4 300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual
4 300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual
4 300 Series Tractor Workshop Manual
Section No Description
Published by:
AGCO Limited,
Banner Lane May 2000
Coventry, Issue 4
England CV4 9GF © AGCO Limited 1998
4200 Series
4200 Series
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop
Table of Contents
4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–1
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop
Amendment Status
August 1998 M2 New sections and issue 2 pages released. Supplement S1/1857 053 M1 refers.
April 1999 M3 Sections 5J, 8D and 12C added. Issue 2 & Supplement 1857 053 S3 refers.
3 pages released.
February 2000 M4 Section 10C added. Issue 2 & 3 pages Supplement 1857 053 S4 refers.
4200 Series - Issue 2 1A–3
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop
• Fumes, dust and paint spray are unpleasant and • Put support stands under the tractor. Lower the jack
harmful. These can be avoided by wearing and let the tractor rest on the stands.
respiratory protection. • DO NOT go under a tractor supported by a chain
hoist or jack.
Hearing Protection
• Loud noise may damage your hearing and the greater
the exposure the worse the damage. If you think the
noise is excessive, wear ear protection.
4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–5
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop
4200 Series - Issue 1 1A–7
Introduction and Safety in the Workshop
This Service Manual provides general directions for housings. Where possible, always install the bearing onto
accomplishing service and repair work with tested, the rotating component first.
effective techniques. Following them will help assure that Always use pullers or a press to remove and/or install
a thorough repair is successfully completed. bearings, bushings and cylinder sleeves, etc. Use
There are numerous variations in procedures, techniques, hammers, punches and chisels only when absolutely
tools, and parts for servicing tractors, as well as in the skill necessary and be sure to wear safety goggles.
of the individual doing the work. This Manual cannot
possibly anticipate all such variations and provide advice Shims
or cautions as to each. Anyone who departs from the When shims are removed, tie them together and identify
instructions provided in this Manual must realise that one them as to location. Keep shims clean and flat until they
compromises their personal safety and the tractor's are re-installed.
integrity by the choice of repair methods, tools and/or
parts. Gaskets
Be sure the holes in the gasket correspond with the
Service Techniques lubricant passages in the mating parts. If gaskets are to
Clean the exterior of all components before carrying any be made, select material of the proper type and
form of repair. Dirt and abrasive dust can reduce the thickness. Be sure to cut holes in the right places. Blank
efficient working life of a component and lead to costly gaskets can cause serious damage - always renew
replacement. gaskets prior to re-installation.
Time spent on the preparation and cleanliness of working
surfaces will pay dividends in making the job easier and Lip Type Seals
safer and will result in overhauled components being Lubricate the lips of the lip-type seals before installation.
more reliable and efficient in operation. Use petroleum jelly. DO NOT use grease. Ensure that the
Use cleaning fluids which are known to be safe. Certain oil seal is fitted the right way round, the lip of the seal is
types of fluid can cause damage to ‘O’ rings and cause placed next to the lubricant that is sealed. Some seals
skin irritation. Check the label on Solvents to ensure that have a second auxiliary lip, which is used to prevent the
they are suitable for the cleaning of components and also ingress of dirt to the seal lip.
that they DO NOT risk the personal safety of the user. If, during installation, the seal lip must pass over a shaft
Replace ‘O’ rings, seals or gaskets whenever they are that has splines, a keyway, rough surface or a sharp edge,
disturbed. Never mix new and old seals or ‘O’ rings, the lip can be easily damaged. Always use a seal
regardless of condition. Always lubricate new seals and protector, when one is provided.
‘O’ rings with hydraulic oil before installation.
Use of Bolts in Blind Holes
When replacing component parts use the correct tool for
the job. Use bolts of the correct length. A bolt which is too long
may ‘bottom’ before the head is tight against the part it is
Hoses and Tubes to hold. The threads can be damaged when a `long' bolt
is removed. If a bolt is too short, there may not be enough
Always replace hoses and tubes if their ends are
threads engaged to hold the part securely.
When installing a new hose, loosely connect each end Locking Devices
and make sure the hose takes up the designed position Lockwashers, flat metal locks or split pins are used to lock
before tightening the connection. Clamps should be nuts and bolts.
tightened sufficiently to hold the hose without crushing
and to prevent chafing or contact with other parts. Flat metal locks must be installed properly to be effective.
Bend one end of the lock around the edge of the part.
Before removing hoses or tubes make sure they are Bend the other end against one flat surface of the nut or
identified so that they can be correctly re-assembled. bolt head. Always install new locks.
