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MIS 107 Report Group 9

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North South University

Information Systems and Computing


Group - 9

Abdullah Al Jabid 2111416630
Farhan Israk Shoumik 2031301630
Saad Bin Rahman 2031172630

Submitted to

Lecturer, Department of Management

School of business & Economics
North South University
How To Gain Capacity Building For domestic Vaccine Production

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Abstract/Executive Summary .................................................................................................. 3

Introduction: ............................................................................................................................ 4

Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 5

Methodology:......................................................................................................................... 10

Result ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Capable of vaccine production: ............................................................................................. 11

COVID-19 vaccine collection: .............................................................................................. 12

COVID-19 vaccine received: ................................................................................................ 15

Data Presentation and Analysis ............................................................................................. 17

Result: .................................................................................................................................... 22

Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 22

5.1 Vaccine Producible Companies in Bangladesh ............................................................... 23

5.2 Production Unit Per Year ................................................................................................ 24

5.3. What’s Holding Back the Manufacturing Capability? ................................................... 25

5.4 Vaccinated Bangladeshi People....................................................................................... 25

5.5. Future Aspect .................................................................................................................. 26

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 27

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Abstract/Executive Summary

The outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic has posed enormous public health difficulties, prompting

a global scramble to produce and deliver one or more effective vaccinations. The difficulty of

vaccine creation is matched by the difficulty of vaccine distribution; once a vaccine has been

identified and made, it must be supplied and distributed to the entire population. Bangladesh has

been undertaking a limited-scale countrywide vaccination program since February this year,

relying on vaccinations bought through commercial channels and as donations. COVID-19

vaccinations have been provided to almost 10 million people in Bangladesh, covering nearly 2.6

percent of the population. Due to a scarcity of vaccines, Bangladesh's government was only able

to vaccinate a tiny number of individuals. Bangladesh is optimistic that it would be able to develop

vaccines as a result of its collaboration with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI). Bangladesh

could produce the vaccine locally with the help of IVI. Incepts Vaccine Ltd.’s mission is to develop

cutting-edge vaccine manufacturing approaches through the acquisition of superior knowledge and

technology. When private sector firms demonstrate and request that the government procure or

manufacture Covid-19 vaccines, many questions arise, including whether the firms are capable of

vaccine production, whether building vaccine production institutions is necessary, and whether the

government should procure vaccines.

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Vaccine is something that provides acquired immunity for a certain or particular disease or virus.

It strengthens the body’s immune system and gives the patient a strong immune system. Some

vaccines can prevent the virus completely while some vaccines might be effective partially. In

Bangladesh, Incepta Vaccine Ltd is the first vaccine manufacturing company. It is the first

company that acknowledged the technique of producing vaccines. Bangladesh is hopeful that it

will create vaccines by collaborative efforts with International Vaccine Institute (IVI). It will open

doors for effective and cost efficient vaccine production in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is now faced

with the deadly virus, Corona virus. It has many forms and it keeps getting deadlier than the

previous variation. But with the help of IVI, Bangladesh may be able to produce the vaccine

locally. It will be possible through bringing new technologies. The government of Bangladesh

could only vaccinate a small number of people due to the shortage of vaccines. Capacity building

is mandatory for Bangladesh as a huge number of people are still not vaccinated.The death rate is

increasing. Many people are infected


As Bangladesh is a poor country, the government can’t produce enough vaccines for everyone.

Capacity building is the motivation behind conducting this research.

Aim and objectives: Our main goal is to write a report on how we can build capacity for more

vaccine production and fulfil the requirement of the mass population.

IVI has been supporting Bangladesh for over a decade. The goal of this organization is to deliver

vaccines to the most vulnerable people of this world. Although many private pharmaceutical

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companies are also trying to help, it relies mainly on the hand of the government to produce and

deliver the vaccine in a mass scale ensuring quality, affordability and accessibility. Many local

companies have shown interest in manufacturing Russian vaccine, Sputnik V. The companies can

manufacture the Chinese and Russian vaccines but it will be hard for them to fulfil everyone’s

needs. So, the government should seriously evaluate their capacity to actually manufacture

vaccines in such a massive scale. The government needs to take steps to build capacity for vaccine

production because the companies are private companies and they will want to make money selling

these vaccines. The country can’t rely only on the private sectors for vaccine production.

