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4 300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual

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4300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual

4300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual

Publication No 1857 053 M4


Section No Description

1 Introduction and Safety

1 Tractor Specification
2 Splitting the Tractor
3 Engine
4 Clutch
5 Gearbox
6 Rear Axle
7 Power Take-Off
8 Front Axle
9 Hydraulics
10 Electrical System
11 Electronics
12 Cab and Sheet Metal
13 Accessories
14 Service Tools

Published by:
AGCO Limited,
Banner Lane May 2000
Coventry, Issue 4
England CV4 9GF © AGCO Limited 1998

4200 Series - Issue 3 3

4200 Series Tractor Workshop Manual

4200 Series - Issue 3


Introduction and Safety




4200 Series
4200 Series
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

Section 1 - Part A

Table of Contents

Operation No. Description Page No.

––––– Introduction ....................................................................................... 1A– 2

––––– Safety in the Workshop ..................................................................... 1A– 4

4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–1
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop


The purpose of this manual is to assist Dealers and Where the use of a special tool is specified in an operation
Distributors in the efficient repair and maintenance of the tool number will be shown under the operation
Massey Ferguson farm machinery. Carrying out the heading and also following the instruction requiring its
procedures as detailed, together with the use of special use.
tools where appropriate, will enable the operations to be The use of the special tools mentioned in the text
completed within the time stated in the Repair Time contributes to a safe, efficient and profitable repair. Some
Schedule. operations are impracticable without their use, for
To assist with locating information, each section of the example, the refitment of the differential unit.
manual is preceded by a contents page listing the Distributors and Dealers are therefore urged to check
operations. Each instruction within an operation has a their tools against the list provided. Where necessary,
sequence number, and to complete the operation in the tools may be ordered from: AGCO Limited. Product
minimum time it is essential that these instructions are Reliability, Banner Lane, Coventry. CV4 9FG (Phone 44 (0)
performed in numerical sequence commencing at 1, 1203 694400) (Fax 44 (0) 1203 852318).
unless otherwise stated. For further details, refer to the special tool catalogue for
When applicable, these sequence numbers identify the this range of tractors, Publication No. 1856 550 M5, or
components in the appropriate illustration. Where an Section 14 of this manual.
operation requires the use of a special tool, the tool
number is quoted under the operation heading and is Repairs and Replacements
repeated in, or following, the instruction involving its use. When service parts are required it is essential that only
genuine Massey Ferguson replacements are used.
Attention is particularly drawn to the following points
For convenience the manual is divided into sections and concerning repairs and the fitting of replacement parts
parts, each page bearing a section and part number. The and accessories:
sections are subdivided into numbered operations.
Safety features embodied in the tractor may be impaired
Example: 1-7A would be Operation 1 in Section 7, Part A.
if other than genuine parts are fitted.
This simplifies cross referencing and enables the subject
to be found easily. In certain territories, legislation prohibits the fitting of
parts not to the tractor manufacturer's specification.
Definition of Terms Torque wrench setting figures given in the Workshop
The operation descriptions generally used throughout the Manual must be strictly adhered to. Locking devices
schedules may be defined as follows: where specified must be fitted. If the efficiency of a
locking device is impaired during removal it must be
Removal and Refitment - Remove and refit an original renewed.
part or assembly, or a new part or assembly which does
not involve additional operations or time. The tractor warranty may be invalidated by the fitting of
other than genuine Massey Ferguson parts. All Massey
Install - Install a part or component not previously fitted Ferguson replacements have the full backing of the
e.g., accessories. manufacturer's warranty. Massey Ferguson Distributors
Overhaul - Remove a part or assembly, dismantle, and Dealers are obliged to supply only genuine service
inspect and recondition, re-assemble, and re-install parts.
making all necessary adjustments.
Dis-assembly and Re-assembly - The terms `Dis- Repair of the Tractor
assembly' and `Re-assembly' indicate the orderly taking Follow these important points:
apart of an assembly into individual parts and rebuilding it
into the original assembly.
Adjust - Make the necessary adjustments to restore
If possible, make a complete diagnosis to determine the
specified setting or performance.
extent of the repair required. Take precautions, as
Check - Ascertain if a setting or condition is within the necessary, to prevent dirt or other foreign material
limits of acceptability, either as defined in the entering the hydraulic, fuel or air systems.
manufacturer's specifications or, where a dimension is
not specified, in the judgement of the mechanic. The
checking of fixings, e.g. nuts and bolts, includes Make particular note of special parts which should not be
tightening to the specified torque figures listed in this interchanged.
Servicing - All technical work undertaken to maintain the AND INSPECT THEM FOR WEAR, DAMAGE, ETC.

1A–2 4200 Series - Issue 2

Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

Amendments suffix letter - example: New page number 7A-16a.

Under normal conditions revised pages are issued This page is inserted after existing page number 7A-16
carrying the same number as the existing pages requiring and before page number 7A-17. Correspondingly a further
amendment. The new pages are inserted in place of the new page numbered 7A-16b would be positioned after
existing ones. The old pages should then be destroyed. 7A-16a but before 7A-17.
The issue number is printed on the bottom of each page, To ensure that a record of amendments to this manual is
e.g. Issue 1, 2 or 3 etc. readily available, the list of amendments will be re-issued
with each set of revised pages, quoting the amendment
In some cases additional pages or completely new number, date of issue and appropriate instructions.
sections may be issued. These pages are to be inserted
immediately following the page carrying the next lowest NOTE: Service Bulletins and Amendment Sheets are
page number, or section number as appropriate. issued to the Massey Ferguson Distributors and Dealers
Where new pages are required to be positioned between only and are not for general circulation.
existing pages, the new page numbers will contain a

Amendment Status

Date Issue Page Remarks

May 1997 M1 Issue 1 released

August 1998 M2 New sections and issue 2 pages released. Supplement S1/1857 053 M1 refers.

April 1999 M3 Sections 5J, 8D and 12C added. Issue 2 & Supplement 1857 053 S3 refers.
3 pages released.

February 2000 M4 Section 10C added. Issue 2 & 3 pages Supplement 1857 053 S4 refers.

4200 Series - Issue 2 1A–3
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop


This safety alert symbol means The safety alert symbol identifies important
ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! safety messages on machines, safety signs,
YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! in manuals, or elsewhere. When you see this
symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal
injury or death. Follow the instructions in the
safety message.

Why is SAFETY important to you?



This safety section of your Workshop Service manual is
intended to point out some of the basic safety situations WARNING: The symbol and the word WARNING
which may be encountered during the normal repair indicates a potentially hazardous situation. If the
operations of the tractor, and to suggest possible ways of instructions or procedures are not correctly followed
dealing with these situations. it could result in PERSONAL INJURY, OR LOSS OF
Additional precautions may be necessary, depending on LIFE.
the type of repair and the conditions at the work site or in
the workshop. Massey Ferguson has no direct control
over the repair procedures, operation, inspection,
lubrication or general maintenance. Therefore it is YOUR CAUTION: The symbol and the word CAUTION is used
responsibility to use good safety practices in these areas. to indicate a potentially hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, may result in MINOR OR MODERATE INJURY.
SAFETY - A WORD to the MECHANIC IMPORTANT: The word IMPORTANT is used to identify
It is your responsibility to read and understand this safety special instructions which, if not observed, could result in
section before carrying out repairs on Massey Ferguson damage to, or destruction of the machine, process or its
equipment. surroundings.
Remember that YOU are the key to safety. Good safety
practices not only protect you, but also the people around NOTE: The word NOTE is used to indicate points of
you. Study the features in this section and the rest of the particular interest for more efficient and convenient
manual and make them a working part of your safety repair or operation.
programme. Practice all other usual and customary safe
working precautions, and above all – REMEMBER –



Whenever you see these signal words and symbol

used in this manual and on decals, you MUST take note
of their instructions.

DANGER: The symbol and the word DANGER

indicates an imminently hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, will result in DEATH OR VERY

1A–4 4200 Series - Issue 1

Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

SAFETY DECALS Hand Protection

• It is advisable to use a protective barrier cream
before work to prevent irritation and skin
contamination. After work clean your hands in soap
WARNING: DO NOT remove or obscure Danger, and water. Solvents such as white spirit, paraffin,
Warning or Instruction Decals. etc., may harm the skin.
Replace any Danger, Warning, Caution or Instruction • Wear gloves when ever possible to protect your
Decals that are not readable, damaged or are missing. hands. DO NOT wear rings or wrist watches when
working on machinery, as they could catch on
moving parts and cause serious injury.
Practically all service work involves the need to drive a Foot Protection
tractor. The Operator Instruction Book, supplied with • Substantial or protective footwear with reinforced
each tractor or implement, contains detailed safety toe-caps (safety shoes) will protect your feet from
precautions relating to driving, operating and servicing. falling objects. Additionally, oil-resistant soles will
These precautions are as applicable to the service help to avoid slipping.
mechanic as they are to the operator, and should be read,
understood and practised by all personnel. Special Clothing
Prior to undertaking any maintenance, repair, overhaul, • For certain work it may be necessary to wear flame
dismantling or re-assembly operations, whether within a or acid-resistant clothing.
workshop facility or out 'in the field', consideration should
be given to factors that may have an effect upon Safety, EQUIPMENT CONSIDERATIONS
not only upon the mechanic carrying out the work, but
also upon bystanders. Machine Guards
• DO NOT allow children or bystanders around or on • Before using any machine, check to ensure that the
the machine while it is being adjusted, serviced, machine guards are in position and serviceable.
repaired or operated. These guards not only prevent parts of the body or
clothing coming in contact with the moving parts of
the machine, but also ward off objects that might fly
PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS off the machine and cause injury. Ensure that
Clothing missing guards are replaced.

• The wrong clothes or carelessness in dress can Lifting Appliances

cause accidents. Check to see that you are suitably • Always ensure that lifting equipment, such as
clothed. DO NOT wear loose clothing or long hair
chains, slings, lifting brackets, hooks and eyes are
around equipment.
thoroughly checked before use. If in doubt, select
Some jobs require special protective equipment stronger equipment than is necessary.
• Never stand under a suspended load or raised
Eye Protection implement.
• The smallest eye injury may cause loss of vision. • Avoid injury through incorrect handling of
Injury can be avoided by wearing the proper eye components. Make sure you are capable of lifting the
protection when engaged in chiselling, grinding, object. If in doubt get help.
discing, sanding, welding, painting etc.
• Wear safety goggles or safety glasses appropriate to
the job in hand. • Select a jack strong enough to carry the load.

Breathing Protection • Stabilise the tractor and chock the wheels.

• Fumes, dust and paint spray are unpleasant and • Put support stands under the tractor. Lower the jack
harmful. These can be avoided by wearing and let the tractor rest on the stands.
respiratory protection. • DO NOT go under a tractor supported by a chain
hoist or jack.
Hearing Protection
• Loud noise may damage your hearing and the greater
the exposure the worse the damage. If you think the
noise is excessive, wear ear protection.

