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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

The Land of Pakistan

Objectives of the topic

• Identification on map the Tropic of Cancer, latitudes 30°N, 36°N,

longitudes 64°E, 70°E and 76°E
• The Arabian Sea
• The countries sharing a border with Pakistan, and Pakistan’s position in
relation to others in South and Central Asia.

b) Location of provinces and cities

Candidates should be able to identify the following on a map:
• The provinces, Northern Areas (Gilgit–Baltistan) and FATA
• Named cities: Islamabad, Muree, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Lahore,
Faisalabad, Multan, Sialkot,
Peshawar, Chitral, Gilgit, Hyderabad, Karachi, Quetta and Gwadar.

Natural Topography
The Topography has different synonyms and may also be known as Relief, Natural
features, Physical features etc. now the question arises that what is relief/topography?
So, Relief is the inequalities or variations in shapes and forms of the earth’s surface
e.g mountains, valleys, plateau, plains etc. These features are differentiated on the
basis of their formation, shape and mainly Altitude (height).

Topographically, Pakistan has been divided in 05 main categories. • Mountains…

Northern Mountains & Western Mountains • Plateau… Potwar Plateau &Balochistan
Plateau • Plains… Upper Indus Plain & Lower Indus Plain • Deserts • CoastalAreas
& Delta Region
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Natural Topography
The Topography has different synonyms and may also be known as Relief, Natural
features, Physical features etc. now the question arises that what is relief/topography?
So, Relief is the inequalities or variations in shapes and forms of the earth’s surface
e.g mountains, valleys, plateau, plains etc. These features are differentiated on the
basis of their formation, shape and mainly Altitude (height).

Topographically, Pakistan has been divided in 05 main categories. • Mountains…

Northern Mountains & Western Mountains • Plateau… Potwar Plateau &Balochistan
Plateau • Plains… Upper Indus Plain & Lower Indus Plain • Deserts • CoastalAreas
& Delta Region
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

The Northern Mountains and North Western

Mountains of Pakistan
Topographical-Relief Features of Northern Mountains

● Parallel ranges run from east to West

● The height of rage increase from south to North
● Attain high altitude-rise over 6000m up to 8475 m
● High passes such as Khunjerab pass, Lawari Pass and Shandur Pass
● Snow fields(plain area covered with perpetual snow above the snowline in high
altitude mountains)/Glaciers (mass of ice moving slowly down the valley)
● Sow capped Peaks and Steep Slopes
● Bare rocks (rocks without vegetation)/ scree (debris collected at the foothill of
the mountain)
● V shaped valleys. (gorges and steep sided deep river valleys)

The Karakoram Range (black gravel)

● Average altitude (height) 6000 m

● Extended 400 Km from Hunza to the Shyok River.
● Western end lies in Pakistan.
● K-2 located here (2 highest peak in the world) 8610 m.

● Precipitation mainly in the form of snow because of high altitude.

● The most heavily glaciated part of the world outside of the Polar Regions. The Siachen
Glacier at 78km long and Biafo Glacier at 63 km.
● Baltoro 62 kmand batura 58km (Skardu Dist, Hunza Valley)


● It is in Asia
● Himalayan Mountain stretches from India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Afghanistan &
● North east are the highest mountains of the world known as Himalayas.
● Length of Himalaya 2500 Km from east to west.
● North West border by the mountain Hindu Kush and north by the Karakoram.
● Average altitude 4000m.
● River Indus is making boundary between Himalayas and Hindukush

The Lesser or Lower Himalayas:

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Average altitude 1800-4500 m

● They are represented by PirPanjal Range.
● In Pakistan these mountains lie just north of Rawalpindi district covering the districts of
Batagram, Mansehra and Abbottabad as well as Pakistan Administered Kashmir.
● These mountains are also home to Pakistan's important hill stations like Murree,
GhoraGali and NathiaGali.
● Kaghan and Naran are important Valleys


● These are southern most ranges

● Average height is 600-1200m
● Trend is east to west
● Cover hills of Rawalpindi district

The Central Himalaya

● Located between PirPanjal Range & the Karakoram Range.

● Mostly lies in Kashmir.
● Average altitude 6000m
● Mostly peaks are covered with snow throughout the year.
● Nanga Parbat lies in Kashmir and has a height of about 8126m.


● Lies between the borders of Afghanistan and China meet on Pakistan’s north and north-
west border, at the western side of Pamir Plateu.
● The trend of these ranges is north to south.
● Swat, Chitral and Dir are most common valleys.
● The highest point in Hindukush mountain region is the Tirich Mir (7690m).
● Mostly covered with snow
● The average altitude of the Hindu Kush is 4,500 meters
● Rivers that flow from the mountain system include the Ghizer, Gilgit and Hunza.
● Kabul River: It is the main river in the eastern part of Afghanistan. It flows 700 km
before joining the Indus River near Attock.

Gilgit Agency:

● High mountain ranges like Karakoram and Hindukush

● Tend is east to west
● Permanent snow fields, capped peaks
● Deep valleys and gorges
● Fast flowing rivers
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Rugged surface and barren lands

● High passes/ difficult to move
● Very cold climate
● Landslides are common

Economic Importance:

● Permanent reservoir of water which irrigate vast Indus plain.

● Karakorum highway has been connected to carry out trade.

● Source of valuable minerals, timbers and fruits. Provide raw material to several
industries e.g. furniture, paper, chipboard and chemical industries.

● Scientific beauty promotes tourist resorts which are a source of income to local people
during summer.

Physical Importance:
High mountain peaks protect Pakistan from cold winds from Central Asia. Due to this the
climate remains tolerable throughout the year. It also protects the country from being invade.


● Hydro-electric potential but requires huge investment.

● Modern industries but mineral resources have not been explored.
● Low literacy rate.
● Shortage of safe drinking water and poor health.
● Food production is not equal to the required amount due to which they face malnutrition.
● Towns of northern areas like Mingora, Murree, Kaghan&Gilgit have regional trade by
road with cities like Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Peshawar &Abbotabad. However, due to
difficult terrain and limited transport facilities it is difficult to carry out regional trade on
a large scale.
● Tourism is also popular in the northern mountains but it has had an adverse impact on
regions where tourist numbers exceed the facilities available.
● Low economic growth rate combined with high rate of population due to which prevents
low level of per capita income (average income per person).
● Infrastructure is not good.
● Most of the population is dependent on agriculture and cattle breeding.

Drainage Features of the Northern Mountains:

Originating in the Tibetan plateau in the vicinity of Lake Mansarovar in China, the National
River runs a course through the Ladakh district of Jammu and Kashmir and then enters
Northern Areas (Gilgit-Baltistan), flowing through the North in a southerly direction along
the entire length of the country, to merge into the Arabian Sea near Pakistan's port city of
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Karachi in Sindh. The total length of the river is 3,180 kilometers (1,976 miles). The river
has a total drainage area exceeding 1,165,000 square kilometers (450,000 square miles).
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

The Western Mountains:

Important Definitions:
Basin:a hollow in the landscape. It has smooth sides and shape like bowl. The area of land
drained by a river and its branches.
Alluvium:Sedimentdepositedbyflowingwater,asinariverbed,floodplain,ordelta. It is left by
river when it leaves hilly ground and move to flatter land. Alluvium is typically made up of a
variety of materials, including fine particles of silt and clay and larger particles of sand and
Gravel:Mixture of small stones, sand and pebbles.
Boulder: a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion. They have
rounded sides usually.
Springs: a place where stream or rive rises out of the ground. They are formed above the
imperbeable rocks.
Streams: it is a small channel of water, which flows continually. They start at stream or lake.
Intermontane Valleys: Valley situated between or surrounded by mountains, mountain
ranges or mountainous regions

SafedKoh Ranges:

● Because their peaks are often covered with snow.

● Average height is 3600m
● Located in an East West direction south of the Kabul River.
● Sikeram is the highest peak
● In its south Khurram River flows and Khurram pass provides a route to Afghanistan.

● They merge into Kohat hills in the East

● On the other end of Khurram pass Kohat valley is located. Wheat, rice and sugar-cane
are cultivated with the help of irrigation.
● Vale of Peshawar drained by the river Kabul and Swat. It is a fertile, alluvial plain
irrigated by canals originating from Warsak dam on the river Kabul.

Waziristan Hills:
● Located between Khurram And Gomal River.
● Average height is 1500-3000m
● Highly mineralized.
● These hills form a rampart between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
● Important passes are Khyber, Khurram, Tochi and Gomal. They connect Pakistan with
● Banu near the Tochi pass &Dera Ismail Khan near the Gomal Pass are important towns
and military centres.
● Khurram River is the main source of irrigation.
● On the east the Kabul, Kohat and Khurram-Tochi rivers meet the river Indus.
● The valleys are bounded by hills and mountains from all sides except east.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Sulaiman Ranges:

● West of River Indus.

● They lie between Balochistan Plateau and Indus Plain
● Average height 1500m.
● Highest peak Takht-i-Sulaiman, at 3383m.
● Lime stone and sand stone are the main mineralsBolan is the main river of this region.
Bolan Pass provides communication facilities between Iran and Pakistan.

● Quetta is an important military base at the northern end of Bolan Pass.

● Murre Bugti Hills are offshoot of Suleiman Mountain. Near Quetta they take syntax cal
bend and merge into Kirthar Ranges.

The Kirthar Hills:

● West of River Indus.

● Average height 2174m.

● These hills are drained by the Hab and Lyari Streams which joins Arabian Sea.

● They are backed by Central Barohi and Pab Ranges

● Bolan Pass connects Quetta to Sibbi.

● They are composed of limestone and sandstone

Economic Activities & Lifestyle in the Western Mountains

● Are mostly bare of vegetation.

● Climate and relief do not support vegetation.
● Canal irrigation is not possible because of mountainous terrain and rugged landscape.
● Transportation facilities are not possible except Peshawar &Kohat, the rest area is not
connected by air or railway network.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Most areas are not accessible through main roads.

● Infrastructure is not good.
● Basic necessities require huge investment.
● Mining facilities, education and industries haven't been established yet.
● Nomadic lifestyle is common.
● Sheep and goat rearing is the main occupation.
● Population density is lower than 100 persons/km²
● Abundant mineral resources but due difficulty of extracting them, they have not been

Drainage Pattern of Western Mountains

The SafedKoh range is drained by River Kabul, which runs in a West to East direction and
eventually joins River Indus. Kohat valley is drained by Kohat river and its floor is covered
with silt, sand and gravel.
The Kirthar range on the other hand is drained by the River Hab(seasonal river),
which flows in a North to South direction and eventually joins the Arabian Sea.
The Waziristan hills are drained by small seasonal rivers like Kurram, Tochi and
Gomal. Low lying basin bordered by hills & mountains and drained by streams with
braided channel. Deposit of clay & boulders brought down by streams
The Sulaima nrange is drained by small hill torrents and small seasonal rivers such
asthe Bolan and Mula. These rivers usuallylead to small inland lakes,where the water
collects and then dries up (for examplethe lake Damas

Compare the Northern and western mountain with reference to Topogrphy, drainage and
life style. [6]

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


The Baluchistan Plateau

● Located in the west of Sulaiman-Kirthar range.

● There are parallel ranges too in Balochistanplataue running in an East to West
direction for example the Chagai Hills, Raskoh Range, and Makran Coastal
range are all parallel ranges. Parallel ranges running North-South direction are
Central Brahui and the Hala range.
● Area covered 347196 km ² of Pakistan.
● Altitude ranging from 600- 3010 meters.
● The hills ranges on the south are lower than the North.
● It has deep narrow valleys like Quetta∙
● They have bare rocks due to lack of rainfall
● The mountains have steep slopes and none are snow capped.
● There are many temporary lakes in this sandy area which have water only in the
rainy season otherwise they remain dry and are called ‘Hamuns’.

In the Southern part of the Balochistan Plateau, the River Dasht and river Porali flow
from north to South, thus eventually drain in the Arabian Sea. Both are seasonal
rivers; they flow only during the rainy season.In Central Balochistan, water either
drains into inland lakes known as Hamunsor is absorbed into the ground, if not, it
evaporates. Dry lakes known as Hamun exist (like Hamun-i-Mashkel). They are
formed when seasonal rivers flow into them during the rainy
season. A Hamun is a sort of depression on the Earth’s surface. In Northern
Balochistan, River Zhob flows from south west towards northeast. It eventually
meets the River Gomal, which is a western tributary of the River Indus.

Explain how topography and drainage cause problems for farming in

Balochistan. [4]

lack of fertility, soil erosion, use of machinery, irrigation -
mountains -plateaux
-steep slopes -
stony soil -thin soil -
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

barren land -
‘mountains/rugged topography unsuitable for farming’

inland drainage basins/salt lakes -
few/small rivers -
rivers dry up/evaporate -
much percolation/loss of water through soil -
‘lack of water for farming

The Potwar Plateau & the Salt Range:

● Located between River Indus on west & River Jhelum on east, on the north by the Kala
Chitta range and the Margalla Hills, and on the south by the Salt Range.
● It is an open undulated land with extensive flat areas.
● Main districts are Attock, Rawalpindi, Jhelum and Mianwali.
● Height 300 to 600 meters from sea level.
● Height of Kala Chitta and Khairi Murat rise to just above 1000m.
● Large part of land has been dissected and eroded by the action of running water. This
dissected land termed as badland and is a land scape of ridges, ravines and troughs.
● Due to the low rainfall, rocky and uneven surface badland topography is developed.
● Soan River is Main River. It forms gullies and large alluvial plains, mainly used for
agriculture.Rich in minerals like rock salt, gypsum, lime stone, coal, marble, clays,
dolomite &soapstone and oil, rocksalt, gypsum etc.
● The mountains peak provides protection against cold winds from Central Asia.
● River Soan drains much of Potwar Plateau. It runs from North-East to South-
West and eventually drains into the river Indus

The Salt Range:

It is a hill system in the Punjab province of Pakistan, deriving its name from its extensive
deposits of rock salt. The range extends from the Jhelum River to theIndus, across the
northern portion of the Punjab province.

● The mountain range covers most of the areas of the Jhelum, Chakwwal, Kalabagh and
Mianwali district.
● It consists of parallel ranges.
● The Salt Range contains the great mines of Mayo, Khewra, Warcha and Kalabagh,
which yield vast supplies of salt. Coal of a medium quality is also found.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Average height 750 to 900m.

● Sakesar Peak is the highest point in the Salt Range at a height of 1527m.
● Rich in minerals like rock salt, gypsum and limestone.
● On the Northern side of the Salt range,several saline lakes are found (such as
KallarKahar and Khabeki) The water in these lakes does NOT drain into any of
the rivers of the Potwar Plateau.
● The southern side of the Salt Range is drained by several small rivers like
Khewra, which are only active during rainy season.

Economic Activity and Life Style

● Rich in non-metallic minerals, which provide raw material to the cement, ceramics and
chemical industries.

● ttock Oil Refinery is set up to refine the oil of Potowar Plateau.

● Scientific attract tourist resorts which are a source of income to the local people during

● Farming depends on rain fall. Canal irrigation is not possible due to its rugged landscape.

● Wheat, maize, barley & gram are cultivated.

● Accessible by road, railway and air transport.

● Average rainfall 15 to 20 in. (380 to 510 mm) annually.

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

ii) Describe the drainage features of the Potwar Plateau. [3]

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


(c) How may the following have contributed to the features of area Y on photograph
(i) deforestation, [2]


(ii) Poor farming practices, [2]


(iii) Monsoon rain and thunderstorms? [3]

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

The Indus plain:

● Located in Punjab and Central part of Sindh.

● North part is known as upper Indus plain. (from Attock to Mithankot)

● The lower Indus Plain (from Mithankot to Thatta)

● The Delatic Plain (from Thatta to Coastal strip of Arabian Sea)

The Upper Indus Plain:

● River in Punjab province, Pakistan, formed just below Uch by successive junctions of
the Sutlej, Beās, Rāvi, Jhelum, and Chenāb rivers. The Panjnad (literally “Five Rivers”)

● Beas Sutlej Chenab at Panjnad (72km) River Indus at Mithankot

● Its height is 180 to 300 m.

● The River Punjab can be divided into 4 doabs. The land which lies between two rivers.

Features of Indus Delta:

● Active flood plains

● Old flood plains

● Alluvial terraces

● Piedmont plains

● Tidal Delta

● Rolling sand plains

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Active Flood Plain:

● The narrow strip of both lands on both sides of the river is called active flood plains.
● It is known as bet or khaddar land.
● It is undated almost every year.
● It is flooded almost every year in rainy season. (July –September.
● At the end of rainy season the land is marked with dry and braided channel, rich in
● They are good farming areas of Pakistan because it is covered with alluvium soil. The
land is specially suited for Rabi crops like wheat.They are found in all the rivers
except Southern half of River Ravi due to low volume of water.

● Maximum width 24-40km along River Indus and 3-5km along River Ravi.

● New alluvium/alluvium deposited every year/meanders/oxbows/ levees 2-3 m

above river level -Flat/level/plain

Old Flood Plain/ Cover Flood Plain:

● Cover areas between alluvial terraces and active flood plain.

● Only flooded when there is heavy rainfall.
● They are covered with old alluvial.
● 10-15 m wide/around 12 m -
● Flooded every 7/8 years/when severe floods occur -
● Old alluvium (old) levees/abandoned channels/dhoros/meander (scars)/dried ox-

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Scarp is a slope, which separates the old flood plain from the bar upland.
● A steep prominent slope 5-11m high, usually occurring in the river valleys.
● It is produced by a river eroding literally by cutting into valley sides thus widening the
valley floor.

Bar Upland / Alluvial Terraces

● Alluvial Terraces are areas of higher ground between rivers formed by erosion of old
alluvial 5-15m, 25-30 km wide .
● It surface is flat and has a South West slope.
● Also called scalloped interfluves.
● Sindh Sagar is covered by sand
● Ideal for agriculture with the help of irrigation facilities.
● Safest place from flood.
● Sandal bar on Rachna Doab.
● Gangi Bar &Nili Bar on Bari Doab.
● Kirana Bar on Chaj Doab.

Piedmont Plains:

● Are located on the foothills of the Sulaiman, Kirthar and Himalayan Mountains.
● The Sulaiman piedmont plains also known as Derajat.
● Two smaller areas of piedmont plains have emerged south of Sub Himalayas (Siwaliks)
between Jhelum and Chenab rivers.
● They are mainly agricultural.
● Most important features are the alluvial fans or cones that develop eastwards from
Sulaiman&Kirthar ranges.
● Rivers coming from these ranges have low water flow.
● Lack of rain and drought hinder agriculture activities despite of fertile soil.

Tidal Delta:
● Located to the South of Thatta.

● Indus delta exists in some of the southern parts of the Lower Indus Plain. A delta
is a low lying triangular area which has alluvial deposits.It covers an area of 36-
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Drainage of Indus Plain

The Lower Indus plain is drained by the River Indus mainly flowing in the North-
South direction. Meandersand oxbow lakes alsoexist.Piedmont plains exist in-
between the river Indus and sulaiman and Kirthar Mountain ranges. In the Upper
Indus plain, River Indus and its Eastern tributaries flow in North-South direction.
Tributaries are Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej. Meanders and oxbow lakes also

Economic Activities:

● 80% of the total area of the cultivated land of Pakistan is located in the Indus plain.

● Crops are grown on the whole year.

● Summer crops: rice, sugar cane and cotton

● Winter crops: wheat

● Infrastructure facilities are easier to provide.

● Good transportation network.

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Electricity is supplied to all urban areas like Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sukkur&

● Cotton textile, sugar mills & chemical industries consumes local raw material.

● Population density 50-400 persons/km²

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01



● Food and fodder can only be grown in summers because the winters are too cold
to support crop growth.
● The soil is thin except for what available in valleys.
● Transhumance is the practice of the seasonal movement of people with their
livestock over relatively short distances, typically to higher pastures in summer
and to lower valleys in the winters.
● Lower Valley pastures over grazed by animals.
● Communication services are limited. Landslides frequently knock out
communication poles.
● Risk of terrorism is growing.
● Building roads and railway is difficult due to steep slopes, narrow gorges and
deep narrow valleys.
● Limited skilled labor for building roads.
● On the other hand frostbite can occur and if not treated properly can result in
● Only in the summer months do these areas receive significant amount of tourists,
which helps to increase the earnings.

● These are fertile areas, where agriculture forms an important part of daily life.
● Population density is high thus a large pool of trained labor is available.
● It is economical to build schools and colleges
● Temperature is bearable and crops can be grown in both summers and winters.
● Flat areas and easy to build roads and railway network.
● Land available for making factories too.
● Indus plain and bar upland is the safest place from flooding and best for
residential area.

● Both topography and climate are rough.

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Food can only be grown in rainy season.

● Very less rainfall in the western southern part of Thar Desert.
● Nomadic life is common.
● Water shortage and sand dunes are common.
● Population density is very low and limited skilled man is feasible.
● Health and education facilities are also limited here.