Be sure any hose which has been installed is not kinked Always fit new split pins/cotter pins and bend the ends
or twisted after it is tightened. round so that they will not catch in clothing and help to
prevent cuts.
Bearings which are considered suitable for further service Cables and Wires
should be cleaned in a suitable solvent and immersed in When removing or disconnecting a group of cables or
clean lubricating oil until required. wires, tag each one to assure proper re-assembly.
DO NOT spin bearings with compressed air. The Always clip back wires and cable looms properly to
centrifugal force could cause a ball or roller to fly outward prevent chafing, cable damage and possible damage by
with enough force to cause an injury. fire.
Installation of a bearing can be classified in two ways:
press fit on rotating parts such as shafts, and gears, and
push fit into static locations such as reduction gear
Tractor Specification
Section 1 - Part B
Table of Contents
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–1
Tractor Specification
Make ................................................................................... Perkins diesel to Massey Ferguson specification.
Type ................................................................................... Four stroke, water cooled, direct injection.
Models applicable - World-wide Cab: Model .....................Perkins code
4215 - Low emission ...................................................... 903.27 ............................CP
4220 - Low emission - Turbocharged .............................. 903.27T ..........................CR
4225 - Normal emission .................................................. 4.41 ............................LM
4235 - Normal emission .................................................. 4.41 ............................LM
4245 - Normal emission - Turbocharged ......................... 1004.40T ........................AH
4255 - Normal emission - Turbocharged ......................... 1004.40T ........................AH
4260 - Normal emission .................................................. 1006.60 ..........................YA
4270 - Normal emission .................................................. 1006.60 ..........................YA
Model applicable - North American Cab and Footstep:
4225 - Low emission ...................................................... 1004.40 ..........................AJ
4233 - Low emission ...................................................... 1004.42 ..........................AK
4235 - Low emission - Turbocharged............................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4243, 4245 - Low emission - Turbocharged..................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4253, 4255 - Low emission - Turbocharged..................... 1004.40T ........................AK
4263 - Low emission ...................................................... 1006.60 ..........................YG
4270 - Low emission - Turbocharged .............................. 1006.60T ........................YH
Cylinders ............................................................................... 3, 4 or 6.
Idle speed - all models .......................................................... 750 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum rated speed - 4215, 4220...................................... 2250 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum rated speed - all other models ............................. 2200 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum no load speed - World-wide Cab:
4215, 4220 - Normal emission ........................................ 2420 ± 25 rev/min.
4225, 4235 - Normal emission ........................................ 2350 ± 25 rev/min.
4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 - Normal emission .................... 2310 ± 25 rev/min.
Maximum no load speed - North American Cab and Footstep:
All models ...................... ...................................................... 2350 ± 25 rev/min.
Valve tip clearance:
All tractors - Inlet (hot or cold) ......................................... 0,20 mm (0.008 in).
All tractors - Exhaust (hot or cold) ................................... 0,45 mm (0.018 in).
Engine power and torque...................................................... Refer to Engine Section 3.
Cooling System
Type ............................ ...................................................... Thermostat controlled with centrifugal pump to assist
circulation multi-blade fan driven by a single or double
belt from the crankshaft pulley.
Radiator pressure cap rating ................................................. 0,75 bar (10 lbf/in²).
Fan belt(s) deflection...... ...................................................... 10 mm (3/8 in) or 35 N (8 lbf).
Air conditioner compressor belt deflection ........................... 15 mm (1/2 in).
Fuel System
Fuel lift pump ................. ...................................................... Mechanical, driven from camshaft, hand primed.
Fuel Filter ....................... ...................................................... Lucas canister type filter.
Water sedimentor ................................................................. Lucas with transparent sediment bowl.
Injection Pump ............... ...................................................... Lucas distributor type with mechanical governor.
Injectors ......................... ...................................................... Lucas nozzles and holders.
Starting aid ..................... ...................................................... Lucas thermostart.
Air System
Type ................................................................................... Two stage dry element with warning light. Removable
main and secondary element.
Dry type:
4215, 4220, 4225, 4233, 4235......................................... 305 mm (12 in) - Coil spring type.
4243 to 4270 ................................................................... 330 mm (13 in) - Belleville spring type.
Clutch adjustment ........................................................... No routine adjustment required.
Clutch pedal height:
Lo-Profile cab ...... ...................................................... 190-200 mm (7.7-7.9 in)
Standard cab ....... ...................................................... 160-170 mm (6.3-6.7 in)
Footstep.............. ...................................................... 160-170 mm (6.3-6.7 in)
Oil cooled type:
Type................................................................................. Multi-plate, oil cooled, mechanically operated.
Clutch adjustment ........................................................... None.
