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Safari BSVI Owners Manual

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In our constant endeavor to provide assistance and complete You can also approach nearest TATA MOTORS dealer. A sepa-
service backup, TATA MOTORS has established an all India cus- rate Dealer network address booklet is provided with the
tomer assistance centre. Owner’s manual.
In case you have a query regarding any aspect of your vehicle, TATA MOTORS 24X7 Roadside Assistance Program offers tech-
our Customer Assistance Centre will be glad to assist you on nical help in the event of a breakdown. Call the toll-free Road-
our Toll Free no. 1800 209 8282 side Assistance.
For additional information, refer to "24X7 Roadside Assis-
tance" section in the Owner’s manual.

Dear Customer,

Welcome to the TATA MOTORS family.

We congratulate you on the purchase of your new vehicle and are privileged to have you as our valued customer.

We urge you to read this Owner's Manual carefully and familiarize yourself with the equipment descriptions and operating instruc-
tions before driving.

Always carry out prescribed service / maintenance work as well as any required repairs at an authorized TATA MOTORS Dealers
or Authorized Service Centre’s (TASCs). Use only genuine parts for continued reliability, safety and performance of your vehicle.

You are welcome to contact our dealer or Customer Assistance toll free no. (1800 209 8282) in case of any query or support

We wish you a safe and pleasant driving experience.

 Before driving, read this Owner’s manual carefully and familiarize yourself with your vehicle. For your own safety and a longer
vehicle life, follow the instructions, ‘Warnings’ and ‘Notes’ in this manual. Ignoring them could result in damage to the vehicle
or personal injury to you or others.

 The Owner’s manual and other booklets are important documents and should always be kept in the vehicle. If you sell the
vehicle, always pass on the documents to the new owner.

 This Owner's Manual describes all variants of the model and all standard/optional equipment of your vehicle available at the
time of printing. Please note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described.

 TATA MOTORS Limited reserves the right to introduce changes in the design, equipment and technical features without any
obligation to install them on the vehicles previously sold. The equipment in your vehicle may therefore differ from that shown
in the descriptions and illustrations.

 Do not carry out any modification including fitment of non-genuine accessories on your vehicle. Safety, handling, performance
and durability, may otherwise be adversely affected and may violate government regulations. TATA MOTORS Limited accepts
no liability for damage resulting from the modifications or use of non-genuine accessories.

 All rights reserved. The information in this manual shall not be copied, translated or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in
part, without written permission from TATA MOTORS.

© Copyright 2020 TATA MOTORS


1 Safety 2 Opening & Closing 3 Dashboard & Features

Important Information 01 Keys 25 Cockpit 47

Safe Driving 01 Doors 32 Instrument Cluster (for TFT) 48

Seat Belts 04 Windows 33 Driver Information System 52

Child Restraint System (CRS) 08 Bonnet Opening 35 Display Messages 62

Air Bags 12 Tailgate Opening 37 Instrument Cluster (for LCD) 71

Child Lock 19 Fuel Lid 39 Driver Information System 75

Anti-theft Device: Immobilizer 20 Display Messages 81

ABS 21 Tell Tales 84

EBD 22 Audio Reminders 94

Additional safety features 22 Combi Switches 95

Fascia Switches 99


3 Dashboard & Features 3 Dashboard & Features 4 Stowage Areas

Steering Wheel Switches 100 Puddle / Ajar Lamp 107 Glove Box 113

Mic 101 Roof Lamp 107 Goggle Holder 114

Infotainment System Display 102 Boot Lamp 109 Utility Pockets on Front Doors 114
Speakers & Tweeter 103
Side Indicator Lamp Utility Pockets on Rear Doors 115
on ORVM 109
USB charger 104
Utility Pockets on 3rd row 115
Front Lamp 109
Smart charger 104
Mobile / Wallet Stowage 115
Tail Lamp 110
Power Socket 104
Cup Holder 116
Ambient Lights 111
Antenna 105
Stowage for Rear Passenger 116
Roof Grab Handles 105
Stowage below Arm Rest 116
Front Fog Lamp 106
Foldable Arm Rest 117
Rear Fog Lamp 106
Tailgate Compartment 117


4 Stowage Areas 5 Climate Control 6 Starting & Driving

Hooks 118 Air Distribution 119 Pre-Driving Checks 133

Front seat back pockets 118 Air Vents 120 Driving Tips 134

Side vent for rear passenger 120

Seat Adjustments 137
HVAC Controls 121
Rear Seat adjustment 141
Fully Automatic Temperature
Control (FATC) 126 Third row entry 145

Quick Cooling 131 Rear View Mirrors 148

FATC Sensors 131 Sun Visors 150

Rear Blower 132 Steering Wheel Adjustments 151

Steering Lock Cum

Ignition Switch 152

Starting and Stopping 153


6 Starting & Driving 6 Starting & Driving Emergency & Break-

down Assistance
Gear Shifting & Driving 154 Vehicle Parking 170
Emergency Equipment 191
Automatic parking brake 171
Reverse Gear 154
Hazard Warning Switch 194
Reverse Park Assist 178
Automatic Transmission 155
In Case of Flat Tyre 194
Reverse Park Assist with
Shift Lever Manually Unlock 157
Sensor 178
Jump Lead Starting 198
Shift Lock System 160
Reverse Park Assist with
Camera 182 Towing 200
Starting and Stopping (PEPS) 162
Drive Mode 188 Fuses 202
Manual Transmission 164
145 Bulb Specification 213
Terrain Response Mode 188
Gear Shifting and Driving 166
145 24x7 Road Side Assistance 215
Reverse Gear 166

Driving 167

Parking Brake 169


8 Maintenance 8 Maintenance 9 Technical Information

Maintenance & Service 219 Service Schedule 242 Fuel Specification 249

Engine Compartment 220 Parking for Long Durations 248 Lubricant Specification 250

Oil / Fluid Level 221 Technical Specification 251

Battery 225 Vehicle Dimensions 255

Tyres 227 Aggregate Identification Nos 256

Remote Key Battery

Replacement 230

On Board Diagnostic (OBD) 231

Diesel Particulate Filter

(DPF) Warning Indicator 232

Exhaust After
Treatment System 234


Car Care and Value Warranty – Terms and 12 Environment Safety

10 11 Conditions
Added Services

Car Care 257 Warranty – Environment Safety 273

Terms & Conditions 271
Washing 257

Waxing 258

Polishing 258

Interior Fabric Cleaning 258

Paint Care 258

Wiper Care 259

Value Care AMC 260

Extended Warranty 264

Value Added Services 266

Important Information Safe Driving Safety Tips
In this Owner's Manual, you will find the Safety consciousness not only ensures  Always take into account the road
text under the heading “WARNING” and your safety and the safety of other road conditions, weather conditions, vehi-
“NOTE” which highlights important infor- users, but it also helps to reduce the cle speed in order to prevent acci-
mation. Pay particular attention to these wear and tear on your vehicle. dents.
highlighted messages. Safe driving depends on:  Turn ‘ON’ the side indicators at least
30 meters before taking a turn or
NOTE  How quickly you make decisions to
changing the lane.
Indicates additional information avoid an accident.
 Decelerate to a safe speed before
that will assist you in gaining the  Your ability to concentrate. taking turn. Do not apply brakes dur-
optimum benefit and care for your
 How well you can see and judge ob- ing cornering.
jects.  When overtaking other vehicles,
WARNING  How well familiar you are with your watch out for the oncoming vehicle.
Indicates procedures or infor- vehicle controls and its capabilities.  Never drive under the influence of al-
mation that must be followed pre- cohol or drugs.
cisely in order to avoid the possibil- NOTE
 If your vehicle is equipped with info-
ity of severe personal injury and se- Fatigue is a result of physical or
tainment/navigation system, set and
rious damage to the vehicle. mental exertion that impairs judg-
make changes to your travel route
ment. Driver fatigue may be due to
only when the vehicle is parked.
inadequate sleep, extended work
hours, strenuous work or non-work  Program radio presets with the vehi-
activities or combination of other cle parked, and use your pro-
factors. Take rest at regular inter- grammed presets to make radio use
vals. quicker and simpler.

Driving Through Water Driving on a Rainy Day NOTE
Do not drive through flooded areas.  Check wiper blades, lights and If you have driven for a long time in
Judge the depth of water before driving brakes for proper functioning and heavy rain without braking, there
through it. Otherwise, water may enter condition. may be a delayed reaction from the
the vehicle interior or the engine com-  Check the tyre treads depth, the con- brakes when braking for the first
partment. dition of the tread and tyre. time. You have to press the brake
pedal more firmly. Maintain a
If at all the situation demands that you  Avoid harsh braking and sharp turns.
greater distance from the vehicle in
have to drive through water then; It may cause loss of control and lead
 Keep engine in higher RPM and crawl to a skid.
the vehicle in low gear.  For slowing down, apply brake gently Driving on Snowy Roads
and shift to lower gear.
 Flowing or rushing water creates While driving in snow, it is advisable to
 Keep lights ‘ON’ if visibility is poor. use the snow chain on roads. Follow as-
strong forces. Driving through flow-
ing water could cause the vehicle to Driving on Wet Roads sembly and safety instruction provided
be carried away. Be cautious while by the snow chain manufacturers.
On wet road or during light showers, “Aq-
driving through flowing water.
uaplaning” can occur. “Aquaplaning” is
 Lightly apply the brake pedal to dry the loss of direct contact between the
the liners until the brakes work nor- road surface and the vehicle’s tires due
mally once you are out of water. to a water film forming between them.
WARNING Steering or braking the vehicle can be
Do not attempt to start the engine very difficult, and loss of control can oc-
if vehicle gets flooded due to water. cur.
Tow the vehicle to a safe place. There is no hard and fast rule about aq-
Contact a nearest TATA MOTORS uaplaning. The best advice is to slow
Authorised Service Centre down when the road is wet.
Night Driving Driving on Gradients Driving on Highway
 Ensure that all lights are working and When climbing gradient, the vehicle may Stopping distance progressively in-
windshield, window glasses are begin to slow down and show a lack of creases with vehicle speed. Maintain a
clean. power. If this happens, shift to a lower sufficient distance between your vehicle
 Drive more slowly at night than in the gear and apply power smoothly so that and the vehicle ahead.
daytime, as the visual range is re- there is no loss of traction. For long distance driving, perform safety
stricted at night. Maintain a speed When driving down a hill, the engine checks before starting a trip and take
such that you can stop within illumi- braking should be used by shifting into a rest at certain intervals to prevent fa-
nated distance of headlamps. lower gear. Do not drive in neutral gear tigue.
 Do not use the high beam unless in- or switch off the engine.
evitable. It may dazzle the driver of
the oncoming vehicle, thus causing WARNING
an accident. On long and steep gradients you
 Use headlamp main/dip beam to must reduce the load on the brakes
alert other road users on turns/ by shifting early to a lower gear.
cross roads etc. This allows you to take advantage
 Use side indicators for lane change of the engine braking effect and
or turning. helps avoid overheating of service
brakes resulting in reduced braking

Seat Belts Buckling the Shoulder Seat Belt Releasing the Seat Belt
This section of user manual describes  Grasp the tongue and slowly pull out To release the seat belt, push the red
your vehicle seat belt, airbag and Child the seat belt over the shoulder and button on the lock buckle. The seat belt
restraints system. Please read and fol- across the chest. When the seat belt will automatically retract to its stowed
low all these instructions carefully to is long enough to fit, insert the position. If necessary, slide the tongue
minimise risk of severe injury or death. tongue into the lock buckle until you down the webbing to allow the seat belt
 Seat belts are the primary restraints hear a “CLICK” which indicates that to retract fully.
system in the vehicle. All occupants, the seat belt is securely locked.
including the driver, should always  Position the lap portion of seat belt
wear their seat belts to minimize the across your pelvic bone (hips), below
risk of injury. your abdomen. To remove slack, pull
 Sit back and adjust (if equipped), the up a bit on the shoulder seat belt. To
seat. Make sure that your seat is ad- loosen the lap portion seat belt if it is
justed to a good driving position and too tight, tilt the tongue and pull on
the back of the seat is upright. the lap seat belt. A snug seat belt re-
duces the risk of sliding under the
seat belt in a collision. Ensure that
the seat belt running over the body
(shoulder segment and lap segment)
does not have any twist. Twisted seat
belt may not offer effective protec- NOTE
tion when required. The above images are for reference
purpose only.

Fixed Rear Centre Lap Seat Belt  If the seat belt webbing or Seat Belts with Pre – tensioner
hardware is damaged, get it (If equipped)
 When buckling, make sure you hear
replaced immediately at TATA You can use pre-tensioner seat belts in
a click confirming that the tab is
Motors Authorized service centre. the same manner as ordinary seat belts.
latched into the seat belt lock. To
tighten it, pull the loose end through  Do not insert any items such as The seat belt pre-tensioner system
the buckle until the seat belt is com- coins, clips, etc. into the seat belt works in conjunction with the
fortably adjusted around the pelvic buckles, and be careful not to SUPPLEMENTARY RESTRAINTS SYSTEM
bone (hips). spill liquids into these parts. If (SRS-Airbags).
foreign materials get into a seat In the event of a collision, as may be
WARNING belt buckle, the seat belt will not necessary, pre-tensioner tightens the
 Each seating position and seat work properly. seat belt so that it fits the occupant’s
belt assembly must be used by  Do not wear seat belts over hard, body more snugly. When pre-tensioner
one occupant. It is not sharp or fragile items in clothing, activates, there could be some noise
recommended to put a seat belt such as pens, keys, spectacles and release of smoke. This is normal
around a child, being carried on etc. and there are no health hazards or fire
an occupant's lap.  Do not use any accessories on
 Be careful not to damage or seat belts or modify in any way
tamper the seat belt webbing or the seat belt system. Devices
hardware. Inspect the seat belt claiming to improve occupant
system periodically, checking for comfort or repositioning the seat
cuts, frays, or loose parts. A belt, can reduce the protection
frayed or torn seat belt could rip provided by the seat belt and
apart in a collision and leave you increase the chance of serious
with no protection. injury in a collision.

WARNING Seat Belt with Load Limiter Use of seat belts for pregnant
(If equipped) woman
In a collision, the pre-tensioner
seat belt assembly mechanisms You can use the load limiter seat belts in WARNING
become hot during activation. Do the same manner as ordinary seat belts.
not touch the pre-tensioner seat  Pregnant woman must wear a
The seat belt load limiter system works correctly positioned seat belt. It
belt assemblies for several
minutes after they have been in conjunction with the SUPPLEMEN- is safer for mother as well as
activated. TARY RESTRAINTS SYSTEM (SRS-Air- unborn child.
bags).  Pregnant woman should wear
If the vehicle has been involved in a In the event of a collision, as may be nec- the lap part of the seat belt
collision, get it inspected immediately at essary, load limiter reduces the load on across the pelvic bone (hips) and
authorised TATA MOTORS SERVICE the rib cage region of the occupant. as snug across the hips as
Center. possible. Keep the seat belt low
If the vehicle has been involved in a col-
lision, get it inspected immediately at Au- so that it does not come across
thorised TATA MOTORS SERVICE Center. the abdomen. That way the
strong bones of the hips will take
the force if there is a collision.

Seat Belt Warning Lamp  If front passenger seat is occupied by
child, system may detect occupancy
and warn with front passenger seat
belt warning. It is not taken to mean
child can occupy front passenger
For Driver For Front seat and use seat belt. Please refer
Passenger CRS section for recommended
seating position.
The seat belt warning lamp reminds you
to fasten the seat belt. NOTE
 If the driver does not fasten seat belt, Using unauthorized after-market
seat belt reminder lamp will blink seat cover may affect function of
and a buzzer will sound for pre- occupant sensor. TATA motors
defined duration until the driver’s does not recommend any non-vali-
seat belt is buckled. dated seat covers on seats.
 If front passenger seat is occupied by
adult and does not fasten seat belt,
seat belt reminder lamp will blink
and a buzzer will sound for pre-
defined duration until the front
passenger seat belt is buckled.
 If this system is also provided for
other than Front row seats,
applicable above warnings will
appear until seat belts are buckled.

Child Restraint System (CRS) Once your child outgrows the forward-
facing CRS, your child is ready for a
TATA MOTORS strongly recommends the
booster seat.
use of Child Restraint Systems (CRS) for
all children up to age of 12 years and to Selection and Installation of CRS:
be placed at recommended positions
Always select the CRS that complies with
only. Children travelling without recom-
latest safety standards (AIS072 / ECE
mended CRS and seated at other posi-
R44). The CRS are classified according
tions may face serious injuries in case of
to the child's size, height and weight.
a collision. Select the appropriate CRS for your
CRS can be installed in the vehicle using child. Ensure that the CRS is securely
seat belts and/or ISOFIX only (if installed in the vehicle and subsequently
equipped) or ISOFIX with Top Tether (if child fits properly in it and wears harness
equipped). of CRS. For installation, please refer CRS
manufacturer’s instruction manual.
The harness system of CRS holds the
child in place, and in a collision, acts to
keep the child positioned in the seat and
reduce the risk of injuries.
All children below age of one year must
always ride in a rear-facing infant CRS.
Keep children above age of one year, in
a forward-facing CRS with a harness un- NOTE
til they reach the size or weight limit al- The above images are for reference
lowed by your CRS manufacturer. purpose only.

Recommended CRS Position as per Rear Intermediate

Mass Age Front Rear Outboard Intermedi-
the Vehicle Matrix Group Outboard
Group Group Passenger Center second row ate Centre
The suitability of seat position for car- (RH/LH) LH/RH
riage of children and recommended cat-
egory of CRS is shown in the table below 0
Up to Up to 9
as per the child group. 10 kg months

X - Seat Position not suitable for children Up to Up to 24

0+ X X X U NA
in this age group. 13 kg months

U - Suitable for “universal” category

restraints approved for use in this 9 to 18 9 months to NA
kg 48 months
age group.
Universal is a category in the AIS072 /
15 to Approx. 3 to NA
ECE R44 norm. II
25 kg 7 years

If a child is seated in the front seat 22 to Approx. 6 to
it may cause serious injury or even 36 kg 12 years
death during any collision.

If your vehicle is equipped with a Do not use an infant carrier or a  Do not install a booster seat or a
front passenger airbag (PAB) and child safety seat that "hooks“ over booster cushion with only the lap
does not have PAB deactivation a seatback, it will not provide strap of the seat belt.
switch, do not install a rear-facing adequate protection in a collision.  Do not install a booster seat or a
CRS in the front passenger seat. If booster cushion with a seat belt
the PAB inflates, a child in a rear After a collision, we recommend to get
seat belts, seats, ISOFIX and top-tether that is slack or twisted.
facing CRS could be seriously
injured or killed. anchorages (as may be applicable)  Do not put the safety seat belt
investigated at TATA MOTORS under your child’s arm or behind
If you install a CRS in the rear seat, slide Authorised service centre. its back.
the front seat far enough forward so that  Do not use pillows, books or
the child’s feet do not touch the front NOTE towels to boost your child’s
seatback. This will help avoid injury to A CRS in a closed vehicle can height.
the child in the event of a collision. become very hot. To prevent burns,  Make sure that your children sit
check the seating surface and in an upright position.
NOTE buckles before placing your child
 Do not allow children to stand up
Children could be endangered in a in CRS.
or kneel on either the rear or the
collision if their CRS is not properly
front seats. An unrestrained
secured in the vehicle. Be sure to WARNING child could suffer serious or fatal
secure the child in the restraint
 Do not leave unattended children injuries during a collision.
system according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. in your vehicle.  Do not leave any toys or other
 Do not modify CRS in any way. objects loose in the CRS or on
the seat while the vehicle is in

Each CRS should be used for one child
When PAB deactivation switch (if
provided) is turned ‘OFF’, make sure
‘PAB’ operational status lamp
illuminates with ignition ‘ON’, indicating
that the passenger airbag is NOT
operational. If the airbag SRS warning
indicator in the instrument cluster
illuminates continuously, it means that
there is malfunction in the system.
Remove the CRS from front passenger
seat and contact your TATA MOTORS
authorised service center.

The above images are for reference
purpose only.
Supplementary Restraint System Airbag ECU judges that the signals breathing problems , in such cases get
(SRS - Airbags) (if equipped) represent a severe collision, will trigger fresh air promptly.
the airbags. The inflated Airbags provide
The airbag ‘SRS’ system comprises of After inflation, airbag provides a gradual
a cushion to the occupants. The Airbag
the following components depending cushioning effect for the occupant
inflates and deflates so quickly that you
upon the provided safety features in thereafter deflates. It is not advisable to
may not even realize that it has
vehicle. activated. The Airbag will neither hinder drive your vehicle after the airbags have
been deployed. If you are involved in
 Seat belt Pre-tensioners your view nor make it hurdle to exit the
another collision, the airbags will not be
 Seat belt with load limiters in place to protect you.
 Driver Airbag Airbag inflation is virtually instantaneous
and occurs with considerable force,
 Front Passenger Airbag accompanied by loud noise and smoke,
 Side Airbags (if equipped) which is normal. The inflated airbag,
 Curtain Airbag (if equipped) together with seat belts, limit the
 Airbag ‘SRS’ ECU (Electronic movement of an occupant, thereby
Control Unit) reducing the risk of injury.
 Collision Sensors When an airbag inflates, you may see
some smoke-like particles. The particles
 SRS wiring harness
are a normal by-product of the process
 SRS Warning lamp that generates the non-toxic gas used for
The System is active when ignition airbag inflation. These airborne particles
switch is in the “ON” position or the may irritate the skin, eyes, nose, or
ignition mode is “ON”. Airbags are throat. If you have skin or eye irritation, NOTE
designed to inflate in severe collisions. rinse the area with water. For nose or The above images are for reference
In the event of a collision, the collision throat irritation, move to fresh air. Also purpose only.
sensors will detect signals, and if the sometimes the smoke can cause
NOTE Side airbags (if equipped), are mounted Curtain airbags (if equipped), are
in front row seats for outboard mounted above the doors along the roof
 Open your windows and doors as occupants only. on both sides.
soon as possible after collision to
reduce prolonged exposure to
the smoke and powder released
by the inflating airbag.
 Do not touch the airbag
container’s internal components
immediately after an Airbag has
inflated. The parts that come into
contact with an inflating Airbag
may be very hot.
 Always wash exposed skin areas
thoroughly with lukewarm water
and mild soap.
The driver airbag is mounted in the NOTE
The above image is for reference
centre of the steering wheel. The front The above image is for reference
purpose only.
passenger airbag is located inside the purpose only.
dashboard in front of the passenger
seat. The vehicle fitted with the airbags
have suitable indications on steering
wheel and on dash board. The word
‘AIRBAG’ is embossed on the airbag

WARNING their feet on the floor until the Not Recommended Seating
 Even in vehicles with Airbags, you vehicle is parked and the engine Position
and your passengers must is turned off.
always wear the seat belts  If an occupant is out of position
provided. In order to minimize during collision, the rapidly
the risk and severity of injury in deploying Airbag may forcefully
the event of a collision. contact the occupant causing
 ALWAYS use seat belts and CRS serious or fatal injuries.
– during every trip and at all  Do not allow the front passenger
times. Even with airbags, you can to place their feet or legs on the
be seriously injured or killed in a dashboard.
collision if you are not wearing
seat belt properly or not wearing
seat belt when airbag inflates.
 You and your passengers should NOTE
never sit or lean unnecessarily
close to the Airbags. The above images are for reference
purpose only.
 Move your seat as far back as
possible from front Airbags, while
still maintaining control of the
 All occupants should sit upright
with the seatback in an upright
position, centred on the seat
cushion with their seat belt on,
legs comfortably extended and
Not Recommended Seating

The above images are for reference
purpose only.
WARNING collision or sudden stop, causing WARNING
injuries to occupants in the
 Never place your arm over the If your SRS malfunctions, the Airbag
airbag as a deploying airbag can may not inflate properly during a col-
result in serious arm fractures or  Coat hooks (if provided), must be lision thereby increasing risk of seri-
other injuries. used only for that purpose. Never ous injury or death. If any of the fol-
hang other items on to those lowing conditions occur, your SRS is
 Do not allow the passengers to hooks. This could affect
lean their heads or bodies onto malfunctioning:
deployment of the Airbags, and
doors or place objects between  The SRS warning lamp does not
may lead to severe to fatal
the doors and passengers when turn ‘ON’ when the ignition switch
they are seated on seats is placed in the ‘ON’ position for
equipped with side and/or  ALWAYS contact your TATA few seconds.
curtain Airbags. MOTORS authorised service
 The SRS warning lamp stays ‘ON’
centre if the vehicle is damaged,
 Do not place or stick any item/s even if airbag has not inflated.
after illuminating
in the vehicle, except at  The SRS warning lamp comes
designated locations (such as  ALWAYS contact your TATA
‘ON’/stays ‘ON’ while the vehicle
utility bins, cup/bottle holders, MOTORS authorised service
is in motion.
boot space etc). Loose items centre if any part of an airbag
module cover shows sign of  The SRS warning lamp blinks
may act as a projectile during a
cracking or damage. when the engine is running.
collision and cause severe to
fatal injuries. We recommend the customer to im-
mediately visit TATA MOTORS author-
 Please be aware that any ised service centre and get the SRS
unsecured item in your vehicle, system inspected if any of the above
such as your pet, unsecured CRS conditions occur.
or a laptop, can become a
potential hazard in the event of a
WARNING performance of system and may It is not taken to mean child can occupy
cause serious injury or death. front passenger seat and use seat belt.
 Never make any modifications to Please refer CRS section for recom-
your vehicle. The modifications Airbag Warning Sticker on Front mended seating position for children.
carried out, but not limited to the Passenger Sun Visor
vehicle frame, bumpers, front WARNING
fenders, ride height, suspension, Never use a rearward facing child
seat belts, interior trims, steering restraint on a seat protected by an
wheel (especially holders), are active Airbag in front of it, Death or
not acceptable. This will affect serious injury to the child can oc-
the intended performance of cur.
SRS system.
 Fitment of bull bars, seat covers
on seats with airbags etc, is
strictly prohibited, unless
authorised by TATA MOTORS.
This will affect the intended
performance of SRS system.
 If you need to make any
modifications to accommodate
any disability you may have,
please contact your Authorized The Airbag Warning Symbol on sun visor
TATA MOTORS Dealer for reminds extreme hazards associated
necessary guidance. with the use of rearward-facing child re-
 Do not tamper with SRS in any straint on front passenger seat during
way. This will lead to unexpected airbag deployment.

Airbag Deployment Conditions will not protect the occupant. Head re- other fixed objects; the airbags may de-
straints and seat belts provide occupant ploy depending upon the severity of col-
When front airbags (if equipped) protection during a rear collision. lision. In some of these conditions, dam-
should not deploy? age to the vehicle may be minor or not
Rollovers collision: During a rollover be readily visible.
Minor frontal collision: Seat belt (if collision, unbelted occupants may float
worn) offers adequate occupant protec- inside the passenger compartment. This When front airbags/side air-
tion in low severity collisions. The air- will increase the risk of injuries and may bags/side curtain airbags (if
bags are triggered only when there is a prove to be fatal. Wearing seat belts pro- equipped) may not deploy, even
collision severe enough to trigger the air- vide highly effective occupant protection with exterior visible vehicle dam-
bags. Deployment of frontal airbags is during rollover collision. Front airbags, age?
not beneficial in low severity collisions. are not designed to deploy in a rollover
as frontal airbags cannot offer any pro- The airbags are triggered only when
Side collision: During a side collision, there is a collision severe enough to trig-
occupants tend to move sideways. tection in rollover collision.
ger the airbags. The amount of visible ve-
Therefore, deploying frontal airbags in When front airbags/side air- hicle damage is not always the correct
such situations will not benefit the occu- bags/side curtain airbags (if indicator for airbag deployment. Some
pants. Side airbags and side curtain air- equipped) deploy with minor or no collisions can result in visible damage
bags (if equipped) are specifically de- visible vehicle damage? but with no airbag deployment, because
signed to reduce the injuries that can oc- the airbags would not have been needed
cur in side collision. The airbags are triggered only when or would not have provided protection
there is a collision severe enough to trig- even if they had deployed. Seat belts, if
Rear collision: During a rear collision, ger the airbags. The extent of vehicle
occupants tend to move (rearwards) worn, offer adequate occupant protec-
damage is not always the correct indica-
away from frontal airbags. Therefore, de- tion in such cases.
tor for airbag deployment. In some ex-
ploying frontal airbags in such situations treme/rare conditions; of rough road
driving, running into a curb or hitting

Child Lock (if equipped) NOTE
 Lift the lock lever upward to de-
activate the childproof lock when
not required.
 Child safety lever to be used for
safety of child for preventing
them to open rear door while
seating in passenger seat to
avoid accident while vehicle is

Both the rear doors of the vehicle are

provided with a child proof lock. Push the
lock lever located on vertical face of the
door downward before closing the door.
The door which has been closed by acti-
vating the child lock cannot be opened
from inside, it can be opened only from
the outside.

Anti-Theft Device-Immobilizer/ PEPS NOTE
(If equipped)
Use only Flip key, the other should be
Immobilizer system is designed to pre- kept in a safe location. Note down
vent vehicle theft by electronically disa- “key Tag no.” information (and keep it
bling the engine ignition system. The en- safe) which is required while getting
gine can be started only with vehicle’s new/spare keys. Remember that it is
original Immobilizer ignition key which not possible to prepare new/spare
has an electronic identification pro- keys without the “key Tag number.”
grammed code. Take precaution about Flip key, as
without Flip key vehicle cannot be

Vehicle Condition Lamp Status Vehicle State Meaning / Function of the state

Ignition OFF Blinking Locked Vehicle Immobilized and awaiting electronic key
Ignition ON OFF Unlocked Normal condition and ready to start the vehicle

- Problem with key (Wrong key used to start vehicle)

Ignition ON ON Locked - Problem with Immobilizer system. Contact a TATA MOTORS
Authorized Service Centre

Ignition ON Blinking Unlocked - Contact a TATA MOTORS Authorized Service Centre immediately

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) While Braking judgment. Drive within safety mar-
(If equipped) gin taking into consideration pre-
 In an emergency situation take your
vailing weather and traffic condi-
ABS regulates brake pres- foot off the accelerator and press the
brake pedal fully. This allows the ABS tions.
sure in such a way that the
wheels do not lock when to regulate braking for you and have
you brake. This allows you to continue steering control along with maximum
steering the vehicle when braking. possible braking.
 When ABS is active driver will feel
The ABS warning lamp in the instrument brake pedal pulsating and very low
cluster lights up when the ignition is motor (ABS) activation noise from en-
switched on. It goes off after 2-3 sec- gine compartment which is normal
onds if system is healthy. during ABS braking.
 If ABS is faulty, the wheels could  On certain surfaces, such as
lock when braking. The steer abil-
gravel or firm ground covered by
ity and braking characteristics
snow, the standard ABS system
may be severely impaired. There
may have the effect of increasing
is an increased danger of skid-
the stopping distance, but ABS
ding and accidents.
will still offer the advantage of
 Drive on carefully. Have ABS helping you to maintain direc-
checked immediately at the TATA tional control of vehicle.
MOTORS Authorized Service Cen-
tre as soon as possible.  However, remember that ABS will
not compensate for bad road or
weather conditions or poor driver
Electronic brake force distribution Additional safety features (as critical situation and to prevent the vehi-
(EBD) available) cle rollover. This is done by active brake
EBD monitors and controls interventions on selected wheels,
Cornering Stability Control (CSC) thereby reducing the forces that cause a
the brake pressure on the
rear wheels to improve Corner stability Control supports / stabi- roll-over situation.
driving stability while brak- lizes vehicle during partial braking on
Brake Disc Wiping (BDW)
ing. curves by reducing pressure at required
EBD provides optimal braking pressure inner wheel of the vehicle. Water on the brake disc leads to a delay
distribution between front and rear in brake response time. The purpose of
This helps to reduce probability of vehi-
wheels to optimize braking distance and the function Brake Disc wiping is to re-
cle over steering during cornering. move moisture when driving in wet con-
to ensure vehicle stability by means of
lowering braking pressure at rear OFF Road ABS ditions automatically. To get quick re-
wheels. sponse form Brake and better decelera-
Based on wheel speed information off
WARNING road ABS helps to avoid wheel lock on
uneven surfaces like loose gravel, pot Electronic Brake Pre-fill (EBP)
 If EBD is malfunctioning, the rear holes by reducing the stopping distance
wheels can lock, e.g. under full The Electronic Brake Prefill (EBP) func-
compared to standard ABS.
braking. This increases the risk of tion reduces the air gap of the brake pad
skidding and an accident. Electronic Traction Control (ETC) and the brake disc. The function is trig-
 You should therefore adapt your The Electronic Traction Control system gered after a sudden release of the ac-
driving style to the different han- function (ETC) is designed as a slip con- celerator pedal due to an unexpected
dling characteristics. Have the trol system to prevent the driven wheels emergency brake situation. By actively
brake system checked immedi- of a vehicle from excessive wheel slip. pre-filling the brake-system the brake re-
ately at a TATA MOTORS Author- sponse time is reduced and results in a
Roll over Mitigation (ROM)
ized Service Centre as soon as shorter stopping distance.
The main feature of the Roll over Mitiga-
tion function is the detection of a rollover
Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA) inner wheels during turning. DWT-B re-
duces understeer tendency of the car
In a dangerous emergency situation,
and a higher curve speed can be
most drivers don't use the full available
performance of the brake system, be-
cause they brake too soft. The HBA func- Engine Drag Torque Control
tion detects the critical situation and (EDTC)
builds up additional brake pressure to
reduce the braking distance. On slippery road conditions during in-
gear Braking or Shift down of gear or
Hydraulic Fading compensation sudden throttle release on a curve road.
This causes high Engine drag on the
In dangerous fading situations most driv- driven wheel resulting into brake slip sit-
ers operate the brake pedal with a small uations without any brake application.
or regular braking force and they never
reach to the maximum possible vehicle This makes vehicle highly under steera-
deceleration. The HFC function improve ble. EDTC controls such brake slip on the
the stopping distance by eliminating re- driven wheels by increasing the engine
quired pressure build-up lag by the torque to makes the vehicle stable and
driver. steerable.
Dynamic Wheel Torque by Brake Hill Hold control (HHC)
Hill Hold Control is a comfort function.
The main goal of the function is to im- The main intend is to prevent the vehicle
prove the agility of a vehicle and to ena- from rolling backwards while driving off
ble a more direct steering. This is mainly up-hill on an inclined surface.
achieved by braking interventions at the

Keys (as available)
SN Name Remote key Description

1. Unlocking all doors

2. Approach light/Tail gate opening
1. Flip key with remote
3. Locking all doors
4. Folding key blade in/out

1. Locking all doors

2. Mechanical key
2. Unlocking all doors

1. Locking all doors

2. Approach light
3. Smart Key (PEPS)
3. Tail gate opening
4. Unlocking all doors

Keys WARNING Flip Key with Remote
A key is an electronic access and author-  Do not turn ‘ON’ ignition switch
ization system which is provided as a by using key with any type of
standard feature on your vehicle. metal wound around its grip or in
contact with it. This may be de-
Unlocking Principle
tected as abnormal condition by
The transponder which is built into the immobilizer and prevent engine
ignition key carries a unique identifica- from starting.
tion code. The vehicle unlocks when the  Do not leave the key in areas of
code on the key matches with the code high temperature. The tran-
on the Engine Management System sponder in it will behave abnor-
(EMS). In case of PEPS variant, Immobi- mally when reused.
lizer function is provided by PEPS.
 Do not try to start the vehicle
Engine Starting when the Immobilizer indi- 1. Unlocking all doors
cator lamp on the instrument 2. Approach Light/Tail gate unlatch
When the key is inserted and the ignition
cluster is glowing. In this condi-
is switched ‘ON’, all codes are communi- 3. Locking all doors
tion the vehicle will not start and
cated within key, Immobilizer and EMS.
the vehicle’s battery will also be 4. Folding key blade IN/OUT
The engine will start only if all the codes
drained due to frequent crank-
match. ing. 1. Unlocking all Doors
Loss of Keys Pressing the unlock button (1) of remote
If one of the key is lost, contact your will unlock all the Doors. One flash is
nearest TATA MOTORS Authorised coming on side indicators.
dealer immediately.