The report will first talk about related works, secondly it will mention about the methods that

should be used. Then we will talk about the result and then conclusion. These sections will come

after the introduction part and this is how our report will be arranged in an order.

Literature Review

Through the many different types of viruses, we have faced, the Covid-19 is one of the worst

humanities has ever seen. In order to gain immunity against these viruses’ humans have created

vaccines, which aids us to boost our immune system, prevent serious diseases, and prevent life-

threatening diseases.

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Capacity-building is defined as a measurable improvement in an organization's ability to fulfil its

mission through a combination of sound management, strong governance, and a commitment to

measuring and achieving results. Improving management practices is a well-accepted business

tenet. However, in the non-profit sector, where the emphasis is often on projects rather than

infrastructure, the practice has traditionally received short shrift.

You run the risk of devoting all of your energy and attention to providing services and expanding

projects if you don't invest in capacity-building. This lack of a solid foundation may result in

organizational instability, which may manifest as old and deteriorating equipment, poor

communication between leadership and staff, and "mission drift", a loss of focus on the founding

principles of your non-profit. Therefore, capacity building is a specific effort to strengthen the

organizational infrastructure, management and governance, and staff capacity. Countries all over

the world have started to gain capacity building for domestic vaccine production(Mission Box,


And so, Bangladesh has started to build its own capacity for domestic vaccine production. The

first human vaccine manufacturing company in Bangladesh is Incepta Vaccine Ltd. The vaccine

production unit is located at Zirbo, Saver which is conveniently located at the outskirts of Dhaka

city. The objective of Incepta Vaccine Ltd is to produce modern concepts in manufacturing

vaccines by acquiring advanced knowledge and technique. The prime objective of the company is

to protect the vast inhabitant of Bangladesh as well as the developing world from various infectious

diseases at an affordable cost. Also, the vision is to develop novel vaccines against diseases of the

developing world.

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Incepta Vaccine Ltd is a state-of-art facility that fully meets the requirements of the WHO GMP.

The manufacturing facility has the capability to produce 180 million single dose vials and

ampoules per year. The large number of scientists are engaged in different areas of specialties like

research and development, quality control, quality assurance, production and other related areas.

(Incepta Vaccine Ltd, 2005)

Bangladesh is hopeful of domestic vaccine production with the help of IVI (International Vaccine

Institute). The Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Maleque has praised the collaborative

efforts between Bangladesh and the International Vaccine Institute in improving disease

surveillance in the country. Furthermore, through this amazing collaboration the minister hoped

Bangladesh would be able to control virus-borne communicable disease, and manufacture vaccine

domestically and hopefully supply to the global market

He also emphasized IVI's 20-year collaboration with the Bangladesh government "to advance and

make available safe, effective, and affordable vaccines where they are most needed. He expressed

hope that Bangladesh's membership in the IVI would lead to continued collaborations in clinical

development, epidemiological studies, and technology transfer to advance vaccine solutions for

pressing global public health challenges.

Moreover, due to the collaboration between Bangladesh and IVI, Dr. Thameed Ahmed of icddr

(International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh) highlighted that due to this

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collaboration IVI and pharmaceutical industries of Bangladesh are developing different kinds of

vaccines, including the oral cholera vaccine.

And finally, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam offered thanks to the IVI for

supporting and working with the increasing cycle of Bangladesh and for giving help to the country

through vaccine research and development, vaccine technology transfer, research and capacity-

building collaboration(Dhaka Tribune, 2021).

The government of Bangladesh has requested AstraZeneca to authorize production of its Covid-

19 vaccine in Bangladesh. A letter was sent to AstraZeneca on 12th of august, asking permission

to produce the vaccine locally and requesting their technology as we have that capacity. The

objective of the government was to either get the seed or vaccine in bulk from AstraZeneca to

manufacture or bottle the low cost and widely used vaccine. Virus seed and host cell banks are raw

materials to be used in manufacturing vaccines.

