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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Norte





2021 - 2022

I. Context and Rationale

Modern era is an age of globalization and liberalization in which new

technologies are helping the teachers and the learners in disseminating

information which is normally not possible through any other means. Educational

innovations and technology emphasize various approaches to teaching –

learning. Educational technology implies the use of all modern media, methods,

materials, practices, theories and principles for maximising the learning outcome.

It facilities learning, by control of environment, media and method .In student

centered approach, the strategies are designed to provide the students with a

highly flexible system of learning ,which is geared to individual’s life and learning

styles. Recent interactive implementations of the World Wide Web (WWW) and

other instructional strategies like self-learning modules and computer based

learning system offers opportunities for sharing ideas, posing questions and
presenting individual discoveries at the time of convenience and better at the

time of thought. The basic purpose of this individualized system of instruction is

to develop critical thinking an intellectual process of activity conceptualizing,

applying, analysing, synthesizing and evaluating information gathered from

observation, experience, reflection or communications.

When Pandemic emerged worldwide it is a great challenge for all

educators on how to deliver the quality of education that every learners deserve

depending on the modality that they prefer. Based on the survey conducted by

the school it resulted to 78% of the total population have opted to Modular

Learning Modality. It have come to a point on how to effectively implement the

said material when learners find difficulty in answering modules at their own and

it’s an initiated material that will cater their individual differences through the

provision of the said material learning process will be made possible to all


Self -Learning Modules (SLM) is an innovation designed for the

utilization of the pupils in the modular distance education as instructional

materials in teaching the competencies in English. It is composed of

different parts which highlighted salient features on the different

competencies in the said learning area partnered with the learning task

depending on a particular content. The SLM is based from the Budget of

Work and Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) intended for a

certain period of time. Answer sheets was provided for each set of modules

per competencies which allows every learners to be guided accordingly.

Key to corrections was also attach for self-assessment and clarifications

which is designed primarily for this type of learning modality.

Use of self-learning modules in teaching is another form of individual

used instructions. This is called modular approach of teaching and learning

(K. Jaya sree, 2004) if self-learning modules are available on some topics

they can be given to the students as assignments for self-learning.

Scientific attitude refers to an individual’s outlook towards life. Attitude is a

method condition / a stabilized method set which express itself in a

tendency to react to any member of the class of stimuli in the same general

way. Robert Ebel (2017).

Involves individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-

learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy,

whichever is applicable in the context of the learner, and other learning

resources like Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides

and other study materials. Learners access electronic copies of learning

materials on a computer, tablet PC, or smartphone. CDs, DVDs, USB

storage and computer-based applications can all be used to deliver e-

learning materials, including offline E-books. The teacher takes the

responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners may

ask assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant

messaging, etc. Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to

learners needing remediation or assistance. Any member of the family or

other stakeholder in the community needs to serve as para-teachers.

Modules are increasingly being used in many countries as a way of

organising a language curriculum. As a consequence, many course books

are now structured on the basis of “modules” rather than “units”. The

concept of “module” is strictly linked to the idea of a flexible language

curriculum. Taneja (2009) defined module as a unit of work in a course of

instruction that is virtually self-contained and a method of teaching that is

based on the concept of building up skills and knowledge in discrete. A

module is a set of learning opportunities organized around a well - defined

topic which contains the elements of ordinate dictation, categorical

objectives, edifying cognition activities, and evaluation utilizing criterion -

referenced measures UNESCO (2008).

A module covers either a single element of subject matter content or

a group of content elements composing a discrete unit of subject matter or

area of adeptness. A module has placidly defined, objectives; preferably in

behavioural form (Daries, 2017).

Varieties of teaching methods that will fixate on cumulating

methods that can best realize the creative and constructive engagement

with learning activities that leads to understanding Ramsden (2012). Even

very good designed modules, with very well defined learning outcomes,

can fail if the edification strategies employed are infelicitous to inspirit and

support the learners towards meeting the desired learning outcomes.

Toohey (2019) offers the following definition:

Modular teaching is one of the most widespread and recognizes

teaching learning techniques in many countries including other Western

countries and Asian region. Modular approach is used almost in all

subjects like natural science, specifically in biology and medical education

and even in social sciences as well as in computers education. Manlove

and David (2015).It considering the individual differences among the

learners which necessitate the planning for adoption of the most

appropriate teaching techniques in order to help the individual grow and

develop at her/his own pace. Kandarp Sejpal (2013).

The utilization of such packages takes into account individual

differences and sanctions students to work at their own pace. Self-learning

is also important since any learning is effective only when such learning

happens from within and not forced due to external circumstances. In other

words, self-learning is motivated by a desire from within which makes it

useful for learners to actualize the drive and the necessary motivation from

within so that such learning is enriching.

Apart from this, the luxury of learning at one’s own pace and at a

time of choosing means that learners can pick up from where they left off in

addition to learning from any device or location that makes such learning a

leisurely experience.

In times when everybody is pressed for time, and formal education

comes with its own time constraints, self-learning ensures that one is not

under any pressure whatsoever to push oneself. In addition, learners from

anywhere in the world and everywhere in the world can access self-

learning portals such as this to learn anytime and every time.

This makes self-learning worthwhile and convenient apart from

making it affordable. Indeed, the fact that self-learning is relatively cheaper

when compared to formal degrees and formal institutionalized learning

means that it is also an affordable way of learning that ensures much time

and cost savings for the learners.