2. Approach Light 4. Folding Key Blade IN / OUT Flip Key Features
Press approach light button (2) once, low Press button (4) to flip out the key blade. Vehicle Search
beam and positon lamp will turn ‘ON’. For folding, press the button (4) and fold In vehicle, locked condition if lock button
This feature helps to find and reach the the key blade inside. on remote key is pressed the turn indica-
parked vehicle or to reach home in dark/ tors of vehicle flashes for 4 times.
cloudy condition after parking. Red LED
will be flashing on the remote. To switch Force Panic ON operation
‘OFF’ the approach lights, press and re- When vehicle is in OFF condition, if we
lease the same button or it automatically press lock button and unlock button sim-
turns ‘OFF’ after certain time. ultaneously, Force panic operation gets
Tail Gate Unlatch activated. In this case, turn indicators of
vehicle start flashing and horn will blow
To unlatch the Tail gate, long press the automatically.
approach light button (2) on remote for
more than 2 sec. Force Panic OFF operation
By pressing any button of smart key,
NOTE Force panic operation gets deactivated
Tail gate once unlatched will not NOTE Automatic Activation of Immobilizer
get lock automatically with doors.
It will get locked by slamming. Do not fold the key blade without If key is removed from ignition switch,
pressing the button. Also, it should the engine will be immobilized automat-
3. Locking all Doors not be forced in any direction apart ically even if you forget to lock the vehi-
from folding direction to avoid cle.
Pressing the Lock button (3) once, re- damage to flip mechanism.
mote locks all the doors of the vehicle. For few variant, Ignition off is required to
immobilize the vehicle.

Auto Locking / Unlocking of Doors / NOTE Smart Key (PEPS)
Auto Relock
In case any button of the key is ac-
 Vehicle doors are automatically cidentally pressed for more than
locked when all doors are closed and 20 seconds, the remote stops func-
the vehicle speed crosses 10 kmph. tioning till the time the button is
 When key is taken out all the doors pressed. The LED on the Remote
get automatically unlocked. also stops glowing. The function of
 For few variant, when ignition is the remote gets reinstated imme-
diately when the user stops press-
turned off all the doors get automati-
ing the push button of remote.
cally unlocked.
Also, when unlocked with remote key Vehicle Alarm & Security
and if no door is opened within 30 sec- To prevent automobile thefts, the anti-
onds, vehicle doors get automatically theft system makes use of an anti-theft Keep the smart key with user to perform
locked. alarm (ATA). On detection of any unau- the passive access. It is used for locking,
thorized access, the BCM triggers the unlocking and starting the vehicle.
Anti-grab / Anti-scan Coding
horn (acoustic alarm) and flashes the 1. Locking all doors
The remote control set of this security turn indicators.
system is protected against the use of 2. Approach Light
devices called ‘scanners’ and ‘grabbers’
3. Tail gate opening
which can record and reproduce some
types of remote codes. 4. Unlocking all doors

1. Locking all Door NOTE Unlocking Door with Emergency
Pressing the Lock button (1) once, re- Key
If smart key battery is low/drained
mote locks all the doors of the vehicle. or vehicle battery is low/drained,  Slot is provided below driver door
Please refer section starting and driving user can unlock and enter into ve- handle.
for more information. hicle by using Emergency key
2. Approach Light blade. Provision is given on driver
door handle only.
Press approach light button (2) once, low
beam and position lamp will turn ‘ON’. Emergency Key blade In / Out
This feature helps to find and reach the
parked vehicle or to reach home in dark/
cloudy condition. To switch ‘OFF’ the ap-
proach lights, press and release the
same button or it automatically turns
‘OFF’ after certain time.
3. Tail Gate Opening  Insert the key blade in slot and press.
To open the Tail gate press the button (3)
once on the smart key, Tail gate will un-
latch. Please refer section starting and
driving for more information.
4. Unlocking all Doors Slide the knob (1) to unlatch the key. Pull
Pressing the unlock button (4) once, re- the key blade (2) out.
mote will unlock all the Doors. Please re-
fer section starting and driving for more
 Outer cover of door handle will be un- Smart Key Features Auto Locking / Unlocking of Doors /
lock first. auto Relock
Force Panic ON operation
 Remove the cover to access the door
In PEPS variants, door will get unlocked
lock slot. When vehicle is in OFF condition, if we when ignition is OFF by pressing Start
press lock button and unlock button sim- Stop switch.
ultaneously, Force panic operation gets
activated. In this case, turn indicators of Anti-grab / Anti-scan Coding
vehicle start flashing and horn will blow
automatically. The remote control set of this security
system is protected against the use of
Force Panic OFF operation devices called ‘scanners’ and ‘grabbers’
which can record and reproduce some
By pressing any button of smart key, types of remote codes.
Force panic operation gets deactivated
Vehicle Search
 Don’t operate Unlock button of re-
 Insert the key blade in slot and turn In vehicle locked condition, if lock button
mote in the vicinity of your vehicle, as
clockwise to unlock the door. on smart key is pressed, the turn indica- it could lead to an unintentional un-
tors of vehicle flashes 4 times.
locking your vehicle.
Automatic Activation of Immobilizer
 For battery, replacement procedure
If smart key is not found within the pas- refer ‘MAINTENANCE’ section.
senger compartment, engine will be im-
 Do not remove the battery connec-
mobilized and vehicle cannot start.
tion of the vehicle while the vehicle
has been locked by remote.

Smart Key Precautions
1. If smart key is close to radio transmit-
ter such as radio station or an airport
which can interfere with normal oper-
ation of the transmitter.
2. If smart key is near a mobile two way
radio system or a cellular phone,
then it will not work properly.
3. If another vehicle’s smart key is be-
ing operated close to your vehicle,
signal will fluctuate.
Keep smart key away from electro-
magnetic materials that blocks
electromagnetic waves to the key

Doors Option 2 Horn Honking when Door Locking
using Door Handle Switch (DHS)
Option 1 Door Locking / Unlocking using
Door Locking / Unlocking with Key Door Handle Switch (DHS) If vehicle is in unlock condition and
smart key is not available, (i.e. Smart
Driver / front passenger doors can be To lock/unlock all the doors without op- Key is present away from authentication
locked or unlocked from outside using erating smart key button/ key blade. range) and if you try to lock the vehicle
the key blade. Press the door handle switch (DHS) pro- through door handle switch then vehicle
vided on the driver door to lock/unlock horn honking gets activated for 9 sec.
all the four doors except tailgate.
If vehicle is in unlock condition and
Smart key is present inside the vehicle.
If you try to press the door handle switch
then vehicle horn honking gets activated
for 9 sec.

 Authentication range for smart
key shall be 1 to 1.5 meter from
outside the respective door or Tail
Insert the key and turn it clockwise to
lock and anticlockwise to unlock the  Passive entry only works during
door. ignition off.

Locking without a Key from Inside Unlocking the Doors from Inside Windows
Power Windows (if available)

All the doors can also be locked from in- 1. Door opening knob
side by pressing knob on driver door and 1. Front Window Winding Switch (Right)
2. Door opening Lever
independently on other doors respec-
2. Front Window Winding Switch (Left)
tively. All doors can be opened from inside. To
open, pull the door opening knob (1) and 3. Rear Window Winding Switch (Right)
then opening lever (2). 4. Rear Window Winding Switch (Left)
5. Inhibit Switch
There is a single pull override fea- Window glasses on all four doors can be
ture on driver door. All door can be operated by switches provided on the
unlocked by inner handle without main control panel located on the
operating lock knob of inner han- driver’s arm rest. They work only when
dle. the key is in the ‘IGN ON’ position.
NOTE The Anti-pinch module is provided. It will
stop window upward movement if any
Power windows can be operated
obstruction or resistance detected.
for 30 sec. in ‘IGN OFF’ and ‘KEY
OUT’ position, provided doors are Thus, it gives full and reliable protection
Glasses are wound up by pulling the
not open. for hand, neck and any obstacles as
switch and are lowered by pressing.
well. Anti-pinch function is provided for
Express Down (if available) driver door only. WARNING
Window glasses can be opened by a sin- Individual Switches While raising the glass, take care
gle long press of the switch. Express to avoid fingers/hands getting
down feature is provided for driver door Individual window winding switches trapped between glass and the
only. have been provided for front passenger door frame.
and rear passengers.
Anti-pinch Function (if available)

Inhibit Switch (if available) Inhibit Switch OFF Bonnet Opening
When switch is 1. Ensure that the vehicle is in neutral
pressed, red light gear with the parking brake applied.
turns ‘ON’. The indi- 2. Pull the bonnet release lever. The
vidual switches pro- bonnet will pop up slightly.
vided on rear and
front passenger door can be operated. It
can also be operated from the switches
on driver's arm rest.

 If children operate the windows
they could be get trapped, partic-
Inhibit Switch ON ularly if they are left unsuper-
When switch is vised. There is a risk of injury.
pressed, red light  Activate the window inhibit fea-
turns ‘OFF’. The indi- ture when children are travelling.
vidual switches pro- While leaving the vehicle, always 3. Raise the bonnet slightly and with
vided on rear and take the key with you and lock your finger lift (up) the secondary
front passenger door cannot be oper- the vehicle. Never leave children lock lever located under the bonnet
ated. Still it can be operated from the unsupervised in the vehicle. center.
switches on driver's arm rest.

Engine Bonnet Stay rod Closing
1. To close the bonnet, hold the bonnet
by one hand, disengage the stay rod
and clamp it back properly.
2. Lower the bonnet close to the
bumper, then let it drop down.

Ensure that the bonnet is properly
locked before driving or it can fly up
unexpectedly during driving.
Make sure that the wiper arms are
not raised before you lift up the WARNING
bonnet to avoid damaging the
 The stay rod can be hot enough
wiper arms and the bonnet.
to burn your finger right after
4. Lift the bonnet up. Pull the bonnet driving. To avoid this, use rubber
stay rod from its clip and insert the packing given on stay rod.
free end into the slot provided on  Touch the rod after it becomes
frame. cool enough.
 Insert the stay rod into the hole
securely. If the rod drops off,
your body may be caught below
the bonnet.

Tail Gate Opening (as available) Option II Option III

Some variants may have multiple

Option I

When user press the Tail gate button on If vehicle is locked and tail gate is
remote, Tail gate gets unlatched. closed. Tail gate switch is pressed with
valid smart key in the authentication
range, Tail gate gets unlatched.
Press the tail gate button on smart
key and press the tail gate door WARNING
Remote operated Tail gate unlatching handle switch within 30 seconds to
can be done through long press (2 sec) open it.  After unlatching, tailgate doesn’t
approach light button on remote key. get opened automatically.
 Tailgate should not be opened
holding tailgate garnish, this might
damage the part. It is suggested to
open through tailgate edge. .
On closing the tail gate door, Tail gates WARNING 1. Open driver door using mechanical
gets locked. key.
Tail gate can’t be locked using me-
NOTE chanical key/ flip key/ smart key. It 2. Open the rear door.
can be locked by slamming it.
 During closing Tail gate if doors 3. Fold the rear seat.
are in locked condition and valid Option IV 4. And access the tailgate-opening
smart key is inside the trunk, lever from inside.
then Tail gate can be unlocked Emergency Tailgate Opening
by pressing tailgate switch. 5. Turn the lever clockwise to unlatch
 For Tail gate unlatch remote op- and open the tailgate.
eration, vehicle shall be in OFF
 Tail gate once unlatch it will not This can be used in emergency
get locked automatically with when you are inside the vehicle.
other doors.
 If doors are in unlocked condi-
tion, Tail gate can be unlocked
via Tail gate handle switch inde-
pendent of smart key.
 Avoid keeping smart key inside
the boot space area while clos- In emergency situation like key or vehi-
ing Tail gate. cle battery is discharged or electrical
malfunctioning, you can unlock the tail-
gate from inside as per procedure given

Fuel Lid  Do not continue adding fuel after
1. To open the fuel flap, gently press on
the automatic shut ‘OFF’ func-
fuel flap. Make sure the smart key tion is operated if it is equipped
on the fuel station. Overfilling the
should be in authentication range
fuel tank could damage the fuel
and the vehicle is in unlock condi-

For mechanical/flip key (without  Remove the fuel filler cap slowly,
smart key), to open the fuel flap. and wait for any hissing to stop.
Make sure that vehicle is in unlock The fuel may be under pressure
condition. Then gently press the and may spray out.
3. To open the fuel cap by turning it in
fuel flap.  When smart key is inside the car,
counter clockwise for fuel filling.
fuel flap can be open by pressing
2. Open the fuel flap by gently pressing 4. For closing, close the fuel cap and the flap.
flap. gently push the fuel flap till it gets
locked. If fuel cap needs replacement, ensure
that it is replaced by a genuine cap at the
WARNING TATA MOTORS Authorized Service Centre
 Fuel vapour is extremely hazard- only.
ous. Always switch ‘OFF’ the en-
gine before refueling and never
refill near sparks or open flames.
Do not use cell phone while refu-

Power Sunroof (if available) Location of Controls and their To operate the sliding sunroof and Rollo
functions shade. Push the switch as shown in
above fig. after every operation switch
goes to Home position automatically.

You must switch on the ignition to
operate the power sunroof. After
switching off the ignition, You can
still open or close the power sun-
roof for 3 minutes as long as the
driver or front passenger door has
not been opened.
Power Sunroof Switches
A Sunroof will make the driving expe-
rience more enjoyable by bringing 1. Sunroof Open
light and sunshine into the vehicle. It 2. Sunroof Close
provides a real open air feeling along
with pure driving fun. With fresh air, 3. Tilt Up
your driving experience automati- 4. Tilt Down
cally becomes significantly more re- 5. Sunshade Open
6. Sunshade Close
A sunroof allows air to flow evenly
from above the driver, which is much
quieter and less intrusive than wind
blowing through a side window.

1. Sunshade Open Position Manual (long press) open and stop at de-
sired position.
2. Sunshade Close Position

Push the switch (6) to close the Sun-

Express (one touch) close to close Sun-
shade completely.
Manual (long press) Close and stop at
desired position.

Push the switch (5) to open the Sun-

Express (one touch) open to open Sun-
shade completely.

3. Sunroof Open Position NOTE 5. Sunroof Tilt Open/Close Posi-
During sliding sunroof Express (one
touch) open operation, Sunshade will
also open in synchronization with
sliding sunroof (Express Complete
Open Feature).

4. Sunroof Close Position

Push the switch (3) for Sunroof Tilt Open.

Push the switch (4) for Sunroof Tilt Close.
Express (one touch) Tilt Open / Close
sunroof completely.
Manual (long press) Tilt Open / Close
and stop at desired position.

Push the switch (1) to open the Sunroof.

Express (one touch) open to open Sun- Push the switch (2) to close the Sunroof.
roof completely. Express (one touch) close to close sun-
Manual (long press) open and stop at de- roof completely.
sired position.
Manual (long press) close and stop at
desired position.
Auto Sunroof Close WARNING Follow the emergency close com-
mand as below:
Sliding Sunroof will automatically close  Without pinch protection, the
under following conditions: power sunroof will close with Emergency close feature can be used, if
enough force to cause serious Sliding sunroof or Sunshade consecu-
 Rain detection- As soon as rain de-
personal injury. tive reversal movement observed 3
tected & Wiper speed is slow/high
 Always be careful when closing times within 10 sec then follow the steps
based on Rain, the Sunroof will
the power sunroof. given below:
 Pinch protection cannot prevent
 Ignition off and driver came out of 1. On the 4th attempt continuously
fingers or other parts of the body press the sunroof close switch - posi-
the vehicle by carrying the Remote
from being pressed against the tion (2) or Sunshade close switch -
key and driver locking the vehicle
edge of the roof; may result in in- position (6) until it closes completely
through remotely or through driver
juries. to ensure occupant privacy, safety &
Emergency Close Feature theft prevention from Sunroof open
NOTE window. This is Emergency Close
If the power sunroof malfunctions, If Express (One Touch) / Manual (long Feature.
pinch protection may not function press) Sunroof and Sunshade close
properly. Visit an authorized TATA function did not work due to:
Motors dealer or an authorized  Consecutive several attempts to Never keep your hands or head in
TATA Motors Service Facility for as- Open / close Sunroof and Sun- the Sunroof window while perform-
sistance. shade. ing this operation it may cause se-
vere injury, since Anti-pinch func-
 Excessive Ice / Dirt accumulation
tion will not work at this 4th at-
on the Sunroof Glass / guiderails.

2. Once the sunroof or Sunshade is Initializing the power sunroof clicking sound comes from Sun-
completely closed, release the shade.
switch. Condition for initializing the sunroof
4. The Initializing command is com-
If the vehicle battery is disconnected and plete, Check if the Express
3. Alternatively, User may wait for min.
reconnected during Sunroof / Sunshade open/close features are working.
30 secs before operating Sunroof
and Sunshade, then Sunroof can be movement or while replacing the dead
fuse, the sunroof/ Sunshade must be in- NOTE
operated with Normal Functions.
itialized. If the initializing procedure is not
NOTE completely performed, then it has
Otherwise Express (one touch) function
to be run again from step 2.
If the Sunroof doesn’t operate as (open/close/tilt) and pinch protection
above, Visit an authorized TATA function will be deactivated. Self-learning procedure of Sunroof
Motors dealer or an authorized
TATA Motors Service Facility for as- Initializing command procedure: 5. Sliding sunroof and Sunshade shall
sistance. be in open position within 4 mm to
To initialize the sliding sunroof and Sun-
200 mm from the cutout.
shade, use the following procedure:
6. Close the sunroof fully by pressing
1. Turn ON the ignition. ‘sunroof close switch’ and keep the
2. Close the sunroof fully by pressing switch pressed continuously. Do not
‘sunroof close switch’ and keep the release the switch and wait for fol-
switch pressed for 1-2 seconds after lowing actions to perform.
the roof is fully closed, till clicking 7. Sliding sunroof will start opening af-
sound comes from Sunroof. ter 5 sec pause and close automati-
3. Close the Sunshade fully by pressing cally. Release the Switch to complete
‘Sunshade close switch’ and keep the procedure.
the switch pressed for 1-2 seconds 8. Close the sunshade fully by pressing
after the Sunshade is fully closed, till ‘Sunshade close switch’ and keep

the switch pressed continuously. Do  Always close the sunroof before WARNING
not release the switch and wait for leaving the vehicle or if it begins
following actions to perform. Improper use of the power sunroof
to rain. If the sunroof is open or can result in serious personal injury.
9. Sunshade will start opening after 5 tilted, rain could enter the vehi-
sec pause and close automatically. cle interior and cause extensive  Always make sure that no one is
Release the Switch to complete the damage to the electrical system. in the Path/Cutout of the power
procedure. This could result in further vehi- sunroof when it is Closing OR
10. The self-learning command is com- cle damage. Opening
plete.  Remove leaves and other ob-  Always take the key with you while
jects from the sunroof guiderails leaving the vehicle.
regularly either by hand or using  Never leave children or disabled
Incase Sunroof and Sunshade Close a vacuum cleaner. persons in the vehicle particu-
switch is released in the middle of  If the power sunroof malfunc- larly, if they have access to the ve-
procedure, repeat from step 1. tions, pinch protection may not hicle key. Unsupervised use of the
function properly. See an author- remote control vehicle key makes
NOTE ized TATA Motors dealer or an it possible to lock the vehicle,
authorized TATA Motors Service start the engine, turn on the igni-
 You can still open or close the tion and operate the sunroof.
power sunroof for 3 minutes af-
 The Sunshade can be opened
ter you switch off the ignition, as
long as the driver or front pas- and closed independently when
senger door has not been the sliding sunroof is in closed
opened. position but will not operate in
case sliding sunroof is open or in
 To help prevent damage, remove
tilt position.
ice and snow from the sunroof
 Always close the sunroof while
before opening or tilting it in win-
ter season. washing the vehicle.

Cockpit 1 A.C. Air vent
2 Airbag (PAB)
3 Infotainment Display (if available)
4 Combi-Switch
5 Horn pad
6 Start/Stop switch (if available)
7 Airbag (DAB)
Steering Wheel Switches (if availa-
9 Controls
10 Foot Rest
Terrain Response Knob (if availa-
12 Cooled storage box
13 Parking Brake Lever
14 Gear Shift Lever
15 HVAC Control panel
16 Fascia switches
17 Center Air Vent
NOTE: All location shown may not be applicable to your vehicle / Variants. 18 Glove Box

Instrument Cluster ( TFT Screen)

Tachometer Driver Information Display Speedometer

DEF Gauge Temperature Gauge Fuel Gauge

NOTE: All indicators shown may not be applicable to your vehicle.

Speedometer Tachometer Fuel Gauge
When the ignition switch is in “ON” posi-
tion, fuel gauge gives an approximate in-
dication of the amount of fuel in the fuel
tank. In indication window, “F” stands for
full and “E” stands for empty.

Speedometer indicates the vehicle

Tachometer indicates engine speed in
speed in km/h.
revolutions per min (rpm).
Whenever you turn the ignition ON,
Never drive the vehicle with high
the instrument cluster needles and
engine rpm. This may cause severe
gauges move to maximum value When fuel in the tank is near to empty
engine damage.
and return to '0' position. This is a position, low fuel warning telltale turns
welcome strategy and a self-check Amber. Refill the tank as soon as possi-
feature. ble.

NOTE Temperature Gauge WARNING
 Check the fuel level when the ve- When the ignition switch is in the “ON” The red progress bar on high cool-
hicle is stationary on a level road. position, this gauge indicates the engine ant temperature indicates over-
 The fuel level displayed can vary coolant temperature. heating that may damage the en-
when you drive on inclines, gine. Continuing to drive the vehi-
curves, brake and accelerate cle when engine overheating is in-
suddenly. This is due to the dicated can result in severe engine
movement of fuel in the tank. The indicator should be within the nor- damage or fire.
The low fuel warning lamp may mal, acceptable temperature range i.e. DEF Gauge
turn to ON or OFF earlier or later between “H” and “C”. If the indicator ap-
than usual. proaches “H”, overheating is indicated When the ignition switch is in the “ON”
by red progress bar. position, arrow in the gauge indicates
WARNING level of DEF left in the tank.
If the coolant temperature is very high,
If there is any fault in the system, the engine coolant temperature telltale
the low fuel warning symbol will flashes with an audio warning. In this
blink. Take your vehicle to the near- case, stop the vehicle, switch ‘OFF’ the
est TATA MOTORS Authorized ser- engine and allow it to cool down for
vice centre. some time. Contact the nearest TATA
MOTORS authorized service centre im- The Indicator should be within the ac-
mediately for rectification. ceptable range. i.e., between "E" and "F".
When DEF in tank is near to empty posi-
tion, DEF tell tale near to gauge will glow
with subsequent Text alert on DIS
Screen. If DEF level reaches to critically

low level, then DEF Gauge will be re- NOTE
placed by the permanent text alert along
with buzzer.  Check the DEF Level when the ve-
hicle is on level road.
Similarly for Low DEF Quality & SCR Fault
there are featured text and warnings pre-  DEF Level Displayed may vary
sent to alert the driver regarding condi- when you drive on inclines, de-
tion of DEF System. clines, curves, brakes & acceler-
ate suddenly. This is due to the
WARNING movement of DEF in the tank.
 If DEF Level or DEF Quality or SCR  If SCR Fault issue comes the take
Fault becomes Critical after suffi- your vehicle to the nearest TATA
cient alerts, warnings, Buzzers & MOTORS Authorized service cen-
If not rectified then Text alert will ter.
be displayed permanently on DIC
Screen stating vehicle will not re-
start in next key ON & Vehicle will
not start.
 If any problem comes then, Take
your vehicle to the nearest TATA
MOTORS Authorized service cen-

Driver Information System

Driver Information System Image Description

Indicates distance travelled by a vehicle. The odometer reading does not
Odometer return to “0” when maximum value is reached, the display will freeze to max-
imum value.

The trip meter can be used to measure the distance travelled on short trips
Trip meter A & B or between fuel stops. It can be reset to “0”. The Trip meter reading becomes
“0.0” after it crosses 9999.9 km.

Indicates current time in AM/PM mode.

Whenever the battery terminals or related fuses are connected, you must
reset the clock time. This feature is available when ignition switch is in
‘ON’ position.

NOTE: Clock settings can also be changed through infotainment system.

For more information, refer infotainment manual.

Indicates the value of Power and Torque delivered by engine in the particular
Power and Torque
driving condition.

Driver Information System Image Description
Indicates the number of days/kilometers in which service is due. If service is
overdue, it will display “0” km or “0” days and spanner symbol will blink at
every ignition ON for few seconds. Never reset the display between service
intervals otherwise this may result in to incorrect readings. Information is re-
Service reminder
tained in the service interval display even after the vehicle battery is discon-
NOTE: This option is for indicative purpose only. Keep track of your odometer
reading and follow the maintenance schedule.

Respective door open display pop up comes up for 5 sec and then minimize
Door Ajar
telltale glows with respective door open will displayed.

Current gear engaged by the transmission shall be displayed on DIS.

Current gear position NOTE: If “Fault” is displayed it means a ‘Fault’ condition. Contact the TATA
(indicator) (for MT & AT- MOTORS authorized service centre.
Manual Mode) In case of Manual Transmission, the gear number shall be displayed when
the clutch is fully released.

Driver Information System Image Description

Current gear engaged by the transmission shall be displayed on DIS.

NOTE: If “Fault” is displayed it means ‘Fault’ condition. Contact the TATA
Current gear position MOTORS Authorised Service Centre.
(indicator) (for AT)
In case of Automatic Transmission, the gear type P-Park, D-Drive, N-Neutral
and R-Reverse will be displayed as per automatic gear selected.

Up or down arrow shall be displayed on DIS whenever a gear should be shifted

Gear Recommendation up or down.
(for MT)
No arrow shall be displayed when the selected gear is as per the vehicle dy-
This message displayed when gear shift is denied in manual mode.
Driver Control Shift
Denied User has to drive the vehicle in recommended speed to change the gear.

Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) System Fault

Electronic Brake
Distribution Fault User has to take the vehicle to Authorized Tata motors service station.

Driver Information System Image Description
This message displayed when transmission oil temperature is higher than al-
Transmission Oil lowable limit.
Temperature High
User has to take the vehicle to Authorized Tata motors service station.
Transmission Failure This message displayed when transmission related failure is present.
Drive Cautiously Visit
User has to take the vehicle to Authorized Tata motors service station.
Service Centre
Transmission failure This message displayed when transmission related failure is present.
Malfunction detected
User has to take the vehicle to Authorized Tata Motors service station.
contact service center

Shift to Park to Exit This message displayed when shift lever not in P (park) mode.

Shift to Park or Neutral This message displayed when shift lever not in P (park) or N (neutral) mode
to start the Engine while starting the engine.

1. Instantaneous Fuel Economy NOTE 3. Average Fuel Economy (AFE)
 IFE will vary frequently as per
driving pattern.
 IFE display does not show Fuel
Economy of last drive.
2. Power and Torque

Trip A

It indicates fuel economy of current drive

when Ignition is turned ‘ON’.
To reach the Instant Fuel Economy in the
Instrument cluster. Press the
switch, which is on the RHS steering Indicates the amount of power and
switch. torque delivered by engine in the partic-
The display does not show actual value ular driving condition. Trip B
unless vehicle is moving. AFE value is estimate of fuel economy. It
may vary significantly based upon driv-
ing conditions, driving habits and condi-
tion of the vehicle.

To see the Average fuel economy in the 4. Distance to Empty (DTE) NOTE
Instrument cluster. Press the
 If DTE is displayed as ‘---‘, then
switch on the RHS of the steering switch.
take your vehicle to the TATA
Trip time, Average speed and Trip dis- MOTORS Authorized Service
tance will reset to ‘0’ when respective Centre.
Trip meter is reset.  The DTE will update with new
value when fuel is added for
more than 7 Litres at a time.
 Average Fuel Economy, Trip
time and Average speed will get 5. Infotainment Information on In-
reset to ‘0’ when Battery is re- strument Cluster Display unit.
The above DTE screen indicates approx-
moved and refitted. imate distance in ‘km’ that your vehicle
 Average Fuel Economy will be can travel with available fuel in the tank.
displayed as ‘--.--‘for initial 0.5
km of respective trip. Once 0.5 To reach the Distance to empty in the In-
km distance is covered, Average strument cluster. Press the
Fuel Economy will be displayed. switch, which is on RHS steering switch. The Instrument Cluster will display the
 Even after 0.5 km distance cov- DTE values may vary significantly based Infotainment information like Media,
ered for particular trip, if Aver- on driving conditions, driving habits, and Navigation and FM.
age Fuel Economy is displayed condition of the vehicle. It is an estimate
as ‘--.--‘, then take your vehicle to value of the available driving distance.
TATA MOTORS Authorized Ser-
vice Centre. If low fuel warning light turns ‘ON’, fill the
fuel tank immediately regardless the
value of displayed DTE.

6. Setting Screen Following options are displayed in the Illumination Screen
setting screen:
You can select illumination setting by
scroll down using up or
down on the RHS steering switch and by
pressing select button.
You can increase the Illumination from
(20% to100%) in 5 steps by pressing on
the RHS of steering switch.
Following screen gets displayed:
You can enter into setting screen by
pressing select button while To change the option from reset by
being in setting screen. pressing on the RHS of
steering swi

Service Reminder Reset About Screen 7. Outside Ambient Temperature
You can select Service reminder reset You can select about option by scroll up
screen by scroll down & pressing set but- or down and pressing set
ton in settings screen. button on RHS steering switches. It dis-
plays open source license disclosure.
You can select Yes or No option by up or
down arrows & set button.

