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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three tin the pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. handcraft B. handbook C. handkerchief D. handbag
Question 2: A. helped B. wicked C. knocked D. coughed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. approach B. comment C. expand D. maintain
Question 4: A. certificate B. investment C. inhabitant D. maximum
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: Only by working hard__________ your goal.
A. will help you achieve C. you can achieve
B. can you achieve D. you will achieve
Question 6: Consumers should boycott all products__________has involved the use of child labour.
A. whose manufacturer C. which manufacture
B. whose manufacturers D. who manufacture
Question 7: Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain__________.
A. release B. liberation C. killing D. relief
Question 8: She hates those who are not__________ for appointment. She doesn't want to wait.
A. punctually B. punctual C. punctuality D. punctuate
Question 9: I've never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they're not really my__________
A. chip off the old block: rất giống bố hoặc mẹ B. biscuit
C. cup of tea D. piece of cake
Question 10: He came__________ a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
A. in for B. over = seem/feel/visit C. out of D. off.
Question 11: Researchers at the University of Illinois have found out__________
A. an old Chinese amazing little cup B. a little amazing old Chinese cup
C. an old amazing Chinese little cup D. an amazing little old Chinese cup
Question 12: __________, Miss Universe 2015 host Steve Harvey wrongfully declared Miss Colombia
the winner when she was the first runner-up.
A. Regrettably B. Fortunately C. Consequently D. Accordingly
Question 13: After she had__________leisurely dinner downstairs, Julia played__________piano

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A. the/ the/ the B. a/ - / a C. a/ the/ a D. a/ the/ the
Question 14: She has suffered __________her heart attack.
A. from B. to C. with D. about
Question 15: One of the__________of this work is that you can experience.
A. advantages/ have B. opportunities/ learn
C. profits/become D. benefits/ gain
Question 16: If you hadn't watched that late movie last night, you__________sleepy now.
A. wouldn't have been B. might not have been
C. wouldn't be D. wouldn't have been being
Question 17: I have__________him to act for me while I am away.
A. authorized:cho ai quyền lm j B. notified C. let D. given
Question 18: The members of the Red Cross were dedicated their whole life to__________the sufferings
of human beings.
A. reductive B. reducing C. reduction D. reduce
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word/phrases CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: Bacteria can be both detrimental and helpful to humans, depending on the specific type
and effect.
A. useful B. fatal C. productive D. harmful
Question 20: City developed at the point where the Hudson and Passaic rivers mingle with the water of
the Atlantic Ocean.
A. associate B. socialize C. mix D. part
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions
Question 21: The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary
A. physical B. severe C. beneficial D. damaging
Question 22: Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has promoted its trade
relations with other countries.
A. balanced B. restricted C. expanded D. boosted
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
Question 23: Assistant: May I help you? - Customer: __________
A. You may go B. I don't need help
C. No problem D. I'm just looking
Question 24: Ann: Shall we eat out tonight? - David: __________

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A. That's a great idea. B. That's understandable.
C. It's very kind of you to invite me. D. You are very welcome.
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing novel problems. They
must (25) __________with an influx of immigrant children, many of whom speak little or no English.
They must respond to demands that the curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children. Schools
must make sure that students develop (26) __________skills for the job market, and they must consider
the needs of nontraditional students, such as teenage mothers.
Schools are (27) __________these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of the US educational
system. They are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of English train a second language and, in
some countries, setting up bilingual schools. They are opening up the traditional European-centered
curriculum to embrace material from American, Asian, and other cultures.
Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the nearly 40 percent of American students who do not go
on to higher education. In the (28) __________of a recent report by the Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skills, “A strong back, the willingness to work, and a high school diploma were once all that
was necessary to make a start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed mind, a continued
willingness to learn and the ability to put knowledge to work are the new keys (29) __________the future
of our young people, the success of our business, and the economic well-being of the nation”.
(Extracted from Info USA-CD Version)
Question 25: A. do B. stay C. fight D. cope
Question 26: A. base B. basis C. basic D. basics
Question 27: A. addressing B. delivering C. distributing D. discharging
Question 28: A. minds B. directions C. words D. ways
Question 29: A. to B. at C. in D. for
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions from 30 to 34.
Culture is a word in common use with complex meanings, and is derived, like the term broadcasting,
from the treatment and care of the soil and of what grows on it. It is directly related to cultivation and the
adjectives cultural and cultured are part of the same verbal complex. A person of culture has identifiable
attributes, among them a knowledge of and interest in the arts, literature, and music 30 Yet the word
culture does not refer solely to such knowledge and interest nor, indeed, to education. At least from the
19th century onwards, under the influence of anthropologists and sociologists, the word culture has come
to be used generally both in the singular and the plural (cultures) to refer to a whole way of life of people,
including their customs, laws, conventions, and values.