● Delta presents the severe risk of flooding.

● There is little firm land available to build houses or factories.
● Ground water is salty.
● Soil is too wet due to constant flooding.
● Limited educational and health facilities.

1 (a) The sketch cross-section, Fig. 1, shows the main physical features, A to D, of a
typical doab.
Fig. 1

For each of the following, give the name of the physical feature and describe its main
(i) A, [3]

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

(ii) B, [3]


(iii) C, [2]


(iv) D. [2]


(b) Compare the natural topographical and drainage features of the Upper
Indus Plain with those of the Lower Indus Plain. [6]


Both areas are flat/gently undulating -

Land higher in Upper Indus Plain/lower in Lower Indus Plain -

Both areas mainly alluvial/have active flood plain/old flood plain -

Doabs mainly a feature of the Upper Indus Plain /not or rarely found in Ler Indus
Plain -

Bar uplands/alluvial terraces in Upper Indus Plain only –

A few low hills in both areas -

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Quartzite/slate hills in Upper Indus Plain whereas limestone hills/cuestas in Lower

Indus Plain -

Piedmont plains and alluvial fans in both -

Both areas have rolling sand dunes


Indus has many tributaries in Upper Indus Plain but few in Lower Indus Plain -

Indus has 4/5 large left/east bank tributaries in Upper Indus Plain -

Indus has 1 large and several small right/west bank tributary in Upper Indus Plain’ -

Tributaries contribute a huge amount of water to Indus in Upper Indus Plain but very
little water to Indus in Lower Indus Plain -

Meanders/braiding/oxbows/swamps/etc common in both areas -

Indus delta at southern end of Lower Indus Plain not in Upper Indus Plain -

Wider river in Lower Indus Plain /narrower in Upper Indus Plain /LIP over 1.6 miles
wide –Upper Indus Plain 1.4-1.6 miles wide

(i) Describe the relief and natural drainage of the Upper Indus Plain. [6]

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(ii) Why are the rivers of the Upper Indus Plain a problem for communications in the
area? [4]


[May/June 03]
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Climate -Key Points

Candidates should:
• know the distribution of temperature and rainfall, including monsoon,
depressions and convectional rain
• know seasonal and regional variations, and the factors contributing to
them, including depressions, Thunderstorms and cyclones (typhoons)
• understand the causes of the monsoon (knowledge of the causes of other
types of rain is not required)
• describe and explain the characteristics of the climate of the arid, semi-
arid, humid and highland Regions, including seasonal variations
• know the influence of latitude and longitude on day length and climate
• understand the influence of the climate (both the benefits it brings and
the problems it causes) on the
Economy and on the lives of the people:
– the influence of low temperature, ice and snow on the lives of people in
the mountains
– the influence of rain storms and flooding on agriculture, industry and
– the problems caused by drought and shortage of water supply on
agriculture and industry.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Climate: Weather is generalization of the day to day weather conditions over a long
period of time usually thirty years.

Weather: Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions of any place for a short
period of time (temporary changes in the climate)


■ The quantity of water, expressed in inches, precipitated as rain, snow, hail, or

sleet in a specified area and time interval.

■ Only in a few northern areas humid conditions are found. The rainfall in
Pakistan is highest in northern areas decreases towards south.

Humidity: the amount of water vapours in atmosphere.


Monsoon Winds ( July To September From East Of Pakistan)

Sources: Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

How they developed in Pakistan:

■ South-west monsoon are giant sea breezes which bring rainfall. the rains began
when the ocean are less heated and land is more heated. The air from the land
rises developing a low pressure and it attracts the cool air causing heavy rainfall.

■ North-east monsoons blow from the land towards the sea in winter seasons.

What is their route?

■ Main monsoon winds blow from Bay of bengal. After crossing Bangladesh and
North India the winds enter Pakistan from North. They start to blow in June and
cause heavy rainfall in July.

■ Some monsoon winds rise from the Arabian Sea but are weak and have little
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

The Western Depression (December To March From West)

■ Western Depression are the cyclones which originate in Mediterranean Sea, they
travel across Afghanistan and Iran and then reach the western part of Pakistan.
The moisture in the air is evaporated causing rainfall.

■ After striking north west Pak, such as Peshawar and Northern areas, the winds
move towards western and south-western parts where there moist content lost.
Quetta receives most rainfall in winters.

Convectional Currents ( April To June And October To November In Northern


■ Hot air rises during summer and when it reaches the high layer of atmosphere,
condensation takes place causing rainfall. Strong winds accompanying the storms
may pick up dust with them

■ Only northern and north western areas of Pakistan like Punjab and NWFP receive
rainfall from Convectional currents. Southern Pakistan despite being more hot
then the northern areas experience less rainfall because of temperature inversion

■ Rawalpindi and peshawar receives convectional current in early summers.

Relief Rainfall

Relief rainfall is related to the height of land. It occurs where moist unstable air
moves up a mountain edge and it is chilled, heavy condensation takes place and
rainfall occurs.

Northern and north western areas of Pakistan like Murree and kakul receives rainfall
in almost all the seasons

Tropical Cyclones
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Tropical cyclones bring heavy rainfall for few hours and can cause a lot of
destruction. They originate in Arabian Sea quite often but rarely reach the coast of
Pakistan. Therefore, this source of rainfall is totally unreliable.
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Continental effect:

The areas that are away from the sea are unaffected by maritime influence,
consequently; they are more hot as compared to areas near sea. Winters are extreme
and summer temperatures are quite severe. There is a difference in temperature in
summers and winters in plain areas due to continental effect.

Maritime Influence: Warm summers and Mild Winters in Coastal areas

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Altitude and temperature: North and West

■ Location point relative to sea (above sea Level)

■ Air temperature decreases with altitude


■ 3.5 Deg F / 100 ft is lost

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Cloud cover and temperature

In daytime cloud cover reduces the amount of heat by reflecting the heat back to the
space but in night time it traps the outgoing heat and because of this the cloudy nights
are warm.

Latitude and angle of sun

The sun rays don’t fall at the same angle everywhere.

During summer, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the northern
areas of Pakistan absorb more heat because of high angle of sun, during winter the
northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and the northern areas experience
sun for shorter duration. As it is evident the Polar Regions or regions far away from
the Equator are generally cooler than the ones nearer the Equator. This is because for
solar radiation to reach the poles and heat them it has to travel a larger distance in
space, thus it loses its intensity (energy).
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Northern Highland Zone:

■ Region: Northern, north western and western highlands.

■ Areas: Chitral, Murree, Muzzafarabad, Drosh, Quetta, Kalat, Parachinar,


Climatic Features:

These are areas of very high altitude where the mountain tops (above
4000m) are below freezing in winters and in summers too. as we are
moving away from the Tropic of Cancer. So here Sun’s rays strike at
an oblique angle and transfer less of their solar energy in the form of

Winters are longer than the summers. Warm summers (21-32° C)

exist and precipitation is mainly in form of rain in summers. In
Northern Mountains rain come from monsoons and convection in
summers while Western Depressions bring rain in winters. Cold
winters (0-5° C) exist and precipitation is mainly in form of snow in
both valleys and mountain tops.

Rainfall is normally associated with altitude. Rainfall in Northern

Mountain is highest in the highland zone. It rains throughout the year.
Rainfall in the western mountain is less decreasing from south of
Waziristan hills. Gilgit and Chitral are rain shadow areas.

The temperature conditions also vary from north to west depending

on the altitude.

Life Style:

■ The growth of tress is retarded because of severe cold winters. At some places
rivers and torrents also freeze and during winter farming is not practiced and
people are involved in indoor activities.

■ Transhumance is also practiced

■ People live there as nomadic herdsman

■ Many northern areas are not accessible due to landslides and heavy snowfall

■ Lack of water supple discourages human settlements

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Sources of Rainfall

■ Relief rainfall

■ Monsoon rainfall

■ Thunderstorms

■ Western Depression

Arid Zone

■ Regions: south-eastern desert, and south-western Balochistan

■ Areas:Kharran Desert south-western Balochistan, south-eastern desert.

Climatic Features

■ It is markedly dry and hot. Hot dusty winds prevail continuously from mid –
May to mid-September, rainfall takes place during winter season in south-
western Balochistan, in south eastern desert monsoons bring little rainfall.
Extreme heat, dust storms are the main features of this arid climate due to the
high angle of sun and lack of cloud cover.

■ Winters are cool-mild because of low angle of sun, summers are hot because
of high angle of sun. Summers are very hot during the day.

Life and Economic activities

■ The region is deficient of moisture.

■ The temperature is so extreme that it isn’t suitable for habitation or cultivation.

■ The majority of people are nomadic, they move from one place to another
with their animals.

■ Because rainfall is very low that’s why unique system of karez is established.

■ Through perennial canals many areas are irrigated.

■ People there wear thick and rough clothes in order to protect them from
extreme heat.

■ They move from one place to another in search of water.

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Source of rainfall

● Little rainfall from Western Depression and monsoon winds.

Lowland Zone – Semi Arid To Arid

■ Region: Indus plain except the Coastal areas.

■ Areas: Islamabad, Sialkot, Sarghoda, Multan, Jacobabad, and Sukkur

Climatic Features:

It has arid and extreme climate with hot summers, cool winters and summer
monsoon rainfall.

■ Thunderstorms are also common in north and north-west of the Indus plain.
The upper Indus plain and Lower Indus plain there’s less rainfall and spells of
very high temperature.

■ Winters are cool-mild because of low angle of sun and continental effect and
summers are hot due to high angle of sun and continental effect.

■ The climate is characterized by hot (32-40° C) summers. Summers are longer than
winters. In Upper Indus Plain thunderstorms form during March-April. Rate of
evapotranspiration is high and hot winds are common during May-June. Rainfall
mainly occurs through monsoons but convectional rainfall also occurs in March and

Life and Economic activities:

■ The plain is drained through four tributaries of Indus River, economically; it

is the most productive region of Pakistan. There is a well developed canal
system and many crops are grown there such as millet, wheat, cotton and

■ Population is high and there’s moderate rainfall and tolerable temperature.

Sources of rainfall:
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■ Convectional rainfall in northern Punjab

■ Western depression in northern Punjab

■ Monsoon rainfall

Coastal Zone
■ Region: Indus Delta, Karachi and Makran coast

■ Areas: Karachi, Jiwani, Pasni, Ormara and Gwadar

Climatic Fetures:

The climate is dominated by sea breezes throughout the year; the

maritime influence keeps the daily temperature low. There are mild
winters and warm summers. The temperature on land and sea is
different; land and water absorb the sun’s heat and water and also
radiate it. In summer the land heats up, while ocean remains cool. In
winter the land loses heat quickly and becomes cold while ocean
remains hot.ummers are longer than winters.

Precipitation is in form of rain only and comes from Arabian Sea wing of
Monsoons affecting the Sindh coast. There is a difference of temperature
between day and night (this gives maximum and minimum temperatures in
the day). A large daily range of temperature exists. Also there is a difference
in temperature between sun and shade. Temperatures are less hot than the
Indus Plain because of the influence of the sea which counteracts the influence
of the Sun.

The humidity level is usually high, more than 50% from April to September.
Means monthly temperature is 32 ۫ C and May, June and October are the
hottest month.

During October the climate is dominated by dry winds from south-eastern

desert. Rainfall is scanty; the rainfall is experienced during monsoon season.

■ Sources of rainfall:Convectional rainfall in northern Punjab. It is interesting to

know that the Monsoon does not affect the coastal areas of Balochistan. This is
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because the coastal areas of Makran are preceded by Makran Coastal Range and
other ranges, which form the Balochistan Plateau. Since these ranges have high
altitude, the temperature persisting there in summers is low as compared to
interior Sindh and Punjab thus a very low air pressure doesn’t develop in interior
Balochistan and thus monsoon clouds do not affect that area while Western
Depressions coming in from the opposite side do affect the Makran Coast.

■ Western depression in northern Punjab

■ Monsoon rainfall
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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


2. Natural resources – an issue of sustainability

Candidates should be able to:
• understand the different types of forest and identify, on a map, their main locations
• understand the physical factors that control the distribution of the different types of
forest, and the Human factors which have reduced their extent
• understand the reasons for:
– The development of plantations in the Indus Plain
– Afforestation on mountain slopes and plateaux
• understand the value of forests as a resource for development, and the importance of
their sustainability
• explain the effects of deforestation, such as soil erosion, silting and flooding
• evaluate possible solutions to the problems caused by deforestation.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

It’s a Primary Profession because the raw material are directly obtained from the
nature .Others e.g. of primary profession Mining , Farming, Fishing.

Forest Areas are continuous areas of land dominated by tress.


Always Natural


Height Density

High Commercial Value


Plantation by man


Equally Spaced/ Liner (in rows)

Mostly low commercial value e.g. to prevent soil erosion, For pleasant

Lowering Temperature


Kind of forest in different areas

Height of the land; conifers only found from

1000m to treeline (4000m)

Temperature is also crucial. Mangroves only

grow where temperature varies from 25°C to
35°C. Also sunshine must be present
throughout the year.

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Coastal condition

Types Areas Description Importance

Alpine Forests Northern areas like Trees have stunted Used as fuel wood only
Chitral, Dir and growth due to low
Kohistan temperature and less
Roots spread sideways
on thin soil to absorb
more nutrients and to
have better grip on the
Normally upward
They grow between
rocks to shelter them
from cold winds,
which would freeze the
sap in their thin stem.
Coniferous Forests 1. Northern areas Survives in low ● Important source of
2. KPK ( Mansehra, temperature
Kohistan, Sawat) Conical in shape
● Environmental
3. Islamabad and
4. Balochistan ● Conserve soil
mountain (Quetta ● Helps in checking
and Kalat division) floods
● Good breeding center
for wild life
● Attract tourists
● Add to scenic beauty

Tropical Thorn Forest 1. Punjab Plain Low height (6-8m) Fire wood and Fuel wood
(Rakh) 2. S and W Thorny hardwoodsAs name
Balochitans suggests they have lot
3. Sindh Plains of thorns to prevent
They have a deep
tap root
system to
search for
Their small leaves prevent
water loss.
Umbrella shaped
enables the
leaves to
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

catch as
sunlight as

Scanty vegetation
Sub-Tropical Scrub 1. Hills and Foothill
of Sub Tropical trees and Uses consist of, as a
lower Himalayas. broad leafed and are watershed protection,
2. Sulaiman and tropical thorny species. supplying firewood and
grazing purposes and
Kirthar range These forests contain a
3. Western mountains mixture of trees, dry
4. Above the Makran grass and shrubs
Coast Range Trees are round in shape with
thick trunks to reduce
water loss. They have
broad leaves for more
Trees also have
roots to
search for
water and
they shed
leaves in
water loss

Riverine or Bela Located near River Linear plantation along the They provide Shishum and
Indus and its tributaries banks of rivers, Babul, two valuable species,
normally high yielding which are used for making
furniture and are also for
commercial hardwood
agricultural implements.
species.These forests
are a mixture of small
shrubs and grasses
along with trees
Tree height varies from 2 -
18 metres. Most
trees have strong
trunks to withstand
flood water

They can tolerate arid

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conditions along with

high temperature

Mangroves Located in the coastal They have broad ⚫ Supply firewood

areas of Sindh and the leaves with drip tips,
coastal areas of leathery textures to ⚫ Coastal Communities
Baluchistan minimize transpiration, use these forests for
low trees and shrubs timber.
grown on the tidal mud ⚫ Breeding grounds for
flats. Mangrove roots fish and shrimps.
spread into sea water Livestock feed on the
and survive in salty leaves too
water. The trees rise to ⚫ Fallen leaves provide
6-8 meters but general nutrition for marine life
height is 3 meters.
⚫ Protect coastline from
Stunted growth of trees
erosion and other
in Indus and the Hub
delta. Limited number
of species in polluted ⚫ Act as barrier against
water. intensity of Earthquakes
and tsunamis by
absorbing shock waves

Irrigated Forests Changa Manga, Wan Economically Important sources of timber,

Bachran in the Thal important species are firewood. When planted in
Area, Chicha Watni in planted in large blocks. linear form they provide
the Sahiwal district and Shisham, Babul and shade
Guddu barrages and Eucalyptus are
Ghulam Muhammed normally preferred.
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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

How coniferous adapt to Colder climate

● Most conifers are evergreen; they do not shed their leaves because of short
growing season (summers)
● They have long, thin and needle shaped leaves with waxy cuticle, so to minimize
water loss by evapotranspiration.
● They have straight high trunks to reach more sunlight in valleys to avoid
● Their seeds are stored in cones and can stay dormant for years until favorable
for germination arise.
● Their springy branches bend down so accumulated snow can slide down rather
than break the branch due to its weight.
● They have shallow and wide spreading roots to search for scarce nutrients

Importance of Forest

● They reduce air pollution by absorbing pollutant like Nitrogen + Provide us with

● They Provide (Natural) habitat for wildlife (food, nesting sites).

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● They prevent soil erosion as their roots hold soil & their leaves intercept rain.

● They increase the fertility of soil.

● They reduce Flooding by regulating water supply.

● They provide employment to those who work in the soil department, and to those
who work in such industries which use wood as a raw material.

● They attract tourism due to their scenic beautiful.

● Their product are used in chemical industry e.g. resin for Varnishes.

Causes of Deforestation

● Growing population means more land is required for housing, so forests are

● Demand for forest based products like timber for furniture, ploughs, making
beads and rackets , paper from pulp etc. has increased. Forests are cut down to
fulfill the demand of these products

● Wood is also used to make agricultural implements

● To provide room for growing more crops to fulfill demand and also for grazing
animals (cattle ranch)

● Construction of roads, railways and airports also clears forests

● Overgrazing by cattle and goats reduce the chance of land regaining its vegetation

● In Northern areas which have no gas supplies for cooking and heating; wood is

● Wildfires also cause a lot of damage to forests along with corrosive acid rains
formed due to polluting industries

● Corruption amongst forest officials, who allow illegal cutting

● Industrial waste and effluent discharge in the Indus Delta has caused stunted
growth of Mangroves

● Dry climate of regions like Balochistan mean that these areas have little forest
cover to bind the soil together. Also this dry fertile soil is light and easily eroded
by strong winds
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● When forests are cut, there is less infiltration of rainwater into the soil (less is
absorbed by the roots), less rainfall occurs as there is less transpiration by the
plant leaves and there is less humus formation (humus is formed due to
decomposition of dead leaves). All of this means that plant growth becomes even
more unfavourable in the future

Effects of Deforestation

● The most vivid effect of deforestation is on the soil usage. The roots of trees used
to bind the particles of soil together but now during heavy rainfall, massive soil
erosion occurs along with landslides.

● This loss of soil may result in removal of top few inches of soil over period of
some years. These top inches have the most fertile soil of any layers, and the
layer left behind is deficient in nutrients thus it may not support much plant life
and area becomes barren

● Landslides block roads, railways and disrupt communication and supplies

mostly to Northern areas of Pakistan. Power lines may be washed away by
landslides and floods the eroded soil settles in the reservoirs of dams and
barrages, and reduces HEP production along with reducing storage capacity, it
also damages power lines

● Cheap electricity via HEP helps the economy but now it becomes scarcer.

● Less storage capacity means that less water is available for Rabi and Kharif crops
resulting in low yields

● Patterns of rainfall may also change drought conditions as trees absorb water and
transpire it into the air

● Muddy water undrinkable/polluted

● During rainfall first leaves get wet, then bark and then finally the forest floor.
This slow process (interception) means that the land has more time to absorb
water, so more water can be absorbed otherwise flash floods may occur, which
destroy agriculture and economy.

● Cutting of trees may also effect tourist destinations leading to loss of tourist as
case with Murree

● Burning of forests results in addition of Carbon Dioxide into the air and also
results in low absorption of this greenhouse gas.

How Effects of Deforestation may reduce

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● Terraces prevent erosion by shortening the long slope into a series of shorter,
more level steps.

● Shelterbelts can be planted.

● Contour ploughing can be practiced to reduce gullies.

● Selective logging that is cutting of only mature hardwoods should be enforced

and use of heavy machinery must be limited .

● Small check dams can be built on small rivers and streams to reduce erosion and

● Regions which have large forest cover must be declared national parks.

● Gas can be provided to Northern areas so less forests are cut for firewood.

● People of Northern areas must be better educated about importance of forests

● Afforestation and re-afforestation schemes can be started.

● Strip farming can be practiced in which alternate strips of cotton, wheat and corn
crops are planted.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Candidates should be able to:

• describe the fishing methods used in both marine and inland waters, including fish
• give examples of the fish caught in marine and inland waters, and fish reared on fish
• give examples of the fishing ports on both the Balochistan and Sindh coasts
• describe the uses of the fish caught
• explain improvements in fishing methods and processing techniques
• understand the problems facing the fishing industry and evaluate the possibilities
for its further development and sustainability.


● Types Of Profession
● Fishing As A System
● Subsistence And Commercial Fishing
● Marine And Inland Fishing
● Solution
● Development
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● Advantages
● Disadvantages

Types of Profession

Primary profession because directly related to nature.