This displays outside ambient tempera-

ture in units of °C with the resolution of
1 °C.
The temperature sensor is located on
NOTE Pressing select button while in the front bumper of the vehicle, there-
In setting menu if there is no user about screen, the screen will close fore the temperature reading can be af-
input for 10 sec, previous screen and go to previous screen. fected by heat reflection from the road
shall be displayed. surface, engine heat and the exhaust
from surrounding traffic.
For an accurate temperature read-
ing, make sure the vehicle speed is
above 30 kmph.
WARNING TPMS screen with no fault: NOTE
If display shows OAT temp as “- - “, If tyre pressure is low, then you will
take your car to a TATA authorized get to see the red hollow mark on
service Centre. that tyre in the Instrument Cluster.
8. Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys- TPMS screen with high tire pressure:
tem (TPMS)
You can select TPMS screen by pressing
up or down on the RHS of
the steering switch.
When start the vehicle or make igni- TPMS screen with low tire pressure:
tion ON it may happen Pressure &
Temp value show "--". Driver has to
drive the vehicle for some time with
particular Speed to update the TPMS
pressure and Temperature value's
If value's not updated and display
shows "--" with warning message then
take vehicle to service center. If tyre pressure is high, then you
will get to see the red filled mark
on that tyre in the Instrument Clus-

TPMS screen with high temperature: TPMS screen with TPMS ECU

TPMS screen with combination of

failures in tires: TPMS screen with Air leakage:

Display Messages on Instrument Cluster
Below messages can be displayed in the screen for 3 sec based on the priority.
1. Warning Messages (messages displayed within the Red border)

NOTE: All messages may not be applicable to your vehicle

SN Warning / Information Title Warning Message Title Warning Messages on Instrument Cluster
1 Fasten Seat Belt - Driver Seat Belt Reminder Fasten Driver Seat Belt
2 Speed Limit Warning Speed Limit Warning Over Speeding Detected Slow Down

SN Warning / Information Title Warning Message Title Warning Messages on Instrument Cluster
Transmission Failure Drive Cau-
3 Transmission Malfunction Drive Cautiously Contact Service Center
tiously Visit Service Center
4 Drive Control Shift Denied Drive Mode Warning Drive Control Shift Denied
5 Hill Hold Control Failure Hill Hold Control Malfunction Detected Contact Service Center
6 Hill Decent Control Failure Hill Decent Control Malfunction Detected Contact Service Center
7 Fuel Level Low State Fuel Level Warning Fuel Level Low
8 Fasten seat belt front passenger Seat Belt Reminder Fasten Front passenger Seat Belt
Transmission Failure Limp home
9 Transmission System Malfunction Detected Contact Service Center
Activated Visit Service Center
10 DEF level warning 1 DEF Level Low DEF Level Low Refill Soon
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
11 DEF level warning 2 DEF Level Low
Refill DEF
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
12 DEF level warning 3 DEF Level Low
Refill DEF
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
13 DEF level warning 4 DEF Level Low
Refill DEF

SN Warning / Information Title Warning Message Title Warning Messages on Instrument Cluster
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
14 DEF level warning 5 DEF Level Low
Refill DEF
15 DEF level warning 6 DEF Level Low Engine Will Not Restart In Next Key On
Engine Stop
16 DEF level warning 7 DEF Level Low
DEF Tank Empty
DEF Quality Low
17 DEF quality warning 1 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
18 DEF quality warning 2 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
19 DEF quality warning 3 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
20 DEF quality warning 4 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
21 DEF quality warning 5 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
22 DEF quality warning 6 DEF Quality Low Engine Will Not Restart In Next Key On
Engine Stop
23 DEF quality warning 7 DEF Quality Low
Check DEF System
SCR System Fault
24 DEF fault warning 1 SCR System Fault
Contact Service Centre

SN Warning / Information Title Warning Message Title Warning Messages on Instrument Cluster
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
25 DEF fault warning 2 DEF System Fault
Contact Service Centre
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
26 DEF fault warning 3 DEF System Fault
Contact Service Centre
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
27 DEF fault warning 4 DEF System Fault
Contact Service Centre
Engine Stops in “Value” Km
28 DEF fault warning 5 DEF System Fault
Contact Service Centre
29 DEF fault warning 6 DEF System Fault Engine Will Not Restart In Next Key On
Engine Stop
30 DEF fault warning 7 DEF System Fault
Contact Service Centre

Malfunction Detected
31 Park Brake Fault Park Brake Fault
Contact Service Centre

2. Alert Messages (messages displayed within Grey border)

NOTE: All messages may not be applicable to your vehicle.

SN Alert / Information Title Alert Message Title Action to be taken

HDC Deactivation Due To Speed
1 Hill Decent Control System Deactivated Speed Crossed Set Limit
Above Set Value
2 Park Brake Engaged Brake Alert Park Brake Engaged
3 Electronic Stability Off Electronic Stability System ESP Turned Off
4 Traction Control Off Traction Control System TCS Turned Off
5 Hill Descent Control Active Hill Descent Control HDC Activated

SN Alert / Information Title Alert Message Title Action to be taken

6 Auto Headlamp Lamp Alert Auto Headlamp Activated

Resume to Target Speed Not

7 Cruise Control Change gear to resume Cruise Speed
Possible in Current Gear
8 Cruise Override Cruise Control Cruise Override

9 Hill Descent Control Switched On Hill Descent Control HDC Turned ON

Shift to Park (P/N) - vehicle Start

10 Transmission Alert Shift to Park or Neutral to Start Engine
function for AT vehicle

11 Park Brake Alert Park Brake Alert Park Brake Applied

12 Park Brake Alert Park Brake Alert Park Brake Not Applied

Malfunction Detected
13 AVH Malfunction Auto Hold
Contact Service Centre.

Drive alert NOTE
 This alerts is for Manual Trans-
mission (MT) vehicle.
 The warnings are generated post
faulty drive event and is not the
live event.
 The fault is logged after the clutch
pedal is fully released and gear
information received.
Drive the vehicle below 10km/hr in 1st Sticker for Drive Alert
 This Message is not related to
any issue or fault in vehicle. It is
just Pre-alert customer from
clutch malfunction.
 When User drive the vehicle in
higher gear than 1st gear & ve-
hicle speed is below 10 Kmph.
 When vehicle is launched from
standstill condition in 2nd Gear.
RH of Cockpit

3. Interrupt Messages

NOTE: All messages may not be applicable to your vehicle.

SN Alert / Information Title Action to be taken

1 Rotate steering wheel (In ESCL jam condition) Press Start Button while Turning Wheel
2 Smart key out of range Smart Key Out of Range
3 Drive Alert - Tea Break Take a Break
4 Steering Failure-Visit Garage Steering Failure Contact Service Center
5 Steering Failure-Stop Driving Steering Failure Stop the Vehicle Safely
6 Door Ajar Door open
SN Alert / Information Title Action to be taken
7 TPMS No Fault Tire Pressure
8 TPMS Low Pressure Low Tire Pressure - Inflate Tire
9 TPMS High Pressure High Tire Pressure - Deflate Tire
10 TPMS High Temperature Tire Overheated Slow Down
11 Combination alerts Check Tires
12 Malfunction TPMS Malfunction - Contact Service Centre
13 Air Leak Leakage Detected Check Tires
14 Fault TPMS Error - Check Tires
15 ESCL Press Start Button While Turning Wheel
16 No Key Smart Key Out of Range
17 Low Key Battery Smart Key Battery Low Replace Battery
18 Press Clutch Pedal Press Clutch Pedal to Start Engine
19 Press Brake Pedal Press Brake Pedal to Start Engine
20 Drive Modes Respective drive mode
21 Tea Break Take a Break
22 Release Park Brake Press Brake Pedal to Release Park Brake
23 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

Instrument Cluster (LCD Screen)
Tachometer Driver Information Display Fuel Gauge Speedometer

Set knob Temperature Gauge Mode knob

NOTE: All indicators shown may not be applicable to your vehicle

Speedometer Tachometer Fuel Gauge
When the ignition switch is in “ON” posi-
tion, fuel gauge gives an approximate in-
dication of the amount of fuel in the fuel
tank. “F” stands for full and “E” stands
for empty.

When fuel in the tank is near to empty

Speedometer indicates the vehicle Tachometer indicates engine speed in position, low fuel warning telltale turns
speed in km/h. revolutions per min (rpm). Amber. Refill the tank as soon as possi-
Whenever you turn the ignition ON, Never drive the vehicle with high
the instrument cluster needles and engine ‘rpm’. This may cause se-
gauges move to maximum value vere engine damage.
and return to '0' position. This is a
welcome strategy and a self-check

NOTE Temperature Gauge WARNING
 Check the fuel level when the ve- When the ignition switch is in the “ON” The Red bar on high coolant tem-
hicle on a level road. position, this gauge indicates the engine perature warning indicates over-
 The fuel level displayed can vary coolant temperature. heating that may damage the en-
when you drive on inclines, gine. Continuing to drive the vehi-
curves, brake and accelerate cle when engine overheating is in-
suddenly. This is due to the dicated can result in severe engine
movement of fuel in the tank. damage or fire.
The low fuel warning lamp may IFE Gauge
turn to ON or OFF earlier or later The indicator should stay within the nor-
than usual. mal, acceptable temperature range be-
tween “H” and “C”. If the indicator ap-
WARNING proaches “H”, overheating is indicated
If there is any fault in the system, by a red bar.
It indicates fuel economy of current drive
the low fuel warning symbol will If the coolant temperature reading is when Ignition is turned ‘ON’.
start blinking. Take your vehicle to very high, the engine coolant tempera-
the nearest TATA MOTORS author- ture telltale flashes with an audible To reach the Instant Fuel Economy in the
ized service centre. buzzer. In this case, stop the vehicle, Instrument cluster. Press the SET and
switch ‘OFF’ the engine and cool it down MODE button.
for some time. Contact the nearest TATA The display does not show actual value
MOTORS Authorised Service Centre im- unless vehicle is moving.
mediately for rectification.

NOTE Similarly for Low DEF Quality & SCR Fault NOTE
there are featured text and warnings pre-
 IFE will vary frequently as per sent to alert the driver regarding condi-  Check the DEF Level when the ve-
driving pattern. tion of DEF System. hicle is on level road.
 IFE display does not show Fuel  DEF Level Displayed may vary
Economy of last drive. WARNING when you drive on inclines, de-
 If DEF Level or DEF Quality or SCR clines, curves, brakes & acceler-
DEF Gauge ate suddenly. This is due to the
Fault becomes critical after de-
When the ignition switch is in the “ON” fined interval of warnings text movement of DEF in the tank.
position, this gauge indicates level of alert will be displayed perma-  If SCR Fault issue comes then
DEF left in the tank. nently on LCD screen stating vehi- take your vehicle to the nearest
cle will not restart in next key ON. TATA MOTORS Authorized service
 On getting defined text messages centre.
related to Quality and SCR Fault,  IFE gauge and DEF Gauge can be
take your vehicle to the nearest display in rotation with all combi-
TATA MOTORS Authorized service nations when DEF level in vehicle
center. is not critical.
The Indicator should be within the ac-
ceptable range. i.e., between "E" and "F".
When DEF in tank is near to empty posi-
tion, DEF tell tale near to gauge will glow
with subsequent text messages on LCD
screen. To change screen over from IFE
to DEF Gauge press mode button.If DEF
level reaches to critically low level, only
DEF gauge will be displayed. Screen will
not change over to IFE in that case.
Driver Information System

Driver Information System Image Description

Indicates distance travelled by a vehicle. The Odometer reading does not
Odometer return to “0” when maximum value is reached, the display will freeze to
maximum value.

The trip meter can be used to measure the distance travelled on short trips
Trip meter A & B or between fuel stops. It can be reset to “0”. The Trip meter reading be-
comes “0.0” after it crosses 9999.9 km.

Indicates current time in AM/PM mode. Clock time can be changed using
‘SET’ & ‘MODE’ knob.
Whenever the battery terminals or related fuses are connected, you must
Clock reset the clock time. This feature is available when ignition switch is in ON

NOTE: Clock settings can also be changed through infotainment system.
For more information, refer infotainment manual.

This warning will be indicated when driver door is open.

Door Ajar
NOTE: If any other door is open, the roof lamp will be ‘ON’.

Driver Information System Image Description
Indicates the number of days/kilometers in which service is due. If service
is overdue, it will display “0” km or “0” days and spanner symbol will blink
at every ignition ON for few seconds. Never reset the display between ser-
vice intervals otherwise this may result in to incorrect readings. Infor-
Service reminder
mation is retained in the service interval display even after the vehicle
battery is disconnected.
NOTE: This option is for indicative purpose only. Keep track of your odom-
eter reading and follow the maintenance schedule.
Current gear engaged by the transmission shall be displayed on Driver In-
formation System.
Current gear position indica- NOTE: If “F” is displayed it means a ‘Fault’ condition. Contact the TATA
tor (For MT) MOTORS authorized service centre.
In case of Manual Transmission, the gear number shall be displayed
when the clutch is fully released.

Up or down arrow shall be displayed on DIS whenever a gear should be

shifted up or down.
Gear Recommendation
No arrow shall be displayed when the selected gear is as per the vehicle

Driver Information System Image Description

Current gear engaged by the transmission shall be displayed on DIS.
-Reverse NOTE: If “F” is displayed it means ‘Fault’ condition. Contact the
Current gear position indica-
TATA MOTORS Authorised Service Centre.
tor (For AT)
In case of Automatic Transmission, the Gear numbers shall be dis-
-Neutral played as per automatic gear selected.


1. Average Fuel Economy (AFE) NOTE If low fuel warning light turns ‘ON’, fill the
fuel tank immediately regardless the
 AFE value is an estimate of fuel value of displayed DTE.
economy. It may vary signifi-
cantly based upon driving condi- NOTE
tions, driving habits and condi-
If DTE is displayed as ‘---‘, then take
tion of vehicle.
your vehicle to the TATA MOTORS
 Average Fuel Consumption will authorized service centre.
get Reset to ‘0’ when Battery is
Trip time, Average speed and Trip dis- removed and refitted. 3. Instrument Cluster Illumination
tance will reset to ‘0’ when respective
Trip meter is reset. 2. Distance to Empty (DTE)

Average Fuel Economy will be displayed

as ‘--.--‘for initial 0.5 km of respective
trip. Once 0.5 km distance is covered, Av-
erage Fuel Economy will be displayed. The above image indicates an approxi-
Even after 0.5 km distance covered for mate distance in ‘km’ that your vehicle
particular trip, if Average fuel economy is can travel with available fuel in tank.
displayed as ‘--.--‘, then take your vehicle DTE values may vary significantly based
to TATA MOTORS Authorized Service on driving conditions, driving habits, and
Centre. condition of the vehicle. It is an estimate
value of the available driving distance. Instrument cluster illumination & back-
The DTE will update with new value when light illumination will turn on after Park
fuel is added more than 7 litres at a time. lamp is ON.

Illumination can be changed by SET but- NOTE  TPMS screen with no fault
ton short press (less than 1.5 seconds).
 If temperature fault is present
WARNING then screen changes automati-
cally for every IGN cycle to show
The clock and instrument cluster il-
temperature readings.
lumination settings should be
 Do not use any type of liquid so-
changed only when the vehicle is in
lutions or chemical solutions to
stationary condition for safety pur-
avoid failure in sensor function-
4. Outside Ambient Temperature
5. TPMS Screens  TPMS screen with low tire pres-
When start the vehicle or make igni-
This displays outside ambient tempera- tion ON it may happen Pressure &
ture in units of °C with the resolution of Temp value show "--". Driver has to
1 °C. drive the vehicle for some time with
particular Speed to update the TPMS
The temperature sensor is located on
pressure and Temperature value's
the front bumper of the vehicle, there-
If value's not updated and display
fore the temperature reading can be af-
shows "--" with warning message then
fected by heat reflection from the road
take vehicle to service center.
surface, engine heat and the exhaust
from surrounding traffic.

 TPMS screen with high tire pres-  TPMS screen with combination of  TPMS screen with Malfunction:
sure failures in tires

 TPMS screen with Air leakage

 TPMS screen with Error:
 TPMS screen with high tempera-

Display Messages on Instrument Cluster Warning Messages on
SN Warning Title/ Title
Instrument Cluster
1 Speed Limit Warning OVER SPEED
HDC Deactivation Due
2 To Speed Above Set HDC DEACTIVE
3 Engine Is Locked ENGINE LOCKED
4 Low Brake Fluid LOW BRAKE FLUID
5 Electronic Stability Off ESP OFF
6 Hill Decent Control Active HDC ACTIVE
7 Service Reminder Days SERVICE DUE
8 Service Reminder Kms SERVICE DUE
9 Fuel Level Low State LOW FUEL
10 Drive Alert1 - Tea Break TAKE A BREAK
11 Smart key out of range KEY OUT OF RANGE
Rotate steering wheel (In
ESCL jam condition)
Resume to Target Speed
13 Not Possible in Current UNABLE TO RESUME

NOTE: All messages may not be applicable to your vehicle.

Warning Messages on Warning Messages on
SN Warning Title/ Title SN Warning Title/ Title
Instrument Cluster Instrument Cluster
14 Cruise off CRUISE OFF TPMS Temperature TIRE TEMP HIGH
Cruise deactivated/can-
Cruise is Resuming to Transmission oil temp AT TEMP HIGH
set speed high
17 Press Clutch for MT PRESS CLUTCH DEF Level Low Level1 DEF LOW REFILL
18 Press Brake for MT PRESS BRAKE
DEF Level Low Level2 ENG NOT START AF-
Transmission Failure 28
19 Limp home Activated AT FAULT
Visit Service Center DEF Level Low Level3 ENG NOT START AF-
Shift to Park (P) - vehi-
20 cle Stop function for AT SHIFT-> P DEF Level Low Level4 ENG NOT START AF-
vehicle TER “VALUE” KM
Shift to Park (P/N) - ve- 31 DEF Level Low Level5 ENG NOT START AF-
21 hicle Start function for SHIFT->P/N TER “VALUE” KM
AT vehicle DEF Level Low Level6 ENG NOT START NEXT
DEF Level Low Level7 ENG STOP DEF
ing SURE 34 DEF Quality Low Level1 LOW DEF QLTY

Warning Messages on SCR Fault Level6 SCR FAULT ENG NOT
SN Warning Title/ Title 46
Instrument Cluster START
DEF Quality Low Level2 LOW DEF QLTY ENG 47 SCR Fault Level7 SCR FAULT ENG STOP
DEF Quality Low Level3 LOW DEF QLTY ENG 48 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
DEF Quality Low Level4 LOW DEF QLTY ENG
DEF Quality Low Level5 LOW DEF QLTY ENG
DEF Quality Low Level6 LOW DEF QLTY ENG
DEF Quality Low Level7 LOW DEF QLTY ENG
41 SCR Fault Level1 SCR FAULT

Tell Tales

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

1. This lamp comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’. Once engine is

Malfunction started, it turns ‘OFF’.
Indication Lamp Amber 2. It remains ‘ON’ for any engine related fault that may increase emis-
(MIL) sion levels of the vehicle beyond the regulatory norms. Contact the
TATA MOTORS Authorised Service Centre for rectification.

1. This lamp comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’. Once engine

is started, it turns ‘OFF’.
Check Engine Lamp Amber 2. This lamp comes on continuously if a fault arises in Engine Man-
agement System. Contact the TATA MOTORS authorized service
1. This lamp comes on when the system disables engine start if the
original key is not used.
2. Lamp blinks: Vehicle is in immobilized condition when key is not
Immobilizer Red
3. Lamp ON: Problem with key/system. Contact a TATA MOTORS Au-
thorized Service Centre.
4. Lamp OFF: Normal condition (Authenticated user) and engine will

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

Pre-Heat indicator / 1. This lamp comes on when ignition key is in ‘ON’ position.
Glow Plug indicator Amber 2. Engine shall be started only after this indicator goes ‘OFF’.
Indicates direction indicated by the turn signal.
Blinks along with buzzer while operating left/right turn indicator only
when ignition is switched ‘ON’. The direction indicator arrow on Instru-
Turn Signal Green ment Cluster flashes along with external indicator lights as selected.
Both Tell tales shall blink simultaneously when Hazard switch is
pressed irrespective of Ignition ON and the Tick-Tock sound shall be
given when any one or both the Tell tales are ON.

This lamp comes on when the high beam headlamps are switched
High Beam Blue ‘ON’ or flashed.

1. This lamp comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’ and goes ‘OFF’
once required engine oil pressure is developed after starting the
Low Oil Pressure 2. If the low oil pressure indicator does not glow or remains ‘ON’ with
indicator the ‘IGN’ ‘ON’ and engine is running, it indicates a fault in the elec-
trical circuit / lubrication system. Contact the TATA MOTORS Au-
thorized service centre.

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

This lamp comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’ however it will be

switched OFF after pre check of 4sec.
Battery charging Red If it remains ‘ON’ while the engine is running, it indicates that the battery
is not getting charged. Switch off all unnecessary electrical equipment
and contact the TATA MOTORS Authorized service centre.

Seat belt warning indicator comes ‘ON’ for 4 seconds, when ignition is
turned ‘ON’.
If seat belt is not fastened and speed is less than 15 Kmph, then seat
belt telltale will turn ON as initial warning.
If seat belt is not fastened and vehicle speed goes above 15 Kmph, then
final warning will start with telltale flashing and Audio chime for 90 sec-
Driver seat belt warning Red
onds. After 90 seconds, telltale will be ON and Audio chime will be OFF.
 Telltale will turn off either when seatbelt is buckled or Reverse gear
is engaged when it is in initial warning stage.
 When it is in final warning with Chime ON, the telltale will be OFF on
fastening the seat belt or engaging the reverse gear.
In case of HHC malfunction HHC warning lamp will remain continuously
HHC Warning lamp Amber ON. Please take your vehicle to nearest TATA authorized service centre at
(if available) the earliest.

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks
This lamp comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’ and goes ‘OFF’
Airbag status
Red in approx. 4 seconds. If it continuously remains on or blinks then
(if available)
contact the TATA MOTORS Authorized service centre immediately.
This lamp comes on momentarily when ignition is switched ‘ON’.
Once parking brake is released, it turns ‘OFF’. If it remains ‘ON’, it
Park Brake / Brake Fluid indicates
Low / EBD malfunction 1. Brake fluid level is low.
2. Park brake is applied & turns ‘OFF’ when it is released.
3. EBD malfunctioning
Illuminates when ignition is switched ‘ON’ and goes ‘OFF’ in approx.
4 seconds.
If the engine is overheating, this indicator blinks along with an audi-
ble buzzer at this stage Contact the TATA MOTORS Authorised Ser-
vice Centre immediately. This symbol blinks along with audible
High Coolant
Red buzzer when engine coolant temperature is more than normal.
When engine coolant temp increases to hazardous level, Tell tale
shall blink with RED color and it is accompanied by audio warning.
Note: Never remove the radiator pressure cap from the radiator
when the engine is hot. Do not restart the engine until the problem
has been duly attended.

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

The lamps comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’ and goes ‘OFF’ in 3
seconds. The lamps remains on continuously if there is any malfunction
ABS Amber
in ABS. Normal braking system will be operational without assistance of
ABS. Contact the TATA MOTORS Authorized service centre.
Illuminates momentarily when ignition is switched ‘ON’.
The symbol lights up continuously if fuel level in the tank is low. Fuel
needs to be filled immediately.
Low Fuel indicator Amber
IMPORTANT: The telltale warning lamp will start flashing if there is any
fault in the fuel system. Contact the TATA MOTORS Authorized service
centre immediately.
This symbol lights up when the ‘IGN’ is turned ‘ON’ and shall go ‘OFF’ after
Cruise Control lamp 4 sec. The Cruise Control is used to indicate the status of cruise control
(if available) system to the driver. Lamp ON indicates cruise control feature is present
and it is activated.
Press Clutch Pedal to Press Clutch: The lamps comes on ON with IGN ON till user presses the
Start Engine Amber
clutch pedal to start the engine.
(if available)
The lamp remains on continuously if excess water is accumulated in the
Water in fuel fuel filter. Contact the TATA MOTORS Authorised service centre to drain
indicator Amber the water immediately to avoid serious damage to the fuel injection sys-

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

Daytime running lamps DRL are used to increase the visibility of the vehicle to other drivers during
(DRL) (if available) daytime. This lamps comes on when the Day Time Running lamp is ‘ON’.

All four door and Tail gate are indicated independently when the
Door Ajar lamp Red
respective door or tail gate is open.

The lamps comes on if Hill Decent Control System is activated. If

HDC ON lamp Green continuously ON then HDC system is at fault condition, Please take your
(if available) vehicle to nearest TATA authorized service centre at the earliest

Rear Fog Lamp

Amber The lamps comes on when the rear fog lamp is ‘ON’.
(if available)

Front Fog Lamp

Green The lamps comes on when the front fog lamp is ‘ON’.
(if available)

This lamps comes on when the Valid Smart key is not detected inside the
Key Not Detected
Amber vehicle.
(if available)
Note : Refer PEPS section more details

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks
The lamps comes on if Hill Decent Control System is activated In case
HDC fault indicator Amber of malfunction in HDC system this indicator will glow. It will remain ON
(if available) until fault recovers. Please take your vehicle to nearest TATA authorized
service centre at the earliest
Electronic Stability This lamp will flicker in the event of active ESP or TCS interventions.
Program (ESP) Amber If continuously ON then ESP system is at fault condition, Please take
(if available) your vehicle to nearest TATA authorized service center at the earliest.
The Front passenger seatbelt warning indicator turns ON when ignition
is turned ON.
If front passenger seat is occupied by adult, the warning lamp remains
Front passenger ON as long as the co-driver seatbelt is not fastened.
Seat Belt Indicator If seatbelt remains unbuckled and vehicle goes above 15 kmph, then
final audio warning will go on for 90 seconds.
Note : Once the seatbelt is fastened the buzzer and warning lamp turns
OFF. Seatbelt reminder remains OFF when reverse gear is engaged.

Automatic parking The Lamp comes ON once APB switch is pulled and APB is engaged
Red along with single chime on instrument cluster. “Park Brake Engaged"
text message will also appear in instrument cluster.
When switch is pushed down with brake paddle depressed then this
lamp goes OFF after APB is disengaged.

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks
This lamps comes on when ignition is switched ‘ON’ and goes ‘OFF’ after 4
When the vehicle speed cross 80 kmph, then speed limit warning indicator
turns ‘ON’ along with audio chime for every 2 minute chime (Audible warn-
If vehicle speed crosses 120 kmph, the speed limit warning indicator turns
Speed limit warning Amber 'ON' along with an audio chime (audio warning) continuously, until the vehi-
indicator cle speed is above 120 kmph.
If vehicle speed is between 80 kmph and 120 kmph, then the audio chime
(audio warning) will become less frequent but the speed limit warning indi-
cator will remain ‘ON’ continuously. When the vehicle speed is reduced be-
low 80kmph, then the speed limit warning indicator and the audio chime
(audio warning) will turn off.
The lamp blinks constantly to indicate that the DPF needs to eliminate the
trapped pollutants (particulate matter) through the regeneration process, it
therefore does not indicate a malfunction. The lamp remains off during the
entire DPF regeneration and it lamp up only when driving conditions require
the driver to be notified. To switch off the lamp, keep the car running until
DPF Lamp Amber regeneration is complete (ideally at 3rd gear, 60 kmph. with engine speed
over 2000 rpm). The process normally takes about 20 minutes.
Note: Failure to obey the correct procedure for long distance when the DPF
lamp comes ON can cause the warning lamp (MIL) to come ON. In that case,
please contact nearest TATA authorized service center to restore correct DPF

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

ECO ECO lamp ON indicates Economy drive. This mode is used to achieve
Green better fuel economy.
(if available)

SPORT SPORT lamp ON indicates Sport drive mode. This mode is used to when
Amber more torque is required.
(if available)

CITY CITY lamp ON indicates City drive mode. This mode is used to achieve
(if available) White optimum torque with fuel economy.

This Telltale warns the driver once DEF level is detected to be low. This
DEF Level Amber TT monitors for emission issues.

This features monitors the catalyst health & warns the user if there is
SCR Fault Amber a malfunction.

TPMS To give tire low pressure, high pressure, high temperature & pressure
Amber leakage warnings to user.
(If applicable)

Warning Lamps Color Indicator Remarks

Electric Park Brake In case of malfunction in Electric Park brake this indicator will glow, it
Amber will remain ON Until Fault recovers
(If applicable)

Automatic Hold Fail-

In case of malfunction in Auto Hold Function this indicator will glow, it
ure Amber will remain ON Until Fault recovers

Automatic Hold Ac-

tive This Tell-tale will glow whenever Automatic Hold Function is in Active
Green state

Automatic Hold ON This Tell-Tale will become ON whenever auto hold function is in On
White state.

Audio Reminders (if available) 5. Driver Seat Belt Reminder sounds and informs user to rotate steer-
If seatbelt is not fastened and vehicle ing wheel.
1. Key-in Reminder/Audio Warning
goes above 15 kmph, then final audio 8. Electric Park Brake Chime
While leaving the vehicle, if you forget warning will go on for 90 seconds. Seat
the key inside the vehicle in ignition There are multiple chimes like single
belt tell-tale lamp will remain continu- tone, Soft cyclic, strong cyclic chime pre-
‘OFF’ position, an audio warning will ously ON when audio alarm is active.
sound. Remove key to stop the warning. sent in this chime. Appropriate chime
NOTE will sound whenever recommended con-
2. Park Lamp ‘ON’ Reminder dition occurs.
While leaving the vehicle, if you forget to Fasten the seatbelt to stop audio
warning. 9. Drive Mode Chime
turn ‘OFF’ the headlamps, buzzer will
sound. Switch ‘OFF’ lamps to stop the If you change drive modes from city to
6. Front Passenger Seat Belt Re- eco or eco to sports one time drive mode
warning sound. Do not forget to turn minder
‘OFF’ your lamps as it may drain the ve- chime sounds.
hicle battery. If front passenger has not fastened seat- 10. DEF System Chimes
belt and if vehicle speed goes above 15
3. Park Brake ‘ON’ Reminder kmph, then final audio warning will go on If DEF Level or DEF Quality or SCR Fault
If park brake is applied and vehicle is for 90 seconds. Seat belt tell-tale lamp becomes critical low then continuous pe-
driven, Telltale lamp will turn ‘ON’ and riodic chime will sound.
will remain continuously ON when audio
buzzer will provide audio warning contin- alarm is active. 11. AT Chimes
uously. Disengage the park brake to stop  Whenever Driver try to switch off igni-
audio warning. tion while gear lever not in Park posi-
4. Reverse Gear Reminder Fasten the seatbelt to stop audio tion then single chime will sound to
warning. remind driver to move gear level to
If reverse gear is engaged, the buzzer
sound will alert you. 7. ESCL Chime Park position and then switch off ig-
If electronic steering column lock gets in-
advertently engaged, this chimes
 Whenever Gear level not in Neutral Combi-Switch (RH Stalk) Pull the lever back to normal for low
or Park position & if driver tries to beam.
start the vehicle then single chime
4. High Beam Flash (spring return)
will sound to remind driver to take
gear level in Park or Neutral position To flash the high beam, pull the lever
and then start the vehicle. towards you from the normal posi-
12. TPMS Chime tion. It will return to its normal posi-
If TPMS alert condition occurs, TPMS tion when you release it.
chimes shall sound for 4 secs and for
TPMS fault conditions TPMS chime shall 5. Headlamp Rotary Switch
sound for 20 sec.
i. OFF Position
13. High Coolant Temperature re-
minder All lamps will remain ‘OFF’.
Engine Coolant Temperature High Chime 1. Left Turn Signal - Move the lever ii. Parking Lamp
feature monitor the Engine coolant tem- fully upward.
Rotate stalk to turn ‘ON’ the Park-
perature input and when the tempera- 2. Right Turn Signal - Move the lever
ing lamps.
ture is high it gives continuous audio fully downward.
warning. iii. Day Time Running
14. BSVI Chime lamps (DRL)
When the turn is completed, the (if available)
Whenever DEF Level will be low or SCR signal will cancel and the lever will
fault will occur then one time chime will return to its normal position. Day time running lamp are used to in-
sound for level 1 and level 2. For level 3 crease the visibility of the vehicle to oth-
to level 7 there will be a continuous 3. High Beam - Move the lever forward ers drivers during daytime.
chime until fault recovers. to select the high beam function.

1. To activate and deactivate DRL, keep 7. Head Lamp leveling Rotary
the ignition switch in ‘ON’ position Switch
and switch ON-OFF parking lamp
twice within approximately three sec.
2. Activation and deactivation of DRL
can be done by DRL soft switch
which is available on head unit dis-
iv. Low Beam
Rotate stalk to turn ‘ON’ the Low
Beam function.
v. Auto Light
The headlights will be automati-
cally switched ON depending on Inner rotary switch on right hand stalk is
ambient light conditions (while en- provided for head lamp leveling. With the
tering a tunnel or when it is twi- inner rotary switch, Head lamp leveling
light). can be done with head lamp in Low
Beam and in ‘ON’ position. Select cor-
6. Lane Change Signal rect position before start of trip when the
To signal a lane change, move the lever vehicle is stationary. Depending on the
slightly up or down to the point where the number of passengers and luggage in
turn signal light begins to flash, but the the vehicle headlamp focus may change.
lever does not latch. The turn signal will This can be adjusted by rotating the
flash 6 times automatically. knob to one of the 3 level positions.

Combi-Switch (LH Stalk) 2) Slow Wipe Auto Front Wipe (if available)
Push the stalk towards position (2) for If your vehicle is fitted with rain and light
continuous slow wipe. sensor, the wipers will automatically
3) Fast Wipe wipe the windscreen, if it senses rainfall.
Push the stalk towards position (3) for Make sure that the wiper stalk is in Auto
continuous fast wipe. position.
4) Flick Wipe (spring re- NOTE
When you crank the engine, the
Pull the stalk downwards and hold it for supply to washer motor is momen-
continuous wipe, the wiper continuously tarily cut off.
wipes across the windshield at low
speed till the stalk is released.
0) ‘OFF’ Position 5) Front Windshield Washer
The wiper is switched ‘OFF’.  Pull the lever little longer,
1) Intermittent Wipe to spray the washer fluid
on the windshield.
Push the stalk upwards to op-  The windshield wipers operate for 3
erate intermittent wipe. cycles after the lever is released and
Inner rotary switch on left hand 1 more cycle after 5 seconds.
stalk is provided for intermittent front
wiper delay. The switch has 5 delay tim-

6) Rear Wash and Wipe Rear Wipe Rain / Light Sensor (if available)
(if available)
Turn the rotary knob counter Rain & light sensor is integrated sensor
clockwise such that it aligns its positions & mounted on front windshield glass to
with arrow mark to operate rear wind- sense rain & light.
shield wiper continuously.
As per the input from sensor, the wipe
NOTE and light function will work automati-
Rear wiper will not work as long as
tailgate is open.
Rear Windshield / Wiper and
Washer Switch
Turn the rotary knob counter
clockwise such that it aligns
Rear Windshield / Wiper and its positions with arrow mark
Washer and hold it to operate rear windshield
Turn the rotary knob clockwise wash and wipe function. It will return to
and release to operate rear ‘Rear wipe’ position as soon as it re-
windshield wash and wipe. The wind- leased and continue to wipe.
shield wipers operate for 3 cycles. WARNING
If you operate wash and wipe func-
tion for more than 15 seconds the
controller cuts off the supply to the
washer motors to avoid overheat-
Fascia Switches Steering Wheel Switches (LHS) 3. Phone receive / PTT
(if available) (Push to Talk)
Fascia switches are provided on the cen-
ter console below HVAC control panel. Press above switch to accept incoming
call when a cell phone is connected via
Voice Recognition
To start, long press the voice activation
button provided on the steering wheel.
The system mutes/ pauses the currently
played audio and you will hear a beep
sound to indicate the activation of the
voice recognition feature. The system
also display the icon on the top right cor-
1 . Volume ner of the screen to indicate activation of
1. Rear fog lamp switch (if available) voice recognition.
Press above switch to increase or de-
2. Front fog lamp switch(if available) crease volume of music system / radio. NOTE
3. Hazard warning switch 2. Seek Forward/Back- The system will start recognizing
ward your voice command only after the
4. Economy mode switch (if available) beep. So, speak your command
Press above switch to change radio only after you hear the voice acti-
5. Sports mode switch (if available) channels. vation beep.