When Bangladesh was asked whether they had the capability of producing a vaccine, the health

minister responded by saying there are a few pharmaceutical companies capable of it. Some plants

of those companies have already been visited and have found them capable of manufacturing

vaccines. Unlike the Biotech-Pfizer and Modern vaccines, the AstraZeneca vaccine does not have

to be stored at ultra-low temperature. Normal refrigeration temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius

can be used to handle and transport the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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"Bangladesh has the capacity to produce vaccines from seed. What we need is the transfer of

appropriate technology as most of the vaccines developed against Covid-19 have applied relatively

newer techniques. However, combining the seed with adjuvants, stabilisers and preservatives to

form the final vaccine preparation might not be difficult for our vaccine manufacturers if they get

required technical assistance from the innovator," Md Sayedur Rahman, chairman of

pharmacology department at BSMMU(Molla, 2021).Although the local private sector firms have

shown interest in either procuring or manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines, many local official health

experts have argued that it is the government's responsibility to ensure the quality, affordability

and accessibility not the private sector. They also voiced doubts about the capabilities of the three

firms that have proposed to manufacture Russia's Sputnik V vaccine in Bangladesh. There are

many questions arising when private sector firms have shown and requested the government in

either procuring or manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines and these questions arise because are the

firms capable of vaccine production, building vaccine production institutions essential and the

argument that the government should procure vaccines (DhakaTribune, 2021).

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For the primary research, a survey will be conducted on the general public in Dhaka. People who

are familiar with the topic capacity building for Bangladesh’s vaccine production may be

interviewed to find out about their thoughts on this topic. To that end, a questionnaire with different

types of survey questions will be designed so as to get a range of useful data which will help us to

get useful information. The participants may be up to 20. They may include the general public,

some friends, and some students from NSU. It is open to both genders and the target group will be

people familiar with our topic.

For the secondary research, the library of NSU may be used; websites, articles may also be used.

The internet will be used to search for information on our topic.

For this research project, the participant for the survey that were chosen were Bangladeshi people

who are familiar with our topic. This is because these people have knowledge about our topic and

know certain things about our topic which will help us answer our questions. As we found them

more appropriate for our topic, we chose these groups of participants.

However, this survey will only give us opinions that people have. For this topic, websites are more

suitable as they can give definite answers for our topic so various websites will be used to find out

answers from experts about our topic.

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The Pharmaceutical Industry is playing an important role in the economy of the country. At

present, Bangladeshi medicines are being exported to the world market. Moreover, this industry is

supplying 98% of the country's demand. Leading pharmaceutical companies are increasing their

export targets.

There are currently 257 government-approved pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh,

including domestic and foreign companies. At present, more than 75% of the pharmaceutical

business in Bangladesh is controlled by domestic companies. However, out of the 20 companies

that play a major role in the preparation of medicines, 6 are multinational companies. Generally,

multinational and large domestic companies prepare their medicines following a good production

system and proper quality control method.

Capable of vaccine production:

In Bangladesh, there are a lot of pharmaceutical companies. Every year they produce a lot of

vaccines. A survey shows that Incepta Vaccine Ltd, which is capable of producing 180 million

vaccines a year. But it is not enough for our country. Because of this, our country has 160 million

people. So, we need to increase vaccine production.

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COVID-19 vaccine collection:

Bangladesh started vaccination against COVID-19 on January 27, 2021, and mass vaccination

began on February 7, 2021. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is only one vaccine which gets

approval for emergencies between January to April 2021. Bangladesh ordered the Indian Institute

of Vaccines for Serum Production, but the dose provided to Bangladesh was less than half of the

agreed dose. Due to lack of the vaccine, Bangladesh approved the emergency use of Russian

Sputnik V and Chinese BBIBPCorV vaccines in late April 2021. As a part of COVAX, Bangladesh

approved the Pfizer-BioNTech.

On July 20, 2020, Globe Biotech Limited, a private Bangladeshi pharmaceutical company, claimed

to be the first Bangladeshi company to manufacture the Covid-19 vaccine. The only company in

Bangladesh has actually developed three candidate vaccines for Covid-19 for, all using different

technologies. The company named the mRNA-based vaccine Bangavax, primarily Banco Vid.

