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128 Basic Slave Rules

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128 Basic slave Rules

by Johnathan Kay, also known as Master John

The following 128 rules are written in the context of a M/s (Master/slave) relationship, but could be
used by those in a D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationship, and provide a good project for those
submissive/slave males to adapt them towards their relationship with their Dominatrix/Mistress,
respectively (double meaning intended).

Some notes for the female to take into consideration when using these rules and participating in a
Master/slave relationship (or any part of the BDSM world out there):

1. The Master/slave relationship is a complex one requiring a serious commitment to honest and open
communication, and the practice of learned responsibilities for the care and protection of each person's
well being, psychological, physical, sexual, social, and emotional health. you can protect both you and
your Master's participation through the use of selected safe words (like 'yellow' and 'red') and gestures
(such as tight hand holds, wiggling of a limb, or opening of a hand). Don't ever be afraid to use them or
think that you are not supposed to - especially if you are in your first experience. Expect to be tested by
your Master so that you are made aware of your limitations for your sake and His.

2. There is a lot to learn, to develop and to discover in this type of lifestyle: its traditions, customs,
fashion, speech, etiquette, play, and practices which may include bondage, discipline, punishment,
sadism, masochism, guidance, surrender, control, pain, aftercare, sensation, sensuality, sexuality,
spiritualism, respect, warmth, passion and love. It is recommended that each person learns as much as
they can throughout whatever avenues are available (never being afraid to ask about anything you are
even the slightest bit curious or concerned about): similarly interested friends, presenters and experts
you get a chance to meet in the 'scene', books and magazines on related subjects including those who
are against the lifestyle, groups in your area who offer educational classes, play parties, and
conferences, any related fictional books of erotica and fantasy, academic books on theatre, sceneplay
and props, Internet websites and FAQ's (frequently asked questions), first-a!
id classes, fetish fashion outlets and those who carry leather, bdsm toys and tools of the lifestyle.
Failure to learn the proper use of the toys and tools of the lifestyle can result in serious injury - so be
careful. It is recommended that a skilled person in edgeplay (activity, as mentioned in rule #128,
requiring extensive knowledge and skill where physical and psychological injury can result if not done
properly) and advanced first-aid be present should you be engaged in such activities by your Master.

3. Each rule involves a multitude of meanings and different styles for unique and personal application.
Work with them. Read each one, ponder the possibilities, look seriously at the images they create inside
you and allow what you feel from each one to come into full bloom,
get away from them, and then come back and work on them again until you have put together the ones
that will become your mindset from which to live by, to seek out the Master you crave to serve and to
please and to love, or to become stronger and more committed to the one that you have and with
whom to share of yourself through your creative application of them.

4. Consider these rules a part of what will become your crash course about the Master/slave
relationship and lifestyle, but realize they are not conclusive, nor the only way to enter and to
experience it, for there is more to learn then from the rules that are listed here.

5. Begin slowly and build trust of each other's responsibilities, knowledge and skills towards the level of
control and the enslavement you crave. Spend time communicating and negotiating your first few
sessions with your Master and especially before you commit yourself to a shared lifestyle. Take the time
to experience trial periods of commitment to a Master: a weekend, a week, a month, a few months.
Always have time periods where you can drop out of submission, as if a third person, to discuss what is
occurring between you and your Master and how to move forward in meeting each other's needs. Know
that you can always leave - for no slave should live in a lifestyle out of fear for one's life. The best of
Masters will have an open door, unless you, by Him, is seen as one who is no longer wanted as His
slave. If that should occur - know that there is always someone else out there who can take His place
so that you may be able to find the One who will allow you the opportunity to submit. Know that you
can also take a break from submitting to a Master and can do so until you feel ready to submit again.
There will always be pleasure to draw from a slave - regardless of your age, your figure or your physical
6. Consider tests for blood and sexually transmitted diseases should you engage in usage where blood,
urine and semen will be sexually or orally exchanged. Engage in your roleplay or lifestyle safely using
condoms, dental dams, and latex gloves wherever and whenever needed for protection. Your life may
depend on these tests and practices. Don't be afraid to speak to your doctor, clinic or hospital about
your need for these tests or about the results of your play from which you may suffer - they've seen
and heard more than you might imagine. Keep in mind that what you communicate with your doctor is
confidential (unless you live in those states where marks on your body may be mistaken for the results
of acts of domestic violence), and that the more you can communicate about what you have received -
the better of care they will be able to provide you. you do not have to explain exactly why the tests are
necessary - just that you and a partner will be engaging in sex where you feel such tests are necessary
for your safety.