Clutch pedal height:
Lo-Profile cab ...... ...................................................... 210-230 mm (8.3-9.0 in)
Standard cab ....... ...................................................... 180-190 mm (7.0-7.5 in)
Footstep.............. ...................................................... 180-190 mm (7.0-7.5 in)
8 x 2 Manual gearbox .. ...................................................... The eight speed Manual gearbox has 8 forward and 2
reverse speeds. This is achieved by using a four forward
and one reverse gearbox, no synchromesh is provided.
This is compounded by a two speed range gearbox and
controlled by centre shift levers. Reverse is available in
high and low ratio.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 8.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 2.
18 x 6 Speedshift gearbox .................................................. The 18 Speedshift gearbox has 18 forward and six
reverse speeds. This is achieved by using a three
forward and one reverse speed gearbox with
synchromesh on all gears. This is compounded by a
three speed range gearbox to give nine forward and
three reverse speeds. At the front of the gearbox there
is an electro/hydraulically operated Fast/Slow Speedshift
unit which doubles the number of speeds to 18 forward
and six reverse.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 18.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 6.
12 x 12 Shuttle gearbox ...................................................... The 12 x 12 Shuttle gearbox has twelve speeds forward
and reverse. This is achieved by using a four-speed
gearbox, compounded by a three-speed range gearbox
to give twelve speeds. A forward/reverse unit is situated
in front of the gearbox, all gears are synchromesh. A
creeper attachment is available with this transmission
with a reduction ratio of
4.7 : 1.
Number of gears forward ................................................ 12.
Number of gears reverse ................................................ 12.
12 speed shuttle creeper gearbox...................................... The creeper reduction unit is a self contained set of
gears mounted in the front section of the gearbox above
the forward and reverse shuttle gears.
Application....................................................................... Tractors fitted with 12 speed shuttle gearbox.
Speed reduction ratio ...................................................... 4.7 : 1.
Number of creeper speeds ............................................. 4.
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–3
Tractor Specification
Rear Axle
Rear axle maximum static load:
4215 to 4220 ................................................................... 4536 kgf (10000 lbf) - Narrow.
4225 to 4245 ................................................................... 4536 kgf (10000 lbf) - Normal-duty.
4255 to 4270 .................................................................. 5443 kgf (12000 lbf) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - Pressed steel wheels:
4215 to 4225 ................................................................... 1425-1830 mm (56-72 in) - Narrow.
4225 to 4240 ................................................................... 1425-2130 mm (56-84 in) - Normal-duty.
4245 to 4270 .................................................................. 1525-2235 mm (60-88 in) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - Cast centre wheels:
4225 to 4240 ................................................................... 1395-2210 mm (55-87 in) - Normal-duty.
4245 to 4270 ................................................................... 1425-2130 mm (56-84 in) - Heavy-duty.
Rear track - PAVT wheels:
4225 to 4245 ................................................................... 1425-1930 mm (56-76 in) - Normal-duty axle.
4255 to 4270 ................................................................... 1525-2130 mm (60-84 in) - Heavy-duty axle.
Rear track - PAVT wheels - dual ramp:
4225 to 4245 and 4263 ................................................... 2030-2130 mm (80-84 in) - Normal-duty.
4260 and 4270................................................................. 1830-2440 mm (72-96 in) - Heavy-duty.
Type ................................................................................... Multi-disc oil immersed.
Model ................................................................................... T.S. brake (Tangential Slave).
Parking brake......................................................................... Cable operated on both brakes independent of the foot
Brake fluid ............................................................................. Mineral based (Green) - Massey Ferguson part No
3405 389 M1.
Power Take-off
Single-speed PTO:
540 rev/min PTO speed................................................... 1789 engine rev/min.
Economy PTO:
Standard 540 PTO ........................................................... 1979 engine rev/min.
Economy 540 (540E) PTO................................................ 1421 engine rev/min.
Two-speed PTO:
540 rev/min PTO speed.................................................... 1902 engine rev/min.
1000 rev/min PTO speed.................................................. 2000 engine rev/min.
Type ................................................................................... Hydrostatic power steering.
Pump ................................................................................... Transmission mounted gear pump drawing oil from the
transmission case.
Turns lock to lock .................................................................. 4
Steering wheel ...................................................................... Tilt adjustable.
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–5
Tractor Specification
Lift Hydraulics
Hydraulic pump - Ferguson:
Model .............................................................................. Mk. 3.
Type................................................................................. Four cylinder, scotch yoke, driven from the PTO drive
Output at 2200 engine rev/min at normal working pressure:
540 rev/min PTO (single speed)....................................... 17 litre/min (3.7 gal/min)(4.5 US gal/min).
