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Disciplines and Ideas of Social Sciences

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Activity 5.1: Creative Note-taking Instructions:

1. Prepare well-organized notes for each topic in the lectures
presented to you. But instead of the traditional note-taking, you are
encouraged to be creative in preparing your notes.
2. You may choose from the following suggested study note designs, or create
yours in a way that is going to keep you motivated
and engaged.
3. Aside from creativity, be reminded of the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the study
note designs for the topics/contents.
4. Put your notes in a short bond paper and compile.
Activity 5.2: Let’s do 3 – 2 – 1

Instructions: Write three facts you learned from each topic. Next, write two
comments or views that you have about the topic. Then, have one question you still
have about the topic. Key terms and phrases must be evident, but convey your point
in your own words to show the depth of your understanding. You may use the following
template for your output. Do this in a short bond paper.

Psychoanalysis Rational Choice Theory

3 Facts 1. Psychological theories 3 Facts 1. Everything people do is

and a group of a fundamentally rational.
techniques by the origin
works of Sigmund Freud.

2. Human behavior is the 2. People act in self-

result of the interactions interest; driven by
among three component personal desires and
parts of the mind: the id, motivated by
ego, and superego personal goals.
(Structural theory).

3. According to Freud, 3. People look at the

personality develops social resources being
during childhood and is exchanged, like time,
critically shaped through a information,
series of five psychosexual approval, and prestige to
stages, which he called his determine the value of a
psychosexual theory of possible action.

2 2
Comments/ 1. Psychosexual is Comments/ 1. Rational choice theory
Views identified as Views refers to decision making
psychologically caused by of a person.
sexual dysfunction in the
lack of any biological

Rationalization – using 2. Rational choice theory

excuses to tell away helps society to
alarming events. understand the behaviors
od individuals.
3 Facts 1. Concentrates on 3 Facts 1. Feminism is calling for
institutions and studies the replacement of the
them using inductive, presiding patriarchal
historical, and order with a system
comparative methods. that emphasizes equal
1 Question 1 Question
rights, justice, and
1. What exactly sort of 1. How the assumptions of
proof did Freud utilize to rational choice theory
prove his theories? improve the individual
2. Institutional Theory 2. All analyze women's
deals with stability and experiences of gender
change of institutions. subordination, the roots
Institutionalism Feminism
of women's
oppression, how gender
inequality is perpetuated,
and offer differing
remedies for gender

3. Institutions can be: 3. Feminist Theories are

Formal Institutions varied and diverse.
Informal Institutions

2 2
Comments/ 1. Institution are bearer Comments/ 1. Feminism attempts to
Views of set of practices, and Views describe and explain how
established practices gender systems work, as
guided by enduring, well as a consideration of
formalized, rational. normative or ethical
issues, such as whether a
society's gender
arrangements are fair.

2. Institutions is a large- 2. There are 6 different

scale social arrangement feminism theories.
that is stable and
predictable, created and
maintained to serve the
needs of society

1 Question 1. What are the strengths 1 Question 1. How does feminism

and weaknesses of change others’ reactions
institutionalism? to them?

Hermeneutic Phenomenology Human-Environment Systems

3 Facts 1. Concerned with the life 3 Facts 1. Defined as the

world or human interaction of human
experience as it is lived. systems with
environmental or
technological systems
Activity 5.2: Let’s do 3 – 2 – 1

Instructions: Write three facts you learned from each topic. Next, write two
comments or views that you have about the topic. Then, have one question you still
Activity 5.5: Mystery Quotation

Instructions: Test how well you can apply your understanding of the theoretical
position. After you’ve explored the lesson, figure out the point of view of the person
behind the following quotations, and briefly justify your interpretation. Write your
output in a short bond paper.

1. “You can’t help your emotions but you can change how you express them.” ―
Dr. Suzette Toombs

“You can’t help your emotions but you can change how you express
them” which means from my point of view is that I can’t stop showing
my emotions but I can make difference by controlling to express them

2. “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” ― Henry
David Thoreau

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”
which means from my point of view is that there is a price for
everything, and I can’t restore my life decisions with it. I shouldn’t
waste time because I can’t go back to the time I regret.

3. “It’s hard not to be a fighter when you’re constantly under siege.” ―

Cassandra Duffy

“It’s hard not to be a fighter when you’re constantly under siege”

which means from my point of view is that I should fight and stand
even though I am put under continuous pressure.

4. “We know not through our intellect but through our experience.” ―
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

“We know not through our intellect but our experience” which
means from my point of view is that I might not have an
intelligent mind but through my experience in life, I just know
that I can survive from this cruel world.
5. “Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his
right hand and chop off his left.” ― Aldo Leopold

“Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot

cherish his right hand and chop off his left” which means from my
point of view is that living peacefully with the one I cherished are
not every time happy because there is always a time that we are
fighting in a relationship.

6. “Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true responsible

judgement. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity
and intellectual order.” ―Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

“Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true

responsible judgement. It must lead us from chance and
arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order” which means
from my point of view is that being in school can result in learning
nonsense perspective instead of ethical behavior. Education must
contain a sense of intellectual training.

7. “The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are

still not thinking.” ― Martin Heidegger

The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that

we are still not thinking” which means from my point of view that
deciding easily from little things doesn’t provoke a real judgment of
thinking even though I think it’s good enough.

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