7. It is highly recommended that the use of drugs including alcohol not be used during any part of a
Master/slave relationship or at play parties where activity requires careful and well thought out planning
and execution such as in bondage, being pierced, punished, disciplined, edgeplay, and other such
activities. Both partners will need their full faculties to experience these activities safely and without
reckless behavior. I would also caution the use of tobacco in such activities.

8. Keep a journal for yourself to work through what you are feeling as you progress towards and
through the relationship you want and are in. Don't be afraid to hear yourself through your writing. Let
it flow like the freedom you feel when you are in your slave space. Share only what you wish or what
you are allowed. Expect to receive assignments on what you experience so that you both learn what to
work on and how to progress. Don't be afraid to share your journal with your Master, but do ask if you
can have a private one should you desire it.

Begin working with these rules by making your selections in the following manner:

1. Select a place in a household where you feel comfortable in a kneeling position while nude. The
kneeling position should be performed as follows: kneel attentively, toes curled forward,
ankles touching or at least as close together as possible, thighs touching, hands placed on top of the
thighs with palms down and fingers spread apart, the inside of your arms pushing your breasts towards
the middle of the chest with breasts in front of the arms, the back arched to push the breasts forward
and to give the torso good curvature. If this position is difficult for you to achieve, then select a nude
position of your choosing whereby you feel a sense of submission as if honorable to be in such a
position whereby your form, as if secretly displayed, could induce the touch of a Master's eyes upon you
and gain the envy of those females who may be present.

2. Place the rules at a level where you can read them without having to change your position.

3. Remain in your position for a few minutes and then begin reading the rules out loud in a kind of held
back tone as if to do so quietly in a confessional manner. Read all the rules whether you agree with
them or not. Try not to resist what you are feeling and let your thoughts run wild.

4. Spend several days reading the rules, at least once a day, in this manner.

5. When you are ready to make your selections, do so by positioning yourself comfortably. Have what
you will need to begin the process of working with the rules: pens, pencils, plenty of paper, felt pens, a
good writing surface, and if needed: any food or drink you prefer. Clear away any objects you feel will
distract your from your thoughts. Add music to your environment if you wish to and be sure the room is
at a comfortable temperature. you may also choose to work with the rules outside. But keep in mind
that the selection process of the rules may take several days to a few weeks, so be sure to find the best
environment for you to work in and to return to.

6. Read each rule out loud, in whole or in part. Decide if the rule needs to be changed in any way and
rewrite it. Work with it until you find you can identify with it, or that you have decided to eliminate it.
Using a numbering system or coloring scheme (with felt pens) mark each rule, or to categorize them
before you tear apart the rules, or thereafter, keeping in mind the following:

1. Will do. (without question)

2. Want to do. (but,... you have to be pushed or forced to do it because that is what works best for
you. It is not to come easy.)
3. Won't do. (under any circumstances: roleplay, lifestyle or otherwise)
4. Find questionable or problematic or troublesome, but possible if interpreted or rewritten.
5. Need to do. (must have, even to the point that the relationship could not work without it.)

(Note: During your discussion with your Master you may find that more than half of those you decide
are 3's and 4's will turn into 1's, 2's or 5's pending His interpretation and execution of those rules, no
matter how you rewrite them or if you decide to eliminate them. Part of the process is to challenge how
well you know your 'self' and your Master, and how your state of mind changes in His presence.)

7. Keep in the mind the rules are not in any particular order. This is done on purpose since a slave must
be able to adapt her behavior and creative spirit to fit the surprises, changes, and challenges that will
occur in the lifestyle she has with her Master.

8. When you have finished your selection process - read those you chose for 1, 2, 4 and 5, in your
kneeling or other position. Read them out loud in the confessional tone about 1-2 times a day until the
day comes when you can discuss your choices with your Master, with whom the final decisions will be
made and for whom you may be required to display your creative application of those rules chosen.

9. Remember: you are not required to memorize the rules you have selected, but you will be expected
to know of their context when questioned by your Master. A hesitant response or an incorrect one could
get you disciplined in part for not remembering, but more for not staying focused on how you are to
behave. After you have been disciplined the correct and acceptable response in reference to the rule
should be told to you so that you will remember it the next time.

10. Once your discussion with your Master is complete, it is strongly suggested that you, with His
permission, read your selections in an acceptable position, nude, at least once a day, for at least 10
days. Failure to do so without an acceptable cause or reason and you are likely to get punished upon
your next meeting with your Master.