4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–5
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop


• The pressure from a compressed air line is often as Solvents
high as 7 bar (100 lbf/in²). It is perfectly safe if used
correctly. Any misuse may cause injury. • Use only cleaning fluids and solvents that are known
• Never use compressed air to blow dust, filings, dirt to be safe. Certain types of fluids can cause damage
to components such as seals, etc., and can cause
etc., away from your work area unless the correct
skin irritation. Solvent labels should be checked that
type of nozzle is fitted and eye protection is used.
they are suitable not only for the cleaning of
• Compressed air is not a cleaning agent, it will only components and individual parts, but also that they
move dust, etc., from one place to another. Look DO NOT affect the personal safety of the user.
around before using an air hose as bystanders may
get grit into their eyes, ears or skin. Housekeeping
• Used approved air guns, wear safety goggles, and • Many injuries result from tripping or slipping over or
use proper shielding to protect others in the work on, objects or material left lying around by a careless
area. worker. Prevent these accidents from occurring. If
you notice a hazard, don't ignore it - remove it.
• Never point an air nozzle at a persons body.
• A clean, hazard-free place of work improves the
Hand Tools surroundings and daily environment for everybody.
• Many cuts, abrasions and injuries are caused by • Keep work organised and clean. Wipe up spills of any
defective tools. Never use the wrong tool for the job, kind to minimise the possibility of a fall. Keep tools
as this generally leads either to some injury, or to a and parts off the floor to further reduce the possibility
poor job. of tripping and causing serious injury.
• Never use:– Fire
- A hammer with a loose head or split handle.
• Fire has no respect for persons or property. The
- Spanners or wrenches with splayed or worn jaws. destruction that fire can cause is not always fully
- Spanners or files as hammers; or drills, clevis pins realised. Everyone must be constantly on guard.
or bolts as punches. - Extinguish matches, cigars, cigarettes, etc., before
• Grind off mushroom heads from chisels. The sharp throwing them away.
edges can tear your skin if the tool slips. And, when - Work cleanly, disposing of waste material into
the tool is struck, chips could break off and fly into proper containers.
your eyes. - Locate the fire extinguishers and find out how to
• Keep a handle on every file to prevent the tang from operate them.
piercing your palm or wrist if the file should slip or - DO NOT allow or use open flame near the fuel tank,
catch. fuel lines, battery, hydraulic hoses or component
• For removing or replacing hardened pins use a parts
copper or brass drift rather than a hammer. • When using a gas torch, always keep a fully charged
• For dismantling, overhauling and assembly of major fire extinguisher within reach.
components, always use Special Service Tools • In the event of fire:
recommended. - DO NOT panic - warn those near and raise the
These will reduce the work effort, labour time and
repair cost. First Aid
• Always keep tools clean and in good working order. • In the type of work that mechanics are engaged in,
dirt, grease, fine dust, etc. all settle upon the skin and
Electricity clothing. If a cut, abrasion or burn is disregarded it
• Electricity has become so familiar in day to day may be found that an infection has formed within a
usage, that its potentially dangerous properties are short time. What appears at first to be trivial could
often overlooked. Misuse of electrical equipment become painful and injurious. It only takes a few
can endanger life. minutes to have a fresh cut dressed, but it will take
longer if you neglect it. Make sure you know where
• Before using any electrical equipment - particularly the First Aid box is located and that it is kept fully
portable appliances - make a visual check to make stocked at all times.
sure that the cable is not worn or frayed and that the
plugs, sockets, etc., are intact; make sure you know
where the nearest isolating switch is located. Always
use an earthed (grounded) 3 pin electrical cord.

1A–6 4200 Series - Issue 1

Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS • Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can have

• Stop the engine, if at all possible, before performing enough force to penetrate the human skin. To locate
a leak under pressure, use a small piece of
any service.
cardboard, never use your hands. If you are injected
• Place a warning sign on self propelled equipment with hydraulic fluid seek medical help immediately.
which, due for service or overhaul, would be • When equipment or implements are required to be
dangerous to start. Disconnect the battery leads if
attached to the hydraulic linkage, either for testing
leaving such a unit unattended and remove the key.
purposes or for transportation, the ‘Position Control’
• DO NOT attempt to start the engine while standing should be used.
beside the tractor or attempt to by-pass the safety • Always lower equipment to the ground when leaving
start switch. Make a practise of checking that neutral
the tractor.
start switches are functioning correctly.
• Avoid prolonged running of the engine in a closed
• If high lift attachments are installed on a tractor
beware of overhead power, electric or telephone
building or in an area with inadequate ventilation as
cables when travelling. Drop the attachment near to
exhaust fumes are highly toxic.
ground level to increase stability and minimise risks.
• Always turn the radiator cap to the first stop to allow
• DO NOT park or attempt to service the equipment on
pressure in the system to dissipate when the coolant
an incline. If unavoidable, take extra care and chock
is hot.
all wheels.
• Never work beneath a tractor which is on soft
• Observe recommended precautions as indicated in
ground. Always take the unit to an area which has a
this Service Manual when dismantling the air
hard level working surface - concrete is preferred.
conditioning system as escaping refrigerant can
• If it is found necessary to raise the equipment for cause frostbite.
ease of servicing or repair, make sure that safe and • Prior to removing wheels and tyres from a tractor,
stable supports are installed, beneath axle housings,
check to determine whether additional ballast (liquid
casings, etc., before commencing work.
or weights) has been added. Seek assistance and
• Certain repair or overhaul procedures may use suitable equipment to support the weight of the
necessitate ‘Separating the tractor’, either at the wheel assembly. Store the wheel so that they cannot
engine gearbox or gearbox/rear axle locations. These fall over and cause injury.
operations are simplified by the use of the Tractor • When inflating tyres beware of over inflation -
Splitting Kit/Stands (Use the Massey Ferguson
constantly check the pressure. Over inflation can
MF.3012 Tractor Splitting Track, also available,
cause tyres to burst and result in personal injury.
MF.3013 Cab Stands). Should this equipment not be
available, then every consideration must be given to Heed these safety precautions, and the ones found in this
stability, balance and weight of the components, manual, and you will protect yourself accordingly.
especially if a cab is installed. Disregard them and you may become injured for life.
• Use footsteps or working platforms when servicing
those areas that are not within easy reach. SERVICING TECHNIQUES
• Cleanliness of the tractor hydraulic system is Service Safety
essential for optimum performance. When carrying
out service and repairs plug all hose ends and Appropriate service methods and proper repair
component connections to prevent dirt entry. procedures are essential for the safe, reliable operation of
all farm machinery as well as the personal safety of the
• Clean the exterior of all components before carrying
individual doing the work.
out any form of repair. Dirt and abrasive dust can
reduce the efficiency and working life of a
component and lead to costly replacement. Use of
high pressure washer or steam cleaner is
• Before loosening any hoses or tubes connecting
implements to remote control valves, etc., switch off
the engine, remove all pressure in the lines by
operating levers several times. This will remove the
danger of personal injury by oil pressure.
• Prior to pressure testing, make sure all hoses and
connectors not only of the equipment, but also those
of the test equipment, are in good condition and
tightly sealed. Pressure readings must be taken with
the gauges specified. The correct procedure should
be rigidly observed to prevent damage to the system
or equipment, and to eliminate the possibility of
personal injury.

4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–7
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop

This Service Manual provides general directions for housings. Where possible, always install the bearing onto
accomplishing service and repair work with tested, the rotating component first.
effective techniques. Following them will help assure that Always use pullers or a press to remove and/or install
a thorough repair is successfully completed. bearings, bushings and cylinder sleeves, etc. Use
There are numerous variations in procedures, techniques, hammers, punches and chisels only when absolutely
tools, and parts for servicing tractors, as well as in the skill necessary and be sure to wear safety goggles.
of the individual doing the work. This Manual cannot
possibly anticipate all such variations and provide advice Shims
or cautions as to each. Anyone who departs from the When shims are removed, tie them together and identify
instructions provided in this Manual must realise that one them as to location. Keep shims clean and flat until they
compromises their personal safety and the tractor's are re-installed.
integrity by the choice of repair methods, tools and/or
parts. Gaskets
Be sure the holes in the gasket correspond with the
Service Techniques lubricant passages in the mating parts. If gaskets are to
Clean the exterior of all components before carrying any be made, select material of the proper type and
form of repair. Dirt and abrasive dust can reduce the thickness. Be sure to cut holes in the right places. Blank
efficient working life of a component and lead to costly gaskets can cause serious damage - always renew
replacement. gaskets prior to re-installation.
Time spent on the preparation and cleanliness of working
surfaces will pay dividends in making the job easier and Lip Type Seals
safer and will result in overhauled components being Lubricate the lips of the lip-type seals before installation.
more reliable and efficient in operation. Use petroleum jelly. DO NOT use grease. Ensure that the
Use cleaning fluids which are known to be safe. Certain oil seal is fitted the right way round, the lip of the seal is
types of fluid can cause damage to ‘O’ rings and cause placed next to the lubricant that is sealed. Some seals
skin irritation. Check the label on Solvents to ensure that have a second auxiliary lip, which is used to prevent the
they are suitable for the cleaning of components and also ingress of dirt to the seal lip.
that they DO NOT risk the personal safety of the user. If, during installation, the seal lip must pass over a shaft
Replace ‘O’ rings, seals or gaskets whenever they are that has splines, a keyway, rough surface or a sharp edge,
disturbed. Never mix new and old seals or ‘O’ rings, the lip can be easily damaged. Always use a seal
regardless of condition. Always lubricate new seals and protector, when one is provided.
‘O’ rings with hydraulic oil before installation.
Use of Bolts in Blind Holes
When replacing component parts use the correct tool for
the job. Use bolts of the correct length. A bolt which is too long
may ‘bottom’ before the head is tight against the part it is
Hoses and Tubes to hold. The threads can be damaged when a `long' bolt
is removed. If a bolt is too short, there may not be enough
Always replace hoses and tubes if their ends are
threads engaged to hold the part securely.
When installing a new hose, loosely connect each end Locking Devices
and make sure the hose takes up the designed position Lockwashers, flat metal locks or split pins are used to lock
before tightening the connection. Clamps should be nuts and bolts.
tightened sufficiently to hold the hose without crushing
and to prevent chafing or contact with other parts. Flat metal locks must be installed properly to be effective.
Bend one end of the lock around the edge of the part.
Before removing hoses or tubes make sure they are Bend the other end against one flat surface of the nut or
identified so that they can be correctly re-assembled. bolt head. Always install new locks.
Be sure any hose which has been installed is not kinked Always fit new split pins/cotter pins and bend the ends
or twisted after it is tightened. round so that they will not catch in clothing and help to
prevent cuts.
Bearings which are considered suitable for further service Cables and Wires
should be cleaned in a suitable solvent and immersed in When removing or disconnecting a group of cables or
clean lubricating oil until required. wires, tag each one to assure proper re-assembly.
DO NOT spin bearings with compressed air. The Always clip back wires and cable looms properly to
centrifugal force could cause a ball or roller to fly outward prevent chafing, cable damage and possible damage by
with enough force to cause an injury. fire.
Installation of a bearing can be classified in two ways:
press fit on rotating parts such as shafts, and gears, and
push fit into static locations such as reduction gear

1A–8 4200 Series - Issue 1

Tractor Specification

Tractor Specification
Section 1 - Part B

Table of Contents

Operation No. Description Page No.