Other primary profession

● Forestry
● Farming
● Mining
● Quarrying

Fishing As A System

Subsistence V.S Commercial Fishing


● For home use/family use

● Less amount of capital is invested
● Costal only (If Marine)
● Less catch
● Traditional methods e.g. sailing & wooden boats, ice baskets, family labor,
inherited knowledge, handmade nets.


● For sale/profit
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● Height amount of capital is invested

● Can go to 50-60 Km off shore
● High catch or higher amount of output
● Modern methods e.g. engines, gill netters , skilled labor, chillers &nylon nets are

Marine vs inland fishing


● Practiced in sea waters e.g. Makran & Sindh Coast.

● Both for commercial and subsistence us.
● Can be For Local Market International Market (Exported)
● Modern as well as Traditional Methods are used.
● Relatively less labour as compared to Inland Fishing.
● But more catch as compared to Inland Fishing.
● Sharks, Drum, Cat Fish, Ray, Corkers, Hearings and Skates are caught.

Inland Fishing:

● Practiced in river, Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs of Dams etc. (Includes Fish

● Farms As well) e.g. Reservoirs of Mangla & Tarbela Dams, Haleji Lake etc.
● Commercial (local market only) & Subsistence.
● Less Catch due to less quantity and Traditional Methods.
● More Labor because …………………..
a. ……………….More People Live Near River.
i. ……………….For Catching.
ii. ……………….People Need On Hatcheries.
iii. ……………….For Vaccination on Inland Farms.
iv. ……………….For Feeding On Inland Farms.
v. ……………….For Vaccination.
vi. ……………….For Transportation.

Trout, Rahu, Thalla, Palla, Grass and Silver are caught.

Sindh coast and Makran Coast

Sindh Coast:

● Karachi Port.
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● Less Coastal Area.

● However More Catch Due To More Creeks/Natural Harbor.
● More Use of Modern Methods.
● …………..Developed Infrastructure e.g. Road, Railway For Transportation.
● …………..Wide Shallow Sea (More Continental Shelf)
● More Availability of Nutrients For Fish In The Indus Delta.
● Better Processing & Refrigerating Facilities Due To Electricity.

Baluchistan coast:

● Jiwani, Ormara, Pasni, Gawadar.

● More area i.e. 70%.
● However less output due to….
Poor Infrastructure …………..
● Lack Of roads fro transportation.
● Lack of education for skills.
● Lack of fresh water for processing.
● Lack of electricity for processing.
● Lack of telecommunication to market.
● Old traditional methods.
● Less shallow sea/less continental shelf.

Distribution of Catch

Most of catch is along Sindh coastline it is because of following reasons

● Large population of Karachi offers a bigger market for the fish catch.
Catching fish near the demand source lowers the transport cost of
fish for the fishermen
● Most fishing companies operate near Karachi as it is more developed
than other coastal areas of Pakistan
● Indus Delta in Sindh is much larger than Hab delta in Balochistan.
Indus delta has a much bigger river, which brings in more silt for
Mangroves. Mangrove roots provide protection and breeding
ground for fishes.

● Also the leaves of these trees degenerate to form food for fish
● Sindh has a much shallower coast farther off- shore than Balochistan’s coast.
Shallower coast means more sunlight can penetrate the sea and more
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plankton (main food of fish) can photosynthesize. So fish are abundant near
Sindh coastline
● Korangi fish harbour is more developed than fish harbours on the
Balochistan coast. The Korangi one has more docking space. It also
provides storing, processing and export facilities
● When the catch is processed value is added to it. For example by removing
scales and guts of fish and canning it, it fetches more money than the
unprocessed fish would have fetched
● Ice required for commercial fishing is available at Korangi. The
ice prevents the catch from getting spoiled too quickly
● Fish guts and scales that could have been wasted are crushed to make
animal feed due to presence of fish related industries. This means that a
fisherman earns more for the fish than he would have earnt if he had
disposed off the guts etc

Inland Fish Farms

These are farms which are kept for commercial use.

● Most of them in Punjab.
● Mostly along rivers/doabs
● Many in Sindh.
● Mainly Along River Indus.
● Some In N.W.F.P
● None In Baluchistan.

Methods of Inland Fish Farms:

● Rectangular ponds are dug into the ground (in a regular pattern), which makes it
easy to corner and catch the fish ultimately. The ground must be flat for
maintaining water level, soft for digging and must have an impermeable soil
layer to reduce water loss.
● Different ponds contain different types of fish, which may otherwise harm each
other and numerous ponds help in containing diseases
● Embankments are made of soil dug out and trees are planted to provide shade,
reduce soil erosion and their leaves degenerate to form food for fish
● The sides of pond are lined with stones or cement to reduce water loss
● Cow dung or fertilizer is spread on surface as food for micro-organism which
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are eaten by fish

● The pond is half filled with water and after a week or two lime is thrown into it
to make it transparent
● Then it is completely filled, and fish brought from hatcheries are introduced
● They are given vaccination and some other food
● When they reach a certain size they are caught and sold
● Paved roads are made between fish farms for transport purposes
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Problems of fishing industry

● Lack of capital so modern methods like gill netters can not be purchased.
● Lack of education so fishermen are unaware of modern techniques.
● Unhygienic environment of fish market so buyers are reluctant.
● Over fishing (during breading season) which limits the production of fish.
● Threat to mangroves due to polluted water which reduces amount fish
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● They are breading ground of fish.
● Provide plankton (food) for fish.
● Protect them from predators.
● Water pollution due to oil seepage which kills fish.
● Lack of Government attention slow down the development.
● Lack of modern machinery so fishermen can’t go into deep sea water for more
● Lack of Storage Facility so a lot a fish is wasted.


● Increasing in processing facilities e.g. Canning/gutting etc.

● Increase storage facility e.g. refrigerators, ice factories etc.
● Modern Methods are being encouraged.
● Loans are being provided for purchasing new methods i.e. engine boats &gill
● MFD Marine Fisheries department which monitors deep sea vessels.
● Strengthens quality control labs.

Devolvement of Makran coast like Gawadar Post……….

● Completion of Makran coastal highway. It has allowed for the

transport of catch from less populous Makran coast to the Sindh coast
where there is higher demand.
● The highway also has allowed the transportation of machinery to
Makran coast to develop fishing industry there like ice factories etc
● More ice factories have been constructed there to promote
commercial fishing by providing the pre-requisites for commercial
● A fish harbour has been constructed at Gwadar and export
facilities are being developed for fish related products
● Electricity has been brought in from Iran to run ice factories at
Gwadar, ice along with salt helps in preserving of fish, thus reducing
post harvest losses to fishermen. For example a fisherman at coast
catches 10 kg of fish, but due to poor preservation methods, only 8kg.

Importance of fishing industry

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● The fish is gutted (stomach and intestines are removed etc), after
which it is canned or salted or frozen and transported
● Later on it may be made into other products like finger fish
● Fish guts, eyes and scales are used to make fertilizer and animal
● Fish is sold to earn cash, the sale price is increasing due to ever
increasing demand from a growing population
● Shrimps are exported to USA etc and some fish is dried and then
salted for export to Middle East and Sri Lanka
● Fish meat is better than red meat as it has Omega 3 so it is better
for heart patients. With increasing awareness about benefits of
eating fish, the demand for white meat is increasing steadily
● Fish catching also may serve as a tourist attraction in Northern
Areas of Pakistan
● Importantly increasing trends of eating fish would put less pressure
on demand of cereal crops like wheat. It will result in less land
being cleared (to feed a growing population) for growing crops and
thus decrease rate of deforestation
● It also provides employment to many people either directly or
indirectly and makes use of local resources like cheap abundant
pool of labour. Capital (setup) costs are low and returns are

Advantages &disadvantages of fishing industry to Pakistan


● More food.
● Healthier food for people i.e. high protein, low cholesterol.
● More employment/more income.
● Export e.g. Shrimps to Japan, dried fish to UAE and Sri Lanka which help to
earn foreign exchange.
● Better communication e.g. better roads & telecommunication in Baluchistan.
● Growth of industry e.g. processing & boat building.
● Sustainability as fish are “free” will not “run out”.


● Education (illiteracy) lack of skilled labor.

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● Technology cost money/import.

● Water Pollution Kills, damages fish habitat, Pakistan River’s are polluted so
mangroves get polluted.
● Restriction Marine fishing banned in June & July so the fishermen are jobless in
these days.
● Trade----Banned by other countries like France & U.K due to unhygienic
environment……….they can be piousness and unsuitable to eat.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Industrial Development
a) Understanding common terms
Candidates should:
• understand the meaning of the terms raw materials, refined, processed,
manufactured and value added
• understand the meaning of the terms infrastructure and services
• be able to define the terms primary industry, secondary industry, and tertiary

b) Secondary and tertiary industries

Processing and manufacturing industries to be studied: cement, cotton (from ginning
to clothing), sugar refining, crafts, fertilizer, iron and steel, brick, oil refining, sports
goods, surgical instruments. Tourism.
Candidates should be able to:
• understand the definitions used in Pakistan to distinguish between large-scale
industry, small-scale industry and cottage industry
• state the main products of the listed industries and whether they are destined for the
market and/or for the export market
• state the main locations of the listed industries and explain the factors influencing
location and
development – capital, site, sources of raw materials, power, water, labour,
government policy and other means
• understand the differences between the formal sector and informal sector of
• understand the range of services provided by the informal sector, and their
advantages and disadvantages to the development of Pakistan
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

• understand the importance of both the formal and informal sectors, and evaluate the
contributions of both sectors to the development of the listed industries
• understand sources of capital and labour
• state and explain how the governing authorities promote industrial growth
• name examples of export processing zones and other industrial estates, explain the
reasons for their development and describe their characteristics
• assess the feasibility of using global communications to enhance employment
opportunities in
service industries, e.g. call centres
• state and describe briefly, with an example of each, some of the natural and cultural
attractions of Pakistan that are, or could be made available to tourists
• assess the feasibility of developing tourism as a means of increasing employment,
development, gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP).

Secondary and Tertiary Industries

Definition: economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials
and manufacture of goods in factories.


1. Primary Industries:-

The extraction of raw materials e.g mining, forestry etc.

2. Secondary Industries:

Manufacturing industries which involve in the transformation of raw materials

into semi manufactured or manufactured products e.g steel works, car industry etc.

3. Tertiary Industries:

These are concerned with providing a service to customers e.g transport, relating

4.Quaternary Industries:

These provide information and expertise e.g universities research and development.


This is a type of industry where 1-5 employees are involved (family members) and
fixed assets do not exceed from Rs 1-2 lakh (0.1-0.2 million). They include potter
making, furniture, carpet making, embroidery etc.

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These are industries which employ 10-50 workers. Their fixed assets
don’t exceed 10 million rupees. They are labour intensive with
limited use of machinery. Some of the raw materials may be brought
from nearby cities

These are industries which employ more than 300 workers (large number of
workers) and their fixed assets exceed 100 million rupees (high capital input).
They use many machines and the products are produced in large amounts.
Land requirements are big too

Factors affecting the location of a manufacturing unit (Human, economic and

natural factors)

Site Land must be cheap. This will mean that cost of setting up
requiremen industry will be low and will encourage investors to invest
ts Land must be abundant so if the owners want to
expand their existing businesses they can easily do so
The land must be well drained so during times of heavy
rainfall the factory isn’t flooded and production isn’t
Transport Bulky, cheap and quick transport of both raw materials and
Infrastructu product is available. This will mean that the per unit cost of
re making a product and transporting it (to the market) are low.
This gives the company a pricing edge over its competitors. This
will increase the profits of a company

Market A large demand for goods produced is present nearby. Nearness
access to the market reduces the cost of transport. If a large market is
present, then the company can make bigger profits due to
economies of scale
The demand is stable and not volatile, so it doesn’t vary throu
ghout the year. This
means that the company will have sales throughout the year a
nd will have money throughout the year to pay its
creditors/ contractors
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Raw Stable supply of raw material is present; so the company can

materials order supplies if it faces high demand. This will improve the
company’s image of a reliable source of products and will help
improve sales
Large amount of cheap raw material is available near to the
factory. Nearness reduces chances of accidents and reduces
cost of transport. This will mean that per unit cost of
product is low, giving the company a pricing edge over its
competitors. This will increase the profits of a company
Labour A large pool of skilled and unskilled labour is required,
which needs little or no further training. This reduces
induction costs and time; leading to smoother operations
An educated labour force can easily use machines by reading
instructions. Also,
they use their skills to suggest improvements to work practices.
They have the
necessary skills, which they have learnt from polytechnic
Wage costs are low so that per unit cost of making a produ
ct is low, giving the
company a pricing edge over its competitors. This will incre
ase the profits of a company
Skilled labour is required to install and operate machines,
do managerial work etc. Unskilled labour is required for
driving trucks (transporting raw materials and products) etc
Power Cheap source of power is available, which means that the
per unit cost of making a product is low, giving the
company a pricing edge over its competitors. This will
increase the profits of a company.
The sources of power must be reliable so machines aren’t d
amaged due to sudden spike in voltage etc
Capital Cheap (interest free loans are the best) sources of capital
are available from either the state or private banks. This
will allow the business to invest in fixed assets etc. The
timeframe for making payments must be wide, so giving a
business some breathing space. Loans must be easy to get
with no strict conditions for getting a loan, so people are
encouraged to invest in their businesses
These assets require a lot of capital to set up, but their
benefits are long lasting. They include land,
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

telecommunications, power/gas/water supply

(cleaning, cooling, drinking etc) and machinery (cheaper
than labour, more accurate, quick and sturdy)

Communica Cheap communication services must be available. These

tion link the customer and the producer, which is essential to
the success of a business

Governmen Does the government provide any subsidies etc which are
t Policy beneficial to an industry? Explained later under

Capital goods:-

⚫ Are those goods that are utilized to produce further goods e.g

⚫ Iron and steel industry

⚫ Heavy mechanical complex

⚫ Electronics and electrical industries

Consumer goods:-

⚫ Industry is that which produces goods to be consumed direct by ultimate

consumed direct.

⚫ Pharmaceutical Industries

⚫ Synthetic industries

⚫ Leather industries

Formal and Informal Sectors:-

⚫ The formal sector employees the permanent residents of a city (as opposed to
the informal sector i.e. those who migrate from rural areas on temporary /
seasonal basis). The Required level of education and skill is higher than that
of the informal sector. The informal sector attracts more of the migrants that
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come into the city. Usually they have no education and very few skills. They
are unlikely to got regular or paid jobs and they need to great their own jobs
to survive.

Formal Sector

1. Employed by institution.

2. Capital intensive with few workers generally mechanized.

3. Regular working hours and certain wages.

4. Relatively guaranteed standard in quality of goods.

5. Work located in offices or factories.

6. Legal and registered.

7. Normally males.

Informal Sector

1. Self employment.

2. Labour intensive using mainly hand tools very few modem machines are used.

3. Regular working hours and uncertain wages.

4. Often low standard in quality of goods.

5. Work done at home or on the streets.

6. Often non-registered.

7. Mostly females and children.

Industrial Estates:

⚫ These are specific areas reserved for Industry only. They are established to
help and encourage entrepreneurs.

⚫ The Government Provides infrastructure facilities such as metalled roads,

electricity, water, gas hospitals and sanitation facilities.

⚫ The industrial estates can enjoy various incentives such as exemptions from
custom duty on imported machinery.

⚫ The private sector is also encouraged to established industrial estates in the

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Special Industrial Zones (SIZ)

⚫ A siz can be developed even in those areas where infrastructure facilities are
not available.

⚫ The interested companies (local or foreign) would develop these facilities and
provide utilities for the zones.

⚫ These are assisted by the government agencies to provide public facilities e.g.
telephone, electricity, water supply method roads.

⚫ The investors are allowed to develop their residential, commercial and social
facilities in the vicinity of the industrial zone.

⚫ The government has also offered many incentives which include tax
exemptions on import of machinery, relaxation in foreign exchange control.
Simplified procedures, tax holidays and security.

Industrial estates and there advantage for development of industries in urban


1. Local transport facilities

2. Power

3. Large pool of labour available

4. Services available

5. Ready market available.

6. Research and training centres available

Why Industrial estates have been developed

⚫ Local raw material is consumed,

⚫ Foreign exchange saved learning,

⚫ Provides employment,

⚫ Economy stability

⚫ To groom and strength the industrial base

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Export Processing Zones

⚫ Export processing zones (EPZs) are areas within developing countries that
offer incentives and a barrier-free environment to promote economic growth
by attracting foreign investment for export-oriented production.

⚫ The EPZA was set up in 1980 with authority to plan, develop, manage and
operate the EPZ’s across the country.

⚫ It's first project was at Karachi, which was set up in 1981 on an area of 3300

⚫ All the infrastructure services like electricity gas water, telecommunication

services were provided to investors under simplified procedures called on
window operations.

⚫ 173 industrial units were approved by the beginning of 1997 for setting up
various manufacturing facilities ware houses, trading units, banks and
insurance companies are working at the KEPZ.

⚫ Employment has been provided directly to over 6000 workers.

⚫ An estimated 167.27 million dollars was invested in these units.

⚫ The main industries set up are garments leather good, electrical and
electronics light engineering, chemicals, paper products and fabric products.

⚫ The second EPZ was set up in Jan 1997 at Sialkot.

⚫ There is a joint venture between EPZ and the Punjab small industries
corporation (PSIC) in association with the Sialkot number of commercial and

⚫ It is spend over 133 acres and is located in phase-III of PSIC’s industrial

Reasons for development of EPZ both for sea port and dry port (Characterstics)

⚫ Concession in mark up an loans

⚫ Concession on custom’s duty and sales tax.

⚫ Labor is easily available (Skilled and unskilled)

⚫ Infrastructure facilities.

⚫ Power is available.

⚫ Raw material is easily available

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⚫ Spare Parts and machinery parts are available

⚫ Land is available for establishment of new factories.

⚫ To increase the flow of exports

⚫ Improve standard of management

Dry Ports

Reasons for establishing dry ports:-

⚫ To reduce the Warload at Karachi Port and Port Qasim in order to seek up
the checking and clearance of cargo.

⚫ To help the government in the smooth collection of revenue.

⚫ . To reduce the pressure on exporters and importers by providing hassle free

transportation of cargo from their production point to the sea port directly.

⚫ To stimulate foreign trade activities in those cities which are far away from
the seaport

A dry port requires certain infrastructure facilities e.g.

⚫ 1. Highly efficient rail transport with a container service to carry bulk cargo, 2.
Efficient managerial staff.,3. Huge storage sheds and open areas.4.
Refrigeration facilities for perishable items like fruits, vegetables.


⚫ 1. Mismanagement 2 . Same dry parts have been converted in smuggling dens

by the custom officials who helped importers to their consignment clear
without paying duty and tax.

Dry Ports of Pakistan

⚫ 1. Sialkot (Sanbrial) 2. Lahore 3. Multan 4. Faisalabad 5. Rawalpindi 6.

Hyderabad 7. larkana 8. Quetta 9. Peshawar

Functions of dry ports

⚫ Export Material, Checking, Clearance form, Seaport, transportation

storage,Export destination
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Importance of Infrastructure

⚫ Electricity for offices, factories, lighting power

⚫ Roads for transport of people and goods

⚫ Telephone for quick communication and better business.

⚫ Water for washing, cleaning etc

⚫ Gas for power heating

⚫ Hotels for tourism / visitors

Role of industrialization in the economic development

⚫ Higher standard of living

⚫ Economic stability

⚫ Improvement in balance of trade

⚫ Stimulates progress in other sectors

⚫ Increase employment opportunities

⚫ Rise in agricultural production

⚫ Large scope for technological

Causes of Industrial backwardness in Pakistan

⚫ Lack of Capital

⚫ Narrowness of market

⚫ Lack of Infrastructure facilities

Lack of technical know how

⚫ Political Instability

⚫ Economic sanctions

⚫ Wrong location
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⚫ Lack of finance

⚫ Use of out dated machinery

How Govt attracts investors to develop Industries:
Industrial estates, Tax exemption on imported machinery, Less foreign exchange
control, Tax holiday, Simplified procedures, Private Power stations, Better roads
/rails / air ports, Dry Ports for better security, Consistent govt policies, Agencies to
help investors provide infrastructure e.g. water, electricity telephones, roads, social
facilities near industrial zones
Agro based Industries
Are those industries which depend on agriculture item as raw material. The agro
based industries include rice, wheat milling gur and sugar making, cotton ginning,
poultry, fish processing, dairy products. The technology and skill required for the
development of these industries is not lacking what requires is the creation of a
appropriate environment for the development of these industries in rural areas. The
agree industries are divided in six major parts.
1. Crops: The villagers can manufacturer a variety of products from husks of wheat
and rice, cotton yarn.
2. Non-Crops: The wastes of certain fruits can be used for making pulp oil. The fruits
can be dried and their supply can be maintained throughout the year in the local and
international market.
3. Live Stock:This industry is less capital intensive goats, sheep etc can easily be
reared up by the small formers dairy products can also be produced as they are in
great demand all over the country. The waste of animals can be used for making bio
4. Fishery:Fishing can be carried out deep into the sea for increasing the supply of
fish both for consumption at home and export.
5. Poultry:Can provide an additional source of income to the formers
6. Edible Oil: The formers should consider sunflower and Soya bean as cash crops. If
the production of their seeds for extracting oil is carried on commercial basis it can
earn a higher income.

