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Annex A - Grant Applicaton

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Annex A- Application Template


A.1. Purpose

The Grant Application Template is designed to gather basic information about the Applicant and
what it is proposing to do. This application should be submitted by the applicants in response to
RFA. The Application should not exceed 8 pages (excluding supporting documents)

A.2. Instructions by Section

Item 1: Organization’s name, if the organization is registered please write the registered

Item 2: Choose amongst the most relevant sector. Select the sector which could be classified
as prime source of revenue.

Item 3-4: Date when the organization was founded, legal status, type of registration (Eligibile
type of organizations includes;, for profit, firms, local organizations industry
assosiations, innovation centers , private sector entities.

Item 5: The total amount on the application should be the same as proposed in Item 19

Item 6: Grant activity title—The title given to the activity should relate to the grant activity

Item 7: Proposed Location of Implementation.

Item 8: Contact Information— Contact name, title, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. The
contact person (agent) is responsible for communications between SMEA and the
Applicant. This applies to all aspects of the grant application, from initial submission
through negotiation and award. The agent must have full authority and responsibility
to act on behalf of the Applicant. The agent should be someone who will be directly
involved with the grant activity and has a proven, established relationship with the

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Item 9: Kindly attach the list of all key staff members including BOD i.e. Name, Designation
and Gender with CNICs

Item 10: Anticipated duration should be stated with a degree of accuracy of plus or minus two

Item 11: References—List three donors, partner organizations, or community leaders that can
provide references for your organization’s ability to successfully carry out the
financial, administrative, and technical requirements of the grant activity. Briefly
describe your relationship to the reference and the nature and duration of your work
together. Be sure to provide complete information, including a point of contact, with
telephone and email.

Item 12: Briefly describe the organization and its activities—This section should introduce the
Applicant and its background: how it was formed, its mission or purpose, major
accomplishments in the area of the targeted activity, current activities, past related
experience, and clients.

Item 13: Background—Identify the problem that the grant’s activities propose to address.
Provide description for the issues identified and how the proposed project will
address such issues, also explain why do you think it is important to address the
issues that are highlighted. Include the sources of funding for your existing SME

Item 14: Applicants must propose activities which should have a quantifiable impact on some
or all key objectives of SMEA which includes Increased Jobs, Sales, Exports,
Adoption of Technology and New practices, Access to Finance, Access to Market and
Improved Performance of Women Led Enterprises. It shall cater the merit review
criteria mentioned in section V of RFA.

Item 15: Expected Results- explicit the no. of full-time (i-e 40 hours a week) new jobs to be
created as a result of grant implementation. Provide the number of jobs retained/
preserved due to grant implementation. Also provide the number of SMEs that get
directly benefit of the grant implementation, could be through an ICT based solution
etc. Provide reasonable estimated quarterly projections for revenue and net profits for
02 years post grant implementation. Also provide the narrative rationale behind the
calculation of such projections. If applicable, provide the export potential of your
proposed activities. Applicants can also provide potential percentage increase in the
expected results.

Item 16: What is the market opportunity and how does proposed activities will take advantage
of the opportunity. Provide brief marketing plan .

Item 17: Describe the elements ensuring sustainability of the proposed activities that could
support and sustain the proposed business model.

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Item 18: Main task phases of the activity—Provide details regarding the subtasks of the

Item 19: Budget summary is an extract from the grant budget template Annex B. The budget
amounts should match the amounts in template. Approximate cost of this activity
(cash, and third-party sources)—Applicant must submit a reasonable estimate of the
cost of the proposed activity and sources of funds, specifying how much will come
from SMEA, the Applicant’s contribution, and any third-party contributions.
(contribution of 50% on top of the grant budget from applicant or third party sources
is highly encouraged).

Item 20: Please refer to the comment within the table to identify the eligbility for the specific
checklist item

Item 21: Declaration from Applicant Organization

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1. Organization Name: _________________________

2. Target Sector
☐ ICT (Information and Communication technology)
☐ Hospitality
☐ Logistics
☐ Textile (minus spinning)
☐ Agribusiness & Processing (off-farming only)
☐ Light Engineering
☐ Women-led Business (From any sector)

3. Legal Status of Organization:

Registered ☐ (Year of establishment) _________

4. Type of Registration NTN # /SECP Reg #): ________________

5. Total Fund requested from SMEA in PKR: _______________

6. Title of the proposed grant activity / product / service being offered:

7. Proposed Location(s) of Implementation:

8. Contact information:
Key contact person(s) Name:
Key contact person(s) Title:
Office address: Office phone:
Email: Website:

9. Key Management Details:

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Name of Individual Designation CNIC # Gender

10. Anticipated duration of activity from start to finish: (Ideally 4-5 months)
Overall length (total number of months)
Start and end date (day, month, and year)

11. List contact information for three (3) references from previous donors or organizations
(U.S. and/or other professional reference) that your organization has collaborated with in the
past two years where applicable):

Contact Person Title Email Contact Name of org. Nature of

name number relationship


12. Briefly describe your organizational profile, its purpose, and demonstrated

13. Background: (Refer to guidelines for the sub-questions)

a. What is the issue or problem that the proposed activity will address?

b. Why do you think it is critical to address this issue?

c. Tell us a little about your current funding streams and how do you earn revenue?

d. Are you using any technology for marketing, process/operation management and/or product
development? How can technology help you in scaling up your business

14. Describe the proposed activities to be implemented from grant funds.

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15. Expected Results/ Outcome:

a. How many (full-time) new jobs will be created: __________

b. How many (full-time) existing jobs will be retained/preserved: __________

c. How many SMEs will directly get benefited (If applicable): ____________

d. Quarterly Projections Table: Estimated revenue projections during/post implementation.

Year 1 Year II
Q1 Y1 Q2 Y1 Q3 Y1 Q4 Y1 Q1 Y2 Q2 Y2 Q3 Y2 Q4 Y2
Net Profits

Rationale for projections and revenue calculations: _____________________________



c. Rationale for Export potential (If applicable):_________________________________


16. Briefly describe the Market opportunity, your market size and how this proposed grant
project will target that opportunity (i.e. Who are your customers and how you will engage
them, your brief marketing plan)

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17. Briefly describe about sustainability of activities post grant implementation.

18. Implementation Timeline: (Please list the main task/milestones phases with estimated start
and end dates for each task/milestone. Please include all events, trainings, publications, etc.)
Description of Grant Non-Grant
Start & End Milestone of
Main Resources *Resources
Dates Achievement
Tasks/Milestone Required Contributed
Task 1:        
Task 2:        
Task 3:        
Task 4:        
Task 5, etc:        
(please add rows as needed)
*Non-grant sources could be in-kind

19. Budget Summary:

(The budget summary should match the amounts on Grant Budget Template Annex B)
Applicant Resources (including third Grant
party – Indicate the amount of Amount Total
Budget Category contribution from Non-US Govt. Requested Project
sources e.g. (Personal resources, loans from Amount
from bank SMEA PKR (A+B)
Other Direct Costs:      
Activity Service Delivery      
[Add more rows as
Total Estimated Costs
(in PKR)
(The required Funding from SMEA should not exceed up to approx. PKR 7,500,000/-)
(mention if specific training is required to execute the project and include the cost in budget)
Any Other Information to be provided by applicant:

20. Check list: (Where applicable, the below information is mandatory)

Type of Documentations Provided (Select if
Mandatory Annex
Grant Budget Template Annex B ☐
Copy of Organization’s Registration Documents ☐ Mandatory Field
Organization Target Sector ☐ Mandatory Field - select your prime sector on

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the application
Information of key individuals ☐ Mandatory Field
Implementation Timelines ☐ Mandatory Field
Partnership agreement (If applicable) ☐ In case of a joint venture/ consortium
21. Declaration by Applicant Organization:

1. The undersigned, being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of

______________________, hereby applies to be considered for the project cited above along with
all the required documents, and declares & agrees the following:

a) I have examined and have no reservation to the RFA document.

b) Applicant organization understand that USAID SMEA may cancel this solicitation call at any
point of time with or without providing any details to applicant organization.
c) By Submitting Application or participating in pre-application workshops, applicant organization
does not expect guarantee of Grant award.
d) Information provided by applicant organization in this Application will be subject to verification
if qualified for next round.
e) Applicant organization agrees to abide by the Standard Provisions for U.S. and Non-U.S. Non-
governmental organizations receiving a fixed amount award as mentioned in Annex D of RFA
f) USAID-SMEA reserves the right to amend the scope and value of any grant under this project in
consultation with the applicant.
g) The applicant and any of its senior management including BOD are not blacklisted by
government or any donor agency or financial institution.
2. USAID-SMEA and its authorized representative(s) may contact the following person(s) for further
information, if needed:
Person(s) to be contacted: ______________________ Telephone: _____________________
By affixing my signature below, I certify that the information provided in this Application is accurate and
correct to the best of my knowledge.

Submitted by (Name & Title): ___________________________________________________

Signatures: ___________________ Date: _______________________

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