On November 5, 2020, the Government of Bangladesh, the Serum Institute of India and

Bangladesh Beximco Pharma signed a tripartite agreement. Bangladesh has ordered 30 million

doses of Serum's Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The government of Bangladesh prepaid 15 million

doses. However, Serum only provided 7 million doses of the vaccine in the first two months of

2021, and the Indian government provided 3.2 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

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as a gift. Bangladesh subsequently sought alternative sources of vaccines because India has

stopped exporting. Due to supply shortages, Bangladesh has suspended its first dose of the Oxford

AstraZeneca vaccine from April 26, 2021. When India stopped exporting to Bangladesh, the

second dose of vaccine for 1.3 million citizens was uncertain, and the situation became

complicated. The country is worried about whether they will get the second dose of the vaccine at

the right time, or whether they need a second dose of the vaccine.

On April 27, 2021, the Bangladeshi drug regulatory agency approved the emergency use of

Russia's artificial V satellite vaccine. Russia proposed to cooperate with a local pharmaceutical

company to produce vaccines in Bangladesh. On April 29, 2021, the Bangladesh Medicines

Regulatory Authority approved the emergency use of BBIBPCorV from China. Bangladesh

ordered 15 million doses of the national drug BBIBPCorV and received 500,000 doses as a gift.

In addition to manufacturing in China, Bangladesh also CoronaVac is interested. China announced

that it will donate 600,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccine to Bangladesh. On May 27, 2021, the Drug

Administration approved the emergency use of the Pfizer-Biotech Covid-19 vaccine. COVAX will

deliver 106,000 doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on June 2.

On June 6, 2021, government authorized emergency use of CoronaVac. As of June 11, 2021,

Bangladesh has pledged to purchase 1.8 million AstraZeneca vaccines under the Covax program.

As India’s restrictions on vaccine exports have led to an estimated shortage of AstraZeneca vaccine

in Bangladesh, it is estimated that there may be a vaccine shortage for about 1.5 million people

waiting for the second dose of vaccine. On June 13, 2021, China presented 600,000 doses of

Chinese medicine vaccines. On June 15, 2021, the Drug Administration approved the emergency

use of Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. On June 25, 2021, the government announced that Bangladesh

will receive 2.5 million doses of modern Covid-19 vaccine at COVAX facilities in the next 10

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days. For this reason, Bangladesh approved the modern Covid-19 vaccine on June 29, 2021.

Bangladesh obtained 2.5 million modern Covid-19 vaccines under the US COVAX on July 2, 2021

and 2 million Sinopharm vaccines on July 3, 2021. Bangladesh received 3 million Modern Covid-

19 vaccines under COVAX in the United States on July 19. Japan shipped 245,000 AstraZeneca

vaccines on July 24. They agreed to ship a total of 2.9 million AstraZeneca vaccines. Japan shipped

781,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine on July 31 and 616,780 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine on

July 2, 2021. On August 11, Bangladesh received 1.77 million doses of Sinopharm COVAX

vaccine from China. On August 12, Bangladesh decided to buy 60 million doses of the Sinopharm

vaccine from China. On August 13, 2021, China introduced 1 million Sinopharm vaccines to

Bangladesh. On August 21, 2021, Japan shipped 7.81 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine

under COVAX.

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COVID-19 vaccine received:

So far, information on vaccines available in the country has been presented:

Vaccine Collection
12000000 11226520


6000000 5500000

4000000 Vaccine Collection


This data was collected on August 22, 2021. In this data we see that, what is the amount of Covid-

19 vaccine in our country. In this country we have AstraZeneca vaccine 1,12,26,520. On the other

hand, the Sinopharm vaccine is 72,00,000, Moderna vaccine is 55,00,000 and Pfizer vaccine is

1,00,620. In this data we can see that, The highest AstraZeneca vaccine in our country has been

collected and the lowest Pfizer vaccine has been collected.

Now we will see total collection the Covid-19 vaccine in our country:

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Vaccine name Amount

AstraZeneca 1,12,26,520

Sinopharm 72,00,000

Moderna 55,00,000

Pfizer 1,00,620

Total 2,40,27,140

From this table we know that, On August 22, 2021 our total vaccine collection is 2,40,27,140. The

government of our country has made agreements with other countries for more vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccination: On August 22, 2021 we see that four types of vaccine have been given.