––––– Tractor Specification .......................................................................... 1B– 2

––––– Tractor Dimensions and Weights ...................................................... 1B–10
––––– Tractor Mounting Points .................................................................... 1B–18
––––– Tractor Identification.......................................................................... 1B–21
––––– Serial Numbers - Tractor.................................................................... 1B–21
––––– Serial Numbers - Engine .................................................................... 1B–24
––––– Serial Numbers - Front Axle............................................................... 1B–25
––––– Tractor Identification and Height ....................................................... 1B–26

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–1
Tractor Specification

Make ................................................................................... Perkins diesel to Massey Ferguson specification.
Type ................................................................................... Four stroke, water cooled, direct injection.
Models applicable - World-wide Cab: Model .....................Perkins code
4215 - Low emission ...................................................... 903.27 ............................CP
4220 - Low emission - Turbocharged .............................. 903.27T ..........................CR
4225 - Normal emission .................................................. 4.41 ............................LM
4235 - Normal emission .................................................. 4.41 ............................LM
4245 - Normal emission - Turbocharged ......................... 1004.40T ........................AH
4255 - Normal emission - Turbocharged ......................... 1004.40T ........................AH
4260 - Normal emission .................................................. 1006.60 ..........................YA
4270 - Normal emission .................................................. 1006.60 ..........................YA
Model applicable - North American Cab and Footstep:
4225 - Low emission ...................................................... 1004.40 ..........................AJ
4233 - Low emission ...................................................... 1004.42 ..........................AK
4235 - Low emission - Turbocharged............................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4243, 4245 - Low emission - Turbocharged..................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4253, 4255 - Low emission - Turbocharged..................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4263 - Low emission ...................................................... 1006.60 ..........................YG
4270 - Low emission - Turbocharged .............................. 1006.60T ........................YH
Cylinders ............................................................................... 3, 4 or 6.
Idle speed - all models .......................................................... 750 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum rated speed - 4215, 4220...................................... 2250 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum rated speed - all other models ............................. 2200 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum no load speed - World-wide Cab:
4215, 4220 - Normal emission ........................................ 2420 ± 25 rev/min.
4225, 4235 - Normal emission ........................................ 2350 ± 25 rev/min.
4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 - Normal emission .................... 2310 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum no load speed - North American Cab and Footstep:
All models ...................... ...................................................... 2350 ± 25 rev/min.
Valve tip clearance:
All tractors - Inlet (hot or cold) ......................................... 0,20 mm (0.008 in).
All tractors - Exhaust (hot or cold) ................................... 0,45 mm (0.018 in).
Engine power and torque...................................................... Refer to Engine Section 3.
Cooling System
Type ............................ ...................................................... Thermostat controlled with centrifugal pump to assist
circulation multi-blade fan driven by a single or double
belt from the crankshaft pulley.
Radiator pressure cap rating ................................................. 0,75 bar (10 lbf/in²).
Fan belt(s) deflection...... ...................................................... 10 mm (3/8 in) or 35 N (8 lbf).
Air conditioner compressor belt deflection ........................... 15 mm (1/2 in).
Fuel System
Fuel lift pump ................. ...................................................... Mechanical, driven from camshaft, hand primed.
Fuel Filter ....................... ...................................................... Lucas canister type filter.
Water sedimentor ................................................................. Lucas with transparent sediment bowl.
Injection Pump ............... ...................................................... Lucas distributor type with mechanical governor.
Injectors ......................... ...................................................... Lucas nozzles and holders.
Starting aid ..................... ...................................................... Lucas thermostart.

Air System
Type ................................................................................... Two stage dry element with warning light. Removable
main and secondary element.

1B–2 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

Dry type:
4215, 4220, 4225, 4233, 4235......................................... 305 mm (12 in) - Coil spring type.
4243 to 4270 ................................................................... 330 mm (13 in) - Belleville spring type.
Clutch adjustment ........................................................... No routine adjustment required.
Clutch pedal height:
Lo-Profile cab ...... ...................................................... 190-200 mm (7.7-7.9 in)
Standard cab ....... ...................................................... 160-170 mm (6.3-6.7 in)
Footstep.............. ...................................................... 160-170 mm (6.3-6.7 in)
Oil cooled type:
Type................................................................................. Multi-plate, oil cooled, mechanically operated.
Clutch adjustment ........................................................... None.
Clutch pedal height:
Lo-Profile cab ...... ...................................................... 210-230 mm (8.3-9.0 in)
Standard cab ....... ...................................................... 180-190 mm (7.0-7.5 in)
Footstep.............. ...................................................... 180-190 mm (7.0-7.5 in)
8 x 2 Manual gearbox .. ...................................................... The eight speed Manual gearbox has 8 forward and 2
reverse speeds. This is achieved by using a four forward
and one reverse gearbox, no synchromesh is provided.
This is compounded by a two speed range gearbox and
controlled by centre shift levers. Reverse is available in
high and low ratio.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 8.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 2.
18 x 6 Speedshift gearbox .................................................. The 18 Speedshift gearbox has 18 forward and six
reverse speeds. This is achieved by using a three
forward and one reverse speed gearbox with
synchromesh on all gears. This is compounded by a
three speed range gearbox to give nine forward and
three reverse speeds. At the front of the gearbox there
is an electro/hydraulically operated Fast/Slow Speedshift
unit which doubles the number of speeds to 18 forward
and six reverse.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 18.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 6.
12 x 12 Shuttle gearbox ...................................................... The 12 x 12 Shuttle gearbox has twelve speeds forward
and reverse. This is achieved by using a four-speed
gearbox, compounded by a three-speed range gearbox
to give twelve speeds. A forward/reverse unit is situated
in front of the gearbox, all gears are synchromesh. A
creeper attachment is available with this transmission
with a reduction ratio of
4.7 : 1.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 12.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 12.
12 speed shuttle creeper gearbox...................................... The creeper reduction unit is a self contained set of
gears mounted in the front section of the gearbox above
the forward and reverse shuttle gears.
Application....................................................................... Tractors fitted with 12 speed shuttle gearbox.
Speed reduction ratio ...................................................... 4.7 : 1.
Number of creeper speeds ............................................. 4.

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–3
Tractor Specification

12 x 4 Synchromesh gearbox............................................. The 12 x 4 synchromesh gearbox has 12 forward and 4

reverse speeds. This is achieved by using a three
forward and one reverse gearbox with synchromesh on
all gears. This is compounded by a two speed range
gearbox to give six speeds which is further doubled by a
manual selector lever situated to the right of the drivers
console. Reverse is available on all gears.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 12.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 4.
8 x 8 Shuttle gearbox .......................................................... The 8 x 8 Shuttle gearbox has eight speeds available
forward and reverse. This is achieved by using a four
speed gearbox compounded by a two speed range
gearbox to give eight speeds. A shuttle lever to the left
of the steering wheel provides easy forward to reverse
gear changing.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 8.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 8.
Range gearbox .................................................................... The range gearbox is directly bolted to the rear of the
main gearbox forming an integral unit. It is fitted with
either a two or three speed unit. It also provides the drive
to the front four-wheel drive axle.

Rear Axle
Rear axle maximum static load:
4215 to 4220 ................................................................... 4536 kgf (10000 lbf) - Narrow.
4225 to 4245 ................................................................... 4536 kgf (10000 lbf) - Normal-duty.
4255 to 4270 .................................................................. 5443 kgf (12000 lbf) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - Pressed steel wheels:
4215 to 4225 ................................................................... 1425-1830 mm (56-72 in) - Narrow.
4225 to 4240 ................................................................... 1425-2130 mm (56-84 in) - Normal-duty.
4245 to 4270 .................................................................. 1525-2235 mm (60-88 in) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - Cast centre wheels:
4225 to 4240 ................................................................... 1395-2210 mm (55-87 in) - Normal-duty.
4245 to 4270 ................................................................... 1425-2130 mm (56-84 in) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - PAVT wheels:
4225 to 4245 ................................................................... 1425-1930 mm (56-76 in) - Normal-duty axle.
4255 to 4270 ................................................................... 1525-2130 mm (60-84 in) - Heavy-duty axle.
Rear track - PAVT wheels - dual ramp:
4225 to 4245 and 4263 ................................................... 2030-2130 mm (80-84 in) - Normal-duty.
4260 and 4270................................................................. 1830-2440 mm (72-96 in) - Heavy-duty.

Type ................................................................................... Multi-disc oil immersed.
Model ................................................................................... T.S. brake (Tangential Slave).
Parking brake......................................................................... Cable operated on both brakes independent of the foot
Brake fluid ............................................................................. Mineral based (Green) - Massey Ferguson part No
3405 389 M1.

Power Take-off
Single-speed PTO:
540 rev/min PTO speed................................................... 1789 engine rev/min.
Economy PTO:
Standard 540 PTO ........................................................... 1979 engine rev/min.
Economy 540 (540E) PTO................................................ 1421 engine rev/min.
Two-speed PTO:
540 rev/min PTO speed.................................................... 1902 engine rev/min.
1000 rev/min PTO speed.................................................. 2000 engine rev/min.

1B–4 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

Front mounted PTO:

Speed .............................................................................. 1000 rev/min at 2000 engine rev/min.
Rotation ........................................................................... Counter-clockwise.
Shaft type ........................................................................ 540 rev/min type - 6 spline.
540 rev/min PTO shaft:
No. of splines .................................................................. 6.
Outside diameter............................................................. 34,93 mm (1.375 in).
1000 rev/min PTO shaft:
No. of splines .................................................................. 21.
Outside diameter............................................................. 34,93 mm (1.375 in).

Type ................................................................................... Hydrostatic power steering.
Pump ................................................................................... Transmission mounted gear pump drawing oil from the
transmission case.
Turns lock to lock .................................................................. 4
Steering wheel ...................................................................... Tilt adjustable.

Front Axle - Two-wheel Drive

Type ................................................................................... Three section with telescopic outer arms.
4215 to 4225 ................................................................... Normal-duty.
4225 to 4255 ................................................................... Heavy-duty.
4243 to 4270 ................................................................... Extra heavy-duty.
4233 to 4270 ................................................................... Wide row crop.
Front track settings:
Normal-duty..................................................................... 1245-1855 mm (49-73 in).
Heavy-duty and extra heavy-duty .................................... 1315-1820 mm (52-72 in).
Wide row crop................................................................. 1830-2335 mm (72-96 in).
Static load:
Normal-duty axles............................................................ 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
Heavy-duty axles ............................................................. 3460 kgf (7628 lbf).
Extra heavy-duty axles..................................................... 4360 kgf (9612 lbf).
Front Wheel tow-in 0-5 mm (0-3/16 in) at wheel rim.
Turning circles - less brakes:
4215 and 4220................................................................. 6,8 metre (268 in).
4225 to 4255 ................................................................... 8,0 metre (315 in).
4260 and 4270................................................................. 9,5 metre (374 in).

Front Axle - Four-wheel Drive

Type ................................................................................... Centre drive, hydraulically engaged with Hydralock
Tractor model: Axle model - all Width across hub Maximum
centre drive flanges static
4215, 4220, 4225, 4233, 4235 ........................................ AG 66 Narrow 1366 mm (53.82 in) 3000 kgf
(6614 lbf)
4225, 4233, 4235 ............................................................ AG 66 Wide 1562 mm (61.54 in) 3000 kgf
(6614 lbf)
4225 to 4263 ................................................................... AG 75 1669 mm (65.76 in) 4500 kgf
(9921 lbf)
4225 to 4263 ............ ...................................................... AG 85 1669 mm (65.76 in) 4500 kgf
(9921 lbf)
4255, 4260, 4270 ..... ...................................................... AG 105 1800 mm (70.92 in) 5000 kgf
(11023 lbf)
Toe-in........................ ...................................................... 0-4 mm (0-5/32 in).
Maximum turning angle .................................................. 55°.

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–5
Tractor Specification

Turning circles -less brakes:

4215 and 4220................................................................. 7,8 metre (307 in).
4225 to 4255 ................................................................... 8,0 metre (315 in).
4260 and 4270................................................................. 9,2 metre (362 in).
Front track settings:
AG 66 narrow front axle................................................... 1423-1624 mm (56 in-64 in).
AG 66 wide front axle....................................................... 1412-1820 mm (56 in-72 in).
AG 75 or AG 85 front axle................................................ 1407-1908 mm (55 in-75 in).
AG 105 front axle on 24 inch wheels............................... 1557-2058 mm (61 in-81 in).
AG 105 front axle on 28 inch wheels............................... 1451-2058 mm (57 in-81 in).

