The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata
The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata
The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata
An Ancient Indian Work on
Mathematics and Astronomy
Sanskrit Index.89
Alberuni.AlberunPs India. Translated by
E. C. Sacbau. London, 1910.
Barth (CEuvres).(Euvres de Auguste Barthe. 3 vols.
Paris, 1917.
BCMS.Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathe¬
matical Society.
Bhaskara, Ganitadhyaya.Edited by Bapu Deva Sastri; re¬
vised by Ramachandra Gupta.
Benares (no date).
Bhaskara, Golddhydya..Edited by Bapu Deva Sastri; re¬
vised by Ramachandra Gupta.
Benares (no date).
Edited by Girija Prasad Dvivedi.
Lucknow: Newul Kishore Press,
Bhattotpala_‘.The Brhat Samhita by Varaha-
mihira with the commentary
of Bhattotpala. “Vizianagram
Sanskrit Series,57 Vol. X. Be¬
nares, 1895-97.
Bill, math.Bibliotheca mathematica.
Brahmagupta.Refers to Brahmasphutasiddhanta.
Brahmasphutasiddhanta.Edited by Sudhakara Dvivedin in
the Pandit (N.S.), Yols. XXIII-
XXIV. Benares, 1901-2.
Brennand, Hindu Astronomy. .W. Brennand, Hindu Astronomy.
London, 1896.
Brhat Samhita..The Brhat Samhita by Varahami-
hira with the commentary of
Bhattotpala. “Vizianagram San¬
skrit Series,57 Vol. X. Benares,
and XI, 4
aryabhato yugapadams trm yatan aha kaliyugadau yat |
tasya krtantar yasmat svayugadyantau na tat tasmat 11
(op. cit., XVII [1926], 60-74). The Pancasiddhantika also (XV, 20),
“Aryabhata maintains that the beginning of the day is to be reckoned
from midnight at Lanka; and the same Teacher again says that the
day begins from sunrise at Lanka,” ascribes the two theories to one
1 Op. cit., 1911, pp. Ill, 486.
tion for the varga place and then that for the avarga
place while the second rule would give first the opera¬
tions for the aghana places and then that for the
ghana place. However, for purposes of description, it
makes no difference whether the operations are given
in one or the other of these orders.
Parallelism, with ghanasya mulavargena of the
following rule seems to indicate that vargamulena is
not to be translated "square root77 but "'root of the
(preceding) varga.77
If the root is to contain more than two figures the
varga of vargamulena is to be interpreted as applying
to all the preceding figures up to and including the
varga place which is being worked with. That is to
say, the -word mula would refer to the whole of that
part of the root which had already been found.1
For discussion see Kaye,2 Avadhesh Narayan
Singh,3 Saradakanta Ganguly.4 I cannot agree with
Ganguly7s discussion of the words bhdgarh hared
avargdl I see no reason to question the use of bhdgarh
harati with the ablative in the sense of "divide.77
Brahmagupta (XII, 7) in his description of the
process of extracting the cube root has chedo 7ghanad
dvitlydt, which means "the divisor of the second
Kaye5 insists that this rule and the next are per¬
fectly general (i.e., algebraical) and apply to all
arithmetical notations. He offers no proof and gives
1 See Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 280 n.
2 JASB, 1907, pp. 493-94. 4 JBORS, XII, 78.
3 BCMS} XVIII (1927), 124. 5 Op. cit., 1908, p. 120.
15129 (root = 1
Square of the root 1
Square of the quotient 4
Square of the quotient 9
Square root is 1 2 3
aghana, and the cube (of the quotient of the above division) is to
be subtracted from the ghana.
The translation given by Avadhesh Narayan
Singh1 as a “correct literal rendering” is inaccurate.
There is nothing in the Sanskrit which corresponds
to “after having subtracted the cube (of the quo¬
tient) from the ghana place” or to “the quotient
placed at the next place gives the root.” The latter
thought, of course, does carry over into this rule from
the preceding rule. In the same article (p. 132) the
Sanskrit of the rule is inaccurately printed with
trighanasya for trigunena ghanasya.2
Kaye3 remarks that this rule is given by Brahma¬
gupta “word for word.” As a matter of fact, the
Sanskrit of the two rules is very different, although
the content is exactly the same.
