizable) responses and
response targets, respectively, and Γ is a p × p diagonal matrix of response
weights, i.e., the i-th diagonal element of Γ (i = 1, 2, … , p) is the relative
weight given to response i. The higher the weight given to a response,
the more penalized its deviations from target are, and the more strict
control of that response we will have.
4. Initial models. The OAQC can start its optimization/learning routine
without prior information about the responses. However, if prior models
are available (perhaps based on previous process data), these can be used
in two different ways: (1) as initial models that will speed up the optimi-
zation/learning process, and (2) for simulation purposes. For the learning
and estimation process, a vector θ0 of initial parameter estimates may be
defined together with its associated precision matrix P0. The more confi-
dence we have in the estimates θ0, the smaller the diagonal elements in
P0 should be. This corresponds to a Bayesian interpretation of the recursive
least-squares estimation algorithm.12 The OAQC allows us to simulate
MIMO systems with responses of up to quadratic order with linear drift
and additive normally distributed white noise. The OAQC optimization
and control algorithm can then be applied to the simulated responses as
if they were the true (unknown) system responses.
1. Box, G.E.P. and Draper, N.R. (1969) Evolutionary Operation, New York, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Butler, S.W. and Stefani, J.A. (1994) “Supervisory Run-to-Run Control of a Polysil-
icon Gate Etch Using In Situ Ellipsometry,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor
Manufacturing, 7, 2, 193-201.
3. Del Castillo, E. (1996) “A Multivariate Self-Tuning Controller for Run-to-Run Pro-
cess Control under Shift and Trend Disturbances,” IIE Transactions, 28, 12, 1011-
4. Del Castillo, E. (1999) “Long-Run and Transient Analysis of a Double EWMA
Quality Controller,” to appear in IIE Transactions, IME working paper #98-119, Penn
State University.
5. Del Castillo, E. and Hurwitz, A. (1997) “Run-to-Run Process Control: Literature
Review and Extensions,” Journal of Quality Technology, 29, 2, 184-196.
6. Del Castillo, E. and Montgomery, D.C. (1993) “A Nonlinear Programming Solution
to the Dual Response Problem,” Journal of Quality Technology, 25, 4, 199-204.
7. Del Castillo, E., Fan, S.K., and Semple, J. (1997) “The Computation of Global Optima
in Dual Response Systems,” Journal of Quality Technology, 29, 3, 347-353.
8. Del Castillo, E. and Yeh, J.Y. (1998) “An Adaptive Run-to-Run Optimizing Controller
for Linear and Nonlinear Semiconductor Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Semicon-
ductor Manufacturing, 11, 2, 285-295.
9. Hurwitz, A. and Del Castillo, E. (1999) “An Adaptive Run-to-Run Optimizing Con-
troller for Linear and Nonlinear Processes,” Proceedings of the International Con-
ference on Quality Manufacturing,
Manufacturing processes encounter many hindrances to fulfilling operational equip-
ment efficiencies. In the Introduction to this book we noted that two causes of trouble
on the manufacturing floor are typically the batch-to-batch or “run-to-run” (R2R)
drift of the actual output performances from the desired level, and also an inherent
inability of the process to deliver consistent high quality. This last-stated problem
has usually been tackled in an off-line manner by statistically designed optimization
experiments. Designed experiments are very effective for developmental work, but
are seldom used in an actual production situation. The first-stated problem (i.e., R2R
control) of tool drift, or shift, has traditionally been managed by the tool operator
tweaking various recipe setpoints of the process, such as temperature. The problem
here lies in varying operator experience levels and attitudes to control. In addition,
it is typical that only one input gets tweaked, whereas, in truth, a number of inputs
affect the various process outputs in some multivariable, cross-correlated manner.
A need is thus identified for an automated R2R control solution that is self-
adapting to optimized control of a process. In this chapter we address the dual
“optimization-control problem” by introducing a multiple input, multiple output
(MIMO) R2R controller that can act as an optimizer and/or a controller. Specifically,
in the first part of this chapter we briefly discuss the original “linear” model control
approach to R2R where model development is done off-line using traditional exper-
imental design. This approach, which is detailed in Chapter 3, has been proven
effective, and a commercial application is mentioned.
We then present a solution to the dual optimization-control problem by intro-
ducing a multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) R2R controller that can act as an
optimizer and/or a controller. This controller — the optimizing adaptive quadratic
controller (OAQC) — can develop equipment models on-line if none are available
(see also Chapter 4). Once a satisfactory model is determined, OAQC will switch
to R2R control mode. The OAQC can also be used in either pure optimization or
in pure batch control mode.
y( x )t = α + βxt −1 + δt + ε t (1)
where y is the estimated response, α and β are parameters, x is the level of the
controllable factor, δt is a deterministic drift with t being time, and {εt} a white
noise sequence with variance σ2. This model — called a gradual mode model — is
used as a local approximation to a drifting, possibly nonlinear, response surface as
shown in Figure 5.1.
So-called EWMA controllers11 model (α + δt) as ct and update it using an
exponentially weighted moving average, i.e.,
The basic mechanics of this simple R2R control scheme is as follows: It is desired
that the output Y equals target T which occurs if the controllable input is set at X
since y = c + bX, where y, estimates E[Y], b is the estimated linear slope, and c the
estimated Y-intercept (Figure 5.2). If there is evidence of a process shift, c is rees-
timated using the above EWMA method (Figure 5.3). X is then recalculated to give
X′ so that Y again equals its target T, that is, X′ = [T – c]/b (Figure 5.4).
Output (Yt)
Model Compensation (Yt)
'Gradual Mode'
Control Model
lnitial Process
Operating Point
Surface lnput (Xt)
* By MiTeX Solutions, Inc. of Ann Arbor, MI, in the Strasbaugh, Inc. “Symphony” planarizer.
This model is linear in its parameters, and may thus be estimated by a least-squares
technique such as recursive least squares (RLS).8
Another approach to a nonlinear R2R control solution is to use neural nets for
the response model.11 This will work if enough data are available to construct the
neural weightings. In production processes with many different regimes/recipes, it
is not always easy to get sufficient data for neural modeling, and a more parsimonious
approach is useful. One such approach devised by Del Castillo and Yeh12 and called
the “optimizing adaptive quadratic controller” (OAQC) is now described.
The OAQC assumes that equipment behavior can be modeled according to a
second-order MIMO Hammerstein model of the form
yt = y(0) + Nzt −1 + Mt + I p − CB ε t ) (4)
where z ′t = (ut, ut2, ut(i) ut(j), i < j) is a vector of length (2n + (n(n – 1)/2) that contains
the quadratic expansion of ut ; yt is a p × 1 vector of quality characteristics; y(0) is
a p × 1 vector of intercepts; ut is a vector of controllable factors; t denotes a vector
containing the time index t in its p components, {εt} is a sequence of multivariate
white noise random vectors; and B is the one-lag backward shift operator. This
model is general enough for most equipment response surfaces.
A minimum means square error forecast developed by Del Castillo4 may be
applied to the model given in (4) to give a forecast equation:
where ϒt +1|t is the one-step-ahead forecast of y, and the (p × 2n + (n(n – 1)/2)) matrix N
contains parameters for both first-order and quadratic terms. The quadratic expansion
provides a second-order polynomial approximation to the system nonlinearity. On-
line parameter estimates of L, M, and N are provided by a recursive least-squares
(RLS) algorithm,8 and then (5) may be used to derive the control rule for the current
( ′
) ( )
J = ϒ t +1 t − T W ϒ t +1 t − T + (ut − ut −1 )′ Γ(ut − ut −1 ) (6)
Lu ≤ u t ≤ U u (7)
L y ≤ ϒ t +1 t ≤ U y (8)
min (1 − λ t ) ϒ t +1 t ( xt +1 ) − T ) − λ (Varϒ ( x ) σ2
t t t +1
where the minimization occurs as {xt+1 ∈ Ω1}, a region of factor space defined by
input factor bounds, and ϒ is the estimated response.
The first term of (9) is the square deviation of the one-step-ahead predicted
response, and the second term is the scaled variance of the current estimated
response. The constants {λt} are such that 0 ≤ λt ≤ 1, and give relative weights to
the two objectives in (9), namely the optimization of the response (first term) and
model fitting (second term). Note that if λt = 1, then the second term is equivalent
to a conditional D-optimality,* a useful criterion in the presence of factor bounds.
* D-optimality ⇒ |X′X| is maximized ⇒ Var (ϒ) minimized, where X = (xij), the matrix of j = 1, …, n
factor inputs over i = 1, …, k trials.
where ε1t ~ N(0,602) and ε2t ~ N(0,302). The ui were constrained to the (–1,1) range.
y1 is removal rate, y2 is within-wafer nonuniformity.
The first trial introduced as a given (prior), a fairly good initial model for the
controller to start with. The second trial started with no prior model at all. The model
given in the first trial was
In the first trial, a target of 2700 was set for the output y1, while a constraint on y2
between –100 and 700 was set as a goal. Both optimization and control were
requested. Fifty (50) simulation runs were executed.
The graph of Figure 5.6, with “target” lines at 700 and 2700 added, shows the
results for y1 and y2 (the outputs resulting from optimization and control) as well as
the open loop or “uncontrolled” outputs. As can be seen, after the optimization phase
ended — at about run 13 — the controlled outputs stayed closer to the target (or
upper constraint in the case of y2) than the uncontrolled outputs.
3500 control
1500 no control
0 10 20 30 40 50
FIGURE 5.6 3 × 2 R2R simulation with prior model, y1 target = 2700, y2 constraints.
optimization phase
3000 control
1500 no control
0 10 20 30 40 50
FIGURE 5.7 3 × 2 R2R simulation with no prior model, y1 constraints and y2 constraints.
The second trial was executed for 50 simulated runs and in all details was
identical to the first trial except that no prior model was specified, and y1 was given
no target, but desired constraints of 2700 ≤ y1 ≤ 100,000 were imposed. As can be
seen again, in Figure 5.7, once the optimization phase is over, the controlled
responses better match their constraints than for the open responses.
These graphical intuitions may be confirmed by examining a table of summary
statistics (Table 5.1) for the trial runs (excluding the first 15 “optimization” runs in
all cases). The means (µ) of the controlled outputs (y1c, y2c) are closer to or more
consistently within the limiting constraints than are the open responses (y1o, y2o).
There is not much to choose between when examining the response standard
deviations (σ) except that in the case of y2, the open responses have smaller varia-
tions. This is probably caused by the control action itself pushing against difficult-
to-accomplish constraint limits due to the rather severe nature of the assumed trends.
The mean square deviation (MSD) for the y1’s is taken as the square root of the
average of Σ(y1* – 2700)2, and again for y2 but using the sum Σ(y2* – 700)2, where
“*” is either c for controlled or o for open loop. In all cases the controlled responses
show improvement over the uncontrolled responses.
Trial #2
µ 2757 2432 665 793
σ 134 134 45 32
MSD 142 294 55 97
In trial #1, the y1c mean of 2570 is closer to the target (2700) than the mean for
y1 . The y2c mean of 713 is also closer to the constraint (700) than the mean for y1o.
MSDs in both cases are also smaller for the controlled than the open case. For trial
#2, control performance remains superior to open loop except, as before, in the case
of σ for y2.
It should be noted that in the Khuri model, all signs in both model equations
are the same for matching terms except for the signs of the trend terms. This makes
the system inherently more difficult to control: a few differing signs would give
added latitude to the controller in the face of opposing drifts.
* See
Cell Control
(Run-to-Run Control)
Recipe Process
Equip. Cntrlr.
(Real-Time Control)
Product Flow
Run-to-run control is now an industrially proven batch control strategy that has a
considerable body of theoretical work behind it as well as a tested integration path.
In this chapter we have shown that R2R control can be extended to nonlinear systems,
and to systems about whose response patterns little or nothing is known, by the use
of the optimizing adjusting quadratic controller. This approach integrates process
model estimation, model updating, and recipe optimization in one seamless on-line
The authors are grateful to Strasbaugh, of San Luis Obispo, California, for permis-
sion to use diagrams appearing on their commercial Web site. Thanks are also due
for the helpful comments of Dr. James Moyne of the University of Michigan. An
earlier version of the material presented in this chapter was presented at the 1999
International Conference on Quality Manufacturing.
1. Boning, D.S., Moyne, W., Smith, T., Moyne, J., and Hurwitz, A. Practical issues in
run-by-run process control, Proc. 6th Annual IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor
Manufacturing Conference, Boston, MA (1995).
2. Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., and Hunter, J.S. Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley
& Sons (1978).
3. Clarke, D.W., and Gawthrop, P.J. Self-tuning controller, Proc. IEE, 122, 9, pp. 929-935
4. Del Castillo, E. A multivariable self-tuning controller for run-to-run process control
under shift and trend disturbances, IIE Transactions, 28, 12, pp. 1011-1021 (1996).
5. Del Castillo, E., and Hurwitz, A.M. Run-to-run process control: Literature review
and extensions, J. Quality Technol., 29, 4, pp. 199-204 (1997).
In Chapters 3 through 5 we described a number of R2R control algorithms. This
chapter provides a comparative analysis of R2R control algorithms, focusing on
their ability to provide robust and stable control in the face of linear and quadriatic
drift.1 This chapter is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of algorithm robustness
and stability, but rather an illustration of the pros and cons of the various R2R
algorithm candidates, and a description of a methodology for comparative evaluation
of R2R control algorithms.2 Specifically, the chapter is organized as follows. Fol-
lowing this introduction, background information is provided on each of the algo-
rithms that are investigated, as well as the multialgorithm R2R control solution
enabler. The testing benchmarks are then presented, followed by simulation results
of the application of the algorithms to these benchmarks. This chapter concludes
with a comparative analysis and a discussion of additional tests that could be
performed to further qualify the algorithms.
The apparatus required for testing multiple R2R control algorithms and realizing
multiple algorithm control solutions necessarily includes the algorithms themselves
as well as the multialgorithm control system enabler. In the following subsections,
summary information on each these elements is provided for completeness. Note
that more detailed treatment of the polynomial-based R2R control algorithms can
be found in Chapters 3 through 5, while the multialgorithm solution is detailed in
Chapter 9.
yt = Axt + ct , (1)
The controller updates the offset term ct on an R2R basis using an EWMA approach:
The GMt controller extends the GM controller to more accurately provide control
in environments where some or all of the process quality measures (outputs) cannot
be accurately approximated as a linear function of the process inputs.4 As an example,
consider the following multivariate process control problem:
A linear solver cannot accurately model situations where an output parameter such
as Amount Removed is a function of an input parameter such as Time multiplied
by a linear function of other input parameters (i.e., Speed and Pressure).
The optimizing adaptive quality controller (OAQC) is designed to seek and maintain
optimum operating conditions for a multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) pro-
cess.7 The controller is to be used in a run-to-run manner. Work on this controller
originated from previous developments in self-tuning MIMO controllers.8
initial estimates
Hammerstein model
NON-LINEAR input and output constraints
The Generic Cell Control (GCC) is a discrete control enabling mechanism that
utilizes distributed object-based communication and a relational database (as
GCC DB Recipe
Metrology DownLoad
As a test vehicle, process models originating from a CMP process are used as
an example process. These models each have four inputs (Platen Speed, Back-
Pressure, Polish Head Downforce, and Profile) and two outputs (Removal Rate and
where n is run number and w[n] is normally distributed white noise with zero mean
and covariance matrix Λ. We will use
665.64 0
0 5.29
where drift and noise are the same as in (4) and f(u[n]) is a full second-order
polynomial function of the inputs with the following form:
3 3
We will use
In both cases, the targets are 1700 Å for Removal Rate and 150 Å for Nonuniformity.
For simplicity, only Removal Rate control is evaluated in our comparison.
The process designed to test the performance of the GMt controller against the GM
controller has the following form:
where Removal Rate is one of the outputs in the vector y[n] and noise and drift
terms in (6) are the same as in (4). The outputs for this process are Amount Removed
and Nonuniformity with targets of 1700 Å and 150 Å, respectively.
Removal Rate
1200 Uncontrolled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
OAQC Control of Linear Process
Removal Rate
1200 Uncontrolled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
KIRC Control of Linear Process
Removal Rate
1200 KIRC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The weighted mean-squared errors were 2.434 × 10–2 for the GMt controller and
12.521 for the GM controller. As can be seen from the figure, the GM controller
lost control of the process after 36 runs due to its linearized approximation of the
nonlinear process, while the GMt controller maintained a good control of the process
during the entire period of runs by providing a two-step linear solution.
Removal Rate
1200 Uncontrolled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Removal Rate
1200 Uncontrolled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Removal Rate
1200 Uncontrolled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1.6 104
Amount Removed
1.2 104 GM-Controlled
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Run #
1.6 104
A comparative analysis of four algorithms (GM, GMt, OAQC, and KIRC) has been
presented in this chapter. The algorithms were evaluated in the control of both linear
and non-linear processes that experienced linear R2R process drift as well as white
noise. The results indicate that all algorithms were able to provide good control of
the linear test process, while only the OAQC was able to provide control of the
severely non-linear process. (There are many classes of non-linear drift processes
for which the GM is able to provide a level of control.) Additionally, it has been
shown that the GMt provides good control for a class of non-linear control problems
such as those where the measured output is related to an intermediate process variable
by a multiplicative factor such as time.
Although the test results presented here help to identify the domains of accept-
able operation of the tested algorithms, they represent only a first step in determining
the suitability of a control algorithm to a particular process. There are many other
factors that must be considered before making the final evaluation of the control
algorithm. For example, the non-linear model utilized in the test process represents
only one case of non-linear control; the specifics of the non-linear process and the
region of operation within the process model will have a significant impact on the
suitability of the control algorithm. Also, the characteristics of the process noise
may impact algorithm performance. Further, the impact of model error should be
evaluated. Finally, the maturity of the algorithm implementation, capability for
integration, and features (such as bounding of inputs and other practical factors)
Much of the material presented in this chapter is derived from Reference 1, and is
reprinted with permission. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
William Moyne and Victor Solakhian in developing the GM, GMt, and GCC soft-
ware, and Matt Hankinson for developing the KIRC software and providing KIRC
algorithm test results.
1. Boning, D., Castillo, E., Hurwitz, A., Moyne, J., Ning, Z., Smith, T., and Yeh, J., “A
Comparative Analysis of Run-to-Run Control Algorithms in the Semiconductor Man-
ufacturing Industry,” Seventh Annual SEMI/IEEE ASMC, Boston (October 1996).
2. Moyne, J., Chaudhry, N., and Telfeyan, R., “Adaptive Extensions to a Multi-Branch
Run-to-Run Controller for Plasma Etching,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Tech-
nology A, Vol. 13, No. 3, (May/June 1995), pp. 1787- 1791.
3. Moyne, W. “Run by Run Control: Interfaces, Implementation, and Integration,” S.M.
Thesis, MIT EECS, May 1995.
4. Smith, T., “Novel Techniques for the Run By Run Process Control of Chemical-
Mechanical Polishing,” S.M. Thesis, MIT EECS (May 1996).
5. Boning, D., Moyne, W., Smith, T., Moyne, J., and Hurwitz, A., “Practical Issues in
Run by Run Process Control,” Proc. Sixth Annual SEMI/IEEE ASMC, Boston (Octo-
ber 1995).
6. Hankinson, M., Vincent, T., Irani, K., and Khargonekar, P., “Integrated Real-Time
and Run-to-Run Control of Etch Depth in Reactive Ion Etching,” IEEE Transactions
on Semiconductor Manufacturing (1996).
7. Del Castillo, E., and Yeh, J.-Y., “Optimizing Adaptive Controller for Run-to-Run
Process Control: Software Implementation and Algorithmic Details,” technical report,
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Box 19017, Arling-
8. Del Castillo, E., “A Multivariate Self-Tuning Controller for Run-to-Run Process
Control Under Shift and Trend Disturbances,” IIE Transactions (1996).