4. Source Steering Wheel Switches (RHS) 2. OK / Select & Long Press
(if available) for Setting
Press above switch to select the re-
quired source in the infotainment sys- Press above switch to select the op-
tem i.e. USB, AUX, AM, FM and Blue- tion and also press long (approx. 3)
tooth. to go directly to Instrument cluster
5. Mute / Phone Reject
3. Cruise Resetting/Set-
Press above switch to reject ting Speed Increas-
or hang up a phone call. It is ing/Decreasing Switch
also used to mute the volume of music  Press the cruise control master
system / radio. switch on steering wheel.
NOTE  Accelerate the vehicle to the desired
For more information of steering 1. Instrumentation Controls(IC)  Press the ‘SET’ button on steering
wheel switches refer infotainment wheel switch to set the desired
i. Instrumentation Controls
manual. cruise speed. The cruise control in-
Scroll Up
((Refer link -http://service.tatamo- dicator on instrument cluster will Press above switch to scroll up on In- turn ‘ON’.
)if available) strument Cluster display.
 Remove your foot from the acceler-
ii. Instrumentation Controls Scroll ator pedal.
Once Cruise control is activated the ve-
Press above switch to scroll hicle automatically maintains the stored
down on Instrument Cluster display. speed.

Changing the Set Cruise Speed 4. Cruise Control Master Mic (if available)
The set cruise speed can be Switch
adjusted (i.e. increased or de- Cruise speed can be re-
creased) using ‘+’ (to increase) or ‘-’ (to sumed only if cruise control is deac-
decrease) switches on steering wheel. tivated by depressing Brake Pedal.
The speed increases and decreases on To resume the previously set cruise
speed, accelerate the vehicle to a
a single press. The changed speed will
speed above approx. 32 kmph and
be shown on the speedometer. Keeping
press reset (‘RES’) switch.
the switch pressed increases or de-
creases the speed continuously till the 5. Cruise Control Deac-
switch is released. The set speed can tivating Switch
also be increased by pressing the accel- There are several ways to deactivate
erator pedal till the desired speed is cruise control:
achieved and then pressing the ‘SET’ Mics are provided on roof near the roof
 Applying brake / clutch. lamp.
button. The set speed can also be de-
creased by pressing the brake pedal  Press deactivation switch on Steer-
ing Wheel
(The cruise indicator will turn OFF) and
 Activation of ESP/ TCS system.
slowing down to desired speed and then
pressing the ‘SET’ button (The cruise
control indicator will turn ‘ON’ again).

Infotainment System Display Reset Infotainment System 3. Put key in again and Switch ON Igni-
(if available) For your safety and convenience, the tion to turn the system on.
system has self-healing process by self- NOTE
rebooting itself without hampering the
driving experience.  It is preferable to do one Ignition
OFF to ON cycle after Mas-
However, in any rare case, where the ter/Force reset to synchronize
system does not self-heal by reboot it- vehicle settings with the TATA In-
self, then the system can be recovered fotainment System.
by performing master/force reset.  If the reboot does not work or
master/force resets are re-
quired on a weekly or daily ba-
sis, vehicle shall be taken to
dealership. There, the dealer
NOTE can update your firmware or in-
For more information, refer info- spect the system for hardware
tainment manual. problem.
 ((Refer link -https://cars.tatamo-  Force/Master reset keeps the stored data, such as call history,
ers-manual) if available) text message information, and
Procedure for Master / force reset
 For IOP listed phones, Refer re- previously paired phones as it is.
fer: https://cars.tatamo- 1. Press both the knobs (1 and 2 ) simultaneously for more than 5 sec-
ers/phone-bluetooth-compatibil- onds until system restarts.
ity-with-car-infotainment-system 2. After System reboots, take the key
WARNING Speakers & Tweeter (if available)
 The vehicle sound system is ca-
pable of delivering loud sounds
at higher volume levels. Contin-
ued exposure to such a higher
volume levels may affect / dam-
age hearing.
 Prolonged use of vehicle sound
system at higher volume levels
may overheat the electronics in-
side. To avoid any permanent
damage, a self-protection
mechanism within the system
reduces the sound output until Speaker
it reaches to the acceptable Speakers and tweeters are provided on
temperature and then the
models with infotainment system. Provi-
sound output restores automat-
sions are given for music system and
speakers on versions without infotain-
 Use of vehicle sound system at
ment system.
higher volume levels for a long
time in Engine OFF condition
might drain vehicle battery.

USB charger (if available) Connect your portable digital music play- Power Socket
1. in chiller box ers, pen drives etc. to this socket for
playing music tracks through the vehi-
cles music system.
Smart Charger/USB for second row
(if available)

Power socket is available inside the

2. In 3rd row passenger cooled storage box on the center con-
The power socket will work when the ig-
nition switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” po-
sition. This socket can be used to pro-
Smart charger (dual) is available be- vide 12V (10A) power for electrical ac-
tween the front passenger seats below cessories.
the rear stowage area for second row
passengers. NOTE
It is used to charge the mobile phone, Use of inappropriate electrical ac-
Power Bank etc. cessories can cause damage to
your vehicle’s electrical system.
Make sure that any electrical ac- Shark Fin Antenna (if available) Roof Grab Handle (if available)
cessories you use are designed to
plug into this type of socket and

Antenna (if available)

Grab handles are installed on the roof

Shark fin antenna is provided on the for all seats except for the driver’s seat.
roof at rear end. These help the passengers to position
themselves comfortably during the jour-
Antenna is located on the roof. Turn an-
tenna anticlockwise to remove from ve-
hicle, if required.

Front Fog Lamps An indicator on the switch will be illumi- Rear Fog Lamps
nated when the front fog light is ‘ON’. (if available)
(if available)
Cornering Feature: Rear Fog Lamp is provided on
Front fog lamp is located on front rear bumper to improved visibility in ad-
bumper. When visibility is poor due to For front fog lamp cornering feature the verse weather conditions to vehicles be-
fog, snow or rain, use the fog lamps to Head Lamp must be ‘ON’. hind you.
improve visibility as well as making it
As you turn steering wheel to left or right,
easier for other road users to see you.
the corresponding fog lamp will automat-
ically get ‘ON’.

For switching ‘ON’ the rear fog lamps,

front fog lamp must be ‘ON’.
For switching ‘ON’ the Fog lamps, either Operate the rear fog lamp switch pro-
the Head Lamp or Parking lamp must be vided on fascia to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ the fog
‘ON’. lamp.
Operate the front fog lamp switch pro- An indicator on the switch will be illumi-
vided on fascia to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ the fog nated when the rear fog light is ‘ON’.
Puddle / Ajar Lamp Roof Lamp Option 2

Interior roof lighting lamp is provided on

the roof with inbuilt switch.
Front Roof lamp
Option 1

Puddle / Ajar Lamp is provided on driver, Rear Roof lamp (if available)
front passenger & rear doors trim. It will
be ON only when particular door is in
open condition.

1. Spot / Reading Lamp for Front

passenger side
2. OFF
4. ON
5. Spot / Reading Lamp for Driver
The switches has below functions: 4. ON - The lamp will turn Side Reading Lamps (if available)
‘ON’ as long as the switch
1. Spot / Reading Lamp for Front
is in this position.
passenger side
5. Spot / Reading Lamp for Driver
The front row interior lamp
has separate switches to
operate the spot / reading lamp for The front row interior lamp
Front passenger side. has separate switches to
operate the spot / reading lamp for
2. OFF - In this position, the
Driver side.
lamp will remain ‘OFF’.
3. DOOR - In this position,
the lamp turns ‘ON’ with Side reading lamps (applicable for var-
dimming when either of iants with Sunroof) are provided above
the doors are opened. When the second row seat passenger doors.
last door is closed, the lamp will
turn ‘OFF’ with dimming. This helps The lamps will operate independently &
settling in the seat and inserting the without any connectivity with door.
key in the ignition switch. When the Inbuilt switches are also provided on
key is turned to the ‘IGN’ position, both lamps to operate manually
the lamp goes ‘OFF’ immediately. (Switch ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’) the lamps when

Boot Lamp Side Indicator Lamp on ORVM Front Lamp

Boot lamp is available in the rear lug- It is provided on outer part of ORVM. 1. Position / DRL /Turn indicator lamp
gage compartment to light up the lug- (if available)
It will turn ON when the turn signal in-
gage area. 2. High beam lamp
dicator switch is ON and Hazard Warn-
Boot lamp is without switch type. It will ing indicator switch is ON. 3. Front fog lamp (if available)
be ON only when tailgate is open.
4. Low beam lamp

Lamp Condensation / Fogging  High-pressure washer jet direct Tail Lamp
Condition on vent system of lamp are not
recommended, there might be
Condensation is a natural phenome-
possibility of water ingress caus-
non in Lamp. This occurs mainly be-
ing for heavy fogging.
cause of atmospheric condi-
tion/weather change. During normal  Presence of condensation /
condensation, thin film of mist is visi- mist in non-functional area is
normal and acceptable, no ac-
ble on the inside surface of the exterior
tion is recommended.(For de-
lens. Generally, this condition is con-
tails service advisory to be re-
sidered normal and will be eliminated
by turning on the respective lamp with
engine running or during normal driving
conditions. By doing this if the conden-
sation has began to clear after the dry- 1. Turn indicator
ing time it indicates that the lamp seal-
2. Reverse lamp
ing has NOT been breached and will
eventually clear. The lamp must NOT 3. Parking lamp
be replaced.
4. Stop lamp
 All Exterior lamp fogging / con-
densation is natural occurrence
and respective lamp assembly
replacement will not necessary
to resolve the issue.
Ambient Lights (if available)  Once the opened door is closed, the
Ambient lights dims off after approx-
Ambient Light function imately 25 seconds.
Interior ambient lighting comforts user
 If door is left open, ambient lights will
by illuminating the vehicle interiors at
turn OFF after set battery saver time.
defined locations. Single colored LEDs
are fixed at various locations of the ve-
hicle interiors.
Turning Ambient lighting on and
 Ambient Lights turn on in Blue color
whenever parking light is turned to
 Ambient Lights turn off whenever
parking light is turned to OFF.
Ambient Lights (Entry/Exit):
 Ambient Lights turn on in Blue color
whenever roof lamp made active by
removing the ignition key from key
slot and opening any door.

iRA (iNTELLIGENT REAL-TIME BMS, BCM etc. along with the geograph- TML does not disclose the data recorded
ASSIST) Connected Car Service ical location of the vehicle. from your vehicle to any third party ex-
Car is equipped with iRA - Connected car Vehicle driving behavior
Technology which offers a host of fea- This includes the location, speed, accel-  After obtaining a written consent
tures to the users through the “iRA - Con- eration, trip details, charging etc. from the Car Owner.
nected car” Mobile Application (APP).
Event based recording  Upon request from Law enforcing
The Vehicle is equipped with an Elec-
agencies and regulatory bodies.
tronic Control unit which monitors & rec- This includes data generated during spe-
ords the data from various vehicle sys- cific events like vehicle collision, intru-  Used for research purpose without
tems like Engine, Transmission, Brake, sion, un-authorized entry etc. the Personal Verifiable information
Battery & other electrical systems. This (anonymized).
data is then processed & used for The Data collected through Connected
providing the connected Car features Car module is used by Tata Motors lim- Used as defence of TML in a Lawsuit
ited for various purposes, including, but
(For details & list of features, please re-
not limited to,
fer the connected car brochure provided
to you along with this manual). (Refer the Providing Connected Car features
app tour section of the mobile app.) through Mobile APP.
The Connected Car module records the  Evaluation of Vehicle performance.
following information:
 Research & improvement of current
Vehicle Telematics
& future vehicle designs.
This includes the periodic transmission
 Troubleshooting & diagnostics of the
of data from other vehicle ECUs & Elec-
tronic systems like EMS, ABS, Air Bag,

Glove Box ii) Glove Box Illumination iii) Stowage Detail
i) Opening and Closing

The glove box lamp illuminates when the Following items can be stowed in glove
glove box is opened. box.
To Open – Pull the lever to open the
glove box flap. NOTE 1. Owner’s manual and other vehicle
To Close - Lift glove box flap until it en- Make sure that glove box flap is
gages. closed while driving. 2. First aid kit, Visiting card, Pen, Re-
ceipts etc.

iv) Cooling Facility (if available) Goggle Holder (if available) Utility Pockets on Front Doors

On selected models cooling facility is Goggle holder is provided near the roof Utility pockets are provided on front
provided below driver foldable arm rest. lamp. doors and it can be used to keep follow-
It cools only when the A/C is ON. Close ing items.
the vent by rotating the knob, whenever 1. Magazine/ paper
cooling is not required.
2. Umbrella holder
3. Water bottle

Remove the water from umbrella
and fold it properly before storing it
in umbrella holder.
Utility Pockets on Rear Doors Utility Pockets on 3rd row Mobile / Wallet Stowage

Utility pockets are provided on rear Utility pockets are provided on 3rd row. It Place for keeping wallet / mobile is pro-
doors and it can be used to keep follow- can be used to keep following items. vided in front of Gear shifter lever.
ing items.
1. Mobile holder, Magazines/books
1. Mobile holder
2. Water bottles etc.
2. Magazines/books
3. Water bottles etc.

Cup Holder for Front Passenger Stowage for Rear Passenger Stowage below Arm Rest
(if available)

Space for cup holder are provided in cen- Stowage below front arm rest with chiller
tre console. Stowage for rear passenger is provided is provided on center console between
on rear side of floor console between the the front passenger seats. It can be used
front passenger seats. It can be used to to keep small items.
keep mobile charger, mobile and small
items like wallet, Power bank etc.

Foldable Arm Rest (if available) Tailgate Compartment WARNING
 Distribute the items of luggage
as evenly as possible.
 Position heavy loads as far for-
wards as possible and as low
down in the trunk as possible.
 Never allow occupants to travel
in the luggage compartment.
 Do not place anything on luggage
cover as it could obstruct driver’s
rear view. Also in case of an acci-
dent or sudden braking, it could
cause an injury to occupants.
A foldable arm rest has been provided in Store the luggage in tailgate compart-  The luggage cover can be lifted.
the rear seat. It also has two cup holders, ment. You can keep suitcase bag etc.
which can be accessed by opening the
cover. When not required, fold the arm- Luggage cover is designed only for hid-
rest back into the seat. ing the luggage compartment.

 Remove all items and cups be-
fore folding the cup holders.
 Use cups, containers, bottles of
right size and which have lids.
The content could otherwise
Stowage below Load Floor Hooks-Coat Hanger (if available) Front Seat Back Pockets (if available)

Store the suitable luggage below the Coat hanger is provided for rear passen- Rear pockets are provided behind the
load floor in tailgate compartment. It can ger near grab handle. front seats for keeping small magazines
be used to keep small items. /Notebook etc.
 The coat hook cannot restrain
heavy objects or items.
 Do not hang objects on coat
hooks which can obstruct the
curtain airbag deployment during
 Never hang hard, sharp-edged or
fragile objects on the coat hook.
The Climate Control regulates the temperature inside the vehicle and filter the dust particles in cabin based on the user set
temperature settings.
Air Distribution- The air is distributed through the vents in the passenger compartment as shown below:

Air Vents Side Vent for Rear Passenger
(if available)
Centre Vent
For Second row passenger
Centre air vents are provided on dash-
board. Air flow and its direction can be Side air vents are provided on both side
adjusted with the help of knob provided of B pillar for rear passenger.
on respective vent.
Air flow and its direction can be adjusted
with the help of knob provided on re-
spective vent.

Side Air Vents (Front)

Centre Air Vents (Front)

Side Air Vents (Rear on B pillar)

For Third row passenger 1. HVAC Controls (if available) A. Temperature Control
Side air vents are provided on both side
of C pillar for rear passenger.
Air flow and its direction can be adjusted
with the help of knob provided on re- LOW HIGH
spective vent.

The temperature control knob allows you

to adjust the temperature. The tempera-
ture can be increased by rotating the
knob towards the red segment (clock-
A. Temperature Control
wise) and decreased by rotating it to-
B. Fresh / Recirculation air mode wards the blue segment (anti-clockwise).
C. Blower Speed Control
D. AC ON/OFF Switch
E. Air Distribution Control

B. Fresh / Recirculation Air Mode Fresh Air Mode: (Indicator light ‘OFF’) C. Blower Speed Control
Press the switch to activate / deactivate Fresh air is drawn into the vehicle.
air recirculation mode.
Always use when:
 Discomfort is felt or windows are
fogging up.

 Using or air flow modes

during demist / defrost. This is to turn ‘ON’ the blower and select
desired blower speed.
 Using normal heating mode.
Press to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’
Recirculation mode: (Indicator light
Air in the passenger compartment recir-
culates. No fresh air enters the compart-
Always use when:
 Driving on a dusty road or through
 On signals or slow traffic to avoid
traffic pollution.
 Maximum cooling is required.

D. AC ON/OFF NOTE  While starting the vehicle itself
after long duration (more than
 Condensation may drip from the
15 days), following procedure
underside of the vehicle when it
needs to be followed to meet AC
is in cooling mode. Traces of wa-
ter on the ground are normal
and are not a sign of leakage or - Start the vehicle with AC &
malfunction. Blower in OFF condition in
idling for 2~3 minutes.
 Ventilate the vehicle for a brief
- Then switch ON the AC &
Press the switch to activate / deactivate period during warm weather.
Blower and run it for another
the AC. The indicator lamp in the button This will speed up the cooling
2~3 minutes in idling for
will light up when climate control is acti- process and the desired vehicle
proper circulation of refriger-
vated. interior temperature will be
ant & oil to lubricate the inter-
reached quickly.
NOTE nal parts of AC system.
 Never cover the air vents or air
The AC can be switched ‘ON’ only if  Rear blower will be effective af-
intake grilles in the vehicle inte-
the blower is ‘ON’ and engine is ter 5-10 min of front HVAC run-
running. ning (after cabin cooling).
 If the AC is not used for a long
When AC is switched ‘ON’, engine idling period, such as during winter, it
RPM increases marginally to adjust the may not give the best perfor-
AC compressor load. mance when you start using it
again. Operate the AC at least
When desired temperature at evapora- once a month to maintain opti-
tor is achieved Ac compressor will self mum performance.
displace optimum refrigerant flow.

E. Air Distribution Control

This is to select the air distribution pat-

tern as described in the table.
Directs air through the cen-
ter and side air vents
Directs air through the cen-
ter, side and foot well vents
Directs air through the foot
well air vents
Directs air through the de-
froster & foot well vents
(Default fresh air mode)
Directs air through the de-
froster vents (Default fresh
air mode)
Directs fresh air enters in
the compartment.

Recommended basic settings of the control elements of air conditioning system for the respective operating modes. These may
vary depending on individual requirements and weather conditions.

Control Knob Position Button Position

Air Flow Direction Blower Speed Air Temperature Fresh / Recirculation air mode AC ON/OFF

Normal heating or 2nd or 3rd Desired temp. Fresh air mode. Switched OFF

To MAX speed To the extreme

Briefly switch ON to Fresh air
Quick heating and then 2nd or right up to the Switched OFF
mode then Recirculation mode
3rd stop
Desired tempera-
Normal Cooling 1st to 3rd Recirculation mode Switched ON
To MAX speed To the extreme
Quick Cooling and then 2nd or left up to the Recirculation mode Switched ON
3rd stop
Desired tempera- Switched ON
Demisting 2nd or 3rd Fresh air mode (Default)
ture (Optional)
Desired tempera- Switched ON
Defrosting To MAX speed Fresh air mode (Default)
ture (Optional)

2. Fully Automatic Temperature 5. Blower speed control up switch Also, when the display is not in climate
Control (FATC) (if available) 6. Temperature control knob
mode then climate information will be
displayed on the all-time display provide
FATC system controls the inside temper- 7. Auto ‘ON’ selection switch on the bottom bar.
ature of the vehicle automatically and
8. Fresh air / recirculation switch
provides maximum passenger conven- 1. Rear Window Demister Switch
ience regardless of outside weather con- 9. AC compressor ‘ON / OFF’ switch
This switch operates rear win-
ditions. 10. OFF mode switch dow demister. The system
will be deactivated after 15
Display Unit min of continuous operation.
2. Maximum Defrost Switch
i. This switch directs the
main airflow towards
windscreen for faster de-
frosting. (It also overrides any mode
selection you may have made.)
FATC display is shown on infotainment
display screen. ii. When you turn off the button, the sys-
tem returns to its default setting.
FATC functions can be controlled using
1. Rear window demister switch both the FATC control panel and the NOTE
touch screen display.
2. Maximum defrost switch For your safety make sure you
3. Air distribution (mode) switch Whenever the user presses any switch or have a clear view through all the
turns the rotary knob, then the display windows before driving.
4. Blower speed control down switch unit will show the relevant Climate Infor-
3. Air Distribution (Mode) Switch 4. Blower Speed Control Down increased by steps of 0.5ºC. User can se-
Switch (Low) lect temperature range from 18ºC to
In AUTO mode, the FATC sys- 30ºC. Whereas the anticlockwise direc-
tem will regulate the mode Press the Blower Speed con-
trol down button to decrease tion decreases the temperature.
automatically. However, user
override is possible with the the blower speed. When you set the temperature to its
use of MODE button to select the desired 5. Blower Speed Control Up Switch lower limit (Lo) or its upper limit (Hi), the
airflow mode. (High) system runs at full cooling or heating
only. It doesn’t regulate the interior tem-
Each time you press the MODE button, Press the Blower Speed con- perature.
the display shows the mode selected. trol up button to increase the
blower speed. 7. Auto ON Selection Switch
Directs air through the cen-
ter and side air vents NOTE
Directs air through the cen- In ‘AUTO’ mode, the FATC system
ter, side and foot well vents will regulate the blower speed au-
Directs air through the foot tomatically.
well air vents To put the automatic climate control in
6. Temperature Control Knob
Directs air through the de- fully automatic mode:
froster & foot well vents
i. Press the ‘AUTO’ button.
(Default fresh air mode)
ii. Set the desired temperature by turn-
Directs air through the de- ing temperature control knob. The
froster vents (Default fresh display will show all the functions
air mode) Turning the temperature control knob during ‘AUTO’ mode.
clockwise increases the temperature of iii. The system automatically selects the
the air. The desired temperature will be proper mix of conditioned and / or
heated air that will, as quickly as pos- 8. Fresh Air / Recirculation Switch NOTE
sible, raise or lower the interior tem-
perature to your preference. i. When the recirculation When Reverse gear is selected, air
switch or LED is switched intake may switch to recirculation
iv. When you set the temperature to its ‘ON’, air from the vehi- mode if previously in fresh mode to
lower limit (Lo) or its upper limit (Hi), cle’s interior is sent prevent exhaust fumes from enter-
the system runs at full cooling or throughout the system. ing in the vehicle.
heating only. It does not regulate the
interior temperature. ii. When the recirculation switch is
switched ‘OFF’, air is brought in from 9. AC ON/OFF Button
Semi-automatic Operation outside of the vehicle (fresh mode). Press the AC compressor
Whenever discomfort is felt, switch ON/OFF button to turn the air
You can manually select various func-
to fresh air mode. conditioning ON or OFF. The
tions of the climate control system when
it is in fully automatic mode. All other AC icon will be activated on
NOTE the display when the AC will be ON.
features remain automatically con-
trolled. Making any manual selection The outside air intakes for the cli-
10. OFF Switch
causes the word ‘AUTO’ in the display to mate control systems are at the
go OFF and overridden setting is dis- base of windscreen. Keep this Press the OFF button to
played. System will remain in semiauto- area clear from leaves and other switch OFF The system. OFF
matic mode till ‘AUTO’ is re-pressed. debris. will be displayed on the info-
tainment screen
The system should be used with recircu-
lation air mode for faster heat up and WARNING
cool down, however keeping the system
in recirculation mode, particularly with Do not set climate control features
AC OFF, can cause the windows fog up. while driving.

Functions and Setting
Control Knob Position Button Position

(6) (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)

Func- Auto Rear Maximum Air Blower Blower Fresh/air A/C OFF
tions demister defrost Distribution Down Up Recir Button

Normal Desired No No No No Desired Desired No No

heating Temperature change change change change Speed Speed change change

Quick To the ex-

No Max
treme right till OFF OFF NA Fresh ON OFF
heating change speed
temp ‘HI’

Normal Desired No No No Desired Desired No No

No change OFF
Cooling Temperature change change change Speed Speed change change

Quick To the ex- Max

No Recircu-
treme left till OFF OFF NA ON OFF
Cooling change Speed lation
temp ‘LO’
To the right up
Demist- No No No No No No
to the desired ON No change No change
ing change change change change change change

Control Knob Position Button Position

(6) (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
Func- Rear Maximum Fresh/air
Temperature Auto Air Blower Blower A/C OFF
tions demister defrost Recir
Distribution Down Up Button

To the right up
Defrost- No Max
to the desired OFF ON NA Fresh ON OFF
ing change Speed

Panel No No
OFF change change

Quick Cooling FATC Sensors: 2. Outside Ambient Temperature
(OAT) Sensor
If your vehicle is parked under the sun, HVAC system is fitted with three sensors
you can cool it down fast by following the It is located under the front bumper grill.
1. Solar Sensor
steps given below:
A solar sensor is on top of the dashboard NOTE
1. Start the engine. at the middle of defroster grill.  Do not cover or spill any liquid
2. Turn on A/C by pressing the button. on sensors.
Make sure the temperature control is  Do not cover sensor, this may
set to maximum cool. In case of FATC cause the sensor to malfunc-
set temperature to ‘Low’ mode.
tion. This may lead to FATC not
3. Set the blower to maximum speed functioning to desired level.
4. Open windows half, set air direction
towards face and fresh air mode. 3. In-car Sensor on Control Panel
5. When the interior has cooled down
to a more comfortable level, close
windows and set the controls as re-
quired in normal cooling, with recir-
culation mode ON.

Rear Blower

Rear Blower switch

Rear blower is available on third row trim
(side wall). It can be switched ‘ON’ pro-
vided that front AC is switched ‘ON’.
It can be switched ‘ON/OFF’ by rotating

Pre Driving Checks Daily Check Weekly Check
Make sure that  Tyres for abnormal wear, cracks or  Engine oil level
 Windshield, windows, mirrors, lights, damage and embedded foreign ma-
terial such as nails, stones, etc.  Coolant level
and reflectors are clean and unob-
structed.  Traces of fluid and oil below vehicle.  Brake fluid level
 Tools kit, jack & handle, warning tri-  Windshield washer fluid level
angle, owner’s manual, first aid kit NOTE
and vehicle documents are available Water dripping from the air condi-  Battery electrolyte level
and stored at their locations. tioning system after use is normal.
 Fuel level
WARNING  All lamps, wipers, wiper blades and NOTE
Never put any mat on top of the horn for proper operation.
 Tyre pressure to be measured at
floor carpet near pedal region.  All switches, gauges and tell tales are cold condition.
 All doors, engine bonnet and tail gate working properly.  Check tyre pressure and condi-
are securely closed and latched. tion after every 15 days includ-
ing spare wheel.
 All passengers are properly re-
 Seats, head restraints (if available)
strained. All occupants travelling
and steering wheel position.
should always wear seat belts or suit-
able CRS as applicable.  All the mirrors properly adjusted.
 Objects/luggage are secure properly
against slipping or tipping.
 Rear seat is securely latched.
 Sufficient fuel for the trip.
Driving Tips Personal Driving Style  Driving safety systems are merely
aids designed to assist driving. You
Fuel consumption, engine, transmission,  Do not press the accelerator pedal
are responsible for the distance to
brake and tyre wear are mainly affected while starting the engine.
the vehicle in front, for vehicle speed
by below factors:  Do not warm up the engine when the and anticipating braking in good
 Operating conditions of your vehicle vehicle is stationary. time.
 Your personal driving style  Always adapt your driving style to suit
the prevailing road, weather condi- WARNING
Operating Conditions tions, and maintain a safe distance You could lose control of your vehi-
 Avoid frequent start and stop as from the vehicle in front. Drive care- cle if you try to adjust the driver's
these increase fuel consumptions. fully. seat, head restraint, mirror, steer-
 Avoid frequent, sudden acceleration ing wheel and fasten the seat belt
 Always make sure that the tyre pres- while driving. There is a risk of an
sures are correct. and braking.
 Do not carry any unnecessary weight.  Select appropriate gear according to
varying speeds and load conditions.
 Regularly, service your vehicle and
adhere to the recommended service NOTE
maintenance schedule.
Do not rest your foot on the clutch
pedal while driving.

 Switch ‘OFF’ the engine in stationary

traffic or at signals.
 Keep an eye on the vehicle's fuel con-

Recommended Fuel Economy  Avoid high speed when cornering or  Keep the vehicle clean. Get rid of the
Speeds (MT only) turning. not in use luggage/stuff lying in the
 Press the clutch fully while shifting boot etc.
Gear Speed (km/h)
gears (for MT)  Regularly inspect your vehicle for any
1 15  Make sure that vehicle is completely leakages, worn out wires, rat bites
stationary before you attempt to shift etc.
2 30
in reverse gear.  Always follow periodic & regular ser-
3 50 vice schedule of the vehicle.
 Drive slowly on wet roads.
4 70  You can get extra braking from the  Drive smart and smooth in an antici-
engine by shifting to a lower gear. patory manner. Select driving mode
5 90
This can help you to maintain a safe to suit your style.
6 105 speed and prevent your brakes from  Do not accelerate excessively when
overheating specially while going you are in lower gears (1st or 2nd). Be
Good Driving Practices
down a hill. gentle on the accelerator when you
 Slow down before shifting to a lower are in traffic. In lower gear, opening
Tips for Obtaining Better Fuel Effi-
gear. This will help avoiding revving more throttle will shoot the engine
of the engine causing damage (for RPM keeping the vehicle still at lower
MT).  Always maintain the specified tyre speeds which indirectly implies less
 Avoid frequent brake application pressure during fuel top-ups and also distance with more fuel.
which can cause overheating of before a long trip. Vehicle running  Be in the maximum possible higher
brakes. with low tyre pressure will consume gear at a given speed. This reduces
more fuel than the one running with the engine operating speeds which
 Slow down the vehicle speed while
specified tyre pressure. means the engine is running at lower
travelling in cross winds. This gives
much better control over the vehicle. rpm (Revolutions per Minute) for the
same vehicle speed. Lesser the num- the windows the higher will be the re- Gear Speed(km/h)
ber of engine revolution lesser the sistance to the vehicle at higher
fuel burned. speeds which will reduce the fuel ef- 1 15
 Avoid harsh braking. ficiency. 2 30
 Maintain healthy driving habits &  Do not over speed; follow the speed 3 45
while decelerating, do coasting in limits. More the speed, higher the ex- 4 60
gear and not in neutral or with clutch ternal resistance on the vehicle
which will finally result into unneces- 5 80
pedal pressed.
sary consumption of fuel. 6 100
 Consider using the car AC when you
really require. Consider using lower Running-in Period Avoid heavy loads, e.g. driving at full
blower speeds rather than higher for throttle, during this period. Change
The more you look after the engine when
cooling as at higher blower speeds it gears judiciously.
it is new, the more satisfied you will be
consumes more electric power which
with its performance in the future. While cruising, brief full-throttle acceler-
is ultimately drawn from engine by
burning fuel. Avoid rapid acceleration and prolonged ation within the limits of local traffic laws
 Avoid unnecessary extra electrical high speed running of the engine for the contributes to a good break-in. Wide-
loading on the car. first 2,000 km. opened throttle acceleration can be det-
rimental and should be avoided.
 Stop the engine wisely at traffic sig- Do not exceed the following road speeds
nals. Switch ‘OFF’ the engine at the during running in period. NOTE
traffic signal only if the stoppage Avoid excessive revving up of en-
time is high (typically more than 30 gine rpm. Do not keep engine at
sec). idling for long duration.
 While driving on highways, drive with
windows closed. The more you open
Seat Adjustments WARNING 2. Seat Height Adjustment
(if available)
Option I Do not adjust the driver's seat while
driving. Adjusting the seat while To raise the seat, pull and continue
Front Seat Adjustments driving could cause the driver to pumping the lever (2) in the upward di-
lose control of the vehicle. rection until the seat is at the desired
Following seat adjustments can be car-
ried out manually. 1. Seat Backrest Angle Adjustment
To lower the seat, pump the lever down-
To change the seat back rest angle, lean ward until the seat is at desired height.
forward slightly and pull up the lever (1).
Adjust seat backrest until it reaches de- 3. Seat Forward / Rearward Adjust-
sired comfortable position. Make sure ment
that lever returns to its original position Lift lever (3) and slide the seat forwards
and seat is securely latched. or rearwards. Release lever and make
sure that seat is securely latched.
Adjust the seat backrest until your NOTE
arms are slightly angled when Adjust the driver seat position in
holding the steering wheel. such a way that the driver will be
1. Backrest Angle able to operate the control pedals
WARNING comfortably.
2. Seat Height Adjustment (if available)
Never travel in a moving vehicle
3. Seat forward / rearward adjustment with the seat backrest in an exces-
sively reclined position as this can
be dangerous. You could slide un-
der the seat belt in a collision.
Option II WARNING To lower the seat, operate control (2)
downward slightly until the seat is at de-
Power Seat Adjustment Do not travel in a moving vehicle sired comfortable position. Release the
with the seat backrest in an exces- control once seat reaches desired posi-
Following seat adjustments can be car- sively reclined position as this can
ried out manually. tion.
be dangerous. You could slide un-
der the seat belt in a collision. 3. Seat Forward / Rearward Adjust-
1. Backrest Angle
To adjust the seat position forward, op-
To adjust the seat back forward, operate erate control (3) in forward direction
control (1) in forward direction slightly slightly until the seat is at desired com-
until the seat is at desired comfortable fortable position. Release the control
position. Release the control once seat once seat reaches desired position.
reaches desired position.
To adjust the seat position rearward, op-
To adjust the seat back rearward, oper- erate control (3) in rearward direction
ate control (1) in rearward direction slightly until the seat is at desired com-
slightly until the seat is at desired com- fortable position. Release the control
fortable position. Release the control once seat reaches desired position.
1. Backrest Angle once seat reaches desired position.
2. Seat Height Adjustment 2. Seat Height Adjustment
Since power seat is powered from
3. Seat forward / rearward adjustment To raise the seat, operate control (2) up- Battery user can operate it once he
ward slightly until the seat is at desired gets in the car. But is recom-
comfortable position. Release the con- mended to operate it in engine run-
trol once seat reaches desired position. ning condition.