540/540E rev/min PTO..................................................... 22 litre/min (4.8 gal/min)(5.8 US gal/min).
540/1000 rev/min PTO..................................................... 28 litre/min (6.2 gal/min)(7.4 US gal/min).
Pressure relief valve setting............................................. 227 bar (3292 lbf/in²).
Hydraulic pump - Electronic Lift Control:
Type................................................................................. Single element open type, transmission mounted.
Drive ................................................................................ Chain drive from PTO clutch housing.
Maximum pump flow 2200 rev/min at normal working pressure:
Output ............................................................................. 28 litre/min (6.2 gal/min)(7.4 US gal/min).
Maximum pressure ......................................................... 227 bar (3292 lbf/in²).
Auxiliary Hydraulics
Pump Type ........................................................................... Dual element gear type, transmission mounted.
Make ................................................................................... Sunstrand.
Drive ................................................................................... Chain drive from PTO clutch housing.
Maximum pump flow at 2200 engine rev/min at normal working pressure:
Output ............................................................................. 38 litre/min (8.4 gal/min)(10.0 US gal/min).
Maximum pressure 210 bar (3046 lbf/in²).
Oil strainer:
Type................................................................................. 100 micron washable.
Location........................................................................... Right-hand side of rear axle housing.
Oil Filter:
Type ................................................................................... Centrifugal washable.
Location ............................................................................... Manifold block, right-hand side of rear axle housing.
Auxiliary hydraulic control valves:
Type ................................................................................... Open centre.
Number of sections ............................................................. 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Type of sections available ................................................... Spring return to neutral (standard World-wide).
Optional ............................................................................... Detented with pressure kick-out.
Detent with kickout plus float (standard North-America).
Combined Flow at quick release coupling at 2200 engine rev/min:
Combined flow 540 PTO (single speed).......................... 55 litre/min (12.1 gal/min)(14.5 US gal/min).
Combined flow 540/540E PTO......................................... 60 litre/min (13.2 gal/min)(15.8 US gal/min).
Combined flow 540/1000 PTO......................................... 66 litre/min (14.5 gal/min)(17.4 US gal/min).
Pressure at quick release coupling with combined
flow at 2200 engine rev/min................................................. 210 bar (3046 lbf/in²) maximum.
Trailer brake valve:
Make ................................................................................... Bosch.
Ratio ................................................................................... 4:1.
Piston diameter ................................................................... 12 mm.
Maximum pressure to brakes.............................................. 135 bar (1960 lbf/in2).
Maximum oil flow to trailer brake........................................ 15 litre/min (3.3 gal/min)(4 US gal/min).
Maximum static load:
Inner position ............................................................. 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Centre position........................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Fully extended position .............................................. 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–7
Tractor Specification
Inner position ............................................................. 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Centre position........................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position .............................................. 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Distance to PTO shaft:
Inner position................................................................... 250 mm (10 in).
Centre position ................................................................ 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position ................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar face to centre of PTO shaft .................................. 200 mm (7.88 in).
Drawbar side swing from centre......................................... 221 mm (8.70 in).
Maximum static load.................................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
Drawbar maximum static load ................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Extended (North America):
Maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Distance to PTO shaft (selected by PTO shaft):
Fully extended position - (540 rpm).................................. 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position - (1000 rpm)................................ 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar face to centre of PTO shaft................................... 239 mm (9.4 in).
Drawbar side swing from centre.......................................... 200 mm (7.9 in).
Pick-up Hitch
Maximum static load ....................................................... 2243 kgf (4945 lbf).
Drawbar - distance to PTO shaft:.........................................
Inner position................................................................... 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position.................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 775 kgf (1709 lbf).
Hook - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 3058 kgf (6742 lbf).
Centre position ................................................................ 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Drawbar - distance to PTO shaft:
Inner position................................................................... 250 mm (10 in).
Centre position ................................................................ 350 mm (14 in).
Fully extended position ................................................... 400 mm (16 in).
Drawbar - maximum static load:
Inner position................................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Centre position ................................................................ 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Fully extended position ................................................... 1180 kgf (2601 lbf).
Lift Linkage
Front linkage:
Type ................................................................................... Hook ends - Category 2.
Lift capacity at link ends:
Normal-duty ..................................................................... 1800 kgf (3968 lbf).
Heavy-duty ...................................................................... 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
Rear linkage:
Linkage types World-wide:
4215, 4220, 4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .............................. Interchangeable ball ends - Category 1 and 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .................................................. Normal-duty telescopic - Maximum capacity 3000 kgf
(6614 lbf).