9. Moyne, J., “Generic Cell Controlling Method and Apparatus for Computer Integrated
Manufacturing System,” U.S. Patent Number 5,469,361, (Filed, August 1991; Issued,
November 1995).
10. Moyne, J. and McAfee, L., “A Generic Cell Controller for the Automated VLSI
Manufacturing Facility,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (May
11. Boning, D., Chaudhry, N., Hurwitz, A., Moyne, J., Moyne, W., Shellman, S., Smith,
T., Telfeyan, R., and Taylor, J., “A Multi-Level Approach to the Control of a Chemical
Mechanical Planarization Process,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
(May/June 1996), pp. 1907-1913.
* Both “integrateable” and “integrable” are commonly utilized in the industry to mean “capable of
The industry as a whole has been pursuing the identification, specification, and
standardization of control integration for semiconductor manufacturing along many
fronts. The three major players in this arena are the Semiconductor Industry Asso-
ciation (SIA), Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI), and
SEmiconductor MAnufacturing TECHnology (SEMATECH). The SIA is an orga-
nization of leaders in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Members of the
SIA have been instrumental in the process or addressing the technology needs of
the industry by establishing precompetitive partnerships and consortiums such as
the Semiconductor Research Corp. (SRC) in 1982, SEMATECH in 1987, and the
International 300-mm Initiative (I300I) in 1996. The SIA membership also publishes
a National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, which will be discussed further
in Section 7.1.1 SEMI is a global trade association, founded in 1970, that represents
the semiconductor and flat panel display equipment and materials industries. With
over 2000 members, the primary goal of SEMI is to help its members expand their
global marketing opportunities and relationships by providing industry-specific
information and educational resources. SEMI is the primary standards organization
for the semiconductor industry.2 SEMATECH is a nonprofit technology development
consortium originally created to reinvigorate the U.S. semiconductor industry, but
it has evolved since 1998 into an international research consortium.3
In this chapter we provide a discussion of significant contributions to control
integration by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA Roadmap), SEMI (stan-
dards), and SEMATECH (Control Systems Requirements Specification).
FIGURE 7.1 SEMI standards and standards efforts mapped into control hierarchy.
of interest to an R2R controller via SECS messaging; (3) the R2R control solution
communicates to the metrology system via SECS and to the tool via GEM (SECS);
(4) the internal architecture, as viewed from above, is APC framework compliant;
(5) the equipment presents a GEM/SECS interface to both the R2R control element
and a host controller;* and (6) the equipment implements R2R control advices (i.e.,
recipe modification suggestions) via sensor/actuator commands implemented over
the equipment SAN.
* There are many different architectures for providing connectivity between equipment and both an R2R
controller and a factory host. This two-equipment-port solution is merely one example and is not meant
to suggest a preferred architecture.
The two primary components of the CSRS are (1) a specification for the enhance-
ment of existing equipment control systems, and (2) a specification of future control
systems. The first component was developed for users, integrators, and OEMs to
utilize as when they wish to add a control capability (sensor, algorithm, application,
etc.) to an existing system. The CSRS indicates the standards and specifications to
which the sensor supplier, OEM, and integrator should adhere so that capability can
be easily added to the system. The second component was developed to be utilized
as an aid for envisioning future equipment control systems and could thus be an aid
in the specification of these systems.
The list of requirements of control systems addressed by the CSRS is shown in
Table 7.1. As shown in the table, these requirements are specified across a number
of domains to ensure interoperability in each of these domains. Specifically, the
CSRS is divided into control and reliability domains. The control domain specifies
the structure and operation of the entire factory control systems. The reliability
domain addresses issues such as equipment up-time, maintenance, etc.
Insight has been provided in this chapter into contributions of three players in the
industry that are shaping the roadmap of R2R control development and integration.
The SIA provides a timeline for the development and deployment of R2R control
and gives an understanding of the positioning of R2R control with respect to other
advancements in the industry. SEMI provides guidance toward interoperability and
interchangeability of R2R solutions through standards developed generally in a
bottom-up, “grass-roots” fashion. SEMATECH, through its CSRS effort, provides
a level of organization to SEMI communication and control standards, and provides
a roadmap for users, OEMs, and integrators to specify and verify requirements of
control systems for both retrofit and next-generation applications.
These three players have contributed valuable input to the specification of
requirements for control solutions in the industry. The derivation of these design
requirements for R2R control solutions is provided in the next chapter, followed (in
Chapters 9 and 10, respectively) by the description of an enabling technology and
an R2R control solution design that meet these design requirements.
Much of the material presented in this chapter is derived from Reference 8, and is
reprinted with permission. The authors also acknowledge the contributions of the
members of the Control Systems Requirements Working Group sponsored by Inter-
national SEMATECH.
1. The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, Semiconductor Industry
Association (1997), available at
1 Process independence
2 Plug-and-play integration of external software modules
3 Dynamic control scheme
4 Complementary operation of multiple control and optimization methods
5 Ability to provide R2R control with or without in situ control
6 Platform independence
7 User friendliness and control integration migration path
take advantage of this multiprocess control capability and provide a level of process
independence of the control solution. This will enhance the cost-effectiveness of R2R
control by providing a high level of cross-process portability and reusability of the
control solution. Design requirements of an R2R control system that will maximize
process independence include (1) separation (modularization) of process-specific
control capability from generic control capability, (2) capability for (re)configuration
of process control I/O for adaptation to a new process, (3) dynamic internal R2R
controller control scheme (see below) for rapid reconfiguration to new process control
schemes, and (4) capability for plug-and-play of third party modules (see below) for
incorporation of new required features in a process control environment.
* Intel Corp.
* Microsoft Corp.
1. Moyne, J., Telfeyan, R., Hurwitz, A., and Taylor, J., “A Process-Independent Run-
to-Run Controller and Its Application to Chemical-Mechanical Planarization,” Proc.
Sixth Annual SEMI/IEEE ASMC, Boston (October 1995).
2. Moyne, J., Chaudhry, N., and Telfeyan, R., “Adaptive Extensions to a Multi-Branch
Run-to-Run Controller for Plasma Etching,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Tech-
nology A, Vol. 13, No. 3, (May/June 1995), pp. 1787- 1791.
3. Telfeyan, R., Moyne, J., Chaudhry, N., Pugmire, J., Shellman, S., Boning, D., Moyne,
W., Hurwitz, A., and Taylor, J., “A Multi-Level Approach to the Control of a Chemical
Mechanical Planarization Process,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
(May/June 1996), pp. 1907-1913.
4. Telfeyan, R., Moyne, J., Hurwitz, A., and Taylor, J., “Demonstration of a Process-
Independent Run-to-Run Controller,” 137th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society
(May 1995).
5. Document 2783A: Human Interface Standard for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Equipment, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (June 1998).
6. SEMATECH Strategic Cell Controller User Interface Style Guide 1.0, SEMATECH
Technology Transfer Document #92061179A-ENG (1992).
The Generic Cell Controller, or GCC, represents a solution to address the require-
ments of R2R control in the semiconductor manufacturing industry (as detailed in
Chapter 8). The GCC design and a GCC-enabled R2R control solution are presented
in this chapter.1-3 Specifically, the design of the GCC is presented, in Section 9.1,
as a solution to any form of discrete control (including R2R control). Simple
examples are used to illustrate the application of the GCC concept to control. A
specific solution of GCC application to R2R control is presented in Section 9.2. This
presentation includes a detailed description of the GCC operating environment,
software components, and process optimization and control environment. This is
followed in Section 9.3 by a detailed mapping of the solution design to the design
requirements of Chapter 8.
A cell controller is a unit in a facility that accepts commands from a parent (controller)
and implements these commands by instructing children units under its control. These
children may also be cell controllers, or may be equipment controllers with sufficient
intelligence to interpret the commands sent from a parent cell controller.
1. The controller design must accommodate the hybrid and dynamic oper-
ational environment. Included in this goal is the implication that the
controller design must not be a function of the facility hardware, software,
and networking base.
2. The controller design specification should provide for the maximization
of generic attributes of the cell controller so that development costs are
minimized as redundancy of programming effort is minimized.
3. The cell controller performance should be maximized with respect to
development speed, operating speed, software size, memory requirements,
To completely specify the role of the cell controller in the facility, a few assumptions
about facility structure and operation must be made. The overall facility structure
must be specified. For this design effort, a hierarchical facility structure is assumed.
Thus, it will be assumed that a cell controller functions in the hierarchical facility
structure as described above. Important properties of the hierarchical structure that
should be considered in attempting a cell controller design include:
1. The controller accepts commands from, at most, one parent and imple-
ments each command by passing a set of commands to one or more
children under its control.
2. The scope of influence of a controller is its immediate parent and imme-
diate children.2 (Any cell controller design must reflect a clear understand-
ing of the internal operations of the controller as well as its interaction
with its immediate parent controller or children (other generic cell con-
trollers and/or equipment controllers)).
The cell controller, initially in an idle state, receives stimulus in the form of either a
message of a specified format or an internal event indication. The cell controller parses
the information, interprets the information, and takes action as a result. The cell
controller then returns to an idle state.
There are many cell controller designs that would potentially achieve the desired
functionality, however, the inclusion of performance and cost considerations in the
design requirements greatly reduces the number that are acceptable. Usually software
complexity is proportional to its size, so a specification that minimizes application
software size is desirable. A modular specification is also desirable because, as stated
earlier, it provides isolation from facility structure and communication. Modular
design then results in increased flexibility and portability of the design, and decreased
update costs. From the performance standpoint, sequential control performance
consistent with process events in the factory is a requirement. Finally, and perhaps
most importantly, it must be emphasized that the specification should be generic
and therefore applicable to any cell controller in the hierarchical facility.
The cell controller design schematically represented in Figure 9.1 incorporates
all of the above analysis and design considerations. The overall operation of this
cell controller design can be summarized as follows:
The cell controller is a reactive device and therefore begins in an idle state. It responds
to message events received from the parent or children controllers, or to internally
triggered events. All message events received are stripped of control information
(specific to the communication protocol) by I/O interpreter modules, and the generic
portion of the cell controller is presented with internal or message “event” indications
structured in a common facility-wide message format. A message parser makes use of
the well-defined structural properties of the message format to extract the event data
from the message. A main program kernel module called a “conductor” matches the
event data received from the message parser or from an internal event to an entry in
the controller database. (The database is structured such that the event formats are
embedded in the data dictionary; therefore, the database is capable of storing the event
data of any event — externally or internally generated — that complies with the
specified format.) Through relations implied by the database, the conductor determines
the unique action to take as a result of an event received. Also through relations implied
by the database, the appropriate action may be invoked. to invoke this action the
conductor first scans the database to determine the necessary routines (or methods) to
call as well as parameters to pass to the routines, and an order to call the routines. The
conductor calls these routines in the specified order and with the specified parameters.
A routine may update the database. A routine may also send message data (derived from
the database) to the message parser to be formatted and forwarded to the I/O interpreter
so that the message data may be communicated in the specified format and appropriate
communication protocol to a parent or child controller. Upon return of control to the
conductor from the routines called, the cell controller returns to an idle state.
The event posting and servicing style of operation of the controller is illustrated by
the flow diagram of Figure 9.2. In analyzing the figure it is clear that the macroscopic
view of controller information flow is uncomplicated and well defined because
(1) the sources of controller stimulation “events” are well defined as is the message
format, and (2) much of the control information is embedded in the database struc-
ture. It is also clear that the system is heavily data-driven; indeed, all events result
from data received (via a formatted message) or from an internal event (e.g., timeout
on data expected). Thus, the database component of the controller plays a large role
in determining controller operation.
These GCC modules perform data conversion between the facility-wide message
format and the internal GCC event format. In this way, the I/O interpreter isolates
This module coordinates all controller activity. Its functionality is quite simple and
well defined. This module is event-driven, reacting to message events from its parent
and children, and internal events. For each stimulus event, the module uses the
database to interpret the event and determine the action to be taken (i.e., the rou-
tines/methods in modules to be called). The conductor then calls the specified
routine(s) in the order and with the parameters specified by the database. Upon
return from these routine(s) the conductor returns to a state of rest/idle. Figure 9.2
is a flow diagram illustrating conductor functionality. The elements of the flow
diagram may be explained as follows.
5 1 6 Initialize None
5 2 5 GetData Ch, 1, 2
5 3 11 PollACK Val_1,Val_2
5 4 2 UpdateDB 1, Val_1, 2, Val_2 Database
The database is the central source of information for the controller. The database
contains the necessary information so that the conductor can match any valid incom-
ing event to a database entry. The database also relates event information to actions
to be taken and routines to be called. The general structure of such a database is
indicated by the Entity Relationship (E-R) diagram of Figure 9.3 (which is a sim-
plification of the detailed E-R diagram of the actual controller database). The Entity
Relationship technique is commonly used to model data storage systems. A brief
tutorial on the E-R modeling technique is given in Appendix A (found at the end of
this chapter). An in-depth presentation of the E-R approach is found in Teorey.10
Referring now to Figure 9.3, the structure and use of the database will be described
in detail.
The database contains the seven entities “Routine," “Invocation," “InternalEv-
ents," “InternalEvent Instance,” “Action," and “Message.” A set of candidate rela-
tions (or tables) for a relational database schema can be derived from the model
using well-documented techniques.11 In the basic implementation each of the entities
would be a table in the GCC relational database. Further, the relationship “Invoked
By” would also be a table in the database. Relationships between these entities
would be implemented as foreign keys in the relational tables. Table 9.2 is an
example of such a basic schema. Note that Keys and Foreign Keys of tables are
1. Message: The Message entity is perhaps the most complex entity in the
database. The database table or tables corresponding to this entity would
store information about every message event stimuli that the GCC is to
receive. This includes messages from its parent controller and messages
from child controller(s). Upon detecting a message event, the conductor
services the event by first attempting to find a match between the message
event and an instance of the Message entity in the database. If a match
is found, the conductor can determine (also from the Message entity
instance) a unique action number that serves as a key in determining an
action to take to service the event (see also below).
The database must provide the capability to store the information of
any message to be sent or received by the controller. This requirement
impacts on the design of the message storage portion of the database. The
database schema incorporates the entire message structure definition into
its data dictionary. The result is that any message with that message
structure definition can be stored in the database, however, the structure
of the database is independent of the message data itself, and is therefore
generic to the facility.
2. InternalEvent: This relation contains information on all possible internal
events that could have instances managed by the GCC. Note that this table
is not accessed by the conductor in servicing an event, as it does not
contain direct information on currently active internal events (see item 3
below). The existence of this table, however, may be necessary as it
As a final note to the description of the database module, examples are presented
at the end of this section that illustrate the servicing of message and timeout events.
Included with these examples is an illustration of the function of matching the
message/timeout to the database, where the messaging format is SECS and the
database schema is as indicated above.
This optional module manages the internal GCC events. For instance, it may manage
timeout events and pass the appropriate information to the conductor. Routines
The routines contain the functionality necessary to implement the details of control-
ler actions. As noted earlier, routines may be components or methods of program
modules. The routines are called by the conductor, as shown in Figure 9.1. Using
information stored in the database, the conductor determines which routines to call,
the order in which to call the routines, and the parameters to pass to the routines.
The execution of a routine may result in any combination of the following four
The routines then are defined to have the role of implementing the details of actions
that result from the servicing of an event to the controller.
Examples of some of the roles of routines include:
Note that, within the definition of routines, a possible role of a routine is to serve
as an interactive window to application modules (such as expert systems, simulation
software, etc.) or directly to a user. (Note that these modules could be operating
concurrently with the generic controller modules.) As an example of the use of an
interactive application module, a user interface routine might be invoked in a situ-
ation where a correctly formatted message received does not have a match in the
database. The user interactive routine might be called to determine the course of
action from the user and to update portions of the database. Thus, the cell controller
information can be modified while in operation such that it adapts to new stimuli;
the user interactive window interface is used to teach the controller how to react to
new stimuli. This learning mechanism is considered to be an important feature of
be human. A GCC interface will most likely be menu-driven, guiding the expert
through the update process.
As an example, when an unknown message event is detected, the expert may
be greeted with a menu system to guide him/her through the GCC control knowledge
update process. Note that the expert may bypass the learning process by allowing
the GCC to return to the idle state without servicing the event. The expert may also
bring the system to a halt if the event warrants such extreme action. In the general
case, however, the expert is expected to teach the GCC to service the event on the fly.
If the user chooses to teach the GCC on the fly, the system should allow the
expert (through the user interface) to view the unknown message in detail. Note that
the message can be easily inserted into the existing database, as it complies with
the facility-wide message format. The expert should also be allowed to view the list
of currently available actions and the routines, parameters, etc., linked to them. The
expert could then be prompted to enter an Action# to be associated with (linked to)
the message event. The expert may chose an existing Action# to service the event.
At this point, assuming the entry passes any system and database integrity checks,
the learning process is complete as the existing event is already linked to a set of
routine calls. However, if the expert chooses to create a new action to service the
event, the GCC must learn the routine calls to be associated with this new action.
Examples presented here serve to illustrate generic cell controller operation. They
also serve to illustrate the various functionalities of routines that might exist in a
generic cell controller. For all examples, the generic cell controller operation is
analyzed in a scenario that might occur in a semiconductor manufacturing facility.
The facility-wide message format is SECS-II. Note that these examples do not
address providing an R2R control capability utilizing a GCC-enabled solution;
examples of this type are provided in Chapter 11.
In this example, a generic cell controller, initially in an idle state (see Figure 9.2),
receives a message from its parent to etch 500 Å of SiO2 on a wafer. The generic
cell controller reacts to the message as described above, finding a match to the
message in the database and, through relations implied by the database, taking the
appropriate action. The portion of this generic cell controller database that pertains
to this example is shown in Figure 9.5. Note that some implementation-specific
parameters have been added to the database tables. Specifically, an “Active?” param-
eter has been added to the message table. This parameter is used to indicate whether
a message is expected; for this implementation the generic cell controller should
only take the action indicated by the message table entry if that entry is tagged as
active. In the following paragraphs a detailed description is included of the actions
taken by this generic cell controller to service this message.
This example begins with a parent controller generating an event to the generic
cell controller in the form of an SECS-II message indicating that 500 Å of SiO2
should be etched in a wafer residing in Equipment#1.6 The command enters the
generic cell controller through an I/O interpreter module where it is stripped of all
protocol-specific control information (see Figure 9.1). The SECS-II message is then
parsed by the message parser and presented to the conductor. The conductor services
1. RemoteCommandACK(SUCCESS, 0);
2. PPLoadInquire(“Etch500”, 1000, 1);
3. ActivateDBMessage(7, 2, OK, 1);
4. TimerAdd(CONVERS, 7, 2, 99, 0, 1);
5. LogEvent(“Etch.Request.500.Ang.SiO2.RIE1”);
In this example, a generic cell controller is initially in an idle state, polling for a
message received or a timeout indication. A conversation timer instance has been
* “List” and “Item” refer to the components of an SECS message.6 A Message consists of zero or more
lists and zero or more items. A list consists of zero or more items. Items are the usuable data components
of the message.
The GCC Kernel contains the Main Program Module or “conductor” as described
in Section 9.1. It waits for events and reacts with corresponding actions. When the
GCC receives a command, an event is posted and the GCC consults its database to
determine a corresponding action, which is an ordered list of invocations. An invo-
cation is a message sent to a target. The targets in this case are the various modules
connected to the GCC.
The GCC modules identify themselves and the cell to which they belong by name,
as a character string. The database can be modified or modules can be interchanged,
FIGURE 9.7 Illustration of a three-mode graphical interface (traversed through mode buttons at
the bottom of the screen — Operate mode shown here).
thereby allowing dynamic binding of the software modules to the distributed GCC
application suite. What this means is that the GCC solution can be modified during
run time through the plug-and-play of module application modules and the corre-
sponding modification to the data in the GCC database (as necessary) to specify the
utilization of these modules.