Lumbar Support (if available) Option III 1. Backrest Angle
Captain Seat Adjustment To change the seat back rest angle, lean
forward slightly and pull up the lever (1).
Following seat adjustments can be Adjust seat backrest until it reaches de-
carried out manually. sired comfortable position. Make sure
that lever returns to its original position
and seat is securely latched.
2. Seat forward / rearward adjust-
Lift lever (2) and slide the seat forwards
or rearwards. Release lever and make
sure that seat is securely latched.
Continuous (Multiple adjusting position) 3. Arm rest Adjustment
lumbar support is provided on driver and
front passenger seat to give you comfort A foldable arm rest is available in the
while driving. It is adjusted by the lever captain seat. When not required, fold the
armrest back into the seat.
provided on the side of the seat
backrest. Captain Seat Child Seat Installation
Captain seat contains Isofix with Top-
1. Backrest Angle
It is recommended to install child seat in
2. Seat forward / rearward adjustment
armrest Non-use position.
3. Arm rest Adjustment
Captain Seat Third Row Entry Adjustment for Co-Driver seat.
Entry to third row seat to be done To improve the Second Row occupant
through gang way space (between two legroom (Space), Occupant Can ad-
captain seats) just the Co-driver seat using the lever
Operate Lever (1) in forward direction
& Push the seat forward as shown by
arrow (2) until seat is at desired com-
fortable position.

Adjustable Head Restraint Rear Seat Adjustments 1. Seat Backrest Angle Adjustment
Front Seat 60-40% Seat Adjustment To change the seat back rest angle, lean
forward slightly and pull backrest re-
Adjust the head restraint so that it is as Following seat adjustments can be car- lease knob (1). Adjust seat backrest until
close to the head as possible and the ried out manually. it reaches desired comfortable position.
center of the head restraint supports the Make sure that lever returns to its origi-
back of the head at eye level. This will nal position and seat is securely latched.
reduce the risk of injury to the head and
neck in the event of an accident or simi- 2. Seat Forward / Rearward Adjust-
lar situation. ment
 Use the seat sliding feature of 2nd
row seat to improve the comfort and
 Lift lever (2) and slide the seat for-
ward or rearward. Release lever and
make sure that seat is securely
WARNING 3. Seat Armrest Adjustment
Do not drive the vehicle without the A foldable arm rest (3) is available in
seat head restraints. Head re-
straints are intended to help re- the 60% seat. When not required, fold
duce injuries during an accident. 1. Backrest Angle the armrest back into the seat.
2. Seat forward / rearward adjustment
3. Seat Armrest Adjustment
NOTE Child Seat Installation
 Remove all items and cups be- 60-40% seat contains Isofix with Top-
fore folding the cup holders. Tether
 Use cups, containers, bottles of It is recommended to install child seat in
right size and which have lids. armrest Non-use position.
 The content could otherwise

Second Row Seat Folding  Press the backrest release knob to  Fold the backrest seat forward. Move
60:40 % Split Seat fold the backrest seat forward. the driver and front passenger seat
forward if necessary.
You can increase the luggage capacity
by folding the respective rear seats as
To fold the seat:

 Follow the same procedure for other

rear seat.

 Press the backrest release knob to  Fold the backrest seat forward. Move Option 2
fold the backrest seat forward. the driver and front passenger seat
Rear Seat Folding (Complete Seat
forward if necessary. 100%)
To fold the seat:
 Simultaneously, press the backrest
release knobs provided on both side.

 Ensure that ‘foldable arm rest’ is
close before seat folding.
 Fold both seats if required.

WARNING Third Row Entry
 You should always engage the To access to Third row seat
rear seat back rest if you do not
need the through loading fea-  The second row seat are designed as
ture. foldable type to enable the passen-
ger to get entry into the Third row,
 If the rear bench seat and seat
backrest are not engaged they  To get access to third row seats, first
could fold forwards, e.g. when fold & tumble the 40% second row
braking suddenly or in the event seat using the seat folding release
of an accident. knob.
 The vehicle occupant would
 Fold the backrest seat forward. Move thereby be pushed into the seat  If required assist the seat for tumble
the driver and front passenger seat belt by the rear bench seat or by operation.
forward if necessary. the seat backrest. The seat belt  To return the seat back to original po-
can no longer offer the intended sition once the passenger enters the
level of protection and could
third row, unfold the tumbled seat,
even cause injuries.
operate the shoulder lever and lift
 Objects or loads in the trunk can- the backrest to the upright position
not be restrained by the seat till it locks into its original position.
backrest. There is an increased
risk of injury.
 Before every trip, make sure that
the seat backrests and the rear
bench seat/rear seat are en-
gaged and securely latched.
 While folding the Second row
seat, after getting inside the Third
row seat, never keep your feet on
the seat locking brackets.
 Never drive the vehicle with 40%
seat in tumble condition.

Lever to be only pulled for unlatch-
ing. it cannot be used simultane-
ously for pull and pushing the seat
as well.

Third Row Seat Folding

 Headrest to be in full down condition
to fold the seat back.
 Adjust the second row seat if re-
 Pull the plastic lever & after click  Pull only the straps (2) to lift the seat
sound of unlatching, hand push in back to original position and not the
the seat back to lean it forward. Both plastic lever.
the seats can be independently
folded to create extra luggage space

Rear View Mirrors NOTE
Inside Rear View Mirror (IRVM) Use antiglare position only when
necessary, as it reduces rear view
(if available) clarity.
To adjust the mirror move the mirror up,
Automatic Dimming IRVM
move down or sideways to obtain the
best rear view. (if available)
When driving at night, set the selector
tab to select anti-glare mode (if availa-
ble) to reduce glare from the headlights
of vehicles behind you.
 You should always engage the
rear seat back rest unless you
need extra luggage space.
 If the rear seat & seat backrest
are not latched properly, they
could fold forward during hard
braking or in the event of collision. 1. Photocell Sensors
2. ON/OFF button
Automatic dimming rear view mirror au-
tomatically controls the glare from the
headlights of the car behind you in night

time or low light driving conditions. Press NOTE
ON/OFF button to turn ON the automatic
Objects visible in mirror are actu-
dimming function.
ally closer than they appear. Al-
The LED indicator on the IRVM shows the ways make sure of the actual dis-
active status of auto dimming function. tance from the road users travel-
The auto dimming IRVM is defaults to ing behind by glancing over your
the ON position whenever the ignition shoulder.
switch is turned ON and it is switched
Motorized Outer Rear View mirrors
OFF whenever reverse gear is engaged.
(if available)
The switch to adjust the motorized mir-
For proper operation, keep the rors is located on the driver’s door. You
photocell sensors clean and do not NOTE
can adjust the mirrors when the ignition
cover the area between the IRVM switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. When vehicle is locked, mirrors will
and the windshield. be folded automatically. When it is
Mirror Folding unlocked, mirrors will be unfolded
Outer Rear View Mirrors (ORVM) automatically.
To fold / unfold the ORVMs, keep the Se-
You can adjust the outer rear view mir- lector switch in center position (i.e. nei- To Adjust the Mirrors
rors manually by joy stick or remotely by ther ‘L’ nor ‘R, position) and then toggle
knob. Adjust the outside rear view mir- down. 1. Move the mirror selection switch to L
rors to desired position. (for left side) and R (for right side) to
select the mirror you wish to adjust.
2. Use the 4 positions of the knob to ad-
just the rear view mirrors to required
You can adjust the outer rear view mir- 1. Mirror Flap (if available)
rors manually by joy stick knob located
in the driver and front passenger door The sun visors can be pulled down to
panel. block the glare coming through the wind-
If required mirrors are folded manually.
To block the glare from side windows:
Sun Visors
Pull down the sun visor and release it
from retainer. Swing the sun visor to the
2. Vanity Mirror (if available)
Rear View Mirrors with Joy Stick
Vanity mirror is provided on the back of
Knob (if available)
the front passenger side sun visor.
3. Light for Vanity Mirror

(if available)
It is provided beside the vanity mirror.
1. Mirror Flap Light glows ‘ON’ as soon as flap of vanity
2. Vanity Mirror mirror is open.
3. Light for Vanity Mirror

Steering Wheel Adjustment 3. Adjust the steering wheel to the de- NOTE
(if available) sired position by moving steering
When adjusting the steering
wheel in axial and radial direction wheel, make sure that:
(telescopic & tilt).  You can operate control ped-
als without any obstacles.
 You can see all the displays in
the instrument cluster clearly.

 Before starting off, make sure
that the steering wheel position
is locked.
 Never unlock or adjust the steer-
You can adjust the steering wheel posi- ing wheel while the vehicle is in
tion to suit your convenience. motion.
The release lever is located under the 4. Push release lever up completely to
steering column. lock the steering column.
To Adjust the Steering Wheel
5. Make sure that steering wheel is se-
1. Adjust the seat to a comfortable po- curely lock by checking up and down
sition. direction.
2. Pull down release lever completely to
unlock the steering column.

Steering Lock and Ignition Switch ACC - Accessories such as the infotain- NOTE
(if available) ment system can be operated, but the
engine remains ‘OFF’. Steering gets un- For Auto Transmission vehicle,
locked. ACC: Key rotation from ACC to lock
position only happen when gear
ON - This is the normal operating posi- lever is in Parking position.
tion. All electrical systems are ‘ON’.
START - Turn the key further clockwise
to the START position, (spring loaded) to
start the engine. As soon as the engine
starts, release the ignition key, which re-
turns to ON position. While cranking, all
accessories will be momentarily ‘OFF’.
Illuminated Key Ring (if available)
The ignition switch has the following four
positions: When the vehicle is unlocked, the illumi-
nated key ring glows up. This helps to lo-
LOCK - This is the normal parking posi-
cate ignition switch in the dark.
tion. Key from lock can be removed in
this position only. NOTE
“LOCK” position prevents normal use of The engine can only be started
the steering wheel after the key is re- when the gearshift lever is in “N”
moved. position with the clutch pedal
To release the steering lock, insert the firmly pressed.
key and turn it clockwise to one of the
other positions.
Starting and Stopping (without the key back to ‘OFF’ position & NOTE
PEPS) wait for 30 secs. When shifting or starting off, do not
Manual Transmission (MT) race the engine. Racing the engine
WARNING can shorten engine life and affect
Starting the Engine
The engine emits poisonous ex- smooth shifting.
Make sure that parking brake is en- haust gases such as carbon mon- Stopping the Engine
gaged and vehicle is in neutral gear. oxide. Inhaling these exhaust Turn the key to ‘ACC’ position to switch
Press the clutch pedal fully and crank gases leads to poisoning. There is off the engine. Before switching off the
the engine. Do not press the accelerator a risk of fatal injury. Therefore, engine, run the engine in idle condition
never leave the engine running in for at least 30 seconds and then switch
pedal while starting the engine.
enclosed spaces without sufficient off. This will allow the engine oil to lubri-
NOTE ventilation. cate the turbocharger, till its speed is
The Starter protection sys- fully reduced and also allow the unit to
NOTE cool down.
tem fitted in this vehicle
does not allow you to crank After starting, run the engine in WARNING
the engine until you fully idle speed for at least 30 seconds.
press the clutch pedal. Do not press accelerated pedal  A quick burst on the accelerator
while starting the engine to avoid before turning off the engine
Release the key as soon as the engine damage to turbocharger. serves no practical purpose, it
starts. Repeat if engine does not start. wastes fuel and can damage tur-
Starting Off bocharger.
NOTE To start off, press the clutch pedal fully  Do not switch off the engine
The Starter protection system and shift into first gear. when it is running at high speed.
switches off the starter when it is After releasing the parking brake, gradu- This will lead to premature turbo-
continuously cranked for more ally release the clutch and slowly press charger bearing wear.
than 10 secs. In such a case, get the accelerator.
Gear Shifting and Driving NOTE Reverse Gear
 Press the clutch fully when gear
shifting. The reverse gear
should be engaged only when
the vehicle is stationary. Wait for
5 seconds after declutching to
ensure smooth engagement of
the reverse gear.
 Do not press clutch pedal while
driving the vehicle or when sta-
tionary on a slope.
 When vehicle is in
ACC/IGN/RUN mode and user
The gearshift pattern is as shown on the does any door state transition For engaging reverse gear, lift the latch
gear lever knob. Gear shifting should al- including tailgate and if PEPS and keeping latch lifted, shift to reverse
ways be done with clutch pedal pressed. does not detect smart key inside position.
the vehicle when last door in-
NOTE cluding tailgate is closed, then WARNING
 Gear recommendation is dis- audio warning chime comes ON.  Never run the vehicle out of gear
played when the clutch pedal is and coast down a hill. This is ex-
in fully released position. tremely hazardous. Always run
 If “F” is displayed in DIS of in- the vehicle in gear.
strument cluster, it means  Slow down before shifting to a
‘Fault’ condition. Contact a TATA lower gear. This will help avoid
MOTORS Authorized Service over-revving the engine, which
Centre. can cause damage.
 Ensure the vehicle is completely Starting Off (Park) position; then apply parking brake
stopped before putting into re- To start off, switch ON ignition switch fully and shut the engine off. If this is not
verse gear. It may cause dam- and crank the engine, depress the brake followed, Unexpected and sudden vehi-
aged to the transmission. pedal fully and release the parking cle movement can occur.
Automatic Transmission brake. Press the shift lock button on the Reverse (R)
knob of gear selector lever and move the
(if available) This position puts the
lever from Parking (P) mode to Drive (D)
mode. transmission in reverse
gear when engaged in sta-
Park (P) tionary condition with
Use Park (P) position brake pedal fully pressed.
when starting the engine The selector shall never
or parking the vehicle. Ap- be moved into reverse while driving for-
ply the parking brake ward.
whenever the vehicle is to
be parked. Neutral (N)
The selector lever must be engaged in The transmission is in
Park (P) position only when the vehicle is Neutral position.
stationary. DO not engage Parking Posi- It enables the engine to
The Automatic transmission has 6 for- tion (P) in running condition. start and operate without
ward and one reverse gear. The individ- driving the vehicle.
If engaged while the vehicle is in motion
ual gears are select automatically, de-
it may severely damage the transmis-
pending on position of gear shift lever.
Before leaving the driver's seat, always
make sure the shift lever is in the P
Drive Mode (D) As soon as shifter is moved forward or ‘−’ For Downshifting in Manual mode
This position is for normal backward, the Manual (M) mode is acti- Pull the gearshift lever to the “–” direc-
driving conditions for vated. tion and release it. Every time the lever
maximum efficiency and It is possible to shift from D mode to is operated, downshifting takes place in
fuel economy. It should be Manual mode and vice versa at any time the or-der 6th > 5th > 4th > 3rd > 2nd > 1st
used as often as possible. during driving. gear.
To move the selector to D To return back to Manual mode if it has In Manual/sports mode, downshifts are
mode; press the Shift lock button in the been selected; move the selector lever made automatically when the vehicle
handle of the selector lever and at the to Drive mode (by tapping the lever to- slows down. 1st gear is automatically se-
same time press the brake pedal fully. wards right) and engage it again to M lected when the vehicle stops.
Manual/Sport mode (M/S) mode. In Manual/sports mode, when the en-
gine rpm approaches the intended lim-
This display shows vehi- If Manual mode is selected, 1st gear its, upshift will be made automatically by
cle is in Manual/Sport must be used for moving off from sta- varying the shift points.
mode. tionary condition.
In sports mode, only the 6 forward gears NOTE
This position allows the
can be selected. To reverse or park the  Transmis-
driver to switch to acti-
vehicle, move the shift lever to the R (Re- sion Control
vate Manual mode to select gears like a
verse) or P (Park) mode as required. Unit may dis-
manual gearbox.
‘+’ For Upshifting in Manual mode allow incorrect manual shift com-
Pressing the shift lever towards left side mand by user and a message
Push the gearshift lever to the “+” direc-
while in Drive mode will put the transmis- ‘Driver Control Shift denied’ is dis-
tion and release it. Every time the lever
sion in Manual mode. played on Instrument Cluster.
is operated, upshifting takes place one
The gear selector moves freely between step at a time in the order of 1st > 2nd >  In order to protect the engine, the
the Manual (M) and Drive (D) positions. 3rd > 4th > 5th > 6th gear. transmission will automatically
upshift to prevent engine over-rev- Shift Lever -Manually Unlock Process brake pedal depressed, below steps to
ving OR downshift to prevent en- be followed:
gine stalling at certain specified
1. Apply the parking brake first.
engine rpm limits.
2. Carefully squeeze & remove the bel-
 The first few shifts on a new vehi- low (1) by pulling it in upward direc-
cle, maybe somewhat abrupt after tion as shown in area by arrows
TCU replacement or software up- (shown in fig.1)
dation. This is normal condition.
3. Press & hold the release button (2)
Shifting sequence will get ad-
justed after few shift cycle by TCU provided on shifter housing till you
move the shift lever from P (park)
(Transmission Control Unit).
Fig 1 mode to other mode by simultane-
ously pressing the knob button (3).
(Shown in fig.2)
4. Carefully insert the bellow lugs (4) &
snap fit in console cutout (5) high-
lighted as dotted area. (shown in
5. Ensure the system is inspected by
authorized dealer or service part-

Fig 2
When vehicle is in ON condition and shift
lever is locked/cannot moved from P
(park) mode to other mode with the
Automatic Gear Shifter Lever Movement and Conditions
Driver Intervention for Shift
Lever Position Movement
Brake Pedal Driver Shift

P ->>R

R->>N Not required Not required

N->>D Not required

D->>M/S Not required Not required

Not required
M/S->>D Not required

Driver Intervention for Shift
Lever Position Movement
Brake Pedal Driver Shift

D->>N Not required Not required

N->>R Not required

R->>P Not required

Brake Pedal Pressed Shifter Lever Knob Pressed

NOTE WARNING Shift Lock System
 Before engaging in any mode (P-  To avoid damage of transmis- For your safety, the automatic transmis-
R-N-D), Apply brake first then sion, do not accelerate the en- sion has a shift lock system which pre-
knob button to be pressed for gine in R (Reverse) or any for- vents shifting the transmission from P
safety reason. ward gear positions with the (Park) into R (Reverse) unless the brake
 Before selecting the ‘M’ mode brakes ON. pedal is depressed.
(manual mode), Ensure shift  When stopped on an incline To shift the transmission from P (Park)
lever is placed in D mode first. roads, Use the service brake or into R (Reverse):
Then engage M mode smoothly the parking brake, do not hold
& vice versa. This sequence to be the vehicle stationary with en- 1. Press and hold the brake pedal.
followed to ensure safety of sys- gine power. 2. Start the engine or turn the ignition
tem.  Do not shift from N (Neutral) or P switch to the ON position.
(Park) into D (Drive), or R (Re- 3. Move the shift lever to R mode.
verse) when the engine is above
idle rpm. NOTE
 Always shift the gears inline in If the brake pedal is repeatedly de-
sequence of (P-R-N-D). Do not try pressed and released with the shift
to shifts abruptly. lever in the P (Park) position, noise
may be heard. This is a normal

Key Interlock system for AT WARNING  Optimum vehicle performance
and fuel economy is obtained by
1. For Mechanical Lockset Always depress the brake pedal
smoothly depressing and releas-
Shift the GSL to P position and then fully, before and while shifting out
ing the accelerator pedal.
switch OFF Ignition and take out the key. of the P (Park) mode into another
position. This is to avoid unin-
2. For PEPS tended motion of the vehicle which
could injure the passengers inside
Shift GSL to P position and then only Ig-
nition will be switched else vehicle will or around the vehicle.
move to accessory on till GSL is moved
to P position. NOTE
Good Driving Practices (AT)
NOTE  Never move the shift lever from P
If the Brake pedal is repeatedly de- (Park) or N (Neutral) to any other
pressed and released slowly with position with the accelerator pe-
the shift Lever in R (Reverse) posi- dal depressed.
tion, noise may be heard. This is a  Never move the shift lever into P
normal condition. (Park) when the vehicle is in mo-
 Be ensure the vehicle is com-
pletely stopped before shifting
into R (Reverse) or D (Drive).
 Always use the parking brake. Do
not depend on placing the trans-
mission in P (Park) to keep the
vehicle from moving.
Starting and Stopping (PEPS) NOTE with valid smart key near Immobilizer an-
(If available) tenna (located below front cup holder).
 If Smart key is inside the vehicle
Engine Passive Start/Stop and on pressing start stop
switch, if start stop switch green
LED blink for 10 sec. duration
then rotate steering wheel and
simultaneously press start stop
switch again.
 If smart key is inside the vehicle
and on pressing start stop
switch, if start stop switch green
LED blinks more than 10 sec. du-
ration then contact authorized
 If ESCL (Electronic Steering Col- Emergency Start
umn Lock) is not unlocked
Start/Stop switch is provided on the properly, then vehicle doesn’t go If vehicle engine is switched from ON to
dashboard towards the right side of into ACC mode. OFF and Start Stop button is pressed
steering wheel. with clutch press within 5 sec, Engine
Backup Start gets cranked.
Start / Stop Switch
If smart key battery voltage is low or NOTE
A Start Stop Switch (SSSW) or Push to
empty and vehicle is in OFF mode then
Start Button is a main component of Pas- If ESCL (Electronic Steering Col-
to start the engine user needs to press
sive (Engine) Start and Stop system. It is umn Lock) is not unlocked
start/stop button two times with interval
used to control ACC, IGN outputs as well properly, then Engine will not get
of 2.5 sec. between two switch press af-
as to start and stop the engine. cranked.
ter pressing the clutch pedal OR brake
 Single Press Start: system can be used. Steering is un- 4. Limited display on instrument cluster
locked. will be ON and steering will be un-
1. Bring the smart key with you and sit locked. Engine remain OFF.
in the driver seat. b) Step 2
b) Step 2
2. Press the clutch pedal and then 1. Press the clutch pedal and then
press the start-stop switch. press start-stop switch to start the 1. Press the start-stop switch without
engine. pressing clutch pedal again.
3. Green colour LED on start-stop
switch will turn ON. 2. Green colour LED on start-stop 2. Green colour LED on start-stop
switch will turn ON. switch will turn ON.
4. Once engine starts successfully,
green colour LED on start-stop switch 3. Once engine start successfully, 3. Engine will remain OFF and all elec-
will remain ON. green colour LED on start-stop switch trical equipment and infotainment
will remain ON. system can be used.
 Two Step Start:
 Three Step Start: c) Step 3
a) Step 1
a) Step 1 1. Press the clutch pedal and then
1. Bring the smart key with you and sit press start-stop switch to start the
in the driver seat. 1. Bring the smart key with you and sit engine.
in the driver seat.
2. Press the start-stop switch without 2. Green colour LED on start-stop
pressing clutch pedal. 2. Press the start-stop switch without switch will turn ON.
pressing clutch pedal.
3. Amber colour LED on start-stop 3. Once engine started successfully,
switch turns ON. 3. Amber colour LED on start-stop green colour LED on start-stop switch
switch will turn ON. will remain ON.
4. Engine will remain OFF and all elec-
trical equipment and infotainment

Option I  IGN relay turns OFF, ACC relay re- Manual Transmission (MT)
mains ON.
Passive Stop / OFF -Single Press Starting the Engine
Stop:  Amber colour LED on start-stop Make sure that parking brake is en-
switch turns ON. gaged and vehicle is in neutral gear.
 IGN is ON and engine is running.
WARNING Press the clutch pedal fully and crank
 Customer presses start-stop switch
with clutch pedal When vehicle is in OFF mode ( ACC, the engine. Do not press the accelerator
IGN and Crank OFF) and user tries pedal when starting the engine.
 ACC and IGN relay turns OFF. to lock the vehicle from outside by
pressing any door handle switch NOTE
 LED on start-stop switch turns OFF. and if PEPS detect smart key left The Starter protection system fit-
Option II inside the vehicle, then audio ted in this vehicle does not allow
warning / chime comes ON. you to crank the engine
Emergency Stop / OFF -Single Long until you fully press the
Press Stop: clutch pedal.
 IGN is ON and engine is running Release the key as soon as the engine
starts. Repeat if engine does not start.
 Vehicle is in running condition i.e.
wheel rpm >10 RPM or wheel sensor
 Customer does long press of start-
stop switch i.e. pressed for more
than 3 seconds

NOTE  When vehicle is in ACC/IGN/RUN  Do not switch off the engine
The Starter protection system mode and user does any door when it is running at high speed.
switches off the starter when it is state transition including tailgate This will lead to premature turbo-
continuously cranked for more and if PEPS does not detect charger bearing wear.
than 10 secs. In such a case, get smart key inside the vehicle
when last door including tailgate Starting Off
the key back to ‘OFF’ position &
is closed, then audio warning To start off, press the clutch pedal fully
wait for 30 secs.
chime comes ON. and shift into first gear.
After releasing the parking brake, gradu-
WARNING Stopping the Engine ally release the clutch and slowly press
The engine emits poisonous ex- Press the start stop switch to switch off the accelerator.
haust gases such as carbon mon- the engine. Before switching off the en-
gine, run the engine in idle condition for NOTE
oxide. Inhaling these exhaust
gases leads to poisoning. There is at least 30 seconds and then switch off. When shifting or starting off, do not
a risk of fatal injury. Therefore, This will allow the engine oil to lubricate race the engine. Racing the engine
never leave the engine running in the turbocharger, till its speed is fully re- can shorten engine life and affect
enclosed spaces without sufficient duced and also allow the unit to cool smooth shifting.
ventilation. down.
 A quick burst on the accelerator
 After starting, run the engine in
before turning off the engine
idle speed for at least 30 sec-
serves no practical purpose, it
onds. Do not press accelerated
wastes fuel and can damage tur-
pedal while starting the engine to
avoid damage to turbocharger.

Gear Shifting and Driving Reverse Gear  Press the clutch fully while shift-
ing the gear. The reverse gear
should be engaged only when
the vehicle is stationary. Wait for
5 seconds after declutching to
ensure smooth engagement of
the reverse gear.
 Do not press clutch pedal while
driving the vehicle or when sta-
tionary on a slope

The gearshift pattern is as shown on the For engaging reverse gear, lift the latch  Do not switch off the ignition
gear lever knob. Gear shifting should al- and by keeping latch lifted, shift to re- while driving.
ways be done with clutch pedal pressed. verse position.  If you switch off the ignition while
driving, safety-relevant functions
NOTE are only available with limita-
 Gear recommendation is dis- tions, or not at all. This could af-
played when the clutch pedal is fect the power steering and the
in fully released position. brake boosting effect. You will re-
quire considerably more effort to
 If “F” is displayed in DIS of instru- steer and brake. There is a risk of
ment cluster, it means ‘Fault’ an accident.
condition. Contact the TATA MO-
TORS Authorized Service Centre.
NOTE Recommended Driving Precau- Driving
You may notice a noise from trans- Climbing Sharp Gradients on Loose
mission under certain circum-  Shift to lower gear as per gear- Surfaces
stances. This noise is normal and shift indicator (GSI) on cluster.
Start off smoothly in a suitable gear. Ac-
is not an indication of a problem  To start-off (marching/ drive celerate smoothly so that there is no loss
with your clutch or transmission. away), always engage in first of traction by over-revving of the engine.
This noise may be noticed when gear.
vehicle is idling in NEUTRAL condi- Choose a slope as smooth as possible
 While down shifting (from 3rd to
tion with the clutch engaged and select the appropriate gear so that
2nd gear) at low engine RPM’s
(clutch pedal released) or when gear changing in the middle of the climb
(below 1000 rpm) press acceler-
the transmission is warm. It may is not required.
ator pedal to provide required
also be heard while driving.
rpm. Changing gears in the middle of the
climb can cause loss of momentum and
NOTE engine stalling. Shifting to lower gear
 Your vehicle is equipped with has to be done cautiously to avoid loss
Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF), of traction.
which plays important role in Under no conditions should the vehicle
providing refined powertrain / be moved diagonally across a hill. The
driveline experience. danger is in loss of traction and sideways
 Driving at very low engine speed slippage, possibly resulting in toppling
is likely to stall the engine, espe- over. If unavoidable, choose as mild an
cially when driven without any angle as possible and keep the vehicle
accelerator pedal inputs. moving.

If the wheels start to slip within few feet Stopping the Vehicle Braking
of the end of the climb, motion can be
maintained by swinging the steered Turn the key to ‘ACC’ position to switch Your vehicle has power assisted brakes.
wheels left and right, thereby providing off the engine. Before switching off the
engine, run the engine in idle condition The distance needed to bring the vehicle
increased grip. to a halt increases with the speed of the
for at least 30 seconds and then switch
If the vehicle stalls or losses headway off. This will allow the engine oil to lubri- vehicle. Start applying brake anticipating
while climbing a steep hill, make a quick cate the turbocharger, till its speed is the distance and slow down gradually.
shift to reverse and allow the vehicle to fully reduced and also allow the unit to WARNING
move back with the control of engine cool down.
compression.  Never use the brake pedal as a
WARNING footrest.
Descending Sharp Gradients  If you rest your foot on the brake
A quick burst on the accelerator
Depending on the severity of the gradi- before turning off the engine pedal while driving, the braking
ent, shift into appropriate gear. Use en- serves absolutely no practical pur- system can overheat. This in-
gine braking judiciously without over-rev- pose, it wastes fuel and can dam- creases the stopping distance
ving the engine. age turbocharger. and can even cause the braking
system to fail. There is a risk of
Brake application under such situations an accident.
should be done very. WARNING  Never press the brake pedal and
Do not switch the engine off when the accelerator pedal at the
it is running at high speed. This will same time.
When descending on sharp gradi- lead to premature turbocharger
ents, NEVER turn the ignition key to If you have driven for a long time in
bearing wear.
the ‘OFF’ position. Emission con- heavy rain without braking, there may be
trol system damage may result. a delayed reaction from the brakes when
braking for the first time. This may also

occur after the vehicle has been WARNING Parking Brake
washed. Mechanical parking brake
 Do not shift to lower gear on a
Brake performance may become poor slippery road surface in an at- Mechanical parking brake acting on the
and unpredictable if brakes are wet. tempt to increase the engine's rear wheels is provided on the vehicle.
After driving through water or washing braking effect, the drive wheels
the underside of the vehicle, test the could lose their grip.
brakes while driving at a slow speed to  There is an increased danger of
see if they have maintained their normal skidding and accidents.
effectiveness. If the brakes are less ef-
fective than normal, dry them by repeat-
edly applying the brakes while driving
slowly until the brakes have regained
their normal effectiveness.
Braking on Downhill Gradients
On long and steep gradients, you must
reduce the load on the brakes by shifting Parking Brake
early to a lower gear. This allows you to
take advantage of the engine braking ef-
fect and helps avoid overheating and ex-
cessive wear of the brakes.

Parking Brake Applied Parking Brake Released Mechanical parking brake acting only on
the rear wheels is provided on the vehi-
cle. To apply the parking brake, pull the
lever up fully. The parking brakes tell-
tale illuminates on the instrument clus-
ter. To release it, pull the lever up
slightly, press the release knob and push
the lever down. Parking brakes tell-tale
on the instrument cluster will turn ‘OFF’
when the lever is fully released.
Vehicle Parking
 Park the vehicle in a safe place.
To apply the parking brake, hold the To release parking brake, hold the lever  Apply the parking brake.
lever as shown in above figure with and pull the lever up slightly, press the  Engage the gear shift lever in Park (P)
knuckle facing towards vehicle front and knob with the help of middle and ring fin- mode.
pull the lever. ger as shown in figure and release the
parking brake.  Ensure that all window glasses are
WARNING closed and all lamps are turned
Do not press the button, while ap- NOTE ‘OFF’.
plying parking brake. Apply the parking brake properly  At night, put on the parking lights if
before leaving the vehicle and re- required.
lease it before moving the vehicle.
 Remove the key from the vehicle and
lock the vehicle.

 Block the wheels and engaged in NOTE Automatic parking brake (if availa-
gear if parked on a slope. Do not use parking brake for brak-
ing unless unavoidable circum-
stances like when service brake is
When parking on a downhill gradi- not working properly. The braking
ent, place the gear lever in ‘Re- distance is considerably longer
verse’ position. While parking on and the wheels could lock. There is
uphill gradient, place the gear an increased danger of skidding
lever in the ‘1st’ position. and accidents.