4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................................................. Heavy-duty telescopic
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Fixed ball ends - Category 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Hook ends - Category 2.
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4270 .................... Telescopic ends - Category 2.
Linkage types - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4253 .............................. Normal-duty telescopic ends - Category 2 - Maximum
capacity 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
4255, 4263, 4270 Tractors .............................................. Heavy-duty telescopic ends - Category 2.
Lift capacity at link ends with links horizontal - World-wide:
4215, 4220 ...................................................................... 2200 kgf (4850 lbf).
4225, 4233, 4235 ............................................................ 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
4225, 4233, 4235, 4245 .................................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf) with 1 x 28 mm assistor cylinder.
4245, 4255, 4260 ............................................................ 4000 kgf (8818 lbf) with 2 x 28 mm assistor cylinders.
4270 ................................................................................ 5000 kgf (11023 lbf) with 2 x 40 mm assistor cylinders.
Lift capacity at link ends with links horizontal - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235,4243, 4245,4253................................. 2600 kgf (5732 lbf).
4255, 4263 ...................................................................... 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
Lift capacity at link ends with assistor cylinders - North America:
4225, 4233, 4235,4243, 4245,4253................................. 3000 kgf (6614 lbf).
4255, 4263 ...................................................................... 4000 kgf (8818 lbf).
4270 ................................................................................ 5000 kgf (11023 lbf).
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–9
Tractor Specification
Fuel tanks Cab tractors:
Lo-Profile Cab - 4215, 4220, 4225 ................................... 84 litres (18.5 gal)(22 US gal).
Lo-Profile Cab - 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255 ......................... 98 litres (22 gal)(26 US gal).
Standard Cab - Hi-Vis - 4233, 4235, 4245, 4255.............. 127 litres (28 gal)(34 US gal).
Standard Cab - 4233, 4235, 4243, 4245, 4255:
Single tank ................................................................. 127 litres (28 gal)(34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 189 litres (42 gal)(50 US gal).
Standard Cab - 4260, 4263, 4270:
Single tank ................................................................. 143 litres (31 gal)(38 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 205 litres (45 gal)(54 US gal).
Fuel tanks - Footstep tractors:
Four cylinder engines - ‘Lo Profile’ sheet metal:
Single tank ................................................................. 110 litres (29 US gal).
Four cylinder engines - Standard:
Single tank ................................................................. 130 litres (34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 200 litres (53 US gal).
Six cylinder engines:
Single tank ................................................................. 130 litres (34 US gal).
Twin tanks.................................................................. 200 litres (53 US gal).
Engine oil:
Three cylinder engines .................................................... 5,7 litres (1.3 gal)(1.5 US gal).
Four cylinder engines ...................................................... 6,5 litres (1.4 gal)(1.7 US gal).
Six cylinder engines......................................................... 13,5 litres (3.0 gal)(3.6 US gal).
Cooling system:
Three cylinder engines..................................................... 10,2 litres (2.3 gal)(2.7 US gal).
Four cylinder engines....................................................... 17,5 litres (3.9 gal)(4.6 US gal).
Six cylinder engines......................................................... 28,0 litres (6.2 gal)(7.4 US gal).
Two- and four-wheel drive............................................... 50,0 litres (11.0 gal)(13.2 US gal).
Rear axle epicyclic hubs - heavy-duty only - each side........... 2,9 litres (5 pts)(5 US pts).
Front four-wheel drive axle:
Oil capacity - epicyclic - each side:
AG 66 .............................................................................. 0,8 litre (1.5 pt)(1.5 US pt).
AG 75 and AG 85............................................................. 1,0 litre (1.8 pt)(1.8 US pt).
AG 105 ............................................................................ 1,2 litre (2 pt)(2 US pt).
Oil capacity - complete axle:
AG 66, AG 75, AG 85 ...................................................... 5,6 litre (1.2 gal)(1.5 US gal).
AG 105 ............................................................................ 7,6 litre (1.7 gal)(2 US gal).
Dual screen and rear window washer bottle:
Capacity........................................................................... 2,5 litre (4 pt)(4 US pt).
Front PTO gearbox:
Capacity........................................................................... 0,6 litre (1 pt)(1 US pt).