Wheel - Rim Nut and Bolt Torques

Front axle - two-wheel drive bolts.................................... 95 Nm (70 lbf ft).
Front axle - Four-wheel drive:
Wheel nuts ...................................................................... 270 Nm (200 lbf ft).
Rim to disc nuts .............................................................. 190 Nm (140 lbf ft).
Rear Wheels - Pressed steel:
Wheel nuts ...................................................................... 325 Nm (240 lbf ft).
Rim to disc nuts .............................................................. 240 Nm (177 lbf ft).
Rear wheels - Cast centre:
Wheel nuts ...................................................................... 325 Nm (240 lbf ft).
Rim clamp nuts (PAVT).................................................... 260 Nm (192 lbf ft).

Electrical System - 12 volt:

Double battery installation Type 372.
Single battery installation ................................................ Type 665.
Type 372. Type 665.
SAE rating........................................................................ 590A. 810A.
IEC rating......................................................................... 390A. 545A.
DIN rating ........................................................................ 350A. 490A.
Ampere hour ................................................................... 120. 70.
Reserve capacity ............................................................. 110 min. 220 min.
Starter motor:
Type................................................................................. Solenoid engaged pinion, safety start device operated by
the gear shift lever and on the PTO.
Size.................................................................................. 2,2 Kw.
Cab tractor Footstep tractor
Type................................................................................. A127-70. A127-45.
Size.................................................................................. 70 amp. 45 amp.
Regulating voltage........................................................... 14.2 volt. 14.2 volt
Light bulb sizes and part No.:
Head light ........................................................................ R2. - 45/40 W - Continental (white) - 961 866 M1.
Upper head light (Germany only)..................................... H4. - 60/55 W - Halogen - 3713 341 M1.
Work light ........................................................................ H3. 55 W - Halogen - 1628 494 M1.
Side light.......................................................................... R. 5 W - Single contact - 1420 037 M1.
Stop and rear red light ..................................................... P. 21/5 W - Double contact index - 908 543 M1.
Hazard and direction indicator light ................................. P. 21 W - Single contact - 621 235 M1.
Number plate light........................................................... C. 5 W - Festoon - 621 234 M1.
Interior light ..................................................................... SV. 8.5 10 W - Festoon - 3385 821 M1.
Instrument panel lights.................................................... 1,2 W - Capless - 3405 185 M1.
Instrument panel lights.................................................... 2,0 W - Capless with holder - 3901 628 M91.
Rotating beacon .............................................................. 55 W - Halogen H1 - 3405 180 M1.
Fuses - Continental blade type:
Size and colour ................................................................ 2 amp (clear), 5 amp (tan), 7,5 amp (brown), 10 amp
(red), 15 amp (blue), 20 amp (yellow), 25 amp (natural
white), 30 amp (green).

1B–6 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

Lift Hydraulics
Hydraulic pump - Ferguson:
Model .............................................................................. Mk. 3.
Type................................................................................. Four cylinder, scotch yoke, driven from the PTO drive
Output at 2200 engine rev/min at normal working pressure:
540 rev/min PTO (single speed)....................................... 17 litre/min (3.7 gal/min)(4.5 US gal/min).
540/540E rev/min PTO..................................................... 22 litre/min (4.8 gal/min)(5.8 US gal/min).
540/1000 rev/min PTO..................................................... 28 litre/min (6.2 gal/min)(7.4 US gal/min).
Pressure relief valve setting............................................. 227 bar (3292 lbf/in²).
Hydraulic pump - Electronic Lift Control:
Type................................................................................. Single element open type, transmission mounted.
Drive ................................................................................ Chain drive from PTO clutch housing.
Maximum pump flow 2200 rev/min at normal working pressure:
Output ............................................................................. 28 litre/min (6.2 gal/min)(7.4 US gal/min).
Maximum pressure ......................................................... 227 bar (3292 lbf/in²).
Auxiliary Hydraulics
Pump Type ........................................................................... Dual element gear type, transmission mounted.
Make ................................................................................... Sunstrand.
Drive ................................................................................... Chain drive from PTO clutch housing.
Maximum pump flow at 2200 engine rev/min at normal working pressure:
Output ............................................................................. 38 litre/min (8.4 gal/min)(10.0 US gal/min).
Maximum pressure 210 bar (3046 lbf/in²).
Oil strainer:
Type................................................................................. 100 micron washable.
Location........................................................................... Right-hand side of rear axle housing.
Oil Filter:
Type ................................................................................... Centrifugal washable.
Location ............................................................................... Manifold block, right-hand side of rear axle housing.
Auxiliary hydraulic control valves:
Type ................................................................................... Open centre.
Number of sections ............................................................. 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Type of sections available ................................................... Spring return to neutral (standard World-wide).
Optional ............................................................................... Detented with pressure kick-out.
Detent with kickout plus float (standard North-America).
Combined Flow at quick release coupling at 2200 engine rev/min:
Combined flow 540 PTO (single speed).......................... 55 litre/min (12.1 gal/min)(14.5 US gal/min).
Combined flow 540/540E PTO......................................... 60 litre/min (13.2 gal/min)(15.8 US gal/min).
Combined flow 540/1000 PTO......................................... 66 litre/min (14.5 gal/min)(17.4 US gal/min).
Pressure at quick release coupling with combined
flow at 2200 engine rev/min................................................. 210 bar (3046 lbf/in²) maximum.
Trailer brake valve:
Make ................................................................................... Bosch.
Ratio ................................................................................... 4:1.
Piston diameter ................................................................... 12 mm.
Maximum pressure to brakes.............................................. 135 bar (1960 lbf/in2).
Maximum oil flow to trailer brake........................................ 15 litre/min (3.3 gal/min)(4 US gal/min).
Maximum static load:
Inner position ............................................................. 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Centre position........................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Fully extended position .............................................. 775 kgf (1709 lbf).

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–7
Tractor Specification

Inner position ............................................................. 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Centre position........................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position .............................................. 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Distance to PTO shaft:
Inner position................................................................... 250 mm (10 in).
Centre position ................................................................ 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position ................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar face to centre of PTO shaft .................................. 200 mm (7.88 in).
Drawbar side swing from centre......................................... 221 mm (8.70 in).
Maximum static load.................................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
Drawbar maximum static load ................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Extended (North America):
Maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Distance to PTO shaft (selected by PTO shaft):
Fully extended position - (540 rpm).................................. 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position - (1000 rpm)................................ 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar face to centre of PTO shaft................................... 239 mm (9.4 in).
Drawbar side swing from centre.......................................... 200 mm (7.9 in).

Pick-up Hitch
Maximum static load ....................................................... 2243 kgf (4945 lbf).
Drawbar - distance to PTO shaft:.........................................
Inner position................................................................... 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position.................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Hook - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 3058 kgf (6742 lbf).
Centre position ................................................................ 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Drawbar - distance to PTO shaft:
Inner position................................................................... 250 mm (10 in).
Centre position ................................................................ 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position ................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Centre position ................................................................ 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).

1B–8 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

Lift Linkage
Front linkage:
Type ................................................................................... Hook ends - Category 2.
Lift capacity at link ends:
Normal-duty ..................................................................... 1800 kgf (3968 lbf).
Heavy-duty ...................................................................... 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
Rear linkage:
Linkage types World-wide:
4215, 4220, 4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .............................. Interchangeable ball ends - Category 1 and 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .................................................. Normal-duty telescopic - Maximum capacity 3000 kgf
(6614 lbf).
4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................................................. Heavy-duty telescopic
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Fixed ball ends - Category 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Hook ends - Category 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Telescopic ends - Category 2.
Linkage types - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4253 .............................. Normal-duty telescopic ends - Category 2 - Maximum
capacity 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
4255, 4263, 4270 Tractors .............................................. Heavy-duty telescopic ends - Category 2.
Lift capacity at link ends with links horizontal - World-wide:
4215, 4220 ...................................................................... 2200 kgf (4850 lbf).
4225, 4233, 4235 ............................................................ 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .................................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf) with 1 x 28 mm assistor cylinder.
4245, 4255, 4260 ............................................................ 4000 kgf (8818 lbf) with 2 x 28 mm assistor cylinders.
4270 ................................................................................ 5000 kgf (11023 lbf) with 2 x 40 mm assistor cylinders.
Lift capacity at link ends with links horizontal - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235,4243, 4245,4253................................. 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
4255, 4263 ...................................................................... 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
Lift capacity at link ends with assistor cylinders - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235,4243, 4245,4253................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
4255, 4263 ...................................................................... 4000 kgf (8818 lbf).
4270 ................................................................................ 5000 kgf (11023 lbf).

Air Conditioning System

Refrigerant type .................................................................... R134a.
Compressor type................................................................... SD7H15-7952.
Refrigerant oil type................................................................ PAG (SP-20).
Quantity of oil .................................................................. 190 cc (6.43 fl oz) - Total system capacity.
Drive belt deflection .............................................................. 12-15 mm (1/2-5/8 in).
Refrigerant capacity:
4 Cylinder engines........................................................... 1400 g (3.1 lb) (494 oz).
6 cylinder engines ........................................................... 1450 g (3.2 lb) (512 oz).

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–9
Tractor Specification

Fuel tanks Cab tractors:
Lo-Profile Cab - 4215, 4220, 4225 ................................... 84 litres (18.5 gal)(22 US gal).
Lo-Profile Cab - 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255 ......................... 98 litres (22 gal)(26 US gal).
Standard Cab - Hi-Vis - 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255.............. 127 litres (28 gal)(34 US gal).
Standard Cab - 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4255:
Single tank ................................................................. 127 litres (28 gal)(34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 189 litres (42 gal)(50 US gal).
Standard Cab - 4260, 4263, 4270:
Single tank ................................................................. 143 litres (31 gal)(38 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 205 litres (45 gal)(54 US gal).
Fuel tanks - Footstep tractors:
Four cylinder engines - ‘Lo Profile’ sheet metal:
Single tank ................................................................. 110 litres (29 US gal).
Four cylinder engines - Standard:
Single tank ................................................................. 130 litres (34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 200 litres (53 US gal).
Six cylinder engines:
Single tank ................................................................. 130 litres (34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 200 litres (53 US gal).
Engine oil:
Three cylinder engines .................................................... 5,7 litres (1.3 gal)(1.5 US gal).
Four cylinder engines ...................................................... 6,5 litres (1.4 gal)(1.7 US gal).
Six cylinder engines......................................................... 13,5 litres (3.0 gal)(3.6 US gal).
Cooling system:
Three cylinder engines..................................................... 10,2 litres (2.3 gal)(2.7 US gal).
Four cylinder engines....................................................... 17,5 litres (3.9 gal)(4.6 US gal).
Six cylinder engines......................................................... 28,0 litres (6.2 gal)(7.4 US gal).
Two- and four-wheel drive............................................... 50,0 litres (11.0 gal)(13.2 US gal).
Rear axle epicyclic hubs - heavy-duty only - each side........... 2,9 litres (5 pts)(5 US pts).
Front four-wheel drive axle:
Oil capacity - epicyclic - each side:
AG 66 .............................................................................. 0,8 litre (1.5 pt)(1.5 US pt).
AG 75 and AG 85............................................................. 1,0 litre (1.8 pt)(1.8 US pt).
AG 105 ............................................................................ 1,2 litre (2 pt)(2 US pt).
Oil capacity - complete axle:
AG 66, AG 75, AG 85 ...................................................... 5,6 litre (1.2 gal)(1.5 US gal).
AG 105 ............................................................................ 7,6 litre (1.7 gal)(2 US gal).
Dual screen and rear window washer bottle:
Capacity........................................................................... 2,5 litre (4 pt)(4 US pt).
Front PTO gearbox:
Capacity........................................................................... 0,6 litre (1 pt)(1 US pt).