Industrial development

⚫ In general the industrial development of Pakistan be divided into three period.

Period of rapid industrial growth 1948-71

⚫ The period from 1947 to 1971 is one of rapid industrial growth in Pakistan
though the growthrate was not uniform throughout the of period.
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⚫ The entrepreneurs who migrated from India had adequate managerial skill
and financial resource.

⚫ The raw materials was available locally and the foreign exchanged earned by
the businessman during Korean war made it possible to develop consumer
goods industries like cotton textile, sugar, cement etc an a large scale.

⚫ The second five years plan.

⚫ The third five year plan.

⚫ The allocation for industrial development was doubled.

⚫ Emphasis was shifted from consumer to capital goods

⚫ The planet with difficulties in the very first year was broke out with India and
funds had to be diverted for defence USA the main donar suspended aid later
political disturbances adversely affected the economic development of the
country In spite of these difficulties the pace of industrial development
continued though at a slower rate.

Period of Slow Growth 1972 – 77 (nationalization)

Industrial development in Pakistan greatly suffered because of Internal and

external forces.

1. Separation of Bangladesh

2. Nation action of Industries

3. The incorporate policies of the government reduced the of investment in the

private sector.

4. Foreign in skills were also reluctant to invest

Period of fluctuating growth 1977 onwards (privatization)

1. Denationalization of industries

2. Private sectors were given incentives.

3. Foreign investors were invited and provided many facilities.

4. Modernization of existing plants

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Cotton textiles is Pakistan’s largest industry it provides employments to 50% of the
Industrial labour force. It has been developed at various locations. Karachi,
Hyderabad and Faisalabad are the main centres.

Processes of Cotton Mills

1. Ginning: It is the process by which cotton seeds are separated from cotton and
then it is compressed into bales.

2. Spinning: It is the process by which thread or yarn is made from raw cotton.

3. Weaving: It is the process by which cloth is made from yarn. Fibres from
plants (flex, cotton) are first SP into thread. Threads are arranged length wise on a
loom. These are the warp other threads the weft are then wave cross wise through
the warp this weaving of threads makes the cloth.

Location of cotton textile industries

1. Karachi possesses on infrastructure that is not available in other regions.

2. histrocial advantage of Karachi as an industrial city.

3. Cotton graving area in Indus valley of mid-sindh accessible.

4. Major roads from cotton growing areas

5. Railways from cotton growing areas.

6. Higher humidity assists cotton industry

Electricity from national grid / nearby power stations like korangi thermal plant
Kanup and Bin Qasim thermal plant

8. imported machinery can be received at Karachi without additional

transportation cost

9. large post of labours which pours into Karachi

10. Largest commercial and financial centre

11. Research and educational in states present to trained skill and technical person.
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1. Karachi is not located near the cotton producing areas, so raw material has to
be transported to the mills and factories from up country

2. shortage of water supply

Faisalabad Advantages

1. It is located in central Punjab and has the advantage of being in the cotton
producing areas.

2. Cotton does not need to be transported over long distance so it saves

transportation cost.

3. Infrastructure facilities are present

4. Most thickly populated region of the country so there is a large peel of Karachi.

5. Favourable government policies ect.


⚫ Far From the part for export of finished products and for import of machinery.



1. Located in the cotton Producing areas of lower sindh.

2. Large local market

3. Not far from the port of Karachi for importing machinery and exporting

Infrastructure available

Other centers

1. To tap the local / Domestic market and to serve the local market

2. To take the advantage of tax holiday and other incentives given by the
Government e.g

N. Punjab, NWFP, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Peshawar etc

Advantage Of Exporting Cotton Textile Then Raw Cotton

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

1. Value of raw cotton is very low then manufactured cotton products in

international market.

2. Cotton produced in our country is directly consumed and also fulfills the
demand in international market thus earns a good foreign market.

3. Provides employment to skilled and unskilled labor.

4. As foreign exchange would increase process of industrialization would


Problems of Fluctuation of the Cotton Textile Industry

1. Crop can be some time affected by leaf virus, disease, fly attacks and flood so
damage material for Industry.

2. Machinery is old and obsolete.

3. Shortage of technical hands.

4. Financial liability and pssear liquidity.

5. Recession in the international market.

6. Lack of International standards and strong competition with Egypt’s Korea

Thailand, Taiwan, Hongkong.

Government Policies and measures to reactivate textile Industry

1. Excise duty on cotton yarn and other cotton products except cotton cloth has been

2. Custom duty on new imported machinery has been abolished

3. Financial assistance.

The Manufacturing of Cotton Fabric

Loam is used for weaving fabric After the weaving is complete, the fabric is
taken to the checking department where it is checked and mended if necessary.
After the fabric has been woven and checked thoroughly. It is folded by the
folding machines
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It is the second most important among all the manufacturing industries. Any cut in
the yield of Sugar cane caused by adverse climate (floods), disease or pest Attack.
Payment to the farmers is done very late which is a disincentive to sugar cane
cultivations and prices also cause fluctuation in amount of Sugar cane available.

Pakistan produces Sugar cane in the large quantity but local per hectare production is
comparatively low. Sucrose proportion is less Due to less sucrose preparation cost of
sugar production is high. Sucrose proportion in sugar cane produced in Pakistan is
form 8% to 9%.

Process: Sugar is made from sugarcane. At the time of harvest, the cane is cut and
tied in bundles and is quickly transported to sugar mills. This is so, as the sugarcane
after being cut starts losing its sugar content and weight.
At the plant, it is first weighed and the farmer is paid accordingly. Then the cane is
washed and rocks etc are removed. Then it is passed through rollers to extract the
juice. The fibrous thing left behind is known as bagasse.
Then lime is added into the juice to control pH, lime also stops decay of
sucrose.Furthermore, lime also removes impurities by making them clump. The
mixture is left like this for some time until impurities settle down at the bottom
Sulphur Dioxide is passed through the juice, which bleaches many colour-forming
impurities into colourless ones, so we get white sugar at end. The juice (excluding
impurities) is heated to 70°C to evaporate water and increase sugar percentage. This
process is repeated until colour changes from thin yellow to dark brown.

Sucrose: a complex carbohydrate found in many plants and used as a sweetening


Location of Industry

1. Availability of Sugar cane at the form because sugar cane is a product which starts
to lose weight soon after it is harvested therefore it must be crushed as soon as
possible after harvesting. 2. Sucrose proportion.

By Products and Uses

1. Bagasse is used to turn the mills to place of fuel, making of chip boards paper and
animal feed.

2. Molasses. The quantity of molasses is about 4% of the sugarcane crushed. This

can well be utilized to produce various types of acids. Ethylene is another product
which can be obtained and turned into various types of packing plastics.
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Sugar Production Capacity

⚫ There were 66 mills in 92-93, 70 mills in 95-96 and 78 mills in 99-2000. The
climate of sindh is more suitable for the crop then that of Punjab because
sucrose proportion in sindh sugar can is higher than of Punjab the same is the
reason due to which the new sugar plants re being setup in sindh.

Cane Crushing

40% to 50% of total quantity of Sugar cane is made available to the sugar mills for
crushing purposes while 5% is used as is used as cattle feed and remaining 55% is
utilized for making desi sugar and gur.


As the urbanization is increasing the people are using more sugar. The rural
population is also switching over from Desi Sugar or gur to defined sugar more over
the demand for sugar has also increased in Pakistan due to the development of
pharmaceutical Industry because it is used as one of the most important agent.

The demand for sugar is more than its production therefore sugar is imported to fill
the negative gap between demand and supply if this negative gap is not filled a
substantial amount of foreign exchange will have to be consumed on sugar important.


⚫ Increase the yield of Sugar cane

⚫ More mills should be established

⚫ De zoning of sugar mills.

⚫ According to this system of zoning the sugar cane growers were bound to sell
their sugar cane only to the sugar mills of their own areas now all the growers are
free to sell to those mills which could pay them reasonable and better prices
whether the mills are situated in their own areas or not.
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The Pakistan Steel mill Corporations with technical and financial assistance from the
USSR, was established on December 30, 1973 at Pipri. It is located about 40km east
of Karachi on Gharo Greek near Port Qasim. The raw materials for steel mill are iron
are manganese and closing coal and area imported from foreign countries Iran are is
in posted from Australia Brazil and Canada Coking coal from Australia Pakistan
Steel Provides row materials to the engineering and construction industries. The
products of Steel mills are Pig Iron, rolled and cost billets, galvanized products, row
steel hot rolled sheets cold rolled sheets and Trig Iron.

Impact on National Economy

1. Development of Construction Capability

The mill has increased the capability of massive Civil works installation of electrical
and mechanical equipment’s.

2. Assimilation of Knowledge Pakistani engineers have started gaining expertise in

the field of manufacturing of steel.

3. Employment opportunities. Pakistan Steel has provided tabs to 20,000 persons for
construction work.

4. Import Substitution. The Products of Steel mill saves foreign exchange.

5. Effects agriculture. The production of these make sure tractors and other
agricultural implements have new been made easy.

Location of Industry


Flat, Cheap, unused land was available next to gharo creek at pipri. 2. Natural Routs:
Port Qasim has a natural harbor that facilities import and exports.

3. Capital: The former USSR provided economic assistance in the form of technology
and capital.

4. Raw Materials: Iron are, manganese and most of the coking coal is imported
through nearby Port Qasim. Iime-stone-needed as flux is brought by road from the
Makli Hills near Thatta large quantities of water are required in the process of
making steel, it is brought from lake haleji 50 kms to the east.

5. Energy: Port Qasim and Karachi have the highest electricity by generating
capacity in the country Pipri thermal Power Station produces 21% and Korangi
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Thermal Power station preduces 15% of the total thermal energy preduced. In
addition Karachi has a Nuclear Station.

6. Labour: Skilled and unskilled labour is available locally from Karachi.

7. Markets: Many industries that use steel products are located in Karachi. It also
supplies cold rolled Sheets, galvanized sheets, pig iron and to other parts of the
country. Over half of the steal produced is used in Punjab.

8. Transport:

Pipri Connected to the main Karachi-Kotri railway. Metalled roads also connect this
area to the main road system.

A cement is a binder, a substance used in construction that sets, hardens and adheres
to other materials, binding them together.

Raw Materials: Limestone, Gypsum, Clay, Coal, Natural Gas and Sulphur

Process of making cement:

The raw materials needed to produce cement (calcium carbonate, silica, alumina, and
iron ore) are generally extracted from limestone rock, chalk, shale, or clay. These raw
materials are won from the quarry by either extraction or blasting.

These naturally occurring minerals are then crushed through a milling process. At
this stage, additional minerals are added to ensure the correct chemical composition
for making cement. These minerals can be obtained from the waste or by-products of
other industries, such as paper ash. Milling produces a fine powder, known as raw
meal, which is preheated and then sent to the kiln for further processing.

The kiln is at the heart of the manufacturing process. Once inside the kiln, the raw
meal is heated to around 1,500 degrees C - a similar temperature to that of molten

Upon exiting the kiln, the clinker is cooled and stored, ready for grinding, to produce

A small amount of gypsum (3 percent to 5 percent) is added to the clinker to regulate

how the cement will set. The mixture is then very finely ground to obtain "pure
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Advantages of setting up a Large Scale Industry

● Employment opportunities for many thousands can be generated, which increases
their standard of living and contributes more to the GDP.Things like steel can be
produced locally in large quantities, which is cheaper than imported steel for locals.
This can help fuel industrialization (building factories, dam, railways etc)
● Exports can be increased, which increases foreign exchange reserves. They are used
to pay off foreign loans, if a country defaults in these payments it could risk a trade
embargo from the countries it owes money to
● Foreign dependence on certain goods like iron and steel can be dramatically
reduced; allowing for greater independence in foreign affairs. This is because your
country would not be influenced by the demands of another country

Disadvantages of setting up a Large Scale Industry

● Air pollution may occur due to exhaust from chimneys and also traffic
congestion near the factory may also be of concern. Traffic may consist of trucks
brining in raw materials or taking out products and bringing them to markets
● Water pollution may also occur if raw untreated waste is dumped. This will mean
that the sewage enters the water table and possibly the human food chain and can
cause things like cancer
● Roads may be damaged as they are used more than their capacity with trucks
carrying heavy loads most of the time
● Also, lands may be cleared to make new roads and industrial centres. This will
result in deforestation and soil erosion
● If industries are set up excessively in urban areas then it may cause rural-urban
migration (as government will be diverting funds from development of rural
areas towards maintenance of urban areas) .


⚫ Cottage industries are those which are carried on in the home in which the
owner himself works and is helped by the family members but no hired labor is
employed. The job may be whole time or part time. No power is used and the
implements used are very simple eg. wood work hand knotted carpets etc. Small
scale industries are those which employees less than 50 workers and does not use
electric power and uses. If they, use electric power they do not employ not more than
20. Therefore assets do not exceed Rs.2 million to 10 million.
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⚫ The cottage and small scale industry may be rural or urban. In rural areas
carpet industry, poultry, rice rusking, gur making bee keeping and small repairing
workshops are popular cottage and small scale industries.
⚫ Urban industries includes hand and power loans, manufacturing of sports
goods leather goods, embroidery, tailoring works, making of silver, gold ornaments
furniture making, handicrafts, carpets etc

Why it is important to encourage cottage and small scale industries?

These industries are labor intensive and provide employment to 80% of the Industrial
labor force. This reduces unemployment and offers opportunities for self-
2. Traditionally, women are not encouraged to work outside their homes. Industries
like carpet weaving, candle making and handicrafts can be gainfully employed. This
increases the active labor face.
3. These industries also meet the local demand for industrial goods and save foreign
4. There is a demand for rugs, carpets, brass ware handicrafts and embroider work in
the international market. These goods provide 30% of the export receipts of the
manufacturing sector.
5. When people are employed gainfully in villages, the migration of people from
rural to urban areas will be reduced. The acute problems of housing, sanitation,
education transport and health will be reduced in urban areas.
6. Many districts are under developed with the expansion of such industries; the
regional disparity in income can be reduced.
7. There industries make effective use of local row materials which also promotes
primary industries like agriculture and mining.
8.These does not require much capital and high technology. these do not use much
imported material or equipment. The wastes of large scale industries particularly the
cotton, sugar and steel industries, can be used to make by products.
1. Employment potential 2. Employment of women 3. Use of industrial waste 4.
Source of foreign exchange earnings. 5. Extension of home market 6. Balanced
7. Reduction of rural migration 8. Quick yielding 9. Little burden an imports.

Problems faced by Cottage Industries

● Finance management is extremely important for people who set up these cottage
industries as their working capital is low. It means that they have less money at
their immediate disposal to buy raw materials etc. Financial management
requires skill and some financial support from the government
● The goods produced usually do not meet specific quality requirements thus the
first batch of goods may be of excellent quality
● but the following one may be poor. This can result in sudden fall of demand as
customers are lost
● Also, the marketing of goods is expensive and is a huge burden on the relatively
poor cottage industrialist
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● Producers in this sector often purchase goods in small quantities, thus they
cannot benefit from the economies of scale, which the big companies enjoy when
they buy raw materials in bulk. Thus, the cost of producing a single unit can be
● The raw materials available in that specific area might be of poor quality, leaving
the cottage industry with a dire choice of either using them or facing bankruptcy,
as they are too ill-equipped financially to buy raw materials from other areas
● These cottage industries are mostly labour intensive and have little or low
reliance on expensive machines. Machines used by large scale industries can
produce variety of goods in a short amount of time
● On the other hand, a skilled cottage industry worker takes years to master the art
of making a specific object

Government policy towards small scale and cottage industries

⚫ The government of Pakistan has taken various measures for the development
of these industries.
⚫ Each province has set up its own small industries corporation board. These
are Punjab small Industries Corporation (PSK) Sindh Small Industries Corporation
(SSIC) Small Industries Development Board NWFP (SIDB) Directorate of Small
⚫ Industries Balochistan (DSIB)-
⚫ The Government of Pakistan has created another authority: SMEDA small
andmedium enterprises development authority in act 1998.-
⚫ This Authority is to provide and facilitate support prices generate greater
employment opportunities and drive industrial growth.-

The main measures which have been adopted for production and popularizing
theproducts of these Industries are as follows.
⚫ Industrial Estates.
⚫ Providing marketing facilities
⚫ Technical Services
⚫ Handicraft Development Centres
⚫ Carpet Centres
⚫ Advisory Services
⚫ Financial Assistance providing loans on easy installments.
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Areas and types of Products

⚫ Sports goods, surgeries instruments, cutlery
⚫ Electric fans
⚫ Embroidered feet wear
⚫ Electric fans, curved, wooden brass
⚫ Lahore
surgical instruments, electric fans
⚫ Embroidery foot wear
⚫ Embroidered foot ware, engineering
⚫ Carved wooden, brass embroidered foot wear
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

⚫ Hand loom, wool spinning

D.G. Khan
⚫ Carved wooden, brass
Sports Good Industry
⚫ Raw Material: rubber, wood pulp, stiching thread, leather both local and
imported from japan, Korea and England.
⚫ Bears element of formal and informal sector.
⚫ Export oriented products but most of the work like cutting of wood, rubber
sjeets and stichign are done by child or unskilled labour.
⚫ Issue of child labor in worldwide soccer ball.
⚫ Sialkot was selected to supply football in worldcup in 1998. Sport goods are
football, hockey sticks, cricket bat, volley ball, golf ball, badminton rackets, basket
ball, boxing gloves
⚫ 40 million balls are anually exported worth 210 USD
⚫ Sialkot export 70% of world demand for inflatable balls
⚫ increased 7.8% in last year
⚫ Employement more than 200,000
⚫ Exporting goods worth $450 million
⚫ Total companies 2400
Surgical instruments
⚫ Transform from small to high-tech indutry.
⚫ 95% of the items are exported, contributing 70% to the exports.
⚫ Manufacture 10,000 different items.
⚫ Issue of child labor.
⚫ Improved and better working condition, health and safety measures are taken
Brick kiln Industry
⚫ Located in outskirts of cities mostly in Punjab.
⚫ Cay mixed with water, then the mixture is poured into rectangular bricks and
then dried in Sun. Later those bricks are heated in kilns.
⚫ Creates environmental problems, burning of organic material, tires and raw
coal for baking bricks discharge toxic gases like carbon monoxide, sulpure dioxide
⚫ Can cause asthma, congestion, lung diseases.
⚫ Water logging and salinity problem.
⚫ Land become unusable for agriculture

⚫ Use of natural gas.
⚫ No use of child labor.
⚫ Chimneys should be fixed at greater height.
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⚫ Use of masks.

⚫ Modern machineries must be used like drying process to reduce drying time.

⚫ Making a ventilated shelter for bricks to get dried

⚫ Clean coal technologies can be used to filter the smoke and pre-treat coal for
burning process
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international

Definition of 'Balance Of Payments - BOP'

A record of all transactions made between one particular country and all other
countries during a specified period of time. BOP compares the dollar difference of
the amount of exports and imports, including all financial exports and imports. A
negative balance of payments means that more money is flowing out of the country
than coming in, and vice versa.

Balance of payments may be used as an indicator of economic and political stability.

For example, if a country has a consistently positive BOP, this could mean that there
is significant foreign investment within that country. It may also mean that the
country does not export much of its currency.

This is just another economic indicator of a country's relative value and, along with
all other indicators, should be used with caution. The BOP includes the trade balance,
foreign investments and investments by foreigners.

The balance of trade is the relationship between a nation's imports and exports of
goods and services. Any imbalance in these trade implies an equal and opposite
imbalance in asset trade. A positive balance of trade is known as a trade surplus and
consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance of trade is known as a
trade deficit or, informally, a trade gap. A trade deficit (more properly labeled as a
current account deficit) means that exports are insufficient to pay for imports and a
trade surplus is the opposite of it -corresponding to the capital account deficit. Trade
deficit risks jeopardizing nation’s economic growth because current account deficit
leads to net selling of international assets. Hence, current account trade surplus
increases country’s international asset position correspondingly and a trade deficit
decreases the net international asset position accordingly. The balance of trade is
generally affected by the factors like: Prices of goods manufactured at home, trade
agreements, tariffs and non-tariff barriers, exchange rates, state of business cycle at
local or international market.