Never leave children unsupervised
During parking, Ensure that Vehi-
in the parked vehicle. They could
cle should not be keyed off in D
also operate the vehicle's equip-
ment. There is a risk of an accident APB switch is located behind the gear
and injury. shift lever replacing the conventional
parking brake (Hand brake lever con-
nected to brake mechanism by cable).
APB is applied by pulling up the APB
switch and can be released by pushing
down the APB switch which needs the
vehicle to be at ignition/Engine ON con-
dition. Always ensure parking brake is re-
leased and parking brake warning lamp
is OFF before start of the drive. Park
brake warning lamp in cluster at engine
running condition indicates failure in How to apply
brake system and vehicle needs to be 1. Depress the Brake pedal.
checked at TATA Service centre. If this is
2. Pull APB switch upward.
not possible use the vehicle with ex-
treme precaution until you reach service NOTE
centre.  Kindly ensure APB indication
turns on in the Cluster.
 Also APB is applied automati-
cally if Engine is turned off and
Gear lever is engaged to park
position for Automatic transmis-
 During parking the vehicle on
Steep incline or trailer is at- WARNING
tached kindly ensure APB can  Do not use parking brake in vehi-
hold the vehicle before leaving cle running condition except for
emergency situations like ser-
vice brake failure. This can dam-
age vehicle brake system
 If the APB fails to apply, prevent
vehicle movement by blocking
the rear wheels.

How to release For Manual Transmission: NOTE
APB will be released only if you press the 1. In engine running condition shift the  Make sure park brake indication
APB switch along with gear lever to 1st or reverse gear. in cluster is turned off after au-
2. Driver Door is closed. tomatic release of APB.
1. Ignition is on or engine is running.
3. Seat belt is fasten.  For safety you can engage APB
2. Brake pedal is depressed. only once even though ignition
4. Depress the accelerator pedal when
NOTE gear lever is in 1st or reverse gear. is turned off in case vehicle
starts to roll away but you can-
Kindly ensure parking brake indi- WARNING not release APB in ignition off
cation in instrument cluster is EPB and AVH will get auto released condition.
turned off after APB is released.  Also it is recommended to de-
when a Drive off situation is de-
tected (Clutch released partially press the brake pedal and re-
APB gets released automatically and accelerator pedal pressed). lease the APB manually when
For Automatic Transmission: This is applicable even when vehi- driving downhill or backing up
the vehicle.
1. In engine running condition shift the cle is in neutral gear and due care
gear lever from Park (P) or Neutral needs to be taken especially when
(N) to Drive (D) or reverse (R) the vehicle is parked in nose down WARNING
2. Driver Door is closed condition.  If parking brake warning is still
3. Seat belt is fasten ON in the cluster even though
4. Depress the accelerator pedal when APB is getting applied and re-
gear lever is in Drive (D) or reverse leased, the system needs to be
(R) position checked by nearest authorized
TATA service centre.

 Don’t drive your vehicle with WARNING APB malfunction indicator
APB engaged at any time it will  During Leaving your keys with Both the APB malfunction lamp and
cause excessive brake pad wear Valet please inform him/her parking brake lamp glow in cluster for 3
and it will damage the brake ro- about APB secs during ignition ON then disappears.
tors.  APB can malfunction if you drive If any abnormality is there in the system
with APB engaged. the malfunction indicator stays continu-
Warning Indicator ously ON.
 For Smooth Automatic release
With APB applied if you are of APB please depress accelera- In the case of any fault in the ESP sys-
trying to drive off the vehi- tem, this lamp may or may not appear.
tor pedal slowly
cle and APB is not releasing Parking brake lamp does not illuminate
APB warning light with text  It is recommended to always
if the APB is not engaged except the 3
message will appear in cluster. park the vehicle with parking secs during the ignition ON.
brake engaged to avoid any ve-
In this situation depress the brake pedal hicle moment which can dam- WARNING
and try to release APB by manually age vehicle or injure pedestri-  If any abnormality is observed,
pressing the APB switch. Very Light Click
ans. APB malfunction lamp will glow.
sound may be heard during engaging or
 You should not allow anyone Kindly do the ignition latch and
releasing APB but this sound is normal
who is not familiar with vehicle check if the same behaviour is
and indicates APB is working as in-
to touch parking brake buttons, there .If the Malfunction lamp is
unintentional park brake re- still there, have a check with the
authorized Tata service centre.
lease can lead to injuries.
 If the parking brake lamp is not
glowing on application of APB,
have a check with the author-
ized Tata service centre.

Emergency braking Automatic Vehicle Hold (if 4. Auto Hold indication turns on in the
equipped) Cluster which indicates AVH is turned
In the case of any failure in the service ON and in Standby mode.
brake or during any other emergency sit-
uations APB switch can be applied in ve- 5. When the vehicle reaches the stand-
hicle running condition. APB switch still condition though brake pedal is
needs to be pulled continuously for dy- released AVH holds the vehicle and
namic braking with APB. If any abnormal AVH indication changes the colour
noise or burning smell is noticed, kindly from white to green.
have a check with the authorised Tata
service centre.

The system eliminates the requirement

of depressing the brake pedal continu-
ously when the vehicle stops in between
How to Apply: AVH will be released when accelerator
1. Depress the Brake pedal. pedal is depressed in first gear or Re-
2. Ensure seatbelt is fasten and driver’s verse gear (in case of Manual Transmis-
door is closed. sion) and R (Reverse), D (Drive) or Man-
ual shift mode (in case of Automatic
3. Press AVH switch. Transmission).
NOTE How to disengage AVH 2. Gear leaver shift from any of Drive
(D), Reverse(R) to Park (P) Position
 When the vehicle is turned off In Ignition ON Condition depress the for AT Transmission vehicles.
keeping the Auto Vehicle Hold in Auto hold switch the Auto Hold indication
the ON condition, Auto Vehicle in white colour will disappear from the 3. If you turn off the Engine /Ignition in
Hold will gets released and APB cluster indicating AVH is turned off. standstill condition.
will get automatically applied. AVH once turned ON will not be turned 4. Vehicle is standing on steep slope
 For safety, for smooth take off off automatically until it is deselected by
depress the accelerator pedal switch input from user. In above conditions AVH indication will
slowly when the AVH is active. change from Green to white and APB in-
NOTE dication will turn on in the cluster
AVH indication and warning lamps which
Auto hold function will not become WARNING
will appear on the cluster is provided be-
active if
low. If any abnormality is present in the
 Driver Seat bet is not buckled system, AVH malfunction lamp in
AVH indication ON  Driver Door is not closed amber colour will glow which is am-
properly ber in colour. Kindly do the ignition
AVH active indication  APB is in applied condition latch of 30 seconds and check if the
(Green color) same behaviour is there. If the Mal-
For End user safety Auto hold will shift function lamp is still there, get your
AVH failure indication automatically to APB in below condi- parking brake system checked with
(Red color) tions: the authorized Tata dealer.
1. Vehicle is in standstill for more than
3 minutes.

Precautions during vehicle towing WARNING
with APB
 In case of vehicle is power down-
Before towing please ensure APB is not APB cannot be released, Exter-
engaged as it can damage Brake pads nal supply or Jump start is nec-
and Brake components during vehicle essary to release the APB.
1. APB should be manually released if  It is not recommended to
battery of the vehicle is healthy dur- touch/remove any component
ing towing and Ignition should be of Rear callipers to disengage
kept in ON state till vehicle reaches the APB as it will damage the
to service centre. caliper Components perma-
2. If vehicle battery is not in healthy nently.
state during vehicle towing external
power is required for manual release
of APB and ignition should be ON till
vehicle reaches to service centre or
3. If it is not possible to keep the igni-
tion ON till vehicle reaches to service
centre then keep APB button
pressed in release position, Brake
paddle pressed and turn off the igni-
tion this will avoid auto engagement
of APB during switching off the igni-

Reverse Park Assist verse Park Assist system, a tone will be Reverse Park Assist with Sensor
(if available) played within first two seconds to indi-
cate the proper functioning of the sys-
The user can view the Park assist screen tem. After these two seconds, normal
by selecting this feature in Infotainment functioning of the system will continue. If
display to see any obstacle behind the no tone is heard for first two seconds, it
vehicle while parking. shall mean that RPAS system is faulty.
The owner should, in that case, go to the
nearest dealer for rectification."

The system also displays the Park assist The reverse park assist system can also
screen when the reverse gear is en- be activated manually through infotain-
gaged. ment screen. Display will be seen on in-
It provides audio and visual information fotainment screen.
through the vehicles infotainment sys-
tem / Buzzer. Always look at surrounding
before initiating reverse parking for kids, Turning the ignition ‘OFF’ ‘while
pets and elderly people moving around the Park assist feature in running
the vehicle. would disable the feature.
Variant where infotainment display is not
present and audio warning is given
through a buzzer, on activating the Re-
Audio Warning Reverse Park Assist Limitations
Audio warning may come from Infotainment system speaker or through Buzzer, de- Reverse Park Assist system is not a colli-
pending on vehicle model and configuration. sion avoiding system. It is solely the
driver’s responsibility to park the vehicle
Approx. Distance
Audible Infor- safely.
Range from Bumper Visual Information
(in cm) mation Reverse Park Assist feature works on ultra
sound echo technology, due to which per-
All six zones are highlighted formance is not guaranteed in following
25 – 40 Continuous Beep
(Red, Green and Yellow zones) scenarios:

Bottom four zones are high-  If the object has a sharp edge surface,
41 – 80 lighted (Yellow and Green Fast Beep where surface may divert echoes from
zones) sensor reception.
 If object is mesh fence made up of thin
Bottom two zones are high- wires, where echoes can’t be given by
81 – 120 Slow Beep
lighted (Green zones) the surface.
 Fast moving objects passes in the sen-
sor field of detection, where echoes
are not processed by the system.
 If object is made/covered by foam or
sponge or snow where ultrasonic
sound signals are absorbed.

 Objects close to the rear bumper can  Driving on uneven road surfaces e.g.
go undetected by the Reverse Park Gravel, unpaved roads, Artificial
Assist field of detection. Driver Speed Breakers, or gradient.
should use extreme caution while  Poles of square/rectangle cross sec-
parking the vehicle. tion might not be detected at vehi-
 If height of the bumper is changed cle's edge.
due to alteration to the suspension or
other causes. WARNING
 If the sensor areas are extremely hot Due to any reason, if the sensor
from direct sunlight or cold due to gets misaligned or loses its in-
freezing weather. tended fitment position, contact
 If Sensors are covered by a hand, your dealer for refitment.
sticker, accessory, etc.
 If ultrasonic noise is present around NOTE
Vehicle due to other vehicle sensors, Turning the ignition ‘OFF’ ‘while
horn, engine, air braking system the Park assist feature in running
(large vehicles), Exhaust Fans, Wire- would disable the feature.
less transmitters or mobile phones.
 If the vehicle speed exceeds 10
km/h, the system will not warn you WARNING
even though objects are detected, er- 0 to 25 cm obstacle detection per-
ror message 'Vehicle Speed is high, formance is not guaranteed due to
drive slowly!' will appear. ultrasonic sensor technology limi-

Reverse Park Assist System Pre-  In case of damage of the rear Park Assist Malfunction Indications
ventive Maintenance/Cleaning portion of the vehicle, Reverse In case of Reverse park assist system
1. Regularly clean the Sensors and Park Assist sensors position malfunctions, fault screen may appear
keep them free from dust, ice, mud, may change which causes on the infotainment system.
water, chewing gum etc. for proper wrong visual information on dis-
play. In case of damage, make Reason for this fault may be
working of the system. Use a smooth
cloth for cleaning. sure that, Reverse Park Assist a. Body Control Module Failure
sensors are fitted properly at the
2. Do not use water at high pressure for intended location. b. Sensor Malfunction
cleaning the sensor.  In case of uneven road condi- c. Partner components such as Info-
3. Do not cover the sensors. This will in- tions or up-hill or downhill condi- tainment music system, Instrument
terrupt park assist performance. tions, do not depend on Reverse Cluster failure.
Park Assist aid.
4. Do not remove mud, snow on the  Do not apply any kind of force on
sensors using stick or hard material. the reverse park assist sensors.
Use normal water and soft cloth.
 Always use rear view mirrors
WARNING along with Reverse Park Assist
for confirming safety of the rear
 In low light conditions, the and the surrounding conditions.
screen may darken or image
may appear faint.
 If the tire sizes are changed, the
position of the fixed guidelines
displayed on the screen may

Rear Park Assist with Camera (If Three color moving grid lines guide the
available) user to understand the rear object dis-
tance exactly. The grid lines are updated
by the motion of the vehicle as well as by
the steering input.
Guidelines will help you to rightly find the
sufficient parking place, helps you to
keep the vehicle straight, rear object
proximity indication etc.

Turning the ignition ‘OFF’ ‘while Activation
the Park assist feature in running Reverse Gear
would disable the feature.
Rear View Camera is a visual reverse This system will start, if reverse gear is
guiding system. When reversing or park- engaged, or park assist button (if availa-
ing, make sure that there are no per- ble) is pressed or manual activation is
sons, animals or objects in the area in done through Infotainment screen.
which you are reversing.
System will deactivate, if reverse gear is
disengaged, or park assist button (if
available) is pressed.

Display screen
If started through infotainment, the sys- Green Line Do’s and Don’t
tem can be stopped using a cross button  As the camera is, IP protected, do not
on infotainment screen. Indicates, if rear object is in this colored
zone, you have to be cautious. Still you detach, disassemble or modify in any
Understanding Guidelines Indica- can go backward safely. manner from the actual position.
tion This will show required visual infor-
Yellow Line mation in display.
Indicates, if rear objects are in this col-  Do not use camera when tailgate is
ored zone, you have to take utmost care. open. If tailgate is open, visual infor-
However, objects fall in this zone, may mation may not be the actual rear
not hit vehicle. view of the vehicle & system will warn
with message 'Tail Gate Open,
Red Line Please close.
Indicates, if rear objects are in this col-  When the camera is operated under
ored zone, you have to stop the vehicle fluorescent lights, sodium light or
Static guidelines and not allowed to go backward. If you mercury light etc., illuminated areas
still go backward, your vehicle will hit the on the lens may appear to flicker in
object. the display.
 Do not attach any advertisement or
styling or any kind of stickers on top
of camera. If this happens, camera
cannot provide you the visual image
and may damage camera.
 Do not add any accessory, which will
obstruct camera field of view.
Dynamic guidelines
Cleaning Camera 7. Do not remove mud, snow on the  The camera used in the vehicle,
camera lens using stick or hard ma- may not reproduce the same
1. Due to environmental reasons, dust,
terial. Use normal water and soft color of the real object.
mud or fog may accumulate on the cloth.
camera lens. So regularly clean the  In case of damage of the rear
camera lens. WARNING portion of the vehicle, camera
position may change. Which
2. Use water to clean the camera lens.  The camera uses fish eye lens. causes wrong visual information
Do not use extreme cold or hot water. So the size of the objects or in on display. In case of damage,
Rapid changes in temperature may the display may differ from the make sure that, camera is fitted
brittle the camera lens. Do not apply actual size and distances in low
High Pressure water for cleaning. properly at the intended location.
light conditions, the screen may
darken or image may appear  In case of uneven road condi-
3. Wipe the camera lens with soft cloth. tions or up-hill or downhill condi-
4. Do not use hard cloth or material to tions, do not depend on rear view
wipe the camera lens. This will cause  If the tire sizes are changed, the camera park aid.
scratches on the camera, and leads position of the fixed guidelines
 Do not apply any kind of force on
to deteriorated visual image on the displayed on the screen may
change. the camera.
 During rainy conditions, image  Always use rear View mirrors
5. Do not apply organic solvent, car along with Rear View Camera for
may get obscured. In such condi-
wax, window cleaner or glass coat to confirming the safety of the rear
tions, do not depend on camera
clean the camera. If this is applied, and the surrounding conditions.
view. The camera used in the ve-
wipe it off as soon as possible.  High humidity and variation in
hicle, may not reproduce the
6. Do not apply heavy force on lens, same color of the real object. ambient temperature may result
while cleaning. into condensation inside the
camera lens, which may further

result into degradation of cam- Rear View Camera System Pre-  The area displayed on the screen
era video feed on the screen. It is cautions may vary according to vehicle orien-
recommended that not to rely on 1. Area Displayed on Screen tation conditions.
camera video feed for parking The rear view camera system displays an  Objects, which are close to either cor-
assistance in such scenario. This image of the view from the bumper of ner of the bumper or under the
phenomenon is temporary and the rear area of the vehicle. To adjust the bumper, cannot be seen on the
will be automatically recovered image on the rear view monitor system screen.
with reduction in humidity and screen.
 The camera uses a special lens. The
less variation in ambient temper-
distance of the image that appears
ature. on the screen differs from the actual
 The area displayed by the rear distance. The monitor may not dis-
view camera is limited. The cam- play items that are located higher
era does not display objects that than the camera field of view.
are close to or below the bumper,
2. When the Ground Behind the Ve-
underneath the vehicle, or ob-
hicle Slopes Up Sharply
jects out of the camera’s field of
view. The area displayed on the
screen may vary according to ve-
hicle orientation or road condi-

3. When the Ground Behind the Ve- The distance guidelines will appear to be
hicle Slopes Down Sharply further from the vehicle than the actual
Because of this, objects will appear to be
closer than they actually are. In the
same way, there will be a margin of error
between the guidelines and the actual
distance/course on the road.
4. When Any Part of the Vehicle
The distance guidelines will appear to be
closer to the vehicle than the actual dis-
Because of this, objects will appear to be
farther away than they actually are.
In the same way, there will be a margin
of error between the guidelines and the
actual distance/course on the road.

When any part of the vehicle sags due to

the number of passengers or the distri-
bution of the load, there is a margin of
error between the fixed guide lines on b. Vehicle Width Guidelines
the screen and the actual dis-
tance/course on the road.
5. When Approaching Three-di-
mensional Objects
The distance guidelines are displayed
according to flat surfaced objects (such
as the road). It is not possible to deter-
mine the position of three-dimensional
objects (such as vehicles) using the dis-
tance guidelines. When approaching a
three-dimensional object. Visually check the surroundings and the
area behind the vehicle. On the screen,
it appears that a truck is parked at point
a. Distance Guidelines
B. However, in reality if you back up to
point A, you will hit the truck. On the
screen, it appears that A is closest and
C is furthest away. However, in reality,
the distance to A and C is the same, and
B is farther than A and C.

Visually check the surroundings and the Drive mode selection switches are pro- NOTE
area behind the vehicle. In the case vided on center console for activation.
shown below, the truck appears to be Press the switch to select the mode. When vehicle is in ECO or SPORT
outside of the vehicle width guidelines mode, by pressing current mode
‘ECO ‘, ‘CITY’ and ‘SPORT’ drive modes switch again, mode will switch to
and the vehicle does not look as if it hits
are provided. These modes can be used CITY mode.
the truck. However, the rear body of the
truck may actually cross over the vehicle to adjust engine characteristics and ve-
hicle performance in line with desired re- Terrain Response Mode (if availa-
width guidelines. In reality if you back up
as guided by the vehicle width guide- quirement. ble)
lines, the vehicle may hit the truck. Drive
Drive Mode (if available) Mode
Increased engine Torque
CITY and Power output for
BALANCED perfor-
mance. It is default
Optimum engine Torque
ECO and Power output for
SPORT Rotate the knob clockwise to select the
Produce more torque terrain mode.
from engine.

1. Normal Road Mode The wet mode is designed for driving in all customers specially novice or inexpe-
the rain. It is characterized by having bet- rienced user.
In this Mode System will adapt to the ter traction and handling so you can ef-
prevailing surface conditions automati- fectively and safely drive during these NOTE
cally and enables control settings based conditions.
on the condition sensed. Cautiously drive the vehicle on a
rough road or off the road. Other-
This mode is designed to react more sen- NOTE wise, the tires and wheels may be
sitively to support a regular driver to uti- If you have driven for a long time in damaged. After driving those ar-
lize available physical limit. wet road without braking, there eas, inspect the tires and wheels.
may be a delayed reaction from
Vehicle performance optimized to sup- 4. Electronic Stability Program
the brakes when braking for the
port all surface condition. Almost no lat- (ESP) (if available)
first time. You have to depress the
eral forces allowed, Braking System,
brake pedal more firmly. Maintain ESP monitors driving stabil-
Traction System is more focused on Ve-
a greater distance from the vehicle ity and traction.
hicle stability to provide better driving
in front.
confidence even to amateur users. If ESP detects that the vehicle is deviat-
3. Rough Road Mode ing from the direction desired by the
2. Wet Mode
Rough Road Mode optimizes the vehicle driver, one or more wheels are braked to
When road conditions are no more Nor- behavior for driving over rough road or stabilize the vehicle. The engine output
mal, wet mode delivers confidence with- other unyielding obstacles. is also modified to keep the vehicle on
out compromising driving pleasure. Wet the desired course within physical limits.
mode automatically engages advance Braking performance is also tuned to ESP assists the driver when pulling away
traction, reduces throttle response, support Rough road surfaces as com- on wet or slippery roads. ESP can also
which in turn provides greater confi- pared to other drive modes. stabilize the vehicle during braking and
dence without compromising safety of acceleration. Activate the ESP feature by
System allows improved rough road per-
occupants in slippery conditions. pressing on the center console.
formance to be more easily accessible to

5. Hill Descent Control (HDC) required (No press of HDC button is re-
quired).HDC is permanently switched off
(if available) if the vehicle speed exceeds 60 kmph
While driving down on a hill and Active state on HDC switch will go off
slope, activate the HDC fea- automatically. HDC works in both Neu-
ture by pressing on the cen- tral and in Gear forward and reverse po-
ter console. sition.
HDC provides a smooth and controlled While driving down a hill, the engine
hill descent by enabling the vehicle to braking should be used by shifting into a
control the speed of each wheel. The lower gear. Do not drive in neutral gear
system will automatically apply the or switch off the engine.
brakes to slow down to the desired vehi-
cle speed. Cruise control +/-buttons or WARNING
Brake and accelerator pedal can adjust HDC cannot take account of road,
the speed to a comfortable level. weather, traffic and tyre condi-
tions. You are always responsible
HDC interventions will be automatically
disabled once the descent is complete for keeping control of the vehicle
and vehicle is on levelled road. Non-zero and for assessing whether the
speed less than 35 kmph would be re- downhill gradient can be man-
quired to turn ON HDC. A speed greater aged.
than 40 kmph will end all active HDC
control and switch HDC to standby
mode. Once the vehicle speed is lower
than the specified threshold of 40 kmph
HDC becomes activated again whenever

Emergency Equipment Tool kit, Jack and Spare wheel Spare Wheel
You should be familiar with the location
of the emergency equipment provided in
the vehicle and how to use it.
Check this equipment periodically and
ensure that they are in proper working
condition and stowed at their locations.
First Aid Kit
The first aid kit is kept inside the glove
box compartment.
The kit contains items that can be used
in case of minor injuries only. Tool kit, Jack are provided in rear boot.
1. Spare wheel removal spanner
Check contents of the first aid kit 2. Jack
periodically and replenish con-
3. Reversible screw driver
sumed or expired items.
4. Jack Handle
5. Wheel Spanner

Advance Warning Triangle Spare Wheel Removal Process
 To remove the spare wheel, open the
tail gate.
 Open the cover and take out the ad-
vance warning triangle.

Keep the warning triangle at an approxi-

An advance warning triangle is kept on mate distance of 50-150 m behind your
the tool tray in the luggage compart- vehicle in the same lane of traffic. The
ment. reflecting side of the triangle should face
the oncoming traffic and it should be
Use advance warning triangle to warn free from any obstacles.
the approaching traffic in case of vehicle
breakdown or during emergency, where NOTE  Open the flap with the help of screw
your vehicle could become a potential driver provided in tool kit for access-
After using the warning triangle tie
traffic hazard. ing to spare wheel removal retaining
it firmly and keep it inside the bag
to avoid rattling noise. bolt.
Press hazard warning switch, all turn sig-
nal lamps will start blinking.

 Remove the holding bracket from the
spare wheel and get the spare wheel

 As the retaining bolt gets loosened,

 Insert the spare wheel removal span- the spare wheel lowers down as
ner and rotate anticlockwise to un- shown.
screw the retaining bolt.

Spare Wheel Fitment Process Hazard Warning Switch In Case of Flat Tyre
 Engage the holding brackets in spare  Reduce vehicle speed gradually,
wheel. Avoid sudden steering movement or
 Pay attention to the traffic conditions
as you do so.
 Switch on the hazard warning lamps.
 Stop the vehicle on solid, non-slip-
pery and level ground, as far away as
possible from traffic.
 Use the Jack on level, hard ground.
Avoid changing the wheel on uphill
Press the hazard warning switch to acti- and downhill slopes. Chock the
vate the hazard warning. All the turn sig- wheels, if the deflated wheel needs
nal lamps will flash simultaneously. To to be changed on slope / ghat area.
 Insert the spare wheel removal span-
turn OFF, press the switch again.  If possible, bring the front wheels into
ner and rotate clockwise to lift the
the straight-ahead position.
spare wheel. Use the hazard warning to warn the traf-
 Secure the vehicle against rolling
fic during emergency parking or when
 Tighten the bolt until clack sound is away.
your vehicle could become a traffic haz-
heard 3 times.  Set the parking brake firmly and shift
ard. into “R” (Reverse) gear on level
NOTE NOTE ground and while vehicle is in down-
While stowing the spare wheel, en- The hazard warning lamps can op- hill position.
sure that winch bracket is properly erate even if the ignition is  When the vehicle is in uphill position,
engaged in wheel slot. switched off. shift the gear in first gear.

 Switch off the engine. Changing Flat Tyre NOTE
 Keep advance warning triangle at a Remove the center hub cap/wheel cover  The jack is designed only to raise
suitable distance behind the vehicle
in case of steel wheel rim (if available). and hold the vehicle for a short
as an indication of breakdown.
time while a wheel is being
 Close all the doors. Loosen the nuts (as indicated) on the
changed. It is not suited for per-
 Chock the wheels. wheel in diagonal sequence. Do not un-
forming maintenance work un-
screw the nuts completely before jacking der the vehicle.
WARNING the vehicle.
 Use the jack on level, hard
If you drive with a flat tyre, there is
ground. Avoid changing the
a risk of the following hazards:
wheel on uphill and downhill
 A flat tyre affects the ability to slopes. Chock the wheels, if the
steer or brake the vehicle. deflated wheel needs to be
 You could lose control of the vehi- changed on slope / ghat area.
 Before raising the vehicle, se-
 Continued driving with a flat tyre cure it from rolling away by ap-
will permanently damage the tyre plying the parking brake.
and cause excessive heat
buildup and possibly a fire. There  Shift the gear into 'R' (reverse)
is a risk of an accident. on level ground and while vehi-
cle is in downhill position, and
Wheel nut removal shift the gear in first gear when
vehicle is in uphill position.
 Chock the wheels.

 Do not use wooden blocks or Jacking Point Location on Vehicle
similar objects as a jack under-
The jacking points are indicated below
the door of the vehicle (Refer jacking
 Do not place your hands and point location).
feet or lie under the raised vehi-
cle when it is supported by a
 Do not run the engine when the
vehicle is supported by the jack
and never allow passengers to
remain in the vehicle.
 Do not open or close a door or
the tailgate when the vehicle is
Assemble the Jack handle and wheel
spanner (as shown in jacking fig).
Jacking point location
Position the jack vertically and raise it by
turning the jack handle clockwise until
the jack sits completely on jacking point
and the base of the jack lies evenly on
the ground.

WARNING Install wheel nuts with their cone shaped
end facing the wheel. Tighten each nut
If you do not position the jack cor-
rectly at the appropriate jacking by hand until the wheel is securely
point of the vehicle, the jack could seated on the hub.
tip over with the vehicle raised. Lower the jack completely then tighten
There is a risk of injury. Jack may the wheel nuts one by one using wheel
also get damage.
Continue to raise the jack slowly and Press fit the wheel cover back /center
smoothly until the tyre clears the ground. hub cap back (if available).
Do not raise the vehicle more than nec-
essary. Jacking rear wheel Restore all the tools and jack at their
respective location.
Remove wheel mounting nuts with the
help of wheel spanner and take out flat Place the flat tyre at spare wheel loca-
tyre. tion.

Do not place wheel nuts in sand or Check and correct the tyre pres-
on a dirty surface. Do not apply oil sure and wheel nuts tightness of
or grease on it. the changed wheel at nearest au-
thorised service station.
Roll the spare wheel into position and Get the flat tyre repaired at the ear-
align the holes in the wheel studs. liest.
Jacking front wheel
WARNING Jump Lead Starting
Do not jack the vehicle under rear Use only a battery of same rating & ca-
axle. pacity to jump start your vehicle. Position
the booster battery close to your vehicle
so that the jump leads will reach both
When using a battery of another vehicle,
do not let the vehicles touch.
Apply the parking brake firmly and keep
the gearshift lever in neutral.
Turn off all vehicle accessories, except Make jump lead connections as follows:
those necessary for safety like hazard
 Connect one end of the first jump
warning lamps.
lead to the positive (+) terminal of the
If your vehicle is equipped with Battery discharged battery.
sensor, then do not connect your jump
start cable lead directly on the Sensor  Connect the other end to the positive
surface. Connect only on the negative (+) terminal of the booster battery.
cable surface as shown on the image. Af-  Connect one end of the second jump
ter jump start event, IAC function will be lead to the negative (–) terminal of
restored only when the Vehicle is parked the booster battery.
in idle for 3-4 Hours.

 Make the final connection (other end  If the booster battery you are using is WARNING
of the negative terminal) to an un- fitted to another vehicle, start the en-
Never connect the jump lead di-
painted, heavy metal part (i.e. engine gine of the vehicle with the booster
rectly to the negative (–) terminal
mounting stud/nut) of the vehicle of battery. Run the engine at moderate
of the discharged battery. This may
discharged battery. speed.
lead to an explosion.
 Remove the jump leads in the exact
reverse order in which you connected WARNING
 Do not allow battery electrolyte to
NOTE come in contact with eyes, skin,
fabrics or painted surfaces. The
Do not disconnect the discharged
fluid contains acid which can
battery from the vehicle.
cause injury and severe damage.
Wear protective apparel. Do not
inhale any battery gases. Keep
children away from batteries. In
case if battery acid comes in con-
 Start the engine of the vehicle with tact with the skin, wash it off im-
the discharged battery. mediately with water and seek
medical attention.
 Before disconnecting the jumper ca-  During charging and jump-start-
bles, let the engine run for several ing, explosive gases can escape
minutes. from the battery. There is a risk
of an explosion. Particularly
avoid fire, open flames, creating
sparks and smoking. Ensure
there is sufficient ventilation Towing WARNING
while charging and jump-start-
ing. Do not lean over the battery.
When towing a break down vehicle, cer-  Never get under your vehicle af-
tain precautions and procedures must ter it has been lifted by a tow
 Make sure that the positive ter-
be taken to prevent damage to the vehi- truck.
minal of a connected battery
does not come into contact with cle and/or components. Failure to use  For towing a vehicle, the best way
vehicle parts. Never place metal standard towing precautionary is to use a wrecker. Alternatively
objects or tools on a battery. measures when lifting or towing a break use a rigid tow bar.
 It is important that you observe down vehicle could result in an unsafe  Switch 'ON' the hazard warning
the described order of the bat- operating condition. indicators of both the vehicles to
tery terminals when connecting warn other road users.
To ensure proper towing and to prevent  Limit the speed to 20-30 kmph.
and disconnecting a battery. If accidental damage to your vehicle, take
you are in doubt, seek assistance  In case of brake failure, use the
help of a TATA MOTORS authorized parking brake to control the
from qualified specialist work- dealer or a commercial tow-truck ser-
shop. vehicle.
vice.  Fasten the tow rope or tow bar at
 Never connect or disconnect the
battery terminals while the en- the towing eyes. Otherwise, the
gine is running. vehicle could be damaged.
Make sure that the parking brake  When towing, pull away slowly
is released; vehicle in neutral gear and smoothly. If the tractive
position and steering wheel is un- power is too high, the vehicles
locked. The power steering func- could be damaged.
tions only when engine is running.
Hence, during towing the steering
efforts will be more.

Access to Tow Hook For removal of cover, pull the rear side
 Unscrew the screws (1) & (2) with the
help of screw driver which is provided
in Tool kit.

For fitment of cover,

 Engage the front lugs first.
 Slide the cover in rear direction to
disengage front lugs.  Slowly press from both side to en-
gage side lugs.
 Then carefully disengage the side
lugs.  Engage rear lugs and then tighten
the screws.

Recommended Towing Before towing, check the automatic Fuses
transaxle fluid leak under your vehicle. If
In case of break down, we recommend Your vehicle has fuse boxes at two loca-
the automatic transaxle fluid is leaking,
that your vehicle be towed with the driv- tions.
a flatbed equipment or towing dolly must
ing wheels off the ground or place the ve-
be used. The vehicles electrical circuits have
hicle on a flatbed truck as shown.
fuses to protect the wiring from short cir-
WARNING cuits or sustained overload.
 Never tow your vehicle with the
front wheels on the ground or
four wheels on the ground (for-
ward or backward), as this may
cause serious damage to the
 When towing with the rear
wheels on the ground or on tow-
ing dollies, place the ignition
switch in the ‘ACC’ or ‘ON’ posi-
tion, and secure the steering
wheel in the straight-ahead posi-
tion with a rope or similar device. 1. Engine Compartment Fuse Box
To avoid serious damage to automatic 2. Cabin Compartment Fuse Box
transaxle, limit the vehicle speed to 15
km/h (10 mph) and drive less than 1.5
k m (1 mile) when towing.

Checking and Replacing Fuses WARNING
If any electrical unit in your vehicle is not  If you manipulate or bridge a
functioning, check the fuses first. faulty fuse or if you replace it with
a fuse of higher amperage, the
Please follow the steps below that will electric cables could be over-
guide you to check and replace them. loaded. This could result in a fire.
 Apply parking brake. There is a risk of an accident and
 Switch off all electrical accessories. injury.
 Always replace faulty fuses with
 Turn the ignition key to the 'LOCK' po-
the specified new fuses having
Engine compartment fuse box the correct amperage.
 In the fuse box, identify the defective
fuse from its melted wire.  Blown fuses must be replaced with
fuses of same rating, which you can
recognize by color and value.

Always ensure that the spare fuses
are replenished.