1B–10 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

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1B–11 4200 Series - Issue 2
Tractor Specification


TL 3517

Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4215 4220 4225 4233/35
Tyre size (rear) ............................................................. 14.9 - 28 14.9 - 28 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 34
Track setting ................................................................ 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1525 (60)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... 2360 (93) 2360 (93) 2365 (93) --
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof. ................................. 2450 (97) 2450 (97) 2455 (98) --
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... -- -- -- 2445 (96)
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. -- -- -- 2535 (100)
Standard cab (flat floor), Hi-Vis, standard roof........ -- -- 2565 (101) 2615 (103)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... -- -- -- 2615 (103)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... -- -- -- --
B. Height over exhaust............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 1900 (75) 1900 (75) 1955 (77) 1955 (77)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive - normal-duty axle....................... 2130 (84) 2130 (84) 2190 (86) 2190 (86)
Two-wheel drive - heavy- and extra heavy-duty
axle......................................................................... -- -- 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
Four-wheel drive - AG 66 axle................................ 2230 (88) 2230 (88) 2280 (90) 2280 (90)
Four-wheel drive - AG 75, AG 85 or AG 105 axle... - - 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3740 (147) 3740 (147) 3850 (152) 4010 (158)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4075 (160) 4075 (160) 4185 (165) 4345 (171)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3860 (152) 3860 (152) 3940 (155) 4050 (160)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4192 (165) 4192 (165) 4277 (168) 4345 (171)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 340 (13) 340 (13)


1B–12 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification


Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4243/4245 4253/4255 4260/4263 4270
Tyre size (rear) ............................................................. 16.9 - 34 16.9 - 34 16.9 - 38 18.4 - 38
Track setting ................................................................ 1625 (64) 1625 (64) 1625 (64) 1625 (64)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... -- -- -- --
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof. ................................. -- -- -- --
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... 2445 (96) 2445 (96) -- --
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. 2535 (100) 2535 (100) -- --
Standard cab (flat floor), Hi-Vis, standard roof........ 2615 (103) 2640 (104) -- --
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof ................... 2615 (103) 2640 (104) -- --
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof ................... - - 2680 (106) 2740 (108)
B. Height over exhaust ............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 2055 (81) 2055 (81) 2055 (81) 2095 (82)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive - heavy-duty axle......................... -- -- -- --
Two-wheel drive - heavy- and extra heavy-duty
axle......................................................................... 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
Four-wheel drive - AG 66 axle................................ 2350 (93) - - -
Four-wheel drive - AG 75, AG 85 or AG 105 axle... 2280 (90) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 4010 (158) 4010 (158) 4322 (170) 4322 (170)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4345 (171) 4345 (171) 4655 (183) 4655 (183)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 4050 (160) 4100 (161) 4412 (174) 4450 (175)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4345 (171) 4345 (171) 4655 (183) 4655 (183)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 340 (13) 390 (15) 390 (15) 405 (16)

NOTE: The word ‘Hi-Vis’ refers to the High Visibility type hood with small radiator grille.
The weights and dimensions can vary, depending on the specification of tyres, optional equipment, size of fuel tank etc.
The dimensions and weights quoted are based on a tractor with the most common build and tyre size, therefore a slight
variation may be found between these figures and your tractor.
on 16.9 - 38 tyres.
Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - Four-wheel drive 4215 4220 4225 4233, 4235
Front axle ..................................................................... 1234 (2720) 1234 (2720) 1396 (3078) 1506 (3320)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1750 (3858) 1750 (3858) 2000 (4409) 2200 (4850)
Total .......................................................................... 2984 (6579) 2984 (6579) 3396 (7497) 3706 (8170)
Tractor model - Four-wheel drive 4243, 4245 4253, 4255 4260, 4263 4270
Front axle ..................................................................... 1533 (3380) 1533 (3380) 1700 (3748) 1700 (3748)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total .......................................................................... 3759 (8287) 3759 (8287) 4121 (9085) 4121 (9085)

Tractor model - Two-wheel drive 4215 4220 4225 4233, 4235

Front axle ..................................................................... 1020 (2249) 1020 (2249) 1146 (2526) 1256 (2769)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1750 (3858) 1750 (3858) 2000 (4409) 2200 (4850)
Total .......................................................................... 2730 (6019) 2730 (6019) 3146 (6936) 3456 (7619)
Tractor model - Two-wheel drive 4243, 4245 4253, 4255 4260, 4263 4270
Front axle ..................................................................... 1283 (2829) 1283 (2828) 1450 (3197) 1450 (3197)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total .......................................................................... 3509 (7736) 3509 (7736) 3871 (8534) 3871 (8534)

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–13
Tractor Specification


TL 3517

Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4225 4233/35 4243/45
Tire size (rear)‘ ............................................................. 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 30 18.4 - 30
Track setting ................................................................ 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1625 (64)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. 2446 (96) 2446 (96) 2469 (97)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... 2526 (100) 2526 (100) 2549 (100)
B. Height over exhaust............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 1955 (77) 1955 (77) 2055 (81)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
Four-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3850 (152) 4010 (158) 4010 (158)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4185 (165) 4345 (171) 4345 (171)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3940 (155) 4050 (160) 4050 (160)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4277 (168) 4345 (171) 4345 (171)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 343 (14) 343 (14) 366 (14)


1B–14 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification


Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4253/55 4263 4270
Tire size (rear) .............................................................. 18.4 - 30 18.4 - 34 18.4 - 38
Track setting ................................................................ 1625 (64) 1625 (64) 1625 (64)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. 2469 (97) -- --
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof ................... 2549 (100) 2640 (104) 2690 (106)
B. Height over exhaust ............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 2055 (81) 2055 (81) 2095 (82)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
Four-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 4010 (158) 4322 (170) 4322 (170)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4345 (171) 4655 (183) 4655 (183)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 4100 (161) 4412 (174) 4450 (175)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4345 (171) 4655 (183) 4655 (183)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 366 (14) 417 (16) 467 (18)
NOTE: The word ‘Hi-Vis’ refers to the High Visibility type hood with small radiator grille.
The weights and dimensions can vary, depending on the specification of tires, optional equipment, size of fuel tank etc.
The dimensions and weights quoted are based on a tractor with the most common build and tire size, therefore a slight
variation may be found between these figures and your tractor.

Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - 4225 4233/35 4243/45 4253/55 4263 4270
Four-wheel drive only
Front axle ....................... 1396 (3078) 1396 (3078) 1533 (3380) 1533 (3380) 1700 (3748) 1700 (3748)
Rear axle‘ ....................... 2000 (4409) 2000 (4409) 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total ............................ 3396 (7497) 3396 (7497) 3759 (8287) 3759 (8287) 4121 (9085) 4121 (9085)

Tractor model - 4225 4233/35 4243/45 4253/55 4260/63 4270

Two-wheel drive only
Front axle ....................... 1146 (2526) 1256 (2769) 1283 (2828) 1283 (2828) 1450 (3197) 1450 (3197)
Rear axle‘ ....................... 2000 (4409) 2200 (4850) 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total‘ ............................ 3146 (6936) 3456 (7619) 3509 (7736) 3509 (7736) 3871 (8534) 3871 (8534)

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–15
Tractor Specification


TL 3858

Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4 cylinder 4 cylinder 6 cylinder 6 cylinder
normal-duty heavy-duty normal-duty heavy-duty
Tire size (rear) .............................................................. 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 34 18.4 - 30 18.4 - 38
Track setting ................................................................ 1640 (64) 1760 (68) 1640 (64) 1740 (68)
A.Height over ROPS .................................................... 2610 (103) 2657 (104) 2690 (106) 2791 (110)
B.Height over exhaust ................................................. 2630 (104) 2677 (105) 2740 (108) 2841 (112)
C.Overall width ............................................................ 2090 (82) 2100 (83) 2118 (83) 2220 (87)
D.Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive ........................................................ 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
Four-wheel drive axle................................................. 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
E.Overall length:
Two-wheel drive ........................................................ 3960 (156) 3960 (156) 4250 (167) 4250 (167)
Four-wheel drive axle................................................. 3960 (156) 3960 (156) 4250 (167) 4250 (167)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average) ..................... 340 (13) 340 (13) 400 (16) 400 (16)
The weights and dimensions can vary, depending on the specification of tires, optional equipment, size of fuel tank etc.
The dimensions and weights quoted are based on a tractor with the most common build and tire size, therefore a slight
variation may be found between these figures and your tractor.

Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - Two-wheel drive only 4 cylinder 4 cylinder 6 cylinder 6 cylinder
normal-duty heavy-duty normal-duty heavy-duty
Front axle ..................................................................... 1130 (2486) 1130 (2486) 1357(2992) 1357 (2992)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1750 (3850) 1763 (3879) 1528 (3369) 1541 (3397)
Total .......................................................................... 2810 (6182) 2823 (6211) 3563 (7855) 3576 (7884)

Tractor model - Four-wheel drive only 4 cylinder 4 cylinder 6 cylinder 6 cylinder

normal-duty heavy-duty normal-duty heavy-duty
Front axle ..................................................................... 1390 (3058) 1390 (3058) 1560 (3439) 1560 (3439)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1950 (3900) 1963 (3926) 2127 (4689) 2140 (4718)
Total .......................................................................... 3260 (6520) 3273 (6546) 3607 (7952) 3620 (7981)

1B–16 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification

Page left blank intentionally

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–17
Tractor Specification


TL 3553

Fig. 1 Tractor front mounting points

1B–18 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification


Refer to Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. 20. 381 mm (15.011 in).
21. 190 mm (7.486 in).
Tractor Front (Fig. 1):
22. 31,87 mm (1.256 in).
1. 101,6 mm (4 in).
23. 86 mm (3.388 in).
2. 20 mm (0.788 in).
View arrow ‘Z’:
3. 60,4 mm (2.364 in) high visibility hood.
115,4 mm (4.547 in) standard hood. 24. 91,95 mm (3.623 in).
4. 101.6 mm (4 in). 25. 101,6 mm (4 in).
5. 260 mm (10.244 in). 26. 60,2 mm (2.372 in).

Wheelbase two-wheel drive: Section ‘AA’:

6. 2133 mm (84.040 in) 3 cylinder engine tractor. 27. 197,61-196,09 mm (7.786-7.765 in).
2187 mm (86.168 in) 4 cylinder engine tractor 28. 39,62-36,58 mm (1.561-1.441 in).
(see Note 1).
2350 mm (92.590 in) 4 cylinder engine tractor. Section ‘BB’:
2609 mm (102.795 in) 6 cylinder engine tractor. 29. 216,28-215,52 mm (8.521-8.491 in).
Note 1: Tractors fitted with light weight front axle. 30. 57,53-56,77 mm (2.267-2.238 in).

Wheelbase four-wheel drive: Hole sizes:

2227 mm (87.744 in) 3 cylinder engine tractor. A. 4 holes M20 - 2,5 x 38 mm deep.
2281 mm (89.871 in) 4 cylinder engine tractor B. 2 holes M20 - 2,5 x 38 mm deep.
(see Note 2).
C. 1 hole 5/8 in - 11 UNC x 23,8 mm deep.
2350 mm (92.590 in) 4 cylinder engine tractor
(see Note 3). D. 3 holes 5/8 in - 11 UNC x 31,8 mm deep.
2609 mm (102.795 in) 6 cylinder engine tractor. E. 2 holes 22,33/22,00 (0.867 in) diameter through.
Note 2: Tractors fitted with AG 66 type axle F. 2 holes M20 - 2,5 through.
Note 3: Tractors fitted with AG 75, 85 or 105 type axles. G. 4 holes 5/8 in - 11 UNC x 31,7 mm deep.
7. 448 mm (17.651 in).
8. 612 mm (24.113 in) 3 cylinder engine tractor.
664,75 mm (26.191 in) 4 cylinder engine tractor.
908,22 mm (35.784 in) 6 cylinder engine tractor.
9. 114 mm (4.492 in).
10. 1406 mm (55.396 in) - to centre of rear axle.
11. 25.4 mm (1 in).
12. 101.6 mm (4 in).
13. 9,65 mm (0.380 in).
14. 60,45 mm (2.382 in).
15. 111,25 mm (4.383 in).