There are: AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer. From this data, vaccines are generally given

two doses. Now, information about the first vaccine dose is presenting in below table:

Vaccine name Vaccination

AstraZeneca 58,25,263

Sinopharm 82,80,240

Moderna 25,04,670

Pfizer 51,239

Total 1,66,61,412

Now information about the second vaccine dose presenting in below table:

Vaccine name Vaccination

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AstraZeneca 51,90,759

Sinopharm 10,52,159

Moderna 2,89,156

Pfizer 43,399

Total 65,75,473

In this above table we see that the total amount of the first vaccine dose is 1,66,61,412 and the

total amount of the second dose is 65,75,473. So, a total of 2,32,36,885 vaccines.

Now, we will give information on what percentage of men and women have received the vaccine.

Data presentation and analysis

Data presentation and analysis in order to collect sufficient data about how to gain capacity

building for domestic vaccine production I hosted an online survey questioning various aspects on

my topic. The data collected helped me to draw conclusion about my research topic. The question

was completed by a group of 49 students whom there were 35 male and 14 females. The data

collection is presented and analyzed in the following pages

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Take Not take


Figure 1: Men Gets 1st Dose Of Covid Vaccine

Men: Men are far ahead of women in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. From this data we see

that, Men have taken the first dose Covid-19 vaccine 49% and second dose vaccine 50%. That

means 51% of men do not take the first vaccine dose and 50% men do not take the second vaccine

dose. Now we will explain graphical design:

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Take Not take

50% 50%

Figure 1: Men Gets 2nd Dose Of Covid Vaccine

Women: From this data we see that women have taken the first dose Covid-19 vaccine 36% and

second dose vaccine 30%. That means 64% of women do not take the first vaccine dose and 70%

women do not take the second vaccine dose. Now we will explain graphical design:

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Not take

Figure 1: Women Gets 1st Dose Of Covid Vaccine

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Take Not take



Figure 1: Women Gets 2nd Dose Of Covid Vaccine

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In the above scenarios, we see that our country received Covid-19 vaccines 2,40,27,140 doses and

2,32,36,885 doses given to the people. A report has been seen, when a person takes two Covid-19

vaccine doses that time risk of his death is 0.1% or less. But our country is an over populated

country. Total 160 million people live here. The number of Covid-19 vaccines is much less than

the number of people in our country. The demand for Covid-19 vaccine cannot be met in our

country depending on the foreign country. If we generate Covid-19 vaccines in our country, we

will be able to fully fill our vaccine demand. Because, when our government will generate Covid-

19 vaccine, that time the vaccine will be made keeping in mind the availability of the vaccine to

all the people of the country. So that, no one is left out of the vaccination activities. On the other

hand, when they fill our vaccine demand, they will also fill the vaccine demand of other countries.

As a result, our country earns a lot of profit.


Vaccination is one of the most revolutionary medical practices ever introduced that has been

essential to reduce morality, improve life expectancy and foster economic growth. This is now

clear to us more than ever as we are feeling the heat of the misery of a pandemic. Experts suggest

the vaccination of 60-70-% of the population of a nation to sustain the immunization but to meet

the extra demand of the vaccine, production needs to be increased. There has been much talk about

vaccine equity, neither vaccine hoarding nor price-gouging is not the main problem. It is that

manufacturers can’t make doses fast enough. Thus the vaccination is not getting accelerated.

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In this part we will be analyzing the data by depicting various types of graphs and diagrams. The


production capabilities of Bangladeshi pharmaceutical companies, skilled manpower, technologies

and regulatory validations can be observed through different charts and discussion.

5.1 Vaccine Producible Companies in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is considered as the emerging generic drug hub in the market. According to Directorate

General of Drug Administration (DGD and Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries

(BAPI), approximately 257 licensed pharmaceutical manufacturers are operating in Bangladesh

and about 150 are functional. In a recent talk with IVI Bangladesh has proposed three names of

the pharmaceutical companies and expected to receive technological assistance from IVI to

produce vaccines



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5.2 Production Unit Per Year

Out of 150 functional companies, there are only three companies who are currently able to produce

vaccines. Incepts has state of the art facilities. In a recent issued document, they stated the

capability of producing 180 million doses per year which is 50% of the doses we need to vaccinate

entire Bangladeshi population. So, incepts alone starts producing vaccine we will be able to bring

everyone under vaccination in two years. If other two companies also start producing vaccines

then it will be just a matter of time to vaccinate our people. After that there is world of opportunity

to export vaccine. There is a million-dollar industry out there.

