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Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune

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Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune

Learning Outcomes-Based Curriculum

F. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
With effect from June 2019

Programme Structure

Year Semester Course Code Course Title Credits

F. Y. B. Sc. I ZOO1101 Life and diversity of animals - I 2
ZOO1102 Cell Biology 2
ZOO1103 Zoology Practical - I 2
II ZOO1201 Life and diversity of animals - II 2
ZOO1202 Principles of Genetics 2
ZOO1203 Zoology Practical - II 2

S. Y. B. Sc. III ZOO2301 Life and diversity of animals - III 3

ZOO2302 Economic zoology-I 3
ZOO2303 Practical 2
IV ZOO2401 Life and diversity of animals - IV 3
ZOO2402 Economic Zoology-II 3
ZOO2403 Practical 2

T. Y. B. Sc. V ZOO3501 Life & Diversity of Animals - V 3

ZOO3502 Fundamentals of Histology 3
ZOO3503 Bio-Chemistry 3
ZOO3504 Ecology and Environmental Biology 3
ZOO3505 Immunology 3
ZOO3506 Insect Pest Management 3
ZOO3507 Biological Techniques & Bioinformatics. 3
ZOO3508 Forensic Entomology 3
ZOO3511 Zoology Practicals - I 2
ZOO3512 Zoology Practicals - II 2
ZOO3513 Zoology Practicals - III 2
VI ZOO3601 Life and Diversity of Animals - VI 3
ZOO3602 Physiology: Life Sustaining Processes 3
ZOO3603 Molecular Biology 3
ZOO3604 Organic Evolution 3
ZOO3605 Animal Pathology 3
ZOO3606 Human Genetics 3
ZOO3607 General Endocrinology 3
ZOO3608 Poultry Science 3
ZOO3611 Zoology Practicals - IV 2
ZOO3612 Zoology Practicals - V 2
ZOO3613 Zoology Practicals - VI 2

Programme Outcome

PO1 The entire programme is learner centric and provides an open learning platform and help
students in their journey towards variety of careers in biological sciences
PO2 The core subjects focus on basics of zoology like animal systematic, diversity,
ecology and evolution in particular and help in gaining domain knowledge of the
PO3 The electives provide an open learning environment where additional / domain
related aspects could be offered which may include recent trends in the subject like
biological techniques, Immunological techniques and computational skills.
PO4 Understanding basic and applied aspects of zoology like fisheries and apiculture

PO5 Learning basic human physiology and basic principles of Genetics

PO5 Understanding and learning of basic instrumentation in biology laboratory and

knowledge of application of techniques for instrumentation.

PAPER - I: Life and Diversity of Animals - I
Credits - 2C
Course Outcome Teaching Pedagogy

Students completing the course of Life and Use of museum specimens, charts and models
Diversity of Animal - I will be able to identify along with field work. For better understanding of
and classify various animals. classification besides black board method and ICT
teacher shows slides and specimens.
After understanding various aspects of Use of museum specimens for comparative study.
classification, students will be able to
understand about morphological, anatomical
characters and evolutionary aspects.
Students will be able to understand the For teaching reproduction and skeleton in
skeletal structure and process of reproduction sponges, teachers use black board method and ICT
in Sponges. in class room. In addition teachers show
specimens of sponges and microscopic slides of
gemmules and spicules.
Students will also understand the location, For teaching Earthworm in class room, teachers
structure and functions of various systems use black board method and ICT. Teachers show
and economic importance of earthworm as models, permanent slides and preserved dissected
representative of invertebrates. specimens of earthworm.
Students can apply their knowledge in vermi- Use of Power point presentation showing
composting and organic farming. techniques of vermi composting.
Students will be able to understand life cycle To teach protozoans parasites and diseases caused
of protozoan parasites pathogenicity and by them teacher uses black board method and ICT.
control measures. For better understanding teacher show
microscopic slides of different life stages of
protozoan parasites in laboratory.
Students will able to understand diseases Use of microscopic slides of different life stages
caused by helminth parasite, mode of and specimens of helminth parasites.
transmission as well as their control