11. you may record the rules you have selected for playback for use any place where you need to hear
them. ( I, the author, will allow one such tape per person, not to be sold in any electronic format (i.e.:
tape, CD, removable HD, or floppy) in any quantity.)
128 Basic slave Rules

•1. i will serve, obey and please my Master.

•2. Above all else my primary focus shall be to please my Master, hoping that He finds me pleasing in
all that I do, whether i am in His presence or not. my Master knows of my potential, learning more
about me in each day i am with Him. He trusts that i will act in accordance with what He perceives of
my potential - He knows what is best for me and how important it is that i set a good example for other
females who may be present around me.

•3. i worship my Master.

•4. i worship my Master's body.

•5. The power of my Master fills me with awe. Just the sheer thought of Him or the hearing of His voice
gives me strength.

•6. To receive pleasure i must earn it.

•7. i worship my Master's whip.

•8. i trust my Master: His responsibilities, His skills, His hunger and needs, and His concern for my
safety, my emotional, psychological, social, sexual, and physical health.

•9. i am nothing more than an object of great value - an instrument Master will use to draw out His

•10. i will ask my Master for permission to satisfy whatever need i have before acting on it.

•11. my body and mind are the property of my Master.

•12. i must always give thanks to my Master for all i am given immediately after receiving what He has
given me, for such things are gifts or privileges granted to me by Him.

•13. i must be both specific and explicit in my speech.

•14. i will not hesitate when responding to my Master. my focus is important to my growth.

•15. i will thank my Master for the discipline and punishments i receive, specifying what i received and
expressing the reason as to why i was given them.

•16. i have no will of my own other than that which falls within the context of the rules i have selected
and of that which is needed to persue the ambitions i am allowed to seek out as according to the
permissions i have received from my Master. i will report to Him my progress in such matters to receive
His favor or His guidance in making whatever steps may be required to move ahead so that i am

•17. i am always in submission to my Master whether He is present or not, ready to please Him at
anytime, in any place, under any circumstances, regardless of who may be present. For the opportunity
to submit and to please is by far more important and satisfying than any other pursuit. i trust my Master
will keep me safe, protecting His reputation and mine in the presence of others, as He examines my
ability to present myself to Him and to others in a subtle manner when required to protect our lifestyle
from those who may not understand, nor support, as long as our behavior is not in anyway
misrepresented nor misinterpreted by those who may be afar. i am to set, once again, a good example,
ready to explain my position to others when required to do so. my lifestyle is a part of a growing culture
for which i must never forget that i am an integral part.

•18. All my choices shall be based upon whether or not they will please my Master.

•19. When i am not in the presence of my Master and i have choices to make - i will perform them to
the best of my abilities and within the boundaries and guidance He has allowed me.

•20. i shall wear the collar my Master gives me with pride for it signifies His ownership of me and my
devotion to Him.
•21. i shall wear the chains my Master gives me as a symbol of my position in life - that of bondage to
Him. i shall wear them, as required, around my neck, my wrists, my ankles or around my waist.

•22. When i am ready - i shall wear His rings to signify my submission to Him - one pierced through
each nipple of my breasts and one through each labia of my pussy.

•23. my mouth shall only be referred to as a cunt for it will often be used as if it were a pussy.

•24. my sex shall only be referred to as a pussy.

•25. When the cock of my Master is put into my cunt and i am directed to suck it - i will do so
vigorously as long as i am required to do so. my hands shall be placed on the tops of my thighs, behind
my neck or held at the base of my back so that during the sucking i can use my whole body to display
my hunger to my Master.

•26. my Master's cum must never go to waste - i will swallow all of it when Master cums into my cunt
(and be punished should I spill any of it from my lips), licking it up if Master cums into my hands or into
a plate i hold in front of Him to receive it, or onto the food He gives me which He may require of me to
hold just under His cock as He ejaculates over it. i will clean His cock thoroughly squeezing out every
last drop. In rare and privileged cases i may wear my Master's cum on my body, sometimes after
massaging it into my skin. Cum is a gift from my Master and it is an honor to receive it. The eating of
my Master's cum will be counted as one of my meals for that day.

•27. i worship my Master's cock, its head and its shaft, especially when it is hard or when i am given the
opportunity to make it hard for Him.

•28. i will worship my Master's ass only after a thorough washing of it. i shall do so hungrily, being sure
to lick between the cheeks for as long as Master requires me to do so. i will use my hands to spread my
Master's cheeks apart.