 Ensure that all other fuses are

pressed firmly in position.
 Remove the blown fuse by “fuse  If a newly inserted fuse also blows,
puller”. The fuse puller and spare have the cause traced and rectified
fuses are provided in the engine at nearest TATA MOTORS Authorized
compartment fuse box. Service Centre immediately.
Battery Mounted Fuse Fuse Fuse 1. Engine Compartment Fuse Box
No. Rating
PF1 250 A

If Fuse box cover is removed for
any reason, it should be refitted
properly at its original position.

To access the fuse box, follow the proce-

dure as given below:
 Open the Engine compartment.
 Remove the 2 screws of air intake
cover (snorkel) with the help of screw
driver provided in tool kit
 Remove the snap fitted cover of fuse

The fuse box layout is for reference
purpose only. Please refer the
sticker provided inside the fuse
box cover.

Fuse box located in Engine compartment

near battery.

Fuses - Engine Compartment (Diesel)

Fuse Fuse 20 BLOWER MOTOR 40 A Relay Relay
Function Relay Function
No. Rating 21 COOLING FAN FAST 60 A No. Rating
22 30 A RELAY
R2 40A
4 ATS 15 A BEAM RH R3 70A
5 15 A BEAM LH R4 40A
26 10 A
R5 40A
7 SPARE --- 27 10 A
R6 40A

9 BRAKE LAMP 5A 29 EMS ECU - I 20 A R7 ---

10 FUEL PUMP 20 A 30 EMS ECU - III 10 A R8 ---


13 5A
14 INTERIOR F/B BAT - II 60 A 42 5A R11 20A
43 30 A R12 20A
46 SPARE --- R14 20A
19 30 A

HEAD LAMP LOW 1. Cabin Compartment Fuse Box
REALY Cover Removal Procedure

Fuse box is located behind glove box. To
access the fuse box, remove cover as
FUEL PUMP MICRO per procedure given below:
R17 20A
1. Remove snap fitted end-cover first.
R18 20A

3. Open glove box and remove com-

plete assembly by removing high-
lighted 4 screws.

2. To remove the cover, gently pull the

cover from bottom side such that the
lugs get disengaged.

4. Disconnect glove box lamp connec- 5. Disconnect glove box switch connec- 6. Pull out the fuse from fuse box mod-
tion. tion. ules from available cutout as shown

7. Check the fuse of required function
with help of fuse box sticker present
at shown location.

8. If fuse is blown, replace with same

rating fuse from spare fuses in en-
gine compartment fuse box.
9. Fit back the glove box by following re-
verse procedure.
It is recommended to replace fuse
at TATA Authorised service centre.

Fuses - Cabin Compartment

Fuse Rat- PEPS 10A Relay
Fuse Function Relay Function
ing I. CLUSTER 5A Rating

Bulb Specification

Description Rating Type Qty.
1 High beam + Low beam (Option I) 12V, 55W H7 4
High Beam : 12V, 55W High Beam : H7
2 High beam + Low beam (Option II) 4
Low Beam : 12V, 25W Low Beam : D5S
3 Turn Signal Front (Option I) 12V, 21W PY21W 2
4 Turn Signal Front (Option II) LED LED Module 2
5 Turn Signal Rear 12V, 21W PY21W 2
6 Fog Lamp Front (Option I) 12V, 19W H16 2
7 Fog Lamp Rear (Option II) 12V, 21W P21W 2
8 Stop Lamp LED LED Module 2
9 Position Lamp Front (Option I) 12V, 5W W5W 6
10 Position Lamp Front (Option II) LED LED Module 2
11 Position Lamp Rear LED LED Module 4
12 Reverse Lamp 12V, 16W W16W 2
13 Rear Registration Plate Lamp LED LED Module 2
14 Side Repeater Lamp on ORVM LED LED Module 2
15 High Mounted Stop Lamp (Option I) 12V, 5W W5W 5
16 High Mounted Stop Lamp (Option II) LED LED Module 1

Description Rating Type Qty.
17 Boot Lamp 12V, 5W W5W 1
18 Glove Box Lamp 12V, 5W W5W 1
19 DRL (If available) LED LED Module 2
20 Roof Lamp 1st Row LED LED Module 1
21 Roof Lamp 2nd Row LED LED Module 1
22 Door Ajar / Puddle Lamp 12V, 5W W5W 4
23 Ambient light (mood) LED LED Module 7

24 X 7 Road Assistance Response Time ** for the On Road  Explain your exact location with land-
Assistance Program marks and tell us about the problem
Dear Customer, you face with the vehicle.
It is our responsibility and our endeavor Within City  Park your vehicle on the edge of the
60 minutes
to ensure that you have our complete Limits road, open the bonnet and put on the
service backup, wherever and whenever On State or Na- hazard warning signal.
you need the same. When you have a tional High- 90 minutes  Place the advance warning triangle
road network that spans wide area, the ways supplied with the vehicle approx. 3 m
probability of a breakdown happening Ghat Roads from the vehicle in the direction of
within hailing distance of a TATA MO- and other 120 minutes oncoming traffic.
TORS Authorized Workshop is very low. places
It is precisely for this reason, we have ** (The response time will depend on
tied up with TVS AA, who will provide the location, terrain, traffic density and
breakdown assistance including towing the time of the day.)
to the nearest TATA MOTORS Authorized
Workshop through their Authorized Ser- Standard procedure when calling
vice Providers (ASP). for On Road Assistance in case of a
The 24X7 On Road Assistance Program
shall be automatically available to your  Dial the toll free help line number –
vehicle for the duration of Warranty pe- 1800 209 8282
riod. The program shall also be availa-  Identify your vehicle with the Vehicle
ble, if you avail the same post warranty. chassis number that is available in
the Owner’s Manual.

Coverage under 24 X 7 on Road charges levied in relation to the vehi-  Cases involving accident, fire, theft,
Assistance Program cle being towed to be paid by the cus- vandalism, riots, lightening, earth-
tomers in actuals in cash). quake, windstorm, hail, tsunami, un-
I. The 24x7 On Road Assistance Pro-
usual weather conditions, other acts
gram Service covers the following ser- For accident cases, towing charges
of God, flood, etc.
vices on your vehicle during warranty pe- to be borne by the customer.
riod.  Vehicles that are unattended, un-reg-
II. The 24x7 On Road Assistance Pro-
gram coverage on availing the 24X7 pol- istered, impounded or abandoned.
 Wheel change through spare wheel.
icy, post warranty is up to maximum of 6  Breakdown/defects caused by mis-
 Arrangement of fuel. (Fuel cost will instance of assistance in one year for use, abuse, negligence, alterations
be chargeable at actual cost) both the plans- Basic and Premium. In or modifications made to the vehicle.
 Re-opening the vehicle in cases of the premium plan, this includes 2 in-
stances of towing up to the nearest TATA  Lack of maintenance as per the
key lock out.
MOTORS authorised workshop. maintenance schedule as detailed in
 Rectification of electrical problems the owner’s manual.
related to battery, fuses etc. Exclusions
 Cases involving racing, rallies, vehi-
24 X 7 On Road Assistance Program cle testing or practice for such
 On spot repairs for complaints repair-
does not apply to events.
able at site.
 Cost of parts consumables and la-
 Vehicle to vehicle towing or winching bour for such repairs not covered un-
& towing for non-accident cases up der warranty*. These charges are to
to the nearest TATA MOTORS author- be settled with ASP in cash.
ized workshop. Towing charges at ac-
tual cost beyond the same to be paid  Toll or ferry charges paid by ASP in
to the ASP in cash. (Any ferry or toll reaching to the breakdown site to be
settled with ASP in actuals in cash.

Disclaimer ^ On spot repairs at breakdown site Exclusion of Liabilities
shall depend on nature of com-
 The Service is not available in Lak- plaints & will be as per the discretion  It is understood that TATA MOTORS
shadweep. of the ASP. shall be under no liability whatsoever
in respect of any loss or damage aris-
**The reach time is indicative & the *The decision for free of charge re- ing directly or indirectly out of any de-
actual reach time will be conveyed by pairs will be as per the warranty pol- lay in or non-delivery of, defect/defi-
the call centre at the time of break- icy & procedures of TATA MOTORS ciency in service/parts provided by
down call. LTD. and as per the interpretation of ASP.
 The reach time can vary depending the same by ASP. You will be duly in-
formed by the ASP & call centre for  In case vehicle cannot be repaired
on the traffic density & time of the
the change applicable if any. on-site, customers are advised to
use the towing facility for taking their
 The reach time indicated does not  All charges wherever applicable vehicle to the nearest TATA MOTORS
account for delays due to but not lim- need to be settled directly with the authorized workshop only. In no con-
ited to acts of God, laws, rules & reg- ASP. dition will the vehicle be towed to any
ulations for time being in force, or- unauthorized workshop. TATA MO-
ders of statutory or Govt. authorities, TORS will not be responsible for any
industrial disputes, inclement repairs carried out in such unauthor-
weather, heavy down pour, floods, ized workshop.
storms, natural calamities, road
 Customer are advised to take ac-
blocks due to accidents, general
knowledgment from the ASP for the
strife and law & order conditions viz.
list of accessories/extra fittings and
fire, arson, riots, strikes, terrorist at-
other belongings in the vehicle as
tacks, war etc.
well as the current condition related
to dents/scratches breakages of
parts/fitments of the vehicle at the
time of ASP taking possession of the  On site repairs may be temporary in
vehicle & to verify these items when nature. The completion of repairs
delivery is taken back by them, Claim does not certify the road worthiness
for loss of or damage to items, if any of the vehicle. The customer is ad-
should be taken up with ASP directly. vised to ensure temporary repairs
TATA MOTORS shall not be responsi- carried out onsite is followed by per-
ble for any such claims, dam- manent repairs at a TATA MOTORS
ages/loss or any deficiency of ser- Authorized Workshop at the earliest.
vice of the ASP. Terms and conditions and service
coverage, exclusions etc. are subject
 Vehicles will be handled, repaired &
to change without notice.
towed as per the customer’s risk &
TATA MOTORS shall not be liable for
any damages / claims as a result of
the same.
 Services entitled to the customers
can be refused or cancelled on ac-
count of abusive behavior, fraudu-
lent representation, malicious intent
and refusal to pay the charges for
any charges related services and
spare parts during service or on pre-
vious occasion on part of the cus-

Maintenance and Service The following checks can be carried out WARNING
between the recommended scheduled
Periodic maintenance is essential for en-
maintenance services. Take help of our  Be careful not to touch a hot en-
suring long trouble free performance. gine, exhaust manifold and
authorized service centre for assistance.
pipes, muffler, radiator and wa-
Have your vehicle serviced regularly ter hoses.
 Engine oil level
from TATA MOTORS Authorized Service
 Do not work on a vehicle with the
Centre.  Engine coolant level engine running in an enclosed
There is a large network of TATA MO- space, unless you are sure of
 Brake/Clutch fluid level enough ventilation.
TORS Authorized Service Centre to help
you with their professional servicing ex-  Washer fluid level checking & top-  Keep all open flames and other
pertise. Scheduled maintenance infor- burning material (such as ciga-
ping up
mation is provided which makes tracking rettes) away from the battery and
routine service easy.  Power steering fluid level all fuel related parts.
If you need to do any work inside the
 Battery electrolyte level engine compartment,
 Tyre inflation pressure including  Switch off the ignition
spare wheel  Never reach into the area where
there is a risk of danger from
NOTE moving components, such as the
fan rotation area.
Refer “Opening and Closing” sec-  Keep clothing away from moving
tion for engine bonnet opening. parts.

Engine Compartment

1. Brake fluid reservoir 2. Windshield washer container 3. Coolant auxiliary tank

4. Power Steering Oil Reservoir 5. Dip stick engine oil 6. Engine oil filling cap
7. Fuse and relay box (Below Air intake) 8. Battery

Oil / Fluid Level Engine Oil Quality Monitoring Indi-
Engine Oil Level Checking
Your vehicle is equipped
Warm up the engine to normal operating with a feature in the en-
temperature. gine management system
Turn it ‘OFF’ and wait for 5 minutes for which will monitor the engine oil quality
the oil to return to the oil pan. Be sure throughout the lifetime of the oil in the
the vehicle is on a level surface. engine. This will ensure that an oil
change is requested only when really
Take out the dipstick, wipe it clean, and necessary. Once the oil quality reaches a
reinsert it fully. Pull it out again and ex- threshold, the engine management sys-
amine the oil level. It should be between Engine oil dipstick tem will ask for oil change by lighting the
‘MIN’ and ‘MAX’ level. If not, top up with above lamp. This lamp will be blinking
recommended engine oil. NOTE for oil change request.
 Do not remove the filler cap
NOTE Depending on your driving conditions,
when the engine is running.
The oil consumption depends the oil quality may get deteriorated
 Do not add oil above the MAX. sooner. For example, if you are driving
upon the driving style and the con- mark. Oil level above the MAX.
ditions under which the vehicle is predominantly in highway conditions
mark may cause engine dam- without straining the engine excessively,
used. age. the oil lamp indicating oil change may
For location of Engine oil filling cap appear later than expected. Similarly, if
and dip stick, please refer Engine you drive continuously and for a long
Compartment. time in city at low speeds with frequent
cold starts and short journeys, the en-
gine management system may prompt
you to change the oil sooner than had run again after an oil change without re- Brake/Clutch Fluid Level
the car been used mainly in highways. setting oil quality using TML diagnostic
If the vehicle is continuously driven ig-
 Under no circumstances oil noring this lamp, MIL, in addition to the
change intervals should exceed above lamp, will be turned ON. Depend-
15,000 km or 12 Months, which- ing on the distance driven without oil
ever occurs earlier. change and oil quality reset, the engine
will go into a soft or strong performance
This behaviour is absolutely normal, the
reduction mode.
oil change is intended to keep your en-
gine at peak efficiency, and replacing NOTE
used oil with fresh oil is normal mainte-
nance and not a malfunction. The appearance of this blinking Pull the notch and release the top cover.
warning light or symbol is not re-
As soon as this lamp is blinking, the oil lated to the amount of oil in the en-
should be changed as per oil change / gine, so if the light or symbol
servicing procedure. Please contact comes ON and blinking, never add
nearest TATA authorized service center / top up engine oil but contact the
immediately. nearest TATA authorized service
center to have oil change and re-
Once the oil is changed as set.
per the normal oil change /
servicing procedure, the oil
quality should be reset using TML diag-
nostic tool. The vehicle should never be
Remove the cap and check the level.
Top up if required.
NOTE Check whether the coolant level is be- Make sure that only TATA MOTORS rec-
tween the ‘MIN’ and ‘MAX’ marks pro- ommended coolant is used. Mixing of
 Do not allow brake fluid to make vided on the coolant reservoir. different coolants may harm your en-
contact with the skin or eyes.
gine’s cooling system and its compo-
 Do not allow brake fluid to splash When the coolant level is low, top up with
nents. Do not add extra inhibitors or ad-
or spill on the painted surface as recommended coolant up to ‘MAX’. level.
ditives to the coolant. These can be
it will damage the paint. In case
NOTE harmful and compromise the corrosion
of spillage, wipe it off immedi-
protection of the engine coolant.
ately. In case of emergency, a large
For location of Brake/Clutch Fluid amount of water without engine WARNING
Container and filling cap, please refer coolant may be added in order to
reach a vehicle service location.  The engine cooling system is
Engine Compartment.
pressurized, particularly when
Engine Coolant Level Whenever coolant has been added, the the engine is warm. When open-
coolant level in the coolant reservoir ing the cap, you could get burnt
should be checked few times after driv- by hot coolant spraying out.
ing the vehicle to confirm correct level. There is a risk of injury.
 Let the engine cool down before
For location of Engine coolant con- opening the cap. Wear eye and
tainer and filler cap, please refer En- hand protection when opening
gine Compartment. the cap. Open the cap slowly half
NOTE a turn to allow pressure to es-
Topping of the coolant should be
done in the auxiliary tank only.

Power Steering Fluid Level WARNING Windshield Washer Fluid Level
 Do not start the engine without oil Check that there is washer fluid in the
in the power steering system. tank. Refill it if necessary. Use a good
 Do not allow dirt into power steer- quality windshield washer fluid, diluted
ing fluid reservoir during refilling with water as necessary.
or top up.

 Holding steering wheel at lock po-
sition (i.e >5sec) can damage
/fail the power steering pump op-
The level of the power steering fluid  Do not run the vehicle with dry
should be between the MIN. and MAX. power steering pump. Ensure the
mark on the side of the power steering power steering fluid is available in
fluid container. If the level falls below the the reservoir.
MIN. mark, add recommended fluid.
In case of leakage or hard steering,
please contact the nearest Authorised For Oil/fluid specification and  Do not use detergent or any other
Service outlet. Quantity, please refer ‘Mainte- additive in the windshield washer
nance’ section. reservoir. This can severely im-
pair visibility when sprayed on the
For location of Power steering fluid windshield, and can also damage
container, please refer Engine Com- your vehicle’s paint.
partment section.
 Do not operate washer motor with Battery  When this stops, wash it off with
no fluid in washer tank, washer plain water. Dry off the battery with a
motor will be damaged. cloth or paper towel.
For location of Windshield Washer
 Apply petroleum jelly to the terminals
Container and filling cap, please refer to prevent further corrosion.
respective Engine Compartment.  Use a proper wrench to loosen and
remove cables from the terminals.
 Always disconnect the negative (-ve)
cable first and reconnect it last.
 If your vehicle is equipped with Bat-
tery Sensor, then disconnect only the
Sensor Output Cable. Do not remove
 To access battery terminals, remove the Sensor, Sensor connector com-
the cover by removing the 5 knobs. pletely as this will result into Sensor
 Examine the battery for electrolyte function loss temporarily. Sensor
functionality will be restored when
level against the marking on the bat-
the Vehicle is parked for 3-4 hours
tery outer case.
without any operation.
 Examine the battery terminals for
corrosion (a white or yellowish pow-  Clean the battery terminals with a
der). To remove it, wash the termi- terminal cleaning tool or wire brush.
nals with a solution of baking soda. It  Reconnect and tighten the cables,
will bubble up and turn brown. coat the terminals with petroleum

 Make sure that the battery is se- NOTE
curely mounted. Use only authorized Battery recom-
 If you need to connect the battery to mended by TATA Motors. Use of any
a charger, disconnect both cables to other unauthorized Battery will re-
prevent damage to the vehicle’s sult into Intelligent Alternator Con-
electrical system. trol (IAC) function detoriation.
 If your vehicle is equipped with Bat-
tery Sensor, connect the jump start NOTE
leads on output terminal of Battery Authorized Battery:
Sensor. Do not connect the jump 78 Ah- Enhanced flooded battery to
start leads on Sensor surface or Bat- be replaced with enhanced flooded
tery terminal. This will result of func- Battery
battery (78 Ah) of the respective
tion loss of Battery sensor. For location of battery, please refer supplier only
image of the respective Engine Com-
 Refer the below Battery Sensor im-
age for do's and don'ts. NOTE
 During normal operation, the
battery generates gas which is
explosive in nature. A spark or
open flame can cause the bat-
tery to explode causing very seri-
ous injuries.

 Keep all sparks, open flames Tyres Inflation
and smoking materials away Check for inflation and condition of your
from the battery.
vehicle tyres periodically.
 The battery contains sulphuric Check the pressure in the tyres when
acid (electrolyte) which is poi- they are cold.
sonous and highly corrosive in
nature. Getting electrolyte in Keeping the tyres properly inflated gives
your eyes or on the skin can you the best combination of riding com-
cause severe burns. Wear pro- fort, handling, tyre life and better fuel ef-
tective clothing and a face shield ficiency.
or have a skilled technician to do Over inflation of tyres makes the vehicle
the battery maintenance. ride bumpy and harsh. Tyres are more
prone to uneven wear and damage from
road hazards.
Under Excessive side Under inflated tyres reduce your comfort
1 in vehicle handling and are prone to fail-
inflation tread wear
ures due to high temperature. They also
Correct tyre cause uneven wear and more fuel con-
2 Uniform wear
pressure sumption.
Excessive NOTE
3 Over inflation center tread Every time you check inflation
wear pressure, you should also examine
tyres for uneven wear, damage
and trapping of foreign objects in
the treads and wear.
Recommended tyre pressure in Tyre Pressure Sticker Location For steel wheel rims with spare
Cold condition (Laden / Unladen) steel wheel rim
Tyre size Front Rear
235/70 33 psi / 33 psi /
R16 2.27 bar 2.27 bar

235/60 33 psi / 33 psi /

R18 2.27 bar 2.27bar

235/65 33 psi / 33 psi /

R17 2.27 bar 2.27bar

In case of Air filling in hot tyre con- On B Pillar near driver seat. For alloy wheel rims with spare
dition, increase tyre pressure by 3 Tyre Rotation wheel of steel wheel rim (if available)
psi over specified cold pressures.
To increase tyre life rotate the tyre at
specified intervals or earlier depending
on the operation of vehicle.
The illustrations shows how to rotate
tyres when normal or temporary spare
wheel is fitted.

Wheel Alignment Special Care for Tubeless Tyres  Maintain recommended inflation
pressure. Over-inflation, in particu-
Incorrect wheel alignment causes exces-  While removing tyre from wheel rim
sive and uneven tyre wear. Check wheel lar, may cause puncture or bursting
and mounting it back on wheel rim,
alignment at specified intervals. of tyre.
take precautions not to damage tyre
Wheel Balancing bead. Use tyre removal and assem- NOTE
bly machines. Damage or cut on tyre
 Life and wear pattern of tyres de-
Wheels of your vehicle are balanced for bead may cause gradual loss of air pends on various parameters like
better ride comfort and longer tyre life. and deflation of tyre.
Balancing needs to be done whenever tyre pressure, wheel alignment,
 Do not scratch inside of tubeless tyre wheel balancing, tyre rotation,
tyre is removed from rim.
with metallic or sharp object. Tube- etc. It also largely depends on ve-
WARNING less tyres are coated with impermea- hicle speed, load carried, usage,
driving habits, road conditions,
If the vehicle vibrates abnormally ble layer of rubber from inside which
tyre quality, etc. In case fault is
on a smooth road, have the wheel holds the air inside the tyre. Removal
suspected to be due to poor qual-
balanced done immediately. of this layer due to scratching may ity of tyres, the same may be
cause gradual loss of air and defla- taken up with concerned tyre
NOTE tion. manufacturer.
 While driving in snow, It is advisa-  If wheel rim gets damaged in service,  For steel rim, Red dot of tyre to be
ble to use the snow chain on get the wheel rim repaired/ replaced matched with blue dot of rim
roads. Follow assembly and immediately. Running the vehicle while re-fitment.
safety instruction provided by the with damaged rim may cause defla-
snow chain manufacturers.  For alloy rim, Yellow dot of tyre to
tion of tyre and subsequent dislodg- be matched with valve of rim
 Please refer service schedule for ing of tyre from rim. while re-fitment.
wheel alignment.

Remote Key Battery Replacement 5. Ensure that the “+” symbol on the
(For Flip key) battery is facing upwards. The cor-
Remote control key contains a battery, rect polarity is shown on the battery
which is housed under the cover. cover.
If red LED on remote flashes for 5 times 6. Position the battery cover on the key
after operating any button on remote. It and press on it until it is heard to lock
is recommended to replace battery at a in place.
TATA MOTORS Authorized Service Cen-
tre. Smart Key Battery Replacement
You should, however, proceed as follows (For PEPS variant)
if you wish to replace the discharged bat- Procedure:
4. Insert the new battery.
tery yourself:
1. Open rear side of key (battery cover).
1. Open the key blade.

2. Press off the battery cover with your

thumb or using a flat screwdriver at
the points of the arrows.
3. Remove the discharged battery from
the key by pressing the battery down-
wards at the point of the arrow.

2. Replace with new battery in the On Board Diagnostic (OBD II) instrument cluster, when a fault causes
smart key battery slot with proper po- System emission levels to increase.
larity of battery.
Diagnostic connector is located on RH The OBD system also has a diagnostic
3. Close the battery cover. side below the steering wheel. connector that can be interfaced with
appropriate diagnostic tools, which
4. Ensure that the key cover is intact
makes it possible to read the fault codes
stored in the Electronic Control Unit, to-
NOTE gether with a series of specific parame-
ters for Engine operation and Diagnosis.
Use CR 2032 battery only. This check can also be carried out by the
traffic police.
An inappropriately disposed
battery can be harmful to the
environment and human
health. Dispose the battery ac-
cording to your local law(s) and On board Diagnostics or OBD, is an auto-
regulation. motive term referring to a vehicle’s self-
diagnostic and reporting capability. The
OBD system allows continuous diagno-
sis of the components of the vehicle cor-
related with emissions. This system
warns the driver, by turning “ON” the
Malfunction Indication lamp (MIL) on the

Diesel Particulate Fil- In certain specific driving conditions, process normally takes about 20
ter (DPF) DPF regeneration may not happen auto- minutes.
matically as the desired temperatures
Your vehicle is equipped required to regenerate soot may not be NOTE
with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). achievable due to specific driving condi- Do not shut down engine till the
DPF is a mechanical filter that physically tions. This includes prolonged driving at
traps particulate matter from diesel en- warning lamp goes OFF.
low vehicle speeds for considerable
gine exhaust gas. amount of time (driving in heavy city traf- If DPF regeneration process
DPF traps the particulate matter in the fic), prolonged running of the engine in requested above is not fol-
following way: idle conditions etc. In such cases, a lowed for a long distance
warning lamp as indicated above will be and the vehicle is driven with warning
 Filtration – Particulates / soot are illuminated in the instrument cluster in- lamp ON, it can cause MIL to be turned
collected in the inlet channel of the dicating that soot regeneration is insuffi- ON.
filter. cient. Once MIL is ON, please contact nearest
 Regeneration – When the filter TATA authorized service center.
channels are filled up with soot, they This warning lamp switches ON con-
stantly to indicate that the DPF needs to Service should connect the TML diag-
are cleaned automatically by the en-
be regenerated. This lamp does not indi- nostic tool and conduct DPF service re-
gine management system. This pro-
cate any malfunction. generation as indicated in the diagnostic
cess is known as DPF Regeneration
and this will happen during normal The warning lamp remains OFF during
running of the vehicle. Insufficient DPF regeneration resulting
normal vehicle behavior and lights up
in the above lamps can also happen if
DPF equipped in vehicle normally regen- only when driving condition requires the
the vehicle is driven with adultered die-
erates automatically which is controlled driver to be notified. When this lamp is
by engine management system. ON, keep the car running ideally at 3rd
gear, 60km/hr with engine speed over
2000 rpm until regeneration is com-
pleted and warning lamp goes OFF. The
DPF warning Lamp WARNING and the exhaust after-treatment
The lamp blinks constantly Avoid parking of vehicle over inflam-
to indicate that the DPF mable materials, such as dry leaves;
needs to eliminate the grass etc. as exhaust system is hot
trapped pollutants (particulate matter) enough to initiate fire.
through the regeneration process, it
therefore does not indicate a malfunc- WARNING
tion. The lamp remains off during the en-
 Ensure exhaust system is not
tire DPF regeneration and it lamps up
blocked and is free from obstruc-
only when driving conditions require the
driver to be notified. To switch off the
lamp, keep the car running until regen-  Blockages in the exhaust can cre-
eration is complete (ideally at 3rd gear, ate backpressure, low top speed,
60 kmph. with engine speed over 2000 poor pick up, black smoke, car-
rpm). The process normally takes about bon build up and low mileage and
20 minutes. can affect power output of the en-
gine and the emission levels.
Note: Failure to obey the correct proce-
dure for long distance when the DPF
lamp comes ON can cause the warning WARNING
lamp (MIL) to come ON. In that case, The maximum sulphur content of
please contact nearest TATA authorized the diesel fuel must not exceed
service center to restore correct DPF op- 0.001% (10 parts per million). Fail-
eration. ure to comply with the standards
may damage engine components

Exhaust after Treatment System In order to reduce the NOx levels even Regeneration Process
further, SCR system is used. In SCR sys-
Exhaust after treatment consists of be- DPF is a mechanical filter that physically
tem, DEF is injected in the exhaust
low components: traps particulate matter from diesel en-
stream. With the help of injected ammo-
nia in the DEF, NOx is converted into gine exhaust gas.
1. Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)
harmless constituents. DPF traps the particulate matter in the
2. Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
following way:
3. Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) NOTE
In order to control exhaust emis-  Filtration – Particulates / soot are
4. Various Sensors and Actuators. collected in the inlet channel of the
sions, this vehicle is equipped with
The exhaust gas coming from the engine SCR system through which DEF filter.
first passes through the DOC and then (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) continuously  Regeneration – When the filter chan-
through DPF. flows. It is normal to have a noise nels are filled up with soot, they are
from the SCR system during vehi- cleaned automatically by the engine
DPF is a filter, which filters carbon soot
cle operation or for about 20 to 30 management system. This process is
in the exhaust gas. DOC and DPF con-
seconds after engine is switched known as DPF Regeneration and this
tains precious metals which converts hy-
off. will happen during normal running of
drocarbons, carbon monoxide etc. in the
the vehicle.
exhaust gas to harmless constituents.
In certain specific driving conditions,
Additionally DPF also removes most of
DPF regeneration may not happen auto-
the carbon soot particles in the exhaust
matically as the desired temperatures
gas. The collected carbon soot in the
DPF is regenerated to clean the filter. required to regenerate soot many not be
achievable due to specific driving condi-
tions. This may happen in prolonged

driving at low vehicle speeds for consid- Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) DEF Storage
erable amount of time (driving in heavy (if available)
DEF is a very stable product with a long
city traffic), prolonged running of the en-
The vehicle is equipped with shelf life. Stored at temperatures
gine in idle conditions, use of adulter-
DEF injection system and LOWER than 32°C, it has a shelf life of
ated diesel etc.
Selective Catalytic Reduc- at least one year.
In such cases, a DPF warning lamp will tion (SCR) to meet emission standards.
be illuminated indicating that soot re- NOTE
generation is insufficient DEF freezes at temperatures lower
than -11°C.

When working with DEF, it is im-
portant to know that:
 Any containers or parts that
comes into contact with DEF must
be DEF compatible (plastic or
stainless steel). Copper, brass,
aluminum, iron or non-stainless
steel should be avoided as they
are subject to corrosion by DEF.
 During filling, if DEF overflows / is
spilled, kindly ensure it is cleaned
/ wiped up completely by wet
cloth & then by dry cloth also.

Adding DEF WARNING DEF Refilling Procedure
Preliminary Conditions Never fill DEF or diesel fuel into the Conditions for refilling:
Consumption of the additive DEF de- wrong filling ports. This may result Vehicle should be parked on a flat road
serious damage to Engine, Fuel surface.
pends on the condition of vehicle use
system and Emission system com-
and is indicated on the instrument clus- Switch OFF the Engine and ignition
ter. ponents. In case of wrongly filled
do not start the engine, contact should be in OFF position.
DEF freezes at temperatures lower than TATA Motors Authorised Service
-11°C. If the car stands for a long time at NOTE
this temperature refilling could be diffi- After DEF refilling through Nozzle OR
DEF Filler Tank
cult. For this reason, it is advised to park container, in case of DEF is spill out
the vehicle in a garage and/or heated during refilling. Spill out DEF need to
environment and wait for the DEF to re- be swipe out with help of cotton or
turn to liquid state before topping up. same mean.

Proceed as follows:
 Park the car on flat ground and stop
the engine by placing the ignition in
the OFF position.
 DEF filler is located in the tailgate
compartment below the tool kit tray.
Open the tailgate and remove the
tool kit tray and remove the cap from
1. Urea cap without tether
the DEF filler.
2. Spill out collecting cup

DEF Quantity Refilling Precautions While Refilling DEF
It is recommended that DEF tank is filled Refilling With Nozzles
to full capacity. At least, a minimum of 8L
of DEF should be filled. You can fill up at any DEF Distributor/Re-
NOTE Proceed as follows:
Do not switch on the key during refill
operation if refill is not done in one  Insert the DEF nozzle in the filler, Portable Magnet Adapter
attempt. start refilling and stop refilling at the
first shut-off (the shut-off indicates Refilling with Containers
After completing DEF filling in ignition that the DEF tank is full). Do not pro- Proceed as follows:
key OFF condition, perform key ON and ceed with the refilling, to prevent
wait for about 3 minutes before cranking spillage of DEF.  Check the expiration date and en-
the engine. sure the validity of DEF.
 Extract the nozzle.
In case of engine stops after refill opera-  Read the advice for use on the label
tion, wait for about 2 minutes in order to NOTE before pouring the content of the
recognize DEF level by DEF System be- It is recommended to use a portable bottle into the DEF tank.
fore switching ON the key again. Ensure magnet adapter on DEF Nozzle while
that DEF will be filled at room tempera- filling, otherwise dispenser filling is  Fill DEF in the tank till tank is full.
ture. not possible. This will require around 15 liters of
 Ensure Ignition is OFF during the en-
tire DEF filling process. Once DEF fill-
ing process is complete, keep igni-
tion key in ON position for around 2 -
3 minutes.
 Ensure DEF level indication in instru- Low DEF Level Warning Messages  If the vehicle runs without filling DEF,
ment cluster is updated and DEF re- next warning level will be indicated at
These messages will be indicated when
lated messages disappears. approximately 600 km before empty-
DEF level is low. This can happen when
DEF should be filled with vehicle parked ing of DEF tank at current DEF con-
vehicle runs without filling DEF in spite of
in a flat area. Please ensure that ignition message to fill DEF. sumption rate. “ENGINE STOPS IN
is in OFF condition. In case the DEF is 600 KM” message will be indicated
 First warning message will be indi- at this warning level. This message
filled with vehicle parked in an inclined
cated at approximately in between will continue till DEF tank becomes
condition, DEF level updation may not
1500 – 2400 km before emptying of empty with corresponding distance
DEF tank at the current DEF con- gradually reducing to 0 km.
sumption rate. “DEF LEVEL LOW, RE-
FILL SOON” message will be indi-
cated at this warning level.