1B–11 4200 Series - Issue 2
Tractor Specification
TL 3517
Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4215 4220 4225 4233/35
Tyre size (rear) ............................................................. 14.9 - 28 14.9 - 28 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 34
Track setting ................................................................ 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1525 (60)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... 2360 (93) 2360 (93) 2365 (93) --
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof. ................................. 2450 (97) 2450 (97) 2455 (98) --
Lo-Profile cab, flat roof........................................... -- -- -- 2445 (96)
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. -- -- -- 2535 (100)
Standard cab (flat floor), Hi-Vis, standard roof........ -- -- 2565 (101) 2615 (103)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... -- -- -- 2615 (103)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... -- -- -- --
B. Height over exhaust............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 1900 (75) 1900 (75) 1955 (77) 1955 (77)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive - normal-duty axle....................... 2130 (84) 2130 (84) 2190 (86) 2190 (86)
Two-wheel drive - heavy- and extra heavy-duty
axle......................................................................... -- -- 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
Four-wheel drive - AG 66 axle................................ 2230 (88) 2230 (88) 2280 (90) 2280 (90)
Four-wheel drive - AG 75, AG 85 or AG 105 axle... - - 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3740 (147) 3740 (147) 3850 (152) 4010 (158)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4075 (160) 4075 (160) 4185 (165) 4345 (171)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3860 (152) 3860 (152) 3940 (155) 4050 (160)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4192 (165) 4192 (165) 4277 (168) 4345 (171)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 340 (13) 340 (13)
NOTE: The word ‘Hi-Vis’ refers to the High Visibility type hood with small radiator grille.
The weights and dimensions can vary, depending on the specification of tyres, optional equipment, size of fuel tank etc.
The dimensions and weights quoted are based on a tractor with the most common build and tyre size, therefore a slight
variation may be found between these figures and your tractor.
on 16.9 - 38 tyres.
Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - Four-wheel drive 4215 4220 4225 4233, 4235
Front axle ..................................................................... 1234 (2720) 1234 (2720) 1396 (3078) 1506 (3320)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1750 (3858) 1750 (3858) 2000 (4409) 2200 (4850)
Total .......................................................................... 2984 (6579) 2984 (6579) 3396 (7497) 3706 (8170)
Tractor model - Four-wheel drive 4243, 4245 4253, 4255 4260, 4263 4270
Front axle ..................................................................... 1533 (3380) 1533 (3380) 1700 (3748) 1700 (3748)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total .......................................................................... 3759 (8287) 3759 (8287) 4121 (9085) 4121 (9085)
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–13
Tractor Specification
TL 3517
Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4225 4233/35 4243/45
Tire size (rear)‘ ............................................................. 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 30 18.4 - 30
Track setting ................................................................ 1525 (60) 1525 (60) 1625 (64)
A. Overall height:
Lo-Profile cab, standard roof .................................. 2446 (96) 2446 (96) 2469 (97)
Standard cab (flat floor), standard roof................... 2526 (100) 2526 (100) 2549 (100)
B. Height over exhaust............................................... 30-150 mm (1-6 in) above cab height
C. Overall width.......................................................... 1955 (77) 1955 (77) 2055 (81)
D. Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
Four-wheel drive .................................................... 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2350 (93)
E. Overall length:
Two-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3850 (152) 4010 (158) 4010 (158)
Two-wheel drive - with weights............................. 4185 (165) 4345 (171) 4345 (171)
Four-wheel drive - without weights ....................... 3940 (155) 4050 (160) 4050 (160)
Four-wheel drive - with weights ............................ 4277 (168) 4345 (171) 4345 (171)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average).................... 343 (14) 343 (14) 366 (14)
Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - 4225 4233/35 4243/45 4253/55 4263 4270
Four-wheel drive only
Front axle ....................... 1396 (3078) 1396 (3078) 1533 (3380) 1533 (3380) 1700 (3748) 1700 (3748)
Rear axle‘ ....................... 2000 (4409) 2000 (4409) 2226 (4907) 2226 (4907) 2421 (5337) 2421 (5337)
Total ............................ 3396 (7497) 3396 (7497) 3759 (8287) 3759 (8287) 4121 (9085) 4121 (9085)
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–15
Tractor Specification
TL 3858
Dimensions - mm (in)
Tractor model............................................................... 4 cylinder 4 cylinder 6 cylinder 6 cylinder
normal-duty heavy-duty normal-duty heavy-duty
Tire size (rear) .............................................................. 16.9 - 30 16.9 - 34 18.4 - 30 18.4 - 38
Track setting ................................................................ 1640 (64) 1760 (68) 1640 (64) 1740 (68)
A.Height over ROPS .................................................... 2610 (103) 2657 (104) 2690 (106) 2791 (110)
B.Height over exhaust ................................................. 2630 (104) 2677 (105) 2740 (108) 2841 (112)
C.Overall width ............................................................ 2090 (82) 2100 (83) 2118 (83) 2220 (87)
D.Wheel base:
Two-wheel drive ........................................................ 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
Four-wheel drive axle................................................. 2350 (93) 2350 (93) 2610 (103) 2610 (103)
E.Overall length:
Two-wheel drive ........................................................ 3960 (156) 3960 (156) 4250 (167) 4250 (167)
Four-wheel drive axle................................................. 3960 (156) 3960 (156) 4250 (167) 4250 (167)
F. Minimum ground clearance (average) ..................... 340 (13) 340 (13) 400 (16) 400 (16)
The weights and dimensions can vary, depending on the specification of tires, optional equipment, size of fuel tank etc.