Title and Contents No. of Lectures

Unit - I Principles of classification: 4
1.1 Origin, development and Definition of systematics
1.2 Systematics-Linnaean hierarchy.
1.3 Binomial nomenclature
1.4 Six kingdom classification system

Unit - II Outline of classification with salient features of the 06
following phyla:(up to class with one example) 2.1
2.2 Porifera
2.3 Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
2.4 Platyhelminthes.
2.5 Aschelminthes.
Unit - III General topics: 12
3.1 Protozoan diseases; (Life cycle, pathogenicity ,
treatment and prevention of Plasmodium
3.2 Skeleton in Sponges;
3.3 Reproduction in Sponges.
3.4 Life cycle and pathogenicity of Taenia, Ascarisand
Fascioloa hepatica.
Unit - IV Study of Earthworm: 14
4.1 Systematic position, Habits and habitat
4.2 External characters
4.3 Digestive system
4.4 Circulatory system
4.5 Nervous system and sense organs
4.6.Excretory system
4.7 Reproductive system
4.8 Economic importance (vermicompost).


1. Life of Vertebrates By Young,JZ., III Edition,ClarendonPress,London

2. General Zoology By Goodnight and others IBH Publishing Co.
3. Invertebrate zoology By JordanEL.,andVerma PS.,S.Chand and Co.,New Delhi
4. Textbook of Invertebrate Zoology, By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
5. Phylum Protozoa By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
6. Phylum Porifera By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
7. Phylum Coelentrates By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
8. Phylum Helminthes By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
9. Phylum Annelida By Kotpal,RL.,Rastogi and Co. Meerut
10. Life of Invertebrates By Prasad,ASN,Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi
11. Zoology by S.A. Miller and J.P. Harley - The McGraw Hill Co.

Credits - 2C

Course Outcome Teaching Pedagogy

Students completing the course of cell To understand the types of cells, teachers prefer
biology will understand the structures and blackboard method for diagrammatic presentation.
purposes of basic components of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells, especially
macromolecules, membranes, and organelles.
Students will be able to identify the Along with blackboard teaching, teachers show
eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms and can pictures and charts of cells of plants and animals
differentiate plant and animal cells. They can for better understanding of their structure.
describe structural organization, functioning Use of power point presentation for the study of
and working mechanism of various structure and functions of various cell organelles.
components of the cell and understand their
role in generation and utilization of energy in
the cell.
Students will be able to understand the Use of ICT to show arrangement of biomolecules
biomolecules and chemical complexity in the in the plasma membrane.
cell cytoplasm as well as in the cytoplasm of
the cell. They can explain the arrangement of
various biomolecules in the plasma
membrane of the cell.
Students will be able to understand the Along with black board teaching, teachers use ICT
mechanism of cell reproduction and the to show animated clips of cell reproduction.
process of formation of haploid cells from the
diploid one through meiosis.
Students will also understand the mechanism Along with black board teaching, teachers use ICT
of communication between the cell, the to show animated clips to show mechanism of
reason and necessity of the cellular death in communication between the cells and the cellular
the body and the cause and mechanism of death.
conversion of normal cell into the cancerous

Title and Contents No. of Lectures

Unit - I Introduction to cell biology 02
1.1 Definition and scope of cell Biology
1.2 Introduction to cell theory.