All modules have certain common attributes and behaviors. If one runs a module
with the kernel not running, one will notice that the module automatically tries to
find the kernel and bind to it. If the module cannot find the kernel, it allows one to
This module provides an interface to the equipment. For example, it encodes and
parses SECS communications to support download of equipment parameter updates.
It also provides a capability to maintain synchronization with the tool application.
This module provides an interface to the metrology system. For example, it could
encode and parse SECS communications to support upload of (pre- and/or postpro-
cess) metrology parameters. It also provides a capability to maintain synchronization
with the metrology application. Note that in cases where the metrology is fully
This module produces dynamic graphical or tabular information of the event traces
and control history of the process. Specifically, it displays and logs the controller
inputs, controller outputs, and control run number. Note that this module does not
impact the operation of the control system in providing R2R control advices.
The GCC database data contains the control routing scheme that defines the meth-
odology for servicing events to the GCC through invoking methods in the various
GCC modules. Specifically, the database defines, for each event, the module invoca-
tion order, and the methods and I/O parameter types associated with each invocation.
database. It also contains a “fuzzifier” that categorizes process run data as necessary
so that it may be utilized by the available rules.13
The rule syntax allows expression of rules that advise for or against an action.
As an example, Figure 9.9 is an illustration of a valid rule base. The rule base
contains rules that relate the usefulness of one of two algorithms (a linear approx-
imation control algorithm and a quadriatic approximation optimization algorithm)
to the correction of process error. Note that each rule contains a predicate, operator,
action, and certainty factor (a number between zero and one indicating the confidence
or believability of the rule).
In order to handle information that is somewhat contradictory (e.g., rules 2 and
4 in Figure 9.9) we utilize a method introduced by Chaudhry et al.13 With this
method, all rules associated with a particular action (i.e., the action of choosing a
particular branch) are partitioned into two sets, those recommending for the action
and those recommending against the action. For each of these sets a confidence is
derived (a number between zero and one) by applying fuzzy set theory. Thus, an
Upper Confidence level advising for an action and a Lower Confidence level advising
against an action are both derived.
After both confidences are derived, we then provide the following technique for
making a decision of branch selection.12
1. Upper and Lower Confidence levels computed are combined into a tuple
(X 1, X 2), where X 1 represents the degree of support for an action, and
X 2 represents one minus the degree of support against an action (0 ≤ X
1, X 2 ≤ 1).
2. The tuple is then plotted as shown in Figure 9.10. This graph is a two-
dimensional representation of the support associated with an action. Thus,
the tuple associated with an action plotted on the graph depicts the degree
to which the action is confirmed or refuted, and the degree to which the
rule set associated with the action is contradictory or supplying a low
amount of information. In Figure 9.10, rules strongly advise for choosing
algorithm “A” and against algorithm “B.” Rules associated with algorithm
“C” are contradictory (i.e., some are expressing strong support for the
algorithm while others are expressing strong support against its utilization).
There is little confidence in the knowledge-base information associated
with algorithm “D.” Placement of points “E” and “F” indicate intermediate
levels of confirmation and rejection support.
3. Steps 1 and 2 are applied to rule sets associated with other actions (that
suggest other branches).
4. The graph is partitioned into three regions as shown in Figure 9.10: a
triangular region of strong confirmation recommendation, a triangular
region of strong rejection recommendation, and the remaining area rep-
resenting weaker recommendation. Note that the two partitioning lines
are lines of equal confidence.
5. A rule is applied to the graph to determine which action(s) to take, i.e.,
which optimization and/or control algorithm(s) to invoke. An example of
such a rule might be:
if (there is at least one action in the strong confirmation region)
then (take all actions in the strong confirmation region)
else if (there is at least one action not in the strong rejection region)
then (take the action closest to the strong confirmation region)
else (take no action)
Note that if this rule were applied to the event depicted in Figure 9.10,
then algorithm “A” would be invoked for the current process run.
In summary, the branch selection method developed utilizes fuzzy logic theory
to recommend optimization and/or control branches to be invoked for a particular
* Microsoft Corp.
** Apple Computer Corp.
Ternary Relationship
One-to-One Relationship (Binary) (One-to-One-to-One for This Example)
Portions reprinted with permission from IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Man-
ufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 77-87,3 © 1992 IEEE, and from Journal of Vacuum
Science and Technology A, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1787-1791.12
1. Moyne, J., “Generic Cell Controlling Method and Apparatus for Computer Integrated
Manufacturing System,” U.S. Patent Number 5,469,361 (Filed, August 1991; Issued,
November 1995).
2. Moyne, J., System Design for Automation in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Doctoral
Thesis, University of Michigan, (May 1990).
3. Moyne, J., McAfee, L.C., “A Generic Cell Controller for the Automated VLSI Man-
ufacturing Facility,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (May
4. SEMATECH CIM Framework Architecture Guide 1.0, SEMATECH Technology
Transfer Document #97103379A-ENG, (1997).
5. SEMATECH Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative (APCFI) Project:
Detailed System Description, SEMATECH Technology Transfer Document
#99053736A-TR (1999).
6. SEMI International Standards: Equipment Automation/Software 1 and 2, Semicon-
ductor Equipment and Materials International, 1999.
7. The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, Semiconductor Industry
Association, (1997), available at
8. Moyne, J., Telfeyan, R., Hurwitz, A., and Taylor, J., “A Process-Independent Run-
to-Run Controller and Its Application to Chemical-Mechanical Planarization,” Proc.
Sixth Annual SEMI/IEEE ASMC, Boston (October 1995)
9. Rumbaugh, J. et al., Object-Oriented Modeling and Design, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
Prentice Hall, 1991.
10. Teorey, T., Database Modeling and Design: The Fundamental Principles, 2nd ed.,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.
11. Date, C.J., An Introduction to Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1986.
1. The controller shall utilize GEM to communicate with the metrology and
process tools. Additionally, if supported, the controller shall also utilize
any applicable specific equipment model (SEM) standard such as the
pending metrology SEM standard.5 Current process and metrology system
tools should support GEM. GEM provides a mechanism for gathering
metrology data. It also provides a mechanism for adjusting process program
* There are a number of methods that could be utilized to update process program parameters to achieve
APC. Depending on the capabilities of the tool equipment control system software, equipment constants
could be used to relate parameters of the updated process program. Equipment constants could also be
used to relate suggested modifications to process program parameters from the stored process program,
i.e., the constants contain only the +/– “tweaks.” The former method is preferred because it ensures data
integrity between the controller and tool. Alternatively, the entire process program could be downloaded,
but this results in an enormous amount of communication overhead. Finally, remote commands or variable
parameters could be used. The reader should refer to the latest versions of appropriate SEMI standards
(e.g., GEM) as well as equipment control systems specifications when determining which process program
parameter update method to utilize.5,6
** This effort is being pursued by the SEMI Equipment Control Systems Task Force (ECS-TF). For
more information on this task force, refer to the CSRS document,6 or contact SEMI at
*** Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a concept published by the Object
Management Group (OMG), which specifies a common architecture for distributed object systems.9
The resulting specification for the piggyback system addresses all of the system
requirements identified, is realizable with today’s technology and standards, and is
compliant with the CSRS specification, Version 2.0.2
* The same requirements apply to the pass-through capability to be provided between the metrology
system and the factory host.
** The state table illustrations in this subsection utilize Harel notation to depict (nested) states and state
transitions.10 Note that these equipment behavior models are specified in the GEM standard.5
FIGURE 10.3 The GEM control state diagram (for a description of state transitions —
numbered arrows — see E30 in Reference 5). (Courtesy of Semiconductor Equipment and
Materials International.)
this state, it should still perceive the tool as being in the UNKNOWN
state until such time as it begins to bring the equipment ON-LINE. Thus,
the piggyback controller must provide an interface to the factory host
indicating the appropriate default state, and guide the factory host, utilizing
the state model presented in Figure 10.3, to synchronization with the tool.
3. The piggyback controller must simultaneously support R2R control mes-
saging along with factory host-to-tool messaging. This is accomplished
utilizing a priority-based scheme. R2R control messages are of a lower
priority than pass-through messages. Thus, an R2R message transaction
can only be initiated when there are no outstanding pass-through trans-
actions. If a pass-through transaction is initiated while an R2R transaction
is open, both transactions must be serviced concurrently.
data, and process targets. This allows the control solution to be tuned to
factory-level control as opposed to equipment-centric control. This con-
cept of R2R control as part of a total factory solution is discussed further
in Part 6 (Chapter 18) . The main disadvantage of this solution is the effort
required to integrate the R2R solution on the factory backbone. This effort
is compounded by the fact that there is a relative lack of standardization
of communications at this level (the APC framework specification is not
widely implemented and does not completely specify the operation of the
controller at the factory level). Note that in many instances, the “optimal”
integration strategy for the R2R capability is to limit the interaction to
the factory database that contains the metrology data and process recipes.
The controller simply accesses the metrology data and updates the appro-
priate recipe process parameters. This approach limits the requirement of
interaction of the controller with tool and metrology systems, thereby
providing a highly nonintrusive enhancement to the factory.
A piggyback controller design has been presented in this chapter that supports
flexible R2R control in the semiconductor manufacturing SEMI standard environ-
ment. Further, a migration path is supported for integration of the R2R capability
at the factory level or equipment level, while retaining the piggyback capability for
testing new advanced process control capabilities. Alternative piggyback controller
designs have been presented to various interface and performance requirements
imposed by equipment and/or factory systems.
In the next chapter we explore the application of R2R controller design by
describing two integrated R2R control solution examples, namely a GEM/SECS
piggyback solution and a fully integrated (at the equipment level) solution.
1. Moyne, J., “Integration of Run-to-Run Control into Existing and Next Generation
Chemical-Mechanical-Planarization Tools,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop IX,
Lake Tahoe (September 1997).
2. SEMATECH Control Systems Requirements Specification V2.0, SEMATECH Tech-
nology Transfer Document #96123222B-ENG (December 1997).
3. Moyne, J., “Application of AEC/APC Requirements Specifications to Enhancement
of Existing Control Systems,” (invited tutorial), SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop
IX, Lake Tahoe (September 1997).
4. Moyne, J. and Curry, J., “A Fully Automated Chemical-Mechanical Planarization
Process,” VLSI Multilevel Interconnection (V-MIC) Conference, Santa Clara, CA
(June 1998).
5. SEMI International Standards: Equipment Automation/Software 1 and 2, Semicon-
ductor Equipment and Materials International, 1999.
6. Document 3022A: Revision to SEMI E30, Addition of Application Notes for Recipe
Parameter Modification, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
(October 1999).
7. SEMATECH CIM Framework Architecture Guide 1.0, SEMATECH Technology
Transfer Document #97103379A-ENG (1997).
8. SEMATECH Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative (APCFI) Project:
Detailed System Description, SEMATECH Technology Transfer Document
#99053736A-TR (1999).
9. OMG CORBA/IIOP and OMG CORBAservices Specifications, Object Management
Group (1999). (Available at
10. Harel, D., “State Charts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems,” Science of
Computer Programming, 8 (1987).
11. Moyne, J., Solakhian, V., Curry, J., and Gwizdak, R., “Migrating a SCADA Control
Capability into an Equipment Controller for a Fully Integrated and Automated Tool
Solution,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop X, Vail, CO (October 1998).
In Chapters 8 through 10 we presented (1) key requirements for the internal structure
of the R2R controller, (2) an example R2R solution-enabling technology meeting
these requirements, (3) a design for an R2R piggyback controller, and (4) design
alternatives including fully integrated solutions at the factory and equipment level.
In this chapter we provide brief examples of two R2R control solution designs
presented, namely a piggyback solution, and a fully integrated equipment solution.1
In both examples, the process being controlled is chemical mechanical planariza-
tion (CMP, or “polishing”), which is described in detail in the Introduction to this
book. For purposes of discussion in this chapter, the CMP process being controlled
is described as follows: the process is basically a surface planarization method in
which a wafer is affixed to a carrier and pressed face-down on a rotating platen
holding a polishing pad. Typical process control metrics are remaining thickness
and radial uniformity control, while tunable inputs include polish time, platen speed,
carrier speed, downforce, backpressure (between wafer and carrier), and various
conditioning parameters. It is the relationship between process control metrics and
tunable inputs that motivates process control.
The fundamental R2R control-enabling technology utilized is the Generic Cell
Controller (GCC — see Chapter 9), and all solution requirements defined in
Chapter 8 are met.2,3 The GCC solution incorporates (1) interface modules for
interfacing to the equipment, metrology, and factory host; (2) a control module; (3) a
history module for data logging and presentation; and (4) an alarms module that
monitors R2R data with respect to control and specification limits, and reports limits
violations to the equipment. The interface modules in the piggyback solution provide
a pass-through capability (external to the GCC) and prioritize pass-through commu-
nication over R2R control communication. The internal architecture of the GCC is
CORBA,* and the GCC database provides the control scheme for servicing events
through routing information between the various modules.
FIGURE 11.2 Fully integrated automated control system solution (solution for new tools).
polisher that has a capability for recipe modification via a remote entity.* In the
case of the 6DS-SP retrofit solution, this capability is achieved through the tool
GEM interface, while in the next-generation Symphony tool, an internal object-based
interface is used (see Figure 11.1 and Figure 11.2, respectively). The metrology unit
is a Nova Measuring Instruments thickness sensor that computes average remaining
* 6DS-SP and 6ED “Symphony” are products of Strasbaugh, San Luis Obispo, California.
thickness and wafer uniformity and has an SECS interface for reporting this infor-
mation.* The controller is a MiTeX Solutions multivariate run-to-run controller that
is capable of simultaneously controlling thickness and uniformity to target.** The
controller utilizes the GCC enabling technology described in Chapter 9. The con-
troller implementation automatically accepts both preprocess and postprocess
metrology information from the metrology unit. This is accomplished directly
through the SECS interface in the retrofit solution, and indirectly through the equip-
ment controller in the next generation solution (see Figure 11.1). The controller is
capable of utilizing both premetrology and/or postmetrology measurements, and is
capable of providing a level of R2R control regardless of whether these measurements
are available for a particular run. The controller utilizes model-based control
techniques and a two-stage linear approximation control algorithm with EWMA
filtering (see Chapter 3) to derive recipe improvements (e.g., time and backpressure),
and automatically delivers these recipe advices to the CMP tool. In the retrofit
solution, parameter updates are delivered according to the specification of the GEM
application, not for updating recipe parameters.7 In this retrofit solution, the con-
troller further provides a pass-through communication capability to a GEM compat-
ible host (see Figure 11.1), thereby allowing a host to maintain full GEM commu-
nications with the tool (and potentially the metrology unit). Note that this capability
is not required in the next-generation fully integrated solution for reasons identified
in Chapter 10, Section 10.5.
The R2R controller achieves CMP process control by utilizing metrology data
along with dynamic process models and a process history to determine optimal
recipe parameters (i.e., advices) for the next process cycle.5 Further, the control
system utilizes an alarms “plug-in” module to monitor both metrology and recipe
advice data with respect to control and specification limits. As shown in Figure 11.4,
this fully configurable alarms module links limits violations to actions that can be
performed by the tool (such as “alarm, finish cycle, and stop”). The controller then
FIGURE 11.4 Excerpt of user interface to configurable alarms-based control module (piggyback
FIGURE 11.5 Excerpt of operator interface to the automated run-to-run controller (piggyback
automatically downloads both recipe optimization advices and any alarming action
data to the tool and informs the tool to start processing the next wafer.
Figure 11.5 shows the user monitor interface to the run-to-run controller when
performing automated run-to-run process control. Note that communication inter-
faces to the metrology and tool elements display the uploaded metrology data and
downloaded tool recipes, respectively, while a graphical display keeps track of tool
input and metrology output history. Note also that details of control algorithm
operation are not presented at the operator interface login level, so the controller is
viewed as a simple I/O “black box” at this level.
One novel aspect of this solution is that it provides for fully automated CMP
process operation. That is, an operator is not required to monitor or operate the tool.
The alarms monitor and control capability provides for automatic response to any
alarm condition, while the run-to-run process tuning capability keeps the process
within specification limits for significantly longer periods of time. The communica-
tion capability between the metrology system, control system, and tool completes
the automation process while maintaining a pass-through communication capability
between the tool and a host.
FIGURE 11.7 Screen shot of symphony user interface illustrating fully integrated R2R com-
ponent (compare to Figure 11.5).
* Cp is a simple process capability index that relates the spread of the specification limits (i.e., the
difference between the upper and lower specification limits, USL, and LSL) to the variation of the process,
represented by six standard deviations or 6 Sigma. Thus Cp = (USL – LSL) / (6 Sigma). Cpl and Cpu
relate the process limits to the process average, divided by 3 Sigma. That is, Cpl = (Av – LSL)/3 Sigma
and Cpu = (USL – Av)/3 Aigma. Cpk is the minimum of Cpl and Cpu. Note that a higher Cpk is always
Although results presented above have focused on quantifying the process capability
and reduced scrap benefits of this R2R control solution, a number of other benefits
are also apparent. Specifically, additional benefits resulting from the run-to-run
control component of the solution include lower number of required test wafers and
increased life of consumables. Test wafer requirements can be reduced because the
controller can adjust the process quickly during the pad break-in phase, allowing
the transition to product wafers much sooner in the pad break-in curve. This advan-
tage has been further amplified with a “new pad” feature that has been added to the
controller.12 This R2R enhancement, which is described in detail in Chapter 18, gives
the controller the capability to remember the initial characteristics of the pad (e.g.,
removal rate) and allows the controller to revert to this remembered state when the
pad is replaced.
Another important, but as yet not quantified, benefit of run-to-run control in this
example is the increase in consumable life (i.e., pad life). This occurs because the
process is continually adjusted within established bounds to compensate for pad
wear; thus, the number of runs between SPC-triggered pad replacement events is
The benefits arising from the automation aspect of this example solution have
not been quantified. However, noting the hands-off capability for operation with the
automated control system in place, it is projected that process performance degra-
dation due to operator error and lack of operator availability (i.e., idle operator)
would be virtually eliminated.
FIGURE 11.9 The fully automated CMP R2R process control solution; inputs — a) and b) — are modified to keep
outputs — c) and d) — on target.
life of consumables, and increase yield and throughput. It is further anticipated that
this capability will also be proven to reduce equipment downtime and reduce test
wafer requirements. The impact of the automation aspect has not yet been quantified;
however, with run-to-run operator intervention drastically reduced, it is likely that
the yield and throughput losses due to operator-induced idle and downtime will be
The controller has been developed as a fully object-oriented solution and is
compatible with existing standards and trends in semiconductor manufacturing. It
address all of the design requirements for an integrated R2R control solution iden-
tified in Chapter 8; most of these requirements are met due to utilization of the GCC-
enabling technology implemented in an object-oriented environment. Further, due
in part to this object-oriented structure, the controller has been developed so that it
can be easily enhanced to support future control environments such as multistep
process control, interprocess feedforward control, and combined in situ and run-to-
run control.
Portions reprinted with permission from proceedings of Advanced Semiconductor
Manufacturing Conference: SEMICON Taiwan ’98 (see Reference 1). The develop-
ment of an R2R control capability for the Strasbaugh tools presented in this chapter
required a significant collaborative effort between the tool supplier (Strasbaugh) and
the control solution integrator (MiTeX Solutions). The authors would like to
acknowledge John Curry and Tim Weaver from Strasbaugh, and Victor Solakhian
and Richard Gwizdak from MiTeX Solutions, for their efforts in making possible
the solutions presented in this chapter.