View arrow ‘X’:

16.600 mm (23.640 in).
17.300 mm (11.820 in).
18.550 mm (21.670 in).
19.275 mm (10.835 in).

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–19
Tractor Specification

44 42

TL 3554

Fig. 2 Rear axle mounting points

Rear axle (Fig. 2): Hole sizes:

31. 734 mm (28.20 in) narrow axle. H. 4 holes 5/8" - 11 UNC x 28 mm deep.
885,5 mm (34.889 in) normal-duty axle. J. 4 holes 5/8" - 11 UNC x 30 mm deep.
936,5 mm (36.898 in) heavy-duty axle
32. 41 mm (1.615 in).
33. 345,5 mm (13.613 in) narrow axle.
34. 428 mm (16.863 in) Normal- and heavy-duty axle.
35. 80 mm (3.152 in).
36. 40,8 mm (1.607 in).
37. 212,5 mm (8.373 in).
38. 67 mm (2.640 in) heavy-duty axle only.
39. 220 mm (8.668 in).
40. 492 mm (19.370 in).
41. 726 mm (28.580 in).
42. 161.5 mm (6.363 in).
43. 127 mm (5 in).
44. 90,2 mm (3.554 in).

1B–20 4200 Series - Issue 3

Tractor Specification


TL 3518

Fig. 3


The serial number of the tractor forms a very important
part in the identification of the tractor, when it was made
and the components included in its build. The serial
number MUST always be quoted when communicating
with Massey Ferguson or the Dealer.
The location of serial numbers and serial number plates
are shown in Fig. 3. The serial number is stamped on the
right-hand side of the front support casting (1 Fig. 3) and
detailed in Fig. 4. This information is repeated on a serial
number plate located on the rear of the tractor (2 Fig. 3),
and detailed in Fig. 5.
The cab compliance and serial number plate is located at
the rear of the cab (3 Fig. 3). The front four-wheel drive
axle serial number plate is fixed to the rear right-hand side
of the axle (4 Fig. 3), and detailed in Fig. 7.
The tractors are numbered systematically and the
number gives information on machine build, engine, TL 3637
transmission, when it was built and year of manufacture.
Fig. 4
The serial number information is as follows:

AAA A11 AAXA F32121 A Transmission

type version serial number 1 Notional road speed
1 Driving axles
A Structure
A ROPS mounts
Type X Free
A Brand
A Family
A or 1 Engine (Directory Identity)
A Nominal Power (Directory Identity

4200 Series - Issue 3 1B–21
Tractor Specification

Tractor Types Covered in Code Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3):

4200 family ‘C’ emissions complaint
Family (digit 1): low sheet metal
A Perkins (emissions compliant engine) CAA Perkins – 3 cylinder 52 DIN
Standard sheet metal
CAB Perkins – 3 cylinder 60 DIN
B Perkins (non-emissions compliant engine)
CBA Perkins – 4 cylinder 65 DIN
Standard sheet metal
CBB Perkins – 4 cylinder 75 DIN
C Perkins (emissions compliant engine)
Low sheet metal CBC Perkins – 4 cylinder 85 DIN
D Perkins (non-emissions compliant engine) CBD Perkins – 4 cylinder 105 DIN
Low sheet metal CBE Perkins – 4 cylinder 95 DIN
W Valmet (emissions compliant engine)
Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3):
1 Cummins (emissions compliant engine) 4200 family ‘D’ non-emissions complaint
Engine Directory (digit 2): low sheet metal
DBA Perkins – 4 cylinder 65 DIN
A 3 cylinder
DBB Perkins – 4 cylinder 75 DIN
B 4 cylinder
DBC Perkins – 4 cylinder 85 DIN
C 6 cylinder
DBE Perkins – 4 cylinder 95 DIN
Power Directory (digits 2 and 3): DBF Perkins – 4 cylinder 80 DIN
AA 3 cylinder 52 DIN DBH Perkins – 4 cylinder 100 DIN
AB 3 cylinder 60 DIN
Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3):
BA 4 cylinder 65 DIN 4200 family ‘W’ emissions complaint
BB 4 cylinder 75 DIN standard sheet metal
BC 4 cylinder 85 DIN WBC Valmet – 4 cylinder 85 DIN
BD 4 cylinder 105 DIN WBG Valmet – 4 cylinder 70 DIN
BE 4 cylinder 95 DIN WBH Valmet – 4 cylinder 100 DIN
BF 4 cylinder 80 DIN
Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3):
BG 4 cylinder 70 DIN 4200 family ‘1’ emissions complaint
BH 4 cylinder 100 DIN standard sheet metal
CA 6 cylinder 100 DIN 1BC Cummins - 4 cylinder 85 DIN
CB 6 cylinder 110 DIN 1BE Cummins - 4 cylinder 95 DIN
Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3): 1BF Cummins - 4 cylinder 80 DIN
4200 family ‘A’ emissions complaint 1BG Cummins - 4 cylinder 70 DIN
standard sheet metal
Version Available for Each Type of
ABA Perkins – 4 cylinder 65 DIN Transmission (digit 4):
ABB Perkins – 4 cylinder 75 DIN
A 8x2
ABC Perkins – 4 cylinder 85 DIN
B 8x8
ABD Perkins – 4 cylinder 105 DIN
C 12 x 4
ABE Perkins – 4 cylinder 95 DIN
D 12 x 12
ABF Perkins – 4 cylinder 80 DIN
E 18 x 6
ACA Perkins – 6 cylinder 100 DIN
F 24 speed
ACB Perkins – 6 cylinder 110 DIN
Notional Road Speed (digit 5):
Engine Type (digita 1, 2 and 3):
4200 family ‘B’ non-emissions complaint 1 30 kph
standard sheet metal 2 40 kph
BBA Perkins – 4 cylinder 65 DIN 3 35 kph
BBB Perkins – 4 cylinder 75 DIN Drive Axles (digit 6):
BBC Perkins – 4 cylinder 85 DIN 1 Two-wheel drive – short wheelbase
BBD Perkins – 4 cylinder 105 DIN 2 Two-wheel drive – long wheelbase
BBE Perkins – 4 cylinder 95 DIN 3 Four-wheel drive – short wheelbase
BBF Perkins – 4 cylinder 80 DIN 4 Four-wheel drive – long wheelbase
BBH Perkins – 4 cylinder 100 DIN 5 Four-wheel drive – Portal Axle
BCA Perkins – 6 cylinder 100 DIN
BCB Perkins – 6 cylinder 110 DIN

1B–22 4200 Series - Issue 3

Tractor Specification

Structure (digit 7):

A CAB – Standard fixed screen (type 5001)
B CAB – Lo-profile fixed screen (type 5003)
C CAB – Versa cab (type 5002)
D CAB – Lo-profile opening screen (type 5004)
E CAB – Standard opening screen (type 5005)
F CAB – Orchard (type 5006)

H ROPS – 4 post, narrow rear axle (type 1800)

ROPS – 2 post field-folding, standard rear axle
(type 1100)
K ROPS – 4 post, standard rear axle (type 1900)
ROPS – 2 post transport-folding, standard rear
axle (type 1101)
M ROPS – 4 post, standard rear axle (type 1500)
ROPS – 4 post extra high, standard rear axle
N TL 3679
(type 1500 XH)
P ROPS – 4 post, narrow rear axle (type 1700) Fig. 5
ROPS – 2 post field-folding, standard rear axle Year Code Letter (digit 11):
(type 1200) F 1997 – January to December
G 1998 – January to December
X LESS STRUCTURE H 1999 – January to December
ROPS/Cab Mounts (digit 8): J 2000 – January to December
High rear mount, type R21 K 2001 – January to December
(6 cylinder, standard rear axle) L 2002 – January to December
High rear mount, type R19 M 2003 – January to December
(4 cylinder, standard rear axle) T 2004 – January to December
Low rear mount, type R17 W 2005 – January to December
(4 cylinder, standard rear axle)
X 2006 – January to December
High rear mount, type R20
D End of alphabetical sequence.
(4 cylinder, narrow rear axle)
I, O, Q and Z are not used.
Low rear mount, type R18
(4 cylinder, narrow rear axle) Serial Number (digit 11 to 16):
Low rear mount, type R15 Year of manufacture, see year code letter,
(3 cylinder, standard rear axle) (F = 1997 – as above).
Low rear mount, type R16 Week of manufacture, 32nd week
G 32
(3 cylinder, narrow rear axle) (week 1 = 1st week in January).
H 2/4 post ROPS (standard rear axle) 121 121st tractor built in that week.
J 2/4 post ROPS (narrow rear axle)
High rear mount, type R22
(4 cylinder, standard rear axle) – Versa cab

X Less mounts
Free (digit 9):
Brand (digit 10):
A Massey Ferguson
C Massey Ferguson ‘ES’ (Spain)
E Iseki
F Massey Ferguson ‘3’ range (North America)
G Allis
H White

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–23
Tractor Specification


The engine numbering system (Fig. 6) consists of up to
thirteen letters and numbers giving details of build code,
country of origin, serial number and year of manufacture.
AK Engine family code - 4.401T
31299 Build code
U Country of manufacture
862894 Engine serial number
C Year of manufacture

Engine family codes:

Engine Engine family Emission
903.27 CP Low
903.27T CR Low
4.41 LM Normal
TL 1126
4.401 AJ Low
Fig. 6
4.42 AR Low
4.401T AK Low
1004-4THR2 AH Normal
4.401TW AM Low
1006.6 YA Normal
6.601 YG Low
1006-6HR3 YA Normal
6.601T YH Low
Country of manufacture:
B Brazil.
F France.
L Italy.
P Poland.
T Turkey.
U United Kingdom.
Year of manufacture:
B = 1996
C = 1997
D = 1998
E = 1st January 1999 to 31st March 1999
F = from 1st April 1999 to 31st December 1999
G = 2000
H = 2001
J = 2002
K = 2003
L = 2004
M = 2005
N = 2006
P = 2007
I, O, Q and Z are not used.
Two year letters are used during 1999, otherwise
calendar year is used.

1B–24 4200 Series - Issue 2

Tractor Specification


The serial number plate for the four-wheel drive front axle
(Fig. 7) is important, it identifies the model and size of the
front axle fitted to the tractor because different axles can
be fitted to many tractors. The plate is divided into five
sections, each section giving information as follows:
1. Axle
AG 66 CD Type 66 centre drive - narrow (Short
Wheel Base) 4215, 4220, 4225, 4233,
4235, 4245 tractors.
AG 66 CD Type 66 centre drive - wide (Short
Wheel Base) 4225, 4233, 4235 tractors.
AG 66 CD Type 66 centre drive - portal (Short
Wheel Base) 4225, 4233, 4235, 4245
AG 75 CD Type 75 centre drive (Long Wheel Base)
4225, 4233, 4235, 4243 tractors.
TL 3561
AG 85 CD Type 85 centre drive (Long Wheel Base)
4245, 4253, 4255, 4260, 4263 tractors. Fig. 7
AG 85 CD Type 85 centre drive - portal (Long 5. Axle Number
Wheel Base) 4255, 4260 tractors. Part numbers of axles:
AG 105 CD Type 105 centre drive (Long Wheel 3808 857 M91 AG 66 - CD - Narrow - Hydralock.
Base) 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 tractors.
3808 858 M91 AG 66 - CD - Wide - Hydralock.
2. Differential 3808 334 M91 AG 75 - CD - Hydralock.
NS No-spin (autolock). 3808 336 M91 AG 85 - CD - Hydralock.
ST Standard (no differential lock). 3808 338 M91 AG105 - CD - Hydralock.
HY Hydrolock (hydraulic).
NOTE: The above part numbers may change.
3. Total Ratio
This is the total ratio value of the axle from the input to the
4. Serial Number
Progressive serial number:
The last two letters of the number refer to the date of
The first letter denotes the month:
A January.
B February.
C March.
D April.
E May.
F June.
G July.
H August.
I September.
L October.
M November.
N December.
The second letter denotes the year:
F 1996.
G 1997.
H 1998.
J 1999.
K 2000.