In today’s educational setting where modular learning modality is

being implemented in majority of the public schools in our country brings

challenges on how would learners develop holistically. In School, pupil’s

academic performance is link towards a strong foundation of learning as a

preparation for a greater world competition. It is necessary to develop the

academic aspect of every young learners. It is a scenario in most schools

which pupils has low academic performance. As the situation which our

pupils are used to be performing the different learning task with the provision

of teachers inside the classroom. It will test the pupils courage and

motivation in order to meaningfully learn out from the Self Learning Modules

provided for them with the support of their guardian at home and to finish it

with duration given with ample time

The researcher’s station, Gutalac Central School is a child-friendly

school headed by Mr. Jaime T. Timosa, Principal III and has a teaching force

consisting of 17 dedicated teachers. The Grade VI –Poinsettia class has a

total enrollment of 28 pupils for the School 2021-2022. Based on the survey

conducted it resulted to the provision of modular learning delivery mode of

teaching in order to provide quality basic education for my learners in order

to develop their academic performance in times of the new normal setting of

education. We wanted to intensify the utilization of the said modular mode of

learning delivery in making our pupils to use the said modality. This is to

ensure that our learners are geared towards with the competencies which

are highlights under these educational learning modalities. If most of our

pupils will explore this material we could be confident that they have able to

undergo what is expected for them to learn as part of their basic education.

And the researcher targets subjects are the Grade VI- Poinsettia

which needs to utilize the Modular Learning Delivery. Therefore, there

should be alternative ways in order to intensify or increase the level of

utilization of the said modality. The school should initiate on how to

strengthen a high level of utilizing the material as an effective material to

develop the learning competencies of the pupils. In this way, the pupils will

be able to learn most of the lessons in the assessment provided by this

platform and no one will be left behind in spite of what we are experiencing


I. Action Research Questions

1. What is the status of academic performance of pupils and schools

utilization of the Distance Modular Learning Delivery?

2. What are is the behavior and feedbacks of the pupils on the utilization of

the Distance Modular Learning Delivery?

3. What are the problems encountered in the utilization of Distance Modular

Learning Delivery?
4. Is there significant relationship between the level of academic performance

of pupils and the utilization of Distance Modular Learning Delivery?

II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

Distance Modular Learning is a platform for public school teachers to teach

their pupils in the new normal setting of education, it was launched to continue the

delivery of basic education to children during the enhanced community quarantine

put in place on account of the threat of the corona virus disease (COVID-19). It was

designed to provide meaningful learning experience with the provision of various

learning task based on the prescribed competencies. This said material is the best

way to teach learners the most essential learning competencies. It is ideally

designed to learners which could feel their involvement in attaining more

meaningful learning experiences. Learners will develop a strong sense of learning

responsibility and independence in attaining the desired goals. The said strategy

will help develop independent learners by the provision of different learning

activities and assessment that each pupil may use depending on their grade level.

The pupils are directed to the link which is prescribed top them and will input some

information for verification and monitoring of utilization.

III. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other sources of Data and Information

The researcher chooses to use the Grade VI- Poinsettia of Gutalac Central

School consisting of 11 males and 17 females with a total of 28 pupils for

the School Year 2021-2022.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will ask permission to the School Head for the

administration of Diagnostic Test to obtain the baseline data. The

researcher will create a questionnaire and progress report to describe the

phenomenon happened in every conduct of the tool and assessment of the

learners’ response after the utilization of the material.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The researcher will get the average and percentage of the profile of his

respondents. He will also get the progress report chart to track the

percentage of the utilization as a comparative analysis of the effectiveness

of the Modular Learning Delivery Mode he will test the relationship between

the use of Modular Learning Delivery Mode and the level of academic

performance of pupils. Data will be presented using diagram for better


IV. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

October November 21-

October 5- October 24-November 20,
16- December 18,
15, 2021 2021
23,2021 2021
Week Week 1-3 Wee Week Wee Week Week Week 1-

1-2 k4 1 k2 3 4 3

n of


on of




ent of the






Giving of



ation of





Giving of

Post Test




V. Cost Estimates

Item Estimated

No. Item Unit Quantity Cost Total

A4 bond

1 paper Ream 1 155 155.00

2 Brother Ink Set 1 2,300 1,300.00
3 Clear Book pc 1 50 50.00
Total 2,505.00

The fund to be used by the researcher will be coming from the MOOE

fund of the said school.

VI. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Modular Learning Delivery Mode will be utilized of the learners by

grade level during the new normal setting. After the formulation of

questionnaire and interview guide questions, the researcher plans to

accomplish the progress report chart. When Modular Learning Delivery

Mode is properly administered it can be a way to provide learning materials

for every pupils and to those who wants to have learning advancement.

The result will serve as basis on the effectiveness of the said learning

material and then if it is approved to the School Head, it can be utilized by

majority of the pupils as flagship of providing quality basic education for all.
VII. References

David LeBrun, 2001, A Study Of Modularized Instructions And Its Role In

The Technology Education Curriculum At Southern Door Schools

University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Dr. Kandarp sejpal (Vol. 2, Issue:2, February 2013 (IJRE) ISSN:2320-091X


Ramsden, P. (2012). Learning to Teach in Higher Education. London:

Routledge Riasat Ali Corresponding author (2010), Effectiveness of Modular

Teaching in Biology at Secondary Level, Published by Canadian Center

of Science and Education 49, Asian Social Science Vol. 6, No. 9

Taneja, R. (2007). Dictionary of Education. Anmol Publication Murare New

Dehli, India p. 155

Toohey, S. (2019). Designing Courses for Higher Education. Buckingham:

SRHE and OU Press

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