1. Moyne, J., Curry, J., Solakhian, V., Weaver, T., and Gwizdak, R., “Improving Reli-
ability, Yield and Throughput of Chemical-Mechanical Planarization through Process
Automation and Control,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference:
SEMICON Taiwan ‘98 (November 1998).
2. Moyne, J., “Generic Cell Controlling Method and Apparatus for Computer Integrated
Manufacturing System,” U.S. Patent Number 5,469,361 (Filed, August 1991; Issued,
November 1995).
3. Telfeyan, R., Moyne, J., Hurwitz A., and Taylor, J., “Demonstration of a Process-
Independent Run-to-Run Controller,” 137th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society
(May 1995).
4. SEMATECH AEC Workshop VIII, Santa Fe, NM (October 1996).
5. Moyne, J., “Integration of Run-to-Run Control into Existing and Next Generation
Chemical-Mechanical-Planarization Tools,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop IX,
Lake Tahoe (September 1997).
6. Boning, D., Moyne, W., Smith, T., Moyne, J., Telfeyan, R., Hurwitz, A., Shellman, S.,
and Taylor, J., “Run by Run Control of Chemical-Mechanical Polishing,” IEEE Trans.
Components, Packaging Manufacturing Techn. Part C, Vol. 19, No. 4 (October 1996).
In Chapter 11 we presented the design and implementation of two R2R control
solutions. In this chapter we present a third R2R control solutions example, focusing
on the use of the control algorithm and the integration of the algorithm with the
control enabling mechanism. The control algorithm utilized is the optimizing adap-
tive quality controller (OAQC), as described in Chapter 4, and the control-enabling
technology is the Generic Cell Controller (GCC) as described in Chapter 9.
The OAQC acts both as a controller and an optimizer, maintaining optimum
operating conditions for multiple input, multiple output processes.1,2 The controller
will suggest a recipe of operating conditions to be implemented in the next run of
a particular process. The OAQC algorithm has been implemented in two software
platforms: (1) NextStep-OpenStep (Mach),3 and (2) Windows NT.
The objectives of this chapter are (1) to illustrate the NextStep implementation of
the OAQC with a simple case study, and (2) to present the integration of the OAQC
controller with the GCC.4,5 The chapter is organized as follows: Section 12.2 presents
a case study using the NextStep software implementation of the OAQC. Then,
Section 12.3 shows how the integration between the OAQC and the GCC was achieved.
range. The two responses of interest are removal rate (y1) and within-wafer nonuni-
formity (y2). The fitted equipment models are:
where ε1,t ~ N(0,25.82) and ε2,t ~ N(0,2.32). For illustration, Eqs. (1) and (2) were
simulated and correspond to the system to be controlled. We will proceed as if
nothing is known about the system parameters with exception of prior intercept
estimates for each response. This will provide a realistic setting in which equipment
models are not available but only some basic information about the responses is.
1. Change order of the models. Assuming the process engineer suspects there
is curvature for all responses, full quadratic models are selected by click-
ing on all three types of effects (linear, two-factor interaction, and pure
quadratic), as shown in Figure 12.2.
2. Change response constraints. The constraints were set at y1 > 1700 and
y2 < 250.
3. Change response targets and weights. The target values were set at 1700
for y1 and 150 for y2 (by default, all response weights are set equal to one).
4. Change gain estimates. Assume approximate initial models given and
quadratic models selected. The initial models were specified as follows:
used in this option. The Multivariate EWMA SPC chart windows is shown
in Figure 12.5. By default, the chart is used just for monitoring out-of-
control events. If used as a deadband, the OAQC will be invoked (and a
new recipe will be computed) only when there is evidence of an out-of-
control state; otherwise, the previous recipe is kept.
Then, we repeat the same steps run by run until the control session terminates. The
recipe and metrology information is automatically displayed in “history plots” that
show the levels of the controllable factors and of the responses for each run.
Figures 12.6 and 12.7 show the inputs and outputs, respectively, of a 50-wafer (runs)
session for this CMP process. In this simulation, target values were set at 1700 for
y1 and 150 for y2, and constraints were set at y1 > 1700, y2 < 250, and –1 ≤ µ i ≤ 1.
The open-loop responses (what we would get if the recipe were maintained constant
0.2 Speed
-0.2 Profile
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Run Number
Removal rate (closed loop)
2000 Nonuniformity (closed loop)
Run Number
Upper limit
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Run Number
at the zero level) are also shown in Figure 12.8. The constraints on the outputs
together with the strict target values are useful in this example as removal rate is
usually a “larger the better” response and nonuniformity a “smaller the better”
response. The EWMA chart (Figure 12.8) indicates that there is no “out of control”
signal. Thus, this 4 × 2 CMP process is in control.
target target
recipe recipe
run number run number
getMetrology metrology output
recipe and
start GccKernel
plot action
Module command
run number
metrology output
target new recipe
run number
output download recipe
recipe and
Inter-Process getMetrology start
Controller high-level
command command
GUI high-level GccKernel
command Control Rules
System State
run data
recipe simulate
History-Plot next recipe
Module metrology
Data Flow
Process Optimization and Control Module
This version of the GCC-R2R contains a set of modules that, collectively, are
capable of providing R2R control of a variety of manufacturing processes. This set
includes three control algorithm modules:
* “Planarize” is a typical command process action for a chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) tool;
see Introduction.
SEMI Equipment Communication Standard, a communication protocol commonly utilized in the semicon-
ductor manufacturing industry. See Reference 10 for a complete description, and Chapter 9 for examples.
1. Del Castillo, E., “A Multivariate Self-Tuning Controller for Run-to-Run Process
Control under Shift and Trend Disturbances,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, No. 12, 1996,
pp. 1011-1021.
2. Del Castillo, E. and Yeh, J., “An Adaptive Run-to-Run Optimizing Controller for
Linear and Nonlinear Semiconductor Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconduc-
tor Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1998.
3. Garfinkel, S.L. and Mahoney, M.K., NeXTSTEP Programming Step One: Object-
Oriented Application, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993.
4. Moyne, J.R. and McAfee, L.C. Jr., “A Generic Cell Controller for the Automated
VLSI Manufacturing Facility,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing,
Vol. 5, No. 2, 1992, pp. 77-87.
5. Moyne, J., “Generic Cell Controlling Method and Apparatus for Computer Integrated
Manufacturing System,” U.S. Patent Number 5,469,361 (Filed, August 1991; Issued,
November 1995).
6. Ning, Z., Moyne, J.R., Smith, T., Boning, D., Del Castillo, E., Yeh, J., and Hurwitz,
A., “A Comparative Analysis of Run-to-Run Control Algorithms in the Semiconductor
Manufacturing Industry,” 7th Annual IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manu-
facturing Conference and Workshop, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 1996, pp. 375-381.
7. Lowry, C.A., Woodall, W.H., Champ, C.W., and Rigdon, S.E., “A Multivariate Expo-
nentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart,” Technometrics, Vol. 34, No. 1,
Feb. 1992, pp. 46-53.
8. Telfeyan, R., Moyne, J., Hurwitz, A., and Taylor, J., “Demonstration of a Process-
Independent Run-to-Run Controller,” Electrochemical Society, May 1995.
9. Moyne, J., Chaudhry, N., and Telfeyan, R., “Adaptive Extensions to a Multi-Branch
Run-to-Run Controller for Plasma Etching,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Tech-
nology, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 1995, pp. 1787- 1791.
10. SEMI International Standards: Equipment Automation/Software 1 and 2, Semicon-
ductor Equipment and Materials International, 1999.
[1] Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., and Hunter, J.S., Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1978.
[2] Montgomery, D.C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1997.
Control algorithms and enabling technologies for R2R control are described in
Parts 2 and 3 of this book, respectively. In this chapter a case study of developing,
deploying, and evaluating an R2R control solution for a furnace process is presented.
The R2R control solution development and deployment effort was successfully
carried out on a production tool in a production environment. The effort utilized a
team with members drawn from the tool owner (the “customer”) and the vendor of
the control solution. In presenting this case study, the device type, input/output detail,
measurement units, and exact numerical results have been changed to protect the
confidentiality of the customer; at the same time we have closely paralleled the
implementation steps and the improvement ratios of the original outcome. The
implementation now refers to a “furnace for producing a ceramic used in the man-
ufacture of superconducting wire.”
The purpose of this chapter is to chronicle the complete R2R control customi-
zation and deployment process. Specifically, it addresses gathering user require-
ments, design and execution of process characterization experiments, development
and customization of R2R control models, deployment, evaluation of results, and
integration. The reader may wish to use elements of this chapter as a template for
developing and deploying his/her own R2R control solution.
In summary, R2R control cut the standard deviation of both Y and Z performance
parameters in half.
The furnace is divided into three zones with a separate crucible of ceramic
material placed in each zone. Each zone is heated directly with its own set of
induction coils, and indirectly by the adjacent coil(s). Each coil can be ramped up
to full power with an independently controlled ramp gradient Ri for Zone i. The
ceramic material for a load was mixed in one batch with a trace element additive E
and then evenly divided into three crucible batches for simultaneous insertion into
the three furnace zones at the start of each cycle, or “run.” The percentage of the
trace element for any one furnace run could be varied between strict specification
limits from run to run, but could not be varied separately for the material in the
three separate crucibles for any single run.
On completion of a furnace cycle the ceramic material was removed, drawn into
wire, and tested for a physical property Y called “ductility.” As the Y test was
expensive and destructive, only one test was made from a piece of wire taken from
the material of the first furnace zone (Zone 1). A nondestructive test for “conduc-
tivity” Zi was made on a sample of wire from each separate zone.
There were thus four controlled inputs {E, R1, R2, R3} and four measured
outputs {Y, Z1, Z2, Z3}.
1 Quantify problem with process engineers on site: identify Vendor and customer at customer
process, extract available process knowledge, identify site
basic quality metrics and tunable parameters, etc.
2 Design of experiments for process characterization and Vendor
R2R control model development
3 Execution of DOE, data collection Customer (vendor can provide
4 Data analysis: process response surfaces Vendor or suitably qualified
5 R2R controller: final parameter specifications Vendor and customer
6 Customization and delivery of a test R2R system Vendor
7 On-site testing, training, technical support during testing Vendor hand-off to customer
through on-site training
8 Results analysis and feedback to customer Vendor
9 Deployment, integration Vendor and customer
10 Technical support, upgrades, additional training Vendor
TABLE 13.3
Bounds for Inputs
Input Parameter Lower Bound Upper Bound
E 16.3 20.0
R1 159 161
R2 159 161
R3 159 161
quality improvement goals. From these discussions it was agreed that the ideal run-
to-run controller would provide multivariate (concurrent) control of ductility (Y) as
well as three-zone superconductivity (Z1, Z2, Z3).
The process engineers further related that Y was a fairly well-behaved signal
and a strong (qualitatively stated) function of the additive (E) level, although Y was
also notorious for strong downward drift. In fact, the furnace had to be taken apart
and rebuilt after every 20 to 30 cycles to “reset the drift factor back to zero.”
Conductivity (Z) was less well behaved* than Y, and its correlation to input variables
(induction ramp Ri, and E level) was not as well understood.
As stated in Section 13.1 above, there were four controllable inputs {E, R1, R2,
R3} and four measured outputs {Y, Z1, Z2, Z3}. The input factors were constrained
by safety and other considerations to lie within certain upper and lower bounds as
shown in Table 13.3.
TABLE 13.6
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std. Error t Ratio Prob. > t
Note also that the (nonstandard) experimental runs* are arranged in random
order through the design matrix. If the experiment were to be replicated, the standard
runs would stay in their unaltered run order; however, the other experimental runs
must have their order randomly shuffled to prevent introduction of any experimental
bias or unwanted systematic structure.
TABLE 13.8
Lack of Fit for Y Model
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio
From Table 13.6, only the inputs R2 and E have coefficients with t-statistics that are
significantly different from zero; the coefficients for R1 and R3 are marginal (about
77% significance level for the t ratios). We can, therefore, try a model for Y that has
only R2 and E on the right-hand side (RHS). The new parameter estimates are listed
in Table 13.7.
Table 13.7 shows that the significance level for R2 collapses; only E remains as
significant. One could have a control equation for Y, which is driven by E alone, and
it might work quite well. However, the engineers were convinced that the form given
in Eq. (1) was preferable for control, and that the signs and sizes of the coefficients
for all three R inputs were correct. For this reason the controller was programmed
with Eq. (1) for Y. As it turned out, this gave good Y control in the trials.
The goodness of fit of Eq. (1) for Y is also determined as a whole by the
R-squared adjusted statistic, which was greater than 99%. This means that the model
given in (1) “explains” more than 99% of the variation observed in the Y of the
experimental data.
Table 13.8 addresses possible lack of model fit to the data. The model we have
fitted for Y is strictly a linear one in the input factors; if the true nature of Y contained
quadratic or other nonlinear terms we would expect the fit to be not as good, and
to show up formally as a significant lack-of-fit F-ratio. In Table 13.7 the probability
of such a lack of fit is seen to be small because the lack-of-fit F-ratio statistic has
a high probability (61.01%) of occurring by chance alone.
Next, we need to derive the equations for the conductivity Z1, Z2, and Z3. Only
R1 was found to be significant for Z1. Table 13.9 shows the estimation results for
Z1 regressed against R1.
The chosen model for Z1 is thus
TABLE 13.10
Control Model System
Y = C1 + 1.4 * E – 0.01 * R1 + 0.03 * R2 – 0.01 * R3
Z1 = C2 + 0.04 * R1
Z2 = C3 + 0.03 * R2
Z3 = C4 + 0.06 * R3
R-squared adjusted for model (2) was 83%; no lack of fit was detected. Similarly,
the models for Z2 and Z3 were
R-squared adjusted for model (3) was 34%, and for model (4), 55%. These indicate
a weak explanatory power; however, the individual t-statistics showed significance
for both ramp (Ri) parameters and, in addition, the signs of the parameters were in
accordance with engineering theory and consistent with (2). No lack of fit was
detected* for either (3) or (4). The final model system chosen for the controller can
as shown in Table 13.10. Note that the values of the constant terms are not given
explicit values here: they are initialized at the start of a control run to bring the tool
outputs to target, and thereafter they are estimated on a run-to-run basis by the
control software itself.
1. The weights of the input parameters, the relative weights of which reflect
preference for adjustment (higher weight implies greater preference).
2. The weights of the output parameters, the relative weights of which reflect
priority in control.
* Although in the case of models (3) and (4) this could mean noise-obscured structure.
Y 1 0.7 37.3
Z1 1 0.4 10.5
Z2 1 0.4 10.5
Z3 1 0.4 10.5
TABLE 13.12
Input Parameter Specifications
Input Parameter Upper Bound Lower Bound Resolution Weight
1. Vendor’s personnel visited the customer test site and installed an R2R
controller on the target furnace. The controller was deployed on a stand-
alone computer with communication between the metrology tool, control-
ler, and process tool achieved through human interaction.
2. Vendor’s personnel remained at the site for a period of one week. During
that time the vendor completed training of three shifts of customer’s
personnel (process engineers and technicians) on the use of the R2R
control system, and delivery of a customized user manual for the R2R
control system that covered controller operation as well as model setup
for change of process. The training process entailed two hours of hands-
on training followed by four hours of monitoring by vendor personnel.
3. The stand-alone test controller was left at the vendor site for a period of
six weeks. During that time the vendor was available for 24-hour phone
technical support. A day’s visit was also made after three weeks to check
the progress during the test period.
4. Customer’s personnel delivered to the vendor the process recipe logs and
metrology data collected during the test period. The data for 60 control
runs are included in the Appendix of this chapter. The customer also
delivered a sample of metrology data for a fixed recipe (i.e., noncontrolled)
run of 60 furnace cycles that occurred prior to the deployment of the
Y: Controlled vs Non-controlled
Controlled Y
Non-control Y
Run #
Controlled Z1
Non-control Z1
Run #
The actual moves made by the R2R controller, in the form of instructions for
tweaking the inputs E and Ri (i = 1, 2, 3), are shown in Figures 13.5 and 13.6. Note
that while R1 tended to begin and end the 70-run campaign at about the same average
level, R2 and R3 ended somewhat higher than where they began.
These good results were communicated to the customer in the form of a pre-
sentation to all who had been involved in the project, as well as interested managers
from different production branches.
Controlled Z1
Controlled Z2
Controlled Z3
Run #
E: Controller moves
Run # RUN #
R: Controller moves
159.80 R3
Run #
FIGURE 13.6 Control moves made by inputs R1, R2, and R3.
The successful development, customization, and deployment of an R2R control
solution has been presented in this chapter. The development and deployment effort
utilized is an orderly, systematic methodology that is process-independent. Thus,
this methodology could be and has been applied to a wide variety of R2R control
problem scenarios. Deployment of this specific methodology has yielded numerous
successes in CMP, etch, and deposition control. With respect to the case study,
performance improvement of the magnitude demonstrated opens the door to tool
upgrades costing far less than buying the latest and most expensive tool. This is
especially desirable if there are a number of similar tools needing to be replaced or
upgraded in any one site. Thus, R2R controller technology gives production man-
agers a new option for cost–benefit decision making.
1. Moyne, J., “Run-to-Run Control Success Stories,” SEMATECH AEC Workshop VIII,
Santa Fe, NM, (October 1996).
2. Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., and Hunter, J.S., Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley
& Sons (1978).
1 17.5 160.00 160.00 160.00 37.3 10.5 36.71 10.45 10.40 10.45 37.08 10.39
2 17.5 160.00 160.00 160.00 37.3 10.5 36.67 10.45 10.51 10.45 37.82 10.50
3 17.5 160.00 160.00 160.00 37.3 10.5 36.53 10.45 10.40 10.45 37.01 10.39
4 18.0 160.00 160.13 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.11 10.45 10.12 10.45 36.43 10.12
5 18.0 160.00 160.13 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.11 10.45 10.51 10.45 37.72 10.50
6 18.0 160.00 160.13 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.47 10.45 10.73 10.45 36.40 11.72
7 18.0 160.00 160.13 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.36 10.45 10.56 10.45 37.41 10.56
8 18.0 160.00 160.40 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.32 10.45 10.01 10.45 36.29 10.01
9 18.0 160.00 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.45 10.45 10.45 37.31 10.45
10 18.0 160.13 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.54 10.01 10.34 10.45 36.40 10.34
11 18.0 160.13 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.50 10.45 10.51 10.45 37.51 10.51
12 18.0 160.13 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.45 10.45 10.45 37.20 10.45
13 18.0 160.13 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.32 10.45 10.45 10.45 37.17 10.45
14 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.45 10.40 10.45 36.63 10.40
15 18.0 160.27 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.58 10.45 11.06 11.11 36.04 11.06
16 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.73 37.3 10.5 37.54 10.45 10.40 10.45 36.56 10.40
17 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.73 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.45 10.56 10.45 37.06 10.57
18 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.73 37.3 10.5 37.54 10.45 10.45 10.45 36.99 10.46
19 17.8 160.27 160.00 159.73 37.3 10.5 36.82 10.45 10.18 10.07 35.90 10.19
20 17.8 160.27 160.00 159.73 37.3 10.5 37.03 10.45 10.29 10.45 35.91 10.30
21 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.65 10.45 10.34 10.45 36.02 10.35
22 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.58 10.45 10.29 10.12 35.84 10.30
23 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.47 10.45 10.34 10.45 35.95 10.35
24 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.65 10.45 10.67 10.45 35.93 10.69
25 18.0 160.27 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.95 10.29 10.45 35.73 10.30
26 18.0 160.13 160.13 159.87 37.3 10.5 36.71 10.45 10.40 10.45 36.21 10.41
27 17.8 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.00 10.45 10.34 10.40 35.81 10.36
28 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.36 10.45 10.34 10.45 35.77 10.36
29 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.25 10.45 10.34 10.45 35.74 10.36
30 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.25 10.45 10.45 10.40 36.57 10.47
31 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.36 10.45 10.34 10.45 35.67 10.36
32 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.51 10.29 10.45 35.49 10.31
33 18.0 160.13 160.27 159.87 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.45 10.29 9.79 35.45 10.31
34 18.0 160.00 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.47 10.23 10.29 10.45 35.42 10.31
35 18.0 160.00 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.45 10.51 10.45 36.67 10.53
36 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.36 10.45 10.56 10.45 36.40 10.59
37 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.45 10.40 10.45 35.82 10.42
38 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.61 10.45 10.40 10.45 35.79 11.42
39 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.00 37.3 10.5 37.61 10.45 10.45 10.07 36.26 10.48
40 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.13 37.3 10.5 37.65 10.45 10.67 10.45 35.37 10.70
41 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.13 37.3 10.5 36.49 10.45 10.29 10.40 35.17 10.32
42 18.3 160.13 160.40 160.13 37.3 10.5 37.65 10.62 10.34 10.45 35.28 10.37
43 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.13 37.3 10.5 37.79 10.45 10.45 10.45 36.12 10.48
44 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.13 37.3 10.5 37.50 10.45 10.56 10.18 36.12 10.60
45 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.13 37.3 10.5 37.50 10.45 10.40 10.45 35.54 10.43
46 18.0 160.00 160.40 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.25 9.79 10.40 10.45 35.51 10.43
47 18.0 160.27 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.21 10.45 10.56 10.45 36.01 10.60
48 18.0 160.27 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.73 10.29 10.45 34.93 10.32
49 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.47 10.45 10.73 10.45 34.90 10.77
50 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.54 10.45 10.56 10.45 35.91 10.60
51 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.32 10.45 10.45 10.45 35.84 10.49
52 18.0 160.13 160.40 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.34 10.07 10.45 34.75 10.11
53 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.14 10.45 10.12 10.45 34.71 10.16
54 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.43 10.51 10.45 10.45 35.73 10.50
55 17.8 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 36.78 10.45 10.56 10.45 35.73 10.61
56 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.54 10.45 10.34 10.23 34.79 10.39
57 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.39 10.45 10.51 10.45 35.90 10.55
58 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.29 10.45 10.45 10.45 35.59 10.50
59 18.0 160.13 160.53 160.27 37.3 10.5 37.32 10.73 10.51 10.40 35.83 10.56
60 18.0 160.00 160.40 160.27 37.3 10.5 36.16 10.45 10.51 10.45 35.79 10.56
The operation of a run-to-run system usually takes places in two phases or stages.