Unit - II Types of cells 02
Organization of prokaryotic cell (E.coli) and eukaryotic
cell (Plant and Animal).
Unit - III Cell membrane 05
3.1 Organization of cell membrane: Fluid Mosaic Model
3.2 Chemical composition of cell membrane
3.3 Functions of cell membrane
Unit - IV Cytoplasm 04
4.1 Chemical composition and properties of cytoplasm.
4.2 Cytoskeleton & ECM: Structure and Organization of
Actin and Myosine filaments, Microtubules and
Intermediate Filaments, Cell Movement.
Unit - V Study of cell organelles with respect to structure and 12
5.1 Endoplasmic reticulum
5.2 Golgi apparatus
5.3 Mitochondria
5.4 Lysosomes, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes
5.5 Ribosomes
Unit - VI Nucleus 03
6.1 Shape, size, number and position
6.2 Ultra structure of nucleus
6.3 Functions of nucleus
Unit - VII Cell division and its significance 04
7.1 Cell cycle
7.2 Mitosis
7.3 Meiosis
Unit - VIII General Topics 04
8.1 Cell - cell signaling: apocrine, paracrine, endocrine
8.2 Apoptosis and its significance
8.3 Cancer cell: introduction, characteristics, proto-
oncogene and oncogene.
1. Cell Biology ByPowar CB, Himalaya Publication House25.
2. Cell and Molecular Biology ByDupraw I, Academic Press, New York 26.
3. Cell Biology By avers,CJ.,Addison Wesley Pub. Co. New York and London 27.
4. Cell and Molecular Biology By Carp,G., JohnWaley, USA 28.
5. Cell Biology By David,E.,SadavaJohnes and Bartlett Publication,London 29.
6. Cell Structure and Function By Lowey,AG. and Siekevitz, JR., Menninger and
Gallew,JAN., Saunder College Publication, Philadelphia
7. The Cell by G.M. Cooper - Sinauer Associate Inc.

[Credits - 2C No. of Practicals 10]
*D=Demonstration, E=Experiment, ABL= Activity Based Learning

Title of Experiment/ Practical

1 To study the classification with reasons of the following (D)
Phylum Protozoa- Paramecium, AmobaandEuglina
Phylum Porifera- Sycon, HyalonemaandEuspongia
Phylum Coelenterata (Cnidaria) - Hydra, Sea anemone andPhylasia

2 Phylum Platyhelminthes- Planaria, Schistosoma and Echinococcus

Phylum Aschelminthes-Ancylostoma,Trichinellaand Wuchereria.

3 To study the life cycle of following (D)

1. Taeniasolium
2. Fasciola hepatica
3. Ascarislumbricoides.

4 1. Temporary preparation of spicules from persevered sponge. (E)

2. Study of permanent slide of gemmule.

5 Study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell with the help of permanent slide/
picture/model/chart. (D)

6 Study of Cell organelles (Mitochondria, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex)with the

help of electron microscopic photograph/ picture/ model/ chart

7 Study of different mitotic stages in onion root tips. (E)

8 Detection of mitochondria from onion peeling by Janus Green staining. (E)

9 Identification and classification of animals from Fergusson College campus to create

awareness about the conservation of animals (any Five). (ABL)

10 Standard operating procedures of a compound microscope (ABL)

PAPER - I: Life and Diversity of Animals - II
Credits - 2C

Course Outcome Teaching Pedagogy

Students completing the course of Life and Use of museum specimens, charts and models
Diversity of Animal-II will understand the along with field work. For better understanding of
characters and classification of chordate. classification besides black board method and
They will be able to identify and classify the ICT, teacher shows slides and specimens.
animal by observing their characters.
Students will be able to find out the structural Use of museum specimens for comparative study.
differences of animal and evolution of
characters and systems. They will be able to
divide animals in different categories.
Students will be able to understand the For teaching evolutionary aspects of animals,
evolution of different organs and systems teachers use black board method and ICT in class
form lower group of organism to higher room. In addition teachers show specimens of
group. different animals to observe the characters.
Students will able to understand the structure For teaching frog in class room, teachers use
and function of various organs and systems of black board method and ICT. Teachers show
frog as representative of chordates. Students models, permanent slides and preserved dissected
will also understand the economic important specimens of frog.
of frog.
Students will also understand the diversity Diagrammatic presentation and use of specimens
based on fins and scales of different fishes. of different species of fishes to observe the fins
and scales.