4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–25
Tractor Specification




TL 3795


The 4200 series tractors come in various types starting with the 'Standard Tractor'. This has a standard cab with a flat
floor and standard roof with the heating and ventilating system installed, the hood is a normal type and size. The cab is
set at two heights depending on the model and size of the rear wheels. The basic structure of all the cabs are the same
size from the six cylinder down to the three cylinder.
The next type is similar to the first with a sloping hood used for loader and front mounted implement work.
The third type is called 'Lo-Profile', the cab is set lower on the chassis and in the cab there is a tunnel around the
transmission. This build only comes with a sloping hood. As an option, it can be fitted with a flat roof which further
reduces the overall height of the tractor.
The last and fourth type is for tractors with three cylinder engines, it is only available with the Lo-Profile cab and sloping
hood, the cab is set lower for the small wheels. It is also available with a four cylinder engine (4225). These models are
available with a standard or flat roof cab for working in low buildings.
The following illustrations show the visual differences between the types of build and the changes in height depending
on model and tyre size. The height of cab controls the size of fuel tank fitted.

4260, 4263 and 4270 Standard Tractors

6 cylinder engines.
Standard roof.
Standard cab with flat floor.
Standard hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1900 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 990 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 205 litres (two tanks).

TL 3795

1B–26 4200 Series - Issue 1

Tractor Specification

4225, 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4253 and 4255

Standard Tractors
4 cylinder engines.
Standard roof.
Standard cab with flat floor.
Standard hood.
Cab height `X' = 1860 mm.
Mud guard height `Y' = 950 mm
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 127 litres (single tank).

TL 3795

4225, 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4253 and 4255

Standard Tractors
4 cylinder engines.
Standard roof.
Standard cab with flat floor.
Sloping hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1860 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 950 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 127 litres (single tank).

TL 3795

4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4253 and 4255 Lo-Profile

4 cylinder engines.
Standard roof.
Lo-Profile cab with tunnel floor.
Sloping hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1780 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 870 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 98 litres (single tank).

TL 3795

4233, 4235, 4245, and 4255 Lo-Profile Tractors

4 cylinder engines.
Flat roof.
Lo-Profile cab with tunnel floor.
Sloping hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1780 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 870 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 98 litres (single tank).

TL 3795

4200 Series - Issue 1 1B–27
Tractor Specification

4215, 4220 and 4225 Lo-Profile Tractors

4215, 4220 - 3 cylinder engines.
4225 - 4 cylinder engine.
Standard roof.
Lo-Profile cab with tunnel floor.
Sloping hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1745 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 835 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 84 litres.

TL 3795

4215, 4220 and 4225 Lo-Profile Tractors

4215, 4220 - 3 cylinder engines.
4225 - 4 cylinder engine.
Flat roof.
Lo-Profile cab with tunnel floor.
Sloping hood.
Cab height 'X' = 1665 mm.
Mud guard height 'Y' = 835 mm.
'Z' = rolling radius of tyre.
Fuel tank capacity = 84 litres.

TL 3795

1B–28 4200 Series - Issue 1

Miscellaneous Data

Miscellaneous Data
Section 1 - Part C

Table of Contents

Operation No. Description Page No.

––––– Bolt Torque Specifications................................................................. 1C– 2

––––– Chemicals and Sealants..................................................................... 1C– 4
––––– Conversion Tables ............................................................................. 1C– 5

4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–1
Miscellaneous Data


Use the “Standard Torque” charts as a general guide when tightening fasteners that DO NOT HAVE SPECIFIC

Inch Fasteners
Standard torque in Newton Metres (Foot Pounds)
* Inch bolt SAE grade 5 SAE grade 8 ISO grade 10.9
size **mild steel ISO grade 8.8 BS grade V
below grade 5 BS grade S
*** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint *** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint
joint joint
1/4 inch 6-8 9-12 11-15 13-18 16-22
(4-6) (7-9) (8-11) (10-13) (12-16)
5/16 inch 12-16 18-24 22-30 25-34 31-43
(9-12) (13-18) (16-22) (18-25) (23-32)
3/8 inch 22-30 31-42 39-53 44-60 55-75
(16-22) (23-31) (29-39) (32-44) (41-55)
7/16 inch 35-47 51-69 64-86 72-96 90-120
(26-35) (38-51) (47-63) (53-71) (66-89)
1/2 inch 54-72 80-104 100-130 110-140 140-180
(40-53) (59-77) (74-96) (81-103) (103-133)
5/8 inch 110-140 160-210 200-260 220-300 280-370
(81-103) (118-155) (148-192) (162-221) (207-273)
3/4 inch 190-250 280-370 350-460 390-530 490-660
(140-184) (207-273) (258-339) (287-391) (361-487)
7/8 inch 310-410 450-610 560-760 640-850 800-1060
(228-302) (332-450) (413-561) (472-672) (590-782)
1 inch 460-620 670-900 840-1120 960-1280 1200-1600
(339-457) (494-664) (620-826) (708-944) (885-1180)

Key to table above:

* NOTE: The size is the diameter of the shank - not the head width.

** NOTE: Mild steel torque values to be used for SAE Grade 5 bolts when weld nuts, or other low
strength nuts are used.

*** NOTE: Use these values when any of the following conditions exist:
1. Possible damage to the joined members of the assembly may occur.
2. Thick and/or highly compressible gaskets are used between members.
3. Non-flat unmachined seating surfaces for bolt head (or nut) occurs.
4. Non-flat or non-parallel joint faces are encountered.

**** NOTE: Use these values when ALL of the following conditions exist:
1. Damage will not occur to the joined members of the assembly.
2. It is desirable to use this higher clamping force to ensure tightness.
3. Fastener thread is not lubricated prior to assembly.

1C–2 4200 Series - Issue 1

Miscellaneous Data


Use the “Standard Torque” charts as a general guide when tightening fasteners that DO NOT HAVE SPECIFIC
Metric Fasteners
Standard torque in Newton Metres (Foot Pounds)
* Metric bolt SAE grade 5 SAE grade 8 ISO grade 10.9
size ** mild steel ISO grade 8.8 BS grade V
below grade 5 BS grade S
*** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint *** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint
joint joint
M6 4-5 8-11 10-14 12-16 14-20
(3-4) (6-8) (7-10) (9-12) (10-15)
M8 10-13 20-28 25-35 29-37 36-46
(7-10) (15-21) (18-26) (21-27) (27-34)
M10 19-25 40-56 50-70 57-77 72-96
(14-18) (30-41) (37-52) (42-57) (53-71)
M12 33-43 72-96 90-120 100-130 120-160
(24-32) (53-71) (66-89) (74-96) (89-118)
M16 84-110 160-210 200-260 240-320 300-400
(62-81) (118-155) (148-192) (177-236) (221-295)
M20 160-210 340-450 420-560 480-640 600-800
(118-155) (251-332) (310-413) (354-472) (443-590)

Key to table above:

* NOTE: The size is the diameter of the shank - not the head width.

** NOTE: Mild steel torque values to be used for SAE Grade 5 bolts when weld nuts, or other low
strength nuts are used.

*** NOTE: Use these values when any of the following conditions exist:
1. Possible damage to the joined members of the assembly may occur.
2. Thick and/or highly compressible gaskets are used between members.
3. Non-flat unmachined seating surfaces for bolt head (or nut) occurs.
4. Non-flat or non-parallel joint faces are encountered.

**** NOTE: Use these values when ALL of the following conditions exist:
1. Damage will not occur to the joined members of the assembly.
2. It is desirable to use this higher clamping force to ensure tightness.
3. Fastener thread is not lubricated prior to assembly.

4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–3
Miscellaneous Data


The following chemicals and sealants quoted in this Workshop Service Manual are available from AGCO Parts Division..
Description Quantity Part No.
Hylomar ..................................................................................................................... 100 g tube 1447 390 M1
Jointing and sealing compound. 280 g aerosol 3638 340 M91
High Strength Gasket ............................................................................................... 300 ml 3931 545 M1
Loctite 509 - Specially prepared for AGCO to seal and prevent flexing of the lift cover
to the rear axle casing. This sealant must be used at all times.
Lock ‘n’ Seal .............................................................................................................. 10 ml 3930 904 M1
Loctite 222 - prevents small components from vibrating loose and provides an effec-
tive pipe thread seal against liquids or gases.
Studlock .................................................................................................................... 10 ml 3405 352 M5
Loctite 270 - a heavy duty version of Lock 'n' Seal for larger components which need
less frequent stripping down. Highly resistant to industrial fluids and gases.
Crownwheel Retainer .............................................................................................. 6 ml 3930 274 M92
Loctite 638 - for high strength retaining of close fitting parts. Designed to retain slip
fitted or to strengthen press fitted parts, shafts bushes, pulleys etc.
574 Multi-Gasket ...................................................................................................... 50 ml 3900 613 M2
Loctite 573 - forms a strong, flexible gasket which provides a gas-tight, water-tight,
oil-tight seal up to 200º C (392º F). Does not shrink, crack, tear or perish.
Super Lube ................................................................................................................ 7 gm Oiler 3931 224 M1
Multi-purpose synthetic lubricant containing Teflon®. Reduces friction and wear. 357 ml aerosol 3931 225 M1
Excellent dielectric properties, prevents tracking. Contains anti-oxidants and rust
inhibitors, protects against moisture and corrosion.
Cleaner and Degreaser ............................................................................................. 400 ml aerosol 3930 907 M1
Loctite 7063 - a all-purpose solvent for removing grease and dirt.
Cleaner and Degreaser ............................................................................................. 400 ml aerosol 3931 549 M1
Loctite 7070 - cleaner and activator to be used to clean the lift cover and rear axle
faces prior to application of Loctite 509.
Super Glue ............................................................................................................... 5g 3930 905 M1
Instant bonding for metals, plastics, rubber and ceramics.
Clear Silicone ............................................................................................................ 80g 3405 357 M5
A clear, tough, flexible and waterproof seal for metal, rubber, glass and plastics. 310 ml 3405 423 M2
Penetrating oil ........................................................................................................... 330 ml aerosol 3930 850 M2
A highly effective multi-purpose lubricant, moisture dispersant and dismantling spray.
Gasket Remover........................................................................................................ 300 ml 3930 908 M1
Dissolves gaskets for easy removal.
Citrus Handcleaner ................................................................................................... 3 litre 3930 906 M1
Works with or without water.
Anti-freeze ................................................................................................................. 1 litre 1894 799 M2
Ethylene-glycol based, designed for protection down to minus 33º C (minus 27º F). 5 litre 1891 780 M2
Suitable for all types of engines, including those with aluminium cylinder heads. 25 litre 1891 781 M2
205 litre 1891 782 M2
Brake Fluid (Green) .................................................................................................. 0,5 litre 3405 389 M1
Specially developed for braking systems requiring a mineral fluid.
Anti-Squawk Additive............................................................................................... 1 litre 1889 891 M2
Specially developed to be added to the transmission oil to prevent noise from wet
brake installations.
Protective Grease...................................................................................................... Tin 3600 553 M1
Specially prepared grease for electrical components and connectors with dielectric
properties, protects against moisture and corrosion. Long lasting, won't dry out.