MAIN ITEMS 2003 2004 2005

Machinery and $4,210,987,000 $4,851,710,000 $7,385,403,000
transport equipments

Chemicals and related products $2,790,406,000 $3,330,996,000 $4,090,742,000

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Mineral fuels $3,319,013,000 $3,903,106,000 $5,299,088,000

Inedible Crude Materials[- $1,382,605,000 $1,560,549,000 $1,886,312,000

except fuels

Coal and Coke $147,095,000 $190,971,000 $268,950,000

Petrol and related products $3,157,810,000 $3,691,559,000 $5,011,579,000

Iron and Steel $510,653,000 $645,314,000 $1,215,991,000

Machinery specialized $961,512,000 $961,512,000 $1,720,608,000

for particular industry

Telecommunication and $478,765,000 $574,916,000 $1,793,132,000

sound related equipments

Road Vehicles $650,787,000 $743,493,000 $1,397,934,000

MAIN ITEMS EXPORTED 2003 2004 2005

Cereals and cereal preparation $687,842,000 $739,791,000 $1,213,087,000

Textile yarn, fabric and $6,030,136,000 $6,124,587,000 $7,087,465,000

related products

Clothing accessories $2,840,412,000 $3,025,735,000 $1,546,040,000

Food and live animals $1,177,971,000 $1,215,865,000 $1,645,221,000

Baby carriages, toys, games $324,298,000 $315,876,000 $317,528,000

and sporting goods

Exports of Pakistan

Primary Commodities
Rice,Raw Cotton Fish & Fish Preparations Fruits,Vegetables,Tobacco,Wheat, Spices Oil
Seeds, Nuts and Kernels

2. Textile Manufactures Cotton Yarn

Cotton Fabrics Knitwear
Bed Wear
Readymade Garments

3. Other Manufacturers Carpets & Carpeting

Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Sports Goods, Leather Manufacturers Surgical & Medical Instruments Cutlery,

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products Engineering Goods Gems, Jewellary
Furniture, Molasses

Exports of Pakistan

It is not only in agriculture that we have excelled in; Pakistan has a reasonably strong
industry base. In many areas, our industry not only fully meets the local requirements
but also earns valuable foreign exchange for our country.

Textile Products. Our textile products are famous world wide which account for
more than 50% of our total exports. There are over 500 Textile Mills producing high
quality textile products. Majority of our textile industry is based in Faisalabad while
units do exist in other parts of the
country also.

Fertilizers Industry.

Pakistan is one of major exporters of fertilizers with one of the world’s biggest
fertilizer plant in recently constructed our country. Being an agricultural country the
consumption of fertilizers is a direct indicator of the growth of the agricultural sector.
Overall industry capacity is approx 7.5million tons per annum

Cement Production.

Total of 30 cement industrial units are meeting the local and regional requirements
and contributes approx 30 billion Rs in the form of taxes. Our cement industry has a
production capacity of 20 million tons out of which we exported approx 11 million
tons of cement which earned 700 million US$ of foreign exchange. More than
150,000 people are employed in cement sector.

Sports Goods.

Located in Sialkot our sports goods industry has earned very good name for the
country as well as foreign exchange. Our exports in year 2009 were than 35 million
US$. Made in Pakistan footballs, soccer balls, gloves are famous all over the world.

Leather Products.

Leather good are the second major export items of Pakistan after
textiles. Pakistan exports are approximately 700million US$ annually. Italy is a major
importer of our leather jackets, gloves and handbags.

Surgical Instruments.
Based in Sialkot, our surgical industry has a history of more than 100 years. In 2009
Pakistan exported nearly 250Million US$ worth of surgical instruments to the

Electrical Appliances.
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Our industries in Gujrat, Gujranwala and Shiekhopura are producing good quality
electrical appliances like fans, room coolers, air conditioners, washing machines etc.
These are export quality products which have established good reputation over a
period of time. These appliances are exported to regional and other friendly countries.

Causes for Negative Balance of pPayments

1 Pakistan's balance of payments is highly dependent on workers remittances but

these remittances cannot be sustained over a long period of time.
2 One major structural problem of exports is that it is based on relatively low value
added products. Pakistan's exports are highly concentrated in cotton group, leather
group, rice, synthetic textiles and sports goods.
3 Although Pakistan is trading with large number of countries but her exports are
highly concentrated in few countries. More than half of Pakistan's exports are
concentrated in USA, Germany, Japan, UK, HongKong, Dubai and Saudi Arabia.
Such a high degree of geographic concentration of exports is dangerous as it renders
the economy to the manipulation of the importing countries.
4 Imports are concentrated on a limited number of commodities namely machinery,
petroleum & petroleum products, chemicals, transport Equipment, edible oil, iron and
steel, fertilizer and tea.
5 Agriculture-related exports constitute a high ratio of the total exports. In FY02-03,
73 per cent of export earnings came from the export of cotton and cotton products,
leather and rice. Such a high degree of dependency on agriculture-related products is
an element of uncertainty in export earnings.
6 Although Pakistan is trading with a large number of countries, yet major portion of
imports comes from a few selected countries. Almost 50 percent of imports come
from USA, Japan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany,the UK and Malaysia. Such a
high degree of geographic concentration ofi mports is undesirable and is in favor of
exporting countries.
7 Pakistani societies make heavy expenditure on their rituals, weddings etc
which are useless.
8 The main cause or we can say that the biggest problem is political uncertainty.

1.Government should formulate a strategy to be free of the country’s dependency on
workers’ remittances.
2. The emphasis should be on the export of the high value goods and the services.
3. Pakistan should expand its international market.
4. The country has to expand its export base that is too narrow.
5.The industrial sector should be the major sector of the economy.
6.The trend of saving should be promoted.
7. Economic system has to change.
8. Political stability should exist.
9. Foreign investments should be encouraged


Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

1. Increase in Exports by Providing Different Incentives

First important step for improving balance of payments of Pakistan is to increase its
exports. It is suggested that following steps should be adopted in this regard.

● Decrease in cost of production, for which interest rate for new industries should
be reduced.
● Cost of transport particularly railway freight should be minimized.
● Custom duties on the export-oriented industries should be reduced.
● Cost of transport particularly railway freight should be minimized.
● Modern techniques of production should be used.
● Instead of exporting raw material, value added goods should be produced and
● Those industries should be encouraged and set up which use locally produced
raw material.
● Labor productivity should be enhanced by imparting education, training and
providing different types of facilities of life.
● Goods of different varieties keeping in view the demand and requirement of
foreigners should be developed, produced and exported.

1. Decrease in Imports by Setting up Key Industries

● Second important requirement for improving balance of payments is to decrease

imports. It is suggested that after adopting following steps imports will be
● Import substitution industries should be set up.
● For production of edible oils, seeds should be grown locally.
● Tea consumption should be discouraged.
● Production of food grains such as wheat should be increased.
● Import of luxurious items should be banned or heavily taxed.
● Basic and key industries should be developed which can produce machinery and
spare parts for manufacturing industries.

2. Increase in Invisible Earnings

Thirdly, for improving balance of payments expenses on invisible are to be decreased

and to increase exports. After adopting following steps, invisible balance can be

● National shipping company should be strengthened for assisting the international

● Freight charges of this company will become a source of saving of foreign
● Domestic commercial banks and insurance companies should be strengthened
and be given
● Task for facilitating Pakistan’s international trade.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Expenses on our embassies abroad, which involve foreign exchange should be

reduced. VIP culture should put to an end and unnecessary tours and medical
expenditure of high government officers and politicians in foreign countries
hospital should be disallowed.
● Foreign countries visits by the general public should be discouraged in order to
save the precious foreign exchange of the country.
● The efficiency of Trade Attaches of Pakistan Embassies should be improved. It
is their duty to do their best for developing markets of Pakistani products in the
countries they are posted.

4. Search of New Markets

Fourth important requirement for improving the balance of payments is the expansion
of trade relations. After adopting the following steps trade relations will be expanded.

● Govt. officials and business community should participate in trade fairs arranged
by foreign countries.
● Trade Agreements with different countries should be made.
● Seminars and Trade Exhibition should be arranged within country in which
foreign delegates should be invited to participate.
● Booklets, brochures, pamphlets about Pakistani products and economy of
Pakistan should be distributed to foreign business community.
● Research for marketing should be conducted.

Quality and Packaging of International Standard

1. Exportable Goods should be of international standard; their packaging should
meet the same standard. Good packaging provides safety and security of the product
and is not destroyed during handling and shifting process.

Revival and Restoration of Sick Industries

Sick industries should be revived. This will increase output of industrial goods,
which will result in the decrease of prices. The cheap goods will become a good
market for buyers and they will import more from Pakistan, thus the export proceeds
of the country will increase.

Foreign Joint Ventures

Pakistan’s exports can be pushed up after collaboration of foreign investors. The

foreign partners have more contacts in foreign markets and in order to increase
profitability of industry, foreign partners will market the products in their countries
hence Pakistan’s exports will increase.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Promotion of Labor Intensive Industries

Small and cottage industries are labor-intensive. Products utilizing more cheap labor
with have a comparative cost advantage which will help in decrease in cost.
Industries such as, leather goods, readymade garments, surgical instruments sports
goods should be developed for export purpose.

Benefits of Trade

● Develop a broader market Obtain greater benefits

● Leads to an increase in international ties.
● Leads to specialization among countries, and thus improve efficiency in
production which in turn is the mother of the need for technology innovation.
Increase standard of living among trading nations.
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Distribution and Density of Road


● In Sindh the major highways, N-55 (also known as Indus Highway)

and N-5 run along both banks of Indus in the South-North direction.
They connect Karachi, Thatta, Hyderabad and Sukkur etc
● There’s a motorway that connects Karachi and Hyderabad. These two cities
are two main foci of the road network in Sindh.
● M-10 is found near Karachi
● As the highways in Sindh enter Southern Punjab they still follow both banks
of Indus and then move away from Indus. As we move North, we see that
many cities are interconnected with a web of dense road network along banks
of rivers and also across the doabs, with main foci being Lahore, Faisalabad
and Multan
● Two motorways connect Lahore with Faisalabad and with Islamabad.
● A major road also leads from Lahore to Wagah and eventually into India.
● Furthermore, two roads from Bahawalpur and Multan respectively, merge
into one near the border and then lead to India

● In Balochistan, the main focus is the city of Quetta, from which roads lead in
all direction. To North we head to Chaman and Afghanistan. Another road
leads West to Dalbandin and then to Iran.
● To North-East leads to Western Punjab and to Southern Khyber-Pakhtunkwa
through Zhob. One road also leads to Sukkur in Sindh
● N-40 and N-25 form RCD highway connecting Quetta and Karachi with Iran
● Near the coast Makran Coastal highway connects Gwadar and other fishing
centres like Pasni with Karachi

● The Indus Highway connects Dera Ismail Khan with Peshawar. From
Peshawar a highway leads into Afghanistan at Torkham through the Khyber
● M-1 connects Peshawar with Islamabad, and then other highways connect
Peshawar with Northern areas of Kalam and Chitral
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir

● Karakoram Highway connects Hassan Abdal with China via Khunjerab Pass,
after passing through Abbottabad and Gilgit
● Murree Express Highway connects Islamabad with Murree and Muzaffarabad

Reasons for Distribution

● The road network of Punjab is the densest followed by Sindh and then of
Balochistan. This is because there is a lot of population in Punjab which needs
to be connected.
● Balochistan has a rugged terrain along with a low population, which makes
road building difficult and uneconomical (as they will be used by very few
● In Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, the road network connects different valleys like of
Peshawar with other areas. Like Balochistan, the rough terrain has limited the
density of the road network
● There are more foci of road network in Punjab because many major cities are
located here due to their economic prosperity
● The main pattern of road network in Sindh is South-North, because roads
follow banks of River Indus and that there’s only one river in Sindh. Also on
East we have more or less an inhospitable area of the Thar desert

Importance of Road network

● It is the most versatile form of network, meaning it can serve a lot of areas
which rail and air systems can’t serve, because laying out rail and air
networks costs a lot of capital
● Provides door to door service
● Most of the goods transported inside Pakistan are on the road network,
including commodities like oil from pipelines to city areas and to gas stations
● It can serve areas 24/7, there is no waiting for the rail carriage to arrive etc,
goods can be transported any time
● It is cheap over short distances as compared to air or rail network
● It has little documentation involved which can be complex in rail and air
● There is little time wasted during uploading and receiving of goods, which is
a common hassle in rail and air transport due to innumerable checks like for
safety and for weighting the goods etc

Limitations of Road Network

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● It is expensive and time consuming over long distances

● It can only carry goods in limited quantity as compared to air and especially
rail transport
● It is also affected by traffic jams
● Like rail network it may not be able to serve some areas like the Northern
● which air transport can only serve. This is because of the harshness of the
terrain, which makes it expensive to construct roads. Landslides are a
common problem too.

Recent Developments and plans for future

● M4 is being constructed in Punjab; it will link Southern Punjab with the
motorway network, by joining cities of Faisalabad and Multan. It will be
completed in 2012, have 4 lanes and also will have the capacity to
accommodate two further lanes
● M8 is being developed from Gwadar to Ratodero in Larkana Sindh. It will
serve as a gateway to the Makran Coast. It will have 4 lanes
● Islamabad-Murree-Muzaffarabad Expressway is under construction. Only the
Murree to Muzaffarabad section is yet to be built while the rest of expressway
is done. It has 4 lanes
● Torkham-Peshawar Expressway is also planned. Torkham is the busiest port
of entry between Pakistan and Afghanistan, it being a major shipping,
transporting and receiving centre
● Sialkot-Lahore Expressway is also under consideration, improving trade
between these two very important cities
● M-7 is being planned which will connect Rotadero with Karachi
● M-6 is being also planned. It will connect Dera Ghazi Khan with Rotadero,
with Dera Ghazi Khan being an important centre for cotton textile and ghee
● M-5 will connect Multan with Dera Ghazi Khan, thus completing access of
whole of Southern Punjab with the motorway network.
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They help in promoting industrial growth as both products and raw materials can
easily be transported between different cities. The operation of dry ports can also be
improved because if any problems in the rail network occur; motorways can be used
to transport the goods quickly to and fro from the port

Industrial growth is encouraged in the areas which are near to the motorways. These
motorways are wide (6 lanes) and have good quality surfaces, for smooth passage of

Congestion from other highway/roads is relieved and motorways might cut through a
previous long route, which now becomes shorter. This helps industrialists in meeting
orders on time.

Tourists and other professionals (engineers) may find it easier to reach some areas.
tourist may bring in more money and employment for the local people



Motorways are expensive to build and maintenance cost is high (as they are very
long). Furthermore, they require a lot of time to build

Industrial growth may be limited as motorways may not be the most suitable to for
example a producer, who produces and sells his goods in bulk. He would prefer
railways as roads cannot carry goods in bulk economically

Also, these motorways don’t always connect all major towns etc; they only connect
major cities together. Thus the chronic poverty in rural areas may still not be solved.

Reasons for Distribution

Faisalabad, Multan, Quetta and Peshawar are also · There are many flights from
Karachi and other
major foci. All these are international airports along with the newly built airport at
major cities because they have an international airport, not only do they serve
domestic commuters but also international commuters The airports in bold are
located in heavily populated areas where there is a greater percentage of people who
are rich enough to afford air transport
These cities have good transport infrastructure so they are easy to access and
thus are preferred over other distant airports
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Areas like Karachi and Lahore etc are located in plain areas, for an
international airport a long runway is necessary. Thus to accommodate large planes
runway construction is impossible in steep sided hills of Northern Mountains
Areas like Quetta, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad are
administrative capitals, where important offices of government are located, which
need to connected

Requirements for an Airport

● Cheap, flat and abundant land is required for making the most important part
of airport that is the runway
● A lot of capital is required for the construction of lounges, parking facilities,
control tower etc
● Facilities like water supply, electricity, sanitation along with security are
● Trained officers of customs and traffic controllers are also required
● Good transport infrastructure like road and rail network is vital for success
● Nearby population which can use the airport is also a pre-requisite. It’s no use
building an airport far away from population for example in a desert.

Importance of Air Transport

● It is quick and cheap over long distances, it can serve other continents
which is impossible by road and rail
● It is suitable for high value and light weight goods like computers both for
import and export etc
● It can serve areas which are cut off to rail and road networks like Skardu
● It is mostly used by tourists coming to Pakistan and is also important for
dispersing vital food and medical supplies during for example earthquakes etc

Recent Developments and Future Plans

● The Sialkot Chamber of Commerce has completed the construction of Sialkot
International Airport, thus making easier the export of high value and low
weight goods, which were previously transported to Lahore airport 125km
away. So cost of exports from the city has decreased. Also, the apron will be
extended to accommodate more aircrafts with addition of construction of a jet
● Multan International Airport will have an extension of runway from 9,000 to
11,000 feet, increasing the width of runway to 150 feet with 25 feet shoulders
on each side E (Suitable for Boeing 747 aircraft). Other improvements will
include expansion of terminal buildings. This will allow cargo flights to take
place and thus suit the need of growing economy of Southern Punjab
● Gandhara Airport is being constructed to serve needs of Islamabad; it will
become the biggest and most modern airport in Pakistan when it is completed
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in 2011
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Rail Network of Pakistan

Pakistan has a rail network of around 7,791 km.
Around 7,479km (96%) is broad gauge with 293km (0.04%) of it being electrified.
While the remaining 4% is narrow gauge.

Distribution of Rail Network


● The rail network in Sindh starts from Karachi, where broad gauge double
lines lead to Hyderabad, and then follow the bank of Indus into Northern
Sindh towards Rohri
● A broad gauge single line branches from Hyderabad and heads onto
Khokrapar and then into India. Also many broad gauge single lines connect
small cities in Sindh which are west of Indus including Dadu and Larkana


● From Rohri in Sindh, a broad gauge single line branches and heads to Quetta
in Balochistan. From Quetta a broad gauge double line leads to Afghanistan
through Chaman, while another single line leads to Iran via Dalbandin and
Taftan. Density of rail network is very low


● From Rohri the double broad gauge continues till Lodhran

● From Khanewal to Raiwind and ultimately Lahore a broad gauge double line
(electrified) runs
● From Lahore a broad gauge double line then runs through Wagah into India
● The pattern of railways across the most of Punjab is across the doabs and
across the banks of Eastern tributaries of River Indus. Broad gauge single line
are the most common


● From Rawalpindi a broad gauge double line operates till Attock, after which
all major cities of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa are served by broad gauge single line
or narrow gauge single line. Density of rail network is low

Importance of Rail Transport

● Rail transport is cheap over long distances inside a country
● It is also quick for long distances within a country
● It can carry the goods in bulk, which is impossible with road transport and to
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a limited extent with air

● It is suitable for low value, high weight cargo
● It is not affected much by traffic
● It is vital for success of dry ports and for deep sea port of Gwadar, unless
Makran coast is provided with a modern rail link the prospects of Gwadar developing
are bleak
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Limitations of Rail Transport

● The maintenance of railway tracks is a very costly process, involving much

labour and capital
● It is expensive to send small amounts of goods over a short distance
● Railways operate by a fixed schedule so rail transport isn’t flexible nor is it
door to door
● A lot of time is wasted during unloading and uploading of cargo, during
which it can be either stolen or lost as different trains operate on different
● The rail infrastructure in Pakistan is very old and unreliable prone to accidents
which kill many hundreds of people annually

Recent Developments and Future plans

In it was announced in 2007 that a railway line between Gwadar and Quetta will be
built and the Bostan-Zhob narrow-gauge railway line will be converted into broad
gauge at a cost of US$1.25 billion. Plans to increase train speeds, install more lengths
of double track and to convert the country's railways to standard gauge are also
currently under work. A feasibility study has been initiated to construct a rail link
between Havelian ( in Mansehra district Pakistan) and Kashgar (in China) via
Khunjerab Pass. Thus giving China access to all year around warm waters of Indian
● A $2 billion project for whole electrification of railways was launched in
2005 to continue till 2010
● A mass transit system is planned for Lahore to be completed by 2020; it will
serve many hundreds and thousands of
● commuters daily. Also a mass transit system is planned for Karachi

They are inland ports, which are basically terminals inland and are directly connected
to ports by either rail or road networks. They can be export or import orientated. For
example the Sialkot dry port is export orientated meaning that it is organized in such
a manner that in which it is much easier to export goods as compared to importing
Features of a dry port are:
● Facilities for storage, preservation and consolidation of goods
● Refrigeration facilities
● Loading area with lifts and cranes etc
● Custom clearance services
● Connection with road and railway infrastructure

Importance of Dry Ports

Dry ports have custom clearance services, which mean that goods are cleared before
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

they reach port, thus saving hassle at port. Time is saved this way and goods can be
exported easily and on schedule.
Storage space is saved at the port area as goods are only sent from the dry port only
when they are needed by the schedule
Furthermore, containerization means that there is less of a chance to damage to goods
or that they may get stolen, as previously goods had to be sent to port where they
would be then put in containers
Taxes can be collected at the dry port. Also, less storage space is required at the sea
port, thus freeing up land for extension of port
Refrigeration facilities are present so perishable items can be stored and need not to
be delivered directly to the port immediately.
Transport charges are reduced as now goods are transported in bulk and this lowers
the cost to importer/exporter.
Producers inland can easily export their products (at higher price than what they
would have sold to domestic consumers), this incentivizes them to produce more and
improve the quality of their goods (to attract more foreign customers)