Counting from right to left, the first, fourth, etc.,
places are named ghana (cubic); the second, fifth,
etc., places are called the first aghana (non-cubic)
places; and the third, sixth, etc., places are called the
second aghana (non-cubic) places. The nearest cube
root to the number in (or up to and including) the last
ghana place on the left is the first figure of the cube
root. After it are placed the quotients of the succes¬
sive divisions. If the last subtraction leaves no
remainder the cube root is exact.
1BCMS, XVIII (1927), 134.
2 The rule has been discussed in JBORS, XII, 80. Cf. Brah¬
magupta (XII, 7) and the translation and note of Colebrooke (op.
eit., p. 280).
3 Op. cit., 1908, p. 119.
Square of quotient multiplied 12
by three times the purva
(22X3X1) 140
Cube of quotient 8
Three times square of root 432) 1328(3 = quotient (or next digit
(3X122) 1296 of root)
Square of quotient multiplied 324
by three times the purva
(32X3X12) 27
Cube of quotient 27
Cube root is 1 2 3
12. By what number the second sine is less than the first
sine, and by the quotient obtained by dividing the sum of the
preceding sines by the first sine, by the sum of these two quanti¬
ties the following sines are less than the first sine.
The last phrase may be translated ‘‘'the sine-
differences are less than the first sine.”1
This rule describes how the table of sine-differ¬
ences given in I, 10 may be calculated from the first
one (225). The first sine means always this first sine
225. The second sine means any particular sine with
which one is working in order to calculate the follow¬
ing sine.
Subtract 225 from 225 and the remainder is 0. Di¬
vide 225 by 225 and the quotient is 1. The sum of 0 and
1 is subtracted from 225 to obtain the second sine 224.
Subtract 224 from 225 and the remainder is 1.
Divide 225 plus 224 by 225 and the nearest quotient
is 2. Add 2 and 1 and subtract from 225. The third
sine will be 222. Proceed in like manner for the fol¬
lowing sines.
If this method is followed strictly there results
several slight divergences from the values given in I,
10. It is possible to reconcile most of these by assum¬
ing, as Krishnaswami Ayyangar does, that from time
to time the neglected fractions were distributed
among the sines. But of this there is no indication in
the rule as given.
1 For discussion of the Indian sines see the notes of Rodet and
Kaye; Pancasiddhantika, chap, iv; Suryasiddhanta, II, 15-27; Lalla,
p. 12; Brahmagupta, II, 2-10; JRAS, 1910, pp. 752, 754; IA, XX,
228; Brennand, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 210-13; JIMS, XY (1923-24),
121-26, with attempted explanation of the variation of several of
the values given in the table from the values calculated by means of
this rule, and ibid., pp. 105-13 of “Notes and Questions.”
16. The distance between the ends of the two shadows multi¬
plied by the length of the shadow and divided by the difference
in length of the two shadows gives the kotl. The kotl multiplied
by the length of the gnomon and divided by the length of the
shadow gives the length of the bhuja.
AB is the thuja,
AE is the kotl,
CD is the gnomon in its first position,
CrDf is the gnomon in its second position,
CE and C'E' are the first and second shadows,
AB =
AB is the gram,
AE and BE are the
^~DAd~2AB1 D—d—2AB 5
where d and D are the diameters of the two circles.
S~ 2 ’
21. In the case of an upaeiii which has one for the first term
and one for the common difference between the terms the product
of three terms having the number of terms for the first term and
one as the common, difference, divided by six, is the citigkana. Or
the cube of the number of terms plus one, minus the cube root of
this cube, divided by six.
