EBM PGI Macarubbo
EBM PGI Macarubbo
EBM PGI Macarubbo
1) 1You are in your 1st day of duty in the Pedia ER. The first case decked to you is a 12-year old boy
complaining of lower abdominal pain, nausea and voting. The resident on duty is suspecting acute
appendicitis and asks you which is the better diagnostic tool – a CT scan or an Ultrasound?
2) Your 58 year old Tito who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was prescribed with Metformin
500 mg 3x a day. He doesn’t want to take his medications fearing it would damage his liver. You
explained to him that it is needed to control his blood sugar. He asked you that he will believe you if you
will show him “proof” that Metformin is safe for the liver. You decided to look for an article to appease
In patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus prescribed with metformin, what is the incidence of
liver damage?