The dimensions and weights quoted are based on a tractor with the most common build and tire size, therefore a slight
variation may be found between these figures and your tractor.
Weights - kg (lb)
Tractor model - Two-wheel drive only 4 cylinder 4 cylinder 6 cylinder 6 cylinder
normal-duty heavy-duty normal-duty heavy-duty
Front axle ..................................................................... 1130 (2486) 1130 (2486) 1357(2992) 1357 (2992)
Rear axle ...................................................................... 1750 (3850) 1763 (3879) 1528 (3369) 1541 (3397)
Total .......................................................................... 2810 (6182) 2823 (6211) 3563 (7855) 3576 (7884)
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–17
Tractor Specification
TL 3553
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–19
Tractor Specification
44 42
TL 3554
TL 3518
Fig. 3
4200 Series - Issue 3 1B–21
Tractor Specification
X Less mounts
Free (digit 9):
Brand (digit 10):
A Massey Ferguson
C Massey Ferguson ‘ES’ (Spain)
E Iseki
F Massey Ferguson ‘3’ range (North America)
G Allis
H White
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–23
Tractor Specification
4200 Series - Issue 2 1B–25
Tractor Specification
TL 3795
TL 3795
TL 3795
TL 3795
TL 3795
TL 3795
4200 Series - Issue 1 1B–27
Tractor Specification
TL 3795
TL 3795
Miscellaneous Data
Section 1 - Part C
Table of Contents
4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–1
Miscellaneous Data
Inch Fasteners
Standard torque in Newton Metres (Foot Pounds)
* Inch bolt SAE grade 5 SAE grade 8 ISO grade 10.9
size **mild steel ISO grade 8.8 BS grade V
below grade 5 BS grade S
*** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint *** Non-rigid **** Rigid joint
joint joint
1/4 inch 6-8 9-12 11-15 13-18 16-22
(4-6) (7-9) (8-11) (10-13) (12-16)
5/16 inch 12-16 18-24 22-30 25-34 31-43
(9-12) (13-18) (16-22) (18-25) (23-32)
3/8 inch 22-30 31-42 39-53 44-60 55-75
(16-22) (23-31) (29-39) (32-44) (41-55)
7/16 inch 35-47 51-69 64-86 72-96 90-120
(26-35) (38-51) (47-63) (53-71) (66-89)
1/2 inch 54-72 80-104 100-130 110-140 140-180
(40-53) (59-77) (74-96) (81-103) (103-133)
5/8 inch 110-140 160-210 200-260 220-300 280-370
(81-103) (118-155) (148-192) (162-221) (207-273)
3/4 inch 190-250 280-370 350-460 390-530 490-660
(140-184) (207-273) (258-339) (287-391) (361-487)
7/8 inch 310-410 450-610 560-760 640-850 800-1060
(228-302) (332-450) (413-561) (472-672) (590-782)
1 inch 460-620 670-900 840-1120 960-1280 1200-1600
(339-457) (494-664) (620-826) (708-944) (885-1180)
* NOTE: The size is the diameter of the shank - not the head width.
** NOTE: Mild steel torque values to be used for SAE Grade 5 bolts when weld nuts, or other low
strength nuts are used.
*** NOTE: Use these values when any of the following conditions exist:
1. Possible damage to the joined members of the assembly may occur.
2. Thick and/or highly compressible gaskets are used between members.
3. Non-flat unmachined seating surfaces for bolt head (or nut) occurs.
4. Non-flat or non-parallel joint faces are encountered.
**** NOTE: Use these values when ALL of the following conditions exist:
1. Damage will not occur to the joined members of the assembly.
2. It is desirable to use this higher clamping force to ensure tightness.
3. Fastener thread is not lubricated prior to assembly.
* NOTE: The size is the diameter of the shank - not the head width.
** NOTE: Mild steel torque values to be used for SAE Grade 5 bolts when weld nuts, or other low
strength nuts are used.