At present, there are six dry ports running under the management of Pakistan

● Lahore Dry Port Established in 1973

● Karachi Dry Port Established in 1974
● Quetta Dry Port Established in 1984
● Peshawar Dry Port Established in 1986
● Multan Dry Port Established in 1988
● Rawalpindi Dry Port Established in 1990

In addition to the above, there are four Dry Ports established and running under the
management of private sector

● Sialkot Dry Port Established in 1986. Busiest dry port in Pakistan. First
private dry port in Asia
● Faisalabad Dry Port Established in 1994
● Pak-China Sust Dry Port
● NLC Dry Port at Thokar Niaz Beg Lahore
● NLC Dry Port at Quetta


The transport infrastructure in Balochistan consists of very few roads, railways and


The population in Balochistan is around 8-10 million people (4.6% of Pakistan),

which is very thinly spread across the province (mostly in rural areas). Since there is
little urban population (involved in commercial activity) the government authorities
have felt that there was a lesser need to develop infrastructure there
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Also the security situation in Balochistan hinders development as many contractors

are afraid of getting kidnapped or killed.
Government is also not keen to invest as it thinks that the investment won’t pay off
during the desired period (little
industrialisation will take place as the labour force is not trained etc)
The topography of Balochistan is also very rough. There are deep narrow valleys
along with parallel mountain ranges, which are difficult to penetrate. Cost of building
is high (as raw materials are located in factories of Punjab and Sindh, they are
expensive to transport). Moreover, it is near impossible to use machinery on these
dangerous slopes
Furthermore, the working conditions aren’t the best. It is difficult to transport food
and water from the valleys to far away mountain
ranges especially when little previous road/rail network exists

Importance of Good Transport Infrastructure to Balochistan

It will lead to rise in urbanization and commercial activity. Rural-Urban migration will
increase; more people would now be available for working in factories/industries
Raw materials, products and employees can easily be transported. All of these are
required for the proper functioning of a factory
It may lead to building of Export Processing Zones and Industrial Estates, which will
attract foreign as well as local investment into the industrial sector.
It will be easier to move things like cement and steel from factories in other areas to
places like Dasht River etc (which could be dammed to store water for irrigational
use). Thus the total farmed area can be increased leading to lesser food prices in the
local markets. Also, cheaper raw materials will be available for agro-based industries
Better utilization of local resources such as fisheries (better access to markets) and
minerals (machines have access to mines) could take place, which will help increase
the provincial budget and increase employment. Tourist industry may also flourish
(as tourist can access more historical/ cultural sites etc). Thus people would be able to
earn more in these sectors as compared to agriculture (their living standard will rise)
Education, health and other services can be improved as more people would now be
able to reach schools and hospitals
Development and growth of Gwadar Port may take place as it will be easier to send
and receive goods from the port on time, which is necessary for fulfilling foreign
orders etc.
Trade via Gwadar port by the Central Asia States and China may dramatically
increase thus increasing tax revenues of Pakistan
Emergency services in aftermath of floods/ drought and earthquake may be improved,
so rescue crews have access to more people in a short period of time, thus helping to
save more lives

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Successful communication occurs when the sender sends the correct message to the
receiver, who understands the message and if necessary gives a reply acknowledging
that he has understood the message and if necessary acted upon it
Pakistan has around a million broadband users and around 100 million mobile
subscribers. The growth rate of telecom industry is one of the highest in the world.

● Internet/Email
● Telephone
● Mobile
● Fax
● Radio
● Video Conferencing


Communication helps in locating the supplier, as the customer can search and then
order the goods online etc or on the phone. This is done within a country and also
internationally. This is much quicker and cheaper than going to the offices of the
producer etc
The producer can advertise his goods online etc. He can also show his customers the
progress of their orders. Furthermore, the mode of transport and the means of
payment can both be decided


Machinery can be searched over the internet, prices and specifications of different
models can be compared. Pictures and videos of demonstration models can also be
Reviews can also be read, therefore, the best choice can be made
Advertising can increase sales and market share, thus increasing a company’s profit
and eventually freeing up capital for investment in the business
People for important posts can be hired through online advertisements; this means
that the best people from a wide pool are selected for the job
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Foreign investors can read news of promising new developments in other countries.
For example news of Thar Coal deposits have generated excitement in mining circles.
This interest can fuel the proceeding contract bidding process and help make sure that
the best bid is selected
Bank policies and interest rates can be determined online or on the phone. Online
payments can also be made quickly, so there is no need to go to banks (saves time)
Furthermore, training of employees can be done by showing them video clips etc.
Research papers into new techniques can be
read and the techniques then implemented in the workplace
Video conferencing can be done between managers in different cities and countries,
thus a decision which is beneficial to all of the branches of a company can be




Communication can play a vital role in the very important sector of education.
Pakistan has the largest Wimax network in the world today
This can be used to broadcast television lectures to children in schools etc. Lectures
can be recorded and put online. They can be listened to again and again, rewinded
and moved forward. People can now learn at their own will. Videos can be made of
complex models and also put online. All of this means that one teacher can do the
work of a million teachers to a certain extent


Use of telecommunication is probably the most under estimated way of alleviating

rural poverty in Pakistan. As demonstrated above if the field of education can be
handled via telecommunications then this can help in controlling population growth.
This is so because rural communities will be Also using telecommunications which
help in increasing agricultural productivity; farmers can be demonstrated new
methods of planting, growing and harvesting crops. Also, weather patterns can be
shown to farmers (rain forecast, chance of pest attack etc) so they can plan their
processes. This will result in increasing yields and will lead to increased profits, so
more money will be available for investment in fertilizers, insecticides etc
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Agricultural Development

Agriculture is the process by which food crops and other goods are produce,
including Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Maize along with Cotton etc.

Farming Procedures


These are both human and physical resources that go into the farm.


This is all the money and machinery that is invested into the farm including tractor
and harvester etc


These replace the nutrients that have been used up by the crop. With the use of
fertilizers, nutrients are available for plant growth resulting in higher yields


These are sprayed to kill insects, which damage crop growth by eating leaves etc.
Unfortunately, insecticides also harm other useful insects and organisms like
butterfly, which are vital for pollination


Labour is all the human effort that is put in from the time of plantation of
crop to the time of harvest.

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

A desi variety of seeds produces lower yields as compared to a high yielding

variety of seeds. But it must be noted that only desi varieties are adapted to the
local climatic conditions. Therefore to achieve high yields in an adverse
climate a hybrid of the two varieties is required

Land Reforms

The government has introduced land reforms to consolidate the holdings of

farmers, so that their far flung fields can be combined to form one big
economically viable field. It thus becomes easier to use machines on it,
obtaining loans becomes easier (as banks are more confident that farmer will
be successful after using their money and will be able to repay the loan),
farmer can experiment on his field and can ultimately save the time and hassle
of working on multiple farms (this allows him more time to improve things
like water supply to a single farm etc, all of which increase crop yields even
further). Also, land is taken away from landlords and given to poor tenants,
thus unproductive land is brought into use. Furthermore, tenants have the
ability to buy the land they have worked on when the landlord wants to sell it.

Government Support

The government supports the farmers by giving them interest free or low
interest loans. These are used to buy machines and high yielding varieties of

Also, the government supports the farmer by the implementation of the

support price, which is the minimum price per kg given to a farmer for his
produce (this is independent of the demand and supply of the good). Support
price is implemented to make sure that the farmer recovers his costs at
harvest (when supply may be too high in pure capitalistic economies, the
selling price of goods is too low and the farmer is eventually unable to
recover his initial growing costs, thus he suffers a lost), so he has money to
plant the next crop

Soil is the material in which the roots of the plant are embedded. A soil suitable for
growth contains sufficient minerals for crop growth and also has sufficient pore

Pore spacing is important as it controls the amount of air and water available for plant
roots. Too little spacing (clayey) soil means that it will contain less air and more
water, thus won’t support plant growth

The best soil is loamy soil, which contains sufficient pore spaces (to allow for
sufficient air and moisture). Spaces aren’t too big; so the soil does retain nutrients,
which are not leached into the soil

The soil must be deep and must contain nitrates and phosphates; which are required
for crop growth
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Every crop has its own distinct climatic requirements. This includes rainfall,
humidity, temperature, amount of sunlight etc.

In Pakistan, these requirements basically fall into two groups, Kharif and Rabi

These two groups are later explained under CROPS

● Ploughing (turning over the upper layers of soil to bury weeds and the
remains of previous crops, thereby, allowing them to break down, meanwhile
bringing fresh nutrients to the surface)
● Sowing
● Spraying (Use of insecticides)
● Hoeing (Weed control by means of a hoe)
● Adding fertilizer
● Harvesting (cutting the crop)
● Threshing only in grain crops like Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millet (separating
edible part of cereal from the scaly chaff)
● Selling


● Crop wastes
● Food crops
● Seeds

Types of Farming

This type of farming is concerned with those farmers whose primary aim is to grow
food to feed their own families. Any surplus of products produced during good years
(when rainfall is plentiful and pests don’t attack) is sold in local markets for some
extra income. Surpluses are rare because traditional farming techniques are used,
which give low production such as

▪ Wooden plough (pulled by a bull) is used, which barely ploughs the surface
in comparison to the tractor (which ploughs very deep into the soil. With the use of
wooden plough the fertility of land is low because less mixing of upper (nutrient
deficient) and lower (nutrient bearing) layers of soil occurs. Also, exposing of the soil
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

layer to air helps in nitrogen fixation, which fixes nitrogen in the soil. With a tractor
plough it is easier for the bud to break through the soil, if that it is not the case then
plant growth can be severely hampered and seed may not germinate at all

▪ Desi seed varieties are used. These give low yields as compared to high
yielding varieties of seeds. The high yielding variety are produced from successive
generations of parent plants all of whom give high yields

▪ Rainfall is the primary source of water for these subsistence farmers, since
in Pakistan rainfall is variable in amount, intensity, distribution and timing. Thus,
depending on rainfall for watering the crop is the least reliable method which gives
low yields.

Variance in amount means that one year we have a lot of rainfall and in the next
year there is low amount of rainfall. This means
that the farmer won’t actually be able to know whether he should plant a water
hungry crop like rice or a lesser water hungry crop like cotton etc
Variance in intensity means that the rainfall either comes in one great downpour or
comes in gentle strides. If the rain comes in the form of a downpour, then it is of little
use to the farmer as the soil will have little time to absorb the water. This means that
most of water won’t get into the roots (less infiltration and more run off). The runoff
will cause erosion (due to the force of running water), which will lead to flash floods.
On the other hand if rain comes down slowly, then it will have more time to infiltrate
the soil and will be much more useful.
Too much cloud cover can mean that plants have less sunlight for growth and
excessively moist conditions can lead to fungi attacks (crop rusting), which can be

Variance in distribution means that one district receives more rainfall than the
other district, but the next year the opposite may happen. This means that the farmer
won’t actually be able to know whether he should plant a water hungry crop like rice
or a lesser hungry crop like cotton etc

Variance in timing means that one year most of the rain falls in the beginning few
weeks of the rainy season, and next year most of the rain falls in the latter part of the
rainy season. Thus the farmer has little idea as to when to plan for irrigation or
separate source of water (if rains are insufficient)

▪ Bull (male) is used to plough the land (not cow as cow is a female), remove
weeds, cut the crop (harvest), remove husk (by grinding) and transport the seeds and
the grain etc. Buffalo they draw water from wells like Charsa or Noria etc
Cattle/buffalo dung is used as a fertilizer for crops; this dung decomposes
slowly, hence plant roots receive nutrients in small amounts as compared to artificial
fertilizers. These artificial fertilizers dissolve quickly in water and have a broader
range of minerals like phosphorous, sodium and potassium as compared to
cattle/buffalo dung
▪ Since the area of farm under cultivation ranges from 0.25 – 10 acres, every
year due to varying climatic conditions etc, production is variable (and most of the
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

times low). Hired labour is rarely used as it is usually uneconomical (when the
returns of a facility are lower than the amount spent to get it). Instead all members of
family take part in at least one agricultural activity

▪ The farmer’s crop is totally vulnerable to any attacks by fungi or pests

because the farmer doesn’t use any fungicide or pesticide. Therefore, year by year his
crop yield can vary

▪ Since surpluses are rare, profits are also low so these farmers don’t have
much money to re-invest in the farm. Thus, they cannot buy high yielding varieties of
seeds, farm machinery etc. Sometimes if they are lucky and the climatic conditions
are right they may make a profit by selling the surplus which can be sold. The money
earnt can be used to repair agricultural implements, buy some HYV’s of seeds,
improve water supply, buy some fertilizer or pesticide etc

▪ Sometimes the farmer may not find enough hired labour to harvest his crop on
time. This because of rural-urban migration (explained in the last chapter), due to
which many males move out from rural areas to find work in cities

▪ The farmer get sick and may not be fit on time (due to poor medical facilities
in rural areas)

Cash- This is the most important commodity for a commercial farmer. It is used to
buy fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, machines etc. A commercial farmer he must have a
lot of cash as this type of farming is mainly capital intensive

▪ High Yielding Varieties of Seeds

These are the varieties of seeds which have been developed through selective
breeding, a process in which plants with specific characteristics are pollinated with
each other. This process is repeated on the next generation of plants until a totally
new variety is developed with favourable characteristics such as, resistance to disease
or pests, high yield, quick growth, strong stems, ability to survive in adverse
conditions like high temperature and low rainfall etc
Their use is encouraged by the government by the provision of subsidies (reduction
in cost)

▪ Fertilizers
They are used by farmers to increase crop yields. The fertilizer is added on to the soil,
and then water is sprayed on it. The water dissolves the mineral ions and takes them
into the root zone, where they are absorbed by the plant. Fertilizers replace the
nutrients in the soil that have been used up by the crop.
For example, Magnesium is required for photosynthesis to occur, which is a process
by which plants make their own food etc
It is important that they are applied at the correct time in the right amounts.
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● Pesticides
Pesticides are used by farmers to kill those pests which lower crop yields, for
example to kill aphids which suck the sap of the plants.
Sap is a sugary liquid that is used by the plant for its growth
It is important that they are applied at the correct time in the right amounts

▪ Irrigation
It is used to supplement the amount of water available for the crop from rainfall. In
Pakistan, the amount, intensity, timing and distribution of rainfall are variable from
year to year. So, irrigation (that is artificial supply of water) is necessary to
compensate any shortage of water that may occur due to changing weather patterns.
Low rainfall may result in lower yields and an eventual loss to the farmer

Irrigation must be carefully managed so as to prevent waterlogging and salinity

▪ Machines
Machines like combined harvesters quickly harvest the wheat crop; they separate the
grain from the chaff. The stem of the wheat plant is quite weak and can break during
the month of March; when thunderstorms accompanied with strong winds blow
across the Punjab plains. If the stem breaks, then the grain will be exposed to water
and leaving it vulnerable to fungi attacks (by a process known as rusting, which ruins
the whole crop).

By using a harvester a farmer can quickly harvest his crop before the storm hits.
These machines are also very efficient (almost ALL of the grain is separated from
the chaff, leading to higher profits for the farmer)

But the cost of fuel, maintenance etc is high. The cost is further increased if skilled
workers are hired to operate these machines etc. Machines are very expensive to buy.
Also these machines can’t be used on very small farms or farms which are located in
mountainous terrain. Their use also results in unemployment in rural areas

The crop season in Pakistan is divided into two parts. First is the Kharif season and
second being the Rabi season.

Kharif season consists of crops planted around April-June and harvested in October-
November. These include cotton, sugarcane, rice etc. These crops need high
temperatures (25-40°C), so they can fulfil their necessary heat units required for their
successful growth and harvest. Also, monsoon rains help to bridge the gap between
amount of water available from irrigation and the water required by the crop. These
crops also require a dry season for harvest
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Crop Rainfall (mm)

Wheat 450 - 600

Rice 1200 - 2000

Sugarcane 1500 - 2000

Cotton 750 - 1300

Tobacco 400 - 600

Citrus 1000 - 1200

Rabi season consists of crops planted around Mid November- December and
harvested during April – May. These crops require temperatures ranging from 15-
35°C for their growth and harvest. Water requirements are moderate as compared to
Kharif crops. These crops include Wheat, Maize Pulses, and Oilseeds etc
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Cotton is a Kharif crop that is planted in April- June and harvested in October-
November. It is mainly grown in southern (arid) parts of Punjab, with other growing
areas in eastern Sindh and other parts of southern Punjab.

Temperature during sowing must be from 25- 30°C
● Before sowing, the seeds must be treated with chemicals to prevent seed born
● The seeds must be sown with a driller to ensure a uniform depth of all the
sowed seeds; this is to make sure that the plants reach stage of harvest at the same
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

time. This is so because if the seed is sown too deep it won’t germinate or if it even
does so then its growth would be slow or stunted
● Sowing must occur in the anticipation of rain or immediately after it to take
advantage of any moisture left in the soil

Temperature during growth must be from 25- 40°C
● 10 irrigations must be carried out with an interval of 10-12 days in between
● Weeds are removed by hand when needed

Temperature during harvest must be from 30- 32°C
● Harvesting is carried out when the bowls become dry and become fully open
● 1st picking is at 120 days, 2nd at 140 days and 3rd at 160 days. These pickings
are done by women and children since the use of machines for cotton picking is
● The diseased/ damaged bowls are kept separate from the fine quality bowls
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Wheat is a Rabi crop it is planted in Mid November – December and harvested

around April - May. It is mostly grown throughout the central parts of Punjab with
other growing areas including the rest of Punjab. Other growing areas are in eastern,
central and western parts of Sindh.


● Temperature during the sowing must be from 4

- 25°C
● Before sowing, the seeds must be treated with fungicides to prevent born
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● The seeds must be sown with a driller to make sure uniform depth of sowed
seeds. This is so because if the seed is sown too deep it won’t germinate or if it even
does so then its growth would be slow or stunted
● Sowing must occur in anticipation of rain from Western Depression or
immediately after it to take advantage of any moisture left in the soil.


● Temperature during growth must be from 15 - 30°C

● 4 irrigations must be carried out with 20 days interval in between
● Weeds are removed manually as in case of wheat this is very important.
These weeds shed a lot of new seeds upon maturity, which can lead to explosion of
weeds in the fields and cause massive loss to farmers
● Fertilizers and insecticides may be applied


● Temperature during harvest must be from 35- 38°C along with sunny
● Harvesting is carried out when the stems become brown with their height
around 4 feet. The grain becoming hard too
● Harvest must be carried out before thunderstorms in March-April because
these can produce strong winds accompanied with rain. The winds break the stem
and expose the grain to standing water of the soil, this can result in fungi attack in
condition known as rust (causing total crop loss)
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Sugarcane is a Kharif crop that is planted in April-June and harvested in

October- November. Sugarcane is mostly grown in central Punjab, central
Sindh, and Peshawar along with adjoining district in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Other growing areas include Western and Southern Punjab, along with parts
of Eastern Sindh.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Plantation (Not sowing)

● Temperature during the plantation must be from 30 - 35°C

● Sugarcane stalks should be planted at a row spacing of 90 cm to 1 m with the
depth of not more than 4 inches

● Temperature during growth must be from 38-40°C

● 10 irrigations must be carried out with 10- 12 days interval in between
● Weeds are removed manually when required
● Fertilizers and insecticides may be applied


● Temperature during harvest must be from 30-32°C

● Harvesting is carried out when the stem becomes hard
● The stem is cut above the ground and is immediately transported as any delay
can lead to loss of sugar content and weight
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Rice is mainly grown in Western Sindh and Northeastern Punjab. Other growing
areas include Eastern Punjab, Southern Sindh and parts of Eastern Balochistan


● Firstly the rice seeds are planted in flooded nursery fields with uniform depth.
They are kept in controlled temperatures and after 25 days they are transplanted in
the fields
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Before transplantation the seeds must be treated with chemicals to prevent

against seed born diseases


● Temperature during transplantation must be from 30 - 35°C

● The land must be thoroughly ploughed and weeds should be removed before
● Bunds are made and land is flooded


● Temperature during growth must be from 38-40°C

● The fields must be kept flooded all along the growth
● Fertilizers and insecticides may be applied


● Temperature during harvest must be from 30-32°C and the weather must be
dry and sunny
● When the ear heads start to show a golden colour, the bunds are broken and
the fields are drained
● Harvesting is carried out when the earheads become golden and hard due to
the weather.
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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Apricots are grown mainly in areas of mid- northern Balochistan. Pakistan is the 4th
largest producer of Apricots. The apricots need to fulfil chilling units, meaning that
they must be exposed to cold for a certain period of time. Winters must be cold (but
not colder than -30°C) to allow for proper dormancy. Dry weather must exist at the
time of maturity/harvest. It is important that there should be no sudden and dramatic
change in temperatures in spring which kills the flowers. Apricots grown in well
drained soils with PH around 6.5

Mango requires a wet hot summer season with rainfall around 250mm. This needs to
be followed by a long dry winter. Dry winter means that the plant is less susceptible
attacks by fungus etc. It needs deep well drained loamy soil
Mangoes are grown in southeastern Punjab and eastern Sindh

Tobacco plants are usually first grown in nurseries etc and then transplanted in the
fields when the risk of frost has passed. They need light rainfall early on, followed by
a period of bright sunshine with rains in between, followed by a dry period at harvest
Tobacco is grown in central parts of Punjab, northern Balochistan and central parts of
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Pulses require high temperatures but are highly susceptible to frost. They can also
tolerate high rainfall provided it doesn’t come at time of pollination etc. Also the soil
must not be waterlogged or saline. Pulses can be grown on sandy, loamy etc soils
Pulses are grown in eastern and western Sindh, along with north eastern Punjab


Millet requires moderate rainfall and is sensitive to frost. It will not tolerate
waterlogged soils or harsh drought.
They are grown in southeastern and northwestern Punjab, western Sindh, and central
and southeastern Balochistan
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Dates are grown in parts of Balochistan and in parts of
Tharparkar desert (southern Punjab and eastern Sindh). It
needs long hot summers with high day and night
temperatures. It can tolerate fluctuations in temperature
whether cold or hot. Mild winters and a dry sunny time
for harvest is also required. They can grown in salty soils
but they must be well drained

Apples are solely grown in northern Balochistan. They have the highest requirement
of chilling units in fruits. Winters must be cold to allow for proper dormancy. These
must be followed by rains during the growing season. Dry weather must exist at the
time of harvest. Well drained loamy soils are best for growing .
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

They grow in tropical or subtropical climate with hot summers and moderate rainfall.