•29. i will never look into the eyes of my Master without his permission. To do so would be
inappropriate of my position, and doing so could be interpreted by Him that i am seeking His attention
or expecting Him to act - when such things are up to Him and to Him alone.

•30. my head must be bowed down in the presence of my Master unless i am given permission to do so
otherwise. i honor the position of my Master and it is important that i am not distracted in my
submission to Him.

•31. my eyes must be cast down in the presence of my Master unless i am given permission to do so
otherwise. i am to focus on my behavior, waiting to act appropriately and without hesitation when
directed to do so by Him.

•32. i must always wear revealing and sexy clothing of good taste around my Master unless given
permission to do so otherwise. The clothing i wear will allow easy access to my pussy, ass and breasts.
The clothing will emphasize and often exaggerate my assets. i will wear such clothing in any kind of
weather. How i present my body to Him or in front of others is more important than my discomfort and

•33. When others show an interest in what i am wearing i must ask them if they would like to see more
and then gladly show them what they would like to see - but only after i have received permission from
my Master - for i trust my Master's judgement that such a display is not only reasonable but is safe to

•34. i must remove all of my clothing in the way i have been taught when Master commands of me to
do so - regardless of who may be present and despite where it is i am - i trust my Master.

•35. When i remove clothing from my body it must be folded neatly and placed in a small pile in front of
me just ahead of my feet or my knees if i should be required to be in my kneeling position after
unclothing myself.

•36. my basic attire in the presence of my Master shall consist of a collar and my highest heels. The
rings of my submission, if i have been pierced, must also be attached to my body, as should the chains
He has given or allowed me to wear.
•37. my legs, underarms and pussy must be kept completely shaved smooth and clean so that nothing
of me is hidden from view.

•38. Unless otherwise given permission - my hair must be kept up in a manner that is ravishing so that
my shoulders and the nape of my neck are fully exposed - especially when i am naked. It is important
to Master that i appear not just attractive, but alluring and desirable.

•39. Whenever i need to pick something up or receive something from someone else i must do so
wherever possible by going into a kneeling position to show that i am honored to do so. i will perform
this motion according to how Master has taught me.

•40. my pussy and ass must be thoroughly washed and of a good aroma at all times, if even perfumed,
but especially before serving my Master.

•41. my "place" is on my knees before my Master, for it is a privilege and honor to be His slave.

•42. When in the presence of my Master, but not in use, i will go to the place He has selected until i am
needed by Him.

•43. my greatest felt satisfaction is realized when i know i have pleased my Master.

•44. There can be no greater pain or suffering i can feel then when Master is not pleased with me.
Naturally i will feel depressed, saddened, empty, and lost. i can only hope He will show His mercy upon
me and provide to me the guidance i will need to be put back on track so that i will be forgiven and
once again be allowed His eyes upon my flesh, His touch upon my soul, and His warmth and love upon
my heart.

•45. my submission is a natural inborn feeling, and at times a surging and powerful force inside me that
only a respectable and knowledgeable Master can recognize, control and manage, for a He understands
how my nature influences my behavior and how temptations to act outside of its drive can easily lead
me astray and away from my primary focus: to please and to be found pleasing. He, too, manages and
controls His Own natural state, sharing with me through a power exchange between us, bonding me
tightly to Him, His needs with mine. my submission to such a Master allows for me to feel more aware
and alive inside and out, bringing me to a feeling i cherish: ' at home '.

•46. i fear no other power for my Master is always with me.

•47. i will not hesitate in my obedience to my Master.

•48. Whenever Master speaks, even when i am speaking, i am to immediately become silent so i may
be able to listen intensely to what He has to say. i must never interrupt Him unless He has shown me
how to communicate with Him, if i need to. i must ask first for His permission to speak, specifying to
whom i would like to speak to, and whether or not i may be allowed to speak freely - then and only
then, if granted, may i say anything more than asking first to speak.

•49. The opportunity to please my Master is very important to me and i will take every chance to seek
out such opportunities to do so to the best of my abilities and in accordance to how i have been taught
or allowed to do so.

•50. i choose willingly to be treated as my Master's property - as long as such treatment is safe and

•51. When Master feels i am ready and our relationship has progressed to a lifelong commitment, i shall
be specially prepared to receive His unique and permanent mark of ownership upon my flesh, in a place
of His choosing, whether it be a piercing, a tattoo or a branding. Thereafter, i shall become His property
and slave in the most strict sense - completely His for as long as the relationship continues to be
managed and controlled in the manner in which is beneficial to each of us and in accordance with our
mutually shared natures.

•52. i am my Master's greatest treasure.