Figure 5: Incept a’s capability in comparison to total

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5.3. What’s Holding Back the Manufacturing Capability?

New manufacturing capacity developing and constructing for vaccine production is both resource

and time intensive. It takes up to almost 10 to 12 months to build capacity and get the production

to ramp up and obtain regulatory validation, and the capital expenditures can run as high as 10

crore to 500 crore. Moreover, the medium-term demand for a given Covid-19 vaccine is uncertain.

The emergence of new variants, investments, competing vaccines-together just makes it

challenging for a vaccine developer to invest in a large-scale capacity.

The benefits of vaccine manufacturing expansion are much more beneficial to the society than the

investors. They simply do not have enough incentive to invest in, considering the slow yield and

other risk factors. This is where the government should step in.

5.4 Vaccinated Bangladeshi People

The data of total vaccine procurement by the Bangladeshi government and total vaccinated people

in Bangladesh was collected in result. Mainly four companies vaccine are being administered in

Bangladesh and a total number of 2,40,27,140 doses have received and 2,32,36,885 doses have

been used for vaccination.1,66,61,410 and 65,75,470 people have got the first and second dose

respectively. Data shows that so far 4% of the entire people have been vaccinated fully.

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Figure 6: Vaccination in Bangladesh till 21August,2021

5.5. Future Aspect

A holistic approach needs to be taken in order to ramp up the production and meet the demand.

Although there are a lot of risk factors visible for the investors to invest and we have seen by

analyzing the data that it can bring good yield too. Global production has been impressive and

accelerating: according to a life sciences analytics company called Affirmation April 12

production reached billion doses. One billion more were produced by May 26 and the third billion

by June 22. That’s good. But we need 11 billion doses to fully vaccinate 70 percent of the world,

which may not happen until 2022.So there’s a good potential market for Bangladeshi

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pharmaceutical companies to export growth. Now we need to bring all the stakeholders and

elements together to accelerate the capacity building, and look forward to a prosperous future


Vaccines boost the immune system of the body and provide a strong immune system to the patient.

Some vaccines can entirely prevent the infection, while others may only be somewhat successful.

Just like the other countries, Bangladesh has begun to develop its own vaccine manufacturing

capabilities. If our vaccine makers receive the necessary technical help from the inventor,

combining the seed with adjuvants, stabilizers, and preservatives to form the final vaccine product

should not be difficult. As we are an overpopulated country, we can never be dependent on other

foreign countries for the proper vaccine distribution. Bangladesh Government is taking proper step

to produce mass amount of vaccine in our own country. With fulfilling the demand in our country

as well as we can export our own vaccines to the other countries who need.

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1.Al-Masum Molla, M. (2021, April 2). Astrazeneca Vaccine: Bangladesh wants to produce it

locally. The Daily Star.


2. With IVI’s help, Bangladesh hopeful of domestic vaccine production. (2021, July 16).

Dhaka Tribune.


3. With IVI’s help, Bangladesh hopeful of domestic vaccine production. (2021, July 16). Dhaka



4. United News of Bangladesh. (2021, May 19). Vaccine production in Bangladesh: Experts

'vehemently against private sector’s engagement' Unb.Com.Bd.


5. With IVI’s help, Bangladesh hopeful of domestic vaccine production. (2021, July 16). Dhaka



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1. Dhaka Tribune. (2021, May 17). Vaccine production in Bangladesh. Experts against

private sector engagement. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from Experts against private sector


2. Dhaka Tribune. (2021, July 16). Bangladesh hopeful of domestic vaccine production.

With IVI's help, Bangladesh hopeful of domestic vaccine production UNB. Retrieved

august 23, 2021, from


3. Incepta Vaccine Ltd. (2005). Incepta Vaccine Ltd. Overview. Retrieved august 23, 2021,


4. Mission Box. (2021, February 5). Capacity Building. Capacity Building: What It Is and

Why It Matters. Retrieved august 23, 2021, from

5. Molla, M. A.-M. (2021, April 3). Astrazeneca Vaccine. Astrazeneca Vaccine:

Bangladesh wants to produce it locally. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from

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