In the first stage, a new equipment is “qualified,” which means that experiments are
conducted in order to find a recipe that optimizes the performance of the equipment.
The qualification stage is based on design of experiments techniques and the use of
a set of experimental optimization techniques called response surface methods. Once
the process has been qualified, equipment models and process targets become avail-
able and the goal of an R2R controller is to keep the process responses at the
optimized levels in the presence of drift and disturbances that occur from run to run.
This constitutes the second stage of the operation. Although some optimizing con-
trollers can provide optimization and control capabilities in the same tool set (e.g.,
the OAQC algorithm5), the use of classical response surface methods is much more
widespread and, therefore, these methods are described in this chapter.
Ŷ = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X 2 + L + bk X k (1)
The second phase is performed when there is lack of linear fit in Phase I and, instead,
a second-order or quadratic polynomial regression model of the form
exhibits adequate fit. Not all responses will exhibit quadratic fit, and in such cases
Phase I is stopped when the response of interest cannot be improved any further.
The direction of the gradient, g, is given by the values of the parameter estimates,
that is, g′ = (b1, b2, … , bk). Since the parameter estimates b1, b2, … , bk depend on
the scaling convention for the factors, the steepest ascent (descent) direction is also
scale-dependent. That is, two experimenters using different scaling conventions will
xi =
Xi − Xlow + Xhigh 2 ) i = 1, 2, …, k
(X high − Xlow 2 )
This coding convention is recommended since it provides better parameter estimates,
and therefore a more reliable search direction. The coordinates of the factor settings
on the direction of steepest ascent separated a distance ρ from the origin are given by
maximize b0 + b1x 1 + b2 x 2 + L + bk x k
subject to: ∑x
i= 1
≤ ρ2
This problem can be solved with the aid of an optimization solver (e.g., like the
solver option of a spreadsheet). However, in this case this is not really needed, as
the solution is a simple equation that yields the coordinates
x i* = ρ i = 1, 2, …, k . (2)
b j
An engineer can compute this equation for different increasing values of ρ and get
different factor settings all on the steepest ascent direction.
( ( ) ( ) ( ))
D = d1 Y1 × d2 Y2 × L × dk Yk
where k denotes the number of responses. Notice that if any response i is completely
undesirable (di(Yi) = 0) then the overall desirability is zero. In practice, fitted response
models Ŷi are used in the method.
Depending on whether a particular response Yi is to be maximized, minimized,
or assigned to a target value, different desirability functions di(Yi) can be used. A
useful class of desirability functions was proposed by Derringer and Suich.7 Let Li,
Ui, and Ti be the lower, upper, and target values desired for response i, where Li ≤
Ti ≤ Ui. If a response is of the “target is best” kind, then its individual desirability
function is
0 if Yˆi ( x ) < Li
Yˆi ( x ) − Li
T − L if Li ≤ Yˆi ( x ) ≤ Ti
() i
di Yˆi = i
Yi ( x ) − Ui
T − U if Ti ≤ Yˆi ( x ) ≤ Ui
i i
where the exponents s and t determine how strictly the target value is desired. For
s = t = 1, the desirability function increases linearly toward Ti, for s < 1, t < 1, the
function is convex, and for s > 1, t > 1, the function is concave (see example section
below for an illustration).
If a response is to be maximized instead, the individual desirability is instead
defined as
0 if Yˆi ( x ) < Li
Yˆ ( x ) − Li
di Yi = i
Ti − Li
if Li ≤ Yˆi ( x ) ≤ Ti
where in this case Ti is interpreted as a large enough value for the response. Finally,
if we want to minimize a response, we could use
0 if Yˆi ( x ) > Ui
Example. Derringer and Suich7 present the following multiple response experiment
arising in the development of a tire tread compound. The controllable factors are x1,
hydrated silica level; x2, silane coupling agent level; and x3, sulfur level. The four
responses to be optimized and their desired ranges are as follows:
The first two responses are to be maximized, and the value s = 1 was chosen for
their desirability functions. The last two responses are “target is best” with T3 = 500
and T4 = 67.5. The values s = t = 1 were chosen in both cases. The following
experiments were conducted according to a central composite design:
Run no. x1 x2 x3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Using ordinary least squares and standard diagnostics, the fitted responses were
the following:
+ 5.12 x1 x 2 − 7.88 x1 x3 − 7.13 x 2 x3 adj. R 2 = 0.6903 ; )
Yˆ2 = 1261.13 + 268.15 x1 + 246.5 x 2 − 102.6 x3 − 83.57 x12 − 124.82 x 22
+ 199.2 x32 + 69.37 x1 x 2 − 104.38 x1 x3 − 94.13 x adj. R 2 = 0.4562 ; )
Yˆ3 = 68.91 − 1.41x1 + 4.32 x 2 + 0.21x3 + 1.56 x12 + 0.058 x 22 − 0.32 x32
− 1.62 x1 x 2 + 0.25 x1 x3 − 0.12 x 2 x3 adj. R 2 = 0.7466 . )
Note that no interactions were significant for response 3, and that the fit for response
2 is quite poor.
Optimization of D with respect to x was carried out using the Design Expert
software. Figure 14.2 shows the individual desirability functions di(Yˆ i ) for each of
the four responses. The functions are linear since the values of s and t were selected
equal to one. A dot indicates the best solution found by the Design Expert solver.
The best solution is x*′ = (–0.10, 0.15, –1.0) and results in d1(Yˆ 1 ) = 0.34 (Yˆ 1(x*) =
136.4), d2(Yˆ 2 ) = 1.0 (Yˆ 2 (x*) = 1571.1), d3(Yˆ 3 ) = 0.49 (Yˆ 3(x*) = 450.46) and d4(Yˆ 4 ) =
0.76 ( Yˆ 4 (x*) = 69.26). The overall desirability for this solution is 0.596. All
responses are predicted to be within the desired limits.
Figure 14.3 shows a 3-D plot of the overall desirability function D(x) for the
x2 – x3 plane when x1 is fixed at –0.10. The function D(x) is quite “flat” in the vicinity
of the optimal solution, indicating that small variations around x* are not predicted
to change the overall desirability drastically. However, it is quite important to perform
confirmatory runs at the estimated optimal operating conditions. This is particularly
true in this example given the poor fit of the response models (e.g., Ŷ2).
1300 500
60 75
62.5 78
Hardness = 70.4975
optimize Yˆp ( x )
x ′x ≤ ρ2
where T is the target value for the secondary response and ρ is the radius of a
spherical constraint that limits the region in the controllable factor space where the
search should be undertaken. The value of ρ should be chosen with the purpose of
avoiding solutions that extrapolate too far outside of the region where the experimental
Actual constants:
sulfur level = -1.00
silane coupling agent 0.0 hydrated sylica level
-1.0 -1.0
data were obtained. For example, if the experimental design is a central composite
design, choosing ρ = α (axial distance) is a logical choice. Bounds of the form L ≤
xi ≤ U can be used instead if a cuboidal experimental region was used (e.g., when
using a factorial experiment).
In a DRS, the response models Ŷp and Ŷs can be linear, quadratic, or even cubic
polynomials. A nonlinear programming algorithm has to be used for the optimization
of a DRS. For the particular case of quadratic responses, an equality constraint for the
secondary response, and a spherical region of experimentation, specialized optimiza-
tion algorithms exist that guarantee global optimal solutions. In such case, the algo-
rithm DRSALG6 can be used (download from, but
a Fortran compiler is necessary.
In the more general case of inequality constraints or a cuboidal region of
experimentation, a general purpose nonlinear solver must be used and several points
should be tried to avoid local optima. This is illustrated in the next section.
+ 854.9 x1 x 2 x3
maximize Yˆ1 ( x )
Yˆ3 ( x ) ≤ 20
x1 + x 2 + x3 = 1.0
0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1
0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1
0 ≤ x3 ≤ 1
We can use Microsoft Excel’s “solver” to solve this problem. The table below
shows an Excel spreadsheet that has been set up with the problem above. Cells
B1:B3 contain the decision variables (cells to be changed), cell E1 is to be maxi-
mized, and all the constraints need to be entered appropriately. The figure shows
the spreadsheet after the solver completes the optimization. The solution is x*′ =
(0.212, 0.343, 0.443), which provides Ŷ1 = 106.62, Ŷ2 = 4.17, and Ŷ3 = 18.23.
Therefore, both secondary responses meet the desired bounds. The solver should be
run from a variety of starting points (i.e., try different initial values in cells B1:B3
prior to starting the solver) to avoid local optima. Once again, confirmation exper-
iments should be conducted at the estimated optimal operating conditions.
1 Factors Responses
2 x1 0.21233 Y1(x) 106.6217
3 x2 0.343725 Y2(x) 4.176743
4 x3 0.443946 Y3(x) 18.23221
5 Additional constraint
6 x1 + x2 + x3 1.000001
As wafer sizes increase to 300 mm, manufacturers must maintain process capability
and yield and reduce nonproduct wafer (NPW) usage.1 Equipment and process design
improvements were invoked in the past to address these issues. However, it has
become clear that, as noted throughout this book, advanced process control (APC)
has become a critical component of the solution for the future, with R2R control the
most widely pursued form of APC in the semiconductor manufacturing industry.2–4
One process that has repeatedly been shown to benefit from R2R control is chemical
mechanical planarization (CMP). The CMP process is described in the Introduction
to this book, and CMP R2R control solutions are described in Chapter 11. In the
move to 300-mm manufacturing, uniformity control (in conjunction with thickness
control) will be a necessary component of R2R control solutions.2,5
The aim of this chapter is to detail the latest advancements in CMP process
uniformity modeling and R2R control, and also to illustrate the methodology of
developing, deploying, and evaluating an R2R control solution for a semiconductor
process. To achieve these goals, the development and deployment of a multizone
approach to the modeling and control of CMP uniformity is presented in the remainder
of this chapter. The final control solution utilizes both pre- and postprocess metrology
data and provides uniformity control to a multizone optimization metric as part of a
multiprocess control solution. Specifically, following this introduction, background
information is presented in Section 15.2 on a multiprocess control framework that is
being implemented to provide yield improvement of a contact process. This includes
a specific description of the multiprocess control strategy, the CMP process environ-
ment, and the R2R control-enabling technology being utilized. The multizone CMP
process uniformity modeling approach is then presented in Section 15.3 along with
15.2.1 CMP Process Uniformity Control
The first CMP R2R uniformity control of CMP was reported on a Strasbaugh CMP
tool and presented in Chapter 11.6 That work shows that significant improvements in
process capability can be achieved through multivariate (thickness and uniformity)
control of a CMP oxide process. Recently, uniformity control reported on other CMP
tool types further illustrated this advantage.7 In all cases the uniformity control focus
has been on radial uniformity with a center-to-edge (CTE) metric utilized to quantify
the radial uniformity. Closer analysis of post-CMP process nonuniformity, however,
reveals significant higher-order radial nonuniformity components such as center “dim-
ple” and outer “doughnut” regions. These and other nonradial nonuniformity charac-
teristics, such as across-wafer gradient nonuniformity, are due in part to upstream
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processing. Understanding and modeling these
nonuniformity characteristics is a key component to developing an improved unifor-
mity control solution for CMP. Providing for detection and weighted control of these
higher-order nonuniformity characteristics is especially important when developing an
R2R control solution as part of a total factory control strategy and solution.
The CMP uniformity modeling and control work described in this chapter is part of
a multiprocess control solution being developed to improve yield of a contact process
at the IBM Microelectronics facility in Burlington, Vermont.8,9 The target contact
process line has a typical CVD, CMP, lithography, etch (RIE) sequence. The control
solution is being developed in a number of phases, with the first phase focused CMP
and RIE R2R process control. The initial envisioned control scheme for (Phase I)
measurement and control is illustrated in Figure 15.1. Note that, with this scheme,
R2R control solutions are envisioned for both CMP and etch processes, with pre-
and postprocess measurement utilized along with interprocess feedforward and feed-
back information flow between the two control solutions. For both control solutions,
the process quality metrics being controlled are postprocess thickness and uniformity,
with these metrics indirectly verified at the postetch step through electrical testing.
In developing this multiprocess control scheme, preliminary results have shown
that, while repeatable results on etch process uniformity were observed, satisfactory
models for controlling etch uniformity could not be obtained (through design of
experiments analysis). Specifically, the analysis did not yield a discernable relation-
ship between process uniformity and total power and power ratio of a split coil
reactor. Thus, the control scheme was modified with the RIE process, R2R, and
The CMP R2R controller does not necessarily optimize the CMP process, but rather
operates as part of a total factory solution to provide the best CMP process for that
process line.
The main objective of this project is to improve process yield through reusable
factory-wide integrated control solutions. In order to achieve this objective, the R2R
control solution had to meet a number of integration requirements:
The R2R enabling technology that is being utilized for the project, called the
Generic Cell Controller (GCC), addresses these four requirements.11 (Detailed infor-
mation on the GCC concept and solutions is provided in Chapters 9 through 12.)
Specifically, with respect to requirement #1, the GCC is a flexible control solution
enabler that is fully object-oriented, process-independent, and suitable for factory-
wide distributed implementation. GCC-enabled R2R control solutions have been
demonstrated to provide control of a number of semiconductor manufacturing pro-
cesses including CMP, vapor phase epitaxy, and etch.3 With respect to requirement
#2, the GCC technology has been shown to provide fully integrated process control
solutions that utilize both post- and premetrology.5 As for requirement #3, an EWMA
linear approximation algorithm with nonlinear extensions was chosen; this algorithm
has been utilized effectively for CMP and vapor phase epitaxy process control (see
also Chapters 3 and 13).3,12 Finally, with respect to requirement #4, Figure 15.2
shows the architecture of the GCC solution when enabled for APC framework-
compatible application. Due to the distributed object-oriented nature of the technol-
ogy, it is configurable to existing MES systems, and can be migrated to (future)
APC framework systems as necessary.
The proposed GCC R2R solution integration strategy is shown in Figure 15.2.
A GCC solution is instantiated from a single class for each process to be controlled.
The class has access to upstream and downstream metrology and target information
as necessary to address interprocess control. Both client–server TCP/IP and fully
object-oriented interfaces to the GCC station are provided so that the GCC R2R
solution can operate in the current client–server integration environment, and can
migrate to a (future envisioned) APC framework compliant environment.
Wafer Slurry
Holder Carrier
Polishing Pad
Different regions can be identified with typical radial polishing, largely due to the
fact that polish rates in the center and edge of the wafer are lower than the rates in
the in-between region. The film deposition rate from the CVD process, which
generally shows a radial pattern, can be substantially different in the center of the
wafer because of its singular nature. If the rate of the deposition process in the
outside region of the wafer is faster than the mean rate, the outer edge “lip” region
will be significantly thicker following polishing because of the combined effects of
CVD and CMP. Thus, the film nonuniformity across the wafer can be broken up for
An initial effort at modeling the CMP nonuniformity attempted to provide a level
of isolation of these features by breaking the uniformity metric up into concentric
zones, as shown in Figure 15.5. The profile in each zone is approximated to a linear
fit, and the slope of this fit is taken as uniformity metric for that particular zone.
Minimizing each of the slopes contributes to the improvement of the uniformity.
With a multizone uniformity metric defined, a 23 factorial design of experiments
(DOE) was performed to attempt to model process removal rate and uniformity. The
inputs to the process are Platen Speed, Carrier Speed, and Backside Air Pressure.
This DOE design has eight factor-level combinations, each replicated twice, and five
center points. The normalized levels used for each input are shown in Table 15.1.
The wafers were measured before and after processing; measurements were taken at
45 sites on the wafer, as shown in Figure 15.6 (6 mm at the wafer edge are excluded).
In order to develop the models for removal rate and uniformity, standard least-
squares regression techniques were applied to formulate the predictive model.13 The
analysis yielded the following model for removal rate:
TABLE 15.1
Normalized DOE Input Levels
Input Low Medium High
where RR is the removal rate, PS is the platen speed, and CS is the carrier speed.
The model fits with R2 = 98.7%.* The regression models for the uniformity slopes
* The R2 value is a measure of how well the model is able to predict the variation in the response.
* F-ratio is the statistic used to evaluate whether the parameters are statistically significant. The lower
the F-ratio for a parameter, the less likely that parameter is statistically significant.
** P-value is the probability that the F-value fails the test and the model parameters are not statistically
significant. A P-value less than or equal to a chosen α risk indicates that the model parameters are
significant, where α risk is the probability of declaring that a model parameter is significant when it is not.
Primary Tt Secondary RmvdT
stage stage
FIGURE 15.8 Gmt two-stage controller and its application to CMP multivariate process control.
shown in Eq. (5). We see that, in this case, the process quality parameter, amount
removed (RmvdT), cannot be approximated by a linear function of the CMP machine
parameters, PS and CS, because these parameters impact the true process variable,
i.e., the RR. The GMt algorithm is a suitable control solution in this case because
it models the relationship between the input parameters, PS and CS, and the primary
output, RR, and then models the multiplicative relationship between this primary
output and the secondary output, the RmvdT.
The GMt provides a control solution for our models by breaking the system
outputs down into two sets, namely primary output(s) and secondary inputs, as shown
in Figure 15.8. Therefore, the GMt implements a two-step linear solution process
that approximates a nonlinear solver. In the first step, the controller uses the GCC
R2R EWMA method to compensate fully for the primary outputs that do not have
corresponding secondary outputs, and to partially compensate (in a weighted fash-
ion) for those primary outputs that also have corresponding secondary outputs. The
GMt then completes the compensation on the secondary outputs by adjusting sec-
ondary inputs.