*** NOTE: Use these values when any of the following conditions exist:
1. Possible damage to the joined members of the assembly may occur.
2. Thick and/or highly compressible gaskets are used between members.
3. Non-flat unmachined seating surfaces for bolt head (or nut) occurs.
4. Non-flat or non-parallel joint faces are encountered.
**** NOTE: Use these values when ALL of the following conditions exist:
1. Damage will not occur to the joined members of the assembly.
2. It is desirable to use this higher clamping force to ensure tightness.
3. Fastener thread is not lubricated prior to assembly.
4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–3
Miscellaneous Data
4200 Series - Issue 1 1C–5
Miscellaneous Data
Table of Contents
4200 Series - Issue 3 1D–1
Servicing the Tractor
GENERAL Adjustments
This section has been compiled to enable the reader to Check and adjust if necessary:
ascertain quickly what action is necessary to prepare a 15. Battery condition, charge if necessary.
new tractor for sale, install it on the farm and carry out the 16. Tension of fan and air conditioner compressor belt(s).
50 and 300 hour services, which should be rendered
17. Clutch pedal cable - height.
during the warranty period.
18. Brake pedal linkage - free pedal clearance.
The timing of these two services has been calculated to
provide maximum tractor efficiency throughout the 19. Torque of all wheel and rim nuts and bolts.
warranty period thus safeguarding the subsequent life of 20. Tyre pressures.
the tractor.
Checks before Road Test
Also detailed is the ‘Running-in’ procedure which will Turn the starter switch to ‘Auxiliary’ position (ON) - check:
ensure that the engine will give a satisfactory
21. All warning lights - ON, warning buzzer sounds.
performance throughout its life.
22. Lights - head, side, indicator, work, interior and panel.
NOTE: This is an optimum list of checks, instructions, 23. Hazard warning lights and horn.
etc., and may not apply to the tractor you are working on.
24. Cab heater and fresh air blower.
25. Remove all traces of oil, fuel and coolant from the
PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION tractor to permit a leak check after road test.
Check 1-1D Start the Engine
Start the engine and carry out the following functional
Procedure tests:
Before checking 26. Safety start switches - transmission and PTO.
1. Verify and record for future use the serial numbers of 27. Air cleaner restriction indicator, momentarily
the tractor, engine, and four-wheel drive front axle. blanking off the air intake.
2. Assemble all parts that have been removed for 28. Fuel cut-off.
Road Test
Checking levels Restart the engine, warm up the tractor, drive forward -
Check and adjust if necessary the following levels with carry out the following checks:
their specific liquids: 29. Balance and operation of brakes.
3. Cooling system, water or anti-freeze. 30. Steering operation - lock to lock.
4. Fuel tank. 31. Operation in all gears.
5. Engine oil. 32. Differential lock function.
6. Transmission and rear axle. 33. Four-wheel drive function.
7. Rear axle epicyclic hubs (heavy-duty only). 34. Operation of cab heater and fresh air blower.
8. Four-wheel drive front axle. 35. Operation of all air conditioning.
9. Four-wheel drive front axle epicyclic hubs. 36. Operation of all gauges and instruments.
10. Battery. 37. Parking brake effectiveness.
11. Hydraulic brake reservoir.
12. Screen washer reservoir - cab only.
Lubricate the following points:
13. Lubricate all grease points as detailed in the Operator
Instruction Book.
14. Lightly oil clutch linkage, hand and foot throttle
linkage, all hinges, catches and door locks.
4200 Series - Issue 2 1D–3
Servicing the Tractor
Full load should not be applied until the engine has 18. Check the oil in the rear epicyclic hubs and top-up if
necessary (heavy-duty axles only).
reached a temperature of at least 60°C (140°F).
19. Check the torque of all wheel and rim nuts and bolts.
2. Use low gear when pulling heavy loads.
20. Check the tyre pressures and adjust if necessary.
3. During the running in period, check frequently the
tightness of all wheel nuts and bolts. Clutch and Brakes
4. To ensure proper clutch life, care must be taken to 21. Check the clutch pedal height and adjust if driver
bed-in the friction plates properly. requests.
22. Check the foot brakes and adjust if necessary.
NOTE: During the first 15 hours of the tractor’s life,
frequently, but carefully engage and disengage the 23. Check the parking brake and adjust if necessary.
clutch. After the first 50 hours operation it may be 24. Check the brake fluid level and top up if necessary.
necessary to adjust the clutch pedal height to suit the
driver. Cab
25. Check the screen washer bottle fluid level and
replenish if necessary.
INITIAL 50 HOUR SERVICE 26. Check the cab air filter, and clean if necessary.
Servicing 4-1D
The following operations are to be carried out after 50
hours running to remove factory fill lubricants by the
Dealer service engineer.