They are also sensitive to frost and strong winds. Most of the production is from
Punjab including its central but mostly southern parts. Some citrus production also
occurs in eastern parts of Sindh.

Bananas are grown exclusively in southern Sindh. They require a hot dry season
lasting for around 2-3 months, with a mean rainfall of around 10 cm. Bananas are
very sensitive to frosts, which can suspend maturity or even kill the plant. They are
also very vulnerable to strong winds, which damage the fruit etc.
They require well drained alluvial soils

Oilseeds usually require average temperatures varying from 20-30°C. It must also be
noted that high temperatures can hamper or delay growth and that frost kills the
plants. Oilseeds are tolerant to drought for some periods and require well drained
deep alluvial soils.
They are grown in southern parts of Punjab and eastern parts of Sindh, along with
some northern parts of Punjab
Maize needs a hot bright growing season to flourish. It is very intolerant to frost and
needs moderate rainfall well distributed throughout growth. It also needs well drained
deep alluvial soils
It is grown in central Punjab and central parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
Fruits are mostly grown in valleys in Balochistan where temperatures are
bearable, wind speed is low, soil layer is thick and water from irrigation is
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

It is practiced in areas like the Potwar Plateau which have low amounts of seasonal
rainfall. Important crops grown are wheat, maize, millet etc all which require low
amounts of water and sunlight
When the rains arrive or are about to arrive, the land is ploughed so it becomes soft.
Immediately after the rain, the seeds are sown and the periodic cycle of sunny
weather in between light rainy days continues till the harvest. Within the growing
period hoeing is done (to remove weeds), if pesticides and fertilizers are available
then they are added otherwise cow dung is used. Lastly the harvest season must be
sunny and dry.


Sometimes flood plain farming may also take place (usually in the flood plains of
Sulaiman and Kirthar Mountains). The farmers wait for the rains and build bunds
around the edge of their fields (nearer to the valley sides). When the rain torrents
arrive, they build bunds on the mountain side (so as to trap water
between the two bunds). Crops (maize, sorghum etc) are usually planted just before
or just after the rains. Any further rain can lead to flooding thus submerging the crop.
Undoubtedly since farms are small (lack of abundant fertile and flat land), traditional
farming methods are used (low yielding seeds and little fertilizers). In some years the
amount of rainfall can vary greatly. Overall the yields are low


Most of Pakistan’s population lives in rural areas, where the primary occupation is
related to farming. Agriculture provides food (wheat being the staple diet) for the
ever growing population of Pakistan. Increase in crop yields is required to reduce
imports (become self-sufficient) and increase exports
Agriculture also provides a permanent source of income for the many landless
peasants throughout the year in both summers (Kharif crop) and winters (Rabi crop).
The employment guaranteed by this primary sector of employment ensures social
stability of the masses. Furthermore, it encourages the growth of agro-based
industries like fertilizers etc. Increasing local production of fertilizers means less
dependence on expensive foreign imports
Many of Pakistan’s industry are agro-based that means they use harvested crops as
their raw materials like Cotton Textile Mills utilize raw cotton, which has been
picked from the fields. Export of cotton yarn and garments contribute a significant
proportion to the total exports of Pakistan


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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

This type of farming (also known as pastoral farming) is concerned with rearing of
animals, whose products are then sold. The products include milk and meat of
cattle/goats/sheep, and poultry etc. The processes involved are:

● Feeding
● Milking
● Breeding
● Slaughtering


● Milk (Cattle/Goats/Sheep)
● Hides (Cattle and Goat)
● Wool (Sheep)
● Eggs (Poultry)

Livestock farming has three types; Poultry Farming (Commercial), Commercial

Livestock (goats, sheep, but mainly cows and buffaloes). Lastly we have
Subsistence farming, along with the obsolete Nomadic farming.
If the dairy and meat industry is developed on scientific lines, it will not only meet
local demand but will also produce ample quantities for exports
Poultry Farming
Poultry farming is the practice of raising poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks,
and geese, as a subcategory of animal husbandry, for the purpose of farming meat or
eggs for food.
In Pakistan, most of poultry farming consists of chicken. Poultry farms are mostly
found around dense centres of population (Karachi, Quetta, and Lahore) and cooler
areas (Murree, Abbottabad).
Nearness to population centres reduces cost of transportation and cooler areas are
preferred for optimal growth of chickens.
The processes involved in poultry farming are explained below:
● First the poultry farm building is cleaned properly, disinfectant is applied and
the building is fumigated.
● Maize is used as food, when the chicks arrive they are given antibiotics in
their food for 3-7 days.
● The temperature of the building is maintained between 32 and 37 degree
● The chickens are put in cages so their eggs and wastes can be easily
removed etc.
● After around 4-8 weeks the chickens can be slaughtered for their meat.

Nomadic farming
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

It is carried out by people living in desert areas of Thar and Kharan. They move place
to place with their animals (goats, sheep and camels only) and their belongings in
search of food and water. Where their animals find land to graze, they settle at that
place temporarily so their animals can fatten up. Once the pasture is gone (due to
seasonal rainfall accompanied with high rates of evapotranspiration) they start
moving again in search of newer pastures. Animals provide milk, meat, hides, bones
(for sewing) and can be used as a mode of transport. Nomads are usually found in
those areas where crop cultivation and subsistence farming (described below) is
impossible due to unfavourable conditions for plant growth.
This means that permanent settlement of people at a single place is very rare.

Subsistence farming
In it animals are kept to do daily tasks and provide daily food requirements usually
by a subsistence farmer (agriculture one). Animals include chicken, buffalo, cow,
sheep and goats albeit on a very small scale. Chicken provide eggs and meat, cows
provide milk whereas the bull (male cow) is used for ploughing and transport (during
planting, growth and harvest of crop). The manure is also used as fertilizer for crops.
A pair of two bulls is known as a bullock.

Commercial livestock farming (Dairy Farms)

Cows and buffaloes are raised in an organized manner for commercial purposes. It
can be very profitable for small land owners, giving higher returns as compared to
traditional farming methods, as land requirements are low. The fodder can be grown
on the fields and then fed to dairy animals. The animals are also given a ration of
special protein rich diet along with vaccinations to protect from infections etc, which
can affect production of milk. If bigger dairy farms are established then the milk can
be processed and packed too thus adding value to it. When the cow stops producing
milk it is slaughtered along with other bulls for their meat, which is then sold in the
market to earn a profit
Dairy farms are important in Pakistan around big cities like Karachi etc. These farms
provide milk regularly and cheaply due to the small distances involved. Meat and
hides are also provided. Hides are used by leather industry and milk is used to make
ghee. Furthermore, the dung can be sold and used in place of firewood etc


Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Illegal smuggling of animals from Pakistan to Afghanistan hampers

production leading to shortages of able bodied animals. This shortage os
supply increases the price of animals in local markets. Also, the price of their
products like milk, meat also increases
● Lack of processing facilities like pasteurization renders most of milk
unsuitable for consumption after some period of time due
● to milk’s perishable nature
● Transport links must be improved so that milk is transferred from areas of
production to areas of demand quickly and thus does not deteriorate when it
reaches the market
● Yields of dairy animals can vary thus more focus needs to be showered upon
animal husbandry techniques to achieve good reliable yields
● The existing breed of cows and buffalo produce low amount of milk or beef
when slaughtered, resulting in low turnover for the owners
● Many dairy animals are susceptible to diseases including malaria. With poor
veterinary facilities the yield of animals is fairly low due to weakness. To
further compound the problem the animals may die early providing no returns
● Monopolization and price fixing mean that the farmer receives a very low
percentage of the actual price of the milk which is sold in market. So, the
farmer has a very low turnover and he has little money to re-invest in his
business to try to improve it


● Vaccination programmes need to be improved so to prevent or reduce cases of
diseases, which affect production of milk and beef
● Medicinal and fodder facilities must be improved to increase health and
weight of animals
● New varieties of animals must be introduced in Pakistan and hybrid of desi
and new variety must be developed, so that the offspring produces higher
yields and is also able to survive conditions like high temperatures in Pakistan
● Milk processing facilities must be developed so that value can be added to
milk. Also, hygienic conditions must be improved, so exports of milk related
products can improve (currently not preferred by foreign customers)
● Hygienic conditions also help maintain health of animals, so the farmer
suffers fewer losses due to premature death
● Biogas and electricity generation facilities must be established. Decomposing
manure produces methane, which can be burnt to produce electricity. This can
be used to power refrigeration and milk processing facilities etc
● Milk collection units must be setup to collect milk from different areas and
bring it to one main processing facility
● Machinery can be leased to farmers like tractors. They are used to grow
fodder or transport fodder etc, as for a small farmer these are expensive to buy
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Poultry coordination boards should be established at federal as well as

provincial level to help stabilize and maintain prices of animal products
● Lack of grading of eggs at farm level doesn’t promote the quality of eggs at a
price premium. The practice of grading at producer's level would be
encouraged and price on the basis of grades and standards should be
regularly collected and disseminated


Buffaloes are found mostly in canal fed areas of Pakistan, especially the doab
between Ravi and Sutlej. Nilli-Ravi breed is found in Punjab, which is known for its
high milk production. In Sindh, Kundi breed is found along both banks of Indus but
mostly in Northern and central Sindh. Other breeds are found in areas of Khyber-

Presence of water is very important as this animal needs to cool itself by smearing
mud on its body. Water is also used for drinking and for cleaning the farm etc. A lot
of fodder is also required (which becomes expensive to buy in non-agricultural areas)
and thus buffaloes are not found in Balochistan as this would be too uneconomical.
There are less urban areas there and thus less demand for beef.
Buffaloes are considered to be black gold of Pakistan because the milk they produce
has a higher fat content than that of cows and goats etc. At present, buffaloes provide
almost 70% of the milk produced in Pakistan. Also, their meat is white and desirable
due to the low cholesterol level as compared to cow’s meat
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However, it must be noted that still there is ample room for improvement. Pakistan is
the 2nd largest buffalo milk producer in the world after India. Also, Pakistan has one
of the best breeds for producing milk (like Nilli and Ravi) but due to mismanagement,
inefficient marketing system, old livestock technique, exposure to heat, shortage of
fodder and late age of maturity mean that this potential is yet to be exploited

Important cattle breeds are Red Sindhi and Sahiwali, which are internationally
recognized for their milk production. Cattle are spread in Northern, central and
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Southern Punjab. In Sindh mainly in areas of Tharparkar desert. In Balochistan they

are found in district of Hab and in Northcentral parts of Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa.

The yield of dairy animals in Pakistan is around 1/5 to 1/7 as to what yields are
achieved in Europe and United States of America. If our yields can be improved this
can save us from import of milk and related products, which costs around 20 million
dollars annually.
Sheep are mostly found in rugged areas of Northern Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan,
Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa and parts of Southern Punjab.
Sheep can survive both hot and cold seasons, and feed on shrubs and grasses. These
adaptabilities make them vital for people living in these areas for meat, milk, wool,
bones etc.Goats have a much wider distribution than sheep in Pakistan. They are
found in almost whole of Punjab, Eastern and Southern Sindh, Makran coast and
central Balochistan and districts of Peshawar and Mardan in Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa.
Goats are also very adaptable like sheep but since their meat and milk is preferred
over sheep; to satisfy this demand they are reared in larger numbers as compared to
On the other hand, the consumption of mutton is also increasing in Pakistan due to
increasing population. Much of meat produced in Pakistan is also exported to
countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE.
The demand of wool is also increasing but the wool sector is still very much
neglected. Goats
and sheep along with poultry are then backbone of small rural households, which use
eggs and meat along with milk for their sustenance. But no real attention is being
paid toward this sector; there is no proper system of breeding at organizational level,
shortage of fodder and droughts in areas of Balochistan and Sindh means that
supplies of fodder are being exhausted. Thus farmers are forced to make sure that
their animals survive by grazing a same piece of land again and again. This leads to
desertification and subsequent problems of erosion and advancement of sand dunes,
which wreck agricultural fields further inland by covering them with sand. To
prevent this problem the government encourages the keeping of stall fed goats but
due to problems like lack of disease management services, such high density
collection of animals is risky.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Population is the number of people living in a specified area

❖ Birth rate : The average number of births per thousand people
❖ Death rate : The average number of deaths per thousand people
❖ Rate of natural increase = Birth rate (minus) Death rate
❖ Overpopulation : When an area’s population is too large to be supported by
its available resources like wealth, food, fresh water and land
❖ Demographic transitional model : Graphs suggesting sequence of change in
relationships between birth and death rates over a period of time
❖ Population structures: It is the percentage of males and females in different
age groups. Depends on the population’s birth and death rates and life expectancy of
a particular area. It is divided into age groups for both males and females

❖ Population pyramids: It is the graphical representation of population


Population Growth of Pakistan and its reasons


● Pakistan has a high rate of population growth because most families in

Pakistan are poor and thus need a source of income. Hence, the children serve
as labour (child labour), so large families are preferred.
● Pakistan has a high birth rate because rural areas have a high infant mortality
rate (number of deaths of infant under 2 per 1000 infants). So people have
more children in hope that some of them will eventually survive and will be
able to earn for them eventually


● There’s a high illiteracy rate for women in rural areas, thus they are not aware of
the problems caused by high birth rates. Education is key to birth control and
social awareness
● There is a strong desire for sons in the country’s social setup as most of the
population lives in villages where the prime source of income is from agriculture
and sons are required to carry out farming activities.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Children are desired as they are expected to take care of their parents when they
are old.
● The deadly affects of climatic hazards such as floods, droughts and diseases etc,
have been reduced tremendously due to scientific advancements and
development in country’s infrastructure (therefore the infant mortality rate has
dramatically been reduced)


● Some people believe that God gives ‘rizq’ to everyone so there is no need to
control population as God accounts for all their needs. No matter how many
children they will have they would be able to feed them
● Disapproval of birth control measures and family control projects on religious


● Frequent change in government leads to change in population control

projects, thus diverting resources and attention from this important issue
● The entry of large number of refugees from Afghanistan after 1979 due to
war, political instability and drought into Pakistan has given rise to a huge
increase in population. Refugees were considered brothers and welcomed
here by other tribesmen along a porous border

Demographic transitional Model

● The graph suggests there is a sequence to the change of relationship between

birth and death rates over a period of time
● Fig14.1

Stage 1
This indicates high birth rate (moderately stable) while the death rate is also high but
with many fluctuations due to sporadic outbreak of diseases, famine etc. There is
little natural increase in the population of Pakistan. The society of this country is pre-
industrial with population mainly dependant on subsistence methods of food
Reasons for high birth rates have been explained above, and reasons for high death
rates include:
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

▪ High infant mortality rates due to spread of diseases like malaria, cholera and
inappropriate medical facilities
▪ Areas are isolated and cut off from each other with little communication and
transport. facilities. Hence the people have less access to medication and doctors.
Stage 2
This indicates the fall of the death rate but the birth rate remains more or less at
previous levels. The gap between the two rates widens so as a result the rate of
natural increase of population peaks to its maximum. The percentage of the
population under 15 increases.

Reason for high birth rates have been explained above, and reasons for stage 2’s
death rates include
▪ Better nutrition due to foreign aid and better food growing techniques which
increase the yields due to HYV seeds, irrigation, insecticides etc
▪ Improved public health systems so more infants recover from diseases. This is
due to better access to hospitals (improved transport network), availability of doctors
and medicines (whose number has significantly increased )
▪ Provision of clean water and improved sewerage systems, which prevent the
spread of diseases

Stage 3
This indicates a fall in the birth rate and the stabilization of the death rate. The
growth of a city’s population slows down and the life expectancy also increases.
Reason for fall in birth rate in stage 3 includes:
▪ A campaign of government and NGO’s to curb population growth through
schemes like Sabz Sittara etc
▪ Increase in literacy rate so more people are aware of the benefits of small
▪ Due to increasing urbanization and subsequent ban on child labour etc,
parents realize that they must educate their children. This requires money and thus
they realize that if their child has to get a respectable job then they must invest in his
studies. Eventually parents don’t want to have more children because they know they
cannot afford to educate all of them
▪ Due to better medical techniques (and subsequent fall in infant mortality rate),
parents realize that they don’t require so many children in the hope that some of them
will survive till adulthood and then ensure a comfortable old age.

Stage 4

Both birth rates and death rates are low with the birth rate fluctuating somewhat due
to changes in the economy yet the death rates remains stable. Population growth is
slow and at the end of the stage four, the death rates rise slightly as more people
become old and are more prone to die
Reasons for low birth rate and low death rate have been explained above

Stage 5
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The birth rate falls below the death rate resulting in a natural decrease in population.
Reasons for low birth rate and low death rate have been explained

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Trends of change in Population Pyramids
In the 1990’s there existed a very high birth rate, which accounts for the wide base of
the pyramid. The following trend shows that the birth rate will continue to decrease
The number of people who are in the independent group (14-65) will continue to
increase throughout the 50 year period
Furthermore there will be a rise too in the dependant group (65 and above), because
most middle aged people at present would then become old aged and would require
attention from the independent group
Overall the shape of the chart will become less and less pyramidical, with the
pinnacle still at the top but the wide base now moving up into the centre positions

Problems due to Over- population

● Natural habitats are lost as people find alternative means of earning (due to
shortage of job opportunities) such as cutting wood and selling it, which destroys
ecosystems of many animals. This may cause a decline in tourist industry
● With increasing population, the country’s expenditure on agriculture increases
(to grow more food) leaving fewer finances to account for Pakistan’s industrial and
tertiary sector development
● Illiteracy rises because education spending decreases thus resulting in a
shortage of schools as funds are deviated towards basic necessities
● Living standard of the old population falls as pensions and welfare benefits
decrease and other facilities such as hospitals, old homes (to take care of elderly)
become scarcer
● Also, life expectancy falls as people are more vulnerable to diseases due to
degrading health services

● Unemployment rises and some children are forced to take up low value jobs
by giving up their education to support their families (child labour)
● Pollution may also increase as increased human, industrial waste etc is
produced, which exceeds the capacity of waste treatment plants
● The country begins to import goods when the demand is not met locally,
hence foreign exchange decreases
● Poverty among people increases as government cuts back on job creation etc
to pay for external debts. These debts are taken to pay for foreign goods
● Crime rate rises as unemployed look to make ends meet
● Inflation rises because of the high difference between high demand and low
production. So the goods becomes more expensive
● The working population has to carry more burden of the dependant population
in various forms such as taxes etc
● Poverty forces people to live In temporary houses and this leads to formation
of slums
● Uneven distribution of wealth occurs as the rich and wealthy can adapt to
conditions while the poor cannot (like generators to deal with loadshedding, so
businesses owned by the rich can still function)
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● Government may have to employ more people than required (overstaffing) to

reduce unemployment. These extra people are paid from an institution’s annual
income (thus inefficiency increases)
● Traffic increases which leads to other issues such as people more roadside
accidents (and deaths) and road jams.