For the CMP control, the removal rate thickness model given in Eq. (8) and the
center-to-edge uniformity model given in Eq. (9) are used in the primary stage with
PS and CS as primary inputs and RR and CTE as primary outputs, as shown in
Figure 15.8. In the first stage of the controller, the GMt compensates for RR drift
and for CTE. In the second stage, a secondary input of time is adjusted to compensate
for the secondary output, the amount removed.
The results of application of this control solution at the IBM Microelectronics
facility are shown in Figures 15.9 and 15.10. In each figure the controlled output
metrics of remaining thickness and nonuniformity slope, respectively, are plotted
along with the desired target output and an estimation of the uncontrolled output.
The uncontrolled output value for each metric is estimated through applying the
difference between the current controlled recipe and the starting recipe to the process
model for the metric. Specifically, the uncontrolled thickness value is estimated as
where Actualrem is the actual amount of oxide removed, i.e., the difference between
premetology measurement and postmetrology measurement of oxide thickness.
where tN is the nominal time recipe and tS is the actual time recipe suggested by the
controller. ∆RR is the amount to be added or removed to the removal rate if no
controller exists. From Eq. (8), ∆RR is calculated as
where ActualCTE is the actual amount of the slope uniformity, i.e., the difference
between premetrology measurement and postmetrology measurement of center-to-
edge-metric. ∆CTE is the amount of slope uniformity to be added or removed if no
controller exists. From Eq. (9), ∆CTE is calculated as:
where ∆CS is the difference between the controlled and nominal carrier speed recipe
and ∆PS is the difference between the controlled and nominal platen speed recipe.
The results presented in Figures 15.9 and 15.10 indicate the multivariate control
of both thickness and uniformity. This is further illustrated by comparing the post-
process wafer map of the final control experiment, Figure 15.11, with that of a typical
uncontrolled process run (Figure 15.4).
focused on minimizing a single CTE metric.6,7 While this approach has been shown
to provide increased process capability, the effort described in this chapter has been
focused on establishing a relationship between nonuniformity targets and yield, and
configuring the CMP controller to those targets. Of the four uniformity zones
described in Section 15.3 and illustrated in Figure 15.5, IBM researchers have qual-
itatively determined that nonuniformity in the outer lip region is the largest source
of yield loss. Thus, in providing a uniformity control solution, the target must be
weighted to the minimization of nonuniformity due to this outer lip region. Consid-
ering that the uniformity control solution developed is limited to controlling one
uniformity parameter, namely the slope of radial nonuniformity, it is this target that
must be adjusted. Luckily, the outer lip region is characterized consistently by an
upward sloping profile; thus, the impact of this region on the entire process can be
minimized by targeting a slightly downward sloping radial uniformity gradient as
shown in Figure 15.12.
Establishing controller performance metrics at the factory level rather than the
process-centric level impacts the formulation of the control solution. Specifically,
by attending to overall yield, particular control solutions at a process may be con-
figured to control “nonoptimal” process-centric targets so that they may provide
“precompensation” for downstream processes. This precompensation method from
CMP to etch is illustrated graphically in Figure 15.13. The etch process does not
have a developed R2R control capability. However, through pre- and postetch metrol-
ogy, the etch process uniformity is characterized. This information is fed back to the
CMP process and the CMP R2R process control targets are adjusted to precompensate
for etch nonuniformity. In the current control solution described in this chapter, the
precompensation feedback is static, i.e., the CMP R2R controller targets are adjusted
manually as necessary to provide precompensation. Further, the precompensation
assumes that a specific etch tool is chosen for wafers processed on a particular CMP
tool. Providing a dynamic configurable precompensation capability, and addressing
precompensation as a component of chamber matching with banks of tools, are
topics of future work (see Section 15.6).
Portions reprinted with permission from the proceedings of the 46th International
Symposium of the American Vacuum Society.15 The authors would like to thank
Victor Solakhian of the University of Michigan for controller software development,
Jason Silbergleit of IBM Microelectronics for RIE process support, and John Taylor
of Compugenesis for providing a GCC-to-CMP tool SECS interface solution.
1. Rozich, W., “Minimizing the Risk of 300mm Wafer Introduction into Semiconductor
Maufacturing,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium XI, Vail, CO (September 1999).
2. Baliga, J., “Advanced Process Control: Soon to Be a Must,” Semiconductor Interna-
tional, Vol. 22, No. 8 (July 1999).
3. Moyne, J., “Run-to-Run Control Success Stories,” SEMATECH AEC Workshop VIII,
Santa Fe, NM (October 1996).
4. SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium XI Proceedings, Vail, CO (September 1999).
5. Moyne, J., Curry, J., Solakhian, V., Weaver, T., and Gwizdak, R., “Improving Reli-
ability, Yield and Throughput of Chemical-Mechanical Planarization through Process
Automation and Control,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference:
SEMICON Taiwan ’98 (November 1998).
6. Moyne, J. et al. “Integration of Run-to-Run Control into Existing and Next Generation
Chemical-Mechanical-Planarization Tools,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop IX,
Lake Tahoe (September 1997).
7. Jarrett Campbell, W., “Run-to-Run Control of Within-Wafer Uniformity in Oxide
Chemical Mechanical Planarization,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium XI, Vail,
CO (September 1999).
8. El Chemali, C. et al., “Yield Improvement at Contact Process through Run-to-Run
Control,” 25th IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology
Symposium, Austin, TX (October 1999).
9. Moyne, J., “Feasibility Study on Yield Improvement through Run-to-Run Control,”
SEMATECH Technology Transfer Document # 99023670A-TR (January 1999).
10. SEMATECH Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative, SEMATECH Tech-
nology Transfer Document #99053735A-TR (June 1999).
A modern semiconductor device exists in three dimensions; throughout the course
of its manufacture, a chip experiences the patterning of approximately two dozen
different layers, each of which must be precisely positioned with respect to the one
beneath.1 This positioning (or alignment) is necessary in order to ensure the correct
operation of the final device. Sufficiently large alignment errors can result in many
different types of failures; the exact nature depends on the specific levels involved.
As an example, if the misalignment of the contact layer to the implanted substrate
(the well) is too great, shorts or diode leakage can result (see Figure 16.1).
The rapid pace of advancement in consumer electronics has been driven in large
part by the rapid increase in computing power available from computer chips of
ever-decreasing size. These two driving forces have required that computer chips
become both more complex and more compact simultaneously. Together, such
demands place stringent requirements on alignment accuracy.
Until very recently, alignment requirements could be met using statistical process
control (SPC) techniques, wherein the alignment input settings were held more or
less fixed, and the sources of alignment variation were identified and removed.*
Unfortunately, as alignment requirements have become tighter and the known
sources of variation have been removed, the quality of alignment control afforded
by SPC has ceased to be sufficient. SPC is particularly unsuited to the task of
controlling alignment in the face of unexplained disturbances because of its inability
to take corrective action. Combating disturbances has become a significant drain on
the photolithography process engineers who are responsible for alignment. The
engineers, in effect, are the controllers in informal feedback loops around the align-
ment process.
A need is thus identified to provide automated control of the alignment process.
This chapter describes a methodology for run-to-run control of photolithography
alignment. By replacing the engineers in these feedback loops with run-to-run
controllers, a number of benefits can be realized. First and foremost, the engineers’
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + +
employed in multiple fabs within Texas Instruments (TI). The first is based on
integral (EWMA-based) control, and the second design adds additional filtering to
better trade off noise attenuation and response times. The effect of stepper lens
distortion, and varying die sizes, is seen in the appearance of device dependencies.
Specifically, it is observed that certain devices exhibit different markshift behavior
from others. At present, these dependencies are relatively small (<20%) compared
to the specs, and given the need to make the system manufacturing-friendly, such
dependencies are ignored. Note that trying to weed out and correct for such depen-
dencies, especially in an environment where multiple new devices are introduced
each week, is both cumbersome and results in large data sets. The latter results in
software performance issues that impact lot login and logout times (cycle times) in
the fab. However, such device dependencies do impact the noise characteristics seen
by the controller. This noise is now driven by product mix. In addition, there are
metrology issues dealing with recipe maintenance and spikes (e.g., due to the
metrology structures being affected by other processes). An incorrectly written recipe
will cause a device to fall out, and the recipe will be corrected. However, multiple
lots of such a device could have run prior to the recipe error being detected. This
results in a temporary increase in noise magnitude. Figure 16.4 shows the effect of
device dependencies on process noise. At the same time, a stepper could run any
one of a multitude of pattern levels. These different levels see different drift rates
by virtue of nonuniform sampling. For example, a level that has multiple runs a day
would generally require less aggressive correction than one that has a run every
other day. Also, the same pattern level could exhibit different noise characteristics
across different steppers (Figure 16.5).
Given the fact that there could be thousands of overlay loops (one for each
variable, per pattern level, per stepper), it is virtually impossible to manually reopti-
mize these controllers in order to cope with such variations in noise and disturbance
characteristics. Instead, adaptive controllers are employed to effectively deal with this
problem (as well as fan-out). The designs presented will focus primarily on the loop
for x-markshift. Control loop design for the other variables is done similarly. The
design of the controllers is based on the algorithm presented in Reference 3. This
reference also provides an example of applying the algorithm developed for controlling
Run No.
FIGURE 16.4 Example of device dependencies resulting in perceived process noise.
overlay. Here, a simplified version of the tuning algorithm is presented. This sim-
plification is made noting that the typical disturbance encountered in overlay control
is that of a shift vs. drift (especially after stepper maintenance). Most of the sophis-
tication required for the algorithm in Reference 3 was due to the need to optimally
deal with drifts. In case of shifts, the scheme can be simplified considerably by
noting that the asymptotically optimal value of the controller gain is 0. The markshift
loop can be modeled as follows:
yk +1 = θ uk + dk + wk , k = 0, 1, 2, … (1)
where yk+1 is the offset measured at metrology, uk is the offset input to the stepper,
dk is the disturbance that the controller is required to compensate for, wk is (high-
frequency) noise, and θ ≈ 1 is the stepper gain. An EWMA-based controller is
considered first. The results are then extended to second-order controllers due to
their ability to provide better noise attenuation while preserving the response times.
( )
xk +1 = xk − λ k yk +2− τk − uk − τk + xk , x0 x , k = 0, 1, 2, …
uk = y ⋅ round xk
µ k +1 = µ k + ε yk +1− τk + uk − µ k ) (3)
X-Markshift Magnification
Run No. Run No.
FIGURE 16.5 Example of interstepper differences. The same pattern level exhibits different noise characteristics on
steppers A and B.
ξ k +1 = ξ k + ε yk +1− τk − uk − τk _ uk ) − ε , µ
≤ ξ0
k 0
δ 2 + 2µ 2k
λk = λ , k = 0, 1, 2, …
δ + µ 2k + ξ k
with 1 > ε, δ > 0 with ε, δ ≈ 0 and 0 < λ ≤ 2. Equations (2) and (3) have been
written in a form that essentially takes the delay out of the loop,4 and minimizes its
impact on stability. Equation (3) is similar to the one derived in Reference –
3, except
that– in this case the value of λk is forced to lie in the open interval (0, λ). The value
of λ is chosen to satisfy gain margin requirements in order to ensure closed-loop
stability. In addition to this, a spike filter is employed to prevent the controller (2)
from updating on data from maverick lots. This filter works by looking at the
measurements from consecutive lots and allows the controller state xk to update only
if this difference is less than some given value. One way to implement this is as
follows (4), where the controller Eq. (2) is modified with the addition of an extra
state ( x k ) to reject spikes having a magnitude greater than ∆ > 0.
xk +1 = xk − λ k yk +1− τk − uk − τk + xk ⋅ round
∆ + abs yk +1− τ − x˜ k ( )
x˜ k +1 = yk +1− τk (4)
uk = γ ⋅ round xk .
% X-mark Error
Simulated offset: no control
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Run No.
λk λk λk
− 2 − 2
xk +1 = xk +
1 − e −2 λ k e
−2 λ k xk − −2 λ k
− 1 e
− 1 k +1− τk
− uk − τk )
4 4 4
( )
∆ + abs yk +1− τ − x˜ k
x˜ k +1 = yk +1− τk
uk = γ ⋅ round [1 1]xk
where [xy xk ]T ∈ 3 are the controller states (the base controller is second order),
and once again the delay is taken out of the loop. Equation (5) is the discretized
(assuming a zero-order hold) form5 of a critically damped continuous time controller
having the following Laplace transform:
λ 2k
C( s ) = , λk > 0 . (6)
s (s + 2λ k )
( )
4 z 2 + 2λ k − 3e −2 λ k − 5 z + 3e −2 λ k − 2λ k e −2 λ k + 1 = 0 (7)
-250 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
λ = 0.2
FIGURE 16.7 Bode plot comparing frequency responses of EWMA-based (dashed) and
second-order controllers (solid).
This is true provided 0 < λk < 5. However, the maximum allowable value of λk is
typically chosen to be much smaller than this to achieve sufficient gain and phase
margins. For example, setting λk = 0.4 yields gain and phase margins of 21 dB and
71°, respectively. Increasing this to 0.8 results in a phase margin of 65° and the
introduction of undesirable underdamped behavior. This underdamping is the result
of discretization.
In this case also, the gain λk is allowed to vary according to Eq. (3). Furthermore,
due to the phase lag, large adaptation rates can be chosen (i.e., the gain is allowed
to fluctuate more) since the controller response is less sensitive to fluctuations in
the gain (as compared to the EWMA case). Figure 16.9 shows the performance of
this controller for control of x-markshift (arbitrarily scaled) at metal-1 pattern.
Figure 16.9 (top) also shows simulated data obtained by backing out the controller
corrections from the measured misalignment employing the model (1). The corre-
sponding controller gain (λk) is shown in Figure 16.9 (bottom). It is seen that the
controller gain remains high when the stepper experiences a shift/drift disturbance.
After this disturbance is compensated for, the controller gain returns to a lower
value. The maximum controller gain allowed was 0.4, and at no instance is this
value exceeded (as predicted by theory).
The adaptive scheme proves very useful in fan-out and maintenance of the
controllers. In addition to allowing identical controllers to be employed across
multiple pattern levels and steppers, the system also results in zero maintenance.
EWMA; λ=0.1
EWMA; λ=0.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
% X-mark Error
-20 Controlled
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Run No.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Run No.
FIGURE 16.9 Behavior of x-markshift for metal-1 pattern: % error (top), and controller gain
Two examples of adaptive feedback controllers being employed to control lithogra-
phy overlay in TI fabs have been presented in this chapter. The first example was
that of an EWMA-based controller, and the second example built on this by incor-
porating additional low-pass filtering. It is expected that with scaling device geom-
etries and tightening alignment requirements, lens distortion will contribute signif-
icantly to the overall alignment error budget. This will prompt a move toward device-
dependent overlay control. Efficient software will be required to implement such
control schemes in a manufacturing-friendly fashion, particularly in high-mix ASIC
(application-specific integrated circuits) fabs. Other issues that will arise is the need
to ensure adequate sampling across various pattern levels in order to further enhance
system performance.
The authors would like to acknowledge the following people who have contributed
to development and deployment of overlay feedback control in TI: Stephanie Hilbun,
Eddie Brooks, Doug Ballard, Adriana Sanchez, and Steve Jenkins.
1. Maly, W., Atlas of IC Technologies: An Introduction to VLSI Processes, Ben-
jamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, NJ, 1987.
2. Armitage, J.D., Analysis of overlay distortion patterns, in Integrated Circuit Metrol-
ogy, Inspection, and Process Control II, Monahan, K.M., Ed., 921, SPIE, Bellingham,
1988, 207.
3. Patel, N.S. and Jenkins, S.T., Adaptive optimization of run-to-run controllers: The
EWMA example, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, to appear.
4. Smith, O.J.M., Feedback Control Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
5. Kuo, B.C., Automatic Control Systems, (7th ed.), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
The basic R2R control algorithm solutions presented in Chapter 1, and especially
Chapter 3, are based on the R2R control scheme originally proposed by Sachs et al.1
In this scheme, the EWMA statistic is used as an estimate of the process deviation
from its target. However, the controller based on the EWMA statistic is not sufficient
for controlling a wearing out process. The predictor–corrector controller (PCC)
algorithm, also described in Chapter 3, was developed to enhance the EWMA R2R
controller’s capability.2,3 In this chapter, we first reexamine the fundamentals of the
PCC formulations and propose an adjustment that is cleaner and more pervasive in
controlling processes subject to both random shifts and drifts, and takes into account
process age. We then study the application of this adjusted algorithm to the control
of the CMP process. We refer to this adjusted PCC scheme as an age-based double
EWMA (d-EWMA) scheme. As shown throughout this book (see, for example the
Introduction), the CMP process is an ideal candidate for R2R control and therefore
represents an ideal candidate for demonstrating the benefits of the d-EWMA scheme.
This chapter is organized as follows. In the remainder of this section we provide
background information on the EWMA statistic. In Section 17.2 we examine the
fundamentals in the PCC formula and propose an adjustment that is cleaner and
more pervasive. The adjusted PCC formula is then further refined in Section 17.3
to take the process age into consideration. The methodology is illustrated in
Section 17.4 using the CMP process as a case study.
Yt = α + βXt + ε t + δ t
= (α + δ t ) + βXt + ε t
where α is the linear process model’s intercept term and β is the system gain that
translates the input variable’s size to the process output’s responded size. The EWMA
statistic is then used to estimate the size of the process’s intercept (α) plus its
systematic deviation at time t + 1 (δt+1):
∑[ )]
= w(1 − w)
t− j
Yj − βX j
j =1
where the weight w is usually set between 0 and 1 and at is an exponentially weighted
average of the historic deviations α + δj’s. Therefore, the process output at time t +
1 is estimated to be
In order to keep the process output at a predetermined target level (T), we obtain
the process recipe at time t + 1:
T − at
Xt +1 = . (4)
T − (at + pt )
Xt +1 = (6)
Yt = α + βXt + ε t + cσt
= (α + cσt ) + βXt + ε t
where the process output is systematically drifting away by a size of cσ per unit
time. To see how the estimates at and pt work, we can examine the process’s steady
state as time approaches infinity (Appendix A):
lim E(at ) = α − + cσ(t + 1)
t→∞ w1
lim E pt =
t→∞ w1
This result somehow surprises us, since in this PCC formula at is not really an
estimate for α + δt+1 and pt is not really the estimate for the drifting speed.
The steady-state recipe becomes
cσ cσ
T − α − + cσ(t + 1) +
w1 w1 T − [α + cσ(t + 1)]
lim Xt +1 = = (9)
t→∞ β β
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Here, we show that the system with PCC controller is a stable system and the
expected process output converges to the desired target.
The estimate for α + δt in the PCC formula can be further rewritten as (Appendix B)
t t i
at + pt = (w1 + w2 − w1w2 ) ∑
i =1
ei + w1w2 ∑∑e + a
i =1 j =1
j 0
t t i
= wI ∑e + w ∑∑e + a
i =1
i Π
i =1 j =1
j 0
t t i
at + pt = w1 ∑
i =1
ei + w2 ∑ ∑ e + (t + 1) p + a
i =1 j =1
j 0 0 (13)
That is, wI = w1 and wII = w2 and with 0 < w1 < 1 and 0 < w2 < 1 we will have an
I-II controller that fills up the entire control space.