Title and Contents No. of

Unit - I General characters of Chordates and classification of 04
chordates up to class.
Unit - II General characters and classification of following 04
subphylaupto class with one example.
Urochordata and
Unit - III Salient features and classification with one example of the 04
3.1 Cyclostomata (up to order)
3.2 Pisces- ( Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes fishes)
3.3 Amphibia. (up to order)

Unit - IV Study of Frog: 18
4.1 Systematic position, Habit and habitat
4.2 External characters and sexual dimorphism
4.3 Digestive system, food, feeding and physiology of
4.4 Respiratory system.
4.5 Circulatory system (excluding lymphatic system)
4.6 Central Nervous system
4.7 Sense organs
4.8 Reproductive systems.
Unit - V General topics: 06
5.1Types of scales in fishes.
5.2 Parental care in Amphibians.
5.3 Neoteny in Amphibia.

1. The Frog-its reproduction and development -By Robert Rugh,TataMcGraw HillEdition,New

2. Biology of Animals by Ganguly, B. B., Sinha, A. K., Adhikari, S., New Central Book
Agency, Kolkata
3. Introduction to Amphibia By Bhamrah, M. S., Juneja, K., Anmol Publication, Delhi
4. Life of Vertebrates by Young, J. Z., III Edition, Clarendon Press, London
5. General Zoology by Goodnight and others IBH Publishing Co.
6. Life of Vertebrates by Young, J. Z., III Edition, Clarendon Press, London
7. General Zoology by Goodnight and others IBH Publishing Co.
8. Textbook of Vertebrate Zoology, by Kotpal, R. L., Rastogi and Co. Meerut
9. Animal Diversity by Kershaw, D. R., Redwood Burn Ltd., Trowbridge
10. Textbook of Zoology by Parkar J. and Haswell, W., ELBS Edition
11. Textbook of Zoology by Vidyarthi, Agrasia Publishers, Agra
12. Chordate Zoology by Jorden E. L., andVerma P. S., S. Chand and Co., New Delhi
13. Functional Organization of Chordates (Part I and II) by Nigam H. C. and Sobti, R., S. Chand
and Co., New Delhi

Credits - 2C

Course Outcome Teaching Pedagogy

Students will understand what is genetics and To understand the types of cells, teachers prefer
the concept of heredity and variation. blackboard method with illustration of various
hereditary characters in human and other animals
for diagrammatic presentation.
Students will able to recognize the characters Teachers show pictures and charts of different
in an individual which are transmitted from organisms and use of power point presentation to
the parents and also recognize variations in show similarities and differences in the characters.
the genetic traits of different individuals in a
Students will test and verify their mastery of Problems based on Mendelian concepts will be
genetics by applying this knowledge in a given to the students to apply the knowledge of
variety of problem-solving situations. genetics.
Students will be able to find out the probable Teachers give examples of different existing
breed or variety which can be produced from breeds of plants and animals to find out expected
crossing of different existing varieties of breeds through the crosses applying various laws
plants or animals. Through the knowledge of of inheritance.
cross breeding and self breeding they can
develop a breed of desirable breed of plants or
Studying the mechanism of inheritance of Teachers explain the inheritance of different blood
blood groups and the fatal effect of groups using black board method. In laboratory,
incompatibility of blood groups; students will teacher demonstrates the method of blood group
understand the importance of testing of blood detection.
groups before blood transfusion and before
and after the marriage to avoid the
complications which may develop in children
due to mismatching of the blood groups.
Students will also understand the importance Teachers give demonstration about the preparation
of karyotypic studies to avoid various genetic of karyotype by using photographs of
disorders which can be developed due to chromosomal spread and also use the ICT to show
alteration in the structure and number of the characters of various syndromes.