1C–4 4200 Series - Issue 2

Miscellaneous Data


Area Multiply by Pressure Multiply by

mm² to in² 0.0015 bar to lbf/in² 14.504
in² to mm² 645.16 lbf/in² to bar 0.0690
m² to ft² 10.764
ft² to m² 0.0929 Speed Multiply by
ha to acre 2.4711 km/hr to mile/hr 0.6214
acre to ha 0.4047 mile/hr to km/hr 1.6093

Capacity Multiply by Torque Multiply by

ml to fluid oz 0.0351 Nm to lbf ft 0.738
fluid oz to ml 28.413 lbf ft to Nm 1.356
litre to gal 0.2200
gal to litre 4.5640 Volume Multiply by
litre to US gal 0.2640 mm³ to in³ 0.6102
US gal to litre 3.7850 in³ to mm³ 163.87
gal to US gal 1.2010 m³ to ft³ 35.315
US gal to gal 0.8330 ft³ to m³ 0.0283

Length Multiply by Weight Multiply by

mm to in 0.0394 gram to oz 0.3530
in to mm 25.400 oz to gram 28.350
m to ft 3.2808 kg to lb 2.2046
ft to m 0.3048 lb to kg 0.4536
km to mile 0.6214 kg to ton 0.0010
mile to km 1.6093 ton to kg 1016.1
tonne to ton 0.9842
ton to tonne 1.0160
Power Multiply by
ps to hp 0.9863
hp to ps 1.0139 Temperature
kW to hp 1.3410 ºC to ºF 1.8 x ºC + 32
hp to kW 0.7457 ºF to ºC (ºF - 32) ÷

4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–5
Miscellaneous Data

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1C–6 4200 Series - Issue 1

Servicing the Tractor

Servicing the Tractor

Section 1 - Part D

Table of Contents

Operation No. Description Page No.

1-1D Pre-Delivery Check ............................................................................ 1D– 2

2-1D Tractor Installation on the Farm......................................................... 1D– 3
3-1D Running In the Tractor ....................................................................... 1D– 4
4-1D 50 Hour Service ................................................................................. 1D– 4
5-1D 300 Hour Service ............................................................................... 1D– 5
6-1D Tractor Storage .................................................................................. 1D– 6
7-1D Tractor Waterproofing ....................................................................... 1D– 7
8-1D Tractor Cleaning (Tempro 70) ............................................................ 1D– 8
–––– Maintenance Chart ............................................................................ 1D– 9
–––– Massey Ferguson Recommended Lubricants................................... 1D–11
–––– Alternative Lubricants........................................................................ 1D–14

4200 Series - Issue 3 1D–1
Servicing the Tractor

GENERAL Adjustments
This section has been compiled to enable the reader to Check and adjust if necessary:
ascertain quickly what action is necessary to prepare a 15. Battery condition, charge if necessary.
new tractor for sale, install it on the farm and carry out the 16. Tension of fan and air conditioner compressor belt(s).
50 and 300 hour services, which should be rendered
17. Clutch pedal cable - height.
during the warranty period.
18. Brake pedal linkage - free pedal clearance.
The timing of these two services has been calculated to
provide maximum tractor efficiency throughout the 19. Torque of all wheel and rim nuts and bolts.
warranty period thus safeguarding the subsequent life of 20. Tyre pressures.
the tractor.
Checks before Road Test
Also detailed is the ‘Running-in’ procedure which will Turn the starter switch to ‘Auxiliary’ position (ON) - check:
ensure that the engine will give a satisfactory
21. All warning lights - ON, warning buzzer sounds.
performance throughout its life.
22. Lights - head, side, indicator, work, interior and panel.
NOTE: This is an optimum list of checks, instructions, 23. Hazard warning lights and horn.
etc., and may not apply to the tractor you are working on.
24. Cab heater and fresh air blower.
25. Remove all traces of oil, fuel and coolant from the
PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION tractor to permit a leak check after road test.
Check 1-1D Start the Engine
Start the engine and carry out the following functional
Procedure tests:
Before checking 26. Safety start switches - transmission and PTO.
1. Verify and record for future use the serial numbers of 27. Air cleaner restriction indicator, momentarily
the tractor, engine, and four-wheel drive front axle. blanking off the air intake.
2. Assemble all parts that have been removed for 28. Fuel cut-off.
Road Test
Checking levels Restart the engine, warm up the tractor, drive forward -
Check and adjust if necessary the following levels with carry out the following checks:
their specific liquids: 29. Balance and operation of brakes.
3. Cooling system, water or anti-freeze. 30. Steering operation - lock to lock.
4. Fuel tank. 31. Operation in all gears.
5. Engine oil. 32. Differential lock function.
6. Transmission and rear axle. 33. Four-wheel drive function.
7. Rear axle epicyclic hubs (heavy-duty only). 34. Operation of cab heater and fresh air blower.
8. Four-wheel drive front axle. 35. Operation of all air conditioning.
9. Four-wheel drive front axle epicyclic hubs. 36. Operation of all gauges and instruments.
10. Battery. 37. Parking brake effectiveness.
11. Hydraulic brake reservoir.
12. Screen washer reservoir - cab only.
Lubricate the following points:
13. Lubricate all grease points as detailed in the Operator
Instruction Book.
14. Lightly oil clutch linkage, hand and foot throttle
linkage, all hinges, catches and door locks.

1D–2 4200 Series - Issue 3

Servicing the Tractor

After Road Test 4. Running-in procedures.

Hydraulic lift performance with 400 kg (900 lb) weight 5. Operation of the hand and foot throttles, use of the
fitted to lower links - check operation: gear/travel and PTO speed chart.
38. Draft control. 6. Use and adjustment of the clutch pedal height.
39. Position control. 7. Differential lock - engagement and disengagement.
40. Transport - correctly positioned. 8. Four-wheel drive - engagement and disengagement
41. Pick-up hitch release, setting correctly positioned. and four-wheel braking, when fitted.
42. Response control effectiveness. 9. Brake operation - latched and unlatched, method of
43. Selector valve - function.
10. Attachment of auxiliary hydraulic equipment.
44. Auxiliary control valve - function.
11. Wheel width adjustment, front and rear. Correct
45. Trailer brake valve - function.
settings for steering stops, front wheel alignment
Electronic Systems and tyre pressures.
Check the operation of the following: 12. Drawbar and pick-up hitch - operation and positions.
46. Electronic linkage control, if fitted. 13. Servicing the tractor - routine maintenance
procedures and service intervals as detailed in the
Final Checks Operator Instruction Book. Position of drain plugs,
With engine stopped, carry out the following: filler plugs and dipsticks, including hydraulic brake
47. Ensure that there are no oil, fuel or coolant leaks. fluid reservoir.
48. Clean off all preservatives and shipping labels. 14. Use of recommended Massey Ferguson lubricants
49. Clean the tractor. and alternatives. Advice on engine fuel and oil filter
50. Ensure tool box contents and literature pack are to
specification: 15. Instruct in the cleaning methods to be adopted for
the hydraulic centrifuge filter and suction screens on
a. Operator Instruction Book.
the hydraulic system.
b. Maintenance Chart.
16. Cooling system - coolant level, frost precautions,
c. Tractor Service Record Book. adjustment of fan belt and cleaning the radiator, and
d. Safety Book (North America only) oil cooler.
17. Maintenance of the engine and cab air filters.
TRACTOR INSTALLATION 18. Servicing of the air conditioning system. Adjustment
of compressor belt, cleaning the condenser and
Instruction 2-1D operation during winter periods.
19. Connection and operation of trailers fitted with
hydraulic brakes.
These instructions are to be given to the Owner and/or
20. Use and power ratings of electrical output sockets
Operator of the tractor, all items must be fully explained
for auxiliary equipment.
and where applicable, performed. Emphasis must be
given to all safety precautions in the operation and 21. Operation and care of the radio cassette player. Care
servicing of the tractor and its implements. of cassettes in the tractor environment.

Installation Check List: Demonstrate the following:

Use the Operator Instruction Book, Maintenance Chart You will demonstrate the following points:
and Tractor Service Record Book supplied with the tractor 22. Engine starting and stopping procedures, when hot
to explaining the following: and cold.
1. Location and significance of tractor, engine, cab and 23. Removal of air from the fuel system, the importance
four-wheel drive front axle serial numbers. of using clean fuel.
2. Safety points and safety decals fitted to the tractor 24. Driving the tractor, starting and stopping, the use and
and highlighted in the Operator Instruction Book. sequence of gears, operation of clutches, especially
those fitted with front end loaders and shuttle
3. Use of all instruments and warning lights. gearboxes.
25. Operation of the PTO, how to select the appropriate
speed and how to change the PTO shaft.

4200 Series - Issue 2 1D–3
Servicing the Tractor

26. Use of the hydraulic lift system, how to make Engine

adjustments and attach implements. Use of 1. Change the engine oil.
stabilisers and pick-up hitch, if fitted.
2. Change the engine oil filter.
27. Operation of cab heater, fresh air blower or air
3. Check the tappets, and adjust if necessary
conditioning system.
28. Demonstrate the use and calibration of the Fuel System and Air Cleaner
Speedometer/Performance Monitor. 4. Change the primary fuel filter element.
29. Operation of Front Three-point Linkage and PTO, if 5. Check the air cleaner, clean the filter if necessary.
Cooling System
Carry out the following: 6. Check the coolant level and replenish if necessary.
To complete the Installation, you are required to: 7. Check the alternator/fan belt tension and adjust if
30. Give separate instructions on the use of any necessary.
implements or attachments supplied. 8. Check the air conditioning compressor belt tension
31. Enter all the tractor serial numbers in the Registration and adjust if necessary.
Data section of this Tractor Service Record Book.
Electrical System and Instruments
32. Explain to the owner his Warrant entitlement and the 9. Check battery electrolyte level.
services due during the warranty period.
10. Check tightness of battery connections.
33. Complete the Installation and Registration Certificate
and request the owner’s signature. 11. Check safety start switches for correct operation.
12. Check function of all instruments and warning lights.
RUNNING-IN 13. Check function and adjustment of all lights.
14. Check function of all electronic systems.
Instruction 3-1D
Front Axle and Steering
Procedure 15. Check the front axle oil level (four-wheel drive only),
1. Experience has shown that the first 50 hours of top up if necessary.
tractor operation have a significant effect on the 16. Check the front axle epicyclic oil level (four-wheel
performance and life of the engine. From new, the drive only), top up if necessary.
tractor should be engaged in work which will load the
Transmission and Hydraulics
engine as near as possible to full working conditions,
emphasis should be given on varying the load to 17. Check the transmission oil level and top-up if
assist in the running-in. necessary.

Full load should not be applied until the engine has 18. Check the oil in the rear epicyclic hubs and top-up if
necessary (heavy-duty axles only).
reached a temperature of at least 60°C (140°F).
19. Check the torque of all wheel and rim nuts and bolts.
2. Use low gear when pulling heavy loads.
20. Check the tyre pressures and adjust if necessary.
3. During the running in period, check frequently the
tightness of all wheel nuts and bolts. Clutch and Brakes
4. To ensure proper clutch life, care must be taken to 21. Check the clutch pedal height and adjust if driver
bed-in the friction plates properly. requests.
22. Check the foot brakes and adjust if necessary.
NOTE: During the first 15 hours of the tractor’s life,
frequently, but carefully engage and disengage the 23. Check the parking brake and adjust if necessary.
clutch. After the first 50 hours operation it may be 24. Check the brake fluid level and top up if necessary.
necessary to adjust the clutch pedal height to suit the
driver. Cab
25. Check the screen washer bottle fluid level and
replenish if necessary.
INITIAL 50 HOUR SERVICE 26. Check the cab air filter, and clean if necessary.
Servicing 4-1D
The following operations are to be carried out after 50
hours running to remove factory fill lubricants by the
Dealer service engineer.

1D–4 4200 Series - Issue 2

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