With this d-EWMA formula, we can also obtain a cleaner steady state:
This result is much cleaner than the original PCC formula. Moreover, the two
estimates at and pt here have very clearly defined meanings. In this d-EWMA
formula, at represents an estimate for α + δt and pt an estimate for the size of the
process drift from t to t + 1. Together at + pt is the estimate for α + δt+1. The steady-
state recipe at time t + 1 becomes
T − (at + pt ) T − α − cσ(t + 1)
lim Xt +1 = =
t→∞ β β
This is exactly the same as (9) and thus the process output with d-EWMA control
will also converge to the desired target T. Though both controllers (PCC and d-
EWMA) are “unbiased” controllers, the advantages of d-EWMA controller over the
PCC controller are twofold:
1. The d-EWMA controller is a direct form of I-II controller and its control
space fills up the entire I-II control space.
2. Unlike the PCC controller, at and pt in the d-EWMA formula have clear
A typical process with such random drift disturbances is shown in Figure 17.2.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) Systematic Deviations - random drifts
0 200 400 600 800 1000
(b) Process Output
FIGURE 17.2 A typical random drift process.
∑ (Y − T )
t =1
MSE = .
And MSE/σ2 is a measure normalized against the variance (σ2) of the natural
disturbance (εt). Figure 17.3 shows the contour plot for the control efficiency over
the control space. As can be seen, the optimal I-II control setting (wI ≅ 0.115 and
wII ≅ 0.005) falls outside the control region (shaded area) of the original PCC
controller. That is, if we use the PCC controller and restrict the values of w1 and w2
in the interval of (0, 1), the PCC controller would never be as effective as an optimal
I-II controller (or d-EWMA controller).
1.113 Wn
FIGURE 17.3 Contour plots for the I-II control efficiency over the control space.
ai = w1 (Yi − βXi ) + (1 − w1 ) ai −1 + (ti − ti −1 ) pi −1 ] (15)
Y − βXi − ai −1
pi = w2 i
ti −1 − ti + (1 − w2 ) pi −1 (16)
where Yi – βXi – ai-1 represents the amount the process drifts away between sample
i – 1 and sample i. The recipe at the (i + 1)th run should be therefore set at
Xi +1 =
T − ai + (ti +1 − ti ) pi ] (17)
ai = w1 Ri + (1 − w1 ) Rˆi (18)
pi = w2 ( Ri − ai −1 ) + (1 − w2 ) pi −1 (19)
Brushing disc Carrier
Holder Abrasive
Pad Brushing disc
Abrasive Pad
R̂i +1 = ai + pi (20)
These are d-EWMA prediction equations corresponding to Eq. (12) without consid-
ering the process age. Similar to the d-EWMA controller, the first EWMA Eq. (18)
is to estimate the level of the removal rate (ai) and the second EWMA Eq. (19) is
to capture its changing speed (pi). In Eq. (20), the removal rate at observation i + 1
is then predicted by adding together the level estimate ai and the anticipated change
(pi) from observation i to i + 1.
In practice, the age of the abrasive pad and the brushing disc can be acquired
along with the removal rate data. Figure 17.5 shows the trend of the removal rate
4 13 6.4 16.317.769.090.092.434.0235.1 62.563.464.465.53
26.327.328.359.380.4431.432.343.385.46 37.350.451.442.543.544.445.446.447.15 47.608.549.351.451.84
9.049.9712.212.89 54.455.456.11
p0 ( τ) = d + bτ , (21)
where d is the changing speed of the removal rate for a brand-new disc (τ = 0) and
b represents how the changing speed changes as the disc ages.
Second, given the initial changing speed of the removal rate for each new pad,
the formula in Eqs. (18) to (20) is then revised to accommodate the age (t) of the
pad. Let ti denote the age of the pad at the ith observation. We propose the following
age-based d-EWMA prediction scheme:
ai = w1 Ri + (1 − w1 ) Rˆi (22)
R −a
pi = w2 i i −1 + (1 − w2 ) pi −1 (23)
ti − ti −1
The data shown in Figure 17.5 is then used to estimate the model parameters (d, b,
w1, and w2) in Eqs. (21) to (24). Figure 17.6 shows this estimated model. The model
estimated using data in Figure 17.5 can be now be used to predict the removal rate
for other discs. Figure 17.7 shows the raw removal rate data for four discs.
Figure 17.8 shows the prediction for Disc 3 using the model estimated from Disc 1.
We summarize the performance of EWMA, d-EWMA, and age-based d-EWMA
prediction schemes by comparing their prediction mean squared error (MSE) in
Table 17.1.
It is recommended that when the age data for the abrasive pad and the brushing
disc are available, the proposed age-based d-EWMA scheme should be used to
4 24
0.13 1.92 9.97 12.9 17.8 20.1 27.3 29.4 31.4 33.4 40.5 42.5 44.4 46.5 48.6 51.4 54.4 56.1 58.1 62.5 64.5 66.5
FIGURE 17.6 Estimated removal rate model vs. actual removal rate.
4 12 16 20 53
0.13 9.97 20.1 29.433.440.544.4 51.456.162.566.5 2.339.19 20.624.128.833.637.8 49.855.658.4 1.02 9.8716.920.827.531.340.345.854.2 61.367.5 23.929.232.440.544.648.5
predict the removal rate. The prediction improvement is about 17% better than the
EWMA scheme, and 11% better than the d-EWMA scheme.
In this chapter we presented an adjustment of the original PCC controller. This
adjustment has a cleaner form and was shown to be more pervasive in the form of
12 16 40
0.33 2.33 6.29 9.19 11.4 14.2 18.9 20.6 22.9 24.1 26.5 28.8 33.6 34.7 37.8 46.4 49.8 53.6 55.6
TABLE 17.1
Comparison among EWMA, PCC, and Time-Based PCC
Improvement (%)
Prediction MSE over EWMA
EWMA 191.683 —
d-EWMA 178.484 6.88%
Age-based d-EWMA 158.163 17.48%
the I-II controller. We refer to this adjusted PCC controller as a d-EWMA controller.
This cleaner form of d-EWMA controller enabled us to accommodate the process
age into the formula. An age-based d-EWMA controller was therefore developed.
The performance of this age-based d-EWMA controller was then illustrated through
the example of CMP removal rate prediction. The results show that the age-based
d-EWMA controller is indeed the most effective.
We would like to thank Mr. J.-J. Chen, Mr. C.-P. Tung, Mr. Y.-L. Chou, and Ms.
C.-L. Lin for their help in preparing the figures. We also like to thank Dr. Jowei
Dun and Mr. S.-A. Wu of TSMC who provided the precious CMP data for this study.
α 1 0 1 − w
0 w1 0
Then, U (0) = A = − w2 1 0 1
1 − w2 w − w
0 w − w
2 1 2 1
We obtain
At = − w2
( 1)
0 1 − w t 0 1 0
1 t
w2 1
w − w
2 1
(1 − w2 ) w2 − w1
(1 − w1 )
= w2
w2 − w1((1 − w2 ) − (1 − w1 )
t t
) ( 2 )
1 − w
and, thus
U (t ) = AU (t − 1) + B(t )
= A[ AU (t − 2) + B(t − 1)] + B(t )
= A t U (0) + ∑A
i =1
t −i
B(i )
(1 − w1 )
= w2
w2 − w1
( (
1 − w2 ) − (1 − w1 )
t t
) (1 − w2 )
pt =
w2 − w1
(1 − w2 ) − (1 − w1 )
+ ∑
t w2
2 1
( t −i
w − w (1 − w2 ) − (1 − w1 ) (w1α + w1ε i + w1cσi )
t −i
i =1 + (1 − w )t −i (w α + w ε + w cσi )
2 2 2 i 2
As t approaches infinity,
lim E(at ) = α − + c σ (t + 1)
t→∞ w1
lim E( pt ) =
t→∞ w1
t t −1
at = w1 (et + pt −1 ) + at −1 = w1 ∑e + w ∑ p + a
i 1
i 0
pt = w2 et + pt −1 = w2 ∑e + p
i 0
t t −1
at + pt = (w1 + w2 ) ∑e + w ∑ p + a
i 1
i 0 + p0
t −1
= (w1 + w2 ) ∑ 1
ei + w1 ∑ ∑ e + p + a
j 0 0 + p0
= (w1 + w2 ) ∑1
ei + w1w2 ∑ ∑ e + (w t + 1) p
0 1
j 1 0 + a0
t t i
= (w1 + w2 − w1w2 ) ∑ 1
ei + w1w2 ∑ ∑ e + (w t + 1) p
1 1
j 1 0 + a0
t t −1
at = w1et + pt −1 + at −1 = w1 ∑ ∑p +a
ei +
i 0
pt = w2 et + pt −1 = w2 ∑e + p
i 0
t t −1
at + pt = (w1 + w2 ) ∑ ∑p + p
ei +
i 0 + a0
t −1
t t
= (w1 + w2 ) ∑ ∑ ∑ e + p + a
ei +
j 0 0 + p0
t t −1 i
= (w1 + w2 ) ∑1
ei + w2 ∑ ∑ e + (t + 1) p
0 1
j 0 + a0
t t i
= w1 ∑1
ei + w2 ∑ ∑ e + (t + 1) p
1 1
j 0 + a0
Maintaining acceptable yields in the semiconductor manufacturing and display
industries requires constant attention to the state of the art in process tools, process
chemistries and physics, and techniques for processing and process improvement.
As feature sizes shrink and wafer sizes increase, the industry must continually
innovate to maintain acceptable product yield, throughput, and overall equipment
effectiveness (OEE). Some manufacturing capability attributes, such as nonproduct
(NP) wafer usage and wafer scrap, must actually be improved in the transition to
larger wafer sizes because of the increased cost of 300-mm wafers. As an example,
one user reported that a processed 300-mm wafer costs approximately $5000 USD,
while a raw wafer cost $2500 to $2000.1
A number of techniques, including improved equipment design and process
innovation, continue to aid in this cost-effective transition to 300-mm wafers and
smaller linewidth technologies. However, as detailed in the Introduction of this book,
traditional avenues within this industry are no longer sufficient with the focus turning
to process and equipment parameter sensing, process identifying, and dynamic
process tuning to complement equipment and process improvements.1,2
The CMP process is an excellent case study of this movement toward process
automation and control (as demonstrated throughout this book). CMP was a rela-
tively late arrival to semiconductor and display device processing, but its use is
highly motivated through its “requirement” for .35 mm and below processing.1,3,4
Since the advent of the first CMP control solutions (see Introduction and
Chapter 1), process automation and control of CMP has advanced in a number of
directions, including (1) automated control, (2) multivariate control, (3) enhanced
control techniques to address practical process limitations and to address specific
cost issues such as NP wafer requirements, (4) control solutions that combine R2R
control with endpoint techniques, and (5) R2R control solutions that are incorporated
as part of a total factory solution. This chapter provides a summary of the recent
advancements in process automation and control for CMP, focusing on model-based
As mentioned above, CMP became an ideal process candidate for enhancement
through process automation and control because (1) it is clearly an important com-
ponent of .35 mm and below processing; (2) the process is relatively new and not
well understood, and process engineers are generally open to process improvement
through automation and control; (3) in-line and (later) in situ metrology technology
became available. Because of the generally prohibitive in situ sensing environment
of CMP, many early sensing results in CMP were in ex situ (multipoint) thickness
measurement.5 Thus, in attempting to “close the loop” and provide process control
of CMP, R2R control solutions were pursued.
The typical application of R2R control to CMP is described in the Introduction
as well as Chapter 11 and Chapter 15 of this text. The first reported results in CMP
R2R control came out of a three-year project sponsored by SEMATECH, whose
goal was to provide reusuable solutions for CMP R2R control.6 Significant results
that came out of that work for a CMP process include (1) thickness control, (2)
thickness plus uniformity (multivariate) control strategies, (3) demonstration of
process capability (Cpk*) improvement, and (4) demonstration of pad-life extension.7
Other significant results that came out of that work for process control solutions
include (1) a configurable R2R process control solution; (2) a multivariate, first-
order, nonlinear R2R control algorithm solution with exponential weighted moving
average (EWMA) noise filtering;8,9 (3) R2R control algorithm enhancements to
support process input weighting (based on tunability), output weighting (to achieve
multi-parameter optimization functions), and input boundary and discretization con-
ditions;10 (4) a comparative analysis of R2R control algorithms;11 and (5) mecha-
nisms for R2R process control automation.12–14
Building on the results of the SEMATECH effort, a tool supplier** and control
systems supplier*** continued the R2R control research effort and produced signif-
icant results of (1) thickness + uniformity (multivariate) control and Cpk improve-
ments of over 50%, and (2) a fully automated R2R process control solution for
CMP.7,14 The solution developed as well as results achieved are described in detail
in Chapter 11. Other, more recent results have reported uniformity control of other
CMP tool types.15,16 In each case, different parameters were identified and utilized
to control uniformity (see Table 18.1), suggesting that uniformity control solutions
vary significantly between tool types.
Two fronts along which CMP R2R control development has been achieving
significant milestones are automation and integration. The capabilities and charac-
teristics of R2R systems that facilitate automation and ease of integration are
described in detail in Part 3 of this book.
where RmvdTn is the thickness of the material removed with the previous polish,
and α is an EWMA weighting factor (0 ≤ α ≤ 1), the value of which is selected
based on considerations of noise, drifts, shifts, and model error.8 The suggested time
for the next run t is then calculated as
Utilizing this strategy, the improvement in thickness control over a strategy that
does not utilize pad change event knowledge is shown in Figure 18.1. Note that the
new pad thickness removed “spike” is reduced. The magnitude of the spike that
remains is a function of the difference between RRnp for the current pad and RRnp0.
Note also that a significant transient exists for a number of runs as the removal rate
model settles to the actual removal rate. This transient can be significantly reduced
through adjustment of the removal rate model estimate by a factor that captures the
exponential-like decay of removal rate over the first few wafers after a pad replace-
ment event. For example, the following equation set could be utilized in place of
(1) and (3) to model removal rate for the first i wafers after a pad replacement:
RR np+1 = RR np 0
RR np+2 = e − x RmvdTnp+1 tnp+1 ] (4)
{[ ( )] [( ) ]}
RR np+i = e − x α np RmvdTnp+i −1 tnp+i −1 + 1 − α np RR np+i −1 , for i ≥ 3,
where αnp is an EWMA weighting factor (which may differ from α in (1)) and x is
associated with the decay constant (in wafers) of the removal rate profile for a new pad.
The benefits of employing an effective new pad strategy are numerous, including
reduction of NP (test) wafer requirements, reduction of length of PMs associated
with new pad replacement and tool qualification, and increased overall equipment
effectiveness (OEE). Key issues are repeatability of removal rate decay after pad
replacement, determination of end of pad decay profile (e.g., appropriate run in
which to switch from (4) to (1) for removal rate model). Note also that the “new
pad” model enhancement feature may also be applicable to other semiconductor and
display process modeling scenarios such as etch modeling after a clean operation,
or sputter deposition modeling after replacement of a deposition source.
desired thickness. Recently, efforts have been focused on incorporating CMP process
control as part of a factory-wide scheme to improve yield of the process at the
postetch step.16,21 The target contact process line has a typical CVD, CMP, lithog-
raphy, etch (RIE) sequence. The control solution is being developed in a number of
phases, with the first phase focused on the development of CMP and RIE R2R
process control solutions, with pre- and postprocess measurement utilized along with
interprocess feedforward and feedback information flow between the two control
solutions. For both control solutions, the process quality metrics being controlled
are postprocess thickness and uniformity, with these metrics indirectly verified at
postetch process through electrical testing.
In developing this multiprocess control scheme, preliminary results have shown
that, while repeatable results on etch process uniformity were observed, satisfactory
models for controlling etch uniformity could not be obtained (through design of
experiments analysis). Thus the control scheme was modified with the RIE process
R2R and feedforward to RIE control components eliminated. The resulting inter-
process control solution operates in the following manner (see also Figure 18.3 and
Reference 22):
The CMP R2R controller thus does not necessarily optimize the CMP process,
but rather operates as part of a total factory solution to provide the best CMP process
for that process line. Note that the impact of CMP process targets on overall line
yield must be taken into consideration in determining CMP uniformity targets that
produce the optimal overall line yield.
Portions reprinted with permission from proceedings of the Third International
Symposium on Chemical Mechanical Polishing in IC Device Manufacturing: 196th
Meeting of the Electrochemical Society.23
As explained throughout this book, semiconductor manufacturing processes are
subject to small and large special disturbances such as process drifts or shifts. In
many cases the causes of disturbances are known, but it is either impossible or too
expensive to remove them. For example, variations of raw material quality may be
difficult to reduce. Another example is the disturbance caused by the machine
maintenance or changes in process settings. In such cases, when the resulting output
deviations can be compensated by adjusting the processing recipe, process control
techniques such as R2R control will be useful. Since the feedback control action is
exercised after observing the process output on a run-by-run* basis, there is no
input–output transient (dynamics) effect involved, as seen in the real-time control
problems. Usually, a “continuous” run-by-run feedback control strategy is often
adopted if the following conditions apply:
In the following sections, we first overview the system architectures for both
the EWMA controller and the enhanced EWMA controller. The two main modules
of the enhanced controller, the Dynamic-Tuning Loop Trigger module and the R2R
Feedback Control module, are then detailed in Sections 19.3 and 19.4, respectively.
We then use simulations to validate the advantage of the enhanced EWMA controller
over the conventional EWMA controller in Section 19.5. Conclusions are presented
in Section 19.6.
Yt = α + βXt + ε t (1)
If there are special process disturbances such as process drifts and process shifts
(in addition to the underlying white noises) superimposed onto the process, the
process model will become
Yt = α + βXt + ε t + δ t
= (α + δ t ) + βXt + ε t
Model tuning
at = Wet + at _1
= W (Yt _ bX t ) + (1 _ W )at _1
2. Collect the output measurement Yt after one run and calculate the residual
between the measured output value and the predicted value:
et = Yt − Yˆt (4)
3. Fine-tune the constant term of the control model using the calculated
residual. To estimate its value more accurately, the constant term of the
control model is updated using the EWMA algorithm. Notice that W is
the control parameter to decide the weighting schemes on the historical
data and a0 = α.
at = Wet + at −1
∑[W (1 − W ) (Y − bX )] + (1 − W ) α
t− j t
= j j
j =1
T − at
Xt +1 = , where T is the target value (7)
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 on a run-by-run basis.
Output Output
measurement measurements
station Yf
EWMA control chart
Em,f = Wmef + ( 1 - Wm ) Em,f-1
Yes, d=4 No
Medium shift? Controllable Stop
Em,f > gmσm
No Yes
Equipment Yes No
settings Recipe in spec ? Stop
• Robustness: long average run length (ARL0) between false alarms. The
larger the ARL0, the better the robustness.
• Sensitivity: short average run length (ARL1) between the shift and the
alarm. The smaller the ARL1, the better the sensitivity.
Typically, there are four types of control charts, and their difference can be charac-
terized by the weighting scheme on the historical data (Figure 19.3).5
• Shewhart control chart: each control point uses only the current measure-
ments, so a 100% weight is assigned to the current data.
• CUSUM control chart: each control point uses all the historical data by
assigning equal weights to all historical data.
• Moving average control chart: each control point uses the latest n (n = 4
in the example) data points by assigning equal weights to the latest n
• EWMA control chart: each control point uses all the historical data, but
the more recent the data, the higher the weight. As shown in (8), the
weight is exponentially decreased as the data point ages.