No. of
Title and Contents
Introduction to genetics and Mendelian Principles:
1.1 Definition and concept of Genetics
Unit - I 1.2 Law of Dominance, Principle of Segregation , Principles of 05
Independent Assortment
1.3 Test cross and Back cross
Gene Interaction and lethality:
2.1 Concept of gene interaction, Allelic gene interaction( co-
dominanceand incomplete dominance)
Unit - II 06
Non allelic gene interaction (Complementary factor, Supplementary
Factor, Inhibitory factor, Duplicate dominant factor)
2.2 Lethal genes in Mice(Mus musculus)
Multiple Alleles:
3.1 Concept, characteristics and importance of
multiples alleles, ABO blood group system& Rh-factor, incompatibility
Unit - III 04
of Rh factor and medico-legal importance of blood group system.
3.2 Concept of polygenic inheritance withreference to skin colour in
human being
4.1 Morphological and molecular organization of chromosomes.
4.2 Types of chromosomes: Autosomes, sex chromosomes and giant
chromosomes (Lampbrush and polytene chromosomes).
Unit - IV 11
4.3 Chromosomal aberrations: structural changes and numerical changes:
Autosomal Syndromes-Down’s (Mongolism), Patau’s, Edward’s and Cri-
Sex chromosomal Syndromes -Klinefelter’s and Turner’ssyndrome.

Study of Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster):

5.1 Morphology and sexual dimorphism
Unit - V 5.2 Life cycle 04
5.3 Mutants: eye, wings and body colour (Twomutants of each type)
5.4 Sex linkage.

Human genetics:
6.1 Study of human karyotype
Unit - VI 6.2 Inborn errors of metabolism (albinism,phenylketonuria (PKU) and 04
6.3 Somatic cell hybridization.

Sex linked inheritance in human being:

7.1Inheritance of Colour-blindness, haemophiliaandhypertrichosis.
7.2 Deleterious recessive sex linked gene - congenital hyperuricemia
Unit - VII 02
(Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) and Duchene- type Muscular Dystrophy


1. Genetics by Karvita B. Ahluwalia, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Genetics by Monroe W. Strickberger, Macmillan, New York
3. Genetics by Verma, P. S. And Agrawal, V. K., S. Chand and Co., New Delhi.
4. Principle of Genetics By Sinnott, Dunn and Dobzhansky, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, New
5. Genetics by Gupta, P. K., Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
6. Genetics by Sarin, C., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
7. Principles of Genetics by Gardner, E. J., Simmons, M. J. and Snustad, D. P. John Wiley and
8. Genetics by B. D. Singh, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.

PAPER - III: Zoology Practical - II
[Credits - 2C: No. of Practicals 10]
*D=Demonstration , E=Experiment, ABL= Activity Based Learning

Title of Experiment / Practical

1 To study the classification with reasons of the following;
(D)Hemichordata- Balanoglossus
Urochordata- DoliolumandHerdmania
Cephalochordata- Amphioxus
Cyclostomata- Petromyzon and Myxine
Cartilaginous fishes- Scoliodonand Sting ray
Bony fishes- LabeoandPromphret
2 Study of external characters, sexual dimorphism and digestive
system of Frog with the help of preserved specimen/ model/ charts (D)
3 Study of brain of Frog with the help preserved specimen/ model/ charts. (D)
4 Temporary preparation ofplacoid and cycloid / ctenoidscales from preserved fishes.
5 Study of Drosophila: External characters, sexual dimorphism and mutants (any two eye
and any two wing mutants) (D)

6 Study of genetic traits in human beings (Rolling tongue, Widow’s peak, Ear lobes,
Colour blindness and PTC tasters / non tasters) (E)

7 Study of normal human karyotype from metaphase chromosomal spread picture (E)
8 Study of human blood groups (ABO and Rh- factor) (E)

9 Description and classification of specimens from Zoology Museum of Fergusson College

(any Five). (ABL)

10 Study of genetic disorders from human population (any two). (ABL)


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