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Note 1: in These Programs, Required Input Values Are in Yellow Cells. Output Values Are in Light Blue and Green

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This Psychrometric Processes Program follows equations provided in the 2003 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals,

Chapter 6. The program can replace the Psychrometric chart and users are encouraged to compare values. It permits
the quick calculation of basic HVAC air mixing, cooling, heating and heat recovery processes. Thanks is extended to Dr.
Jim Richardson (CE Department @ UA) for assistance in learning the use of Visual Basic macros in Excel that permit the
calculation of psychrometric values using subroutines.

Tdb1 75 °F Tdb2 95 °F Note 1: In these programs,

Twb1 63 °F Twb2 78 °F required input values are in
Elevation 0 ft. yellow cells. Output values
AtmPress 14.70 psia are in light blue and green.
APinHg 30.01 in Hg

HRatio1 #VALUE! lbw/lba HRatio2 #VALUE! lbw/lba

#VALUE! Grains #VALUE! Grains 2.035928
RelHum1 #VALUE! % RelHum2 #VALUE! %
SpHt1 #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F SpHt2 #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F
Enal1 #VALUE! Btu/lb Enal2 #VALUE! Btu/lb
SpVol1 #VALUE! cu.ft./lb SpVol2 #VALUE! cu.ft./lb
DewPt1 #VALUE! °F DewPt2 #VALUE! °F
lbpCuFt #VALUE! lbwater/cu.ft. lbpCuFt #VALUE! lbwater/cu.ft.

Mixing - This Worksheet computes the resulting properties of air
(stream 3) when streams 1 and 2 are mixed. Flow rates are
entered below but properties for streams 1 and 2 are entered on
the "Properties" Worksheet.
Note: Input values (Qair1 and Qair2) are in cubic fe
Qair1 3000 cfm Qair2 1000 cfm For additional information purposes, these values a
air at standard conditions of ρ=0.075 lb/cu.ft. (QSair
QSair1 #VALUE! scfm QSair2 #VALUE! scfm

Stream 1 Stream 2
mflow1 #VALUE! lb/hr mflow2 #VALUE! lb/hr Stream 1 @
Stream 3 (mixed) Tdb1(°F),
& Twb1(°F)
mflow3 #VALUE! lb/hr
Qair3 #VALUE! cfm
Tdb3 #VALUE! °F Stream 2 @
HRatio3 #VALUE! lbw/lba Qair2(cfm),
#VALUE! Grains Tdb2(°F),
& Twb2(°F)
Twb3 #VALUE! °F
RelHum3 #VALUE! %
SpHt3 #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F 2
Enal3 #VALUE! Btu/lb
SpVol3 #VALUE! cu.ft./lb 3
DewPt3 #VALUE! °F
(Qair1 and Qair2) are in cubic feet per minute.
mation purposes, these values are corrected to
itions of ρ=0.075 lb/cu.ft. (QSair1 and QSair2).

Stream 3 @
& Twb3(°F)
This Worksheet computes the properties of air leaving Heat Recovery Units (HRU) used to adsorb or remove heat (and in so
moisture) from room air that is being exhausted. The heat and moisture are transfered to or from the fresh outdoor air make-u
capacity of the HRU is also computed. The effects of the HRU supply fan heat are considered.
HRU Effectiveness Room Air
SenEff 75 % TdbRm 75 Exhaust Air
LatEff 72 % TwbRm 63 °F
Outdoor Outdoor Air °F
QairOut 2000 cfm TdbOut 92
QSairOut #VALUE! scfm TwbOut 74.4 °F Outdoor Air
mflowOut #VALUE! lb/hr Elev. 591 ft.
SupFankW 1.86 kW HRU Outlet
ExFankW 1.47 kW Capacities Temps.
Exhaust (not req'd) qTotalHru #VALUE! MBtu/h TdbHru #VALUE! °F
QairEx 2000 cfm qSenHru #VALUE! MBtu/h TwbHru #VALUE! °F
QSairEx #VALUE! scfm SHRHru #VALUE!
Room Air Outdoor Air HRU Outlet
HRatioRm #VALUE! lbw/lba HRatioOut #VALUE! lbw/lba HRatioHru #VALUE! lbw/lba
#VALUE! Grains #VALUE! Grains #VALUE! Grains
RelHumRm #VALUE! % RelHumOut #VALUE! % RelHumHru #VALUE! %
SpHtRm #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F SpHtOut #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F SpHtHru #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F
EnalRm #VALUE! Btu/lb EnalOut #VALUE! Btu/lb EnalHru #VALUE! Btu/lb
SpVolRm #VALUE! cu.ft./lb SpVolOut #VALUE! cu.ft./lb SpVolHru #VALUE! cu.ft./lb
DewPtRm #VALUE! °F DewPtOut #VALUE! °F DewPtHru #VALUE! °F
or remove heat (and in some units
e fresh outdoor air make-up air. The

Room Air

HRU Outlet Air

to room or


QairRet 4000 cfm mflowRet #VALUE! lb/hr BPFactor = 1-(TdbRet-TdbSup)/(TdbRet-Tadp)
Tadp 47 °F QairSup #VALUE! cfm
BPFactor 0.1 QAairSup #VALUE! scfm T(adp)
QSairRet #VALUE! scfm
TdbSup 50.3 °F Q(airRet) Q(airSup)
TdbRet 79.8 °F TwbSup #VALUE! °F
TwbRet 67.1 °F HRatioadp #VALUE! lbw/lba
Elev 0 ft. T(dbRet) T(dbSup)
AtmPress 14.70 psia qTotal #VALUE! MBtu/h T(wbRet) T(wbSup)
APinHg 30.01 in Hg qSensible #VALUE! MBtu/h

HRatioRet #VALUE! lbw/lba HRatioSup #VALUE! lbw/lba

#VALUE! Grains #VALUE! Grains
RelHumRet #VALUE! % RelHumSup #VALUE! % t(ret)
SpHtRet #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F SpHtSup #VALUE! Btu/lb-°F
EnalRet #VALUE! Btu/lb EnalSup #VALUE! Btu/lb t(adp)
SpVolRet #VALUE! cu.ft./lb SpVolSup #VALUE! cu.ft./lb
DewPtRet #VALUE! °F DewPtSup #VALUE! °F

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