•53. i will learn all the positions my Master wants to teach me to the best of my abilities and will be
prepared to take such positions when required and to display myself in a manner through them that He,
and others who may be present, will find most pleasing.

•54. i must never reach orgasm without explicit permission from my Master. Failure to receive properly
asked for permission and i will endure the punishment Master will put upon me without my safeword.
Such pleasure must be seen as a privilege so that i do not take advantage of it.

•55. The safeword given to me by my Master can be spoken at any time - even when i have been told
to be silent. If i am not able to verbalize it - i trust my Master will show me how i can express it.
Safewords are for my protection as well as His. i must be careful not to take more than i can handle, as
He will need to know when to stop from getting carried away with His own passions - so that i may be
prepared over time to endure more for Him.

•56. my safeword, verbal or otherwise, cannot be used when i am being punished. i must remember
that punishment could never be very effective if i were able to control it - i must take it in full measure -
so that i will focus on the correction of my behavior for the long term, for unlike discipline, punishment
is not what i will want again. i should know better. However, safewords can be used when i am being
disciplined - Master will let me know which is which when the time has come that such treatment is
necessary to correct my behavior.

•57. i must confess to my Master when i have been naughty so that He may decide if such violations
require me to be disciplined or to be punished. i must accept whatever decisions He makes by thanking
Him for His choice - if He allows it before or shortly thereafter, specifying as to why i will be or have
been disciplined or punished. i must focus upon how sorry i am for not behaving in the way in which i
have been taught - for i have brought defilement upon myself and to Him an unacceptable act which is
displeasing to Him.

•58. i realize Master may own more than one slave, if He so chooses, and that i, unless allowed by Him,
may never be able to have another Master other than Him, accept by His choosing to further my
training. i trust Master will take whatever precautions are necessary to keep the slaves He chooses to
own sexually healthy and to provide whatever measures are necessary to protect us from the eruptions
and ravages of any jealously which may try to corrupt the relationships our Master has allowed between
each of us - including the one we each have with Him.

•59. i must never be concerned when i feel too much of my flesh is showing, in private or in the general
public - however, i can ask my Master for permission as to how to handle my discomfort.

•60. i am a female slave - of worth and value to any Master who would find me useful. my role has
been clearly brought into definition through my ability to recognize and to act accordingly with my true
nature, enhanced through the teachings of my Master, and through the continued practice of my
primary focus, and my search for every opportunity to do so.

•61. my Master will decide what my sexual orientation shall be. i will commit myself to His decision and
perform as such only in His presence and only with His permission. i know my performance will be
measured and corrected as He sees fit should i be required to attend to, provide myself to, perform
with, or upon another female slave.

•62. i must tell my Master if i have had an orgasm without His permission so that i can be properly
punished for my disobedience and disrespect.

•63. Pain and pleasure shall be with me always - in my thoughts and my fantasies - for the contrast
strengthens me to behave in the manner my Master expects of me. Such thoughts and fantasies are
tainted with the memories i have from the last time i was in the presence of my Master. He is with me

•64. my limits do not have to be respected - i trust my Master to take me past them when He expects
that i am ready - for each side of the wall of my limitations is both pleasurable and a challenge - one
side more intense than the other. My only hope in such transferences is that Master will be able to take
me there again and again as my relationship to Him progresses through time, that He too will need it as
much as i will, and that He will not be afraid to increase the intensity while we are there.

•65. i have much to learn in order to become a well-trained and well-behaved slave.
•66. i will endure whatever discipline or punishment my Master gives me so i can become a better slave
for Him.

•67. i will work on building up my tolerances to the level my Master needs me to have, being careful not
to push myself further or faster than i am ready to endure for Him, so that i may be able to expand my
limitations and increase my value to Him.

•68. Through discipline and punishment i shall learn to behave.

•69. In bondage i am made free.

•70. i will never touch my breasts, nipples, pussy or clit with my hands or sex toys in any manner where
i could experience sexual or sensual pleasure without permission from my Master including washing
them, shaving my pussy, adjusting my breasts as i fit them into clothing, or in attaching my rings.

•71. Only through submission can i find my true self.

•72. my life is empty without a Master to please - that lost feeling inside can be real and it can grow. i
may be able to step away from the hunger of my nature, but not for long, for soon it could effect every
part of my life. It is important that i seek a Master to please - but if i cannot find one or that i shall not
be found, i am not totally lost for i must always remember: i will survive - for it is my nature to do so.
my drive to please can be adapted towards the needs of others even though they may not be as
satisfying as the one i would have towards a Master. i must keep in the back of mind that there is a
Master who is looking too and that i need to be patient by redirecting my needs in other ways where i
can provide pleasure to others.