 On further driving the vehicle without

filling DEF, message “ENGINE WILL

NOTE If the vehicle is run without rectifying the
SCR system (through TML service cen-
Please refer to DEF filling procedure
for filling DEF. tre), warning message will continue with
corresponding distance gradually reduc-
DEF Level Messages in case of SCR ing to 0km.
System Fault After this, engine will not start in the next
These messages will be indicated when ignition cycle. The vehicle has to be
there is any problem in the SCR system brought to TML service centre for rectifi-
and SCR system fault is displayed. cation.
EMPTY” will be displayed once DEF  Depending on the distance, the vehi- DEF Level Messages in case of
tank is empty. cle can run before emptying of DEF Poor Quality DEF
tank at the current DEF consumption  In case of use of poor quality of DEF,
STOPS IN XXX KM” message will be GINE STOPS IN XXX KM” will appear.
indicated. In such cases, currently filled DEF
has to be drained completely and
proper good quality DEF needs to be
filled until DEF tank is full.

Once the engine is stopped with this

message, it will not be possible to restart
the engine without filling DEF.


 Please refer to DEF filling proce-
dure for filling DEF.
 Messages may vary slightly de-
pending on the vehicle variant.

Service Instructions
The TATA SAFARI has been manufactured to give you eco-
nomical and trouble free performance. To achieve this, please Servicing of the vehicle can be done at any TATA MOTORS
follow the instructions as stated. Authorised Dealer Workshop or TATA MOTORS Authorised
Service Centre (TASC).
Your vehicle is entitled to three free services (labour only). The
free service coupons are attached to the sales invoice. Please Warranty claims can be settled by any TATA MOTORS Author-
present these coupons to the servicing dealer while availing ised Dealer Workshop or TATA MOTORS Authorised Service
free services. Centre (TASC).

1st free service - At 1,000 - 2,000 kms. OR 2 months, whichever

is earlier.
2nd free service - At 7,000 - 8,000 kms. OR 6 months, which-
ever is earlier.
3rd free service - At 14,500 - 15,500 kms. OR 12 months, which-
ever is earlier.
All services other than free services are chargeable.

Service Schedule




















SN Operation
Months 0 2 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120


Wash the vehicle

1 & Clean Conden- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
ser Fins.

Check & Top up

Fluids (If required):
Transaxle Oil, Die-
sel Exhaust Fluid
2 (DEF)*, Coolant,
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Brake Fluid, Bat-
tery Electrolyte,
Wind Screen
washer fluid.

Check Fuel Lines Every

3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
for Leakages. Service

Check and Cap-

ture all DTC's Every
4 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Clear all faults and Service
Erase the Codes.

Check & Replace if

5 found damaged -- ● ● ● ● ●
Exhaust hanger

Check all door

latch & striker op-
6 erations, Adjust If
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
required and apply
grease if required.

# - Kms or Months whichever occurs earlier





















SN Operation

Months 0 2 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120

Check Engine
mount, Rubber
Boots, Rubber
seat, Dust cover & 7.5K /
Bushes for dam- 6M
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
age & replace if
required (Suspen-
Check for all bolts 7.5K /
8 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
& nuts (Tighten). 6M

Engine (Diesel)

Change engine oil 15K /

1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
and Oil filter. 12M

Drain water from 7.5K /

2 Fuel Filter Bowl. 6M
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Replace fuel filter 15K/

3 cartridge. 12M ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Check AC & alter-

nator belt condi-
15K /
4 tion visually, re-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
place if found

# 60K /
5 Change coolant.
● ●

# - Kms or Months whichever occurs earlier





















SN Operation
Month 12 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
0 2 6 18 24 30 36 42 48
Replace air filter element
(more frequently for vehi-
6 cle operating in severe
30K / ● ● ● ● ●
Replace timing drive kit #
7 (Timing belt, Auto ten- 150K ●
sioner and Idler). /60M
Replace FEAD kit (Belt,
8 idler 1&2, Auto ten- ●
Check oil level and top
15K /
1 up if necessary – Manual ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Automatic Transmission
2 Filled for life time
Check oil level and top 15K /
1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
up if necessary. 12M
Replace Power steering
2 105K ●
/ 36M

Check front brake pads

15K /
1 & rear brake linings. Re- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
place if necessary.

Replace brake fluid.

Check brake system
2 components for Leak-
45K / ● ● ●

# - Kms or Months whichever occurs earlier





















SN Operation
Months 0 2 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120

Inspect & if neces-

15K /
3 sary adjust hand- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
brake setting. 12M

Wheels & Tyres

Check & Adjust # 15K /

1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Wheel alignment. 12M

Check for Tyre

# 7.5K /
2 pressure, condi- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
tion & rotate.


Check specific 7.5K/

1 gravity of battery ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
electrolyte. 6M

Check headlamp 15K /

2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
focussing. 12M

A.C. System
Clean filter and
check Air-condi-
tioning / HVAC Every
1 system for satis-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
factory perfor-
Replace Pollen Fil- 15K/
2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
ter. 12M

# - Kms or Months whichever occurs earlier





















SN Operation
Months 0 2 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
Sunroof (if

Check and clean

1 the guide rails and ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
drain holes.

Clean the guide

rails and mecha- 7.5K /
2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
nism and apply 6M

# - Kms or Months whichever occurs earlier

* DEF is a consumable item, refill or replacement is not based on service intervals. The consumption of DEF can vary depending on driving style, and road and weather
**-- For severe off-road usage, above checks to be done at every 5,000 km or after every severe usage event.

Additional Maintenance Schedule under Severe Driving Conditions

Sr. Condition
Operation Frequency
Change every 7500 km or 6 months or whenever oil quantity lamp
1 Engine oil and oil filter ● ● ● ●

2 Air filter element Change at every 15,000 km or 18 months whichever is earlier. ● ●

A - Driving in conditions such as Patrolling, Pickup Van, Vehicle Towing, with Trailer Towing
B - Driving on Dusty / Sandy roads
C - More than 50% (in terms of km) driving in heavy city traffic
D - Frequently operating in mountainous area

In case of emergency, a large amount of water without engine coolant may be added in order to reach a vehicle service

Vehicle Parking for Long Duration 7. Wiper blade lifting sequence during
(Non - Use Maintenance) cleaning / replacing, first lift front
passenger side wiper blade, then
If you want to park your vehicle at one driver side blade.
place for long duration, following care is
to be taken: 8. Slightly open the windows.

1. Park the vehicle in covered, dry and 9. Cover the vehicle with a cloth or per-
if possible well-ventilated premises. forated plastic sheet. Do not use
Engage a gear. sheets of imperforated plastic as
they do not allow moisture on the ve-
2. Remove the battery terminal cables hicle body to evaporate.
(first remove the cable from the neg-
ative terminal). Ensure that battery is 10. Inflate the tyres to 0.5 bar above the
fully charged. normal specified pressure and check
it at regular intervals.
3. Block the wheel or engage in the
gear mode. 11. Check the battery charge every six
4. Clean and protect the painted parts
using protective wax. 12. Do not drain the engine cooling sys-
5. Clean and protect the shiny metal
parts using commercially available
special compounds.
6. Sprinkle talcum powder on the rub-
ber windscreen wiper and lift them
off the glass.

Fuel Specification
Fuel (Diesel)
Normal grade BS VI compliant diesel conforming to
IS1460:2017 or equivalent is recommended to be used as
Do not use premium diesel available in the market like extra
premium / Turbojet etc.
Recommended Fuel Specifications
Parameter Unit BS VI
Cetane Number (min) CN 51
Sulphur content mg/kg 10
Lubricity (HFRR) micron 460

It is mandatory to use Diesel fuel with recommended
Sulphur contents as given above. Use of any other diesel
fuel can increase the pollutants/damage the engine or
exhaust after treatment system.

Lubricant Specification
Use following genuine fluids, coolants and lubricants recommended for optimum performance of your vehicle.
Item Specification Company Brand Qty.
Engine oil (Diesel) 0W20 ACEA C2 PETRONAS Tata Motors Genuine Oil Fully Synth 0W20 5L

Coolant (Pre- SUNSTAR CCI Tata Motors Genuine Coolant 2200

mixed) (Antifreeze Class II/JIS K2234
Tata Motors Genuine Coolant Purocool++ Anchemo 7L
agent +Soft water TATA SS7700S1 ANSYESCO
40:60 ratio) Anand

Manual Transaxle PETRONAS ZC 601

PETRONAS TATA Motors Genuine Transaxle oil SAFARI 1.9 L
Oil FF
Automatic Trans-
mission Oil
Brake / Clutch fluid SAE J 1703, DOT 4 CASTROL Universal Brake fluid DOT 4 0.72L
Diesel Exhaust Solution confirms to
Fluid (DEF) ISO22241 standards.


Refrigerant - R134a- 780±20 gms

Technical Specifications
Parameter Specifications
Model/type 2.0L KryoTec BSVI
Capacity 1956 cc
Max. Engine output 125 kW at 3750 (+/-50) rpm
Max. Torque 350 Nm at 1750 to 2500 rpm
Type Dry, Single Plate diaphragm type
Outside diameter of clutch 240 mm
Transaxle (MT)
Model C635 - FIAT
Type Manual, 6-speed, Synchromesh
No. Of gears 6 Forward, 1 Reverse
Transaxle (AT)
Model 6F33 - HTS
Type Automatic, 6-speed, Planetary
No. Of gears 6 Forward, 1 Reverse
Type Power assisted-Hydraulic with Tilt & Telescopic mechanism and collapse feature
Parameter Specifications
Brakes Front (Disc); Rear (Disc)
Parking Brakes Cable Operated mechanical
Front: Independent lower wishbone MacPherson strut with coil spring
Rear: Semi-independent Twist blade suspension with Panhard rod & coil spring
Front: MacPherson strut Damper twin tube with gas filled
Shock absorber
Rear: Damper twin tube with gas filled
Wheels & tyres

For Front & Rear, Option 1 : 235 / 70 R16 105H (Radial-Tubeless)

Option 2 : 235 / 65 R17 104H (Radial-Tubeless)
Option 3 : 235 / 60 R18 103V (Radial-Tubeless)
For Spare wheel, Option 1 : 235 / 70 R16 (Radial-Tubeless)
Option 1: 6.5J X 16 steel wheel
Wheel rims Option 2: 7.5J X 17 alloy wheel
Option 3: 8J X 18 alloy wheel
Fuel tank
Capacity 50 liters


Parameter Specifications
DEF tank
Capacity 15 liters
Cab / body
Type Monocoque
Electrical system
System voltage 12 Volts
Alternator capacity 160 Amp
Battery 12V, 78 Ah
Main chassis dimension (in mm)
Wheel base 2741
Track front 1616
Track rear 1630
Overall length 4661
Overall height 1786
Max. Width 1894
Min. Ground clearance (Laden) 143

Parameter Specifications
Max. Speed 170 kmph
Max. Recommended gradability 30 %
Minimum Turning Circle Dia. in meters 11.6 m
Minimum Turning Clearance circle dia.
12.2 m
in meters
Weight (in kg)
1756 (XE)
1764 (XM)
1758 (XT)
1788 (XT+)
1765 (XZ 7 Seat)
1755 (XZ 6 Seat)
Kerb weight (unladen) 1795 (XZ+ 7 Seat)
1785 (XZ+ 6 Seat)
1794 (XMA)
1795 (XZA 7 Seat)
1785 (XZA 6 Seat)
1825 (XZA+ 7 Seat)
1815 (XZA+ 6 Seat)
2331 (XE)
2339 (XM)
2333 (XT)
2363 (XT+)
2340 (XZ 7 Seat)
2255 (XZ 6 Seat)
Gross vehicle weight 2370 (XZ+ 7 Seat)
2285 (XZ+ 6 Seat)
2369 (XMA)
2370 (XZA 7 Seat)
2285 (XZA 6 Seat)
2400 (XZA+ 7 Seat)
2315 (XZA+ 6 Seat)

Vehicle Dimensions

NOTE: Dimensions are in mm Unladen condition

Aggregate Identification Numbers

VIN plate near Front passenger seat (LHS

Transaxle No. Punching (AT)
Engine No. Plate – Diesel outer side)

Chassis No. punching near driver seat

(RHS outer side) Transaxle No. Punching (MT) Transmission Sticker number (AT)
Car Care 4. To remove stubborn stains and con-  Always close the sunroof while
taminants like tar, use turpentine or washing the vehicle.
Your vehicle is subjected to many exter- cleaners like ‘Stain remover’ which
nal influences such as climate, road con- are safe for paint surfaces.
ditions, industrial pollution and proximity WARNING
5. Avoid substances like petrol, diesel,
to the sea. These conditions demand Do not direct high pressure washer
kerosene, benzene, thinner, acids or
regular care of the vehicle body. Dirt, in- fluid/ water jets (Pressure above
other solvents that cause damage to
sects, bird droppings, oil, grease, fuel 0.5 bar) at electrical devices and
and stone chippings should be removed connecter during washing. This is
as soon as possible. 6. Dry your vehicle thoroughly to pre-
vent any damp spots. to prevent malfunction / failure of
Washing electrical system due to water in-
7. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly to pre-
Following these tips while washing your vent any traces of soap and other
vehicle. cleaners as this may lead to the for- After drying the vehicle, inspect it for
mation of stains on the painted sur- chips and scratches that could allow cor-
1. Always wash your vehicle in shade face later. rosion to start. Apply touch up paint
and the surface is at room tempera- where necessary.
ture. NOTE
2. Wash with mild vehicle wash soap  Avoid parking the car under Cleaning of Carpets
like ‘Car Shampoo’ and use a soft trees without proper cover, it will
Vacuum clean the carpet regularly to re-
bristle brush, sponge or soft cloth reduce the amount of bird drop-
move dirt. Dirt will make the carpet wear
and rinse it frequently while washing pings, tree sap and pollen con-
out faster. Periodically, shampoo the
to avoid scratches. tact on paint surface. Regularly
carpet to keep it looking new.
3. To avoid scratches, please wear soft remove the twigs, leaves and
gloves. Remove finger rings, nails, vegetation near the windshield Use carpet cleaners (preferably foam
wrist watch while washing. areas, to avoid water stagna- type). Follow the instructions that come
tion. with the cleaner. Apply it with a sponge
or soft brush. Keep the carpeting as dry Waxing contain artificial colors in the stain
as possible by not adding water to the creating liquid or semisolid sub-
foam. Waxing and polishing is recommended stance. The colorant may leave a
to maintain the gloss and wet-look ap- stain if kept for longer time.
NOTE pearance of your paint finish.
3. Stain should not be removed by rub-
Avoid wiping of painted surface in 1. Use good quality polish and wax for bing. As far as possible, try to blot or
dry condition as it may leave your vehicle. lift the stain with cloth or plastic spat-
scratches on the painted surface. 2. Re-wax your vehicle when the water ula and then clean the remaining
does not slip off the surface but col- stain with cloth or sponge.
Cleaning of Windows, Front and lects over the surface in patches.
Rear Glasses 4. If the stain has dried, then gently
Polishing brush off the material and then press
Clean the windows inside and outside
Polishes and cleaners can restore shine with damp cloth or sponge till it dis-
with commercially available glass clean-
to the painted surface that has oxidized appears.
and become dull. They normally contain
mild abrasives and solvents that remove 5. Do not use household detergents to
This will remove the haze that builds up
the top layer of the finish coat. Polish clean the fabric.
on the inside of windows. Use a soft
cloth or paper towels to clean all glass your vehicle, if the finish does not regain 6. Always use clean cotton cloth for
and plastic surfaces. its original shine after using wax. cleaning.
Interior Fabric Cleaning Tips Paint Care
1. Stains should be treated immedi- Following guidelines will help you to pro-
ately. If left for a long time, they can tect your vehicle from corrosion effec-
leave a permanent mark. tively.
2. Cleaning the stains immediately is
important especially for stains, which
NOTE In addition to regularly washing your car, Wiper Care
the following precautions need to be
Avoid Spillage or Direct contact of taken.  To prevent damage to the wipers or
Air freshener liquid/chemicals windshield, do not operate the wip-
with painted plastic parts. These Periodic Inspection ers when the windshield is dry.
chemicals may cause damage to  To prevent damage to the wiper arms
paint like blisters, peel off, wrinkles  Regularly inspect your vehicle for any
and other components, do not at-
etc damage in the paint film such as
tempt to move the wipers manually
deep scratches and immediately get
Proper Cleaning them repaired from an authorized FAST TAG
service outlet, as these defects tend
In order to protect your vehicle from cor- to accelerate corrosion. FAST TAG is pasted on front windshield
rosion it is recommended that you wash from the inside. It enables Electronic toll
your vehicle thoroughly and frequently in  Inspect mud liners for damages. collection.
case:  Keep all drain holes clear from clog-
 There is a heavy accumulation of dirt
and mud especially on the under- Proper Parking
body.  Always park your vehicle in shade to
 It is driven in areas having high at- protect it from harsh sunlight or in a NOTE
mospheric pollution due to smoke, well-ventilated garage so that there
soot, dust, iron dust and other chem- is no dampness on any part of the ve- Do not attempt to rip or tamper the
ical pollutants. hicle. tag. It will disable the functionality
of the tag.
 It is driven in coastal areas.
 The underbody must be thoroughly
pressure washed after every three
Value Care – AMC
Value Care (AMC) is a fixed cost maintenance plan that guarantees protection against unex-
pected repairs & provides substantial savings through protection against inflation & price vol-
atility of consumables during the running of the vehicle.
Our customers can choose from Value Care Gold, Value Care Silver, Promise to Protect
(P2P) and Protect plus plan as per the requirement & usage to ensure hassle free, reliable &
economic maintenance of the vehicle.
Coverage – Schedule Service and Wear & Tear.
Advantage (Customer Benefits)
 Price protection against rising prices of lubes and parts.
 A higher resale value for your vehicle.
 Peace of mind with Cashless repairs & services.
 Vehicle servicing at a workshop of your choice pan India.
 Covers Repairs including Wear & Tear parts viz. Brakes, Suspension, Wiper, Clutch, Brake Pads, Brake Liners etc.
 Covers Scheduled maintenance services including Lubricants, Parts, Wheel Alignment and Balancing Labour.
 Available at unmatched value…. Huge Savings!!!
 Savings on Goods & Services Tax whenever vehicle attend under AMC.

Available Offers (Types of AMC)
 Silver AMC
 Gold AMC
 Promise to Protect (P2P)
 Protect Plus
Silver AMC
Value Care Silver Plan covers the following:
 Scheduled maintenance services at periodic interval of Km for Labor, Parts & Consumables.
a. Change of Oil Filter, Fuel Filter, Air Filter & Sedimenter.
b. Change of Engine Oil, Transmission Oil (if applicable), and Power steering Oil*.
c. Change of Coolant, Brake Oil & Clutch Fluid*.
d. General Checkup, Wheel Alignment / Balancing (Excluding Balancing Weight).
e. Washing of Vehicle, Wheel greasing as applicable.
Gold AMC
The value care Gold Plan extends your scheduled maintenance cover to include any normal wear and tear items identified during
the scheduled service and other vehicle parts that need to replace during the period of cover arising from proper and uniform
 Scheduled maintenance services at periodic interval of Km for Labor, Parts & Consumables.

In addition to coverage mentioned under Silver AMC, the Gold AMC also covers Repairs or Replacement of Wear & Tear Items for
both Parts & Labour.
a. Brake Pads, Brake Liners, Wheel Cylinders.
b. Clutch Disc, Clutch Cover, Cables, Mountings.
c. Suspension Bush, Wiper Blades, Auxiliary Belt & other Wear & Tear Items.
d. Washing of Vehicle, Wheel greasing as applicable.
Promise to Protect (P2P)
Value Care – Promise to protect (P2P) is a maintenance plan that guarantees protection against unexpected wear & tear repairs
to provide substantial saving through protection against inflation & price volatility during the running of the vehicle.
New Vehicle (under warranty vehicles) are eligible to avail this offer –Identified 13 wear & tear parts listed below Including Labour
is covered in this AMC with the price range of 11 to 14 paisa per Km.
*applicable to selected models*
List of Covered Parts- Clutch, Brake Pad, Brake Linings, Brake Disc, Wiper, Wheel Cylinder, Suspension Bushes, Engine Mount-
ings, Ball Joints, Hoses, Auxiliary Belt, (Alternator & A/C Belt), Window Winder.
Protect Plus
The value care Protect plus Plan extends your scheduled maintenance cover to include coverage of P2P. It covers scheduled
maintenance services – labour, parts & consumables + Identified 13 wear & tear parts of P2P plan Including Labour.
New Vehicle (under warranty vehicles) are eligible to avail this offer.
*Applicable to selected models*

 AMC is available in the dealership from where you have purchased your vehicle.
 We strongly recommend purchase of AMC at time of purchase of your vehicle to get benefit for coverage of Scheduled
Services and Wear & Tear parts.
 The Dealer Service Marketing Executive shall explain to you the Terms and conditions, Coverage and Owner’s responsi-
 One Time payment is to be made to avail AMC offer.
 P2P & Protect plus offer valid on selected models & may vary from Model to Model, Variant to Variant.
 Please read the offer eBooklet for further details about coverage and exclusions of various AMCs.
Owner’s Responsibility:
 Proper use, maintenance and care of the vehicle in accordance with the instructions contained in the Owner’s Manual and
Service Booklet. The records of the same to be ensured in Owner’s Manual.
 Retention of maintenance service bills.

I / We have been explained the Terms and conditions, Coverage and Owner’s responsibility by the Dealer Service Marketing
I wish to avail / Do not wish to avail extended warrant policy.

Customer’s Signature Dealer’s Signature

Extended Warranty
TATA MOTORS recommends the purchase of its extended warranty program.
Coverage - Mechanical + Electrical
 Insures you against unforeseen break down repair bills.
 Documentation is simple and hassle free.
 Near cashless & speedy claim
2+1 Year or 1,15,000 Km whichever occurs first
2+2 Year or 1,30,000 Km whichever occurs first
2+3 Year for Unlimited Km
Extended Warranty is available in the dealership from where you have purchased your vehicle. We strongly recommend purchase
of Extended Warranty at time of purchase of your vehicle. Extended Warranty can be availed until warranty period from date of
purchase of vehicle. The Dealer Service Marketing Executive shall explain to you the Terms and conditions, Coverage and Owner’s

 The 12 or 24 or 36 months extended warranty does not follow the 24 months Manufacturer's warranty.
 The extended warranty comes into force once the manufacturer’s warranty expires e.g. after 24 Months.
 It is more restrictive as by the time it comes into force the vehicle is already 24 months old.
What is covered?
 Mechanical / Electrical break down as defined in this warranty and confirmed by the dealer within the stipulated terms
and conditions.
 TATA MOTORS dealer shall either rep air or replace any part found to be defective with a new p art or an equivalent at no cost
to the owner for p arts or labour.
 Such defective parts which have been replaced will become property of TATA MOTORS LIMITED.
 Comprehensive list of parts covered is mentioned in the Extended Warranty Booklet.
What is not covered?
Please refer the digital Extended Warranty booklet provided by the dealer for details of the exclusion list.
Owner’s Responsibility:
 Proper use, maintenance and care of the vehicle in accordance with the instructions contained in the Owner’s Manual and
Service Booklet. The records of the same to be ensured in Owner’s Manual.
 Retention of maintenance service bills.

I / We have been explained the Terms and conditions, Coverage and Owner’s responsibility by the Dealer Service Marketing
I wish to avail / Do not wish to avail extended warrant policy.

Customer’s Signature Dealer’s Signature

Value Added Services
Why are Corrosion Protection Waxes neces-
Corrosion is caused by:
Water / salt water acid rain & atmospheric fallouts.
Critical areas are:
Cavities: joints, crevices, spot welds, underbody
 Corrosion is the most important factor when we talk about the vehicle life. If you treat your car you can prolong the life.
 It is very dangerous to drive around in a corroded vehicle.
 The corrosion creeps onto the vehicle from the inside and from the outside. The most dangerous kind of corrosion is often
not discovered until it is too late.
Benefits of Anti - Rust treatment:
 A professionally applied range of world class products offering real value to the new and used vehicle customer.
 The treatment has been developed to withstand the harshest environmental and climatic conditions (rust. Pollutants, stone
and gravel impact, etc.)
 Insulate cabin space from external noises.
 Expensive tin work and Denting / Painting avoided.
 Higher resale value for the vehicle.
 Higher safety – uncorroded vehicle
 10 free checkups available

TATA MOTORS has tied up with M/s Wurth, M/s Autokrom, M/s 3M India Lt d & M/s Bardahl for these world class treatment
at affordable prices. These treatments are available in all authorized workshops. The Dealer Service Marketing Executive will
explain to you the benefits and terms and conditions of this treatment.

I / W e have been explained the Benefits, Terms and conditions and the prices of these treatments by the Dealer Service Marketing
I wish to avail / Do not wish to avail extended warrant policy.

Customer’s Signature Dealer’s Signature

Vehicle Exterior Enrichment
Why vehicles are painted?
 For Corrosion protection of the metal surfaces.
 Ease of application from other corrosion protection treatments.
 Cheaper than other corrosion protection methods eg. Galvanizing, ano-
 For decoration and identification.
Various Environmental Hazards affecting paints
Environmental hazards: destroy your vehicle's finish.
Even as your new vehicle rolls off the assembly line, the paint is not protected.
The enemy
Ultraviolet Rays, Pollution, Tree Sap, Bird Droppings, Car Wash Chemicals, Road Salt, Acid Rain.
Benefits: Vehicle Exterior Enrichment
 Removal of medium scratches, orange peel, oxidation, dust nibs etc. & swirl marks from painted surface.
 Restoration of original gloss levels, UV protection after gloss is restored.
 Cleaning & dressing of tyres, Bumpers & all exterior plastic moldings/trims.
TATA MOTORS has tied up with M/s Autokrom, M/s 3M & M/s Wurth for this world class treatment at affordable prices. This
treatment is available in all authorized workshops. The Dealer Service Marketing Executive will explain to you the benefits and
terms and conditions of this treatment.

Vehicle Interior Enrichment
Why protect your new car’s fabric interior?
 Someone will spoil your vehicle's fabric carpet or seats.
 A significant detractor from your vehicle's resale value.
 A permanent stain on your vehicle's interior fabric.
The enemy:
Drink Spills - Food Stains - Mud - Ultraviolet Rays Pets - Traffic
Benefits: Vehicle Interior Enrichment
 Removal of medium stains and dirt from all interior parts of the car i.e., carpet, upholstery and roof lining.
 Cleaning of windshield and all windows (inside and outside).
 Dressing of all internal plastics (e.g.: door pad trims) and rubber parts.
 The treatment involves cleaning and dressing of all parts of the exposed interiors.
 Specialised protection for seat fabric from liquid spills.
TATA MOTORS has tied up with M/s Wurth and M/s Autokrom for this world class treatment at affordable prices. This treatment
is available in all authorized workshops. The Dealer Service Marketing Executive will explain to you the benefits and terms and
conditions of this treatment.

I / We have been explained the Terms and conditions, Coverage and Owner’s responsibility by the Dealer Service Marketing
I wish to avail / Do not wish to avail extended warrant policy.

Customer’s Signature Dealer’s Signature


Vehicle Warranty: Terms and conditions 5. This warranty shall not apply if the car or any part thereof
is repaired or altered otherwise than in accordance with our
We WARRANT each TATA SAFARI vehicle and parts thereof standard repair procedure or by any person other than from
manufactured by us to be free from defect in material and our sales or service establishments, our authorized deal-
workmanship subject to the following terms and conditions: ers, service centres or service points in any way so as, in
1. This warranty shall be for a period of 2 years from the date our judgment which shall be final and binding, to affect its
of sale of the car or a mileage of 1, 00,000 Kms which- reliability, nor shall it apply if, in our opinion which shall be
ever occurs earlier. final and binding, the car is subjected to misuse, negli-
gence, improper or inadequate maintenance or accident or
2. Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repair- loading in excess of such carrying capacity as certified by
ing or replacing, free of charge, such parts of the car which, us, or such services as prescribed in our Owner's Manual
in our opinion, are defective, on the car being brought to us are not carried out by the buyer through our sales or service
or to our dealers within the period. The parts so repaired or establishments, our authorized dealers, service centres or
replaced shall also be warranted for quality and workman- service points.
ship but such warranty shall be co-terminus with this origi-
nal warranty. 6. This warranty shall not apply to the replacement of nor-
mal wear parts, including without limitation, drive belts,
3. Any part which is found to be defective and is replaced by hoses, wiper blades, fuses, clutch disc, brake shoes,
us under the warranty shall be our property. brake pads, cables and all rubber parts (except oil seal
and glass run).
4. As for such parts as Tyres, Batteries, Audio and / or Video
equipment (if any), etc. not manufactured by us but sup- 7. This warranty shall not cover any inherent normal deterio-
plied by other parties, this warranty shall not apply, but buy- ration of the car or any of its parts arising from the actual
ers of the car shall be entitled to, so far as permissible by use of the car or any damage due to negligent or improper
law, all such rights as we may have against such parties operation or storage of the car.
under their warranties in respect of such parts.

8. This warranty shall not apply to normal maintenance ser- other liability arising from the sale of the car or any agree-
vices like oils & fluid changes, head lamps focusing, fas- ment in relation thereto.
tener retightening, center hub cap/wheel cover. wheel bal-
12. The buyer shall have no other rights except those set out
ancing and alignment, tyre rotation, adjustment of valve
above and have, in particular, no right to repudiate the sale,
clearance, fuel timing, ignition timing and consumables like
or any agreement or to claim any reduction in the purchase
bulbs, fuel, air & oil filters and gas leaks in case of air con-
ditioned cars. price of the car, or to demand any damages or compensa-
tion for losses, incidental or indirect, or inconvenience or
9. This warranty shall not apply to any damage or deteriora- consequential damages, loss of car, or loss of time, or oth-
tion caused by environmental pollution or bird droppings. erwise, incurred or accrued.
Slight irregularities not recognized as affecting the function
13. Any claim arising from this warranty shall be recognized
or quality of the vehicle or parts, such as slight noise or vi-
bration, defects appearing only under particular or irregular only if it is notified in writing to us or to our authorized
dealer without any delay soon after such defects as cov-
operations are items considered characteristics of the ve-
ered & ascertained under this warranty.
14. This warranty is fully transferable to subsequent vehi-
10. This warranty shall be null and void if the car is subjected
cle owner. Only unexpired remaining period of war-
to abnormal use such as rallying, racing or participation in ranty applies.
any other competitive sport. This warranty shall not apply
to any repair or replacements as a result of accident or col- 15. We reserve our rights to make any change or modification
lision. in design of the car or its parts or to introduce any improve-
ment therein or to incorporate in the car any additional part
11. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all warranties, whether
or accessory at any time without incurring any obligation to
by law or otherwise, expressed or implied, and all other ob-
incorporate the same in the cars previously sold.
ligations or liabilities on our part and we neither assume,
nor authorize any person to assume on our behalf, any

TATA MOTORS LTD. is committed to produce vehicles using en-  It is not necessary to rev up the engine before turning it off
vironmentally sustainable technology. A number of features as it unnecessarily burns the fuel.
have been incorporated in TATA MOTORS passenger vehicles
 Shift to higher gears as soon as possible. Use each gear
which have been designed to ensure environmental compati-
upto 2/3rd of maximum engine speed.
bility throughout the life cycle of the vehicle. We would like to
inform you that your vehicle meets emission norms and this is  A chart indicating gear shifting speeds is given in this book.
being regularly validated at the manufacturing stages.
As a user you too can protect the environment by operating
your vehicle in a proactive manner. A lot depends on your driv-  Ensure that recommended maintenance is carried out on
ing style and the way you maintain your vehicle. We have given the vehicle regularly at the Authorised Service Outlets.
a few tips for your guidance.  As soon as you see any leakages of oil or fuel in the vehicle
Driving we recommend to get it attended immediately.

 Avoid frequent and violent acceleration.  Use only recommended grades and specified quantity of
 Do not carry any unnecessary weight in the vehicle as it
overloads the engine. Avoid using devices requiring high  Get your vehicle checked for emission periodically by an au-
power consumption during slow city traffic condition. thorised dealer.

 Monitor the vehicle’s fuel consumption regularly and if  Ensure that fuel filter, oil filter and breather are checked
showing rising trend get the car immediately attended at periodically and replaced, if required, as recommended by
the Company’s Authorised Service Outlets. TATA MOTORS.

 Switch off the engine during long stops at traffic jams or  Do not pour used oils or coolants into the sewage drains,
signals. If you need to keep the engine running, avoid un- garden soil or open streams. Dispose the used filters and
necessary revving it up or stopping and starting. batteries in compliance with the current legislation.

 Do not allow unauthorized person to tamper with engine 6. EGR Valve & Cooler
settings or to carry modifications on the vehicle. 7. Intake throttle
 Never allow the vehicle to run out of fuel. 8. Electrical connections.
 Parts like brake liners, clutch discs should be vacuum 9. If the ‘Check Engine lamp’, ‘MIL’ , 'SCR' or ‘DPF’ lamp con-
cleaned. Do not use compressed air for cleaning these tinuously glows, please take the vehicle to a TATA MOTORS
parts which may spread dust in the atmosphere. Authorized Dealer/Service Center.
While carrying out servicing or repairs of your vehicle, you 10. Exhaust After Treatment System parts.
should pay keen attention to some of the important engine
aggregates and wiring harness which greatly affect emis- 11. EMS wiring harness i.e. electrical connections to all sen-
sion. These components are: sors and actuators.

1. Fuel injection equipment- pump, rail, injectors, nozzles and This Owner’s manual contains further information on driving
high-pressure pipes. precautions and maintenance care leading to environment
protection. Please familiarize yourself with these aspects be-
2. Air Intake & Exhaust system, especially for leakages. fore driving.
3. Cylinder head for valve leakage.
4. All filters such as air, oil and fuel filters (check periodically).
5. Turbocharger.




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