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Arts 10 - Quarter 4 - Module 2 - Different-Roles-in-Play-Production 8 PP

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Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Different Roles in Play

What is
Role of a Character as an Actor/Performer, or Production staff

Producing a theatre play or movie is not a simple job. The complexity of it is

undeniably present which requires people to perform different tasks. Aside from the
actors who take the center stage, much of the work is being done behind the scenes ,
and these people are called the production team. Let us look at the different roles of
the members of the production team.
One of the main roles of a producer is to oversee the overall aspects of the
production. He or she is responsible to the financial and managerial functions of the
production. The producer provides financial backing to the production or invites
investors to pour in financing, and hires the creative staffs like the director, writers,
choreographer, and composer. Though the casting of actors is a job for the director, a
producer has the power of casting approval. A producer acts like a bridge to connect
financing or business in the realization of the playwright’s vision.
However, in school setting, the teacher, or the school itself acts as the producer.

The director provides the overall vision and guidance of a performance,
ensuring that all elements are unified, and that production runs smoothly. The
director works closely with the design and production teams and sometimes with the
playwright to hone the vision and define the production schedule. He or she ensures
that all elements are executed perfectly and that everyone in the production are in
tune with his/her artistic vision to create a great impact in the audience.
The director guides and instructs the actors in all the phases of rehearsals.

The playwright develops the concepts and puts them into script plays. The
script forms the basis of the entire production. It contains the narrative through
dialogues, and it may also have the description of settings, sounds, mood, lights,
costumes, and makeup of the characters.

The production manager is tasked in overseeing the crews for the sets and
props, the sound and music, the lighting, and the costumes. He or she manages the
behind-the-scenes of the production.

He/she designs and supervises the construction of the set (or sets) that will be
the physical world of the play’s characters. The set and set pieces may be realistic, but
it can be done in other styles such as minimalism or whimsical. The set designer may
use a variety of materials like backdrops, theater flats, curtains/drapes, or LED
screens. The set designer must work with the director to note the flow of action to
create a suitable ground plan for the actors to move around in.

As a lighting designer, he/she uses colored lights or filters, as well as special
effects such as increasing or lowering the brightness of light, creating flickering effects,
and synchs them to create the mood and atmosphere. The lighting designer plans all
these and adds detailed notes on the script for the lighting crew to follow during
rehearsals and the actual performance.

The task of a costume designer is to create the actors’ costumes or outfits that
are suitable to their characters. The costume designer looks into the time and setting
of the script to make the look of the characters more believable. He or she also takes
consideration the personality of each character to achieve authenticity in the delivery
of script. The costumes maybe sewn, hand-made, or assembled to create the
characters’ depiction in the script.

Like the lighting designer, a sound designer serves a vital role in creating and
enhancing the atmosphere of the performance. He or she is responsible in
incorporating sound effects to create the right balance of sound, the tempo, and
overall effect of the production.

The technical director oversees all the instructions relating to lighting and
sounds. During the technical rehearsals, the technical director notes all the cues,
errors, and other issues to iron them out before the actual production.

The stage manager oversees all the director’s instructions- from costumes to
make up, and from set to the actors and actresses. Also, the stage manager notes all
the director’s instructions in his/her script so that in the absence of the director,
he/she can supervise the rehearsals. He/she also checks the attendance and
punctuality of the actors.

The choreographer is responsible with the dance steps that are suitable for the
dance numbers of the production. In case there are fight scenes, he or she will
choreograph the scenes in accordance with the director’s vision and ensure safety for
the actors and actresses.

The makeup designer works closely with the costume designer to achieve a suitable
look. The makeup designer makes the actors look real and believable based on their
emotions, age, personality as well as the time and place of the events of the play. In
some cases, a makeup designer may use prosthetics, wigs, masks, and other
accessories to alter and suit the character’s role.

Take note that an entire production also involves the business aspect as we
mentioned earlier in the role a producer. There are many other possible roles/tasks
but sometimes, in a school production where manpower is limited, a few people might
do multiple tasks. A few of theses tasks include publicity, marketing, box-office, front-
of-house duties, and ushering.

Let us look at the organization chart of a production team below.

Visual Components of Stage Play

The visual elements of a play are things that appeal and give a sensory
experience to the audience such as the stage setting, lighting, costume, and props. It
may also include the composition and physical relationship of the performers on stage
and with the audience through striking displays and spectacle.


Stage setting is used to create an environment that will bring the script to life. It
includes the use of composition in art such as line, mass, color, form, and unity that
allows the movements of the performers in space. A stage setting or scenic design
includes the drawing elements such as basic ground plan where the static scenic
elements are placed, the composite ground plan where the moving scenic elements are
placed, section of the stage space, and the front elevations. Scenic designers use
models before the final drawings that are needed to be made or constructed.


The lighting design is as important as the stage settings since it contributes to

the the overall mood of the performance. The functions of light in play include mood
and illusion, structure and rhythm, and lighting motivation. Each function plays
differently in its own way.


The costume used by the performers helps convey meanings, time periods and
historical context. It shows vital scenes and the relationship between people, showing,
a particular period, weather, or location of the scene; revealing the characters
portrayed by the performers.


The properties of a play include the stage props and hand props that are used
as part of the scene setting. The stage props may include jar, lampshades, furniture,
pictures, chairs, and tables, and many more. Hand props, on the other hand, include
ballpen, glasses, cup, pencils, cigarettes, and others. Properties are essential to convey
a scene’s objectives and to aid the actors in communicating a scene.