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Distinctions have consequently been drawn between primitive and advanced culture and cultures,
between elite and popular culture, between popular and mass culture, and most recently between national
and global cultures. Distinctions have been drawn too between culture and civilization; the latter is a word
derived not, like culture or agriculture, from the soil, but from the city 31. The two words are sometimes
treated as synonymous. Yet this is misleading. While civilization and barbarism are pitted against each
other in what seems to be a perpetual behavioral pattern, the use of the word culture has been strongly
influenced by conceptions of evolution in the 19th century and of development in the 20th century.
Cultures evolve or develop. They are not static. They have twists and turns. Styles change. So do
fashions. There are cultural processes. What, for example, the word cultured means has changed
substantially since the study of classical (that is, Greek and Roman) literature, philosophy, and history
ceased in the 20th century to be central to school and university education 32. No single alternative focus
emerged, although with computers has come electronic culture, affecting kinds of study, and most
recently digital culture. As cultures express themselves in new forms not everything gets better or more
The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word made and will make it difficult to define. There is
no single, unproblematic definition, although many attempts have been made to establish one. The only
non-problematic definitions go back to agricultural meaning (for example, cereal culture or strawberry
culture) and medical meaning (for example, bacterial culture or penicillin culture) 33. Since in
anthropology and sociology we also acknowledge culture clashes, culture shock, and counter-culture, the
range of reference is extremely wide.
Question 30: It is stated in paragraph 1 that a cultured person__________
A. has a job related to cultivation
B. takes care of the soil and what grows on it
C. has knowledge of arts, literature, and music
D. does a job relevant to education
Question 31: The author remarks that culture and civilization are the two words that__________
A. share the same word formation pattern
B. are both related to agriculture and cultivation
C. have nearly the same meaning
D. do not develop from the same meaning
Question 32: It can be inferred from the passage that since the 20th century __________
A. schools and universities have not taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
B. classical literature, philosophy, and history have been considered as core subjects
C. classical literature, philosophy, and history have not been taught as compulsory subjects
D. all schools and universities have taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
Question 33: It is difficult to give the definitions of the word culture EXCEPT for its__________

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A. agricultural and medical meanings
B. historical and figurative meanings
C. philosophical and historical meanings
D. sociological and anthropological meanings
Question 34: The passage mainly discusses__________
A. the distinction between culture and civilization
B. the figurative meanings of the word culture
C. the derivatives of the word culture
D. the multiplicity of meanings of the word culture
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions from 35 to 42.
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their
knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It
does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both
the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one
aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not
just their academic ability 37. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-
ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning (42 we are concerned …..aspects of
In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the
opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share 38C, and to develop leadership skills 38A. They also learn
how to cope with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze
and evaluate, to communicate effectively. 38D The pupils learn from each other as well as from the
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and assignments, they can
do this at their own speed.40 They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We
encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this
effectively. An advanced pupil can do advanced works; it does not matter what age the child is. We
expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this
Question 35: In the passage, the author's attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is__________
A. questioning B. approving C. objective D. critical
Question 36: The phrase “held back” in paragraph 1 means __________
A. prevented from advancing B. forced to study in lower class

Trang 5
C. made to remain in the same classes D. made to left behind
Question 37: The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the
A. learning ability and communicative skills B. intellectual abilities
C. total personality D. personal and social skills
Question 38: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers
B. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activilies
C. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others
D. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning ability
Question 39: The author's purpose of writing this passage is to__________
A. recommend pair work and group work classroom activities
B. offer advice on the proper use of the school library
C. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class.
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
Question 40: According to the passage, which of the following is an advantage of mixed-ability
A. Formal class teaching is the important way to give pupils essential skills such as those to be used in
the library.
B. Pupils as individuals always have the opportunities to work on their own.
C. A pupil can be at the bottom of a class
D. Pupils can be hindered from an all-round development
Question 41: According to the passage, "streaming pupils" __________
A. is the act of putting pupils into class according to their academic abilities
B. aims at enriching both their knowledge and experience
C. is quite discouraging
D. will help the pupils learn best
Question 42: According to the author, mixed-ability teaching is more preferable because__________
A. children can learn to work with each other to solve personal problems
B. it doesn't have disadvantages as in streaming pupils
C. formal class teaching is appropriate
D. its aim at developing the children's total personality
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 43: Some of the agricultural practices used today is responsible for fostering desertification.
A. Some B. used C. is -> are D. fostering

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Question 44: The principles used in air-conditioning are basically the same as those used by the human
body to cool himself.
A. principles B. basically C. those D. himself -> itself
Question 45: Jack had to skip breakfast; otherwise, he will be late for class.
A. skip breakfast B. otherwise C. will be -> would be D. for class
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: People believed that the boys started the fire.
A. The boys were believed to started the fire.
B. That the boys started the fire was believed.
C. It is believed that the fire was started by the boys.
D. It is believed that the boys started the fire.
Question 47: David drove so fast; it was very dangerous.
A. David drove so fast, which was very dangerous.
B. David drove so fast and was very dangerous.
C. David drove so fast, then was very dangerous.
D. David drove so fast that was very dangerous
Question 48: After Louie had written his composition, he handed it to his teacher.
A. Handed the composition to his teacher, Louie wrote it.
B. Having written his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher.
C. Writing the composition, Louie handed it to his teacher
D. Handing the composition, Louie had written his composition.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: I didn't know that you were at home. I didn't drop in.
A. I didn't know you were at home although I didn't drop in.
B. Not knowing that you were at home, I didn't drop in.
C. If I knew that you were at home, I would drop in.
D. Not knowing that you were at home, but I still dropped in.
Question 50: We found the bad weather inconvenient. We chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
A. In spite of the inconvenient weather, we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
B. We found the bad weather inconvenient, yet we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
C. Seeing that the bad weather was inconvenient, we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
D. We found the bad weather inconvenient so as to choose to stay in a guest house for the night.

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