Et = Wet + (1 − W ) Et −1
t (8)
= ∑ W (1 − W )
j =1
t− j
For each of various control chart designs, tradeoffs have to be made between
robustness and sensitivity. Since the Shewhart control chart is usually more sensitive
to a large disturbance, but at the cost of a higher false alarm rate,7 we need to design
our two EWMA control charts with better sensitivity and robustness. Table 19.1
shows the ARL0 (the average run length when the shift size = 0) and ARL1 (the
average run length when the shift size > 0) for the Shewhart control chart and two
EWMA control charts. Here the EWMA results are calculated by using the Mark-
ovian approximation.7 As can be seen, the EWMA large control chart with Wl = 0.6
and control limit (CL) = 3.285σl (here, W 1 ⁄ ( 2 – W t )) is as good as the Shewhart
control chart at detecting a large shift (3σ), but at a better robustness. The EWMA
medium control chart with Wm = 0.33 and CL = 3.25sm (here, Wm ⁄ ( 2 – W m )) is better
than the Shewhart control chart at detecting a medium shift (2σ) in terms of sensi-
tivity and robustness. Here the average run length for the EWMA large control chart
is roughly equal to 2 after a 3σ shift (d = 2 in Figure 19.2). The average run length
for the EWMA_medium control chart is roughly equal to 3.9 after a 2σ shift (d =
4 in Figure 19.2).
= 1 when t ≥ t *
∆ t −t*
= 0 when T < t *
Assume for now that the change point t* is known. In order to compensate for the
sudden shift (S) quickly, W of the EWMA controller in Eq. (5) should be set larger
immediately after the change point to capture the shift size. However, the step change
occurs only once and the process mean remains unchanged after t*. If the value of
W remains large, the controller becomes oversensitive to the white noises. To over-
come the trade-off between large and small W and to design a more effective
controller for processes subject to sudden shifts, we propose a controller with a
dynamically adjusted control parameter:
In Eq. (10), the value of the control parameter (Wt) is dynamically adjusted over
time. The task now is to derive a method for adjusting Wt.
Here, we first consider the case where the change point is known and we do not
have prior knowledge of how the process will be shifting away. In this case, we rely
only on the sample data presently obtained from the process to estimate the shift
MSDt +1 = E(Yt +1 − T )
] (11)
Wt opt = (12)
t − t * +1
1 + 1 σ 2
+1 =
MSDtopt (13)
t − t * +1
In Eq. (12), Wt decreases over time and diminishes to zero. This, however, is
not desirable, since very often the process is subject not only to shifts, but also to
drifts and other smaller disturbances. Therefore, a minimum value of Wt is required
to keep the baseline EWMA controller working for compensating for such distur-
bances. The control equation becomes
tˆ* = k − d + 1 (16)
FIGURE 19.4 The run length for the control chart to detect a process shift.
0.3 under a medium process shift
0.2 loop stops
FIGURE 19.5 Dynamic-tuning feature of the control parameters.
Equations (12), (14), and (15) can be then applied, followed by the recipe
generation and model prediction as presented in Eqs. (6) and (7). The complete Run-
by-Run Feedback Control module is shown in Figure 19.2.
From Eqs. (12) and (16), the control parameter of the enhanced EWMA con-
troller has a starting value:
1 1
Wk = = (17)
k − tˆ * +1 d
That is, the controller will take into consideration d data points prior to the detection
point k while estimating at. The control parameter continues to diminish over time
until it reaches Wb (Figure 19.5) and is fixed at that minimum required level (0.1 in
Figure 19.5) afterward. This control cycle holds on until one of the EWMA charts
signals again. The alarm given by the control chart indicates the occurrence of a
shift (large or medium) and triggers the need of adjusting the control parameter
again to capture the step change. The dynamically adjusting scheme of the control
parameter as described above is thus restarted, and Eqs. (4) and (12) are recalculated
starting from the estimated change point t̂*.
Figure 19.5 shows the changes of the control parameter over time. As can be
seen, the value of W starts with 1/2 (triggered by the first EWMA chart for detecting
a large shift) and decreases until it reaches a minimum value of 0.1. The cycle lasts
until a new signal is given by the second control chart. The new signal triggers a
new cycle of the dynamically adjusting W. This time, it starts with 1/4 and again
diminishes to 0.1.
δ t = cσt + τt (18)
where cσt is the process drift and τt is the process shift. Assume, also, that the drift
follows a linear drift pattern and deviates from the target at the speed of cσ (c is a
constant and σ is the standard deviation of white noise) per unit time. As for the
shift, it is modeled as a random shift with the following pattern:
where p is the probability of the shift occurrence. The shift size S is a random
variable and follows a normal distribution with mean µ S and variance σS2, i.e., S ~
N(µ S,σS2). To simplify the simulation, we further assume that σS = σ, so S ~ N(µ S,σ 2).
( ) (
ε t ~ N 0, σ 2 ~ N 0, 50 2 ) (21)
p = 0.05, ( ) (
S ~ N 3σ, σ 2 ~ N 150, 50 2 ) (24)
Let’s further assume the target output is 3500. Now the simulation is performed
with the above parameters for 2000 runs in one simulation cycle. With different
random numbers, the simulation is repeated 200 cycles. Results of the first 71 runs
in one cycle are shown in Figure 19.6a,b,c,d. Notice that there are three shifts
occurring during the first 71 runs. The shift sizes and the locations are 3.3σ at run
17, 3.1σ at run 45, and 2.2σ at run 62. In Figure 19.6b, the alarms given by the first
EWMA control chart at the 18th run and the 46th run indicate the occurrence of
large shifts and trigger the need to increase the value of the control parameter in
3400 dynamic control parameter
3300 fixed control parameter
without control
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
E l,t
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
FIGURE 19.6 (a) A simple example to show the effectiveness of the enhanced EWMA
controller. (b) The first EWMA chart detects large shifts at the 18th run and 46th run. (c) The
second EWMA chart detects a medium shift at the 65th run. (d) The changes of control
parameters over time.
order to capture the step changes. In Figure 19.6c, the alarm given by the second
EWMA control chart at the 65th run also indicates the occurrence of a medium
shift. Figure 19.6d shows the changes of the control parameter over time. As can be
seen, the values of W reset with 1/2 at the 18th run and 46th run and reset with 1/4
at the 65th run. Then W decreases until it reaches a minimum value 0.15 (Wb = 0.15
in this case). As shown in Figure 19.6a, when a shift occurs the enhanced EWMA
controller can estimate the change of the process mean value and compensate for
the deviation more quickly than the EWMA controller with fixed control parameter.
E m,t
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
TABLE 19.2
Four Simulated Cases in the Monte Carlo Simulations
Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
1 n
∑ (Yt − T )
MSE σ 2 = σ2 (25)
t =1
Here the MSE/σ 2 index is calculated based on the simulation results of 2000 runs
and 200 simulation cycles. Results of the study (MSE/σ 2 index against Wb) are
• When there are only small process drifts or small shifts, as happened in
Cases 1 and 3, the baseline EWMA controller is very effective in con-
trolling these small disturbances. As a result, the enhanced EWMA con-
troller doesn’t trigger the dynamic-tuning capability and uses the
minimum control parameter in most of the runs. Therefore, a similar
control performance in Figures 19.7a and 19.7c is observed.
• When there are large process shifts, as happened in Cases 2 and 4, the
enhanced EWMA controller is much better than the EWMA controller
with fixed control parameter. As shown in Figures 19.7b and 19.7d, the
performance of the EWMA controller with fixed control parameter highly
depends on the choice of the control parameter. The range of the optimal
control parameter is quite large, ranging from 0.3 in Case 2 to 0.6 in
Case 4. The performance of the enhanced EWMA controller, on the other
hand, is less dependent on the minimum control parameter.
• The superiority of the enhanced EWMA controller is validated by the
better average performance as shown in Figure 19.7e.
In this chapter, an enhanced EWMA controller for processes subject to small and
large random disturbances has been presented. The controller uses two EWMA
control charts to trigger a dynamic-tuning loop and adjusts the control parameter in
response to the disturbances. Through the simulation study, we reach the following
MSE/ σ2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
dynamic control parameter
fixed control parameter
MSE/ σ2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
dynamic control parameter
fixed control parameter
MSE/ σ2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FIGURE 19.7 (a) Simulation results of Case 1. (b) Simulation results of Case 2. (c) Simu-
lation results of Case 3. (d) Simulation results of Case 4. (e) Average results of Cases 1, 2,
3, and 4.
MSE/ σ2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
dynamic control parameter
fixed control parameter
MSE/ σ2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FIGURE 19.7 (continued)
= Wτ (α + S + ε τ ) + (1 − Wτ ) Wτ−1 (Yτ−1 − bXτ−1 ) + (1 − Wτ−1 ) aτ−2 . ]
Substituting Wτ–1 = into the above equation, we obtain:
τ − t * −1
aτ = Wτ (α + S + ε τ ) + (1 − Wτ ) ( α + S + ε τ−1 ) + aτ−2
τ − t * τ − t *
= Wτ (α + S + ε τ ) + (1 − Wτ )
τ − t * −1
1 α+S+ε
τ − t *
( τ −1 ) +
Wτ−2 (Yτ−2 − bXτ−2 ) + (1 − Wτ−2 )aτ−3 ] .
Again, substituting Wτ–2 = into the above equation, we obtain
τ − t * −1
aτ = Wτ (α + S + ε τ ) + (1 − Wτ ) (α + S + ε τ−1 )
τ − t * −1
(Y − bXτ−2 ) + ττ −− tt ** −−21 aτ−3
τ − t * τ − t * −1 τ−2
= Wτ (α + S + ε τ ) + (1 − Wτ ) (α + S + ε τ−1 ) + τ τ−−t *t *−1 τ − t1* −1
τ − t *
(α + S + ε ) + ττ −− tt ** −−21 (W (Y
τ−2 τ −3 τ −3 )
− bXτ−3 ) + (1 − Wτ−3 ) aτ− 4
τ −1
= Wτ (α + S) + (1 − Wτ ) (α + S) + Wτ ε τ + (1 − Wτ ) ∑
2 1
τ−t* τ − t * i = τ−2 i
τ − t * −2
Wτ−3 (Yτ−3 − bXτ−3 ) + (1 − Wτ−3 ) aτ− 4 . ]
τ −1
aτ = α + S + Wτ ε τ + (1 − Wτ )
τ−t* ∑ε .
i = t*
T − aτ
Xτ +1 =
τ −1
t − α − S − Wτ ε τ − (1 − Wτ )
τ−t* ∑ε
i = t*
= .
τ −1
Yτ +1 = α + bXτ +1 + S + ε τ +1 = T + ε τ +1 − Wτ ε τ − (1 − Wτ )
τ−t* ∑ε
i = t*
MSDτ +1 = E (Yτ +1 − T )
= σ 2 + Wτ2 σ 2 + (1 − Wτ )
2 1
σ 2.
By minimizing MSDτ+1 with respect to Wτ, we obtain the optimal control parameter
at τ,
Wτopt =
τ − t * +1
+ 1 σ 2 .
+1 =
τ − t * +1
1 1
We have shown that given Wt = for t* ≤ t < τ, Wτopt = . That is,
t − t * +1 τ − t * +1
1 1
if Wt*opt = , then recursively we can obtain Wt opt = for ∀ t ≥ t*.
t * −t * +1 t − t * +1
Now, we show that Wt* = 1. Since
= Wt* (α + S + ε t* ) + (1 − Wt* ) Yˆt* − bXt* )
= Wt* (α + S + ε t* ) + (1 − Wt* ) (T − Yt* + α + S + ε t* )
= α + S + (1 − Wt* ) (T − Yt* ) + ε t* ,
T − at*
Xt*+1 =
T − α − S − (1 − Wt* ) (T − Yt* ) − ε t*
Given the output at time t* is observed to be yt*, MSD for the next run becomes:
MSDt*+1 = E (Yt*+1 − T ) Yt* = yt*
= E (1 − Wt* ) (T − yt* ) − ε t* + ε*+1t ]
Yt* = yt* }
= (1 − Wt* ) (T − yt* ) + σ 2 + σ 2
2 2
Wt opt =
1 1 + 1 σ 2 for ∀ t ≥ t *.
+1 =
and MSDtopt
t − t * +1 t − t * +1
Control of a semiconductor manufacturing facility can take place at various levels
throughout the facility and can take different forms. As shown in Figures 7 and 8
in the Introduction to this book, there are various levels of control that can be
configured in a hierarchical complementary fashion to better achieve process goals.
As R2R control becomes more mature and widely accepted, attention will become
more focused on the integration of layers of control above (interprocess) and below
(in situ) the R2R control level. The implementation of generic, configurable R2R
control solutions, as defined in Part 3 of this book, will simplify the integration task.
Similarly, development of generic and configurable solutions at other control layers
will facilitate their complementary and incremental utilization in the factory, thereby
easing the migration to a multilevel control scheme depicted in Figure 8 of the
This chapter addresses the migration to multilevel control in the semiconductor
industry by presenting a methodology for implementing generic and configurable
interprocess multistep control.2,3 Multistep (also called interprocess) control can be
carried out whenever the fabrication process consists of several steps. In multistep
feedforward control, deviations in the processing of a wafer in one step are com-
pensated for by adjusting the processing in some/all of the steps that are yet to be
carried out on that particular wafer. In multistep feedback control, a cell which has
already processed a wafer receives advice from a “downstream” cell so as to adjust
its model for “better” processing in future runs. In other words, for multistep
feedforward control, a cell carrying out a step on a wafer gives advice to cells which
are “downstream” for the processing of this wafer, whereas in multistep feedback
control the direction of flow of advice is “upstream” with respect to the processing
of the present wafer, as shown in Figure 20.1.
Control of semiconductor processes over multiple steps has been identified as
an important feature of the semiconductor manufacturing facilities of the future,4
and research has been conducted for developing control algorithms for carrying out
such control.5,6 However, the development of generic enabling mechanisms, which
can be used to implement multistep feedback and feedforward control, has not been
adequately addressed (see Section 20.4 for further discussion). To fill this gap, we
present in this chapter an adaptable, portable, and generic software enabler for
multistep control in manufacturing. This enabler, called the Active Controller, uses
an active database system to carry out multistep control, and provides the capability
of defining control rules that serve to provide an adaptable and portable mechanism
for multistep control.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 20.2, the require-
ments for implementing a generic multistep controller are described. An introduction
to some of the basic concepts in active databases and an in-depth description of the
Active Controller is contained in Section 20.3, and in Section 20.4 the issue of inte-
grating the Active Controller with computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) environ-
ments is discussed. In Section 20.5 the current research in multistep control and CIM
environments is summarized, while conclusions are presented in Section 20.6.
In addition to the functional requirements listed above, the following design goals
are identified for the multistep controller:
with the following semantics: when the event occurs, if the condition is true, then
carry out the action. Events signal situations inside or outside the database system.
Conditions are Boolean expressions that are checked as preconditions of actions.
Actions are executable routines within or outside the database system.
The basic behavior of an active database system is illustrated in the following
Example: Consider a simple rule defined to keep track of the value of temperature of
an oven and raise an alarm if the value exceeds a limit.
the Active Controller using Tcl/Tk15 and daVinci, a graph visualization system
developed at the University of Bremen, Germany.16
Ode provides powerful rule definition capabilities. The condition part allows calling
functions in addition to querying the database, while the action part can contain
programming language statements and allow for interaction with foreign functions.
This capability can be used to integrate third-party analysis software with the Active
Controller implementation.
Ode also provides a rich event language with multiple operators (e.g., conjunc-
tion, negation, ordering, etc.) for composing events. Events can be defined to be
raised either before or after the execution of a method. Events can also be defined
to be raised with respect to transactions. When defining a class, the user specifies
the events that need to be monitored for instances of this class. Ode keeps a history
of these events of interest. This capability, in conjunction with the event composition
operators, means that the Active Controller implementation provides an extremely
powerful control rule definition capability. It is thus possible, for example, to use
the Active Controller to define rules that fire based on historical trends or on events
that occur at different points in the processing of a particular wafer. Note that the
Portions reprinted with permission from IEEE Transactions on Components, Pack-
aging, and Manufacturing Technology — Part C, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 217-224.2 © 1998
1. Telfeyan, R., J. Moyne, N. Chaudhry, J. Pugmire, S. Shellman, D. Boning, W. Moyne,
A. Hurwitz, and J. Taylor, “A Multi-Level Approach to the Control of a Chemical
Mechanical Planarization Process,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
(May/June 1996), pp. 1907-1913.
2. Chaudhry, N., J. Moyne, and E. Rundensteiner, “Active Controller: Utilizing Active
Databases for Implementing Multi-Step Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing,”
IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology — Part C
(July 1998), pp. 217-224.
3. Chaudhry, N., Active Object-Oriented Databases: Extensions and Applications to
Process Control, Ph.D. Thesis, CSE Division, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1997).
4. Larrabee, G., “Flexible Intelligent Manufacture of Microelectronic Devices,” Manu-
facturing Review, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 212-226, September 1994.
5. Leang, S. et al., “A Control System for Photolithographic Sequences,” IEEE Trans-
actions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 191-206, May 1996.
The R2R control field is expansive and involves many dimensions of research and
development. In organizing this book, we quickly came to realize that the wealth of
research results in each of these dimensions could support its own complete text.
Thus, in providing a text that addresses the entire semiconductor manufacturing R2R
control field, we chose to provide the reader with a foundation of information in
each dimension, along with more in-depth treatises of important aspects of each
dimension. In this way the reader is provided with a foundation to further investigate
the aspects of R2R control in which he/she is most interested.
Although the R2R control field could be partitioned in a number of ways, we
chose a partitioning that seems to reflect a natural grouping of research efforts and
researchers. These partitions roughly correspond to the “Parts” of this book. In the
remainder of this section we provide a brief summary for each of these parts.
In Part 1 of the book, practical and theoretical components that comprise the foun-
dation for R2R control were presented. R2R control in the semiconductor manufac-
turing industry arose from both the successes and limitations of SPC. SPC provided
the first solution that utilized process observation to affect the process. R2R control
emerged as a new alternative to SPC in the early 1990s.
A number of issues hindered early widespread acceptance of R2R control. These
included lack of commercial solutions, no infrastructure for integration or automa-
tion, few on-line metrology and in situ sensors, and possibly inadequate algorithms.
All of these issues were addressed as part of the maturation process of R2R control,
resulting in increasing acceptance of this technology.
The benefits of this technology in the semiconductor industry are seen as
increased throughput, reduced non-product wafers, improved wafer-to-wafer and
lot-to-lot variability, reduced within-wafer and within-die variability, and reduced
operator error. Possible future directions in the R2R control field include increased
use of complex, adaptive, self-tuning controllers, tool- and process-specific mod-
els/controllers, and multistep or full-flow process controllers. Better understanding
of the properties of existing R2R control solutions (along the lines described in
Chapter 2) will lead to improved tuning methods and better performance.
Tool Metrology
expected that future APC efforts will be devoted to further specifying and evaluating
the interaction of the various APC technologies via these enablers and frameworks.
The references found throughout this book list the primary conferences and publi-
cations that present the latest results and innovations in R2R control for semicon-
ductor manufacturing. A summary of these conferences and publications, and the
probable content of material presented, is provided in Table 1.
The single most important conference associated with APC in the semiconductor
manufacturing industry is the SEMATECH Advanced Equipment Control Sympo-
sium.14 As the name implies, this workshop has served as a forum for presentation
Summary of Sources of Further Reading
Resource Internet Reference Comment
R2R control continues to be an exciting field for research and development in
semiconductor manufacturing. The benefits that have been experienced to this point
represent the tip of the iceberg. The road to total acceptance and utilization of R2R
control in aspects of semiconductor manufacturing is necessarily long; however, as
researchers have paid attention to generic, portable, and expandable solutions, a
clear migration path to integrated factory-wide R2R control has been opened up.
Any research effort, though, is only effective if the results are communicated to the
industry in a timely and organized fashion. In this book, we put a level of organization
around this rich research pool of R2R control and presented the results in a fashion
that would allow a developer to understand and take advantage of the many facets
of R2R control research. In doing so, it is our hope that this book is a step on the
path toward R2R control being fully accepted as an integral component of a total
factory solution for semiconductor manufacturing.
* The primary group addressing APC within SEMI is the Information and Control Committee; various
subcommittees and task forces are under its leadership. Further information can be found at