What’s More

Activity 1
Directions: Match the correct roles and functions of the following productions staffs
in the column A to column B.

Production Staffs Roles and Functions

1. Producer a. He/she creates the storyline of the play.
2. Director b. He/she provide the financing and oversee
the overall production.
3. Playwright c. He/she is tasked to plan out all the dance
steps to suit the music and rehearses the
actors until they can perform the dance
4. Set Designer d. He/she sets up the actual stage of the
5. Light Designer e. He/she has the vision of the desired total
effect and impact of the performance.
6. Costume Designer f. He/she carefully notes how each actor and
every member of the stage, sound, lighting,
and costume crews need to be coordinated
to bring the director’s vision to life.
7. Sound Designer g. He/she is tasked with overseeing the
crews for the sets and props, the sound
and music, the lighting, and the costumes.
8. Production Manager h. He/she is tasked to manage the music
needed during the performance.

9. Technical Director i. He/she makes the actors look natural for

their respective roles—based on their
characters’ age and personality, and the
time and place of the story.
10. Choreographer j. He/she uses colored lights or filters, as
well as special effects such as gradual
dimming or brightening, a speckled effect
like sunlight through leaves, or flickering
lights to create the mood.
11. Makeup Designer k. He/she decides what attire will be
used; does not only give the audience
a clear sense of the setting but will
also express each character’s
personality and distinct qualities.
l. He/she looks at the details searching
for evidence through research to
produce conceptual ideas that best
support the content and values with

visual elements.

What I Have
Directions: Express your knowledge and reflections of the lesson by
completing the exit cards.

Things I have learned…


Things I want to treasure…


Things I want to know more…


What I Can Do

Costume Making
Directions: If you are going to create character in your own stage play, how would you
showcase it using a costume or make up? Identify the character and write a brief
description about him or her. You can use yourself as a demonstration character.
Take a photo of the result and send it your teacher. Follow the rubrics for your guide.
4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. Score

Authenticity Costume/ Costume/ Costume/ The costume/

makeup wholly makeup makeup makeup is
represents the relatively inadequately found to be
character represents the represents the out of
character character. compliance
with the dress
code and

represents the
The costume/ The The The
makeup is unique costume/make costume/make costume/mak
Originality and imaginative. up is quite up is eup lacks
original and conventional originality and
presentable. and like others. imagination.
The Well thought Costume/make Expected and
costume/makeup out and went to up is put nothing out of
is unique, some trouble to together the ordinary.
Creativity imaginative, be creative and adequately.
unexpected, unexpected.
unusual, and well
thought out.
Demonstrator can Demonstrator Demonstrator Demonstrator
represent the can can POORLY DOES NOT
character WELL SOMEWHAT represent the represent the
and convinces the represent the character well character well
audience. character and and and FAILS to
TRIES to STRUGGLES to convince the
convince the convince the audience.
audience. audience.

Direction: Write T if the statement is correct or F if the statement is wrong. Write
your answers in your notebook.

1. The producer is not a member of the production team.

2. Lighting design enhances the effect of other visual elements.
3. The properties of a play include the stage props and hand props.
4. The way actors dress for their roles is the task of the costume and makeup
5. The production team is responsible preparing and setting up every scene in the
Directions: Carefully read the questions below. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your notebook.
6. Lighting design collaborates and provides the overall mood of the performance.
Which of the following is not a function of light?
A. It serves as a motivation.
B. It involves mood and illusion.
C. It emphasizes structure and rhythm.
D. It conveys meanings, time periods, and historical context.
7. Who among the members of the production team takes an idea to an actual
play and delegates tasks to the team members?
A. Director
B. Playwright
C. Producer
D. Production manager
8. Who is a playwright?
A. A person who takes an idea of an actual play.

B. A person who writes the script plays and also known as dramatist.
C. A person who creates the world that the play’s characters are supposed
to live in.
D. A person who oversees the crews for the sets and props, the sound and
music, the lighting, and the costumes.
9. In a director’s point of view, which of the following questions is considered the
most essential idea to be considered in directing a play?
A. Why would I cast this person in this role?
B. How should the message be communicated to the audience?
C. Has the play been previously produced?
D. Who are the leading characters of the play?
10.Which of the following visual components of a stage play is used to create an
environment that reveals the characters portrayed by the performers?
A. Stage settings
B. Lighting design
C. Costume design
D. Properties/Props
11.Which of the following concepts are the focus of a lighting designer?
A. Role and setting
B. Costume and props
C. Mood and atmosphere
D. Music and dance steps
12.How important props are in a stage play?
A. Makes the set look well-funded and planned.
B. Aids actors in the presentation of dance numbers.
C. Creates the mood and illusion of the entire set or stage.
D. Helps convey scene’s objectives and aid actors in communicating
13.How does a choreographer work in the production of a play?
A. Chooses the sound effects need during the play.
B. Assists the dancers in the preparation of costumes.
C. Leads the actors and actress during dance numbers in the play.
D. Plans the dance steps that are suitable for the dance numbers in the
14.As a makeup designer, how will you make the role of a character looks real?
A. Avoid using prosthetics and wigs.
B. Use different makeup colors and shades.
C. Match makeups of the characters with their costumes.
D. Apply simple and light make up that is suitable to each actor.
15. Producing a theatre play or movie is not a simple job. The complexity of
it requires people of different tasks which is called production team.
Which of the following is not a member of the team?
A. Audience
B. Choreographer
C. Director
D. Set designer

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