•73. i shall never think of myself as a weak person for it takes a strong female to commit to the drive
inside me, to serve, to obey and to please a Master. i too have responsibilities and as natural as they
may seem to me it is important that i use all of my faculties including my creative spirit to submit to a
Master in a unique fashion personal to my relationship with Him. By doing so i hope to provide a good
example to those females around me who may still be learning so they too are not led astray from their
primary focus, that they are as true to their nature as i strive to continue to be to mine. i must
remember that how i well i behave enlightens and empowers me to become even closer to who i am - a
devoted slave, of good rapport to a Master who truly understands my needs in relationship to His own.

•74. i will give all that i am to my Master in order to become free.

•75. i must never show disrespect towards my Master in any way - no matter where i am - in his
presence or not.

•76. Crying and the shedding of tears at any time is good and expected for it softens my will and bonds
me closer to my Master.

•77. Only in complete submission to my Master shall i realize the depth of the love i have for Him.

•78. The needs of my Master must always come first before mine own for they offer an opportunity to
please Him.

•79. i must be attentive to the needs of my Master and always be ready to respond to them to the best
of my abilities and in the unique ways in which i have chosen and have developed for Him.

•80. i am allowed to suggest ways to further my training or use of me, verbally or through my journal,
as long as i address my Master properly first.

•81. i must always respond fully both physically and verbally to whatever my Master does with me. The
expressions of my emotions and my physical responses are important to Him. i must never hold back
any part of their display, regardless of how intense they may be, unless restricted to do so.

•82. i am a sexual and sensual being.

•83. i must always remember how pleased my Master is when others delight in my sexiness as a result
of my ability to show off my assets.

•84. my behavior must always display a sexual content however subtle.

•85. The only clothing i will buy and wear will be those items which my Master would find pleasing to
Him: fitting to my figure and its assets, of good quality, of reasonable cost, and appropriate in His eyes
and taste for the occasions i am allowed to attend with or without Him. i may ask if i may choose what
to wear so i may be able take an opportunity to surprise Him to win His favor.

•86. i may, at times, offer various parts of my body to my Master in hopes He will take pleasure in using
them in whatever ways He wishes. my only hope will be that my offering will please Him. If not, i want
Him to punish me.

•87. It is important for me to eat plenty of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins in the foods and fluids i
am permitted to choose to nourish my body and mind, and to exercise my body regularly, as permitted
by my Master, to increase my physical strength, to keep my limbs as flexible as possible, and to
maintain or improve my figure so i may be able to endure my Master's use of me however intense and
for however long a period is required by Him. i want to be of a healthy and sound mind and body, free
as possible of any personal limitations, when pleasing my Master.

•88. If i am required to be my Master's toilet, into or onto which He chooses to release the watery
juices of His cock, i shall position myself to receive His personal waters by kneeling for Him, tilting my
head back, opening my cunt wide, and closing my eyes so that He will delight in the display and
offering of my body and of one of my orifices for Him choose upon which one to use. i shall remain still
as He releases Himself, swallowing what i can of the waters He allows me. i shall play with myself
during the release, as is instructed by Him, so that i am permitted to sexualize the experience as much
as possible for His pleasure, thanking Him afterwards for allowing me the opportunity to honor Him in
this most private way.

•89. i will not wear a pad or tampon when i am on my period without His permission - my pussy must
be available for His use at all times. Should i be allowed to use a pad or tampon - it must be removed in
His presence should He require my vagina to be emptied - regardless of where i am and who may be
present. The use of a pad or tampon is a privilege that can be taken away from me at any time. If so, i
can only hope i will be allowed to bleed for His pleasure and to feel my blood trickling down my legs or
to strain to hear it drip onto the floor or onto another female slave he has selected to punish with my

•90. If Master has chosen my sexual orientation to that of being bisexual, and He requires of me to
receive the watery juices or blood of a chosen female slave's pussy, i am to position myself, as i would
for Master, to receive upon my flesh or into my cunt the slave's juices, and if permitted to do so, either
through His command or after receiving permission from Him to display for Him my hunger, i will cup
my cunt tightly to the slave's pussy to feed from her, licking and sucking, if allowed to do so, as much
as I can get from her remaining tightly cupped to her until Master allows me to release myself from her.
Thereafter, i am to be thankful for what i have received and for the privilege He allowed me. Such a
feeding will be counted as one of my meals for the day.

