ALS-EST Handbook Chapter11
ALS-EST Handbook Chapter11
ALS-EST Handbook Chapter11
PPST serves as a framework for all learning and development programs for
teachers, ensuring they are properly equipped to effectively implement the
K to 12 Program.
As such, PPST will also be the basis for the capacity building and professional
development of ALS-EST Learning Facilitators, although it will be properly adapted
to capture the program’s specific context. Such contextualization or adaptation is
essential because ALS-EST caters to many adult learners, who are better motivated if
learning satisfies their direct needs and interests (UNESCO 2012).
All DepEd teachers undergo the Teacher Induction Program, and the
PPST Orientation. ALS teachers also undergo the ALS basic (five-day Basic
Instructional Managers Training session) and enhancement trainings both
at the national and local levels.
ALS-EST Learning
Philosophy Element Critical Competencies of an ALS-EST Learning Facilitator
Use of adult learning and • Relates life experiences to lessons
constructivism principles • Conducts group discussions, simulations and role-playing, and
other sessions that are deliberately built into a lecture or larger
group exercise in order to stimulate discussion and provide
feedback to Learners (UNESCO Regional Guide and http:// www2.
Education that is centered • Supports Learners in their management of learning (from outlining
on PBL, including and personalizing the project to creating Learner contracts, as well
portfolio development as portfolio development and presentation)
and assessment • Develops portfolio rubrics with Learners
• Uses portfolio development in formative assessment
• Incorporates portfolio assessment in summative assessment
Skills training that is • Assesses the job demand of local industries vis-à-vis teacher
matched to local skills capacity and school equipment
and the environment/ • Collaborates with industries/businesses not just in terms of job
industry/community demand but also in terms of immersion/exposure to industry
and provides many • Establishes learning environments that are responsive to
opportunities for community contexts
immersion/ practicum
Skills training that has a • Analyzes jobs to achieve occupational specifications and identifies
competency-based and standardizes competencies by answering the question: What
framework does the Learner need to learn to be effective in employment?
for learning • Models competencies, coaches Learners as they perform
competencies (De Bruijn, 2012)
• Uses competency-based assessment and certification
ALS-EST Learning
Philosophy Element Critical Competencies of an ALS-EST Learning Facilitator
Seamless integration • Develops curricula that integrates ‘education’ (subject areas and
of education, technical the six strands) with skills training, work readiness, and learning-
skills, the six strands, to-learn skills
work readiness skills, • Ensures that lessons are holistic, practical, current, and, as much
and learning-to-learn as possible problem-centered (not subject-centered)
skills • Emphasizes creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in class
• Coordinates closely and collaborates on planning of learning
sessions with other teacher/s and is able to do some team
• Equips Learners with critical thinking, skills, and values to be able
to live and work effectively in the digital world
• Technically, use of ICT is part of the six strands, but it needs to be
emphasized more (Tindowen, Bassig, & Cagurangan, 2010).
Close coordination • Conducts Community Needs Assessment
and collaboration with • Advocates for ALS-EST
community members and • Networks, builds partnerships, and continues to scope for
other stakeholders possible partners
• Coordinates the different ALS-EST activities with the concerned
ALS-EST stakeholders (for example, parents, LGUs, as well as
industry partners and TESDA)
Clear and consistent post- • Provides career counseling to Learners that take into consideration
program support background, interests, learning experiences, as well as contextual
factors (support and barriers)
• Acts as consultant to parents, OSY and adults, and other members
of the community
• Coordinates with ALS-EST stakeholders (government agencies,
LGUs, private employers and industry partners) for post-program
support activities such as job fairs, employment referrals, access
to scholarships, access to seed capital, continuing professional
education (for example, TVET)
• ALS-EST Orientation
• PBL Training
• Assessment Training
The ALS-EST Project Management Team (ALS-EST PMT) will design the four parts
of the capacity building program. The ALS-EST PMT, ALS-EST partners and ALS
focal persons from the Regional and Division Offices implement these trainings.
(DepEd Memo 144, s. 2018)
The LAC can then focus on joint lesson planning or coordination of ALS-EST lessons. If it is
possible, the members can try team teaching.
M&E tools are also part of the LAC Starter Kit:
• and both
individual and group monitoring tools are available.
The individual learning journal or LAC Photo Journal is there not just to help with the M&E of
LACs. While incorporating individual introspection in their daily ALS-EST teaching practice
experiences (what is working well, what didn’t work as well as expected, lessons learned,
challenges faced) helps teachers focus the LAC discussions, its more crucial use is to facilitate
processing and integration of new knowledge and to help practitioners when confronted with
unfamiliar situations (Marzano, et al., 2012).
• The Regional Offices and ALS-EST PMT can also collaborate and launch
Region-wide ALS-EST Network Forum sessions. The mechanics and office-
in-charge of the optional exchange/immersion program will be determined
during the region-wide ALS-EST network forum.
• Partner schools are free to initiate site visits to offices, factories, and related
venues and nearby ALS-EST schools to benchmark their ‘Skills Training.’
The following stakeholders, individuals and personnel are also included in the
capacity building program:
The above will be given the same ALS-EST Orientation given to the Learning
Facilitators. Some will receive capacity building sessions after the ALS-EST
Orientation (see Table 11-2). These sessions are in addition to the other
capacity building sessions they already receive, for example, the School Heads’
Development Program (SHDP), or Enhanced Trainings for Supervisors and other
ALS training.
Table 11- 2. ALS-EST Capacity Building for Other Personnel and Stakeholders
• DE BRUIJN, ELLY. “Teaching in innovative vocational education in the
Netherlands.” Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. Taylor & Francis,
November 2012. Retrieved March 2019. Available at