0_n(ra+l)(n+2) (w+l)3-(w+l)
6 or 6
6 '
23. One should subtract the sum of the squares of two factors
from the square of their sum. Half the result is the product of
the two factors.
ab (a+by-(a>+V) '
l//4ab+(a — b)2±(a — b) . ,,
--—----- will give a and b.
1-1 -'
The following example is given by Paramesvara.
The sum of 100 is loaned for one month. Then the
interest received is loaned for six months. At that
time the original interest plus the interest on this
interest amounts to 16.
x-d = a-rb+c
According to the rule 3a+36+3c+3d
x — cl = b-\-c-\-d
divided by 3 gives x = aJrbJrcJrd
x — b — a-\-c~\-d
since 4a; = 4a+46+4c+4d.
x-e = a~\-b+d
x since mx+a — px+b .
Sr • ■ 1.7 x
l gives a remainder of 4 —- gives a remainder of 7.
29" 4o
15 11
3 This remainder 11 is the agra, that is to say, a value of x
2 which will satisfy the equation.
1 34 45)34(0
1 22 0
1 12 —
4 10 34
2 Therefore 34 is the remainder.
He remarks:
The implication is that the least number satisfying the given
conditions can also be obtained by multiplying the remainder,
obtained as the result of division of the upper number by the
divisor corresponding to the greater given remainder, by the
divisor corresponding to the smaller given remainder and then
adding the smaller remainder to the product.
0 28 7)65(9
2 65
3 28
Then 2X3 = 6 and 6+2 = 8.
or 3)28(9
Then 1X7 = 7 and 7+1 = 8.
Therefore 8 is the number desired.
a yuga. Subtract the natural [civil] days in a yuga from the lunar
days in a yuga. The result will be the number of omitted lunar
days in a yuga.1
7. A solar year is a year of men. Thirty of these make a year
of the Fathers. Twelve years of the Fathers make a year of the
8. Twelve thousand years of the gods make a yuga of all the
planets. A thousand and eight yugas of the planets make a day
of Brahman.2*
9. The first half of a yuga is called utmrpim [ascending]. The
latter half is called avasarpinl [descending]. The middle part of a
yuga is called susa?nd. The beginning and the end are called
dussamd. Because of the apsis of the Moon.
Saturday—Saturn Wednesday—Mercury
Sunday—Sun Thursday—Jupiter
Monday—Moon F riday—Venus
For the first part see Brahmagupta, XXI, 13;
Suryasiddhanta, XII, 78.1
Bhau DajI2 first pointed out the criticism of this
stanza made by Brahmagupta (XL 12):
suryadayas caturtha dinavara yad uvaca tad asad aryabhatah|
lahkodaye yato Tkasyastamayam praha siddhapure. j 1
As Sudhakara shows, the criticism is a futile one.
17. All the planets move by their (mean) motion on their
orbits and their eccentric circles from the apsis eastward and
from the conjunction westward.8
The mean planet moves with its mean motion on
its orbit the center of which is the center of the Earth.
The true planet moves with its (mean) motion on an
eccentric circle the center of which does not coincide
with the center of the Earth.
Kaksyd in this passage stands for kak&yamandala,
the orbit on which the mean planet moves. The pra-
timandala is the eccentric circle on which the true
planet moves. Because of the eccentricity of this
second circle the planet is sometimes seen ahead of
and sometimes back of its mean place.4
1 See Barth ((Euvres, III, 151) concerning this as the only refer¬
ence to astrology in Aryabhata’s treatise. The reference to vyatipata
(III, 5) should be added.
2 JRAS, 1865, p. 401.
3 See Lalla, Chedyakadhikara, 12-13; Brahmagupta, XIV, 11 and
XXI, 24.
4 See Brennand, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 224 ff.; Suryasiddhanta,
p. 64.
20. The east and west line and the north and south line and
the perpendicular from zenith to nadir intersect in the place where
the observer is.
21. The vertical circle which passes through the place where
the observer is and the planet is the drhmandala. There is also
the drkk§epamandala which passes through the nonagesimal
the square root. Subtract this from half the sum of the diameters.
The remainder will be the obscuration at the given time.1