•91. If it is possible to practice my basic attire in my household i will do so. i will remove my clothing
immediately after entering my household putting my collar on first, then my rings and chains (if i have
them), and my highest heels.

•92. i will always sleep nude - kneeling first before i enter my bed and kneeling first as soon as i get out
of my bed - for it is a great privilege to have a bed to sleep on.

•93. i must never tighten my body when it is being whipped, caned, cropped, slapped, paddled, belted,
strapped, spanked, bullwhipped, signal whipped, or anally or vaginally pumped. my Master likes it when
my flesh jiggles and He knows that when i tighten my body it hurts more and inhibits my ability to
display my expressions and emotions.

•94. i am proud to wear upon my body the marks given to me by my Master. i know that my Master will
never mark me permanently - other than the mark of His ownership He will give me at the proper time,
but i will gladly suffer for Him so he can mark me with the stripes he wishes to decorate my body with
for His viewing pleasure.

•95. i will always listen with a strong interest in whatever my Master has to say during my training. i
want to learn all that i can from Him so i can understand more about Him, about me, about the BDSM
scene and community, and those involved in BDSM relationships - so i may be able to better understand
the world i am apart of and be able to communicate it accurately to anyone who wishes to know more
about it.

•96. When i take a shower i can do so the way i like to, but when i have finished washing i must rinse
my entire body with only cold water for not less than 2 full minutes. i am not to try to cover my body
with my arms and hands thereafter. i may use a towel to dry off, but in my Master's house - only His
whip shall be used to dry me.

•97. When i walk, run, sit, stand, kneel, reach out, speak, or listen - i will do so in a sexual manner,
however subtle, and with confidence and pride hoping other females around me will feel my projection
upon them, that my performance is found admirable, that they would seek to emulate me without any
of their insecurities or self-conscious thoughts holding them back. I want to set the best example of
proper female behavior - especially if Master or someone He has chosen is nearby to examine and
monitor it. However, my goal must be to behave as naturally and freely as is possible as if without any
effort on my part.

•98. When standing still i shall do so with my feet and legs together, my hands held behind my back
and my head bowed down. i will remain silent in the way Master has taught me.

•99. If required: the plug Master has provided me must be inserted deeply into my pussy before
arriving at my Master's house. Failure to do so and i shall feel the punishment He will give upon my
pussy as i keep the lips of it pulled apart - for the plug was intended to provide me pleasure.

•100. i hope Master will choose to use my tongue as His towel after His shower so i may be able to
worship His body.

•101. Until Master has chosen it is time for me to wear a more permanent mark of ownership upon my
flesh, i shall proudly wear His temporary mark of ownership upon me wherever He chooses to place it.

•102. When sitting i shall sit up straight with my legs together and my palms down on the top of my

•103. i will not speak to others without my Master's permission except to say to them that they will
have to speak to my Master first. This is especially important at play parties.

•104. i shall learn to the endure the whippings Master gives me by using the technique of saying ' YES '
through each of His strike brought down upon my flesh.

•105. i shall gladly make my body available to my Master to be used as furniture: my body positioned to
decorate a room or a garden, a footstool to rest his weary feet and legs upon, my backside as a His
table to eat off of, the cleavage of my breasts to hold his wine glass, my palms to be used to hold a
plate of His food, or my hands to hold a book open for Him to read or a lamp to for Him to see.

•106. Privacy is a privilege - even to have it when i need to use the bathroom. i must ask for it and
accept my Master's decision even when i am denied of it.

•107. As a helper slave i shall assist my Master in the setting of a scene or in the training and use of
other female slaves.

•108. As a preparer slave i shall ready other female slaves for my Masters use, harden His cock for Him,
or harden the cocks of others He allows me to harden.

•109. As a cleaner slave i shall use my tongue to clean the cum of my Master from the body of a female
slave He has put it upon, my cunt to suck for it from a female slave's pussy my Master has used for His
pleasure, or to clean the cocks i am allowed to clean that have been pulled out of the pussies of other
slaves. For as a cleaner slave i am to lick up what semen i can find.

•110. As a provider slave i shall offer parts of my body to those selected by my Master for their
pleasure. i will also offer myself to those who wish to use me for a demonstration or to experiment on.

•111. As a domestic slave i shall perform chores about my Master's house, and those of others He
allows, acting in a sexual and enticing manner in all that i do.
•112. As a sex slave i shall incorporate a sexual attitude and hunger in everything i do, being eager to
sexually perform at the best of my abilities for my Master and for those whom He allows to use me. my
hunger must be such that i would feel as if i could never be satiated until Master allows me to be.