Reducing Population Growth and Associated Problems

● Educating people about the problems of a large population and pointing out
the benefits of having a smaller family through schemes like Sabz Sittara
● Increased government expenditure in education and hence building more
schools to increase literacy among people
● Promoting new businesses to set up so that the rate of job creation surpasses
the population growth rate. Meaning if a million people enter the independent
age group (they have to earn money now) annually, then 2 million new jobs
are created annually
● Setting up family planning institutions and leading in them in a way that its
aim doesn’t come in contrary to the religious beliefs of the people
● Advertising the burden upon the economy due to the high rate of population
● Providing benefits to smaller families like tax reliefs etc. This encourages
people to have more children

Consequences of an increase in dependant age group (0-14 & 65 above):-

● The working population has to carry more burden of the dependant population
in various forms such as taxes. These taxes are spent on healthcare for the
elderly etc
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● The government is forced to spend more towards old age benefits and
facilities hence funds are deviated from other sectors of economic importance
● Living standards fall as expenses incurred increase, such as that to buy
food/clothes for young children. People have less money to buy a new
home/car etc
● People and industries may struggle paying high amounts of taxes
● The dependency ration also increases
● There is a shortage of schools, educational opportunities and teachers, which
results in a higher rate of illiteracy
● Children may be forced to take up jobs in order to supplement family earnings
● An increased demand for jobs as the dependant ratio 0-14 will eventually
move up the age scale and enter the independent age group
● There will be more competition for jobs and the unemployed may indulge in
crime to attain survival
● The old may provide advice to their children and grand children (childcare,
social and religious).


It is the migration of mostly young and middle aged people (16-40) from rural areas
to urban areas. These people are mostly males and thus alter the population pyramids
of cities and rural areas. They do send some of their money back to their rural homes
or their families also move with them into the cities (but it is rare, as whole family
may not find enough jobs to sustain the whole of the family)

Factors resulting in rural to urban migration

Rural Push factors

● Lack of employment opportunities in rural areas and hope of better employment

in cities
● Limited educational facilities motivates people to move as better institutions are
more likely to be in the urban areas
● Droughts may damage the farmlands leaving it unsuitable for farming purposes
● Water logging and salinity also damages the farmland
● No law and order may result in improper carriage of justice
● Standard of living maybe poor and better standard of living maybe expected in
the urban areas
● Less access to highly qualified doctors and hospitals
● Shortage of clean water for sanitation and drinking
● Traditional lifestyle maybe unacceptable to the new generations
● Lack of shopping opportunities
● Limited access to electricity and gas supplies
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Urban pull factors

● Better chances of getting employed

● Chances for getting more highly paid jobs as compared to the rural areas
● Better educational institutions
● Bright lights are a source of attraction for people in rural areas
● More culturally free
● Better law and order
● People in urban areas are usually assured of supplies of food and hence are more
● Recreational and entertainment facilities such as parks, malls etc
● Better infrastructure and easy access to different locations
● Easy availability of hospitals and qualified doctors
● Easy access to gas, electricity, telephones and other means of communication
● Consequences of rural to urban migration upon Urban areas:-
● Burden upon economy in terms of increased demand for electricity, water,
gas, communication etc as the urban population increases
● Increased pollution (air, water and noise)
● Traffic issues such as jams and accidents etc.Increase in the crime rate and
violence as the people emigrating maybe illiterate (so face difficulty to find jobs) and
unemployment may force them to indulge in such activities
● Poverty of immigrants may result in formation of temporary locations or slums
● Distribution and composition of people changes as more males may come (from
rural areas) and increase the percentage of male members in urban areas
● This results in lower agricultural production in rural areas as men are required for
planting, growing and harvesting the crop
● As rural areas depopulate the government authorities might shift their attention
away from rural areas towards urban areas. This may mean less developmental funds
for rural areas to be spent on education/ health etc

Reasons for emigration from Pakistan:-

● Better education opportunities abroad

● Expectations of getting a job
● Chances for higher wages
● Political stability and insecure environment of Pakistan may motivate people
to shift
● Terrorism activities in Pakistan develops insecurities among people about fate
of their children
● To indulge in a less culturally bound manner of life
● Medical reasons as some diseases are likely to be better treated abroad
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● Also some people may wish to support families in Pakistan by earning better


Pakistan has a labour size of over 53.8 million. Most of this labour is involved in
agriculture (43%), industry (20.3%) and services (36.6%); with some data incomplete
(CIA World Factbook)

Reason for people working in primary sector based occupations

● Working in Primary sector usually simpler skills in comparison to other
sectors such as manufacturing and tertiary
● Some people may inherit land and hence become a part of agricultural
● Tertiary occupations usually demand a higher level of education and because
the illiteracy rate is high in Pakistan people are forced to become a part of the
primary sector
● A very large percentage of people live in the rural areas. Here the main
occupation is in the primary sector
● Also many people in rural areas are illiterate, thus they can’t enter into jobs in
the secondary and tertiary sector. Secondary sector requires education of a
certain minimum set standard etc
● Pakistan benefits two cropping season ensuring crop growth throughout the
year (permanent employment). Also the growing areas are suitable for
farming activities
● Pakistan has an estimated population growth rate of 1.6 percent and so it
becomes vital to feed the ever growing population by growing more crops
● Pakistan has reserves of natural gas, petroleum and other minerals such as
limestone and gypsum which need to be extracted (mining, fishing, livestock,
agriculture and forestry are all primary sector jobs)
● Woodcutting is common in many areas of Pakistan as the demand for fuel
wood has increased. This is because many areas of Pakistan are not supplied
by gas
● Pakistan has a large amount of fish catch on the coasts of Karachi. The people
involved in inland and costal fishing increase the number of people working
in primary sector occupation
● Most of industries are agro-based, thus when the profits trickle down to the
farmer he has more incentive to cultivate new land. This requires increased
amount of labour thus increasing the number of people working in this sector

Reason for decrease in percentage of people working in the primary sector

The repeated division of land in the families after death of father means that
the next generation has farms which are very small in size and thus can’t
provide a permanent or reliable source of income as income is too small
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Water logging and salinity has meant that much of the fertile land has been lost
and is cultivated, thus people have been forced to move into the cities in hope
of better employment Also with rise in rural education many people want a
better paying job (which utilizes their skills) and thus move to the cities in
search of it Increased mechanization has meant that now less hands are
required on the field as a machine can do the work of several persons in less
amount of time, with less effort Consolidation of holdings has occurred to
increase efficiency so some people have sold their lands and now need an
alternative source of income Some tenants face problems with the landlords,
thus they are forced to leave rural areas and move towards the cities Industries
have also started developing outside of cities (to reduce congestion), thus these
industries are now located near the rural areas, thus more rural folks can work
in them.

Reason for an increase in people working in tertiary sector based occupations

● People who work in the service sector of an economy usually earn higher and
so priority is given to jobs in this sector
● With an increase in literacy rate people manage to attain the level of
education required to take up jobs in this sector.
● Working conditions in this sector are often better than in primary and
secondary sectors
● When the country experiences an overall rise in the standard of living, there is
an increase in greater demand for services. To fulfil these demands, there are
greater work opportunities in this sector (banking, telecommunications etc)
● Growth of tourism has meant that more people are required to in hotels etc
● Higher investments by government in the education sector have increased the
standard of education and so more and more teaching staff is required to run
an increased number of schools. Similarly investments in medicinal facilities
requires more doctors and nurses
● Only a limited number of people make things for their own use by themselves
and hence the need for retail outlets has expanded
● Increase in population and rise of standard of living has meant more car
drivers are required
● Increased industrialization has facilitated growth of banking, insurance etc
which has led to increased number of jobs
● Growth of telecommunications (internet and cellular companies) also has led
to more people seeking employment in this sector

UNEMPLOYMENT- Unemployment occurs when people who have the ability and
the will to earn, can’t find a job

Causes of Unemployment
• Lack of investments in Pakistan due to political instability hence, foreign
businesses don’t exist and no extra jobs are created
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● High rate of population growth is another important factor as there are limited
jobs available
● There is a mismatch in the demand and supply of labour in form of skills,
gender, age etc required by the employer. The employer may not candidates
for the post
● Some of the people migrating from rural to urban areas in hope of
employment may remain unemployed due to illiteracy etc
● With improvements in technology and capital intensive (machinery based)
means of production fewer labour is needed and workers are laid off to reduce
● With mechanized farming becoming popular such as tractors etc few people
are required on the farm


Reasons for High Illiteracy in Pakistan:-

● Lack of investment on the government’s part in educational projects
● Child labour results in children leaving education for work
● Lack of priority given to education in rural areas
● There is also a lack of schools and colleges in rural areas
● Poverty results in deprivation of children of education as parents fail to pay
for the fee
● Private schools are very expensive
● Lack of teaching staff and lecturers in Pakistan
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Large section of the population are located in the rural areas

● Education is not provided in remote areas
● Large number of remote areas exist


● Education is required to read instructions (on back of a fertilizer bag etc).
This gives a farmer the ability to apply the right amount of
pesticides/fertilizers and at the right time leading to better yields
● The farmer could read and write (signing bank loans etc)
● Education is necessary for operating big and complex machines like
harvesters etc
● Education is also important in fields of extraction of minerals. This is a major
hurdle in achieving self-sufficiency in these minerals. Skilled workers are
needed to make operate computers and machines etc
● Leadership qualities and organizational skills are required to run large
companies successfully in increasingly competitive local as well as foreign
● Increased literacy will result in more doctors; thus helping improve health
conditions in Pakistan along with nutritional requirements. This will help
increase the span of time during which people will be able to serve the state
and contribute to its development
● Family planning services will be improved thus providing a better future for
rural Pakistanis who would now have more resources per person. This will
reduce rural-urban migration
● With the increase in use of telecommunications (internet) to research and
learn techniques, make deals etc, the value of education cannot be ignored
● Education also plays a vital role in controlling population growth because:
● It means that people will be much more aware of benefits of small families
● Educated people tend to have good jobs in secondary or tertiary sectors,thus
they don’t need many children to work on farms etc

Reasons for Higher Female Illiteracy

● Lack of public institutions for girls
● Parents maybe not be in favour of a co- educational school and may not send
their girls to get educated
● Poverty results in people choosing to educate boys in preference over girls
● Traditional attitudes influence people in rural areas such as the role of a
● women is to stay home and that it results in a male dominated society so
fewer girls are given schooling.
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Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


1000 people per sq km

The densest districts are Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Peshawar
and Charsadda. In Punjab there are 4 densest districts, then Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
with two and one in Sindh. No region in Balochistan has a density of 1000 people per
square kilometre

250 people per sq km

The districts are found mainly in Punjab in between the doabs which are east of
Sindh Sagar doab. Some districts in northern and central Sindh also have this density.
Capital territory and most parts of eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also have many
districts with same population density

100 people per sq km

The regions with 100 people per sq km are found mainly in western Punjab, central
Sindh, western parts of both Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan

25 people per sq km
The districts are mainly found in Balochistan either along the eastern Makran coast or
near Quetta district. Other districts are in south- eastern Sindh and parts of Kashmir

1 person per sq km
The districts are found mainly in Balochistan (south west, centre and northwest).
Other regions include parts of Gilgit-Baltistan and parts of the Tharparkar desert

Factors Affecting Population Density

● Topography
Flat plains with well drained, soft, deep and alluvium rich soils are perfect for
human settlements.
It is easy to build houses on flat plains and operate machines to harvest crops. It is
easy to irrigate crops. Furthermore, the cost of laying down railways, roads and
runways are low as compared to hilly areas. All of these factors are attractive for

Well drained, soft and deep and alluvium rich soil are perfect for crop growth. Well
drained soil can retain pockets of air as well as water and nutrients in a balanced
amount, which is favourable for plant growth. Soft soil can easily be ploughed and
shoots and roots can easily grow. Deep soils mean that the soil will not lose its store
of nutrients quickly, thus the amount of fertilizer which has to be applied will be low
(thus saving costs to a farmer)
● Climate
Areas which have no extremes of climate (temperature, rain, storm etc) are usually
heavily populated. This is because suitable temperatures and rainfall are necessary for
crop growth, which is necessary for human sustenance. High temperatures cause high
rates of evapo-transpiration, which makes growing crops very difficult as plants wilt
and then die.
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Less people live in the deserts, where they constantly have to move to find food and

● Infrastructure
People prefer living in those areas where facilities like gas, electricity and water
supply are available. They add to the standard of living
Also industries can be set up easily with little capital costs (as infrastructure is
already present), which employ many thousands of people and provide a permanent
source of income

Road and rails make the transport of raw materials, products and people (including
labour force), quicker and cheaper. This is extremely important for the development
of a region as a commercial and industrial hub, which can attract local as well as
foreign investment

Furthermore, many business people prefer cities where an airport (international

preferably) is found. It helps them to keep up with foreign appointments so they
could secure valuable deals for their businesses etc
● Resources
Regions where natural resources are available and are being utilized are also thickly
populated like the example of deserts of Chile and Saudi Arabia.

The presence of mineral resources means that the excess production can be exported
to earn foreign exchange. A share of the profits is given in form of high salaries,
which acts as an incentive for people to stay in these areas and populate them
● Political
International and local investors are always worried about the safety of their
investments. An unstable political situation may lead to fears of social unrest (looting,
disruption of supplies and failure to meet deadlines for orders). In this case the
investor fears that he may not be able to get his returns and thus
abandons further investments and withdraws what he already has invested.

This means essentially that the slow and steady flow of ideas, machinery into the
country and the ever rising eports suddenly decrease, thus having a disastrous effect
on the country’s economy
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Punjab and Balochistan Indus Delta Thar Desert

Sindh Plains Plateau and
Topograph Flat plains Steep slopes Marshy area Sand dunes are
y and with no steep with deep with few flat present
Drainage slopes narrow valley areas
Land is
Water Ample water is Water is only Water is salty and Water table lies too
supply and available available during polluted due to deep. Suitable water is
other throughout the year the rainy season industrial waste only available during the
resources from a network of (Balochistan Plate rainy season
rivers and canals au) Groundwater
is not fit for crop
Water is available growth
throughout the
(Northern Mountai
sometimes rivers
may be frozen
Crop Various crops can Only some crops Crops can’t grow High rate of
growth be grown can be grown in salty soil evapotranspiration
throughout the year during the year prevent plants from
(due to Furthermore, the attaining maximum
2-3 harvests are temperature and land may be growth
possible during sunlight flooded during
the year limitations) even high tide, which The soil particles are
with irrigation suffocates the loosely arranged, thus
supply plant any nutrients present are
Irrigation supplies quickly leached when
water throughout Fertilizer and water is supplied/rain
the year insecticide supply
is limited
Large number of It is difficult to use
fertilizer and Machines can’t be machines in
insecticide used on between sand
factories along hilly slopes dunes
with machines help
in increasing
crop yields
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Infrastruct Large numbers of Gas, water and Gas, water and Gas, water and
ure factories provide electricity supplies electricity electricity supplies are
employment to are only limited to supplies are only almost non- existent
millions of people some populated limited to some
areas. Thus the populated areas Road, railway and air
Gas, water and number of network is almost non-
electricity supply is industries is low existent
available to too
both homes Road, railway and
and industry air network are
limited due
to the harshness of Road, railway
Roads, railways terrain and the and air network is Few schools and
and airports are building costs. limited due to the hospitals
present for semi- inundated
transporting Less number of terrain (no firm
people, raw healthcare and foundation).
materials educational faciliti
and products es. Limited number
of schools and
Good health and hospitals
education facilities

Climate Two main weather Northern Rainfall occurs Low amount of rainfall
systems are mountains also during the occurs from
present, thus have two main monsoon season. the monsoons
bringing rainfall weather systems, Amount is low
throughout most of which bring ample Temperatures are very
the months of amount of rainfall Temperatures are high in summers and
the year throughout most moderate in bearable in winters. Sand
months of the summers and storms blow in summer
Temperatures are year. Balochistan winters due to months and may cover
bearable in winters, Plateau is very affect of the sea crop areas (encroaching
although in much dry but humidity farming land) causing
summers shade is remains high desertification
a must Temperatures in
both areas are low
in winters (food
can’t be grown
and needs to be
stockpiled) and
mild in summers.

Avalanches in
northern areas can
cause problems
by disrupting
trade and transport
Vegetation Tropical thorn Coniferous and Mangroves are Only thorny bushes are
forests are present. alpine forests present. They present and can be
They can be used along with thorny cover a large area easily removed
for firewood and bushes are present. and are
timber etc Can be used for difficult to
timber, firewood, cut
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

paper etc


Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan

Many people visit these areas because of the cool climate that persists there in the summer

Beautiful scenery includes mountain tops, valleys and above all conifer and alpine forests

● Fast flowing rivers make narrow gorges and spectacular waterfalls

● Jeep rides and hiking also provide entertainment to tourists
● Presence of small scale cottage industry is also very helpful in growth of
industries here with production of small carpets , wood engravings (tourists
buy these) etc


● It is known for its cultural heritage with sites like Harappa and Taxila both
encompassing Indus Valley and Gandhara civilizations respectively
● The Mughal Empire built the Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens which are
now recognized as World Heritage Sites. The Walled City of Lahore and
Badshahi Mosque are also important tourist destinations
● The Derawar Fort is a large fort built in the Cholistan Desert, which is also
the site for the annual Cholistan Jeep Rally
● The Khewra Salt Mines is another major tourist attraction as its one of the
oldest mines in South Asia.
• The city of Nankana Sahib is birthplace of the founder of Sikhism. The
Gurdwara is visited by a number of pilgrims ever year to mark Guru Nanak
Dev birthday
● Multan is another major tourist destination in Punjab. It is known for its
mausoleums of saints and Sufi pirs
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01

● Mohenjo-daro near the city of Larkana was one of the largest city-settlements
in South Asia and is a official UNESCO World Heritage Site
• Some of the most notable lakes in Sindh include: Keenjhar Lake, Manchar
Lake and the Bakri Waro Lake in Khairpur.
• The Kirthar National Park is also a protected reserve for several wildlife
species within the region.
● The Great Rann of Kutch is a protected wetland site in the province. There are
two wildlife sanctuaries in the province
• The Sukkur Barrage is another famous icon in the province it was built to
alleviate famines caused by lack of rain
Pakistan Studies (2059/2) Booklet # 01


● Karachi is home to the tomb (Mazar-e-Quaid) of founder of country, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Also
it has many famous beaches like Clifton Beach, French Beach, Sandspit Beach and Manora Island


● Balochistan is home to one of the oldest Neolithic (7000 BC to c. 2500 BC) sites in archaeology.
Mehrgarh and Nausharo, was an ancient city linked to the Indus Valley Civilization.
● There are a number of sites of interest including the protected Hazarganji-Chiltan National Park,
Hanna Lake
● The Quaid-e-Azam Residency (Fig14.9) is another major site in Balochistan in the city of Ziarat.
Ziarat is also famous for the juniper forests which are the oldest and largest in the world
● Sibi is an important historical city in Balochistan. The annual Sibi Festival marks the famous
Horse and Cattle Show
● There are a number of mountain passes within Balochistan. The Bolan Pass has been the main
entrance to the provincial city of Quetta. There are several others including Lak Pass, Khojak Pass
and Harnai Pass.
● The Balochistan coastline extends from the Sindh province to the Iranian border measuring a total
distance of over 750km. Along the Makran Coastal Highway there are several rock formations as
well as Kund Malir and the Hingol National Park.

Importance of Capital in Tourism

● Capital is required for advertising sites in Pakistan and to introduce them either on different
channels or online etc
● Capital is required for maintenance and building of infrastructure like roads, railways and sewage.
The tourists utilize these facilities along with the common man
● Capital is also used to provide security to international tourists to prevent attacks on them because
any such attacks makes the collapse the tourism industry a dangerous possibility

Advantages of Tourism

● Employment opportunities are generated for locals. The income can be used by them to buy
increased amount of goods raising their standard of living
● The infrastructure of that area like sanitation, water, education, healthcare, electricity all is
developed by the government to attract tourists. This infrastructure is used by locals as well as
● The development of these facilities can lower the infant mortality and the death rate in rural areas
● The money generated may also be spent on maintaining these tourist and cultural sites for the
future as tourism is a sustainable industry
● The local people might themselves want to maintain their incomes by re-planting forests, so scenic
beauty is maintained. This helps improve the environment
● Tourism helps in generating foreign exchange; this can be used to pay off debt. This results in
Pakistan having more money to spend on things like education, health etc

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● Helps in better understanding of different cultures thus improving relations between people of
different nationalities

Disadvantages of Tourism
● Firstly the environment suffers a lot if the number of tourists exceeds the capacity of the place.
For example in Murree the rapid urbanization and growth of tourism has meant that many forests
have been cut to make way for rising hotels etc
● This has led to increased deforestation and soil erosion etc, so these areas are quickly losing their
beauty for which the tourists come
● The sanitation systems also bear the strain; much of the sewage is dumped raw into the rivers. The
water quality decreases and kills the fish. Fishing here is an important source of income for the
local people
● Capital is required for advertising sites in Pakistan and to introduce them either on different
channels or online etc. Sometimes it is better to spend it somewhere else like on education, health
● Also, sometimes locals resent the presence of too many foreigners who take too many pictures of
● Furthermore, there is no guarantee that tourists will come. People may be put off by the security
situation in the nearby areas, even if the tourist site may be well protected and secure

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