•113. The beginning and the ending of a day shall always be with a full body whipping and a
cockfeeding to remind me of my place or to provide myself to my Master for His first and last use.

•114. When i have been given permission to play with myself i shall do so in the following manner:
working my clit almost to an orgasm and then stopping for a few minutes, then working it again to
almost at orgasm and then stopping for a few minutes, and then finally working it again to a full
orgasm. Then and only then shall i enjoy an orgasm on my own. Should i cum before the third tier - i
will tell my Master so i may be punished. i will play with myself in this manner even in His presence.

•115. Should Master ever wish to cage me for display, i will gladly crawl into it and proudly position
myself in it in ways He finds pleasing, in solitude and quiet, so that if He chooses, others may delight in
what they see without any interruption from me, seeing that i am well-behaved and humbled that i am
Master's property and slave. i can only hope that Master would never put me into a cage to confine me
for my misbehavior, that i could never come that close to displease Him so much that i would have to
suffer such humiliation, begging with my tears and my cries for his forgiveness, for i want the cage to
be my safe haven from my fears, a place i can crawl into of my own free will, locked into it because
Master granted my request to be locked in it.

•116. i am free to leave my Master at any time without the fear of permanently losing Him as my

•117. At the beginning of my relationship with my Master i shall present to Him three names for Him to
decide upon as to which one will be my slave name. i know that He does not have to choose any of
them and that He can choose one of His own for me to be known by. Thereafter, when someone asks
who i am i can respond by introducing myself in the following manner: " i am slave [slavename],
property of Master John."

•118. i will periodically examine my whole life and look for how it has changed as a result of my
relationship to my Master. i will speak to my Master about those areas where there have been
improvements and those areas where i feel uncomfortable, insecure, or unsure of what direction i
should take, how i should behave, or how i can behave in a manner that is different than how i have
been behaving in the past.

•119. i want to suffer for my Master in ways that please Him and that are safe for me to do so.

•120. i will not be passive in serving my Master. i will aggressively participate in my exchange with Him.

•121. If i am sent to another Master to serve - i will serve that Master well, as if He were my Master, for
i want my Master to receive a good report after i have been returned to Him.

•122. Should Master wish for my breasts to be suckled by a female slave of His choice or that legal and
safe drugs be used to induce the production of milk in my breasts, i will do my best to keep my milk up
so that He and others may feed from me, that my breasts will be full, tight and extra sensitive as much
as possible, for however long Master wants my breasts to produce milk for Him. Likewise, i will assist in
the inducement of milk production from the breasts of any female slave Master has chosen for me.

•123. i will not date others or form a relationship with others without permission and approval from my
Master. If i should have sex with others i will have it safely and will always tell my Master in detail what
i have done so that no part of me is a secret and that i am laid bare for his inspection and approval.

•124. The money i earn, should i be allowed a career, or put to work, where i am paid for my
responsibilities, is mine to keep. However, i must ask my Master how i should spend or save it. i may
present ways to Him for His approval. i will accept the responsibilities He gives me in the handling of my
finances. It is important to my Master that i learn to handle money wisely so, if needed, i can reach my
goals or be ready for any emergency where finances may be required for resolution.

•125. If i am wearing a dress or skirt and no panties and i am going to sit down - i must sit on my bare
skin - and do so gracefully whether i am in private or in public. If i feel that i am not as clean as i should
be, i will tell my Master, so that He can decide what should be done.
•126. When i wear nylons i will wear them only with garters and high heels. i will never wear panty
hose - such items of clothing shall be thrown out.

•127. When i am in the presence of my Master and i am free to move about i will do so in seductive and
enticing ways.

•128. i will give to Master my body, mind and spirit, in faith of His knowledge of the skills, safety and
first aid measures necessary to put me through painfully ecstatic and euphoric edgeplay: the use of
needles and pins to pierce my flesh; the use of scoring tools to make drawings upon my body or to
selectively and carefully cut my skin to make me bleed with little or no scarring; aromatherapy where
He will throw me into higher states of consciousness with the scents of oils and incense; blood and
breath control to bring me to the edge of my survival to feel the battle for my self-preservation; guns
and knifeplay to intensify my awareness of my existence racing parallel with my threatened drive to
live; and other such uses. Through these activities i shall learn to ride on the top edge of my fears and
the bottom edge of my perception of utter terror - for it is there i shall come to know my greatest fear
of all: that i will want to go there again and again.

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